March 16, 2021

"Suddenly, Robinson’s daughter went from being an outlier to finding herself in a six-student pod where most of the children were mixed-race, like her."

"The teacher Young had hired to run the pod, Teenisha Toussant, a former teaching assistant at P.S. 41, happened to be Black, too. Robinson said that her daughter seemed to notice the difference. 'I think, for her, it was, like, "Oh, it’s not so strange to have biracial parents."' Another student in the pod told Toussant, 'This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class and having a brown teacher. It makes me happy.' As for the parents, Robinson said, the pod had created a 'temporary reprieve' from school politics. 'It’s just taken the stress level down.'... Life may be easier in a pod, Robinson said, but that’s because it’s not the real world. 'It’s a fake world that we created,' she said, 'because the real world is dysfunctional. We can’t have our children growing up thinking that life is always like that. Like, "You’re only going to be surrounded by people who love you, and you’re not going to have any conflicts, because, even if you did, your parents are friends and they’re going to fix it for you."'"

From "Why Learning Pods Might Outlast the Pandemic" (The New Yorker).

Robinson is Katrina Robinson, who is identified as a lawyer who lives in the West Village (in NYC). Her daughter is a kindergartner, who, we're told "has one Black parent and one white parent." I didn't read the article carefully enough to know if the mother — the parent who's quoted a lot in the article — is the black parent or the white parent. Here's another of her quotes:
"The issue of race isn’t discussed at the school, period.... The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race... Here’s my daughter, who’s Black—and who recognizes that she looks different from everyone else, and that she has one Black parent and one white parent—but there’s no discussion of any of it. It can leave a kid feeling rather isolated. It’s sort of like being the only alien in the classroom. And thinking there might be other aliens around but not knowing for sure.”

Do you think that's the black parent or the white parent talking? I don't know! Isn't it important? Why is The New Yorker being race blind about just this one thing? I'll just guess it's because this is the white parent speaking. 

The husband is referred to at one point and just called "Robinson's husband." That low level of recognition makes me think he's the white parent. I genuinely don't know, and I feel it's a little rude to wonder about the internal dynamics of mixed-race couples and the effect on their children, though I've noticed that there are academic papers on this subject — as well as folk theories.

Anyway, notice that Robinson is saying that racially segregated education is good for nonwhite children (at least in the context where the parents are choosing it voluntarily). By the way, the public school Robinson was complaining about is PS 41, a famously great school.


Ryan said...

Looks like she is black:

GatorNavy said...

I call bullshit!
As a dad of biracial kids, I can tell you that mom is projecting awfully hard. Kids just don’t talk like this, never have and never will. My kids are third generation military brats. All of their grandparents served, all there uncles served and most of there first cousins are currently serving. When my family gets together, you have the gamut of skin tones you won’t see in most of Wisconsin. It is has only been an issue when the Karen’s of the totalitarian left try to fit them into there very narrow and intolerant worldview. And, unfortunately, the worst Karen’s seem to be in the field of education.

Iman said...

I'll just guess it's because this is the white parent speaking.

Good guess.

Todd said...

The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race...

How do you stop racism? Stop being a racist.

How do you stop discrimination? Stop discriminating.

WWDKD? What would Dr King do?

Lucid-Ideas said...

"The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race..."

I disagree. They are absolutely being given tools to talk about race. They're being given tools that will allow them to talk about it wrong. Actually, there not tools at all, they're weapons.

DavidUW said...

Separate but equal!

Polygamy and segregation. Retro Tuesday at AA's place.

rehajm said...

How do you stop discrimination? Stop discriminating.

But that's the game, innit? As with feminism they have no interest in an egalitarian society. They're pissed they aren't the group that gets to discriminate and they are trying to change that fact.

...with a fair degree if success, I would add.

Ann Althouse said...



So she is an immigrant from Jamaica and a graduate of Princeton. Don't these particularities matter? What does her husband do?, I wonder. The West Village location makes me assume the family is wealthy. How privileged is she? Should we be thinking of her child as lacking privilege and in need of visual confirmation that she's not an "alien"?

DavidUW said...

HAH. she's a NYC lawyer who specializes in Wyoming tax shelters.

Fernandinande said...

The issue of race isn’t discussed at the school, period.

Kinda like 40 to 60 years ago, when I went to school with plenty of black and mestizo kids and few Asians, but nobody cared about it. Literally.

Here’s my daughter, who’s Black

No, she's not black, she a mulatto. What prompts these people, like Camel A. Harris, to lie about their race? So they can claim to be oppressed?

Shouting Thomas said...

We don’t yak enough about race!


Nobody has said anything new or interesting on the subject in 70 years and the subject has been beaten to death.

Everybody STFU about race.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The great majority of the younger generations don't give a shit about race. My observation as a parent of 3 (now 35, 34, 32) very white children, whose closest friends were from a mix of white/white, white/black, black/black, Hispanic/Hispanic, Hispanic/white parents, with the greatest number being from the Hispanics.

Temujin said...

"The issue of race isn’t discussed at the school, period."

Imagine. A class finally free of that shackle around their brains, hanging like weights on their shoulders, able to spend their time pursuing knowledge about things that can move them forward in their lives. Math. Science. History(???), Economics- whatever. Maybe just literature. It's still more productive time than studying collectivism.

Funny that the parent thinks this is a shortcoming. Nice priorities.

BTW- I was thinking about this the other day. Bi-racial families are very much a normal part of our society now. I see it so much (including in my own family) that it's just a giant nothing-burger. The only people who make it into something as far as my own experience, are Liberals.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race.”

You’re the fucking parents. Equip your kid however you think he or she needs to be equipped.

Fuck! Did you think raising a biracial kid was going to be easy? Just turn them over to the state to be programmed and equipped?

We’re doomed...

I'm Not Sure said...

Prog: "Race race race race race race race race race race race. Oh, look! There's a racist! Race race race race race race race race race race race. And there's another one!"

Paco Wové said...

So, another wealthy "black" immigrant coming over and handed a megaphone to tell us what awful, awful people we are.

There's the door, bitch.


dbp said...

"Here’s my daughter, who’s Black—and who recognizes that she looks different from everyone else, and that she has one Black parent and one white parent—but there’s no discussion of any of it."

What evidence exists that discussion will improve things? Everything I've seen is that making a big deal of it only makes everyone feel awkward.

alfromchgo said...

Somewhere George Corley giggles....

unknown said...

Teenisha “happens” to be black. You don’t say!

Jamie said...

My (white) brother's kids' mother has a black father and a Japanese mother. My brother's kids only look like my brother upon pretty close study, but the resemblance is there for anyone who cares to look beyond skin color, hair and eye color, and slight epicanthic folds to their eyes: smiles, noses, body structure, these all look like my brother (and like me, and my kids).

But in all the years of these, what, triracial kids' existence, I can't recall either their dad or their mom, or anyone else in the lateral or next generation up, or my own (uniracially white) children even when they were very young and living in the lily-white western suburbs of Philadelphia, having anything to say about how they looked. Nor have my brother's kids themselves ever brought it up, at least when we were around, and I haven't heard through the family grapevine that they brought it up at home. What is happening in the home of the child in the piece that her mother believes she feels so uncomfortable in her own skin? This family lives in NYC, one of the most diverse cities in the world.

jaydub said...

This mixed race child has a privilege that most white kids don't have: she has a excellent chance for a lucrative career in TV commercials and HGTV episodes.

Biotrekker said...

When my kid was growing up in Manhattan I noticed that kindergarteners were completely uninterested and unconcerned with skin color. They did notice who were girls and who were boys. Other than that, they made friends and played with whomever. If this person's child actually brought up the brown people issue (which i actually doubt), it's because the parents have burdened the kid with this crap.

daskol said...

This woman and her vanity and embrace of victimhood for herself and her children belie her and her family's privilege. She's the kind of involved parent who will ensure that public schools get worse, even as she "means well." And eventually she'll send her kids to private school.

Jeff Vader said...

My kids are in a majority minority school district, they have self grouped by class. They don’t appear to notice color, money rules the day

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like any idea that promotes actual learning and places the corrupt anti-learning teacher's Union out of business.

JES said...

When one of my sons was in kindergarten he came home and told about something funny a girl in his class had said that day. When I asked him who it was he said he didn't know her name but I should know her, the girl with the black curtly hair. He didn't notice or care that her skin was brown. They graduated together 12 years later and we never talked about skin color.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left are moving at rapid speed towards segregation. But please, don't call them racists.

Geoff M said...

"The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race..."

I remember growing up in elementary school and having classmates who were of other races. I didn't care. I don't think anyone cared. They looked different, but at the end of the day, most of us looked funny is some way or another.

This obsession with having 'X' that looks like you is just another expression of narcissism and is an incredibly unhealthy way to raise a child.

n.n said...

From colored people (i.e. low-information attribute) to people of color (i.e. racism).

Diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion

The Crack Emcee said...

"You’re only going to be surrounded by people who love you, and you’re not going to have any conflicts, because, even if you did, your parents are friends and they’re going to fix it for you."'"

I've been competing wi9th those guys my whole life.

n.n said...

growing up in elementary school and having classmates who were of other races. I didn't care. I don't think anyone cared

While there were children who exercised liberal license to indulge color judgments, diversity dogma (e.g. racism) was never normalized then evolved into a progressive condition ("systemic").

The Crack Emcee said...

GatorNavy said...

"My kids are third generation military brats."

That's not the real world.

The Crack Emcee said...

Todd said...

"? What would Dr King do?"

Pay blacks reparations and stop bitching about it.

n.n said...

They don’t appear to notice color

They do notice color differences (not limited to skin color), but as a low-information attribute (e.g. "colored people"), not as an identity defined by skin color (e.g. "people of color").

n.n said...

“The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race.”

The kids are being lead (i.e. affirmative action) to misunderstand the progress of diversity dogma (i.e. color judgments), not limited to racism, which breeds bigotry and adversity.

The Crack Emcee said...

You gotta love people who quote Dr. King - very, very selectively.

Anything he said that gives white people an out - great.

Anything he said that said they still have obligations - Racist.

You gotta love 'em.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

'This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class and having a brown teacher. It makes me happy.'

What a racist pig.

Change "brown" to "white". Now rewrite the article.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm Not Sure said...
Prog: "Race race race race race race race race race race race. Oh, look! There's a racist! Race race race race race race race race race race race. And there's another one!"

Changing the laws, but leaving the heavy lifting of the culture to blacks was a big mistake, what can I say? I don't really know how to take the blame off of whites for you, but you blew it.

You're still blowing it.

Fernandinande said...

By the way, the public school Robinson was complaining about is PS 41, a famously great school.

"Great schools".org says there are no black students at PS 41.

The Crack Emcee said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
'This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class and having a brown teacher. It makes me happy.'

What a racist pig.

Yeah, that kid - racist pig.

The Crack Emcee said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
'This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class and having a brown teacher. It makes me happy.'

What a racist pig.

Change "brown" to "white" (and ignore all of American history and the tone of this very post) Now rewrite the article.

The Crack Emcee said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
'This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class and having a brown teacher. It makes me happy.'

What a racist pig.

Calling a child a racist pig for enjoying feeling comfortable for probably the first time in her life - which whites enjoy almost every single day - that's something.

Wa St Blogger said...

These kinds of attitudes are confusing to me. I think often you have racial problems if you want to have racial problems. I have 6 non-white children and we live an a very lily-white small town. 4 of my kids are now in college and not a one would understand what the big deal was about being a different color than everyone else. Clearly you can't be unaware of the differences, especially above the age of 8, but that does not equate to any kind of negative discrimination. I think my kids would feel more strange being in a pod that only had kids of their race in it.

Joe Smith said...

"'This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class and having a brown teacher. It makes me happy.'

So she's either a racist, or it's human nature to be with others who seem to be like you.

Who knew? Nobody ever thought of this before in the history of the world.

The Crack Emcee said...

13% of the population, spread out across the nation, surrounded by whites.

But we're the racist pigs.

alfromchgo said...

"I've been competing wi9th those guys my whole life."

Judging from your writings you lost every time...And yes i know it is always the foult of someone else.

The Crack Emcee said...

alfromchgo said...

"Judging from your writings you lost every time...And yes i know it is always the foult of someone else."

Well, if you don't have "parents are friends and they’re going to fix it for you" - whether you're right or wrong - it can be that way. What I like is none of the rest of you are any different: the idea of blacks being run over by people with "parents are friends and they’re going to fix it for you" doesn't bother you, or alarm you, or anything - it makes you laugh and want to tease the people they've abused. THAT'S AMERICA.

Then you go back to pretending to be compassionate and caring - and a country - and all that stuff again.

You're really just really shitty people "with parents are friends and they’re going to fix it for you"

Matt said...

"Anyway, notice that Robinson is saying that racially segregated education is good for nonwhite children (at least in the context where the parents are choosing it voluntarily)."

Brown v. Board of Education said that racially segregated education causes "feelings of inferiority" in nonwhite children, even when buildings, curricula, qualification and standards for teachers and other tangible factors are equal. Mrs. Robinson (heh) is saying that integrated public schools are full of stress, conflict and dysfunction for nonwhite students. But no feelings of inferiority, I guess.

The Crack Emcee said...

Matt said...

"Brown v. Board of Education" was right - back then. But whites are so hostile now - and I mean just look at you - even white kids want an escape.

Howard said...

Crack, it's not just racial minorities these people hate, it's everyone who is different. They hate the gay and trans, they hate entertainers, they hate teachers and college professors, they hate scientists, they hate environmentalists, they hate silicone valley technologists, they hate ad infinitum.

I don't know what you are bitching about. You have joined forces with these people, what did you expect? Their motors run on avarice, anger, greed, gluttony, etc.

You are the frog and they're scorpions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

they hate entertainers

Racist Howard wants to lump poor baby white entertainers in the mix. That is chemical grade stupid.

On no! "They hate entertainers! the poor victim entertainers!

Michael K said...

But whites are so hostile now - and I mean just look at you - even white kids want an escape.

I guess this is the end of 55 years of goodwill between blacks and whites. Some of the photos taken of civil rights marches in the 60s have been altered to remove the whites marching from the image. Crack is an unusually dysfunctional example but lots of rich, and not very black, politicians and celebrities are choosing hate over friendship, or at least tolerance. This will not end well unless the Democrats can continue to steal elections and fool blacks that they are their friends.

iowan2 said...

The husband is referred to at one point and just called "Robinson's husband." That low level of recognition makes me think he's the white parent

I had an acquaintance call me out for referring to my wife, as wife. "she has a name, why would you deny her, her identity?" The man was never married self employed mechanic that I don't think graduated from high school(juvenile detention center interrupted his formal education). The point of my comment, you would think woke journolisters would know this intuitively. It also highlights the impossible task of predicting what you say, might be interpreted as racist, etal.

Shouting Thomas said...


I lived in the West Village for 40 years. I'm an entertainer. I've taught at half a dozen colleges.

I have a master's degree in computer science and I worked for 45 years in tech.

ESM said...

@Ann Althouse:

"So she is an immigrant from Jamaica and a graduate of Princeton. Don't these particularities matter? What does her husband do?"

He's older (60) and seems to be a rather unaccomplished film producer and writer.

He went to Harvard and wrote a few articles for the Crimson.

My guess is they're not particularly wealthy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard the moron.

WE hate people who cancel Dr. Seuss.
WE hate billionaires who promote censorship.
WE hate the white left and their segregationist antifa poison.
We hate entertainment that promotes all of the above.

Shouting Thomas said...

I also lived in black neighborhoods in Chicago, San Francisco, and NYC.

I've been playing with black musicians since I was a kid.

Sebastian said...

"there’s no discussion of any of it."

Why should there be?

"It can leave a kid feeling rather isolated."

Why? Young kids get isolated if their peers don't "discuss" something or other? You mean, they couldn't just play together?

"Anyway, notice that Robinson is saying that racially segregated education is good for nonwhite children"

Segregation now, segregation tomorrow . . . Wallace was woke before his time.

Howard said...

See how easy it is to trigger your fellow Trumpers, Crack. Honestly, they are not singling you out for being Black. They are targeting you for criticizing the deplorable cult narrative.

Matt said...

"'Brown v. Board of Education' was right - back then."

Interestingly, part of the rationale behind Brown was that public education had changed significantly since the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified and Plessy v. Ferguson had been decided. It's over 70 years since Brown was decided. Since I have no personal experience, I'm willing to agree that it can be difficult to be an African-American in America because of white hostility. I'm guessing self-segregated spaces where black people don't have to be constantly on guard can be more comfortable. Just a guess - I can't read minds. What that means for public education in the future, who knows?

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

"I guess this is the end of 55 years of goodwill between blacks and whites. "

Yeah - mention reparations, like Dr. King, and you're a racist - so fuck white people.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm not a deplorable, Howard.

My life history is a glittering composite image of the progressive ideal.

I've lived in the most glamorous communities in the U.S., worked in the glamour industries and my marriages and love life have all been within the framework that the media considers glamorous.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - you know that Crack likes Trump, right?

You are a white racist leftwinger for hating on Crack like that. Stop it.

mikee said...

I, for one, expect that preferential self-segregation by skin color will bump up against the problem of required racial integration of white schools by quotas, leading to an intersectional problem that looks like the end of chase scene from The Pink Panther.

The Crack Emcee said...

Howard said...

"They are targeting you for criticizing the deplorable cult narrative."

Which is no different from the left hating me for criticizing the NewAge narrative.

They just don't want anyone who isn't an extremist to have a place to land.

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack is singling himself out for... criticism...

By constantly insulting people by calling them racists.

This is the most damaging insult you can hurl at a person nowadays. Even the accusation can cost people their jobs, turn their families against them and isolate them from society.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, my advice to Crack is:

Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

CapitalistRoader said...

Here’s my daughter, who’s Black—and who recognizes that she looks different from everyone else, and that she has one Black parent and one white parent—but there’s no discussion of any of it.

Separate capitalization rules = separate water fountains.

alfromchgo said...

Crack..rang your bell? good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You don't cure racism with leftist woke garbage.
It's like washing your car with a bucket of mud.

Right now the corrupt let are calling Amy Coney Barrett a racist because she adopted black children. Bill Bur the comedian is a racist because he is married to a black women. Slice and dice "black" "Brown" "white"...
The left want to sow discord and force us into "white privilege camps" where even endless apologies and groveling will get you a kick in the head. All while they pay Meghan Markle Merckle 12 million dollars for an interview with a billionaire.

Old and slow said...

Another thread turned into blah blah blah

Michael K said...

Yeah - mention reparations, like Dr. King, and you're a racist - so fuck white people.

Thanks for making my point.

Yancey Ward said...

Katrina Robinson turned out to be exactly what I predicted to myself as I was reading Althouse's post- an immigrant person of color.

Yancey Ward said...

I approached the question by asking about the name "Katrina". Greek in origin, and the numbers of people named "Katrina" in Wiki was overwhelmed with British and British Commonwealth citizens. Jamaica makes perfect sense in that regard. I also thought Althouse's guess about the husband was also indicative- if he were the black parent, he almost surely would have been named and discussed.

Rosalyn C. said...

I guessed the mother was black and a political active person who is using her child for political purposes. The child was not racist until her mother taught her to be racist. A liberal white woman would not have the nerve to suggest racial segregation. Can you imagine how absurd that would sound?

Amadeus 48 said...

Shorter version:

Segregation now; segregation tomorrow; segregation forever.

Yancey Ward said...

It is hilarious how segregation is now considered good by the Left. Of course, it was considered good by Democrats in the period between the Civil War and Brown vs. Board of Education, but they weren't necessarily "left" politically, at least not by today's definitions.

Like I have wrote many times- I am basically out of fucks to give on the issue of race in America, and I won't willingly pay for others' "angst" about it either.

Rick said...

The Crack Emcee said...
You gotta love people who quote Dr. King - very, very selectively.

Anything he said that gives white people an out - great.

Anything he said that said they still have obligations - Racist.

It must be shocking to discover people agree with some principles and not others. Shocking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We used to fight to end segregation.
Now the woke left are fighting like hell to re-install it.

Real American said...

"The issue of race isn’t discussed at the school, period."

She says that like it's a bad thing.

The race-obsessed Woke Supremacists like this mom are just like other racists. They see racism everywhere because they are mentally lazy and do not want to do any critical thinking. The entire anti-racism/white fragility/CRT/intersectional mindset is all about justifying and excusing their own racism against mostly Whites, Jews and Asians. Of course, they're bigoted towards other minorities such as Blacks and Hispanics and American Indians in that they infantilize them and constantly talk about them as if they're incapable of making their own decisions or participating in the most mundane aspects of society without the Woke Supremacists assistance.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Disagreeing with you on how best to address issues facing black Americans does not. Mean someone is racist.

Big Mike said...

Meanwhile I read that Columbia University will hold no fewer than six separate commencement exercises, sorted by race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status. Separate, but equal no doubt.

Tell me, Althouse, did you ever imagine that George Wallace would eventually win?

Bob Smith said...

Looks like the only people who can’t say “Segregation now, segregation forever” are us white folks.

Jon Burack said...

Crack is interesting enough to try to figure out. I haven't -- but then I do not spend my life combing these comments sections. Howard on the other hand is easily knowable. Dylan once joked, "others say don't hate nothing at all except hatred." Howard thinks that's him. I believe he is profoundly mistaken.

Howard said...

Crack: I mock your over-wrought fixation on the silly new age beliefs. Thinking libtards hate you for it is how you justify to yourself that it's a fatal flaw in modern American life. I'm sure someone might hate you for it, but that's down in the 1%.

I see this "us vs. them, all or nothing" mentality is what you have in common with Trumpers. A rising feeling of others hatred floats your boat. The parallels with the people who have new age beliefs is ironic.

Todd said...

Crack just wants his check. Nothing else matters. He wants his big welfare payoff. But don't you worry, as soon as he has pissed it all away, he will be back for more.

The over 50 years of welfare spend by America since Dr. King's death does not count for sh*t. Crack wants his damn check(s).

William said...

Is there any level of wealth, privilege, and power that a Black person in America can attain that obviates their sense of victimhood?....She and her daughter don't sound like they been dealt such a bad hand. Give it a rest.....At the Versailles Court some aristocrats were not allowed to wear certain colored bows on their shoes and were not allowed within a certain distance of the King. They felt horribly oppressed....Empress Catherine of Russia called for a sort of Estates General in Russia to discuss grievances and ways to rectify them. The wealthy merchants felt discriminated against because they were not allowed to own serfs.....You've got to hand it to the Black people of America. They are now recognized everywhere as the official spokespersons for the wretched and oppressed on planet earth, and they did this from a position of relative ease and wealth. Maybe if Indonesian factory workers could write soulful blues music, they could supplant American Blacks as the Official Oppressed Spokespeople on Planet Earth.

Howard said...

ST:. Of course you are not a deplorable. You never worked in a men only environment of heavy construction and industry where death, dismemberment or cancer was a constant risk factor. I have more deplorable bonafides than most of you people here on the blog who are overcompensating office weanies.


Biggus Dickus

GingerBeer said...

"...segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."

Shouting Thomas said...


When I was a kid and during college, I worked in the corn fields, factories and road construction.

It was common working on the farms to see guys who’d lost an arm to a harvester. Try pouring asphalt in 90 degree heat. Or baling hay for that matter.

I worked in a plating room of a factory. Hot tubs of chemicals. Many of my co-workers sported burns up and down their arms.

One summer, I worked painting U.S. mailboxes in the ghetto of Detroit.

I’m glad I got out of that shit after I graduated from college. I’ve got all my fingers and both arms and legs.

JPS said...

GatorNavy, 8:10:

That's a great post. My hat's off to all of you.

(From a non-Karen in education, who according to Howard presumably hates teachers, professors, and scientists; and who overcompensated so hard he joined the Army.)

hstad said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...Todd said..."? What would Dr King do?"
Pay blacks reparations and stop bitching about it. 3/16/21, 9:45 AM

"Crack..." which Blacks are you talking about?

It's a narrative meme you've used many times in the past. Don't get me wrong, "Race" can be discussed as a social reality but you seem to forget the biological component. "Crack" few subjects produce more fallacies than race. Some might even say that race itself is a fallacy, in a World where racial intermixtures keep increasing, well beyond the levels of earlier times. Rising rates of intermarriage have reduced the biological significance of racial differences, even as their political significance has increased. For example, a Pew Research Study in 2017 reported on intermarriage rates among the so-called races for over 50 years. Blacks intermarried in 1967 at 3% which accelerated in 2015 to 17%. In the same timeframe, for 2015 Asians and Hispanics intermarried 29% and 27%, respectively. But the most startling number of all, 'Whites' and 'Hispanics' intermarriage number for 2015 was 42%. This is not to diminish that "Racism" grew out of African slavery, especially in the USA, but slavery preceded racism by thousands of years and is still practiced today. Before the first African was brought in bondage to the Western Hemisphere, Europeans enslaved other Europeans. Asians other Asians. Africans other Africans, etc. Nevertheless, "racism" became one of the enduring legacies of slavery. Not to get to caught up in history but reality of intermarriage puts a wrench in your "Reparations" meme. Many people have a large vested interest in seeing racial problems in a particular way. Politicians, activists, and ideologues who claimed to have solutions instead made many problems worse than before. So tell us "Crack..." who should pay reparations for inheriting a culture that existed before they were born? Moreover, which blacks qualify? Given the ever increasing 'Intermarriage' among racists, do you have a purity test?

Howard said...

You were a kid Thomas. Doesn't count.

Shouting Thomas said...

The breadth of my experience amazes even me, Howard.

I look back at all that shit and I often think...

“How could I possibly have done so many things in one lifetime?”

JPS said...

William, 12:02:

"Is there any level of wealth, privilege, and power that a Black person in America can attain that obviates their sense of victimhood?"

I should probably know better (that's not a dig at you!), but let me try this from another direction:

Is there any level of wealth, privilege, and power that a Black person in America can attain that means they won't be disrespected or looked down on for their race? Where they can feel sure they'll get a more or less fair shake?

Danno said...

AA said..."The husband is referred to at one point and just called "Robinson's husband." That low level of recognition makes me think he's the white parent."

Well at least he isn't referred to as the splooge stooge.

Joe Bar said...

I and my siblings are mixed race, and the only time it was discussed was when someone wanted to bully us. It didn't work.

William said...

I haven't attained much by way of status or power, but I've got money. I find that it obviates to a large extent the need for status or power. I'm a low class white. I presume lots of well bred people look down on me, but that's the way it goes. I can live with their disdain.....How much of Colin Kaepernick's wealth should he devote to improving the lives of those who work in the factories that produce his sneakers?....If Crack were straight up offered a chance to change lives with a third world factory worker, would he make the switch? There are delusions of grandeur, but there are also delusions of squalor. White people have overall a better deal than Black people in America, but that's not to say that Black people have the worst deal of any people on earth.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race... "

What a tragedy! Probably wasting those school hours of reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, physics, chemistry, history, Python code, useless shit like that.

Would seem a mouth and a brain are the only "tools" needed to "talk about race." Kids do not have those these days? Or just not allowed to use them while in school?

robother said...

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!" When is George Wallace going to get the kind of respect that his forward-thinking Critical Race Theorizing avant la lettre deserves?

Jim at said...

We used to fight to end segregation.
Now the woke left are fighting like hell to re-install it.

Yep. I read earlier this morning Columbia University is having six - six! - different graduation ceremonies based upon race, gender, etc.

And they're not the only ones.

I'm to the point I don't care if we're segregated. If people want to go through life like that? Fine. All the more reason to avoid them. They deserve their misery.

Jim at said...

Sorry. Posted before reading Big Mike's comment.

But the point stands. They can all fuck right off. I don't care.

Howard said...

ST admits to being a legand in his own mind. I'm glad to see you bought into that whole libtard self-esteem bullshit.

Michael K said...

Is there any level of wealth, privilege, and power that a Black person in America can attain that means they won't be disrespected or looked down on for their race? Where they can feel sure they'll get a more or less fair shake?

Two questions, not one. The first involves reality. The second involves feelings.

Michael K said...

I have more deplorable bonafides than most of you people here on the blog who are overcompensating office weanies.

More facts not in evidence. Howard has strong pussy vibrations. A lot of us did heavy labor. Maybe just in summer but we don't brag about it like you do.

JPS said...

William, 12:41:

"I haven't attained much by way of status or power, but I've got money. I find that it obviates to a large extent the need for status or power.... I presume lots of well bred people look down on me, but that's the way it goes. I can live with their disdain."

Thanks for your response. I especially like this, and I wish for more people the security and the inclination to be able to say just that.

Dr. K, 1:20:

"Two questions, not one. The first involves reality. The second involves feelings."

Yes, but as one of my least favorite sayings in the Army goes, Perception is reality. If a substantial minority of Americans thinks the game, the system, society are rigged against them (and hey, [Marvin Udall voice:] where's the trust?), that's a much bigger problem than I used to appreciate.

ALP said...

"This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class..."

This would bug me if I was a POC rather than the Near Albino I am: always standing out in a crowd. I love anonymity; being only one of a type makes you stick out. Can relate.

Howard said...

The brave Dr Mike spent a career bullying around female nurses. I'd like to see him try that shit with rough necks or heavy equipment operators especially when he has a job that requires him to put his entire body down into the wound that they are exizing.

Anyways can you fault me? I'm just a proud boy.

Howard said...

Being 6'4" I always stood out in the crowd. you people have no idea how much responsibility that is having everyone in the world think that you know what you're doing and they look up to you for leadership even if you're just a kid. The weight of The tall White Man's burden would crush you snowflakes.

StephenFearby said...

AA: "The West Village location makes me assume the family is wealthy."

With lots of apartments in NYC under rent stabilization (and even a few under rent control), you don't necessarily have to be wealthy to live in the West Village. But you have to be lucky or know when one of these bargain apartments becomes available to rent.

Westbeth, an enormous income-restricted co-op for artists occupies an entire city block in the West Village.

From a 2018 NYT article on Westbeth:

'..It also took her 14 years on the internal waitlist to move into a one-bedroom apartment, a 600-square-foot space for which she pays $1,021 a month.

“My friends like to joke that it only took me 24 years to get a one-bedroom in Westbeth,” said Ms. Walter, who consulted several people in the building to help decide whether she should take the apartment or hold out for a potentially better space in the future.

After a weekend of consideration, she told the management office she would take it, and she felt certain she had made the right choice when they told her they had been inundated with calls and inquiries from other wait-listed residents [who only had studio apartments].'

Unfortunately, I figured that being able to create very good chess games (two games against international masters published in the NYT) wasn't enough to qualify me as a genuine artist.

D.D. Driver said...

"happened to be Black

Great George Carlin routine about this phrase decades ago. I'm surprised people still use this phrase.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
The brave Dr Mike spent a career bullying around female nurses.

You should talk to my wife about who does the bullying.

Howard has a need, if not a craving, to be a tough guy.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The Crack Emcee said...
13% of the population, spread out across the nation, surrounded by whites.

But we're the racist pigs.

Do you define yourself by your skin color? Then you are the racist pig.

Do you define "your people" as people who share your skin color? Then you are the racist pig.

An 8 year old "white" boy who complained about being around "brown" people, and celebrated "finally being surrounded by white people just like me" would be attacked for racism, as would his parents. When he applied to college 10 years later, it would be used against him.

So yes, that girl is a racist pig, as is her mother. And so are you.

It appears that the 60s "civil rights" movement was a fraud. That all that they called "evil" was in fact just normal behavior. That the only wrong that was being perpetrated was "goring the wrong ox".

F that.

I'd like to thing that isn't correct. That the 60s civil rights movement was actually a moral and valid thing.

But for that to be true, CRT must be rejected as evil. "Diversity" defined by skin color must be rejected as evil. Celebrating "racial" segregation, which is what the mother was doing, must be rejected as evil.

I'm not holding my breath

Francisco D said...

Michael K said... Howard has a need, if not a craving, to be a tough guy.

Let's not talk about Howie's sexuality. He is an annoying enough little twit as it is.

Oops. I misread your post. My bad, maybe.

robother said...

Only W.E.I.R.D. people are susceptible to the meme that instinctive racism is something that can and should be transcended. No other culture/ethnic group/race is or could be shamed into guilt over historic (or ongoing) actions oppressing its minorities. Down deep, I suspect most members of these other groups (like Crack) see it as a pathetic sign of weakness, albeit one to be exploited.

Our children will live to see the parasitic swarm created by this meme overwhelm and destroy every W.E.I.R.D. host.

Larvell said...

“The kids are not being equipped with the tools to talk about race“

Why do I suspect that, the second people start talking about race, we find out there is really only one script you have to follow, if you k ow what’s good for you?

R C Belaire said...

It takes me much less time to peruse the comments when Mr. C. Emcee is so prolific because I can skip so many! What a time saver!

Rosalyn C. said...
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Rosalyn C. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosalyn C. said...

After I read the article at the New Yorker I had a completely different impression of Robinson. She’s in a unique position being privileged and living in an area where a public school is highly rated, mostly white and affluent. Yes, she and her husband have the means to pay $20k for the Pod enrollment. So why not send her child to a black charter school? Maybe that’s what she really wants to and will do if she can find a politically correct excuse. Her child's well being is a good excuse.

I don’t know the latest politics but I think liberals are still opposing charter schools because they take away resources from failing public schools. Maybe Mrs. Robinson is conflicted and feels she has to blame the neighborhood public school for her decision to educate her children in a private school environment. Right now she suggests the PS needs to do more lessons about race so her children do not feel alienated, otherwise she will be forced to send her children to a black charter school. It’s complicated because there are lots of schools with majority black and brown students, so it's not just about being around other mixed race and black students. But that’s not the reality she wants to expose her children to. She still wants her children to have privileges. NTTAWWT

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Rosalyn C. said...
I don’t know the latest politics but I think liberals are still opposing charter schools because they take away resources from failing public schools.

They actually supported charter schools, against vouchers.

Then teh charter schools started being successful at teaching children, esp poor and minority children, and so the Left moved against them.

Because, as with their opposition to welfare reform, the last thing in the world the Left wants to see is poor people becoming not poor, and not dependent upon the government.

Because that takes away their votes

I'm Not Sure said...

Another student in the pod told Toussant, 'This is my first time not being the only brown person in my class and having a brown teacher. It makes me happy.'

I predict unhappiness when "Another student" gets old enough to go looking for a job.

autothreads said...

Jews are 2% of the population, spread out across the nation, surrounded by gentiles.

Crack, you sure you want to play this game? My folks were slaves long before yours were and more recently too.

Iman said...

More facts not in evidence. Howard has strong pussy vibrations. A lot of us did heavy labor. Maybe just in summer but we don't brag about it like you do.

Pussyman vibration, yeah! Positive!
That's what he got to give!

hstad said...

Every crooked politician and activist uses the term "racism" for their own personal benefit. It has very little to do, today, with 'real race' problems. "Crack" is just on the same 'race bandwagon' like the rest of the hustlers. Can't blame him cause our society is having a conversion about 'fiction' not 'reality'. Just look at our idiot CA Governor Newsom using "racism" to fight his being recalled - Newsom suggests recall motives are racist
"...It has to do with immigration. The Browning of California...".

"Crack" you've lost the high ground on this subject decades ago.

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