Milo: When I used to kid that I only became gay to torment my mother, I wasn’t entirely joking. Of course, I was never wholly at home in the gay lifestyle — Who is? Who could be? — and only leaned heavily into it in public because it drove liberals crazy to see a handsome, charismatic, intelligent gay man riotously celebrating conservative principles. That’s not to say I didn’t throw myself enthusiastically into degeneracy of all kinds in my private life. I suppose I felt that’s all I deserved. I’d love to say it was all an act, and I’ve been straight this whole time, but even I don’t have that kind of commitment to performance art. Talk about method acting.…
[T]he more love and the less lust in us, the more we cease to obscure Christ and instead reveal Him, in whose image we are made. I don’t mean to suggest it’s been easy, just simple: Our Lord endured worse than any of us and promised us that we have to take up a heavy cross each day.... Secular attempts at recovery from sin are either temporary or completely ineffective. Salvation can only be achieved through devotion to Christ and the works of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. St. Joseph is the spiritual father figure of the Holy Family. In this time of gender madness, devoting myself to the male protector of the infant Jesus is an act of faith in God’s Holy Patriarch, and a rejection of the Terror of transsexuals. Trannies are demonic: They are the Galli, the castrated priests of Cybele, the Magna mater, whom Augustine saw dancing in the streets of Carthage dressed like women....
I'll let you vote on this one:Over the next decade, I would like to help rehabilitate what the media calls “conversion therapy.” It does work, albeit not for everybody....
1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»You can't 'un-gay' the kind of gay that Milo has...
'Choosing' or not 'choosing' to be gay is the least of that guy's problems.
Go. Away.
If he is consecrating his life to St Joseph, terror of demons and protector of the family, he is returning to his Catholic roots, I guess. Also, Pope Francis has declared this the year of St Joseph. Good time to call upon him as a powerful intercessor. Let’s just wish him peace and good.
Did someone say something about "sexual preferences" again?
"Somebody needs to be famous again."
That has GOT to be me.
I do not have enough information to vote.
The public pressure to be gay and the perks showered on you by the schools and employers for being gay are intense.
I think there are a lot of closeted heterosexuals out there now.
Activist Milo Yiannopoulos is now ‘Ex-Gay,’ consecrating his life to St. Joseph
I liked his aspirin.
Orange, chewable.
I voted for "a mediocrity" but considered "he was always awful" because he not mediocre at getting attention. It's difficult for me to see how conversion therapy could in any way be a real thing. You can steel yourself to accept a life of self-denial and maybe trick some poor woman into joining your bad trip, but you want what you want. A gay person can no more convert to straight than a straight person can convert to gay.
He should have gone on Oprah to exclaim he is now Half Gay!!!
I used to own a book that was written in the 1950s by a psychiatrist who specialized in treating male homosexuals. I read it and then donated it to a library book sale. Since then, I have regretted that I did not keep it.
I probably never will find such a book again, because it made a lot of arguments about male homosexuality that no longer can be made.
I remember two particular arguments (there certainly were more arguments) that the book made.
1) Male homosexuality is caused largely by the experience of growing up in a family where the mother is controlling and the father is emotionally or physically absent.
2) Male homosexuality can be cured by psychiatric therapy.
It's my understanding that both arguments were the common wisdom in the 1950s. Since then, they have become forbidden.
When I read the book, I was surprised by how well those two arguments were supported by serious research and study. The book was quite scholarly, including many footnotes, statistics and case studies.
In particular, the book provided many case studies of male homosexuals who had been able, with the help of psychiatric therapy, to become heterosexual, to marry women, and to remain rather well-adjusted.
No lies detected.
I do detect scorn and mocking by implying Milo talking about a personal journey is nothing more than a publicity stunt.
"The public pressure to be gay and the perks showered on you by the schools and employers for being gay are intense."
That was not Milo's problem.
Milo's problem was his addiction to big, black cock.
Just ask him. He's spoken of it on multiple occasions.
Milo isn't shy : )
Milo was writing about tech and games when he caught up to gamergate then the administrations frank embrace of islamism and leftism caught his eye.
Sounds like he's somewhere in between and it's ruled his entire life. Perhaps doing something like joining a monastery for a while will give him some peace. But whatever he does won't work if he tries to chronicle it through social media.
In particular, the book provided many case studies of male homosexuals who had been able, with the help of psychiatric therapy, to become heterosexual, to marry women, and to remain rather well-adjusted.
Well, I mean, no matter your orientation or who you are married to, your spouse is probably not the person in the world to whom you are most sexually attracted. Sure, who couldn't fantasize about a fling with Monroe or Fabio or whoever, but you weighed up the factors, made your choice and swore that the fantasies would stay fantasies.
This same kind of tension was central to Little Richard and his creativity, so, fine with me.
"I was never wholly at home in the gay lifestyle — Who is? Who could be?"
I had a sense of cognitive dissonance even back when he flaunted his gayness while talking semi-conservative.
"only leaned heavily into it in public because it drove liberals crazy to see a handsome, charismatic, intelligent gay man riotously celebrating conservative principles."
But in fact his conservatism was mainly anti-leftism. Which is better than nothing, and even his relatively mild apostasy did drive progs crazy.
"That’s not to say I didn’t throw myself enthusiastically into degeneracy of all kinds"
So, apart from January 6 as the zenith of white-supremacist degeneracy, is it still possible to talk about degeneracy in the age of rap and transgenderism and Carli B? Can the question even be asked "who could be" at home in the "gay lifestyle"?
@Churchy LaFemme
"Sure, who couldn't fantasize about a fling with Monroe or Fabio or whoever, but you weighed up the factors, made your choice and swore that the fantasies would stay fantasies."
Embrace the word "and". Sometimes, if you're really really lucky, you can make the right choice and get a woman who likes what you like.
Saying that Milo is an attention whore is like saying 1 + 1 = 2. As to whether or not he's serious or that he can really pray away his gay or whatever, I haven't the faintest idea.
Good for him if it's true, but these conversions have a way of not working, and when that comes to light there's a lot of bad publicity. "Ex-gays" hang out together, working on the ex-gay thing, and that often leads to more gayness. I didn't understand why, when they left that "lifestyle" behind, they didn't leave that "lifestyle" behind.
The idea that male homosexuality was all mom's fault was common in the middle of the last century, but it was gradually replaced by the idea that absent, rejecting, or "shadowy," emotionally distant fathers were at fault. Nowadays, many young people find out that they are homosexual without having gone through traumas. The old taboos aren't in play and at some point they find themselves more attracted to their own sex than to the other and they go with that, rather than assume it's just a phase.
"Aesthetic realism" claimed to be able to "cure" homosexuality fifty years ago. They dropped that claim in the Nineties, but are still around and labeled a cult.
Elaborating on my earlier comment (9:44)
I suppose that some portion of male homosexuals would agree with a diagnosis that they grew up with a controlling mother and an emotionally or physically absent father.
Perhaps that experience caused their homosexuality or perhaps it did not. No matter, that explanation seems plausible to some male homosexuals.
In such cases, psychiatric therapy might indeed be effective, because that explanation enables those particular homosexuals to reason themselves into changing.
Once a person understands -- or at least thinks he understands -- the cause of his disorder, then he might be able to think himself into an effective mental adjustment.
It's essentially similar to a person who comes to understand that he was born homosexual and then uses that understanding to adjust himself to living openly as a homosexual.
Likewise, a person who comes to understand that his childhood family experience caused him to become homosexual might be able to use that understanding to adjust himself mentally into living as a heterosexual.
There's "being gay", and there's "men having sex with men".
There are and have been cultures in the world where the first is unheard of and the second is quite common.*
There are subcultures in the US where a man who has sex with men will beat the hell out of you if you call him "gay".
*Edward Gibbon in "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire":"...we may remark that of the first fifteen emperors, Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was entirely correct."
Nonapod said...
Saying that Milo is an attention whore is like saying 1 + 1 = 2. As to whether or not he's serious or that he can really pray away his gay or whatever, I haven't the faintest idea.
Please try to refrain from introducing such racist comments into this thread.
These famous marginal types who suddenly find Jesus are so tedious. It's quite the hackneyed theme, isn't it.
I liked the original Milo.
Just patiently abiding our time, waiting to see how it plays out, will answer most of those questions about his sincerity. We'll see.
If you've ever read Ryan Holliday's Trust Me, I'm Lying, then you knew the day would come when Milo came out as ex-gay. This is the redemption chapter in the story arc.
It's all performative these days: Milo, Harry and Meghan, taking a knee, etc. The majority of our public discourse is rooted in dishonesty.
Everybody seems to be a fucking authority on someone else's life.
Civilization might yet be saved from the Abyss if we'd all keep our priorities straight. Γνῶθι σεαυτόν.
Was really curious about what the Althouse club would say, and I'm, a little disappointed.
... I only became gay to torment my mother, I wasn’t entirely joking ...
St. Joseph is the spiritual father figure of the Holy Family. In this time of gender madness, devoting myself to the male protector of the infant Jesus is an act of faith in God’s Holy Patriarch
Apparently, Milo has come to think that he became homosexual because of the parental-child dynamics during his childhood.
When I read the book that I described above, I was impressed by the many case studies in which male homosexuals told about growing up with controlling mothers and absent fathers. There were clearly many case studies that clearly fit that pattern. (Of course, many homosexuals do not fit that pattern.)
I think it's quite plausible that such family dynamics does cause, in some young boys, confusion about gender roles and does eventually cause homosexuality. I think that it's further plausible that psychiatric therapy might enable those particular male homosexuals to understand the cause of their disorder and thus to change their thinking.
Milo seems to have come to a better understanding about his own relationship with his mother and seems to have adopted St. Joseph as his new paternal role-model. In other words, he has been thinking through his childhood family dynamics and thus has been rethinking his own sexual identity.
That is not an easy process, and he might not succeed in becoming heterosexual. However, his thinking and effort are reasonable.
I enjoy him because of how good he is at pissing off annoying people. He's a national treasure, although this turn must be tough on his boyfriend.
You don't see that many of the domineering, overbearing, "castrating" mothers who were such a staple of postwar American culture (today's Karens terrify outsiders, but they don't dominate their sons in the way some mothers used to), and even the fathers try not to be distant and rejecting, yet we have more homosexuals than ever (or so it seems). It's easier to be gay now, so young people don't need to have gone through the old psychodynamics.
Plus, it doesn't look like there's one main reason for homosexuality. It some people homosexuality might be innate (not necessarily genetic, but related to prenatal conditions and experiences). In others it might be overdetermined by family relationships. Or it might be the result of childhood molestation or even a habit or choice. In the future, though, I suspect only people who have declared themselves to be LGBTQ+ themselves will be allowed to speculate about this.
as they said about the rich man, what need do they think they need of Christ, it's the least of us, who need it, if milo was into every prog notion, they would celebrate him, heretics need to be burned at the stake for an example,
Crack, "Wohlfahrt" is not "Wolf Heart" translated.
These famous marginal types who suddenly find Jesus are so tedious. It's quite the hackneyed theme, isn't it.
I liked the original Milo.
He always talked about being Catholic as I recall. His attempt to cease his homosexual activities is new, but his religiosity was always there, just obviously screwed up given, well, his religion.
DavidUW said...
"Crack, "Wohlfahrt" is not "Wolf Heart" translated."
I never said it was - why must I always be called up on people's wrong assumptions?
Translated it means "Mercy" - which is even worse, considering,.
I'd encourage people to read the whole article, rather than just the quote here, in which Milo's glibness may be misleading. His views are a lot more nuanced than many here are giving him credit for.
The big lie that society tells is is that homosexual desires are an *identity*. They are not. They are a *passion*, and none of our passions should define us.
I fully expect that Milo’s next announcement will be a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and a sincere apology to his husband.
And they're always wrong assumptions about what, they think, I think.
Joe Smith said...
"Milo's problem was his addiction to big, black cock."
Ed Buck probably broke him of that.
Nice try by Milo, but he should know that gays have outlived their usefulness and are yesterday's news. He should've come out as trans and resurrected Andy Kaufman's wrestling women bit and legally changed his name to "Inter-Gender Wrestling Champion of the World."
p.s. I've known a lot of Milo types before. They're all about being "GAY!" and shoving their homosexuality in everybody's face while praying for a reaction. John Mahoney played a patriarchal figure in the 2000 gay film The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy. His character delivers my favorite piece of dialogue from the film:
"Sometimes I wonder what you boys would do if you weren't gay. You'd have no identity. It was easy when you couldn't talk about it. Now it's all you talk about. You talk about it so much that you forget about all the other things that you are."
None of the above. Given his public history I find it difficult to believe Milo is sincere. This all seems like a new angle to express his contrariness and be provocative. If he is sincere I wish him well. He will surely be attacked and vilified by all the wokesters.
I couldn't choose a survey response because I don't accept the premise, i.e. that Milo is "back." All I see is an interview in a fairly obscure religious site. Is there more? Has he achieved great publicity, or is it just that Instapundit, Ann and some others have picked up this interview?
Blair @11:12, spot on.
I can't gauge sincerity, but in todays world there's a lot of ways to get fame and recover fame that is fleeting. Madonna is an expert at this. But her use of that name doesn't at all reflect the source material.
What Milo is saying here really does seem to reflect a substantive Christian ethic on sexuality, and while motives are very rarely pure, that he is making use of this particular path suggests a kind of authenticity behind it. He's like the crass, media-driven version of Henri Nouwen--who likewise turned his passions to a different direction, empowering his identity and contributing to the lives of others a lot more than sexuality could ever come near to.
@Rosalyn C.
"I fully expect that Milo’s next announcement will be a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and a sincere apology to his husband."
Now this is a comment that's on the right track. He'll get attention for choosing to pray his gay away, and then later he'll choose to say he loves being gay and regrets the days he wasn't gay.
Anything to keep him ensconced in attention.
They're all about being "GAY!" and shoving their homosexuality in everybody's face while praying for a reaction.
Matthew Shepard was one of those; before the media crackdown, several people described being drunkenly harassed by him in cowboy bars. One guy had to punch Shepard to make him stop.
Ban Trans myths by writing ‘FACT’
Titania McGrath
Note the difference in summaries:
Example #1 "'I went to human resources, and I said, "I just really - I need help,"' says Meghan, adding that her request was denied since she is not a 'paid employee of the institution.'"
Example #2 "Somebody needs to be famous again."
If I were a left winger I'd claim this shows Althouse places feminism over gayness. But I suspect it's more that she soft-sells criticism of Markle because the resulting accusations of racism aren't worth the trouble.
Note the difference in summaries:
Example #1 "'I went to human resources, and I said, "I just really - I need help,"' says Meghan, adding that her request was denied since she is not a 'paid employee of the institution.'"
Example #2 "Somebody needs to be famous again."
If I were a left winger I'd claim this shows Althouse places feminism over gayness. But I suspect it's more that she soft-sells criticism of Markle because the resulting accusations of racism aren't worth the trouble.
Subtract the word "gay" out of this and MY's spiritual journey is pretty much a oft-told tale in the history of Catholic spirituality -i.e. sinful rotter finds grace & lives on the straight and narrow. The most famous example is, of course, St. Augustine & the Confessions, but St. Anselm also comes to mind.
"needs to be famous again" --- Oh, sure, that's why he's giving an interview to LifeSite, which is read by basically no one who isn't dyed-in-the-wool believing Catholic. Wake me up when he's interviewed by Access Hollywood.
What? Do you people not think that Augustine's "Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee" doesn't apply to the faggots, too? All of us have souls that make it or not by the help of God's grace -- gay, straight, or whatever.
its not a double plus good choice, one is reminded that the lincoln group of collected flagellum were the ones that pushed for his banning at cpac, pepperidge farm remembers,
The big lie that society tells is is that homosexual desires are an *identity*. They are not. They are a *passion*, and none of our passions should define us.
I take your point, but the identity aspect to homosexuality isn't so much about same-sex desire as it is about a shared social experience as sexual minorities. For example, a straight person can't understand the process of "coming out" or what it means to be a sexual minority. It's these sort of shared experiences that makes being gay a kind of group identity.
I don't think the poll choices offer compelling choices, at least if one views Milo with compassion.
Bob Dylan embraced Christianity on his journey. We all contain multitudes. I remember Milo caught between vulnerability and bravado in his conversation with Jordan Peterson.
Milo, to his credit, is not entirely on autopilot.
I wish Milo was ex-attention-whore.
I'm surprised to hear this. I mean this was something that sticks in my memory about Milo. Every time he said anything he had to accompany that with an aggressive message about his gayness even if it had little to do with the real subject.
This is quite a turn-about and I'm not sure I know quite what to think about it.
But I have the feeling that if I lived long enough and paid closer to attention to how people worked I might be able to see these things coming.
Is it wrong to laugh at someone else's passions? It's amusing and even touching to see social conservatives futilely pursue the nature vs nurture arguments in comments like these, as if it somehow mattered. It doesn't. No matter who "wins," I'll still be gay.
Matthew Shepard was one of those; before the media crackdown, several people described being drunkenly harassed by him in cowboy bars. One guy had to punch Shepard to make him stop.
The Matthew Shepard murder, horrific as it was, was not a homophobic hate crime. It was basically a meth deal gone bad. Shepherd was a thoroughly victimized human being but not by anti-gay bigotry. He was a drug-addicted, exploited young man being pimped out for older gay men to use as a rentboy. Even in death he's been exploited as a martyr.
Not my life, not my concern. I've met Milo, I like him.
I would have voted yes to all the choices.
So, he was famous before?
While transgenderism may be innate, genderphobia is a choice.
I have always wanted to see "The Blue Lagoon" remade with the male character "born gay".
This transition is comparable to women rejecting the Pro-Choice religion, and making one of four other choices that do not involve Planned Parent/hood. Men, too, who forego masculinism seeking to normalize keeping women appointed, available, and taxable.
I'm wary of Milo (though I like him generally) but I'm unsurprised when marginally gay people tire of the party. It's a physically rough and emotionally challenging ride.
You don't know jack shit about what motivates another human being, and you never really will. It is all supposition when you get right down to it. We can only guess at what is actually in Milo's brain in this case. Some guesses might be better than others, or they might not be.
I didn't like the poll choices, so I didn't bother to vote.
It's my understanding that both arguments were the common wisdom in the 1950s. Since then, they have become forbidden.
Ironically, social liberalism, because of its divergent character, normalizes taboos. Where one extreme chose to reject, the other extreme chose to normalize. That said, next time there is a pride parade, I expect to see lions, lionesses, and their cubs frolicking in gay abandon.
"The old taboos aren't in play and at some point they find themselves more attracted to their own sex than to the other and they go with that, rather than assume it's just a phase."
I think that for many people, it is not so much whom they are attracted to, as who is attracted to them. Sex is, after all, completely unnecessary, unless you want to reproduce. And looked at dispassionately, it has a lot of negatives attached. One has to have a reason, and being desired can be a strong one.
We can only guess at what is actually in Milo's brain in this case
#NoJudgment #NoLabels is/was actually #Judgment #TooManyLabels
Genderphobia with social progress was masked with homophobia. The weirdness of trans/homosexuality is attributable to a progressive incongruity between sex and gender (i.e. physical and mental attributes), where one partner, male or female, in a couplet exhibits more feminine or masculine, respectively, virtues. Even with couplets, there is equal and complementary. The dissonance is more explicit in trans/inters and trans/neos, where the latter includes changes up to and including physical and mental corruption that was shown in clinical trials to force unstable outcomes.
Ironically, perhaps, a Rainbow of inclusive exclusion was normalized by the woke and drowsy. How did that notable feature pass evaluation?
I think that for many people, it is not so much whom they are attracted to, as who is attracted to them
Attracted, yes, but the normal distribution between individuals of the same sex is not romantic attraction or, in the social liberal sense, friends with "benefits".
Wow...'s like the Patriots losing Brady.
Milo certainly seems very gay to me, not a by-choice gay as some say they are. He seems, like Jordan Peterson seemed to me before the breakdown, a tormented soul. Tormented souls need a life preserver and I believe there really is only one: God. God saves those who call out to him. If Milo’s cry is real, he will find salvation. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.
Sex is incredibly necessary, even if it doesn't lead to conception. It's a critical part of the process by which we connect with our partner.
One of several ways to enjoy physical intimacy that complements mental intimacy without "burdens". This is the crux of the apology to normalize transgenderism, especially trans/homosexuals. Then came trans/neogenders (e.g. people of transgender or identity) and the Rainbow of inclusive exclusion begins to fade through progressive internal, external, and mutual inconsistency forcing irreconcilable conflicts.
It’s an odd and messed up idea that anyone, no matter how horrific of a human being he/ she is, as long as they annoy the right people it’s worth it. This seems like a major personality flaw among conservatives. How low they are willing to sink if they get a chance to “own the libs”. Newsflash, you folks will never own the libs. Liberals will always see your willingness to embrace your spiteful nature as something loathsome.
Milo didn’t own the libs, he didn’t annoy the libs, he made a fool and a spectacle out of himself to make a living and the only ones who he owned were you folks who took him seriously. He was/ is a fool, a court jester.
He was/ is a fool, a court jester.
No, he was not. You say this as someone who has clearly never watched any of the interviews MY did with Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, etc. Go watch one or two. He acquits himself very well. Where the Left gets its caricature of MY is from his hostile encounters with Lefty rioters when he did campus appearances.
Fools & Court Jesters? Do you ever watch The View or The Talk? Now, that's a parley of Lefty Fools & Jesters who have been given a yuuuuuge bully-pulpit to spout their nonsense at the populace. They do much more social damage than MY will ever do.
No, he was not. You say this as someone who has clearly never watched any of the interviews MY did with Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, etc. Go watch one or two. He acquits himself very well. Where the Left gets its caricature of MY is from his hostile encounters with Lefty rioters when he did campus appearances.
I watched him for an hour with Steven Crowder. Never heard of the guy, and nobody else did back then either. Hated some of his language and gay boasting, but the guy was as sharp, intellectual, and insightful as they come.
“Fools & Court Jesters? Do you ever watch The View or The Talk?”
For example, a straight person can't understand the process of "coming out" or what it means to be a sexual minority.
This “You can’t possible understand” bit, is stupid.
Yes, humans can understand one another, even if their experiences are very different. We can communicate. We write books, make movies, etc.
Coming out is stupid. Gays should keep their fucking mouths shut and leave their parents be.
Everybody is a member of a sexual minority. Gaydom isn’t the only perversion. Just about everybody has one.
Most of us are sensible and decent enough to keep it the fuck to ourselves. Try it.
Let me state something that I find I have to state quite frequently.
Gays were never persecuted or oppressed in the U.S.
I grew up in small town Illinois in the 50s. We didn’t persecute gays there and then either.
Everybody was ridiculed and bullied over one thing or another. That’s human nature, particularly among teenagers.
There were no mobs of homophobes killing gays. Gay men killed themselves by the tens of thousands with their own sexual behavior during the AIDS epidemic. Liberals created the fiction of mass homophobia to divert the blame to straight men.
I lived in the West Village for 45 years. There were occasionally attacks on gay men. The guys doing it were confused kids struggling with their own problems. Some years later, you could be certain that they would be sucking dick in the gay bath houses.
“He acquits himself very well.”
He said what you wanted to hear.
“I watched him for an hour with Steven Crowder. Never heard of the guy, and nobody else did back then either. Hated some of his language and gay boasting, but the guy was as sharp, intellectual, and insightful as they come.”
These are the same people who gave Trump qualities he didn’t own either. I can only surmise it’s a form of self delusion. He said what conservatives wanted to hear, that it came out of the anus of jackass didn’t matter to them. That’s spite, enough spite to cut off your own nose.
I'd way rather have to deal with Milo-istic public controversy than that constantly stirred up by what I have come to think of as the "New Puritans". Because that is all that current "woke" culture is - a nastier form of Puritanism melded with the worst aspects of Calvinism (you achieve your salvation purely by birth), but an ideology which is actively based purely on the search for the minutest sins of others and mob persecutions of the heretics, with no provision at all for self-control, self-introspection or personal responsibility.
Go ahead - be snide about Milo. But at least he recognized early on that Wokeism was culturally and personally destructive, and didn't want to be herded into that trap.
It is not easy to grow old as a gay man, and Milo is getting older. Anyone who has the slightest trace of humane feelings toward gay people, gay men, or just other human beings should just wish him well and hope that he does find his way. I certainly do. May God bless and guide him as well as all the other human beings in distress, illness, confusion or danger.
He said what conservatives wanted to hear...
Representing the interests of his constituents is what a politician is supposed to do, you dumb bitch.
The question is whether or not he follows through.
Trump did.
"That it came out of the anus of jackass didn’t matter to them."
Inga is an ex-homophobe.
It's not that she used to be a homophobe, it's that she's bigoted against those who were once homosexuals.
; )
Tweet: “M*lo has found his latest grift. That’s all.” - @SouthernKeeks
I can only surmise it’s a form of self delusion. He said what conservatives wanted to hear, that it came out of the anus of jackass didn’t matter to them.
Inga, let me be very blunt about this --- there may be people who are brilliant enough to pull off the sort of intellectual arrogance you display here, but you most certainly aren't one of them.
Go watch MY and report back. You may be surprised.
"I wish Milo was ex-attention-whore."
Well, you could, you know, ignore him.
Let me get this straight, Inga the Idiot...
Conservative political representatives should instruct their constituents in how to be liberals?
Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you are?
“Tweet: “M*lo has found his latest grift. That’s all.” - @SouthernKeeks”
Inga, you're too fucking dumb to be here.
Quit embarassing yourself and find something else to do.
Scott M said...
Wow...'s like the Patriots losing Brady.
...minus the "Brady is still a Patriot! Fuck that loser!"
Why are conservatives so susceptible to grifters and charlatans?
Why is Inga so fucking dumb?
I'm stil wondering how this is all about publicity when Milo was the first to be unpersoned by the left. He has no platform and nobody is allowed to give him one.
Inga said...
"Why are conservatives so susceptible to grifters and charlatans?"
Says the hypocrite in the same party with (deep breath) Oprah, Gwyneth Paltrow, Dr. Phil, Shirley MacLaine, Deepak Chopra - and Bill Clinton who unleashed the whole "alternative facts" world of Alternative Medicine on us back in the '90s. Not to mention antivaxxers Bill Maher, Robert De Niro, Jim Carrey, and more.
Kamala Harris actually gave the pussy up to Montel Talking-To-The-Dead Williams and you have the nerve?
I've been following liberal grifters and charlatans a lot longer than Trump was in office.
These are the same people who gave Trump qualities he didn’t own either. I can only surmise it’s a form of self delusion. He said what conservatives wanted to hear, that it came out of the anus of jackass didn’t matter to them. That’s spite, enough spite to cut off your own nose.
They hardly talked politics. There wasn't anything conservative/liberal about their discussion of wide ranging topics, you stupid bitch.
Go watch it.
Why are conservatives so susceptible to grifters and charlatans?
Says the moron who flogged the Russia Collusion Hoax for 3-1/2 years.
I remember Milo saying a few years ago that he has had sex with a woman every now and then to see if it has become more appealing.
The world would be a better place if Harry had married Milo.
Crack at 1:38----spot on!
Hey Inga,
Here's a copy of "How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered The World" - it features Oprah and Hillary and all your friends - no sign of Trump anywhere.
It came out in 2005.
The Age of Unreason started in 2004 - this is all when my life started coming apart - and no sign of Trump, or conservatives, there, either.
It's like you're lying or something.
I guess poll voters didn't like the slanted answer options.
“I'm stil wondering how this is all about publicity when Milo was the first to be unpersoned by the left. He has no platform and nobody is allowed to give him one.”
He’s got one now, the ex gay conservative who has been redeemed, he’ll be given speaking engagements by conservative Christian churches and organizations all over the country. He has people talking about him right here right now. When his newfound heterosexuality gets old he’ll do a tell all about backsliding into homosexuality and will denounce gay conversion therapy and religiosity.
Inga, you're just blabbering now.
Stop it.
Writers seek out controversy and try to draw attention to themselves.
Inga has just discovered this.
Crack, even back then I rejected New Age nonsense. When it came out that Nancy Reagan was having her husbands daily schedule based on his horoscope, I was shocked by conservatives believing such mumbo jumbo.
Uh, Inga, Nancy Reagan wasn’t president.
Her husband was.
Into what office did conservatives vote Nancy Reagan?
Inga said...
"Crack, even back then I rejected New Age nonsense. When it came out that Nancy Reagan was having her husbands daily schedule based on his horoscope, I was shocked by conservatives believing such mumbo jumbo."
There's only one Nancy Reagan - your whole party Is contaminated.
Ken B, 1:41:
"The world would be a better place if Harry had married Milo."
Damn, that's good! I salute you.
Not only is your whole party contaminated, but A) you never noticed B) you voted for Obama anyway, and C) you're not quitting them now that you know.
You're another Meghan, like all the rest.
I’ve lived quite an interesting life, including a very interesting and sometimes quite wild sex life.
I lived in San Francisco and New York City almost my entire adult life.
So, it’s been quite a long, strange trip.
I was never tempted to “come out” to my parents. I figured they deserved to be left alone. Why seek their approval? I just dealt with whatever guilt and bad experiences I had on my own.
I never tried to use my sexual experience as a qualification for a job or academic advancement.
More people should follow my example and shut their fucking mouths about their fucking.
Is Meghan the new Karen?
Never saw what Andre' did
@Shouting Thomas:
Gays were never persecuted or oppressed in the U.S.
I grew up in small town Illinois in the 50s. We didn’t persecute gays there and then either.
Anti-gay assaults and murders have occurred in the US, even by groups if not mobs. But even if none had, it would not mean that they were not persecuted or oppressed. What do you think motivated so many gay people in the past to keep their sexual orientation a secret or gay-friendly venues to operate clandestinely? Estrangement from family, communities, and social groups and general social opprobrium were all potential consequences.
I am not a supporter of gay left activism. I don't think gays have any right to demand that they be "accepted" or "celebrated," but they do have a right to demand tolerance. That they demanded it and have largely received it is a good thing.
@J. Farmer
How old are you?
I'm 71.
I grew up in rural Illinois, lived in a college town in Illinois and lived in SF and NYC.
Gays have always been tolerated.
I have my kinks, too. Yours aren't any more important than mine, and I'm not demanding anything or expecting anything.
Some people find my kinks disgusting. So what? I didn't bother my family about them either.
Now, let's get down to the issue from the standpoint of your parents.
They want blood grandchildren. They have a self-interest that is just as important as yours. Having blood grandchildren completes the spiritual cycle of life for most people. I know, because I have them.
This is a deep religious and spiritual issue for almost every person.
Your desire to be accepted is no more important than your parents' desire to see their bloodline extend into another generation.
As the argument turns. Gay equality was always based on being born gay like blacks and women are born black and female. MY saying his being gay is a chosen Sin is kryptonite to that argument. If gay is a Sin then it can be repented of and/ or the demon driven out.
Meanwhile gender benders have transcended this debate by making all people born into a their choice of a sex fetish.
Actually, the Age of Unreason is every age.
I just now looked at the poll, which I joked about earlier w/o checking. The clear fave is to treat MY's return to Mother Church as sincere, and wish him well. OK with me.
If you can "pray away" any problem or behavior--I wouldn't know, myself--then why not "gay'?
Penultimate of my bloodline
I missed something??? I thought Milo was happily married and they had adopted a son- how can it be so easy to disappear a family?? As straight and Conservative as I am- I don’t mind people who choose differently. Or are made differently. It’s the self- constructed that insist they were born this way, that’s the oxymoronic stance I struggle w/. Push push push...
Milo was abandoned by his family, that’s what I believe. Not placed ,with warmth& importance, above the lusts of his parents. He’s clever, maybe even very very smart(ask him)- but broken.
I pray he heals.
Ps- my ex disappeared family ties all the time(on his 4th marriage, for now) My oldest ones have quite a few ex- step-siblings ...
I wish Milo was ex-attention-whore."
Well, you could, you know, ignore him.
Market economics, the very model of democracy, less the democratic/dictatorial (i.e. monopolies of capital and control) duality.
Not pickin nits, but it’s: I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church....
If you can "pray away" any problem or behavior--I wouldn't know, myself--then why not "gay'?
Whether innate or groomed, he doesn't have to deny his past, present, or progressive state of transgenderism. He can choose to commit to the male sex and sex-correlate masculine gender. He can choose to limit the public spectacle. He can choose to abstain, if that's what he wants. The issue from the public perspective is normalization, tolerance, and rejection. To his credit, he does not exercise liberal license to indulge genderphobia, and engages, not avoids, reconciling the issue for himself and as a member of society.
What a piece of shit.
The more flamboyant someone is, the more I suspect that their homosexuality is in fact a cover for other issues.
So true. Walking with arms akimbo isn't genetic.
Shouting Thomas,
"Gays have always been tolerated."
Not buying this. That tolerance has always existed here and there doesn't mean it's been anything like consistent, anything gays could count on.
I've been assaulted by a group of men yelling Faggot! I'm not even gay, I just wasn't a tough-looking guy when I was young. It was a real eye-opener, the kind of hate they had to offer just because they thought I looked soft. I have friends who actually are gay who've endured a lot worse.
An Army colleague, a really good guy, is gay. For the first years of his career, while guys around him talked about dates, love, breakups, he had to say nothing, deflect inquiries about his life or his weekend, because if he said the wrong thing to the wrong person – and he couldn't be sure who that might be – he could get kicked out. He really did want to serve, so he kept quiet. Even post-DADT he keeps his personal life and his Army life very, very separate.
As a very mild homophobe back in the day, I would have thought, Good, keep that to yourself. Nowadays I think, Why should he have to?
American conservativism is Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. A form of classical liberalism tempered by Christian philosophy.
I guess this means he's no longer a Trump-sexual. Wonder why he does not espouse mere Christianity to appeal more widely. Although he did early on say Urban II a hero.
"Gays have always been tolerated."
Even in the capital of the LDS Church from at least the turn of last century. The issue is normalization, tolerance, or rejection. The exception is motivated by the feminine male incongruity of the transgender/homosexual couplet. And, of course, the public spectacle of genderphobia.
n.n said...
American conservativism is Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. A form of classical liberalism tempered by Christian philosophy.
I could do without the "pursuit of Happiness" bullshit - Jefferson owned slaves and that's what it means to me. The right to be cruel as long as you can get away with it. Hitler pursued Happiness. Meaning Is what matters.
Don't need any Christianity, either. Old Testament God is too ruthless and arbitrary and New Testament God is a hippie who fucked his own Mother to produce himself - no thanks.
When this life is enough for you guys - without gilding the lily - get back to me: It could be nice.
He'll get attention for choosing to pray his gay away
He's not doing anything of the kind. He is choosing to self-moderate the public spectacle of genderphobia. He should follow through with curbing the public spectacle, not of genderphobia, but of self-moderation. Although, with social progress of intolerance, perhaps it's necessary to balance the scale in public, so that others will not feel oppressed by the liberal taboo.
I voted for the least cynical choice. If Milo is lying or grifting with an authentic-sounding Catholicism, then he only hurts himself. The world has been at his center; I hope he's found peace.
When this life is enough for you guys - without gilding the lily - get back to me: It could be nice.
The principles stand on their own. Jefferson is not American conservativism. American conservativism rejected slavery and diversity dogma.
The Old Testament God was rarely ruthless, and not arbitrary. The New Testament God did not "fuck his own mother". Science does not remark on the origin or character of individual consciousness. That is an article of faith.
A separation of logical domains, repression of preconceived notions, and reconciliation are in order.
Can the question even be asked "who could be" at home in the "gay lifestyle"?
Does my wealthy sister, her stay-at-home wife and three kids living in a seven-figure home on Puget Sound count?
That is not an easy process, and he might not succeed in becoming heterosexual. However, his thinking and effort are reasonable.
He can try, and restoring sex-correlated gender is a laudable ambition, if he is honest with himself, and any potential female mate. At the very least, he lifts a liberal taboo that has stilted social progress.
I've been assaulted by a group of men yelling Faggot!
I was a four year all conference three sport athlete in high school and I was often assaulted by older boys and men.
They called me all kinds of names.
I learned to defend myself.
"We're not homosexual, but we are willing to learn."
: )
Why are conservatives so susceptible to grifters and charlatans?
An Obama voter wrote that.
Does my wealthy sister, her stay-at-home wife and three kids living in a seven-figure home on Puget Sound count?
No one has counted the three children growing up without a father present, have they, Skippy?
n.n said...
When this life is enough for you guys - without gilding the lily - get back to me: It could be nice.
"The principles stand on their own."
Why quote me if you're not going to address the quote?
"Jefferson is not American conservativism. American conservativism rejected slavery and diversity dogma."
You quoted Jefferson AS American conservatism - "the pursuit of Happiness" is pure Jefferson - and you guys are as hung up on diversity dogma as you were "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" and, thus, missing the whole point again. I repeat: In 2012 there was REPUBLICAN ELECTION AUTOPSY done - not by me but by American Conservatives - and they found YOU HAD A RACE PROBLEM. Again - you - not me. What did you geniuses do about it? You chased me out of the party by 2014.
And only Trump - not you and your God damned principles - brought me back.
You and your idiotic racist stubbornness are the problem - and always have been - and it's why BLM exit, and why blacks had to march with signs just stating "I AM A MAN". You just don't get it - on that level. We were once FURNITURE to you and we still wonder how you managed that. You haven't given it a day's thought.
"The Old Testament God was rarely ruthless, and not arbitrary. The New Testament God did not "fuck his own mother"."
Of course not - because God doesn't exist - so why don't we moderns drop the whole thing in a museum, where it belongs, like Confederate statues? They liked that shit as well.
"Science does not remark on the origin or character of individual consciousness. That is an article of faith."
Science doesn't have to because I'm not asking. I know where individual character came from - Man. Fools are fools, like you with your "faith".
"A separation of logical domains, repression of preconceived notions, and reconciliation are in order."
Bullshit. One of my best friends - an old acid head I use to drop a lot with - is now a Dharma Professor at a college in Chicago, and even he doesn't spit as much garbage as the ret of you idiots when it come to the shit.
Skippy Tisdale said...
Can the question even be asked "who could be" at home in the "gay lifestyle"?
Does my wealthy sister, her stay-at-home wife and three kids living in a seven-figure home on Puget Sound count?
3/10/21, 3:43 PM
NO, NO, a thousand times NO! For outlets like the NYT will ensure they ALWAYS know somewhere [likely in West Virginia or Alabama] there is SOME knuckle-dragging, gun owning, bible carrying, wife beating, beer drinking neanderthal that HATES them cause they don't sleep with men!
There can be NO peace until every last one of those Nazis is MADE to care!
My keys are getting stuck.
As a very mild homophobe back in the day, I would have thought, Good, keep that to yourself. Nowadays I think, Why should he have to?
You don’t have to keep your mouth shut about anything for any reason.
But, I’ve generally found that it’s good practice to keep your mouth shut, particularly about your intimate life.
Nobody except your mother wants to hear about it. Among the rest, those with bad intentions predominate.
If you’re going to talk or write about sex, you’d better give me a boner. I enjoyed Henry Miller for that reason. If you’re going to whine and tell me about your victimization... well, good luck.
There is hardly a black stand-up working who hasn't uttered the phrase "I study white people."
White people feel no need or compulsion to do the same. They outnumber us, they hold the power, they have centuries of advancement on us - thanks to racist policies of the past they refuse to address - why should they care to know their fellow Americans?
They go for "the pursuit of Happiness" instead, and only try to think of everyone else when they don't get it.
Racism rants bore the shit out of me.
I don’t give a fuck.
Good luck to you, Crack, but I don’t give a shit.
You’re on your own. Get used to it.
They want to extract the spine so you're left with gelatinous creatures like romney and sasse and the 18 others who voted for garland.
Substitute blunt and thune, for sasse
"White people feel no need or compulsion to do the same."
These days I'm sure it would be considered racist if any did.
No white comedian who is sane would do stand-up jokes about, let's say, the differences between black people and white people. Especially if black people come off as the butt of the joke.
Diet Coke vs grape soda anyone? Marlboro Lights vs Kools?
Yeah, probably not.
They'd have to be out of their cotton picking minds (see what I did there?).
Shouting Thomas said...
"Good luck to you, Crack, but I don’t give a shit.
You’re on your own. Get used to it."
Am not - reparations are being discussed in Washington as we speak. I always told you it would, and it's been advancing every day since. You can't stop the signal.
American values are all American blacks know - you're the ones betraying them.
Joe Smith said...
"No white comedian who is sane would do stand-up jokes about, let's say, the differences between black people and white people. Especially if black people come off as the butt of the joke."
You guys know as much about comedy as you do Rap music. But you talk about both like you're smart.
tim mcquire - "A gay person can no more convert to straight than a straight person can convert to gay."
Conversion therapy was never about gays. It was for the hetero children and teens who were groomed into the 'lifesyle' by gays, and never got to develop normally.
BTW...our K-12 Public School System facilitates the grooming now, at the direction of the US Dept. of Ed.
"No white comedian who is sane would do stand-up jokes about, let's say, the differences between black people and white people. Especially if black people come off as the butt of the joke."
I just re-watched that Nick Di Paolo show - he attacks blacks in under three minutes - he must be out of his mind.
American values are all American blacks know - you're the ones betraying them.
Good luck getting some government money.
I’ve got mine. I have a great life.
I don’t give a fuck about your efforts to guilt trip me. Stick it up your black ass.
I don’t owe blacks shit. I don’t owe you shit. Don’t have anything against you either.
You’re the one who’s always miserable. Nothing, not even a government handout will fix that.
I’m leading an exceptionally happy life in retirement. Just about to start up playing for churches and choral groups again. Spend my days taking care of my grandkids. It’s a wonderful life. Thanks, but I decline to be miserable with or for you.
I watched Milo stumble around backstage at a GOP convention once. He was obviously articulate, talented, well-read, energetic, puckish, and effed up. That sort of thing goes over better in Britain. So does going all Brideshead Revisited. I think his interview with Jordan Peterson is one of the most interesting shows either have done. Peterson must be one heck of a good therapist. His conversation with Joe Rogan is also amazing: he simply grasps Rogan’s deep desire to root for the little guy, the belittled guy. There’s crying all around.
And, Crack, I’m 71 years old and my grandkids are about to go to school full time again.
So, I’m free to work.
Interviewing for programming and multimedia jobs. I’ll get hired very quickly.
I don’t need to such on the Fed’s tit. If that’s all that you can hope for, God help you.
Your obsession with racial vengeance will never go away. You’re stuck with it no matter what.
"I just re-watched that Nick Di Paolo show - he attacks blacks in under three minutes - he must be out of his mind."
Was it funny? Did you laugh? If it was funny and you laughed, then you have a sense of humor and no harm done...there is hope for the world.
And if I'm not mistaken, DiPaolo is in the 'shock comic' genre.
Some in that class are very good and some are terrible just spouting the most racist, homophobic, sexist things they can come up 10-year olds when they first learn swear words.
Many comedians have stated that they will no longer tour universities because one, students are afraid to laugh at anything controversial, and two, they are afraid of being cancelled.
So much for freedom of speech.
"You guys know as much about comedy as you do Rap music. But you talk about both like you're smart."
You're right, there have never been any funny white people. Comedy begins and ends with Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy. Give it a rest. Next you'll be telling me that Wakanda is a real place.
As for reparations, I am in favor.
Shouting Thomas said...
"Good luck getting some government money."
Don't need luck - I've got the truth.
"I’ve got mine. I have a great life."
But you can't stop there, can you, Asshole?
"I don’t give a fuck about your efforts to guilt trip me. Stick it up your black ass."
See? Racism a la mode.
"I don’t owe blacks shit. I don’t owe you shit. Don’t have anything against you either."
And I'm pretty sure no one will be coming to your door for anything, either, so what are you talking about? Do you call up the Pentagon and cuss individual Generals because we pay for wars?
"You’re the one who’s always miserable. Nothing, not even a government handout will fix that."
But a dick in your mouth, to shut you up, sounds like it would cheer me to know end.
"I’m leading an exceptionally happy life in retirement. Just about to start up playing for churches and choral groups again. Spend my days taking care of my grandkids. It’s a wonderful life. Thanks, but I decline to be miserable with or for you."
My God, you people are just like liberals: you know and care just enough about decency to violate it in it's defense.
Jesus, you’re a tiresome, boring asshole, Crack.
A dick in mouth and ass but "about to start up playing for churches and choral groups again" because that's what religion is all about.
There isn't even an attempt at consistency as these people lecture others.
Liars and hypocrites are lecturing the rest of us to no end.
I play for churches for money, Crack.
You’re too stupid, lazy and undisciplined to have ever developed that skill, dummy.
Tough luck.
They don't want justice for blacks because what's justice to America?
It's citizens actually believe it's country is fair - who wants that?
Narciso - "the lincoln group of collected flagellum were the ones that pushed for his banning at cpac, pepperidge farm remembers.
Good one, Narciso.
What a fucking kiss ass beggar you are, Crack.
Shouting Thomas said...
"I play for churches for money, Crack."
Which you then spend to get a dick up your ass like Harvey Milk - he cynically worked the People's Temple church with no integrity.
I told you: I know gays already. They tried to sleep with me as a child.
I'm sure money is all you're after.
Exchanging insults with you is fun, but stupid, Crack.
I don’t give a flying fuck what you think I’m doing or why.
Stick it up your black ass.
Now are you done?
I have more important things to do than waste time on your stupid ranting.
In fact, I have to take a shit.
"I play for churches for money, Crack.
You’re too stupid, lazy and undisciplined to have ever developed that skill, dummy.
Tough luck."
Here's a blog post I did about the years I worked in the theatre - for two lovely gay gays who died of AIDS at the same time.
I repeat: I only get lectures from liars and hypocrites.
So, you think I’m a liar and hypocrite.
I don’t give a fuck.
You’re just a dumb shit I don’t even know ranting like a jackass on the internet.
Go fuck yourself.
No, I won’t read your shit either. Find somebody else to put up with your asshole act.
J. Farmer - "The Matthew Shepard murder, horrific as it was, was not a homophobic hate crime."
Do you ever tire of naive, young, white, straight, females 'fighting for you?
Shouting Thomas said...
"So, you think I’m a liar and hypocrite.
I don’t give a fuck."
I think you're smaaaaart, too. "I don’t give a fuck" is you reducing yourself to a no-talent Rapper with a gun.
You got anything interesting or amusing to say, Crack, or are you just going to keep ranting like a fucking worthless piece of shit?
Do you want the last word, or would you rather I tell you again what an asshole you are?
I’ve got half an hour or so to tell you that you’re a piece of shit if you like.
After that, I’m going to sit down to my piano and play Chopin. Hone my skills. So I can make more money and make you even more jealous.
I enjoy making you fume with jealousy.
M Jordan. "God saves those who call out to him."
It's a supernatural thing. It is ineffable. How does one describe a Miracle?
God saves those who call out to him.
No one has counted the three children growing up without a father present, have they, Skippy?
Oh, I forgot. We are all bound to statistics.
Shouting Thomas said...
"I enjoy making you fume with jealousy"
This is the second time today I've had to mention you guys making assumptions - over the internet - about me. The last guy read a song title and assumed I was translating German incorrectly - me, who lived on the German border for over two years.
Now this fool thinks I could possibly be jealous of him, playing in a fucking church - when he knows I'm an atheist - and after he's spent the entire thread telling us of his disgusting sex life.
The mind reels.
Harry and Meghan's self-delusions have got NOTHING on ST.
Get it all out, Crack.
Tell Dr. Thomas all about it.
The problem here, Crack, you dumb fucking asshole, is that you think I’m interested in persuading you of anything or of getting your approval about anything.
I could care less if you were run over by truck on your way to the store tonight.
Shouting Thomas. "Inga, you're too fucking dumb to be here."
Make your argument, ST.
Brother, recognize...Inga, like every one of us is an immortal soul.
The outside is often crusty, but inside there is a flicker of light.
There is hardly a black stand-up working who hasn't uttered the phrase "I study white people."
White people feel no need or compulsion to do the same.
I do. I live in the inner-city while spending decades working for a multi-billion dollar corporation. To repeat, I do.
And here's what I learned. There are black folk that wish to help me succeed in life because they see that I am a human-being. And there are black folk that wish to cause me great bodily harm because they see that I am a white human-being.
I am a white man who was beaten by a black gang in the middle of the street. Has a gang of white folks ever done that to you?
I haven’t had one of these bottom of the post ranting arguments for a long time.
Utter waste of time, but I’m recovering from my COVID shot...
So, I’m struggling to get back to my routine.
ST just made me think of Myka 9's "Delusions of Grandeur" because A) he suffers from them, and B) he can play Chopin all day but he'll never do anything as good as this music he thinks is below him - but recognized by the entire world as greater than anything hi here from Yurp ever did or will do:
Planet Rock, Nigga.
There is hardly a black stand-up working who hasn't uttered the phrase "I study white people."
It's called racial obsession. It's a symptom of internalized racism. One of many.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
Won’t click, Crack.
Find somebody else to con.
I get paid to play... every week... have for years.
You don’t.
Skippy Tisdale said...
"I am a white man who was beaten by a black gang in the middle of the street. Has a gang of white folks ever done that to you?"
Dude, you're talking to me:
I had gangs of black kids demanding the foster homes feed me to them, regularly, when I was kid.
White kids beat me with dining room table leg as I slept - because I listened to black music and they liked KISS.
I served in the Navy under a white guy who made it my job to retrieve the knives he threw across the room - never forgetting all that implied.
A white mob in Yurp chased me from an ATM.
I was attacked by Nazis in Yurp - and they had bulldogs.
Shall I go on?
Shall I go on?
Only if it makes you feel good.
Skippy Tisdale said...
"It's called racial obsession. It's a symptom of internalized racism. One of many."
it's called being outnumbered - by people like ST and a culture that produces and tolerates him - and HAVING NO CHOICE but to understand who's doing it to you.
That you guys INSIST on reframing everything as a black problem - when the Republican Party itself said it was you - says it all.
You’re a fathomless shitbag of self pity Crack.
I’m laughing my ass off.
Skippy Tisdale said...
Shall I go on?
Only if it makes you feel good.
Oh, so you'e gonna be like Democrats and think your one incident (Trump) equals all of mine (the Democrat Party of freaks) right?
Man, you guys turn so mean and unfair when it comes to race, it' hard to see how you don't recognize your racism.
I can see why everybody wants to kick your ass, Crack.
But, I don’t think it has anything to do with race.
Farmgirl said…
"Milo was abandoned by his family, that’s what I believe. Not placed ,with warmth& importance, above the lusts of his parents. He’s clever, maybe even very very smart(ask him)- but broken."
Milo has always been honest about his relationship with his parents, and that it was his grandmother who took him in and threw him a lifeline. From her he inherited his Catholic faith and in spite of the damage inflicted upon him as a young boy by a member of the Church (“…It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones.” Luke 17:2 Douay-Reims) he has tried to persevere. Milo has always been very consistent in his Catholic faith, even in the face of his lifestyle. Oddly enough, I don't find the two incompatible. Christ came to save sinners; the more wretched the more blessed.
Many years ago I followed a blog of a young, gay Catholic man intent on making a sincere conversion and putting his lifestyle behind him. He understood what that meant and how difficult the road would be. But he had come to a point where he hated what he was and knew he really had no choice. Maybe that's where Milo is now. No one can see into his heart or mind to know whether he's being legit here, and I don't care to. I will assume he's being genuine and truthful, and keep him in my prayers. He's had a lot of people praying for him in this.
I don’t give a fuck about your racism ranting, your fucking piece of shit.
Fuck you and the racism garbage.
I don’t give a fuck about racism.
Time’s up, Crack.
I’ve wasted enough time with your whining, self-pity and general asshole bullshit.
Let’s do it again sometime.
It’s been fun!
If the numbers were 50/50, you guys would be perfectly correct in your outlook. But it's not, and never will be:
You are abusing 13% of this nation incessantly - and demand the right to continue as long as you can sit in places like this, with other whites, and make up scenarios where our 13% is abusing all of you.
I like how you decided to jump in on the wrong side - it's so American.
Fuck you, Crack.
Bye, asshole!
I've told the truth this whole time, and ST and Skippy have both been shown to be either Liars, hypocrites, or just woefully wrong, but - I bet you - after this, I will still be treated as their equals, and not as someone who tells the truth amongst Liars and hypocrites.
THAT'S what's wrong with this country.
Fuck you once again, asshole.
Now, I gotta do something worthwhile.
I gotta throw out the garbage.
Why don’t you quit whining like a fucking baby and learn to make a living, you lazy bastard?
Shouting Thomas: "Gays have always been tolerated." "I have my kinks, too."
I just don't want to know about any of this. ST...take a few days off.
You got your troubles, I got mine, Hercules.
Take a hike.
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