March 4, 2021

Our dear Zeus is 98.


Happy Birthday!

I wrote "our," but he's not our dog. We just borrow him a lot of times.


jaydub said...

borrowed dogs are the best dogs.

gilbar said...

he seems to be a good dog!

rhhardin said...

I think the years go 13, 7, and 5 for the rest, so he'd be 80.

Kai Akker said...

Great portrait. You can almost hear his nails click on that tile.

Ralph L said...

He doesn't look a day over 90.

Jaq said...

Labradors are the best dogs.

gilbar said...

i was surprised there's not Zeus (he's not our dog) tag
there've been lots of pix of him over the years, he's kinda a star

chickelit said...

Grizzled muzzle

gilbar said...

maybe there's not as many as i thought
zeus (i'm pretty sure) through the last 2 or 3 years

Meade said...

Pretty sure he thinks he’s the one doing the borrowing. Of us. And he is. But in fact he’s owned our hearts for years.

Mark said...

he's not our dog

So he bites?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Twitter continues suspending/banning people with the wrong kind of politics.

Tomcc said...

A fine dog, likely not too frisky at this point. I'll bet his tail still wags enthusiastically.

Yancey Ward said...

Release........the milk bone.

Rt41Rebel said...

Reminds me of Bosco, our chocolate Lab that was also 98 when we moved from MD to FL. If you haven't taken a 3 day road trip in a small SUV with two Frenchies, a Shih Tzu, and a very large Lab, I highly recommend it. Bosco was only with us for a few weeks after we made it safely to Coconut Grove.

donald said...

That’s a helluva dog. I’d brag about mine, but that wouldn’t be nice. Beautiful dog!

PM said...

98 is 686 in dog years. He looks great!

Narr said...

A noble hound! Long may he wag.

He doesn't look a day over 95

iowan2 said...

The corrupt FBI had its director testifying before the Senate this week. The part about right wing militias got a lot of the attention.

More curious to alot of us that were taught about constitutional limits on the federal govt to protect God given rights, and freedoms, were about use of geo tagging to locate protestors on January 6th.

Wray was asked point blank what power the FBI had to access cell phone records to track citizens. Did he use FISA warrants? Regular search warrants? How exactly did the the Government come to possess the data?

Wray mumbled, and in the end refused to give an answer.

That lead to another Senator asking Wray, why, written questions submitted to him from Senators after the live testimony, from the last 7 hearings he testified at, were never answered. Not a single written question got an answer. Wray does not recognize congress's constitutional power of oversight.

Leftist are crazy if they think the Federal Govt won't or haven't abused them along with supporters of President Trump.

rehajm said...

Good dog!

The Savage Noble said...

Good grief, I remember when he looked young and lithe...has it really been that long.

And Mark...was that a Pink Panther reference?

farmgirl said...

Give him a hug from your comment section- at least from me

Narr said...

With all the excitement going on, a body forgets.

A few days ago, I went for an afternoon walk, at the beginning of what became a long, low, series of circles by the police chopper centered on our block. It was unusual mostly because it took so long. Anyway, just as I started out and looked up at the helicopter, a big bird flew directly over me not ten feet up--I couldn't tell the color, but I'm pretty sure it was
a Great or a Snowy Egret, or a Heron of some sort or other, by the wingspan and shape and the long legs out behind.

The helo left eventually

tcrosse said...

There's a faithful dog in the Mahabharata who gets to go to heaven.

mockturtle said...

Happy Birthday, Zeus! Do you pronounce his name Zoose or Zay-us?

Mike Sylwester said...


Mike Sylwester said...

Zeus reminds me of that "Son of Sam" dog.

I'm just trying to connect some dots here.

Michael K said...

We have a new rescued basset named, "Nick." He got a bath today.

tastid212 said...

Not just a good dog, but a great dog.

Those eyes, that smile - he’s been an observer of the human comedy all his life.

mockturtle said...

We have a new rescued basset named, "Nick." He got a bath today.

Did you other basset pass away, Michael?

FullMoon said...

Narr said... [hush]​[hide comment]

With all the excitement going on, a body forgets.

A few days ago, I went for an afternoon walk, at the beginning of what became a long, low, series of circles by the police chopper centered on our block. It was unusual mostly because it took so long. Anyway, just as I started out and looked up at the helicopter, a big bird flew directly over me not ten feet up--I couldn't tell the color, but I'm pretty sure it was
a Great or a Snowy Egret, or a Heron of some sort or other, by the wingspan and shape and the long legs out behind.

Expected a totally different ending

rhhardin said...

Youtube deleted Trump's CPAC speech. It's tempting now but I still don't want to watch it.

rcocean said...

They slow down a lot as they get older. At least ours have. Just sleeping in the sun and going for the occasional walk. Our Cat is now 75, but still fairly active and out every night doing whatever she does.

rcocean said...

basset Hounds. Has anyone called them "High Energy"?

Ann Althouse said...

“ Youtube deleted Trump's CPAC speech.”

I see many postings of it on YouTube.

rcocean said...

They deleted that Youtube video like a Dog. As trump would say.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

rcocean said...

They deleted that Youtube video like a Dog. As trump would say.


Rockport Conservative said...

A dear dog indeed. Poor sweet thing, knows he is loved.

Mark said...

And Mark...was that a Pink Panther reference?


Owen said...

You are lucky to have the company of such an obviously excellent dog. Please convey to him my warm regards as well as the question I ask all dogs: "What do dogs think?"

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Trump is not saying he requested 10,000 NG for Jan 6., but Botox Nancy declined.

Mark said...

Kirk doing his Nomad routine on Landru now.

Indigo Red said...

Happy birthday, Zeus!

I have had a few cats live with me. I have never owned any of them. Eddie the Cat is the latest to drop in and not leave. And, why should he? I pay all of his expenses and provide a warm, dry hovel. All he has to do is stay out from under my feet. He's not very good at holding up his end of the bargain, but he doesn't jump up onto the counter or beg food from my plate.

rhhardin said...

Legal Insurrection You Tube Purges Trump's Speech

Big Mike said...

Could a dog lover tell me what that knot is on his left foreleg, just above the paw? Is that something of concern?

rcocean said...


No. Trump!

Mark said...

Are you progressives proud of yourselves?

gadfly said...

This morning I pulled up behind a Honda CRV with a question displayed on the back window:

Got a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog? I had to look it up to discover this handsome hound was named after Catahoula Parish and is the State Dog of Louisiana. The first feature I noticed after the leopard markings was sad eyes.

When I looked at Zeus, I decided that all hounds have sad eyes.

We had a cat named Pooky that lived 24 years which made her 112 cat years old when she died. Pooky, of course, was the name of Garfield's Teddy Bear and and after 25 years the cartoon cat said that in dog years, he would already be dead.

donald said...

It’s basically arthritis Big Mike. My Blu has one now, not that big. Makes it difficult to walk. But yeah, his tail can still knock you down n

Skeptical Voter said...

A good old dog has a lot of wisdom; a good old dog that's a neighborhood dog is a wonderful thing. My little Heinz 57 variety 32 pound rescue dog turned 43 yesterday--in dog years. I'm hoping she will make 98.

reader said...

In my experience it’s probably a lipoma... or as my family calls it a “lab lump”.

I’m not a vet though, and I don’t play one on tv.

Flat Tire said...

Taking care of my son's black lab till Monday. He's bigger and a year younger than Zeus, much more gray. Best and most loved dog around. He's got some pills for arthritis and pain from an old Achilles tendon surgery. I forgot that I'd given him one and gave him a second one a couple months ago. He got so bouncy and playful I was afraid he would hurt himself. Wish I had some of those pills.

Meade said...

“Is that something of concern?”

Yep. His owners and their vet are keeping a close eye on that. No limping or any signs of pain or discomfort so for the time being it will simply be watched. Thanks for asking.

Unknown said...

Love the blog. First time commenter. He's a baby! Precious one too!!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mark said...

Kirk doing his Nomad routine on Landru now.

Hey! The man had a knack for being able to talk a sophisticated computer into suicide.

Mikey NTH said...

Zeus the Dog. Such a favorite and a good doggie.

Mikey NTH said...

I got a cat last January from the Humane Society. He's black and white, they named him Nor. I often call him "fuzzy-pants". We get along well, he follows me around. Likes to sleep on the top of the sofa next to the windows overlooking the backyard. Has inserted himself into on-line meetings and hearings.

Yeah, I like him.

walter said...

Between the eyes and the gray beard, Zeus is looking more and more human.

Lucien said...

98, heck, he could have lunch with Charlie Munger, but I’m not sure who would learn more.

Michael K said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
We have a new rescued basset named, "Nick." He got a bath today.

Did you other basset pass away, Michael?

Nick is our 6th. Sophie, my last one, died of Valley Fever from digging a hole in the back yard. It is a fungus endemic in CA and AZ. I've treated quite a few humans and did not even know dogs get it. They do and it is bad news. Sophie died a few days after Thanksgiving. Interestingly, I got it last summer, probably from filling the hole she dug. I would up having a lobe of my lung out as a result.

Our basset before that was Juliet who developed a rectal cancer and we had to put to sleep because she could not poop.

Winston, who I raised from a puppy, was ten when he developed metastatic cancer of the spine. Of our 6, four have been rescues.

mockturtle said...

Yes, Valley Fever is nasty. A golfing friend of ours was hospitalized for weeks after contracting it and nearly died. Luckily, my dog doesn't dig. Are you still on O2?

Mitch Sondreaal said...

Best post ever.

Birches said...

I remember when Zeus was young...I guess I've been reading for a long time.

Birches said...

Though I've never not known you married to Meade so it's not as long as many.

Bob Smith said...

Our daughters Chocolate Lab is 15 and a half. Coming to the end of the trail. Cancer. My last dog that comes to us as a pup and lives his whole life. I promised not to cry. Maybe.

Nancy said...

On a Good Dog by Ogden Nash

O, my little pup ten years ago
was arrogant and spry,
Her backbone was a bended bow
for arrows in her eye.
Her step was proud, her bark was loud,
her nose was in the sky,
But she was ten years younger then,
And so, by God, was I.

Small birds on stilts along the beach
rose up with piping cry.
And as they rose beyond her reach
I thought to see her fly.
If natural law refused her wings,
that law she would defy,
for she could do unheard-of things,
and so, at times, could I.

Ten years ago she split the air
to seize what she could spy;
Tonight she bumps against a chair,
betrayed by milky eye!
She seems to pant, Time up, time up!
My little dog must die,
And lie in dust with Hector's pup;
So, presently, must I.

Joe Smith said...

What a cutie : )

All dogs are better than all people.

Big Mike said...

@Nancy, now you have me bawling. I haven't owned a dog, but I have made the trip where I and a beloved pet go to the vet and only I come home. The poem brings back sad memories.

traditionalguy said...

Fur People love LaAlthouse.

Kathryn51 said...

Our doggie is over 100 (14 1/2) and we are beginning to have long discussions with vet - he recently told us it would be unusual for her to live to 16 years. She needs dental work and so we are digging into our pockets to go through with it and crossing fingers she comes through it okay (vet says all her blood work looks unusually good).

We've thought about putting her to sleep because of her arthritic pain, but vet only allows two people in (masked up, etc) to sit with her (in the past, all of us could be there). If we have to, it will be our adult children with her - she's been there to greet them coming home from Jr. High, High School, College, Weddings. . . . and they will be the ones giving the final good-bye. Damn, I'm tearing up just writing this.

Rory said...

My senior German Shepherd sends happy returns to Zeus.

Clark said...

Today we visited Mollie, our black lab puppy who will be coming home to us in 10 days when she is 8 weeks old. She was romping up a storm with her nine siblings. She'll have to get used to a quieter life when she gets here, but Roxie our old cavalier King Charles spaniel will love having a canine companion; and Lily our young cat will give her a run for her money in the wild play department; and Obi our old bengal will make friends with her, I predict, though he will no doubt teach her who's boss.

There is nothing so hard as saying goodbye to a beloved pet friend.

LA_Bob said...

Michael K said, "I would up having a lobe of my lung out as a result."

Did you leave a word out or misspell something? Because I'm reading that as you had part of a lung removed, and I want to make sure I understand. That would be pretty damn serious.

Old and slow said...

I just got a rescue dog (2 weeks now...) who can only be described as high energy. He appears to be a Dachshund Italian Greyhound mix. I'm not joking. Sort of a miniature version of Santa's Little Helper from The Simpsons. Probably the sweetest and the most savage animal I've ever had. He is currently wearing a plastic cone, and I suspect it won't be his last.

I was out running in the desert this afternoon along the Verde river in northern Arizona and saw an eagle, a bunch of javalina, a rattlesnake, and ran behind a roadrunner for a bit. Honestly, I could do without the rattlesnake or the javalina.

Wince said...

“A beautiful dog. A talented dog.”

- D. Trump

Deb said...

@Michael K: "Of our 6, four have been rescues." My brother and his wife have had 7 or 8 bassets over the years, all rescues. Hank and Isaac are pretty elderly now. Their German shepherd Gideon died a few days ago at 13. The next day they got another GS from Gideon's trainer, a puppy they named Mordecai.

I love that picture of Zeus - so noble and wise.

The Elder said...

I will always remember Zeus happily running circles around my backyard while my Labs laid on the deck watching him. They couldn't seem to understand what was so exciting about their own backyard. Zeus barely slowed down to get petted.

He is a good boy! (As all Labs are!)


MadisonMan said...

I came home yesterday to find that our dog had removed the weatherstripping from the bottom of the doors to outside. I guess she wanted to go out? At least it's warming up I guess.

JAORE said...

"He appears to be a Dachshund Italian Greyhound mix. I'm not joking. Sort of a miniature version of Santa's Little Helper from The Simpsons. Probably the sweetest and the most savage animal I've ever had."

Our last dog (famous last words) is a Chug (Chihuahua -Pug). Our other dog, also a rescue is Neil, a Chahuahua-Whippet (Chawhippet). Odd looking little duck. Insecure, but he has a right to be. He's been abandoned twice per the chip he carries.

I tell him he's a Rhodesian Ridge Back for his self-esteem.

TML said...

What a lovely, wonderful doggo!

Michael K said...

Blogger Bob said...
Michael K said, "I would up having a lobe of my lung out as a result."

Did you leave a word out or misspell something? Because I'm reading that as you had part of a lung removed, and I want to make sure I understand. That would be pretty damn serious.

Right middle lobe. Long story. My internist was (he is very anal and probably a Democrat) very concerned to learn what this "coin lesion" was. I told him at my age I didn't really care if it was a 1.5 cm cancer. He talked me into a needle biopsy of it and that ended up a disaster. I had to have the lobe out the next day. Air leak and bleeding.

Anyway it was coccioidomycosis, the same thing my dog died of.

RBE said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love Zeus and so happy to see him after what seems a long time.

Michael K said...

mockturtle said...
Yes, Valley Fever is nasty. A golfing friend of ours was hospitalized for weeks after contracting it and nearly died. Luckily, my dog doesn't dig. Are you still on O2?

Off and on. My exercise tolerance is lousy. I'm going to see if I can walk Nick. We have a short street (6 houses).

MacMacConnell said...

Good dog Zeus! The stories he could tell. Always enjoyed Zeus post. I prefer dogs to people.

LA_Bob said...

"Air leak and bleeding".

Yes, I did read about the disease last night. For most people it appears to be a nothing burger, but it's indistinguishable from cancer on x-ray. So sorry you had to go through that. Medicine is just not as far advanced as we'd like it to be or to think it is.

Narr said...

That's terrible, Doc K! I was not aware of any such illness.

Our little black dackel Murphy (who is about 12--a rescue by way of friends) doesn't dig nearly as much as the two previous dachshunds I've had. They could flat move some earth; the fenced dog-yard we had when I was a kid looked like Verdun in about 1916.

Murphy is the only neutered boy we've had, and it makes a difference.

All dogs go to Heaven

aglenn said...

He”s still a very sweet puppy.

jpg said...

Mine was 15. Max passed on New Year's Eve Day. Miss him.

Chuck said...

Thank you for this. And for all of the many Zeus posts through all the years. Such magnificent animals. We had a black Lab living near Spooner and Regent, not far from Zeus, when Zeus was a roaring youngster. She left us a couple of years ago. Then we had another black Lab, and now two more black Labs. Indescribably joyous.

EAB said...

Wow. Time flies. I still think of Zeus as that pup who came racing over through your backyard. What a sweet boy.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Sometimes borrowed dogs are the best.

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