March 18, 2021

"On the day the Capitol was stormed by pro-Trump rioters in January... his phone began to buzz with text messages and phone calls from friends and colleagues, predicting that Clearview AI would be critical..."

"... for identifying participants...  One of Ton-That’s salespeople called because a police officer wanted free access. 'I said we could because it was an emergency situation,' [said the chief executive of Clearview, Ton-That]. And in fact, the next day, the company saw a surge in searches from law enforcement. The F.B.I. wouldn’t discuss whether Clearview AI was being used for its investigation of the riot.... There had been a time when public opinion seemed set firmly against facial recognition. But suddenly — with people showing their faces while rampaging through the Capitol — Clearview and similar products seemed quite appealing. Ton-That and I talked on the phone just a couple of days after the riot.... While he was clearly taken aback by the events unfolding in his adopted country, he also seemed keenly aware it could demonstrate the utility of his company’s product, and perhaps sway those on the fence if it played a role in finding and punishing the people involved. 'You see a lot of detractors change their mind for a somewhat different use case,' he said. 'We’re slowly winning people over.'"

From a long NYT article, "Your Face Is Not Your Own/When a secretive start-up scraped the internet to build a facial-recognition tool, it tested a legal and ethical limit — and blew the future of privacy in America wide open."


Mike Sylwester said...

This application should be used when Black mobs break into stores to steal televisions, tennis shoes, alcohol and other merchandise.

Kevin said...

I'm happy they're finding all these people.

Otherwise there would be no proof against the fairytale they were all white supremacists being directed by Q to overthrow the government.

Kevin said...

This application should be used when Black mobs break into stores to steal televisions, tennis shoes, alcohol and other merchandise.

That's only operable in a future release.

The one that scans ideas to link them with names and addresses.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"In the past, everyone wanted their 15 minutes of fame. In the future, everyone will want their 15 minutes of anonymity."

- Banksy

tim maguire said...

"the Capitol was stormed"

"was stormed" ha! The NYT is slowly walking back their hysterics. It's not surprising that attitudes on facial recognition would change based on whether it is pointed at the public going about its business vs. at insurrectionists rioting to overthrow our government.

It's all about the marketing.

Lucid-Ideas said...

The future - for those that understand the power of these new tools - is going to be much more personally guarded. It's like these parents putting pictures of the kids up on my opinion that is criminal negligence. It's not hard for them, but for fuck's sake don't make it easy.

Nonapod said...

'You see a lot of detractors change their mind for a somewhat different use case

It grimmly facinating to watch all those supposed proponants of privacy and civil liberties suddenly become all authoritarian when the "use case" is rounding up a few recalcitrant Trump supporters.

Facial recognition is here to stay. It's just too powerful a tool for it not to be used.

Michael K said...

Why do you think ANTIFA wear masks ? There used to be a law, ma KKK law I think it was called, that banned the wearing of masks in public. That was pre-Biden, of course.

Howard said...

Every time your people fuck up, you're excuse is what about the Blacks. Keep it up, it's a winner... for Democrats.

Tom T. said...

So they don't know if it was used, but maybe this is going to be important? Come back when there's actually a story to report.

Dave Begley said...

The Dems are following the CCP model. And it is working!

Tom Friedman was correct. The Chinese way is the best way. Government gets stuff done efficiently.

The 1-6 people were stupid. They should have worn masks like Antifa does.

Face it, Althouse community: We are fucked if the filibuster is eliminated and HR1 passes.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“We’re slowly winning people over.”

Uh no you’re not. Publicity like this would have killed this start up under say Bush II. But not today when all tools belong to the State and must serve the State. Fascists.

Howard said...

You people keep fucking yourselves, David B. The Democrats are just greasing the slide you climbed on to.

No one respects Charlie Brown

wild chicken said...

Teach 'em not to wear a mask lol

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Can anyone translate Howard’s bleat into English?

Owen said...

Anonymity is going to become expensive. The rich and powerful have always had to work the paradox —being prominent and rare and often treated as celebrities, but wanting privacy and buying it with private travel, bodyguards, walled estates, servants under NDAs. They will continue to do so, but most of us out here in the mob of the unwashed will have less and less privacy. Between our smartphones leaving digital droppings everywhere and our cars using EZ Pass (and cameras on every light pole), we can forget about disappearing into the crowd.

I wonder how many petabytes of video are being collected and analyzed and stored. It must be a stunning load on the grids, both digital and electrical.

wild chicken said...

I hear these apps have more trouble IDing black faces for some reason

Inga said...

“I'm happy they're finding all these people.

Otherwise there would be no proof against the fairytale they were all white supremacists being directed by Q to overthrow the government.”

It will also prove that these rioters weren’t Antifa masquerading as MAGAs.

Mike Sylwester said...

Can anyone translate Howard’s bleat into English?

Howard is concerned that we are harming our own cause.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Face it, Althouse community: We are fucked if the filibuster is eliminated and HR1 passes.

True enough. But if 1/6 was unexpected and a violent spontaneous reaction to the Big Steal of 2020 then what are us deplorables likely to do when HR1 californicates elections nationwide in 2022 or 2024?

Owen said...

wild chicken @ 9:54: “...more trouble IDing black faces...”. Racist cameras!

But it does invite the notion that white folks could try to reduce the intelligibility of their image by wearing make-up. Would that be illegal? Would it be racist, putting on Blockface to frustrate the camera?

Jack Klompus said...

"Can anyone translate Howard’s bleat into English?"

It's a sophisticated take from a highly-educated Marine and Nitschke scholar. Us rubes wouldn't understand.

Inga said...

“But if 1/6 was unexpected and a violent spontaneous reaction to the Big Steal of 2020 then what are us deplorables likely to do when HR1 californicates elections nationwide in 2022 or 2024?”

Maybe that’s why the fence around the Capitol and NG presence will likely be permanent.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You endorse that fence Inga?

Wince said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Can anyone translate Howard’s bleat into English?

"Surrender Dorothy."

JAORE said...

Why do you think ANTIFA wear masks ? There used to be a law, ma KKK law I think it was called, that banned the wearing of masks in public.

Alabama still has that type of law. Quite some time ago Antifa (or wanna bees) tried a masked protest in Auburn, Alabama. The cops met them going in and told them go ahead AFTER you get rid of the masks.

End of protest. End of story.

Of course now we have Covid masks as an excuse.

JAORE said...

"Can anyone translate Howard’s bleat into English?"

Please don't.

Sam L. said...

I trust NOTHING the NYT prints.

DavidUW said...

The only good reason to keep wearing masks. heh.

chuck said...

There is no privacy, hasn't been for a while.

gilbar said...

it's Not just Fine that the government has this; it's GREAT that the government has this
After all, it's NOT like we're talking about the Fascist TRUMP admin having it
(That Would be BAD!)
But, the Biden FBI! It's GOOD! It's GOOD For Big Brother to Know All

gilbar said...

Anyone that objects to searches and seizures, OBVIOUSLY has something to hide!
Something subversive! Something for INSURRECTION!!!!

Joe Smith said...

I predict a run on 'Groucho' glasses...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

JAORE said...

Alabama still has that type of law. Quite some time ago Antifa (or wanna bees) tried a masked protest in Auburn, Alabama. The cops met them going in and told them go ahead AFTER you get rid of the masks.

All the Southern states have that law as do most Midwestern states (because y'all don't like to talk about it, but the KKK was huge in the Midwest c. 1900 - 1920).

California had an anti-mask law, but repealed it after the Iranian Revolution so Iranian ex-pats in LA could protest without endangering any family members still living in Iran. Oregon has never had an anti-mask law, which is why (along with their gutless lefty politicians) they have a mess when it comes to Antifa.

narciso said...

Try again

Sebastian said...

"Your Face Is Not Your Own"

Actually, under the prog regime, nothing is.

Except unborn whatevers -- they are women's own, to be disposed of as they wish.

Joe Smith said...

"I wonder how many petabytes of video are being collected and analyzed and stored. It must be a stunning load on the grids, both digital and electrical."

And all of it has a detrimental effect on the environment. Those server farms don't cool themselves...

n.n said...

The day dozens of pro-Trump people were invited, and anti-Trimp protesters stormed the capitol wielding, abusing our national flag. This, after more than 16 trimesters of the press, social platforms, steering engines, Democrat-affiliated rackets, and Democrat politicians inciting insurrections across our nation.

Howard said...

Mike S. You are more right than you know. Having an intact rational functioning opposition to the Democrats is a good thing. The crazy cult is destroying the Republicans.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The day that the press lied, Democrats gerrymandered the vote, congress took a knee, and an unarmed woman Ashli Babbitt died in a shoot to kill event.

Inga said...

“You endorse that fence Inga?”

No. It’s an awful eyesore and casts a pall on a free and welcoming Capitol. However, if people are going to go wild and riot in the Capitol every time they don’t like what the majority party does, then I guess it’s a way to protect our elected leaders.

Joe Smith said...

"...then I guess it’s a way to protect our elected leaders."

They are our employees.

n.n said...

"...then I guess it’s a way to protect our elected leaders."

They are our employees.

The bureaucrats are our employees. Our elected leaders are our servants.

Howard said...

Good point Joe. As employees, let OSHA design the congressional fences. Or was your point it's okay to shit on employees?

n.n said...

"video are being collected and analyzed and stored"

And all of it has a detrimental effect on the environment. Those server farms don't cool themselves...

Send in the electronic money, too.

Cooling... warming... redistributive change and energy that could have been used to heat [unPlanned] granny's home.

Can they abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too?

Joe Smith said...

Nobody should shit on employees.

But employees shouldn't be driving any agendas.

Employees that make unreasonable demands should be fired.

Unfortunately there are too many people like you who will keep voting for other people to control them.

Right now, the Capitol fence is unreasonable.

But you can't grasp this because your mind craves approval and direction from others, and government statism fits that bill nicely with you.

In other words, you are a sheep seeking the shepherd of big brother.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Tom Friedman was correct. The Chinese way is the best way. Government gets stuff done efficiently.”

Except that it doesn’t work that way. There was a joke, I believe in the Soviet Union, that the government pretended to pay the workers, and the workers pretended to work. Hasn’t really changed with the ChiComs. Most likely cause of the release of the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus from (very likely) a virology lab in Wuhan, is gross negligence. It’s not clear whether the release was from the Bio Safety Level 4 lab 20 miles from the Wuhan fresh market, where it was first publicly identified, from a Level-2 lab right by the fresh market, or from a third, PLA virology lab. You would think that the Level 2 lab would make more sense, because of its proximity to the initial outbreak - except they shouldn’t have been doing that sort of research at a Level 2 lab. Employees had been caught selling lab animals, that should have been destroyed for bio safety, at the fresh market. That became a less plausible theory, when gene sequencing of the virus showed that it probably had not recently crossed the species boundary.

The point is that gross negligence is a way of life in industries in communist countries. Chernobyl, Wuhan, etc. Workers in communist countries don’t tend to work hard, nor do they work carefully.

Howard said...

Well Joe, there's 2022 and you people can reclaim the people's house on an anti-fence pro-wall platform. Right now those duly elected employees are merely exercising their constitutionally mandated powers. Work harder next time, loser.

gadfly said...

I was looking for the oft-repeated question about who killed Ashli Babbitt. The answer not given was was "The Department of Defense cadre of recent Trump appointees."

The timeline clearly pinpoints blame.

1:49PM - Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund asked DC National Guard Commander, Gen. William Walker for help. Walker said he "immediately" alerted Army senior leadership of the request and ordered 200 troops loaded onto buses in order to immediately react to awaited orders to intervene which could be accomplished in about 20 minutes.

2:15PM- The breaking of windows to permit entry into the Rotunda began.

2:40PM - Ashli Babbitt and others were attempting to breach a barricaded door inside the Capitol building, angrily demanding that three U.S. Capitol Police officers who were guarding the door step aside, one video clip shows. The officers moved away as colleagues in tactical gear arrived behind the rioters as shown on video. Roughly 35 seconds after the officers moved away, as she climbed up toward a broken section of the unguarded door at 2:44PM, Babbitt was shot by an officer on the other side.

5:08PM - General Walker was finally given required approval from then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller — "3 hours and 19 minutes later."

5:20PM - National Guard troops arrived at the Capitol.

Gen Walker testified that the brother of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, General Charles Flynn (who should have been excluded from the meeting) was among those concerned about the "optics" of the military response to the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. Michael Flynn, a convicted liar in the service of foreign governments (paid by Turkey and Russia), encouraged Trump to conduct a coup to retain the presidency after Trump pardoned him.

Joe Smith said...

Fuck off Howard. Stupid and boring is no what to go through life.

And if you cocksuckers don't rig the election then 'my side' will win.

Again, fuck off.

Howard said...

Joe is commiting assault with a dead weapon.

Bunkypotatohead said...

"I hear these apps have more trouble IDing black faces for some reason"

They all look alike.

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