"... according to the people CNN spoke with about the dog's demeanor at the White House."
From "Biden's German Shepherd has aggressive incident and is sent back to Delaware" (CNN). We talked about this yesterday, with the same link, but this is newly updated, published just a few minutes ago. What I've quoted was not part of the article yesterday.
Also new:
Psaki at Tuesday's press briefing said the trip to Delaware by the family dogs was "previously planned already," and that they were being cared for there by "family friends." Psaki did not say when exactly the dogs might return to the White House, only that it will be "soon." The first lady departed Monday afternoon for a two-day trip to Washington and California to visit military bases and is expected to return to the White House on Wednesday.
First, I don't believe Psaki. Second, notice that last sentence and what it indicates that is not said directly: The dog is Jill's. But they certainly dearly want us to believe that Biden is a man with dogs.
Remember when Barbra Streisand criticized Trump for not having a dog: "How does the president not have a dog? He’s the first president in 120 years that doesn’t have a dog in the White House."
Trump's reaction was that it would be phony for him to be walking around the White House with a dog.
The explanation came amid an extended riff about the superior abilities of German shepherds to sniff out drugs being smuggled across the border. “You do love your dogs, don’t you?” Trump said, as the crowd whistled and cheered. “I wouldn’t mind having one, honestly, but I don’t have any time. How would I look walking a dog on the White House lawn?”
“I don’t know, I don’t feel good,” he said. “Feels a little phony to me.” A lot of people had told him to get a dog because it would look good politically, he added, but he hadn’t felt the need because “that’s not the relationship I have with my people.”
But it is, apparently, the relationship Biden has with the people — whoever they are — who are his. The dog, however, didn't get the memo.
I wonder if White House staff went to Human Resources with concerns about how they were being treated by the dog?
So, why didn't Biden have a dog BEFORE. Or a cat BEFORE. He has a YUGE estate, with plenty of room for both. But once he steals an election and gets installed, he has tow BIG dogs that aren't properly trained.
Why didn't the staff have the dogs on a leash? after all Biden is on a leash.
Biden obviously doesn't care about the dog.
It is a tool.
The people around him don't give a shit about the dog.
It is a tool.
This regime is just full of terrible people.
Btw, thanks dumbshit Democrats for giving us a POTUS who's senile and 78 years old and unfit to be POTUS. Of course, we know you don't care. As long as he has a (D) after his name, everything's cool.
And Bill Clinton's dog didn't kill himself. Just like Epstein.
1. The dog is a rescue dog that has probably already a lot of behavioral problems.
2. The dog is "owned" by people who don't have the ability, knowledge, or time to discipline and train a problem dog.
3. The dog(s) are handled by strangers, paid employees, who work for the Bidens. This is chaotic and confuses the dog.
4. The dog(s) are photo ops and disposable.
5. Trump is the only honest and responsible person in this scenario because he recognizes that he doesn't have the time to take care of a dog and it is dishonest because the dog would be just a prop.
Can we be done with the dogs now?
Handlers concerned with presidential canine optics would never admit a president was injured when attacked by his own dog.
Hence the shower scenario.
First Hunter, now the dog.
The juxtaposition between Trump and Biden could not be more clear.
Trump would not put a dog in a position like that. He actually cares about the people and entities around him and treats them well.
Biden doesn't give a shit. Neither did Obama. They treat people around them like shit too. Biden had a reporter thrown in a closet for god's sake.
But the people that support Obama/Biden want to be lied to.
First, I don't believe Psaki.
A statement appropriate for all occasions.
Uday "Hunter" Biden will take good care of the dog in Delaware.
As I understand it, one of the dogs is 12 or 13 years old. Major, the "biter" is 3 and recently acquired. Both have been banished to the Gulag in Delaware. If you want a President with a truly phony relationship with a dog see Obama and "Bo". The only picture I've seen that has Barack and Bo in it has Bo on a leash running away and Barack being pulled along. There's no doubt which critter is in control in that picture. No jokes about the only kind of dog that Barack likes is on a plate--not me anyway. But the picture surely proved that there was no relationship between Bo and his putative owner.
But Biden could build a relationship with his 13 or 14 year old German Shepherd--they're both old, don't know where they are, somewhat blind and tend to stumble around the house.
The trip was already planned? For DOGS? Who sends dogs on a freaking trip by themselves? Especially when you’ve only had them for a few months? Especially when they just moved into a brand new house? Dogs need consistency and training, not a vacation from the stresses of dog life. How dumb do they they we are to believe this garbage? How dumb do they think we are? (I know the answer, but still...it’s maddening).
It's pretty obvious that these dogs were/are presidential props. Even the choice of breed was probably carefully considered. They went with a larger breed over a lap or toy beed. And perhaps there's some perception of GSDs being even more manly than something like a golden retriever? And of course they had to be shelter rescues.
First, I don't believe Psaki.
Althouse disbelieves a woman?!? Revoke her feminist credentials!
Meanwhile I agree with DBQ.
It's getting warmer, but a little early to celebrate the dog days.
Serious Questions ('cause, i honestly Don't Know)
How long have the Biden's had these dogs?
Did they (ever) have dogs before them?
What does it say, about a senile piece of sh*t figurehead; that he'd get dogs for his 'election', then DUMP them?
[actually, that last one is just rhetorical]
They sent the dogs to Delaware, because they didn't want Joe to pull it's tail again and get another bite.
Except for Trump, there have been dogs in the White House for 120 continuous years? Is there even 1 photo of the president picking up dog poop? Feeding, brushing, bathing the dog? Yeah, they're all such dog people.
Euthanasia in 3...2...1...(the dog, not Joe).
“Agitated.” Heh. I called that in responding to your March 9 post about the dog. It’s only a matter of time before Biden becomes agitated and is sent back to Maryland.
The whole thing is a Potemkin Village through and through.
By the way, can anyone explain why Dr Jill Biden is visiting military bases? Just one good fucking reason for that? My God. She should be reading Dr. Seuss to 5 year olds and nothing more.
The collateral damage here is that some people will shy away from rescue dogs because such a big deal was made of his status.
That Trump quote makes me miss him. He was always at his best when his humor was honest about himself (ie, his hair jokes).
I always thought the press and peoples fawning all over Obama was too “the Emperor has no clothes” for me. Like watching a train wreck. So surreal. Do these people really believe he is anything he claims to be?
With Biden it’s even worse, because it’s so obvious that he is an empty shell of a man. Like watching grandpa stumble out of his room in his boxers looking for his car keys cause he’s going golfing with his buddies...
Except all his buddies are dead, we haven’t let him drive in years and he never played golf.
So f’ing sad, really. And not a single member of the MSM or the Dem party will admit anything is off with Biden. Not a thing.
No honesty at all. Total propaganda.
What about the Biden grand-children. Legacy-D hack press not interested in Biden's grand-children.
Why not?
By the way, can anyone explain why Dr Jill Biden is visiting military bases? Just one good fucking reason for that? My God. She should be reading Dr. Seuss to 5 year olds and nothing more.
Whoops ! Good thing you are using a pseudonym. There is no doubt a file on everyone who comments on this.
"Remember the old Russian proverb: "Three men sit down to talk about revolution. Two are police informants, and the third is a fool."
The Biden's can't even train a dog.
Rescue dogs in particular need to be placed in a relatively serene environment since their background is unknown. The White House was never the place for a rescue, as quaint an indicator such as first rescue dog in the White House is...
What are you talking about? Dr. Jill Biden should be Surgeon General. She’s a phenomenal Doctor!
"How long have the Biden's had these dogs?"
Wikipedia, about the elder dog Champ:
"Joe Biden promised his wife he would purchase a dog after the 2008 presidential election should Barack Obama manage to win the race. Jill Biden taped different pictures of dogs on seats of Biden's campaign plane for him to see. He purchased the dog as a puppy from a breeder in Pennsylvania, and it was named Champ (born October 2008) by his granddaughters."
I'll let that stand, except to say that I doubt that 2008 Joe Biden paid cash money for a puppy.
" The first lady departed Monday afternoon for a two-day trip to Washington and California to visit military bases and is expected to return to the White House on Wednesday. "
Slow Joe is less active than President Harrison at this point in their respective terms.
"sent back to Delaware"
Is this the same as when my mom sent our misbehaving dog "to live on a farm with a nice family?"
Screw the squirrels, er dogs, and close the effing border and do a press conference. I want to know why 6.4% of the "migrants" who are entering on the southern border are Covid positive but still released to get on buses and carry their disease to the four corners of the US. Not that anyone would ask him or he would know anything about it.
"Surgeon General"
A surgeon AND a general. So, military bases.
Anyone else drawing any comparisons between Meghan Markle (and her “Married to a Prince and still oppressed” attitude) and Kamala Harris (“how the fuck could I be VP to Grampa Joe? I wanna be Madam President, and I want it now!” )
CTRL-F “pulled the dog’s tail” returned zero results. Weird.
Damn Dog!!! https://nypost.com/2020/12/03/biden-says-he-broke-foot-after-shower-when-he-pulled-dogs-tail/
If the dog bites, then it was learned from the owner.
If Trump had had a dog Meghan would have told Oprah that it bit her and the Royal Family wouldn't pay for the rabies treatment.
The first lady departed
That should be "Doctor First Lady departed...".
"...[T]he trip to Delaware by the family dogs was "previously planned already...."
To be clear, the trip was previously planned already beforehand in advance.
When does the Pony part of this show start?
Ah Fakedoctor Jill and her Imelda “I'm reviewing the troops!” Marcos vibe nauseate me. I really cant decide if she or pisshockey is the ugliest human other than joe in this story. Ugly mean lying people. “Ugly” in the attitudinal sense of course.
My favorite Presidential dog story comes from the Wikipedia entry on the Clinton's dog Buddy. It says the was hit by a car while "playfully chasing a contractor". I'm sure the poor girl never envisioned that happening when she signed on at the escort service!
all Clinton bad news is a happy coincidence.
Bad optics for Joe "Bite'n" Biden to have police dogs attacking innocent people.
My only curiosity about this story is who it was the dog bit. I know it was a Secret Service agent. But the optics of Biden's German shepherd perhaps biting a minority are irresistibly bad and would explain the instant banishment. Sounds like a secret the media isn't sure yet it wants to reveal.
I would hope that Dr. Biden is not "reviewing the troops" or, for that matter, discussing troop training and deployment.
However, to be fair, working with military families was her signature issue as wife of the VP and, from what I have read, she was personally committed to it.
I am more familiar with cats and cannot imagine allowing a cat who had lived with me for years be "sent away" near the end of her life. But dogs are more pack animals so perhaps Champ is more comfortable with Major than with the Bidens?
A dog is a bad idea when you're a golfer because your tee time is during dog time. Trump is being a responsible non dog owner...
You know what other Democrat had National Socialist (NAZI) dogs that liked to bite people?
Bull Connor of Birmingham
Duck or Bing "bull Connor dogs" to see pictures of his dogs biting people. Esp Black people
John Henry
I have a couple of theories:
Either the dog kept imitating its owner and humping the legs of any ChiCom who dropped by, OR
It mistakenly thought Romney was attacking its owner (when in reality Mitt was only performing a Lewinski-esque act on Biden), and gave poor Mittens the black eye and stitches.
Scott Adams asked if we know the race of the bitten person?
Black? Jewish?
Is Joe's national socialist German attack dog racist? Or is it an equal opportunity biter?
John Henry
Remember when Ted Cruz left his dog? I do.
Also, what do you expect to happen with a dog where people *pull his tail?*
It's said that dogs' sensory suites are so subtle they can even spot phonies a mile away and downwind.
The poor dog was lashing out at the racism and phoniness all around him. And the dog recognized the general infirmity of his master and his protective nature kicked in. The dog knows Biden will be chased out of the hyena pack and left to fend for himself.
I think Dr Biden is working on the body armor and flight suits for pregnant military.
She's out interviewing pregnant male and female troops.
John Henry
"It's said that dogs' sensory suites are so subtle they can even spot phonies a mile away and downwind."
-- A lot of women I know say that if a dog reacts badly to a man, they are automatically on guard. For a long time I thought that was silly, but then I realized... they've been right. Dogs tend to like people who are nice. So, I think that maybe dogs are just better at reading body language than people.
This is the excuse Biden needs to resign. To spend more (any) time with his dogs. Leaving on a high note. America would love him again.
So the poor behavior in the 3 year old is the 3 year old's faults?
One more reason Education needs to be defederalized.
Biden had at least 1 German Shepherd Dog when he became VP. A member of the German Shepherd Rescue organization I belonged to suggested that this high profile was wonderful for the breed. She was promptly shut down by members pointing out that GSDs are not fashion accessories, require more owner involvement than a nitwit expects, and will likely result in more GSDs requiring rescue.
He is too decrepit to handle the dog.
John henry said...
"Scott Adams asked if we know the race of the bitten person?
Black? Jewish?
Is Joe's national socialist German attack dog racist? Or is it an equal opportunity biter?
John Henry"
Something Something, Dogs have a very empathetic relationship with their owners. Something Something President Biden walking around the White House in a regularly confused state caused the empathetic dog to develop it's own anxiety and act out.
Roy Edroso Retweeted
Middle Age Riot
Donald Trump causes the death of 500,000 Americans.
Joe Biden's dog nips a Secret Service agent.
Republicans: "Put it to sleep!"
Is 'sent back to Delaware' a euphemism?
Wait -- has anyone said to put the dog to sleep? I think most Republicans have been on the dog's side that it was treated poorly.
It would be really nice if the two dogs could find a forever home with humans that love them and will care for them for the rest of their days and not use them as political props. One can hope.
Now if the current administration really thinks they need dogs as props, I am quite certain that they can find a few true believers that will be more than happy to dress up as what ever breed of dog is desired and do all of the photo ops needed. There are lots of folks who like to pretend to be dogs, dress and act the part, and I'll bet most identify as progressives. It would be a win-win and further the admins goal of 'equity'.
"Is Joe's national socialist German attack dog racist? Or is it an equal opportunity biter?"
Democrats have been known to use German Shepherds to attack and terrorize blacks.
Firehoses and truncheons were used for that purpose too.
So Joe having a racist dog wouldn't surprise me.
"Donald Trump causes the death of 500,000 Americans"?
No western country that isn't a goddamn island has "stopped COVID". Europe sure as f!$# hasn't. Look at Germany's curve, bucko.
The idea that "nobody would have died if not for THE PRESIDENT!!!!!!" is ludicrously stupid and indefensible.
If Clinton had won in 2016 not a goddamn thing would be different except, perhaps, for some people not "refusing to go along with what the Feds get right, just because the President is a big meanie poohead badman".
And frankly that last part ain't the President's "cause", it's the people being stupid to score points and performatively reject The Other.
"If Clinton had won in 2016 not a goddamn thing would be different except, perhaps, for some people not "refusing to go along with what the Feds get right, just because the President is a big meanie poohead badman".
-- Would we have shut down under Clinton is a real question I have, given how cavalier Pelosi and Biden were at the start of the pandemic.
"First, I don't believe Psaki."
Query: Was there ever a time during Kayleigh McEnany's nine months of BS ("The president never downplayed the virus") where The Old Professor stated "I don't believe her"?
Joe Biden's dog nips a Secret Service agent.
Republicans: "Put it to sleep!"
I am trying to avoid the crazies here but, my fourth rescue dog is sleeping at my feet. Of course it is a basset hound and Democrats never used bassets to attack black people.
People love their dogs, especially in our culture.
Psaki is a twit, worst spokesperson I can recall. "Previously planned already" redundant and dumb - why in the world would she, and they, be working to obscure or cover up what happened?
I have it on good authority that Major will be returning to the White House around the same time Durham delivers his investigation report.
A find by Greenwald:
Glenn Greenwald
Ah, forgot about this.
There's always a tweet.
Quote Tweet
Hillary Clinton
· 19 Feb
Don't vote for anyone you wouldn't trust with your dog.
Dogs by their nature tend to emulate their owners. I guess Biden can get a bit snippy at times.
I feel obligated to say:
You know who else had a dog?
Don't make me have to do this again.
Classic Seinfeld meme: "It's not a lie if you believe it."
Actually, it's not a lie unless somebody doesn't believe it.
What I mean is that it's things that people can obviously see through that get labeled as lies, even if they are only just transparent efforts to put a positive face on things. The more dangerous lies are the ones people believe or don't want to examine.
The real estate tycoon's claims that he had the biggest inauguration crowd is easy to see though and easily dismissed as hyperbole. Other lies aren't recognized as such and aren't dismissed.
Politico 2010: "The sudden firing of McChrystal — whose staff, according to Rolling Stone, nicknamed Biden “Joe Bite Me” ....
Made me laugh.
In other words the dog is a German shepherd. There are people who love them, but you better be up to the task if you are going to adopt one.
Too bad it wasn’t Trump’s dog because we could go on and on about how Hitler owned a German shepherd, so some closely related breed, IDK, and it could have been proof that Trump was a Nazi.
Anybody who has ever actually owned a dog knows that it takes a whole lot of time and attention to train and earn the respect of the dog.
Any president's dog is a pure prop-it might be his family's dog, but it isn't his. He doesn't have the time.
"A lot of women I know say that if a dog reacts badly to a man, they are automatically on guard."
My German Shepherd has met probably different 10,000 people in the last 8 years. He's growled at one: a young guy who was trying to fool the girl he was with into thinking he was some kind of dog whisperer. I just said to her, "I've never seen him do that before."
Ironically, Biden's petting peccadillo would go along way to improving the animal's confidence and behavior.
Isn’t it funny. Trump has been the most transparent, most law-abiding, most honest politician in my lifetime.
The democrat media after four years should NEVER be believed again. Same goes for the DOJ, Supreme Court, FBI and the CIA.
They’re literally shat all over themselves.
I read that Joe asked Jill to oversee the reunification of illegal immigrant families.
She's probably out West looking at and evaluating military posts as housing for the hordes
of migrants who have crossed the border.
Who else is more qualified to put in charge than his wife?
I read that Joe asked Jill to oversee the reunification of illegal immigrant families.
She's probably out West looking at and evaluating military posts as housing for the hordes
of migrants who have crossed the border.
Who else is more qualified to put in charge than his wife?
"First, I don't believe Psaki. Second, notice that last sentence and what it indicates that is not said directly: The dog is Jill's."
I believe Psaki. They're afraid to leave the old man alone with the dogs.
I have an eight-year-old German shepherd dog. Her father was flown in from Germany to breed with her mother at a place over in Wisconsin that specializes in this. Her father's bloodline can be traced directly via males only all the way up to on of the original six males used to establish the breed in mid-19th century Germany, nearly a century before the breed was recognized here in the USA. She was bred specifically for sheepherders who need dogs. No hip-dysplasia as one sees in the GSDs raised for show. An incredibly expensive dog, but well worth it.
I worked very hard with her as a pup. Trained her to be an inner-city service dog. She knows at least 60 commands in multiple languages in addition hand-signals and sounds. Even taught her differentiation -- she gets the specific toy you ask for and also goes into the specific rooms she is told to enter (e.g., Bedroom! Kitchen! Porch!, etc.). Exceptionally bright to the point where she can pick up on my tells when even I can't figure out what they are.
She's been to outdoor restaurants and concerts and has never hut anyone. She behaves so well! And if she knows who you are, she is the sweetest dog ever that will protect you with her life. Love my kitties so sweetly too. A joy to watch them play together.
However, if she does not know who you are and perceives you as a threat, she will kill you quick.
Perhaps Biden's GSD sensed something amiss in its master's entourage.
Biden's dog killed Brian Sicknick in the basement of the Capitol. This is all one big cover up. Connect the dots!
I’m not near as worried about the dog as I am about the military buildup in the Middle East and the press silence about same. Six B-52’s to Diego Garcia? ten thousand troops in place? Rumors abound.
Except for Trump, there have been dogs in the White House for 120 continuous years? Is there even 1 photo of the president picking up dog poop? Feeding, brushing, bathing the dog? Yeah, they're all such dog people.
Why yes.
the military buildup in the Middle East and the press silence about same
Saving Obama's legacy, a return to the status quo: wars without borders, transnational terrorism, and [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
Trump has been the most transparent, most law-abiding, most honest politician in my lifetime.
A model of anti-fascism, many will complain, in the midst of Antifa.
The Democrats are bailing out their states' debts with trillions of future generations' wealth, and we're talking about a dog.
A dog that bites is a dog that bites.
We have owned seven loving dogs, six of them rescues. But a three-year-old German Shepherd that displays that behavior is not likely to change; controlling him tightly is the only way to avoid further incidents.
In your prior post on this subject, you stated the dog had been banished (sic) to...."the oblivion of Delaware".
What makes Delaware an oblivion? A slur! Midwestern snobbery against the East Coast? Or, am I missing the context in which this was said?
I thought that Delaware was just an excuse to have a toll booth on I-95.
Its the base for most major corporations specially financial.
Is there even 1 photo of the president picking up dog poop? Feeding, brushing, bathing the dog? Yeah, they're all such dog people.
There’s a photo of Lyndon Johnson holding his beagle by the ears “to make it yelp.” Does that count?
tim in vermont: Delaware is often overlooked, but I guess that's just the way they like it. Delaware should be on everyone's list if you're doing a coastal tour. The Chesapeake Bay is spectacular. They are a bit Republican in their voting, sometimes. When I was there in 2016, lot's of lawn signs for Trump. I'm sure it wasn't like that in 2020, however.
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