March 10, 2021

"'I went to human resources, and I said, "I just really - I need help,"' says Meghan, adding that her request was denied since she is not a 'paid employee of the institution.'"

"'There's no HR department for working royals because it's a family affair,' says BBC royal correspondent Jonny Dymond. But there is an HR manager for lower level royal staff and the household, as set out on the Buckingham Palace website. Just not for senior household or staff. Buckingham Palace says the HR department recently launched an investigation into Meghan over claims, which she denies, that she bullied several staff members into quitting. It has not responded to the allegation that the same department refused to help her."

From "Meghan and Harry: Questions the US had about Oprah interview" (BBC).


Duke Dan said...

But she is so inspiring

MadisonMan said...

I rolled my eyes at that, the way she asked it, as if she's entitled to help.
She made it all about herself. A better way to have asked, IMO: What kind of resources do you supply to workers who need psychiatric help?

Roughcoat said...

Get thee to a nunnery.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Absolute trash. And oh yeah, if you really want to turn your creepo-meter to 11, look up how she likes to dress like Diana.

Yeah...nothing to see here. Move along.

Lucid-Ideas said...

At least Wallace Simpson never pretended she was anything but a socialite. Up to her last days she played the 'I got me a prince' role perfectly, and it was pretty apparent that was always what she wanted. Playing royal would've been a nice bonus, but that wasn't her end game.

Hollywood royalty is a million times worse.

D.D. Driver said...

Whenever I go to my family HR department she tries to guilt me into seeing a doctor, reminds me that I need to do the taxes, and also its time to clean out the garage.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Do you think she is intelligent? She sounded smart in a few clips I saw. But you have to really wonder if she is just plain stunod.

tcrosse said...

A bit of amateur psychoanalysis from the Telegraph:
"It makes you wonder: did Meghan see a Diana-shaped hole in the monarchy and try to fill it? Is that what Prince Harry wanted? His elder brother plainly recognised that he needed emotional stability – and Kate, with her solid middle-class family, provided it – but Harry sought out a woman as emotionally needy as his mother. Does he see himself as “saving” his wife because he was not able to protect his mother?"

Quayle said...

The constant unconscious search for God to step in and right the wrongs. (And there indeed may have been wrongs.) But when you've elected to not believe in God - or to not believe in a God that is presently active in each persons life, and that will set things arite in due time - you look around for the next nearest authority to which you can complain and petition for justice.

And no surprise that there are a lot of people willing to step up and tell you they will fix your problems, if only you'll put them in power or give them your money so they can do it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What did she want help "with"? What did she expect the Human Resources Department, which deals with employees, to actually do? She isn't an employee. Her problems are not those that the HR Dept can deal with.

She is an entitled twat. The stereotypical Karen, demanding to speak to the manager because she didn't get the boot licking treatment she deserves. How dare everyone not cater to her every whim! Don't they know who she IS!!!!

Iman said...

That woman is a model that requires high maintenance.

Quayle said...

"...demanding to speak to the manager..."

I thought Oprah was the HR manager. Or at least the de facto HR Manager in the US.

Sebastian said...

People! Always remember the hot-crazy matrix!

John henry said...

Maybe it's different in England but in the us the hr response would be absolutely correct. She is NOT in any way an employee.

Hr should just tell her to go away.

And what about England's terrific national health service? She can't use that?

Or, she has enough money she could pay for it herself, no?

And if privacy is an issue then do it in the us where HIPAA laws protect her privacy.

Fuck you princess.

John Henry

Static Ping said...

To the woke, there is no higher status than to be a victim. If you are not the victim, then you must manufacture the status however you can, no matter how absurd.

Ironically, it is this sort of thinking that has produced an epidemic of pampered rich kids feeling perfectly justified crapping all over coal miners.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
What did she want help "with"? What did she expect the Human Resources Department, which deals with employees, to actually do?

I haven't really followed this much. And obviously I don't know the Duchess. So this is just wild speculation. But I'm speculating that maybe she was kind of mistreating some staff and being a bully. And then she sensed she had crossed the boundaries of acceptable behaviour (U added out of respect for British Royalty). And she is the kind of person who when they have done something wrong feels a strong need to have something they can complain about being a victim of, so she went there wanting to try to establish that she was a victim too.

Sebastian said...

If Markle can play the race card against the queen, it means no one is safe.

If a rich, privileged half-black actress can smear one of the most powerful families in the world with charges of racism, it tells all other families that they face at least equal risks from anyone of another race who can play the race card against them.

paminwi said...

Please! She went to HR? If you watched she says something to the effect: everywhere I worked I had a union for support. How much you want to bet if she had hung around she would have tried to unionize the staff?
Plus, Harry inherited millions from his mother. Have these entitled brats ever thought of paying for help with their own money?
Insufferable idiots.

DanTheMan said...

A princess... actual royalty... goes to the HR department???

What did she expect to happen? That they would call in Queen Elizabeth and give her some "coaching"?

She should be renamed "Princess Karen".

The implication is that the "HR department" is now seen as the absolute authority...

Fernandinande said...

In days of Olde the Royal HR Department was known as The Executioner.

Michael K said...

Blogger Sebastian said...
People! Always remember the hot-crazy matrix!

Bingo !

Aggie said...

The game all along has been Meghan aggrandizing herself by the size of the damage inflicted. Same as Colin K. Unable to compete at their chosen professions, but still craving the crowd's attention, another strategy is chosen. I bet they both think of themselves as 'creative'.

DanTheMan said...

>>In days of Olde the Royal HR Department was known as The Executioner.

Days of Olde? How about today. In corporate America "I'm going to HR!" is pretty much the same as "I'm trying to get you fired!"

Granted, your head stays attached, so there is that...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

It all gets even stupider when you realize that Kate and William created a foundation that is dedicated to mental health. And that the motivator was William seeing that Harry needed some counseling for anger issues when he was in his early twenties and helped him get it.

h said...

Where's the National Health Service when you need it?

Ray - SoCal said...

Very perceptive...

>Blogger Sebastian said...
>If Markle can play the race card against the queen, it means no one is safe.

Lawrence Person said...

Why does anyone in America pretend these people are important?


Stop shoving these unaccomplished royal nonentities down our throats.

rcocean said...

Hello? She's worth millions of pounds. She's married to a Prince. She could have gotten her own damn psychiatric and had one visit her. This is so unbelievable. And so what, if she thought about committing suicide. She THOUGHT about it. Oh dear. That is so SAD.

And why I am supposed to sympathize with someone who wanted to kill her unborn child. she wanted to kill Archie. Yes, I'm so SAD for her. So, verry, verry SAD.

rcocean said...

The Royals exist to provide leadership and a good example to society. How is this woman doing either? She's just a selfish clown, turning the whole Royal Family into a bad soap opera. The Queen needs to take action and strip of them of their titles. Lets see how many people care when its just plain ol' harry and megan.

Ken B said...

As for the claim she was told she could not see a doctor... I call BS. This organization is the best in the world at getting stuff done on the quiet, and the last that would risk letting her have a preventable unhideable meltdown.

rcocean said...

She's just wild about Harry, and Harry wild about her. There are two explainations about Harry choosing her of all people:

1) He's dumb
2) She's good in the sack
3) He loves to be dominated by his wife & told what to do.

Or maybe its all three.

gspencer said...

"Give us our privacy" pleads gold-digger Markle as she and her wimp boy goes in front of 50 million viewers.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The best summation of the interview I've seen was; A billionaire interviewing two millionaires about how oppressed they are.

rcocean said...

Trump wished Harry "Good Luck" and said "he'll need it". Bingo.

Rick said...

Who goes to their employer for their mental health? Especially someone wealthy enough to afford just about anything?

Leslie Graves said...

So interesting. I would imagine that if she did go to the HR department, they'd have a record of that. Do they?

I'm curious about why she sought out the HR department. Feelings of suicidality are generally regarded as a mental health issue. A person experiencing those feelings, and wanting to do something about them, would typically seek out help from the mental health/medical community.

If that was me, and I wasn't sure that my health insurance covered that type of care, I guess I might call the HR department to find out if my health insurance covers that type of care. But that's the only reason I'd bring them into it at all.

If I were Meghann Markle, and I wanted some privacy around my mental health issues, and I had tons of money so that insurance coverage would be largely irrelevant to me, I'd leave them out of it and just go hire a psychiatrist.

The fact that she went to HR (if she did) makes me wonder if what she said to them wasn't "how can I pay for psychiatric treatment" so much as "some people here in this workplace are being mean to me and since you are the HR department, can you please help me figure out what to do about that".

Many of the things she said in her interview are the kind of things that are the reason that attorneys often don't want to put certain witnesses on the stand. It's because the witnesses inadvertently say things that lead the other side to being able to admit things into evidence that wouldn't have otherwise come up.

Lucien said...

The thought of an HRH HR tickles me.

mikee said...

Ms. Duchess learned that HR isn't there to help people, it is there to protect the business.

Achilles said...

I would like to see her hair shorn and paraded through the streets where the hoi polloi can throw fruit at her.

Then never see her again until she has something valuable to provide to society.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Haven’t said this one in awhile, but it fits her, and this interview, to a T:

Look at me, look at me! But don’t judge me. Bigot!

tommyesq said...

"I went to human resources..."

And America's reputation in the world drops another few rungs.

DarkHelmet said...

I have ordered a nano-scale violin on Amazon. When it arrives I shall play it for her. But I shall require an electron microscope in order to see it.

Howard said...

Ah! So when someone is the wrong color you people reflexively side with the billionaire elitist monarch apologist for Epstein's Kiddy Island.

Ken B said...

She made an attention grabbing claim about being married three days early, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. This has been revealed as a lie. The registry books prove it, plus apparently it’s actually illiegal for him to perform weddings outside! Her credibility is low.

Clyde said...

"Buckingham Palace says the HR department recently launched an investigation into Meghan over claims, which she denies, that she bullied several staff members into quitting"

Key word: Several. If it was just one staff member that was allegedly bullied into quitting by Markle, then I'd be more generous in believing a denial. But just as with Cuomo, when the accusers grow beyond one to several, then it's far more likely there is truth to the claims.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

If Markle can play the race card against the queen, it means no one is safe.

How does she even play that card? I don't know, maybe it's different in the UK where they have real pallor, but walking down the street in SC anyone would assume she were white.

wendybar said...

She is a liar. A Gold digging fame whore, who knew EXACTLY who Harry was, and what happens in the Family. She is rewriting History again....just like a typical Progressive from California. Her kid is 7th in line. He wouldn't get a title until Prince Charles took over....She is an idiot, and her puppy of a husband has no balls. I guess it is true that they had fertilized her eggs previously so she could carry a baby again.

Sam L. said...

It's mean of me, but I refer to Miss Markle as The Creature From The La Brea Tar Pits.
My sympathy level is deeply negative.

madAsHell said...

I'm guessing......she still hasn't scored her commercial endorsement Jenny Craig.

The Crack Emcee said...

She basically asked for the manager - she's a Karen.

Joe Smith said...

The Queen meets with HR the morning after the interview:

"No, your majesty, your password cannot be changed to 'Fuck Meghan.'"

"Nor can it be 'Fuck Meghan and the Ginger.'"

Rick said...

Howard said...
Ah! So when someone is the wrong color you people reflexively side with the billionaire elitist monarch apologist for Epstein's Kiddy Island.

It's revealing Howard cannot even conceive of adjudicating disputes on anything other than the races of those involved.

wendybar said...

They secretly went in for I.V.F. treatments and have viable embryos...If they can do that, she could have SECRETLY went for help, but obviously this is a lie to make people feel sorry for the poor little rich girl who didn't get the adoration she was expecting....

Martha said...

Princess Diana reportedly threw herself down the stairs' while she was four months pregnant with Prince William.
Meghan Markle’s report to Oprah of her suicidal thoughts while pregnant with Archie is another example of Meghan recreating Diana.

John henry said...

So maybe this:

Queen requires Harry to get a DNA test

Queen tells Harry that based on DNA he is not royal

Queen tells him to give up all titles and estates and money.

Queen tells Harry 'fuck off, you red-headed bastard."

John Henry

Big Mike said...

Well, I would want to see documented corroboration of anything Markle says, including an assertion that the sun came up in the east this morning.

tim maguire said...

She went to human resources to complain about her family? Thats...a novel approach.

Jeff Vader said...

She can’t be for real, she is every negative millennial stereotype combined into one truly awful person

Ken B said...

Would that were true. But look at Twitter. It’s aflame with Americans who care.
When was the last time anyone heard of the Norwegian royal family?

Joe Smith said...

"That woman is a model that requires high maintenance."

She not hot enough to be this crazy/stupid.

"If I were Meghann Markle, and I wanted some privacy around my mental health issues, and I had tons of money so that insurance coverage would be largely irrelevant to me, I'd leave them out of it and just go hire a psychiatrist."

Nothing says 'Leave me alone!' like sitting down for a nationally televised interview with Oprah that will be rebroadcast around the globe and viewed by billions.

Joe Smith said...

"Queen requires Harry to get a DNA test"

Depending upon the results, it would put a sudden end to this idiocy.

There has been a lot of speculation that Harry has zero drops of royal blood.

hombre said...

The transition from American Princess to British Princess was apparently a difficult one.

Anonymous said...

Kate is a Keeper

As Trump said: "I wish Harry a lot of luck, because he's going to need it"

Birches said...

Why would you expect an employer to help? Isn't that your husband's job to get you the help you need?

Mikey NTH said...

If she wants to be oppressed she should have a stay at the tower of London. No royal is truly oppressed until they've been sent to the Tower.

Leland said...

Most of Meghan's complaints seem to be anecdotal concerns that she turned into stereotypes, yet everyone else seem to be the racist bigots.

Arashi said...

Maybe the manner the French took towards dealing with royalty was the best approach. Maybe poor, poor Ms. Markle could have a hot, equitable encounter with Madame Guillotine. Maybe really rich people should just shut up and enjoy their damn money and leave everybody else alone. Maybe she should just be ignored.

hombre said...

The epitome of Americanism. A transplanted A-A Princess seeks to report the royals to the HR Department and then reports HR’s inaction in an inane interview by Oprah “He’s the One” Winfrey producing, no doubt, hand wringing by Oprah’s Pink Pussy and BLM audiences.

Injustice abounds for apostate multi-millionaires Meg and Harry.

Darcy said...

I especially loved NutMeg's "wasn't planning to say anything shocking" comment. Oh, no. Just accusing your in-laws of racism. She's a bomb thrower, and Harry is a weak, pitiful man for letting her destroy his relationship with his family.

FWIW, Harry and Meghan knew any children of theirs, as great-grandchildren of a sovereign, were not going to be automatically titled from day one, according to George V's 1917 declaration. Only Prince George, a direct descendant will be entitled. The Queen could have issued letters patent giving Archie a title, but why on earth should she? Archie will never have a title now, IMO. Good job NutMeg.

MayBee said...

What a bizarre thing to do, and what a bizarre complaint.
I literally laughed out loud when I read about her going to HR for her medical needs.

She has a phone, I'm sure she has a doctor, a husband, a mother. She had ways to seek help if she wanted it/needed it. Why go to HR when she's not an employee?? It's so weird.

Darcy said...

I should have said that William and Kate's children will ALL have titles because the Queen issued letters patent. But only George would have automatically been given a title as a direct descendant. It appears Meghan (and Harry - shame on you Harry!) assumed the letters patent would be issued for their children as well. Decrying racism because they weren't is unbelievably nasty and destructive.

Guess who is actually hurt the MOST by all of this? Archie. Meghan, by pretending she is concerned about Archie's safety, is actually sabotaging his future. Monstrous mothering.

Can you tell I detest this woman? Total turn around from being completely thrilled by her initial addition to the royal family.

Louise B said...

It doesn't matter if Charles sired Harry or not. He was born into a lawful marriage, and therefore, the father is required to support him as his family. Romance novelists often use this legality as a plot device.

MayBee said...

Zara Phillips isn't a princess. She's Harry and William's first cousin - Anne's daughter. Her brother is not a Prince. Prince Edward's kids are also not a Prince and a Princess, but Lady and Viscount.

Chennaul said...

Blogger The Vault Dweller said...

I haven't really followed this much. And obviously I don't know the Duchess. So this is just wild speculation. But I'm speculating that maybe she was kind of mistreating some staff and being a bully. And then she sensed she had crossed the boundaries of acceptable behaviour (U added out of respect for British Royalty). And she is the kind of person who when they have done something wrong feels a strong need to have something they can complain about being a victim of, so she went there wanting to try to establish that she was a victim too.


I think this is it.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chennaul said...

Also she might have been trying to stymie the investigation by HR of the claims against her. So the threat is there, if you do this investigation then The Royal Family driving me to Diana 2.0 will come out and we can’t have that happen to Britain’s biggest tourist industry.

Yancey Ward said...

You mean gold-digger isn't a job?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Yancey Ward said...

You mean gold-digger isn't a job?

It's not listed in the Buckingham Palace Employee's Handbook. Must be more on the lines of an independent contract position.

MikeR said...

Don't know her, don't know them. But in terms of power dynamics - it seems likely that the allegations she is making are not true, and the allegations against her are true. She is far far more powerful than the other people involved.

I'm Full of Soup said...

She lived in a castle and claimed she "went to the HR Dept"? That might be the one of the weirdest statements ever.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Oh, to be a fly on that wall. One of the people you work for and are required to bow to comes into your office and asks for help that you can't give them because they don't really work there.

But it's still a fair question, did Meghan's cry for help get passed up the chain of command? The contemporaneousness of it does undermine the claim that Meghan is making this up now. Or is this within the envelope of the royal family statement that "recollections may vary?"

Jim said...

She's not the first woman to complain about her husband's family. In-law troubles are as old as marriage. What's different is thinking there's an HR to complain to about them.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Darcy said...
I should have said that William and Kate's children will ALL have titles because the Queen issued letters patent.

All children and grandchildren of a British reigning monarch, or former reigning monarch, get the title of price or princess.

Since William is #2 in line for the throne, and #1 is his dad, giving his kids the title of prince / princess makes perfect sense, because it would take something pretty sever for them to not eventually get it.

Archie is the great grandson of the reigning monarch. No joy there.

With luck, Charlie will die / get passed over, and William will be the next monarch. Uncle, not grandfather or father.

His mother is a raging witch with a capital B. His father stabbed the family in the back to curry favor with his insane wife.

So he doesn't get any special treatment.

This is not a surprise

KellyM said...

I recently read an anecdote noting that later in their marriage Wallis Simpson was outrageously abusive toward David, to the point of making him an object of ridicule in their tight social circle. By the end, they were practically at daggers drawn. This fraud is just a newer version of Wallis Simpson.

Following up on Darcy's comment above at 11:23am, I seem to recall that "NutMeg" knew titles for the children weren't happening and even went as far as to say she was glad of it. Now she’s bent out of shape over it. Well, which is it, NutMeg?

I don’t doubt that HRH goes to bed each evening thanking God that Her Grace, the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton) ended up being William’s choice. Never a wrong foot or word out of place.

Paul A. Mapes said...

If you're from Hollywood and depressed, you seek help from professionals in the following order: (1) your drug dealer, (2) your agent, (3) your guru of the moment, and (4) a psychiatrist. In no event do you go to any HR Department unless you have some kind of ulterior motive.

Ken B said...

If, like me, you think the HR bit is a lie, why did she choose HR?
I think the answer is: it was announced HR is investigating *her*.
So it’s a preemptive strike to undermine their findings.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

She seems pretty normal. Maybe she just needs a dog. There's probably one available in NJ.

Doug said...

"I TOLD them not to make eye contact with me!"
"They kept making eye contact with me!"

wildswan said...

I looked up Royal Household to see what I could see. You apply for a "role," not a job. Otherwise, it looked pretty business-like. Hard to believe Prince Harry's wife went the HR section except to create a record of a complaint. This is standard when someone is bad at their job and about to lose it,

Bob Smith said...

Sucking Fkank

Rusty said...

I wonder if there are any other two people in the world I care less about.
Maybe any two of the Kardashians. Whoever the fuck they are.

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