March 27, 2021

"I had a producer bring me to his office, where he had malted milk balls in a little milk-carton-type container under his arm with the spout open."

"He walked back and forth in his office with the balls falling out of the spout and rolling all over the wood floor as he explained to me why I should fuck my co-star so that we could have onscreen chemistry. Why, in his day, he made love to Ava Gardner onscreen and it was so sensational! Now just the creepy thought of him in the same room with Ava Gardner gave me pause. I watched the chocolate balls rolling around, thinking, You guys insisted on this actor when he couldn’t get one whole scene out in the test … Now you think if I fuck him, he will become a fine actor? Nobody’s that good in bed. I felt they could have just hired a co-star with talent, someone who could deliver a scene and remember his lines. I also felt they could fuck him themselves and leave me out of it. It was my job to act, and I said so. This was not a popular response. I was considered difficult."

From "Sharon Stone Says Producer Pressured Her to Sleep With Male Co-Star to Create 'Onscreen Chemistry'" (The Vulture).


tim maguire said...

I don’t know if any of that is true or not, but I love the way she said it.

Curious George said...

" exemplified by her revelation that a producer allegedly attempted to strong-arm her into sleeping with a male co-star to foster “onscreen chemistry.”

Rookie mistake by the producer. You strongarm them to sleep with you. Duh.

rhhardin said...

Fuck him or don't, I don't care. Make the deals you want to.

The female doesn't star in the film unless it's soap opera anyway. They could get another female.

rhhardin said...

Exception for female action star, killing off all the evil males in revenge from something.

Temujin said...

Look, I'm not a malted milk ball fan, but if it got me a meeting with Sharon Stone, I'd walk around with them as well.

Paul said...

Well, considering Stone's 'chasm' scene in 'Basic Instinct', I really don't care what she says.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I wonder what the producer/director said to convince her to do the beav shot in Basic Instinct? I'll bet money that didn't take much convincing. Honestly, they could've got better talent in that department, but she was there to act.

Fernandinande said...

"Sharon Stone Says Producer Pressured Her to Sleep With Male Co-Star to Create 'Onscreen Chemistry'"

They also do that for "buddy movies".

Lewis Wetzel said...


Temujin said...

This sort of thing where a business asks one of it's female employees to 'take one for the team' is hardly new, and it's not going to stop soon. Ask Fang Fang about her time with Rep. Eric Swalwell. Certainly I saw this happen in my years in my industry. Not from me, mind you! :) This is also common with both genders, especially now that women are in key positions across the spectrum in every industry. Humans are all of a kind, you know.

This is part of how our world works: through incentives. People are motivated by incentives. One of the oldest and surest incentives is sex, or the idea of it. And one of the industries most notable for it- in fact, so notable that it's considered a part of their standard operating procedure- is the entertainment industry. Hollywood is all about it. They make movies about themselves being this way.

Sharon Stone made her bones being sexy. You never hear people talk about Sharon Stone as one of the acting greats. It's not like, oh...Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, Sharon Stone. No. You do see Sharon Stone on old lists of most sexy actresses. It is her calling card. And if she didn't want to play along, it was up to her to say "I don't want to play along."

baghdadbob said...

The rarely discussed flip-side of the "me-too" movement are the women who agree to exchange sex for lucrative roles, positions, promotions and access to power and money.

Humperdink said...

Kamala Harris was unavailable for comment.

Matt Sablan said...

"I wonder what the producer/director said to convince her to do the beav shot in Basic Instinct? I'll bet money that didn't take much convincing. Honestly, they could've got better talent in that department, but she was there to act."

-- According to the very article linked, they lied to her and said something about how her panties were reflecting light and messing up the shot. They swore to her they wouldn't show anything. Then they did. Whether you believe her or not is up to you, but it is in the article.

Kai Akker said...

---(The Vulture)

Aptly named.

stevew said...

I want to know who the male costar was that needed a good fuck from Sharon Stone (note: who doesn't?) to clean up their acting!

rhhardin said...

Eva Peron visited General Franco's Spain and the crowd shouted "Whore! Whore!" at her.

She complained to Franco.

Franco explained that he'd been retired from the military for ten years and they still called him general.

It will work on Harris, I imagine.

rhhardin said...

We used to just spoon Carnation malted milk into our mouths as kids. You don't need the chocolate. It's enormously dry for a while but has a nice taste.

Skeptical Voter said...

My favorite Sharon Stone story has nothing to do with her acting "display" or talent for that matter. . Rather it involves a Komodo Dragon in the Los Angeles Zoo.

Ms. Stone had married a businessman from San Francisco. She used her celebrity to get the zoo to let her husband (and maybe herself) allowed in the Komodo Dragon's enclosure for an "up close and personal meet". Come of think of it, that "personal meeting" with the Komodo Dragon might be a metaphor for her meeting(s) with various Hollywood producers.

Things were going well in the meeting with the Komodo Dragon until the big lizard bit Ms. Stone's husband on the foot--inflicting severe damage--right through the shoe leather and all. Komodo Dragon's don't brush their teeth and the result was a severe infection and a stay in the hospital.

gilbar said...

Just to be clear,
THIS is the "lady", whose claim to fame, was sitting spreadeagled... while chanting

Shouting Thomas said...

Being a good whore is an art form and spiritual practice.

Birches said...

Billy Baldwin is a terrible actor, I'll give her that. He doesn't even get to be the born again Baldwin brother.

h said...

hardin: the Peron/Franco story made me laugh.

Lurker21 said...

"Or how about this," he said as he popped the last malted milk ball into his mouth, "you show your snatch in a major motion picture? ... Huh? ... Huh? ... Just for a second? ... The story requires it."

Birches said...

I just googled an actual long excerpt from her book from Vanity Fair. Yes, she didn't know they were filming her vagina, but she ultimately decided to keep the scene because it was true to the character.

The excerpt gives her more power and agency than the two paragraphs in The Vulture.

Rory said...

I'm not going to click the link to see if the person was identified. One of the requirements of metoo has to be that if you tell a story, then you have to say who it was. Otherwise, it amounts to a false assertion against everyone who might plausibly have been in a position to do the thing.

Jaq said...

Artists are weird. Actresses were always assumed to be prostitutes. Probably has something to do with why they were banned in Elizabethan England. It’s the whole premise of Moulin Rouge and not questioned by a single character. The whole comic plot revolves around getting paid for the Nicole Kidman character’s services, while never actually servicing “the duke."

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Not since Humphrey Bogart in The Caine Mutiny have balls been employed so well to metaphorically conjure a disturbing image of man abusing his power and authority over others.

Yrjooe said...

She didn't mention his name but it's clear that she's talking about Robert Evans, which means her co-star was William Baldwin in Sliver. And you know what? She's right! The guy can't act for shit.

Sebastian said...

"he explained to me why I should fuck my co-star so that we could have onscreen chemistry."

This is "pressure"?

Jamie said...

"he explained to me why I should fuck my co-star so that we could have onscreen chemistry."

This is "pressure"?

Well, it depends on the explaining. An explanation in a certain tone, under certain circumstances, is a threat. Doesn't come through well in transcript.

That aside, isn't it just as likely that having sex with her costar would kill any chance at on-screen chemistry?

Purpleslog said...

Sharon Stone is a pretty good actress. I think her hotness restricted her opportunities because she was just so damn physically distracting. BTW, Casino is great film.

tcrosse said...

Now I imagine Sharon on her hands and knees picking up malted milk balls from the floor with her teeth. What's wrong with me?

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

"Give me evil, sexy Hamlet... That's what I mean by 'scare me': Evil Hamlet scares people!"

Yancey Ward said...

Yep, Billy Balwin is a terrible actor.

mockturtle said...

Excuse me if I find myself unable to rise to the occasion of defending the virtue of Hollywood actresses.

Ken B said...

I assumed she must have meant Evans. What other big producer starred with AG, much less got to boink her.

If you are ever looking for a fantasy life to have lead, Robert Evans would be a good pick. Seems like an asshole though.

Yancey Ward said...

For me, Stone never topped her breakout performance in "Total Recall". She isn't a bad actress at all, and I admire that she was willing to take a lot of roles against her type-casting.

Incidentally, I watched "Stardust Memories" a couple of years ago for the second time (I had seen it back in the early 80s on one of the movie channels)- I was shocked when I spotted Stone in the opening scene- she is the very attractive passenger in the other train that kisses the window when she sees Allen looking at her. There is also one other actor in that scene that I immediately recognized the second time around. Who can name him?

tcrosse said...

Who can name him

Brent Spiner?

Yancey Ward said...


William said...

Her enduring fame rests upon that beaver shot. That must be a disheartening fact to realize as she looks back upon the triumphs and tragedies of her life. Maybe she'll hit upon something else to be famous for. There are second acts in American lives......Anyway, she had a successful career and made millions. As Faustian bargains go, it wasn't such a bad deal.

narciso said...

her nadir was probably as villain in catwoman, there was also a basic instinct sequel, that went straight to video,

Mark said...

Her story doesn't make sense. If told that the light was reflecting off her white panties, the response isn't to say she's OK with taking them off. The response is, "Why the hell are you lighting that area anyway?"

And are you telling me that she didn't notice that the camera was at that level? And in ANY setting, how many women go and open up like that while crossing and uncrossing their legs?

mockturtle said...

Mark, you're not getting it. She's a VICTIM! A victim of the patriarchal system. Makes you want to cry, doesn't it?

rhhardin said...

She flashes her beaver because men are wired to be attentive to it. It's not something special about her. There's three billion other beavers in the world that would get the same attention.

walter said...

Reads like she's not concerned about transactional sex, just the attainabilty of the goal. Give the gal reasonable expectations.

Arturo Ui said...

A lot of weirdly misogynistic comments directed at Sharon Stone in this thread. If your own boss suggested you sleep with a co-worker to improve workplace morale, I'm pretty sure you'd raise it to HR, and you'd be right to do so.

Yancey Ward said...

"If your own boss suggested you sleep with a co-worker to improve workplace morale, I'm pretty sure you'd raise it to HR, and you'd be right to do so."

Depends on who the co-worker was.

mockturtle said...

"If your own boss suggested you sleep with a co-worker to improve workplace morale, I'm pretty sure you'd raise it to HR, and you'd be right to do so."

No, I'd just laugh and say, 'Nope'.

walter said...

"What's my motivation?"

walter said...

How awkward if they were already fucking each other.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Sounds like sexual harassment to me

rhhardin said...

Hugh Grant questioning Sandra Bullock about a scene where she's in acute need of a bathroom, "What's your motivation here?"

Greg The Class Traitor said...

“Try acting, dear boy,”

Laurence Olivier said it best.

walter said...

Was this previously known about Ava Gardner?

narciso said...

it wasn't richard chamberlain, her screech in king solomon's mines was legendary, was it michael douglas,

Joe Smith said...

Name names please.

Having read a lot over the years about 'old Hollywood,' it sounds like the'20s, '30s, and '40s was one giant orgy.

What do you expect when you have a concentration of some of the most beautiful people on earth?

mockturtle said...

The Ava Gardner thing can be explained by The Godfather. The producer, Wolz, was Harry Cohn, the actor, Johnny Fontaine was clearly Frank Sinatra, who had an affair with Ava Gardner, protege of said producer. In reality, there was probably no horse's head involved in the eventual casting of Sinatra in From Here to Eternity but you can bet there was pressure by the Godfather, Frank Costello.

narciso said...

except ava gardner was under contract to howard hughes, at least at one point, cohn had nothing to do with eternity, as far as I can tell,

mockturtle said...

Narciso: Oh, OK. ;-D

mockturtle said...

I suspect the characters are amalgams of 'real life' people.

PM said...

Skeptical Voter: Nice anecdote. Komodos who bite you can follow that lingering putrescent smell for miles, day and night, find you and eat you.

Joe Smith said...

"Sharon Stone is a pretty good actress. I think her hotness restricted her opportunities because she was just so damn physically distracting. BTW, Casino is great film."

All of this take is correct.

I also think she is not just a very pretty face. She seems like she's a smart gal too.

Yancey Ward said...

Yep, Stone's husband mysteriously disappeared a couple of weeks after the bite. Case unsolved.

Lurker21 said...

Anybody who reveals anything personal online or in a book is likely to find that at least fifty percent of the feedback is negative. It's not necessarily misogyny. It's the way the internet and the world are.

GDI said...

Similar to Biden's humblebrag re: Corn Pop except Cootchie Pop in Stone's case.

GDI said...

Self-promotion is the purpose behind sharing a story like that.

walter said...

Snatching success

rcocean said...

I doubt Robert Evans slept with Ava garner. NOt when Tyrone Power, Mel Ferrer, Erol Flynn, and Zanuck were on the same set. She seemed to have a thing for singers/musicians. Artie Shaw and frank Sinatra. Oh, and Mickey Rooney in 1941. She started small, and worked her way up.

rcocean said...

She had a thing with George C. Scott too. Guess she also liked the macho dangerous type.

narciso said...

my understanding is there was more sympathy for the dragon, evans had his nadir with the cotton club, which I may have been the only one who recalls having seen it,

Big Mike said...

I just need you to remove your panties, as the white is reflecting the light, so we know you have panties on,

Actress with three digit IQ might respond by saying that she’ll go to her trailer and change to black panties.

So, for those of you who’ve seen that shot (I haven’t), is she a natural blonde!

mockturtle said...

Actress with three digit IQ might respond by saying that she’ll go to her trailer and change to black panties.

Exactly, Big Mike. Or even the popular 'nude' color panties. Actually, does anyone wear white underpants any more? Methinks the story was not 100% accurate. She wanted the publicity, obviously. Just as she's seeking it now. Hollywood! Bah, humbug!

Narr said...

Had a foxy young lady in a history class once who wore short skirts and white cotton undies. Front row. Every day, IIRC. That's one way to announce attendance.

Yummm, Ava Gardner

Lucien said...

It seems to me that a lot of us think that women in this kind of situation ought to tell men to fuck off ( maybe with a kick in the malted balls), instead of suing for emotional distress 20 years later. So if Ms. Stone really just told someone to fuck off, then good for her.

mockturtle said...

Had a foxy young lady in a history class once who wore short skirts and white cotton undies.

And you could tell they were cotton? You must have studied them intently.

Narr said...

Every day, mock, every day!

She got a B I think

Banjo said...

The Komoda dragon story involved Phil Branson or Bronson, who got in to see the creature on the strength of his position as editor of the San Francisco Examiner. He and Sharon were married for several months. Being a newspaper editor gave you lots of access then. Now it's roughly equivalent to being a pharmacist or apple grower.

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