"... longtime Trump adviser Jason Miller said during a Sunday appearance on Fox News 'Media Buzz.' 'I do think we're going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here with his own platform... This is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media. It's going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does, but it will be his own platform'..."
Good luck keeping the servers up.
Haters will do everything legal and otherwise to take it down.
Lefties HATE free speech.
"Good luck keeping the servers up."
He will need his own servers. Is that so unrealistic?
Ann Althouse said...
"Good luck keeping the servers up."
He will need his own servers. Is that so unrealistic?
Are you familiar with Denial-of-Service attacks?
"He will need his own servers. Is that so unrealistic?"
It's not just the servers as wholelottaspainin splains...
Also, he will face hurdles of Apple and Google not carrying the app, should he use an app as part of the delivery...
@Joe S/AA,
"Good luck keeping the servers up."
He will need his own servers. Is that so unrealistic?
Not a problem. The servers can be distributed in the US and in foreign countries like Poland, Lithuania, or Korea, who will not take them down over some Woke kerfluffle in the US.
Parler had a problem because basically all of their assets were under the control of the corporate U.S. Wokerati. Team Trump has hopefully worked around that problem.
This is a great business opportunity for a company to upset Twitter. Trump brings with him a minimum of 60 to 80 million subscribers in the first month. there would be no shortage of advertisers --- the Pillow Guy, truck & SUV manufacturers, gun makers, conservative/faith based charities, farm equipment, small business services, etc. The list just goes on & on.
I hope this goes big. Jack Dorsey is, even among Silicon Valley 2.0 CEOS, really a putz. It's really, really long, but this podcast with Joe Rogan shows Dorsey in his own not very flattering light. I'd like to see Twitter kicked in the balls. Kicked hard.
And wait until the lawsuits start flying...'Racism, fake news, hate speech!!!'
We'll get Joe's FCC involved in no time.
I wonder how they will react?
If there are lawsuits that make it to the Supreme Court, I wonder how Roberts will rule?
Free speech is dead in America.
Joe Smith said...And wait until the lawsuits start flying...'Racism, fake news, hate speech!!!'
We'll get Joe's FCC involved in no time.
Yes. And that is a good thing.
We need to fight this battle sooner rather than later. The brain dead younger generation has no concern for free speech.
No way his social platform gets to put an app on either of the app stores though.
I hope he sues.
Won't it be a Felony, for people to access this new site?
Trump's spokesmen also said he was going to be re-inaugurated in January. I love the guy, but can we please stop taking stuff from the Trump camp seriously until it happens?
"Not a problem. The servers can be distributed in the US and in foreign countries like Poland, Lithuania, or Korea, who will not take them down over some Woke kerfluffle in the US."
Try putting what is deemed to be 'illegal' content on foreign servers and see how that flies with the FCC.
If you're an Albanian, probably not in issue.
If you're an American citizen living in the U.S., it's a big problem.
While he's at it,
I want a Melania monthly magazine and an Ivanka weekly zine. Just this week, Michelle O is on the People cover, Christ Almighty. They squish her in by having 2 cover stories, with the predictable Prince Harry and What's Her Face as the alternate cover, safer for trump areas.
When no one cared, I grabbed the whole stack of em in the Primo top right corner of the always open checkout at my Safeway, mildly placed em in my cart and then shopped around for the best place to stash them without damage. The cleaning supplies section was perfect: there was a stack of roomy blue mop buckets stacked in a deep corner of the display, and putting the stack in that corner behind them means they may not be found for weeks, grin.
all my "non-violent monkey-wrenching" are unproductive little wisps of smoke, but, they relieve my despair, and, as in this case, at some point at least one person will end up discovering the sentiment of this one American voter.
No way his social platform gets to put an app on either of the app stores though.
I hope he sues.
Help me out here. I use several business apps that I down load directly from a website. I dont go to the App Stores. I see the app stores as a clearing house that make it easy for a consumer to search for specific utilities.
So if you know you want TrumpaloozaBoook App, Just go to Trumps website and down load the app.
If I have this wrong or messed up, someone please set me straight.
wholelottasplainin' said...
Are you familiar with Denial-of-Service attacks?
You think that's never happened to Twitter or Facebook?
One guy says "I think" & next we read "Trump will".
Apps versus Web pages:
While you can now create a Web page that looks amazingly app-like you lose a lot of capabilities which are quite useful especially for social media apps
The main things are
1) Push notifications
2) caching - where you can download and hold extra data between sessions
3) Device access - things like camera and photo roll access are either unavailable or difficult
4) Off-line functionality Download content and review later without a connection
So yeah you could do it with just a Web page but it's not going to work lime a full installed app
He won’t ever reach the amount of people he did before he was thrown off of the mainstream platforms.
iowan2 said...
Help me out here. I use several business apps that I down load directly from a website. I dont go to the App Stores. I see the app stores as a clearing house that make it easy for a consumer to search for specific utilities.
Actually it's more of a way for people who refuse to learn anything about their devices get apps. And a way for Apple/Google to be able to say; "You didn't download that from our App Store, so you don't get any support!", when someone's having problems with a third party app. And I they do evaluate apps and try to enforce some standards on what's available for their devices.
So if you know you want TrumpaloozaBoook App, Just go to Trumps website and down load the app.
If I have this wrong or messed up, someone please set me straight.
Nope, you're right.
Christopher Wray's Shock Troops will be all over this if it comes about and it will be decared an illegal hate site with likely a full FBI SWAT raid within days of launching.
@Joe Smith,
Try putting what is deemed to be 'illegal' content on foreign servers and see how that flies with the FCC.
What has ever come out of Trump's mouth that could be construed as even borderline illegal? It isn't the government or the courts that are censoring internet content now. It's private corporations. Find a private corporation that will stand by you in the marketplace & you're golden.
Talk radio, Fox News, Drudge Report, Newsmax, One America News, Parler.
Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate, amplify and reinforce beliefs, and insulate from criticism. Crowdsourced spin doctoring. It's been very effective at getting Republicans nominated and not much beyond that.
Democrats opposed to the idea that people should be able to communicate with each other without going through their gatekeepers?
Color me surprised. Not.
In the future, everyone will have their own social media platform for fifteen minutes.
Timing of the launch will be critical. Trump should aim for being relevant to the 2022 midterms at the latest, with plenty of lead time to surmount the hurdles the FCC and the establishment media will raise. The latter will fight this like nothing heretofore. Trump should aim for some controversy which lays bare the leftist media hegemony.
Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate,
Yes, let's since all of the others are under attack. Fox tired a swing left last year and lost half their audience. Who else?
I still have not figured out Farmer. Surrender ?
Farmer even thinks Drudge is not a left wing hate site. Try to keep up. With Limbaugh gone talk radio is half of what it was.
Im tired of guessing what farmer thinks, besides his race obsession, hes a cookie cutter leftist,
"The censors are always the bad guys".
"Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate,"
Why not? What do you have against free speech?
What beliefs does the right hold that you find particularly odious?
The country is so hungry for a platform worthy of America, one that respects free speech and abhors censorship, that if he creates that truely American place, it will be wildly successful. More importantly such a place will be existentially valuable to the free democracy we used to be and can be again.
A nation based on freedom, with free speech regarded as its premiere calling and strength, currently has no place where speech is actually free. Its institutions are all oppressive cults of political control and indoctrination of a single mindset devoid of reason and tolerance, with 100% compliance as their driving force.
Will Trump create the tool that fights that rot. It's a huge undertaking, but simple: respect free speech like the survival of the nation depends on it, because it does. "Build it and they will come."
Farmer: "Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate..."
Yeah. 6 is already far too many.
Its important the right limit itself to just 1 or 2 platforms because reasons.
I hope this new social medium takes a lot of business away from Twitter and Facebook. They deserve it. Their treatment of Trump and other conservatives is hubris.
"With Limbaugh gone talk radio is half of what it was."
Trump should take over that gig but he'd hate the drudgery.
Maybe Bannon, with frequent guest hosts.
Rush was not a static figure, he understood the utter absurdity of the news that why he employed pop culture tropes to undermine it, you needed a certain awaremess to appreciate him, stewart and his gang of chimps not so much.
Talk radio, Fox News, Drudge Report, Newsmax, One America News, Parler.
Citizenfreepress.com is a good substitute for Drudge. Drudge went over to the dark side months ago.
Says the lincoln logger without irony.
Now aj delgado i called out what a dumpaterfire she was years ago.
Joe Smith,
The Play Store doesn't carry the Gab app either. Don't know if Apple does, suspect not. I had no problem downloading it direct.
I hope he does it through Mastodon. Open source, federates with other mastodon servers, very nice interface. I'm on 2 Mastodon instances Noagendasocial.com @sirjohnofthezika and social.QuodVerum.com @johnhenry Similar to Twitter but since each instance is independent, control is local. I could get kicked off QV without getting kicked off NAS. In fact, NAS would not even necessarily know I'd been kicked off QV.
I don't post much on either. I use the Tusky app for QV. NoAgendasocial I access via browser. No particular reason, too lazy to set up Tusky for it.
Supposedly I can cross post to QV from NAS and vice versa but I've not done it and don't know how. It is supposed to be easy.
John Henry
Blogger GingerBeer said...
In the future, everyone will have their own social media platform for fifteen minutes.
Actually anyone can create their own Mastodon "instance". Hardware requirements are minimal technical skill requirements low.
I've been toying with the idea of setting up a private social network for family and for the experience.
Family members would be able to use the Tusky App which is available in the Android store and, I assume, Apple.
John Henry
John Henry
"Trump is planning to launch his own social-media platform in the next few months, aide Jason Miller says."
The non-deranged response to this announcement is... Okay.
"What has ever come out of Trump's mouth that could be construed as even borderline illegal?"
It's not what you or I think, it's what the FCC and the courts think.
Or some unelected judge in Hawaii applying a ruling to the entire nation. Sound familiar?
As for being able to download an app on sites other than Apple or Google, sure...not an issue.
But it is a hinderance that other platforms need not hurdle.
Not a lawyer, but restraint of trade? Collusion?
Not a fan of lawsuits either, but fighting fire with fire sometimes works.
"What beliefs does the right hold that you find particularly odious?"
A question I wish more people would consider. I ask people that all the time, and they often have no answer, and when they do, it's usually not even true of conservatives.
I've been watching history all day on Youtube, specifically the 1930s and the lead up to WWII. The historic labels Right and Left have nothing to do with today's two poles. In some ways they are reversed.
We need new ones. "Conservative" is close, but "Liberal" is nearly opposite of today's Left.
My impression of today's so-called Right is a strongly libertarian bent, but not big L Libertaian. We want less government, more personal freedom, but also more personal responsibility. We want a much more limited, transparent, and humble government that does not attract the kind of corrupt personalities and forces that dominate it today. We want respect for law and especially the Constitution. Unlike Libertarians, we don't want open borders, but rather well-managed sensible and compassionate immigration. I don't know any current label that fits.
If we had a motto, it might be "Better than nothing is a high standard."
Classically liberal with some tweaks.
"My impression of today's so-called Right is a strongly libertarian bent, but not big L Libertaian. We want less government, more personal freedom, but also more personal responsibility. We want a much more limited, transparent, and humble government that does not attract the kind of corrupt personalities and forces that dominate it today. We want respect for law and especially the Constitution. Unlike Libertarians, we don't want open borders, but rather well-managed sensible and compassionate immigration. I don't know any current label that fits.
If we had a motto, it might be "Better than nothing is a high standard.""
Fits me to a T.
"I don’t recall Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Larry Page using an Asian-prostitute-consuming deadbeat dad to announce one of their new platform rollouts."
Why do you hate Asians and hard working women? Did a tiny Asian girl bully you once?
Also can you say neil bush, vendor for constructivist templates and consumer of said services
On July 4th unmask his site?
Trump is shrewd with business. If he follows his efforts in the past, the research is complete, the funding is available, the pieces are falling into place, and tens of millions will follow their friends on the new site, since that's where their friends, and family, migrated. In the end, the number of international users will astound the naysayers.
Trump "won’t ever reach the amount of people he did before he was thrown off of the mainstream platforms." I doubt that, but who cares? If Trump posts something that even a few thousand people can read, the MSM won't be able to resist condemning it, and in so doing, promoting it to millions.
The most important thing about any "new platform" for Trump is: It's got to be Trump, but it can't be Trump and only Trump all the time. There's two obvious reasons: 1) there are other things that Trump ought to be doing (when he was Pres., he didn't ONLY tweet);. there are other things that post-Presidential Trump needs to to do than shout-outs to his supporters, important as those are. 2) Whether or not Trump becomes President again in 2024, if "Trumpism" if to became a major political movement, it has to go beyond Trump. Remember how Reaganism was lost because Reagan allowed Bush 41 to be his succesor (who aspired to a "kinder, gentler nation")?
Trump is the only person who could make such an announcement a newsworthy development. Name another who can instantly bring tens of millions of followers. I certainly don't follow Trump's every word. I don't think I've ever listed to a whole speech other than SOTU, but the entire Trump political story is fascinating, unprecedented, and historic. He still leads the news and he holds no office.
"Trump "won’t ever reach the amount of people he did before he was thrown off of the mainstream platforms."
He was the President, of course not. The current President has 1/10 of what Trump had.
J. Farmer has forgotten Rush Limbaugh.
J. Farmer forgets anything that un-distorts his reality.
The current Resident has 1/10 of what Trump had.
J. Farmer said..Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate, amplify and reinforce beliefs, and insulate from criticism. Crowdsourced spin doctoring. It's been very effective at getting Republicans nominated and not much beyond that.
To be fair, Farmer is an honest conservative. However, his motto is "That which isn't perfect isn't any good".
Team Pedophile: "Jason Miller lolololol
This enterprise is off to a good start"
Pro-marxist, anti-black conservative racist, defender of pedophiles, banned commenter who was banned, has thoughts about others.
"Trump is planning to launch his own social-media platform in the next few months, aide Jason Miller says."
Yeah......and he was going to dump Hillary's emails on us as well. I'll believe it when I see it.
Can't wait to watch the platform collapse.
The LA Times newspaper is for sale. I think the current owner is a Chinese-American with probably no love of the. Ccp.
PEDJT could make if a national newspaper and would have millions of people willing to pay $10-15 for a subscription.
Let make a deal.
John Henry
Are you familiar with Denial-of-Service attacks?
That's weak sauce. If GOP candidates' web sites can defeat DDOS attacks, Trump's web business can defeat them as well.
The real issue is the web infrastructure beyond the servers: he'll need public certificates, domain name registration and resolution, etc. So far these resources haven't been politicized, but neither had the hosting business until last year.
bagoh20 (to Team Pedophile Member LLR-lefty Chuck): "Why do you hate Asians and hard working women? Did a tiny Asian girl bully you once?"
Given LLR-lefty Chuck's astonishingly passionate and sustained defense of known pedophiles long after even the other pro-pedophile members of The Facebook/Google Lincoln Project waked away from their pal Weaver, the inescapable conclusion has to be that it wasnt an Asian girl that bullied Chuck, but instead was a very, very, very young asian boy that "bullied" Chuckie.
And my guess is that Chuckie liked it very much.
Another hunch is that Chuckie might very well have been sharing his own particular "war stories" with his pal Weaver, which would explain Chuck's near-mother-lion-protecting-her-cub reflexive defense of child groomer Weaver.
AI: "Can't wait to watch the platform collapse."
Have you placed your order for a "Good Pillow" yet? I understand LLR-lefty Chuck has placed a large order for them. No doubt to lay out in the back of his cargo van next to the fake "puppy" cages.
If Trump's daughter and son-in-law are featured, forget about it.
Well, he won’t be able to use an app. So that's pretty much fatal. You need to be app based.
It would be like a bigger version of a web page, accessible only via browsers. Even that might not be secure. Firefox is already boasting that their new browsers will censor, others will follow. How will it function, financially? There will be unbanking.
Other attacks are possible. DOS. Reprogramming routers. I am sure I am unaware of 99% of what is possible. Owners of some fiber cables will (illegally) filter.
I hope he tries. The campaign to destroy it will work but it will be instructive. It will certainly accelerate international rejection of American big tech, which would be good.
Farmer gaslights: “ Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate,”
You are not on the right. To the extent left and right are still meaningful terms, you are far left of Elizabeth Warren. You oppose markets, growth, national defense, and individual rights. You are a thorough going collectivist.
"When no one cared, I grabbed the whole stack of em in the Primo top right corner of the always open checkout at my Safeway, mildly placed em in my cart and then shopped around for the best place to stash them without damage. The cleaning supplies section was perfect: there was a stack of roomy blue mop buckets stacked in a deep corner of the display, and putting the stack in that corner behind them means they may not be found for weeks, grin."
Somebody needs a professional to talk to.
Call it “Trumpet.”
Trump's posts will probably be marginally better than Drago's, but not enough to generate the buzz possible when he was occupying high office.
Jesus, Chuck, attacking Asian prostitutes a week after a half dozen of them got murdered? Ann, are you going to leave that comment up?
“Well, he won’t be able to use an app. So that's pretty much fatal. You need to be app based.”
“It would be like a bigger version of a web page, accessible only via browsers. Even that might not be secure. Firefox is already boasting that their new browsers will censor, others will follow. How will it function, financially? There will be unbanking.”
You just need some good attorneys. Maybe a lot of them. That he can afford. If Firefox censors Trump, we switch to something else. If the big companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc, censure him, then they get sued for something that someone said that was knowingly false, he sues, they try to interpose §230, lose their safe harbor in the courts, and the floodgates for litigation against them slam open. They also get sued for Sherman § 2 monopolization, and under several tort theories, such as interference with contract, with prospective financial advantage, etc. Just takes enough lawyers.
Keep in mind that losing their §230 Safe Harbor is an existential threat to these companies. It could very easily face ruinous, even to them, financial liabilities as a result. The Federal government, absent legislation broadening the §230 Safe Harbor, can’t really do anything about that danger, and all it takes is one loss in court to lose it for potentially all other plaintiffs (but the converse is not true - proving themselves within the Safe Harbor only applies to the one case).
readering: "Trump's posts will probably be marginally better than Drago's,..."
The historically illiterate lefty readering rushes to the defense of his/her/xer's pro-pedophile lefty ally LLR-lefty Chuck...because of course he/she/xe did.
@Michael K:
Farmer even thinks Drudge is not a left wing hate site. Try to keep up. With Limbaugh gone talk radio is half of what it was.
Apologies, my list was meant to be chronological/historical, not a description of the current media environment.
I still have not figured out Farmer. Surrender ?
No, to stop tilting at windmills. As right-wing activism moved from talk radio to cable news to the Internet, it pushed the ideology and narrative of the "New Right" that brought Reagan to power and combined neoliberal economics, cultural traditionalism, and Cold War hawkishnewss/interventionism. It was the faction of the Republican Party that Buchanan ran against in '92.
Its important the right limit itself to just 1 or 2 platforms because reasons.
It's not the quantity I have issue with but the quality. It doesn't matter if there's 5, 500, or 5,000 if they're all pushing the same narrative. The reason there has been a "dissident right" web presence for the last 25 years is because it was excluded from the mainstream, considered fringe, far-right, racist, nativist, anti-Semitic, etc. It was opposing globalization and endless war while Bush and the Republican Party was advocating it.
Im tired of guessing what farmer thinks, besides his race obsession, hes a cookie cutter leftist,
There is zero reason to "guess" what I think. I say what I think and why I think it. You're not trying to understand what I think; you're trying to affix a label to me so that you can judge me. Calling someone a "cookie cutter leftist" isn't an argument. It's no more meaningful than calling them a "jerk."
J. Farmer has forgotten Rush Limbaugh.
J. Farmer forgets anything that un-distorts his reality.
To the contrary, Rush was very much part of the problem. He helped define the entire apparatus, in fact. His raison d'etre was to defend the right and attack the left. Hannity is an even more simplified version. It's the Republican media ecosystem that creates the distorted reality in which partisans occupy. That's why they spent eight years cowering over their guns being seized by a Kenyan-Marxist-Islamist-anti-colonialist.
Francisco D:
To be fair, Farmer is an honest conservative. However, his motto is "That which isn't perfect isn't any good".
I appreciate the shoutout, but my motto is "That which totally fucking sucks isn't any good."
@Ken B:
You are not on the right. To the extent left and right are still meaningful terms, you are far left of Elizabeth Warren. You oppose markets, growth, national defense, and individual rights. You are a thorough going collectivist.
Dialogue would be a lot more constructive if you could actually reproduce my position or point-of-view rather than a list of absurd strawmen. I don't oppose markets or growth but recognize that there is more to human life than economic production. I don't consider the last 20 years of failed military bumbling "national defense."
There is no such choice as individual versus collective. We're always negotiating both. "Family values" are a check on individualist values. The most obvious example of collectivism in politics is the nation, the citizenry, the electorate. Otherwise, why have a political border? Why divide people between citizens and non-citizens and then treat them differently? Why not have open borders and just treat everyone as individuals? I know how I would answer but how would the individualist?
Inga said...He won’t ever reach the amount of people he did before he was thrown off of the mainstream platforms.
Maybe, maybe not. He'll reach fewer people because he’s not president anymore—that would have happened either way. You’re comment is surprisingly neutral. I wonder what your next thought is. Any reaction to the hurdles thrown up against conservative voices? Good thing? Bad thung? Personally, I think it’s a bad thing that, thanks to liberal outlets (that were never sold or promoted as liberal outlets!), we are forced into ghettos—a liberal social media and a conservative social media. That seems to me to be unequivocally a bad thing.
That's why they spent eight years cowering over their guns being seized by a Kenyan-Marxist-Islamist-anti-colonialist.
Like I said, J. Farmer forgets anything that un-distorts his reality.
Funny how the left calls the right antisemitic, while ramping up the actual antisemitism.
J. Farmer said...It's not the quantity I have issue with but the quality. It doesn't matter if there's 5, 500, or 5,000 if they're all pushing the same narrative
Neither quantity nor quality nor narrative is the issue. The issue is type of outlet. Conservatives need at least one of each type of outlet. It would be nice if they didn’t, but the normal outlets seem inevitably to be taken over by leftists who see part of their mission as pushing out right wing voices.
Springtime for Trumpworld in Florida. Winter for Parler and Gab....
@Like I said, J. Farmer forgets anything that un-distorts his reality.
Feel free to describe the distortion or what's been forgotten.
@tim maguire:
Conservatives need at least one of each type of outlet. It would be nice if they didn’t, but the normal outlets seem inevitably to be taken over by leftists who see part of their mission as pushing out right wing voices.
It won't be "conservatives." It will be Republicans. The Party is factionalized and has a base facing demographic and geographic pressures. The cocooning of the Trumpist faction into ever more niche media platforms is a kind of desperation, a retreat from the public square, and a reliance on conspiratorial thinking to maintain its worldview.
“ If I have this wrong or messed up, someone please set me straight.”
With Android, you can download an app and sideload it, although you have to disable some security features. But you don’t get updates or push notifications among other things, including Google services.
With Apple side loading apps is practically impossible.
You can go to just a web site, but apps are a much better experience imo.
J. Farmer said...It won't be "conservatives." It will be Republicans. The Party is factionalized and has a base facing demographic and geographic pressures.
Maybe, maybe not, but this is a prediction and a totally different argument than you were making previously. Only time will tell if you are right.
More importantly, it contradicts what you have said up to this point. You've been saying that the right shouldn't have another outlet because they'll all be saying the same thing. Now you're saying the right shouldn't have another outlet because they will all be saying different things. Which is it?
The cocooning of the Trumpist faction into ever more niche media platforms is a kind of desperation
They’re not cocooning by choice but by necessity. In an ideal world, conservative voices wouldn’t be censored off of social media platforms, but that’s not the world we live in. Our society’s polarization, which is amplified times a million by social media, causes me despair. I don’t see a way around these bans other than what you call cocooning. With the number of forces arrayed against Trump’s supposed new platform (like a previous commenter, I’ll believe it when I see it) it will probably fail anyway.
tim maguire (to Farmer): "More importantly, it contradicts what you have said up to this point. You've been saying that the right shouldn't have another outlet because they'll all be saying the same thing. Now you're saying the right shouldn't have another outlet because they will all be saying different things. Which is it?"
My first thought was: didn't Farmer realize he was adopting these contradictory positions?
In any event, Step 1 is still to "let a thousand (conservative) flowers bloom" and then we can assess the extent to which its either a problem or a strength.
So I guess I'll beat him to it and register the address Trumpovision.com.
I don't envy Donald Trump, though. Sites either get run to the ground by wild, idiot postings and comments or they enforce standards and come to be attacked for censorship. I don't approve of the social media Behemoths deplatforming Trump, but the problem of what to allow and what to exclude always comes up on such forums and is always tricky.
"It won't be "conservatives." It will be Republicans. The Party is factionalized and has a base facing demographic and geographic pressures. "
Mmm. Yes and no. One thing we can all agree upon is that the election was fraudulent. That is a powerful incentive for conservatives and republicans and independents to pull together. Wanting just one set of laws that apply to everyone no matter what their status is another.
I don't apologize for asking questions. I ask questions for a reason.
"He will need his own servers. Is that so unrealistic?"
-- There will be some weak point in the chain that the hecklers will find to voice their veto. One of the most obvious is, who would be dumb enough to sign up for Trump's service knowing all it will take is one unvetted employee to leak everything and expose you as an undesirable? There's a very real chance that many, many people will use "Was on Trumpbook" as a valid reason to discriminate against someone.
"What has ever come out of Trump's mouth that could be construed as even borderline illegal?"
-- A fairly boring common tactic on Reddit and other social media sites is to pollute a forum with child porn or other porn to get it taken down. I don't doubt that if the opportunity presents itself, TrumpSpace will have to deal with such security concerns.
Get ready for the patent infringement lawsuits.
Whatever new platform Trump develops, it needs to be something broader than a mouthpiece for himself and for conservative ideologues. I support platforms like Parler more philosophically than practically. We need free-speech platforms, and I am glad they exist. But for social media to actually function, there has to be a SOCIAL aspect to it. People don't still use Facebook because they agree with their censorship and politics, they remain there because that is where all of their friends and family are. The draw is the ability to interact with everyone you've ever met. There are special interest groups for every hobby under the sun. None of that is political or ideological.
Facebook is a toxic company, and I recently deleted my account there. But it does sort of sting to cut yourself off from so many friends that you have no effective way of keeping up with otherwise, and most people don't have the willpower to do that. Any competing social media platform has to be more than a mouthpiece for conservative pundits. Otherwise, while it may function as a news/opinion aggregator, it will never truly compete with the social media giants.
@tim maguire:
More importantly, it contradicts what you have said up to this point. You've been saying that the right shouldn't have another outlet because they'll all be saying the same thing. Now you're saying the right shouldn't have another outlet because they will all be saying different things. Which is it?
I'm not criticizing or saying the right shouldn't have some hypothetical, generic "other outlet." I can sit here all day and imagine any number of other outlets I'd love for the right to have. But what I am criticizing and saying the right shouldn't have is the outlet that's being announced and described here. The reason I do not like it is because it will primarily appeal to the Trump fan base and reflect their point-of-view, reflexive defense of Trump, and anti-institutionalism.
I'm curious as to whether this will work or not. Beyond just the obvious challenges of the significant app stores almost certainly not carrying it and various other attacks and efforts, I think another problem will be moderation. Will there be any? Should there be any? Could it turn into a sort of mess that every non-Conservative will be able to use as a strawman as to why conservatives are just the worst and need to be controlled and suppressed more?
And even if it does surive all these hurdles, will non-Conservatives also feel welcome there? Don't get me wrong, I think the current state of affairs is awful. I think that the willful, heavy handed supression of speech by the current set of dominant social media platforms is the worst. And I think that alternative platforms are definitely needed. But hopefully such platforms wouldn't be doomed to be monocultural in an idealogical sense, dominated by single opinion, and pushing away any dissenters of the established orthodoxy.
We're currently pretty divided. And self siloing off people based on their political positions into seperate echo chambers is obviously only going to make things worse.
So I guess my main hope is that any new social media platform would be truly welcoming to everyone. The "Trump" brand is already pretty divisive. His new platform will almost certainly attract a lot of lefty trolls and so called "Mobys" not to mention the slightly more unsavory elements of the farthest Right. So I have my doubts that it will truly be the free and open platform that I think we need even if its able to clear all the initial hurdles.
I can not wait. Hope he does it well.
Wait for it. Online banking transaction services are next. Everyone who has been forced out by the likes of PayPal, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, etc. will be looking for a payment processor. And like it or not, Donald Trump is probably trusted by more conservatives than the military is in today's world. And with Ivanka and Don Jr. heading up the relief team, they could end up the biggest name in banking in the United States. The wailing and gnashing of teeth on the left make that a worthwhile prospect in and of itself.
Nonapad, you mean will non-conservative voices be as welcome there as conservative voices are welcome on the current democrat controlled services?
J. Farmer said...I'm not criticizing or saying the right shouldn't have some hypothetical, generic "other outlet."
Bullshit. I'm not bothering to put together a timeline because every person reading this thread already knows what you're "criticizing or saying."
@tim maguire:
Bullshit. I'm not bothering to put together a timeline because every person reading this thread already knows what you're "criticizing or saying."
I'll do the heavy lifting of copying my "timeline" (i.e. 3 comments). What do you consider the contradiction?
"Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate, amplify and reinforce beliefs, and insulate from criticism. Crowdsourced spin doctoring. It's been very effective at getting Republicans nominated and not much beyond that."
"It's not the quantity I have issue with but the quality. It doesn't matter if there's 5, 500, or 5,000 if they're all pushing the same narrative. The reason there has been a "dissident right" web presence for the last 25 years is because it was excluded from the mainstream, considered fringe, far-right, racist, nativist, anti-Semitic, etc. It was opposing globalization and endless war while Bush and the Republican Party was advocating it."
"It won't be "conservatives." It will be Republicans. The Party is factionalized and has a base facing demographic and geographic pressures. The cocooning of the Trumpist faction into ever more niche media platforms is a kind of desperation, a retreat from the public square, and a reliance on conspiratorial thinking to maintain its worldview."
J. Farmer:
But what I am criticizing and saying the right shouldn't have is the outlet that's being announced and described here. The reason I do not like it is because it will primarily appeal to the Trump fan base and reflect their point-of-view, reflexive defense of Trump, and anti-institutionalism.
In other words, "None of this Marketplace of Ideas" bullshit for YOU, Trumpsters. WE leftist will decide what outlets are appropriate."
J. Farmer said...
Talk radio, Fox News, Drudge Report, Newsmax, One America News, Parler.
Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate, amplify and reinforce beliefs, and insulate from criticism.
Um, we're being kicked of left wing "social media" because we engage teh lefties and point out their dishonesty.
This was a new level of stupid, even for you
Matt Sablan said...
There will be some weak point in the chain that the hecklers will find to voice their veto. One of the most obvious is, who would be dumb enough to sign up for Trump's service knowing all it will take is one unvetted employee to leak everything and expose you as an undesirable?
Call the service "Thinker"
Call the posts "Thoughts"
Allow anonymous users, don't save any information for tracking the users.
Set up a way to report bad "thoughts". If the "thought" gets judged bad (child porn, libel, something else criminal) you take down the thought and pushes the user appropriately.
If the thought gets judged "not bad", then punish everyone who "reported" it. 1st offense: warning. 2nd: 1 hour ban, then day / week / month / permanent
None of this is rocket science
Nonapod said...
And even if it does survive all these hurdles, will non-Conservatives also feel welcome there?
Depends, are they thinkers?
Or are they whining babies?
Are they evil fascists who are bothered at the thought that someone is reading or writing unapproved thoughts?
I expect people there will have to act like adults, and learn how to use Mute and Block. If you can't handle that, or if your'e one of the two above, you shouldn't' feel welcome
The cocooning of the Trumpist faction into ever more niche media platforms is a kind of desperation, a retreat from the public square, and a reliance on conspiratorial thinking to maintain its worldview."
The fellow who spouts "Unz Review" and "American Conservative" talking points is accusing Trump voters, the most diverse wing to the GOP, of "conspiratorial thinking to maintain its worldview."
Farmer: "I'm not criticizing or saying the right shouldn't have some hypothetical, generic "other outlet."'
Its just any actual "other" right-leaning outlets you oppose.
The hypothetical ones are just fine....up until the moment they might become "actual", at which point the problems you envision arise.
"'Let's create yet another space for people on the right to congregate.'
"Why not? What do you have against free speech? What beliefs does the right hold that you find particularly odious?"
Why be obtuse? Farmer's point is clear and well-taken: the more those of either political persuasion self-segregate in on-line fora where only their own point of view is heard and "dittoed," the more cut off they become from the real, complex world. Wildly paranoid imaginings become common "realities"--articles of faith--and any data that contradicts these articles of faith are immediately discounted as "fake news," "lies," and "propaganda."
Cultists gonna be cultists.
Because they almost are mind arsons, lockdowns main street chaos dysmorphia zombie attitudes muh russia.
everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does
Everybody? Not me. I'll pay as much attention as I did in the past ... which is not much at all.
I liked what he did as President. Not what he said or how he said it.
I use n-word for the sake of clarification and accuracy. My north Minneapolis next-door neighbors (salt of the Earth) are black folks. The people who burglarized their home are n-words. Now I am told that n-words are offended by the use of n-word by persons of pallor, but the truth of the matter is it's a "white thing", so n-words can never truly understand no matter their lived-experience or how hard they try.
"Dad, you're my father. I'm your son. I love you. I always have and I always will. But you think of yourself as a colored man. I think of myself as a man."
-- John Prentice, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Again, n-words will never get it.
My impression of today's so-called Right is a strongly libertarian bent, but not big L Libertaian.
Sorry, but libertarians in too many areas are essentially leftist. They are opposite sides of the same coin.
Robert Cook,
Why be obtuse? Farmer's point is clear and well-taken: the more those of either political persuasion self-segregate in on-line fora where only their own point of view is heard and "dittoed," the more cut off they become from the real, complex world. Wildly paranoid imaginings become common "realities"--articles of faith--and any data that contradicts these articles of faith are immediately discounted as "fake news," "lies," and "propaganda."
But . . . don't you see that both sides are "self-segregating" here? Only the Left is doing it by expelling anyone who doesn't agree with them, and the Right is doing it by the only means left, namely finding a space from which they will not be expelled? It is absurd to portray this situation as symmetrical. The Right is (online, at least) the minority, and every force out there is against them: all the platforms, all the app-sellers, all the storage-sellers, everyone necessary to make it possible even to say something. The only analogy that occurs to me is in the pamphlet-heavy time round the Founding. Suppose that there were an invincible cartel that would sell paper and ink only to one side in the debates around the Constitution; suppose that only one side's voice projected any further than the speaker's front door? Suppose that "freedom of the press" were allowed, but only if you had a press, and presses could be confiscated at whim by the opposition?
I wonder where this is really going.
Is Mr Trump planning to go from cult to full blown religion?
Will the followers be waiting around for him to blow smoke?
Will he end up wearing a pointy hat?
Ok, Trump's posts will probably be much better than Drago's.
In other words, "None of this Marketplace of Ideas" bullshit for YOU, Trumpsters. WE leftist will decide what outlets are appropriate."
Oh, yes, a "marketplace of ideas" is certainly what I see when I look at Fox, OAN, Newsmax, PJ Media, Breitbart, WND, Gateway Pundit, and Infowars. It's certainly a "marketplace" but its "ideas" are the rantings of paranoiacs and half-wits.
@Greg The Class Traitor:
Um, we're being kicked of left wing "social media" because we engage teh lefties and point out their dishonesty.
Well this will certainly solve that problem!
This was a new level of stupid, even for you
@Michael K:
The fellow who spouts "Unz Review" and "American Conservative" talking points is accusing Trump voters, the most diverse wing to the GOP, of "conspiratorial thinking to maintain its worldview."
I am not talking about "Trump voters" (a category that includes myself), I am talking about the "Trumpist faction." Before Trump, I would've called them the birthers.
Unz and AmCon are not partisan operations so the phrase "talking points" doesn't even make sense in that context. You and I read Steve Sailer. If three three of us agree on a particular issue and say as much, we aren't "spouting" a "talking point."
Its just any actual "other" right-leaning outlets you oppose.
The hypothetical ones are just fine....up until the moment they might become "actual", at which point the problems you envision arise.'
Want to give me some examples of any other potential outlets? Maybe you don't recall me writing numerous times during Trump's presidency that Trumpism would need institutional support and couldn't rely solely on Trump's persona. I've said who I think could be part of this support, including Tucker Carlson, The American Conservative, Josh Hawley, Peter Theil, Ann Coulter, Taki's Magazine, V Dare, American Renaissance, Steve Sailer, Glenn Greenwald, Michael Tracy, Jeremy Scahill, Matt Taibi, etc. etc. etc.
@Robert Cook:
Farmer's point is clear and well-taken: the more those of either political persuasion self-segregate in on-line fora where only their own point of view is heard and "dittoed," the more cut off they become from the real, complex world. Wildly paranoid imaginings become common "realities"--articles of faith--and any data that contradicts these articles of faith are immediately discounted as "fake news," "lies," and "propaganda."
Exactly right. This is the source of our alternating derangement syndromes. People like Glenn Greenwald were heroes to Democrats when he was criticizing Bush, but they turned on him the second he criticized Obama or Hillary. They attacked him for challenging the Russiagate hoax.
@Michelle Dulak Thomson:
But . . . don't you see that both sides are "self-segregating" here?
A bad thing isn't made better by both sides doing it.
J. Farmer said...
@Robert Cook:
"Farmer's point is clear and well-taken: the more those of either political persuasion self-segregate in on-line fora where only their own point of view is heard and "dittoed," the more cut off they become from the real, complex world. Wildly paranoid imaginings become common "realities"--articles of faith--and any data that contradicts these articles of faith are immediately discounted as "fake news," "lies," and "propaganda."
Exactly right. This is the source of our alternating derangement syndromes. People like Glenn Greenwald were heroes to Democrats when he was criticizing Bush, but they turned on him the second he criticized Obama or Hillary. They attacked him for challenging the Russiagate hoax."
You people love to see people as groups that can be manipulated, don't you? Conservative and classic liberals tend to see people as individuals with their own concerns. Sometimes those concerns coincide. Sometimes they don't. It is based above all on reason and the belief that our fellow human beings can be argued into seeing reason. It is one of the things that made that liberal, Christopher Hitchens, so appealing and respected by the right. I didn't always agree with him, but his reasons were well thought out and above all honest. Most of yours aren't.
Florida Man Cookie says without a hint of irony:
"Wildly paranoid imaginings become common "realities"--articles of faith"
From the LARP-ing posturing dissident (who lives in NYC by the way) with the most one-dimensional, predictable, one-size-fits-all take on every single issue.
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