March 4, 2021

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about anything you want.


The photos were taken today at 6:25, 6:40, and 6:42.



Inga said...

Magnificent clouds! It’s all about the clouds.

Mark said...

Who is the killer of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?

rcocean said...

Sunrise vs. Dog.

God vs. Zeus.

Mark said...

I arrived to late for the March 4 Insurrection 2.0 discussion, and I've been meaning to post this, so here goes. From the Arlington, Virginia news website --

EXCLUSIVE: While the Capitol Was Stormed, A Group of Men Gathered Near the Marine Corps War Memorial | March 1, 2021 at 11:00am

. . .Previously unpublished photos taken by ARLnow that day show the men loitering near the Marine Corps War Memorial, with the overrun Capitol in the background. Parked nearby are numerous vehicles, mostly pickup trucks and SUVs with out-of-state license plates.

One pickup truck, with large toolbox in the back, was left running. . .


Jersey Fled said...

I missed the big insurrection in DC today.

What happened?

Original Mike said...

Blogger Jersey Fled said..."I missed the big insurrection in DC today.
What happened?"

Lefties soiled themselves.

The Gipper Lives said...

I missed the big insurrection in DC today.

What happened?

A: The House committed Insurrection against the People by voting to Institutionalize the Election Fraud forever.

Or so they think.

Jersey Fled said...

Democrats in Congress
Intelligence community
Mainstream media

I can't think of a bigger bunch of morons.

chickelit said...

For Democrats in Congress, 1/6/21 was their 9/11/01

tim maguire said...

Blogger Mark said...Who is the killer of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?

The zeitgeist.

narciso said...

narciso said...

Since youtube deleted it and banned right side broadcasting

The Gipper Lives said...

No need to worry. Super Secret Capitol Police Lt. "Shooter" X didn’t shoot anybody. It’s all Crisis Actors, including Antifa and the corrupt cops. Pure stagecraft. You’ve heard of Pallywood? This was Pelosiwood.

One of the biggest reasons you know is that Democrats would be screaming her name like they did with Ofc. Sicknick. Instead, they are radio silent.

If this were real, Democrats would be screaming “Trump Killed Ashli Babbitt!” and they would be throwing parades for Lt. X instead of hiding his face and identity. It is indeed the Hound that Didn’t Bark. They know this phony Deep State Snuff Film they cooked up to incite a riot is bogus.

How rabidly insane, hateful, crazy and just plain evil have these people been for the last 5 years? Why would you put this past them? You cannot. And should not. If you want to stay in denial, I understand. It's no fun knowing how far this criminal Government of Occupation has sunk. But Free People need the Truth.

This is a fraud, top to bottom.

Nobody’s talking about Ashli Babbitt's "shooting" because it was so poorly staged, it will not bear the light of day. And therefore, any scrutiny might bring their entire Satanic House of Cards down upon their evil heads.

Hence, the Silencing.

Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”

Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”

Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”

Holmes: “That was the curious incident.”

—Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Hound of the Baskervilles”, 1902

narciso said...

Keying off the previous thread, what would be the alternative to vanquishing the slave power, which not only had purchase in the South but also allies in Europe on economic grounds. Lincoln was not the firm abolitionist that was Seward he just didnt want further expansion. Amanda foreman who wrote that long tome about the global reach of the war pointed out sewards anglofilia which was key to them not intervening in the conflict

DINKY DAU 45 said...

trump raised his ovenite stays at his DC HOTEL last night and tonight from $400.00 to $1300+ in excitement for the Q trump inauguration today. So far, with mere hours to go, trump is still the loser of the presidential election and Biden is still president and the rooms probably not booked,,FOUR SEASONS still at $400.00. The Q republicans
will now have to come up with another dream. In the meantime the Bennet guy, with his feet up on Pelosi's desk at the storming and the letter he stole from her desk, whining from jail "its not fair he is still locked up"and others got out, just found out that out of the 7 charges(including weapons)weapons (950 thousand watt stun gun) holds a 20 year prison term and $250.000 fine. The judge said see you next month on May 4th for more deliberation. Bennet thinks his time in jail is unfair now, wait until he turns out to be be BIG BUBBAS girlfriend in the joint. I guess the old adage elections have consequences rings true. Where the heck is Q when you need him(or maybe her) Q ANON folks looking even more silly then usual They should have used that Q senators Mary something, Jewish Space ray gun if they were serious. These folks make twilight zone and Rod Serling look like amateurs.. United States 2021..Yup George saw it coming didn't he?

narciso said...

Its like the gut of gravitys rainbow was as much about american corporate involvement in Germany as with the development of the v2 program and the involvement of some of these figures in the highest ranks of govt forrestal draper dulles among the most prominent.

Mark said...

"I'm happy to take questions, if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance. Whatever you want me to do."

The White House cuts the feed after Joe Biden says he's happy to take questions after a virtual event with Democrat leadership.

Narr said...

Reports conflict, as they always do, but as near as I can make out--

The Florida Militia was held at the southern outskirts of Alexandria, but a battalion or so of Oathkeepers got nearly to the National Cathedral before being turned back. The Insurgent flotilla was stopped by the chain across the river just south of Potomac Yard.

A couple of the sabotage and kidnapping teams (patterned directly on Otto Skorzeny's Nazi Greif teams-- yeah, like a Nazi like you doesn't know what I'm talking about) were able to misdirect some traffic but got no closer to the Capitol than Foggy Bottom, where they disappeared.

No telling what could have happened if we hadn't been on alert!

The mind boggles

narciso said...

When the foxes guard the henhouse

mockturtle said...

I'm about 2/3 through Robert Massie's Dreadnought, one of the most interesting books I've read in quite a while. As with his Peter the Great, the breadth of scope and strength of characterization of his subjects leads the reader into rabbit holes of discovery and amazement. Alas, I think I've read all his books now. [It was not the fault of Massie, of course, that nothing fascinating could be made of Nicholas II, an arguably good man but a woefully inadequate Tsar.]

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I can't think of a bigger bunch of morons.

The biggest moron lives in the White House. He also has a touch of senility to go along with his moronity, so he's a two-time winner.

n.n said...

Blogger Mark said...Who is the killer of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?

The zeitgeist.

It happened under the covenant of penumbras and emanations. The Twilight Fringe.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...


I love Dreadnought. I loved it so much I bought it twice. Don't miss the sequel, Castles of Steel.

It's these history books that should be used in schools, rather than the dreadful history text books. The schools should select from the best sellers in history as reading material. These are much more interesting and alive than a book written by a committee of morons. The collective IQ of the committee goes down as the inverse square of the number of members.

320Busdriver said...

I would say from the looks of it that our precious elites aren’t feeling that they have OUR consent.

They are really afraid of us. Or is it all a show. I don’t think they know.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

We received our Storm water permit from Washington State. That's one more permit down for our new house. Maybe we'll start construction at the end of March or the beginning of April.

mockturtle said...

Mike of Snoqualmie writes: Maybe we'll start construction at the end of March or the beginning of April.

Just in time for The Big One. ;-) No, I hope not. I've just been listening to my younger daughter's hourly seismology reports.

narciso said...

For those who found that film hard to stomach

narciso said...

And this looks interesting

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Our soil is a firm loamy ground, so no liquification during an earthquake.

Sunday was the 20th anniversary of the Nisqually earthquake, a 6.8. I was at work at Boeing's Kent Space Center. Our building was damaged and we were out for six days. All the cell phone circuits were busy, so cell phones were useless. The traffic out of the plant to I-5 was bumper to bumper, but once we reached I-5 it was smooth. My boss, Dick Burwell gave me a ride home as I was riding the bus during that period.

Dick died of Lou Gehrig's disease. He was a very fit and athletic man and a great boss.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Ashli Babbitt’s legal team issued their first press release in response to the deadly shooting of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt by a Capitol Hill police lieutenant.


The shooting of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021 by an unidentified U.S. Capitol Police Officer was an unjustified use of deadly force which violated her constitutional rights. It is clear from video footage that Ashli did not pose a danger to the officer, or any other person, when she was shot. Ashli was unarmed. She did not assault anyone. She did not threaten to harm anyone. There was no excuse for taking her life.

It is a universal law enforcement standard that a police officer should use no more force than necessary to accomplish a lawful purpose. At 5′ 2″ tall and 110 pounds, an arrest of Ashli could have been accomplished by a single trained officer with a set of handcuffs. At the time of the shooting, there were over a half-dozen police officers in close proximity to the Speaker’s door where Ashli was standing. Some of those officers had just allowed protesters access to the door by stepping aside. Other officers, dressed in full tactical gear, stood among the protesters just a few feet behind the door. Still others stood casually at the opposite end of the Speaker’s Lobby, unconcerned with the activities of Ashli and the protesters around her. All of these officers were in a position to have aided in the apprehension of Ashli if it was necessary. Given her background as a 14-year veteran of the Air Force, it is likely that Ashli would have complied with simple verbal commands, thereby making the use of any force unnecessary.

TRENDING: Unhinged Portland Commissioner Makes the News Again: This Time She Was Accused of Hit-and-Run - Then Hid in Her Apartment and Denied It Was Her

However, the officer who shot Ashli never attempted to arrest her. Nor did he call on his fellow officers to arrest her. Instead, he fired a shot into her chest. Witnesses confirm that the officer did not give Ashli a single verbal warning prior to firing. In fact, Ashli was not even aware that the officer was present, as he was located in the doorway of a room off to the side of her field of vision.

To date, the officer who shot Ashli has not been identified. Neither the Capitol Police nor any other governmental authority has given an account of the facts surrounding the shooting. There has been no official explanation or justification for the use of lethal force in this matter. This lack of transparency impedes the public scrutiny which is necessary to hold government officials accountable in a free society. It also interferes with the ability of Ashli’s family to obtain justice for their loss.

My law firm and I represent Ashli’s husband and family members. We will continue to investigate this matter. We intend to take appropriate legal action when our investigation has been completed. We call upon the Capitol Police as well as the United States Congress to make public the facts and circumstances of Ashli’s shooting.

If you have information regarding this matter, you may contact us and receive updates on Twitter at Justice for Ashli Babbitt @ForAshli. Emails can also be to the address alone.

Terrell N. Roberts, III

Roberts and Wood

Riverdale, Maryland

If you or anyone you know have unreleased footage or pictures that can help further Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Investigation you can submit them to:

narciso said...

Yes dreadnought and its sequel lends itself to a cinematic scope, actually more of a limited series.

Achilles said...

Hello all. Just peaking. Have a few minutes while waiting for a phone call.

5 and 25 analysis done. This blog was somewhere around 21.

Might check in every now and then though.

Achilles said...

FullMoon said...

Ashli Babbitt’s legal team issued their first press release in response to the deadly shooting of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt by a Capitol Hill police lieutenant.

I look forward to the comparison and contrast between this trial and the trial of Derek Chauvin.

Mark said...

Link please FullMoon. It's hard to send this around without one.

Rt41Rebel said...

"They are really afraid of us. Or is it all a show. I don’t think they know."

They know. It's a little of the first, but mostly the second. It's a show for the purpose of gaining just enough public support to prosecute political opposition. And by "political opposition," I mean anyone that supported Trump or might ever consider not giving unwavering support for them.

Joe Smith said...

"I missed the big insurrection in DC today."

The Chinese are laughing their motherfucking asses off.

America is pussy.

Original Mike said...

China is asshole.
America is pussy.

Sounds about right.

Mark said...

It's going to be sunny, but chilly this weekend (in the 40s). I'm thinking of going over and checking out the Capitol Prison and Militarized Zone.

Joe Smith said...

"trump raised his ovenite stays at his DC HOTEL last night and tonight from $400.00 to $1300+ in excitement for the Q trump inauguration today."

It's called surge pricing moron.

Evil capitalists understand the concept.

It's why you pay more for a Yankees/Red Sox game than a Yankees/Rangers game.

Business people anticipate the future. Sometimes they're wrong.

Fuck off.

alfromchgo said...

A primer for living under the present Democrat regime would "Berlin Noir" by the late Philip Kerr. Fiction but .....

narciso said...

Yes that was a very interesting series, its sad there will likely be no more gunther tales.

narciso said...

Roy blunt wants military police to replace the national guard shirley.

JML said...

China is asshole.
America is pussy.

Anal swabs for all.

effinayright said...

There's a wonderful scene in the Solzhenitsyn's novel, "August, 1914' where a Czarist Army officer attempts to quell his semi-mutinous troops aware of the Bolshevik-led uprising back in Moscow.

He stands amidst them atop a brine-filled barrel of pickles and exhorts them to remain loyal to their Czar and Motherland.

Mid-speech, the barrel's top caves in, plunging the officer waist-deep into the pickles.

The troops guffaw, and---the officer's authority having been shattered in an instant---they shoot him and go over to the Reds.

What modern version of a pickle barrel, I ask, will eventually plunge us into a civil war?

Mutaman said...

"The biggest moron lives in the White House. He also has a touch of senility to go along with his moronity, so he's a two-time winner.'

He"s a senile moron who beat your boy by 7 million votes.

Mutaman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

Mutaman said...
"The biggest moron lives in the White House. He also has a touch of senility to go along with his moronity, so he's a two-time winner.'

He"s a senile moron who beat your boy by 7 million votes.

Happy to hear you agree that Zho Bi-Den is a senile moron.

Yancey Ward said...

I read "Berlin Noir" a few years ago. I liked it, but not enough to read anything else. I remember when Kerr died- was a couple of years back- I think I read about it in one of these comment threads at the time.

Looking at his Wiki page right now- bladder cancer at 62.

Yancey Ward said...

Even a moron can steal an election if his supporters work hard.

narciso said...

Well i started about mid way in the series, a homicide detective in the holocaust the definition of absurdity it would have a great scope as far as pre castro havana and argentina.

Mutaman said...

"Even a moron can steal an election if his supporters work hard."

Oh,,,,, that'll leave a mark. So why didn't you geniuses work hard enough so you're moron could steal it? That dam karl Rove.

Yancey Ward said...

"What modern version of a pickle barrel, I ask, will eventually plunge us into a civil

I think the most likely spark will be some foreign adversary sinking an aircraft carrier group. When that happens, and it will eventually happen, the aura the United States government will lose all its potency, and with that gone, the economy will collapse rapidly.

Yancey Ward said...

We are just too honest to try to steal an election. It really is that simple.

Mutaman said...

Too honest to steal an election and too incompetent to prove that the other side stole it.

Yancey Ward said...

We could prove it very easily- we just need to examine the the signatures on the mail in ballots. Can't get at them yet, but someone will eventually if the Democrats don't destroy the evidence.

JaimeRoberto said...

China is asshole.
America is pussy.

Does that mean Trump was the dick?

Yancey Ward said...

It is this simple, Mutaman- if the Democrats were really confident Biden won the election fair and square, they would be tripping over themselves to open up the ballots for inspection by all interested parties. That they fight this every step of the way betrays their guilt.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”

Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”

Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”

Holmes: “That was the curious incident.”

—Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Hound of the Baskervilles”, 1902

It's a classic bit for sure, but from "Silver Blaze".

Bruce Hayden said...

“ He"s a senile moron who beat your boy by 7 million votes.”

Notice that he essentially is admitting in his posts that the Democrats cheated, and got away with it. Saw an article today pointing out that in GA, there is missing documentation for 400k absentee votes (which under GA law, makes them illegal), while Biden “won” the state by 12k votes. Last I knew, something like at least 1.6 million of those 7 million votes were fraudulently cast votes in the 6 swing states that were stolen by Biden and the Dems. So, sure, Biden may have gotten more votes, but what Mutant brain cannot honestly say is that any of those excess votes were legitimate. We all do know that a number of them were not - far more than Biden’s margin of “victory” in those six states.

FullMoon said...

Mutaman said...

"That they fight this every step of the way betrays their guilt."

Trump University logic. Right up there with -it must be rigged , Trump was ahead when I went to bed and when I woke up he was behind.

Bring another lawsuit Sparky, Rudy is tanned and he's rested.

FullMoon said...

D.C. Dems are pretending to be wary of white supremacists. They are actually concerned with BLM/Antifa type riots with looting, arson, beatings and destruction.

The Floyd cop is going on trial and the natives are definitely restless.

Mutaman said...

We cheated and we got away with it because you morons were too incompetent to stop it or prove it. Couldn't even get Trump's hand picked judges to side with you.

This is like a kicking match with a one legged man. You all should cut trump a few more checks. And spend the next 4 years whining about it.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ China is asshole.
“America is pussy.

“Does that mean Trump was the dick?”

Probably everyone here got it, but JIC - it essentially comes from Team America: World Police, created by the same people that gave us South Park (and the real elementary school in South Park looks nothing like the TV version - it is in actuality a typical 1 story elementary school, with the classrooms on either side of a hallway, with all having exterior doors).

Joe Smith said...

"We cheated and we got away with it because you morons were too incompetent to stop it or prove it."

This is what I don't understand (because I'm not a moron)...the lefties brag about winning, but look who they elected...

He's a drooling dolt!

Even if you are proud of beating Trump, I get it. But this is the best you can do?

Are you honestly proud of putting such a fool in the White House?

But thanks for admitting cheating part.

effinayright said...

Yancey Ward said...
"What modern version of a pickle barrel, I ask, will eventually plunge us into a civil

I think the most likely spark will be some foreign adversary sinking an aircraft carrier group. When that happens, and it will eventually happen, the aura the United States government will lose all its potency, and with that gone, the economy will collapse rapidly

I can see the reasoning in your first claim, but not the second part: whatever our national aura, we still supply the world with huge amounts of goods and services, and the world to us.

What adversary would sink our economy, knowing that it would sink theirs as well?

narciso said...

Hey bruce how have you been?

One could see the precursor to the czarist collapse in the backwash from the russo japanese war, illustrated in belys petersberg the ruling pan slavic orthodoxy was giving way to more metaphyaical beliwvws like solovyievs teachings.

effinayright said...

Mutaman said...
We cheated and we got away with it because you morons were too incompetent to stop it or prove it. Couldn't even get Trump's hand picked judges to side with you.

This is like a kicking match with a one legged man. You all should cut trump a few more checks. And spend the next 4 years whining about it.

No sane person admits he is a cheat and a scoundrel---and implicitly claims that his lack of honesty and ethics makes him better at governing in the national interest.

You're a fool, moral leper and a troll, straight up.

Mutaman said...

"But thanks for admitting cheating part."

You're welcome. And thanks for proving you're a moron.

narciso said...

Metaphysical beliefs soltzhenitsyn zeroes in on this as well.

Mutaman said...

"Mid-speech, the barrel's top caves in, plunging the officer waist-deep into the pickles."

I think this scene was portrayed in Lean's Dr Zhivago.

Mutaman said...

"his lack of honesty and ethics'

Trumpsters talking about honesty and ethics.

Mutaman said...

"and implicitly claims that his lack of honesty and ethics makes him better at governing in the national interest."

Well look at the alternative- we let you guys in charge and after 4 years the end result was 500,000 dead and the economy in the toilet. Heckof a job governing in the national interest Donald.

narciso said...

That sort of manifests itself in the zhivagean doomed romance kurt ye sura

The Gipper Lives said...

Yes--"The Adventure of Silver Blaze", Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1892


Bruce Hayden said...

For better or worse, I am back. I was in a funk over the last two months, after Mutantbrain and his Dem buddies got away with stealing control of the government. I actually did get email from other posters here asking when I would be back.

And it is still depressing. Today, Sen Johnson required that the entire $1.9 trillion dollar slush fund bill, (advertised as COVID-19 payoffs) be read. And thence to 20 hours of debate, thanks to the tie breaking vote by illegitimate VP Harris. A little for COVID-19 relief, then the bulk of the graft to every Dem constituency with their hands out. Deep Blue states with horrible pension problems get bailed out. Federal employees get weeks and weeks of paid leave by just intoning “COVID-19”. The same federal employees who have been immune to any of the pain the rest of the country suffered. Planned Parenthood is getting their piece of the graft. Pelosi bought Tesla stock the night before money for electric vehicles was added into the Bill. She is getting her train, and Scheamer his graft too. It’s like Obama’s Porkulus, but on steroids. Plus $15 minimum wage.

I really think that they know that they have one shot at the gravy train, and they are goin* for all the graft that they think that they can evenly remotely almost think about justifying. Of course, it is going to crash the economy. That’s fine with them. They are on the gravy train, and at the front of the feeding trough. They will have their millions of ill gotten gains squirreled away in Cayman Island accounts. That’s all that matters.

What is going to be interesting is HR 1, that attempts to federalize the voter fraud that enabled this epic looting of the federal treasury. Meanwhile some of the states where the fraud was most blatantly committed are closing up the loopholes that quasi allowed it (except that the real enabler was SCOTUS, which refused to do its job, and enforce Bush v Gore). I don’t think that it is going to work - Red State Senators would be term limiting themselves voting for it- I see Mark Kelly voting for it, but probably none of the others. Moreover, we have over two centuries of state control over elections and election integrity. Letting the federal government usurp that power is probably one bridge too far, even for CJ Roberts.

narciso said...

Yes georgia stepped back over the charred embers of the burnt barn for once.

Mutaman said...

"Pelosi bought Tesla stock the night before money for electric vehicles was added into the Bill"

You are a genuine idiot.

Mutaman said...

"Of course, it is going to crash the economy. "

Where do you think the economy was after you Trumpsters got through with it.

Joe Smith said...

"You're welcome. And thanks for proving you're a moron."

Funniest thing I've read all night : )

Bruce Hayden said...

What has been enlightening has been the amount of time I squander on the Internet, and, in particular, commenting here at Althouse. Read a couple dozen books online, esp “free” with Kindle Unlimited. Got my sci-fi/fantasy paperback collection up, on bookcases in the garage. 221 linear feet ((9’+8’)*13 rows) of bookshelves. Reread maybe a half dozen of the books already. Finished the cabinets in the laundry. Extra clothes rods in several of the closets (we have 10’ ceilings downstairs, and 9’ upstairs, which leave plenty of room for a second level). Etc.

I kinda edged into it over the last couple days using Drudge and Instapundit as test cases for my Internet implementation adventures. This house has a lot of upgrades, and one of them was coax and Ethernet in all the rooms, and two drops (high and low) in the living room and master bedroom. Overall, almost a dozen each - unmarked, and in the case of Ethernet, unterminated. I ended up identifying and marking all of them, and terminating the Ethernet cables. They all end up in a small coat closet downstairs, that I have mostly dedicated now to the cause. When we moved in a year ago, got CenturyLink fiber DSL fairly quickly because they would come into the house, and Cox couldn’t due to their silly COVID-19 rules. When we got back to AZ in October, finally as able to get Cox in for cable TV, but also for Internet, since I already had one of their mesh modems, and they had relaxed their stupid rules for their technicians. And that meant that I had two different Internet streams into the house. Cox is blindingly fast downstream (175 mbs), but sucky upstream (10 mbs). Average for CenturyLink was comparable, but balanced. But CenturyLink was flaky. A lot of glitching, esp with streaming TV. Then I had an idea - How about a two WAN router, with load balancing and failover between the two links. Found a TP Link modem that provides 1-4 WAN input lines, and 4-1 LAN output lines. Seems to work great. What should I do for WiFi then¿ I found a pair of Linksys AC2400 dual band modems lying around, and turned them into access points by turning off DHCP (which assigns IP addresses). It all seems to work now. I tested the configuration out until I got it working by signing onto the proper WiFi router, then testing that Drudge and Instapundit loaded properly. One AC2400 is in the office upstairs in the front, and the other downstairs by the TV in the back, both connected to the TP Link router via Ethernet. The rest of the Ethernet cables are connected to a Gigabit router i the closet, which in turn is connected to the fifth port on the TP Link.

Not everything though was a success. The Cox technician who got cable TV operational refused to set up more than 3 (of the 12) coax lines (for the 3 Contour boxes we had), for a series of BS reasons. I wanted more flexibility, so put in a splitter that provided more than 3 outputs. Worked with the master and two Contour slaves. But I wanted more boxes, so got a regular box from them, and hooked it up. Nope. Couldn’t connect to Cox. Returned and replaced it. Still no go. Has to be the splitter, but have no idea why. In any case, they told me that the only thing left was to bring out one of their technicians for a $100 service call. Nope. That box is going back. Their loss. Besides, I have my partner used to the AT&T TV boxes now, and I expect fewer problems with the two WAN input TP Link modem, switching between Cox and CenturyLink Internet links, than with Cox cable. Plus it costs almost $100 less a month. Something about pigs getting fed, and hogs slaughtered. Cox used to be a reputable company. Now they are both greedy AND incompetent.

Crazy World said...

Stunning pictures, beautiful day! we dodged a tsunami watch.blessings

Crazy World said...

Dinky dau,,,,,, what? chill

Mutaman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gadfly said...

Mark said...
I arrived to late for the March 4 Insurrection 2.0 discussion, and I've been meaning to post this, so here goes. From the Arlington, Virginia news website --

It has already been reported that the Capitol insurrectionists used cellphones as two-way radios employing a walkie-talkie-like app named Zello. A public Zello channel called “STOP THE STEAL J6”, served Trump supporters at home and in Washington DC as that riot unfolded. So the same communications could have likely been tapped into at the Iwo Jima memorial. But the location is on wrong side of the Potomac and Joint Base Henderson Hall-Fort Myer has a bunch of soldiers and marines southwest of there about two miles. You can bet that Arlington riot squads were sitting in armored vehicles ready to roll as well.

gadfly said...

Yancey Ward said...
Even a moron can steal an election if his supporters work hard.

Yancey - Great tongue-in-cheek comment.

So Trump isn't a moron after all - he is a total ass incapable of passing an IQ test.

Gahrie said...

So Trump isn't a moron after all - he is a total ass incapable of passing an IQ test.

I thought you guys didn't believe in IQ tests...

Gahrie said...

and Joint Base Henderson Hall-Fort Myer has a bunch of soldiers and marines southwest of there about two miles. You can bet that Arlington riot squads were sitting in armored vehicles ready to roll as well.

Pussies. Obama would have had bomb laden Predators in the air.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

Speaking of unintended consequences, if anyone is interested, there are two (2) Dr. Seuss books for sale on my local Craigslist site. Both for $450, includes shipping!!! No word on whether the sale includes some GameStop shares.

Lucien said...


The scene you mentioned occurred in the film “Dr. Zhivago”. It may also be recounted in “1914” (which I haven’t read), but I am skeptical.

Big Mike said...

He"s a senile moron who beat your boy by 7 million votes.

Did he now? And you have proof that the election was not stolen?

stevew said...

@Mike of Snoqualmie: great to hear of the progress and here's best wishes for an early spring ground breaking.

iowan2 said...

Over at the Conservative Treehouse, they are reporting McConnell is laying the groundwork to resign before his term is over. Working with the Governor to hand pick is replacement. Washington DC establishment are well aware they have let their masks slip and true motivations are not showing them in a good light to voters. Thats why DC is militarized. To protect the politicians from the voters.

We are to believe, dementia Joe received more votes for President than any President ever, That's just how popular he is, yet armed military, and fences to topped with razor wire are required in DC.

Big Mike said...

@Churchy, the exchange is between Holmes and Watson, and it is in a different story : “The Adventure of Silver Blaze.”

gilbar said...

That's just how popular he is,

it's not just him! the Whole democrat party is SUPER popular!
just Look at the bipartisan support their proposals (like House Bill 1) are getting!
NOTHING says bipartisan,
like getting NO votes from the other party; and not even all the votes from your own!

Mr. Forward said...

Imagine you are standing on a pickle barrel about to break, then comment.

tim maguire said...

Humperdink said...Speaking of unintended consequences, if anyone is interested, there are two (2) Dr. Seuss books for sale on my local Craigslist site. Both for $450, includes shipping!!!

Well, if it includes shipping!

I'm hearing stories of crazy prices--one as high as $1,600! Is anyone crazy enough to pay them? These books will never be in short supply as collectors items and in a year or two they will be back on Amazon for the normal price.

Jersey Fled said...

Just did a quick survey of what the media was reporting on the insurrection that didn't happen.

Nothing on CNN, Foxnews, NPR, Washington Post, New York Times et ai.

CBS News did a completely bogus report wherein Norah O'Donnell breathlessly reported that DC remained on "high alert" due to "threats of violence" along with footage of about a half dozen National Guardsmen walking down a peaceful street. The report was time stamped at 12 hours ago.

A completely bogus report. Amped up to the max to make a nothing burger into a report of impending doom.

You could almost see Norah looking over her shoulder for the stormtroopers who were about to break the door down while she heroically continued to report.

A completely manufactured story.

At least the others had the the good grace to simple report nothing.

I went back to check a few things and the report was no longer there. Fifteen minutes ago it was there, now it isn't. At least they had the sense to take it down.

Mr. Forward said...

Pelosi says instead of "Open Sesame" they now say "Open Biden". Isn't that how Ali Baba and the 40 thieves looted the treasury?

Browndog said...

I'm hearing stories of crazy prices--one as high as $1,600! Is anyone crazy enough to pay them? These books will never be in short supply as collectors items and in a year or two they will be back on Amazon for the normal price.

You'll be able to buy Chinese knock-offs for $19.99 from street vendors in Tijuana by summer.

Matt Sablan said...

"So why didn't you geniuses work hard enough so you're moron could steal it?"

-- "You morons and your ethics," is not exactly a stellar retort. I'm not buying in to the Dominion SWITCHED VOTES stuff, but it is clear that there was a lot of election incompetence -- lost votes, destroyed data, blocking of poll workers, lying to people, etc. -- and America would probably benefit from a push for election competence.

Matt Sablan said...

"I'm hearing stories of crazy prices--one as high as $1,600! Is anyone crazy enough to pay them?"

-- Yes, or they wouldn't stay that high.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

@Churchy, the exchange is between Holmes and Watson, and it is in a different story : “The Adventure of Silver Blaze.”

Yes, that's what I was pointing out. (But the exchange is between Holmes & Gregory).

Rusty said...

People now crossing our southern boarder with the approval of the Biden administration have covid.
And the usual suspects are proud of this.

tim maguire said...

Matt Sablan said..."I'm hearing stories of crazy prices--one as high as $1,600! Is anyone crazy enough to pay them?"

-- Yes, or they wouldn't stay that high.

What do you mean, "stay that high"? We're talking about a couple days here and already they haven't stayed that high.

Browndog said...You'll be able to buy Chinese knock-offs for $19.99 from street vendors in Tijuana by summer.

I'd like to see an amendment to copyright laws so that if a rights holder chooses to take a title out of circulation for more than some nominal period of time, that is considered a renunciation of rights, putting the writing in the public domain.

Browndog said...

I'd like to see an amendment to copyright laws so that if a rights holder chooses to take a title out of circulation for more than some nominal period of time, that is considered a renunciation of rights, putting the writing in the public domain.

Agreed, especially considering the books are already in the public domain.

narciso said...

narciso said...

Nothing to see here

Rory said...

"Agreed, especially considering the books are already in the public domain."

I don't understand this.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

JOE SMITH SAYS "trump raised his ovenite stays at his DC HOTEL last night and tonight from $400.00 to $1300+ in excitement for the Q trump inauguration today."

It's called surge pricing moron.

Evil capitalists understand the concept.

It's why you pay more for a Yankees/Red Sox game than a Yankees/Rangers game.

Business people anticipate the future. Sometimes they're wrong.

Fuck off.

Well good morning JOE SMITH(is that an alias or your real name?)It seems your theory is faulty, the FOUR SEASONS,HAY ADAMS and ST REGIS ,other exclusive hotels in the area didn't use "surge pricing" ON THE NIGHT BEFORE THE DREAMED UP Q assault on the capitol. It was only trump and his anticipation as an "evil capitalists as you claim price surgers are. People that have to pay more for price surged tickets include all the population, this is trump exclusive and its no wonder why as a Q supporter. Its not really rocket science if you have an open mind. I will say to you, please scurry off also ,(I don't use foul language I find it boring and just shows a breakdown of conversation). Think man , its as see through as cellophane. JOE SMITH don't let the Q suck you in and stay away from trump and the evil capitalists it will brighten up your day. Yes once again seems trump was wrong,hes got a great record of that.. Do not become BOOCOUP DINKY DAU!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Humperdink said...

Speaking of unintended consequences, if anyone is interested, there are two (2) Dr. Seuss books for sale on my local Craigslist site. Both for $450, includes shipping!!! No word on whether the sale includes some GameStop shares.

Insty is reporting that Dr Seuss is topping the book sales chart at Amazon. Guess everyone wants to get their copy before they go out of print.

RMc said...

I hope Dinky recovers from his stroke.

I Callahan said...

Where are all of these lunatics coming from lately? It's as if they hide in the shadows until some newsworthy event comes along, then stick their heads up and spew bullshit as if they have any moral compass.

I'm Not Sure said...

The president is a senile moron and the VP is a cocksucker. And Democrats couldn't be prouder.

Mr. Forward said...

I was going to get the Trump vaccine but I think I will get the Biden jab maybe this time next year after a long dark winter.

Michael K said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
I'm about 2/3 through Robert Massie's Dreadnought, one of the most interesting books I've read in quite a while. As with his Peter the Great, the breadth of scope and strength of characterization of his subjects leads the reader into rabbit holes of discovery and amazement.

I've read it several times and "Castles of Steel" as well. Well worth rereading.

I would also recommend "The Sleep Walkers" which has a somewhat different take on the origins of WWI.

I need to read it again as I have gained the impression that France had much more to do with the origins of the war plus the role of the Boer War that stimulated The Kaiser to build his High Seas Fleet.

I notice the price of the Sleep Walkers hardcover version has gone way up the last year. I buy all these serious books in non-electronic versions as I don't trust Amazon. I have hundreds of titles on Kindle but all are fiction or my wife's celebrity bios.

Ken B said...

I second the praise above for Robert K Massie. Intelligent histories that are real page turners.

I too have hundreds of books on Kindle, but Michael K is right that it’s wiser to own physical copies of books that are important to you. Amazon will come for all the free stuff soon. No Walter Scott for you.

I have supported antitrust actions for a long time now. It might be too late with internet companies. They need to be nationalized. But it might still be workable with Amazon to just break it up. Otherwise I'm willing to go full Elizabeth Warren on them.

Big Mike said...

@Churchy, now I have to go back and reread it. And my Conan Doyle books are still boxed in the basement from when we downsized and moved into our retirement house. Now you’re making me work. Curses upon you!

Big Mike said...

@Churchy, and you’re right. It was Gipper Lives who misidentified the source of the quote. I was too quick.

effinayright said...

Lucien said...

The scene you mentioned occurred in the film “Dr. Zhivago”. It may also be recounted in “1914” (which I haven’t read), but I am skeptical.

In retrospect, I think you're right. I'm sure I read about it before seeing it in a movie. AND---1914 was too early for such an event while Zhivago involves the Revolution's beginnings.

In any event it was a great scene that obviously made an impression on me.

I will watch "Zhivago" again, if only to enjoy Tom Courtenay as steely-eyed Strelnikov, and to see Julie Christie as...Julie Christie.

What a babe. Back at State U I had a girlfriend who looked a bit like her--if you squinted.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

@Churchy, now I have to go back and reread it. And my Conan Doyle books are still boxed in the basement from when we downsized and moved into our retirement house. Now you’re making me work. Curses upon you!

Good news!

Most of the Holmes canon is online at project Gutenberg.

Here is "Silver Blaze".

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

I gave my daughter my copy of the annotated complete Sherlock Holmes stories. It was pretty interesting. Knowing her, she probably sold it on eBay.

mockturtle said...

As I mentioned last night, Dreadnought has led me down new rabbit holes and my next reading excursion will be Admiral Togo and the Russo-Japanese War, which I know little about except what I've read in bios of TR. Every great non-fiction book leads me to another fascinating journey. How I love books!

Narr said...

Love Holmes; Conan Doyle wrote historical fiction also-- great inspiration for G M Fraser's Flashman in the Brigadier Gerard series, which I see is available online.

Anyone familiar with the tales?

mock, if you find something excellent on Togo and the R-J War, let us know. FWIW, the voyage of the Baltic Fleet to its doom at Tsushima is a subplot in Gravity's Rainbow, IIRC.

I like Massie, but I'm onto HRE Charles V for now

Jim at said...

I hope Dinky recovers from his stroke.

I don't.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Doyle's The White Company is fun and online as well. A coming-of-age story in the mercenary bands of the late medieval period. You can tell Doyle was having as much fun as with his Professor Challenger book, The Lost World, which is also excellent.

Jaq said...

My book journey over the last few months started with Huck Finn, where I kind of noticed that Tom Sawyer was based on Don Quixote and Huck was Sancho, so after that I read Don Quixote, and there was a part in there where he goes over all of the authors and books about knights errant that he was parodying, and he mentioned that a couple of them were worth saving, which took me to reading Palmerin of England, which I have mentioned here was the kind of book that Monty Python loved to parody. After reading Palmerin of England, I realized that there were so many references to these stories of knights errant and courtly love that just went right over my head. Twain had obviously read many of them. Even though they are nonsense, they are surprisingly compelling, some of them.

Anyway, this all led up to me listening on Audible to The Knight’s Tale from the Canterbury Tales, and now having the background for it, I found it spellbinding. Chaucer was a member of Richard II’s court, but he never gets a shout out in Shakespeare’s play. If I am going to read about the Medieval period, I would rather get it straight from the palfrey’s mouth.

I like poetry in long form, and listening to it on Audible is great. You can’t fake poetic genius, which is why the form has died out. Now the people commanding the artistic stage tend to be those whith the sharpest elbows who mainly want to push ersatz art, by that I mean propaganda. That’s fine, there is tons of brilliant poetry in the English language written up to now.

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