March 22, 2021

At the Monday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you want.


rehajm said...

I just took an ice bath. Feels pretty good...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hope i don't get in trouble for this tweet.


Gospace said... is a popular milblog, especially foNavy types which describes me. His post today is about the extremism detection training the Navy is getting. Recommended reading.

I tried to post a link to his blog on Facebook. Whoa Nelly! Goes against Facebook community standards as spam!

So I thought maybe it’s just blogspot that triggers the warning. So I posted a link to Althouse recommending my friends peruse it.

Congratulations Ann. Facebook doesn’t consider you spam.

Joe Smith said...

Must be nice to be a liberal where only good intentions count.

Spend trillions on the war on poverty and education and people are still poor and kids can't read.

But they mean well so it's OK.

In most of the real world, results are the only things that matter...

DavidUW said...

What's Facebook?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Here is the thing that kind of hit me today.

There are certain aspects of wokeness that belie affirmative action.

I don't hear anybody pointing this out.

A lot of the image icons now disappearing from store shelves were put there with the idea of affirmative action in mind. Maybe I'm wrong about this?

I don't know. All I know for certain, is that, if we are going to be woke, it better start making sense.

-end of rant.

wild chicken said...

Lem it would help if I had a clue what you're talking about.

mockturtle said...

Just saw video of the Boulder police leading the shooter [I won't say suspect, they know he did it] to a stretcher to take the poor dear to a hospital when they should have just taken him down.

stevew said...

Biden called a lid today at about 1:30pm. I have been known to take a nap early in the afternoon but only lasts 30-40 mins. Was he dodging some responsibility or thoroughly worn out from his grueling morning activities? My need for a nap in the afternoon is directly related to my activities of the night before. Joe? Good news is that I think he isn't able to do any further damage when the lid is on. Today.

Mrs. stevew and I, and our adult children, are in search of a weeklong rental on a lake in Maine in August. So far we are finding nothing - I mean nothing - available. It would seem the general population is planning to break out of Covid restrictions in a big, big way.

The weather here over the past few days has been great. Lots of people out an about. Masks only when crossing or coming somewhat close to others. Folks on the beach aren't bothering with them at all.

We are half vaccinated, will be fully so on April 6. The entire family should be inoculated by the end of April. MIL has announced a trip north around July 4 holiday. Feels good to be making these plans.

No word on what the negative nancies, aka: Karens, in the family will do. I don't care, if they are concerned they can stay home. There's only a couple anyway.

narciso said...


Big Mike said...

Is this the place to compare and contrast people breaking our laws by entering this country without following the proper legal procedures being up in hotels, versus the National Guard protecting the Capitol sent to sleep in the winter in an unheated parking garage and being fed contaminated food?

narciso said...

You betcha

MadisonMan said...

I hope the Boulder Althouse commentariat are safe.

Paul said...

So let's see.... Biden's Mad Max Thunderdome down near the border is falling apart, nutjob in liberal Denver goes postal in a store, they still want us to wear two mask even while Kerry, the hero of the Swiftboats, doesn't wear one, and Trump goes for a new Trumpbook web site (which I am all for.)

And the week has barely started!!

walter said...

Gotta nip those future Domestic Terrorists in the bud.

walter said...

Blogger stevew said...
Biden called a lid today at about 1:30pm. I have been known to take a nap early in the afternoon but only lasts 30-40 mins. Was he dodging some responsibility or thoroughly worn out from his grueling morning activities?
All tuckered out from the Help Is On The Way Tour.
One step at a time.

Big Mike said...

@narcisco, I read that article myself. Christopher Kuehne’s unborn child was sacrificed so that Chris Wray’s FBI could produce some useful footage for CNN.

Gospace said...

Every law enforcement officer who participated in the raid on USMC Captain Chris Kuehne’s house violated their oath to the Constitution of the United States. And are all guilty now of murder of an unborn child. I condemn the raid and all others like it that are conducted in this manner for no other purpose then make the public cower before the mighty state. They knew where he lived, knew his phone number, and could have called and asked him to turn himself in.

It’s as if the DEMONCRATS are intent on fomenting an actual civil war where one doesn’t yet exist.

Has federal law enforcement brought back the ghost of Janet Reno as an adviser?

gilbar said...

Biden called a lid today at about 1:30pm. I have been known to take a nap early in the afternoon but only lasts 30-40 mins. Was he dodging some responsibility or thoroughly worn

Supposedly, he's going to give a "press conference" on the 25th
So, they're keeping him in a medically induced coma between now and then
Thursday afternoon, they'll inject him with a few grains of aderall,
and he should be able to breeze through the presser, what with
the pre asked questions
the teleprompter
the earpiece

THEN! when it's done, they'll let him sleep for a couple of days, and then he'll walk out the the helicopter, to go to Camp David, and more sleep

narciso said...

They are all traitorous vermin, from the lowest one on the totem pole to wray and imguessing that moderate placeholder at justice. A worthless shred of human debris who murders and maims children is valued more than one of our most resolute fighters

gilbar said...

It’s as if the DEMONCRATS are intent on fomenting an actual civil war where one doesn’t yet exist.

Well, they'll look Pretty Bad, cancelling the 2022 elections if we're not at war

JaimeRoberto said...

Ok, I finally got around to watching that tiktok about the n-word that our hostess posted yesterday. It took me several attempts to do so, and I felt like I was in that commercial where people turn into their parents.

Ken B said...

They won’t be canceled. They will be held under new rules.

narciso said...

Thats a stupid commercial, then so's that tiktok.

narciso said...

Gospace said...

It was recommended to me today I install Signal on my phone. If you have it, and whoever you’re calling has it, your voice and text messages are encrypted. Read about it at

After reading about it I’ll be installing it later tonight. The rest of my family by the end of the week. Prior to pretty much now I hadn’t considered any personal encryption. Can anyone guess what changed?

narciso said...

Is it anymore secure

narciso said...

These people are morons (in the comments)

Anonymous said...

Walter - "...future Domestic Terrorists"

Once upon a time they were called James Madison. George Washington. Tom Jefferson. James Monroe. John Adams. Ben Franklin, et al. Many others.

This time is more complicated. The Stasi can know your habits by where you shop. Grocery Store, Gas Station, Credit Cards and Bank Accounts. They know your browser history. They know your Social Media thoughts. Hmmm...Who is naughty or nice.

Young men play video games, read comic books and obsess over Super Hero movies. They don't yet know that this is their world now. They snark on twitter.

It's not a new thing. If a girl wants to wear a too short skirt, in the safety that men provided, she could do that. Chipping away at survival. Relying on men to make things safe.

The Butterfly Effect.

Mark said...

Preparing Joe Biden for a press conference --

farmgirl said...

Jordan Peterson having a conversation w/the artist who imaged his book chapters. She is exceptional.
I find the depth of his videos such a learning opportunity- I’m not such a well-educated person, but I love to read and listen, especially.

FullMoon said...

Lem said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I hope i don't get in trouble for this tweet.


Looks like twitter killed ya.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Madison Man..
Thank you. I was not shopping today - but I do occasionally shop at that very King Soopers. I was at that very store a week or so ago. A local friend was just there yesterday.

Such a heartbreaking tragedy. One police officer killed and leaks say at least 6 dead.
Gunned down by who and why? We are all sick sick sick.

Narr said...

This is just a drive-by at this point; I'll review later.

I don't see Greg here, but after posts of this afternoon I haven't looked back for replies on the "Brains" thread.

It's too much trouble, so I'm going to let whatever has been said stand. At the least we're talking past one another, and Greg's can be the last word on the particular topic of Napoleon For or Against (as Pieter Geyl's standard is entitled).

I have been ransacking the house looking for my dear Schama, and I must have lent it to someone because it ain't here. But who? It's not like I have a lot of friends who would read it.

I reserve the right, though, after I've let it cool over there, to respond to any remarks by other commenters on that era or the particular wars.

We now return you to your regular viewing

mandrewa said...

The Duran: Blinken's Alaska China train wreck changes world order

David Begley said...

For the first time ever, Creighton to the Sweet Sixteen!

Michael K said...

Blogger narciso said...

Beat me to it. I wonder how this will play out with the enlisted? Officers above O-6 are all politicians.

Narr said...

I haven't heard anything in an hour or so, but since we know that a policeman was killed by the Boulder gunman, it's an Anti-Cop Hate Crime. Obviously.

See how they spin

Owen said...

Prayers up for those killed or wounded in the Boulder shooting tonight, and for their families, friends and neighbors. And for the ever-widening circle of acquaintances, neighbors, workmates, colleagues; anyone at all who cared for them or thought well of them or ever crossed their paths.

In other words a prayer for all of us, who have lost something sweet and rare tonight.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the scene - total military zone for a while. The police in CO stand by each other - and It was heart warming to see such an amazing response. Police came in from all over the Denver burbs. (I kept thinking - defund the police?
No - Kamala. NO. NO. no-Anitfa- NO.) I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach for the elderly who could not move fast enough to get out of there.

No word on any specific victims. It's heard-breaking but yes - also another excuse for the left to confiscate our 2nd amendment rights. depressing all round.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - prayers. A lot of people are in a lot of pain - facing some horrible news.

Anonymous said...

Owen - "In other words a prayer for all of us, who have lost something sweet and rare tonight."

Geez, Owen...just put on a dress and get it over with. I'm pretty sure you're not going to be much help with what's coming.

narciso said...

The great upheaval summarizes the terror, the reaction catherine had to it, and the american revolution.

Big Mike said...

Officers above O-6 are all politicians.

When I served in the Pentagon as a Vietnam-era draftee, the rules of thumb were simple:

All O1 and nearly all O2 were assholes. This was true of Navy and Air Farce (sic) as well,

Most O3 and every O4 I met were great people.

Nearly all O5 and every O6 that hadn’t already been passed over for flag rank had stars in their eyes and were not to be trusted.

If there were any general officers or admirals who were anything other than bureaucrats I did not meet them.

narciso said...

So they are creating an army and navy that will be in league with foreign powers amd at war with Americans.

Mark said...

So I see that the Biden Cages don't have chain-link fences for walls, which would allow for an increased air flow, but instead has plastic sheets for walls, which holds in all that COVID-air.

Flat Tire said...

Farmgirl, thanks for the link.

iowan2 said...

Democrats are in the process of removing a newly elected House Member. Iowa Representative Mariannette Miller Meeks was seated after numerous recounts and judicial rulings, declared Miller-Meeks the winner, by 6 votes.
After all the election laws were followed, all the votes counted, Pelosi is allowing the House to pursue overturning the election and seating the Democrat loser in her place.

Ken B said...

If you're active duty military and participating in the "extremism stand down," leak me documents at my secure email drop:

If you get the Proton app your mail is secure. Or so it seems.
Everyone should have a non Google email. Proton is one choice, and I have a proton account, but there are many others. The important thing is to have one, and your key contacts should know it.

Ken B said...

If you live in a blue city
Buy a gun

Big Mike said...

So tell me, Althouse, is this what “normalcy” in the United States looks like to you? Just thought I’d ask.

mockturtle said...

another excuse for the left to confiscate our 2nd amendment rights. depressing all round.

Yes. Glad to hear you are OK! Been thinking about you. Horrible act! Wish someone could have taken him out before all of that happened.

Everyone, please urge your Senators to vote against HR8 and HR 1446, which just passed the House. Both bills would have zero impact on criminals but would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to obtain a firearm.

MayBee said...


I am glad to hear you are ok and can only imagine how close it must all feel. Keep us updated. Love to you and your community

Owen said...

Hercules @ 9:53: I used to live in Boulder so this event rubs me even more raw than most. But I am not here to virtue-signal. This isn't about me. Nor is it about you. If you want to get all snarky, fine, be an asshole. People died tonight and you're OK with that? Jesus Christ, man.

In my best fantasies I would be on the scene of these crazy crimes and I would pull my Glock and drop the fuck before he had a chance to strike. But that's a fantasy. The fact is, we live in a world full of evil, and there's damned little we can do about it. But packing a Block doesn't hurt; and neither does prayer.

Hey, you never know.

Owen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Owen said...

Block = Glock

Stupid Spellcheck

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thanks - Mock. The chain of texts and e-mails going all around this town today - making sure loved ones are OK. This could have been any of us.
It's a lovely store in a lovely location - mellow and peaceful. I am sick.

That pudgy bald guy perp-walked out - I guess he's the guy. I've never laid eyes on him. He is recovering in a local hospital and his victims are dead. Unfair.

This tragedy will be used to smash and gut our gun ownership rights.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In fantasy world - I go over to the local hospital with that Glock and take the asshole out. yeah - I could not and would Never do such a thing. But a part of me wants to. or wish someone could. but law abiding citizens don't do that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thanks, Maybee. I know it's cliche but it brings a lot of clarity to everything...

Drago said...

Mark: "So I see that the Biden Cages don't have chain-link fences for walls, which would allow for an increased air flow, but instead has plastic sheets for walls, which holds in all that COVID-air."

Those are "spark of divinity" walls holding in that democratical/LLR-lefty "spark of divinity" Covid virus.

I just hope those children are very grateful for the Harris/obama/Biden's Earpiece "spark of divinity" sexual assaults.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Owen -
The fact is, we live in a world full of evil, and there's damned little we can do about it.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Must be nice to be a liberal where only good intentions count.”

So, today I saw some of the pieces of the Biden Tax Increase. Biggest, to me, was removing the preferential handling of long term capital gains. They forget that one of the reasons they were enacted in the first place was to prevent the govt from taxing the inflation they had caused. Also, lower capital gains rates reward investing in capital formation. Just what we need now - a reduced incentive to invest in building plants and new jobs, heading into a recession. Brain dead progressives. Then they are talking about forcing estates to step up the tax basis of estate assets - which will mostly affect small business and family farms, forcing them to sell when they would normally be passed on to heirs.

narciso said...

Every way they can smash mutilate and bend this country they are pushing, warping children from birth, turning our military into an occupying power, depriving us of reliable energy inexpensive building materials

Yancey Ward said...

Mark said...

"Preparing Joe Biden for a press conference --"

LOL! I actually guessed what video the link lead to- it had to be "Patterns of Force", or at the outside, something from Weekend at Bernies, but you are a Trek fan of long standing.

Owen said...

Bruce Hayden @ 10:49: Not sure why you’re exercised about Prog tax policy. These are economic morons intent upon carving up the golden goose. They are three-year-olds in the SAC bunker saying, “I wonder what happens if I push this big red button.”

We’re screwed. And to the extent that we’re left unscrewed, our children and grandchildren are doubly screwed.

These morons see the world in static terms, with a finite pie. Wealth is for them not a process, a communication by investors of best strategy for innovation and value, a bet on the future. No: for them it is a stash of gold bars: as if those contained actual value. So they will dig holes all over the land in search for the gold; and end up with nothing but holes.

Big O's Meanings Dictionary said...

capital punishment - definition

A necessary evil, much like putting down a rabid dog.

There are those who oppose it but that's because they have never met - much like said rabid dog - someone in need of being put down.

mockturtle said...

Owen, this administration is carrying out the Obama era policy of destroying the USA. Who the big players are, I can't say. But it's clear they want America on her knees.

Iman said...

That was just plain mean, Hercules @9:53pm.

J. Farmer said...

@Joe Smith:

Spend trillions on the war on poverty and education and people are still poor and kids can't read.

But they mean well so it's OK.

In most of the real world, results are the only things that matter...

What are "results" in politics? Popular support? Electoral success? So far, voters don't want to get rid of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, or Food Stamps.

All modern industrial societies have broad social welfare programs. Among the two earliest were Bismarck's Germany and Meiji Japan. Neither of which were hotbeds of liberalism.

Anonymous said...

Iman - "That was just plain mean"

Yes. It was. Over the years, men have adopted the emotionalism of women. Men cannot afford that anymore. Hard times comin'. Not one of us is guaranteed another day. Let the women weep.

Howard said...

Stop being such a flamboyant drama queen, Hercules.

Anonymous said...

Heh. As time goes by, I find that I like Howard more and more. I suspect he is just a contrarian.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, Hercules, we already have Howard in the drama queen role.

Joe Smith said...

Stair Force One™

You read it here first : )

Sir Loin said...

My sweet mother had a visit to that very King Soopers on her list yesterday but thank God her procrastination won out. She's 83 and tough as hell but also deaf as a doorknob so wouldn't have stood a chance.

@BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe I was under the impression the City of Boulder's mandatory voluntary gun registration law would have prevented this sort of crime.

Humperdink said...

Heard on the radio yesterday the Secret Service has installed a handicap placard in the windshield of Air Force One.

David Begley said...

The Second Gentleman is in Omaha today. No location announced. I wanted to ask him when his wife was going to invoke the 25th on Joe.

Gahrie said...

What are "results" in politics? Popular support? Electoral success? So far, voters don't want to get rid of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, or Food Stamps.

Children don't want to eat their vegetables, or put money in a savings account. Responsible adults teach them that this is necessary. Unfortunately there are no responsible adults in charge.

The modern age of Bread and Circuses has begun.

rhhardin said...

Charles Murray "Facing Reality" has a book coming out June 25, available at Amazon for preorder. It seems to be saying what I've been saying, denying race reality causes problems that ought not to exist and get worse with every denial. I wonder if Amazon will cancel it before it comes out.

rhhardin said...

Anyway don't buy it in Kindle, it will get removed from your device at some point.

Mr. Forward said...

The attempt to make a Sarah Palin joke was the tip-off, Biden is living in the past. Kids in cages, Obamacare, trains, the green new deal, the Great Society. Next up the League of Nations, Cash for Clunkers and Victory Gardens.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Not seeing Asians in the tweets from Miami. Hmmm.

Big Mike said...

In fantasy world - I go over to the local hospital with that Glock and take the asshole out.

So your fantasy is to be the Jack Ruby of the 21st Century?

Rusty said...

"What are "results" in politics? Popular support? Electoral success? So far, voters don't want to get rid of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, or Food Stamps."
Social Security and Medicare. Two of the things that I have massively subsidized since I started working at 14 years of age and am still paying for. Tell what, J.. Just give me my money back. no harm no foul. I'll figure out how best to use it.
Medicaid, Unemployment and Food Stamps. Three of the biggest pork projects ever imposed on the American tax payer. It's ponzi scams all the way down. But you're young yet. You'll learn. Especially if you work in the private sector.
People of the left are extremely self centered people.

Humperdink said...

Cigna Health Insurance: "Don't hire white guys."

Cigna's language police have additional guidelines.

The language guide asks employees to substitute certain phrases for more “inclusive” phrases such as:

“Brown Bag Lunch” → “Lunch-and-Learn/Grab n’Go”
“Wives/Husbands/Boyfriends/Girlfriends” → “Spouse/Partner”
“Mothering/Fathering” → “Parenting”
“Master Bedroom” → “Primary Bedroom”
“Long time, no see” → “It’s been a while”
“You’re to [sic] young to remember this, but…” → “Do you remember X?”

MadTownGuy said...

Dave Cieslewicz Goes Rogue

Blaska's a Never Trumper but when he makes sense, he runs on all eight cylinders. Best comment, though, is this:

"David Blaska wrote, “We hear that Cieslewicz is thinking of starting his own middle-of-the-road, moderate political party.”

In a recent conversation in the comments of Dave Cieslewicz’s Seattle, WI blog post Dave wrote, “I’ve made the point in other forums that Madison needs a new center-left moderate party to counter Progressive Dane.”

My reply was, “If you think a new party is needed then that means the old party is completely lost to the extremists. That’s defeatist, isn’t it?”… “New party? I honestly don’t think Madison Liberals will vote for anything that doesn’t have a (D) for Democrat associated with it, therefore the loud mouthed progressive extremists are going to win every election as long as Liberals don’t forcibly push them out of the Democratic Party. In other words make the extremists create their own “new” party.”

David Blaska wrote, “Good on you, Dave Cieslewicz (pronounced exactly as spelled). Now let’s hear you call out the crazies by name. Then endorse Paul Skidmore, Sheri Carter, and Charles Myadze for alder. Then run for mayor yourself in 2022. Yeah, we’re that desperate.”

I agree.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We must unite behind moderate Liberals and moderate Conservatives to rid ourselves of the progressive extremists and moderate Liberals that are supported by moderate Conservatives (and vice-versa) need to fully understand that they need to moderate their political policy goals away from the extremes otherwise recent extremist history will repeat itself and we return to what we have now.

I can’t say this enough; make the extremists create their own “new” party!

Jaq said...

"The Second Gentleman is in Omaha today. No location announced. I wanted to ask him when his wife was going to invoke the 25th on Joe.”

Hence no location announced. It’s not like the emperor didn’t know he was naked.

Fernandinande said...

Cigna Health Insurance: "Don't hire white guys."

"Celebrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion"

But Cigna can make use of sort-of white sort-of guys if they're a homos or partially paralyzed.

Motive for the Boulder shooting: those horrible King Stupids advertisements.

tim maguire said...

Fernandinande said...Cigna Health Insurance: "Don't hire white guys."

I'd love to see the stats on the number of people saying "don't hire white guys" who are white guys with secure positions. It reminds me of Reagan's observation about people who support abortion rights--they've already been born.

MadTownGuy said...

Link to Cieslewicz's blog post on Seattle:

Seattle, WI

Money quote:

"So, what does all this mean? Well, we could look to Seattle and Portland. As liberal New York Times columnist Timothy Egan has written, the Biden Democrats could forge a new long-term majority. What’s in the way? “What could doom Democrats is fellow Democrats,” Egan writes. ” (The Seattle) City Council is never far from a bad idea. A recent proposal would make it the first city in the nation to appear to incentivize misdemeanor crime. Assaults, trespass, stalking — all could be excused if their offense is linked to poverty or a behavioral health disorder.”

Yet, this is exactly the kind of thing we could see coming from the Madison City Council this year. The current council has already voted down aid for State Street businesses simply because there were no Black owners, never mind that two-thirds of businesses on the street are owned by women or people of color. And they voted to spend a half million dollars in the midst of a city budget crisis to form a police oversight board whose specific purpose is to harass (that’s a fair word) a police department widely regarded as one of the best in the nation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@Sir Loin

My sweet mother had a visit to that very King Soopers on her list yesterday but thank God her procrastination won out. She's 83 and tough as hell but also deaf as a doorknob so wouldn't have stood a chance.

wow - yes so glad she didn't go.

@BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe I was under the impression the City of Boulder's mandatory voluntary gun registration law would have prevented this sort of crime.

Yeah - dumb gun laws do nothing to stop this sort of crime. Criminals have guns. Bad people do bad things.

We need more armed guards, sadly.

I can't stop thinking about the local Whole Foods - the large popular store in the center of town. I've complained about the shop-lifting at the food bar and in the store in general for years. There was a scuffle one day - I think it was about a year ago when covid lockdowns began and everyone was on edge. Stores were crowded with long line..
Whole Foods FINALLY decided to install a constant police presence at the store. Police car parked out front and an officer stationed somewhere near the front of the store. A+ move.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

De-fund the police?

FU Kamala. Funder of criminals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Police officer killed had 7 children.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I'd love to see the stats on the number of people saying "don't hire white guys" who are white guys with secure positions.

White guys' positions are decidedly not secure; that's why they are mouthing this bullshit while they try to figure out how to retire early.

Dave Begley said...

I guess Ann and Meade got drunk last night to celebrate the Creighton victory!

Why isn't everybody talking about this historic event?

Jersey Fled said...

Who works harder at their job: Joe Biden or Queen Elizabeth?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

President applesauce nap. The work involved letting others control him cannot be over-estimated.

Inga said...

“De-fund the police?

FU Kamala. Funder of criminals.”

Who were beating police with flagpoles, bear spraying police, punching, pushing, crushing and cursing police on Jan.6th?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tell us about what happens to police and police stations in Portland & Seattle, Russia Russia Inag.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Considering how much the left hate the police - after a year of trashing the police - and promising to de-fund the police (with actual democrats in power asking to de-fund the police) I wonder why and who those people were at the Capitol, pushing back on police like that.

I'd like to know.

Iman said...

Howard: Lord of Teh Jergen’s.

MadTownGuy said...

Mr Wibble said...

[Quoted comment“I’ve made the point in other forums that Madison needs a new center-left moderate party to counter Progressive Dane.”]

This is stupid. There's no such thing as a "moderate" political party, anymore than there are "moderate" rebel groups in Syria. Political parties are formed around a core ideology, which is inherently radical. Moderation comes from the interaction between that ideology and competing ones, where the cost of conflict is high enough that it makes more sense for both sides to compromise instead.

Anyone selling a "moderate" political party is either an idiot, or a grifter.

I don't totally disagree, but two things are clear to me:

1. The radical left has co-opted the Democratic Party - it's not the party that my dad always voted for, not any more.

2. Leaving the radicals in charge will lead to exactly what Mayor Emeritus Cieslewicz describes, and any opposition will be dealt with most severely...unless their lunacy is exposed and resisted, and soon.

MadTownGuy said...

"Anyone selling a "moderate" political party is either an idiot, or a grifter."


I don't see anything even close to far-right or reactionary in the Republican party, despite all the name-calling and dissembling from the other side of thg he aisle.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Inga said...

“De-fund the police?

FU Kamala. Funder of criminals.”

Who were beating police with flagpoles, bear spraying police, punching, pushing, crushing and cursing police on Jan.6th?"

No one I support, or whose goals (stopping the EC certification) I support.
Remeber last summer, when DC politicians were furious at the idea of calling in the NG to quell the riots?
Do you even remember those riots? Where Trump was called a fascist because the DC cops capitol police tear gassed protesters who were burning down buildings near the White House.
The dems love them the NG now.
Lots of hatred going around these days.

Michael K said...

All modern industrial societies have broad social welfare programs. Among the two earliest were Bismarck's Germany and Meiji Japan. Neither of which were hotbeds of liberalism.

Bismarck instituted that to counter the Socialists. The right has been doing that ever since. Had Wilhelm left Bismarck in office, WWI would have been unlikely.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left's selective outrage is noted.

mockturtle said...

It would be an interesting experiment if white people went on strike [biracial people would be free to choose a side].

Jersey Fled said...

Oregon wins today's Daily Double.

They are in the bottom three states in allowing full time teaching in their classrooms (less than 5% of students)

AND they are dead last in vaccinating their residents for Covid. (Percent of those 65+ who have completed vaccination @ 41.3%)

Mark said...

Damn. Sounds like they will not be able to pin the Colorado shooting on white supremacy.

Jersey Fled said...

Damn. Sounds like they will not be able to pin the Colorado shooting on white supremacy.

Give them time. They're still working on it.

Jersey Fled said...

BTW, as of 5 minutes ago CNN had not published the shooter's name on their website because of problems verifying the spelling of the shooter's name.

Good to see CNN's high standards for accuracy in journalism remain intact.

Narr said...

Had Wilhelm left Bismarck in office, he'd have ended up with a von Biden.

Just too old!

J. Farmer said...


Children don't want to eat their vegetables, or put money in a savings account. Responsible adults teach them that this is necessary. Unfortunately there are no responsible adults in charge.

This is a canard of the libertarian right. The problems facing the country are not the result of excessive social welfare spending, the moral degradation of the working class, or the excessive taxation of the upper-class. It is the upper-class that most benefits from state power, and it's to their benefit most state power is devoted.

MadTownGuy said...

Lots of social media posts lately with the strawman argument that social programs, or government services like trash collection or highways = socialism. Not presented by far-right activists, but by lefties trying to make socialism palatable. Das Kapital, with a happy face sticker on the cover.

Mark said...

The name is Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.

I guess with a name like that, we will never know why he went on a shooting spree. It will forever be a mystery.

Tinderbox said...

When the Left heard the shooter had an Arab name their collective sigh of disappointment was deafening. Expect this story to disappear from the news in 3, 2, 1...

J. Farmer said...


But you're young yet. You'll learn. Especially if you work in the private sector.
People of the left are extremely self centered people.

Is that why every single developed economy in the world has a welfare state? And shouldn't a nation be self-centered? Isn't that what "America First" is all about?

Mark said...

His full name as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. A Facebook page appearing to be that of the suspect features posts with quotes from the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.

This is becoming a real head-scratcher. Why would he do it?

Rusty said...

Nice straw people, J. You dress them well.
We're talking cost. So how about it? I get my money back. You don't even have to pay interest. Hell. You don't even have to pay in money. I'll take equal value in federal assets. I'll make it work. Because that's what I do. I make things work.
You're safe, however, if your income is from the public sector.

mockturtle said...

His full name as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. A Facebook page appearing to be that of the suspect features posts with quotes from the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.

This is becoming a real head-scratcher. Why would he do it?

Yeah, it's going to be tough to find a motive, isn't it?

J. Farmer said...


Nice straw people, J. You dress them well.
We're talking cost.

Our total share of social spending is less than the OECD average.

I'll make it work. Because that's what I do. I make things work.
You're safe, however, if your income is from the public sector.

Do you get that the economic condition of the nation is not the same thing as your personal material circumstances? The elite have gotten extremely wealthy and even more powerful over the past 30 years. Your tax burden isn't the cause of that.

Bruce Hayden said...

¨ Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa¨

Αchmed al Issa. The “Alissa” is extremely misleading. Achmed OF ISSA. Why, BTW hates Trump. His social media accounts were, of course, scrubbed today, but not before a lot of his anti-Trump screeds had been captured.

Jim at said...

Who were beating police with flagpoles, bear spraying police, punching, pushing, crushing and cursing police on Jan.6th?

Six months of you and your thugs doing much worse vs four hours of a panty raid gone bad.

Fuck off.

Bruce Hayden said...

‘My sweet mother had a visit to that very King Soopers on her list yesterday but thank God her procrastination won out.”

My kid lived a couple blocks behind there for the last 4 years of grad school, finishing a couple years ago. This was their go-to grocery store, since it was so close, and on the way home from campus.

mockturtle said...

As usual, has the most information on the shooter: Boulder shooter

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Isn't that what "America First" is all about?"
No. "Me first" is self-centered. "America first" is patriotic.
A person who says "I put my family first" is not self-centered, indeed, the phrase implies that the person speaking is putting the needs of his/her family over personal needs.

Bruce Hayden said...

Raheem Kassam @RaheemKassam
“Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of the Islamist attack in Brussels which left 35 dead and 340 injured.
It was the 4th anniversary of the Westminster (London) attack which killed 6 and injured 49.”

“Ahmad Al-Issa appears to have followed an ISIS-inspired pattern.”

“Just like cartels on the border, Islamic-inspired terrorists are emboldened by the weak Biden regime.”

“Carnage has returned to America.”

So, the guy claimed to be a white racist adopted the name Al-Issa to show allegiance to the ISSA white supremacy group, and picked yesterday for his attack most likely because it was the 5th Anniversary of their Brussels Muslim terrorist attack, and their Westminster Muslim terrorist attack a year later. Oh, and he apparently had planned an attack planned against a Trump rally in C Springs in January 2020. But the big thing that we learned yesterday was that the federal government needs to ban Modern Sporting Rifles due to the threat of violence by Right Wing Extremist White Supremists.

Jersey Fled said...

I'm not going to blame Islam or jihad for this one. The guy was seriously disturbed.

mockturtle said...

I'm not going to blame Islam or jihad for this one. The guy was seriously disturbed.

Yes, Muslims seem to have an incredibly high rate of mental illness./s

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