Tweeted Marco Rubio yesterday. I'm reading that quoted in a WaPo article: "Democrats link Atlanta massacre to anti-Asian rhetoric during pandemic."
From the article:
Authorities investigating the spasm of violence in Georgia say early signs pointed to a disturbed suspect who claimed he was a sex addict and who saw the spas as “a source of temptation that needed to be eliminated.” Authorities said it was too early to know whether the killings were also racially motivated.
But many advocates and Democratic lawmakers said it was hard to separate Tuesday’s killings from the recent increase in anti-Asian animus, including rhetoric from President Donald Trump.... While many Democrats were quick to condemn the shooting and link it to Trump’s rhetoric, Republicans remained mostly quiet....
Trump repeatedly blamed China for unleashing the virus on the world — and tanking the United States’ economy. During the tirades, Trump repeatedly used racially insensitive names like “China virus,” “Wuhan virus” and “kung flu.”...
An Asian American schoolteacher and her husband found a slur spray-painted on the side of their Nissan Altima after leaving a movie theater. An Asian American man on his way to a boba tea shop was told, “Thanks for covid.” Across the nation, authorities have investigated roughly 3,800 incidents of anti-Asian abuse, advocates say....
Rubio's tweet is important. Imagine a new rule against criticizing China! But how many of us Americans are the "idiots" Rubio is talking about? These "idiots" are on both sides, politically. Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry. And Trump's antagonists enthusiastically blurred the distinction.
I put "idiots" in quotes for 2 reasons:
1. I don't use that word, because it risks collateral damage to people who have lesser intellectual gifts.2. Many of the people blurring the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry are intelligent and devious. To call these people "idiots" is to let them off the hook.
From the Online Etymology entry for "idiot":
early 14c., "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning;" also in Middle English "simple man, uneducated person, layman" (late 14c.), from Old French idiote "uneducated or ignorant person" (12c.), from Latin idiota "ordinary person, layman; outsider," in Late Latin "uneducated or ignorant person," from Greek idiotes "layman, person lacking professional skill" (opposed to writer, soldier, skilled workman), literally "private person" (as opposed to one taking part in public affairs), used patronizingly for "ignorant person," from idios "one's own" (see idiom).
In plural, the Greek word could mean "one's own countrymen."...
Ha ha. That took a funny turn.
ADDED: I read this post out loud to Meade, and he said: "We’re idiots, babe/It’s a wonder we can even feed ourselves." And: "From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol."
Idiot wind, blowing like a circle around my skull
From the Grand Coulee Dam to the Capitol...
Idiot wind, blowing through the buttons of our coats
Blowing through the letters that we wrote
Idiot wind, blowing through the dust upon our shelves
We’re idiots, babe
It’s a wonder we can even feed ourselves
We could say the same about WHITE People. If a white person gets killed by somebody on the left, do we get to blame the left for their lies that whites are bad, if not Supremacists or Nazis like they have been calling us for the last 5 years???
The spin machine at WAPO - aka Pravda on the Potomac is in full cycle this morning. Confessions are dismissed with breathless “it might be ... ( racism, anti-Chinese, white supremacy and of course TRUMP). Hardly a mention that 25% of the victims were white, just more lies and innuendo. The shooter was insane - but he’s a” victim” of his desires , I see that card got played too.
Not a peep over why so many of the “workers” were Asian too - trafficking maybe? But inquiring minds can’t handle anything but spin cycles.
AA : "Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry."
How could anyone not understand that Trump was referring only to the country and its leaders, full stop?
I don't recall anyone on the left speaking out when Andy Ngo is attacked or threatened. In fact, they were attacking!
The most likely culprits for anti-Asian American "hate crimes" are young black men. By far. But no one in a leadership position is willing to point that out. Because white supremacy.
The idiots are the people not realizing that 99% of the recent (and historical) assaults against Asian-Americans have been committed by black people. An 80 year old man was killed just a month and a half ago for no reason by just such an inner city lowlife.
And if you think that's bad, wait till you hear who's been assaulting Hasidim in NYC...
Democrats would link an attack on a ham sandwich to Donald Trump. They are joined at the hip to China. Moron Joe is in China's pay. The WaPoo is owned by Jeff Bezos, who has great financial ties to China and is now banning books on Amazon. Good guys do not ban books, but fascists do.
One name - Andy Ngo
Trump was clearly referring to the country, not the ancestry. It is "idiotic" to think otherwise.
The Chinese government did manufacture the virus. Until the Get Trump thing came along, it was common to refer to a virus by the name of its place of origin.
Your criticism of Trump is nonsense.
The racially motivated attacks on Asians have all been committed by blacks.
You’ve been suckered by the Hate Whitey campaign here, prof.
Both of the alleged incidents you’ve referred to as hate crimes or hate speech stink of the usual MO of hate crime hoaxes.
Dems turn everything into an attack on their political enemies. Rubio gutlessly goes along with the smear. His only concern is his big donors.
Guys like Rubio are ill-equipped to fight the battle we're in.
The most likely culprits for anti-Asian American "hate crimes" are young black men. By far. But no one in a leadership position is willing to point that out. Because white supremacy.
Hate crimes by young Black men are also 300% more likely to involve violence.
Racism by Blacks is just ignored.
I don't recall anyone on the left speaking out when Andy Ngo is attacked or threatened. In fact, they were attacking!
In fact, the WaPo would say that Andy falsely reported being attacked by antifa and that antifa is just an idea. I'm reading Andy's book, Unmasked and can only take one or two sections at time, it's so maddening what anitfa can get away with.
Rubio demonstrates his virtue by raising his skirt and showing his chastity belt.
I take exception to an equivalence between Trump's linking the origin of the virus to China and anti-Asian sentiment. We still don't have a definitive and trustworthy explanation for why the virus came to be. There's good reason to suspect malice, from both China and the US propagandists in the media and the political left. Never let a crisis go to waste, they say...
...and since we're lumping all the anti-asian propagators together I'll note there's not a mention of Harvard University, which systematically discriminates against asians...
Racism by Blacks is just ignored.
I've been told that Black people can't be racist.
How have we gone from: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” to "Professor Aaron Kindsvatter’s “i-don’t-see-race” mentality has been proven to be harmful towards any kind of societal racial justice and for that reason we are demanding his immediate resignation. A UVM faculty member, especially one who teaches courses in counseling, should not hold this ideology employed by white supremesists."?
Thank God somebody cleared that up — I had NO idea.
Because I’m an idiot, Sen. Rubio. That must be it.
My extended family includes Filipinos and Chinese who live in suburban NJ.
None of them have expressed any fear of whites, and most of them are Trump supporters.
They are, however, terrified of the black thugs in nearby Newark, and they organize their lives to avoid ever driving near or thru that city.
Rubio gutlessly goes along with the smear. His only concern is his big donors.
Guys like Rubio are ill-equipped to fight the battle we're in.
Is Rubio the Republican's 'next in line'- the Jeb Bush in waiting? Lord help us if he is...
Rubio = spot on.
Won't stop the corrupt liar left from being asshole.
So because there are Americans of Chinese descent and also Chinese nationals living in the US, no one can say "China" without appending clarification that we mean the country.
Is China the only country to which this new rule applies?
There's a lot of Russians in this country and when Democrats and the media were inventing a Russian election conspiracy I don't recall them explicitly carving out Americans of Russian descent.
When it comes to flu I'm seeing "British strain", "South African variant". Is there some exemption for countries stereotypically white (ridiculously untrue for South Africa but I'm trying to find some excuse).
More Calvinball. The rules have one purpose only, to show who has power over what we can say and what we cannot, and the rules change whenever so that everyone but the rulemakers is always wrong.
The only winning move is not to play.
Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry.
Agree with R C Belaire above, anyone who conflated China rhetoric to all people of Chinese heritage (and, given that we don't know the heritage of (some of) those shot beyond "Asian," all people of Asian heritage) did so knowing full well that Trump was speaking specifically of the country from which the virus came. Ann's comment suggests she is one of those willing to blur that line, meaning that she is either an idiot or intelligent and devious. Don't let her off the hook, commentors!
These "idiots" are on both sides, politically. Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry.
@Althouse, you have documentation for your assertion that Trump does not distinguish between China the country (and BTW it would be more correct to say China’s political leadership and not “the country”) and Americans of Chinese descent? Do NOT use quotes from the New York Times or the Washington Post. The Georgia retraction makes it clear that neither of these entities are above making things up when it comes to Donald Trump.
Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry. And Trump's antagonists enthusiastically blurred the distinction.
I couldn't disagree more with this opinion.
My plan is to kill a bird with two stones by attacking some elderly Asians living in Lyme, Connecticut.
As usual, we can gauge precisely how true — and therefore, how important — a story is by taking the inverse of it’s press coverage.
“Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry.”
Ridiculous. Since when have such distinctions been required when talking about another country. When Democrats were screaming about Russia did they highlight that distinction. We’re any Russians in the US victims of violent crime over the last 4 years? Then it’s all the Democrats’ fault.
I assume any 'hate crimes' are hoaxes unless their is video and a conviction so the examples WaPo lists are not persuasive. As for the actual tragedy, the deep state is using it to once again "otherize" Trump supporters.
And if you think that's bad, wait till you hear who's been assaulting Hasidim in NYC...
To be fair, over the past year or so that would include the democratic party of NYC.
America has had immigrants from practically every country. The "criticizing X, didn't highlight the distinction between X, the country, and people with X-ian ancestry" rule is ridiculous and was never articulated or followed until Just Now.
Trump was often clumsy with his words. We know what Trump meant - but often his clumsy wording was a gift to the left.
I like what Rubio says Here. It's spot on.
on the flip side - you rarely ever hear anyone on the left complain about China's human rights abuses. and oh - the virus is from China. Tho I think the left are desperate to make excuses for China. We see this with the Biden-puppet regime sending the Chi coms our hard earned tax dollars.
Aren’t progressives simultaneously (1) labeling Asians “white” for purposes of excluding them from charter schools and the Ivy League, (2) ignoring the fact almost every distinct Asian ethnic group out-earns white Americans on average and (2) continually smearing Asians who voice neutral or conservative thoughts with the most vile ethnic and sexist slurs (see Ngo, Malkin etc.)? Yes. Yet these exploited Asian sex workers killed on the job are “minority victims” this time only because they are useful to their fake “anti”racist narrative.
The news and politics are morally bankrupt.
If Trump had explicitly said "When I say China I don't mean Chinese Americans" that would have been ruled prima facie racist.
Imagine "When I say China I don't mean Chinese-Americans" with "Chinese" replaced with "African". How would that be portrayed?
Ridiculous standard made up just this second.
As to Rubio, he does nothing but pander. He's in my bag of deplorable Senators.
As i pointed out last night, everyones favorite guru ibrahim kindi aka henry eridgers targets asians
Althouse this is just incorrect: “Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry”
Trump quote from :
“It's not racist at all. No, not at all. It comes from China, that's why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate.”
I’m sure there are more — I found these in 45 seconds using DuckDuckGo.
"Ridiculous. Since when have such distinctions been required when talking about another country."
-- Althouse does also say: "Many of the people blurring the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry are intelligent and devious. To call these people "idiots" is to let them off the hook." and "And Trump's antagonists enthusiastically blurred the distinction."
I think, and I may be wrong, that Althouse is trying to say that using Trump's words to imply he meant Asian Americans and not the Chinese government is "devious" and "blurr[ing] the distinction." It is fairly obvious that any Trump statement is going to be twisted into the least charitable reading of it, and that's what the left did with his attack on the "China flu" by implying Trump was making a racist attack on Asian Americans. It was an obvious attack that Trump should have predicted, but as usual, he walked right into it, thinking that pure Trumpiness would be enough to deflect the fake news. Trump was a lot of things, but his media savviness could swing wildly at any given point -- or he just didn't care about giving the media free talking points.
I don't use that word, because it risks collateral damage to people who have lesser intellectual gifts.
I prefer the term dope with its implications of thickness. It’s too bad obtuse lacks a graceful noun form since it pairs so well with willful.
Asians ruin the systemic racism meme by being able to do white mathematics.
Any proof beyond coincidence that the perp was targeting Asians? I think he's denied that. A simple forensic exam of his digital footprint should establish this. But yes, the shameless harvesting of this tragedy by the usual Dems in order to "get Trump" needs hefty pushback.
In 2019, the FBI reported 4,940 hate crimes against ethnicities. Of this 4.4% were anti Asian. So 217 in a year. Hard to believe it has jumped to over 6,000.
Asians are the hope that the US gets away from racist government policies that favor some identites over others. White people don't appear to have grounds to complain in the present justice system but Asians do. They have been the biggest victims, arguably. Of course, they still seem successful. Perhaps because of the discrimination against them, coupled with cultural skills in dealing with adversity. Yes, i am grossly overgeneralizing. 5 billion Asians all lumped together. Another racist government policy. An Arab is not a Indo-Aryan is not a Han.
The media and their 'nuanced' thinkers have to put every utterance or action into one of their prefabbed categories. It's almost always a strain of collectivism. They cannot even conceive that an individual- crazy, misguided, and encouraged to action by a violent and unwavering internet, would just simply go out to kill other people. No collectivist thought to it at all. Just....these are the people causing my problem. I'm going to 'fix' my problem. I'll show them.
If it was an attack on Asians, he did not have to drive to specific massage parlors miles away from where he started. He could have gone to (stereotype alert) a 7/11 in his neighborhood and started there, then worked to the local strip center with a nail salon, and a Chinese or Thai restaurant.
The Asian population is ubiquitous in America, fully engaged, fully a part of our society, and in every community. This was not an attack on Asians. It was a crazy person doing what crazy people are prone to do in an era where there are no longer standards for a civil society.
Moron jokes went out when the morons started complaining.
Blacks and white liberal anarchists are attacking Asian looking people on the streets, as a result we have to have an intellectual debate if it's Trump's fault?
And the still murky etiology of COVID 19 was deliberately exacerbated by the Chinese government. For this alone, they deserve continued worldwide scrutiny and mistrust.
What did Rubio do that makes so many on the right hate him?
Is there something specific that I missed? or is it that he ran against Trump in the primary's in 2016 - and didn't suck Trumps dick?
Lil Marco is still Lil Marco. He accepts the MSM/Dem premise that every criticism of China must implicate every person of Chinese (or even Asian) descent, unless specifically and tediously expressly excluded. No plain English! No simple declarative sentences! (i.e., no Trump!)
Anyone who expects Rubio to be anything but Bush III is kidding themselves. Ann endorses this endlessly qualified policing of Republican speech, but in the end, when it comes to voting, she will...abstain.
Note that this particular campaign started several days BEFORE the murders. It has appeared on PBS Newshour and in material from other advocacy groups for several days BEFORE the murders. It is an info op.
This is a crime about happy endings, not Asians.
I saw a CNN article that said he killed Asians at Atlanta spas. I mean, we were making fun of Robert Kraft just a few years ago for getting happy endings at a Florida Asian massage parlor. Are we going to pretend like we don't know what happens at the Asian Rose massage?
"Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry. And Trump's antagonists enthusiastically blurred the distinction."
Why are you gaslighting us?
I'm not blaming Trump. I'm only stating it's important to speak in specific and clear terms so the liar left cannot take your words and use them against you.
In high school a spot quiz was called being japped. Nothing anti-Chinese there.
And if Althouse is indeed faulting Trump for this tragedy, she needs to step up and explain that. Or else suffer the deserved pushback from her commenters.
Asians do more than ruin the systemic racism meme because of math. For a long time being Chinese in the US was worse than being Irish, and on the West coast was as bad if not worse than being black. Being Chinese (or asian...they didn't even know there was a difference in the 19th century anyway) meant you were in numerous cases systematically hunted.
They more than ruin the racism meme because - according to our modern neurosis - they're level of suffering proportional to the length of their suffering could be considered co-equal and they've managed to achieve a standard of living and economic independence that only one group has not:
Black Americans.
Fact is, everyone from Irish to South Asians have or are managing to do this, but not blacks.
"1. I don't use that word, because it risks collateral damage to people who have lesser intellectual gifts."
Don't worry, AA, true idiots (historically an IQ below 30) most likely cannot read and would not understand the implications or your words if heard.
Rubio isn't an idiot, he's a dolt.
He's like Charlie Brown at this point.
A lesser intellect with a cute wife.
Oh yes, a spa. Totally legitimate business. Makes the crime seem random.... Asian massage parlor and guy with a sex addiction? Motive becomes more obvious though just as senseless.
Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry.
Are you sure about that? I'd say that argument is probably built along the same notion that Trump didn't highlight the distinction between the KKK/White Supremacists and free speech advocates at Charlottesville, when he actually did. In fact, reading your sentence, you note that Trump criticized China; but the media claimed Trump was anti-Asian. Asia is a big damn continent with Asian meaning anyone from Azeris to Persians to Indians to Japanese to Russian to Vietnamese and, yes, Chinese. Trump provided great distinction between China and people of Asian ancestry. I also know in many addresses, he was clear to say his concerns with China were with the Chinese Communist Party and not the people of China. Trump was also one of the last world leaders attempting to protect Hong Kong.
And since the media itself used that same terminology at the beginning — because nearly every flu is named that way — any confusion in the minds of the American people must be spread across those with the biggest megaphones: Trump plus the media.
... unless we’re now arguing that the media has no influence over popular opinion.
Why are you gaslighting us?
That’s was my first response, too. Althouse is having a little fun with us.
And racism posts are guaranteed to draw 300 comments. Maybe more if you know who bites.
Speaking clearly so as to remove the stick your enemies will use to beat you - is now considered.... BUSH III!
When Black men attack Chinese persons, do they really do so because of what Donald Trump has said about the China Virus?
Rubio strikes me as still trying to appeal to Trump voters while speaking like a Bulwarker and we could have used his actual support when it mattered. I’ve been continuously disappointed by lil Marco since his “tiny hands” incident.
In plural, the Greek word could mean "one's own countrymen."...
Ha ha. That took a funny turn.
That's one reason that I took to studying Greek rather late in life. It's full of little nuanced surprises like that.
Authorities said it was too early to know whether the killings were also racially motivated.
That's the WaPoo way of saying they weren't racially motivated:
"Long told police that Tuesday’s attack was not racially motivated" in an article which nevertheless starts out with "A white gunman ..." for no apparent reason other than anti-white animus.
2016 was so long ago... NYT in 2016: Nearly 75% of Mass Shooters Are Black
Asians went from white to POC for a few days while we bolster the Trump and his followers are dangerous white supremacist narrative.
You should see what the military is doing today during their white supremacy stand down order.
Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry.
He also didn't highlight the distinction between air and water! He obviously supports attacks on yellow people!
And Trump's antagonists enthusiastically blurred the distinction.
What planet was this on?
8:49 Matt Sablan.
Thank you. That's very spot on!
This seems like it would be an opportune time for the media to interject a "without evidence" to signal that Democrats' efforts to link anti-Asian animus to Trump is not supported by any evidence.
Eventually there will be someone anti-Asian who supported Trump or who was demonstrably inspired by Trump. This doesn't look like it. And the majority of recent perpetrators of anti-Asian violence have been Black -- unsurprising in light of the long pre-Trump history of anti-Asian racism in African-American communities. I suppose they could be Black Trump supporters, but is not the way I'd be betting, based on the demographics of Biden's voters.
China is smart. Get Americans to think criticizing China is racism and that any Asian killed in America is because of criticizing China. Genius and it is actually working on the political left in America.
Also, it may just be devious Democrats who saw Asians starting to vote more Republican and they're trying to stop that.
I have a question about the Black men who attack Chinese persons.
What percent of those Black men vote Democratic?
Big talk from Little Marco.
The shooting concerned whores.
Nothing to do with Asians.
Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry.
When Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller criticized Russia, did he highlight the distinction between Russia, the country, and people with Russian ancestry?
How could anyone not understand that Trump was referring only to the country and its leaders, full stop?
Willful blindness, and seething anger at Trump.
Last time I looked, white was considered to be a combination of all colors. So, White people are people of all colors, which should be a protected class.
When an afghan targeted gays and latinos in orlando, the local spanish channel went as far to prop up some guy who said he had an affair with him, even though the trail led to his father, the longtime bureau asset
Just wait until those people in Lyme Connecticut start getting killed for spreading Lyme disease....
"Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry."
WTF? Why should he highlight something that is crushingly obvious? He assumed we weren't morons or nice women thinking the worst of him.
"And Trump's antagonists enthusiastically blurred the distinction."
Well, yeah. Right after the MSM had been talking about the Wuhan virus. Even the WuFlu became just another prog tool.
Damn that Rubio for his clear words - and his fighting the corrupt D-hack media's
That jerk!
After parkland where the bureau and doe covered up the shooters long cv, they had tapper throw shade at dana lasch remember.
The INCEL coward wearing a Mathews archery ball cap and a creepy lower face beard is from Trump deplorable central casting.
Of course, being a murderer of unarmed women of asian ancestry is not an unexpected outcome after four years of hateful rhetoric capped by the calls for insurrection and constantly blaming China for his intentionally counterproductive exacerbation of the pandemic resulting in avoidable mass casualties.
Mission accomplished, Trumpers.
Next thing you know, saying Asian people eat with sticks will get you cancelled.
This is retarded.
Rubio's trying to close the barn door after the horses are long gone.
Violence against Asians has been perpetrated almost entirely by one ethnic group.
And has for decades, at least for the 24 years I lived in the Bay Area.
And they aren't white.
Keep it up, Brown dog. Playing the diva victim card is about all you people are capable of.
it was hard to separate Tuesday’s killings from the recent increase in anti-Asian animus
No it isn't. Saying so is just part of the managed Democrat propaganda campaign. I'll wait until we learn more about the perp.
As highlighted above.
Wuhhan flu is somehow VERY un-pc... The wokes have spoken
The British strain and South African variant are different. (because,shutup)
Fight accusations of racism with more racism. Good call, cowards. INCELs of the world, unite!
The London variant is responsible for the increase in attacks and threats made against Brits: specifically Prince Harry.
It would dampen their narrative to report that most of the attacks on Asian-Americans have been by blacks.
The little secret is that Asian women who work at and manage massage parlors trade sex for money. No one wants to say that part out loud. Of course, they don't deserve to die for that.
When a madman decides to shoot up massage parlors, the chances of several Asian women dying are pretty high.
Of course the corrupt left are going to use this massacre to their advantage.
Like they always do.
The murderer was white and supposedly a Christian.
Last time I looked, white was considered to be a combination of all colors.
While this is true using light as in stage design or a TV screen it is the opposite in mixing physical media like oil or latex paint or ink. Watercolor painting is the opposite of light in this regard as it requires the artist to leave areas unpainted to create white on the canvas. Which is usually paper in watercolor art. Printing is similar to watercolor in that the color of the medium matters and absence of ink implies “white” in the finished product.
Speaking of racism, better not let LeBron James, etc. see this one:
Howard doth protest too much, methinks. Democrats have been spewing racist hate for years. Just ask any Democrat whether emphasis on border security is racist. They'll tell you yes because the people coming across the southern border have brown skin. But, that take is racist itself because it means that if you have brown skin, you can ignore our immigration laws. Something that people from Europe or Asia have to obey.
The little secret is that Asian women who work at and manage massage parlors trade sex for money.
Yep. And the police are happy to make use of their services.
Of course the corrupt left are going to use this massacre to their advantage.
Like they always do. The murderer was white and supposedly a Christian.
And Howard enters the thread to prove that point to a tee.
One of the most frustrating things about Trump-related controversies comes from giving factual responses to faux outrage, assuming good faith where none exists.
1) No one, literally no one, confused Trump's criticisms of the Chinese government with the Chinese people. No one. It would make no sense for him to emphasise a distinction everyone already understands.
2) You cannot blame Trump or white supremacy for the surge in attacks in Asians for the simple reason that there has been no surge in attacks on Asians. It is yet another a media hoax designed to divide us as a nation.
3) This tweet from Marco Rubio demonstrates why he has no future with the national party, why Trump's label "Little Marco" stuck. It's because he's a lightweight who too often rushes into left-wing traps by virtue-signalling without thinking through the issue. He is not a reliable ally to Republicans or conservatives.
Thank you Tim Maguire, now I don't have to type anything
They protect the shooter in tucson in orlando in plantation, they obfuscate his motivation to plant the narrative, its been law and orders mo for 20 years.
When Rubio tweets stuff like this out, it only emboldens people on the left and makes me less likely to vote for him.
Right-wing virtue signaling only emboldens the left.
"Get Americans to think criticizing China is racism and that any Asian killed in America is because of criticizing China."
Substitute "Islam." Accusations of bigotry now come in a template.
In other idiot news:
Red Sox happy to be ‘idiots’ en route to championship
Carefree, dominant teamed showed its way is best
I was never confused about who or what Trump was blaming for the Covid pandemic, but I expect that that doesn't clear me of the "idiot" distinction because I still support Trump.
If Asian-Americans want to be thought of and seen as just Americans they might consider dropping the "Asian" prefix.
Can we all agree that shooting up a massage parlor and killing eight people is the act of a crazy person (can I say crazy?)? Crazy people do crazy and bad things all the time. Blaming anyone but them for their actions is partisan political propaganda.
exhelodrvr1 said...
The most likely culprits for anti-Asian American "hate crimes" are young black men. By far. But no one in a leadership position is willing to point that out. Because white supremacy.
Here's a story you likely have not heard much about, but none dare call it a
Hate Crime . Summary: Feral black youths find single Asian woman alone in a city park, rape her, beat her with a tree branch, and drag her to the pond to die. Others film it, their mothers intervene and delete the evidence to protect their own, cops cant figure it out until the one mom with a conscience leads cops to a discarded cell phone with the video evidence. Ho hum. That's life in the diverse big city where we know the youth are feral so it really isn't "news-news".
Mike Sylwester said... When Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller criticized Russia, did he highlight the distinction between Russia, the country, and people with Russian ancestry?
Not fair, Mike. Those people are White.
Different rules apply. It's Calvinball.
"And has for decades, at least for the 24 years I lived in the Bay Area."
This SF Gate article is from 2010!
The bigger picture
Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with poo
No one spreads banalities
Like Pussyman do
Teh Pussyman
Teh Pussyman do
Teh Pussyman do
Teh Pussyman cowers
Then he toots a bit of Cloward
Piven scrapes it off a his shoe
Of course people are neither white nor black either as these are extremes* that rarely occur in Nature. In fact we are fast-approaching a common latte shade as Americans and may end up with a majority a lovely light tan by 2075. Maybe then we can all get along as they say.
*I have a “color wheel” theory of humankind in which the myriad of types of “ethnicity” we enjoy are made up of varying proportions of the mongoloid, negroid and caucusoid base types equating to (in random order) the blue red and yellow of the traditional color wheel.
Keep digging.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...we are fast-approaching a common latte shade as Americans and may end up with a majority a lovely light tan by 2075. Maybe then we can all get along as they say.
I used to think that's how the race issue would finally be solved--mixed race marriages will do away with races. But as I got older, I found out that the black community has it's own "light skinned vs. dark skinned" racism. There will always be a way of race hustlers to cause division.
"Authorities investigating the spasm of violence in Georgia say early signs pointed to a disturbed suspect who claimed he was a sex addict and who saw the spas as “a source of temptation that needed to be eliminated.” Authorities said it was too early to know whether the killings were also racially motivated.
But many advocates and Democratic lawmakers said it was hard to separate Tuesday’s killings from the recent increase in anti-Asian animus"
Sorter WaPo: to Leftwing activist 9like the people who work at this paper) the fact that reality is completely contrary to our delusions doesn't stop us for as much as a second
Iman's link at 9:27:
Rubio does not mention Trump in his tweet. Rubio is pushing back against the hack-D press-democrat party narrative...
Such a jerk!
pedantry - definition
excessive concern with minor details and rules.
This often results in The inability to read past or accept anything but a preferred entry in a dictionary.
"Chinese virus" - Taking that to imply that every person of Chinese descent or nationality is responsible for the virus instead of just logically assuming it refers to geological origin.
Why are you (Althouse) gaslighting us?
I don’t think she is gaslighting us. The word implies deliberately hiding the truth, but I think that what’s going on with Althouse is simply intellectual laziness. She has a first-rate brain, when she feels like using it. But for all of her expressed skepticism now and again about individual articles in the Times or Post, she finds it very easy to slide into accepting the fundamental worldview of those two publications, and others like them The alternative is to use her brain all the time, to be skeptical all the time, and to seek out publications that force her to confront her long-held biases.
Ain’t happening.
Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry.
What utter bullshit you seem to have internalized from the hostile anti-Trump press. Are you falling for a hoax? I ask sincerely because you caught on (perhaps belatedly) to at least one of the other hoaxes, the Fine People Hoax. Seriously, the media is so bad and unreliable that you really should stop and question every negative opinion bouncing around in your brain about Trump, who's obviously no angel.
Iman said...
Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with poo
No one spreads banalities
Like Pussyman do
Teh Pussyman
Teh Pussyman do
Teh Pussyman do
Teh Pussyman cowers
Then he toots a bit of Cloward
Piven scrapes it off a his shoe
3/18/21, 9:39 AM
I've fished with and worked with fellows with the last names of Tang and Woo---for 35 years--and now Rubio feesls the need to tell me that they are Americans as well. Well Tang was born in Hong Kong and Woo was born in Southern California, and I went to college with a Lee--all Chinese Americans, although one of them had what Jesse Jackson would call a "Jewish" first name. I've got neighbors on my block named Fong and Wing. All of these folks are friends and well thought of by me, a proud Mongrel American with so much mixed in my ancestry that I don't know where to put the hyphen.
The rush to virtue signal is strong in the Karens, Chads and Rubios of this world. The smaller and less virtuous the person, the greater the need to signal.
"One of the most frustrating things about Trump-related controversies comes from giving factual responses to faux outrage, assuming good faith where none exists."
The easiest way to understand Trump, if anyone bothered to look past their prejudices, is that he is one of those guys that has no mental filter.
He says what he thinks and doesn't really worry about what comes next.
I believe this is why he is not a racist in any way, shape, or form. You can't last long in Manhattan if you harbor animus toward Puerto Ricans, Blacks, Jew, etc.
If Trump were a racist, there would be 40 years of verifiable (non-edited) racist quotes attributed to him. There are not.
Instead, there is a 40 year history of him being friends with an array of politicians on both sides (mostly Democrats) along with noted minority figures (Jackson, Sharpton).
I have a friend like this. If you are wearing an ugly shirt he will tell you it's an ugly shirt. He won't say 'interesting,' he will say 'ugly.'
He doesn't mean anything by it and there is no malice, just honesty as he sees it.
Bottom line...Trump is not a racist.
Democrats LIE to us? For SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!
" Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry."
Just like "fine people" do you REALLY think such a disclaimer by Trump would be included in the hourly Orange Man Bad updates?
It was pretty clear trump was blaming the CCP not all yellow skinned devils /sarc. Or does the term idiot apply really well?
"I've fished with and worked with fellows with the last names of Tang and Woo---for 35 years--and now Rubio feesls the need to tell me that they are Americans as well."
Interesting conclusion. But evil liberals always turn this against you by scoffing at your friendships with any minorities.
The classic is, 'but I have black friends.' They mock you for saying that.
But most white folks who live in any sort of diverse area will, indeed, have black friends, Asian friends, etc.
Some of us become friends with others because we like them and they're nice people.
What a concept...
There is a creepy asshole who just murdered 8 Asian women.
we know the left are going to use this guy to help build the narrative that - all whites and conservatives are knuckle dragging white supremacists.
The left are going to dig for every little thing they can find to make their case.
why is it a bad thing to push back?
Joe Smith, I agree with you, but according to the NYT, WaPoo and Vanita Gupta, we are all racists, all the time.
The woke folks are coming for us like a bat out of Wuhan.
For the brechtian drone
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
There is a creepy asshole who just murdered 8 Asian women.
6. The two other dead were white guys getting serviced, per media.
I stand corrected. New reports show the shooter bypassed several Mennonite Massage Parlors before targeting the Asian ones.
Clearly racially motivated.
/sarc (For those than need such an obvious disclaimer.... idiots.)
You know, if we had a policy where we encouraged people to consider others as individuals and to judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, a lot of problems would go away.
Speaking personally, I don't get much information from the color of the skin of others. Character is revealed by words and deeds. I currently have a rather low opinion of race hustlers.
“Hard to separate” I think they mean “impossible not to blame”
This is why Steve Bannon and everyone I know who uses the term, which is very few people, calls it the CCP virus, because even if the CCP didn’t outright manufacture it, they lied about it while it spread around the world.
There is nothing idiotic about observing that a murderous dictatorship that kills its own people is happy to kill other people too.
When you talk about “hate crimes,” you are using language that implies crimes not defined as “hate” are lesser crimes. That is deeply disrespectful towards the victims of those crimes.
Temujin: hate crime statistics are entirely fabricated.
I just know what makes Marco tick. Probably his Big Sugar donors.
Another fan favorite adam kinzinger was caught requesting naked pictures from a russian intern in his office, shirleym
What a hodge-podge of unsupported assertions.
Has there been "virulent anti-Asian rhetoric and hate crimes tied to the coronavirus, which was first detected in Whuhan, China"?
There’s already a stigma about Asian Americans and if you add onto that a president with a worldwide platform who has blamed us for the coronavirus...."
Is there a "stigma about Asian Americans"?
Did "a president" blame "Asian Americans" for the coronavirus?
Again, assertion about "a long list of recent violent crimes against our Asian American and Pacific Islander community."
Barry Sanders - thanks for the clarification.
Althouse claimed: "Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry."
I remember him doing just that. Saying something like, "now, I'm not talking about the Chinese people, I'm talking about their leaders, the Chinese Communist Party" and then going on to mention how the CCP oppresses their people in various ways.
Marco is a creation of the Koch operations and Al Cardenas. With what they know about his corruption in the Florida House, where they put him, and at FIU, where they paid him off, he’s their boy. Their open borders bag boy. He’s a lying POS.
“Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry. And Trump's antagonists enthusiastically blurred the distinction.“
It was unnecessary to “highlight the distinction” for Trump supporters who are not ignoramuses. Evidently it was necessary for his antagonists some of whom are political opportunists and most of whom are ignoramuses.
Diversitists exercise liberal license to indulge color judgments (e.g. "people of color").
I don't recall anyone on the left speaking out when Andy Ngo is attacked or threatened. In fact, they were attacking!
Ngo is reporting on left-wing protests, and, separately, is taking affirmative action to remove the stigma and taboo in progressive liberal societies from transgender (e.g. homosexual) men and women who reject genderphobia.
Tina Trent said...
Marco is a creation of the Koch operations and Al Cardenas. With what they know about his corruption in the Florida House, where they put him, and at FIU, where they paid him off, he’s their boy. Their open borders bag boy. He’s a lying POS.
Nailed it.
If we really wanted to blame those in America with ties to China and the Chinese government, we'd go after the universities and professors for which we have ample evidence of collusion and conspiracy with the CCP.
China introduced and spread COVID throughout the world. That. Is. A. Fact.
They should be held accountable.
"Trump, criticizing China, didn't highlight the distinction between China, the country, and people with Chinese ancestry."
So what?
So, if someone talks about the "South African variant" to Covid, shall we attack them from being an anti-black racist for not highlighting the distinction between South Africa, the country, and people with South African ancestry?
For that matter, 13 months ago I remember reading about Chinese nationals in the US who were buying up all the PPE they could find, and shipping it to China.
Are we allowed to be angry at those people, who actions led to a shortage of PPE in the US, with all the disease and death that caused?
>>Ann Althouse said...
I put "idiots" in quotes for 2 reasons:
1. I don't use that word, because it risks collateral damage to people who have lesser intellectual gifts.<<
Good god, that is one of the most hilariously absurd things I have ever read here...or anywhere.
Get rid of hyphenated Americans. We. Are. All. Just. American.
Hard to keep track of who is an "American" when that's always the second descriptor, implying the part before the hyphen is the most important part of who they are.
So it's pretty apparent we can only be "united" with our fellow tribalists. Everyone else is the "other" and should be looked at suspiciously.
Bummer for whites, half of whom wish really, really hard they were part of another tribe, thinking that abasing and degrading themselves in pursuit of being seen as an "ally" will save them when the SHTF. They'll be rejected by the other tribes AND their own. LOL!
When the Hong Kong protester stated that "China is Asshole" not one person on earth misunderstood that he was referring to the Chinese Communist Party. Ditto Trump.
I'm a German-Finnish-Irish-English-American. Those 4 qualifiers elevates my status to stratospheric levels. Much higher than just an English-American or an Irish American. /sarc
I, for one, am sick and tired of the media simply making up shit and then running with it for weeks on end ... until they make up more, different shit and run with that for weeks on end.
All the while blaming Trump for it.
How could anyone not understand that Trump was referring only to the country and its leaders, full stop?
Because they don't want to.
Jim at: throw rocks and hiding the hand is the SOP MO for you INCEL Trumpussies.
Pretend Rising hate crimes against Asians is the new new. No evidence needed.
Bob Boyd said...
"Dems turn everything into an attack on their political enemies. Rubio gutlessly goes along with the smear."
What are you referring to? The Rubio Tweet copied by Althouse is pretty much in agreement with what most of the people in this thread are saying.
Americans of Asian descent... uh, Asian-Americans... Americans of Asian (sometimes Russians)... are subject to racist judgments and affirmative discrimination under diversity dogma. People of White, too. And, babies... Fetal-Americans, that goes without saying.
Crime in general is rising because of the defund the police movements, George Soros D.A.s not enforcing the law and the let-them-out-of-prison because of covid movement. Democrats love criminals and hate to see them incarcerated. The Washington State Supreme Court just ruled that it's unconstitutional to lock up an 18- or 19-yo without possibility of parole because they are too immature. The previously got rid of the death penalty. The state legislature is reducing penalties for some crimes.
Is anyone surprised that crime is rising? Only Democrats.
Some Chinese living in America have dual loyalty, some are actual spies. I agree that we should encourage and optimistically assume a stance of civic-nationalist American behavior from all people. Anti-Asian discrimination esp in affirmative action sense is indeed a major problem; violence motivated by other than opportunity is also a problem although its color is not white.
The Dems are worried about losing the Asian vote so they are hyping this incident to get them back on the reservation, or into the internment camp.
Rubio's not a POS, he's a crockful.
The star-student weasel always at the ready to state the obvious, the society-controlled statesman manque', hoping for a merit badge from the Ds.
Some of my best friends are idiots
I hope Trump is ready to run for every Senate seat, every House seat, the presidency, the VP slot... Certainly no one else can say or do anything like Super Hero Trump.
Tina Trent - where do you get that crap anyway?
Mike of Snoqualmie,
I'm a German-Finnish-Irish-English-American.
I'm a German-Danish-Norwegian-Polish(?)-American, married to an Irish-Scots-American. (The question mark is b/c my father's mom was not terribly willing to talk about his dad, who absconded early on; we're more or less guessing by the surname, though "Dulak" is Czech as well as Polish.)
No dashing South Americans or Japanese or Nigerians in there. But I can hardly help that, can I?
I empathize with Fetal-Americans. I was once a beautiful, so my mom asserts, baby, too. My kind are hunted for social progress, cannibalized for medical progress, and sequestered for "burden" relief. We are the majority minority in time and space.
There is blurring the lines and there is reading between the lines.
With Trump his critics do and achieve both at the same time
The women were killed by a mentally ill man because they were prostitutes.
That's all. The murderer didn't blamed them for COVID.
Crack pipe: what crap? I know Rubio. Worked in Florida politics for years. Understand the Miami Mafias. Worked for the Kochs and saw what shits they are. Total open borders thugs and astroturfers.
Rubio’s a fraud. And his inner circle in Tallahassee were the worst crooks. Indicted. He should have been indicted too. Tell me, how do you become House Speaker at that age with literally no experience than jumping when Al Cardenas says jump? He has no credentials except lying to voters. And a pretty face.
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