February 27, 2021

The riot at your doorstep is an insurrection.


gilbar said...

politicians are our Betters, and in fact, Our MASTERS
We EXIST to Serve THEM
They are sacrosanct, and MAY NOT BE TOUCHED!


tim maguire said...

Is there any real question that all the shrieking about insurrection was simply because it was the wrong kind of riot? Not even that it happened in Washington, where there have been plenty of mostly peaceful riots in the last year. It was the rightwing riot that they got upset about.

gilbar said...

as tim points out; Authorized Riots are done by political Demand
and thus; are Fine!

Achilles said...

There was no insurrection.


It is completely dishonest to use that word.

Original Mike said...

I read yesterday that Biden not doing a State of the Union speech is being attributed to the "riot". Uh-huh.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt left GET to harass you at your doorstep.

Kamala Harris encourages it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We still do not know the name of the person who shot Ashlee Babbit.

The police officer who died, and was honored by Biden, did not die the way the media reported.
He was not killed by a fire extinguisher smashed on his head. That is a total lie - and to this day -the media have not corrected their story.

Jersey Fled said...

I forget. How many straight days have there been riots in Portland?

It was 100 as of the 1st of February per The Oregonian.

Jamie said...

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Jaq said...

Congressional Fragility.

But if you read about the Reichstag Fire, it’s kind of hard to avoid the suspicion that this was planned and exploited by Democrats to solidify control of the debate and of the media.

On February 27, 1933, the German parliament (Reichstag) building burned down. The Nazi leadership and its coalition partners used the fire to claim that Communists were planning a violent uprising. They claimed that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. The resulting act, commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolished a number of constitutional protections and paved the way for Nazi dictatorship.

Holocaust Encyclopedia

Maybe this is why we are not allowed to talk about the Holocaust anymore.

Jaq said...

Some guy on Twitter said “BIden is sure firing off a lot of missiles for a guy who owes me $2,000."

rhhardin said...

The dems don't believe it either. They're just doing fake news for the ladies.

Retail Lawyer said...

The "armed insurrection" was missing the burning, looting, and murdering of the mostly peaceful demonstrations. There are no plazas renamed for the insurrection. There are no state-sponsored art installations for the insurrection.

GatorNavy said...

But the riot at our Capitol was mostly peaceful as per CNN criteria.

Iman said...

Yes We Can’t!

Leland said...

I agree and said as much the moment I heard about it. From the protestor perspective, the events seemed hardly different from what happened in Madison back in 2011 against Scott Walker. As others noted, it was similar to the Kavanaugh hearing protests. The big difference is someone, currently being protected by the Capitol police, overreacted and shot an unarmed protestor.

Robert Cook said...

Not every riot is pleasant, but not every demonstration is a riot.

wendybar said...

100% Correct. The elites make the rules, break the rules, and do whatever they want with no consequences. All the while blaming everything on white Supremacists who they see hiding behind every tree and bush...whilst their own little Brown Shirts are STILL out there in the West terrorizing everybody in those communities. They don't CARE. Wake up.

Achilles said...

from Instapundit Vivek Ramaswamy:

Name ONE time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys.

I’ll wait...

Joe Biden is illegitimate.


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Poor Congresscritters. They were inconvenienced for a few hours. Tell that to Horace Lorenzo Anderson and Antonio Mays Jr.. I bet they'd like to have been merely inconvenienced rather than dead. Plus all the stores in Seatle that have been boarded up and in some cases closed because of the anarchist-fa riots.

Cry me a river.

Craig Howard said...

Is there any real question that all the shrieking about insurrection was simply because it was the wrong kind of riot?

In 2000, during the Florida vote recount, Republican poll observers demanded en masse to be allowed to witness the counting. The media termed it a "riot".

Big Mike said...

Attkisson is right, as usual. Why does it feel so strange to have a journalist who actually goes out and gets the story?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Portland days of riot count was 100 in September last year. It must be over 200 by now.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I e-mailed my son on Jan. 6 that the ringleaders of a largely non-violent protest, threatening innocent people and damaging property, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I'm not sure how much it matters that one event happened at the Capitol. Trump haters spent five years hoping Trump would act like Mussolini, or lying and saying he was already doing so. The Capitol protest was a dream come true for them.

On one hand: the Capitol is sacred ground (say people who are not known for their use of the word "sacred"), so all violence there is worse. On the other hand, the anti-Walker folks who took over the Wisconsin legislature were carrying their protests to "the next level." Give some of them criminal records? Blight their futures?

Ken B said...

A not quite with it kayfabe Viking wandering around an empty room not trashing anything isn’t a coup, and riotous trespass isn’t an insurrection.

The Democrats know this. Rubbing your face in it is the point. Defund the police in burning cities but deploy thousands to Capitol Hill. The lesson is clear.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Crickets when there was the root at the White House, with attempts to get on the grounds, and then the church was burned. And when the federal buildings in Portland were besieged

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

exhelodrvr1 said... [hush]​[hide comment]

And when the federal buildings in Portland were besieged

Yeah, but it was at night and they were closed, so that really doesn't count! --Merrick Garland

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If The Anti-Fa mob want to burn down your business, or attack and harass you at your private residence... it's "mostly peaceful" according to the democrat party and the democrat party media.

Achilles said...

Ken B said...

A not quite with it kayfabe Viking wandering around an empty room not trashing anything isn’t a coup, and riotous trespass isn’t an insurrection.

The Democrats know this. Rubbing your face in it is the point. Defund the police in burning cities but deploy thousands to Capitol Hill. The lesson is clear.

The point is to justify acting like the Nazi party in Germany circa 1933.

Sebastian said...

"The riot at your doorstep is an insurrection."

The riot that can be exploited for prog purposes is an insurrection.

rcocean said...

"Full measure of the law". yeah sure. when are people on the Center-right going to understand:

1) The Left doesn't care that they're "Hypocrites" or "Unprincipled".
2) A Good loser is just a loser
3) The Left doesn't care that they you're full of Grand Principles and will attack your own side.

we had antifa/BLM riots that killed 60 people and destroyed HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of property. Not to mention all the maimed police officers, innocents, and small business owners who had to shut down. Response: From the Left? Crickets. And Antifa? Just an idea.

A few crackpots break into the Capital building, fight with the police, and steal Pelosi's lectern and Moronic center-right joins the Left-wing hysteria. "Shoot them without mercy" "Prosecute to the full extent of the Law" "Send them to Gitmo". And radio silence on the murder of Ashli Babbitt.

Like someone said "SHow me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser".

Jupiter said...

I believe that the organized rioting that caused so much death and destruction in American cities in the last 10 months should certainly be investigated, and the people who organized it and funded it should be prosecuted. But I don't think that is what the Democrats have in mind. They are more interested in having the FBI track down whoever kidnapped Lady Gaga's dogs. Of course, it was two Black guys, so if they find them they'll walk.

Matt said...

Yeah, they're clowns. That's the whole point. They'll march shoulder-to-shoulder with you as long as you are only threatening your neighbors and fellow citizens and their lives and property. But go after them? In a building they have no personal connection to, did not build, most certainly has insurance and that you pay for? Well, by golly, that's just unAmerican, you racist, fascist Nazi!

It's a joke but only they are in on it.

Jersey Fled said...

The Portland days of riot count was 100 in September last year. It must be over 200 by now.

The Oregonian report of February 1st this year marked the 100th consecutive day.

They must have taken a day off somewhere to celebrate some Communist's birthday or something. Either that or they ran out of fire bombs and bricks.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes she’s goddamned right. Or if you prefer the British version: she’s bloody well right. (Nod to Supertramp)

Fernandinande said...

Ironic Unrest = anagram(insurrection);

Also Unicorn Rites and Runtier Icons.

Omaha1 said...

This is a sickening example of "white" or "elected" privilege. They did not want small business owners to have protection from the National Guard or even the local police! That was "fascism" LOL. But now that they are the so-called victims they have 6000 troops and a 12 foot fence topped with barbed wire. What makes them so special?

Jupiter said...

Maybe Congress should just get a big, golden hearse and an ornate coffin and give itself three or four funerals. Paint its picture on the plywood over a few broken windows. Raid the Treasury and send me some Covid reparations. There's lots of ways they can turn this into a positive.

john burger said...

Apparently, QAnon isn't very good at insurrections. BLM and antifa destroyed untotaled numbers of buildings, businesses, abd livelihoods, and what do they have to show for it? BLM raised over $90 million! How much did QAnon raise?


Aggie said...

The absurdity is that we are discussing it at all, as if this were a substantive point.

Where is the journalist that tallies up all of the 'mostly peaceful protests' of 2020, lists them all together with the number of deaths, the number of injured, the property damage, the estimated loss of commercial revenue, the number of businesses shuttered - and juxtaposes it next to the protest at the Capitol on January 6th? Not a single journalist has done it, including Ms. Attkisson. Yet this story would firmly put this charade into its proper context for all to understand.

Tim said...

We have an illegitimate government. Possibly 8-10 elected members are attempting to follow the constitution. The courts are blatantly ignoring the constitution. Wholesale ignoring of Washington and her decrees is next.

daskol said...

I am so fucking tired of these idiots in Washington play-acting scared that the devil in me wants them to be actually terrified for their person. Not terribly charitable, but that's where I'm at.

Ray - SoCal said...

The “insurrection” is gas lighting and its amazing how effective it’s been.

What else is being gas lighted?

Michael said...

You can't foment violence here, this is the Capitol*

* while giving the Pentagon trillion$ to foment violence

wildswan said...

I agree with Sarah Hoyt - that the American left ruins everything it touches and that it has even ruined revolution. Not only has the left "revolution" consisted of masked suburbanites torching businesses in the black community but also the media is now applying the sacred term "revolution" to the activities of the right. Trump is now the guerrilla leader operating from the trackless mountains of the Cancel range and leading Anti-Sacreds in their wild, reckless, despairing demands for free and fair elections. The Capitol itself lives in terror behind barb wire while the forces of the Anti-Sacreds range just outside, filthy (or unmasked anyhow), prowling the internet when darkness falls, emitting animal screams, "FREEEEE SPEEEEEECH!!!. AMERICA, WHERE ARE YOUUUUU!!!! COME BACKKKKKKKK!!! Waving flags, instead of properly burning them. Disgusting, uncontrolled, irrational, transgressive.

Michael K said...

But I don't think that is what the Democrats have in mind. They are more interested in having the FBI track down whoever kidnapped Lady Gaga's dogs.

The dogs were returned. The black "Trump supporters" are still at large but the FBI is on their trail.

donald said...

Erick Erickson who is a talk show host on the once great WSB-750am called for shooting people there on 1/6. Erick Staples himself as a “conservative”. If you know who he is you know he is a short fat dumpy perky pig sounding media whore who’s main interest in his WSB show is using it to beg for any other media jobs he can. Fat boy called for shooting citizens on the 6th. Not that he could drag that fatass out and do it himself.

donald said...

Should read “Erick styles”, and “porky pig”.

pacwest said...

The solemn ceremony for the cop who died is part and parcel of the theater the Dems are putting on. Like they give a shit about cops. The Repubs that were denouncing the "riot" thingy are weak or idiots.

KJE said...

All riots are equal.

Some riots are more equal than others.

Joe Smith said...

One of Trump's biggest mistakes was not sending in the National Guard to clean out the blue city rioters, BLM, Antifa, etc.

I know the issues involved with that...don't care.

What's the worst that could have happened?

They impeach him? He loses the election?

All politicians are grifters.

Joe Smith said...

"The police officer who died, and was honored by Biden, did not die the way the media reported."

Last I read they were still waiting on toxicology test. No fucking lie.

What a joke.

Joe Smith said...

"Defund the police in burning cities but deploy thousands to Capitol Hill."

I'm fine with defunding the police...fire them all.

I will do just fine.

It's the blue cities that will turn into Mad Max.

Don't really care...

Ray - SoCal said...

Lies that are / were being used as an excuse for a witch hunt...

- Russian Collusion

- Capital Insurrection

Bob Boyd said...

There were no riots. There was only community organizing.

Chuck said...
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Vance said...

Look who showed up. The guy who endorses Antifa riots and also promotes violence towards women and children, as long as said women and children are Republicans.

He's also really, really fond of pedophiles who attack Donald Trump. Good stuff there, Chuck.

Chuck said...
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Lurker21 said...

The politicians, many of whom weren't even in the Capitol are pretending they are more afraid than they were. But if you believe the act, it isn't an act. If you think the lie is true it isn't a lie.

People expect an A Face in the Crowd moment, like in the Andy Griffith movie, where an open mike reveals the demagogue's real thoughts about his audience, but nowadays everyone (certainly everyone in politics) believes their own line of bullshit. The media create cocoons or bubbles where everyone recites the same catchphrases and buzzwords so that politicians don't have to confront opposing opinions or take them seriously.

Now for a digression: "riot on your doorstep" sounds metaphorical (indeed, most likely is metaphorical). It sounds like something you can't really take seriously - like a "riot in the kitchen" or a "riot in the bedroom." I suppose that all depends on whether you've experienced mob violence that close to home or whether you have been blessedly spared anything like that.

Drago said...

Pro-marxist Pro-pedophile Weaver Whitmer Fanboy (who was banned in part for continuous racist and anti-women/children attacks) LLR-lefty Chuck: "Every word a lie."

Every word the absolute unvarnished truth.


Find some new lies lefty boy. The old ones still aren't working.

Chuck said...
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Yancey Ward said...

Some kinda of moderation

Written, with no irony whatsoever, by Chuck who the bloghosts have repeatedly asked to leave.

True or not, Chuck- hasn't Meade told you repeatedly to leave?

Owen said...

Vance @ 11:45 and Chuck @ 11:53: Thanks for that exchange. I was almost out of imprecations but you’ve brought a fresh supply!

Drago said...

Can you imagine the drunken spittle-flecked rage our racist LLR-lefty Chuck devolved into when he saw a black conservative on stage at CPAC?

LLR-lefty Chuck has a very long history at Althouse of racist attacks against such persons...and always from the far left because of course they are.

And if you tossed in a distinguished military record into "black" and "conservative", I would actually fear for that person's safety if LLR-lefty Durbin Cuckholster Chuck were around.

Btw, anyone else notice how its now been exposed that Facebook is providing the funding for all the FakeCon attacks against republicans at National "Facebook" Review and The "Facebook" Dispatch, et al?

It was the Facebook/Jonah Goldberg/Steve Hayes Lefty Alliance that got an established pro-life group deplatformed, an action for which our own LLR-lefty Chuck heartily approved.

After it went public that Facebook paid the FakeCons at The "Pro-Weaver" Dispatch to help deplatform the pro-life group Jonah the Goucher College (85% acceptance rate "rocket scientist" dumping ground school for the pathetic "elites") Goldberg to declare it was all an "accident".... an "accident" that was bought and paid for by Zuckerburg.

Heckuva job defending them LLR-lefty Chuck!

Skeptical Voter said...

If you make Pelosi soil her Depends--and make AOC hide in the bathroom in another building--well by Gum! You're going to pay!

And just glancing at what Chuck said above this--wash your mouth out with soap. You call for moderation--but start by moderating your personal vocabulary.

Drago said...

Interesting Topic Suggestion: When is it appropriate for pro-marxist Racist FakeCon Proven Liars "who have been banned" commenters to assume to lecture others on abiding by blog moderater requests?

Perhaps an Althouse poll is called for.

Joe Smith said...

"It was the Facebook/Jonah Goldberg/Steve Hayes Lefty Alliance that got an established pro-life group deplatformed, an action for which our own LLR-lefty Chuck heartily approved."

Combine Goldberg and Hayes into one person, and they still wouldn't need to take testosterone suppressors to compete in women's athletics.

We're not talking alpha males here...

Drago said...

FakeCon and Banned Commenter LLR-lefty Chuck: "More personal attacks, veering away from Althouse's blog post. Some kinda moderation."

Interesting blog history references:

LLR-lefty Chuck's loudly and proudly and explicitly specified reasons for posting at Althouse:

1) To smear and lie about Donald Trump
2) To drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers


rcocean said...

Drago and Chuck are the same person.

JK Brown said...

At the Capitol, they couldn't even get some rioters with frickin' laser beams on their head. Unlike the rioters who for 90 nights attacked the federal courthouse in Portland and blinded (at least temporarily) many federal agents.

Drago said...

rcocean: "Drago and Chuck are the same person."

That makes "sense"......somewhere.

I suppose.

Drago said...

"Unlike the rioters who for 90 nights attacked the federal courthouse in Portland and blinded (at least temporarily) many federal agents."

According to r/v and Inga and readering and LLR-lefty Chuck and Howard and AI that never happened and those partially blinded officers are lying. Plus Kavanaugh was a rape gang leader for 2 decades.

Vance said...

For Chuck: Your calls to hit which female reporter was it again? And who can forget your repeated tirades and smears against Trump's children? Bannon, wasn't it, that you repeatedly smeared? Ample evidence.

Yes, it's John Weaver, who the Lincoln project knew all about his predilections for young children and said nothing until they were forced to. And your praise of the Lincoln project still continues. What's a little child predatorness when it's all in the good cause of "Getting that evil Trump and his supporters!" Just like every far leftist is willing to let a few "peccadillos" slide in the name of promoting far leftism.

As for supporting Antifa: just compare and contrast your shrieking about the Capitol guided tours of Jan 6 with the attacks in Portland. You "tsk tsk, what naughty fellows those Antifa are, but boys will be boys!" versus your frothing "treasonous insurrectionists should be gunned down without mercy and any survivors drawn and quartered without benefit of trial because they threatened Nancy Pelosi!" kind of proves the point. Also see your laughter and praise of Antifa attacking Rand Paul after leaving the Capitol a few months ago.

And considering your immediate descent into language directed at me, coupled with calls for moderation: really? Really?

Moving on past Chuck, who is really beneath everyone's notice: it is amusing how the spineless congress critters only care about violence if they are anywhere near it. Seems to me that if a group of people got together and tarred and feathered the entire Congress that such a group could probably sweep the next election. Who could possibly oppose tarring and feathering all of Congress (besides Chuck of course)?

Achilles said...

Vance said...

Your calls to hit which female reporter was it again?

The "titty-twisters" were the best.

Who even thinks about giving a woman a "titty-twister" anyways?

Achilles said...

Drago said...

"Unlike the rioters who for 90 nights attacked the federal courthouse in Portland and blinded (at least temporarily) many federal agents."

According to r/v and Inga and readering and LLR-lefty Chuck and Howard and AI that never happened and those partially blinded officers are lying. Plus Kavanaugh was a rape gang leader for 2 decades.

More to the point there were several execution style attacks on officers in police cars by BLM.

Francisco D said...

I was hoping that we did not have Chuckles to kick around any more. He is as annoyingly boring and predictable as Karen B and the Resident Idiot.

Let him go back to diddling little boys with his Lincoln Project buddies.

Jupiter said...

"The dogs were returned. The black "Trump supporters" are still at large but the FBI is on their trail."

They always get their dog.

Chuck said...
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Inga said...

Francisco D drinking early, tsk tsk.

Inga said...

Has anyone ever seen Vance and Drago in the same spot at the same time?

Things that make you say hmmmm...

Daniel Jackson said...

"They must have taken a day off somewhere to celebrate some Communist's birthday or something. Either that or they ran out of fire bombs and bricks."

Or, their contract was up, their bosses thanked them for their services, paid them off, and sent them home.

From a Bayesian perspective, the important lesson for Trump's next iteration, is that he should seen the trap embedded in this protest and put an end to it immediately.

This was Folly.

Jim at said...

Six months of non-stop rioting vs four hours. Contrast and compare the punishment being meted out.

Rules for all, or rules for none.

MayBee said...

She is 100% right. ESPECIALLY those who encouraged the protests of the past year- celebrated them, said they shouldn't be peaceful weren't going to be peaceful- then crying about how scared *they* were? I think that's horrible. It's the worst kind of insular behavior. It screams to the average American that they don't care about anyone but themselves.

MayBee said...

I get concerned that officer Sicknick's death was something of a more private nature, and all of the attention to it will just be invasive to his family.

Francisco D said...

Francisco D drinking early, tsk tsk.

Speaking of annoyingly boring and predictable...

At least she is as smart as my Golden Retrievers. She knows that her name is "Resident Idiot".

Inga said...

By tonight Dr.Lecter will be blackout drunk and talking about eating brains and other body parts.

Joe Smith said...

"Who even thinks about giving a woman a "titty-twister" anyways?"

Improper use of said titties.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

They must have taken a day off somewhere to celebrate some Communist's birthday or something. Either that or they ran out of fire bombs and bricks.

The fall rains came and they stopped rioting for a while. Then they started again because it had been so much fun and they were bored. They are twenty-something dirty white kids who think burning down businesses is so much fun. Especially if the businesses are black-owned. Impoverishing small business for fun and profit.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Francisco D drinking early, tsk tsk.

Will Inga apologize for repeating a lie about Brian Sicknick being killed by Trump supporters?

Will she admit that everything that the left said about January 6th appears to be untrue?

Will she discuss the censorship that the left used these lies to justify?

Will she bother to talk about the thousands of cases where leftists were actually violent and left completely untouched by law enforcement and how the sudden outrage about January 6th is completely hypocritical and obviously contrived?

What level of intellectual seriousness do we expect from Inga?

Michael K said...

From a Bayesian perspective, the important lesson for Trump's next iteration, is that he should seen the trap embedded in this protest and put an end to it immediately.

This was Folly.

It certainly was an intelligence failure but he has been backstabbed by the Administrative State since 2015.

Ken B said...

CBS news was tweeting with OUTRAGE that some of those charged are getting public defenders.

Let that sink in. It’s now an outrage that poor defendants are getting the lawyer they are constitutionally entitled to, because Capitol Hill.

eddie willers said...

whoever kidnapped Lady Gaga's dogs. Of course, it was two Black guys,

When I first read this I thought, "Dognappers in Beverly hills? This must be some "Ruthless People" type white couple". But then I read the dog walker was shot.


That didn't make sense. That they were black explains that conundrum.

Earnest Prole said...
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Earnest Prole said...

I’ve been told Antifa was actually responsible for the Capitol riot and Trump supporters were actually responsible for the BLM riots, so I don’t really understand Attkisson’s question.

n.n said...

Civil rights don't matter in a [anti]fascist state. Some, Select Black Lives Matter is diversity racket and Pro-Choice sect.


CWJ said...

"I get concerned that officer Sicknick's death was something of a more private nature, and all of the attention to it will just be invasive to his family."

They didn't think it private enough to handle the funeral themselves, and take a pass on the capitol rotunda lying in state.

They weren't so concerned as to take a pass on sky box super bowl tickets.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Pelosi didn't want the National Guard there because it would look bad. The Capitol Police were also not ready for a determined rush on the fences. Pelosi got what she wanted: a riot she could blame on Trump.

ccscientist said...

Under Scott Walker, the dems occupied the Wis state capitol for months. Protesters tried to break down the hearing door for Kavenaugh and tried to break into the supreme court for his confirmation. Riots all over the country resulted in dozens of deaths and billions in damage and were praised or excused by dem leaders including Pelosi and Harris. The sudden aversion to demonstrations is obscene.
And by what authority did the speaker of the House call out the national guard? Only governors and the president can do that!

Mark said...

Most of you all didn't see it, much less see it live, being dependent upon national news outlets, but the local TV carried it here live.

Back in late May, the mob was THIS CLOSE (holding my fingers about a millimeter apart) from breaching the fence at the White House. They were massed in force along Pennsylvania Avenue, with just some bike racks and a line of quickly deployed law enforcement keeping them about 30 feet from the fence. The mob was serious angry and violent. More than a few LE were injured. Serious enough that the Secret Service took the President and family down to the bunker for protection.

I watched it live here in DC on the TV, all the while wondering if they were going to overwhelm the LE. Ultimately, wiser heads prevailed and they did not attempt to breach the White House fence, but they did go smash and burn and loot nearby buildings, including those in Lafayette Park.

The reaction of the Dems, from Biden to Pelosi to Muriel Bowser was to mock the President for "hiding in his bunker." Then when President Trump took the only rational security step of extending the security fence, the Dems were outraged. And when the mob tried to start pulling down statues in Lafayette Park, Mayor Bowser's response was to cheer them on with naming the street in front of the White House, "Black Lives Matter Plaza."

Mark said...

Mark said...
National Guard called out in D.C. by the Secretary of the Army.
This after multiple violent clashes at various locations in the city. Because Mayor Bowser too busy having a hissy over President Trump to do her damn job of providing public safety.
5/30/20, 9:25 PM

Mark said...
Muriel Bowser and D.C. Police have responsibility for maintaining order and safety on D.C. streets. And in her temper tantrum on Twitter this morning, she said she would always provide that.
At this very moment, a volatile violent crowd is on D.C. city streets, with a dumpster burning on H Street, and D.C. Police is nowhere to be seen.
5/30/20, 9:33 PM

Mark said...
Just saw live on TV some "peaceful protesters" literally torch a Fox news van that is parked on I Street.
5/30/20, 10:18 PM

Mark said...
Watching local D.C. TV. Vehicles burning, buildings up Connecticut Avenue smashed windows. Bombs being thrown at D.C. Metro Police. They've moved away to a great extent away from Lafayette Park.
NONE of it is about Floyd. Ninety percent of the mob is white. And a lot of white young women doing violent things.
And, no, none of them are "right-wing extremists."
5/30/20, 10:49 PM

Bilwick said...

An "insurrection" is a riot by people The Hive doesn't approve of, initiated for reasons The Hive doesn't support.

Paul said...

I feel the politicians got the shit scared out of them... and JUSTLY SO!!!

They sometimes think no matter how badly they act and vote there will be no consequences.

As Thomas Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

So it was a shock to them people might, you know, come and 'visit' them at work. LOTS OF THEM come visit them at work.

As it says in our Constitution... "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

And that, folks, scares the living daylights out of them!!!

Balfegor said...

It may have been milder, but torching private businesses and homes is different from invading government offices. The closest parallel is the attacks on the Portland courthouse and police stations, which were part of the BLM/Antifa riots, but overshadowed somewhat by the wanton looting and vandalism of private facilities.

Vance said...

For Inga, I am certainly not Drago. He's far more relentless than I am. I lurk most days but don't comment.

Still, I would like to ask you why you are upset by supposed threats against Congressmen on January 6th? After all, you were very, very fond indeed of actual murder attempts against Republican Congressmen and women by James Hodkinson, a Bernie Bro in close contact with Democrat Senator Dick Durbin. Indeed, I recall you spent 11 months insisting that he did nothing wrong and that you would actually prefer to be tortured than be forced to say it was wrong to shoot Republicans in cold blood. You spent 11 months advocating the murder of Republican congressmen, so any pearl clutching now is beyond hypocritical.

Geneo said...

We have protesters on the streets of Portland, Oregon again tonight. HMMM!! Washington and Salem politicians need to be on these streets tonight. It is safe, heck, these "PROTESTERS" are peaceful.

Drago said...

Achilles: "What level of intellectual seriousness do we expect from Inga?"

Since Inga long ago declared herself a mind reader extraordinaire, if she read the right minds she might very well be able cough up something approaching intelligible.

Drago said...

Vance: "For Inga, I am certainly not Drago. He's far more relentless than I am."

One man's relentlessness is another man's casually milling about.

Joe Smith said...

"It may have been milder, but torching private businesses and homes is different from invading government offices."

Looters should be shot on sight, but maybe that's just me.

Gospace said...

Joe Smith said...
"It may have been milder, but torching private businesses and homes is different from invading government offices."

Looters should be shot on sight, but maybe that's just me.

Nope, not just you. And it should be legal for anyone to do so not just officialdom.

Same thing for thieves engaged in thievery. If you leave your bicycle sitting on your front lawn and see some hoodlum pick it up and start riding away they should be fair game.

“Oh, but a bicycle isn’t worth life!” If a thief knows he’s fair game for sudden death when engaging in actual thievery, they’re making the choice that a life and a bicycle are of equal worth. Too bad for them if they steal from someone who agrees with them.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

I’ve been told Antifa was actually responsible for the Capitol riot and Trump supporters were actually responsible for the BLM riots, so I don’t really understand Attkisson’s question.

You don't understand it because you are too limited to see how the point you are trying to make is undermined by the lies and inherent contradictions within your statement.

But stupid little quips that misconstrue what people say dishonestly and a complete lack of honest engagement is kinda your thing.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone not dig this chick, Ann Althouse. She is a provocateur. Started a long time ago, when she wore her short skirt and railed against the 'authoritahs'. It started when she took her first breath, and her soul entered her body. After that, there are a lot of variables. The path is not straight...it meanders..."We strut and fret our hour upon the stage"

I am strutting and fretting my hour upon this stage. Diggin' Ann Althouse.

mishu said...

100% in agreement with Sheryl. I live in Kenosha and it would be fabulous to get one tenth of the investigation for Kenosha that the bed wetters in Congress are getting.

n.n said...

The riot at your doorstep is an affirmative action to indimidate and force corporations, organizations, people to kneel a la KKK, mafia, racket, etc.

Known Unknown said...

Why does D.D. Driver keep changing his name?

Mutaman said...

"But while traveling across US,"

Why is anyone "But while traveling across US," in the covid era?

wendybar said...

The Idiot Congresscritters piss us off purposely, then pretend to be really afraid and have to erect cages around themselves to protect themselves from citizens they have crushed with stupid illegal alien loving laws that tax us more, and give us less? And then they wonder why?? They KNOW why, and they don't care...They like ruling royally over us. And then rubbing our faces in it really, really hard.

stlcdr said...

Mutaman said...
"But while traveling across US,"

Why is anyone "But while traveling across US," in the covid era?

2/28/21, 1:07 AM

Because it’s not as bad as you have been told?

That we, for the moment, live in a free country?

She hasn’t been caught, yet, as a ‘racist, bigot, homophobe’ and locked down for her own good?

Geneo said...

Peaceful "demonstraters" in downtown Portland again last night, nothing in the local news reports this morning. But the locals who live here say windows broken again & new graffiti on walls and businesses. They went through the Pearl District again; district used to be industrial and full of workers. It was "Gentrified" some years ago and now is full of expensive condos and apartments.

John Althouse Cohen said...

Apparently she hasn’t seen the videos.

Jim at said...

Apparently you slept through the last six months of your side rioting.

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