February 1, 2021

Pro-se Trump?

I'm reading "Trump Names Two Members of Impeachment Defense Team/The announcement came a day after he parted ways with five lawyers, and with his trial looming next week" (NYT):
Mr. Trump has told advisers he wants the defense to focus on his baseless claims about election fraud, a person familiar with the discussions said. A person close to the former president disputed that that was the case, but conceded that Mr. Trump had dismissively said the case was so simple that he could try it himself and save money.

Just to save money? Or does he think he's the one best able to put the case in the form that seems right to him: simple!

I wouldn't put it past him. After all, he decided that he could do the whole President-of-the-United-States job. The weirdest thing that's happened in my lifetime is Trump becoming President. I can totally see the Senate doors opening and Trump strutting in, with just a page of notes tucked into his jacket pocket. 

I floated the pro-se Trump theory yesterday, here.


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n.n said...

Impeachable or impeachable-impeachable? Burn the witch, dunk the warlock, and don't spare the baby... Fetal-American.

Inga said...

“It’s making reading the thread an unpleasant experience.”

What a pretty little snowflake.

Inga said...

“Arturo Ui said...
Most Americans agree that Joe Biden won overwhelmingly.”

Indeed we do. 81 million of us.

Arturo Ui said...

Inga said...

What a pretty little snowflake.

LOL, seriously.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

If Trump’s defense is election fraud, he’s claiming he is the rightful holder of the office of President. In other words, “You can’t convict me because I am the President.”

Scott said...

weirder than 9/11? really Ann, come on!

Michael K said...

Blogger Mary Beth said...

It always seems sketchy when so many non-regulars are here, insisting on the same talking points.

No, it fits with what else is going on. This is a campaign to try to make us think 2+2=5.

Explained here.

Humperdink said...

I had a run-in with a bot/troll on another blog. Whenever someone posted a conservative thought, an immediate carpet bomb would be unleashed, all of filled with lies and half-truths. I never returned fire. In fact, I never returned at all.

Ray - SoCal said...

And what a show of White Privilege...

>What a pretty little snowflake.

I'm Not Sure said...

"This is a campaign to try to make us think 2+2=5."

One wonders, if they're so sure that what they keep saying is true, why they're afraid of people talking about it. Rather, they keep trying to shut the conversation down. The full court press, day after day, smells like desperation.

Anonymous said...

Nonapod - "We have a feeble minded President and a majority of both houses of congress that are fully corrupt."

The most difficult thing for the usurpers (Democrats) to understand, is that this is not about Trump.

It is about 'political correctness'.

While athletic woman whine that they cannot compete against neutered males in sports, because it's not fair, we're told that women can put on a soldier costume and compete in combat against enemy males.

The weakest male in the Military's Combat Arms could best the strongest woman in sports.

Yet...we put women in Combat Arms, because Grrlll Power.

It is about 'political correctness'.

Matt Sablan said...

Just a reminder: Pelosi didn't really create a coalition. She had President Obama make an empty promise to the Blue Dogs, who foolishly thought that it would be honored. It was not, which is one of the many reasons the Blue Dogs were destroyed as a political faction with any power within the Democrats congressional group.

So, if that's an example of "making a coalition," well. It's a piss poor one. Anyone can make a coalition when the people you're trying to work with are naive or stupid enough to take your word.

Matt Sablan said...

"Over the last 5 years Trump has been assigned by his voters, talents and qualities he doesn’t possess."

-- I'm not sure whether die hard Trump supporters, or people who still think Trump hacked the election in 2016 after paying people to pee in a bed, are more deluded.

Jim at said...

Over the last 5 years Trump has been assigned by his voters, talents and qualities he doesn’t possess.

An Obama voter wrote that.

Again, going through life being the prime example of what she accuses her opponents, and too stupid to realize it.

Francisco D said...

Most Americans agree that Joe Biden won overwhelmingly.” Indeed we do. 81 million of us

Delusion or stupidity? Two problems with the number 81 million:

1. That is not even close to a majority of Americans and

2. 81 million votes were assigned to Joe Biden. No one with a brain believes that each vote equals a unique, registered LIVE American voter.

I am going with delusion and stupidity because math and logic are very difficult for true believers and Resident Idiots.

Rosalyn C. said...

I'd like someone who has claimed there was no fraud to explain:

Why the ballot counters in Detroit went through so much trouble to block the windows, remove Republican poll watchers, and prevent anyone from watching them?

How we can be comfortable with mail-in ballots with no verifiable signature, no address, no postmarks, no folds?

How we can trust election machines which can not be examined forensically? Code which can not be examined?

Why ballots which (by law) were supposed to be kept for 22 months have already been destroyed?


I'm not impressed by the claim that Biden won by millions more votes when those votes are suspect. California alone provided several million fraudulent votes by illegal, undocumented residents.

I'm not persuaded this was a clean and fair election by people who refused to allow genuine examination of ballots and voting machines and who refuse to allow any discussion of the topic.

D.D. Driver said...

They will accuse Trump of perjury no matter what he says. And then what? Impeach him? Take away his birthday?

Prosecute him and try to send him to jail. Or maybe the left will show restraint for sake of our country's "healing." LOL.

It's no wonder his lawyers are jumping ship.

Rosalyn C. said...

Why did the officials in Georgia lie about a water main break and stop counting? Why did they announce that counting was suspended and poll watchers should leave and then resume counting after they left?

Why was the counting stopped at the same time in five battle ground states when that never happens
in any other presidential election?

These kinds of questions should be addressed.

Matt Sablan said...

Those sorts of questions Rosalyn are bringing up is why, while I'm not sold on "voter fraud," I am concerned about rank incompetence. Georgia, for example, was refusing to do recounts until they finally gave in. They ended up finding multiple USBs that hadn't been counted. This tallied up to *thousands of votes.*

The people who count our votes and monitor our elections are *incompetent.* Look at "stickygate" in New York where they used sticky notes to determine which ballots had been counted already... and then couldn't tell who won *because the sticky notes fell off.* I think they're still recounting that one.

Our election competence is laughable.

Spiros said...

I think it's a good idea. Trump won't be bound by a lawyer's ethical codes. So he can really trash it up...

I'm Not Sure said...

"The people who count our votes and monitor our elections are *incompetent.*"

Competence in running an election is the last thing wanted by people who intend to cheat.

tim in vermont said...

""Over the last 5 years Trump has been assigned by his voters, talents and qualities that I don’t personally want in a president.” - A . Democrat


tim in vermont said...

"In other words, “You can’t convict me because I am the President.” - Left Bank

More like “You CAN convict me because I am the President,” Try to keep up.

Arturo Ui said...

Francisco D said...

Delusion or stupidity? Two problems with the number 81 million:

1. That is not even close to a majority of Americans and

2. 81 million votes were assigned to Joe Biden. No one with a brain believes that each vote equals a unique, registered LIVE American voter.

I am going with delusion and stupidity because math and logic are very difficult for true believers and Resident Idiots.


"blah blah blah I can't bear losing blah blah blah I'll just call everyone a cheater instead blah blah blah but I lost so bad"

n.n said...

This is a campaign to try to make us think 2+2=5.

2+2 "=" 5 is a sociopolitically congruent construct.

Doodad said...

"Baseless claims." Pfffttttt. Yeah, focus on stuff like the pee tapes and Putin puppet claims you moral and intellectual giants.

effinayright said...

D.D. Driver said...
They will accuse Trump of perjury no matter what he says. And then what? Impeach him? Take away his birthday?

>>>>will Trump be under oath? In a political "trial"? Who will require him to take an oath? What about his right not to incriminate himself?

>>>>What if he refuses to take an oath, arguing that the entire proceeding is illegal? Remember that Roberts made the *Senators" swear an oath during Impeachment One, when Trump didn't appear.

>>>>Why should Trump appear in person in this trial, when he's no longer POTUS? Since WHEN can the Congress "demand" that a citizen show up at an Impeachment trial meant to "remove" a POTUS?

>>>>See this: https://jonathanturley.org/2021/01/18/the-no-show-option-trump-could-sit-out-the-senate-trial-and-still-prevail/

Prosecute him and try to send him to jail.

>>>>Prosecute him FOR WHAT? It's pretty obvious that you're starching your shorts over the prospect of seeing The Orange Man in a matching jumpsuit and shackles.

>>>>Premature political ejaculation is not a good look.

Dr Weevil said...

People who think Leahy and the Dems can 'muzzle' Trump at the trial haven't really thought things through. He has a Secret Service detail, which is authorized to use violence against anyone who tries to get too close to him. Remember the picture of Biden on the campaign trail in WV with a biker's girlfriend sitting on his lap? The two biker guys in the picture were obviously extremely pissed, but smart enough to know that even trying to punch out the senile old perv would have meant instant death from multiple gunshot wounds.

If Trump has a microphone in his hand, and Leahy tries to cut him off or interrupt him, he can ignore him. No one's going to try to grab it out of his hand while the SS is standing by. They can cut the power to the mic, unless an SS guy is standing by the outlet, in which case maybe not. If they do manage to shut off his plug-in mic, he can open up his briefcase and pull out a battery-powered megaphone. Trying to shout him down will only make them look like what they are: stupid and fascistic.

I think Trump should demand 3 uninterrupted hours to make his case, and bring a big-screen projector for exhibits. Also a countdown stopwatch big enough for viewers to see it, set to 3:00. The first time Leahy or anyone else interrupts him to object to something he's saying - it won't take long - he should stop the countdown until they shut up, then continue. If they keep doing it, he should set it back to 3 hours and make it clear he will make his case, from beginning to end, no matter how long it takes, so they might as well let him speak for 3 hours and then present their objections to what he says.

He has repeatedly said things like "We have them. We have it all." I suspect that 3 hours would be enough to prove, with video evidence, (a) that Pelosi and company planned the January 6th "insurrection", coordinating it with Antifa and BLM and maybe some double-agent QAnons and Proud Boys, (b) that the election was in fact stolen, along with 4-5 Senate seats, and how, and (c) that dozens, if not hundreds, of members of Congress are in fact working for the Chinese, Russian, Ukrainians, Iranians, whoever, either for sex, or money, or blackmail.

More in a moment.

Dr Weevil said...

Does Trump have video of all these crimes? A couple of hints from Thomas Wictor: He points to a pre-election Executive Order establishing undercover military observation teams to ensure election integrity. As I recall, it names 44 specific locations where they could/would be deployed, including Milwaukee, Fulton County, GA, and basically all the places where elections have been stolen, including this year. He also alleges, quite plausibly, that the Defense Department has drones that look, sound, and act like flies. Given how many damning videos an amateur like James O'Keefe III has managed to make with off-the-shelf civilian technology, think what Trump could do if put the DOD to work. I'd love to see a video of Dems plotting election theft or a fake insurrection while occasionally shouting "Damnit! Who's got a flyswatter or some bug spray? That fucking fly keeps getting right in my face!"

As for audio recording, I've heard that the NSA tapes all our phone calls. Even if they don't, the FISA law allows the Feds to listen to phonecalls by suspected traitors, anyone who talks to them, and anyone who talks to anyone who talks to them. No one who talked to Trump or talked to anyone who talked to Trump was a traitor, so the FBI told a bald-faced lie about Carter Page, and then tapped Trump's phone calls and all his administration's. It would be easier with Biden. His son Hunter has bragged about being personally acquainted with "the fucking spy chief of China, man!", so Trump can legally listen to the phone calls of anyone who talks on the phone to anyone who talks on the phone to Hunter Biden. That would be half of Washington, I think: the sleazier half.

Lurker21 said...

Winning in losing or something like that was a concept here after the election. I think what it meant was Trump proving that the Democrats had cheated even if he didn't get the results overturned. Or maybe it just meant Trump getting all the attention during the transition (not so hard given what Biden's like and how hard his staff has been keeping the lid down). Well, now Trump's hope for winning by losing is if Biden-Harris turn out to be horrible, incompetent presidents.

And that could happen. Already Harris got "mine lands" and "land mines" confused in West Virginia. I guess the response is that she knew what she wanted to say and didn't mean what she said. Not really a successful defense for Dan Quayle or any of the Bushes. And not really convincing when it comes to Kamala. She really might not know.

Trump is going to get acquitted and that's the best he can hope for from this impeachment. He's not going to be able to use the Senate trial to make the case that the election was stolen. Democrats in NYC are working the angles to get him convicted of something and that's what he has to focus on.

The Godfather said...

"Mr. Trump has told advisers he wants the defense to focus on his baseless claims about election fraud" -- betchya Trump didn't say he wants to focus on his "baseless claims about election fraud". The media has been ordered by whatever gods they worship to insert "baseless" every time they report something that Trump or a Trump supporter says, and by doing so they make themselves ridiculous.

Largo said...

There is one advantage of Trump doing this on his own terms:

It's gonna be one hell of a show!

Get your popcorn ready...

Largo said...

tim in vermont said...
//I see Ted Cruz just repeated the lie that his assertions have been rejected by courts of law.//

I would need to see full context say that. The word 'rejected' has standard used that would apply here. (His assertions were not *accepted* after all.)

Largo said...

gilbar said...
//my 2¢...
Donald Trump should walk in, by himself, and say;
"I'm a citizen of The United States, by WHAT RIGHT do You have, to try me?"
and then walk out.//

I sympathesize -- but unless he remains there to address whatever answer they might give, he should use the indicative rather than inquisitive mood.

Arturo Ui said...

The Godfather said...
"Mr. Trump has told advisers he wants the defense to focus on his baseless claims about election fraud" -- betchya Trump didn't say he wants to focus on his "baseless claims about election fraud". The media has been ordered by whatever gods they worship to insert "baseless" every time they report something that Trump or a Trump supporter says, and by doing so they make themselves ridiculous.


The catch there is that Trump's election claims are entirely baseless. Media is just doing its job, calling the Earth round.

walter said...

Yes Godfather,
They're not even trying to maintain a thin veneer of NEWS.

Arturo Ui said...

Dr Weevil said...
Does Trump have video of all these crimes? A couple of hints from Thomas Wictor: He points to a pre-election Executive Order establishing undercover military observation teams to ensure election integrity. As I recall, it names 44 specific locations where they could/would be deployed, including Milwaukee, Fulton County, GA, and basically all the places where elections have been stolen, including this year. He also alleges, quite plausibly, that the Defense Department has drones that look, sound, and act like flies. Given how many damning videos an amateur like James O'Keefe III has managed to make with off-the-shelf civilian technology, think what Trump could do if put the DOD to work. I'd love to see a video of Dems plotting election theft or a fake insurrection while occasionally shouting "Damnit! Who's got a flyswatter or some bug spray? That fucking fly keeps getting right in my face!"


Yeah, let's encourage future presidents to leverage the Department of Defense to manage American elections, that's a great idea...

Achilles said...

Arturo Ui said...

Inga said...

What a pretty little snowflake.

LOL, seriously.

Say the fascists who support censorship of people who oppose them.

Achilles said...

Arturo Ui said...

The catch there is that Trump's election claims are entirely baseless. Media is just doing its job, calling the Earth round.

Did multiple polling stations remove republican poll observers by force and proceed to count hundreds of thousands of votes?

Yes or no.

Dr Weevil said...

More lies from the wannabe fascist. No one's talking about using soldiers to 'manage' elections, just using their very powerful technology to determine once and for all whether the election was in fact stolen. Anyone who objects to that is just demonstrating once again that he's a fascist - and very likely paid to come here and fuck up the site.

Largo said...

Freder Frederson said...
//Even if all of trump's claims are true, it doesn't excuse fomenting a insurrection. So arguing the election was stolen from him is irrelevant.//

Not relevant to a legal defence against a legal charge in a court of law.

But highly relevant to political theatre

Most of us here are discussing the latter.


Michael K said...

The catch there is that Trump's election claims are entirely baseless. Media is just doing its job, calling the Earth round.

Did multiple polling stations remove republican poll observers by force and proceed to count hundreds of thousands of votes?

Feeding trolls is pretty useless. A quick click to the right of the ID is better. However, some of us like playing games a so feel free..

tpceltus said...

If Trump decides to go pro se, could the Senate refuse him entry into its chamber? If so, would it?

Douglas B. Levene said...

"He should enter the chamber strapped to a hand truck with a facemask like Hannibal Lecter."

You fool. Don't you know the story of Brer Rabbit and the briar patch? The Democrats are going to give Mr. Trump an even bigger platform than Twitter, and once he starts talking, they won't be able to shut him up.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Just to clarify, I don't think that Mr. Trump will offer any evidence of any electoral misfeasance, aside from a few statistics anomalies. He doesn't have any evidence for his big claims, e.g., that millions of votes were transmuted from Trump to Biden via computer hacking. Indeed, the evidence on that score is that no votes were changed: in Georgia, every single vote was counted from the paper ballot backups and there were no discrepancies from the computer totals. But Mr. Trump will throw a lot of mud at the walls, hoping some will stick, and not worrying about all the claims that are proven false. And, apparently, there are millions of people who won't care about that, either, some of them posting here.

What about those statistical anomalies? Well, if Trump were an ordinary politician, just like every other guy who's ever run for president, maybe they would have some weight. But he's not, so basing a claim on how there are different statistical patterns in this election than in prior elections is pretty weak.

It does't matter. He'll convince his cult followers that he's been victimized with the giant platform the Democrats are handing him on a silver platter and that will enhance his political power going forward, maybe even make him a kingmaker in the GOP.

Michael K said...

Goodness Gracious. We have another anonymous troll. This one named "Douglas." Do you guys work in shifts ?

I'm Not Sure said...

"Do you guys work in shifts ?"

Cheaper than paying OT.

The Crack Emcee said...

If, after all this time, these assholes still can't accept their role in this nation's bullshit, then I am certainly not going to tell blacks or anyone else to stop exacting revenge for it.

John henry said...

Dr weevil,

Where are you reading th as Wictor thes days? I've always enjoyed him but have not seen him since "Carlos" got banned by Twitter.


John Henry

John henry said...

I had a dream:

Along about June demmies start feeling a serious sense of shame over their November debacle.

So much so that Nancy pelosi resigns as speaker.

President Trump trump is elected to the speakership by about 430 to 5.

Once sworn in, kamala and Biden both resign.

President Trump gets his office back

Y Roberto es el hermano de su papa.

The problem is, I wake up and it's just the same old fascist shit.

John Henry

Dr Weevil said...

John henry (8:16pm):
Two years ago, Wictor's friend Saul Montes-Bradley set up his own site, with his own servers, called quodverum.com. It's a lot like Twitter (with 'toots' for 'tweets' and 'boosts' for 'retweets') and Saul runs a tight ship: no calls for violence or military coups, no racists, no QAnon bullshit, no AntiVaxxers, no Spam, etc. You can see all Wictor's toots at https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic (add '/withreplies' to see replies, too).

Substitute @debradelai to see Saul's - a bit dull, since it's mostly warning trolls and then banning them, @Rex for the former Imperator Rex, @drawandstrike for Brian Cates, @DuaneCates for his brother Duane. Saul and Wictor also do videos called 'Beard Blather' frequently.

An interesting site, especially now that Twitter has banned all the most intelligent Trumpsters. When Twitter went on their banning spree two days after the 'insurrection' QV was down for a few hours due to rapid expansion, but Saul just keeps buying more servers. He sees he backs it all up in 'three different countries you've never heard of', so it seems more likely to last than Parler.

Dr Weevil said...

P.S. Quod Verum is entirely free, though Saul and others do frequently encourage readers and posters who can afford it to send Saul money by various means.

Anonymous said...

Bring this Trump in shackles before the Progressive Tribunal. Make him kneel.

Do that.

The half million that gathered at the Capitol for a Redress of Grievance of the massive voter fraud that put an Occupant in the White House. OK...OK We get it. Grandmas came to press their petition. Grandpas came. Women flooded the Capitol City to demand their Petition be heard.

The Petition was not heard.

So. Here we are.

Bring Trump to the Cesspit that is our Capital City. Shackle him. Drag him.


walter said...

Baseless affidavits..in the thousands.
Baseless I say!

walter said...

How about we bring those affiants into the vaunted chambers and watch the likes of Schumer and Schitt point fingers and shout "Baseless!"

Douglas B. Levene said...

@Michael K: I am certainly not anonymous. I'd change my account name to my full legal name, Douglas B. Levene, if I could figure out how. I generally try to post under my full name, as I think everyone should, because I think pseudonyms produce low quality comments and exchanges.

If you disagree with my comments, try responding on the merits. You might be surprised how good that will make you feel.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Douglas B. Levene said...
Indeed, the evidence on that score is that no votes were changed: in Georgia, every single vote was counted from the paper ballot backups and there were no discrepancies from the computer totals.

1: Lie. The exact totals did not match
2: https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/18/a-stack-of-10000-ballots-should-be-hard-to-miss-but-not-for-dekalb-county-georgia-election-workers-n281706 The "manual count" was off by over 9k votes until a poll watcher stepped in and called "BS".

There was only 1 poll watcher allowed per 10 poll workers. We have no idea what other "mistakes" they got away with

3: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.gand.283580/gov.uscourts.gand.283580.6.9.pdf We have multiple people, both Republicans and Democrats, saying they saw large numbers of "mail in ballots" that could not have possibly been mailed in (you have to fold a GA mail in ballot in half to put it into the envelop).

The GA SS and the Fulton and Dekalb Country "vote counters" have refused to allow an audit of the ballots and security envelopes, to be carried out by the Trump team (having the interested parties say "we looked at everything. Trust us, it's all good" doesn't fly).

We have no reason to believe that Fulton & DeKalb County did not simply add fraudulent ballots to their vote totals. So long as they refuse to allow a proper public audit, we shoudl believe that is what they did do, and they stole the election by doing so.

4: I don't care about "millions of votes". The difference between Trump winning and Trump losing is less than 43k votes, in GA, AZ, and WI. The fraud in MI, NV and PA is just the cherry on the top.

You want "National Unity"? Then allow full and complete audits of everything called out by the Trump team, by the Trump team.

You won't do that? it's because you know that your side stole the election. So get stuffed

James L. Salmon said...

"After all, he decided that he could do the whole President-of-the-United-States job."

And he did it better than any President since Reagan, so there's that.

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