February 16, 2021

One thing and one thing only...

ADDED: I wonder where Rob thinks he is in the "regime of whiteness":

ALSO: 10 minutes after I published this post, 5 commenters had already independently addressed Reiner as "Meathead."

AND: Is there any hope that Reiner is doing humor? He is more or less considered a comedian, but I don't think he would tell this joke. The self-seriousness of an erstwhile comedian is a gristly matter. 


chuck said...

How embarrassing.

mockturtle said...

Even Meathead isn't so stupid that he believes his own remarks. This is just another trigger mechanism by the Left.

Tom T. said...

He knows how to stay on message.

donald said...

Hygiene challenged fat piece of shit communist says what?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Meathead gotta spew lefty bullshit. That what it do!

Why isn’t Nancy’s personal police force guarding all those white congresscritters NOT under the scope from these WhitSup conspiracy theorY nutters?

Clyde said...

Stifle yourself, Meathead.

Ampersand said...

Rob is so lucky to have been spared self awareness. If he ever gets some, it will be a brutal experience.

Dan from Madison said...

In other words, please never take me seriously again.

Jersey Fled said...

Ho hum

Gahrie said...

Somebody forgot to give Meathead his lithium.

Francisco D said...

His friends in Hollywood admire his intellect and insight.

I suspect that he actually believes his own crazy bullshit.

That's Entertainment!

Joe Smith said...

Rob Reiner, very white son of immense privilege, should have the courage of his convictions and kill himself.

But he's a coward so he won't.

Gahrie said...

Apparently no one told Meathead that Trump improved his results with minorities in the last election. (Except weirdly enough in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta)

Achilles said...

Was Rob Reiner making a joke?

That looks like a joke.

Nonapod said...

I don't know about you guys, but I love being lectured to by vain, hypocritical plutocrats in the entertainment industry. It's not only very persuasive, but it's also unifying.

Achilles said...

That has to be a joke right?

donald said...

“ of his convictions and kill himself.

But he's a coward so he won't”.

2/16/21, 10:08 AM


chickelit said...

What a meathead.

Achilles said...

Ah now I understand the meathead thing...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Let me spell it out for the Inga-level “thinkers” here who still don’t understand the madness they are caught up in:

When you hear “white supremacy” from “progressives” please note that 98% of Americans understand it is EXACTLY like hearing “commie sympathizer” from “Joe McCarthy” and we give it the same exact weight as history places on old Joe’s “secret list.” Self described “anti racists” are just red-baiters of a new stripe making New Blacklists for their New Internment Camp victims. Note also that progressivism was the driving force for eugenics and segregating the military and internment for orientals. All progressive. All on the Wrong Side of History as they say.

Quayle said...

Turn the dial to eleven and you can achieve the final solution.

Krumhorn said...

Is he a certified White Abolitionist? If he hasn’t yet been certified, he must still be collecting his merit badges as a White Traitor.

- Krumhorn

Ice Nine said...

>>Althouse said...
ALSO: 10 minutes after I published this post, 5 commenters had already independently addressed Reiner as "Meathead."<<

They were being gentle.

Bob Boyd said...

Rob Reiner has been listening obsessively to one song.

Krumhorn said...

Crap!! Our hostess beat me to it.

- Krumhorn

Nonapod said...

I wonder where Rob thinks he is in the "regime of whiteness":

I assume he'd think he was a "White Abolition", except of course he'd balk at actually giving a majority of his wealth away for reparations.

Joe Smith said...

Not a comedian in the true sense...he's most known as a director.

Achilles said...

AND: Is there any hope that Reiner is doing humor? He is more or less considered a comedian, but I don't think he would tell this joke. The self-seriousness of an erstwhile comedian is a gristly matter.

If Titania McGrath posted that it would be instantly recognizable as satire.

Is Rob Reiner of average intelligence or better?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I love Rib for Spinal Tap and Princess Bride but his politics have been dumb reactionary lefty drivel since forever. No he is not a comedian. His dad was funny but this apple rolled way downhill from Carl.

Temujin said...

Ann, Rob Reiner is not a comedian. He has been, in his past, a good comic actor (reading other people's lines) and a good to great comedic/dramatic director. His dad was a great comedian. But Rob is not a great thinker and all of his political and social comments should be taken as stated. He's literally nuts if he swallows this crap. I wonder how so many supposedly bright Americans (and Westerners in general) have made it their life's goal to declare their lessening IQs?

What is the attraction to tribalism? How does one become fond of self-hate, self-flagellation? And when will society as a whole finally stand up to this nonsense and tell the racists on the Left to simply fuck off?

Achilles said...

ALSO: 10 minutes after I published this post, 5 commenters had already independently addressed Reiner as "Meathead."

I counted 6 before my post.

I learned something today I guess.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is what the WHITE LEFT tell each other.

Bob Boyd said...

Jeffrey Toobin provided us with a much more honest and helpful example of public masturbation.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Rob. Not “Rib” and Apple autospellcheck should be ashamed of itself.

mezzrow said...

re: Meathead comments.

When you put a baseball on a tee, people are going to use the bat on it. Too easy.

Wince said...

Honestly, Reiner's logic is anything but "clear".

Todd said...

I don't think in the history of the world, an actor has ever played a more appropriate character, "meat head" is so spot-on.

One might think this is all "performance art" but it is not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I didn't see a single KKK white hood at that insurrection.

Nonapod said...

We've all been Reinered.

Sebastian said...

"The self-seriousness of an erstwhile comedian is a gristly matter."

But then, the "comedian" was only funny as the butt of jokes. When it was still possible to make fun of the meatheads of America.

But progs are nothing if not "self-serious." They mean to treat the rest of us "seriously" too.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He is a perfect Hollywood lefty:
Wanted Nixon impeached for spying on Democrats / completely ignored Obama spying on Trump
Marched for free speech in early ‘70s / all in on censoring political enemies in 2021
Rode to fame and fortune as lame foil for grumpy racially insensitive old white guy* / labels innocent Americans “white supremacist” if we disagree with his current Blacklist endorsement

*fun fact America loved Archie and the show was #1 but viewers hated Mike and his lecturing, exactly the reverse of Norm Lear’s intent.

Achilles said...

Wince said...

Honestly, Reiner's logic is anything but "clear".

His goals are clear though now that I have a better grasp of who he is and his past comments.

Mark said...

Rob Reiner is himself white privilege through and through.

Fernandinande said...

Whatever it is, I'm against it.

JPS said...

Quayle, 10:14:

In fact, White Supremacy is the Eleven of racism accusations.

You see, most blokes, you know, will be yelling Racism. You yell Racism here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on Racism. Where can you go from there? Where?

-I don't know.

Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?

- Put it up to White Supremacy.

White Supremacy. Exactly. One louder.

(With apologies to Christopher Guest.)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That’s what Twitter is for. Real idiots like Reiner arguing with fake idiots like Titania or being dunked on by redditters. A social sewer is Twitter.

Fernandinande said...

White supremacy in action: Groucho disturbed by crazy eyed guest.

CapitalistRoader said...

Let's be clear. The refusal by the Supreme Court to hold FDR accountable for committing the worst violation of the Constitution by a President in our Nation’s history is about one thing and one thing only: White Supremacy.

Temujin said...

Fernandinande- thanks for the Groucho clip. Hilarious.

Gunner said...

Does this moron really think the Capitol Panty Raid was worse than Japanese Internment or Presidents starting the Vietnam War with Congressional approval?

Chennaul said...

What if I did a diagram classifying Black Americans. Google the other day was giving people the option to search for Black owned businesses— what if Bing offered a button where you could find white owned businesses?

Gusty Winds said...

Meathead is Evil. Turns out Archie was the better man, with a pure moral compass. This White Supremacy shit is sick.

Shouting Thomas is right. It's going to get a lot of people hurt badly.

Lucien said...

If Ben & Jerry put white chocolate chips in coconut ice cream and called it “White Supremacy” would any wind up in Nancy Pelosi’s freezer?

Achilles said...

James David said...

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When you use Machine Learning to generate text you get things like this.

Do not click the link out of curiosity.

CapitalistRoader said...

Archie was the only one in the family that went to work every day and earned money.

Gusty Winds said...

I’ve got white Irish cousins and relatives all over Wisconsin. Some are liberal feminists that buy into all this bullshit. They betray the memory and sacrifice of our WWII Grandparents and Parents.

But if I could ask them one question (they wouldn’t answer…liberals don’t answer question) it would be…”What do you think is going to happen to your young white sons in the next 30 years as you buy into and vote for this white supremacy and patriarchy bullshit?”

It’s mothers betraying their own kids, and fucking their future. And in the same breath, they are screwing up every minority kids future as well.

How do these kids let the Rob Reiner’s of the world know “hey wait a minute, my Mom voted for Biden in 2020. I’m one of the good ones!!”

What shields them from the upcoming violence against them, or is it all just a sick form of payback for the sins of their fathers?

Amadeus 48 said...

Reiner has been singing the Internationale for years. I don't think he's joking. I think he's a limo leftie.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Reiner has been known to say Meathead won every argument with Archie. On the merits. Comic Norm Macdonald has said Reiner lost every argument. Two movies.

Scott M said...

Reiner gave up humor years ago. The last funny thing I remember seeing him do was a self-parody on 30 Rock chairing a congressional hearing on diversity in television.

Clyde said...

We are being condescended to by our inferiors.

See also the Sean Penn tweet the other day: "Evangelical leaders should themselves be impeached by the Vatican if they themselves don't follow Nikki Haley's lead & clearly state they should not have followed Satin [sic] into the bowels of hell. But, perhaps they are too busy at sex parties."

Amadeus 48 said...

And it is also a grisly matter. I see what you did there with Meathead.

Chick said...

His father paved the way for his success. I wish he'd try succeeding on his own. It's a lot harder to do.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Reiner has been known to say Meathead won every argument with Archie."

Joseph Epstein amusingly said, "I am proud to say that I have never lost a political argument. Of course, I have never won a political argument either."

wildswan said...

Suppose you:
Oppose disproportionate abortions in black community
Oppose funding Panned Parenthood which founded by white supremacists
Support all forms of schooling which have a track record of improving schooling outcomes in the black community i.e., charter, voucher, home schooling
Support opening schools which are disproportionately closed in the black community in large Dem cities
Support closing the borders until the disproportionate unemployment levels in the black community fall.
Support returning manufacturing jobs to the US so that the disproportionate numbers of young black men without a high school degree can get a good job
Support fracking which keeps prices low.

Obviously, the Progressive-Elect would hate you. But if the Elect oppose all these initiatives are they not, by the rules of critical race theory, white supremacists? Yet the white supremacy graph would not register this fact because the Elect were moving their mouths the right way, and that's what the graph measures.

MadTownGuy said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"When you hear “white supremacy” from “progressives” please note that 98% of Americans understand it is EXACTLY like hearing “commie sympathizer” from “Joe McCarthy” and we give it the same exact weight as history places on old Joe’s “secret list.” Self described “anti racists” are just red-baiters of a new stripe making New Blacklists for their New Internment Camp victims. Note also that progressivism was the driving force for eugenics and segregating the military and internment for orientals. All progressive. All on the Wrong Side of History as they say."

I think it goes farther than Mccarthyism. Even McCarthy and the HUAC didn't create a 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission' or encourage cancelled individuals to go through struggle sessions.

ColoComment said...

They have become what they once claimed to despise. They categorize and condemn people whom they do not know solely on the basis of skin color.
The irrationality and internal contradiction of it all is amazing.


wendybar said...

There's a reason why Archie Bunker was the star of the show.

wendybar said...

Although, Edith was way smarter than Meathead too.

mccullough said...

Hollywood has done more damage to blacks than any institution.

wendybar said...

Not a comedian. Go to his twitter account and read some more unhinged crap from Hollyweird.

mccullough said...

Meathead like Archie was a stereotype.

Archie’s interactions with Lionel made the show.

Gusty Winds said...

How does a white person go about proving they are not a White Supremacist to a Truth and Reconciliation Commission filled with judges like Rob Reiner and the faculty of UW?

How do you prove you’re a Democrat? Send them $5 and keep the receipt?

Do they measure your white punishment based on where they determine you fall on the "Slow Factory 8 White Identities Scale?"

Real American said...

Reiner no longer tells jokes. He is the joke.

Skeptical Voter said...

A gristly matter? Do you mean that The Meathead is just a cheap cut of meat?

And if White Supremacy is a real thing, we're not going to let Meathead have a piece of the action. He is simply another Hollywood elitist buffoon. The Hollywood banditos do provide a prime grade of buffoonery.

Gusty Winds said...

The only other actor I can think of that actually lived the life of his character is Charlie Sheen as Charlie Harper of “Two and a Half Men”. Rob Reiner has been Meathead his whole life. We don’t even need a reunion show. He’s out there in real life.

Maybe Clayton Moore too? He wouldn’t give up the Lone Ranger mask. Prince in Purple Rain comes to mind, but that was autobiographical. I Love Lucy was a spoof on the Arnaz Marriage.

I mean, Henry Winkler never pretended that he morphed into The Fonz.

But Reiner takes the cake. I actually thought Michael Moore was the real life “Meathead”.

wendybar said...

Rob Reiner
Witness tampering. Obstruction of Justice. Tax fraud. Bank fraud. Insurance fraud. Money laundering. Campaign finance corruption. Rape/libel. Election tampering. Incitement of a deadly Insurrection to overthrow the US Government. Take your pick. Trump’s done ‘em all.

wendybar said...

Rob Reiner
Feb 13
Impeachment #1: Trump tried to cheat to win the election by bribing a foreign leader. Impeachment #2: He lost, then tried to use deadly force to to overturn the will of the people. Every Republican Senator knows these things to be true.

Does THIS sound like a joke...No it sounds unhinged.......and he is blaming Trump for what Joe Biden actually did and we have Joe on tape bragging about it...

Howard said...

Like Faulkner says in the Snope Trilogy, methinks thou doth protest too much making much Ado about nothing.

wendybar said...

I can post a whole bunch of unhinged tweets from the idiot who thinks he isn't a White Supremacist because he is a white Progressive. Sorry, Meathead. If you are white...you are racist and should grovel. That's what they are teaching kids in school now.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Like Faulkner says in the Snope Trilogy, methinks thou doth protest too much making much Ado about nothing.

It must be hard to be a supporter of the Regime right now.

Dan said...

If you look at the comments on his tweet, you can see that his followers did not see his remarks as comedic. Most seemed to feel he did not go far enough.

I'm Full of Soup said...

South Park does a great job of mocking Reiner.

Ken B said...


n.n said...

Rabid diversity is, unfortunately, a clear and progressive condition that threatens to liberalize on a forward-looking basis. #HateLovesAbortion

Sam L. said...

Thar be weevils in Meathead's "meat".

Gahrie said...

It must be hard to be a supporter of the Regime right now.

Are you kidding? They're living it up!

They know how absurd this whole shit show is, but they're getting away with it! Even better they're spiking the football in our face and the ref is giving them extra points instead of penalizing them. At this point it's about two things:

A) Placating the Left's base with Bread and Circuses. The impeachment show trial was merely act 1. They'll be throwing Trump supporters to the lions soon enough. UBI will be the Bread.

B) Destroying the Right's ability to function as a loyal opposition. They are seeking to outlaw the Republican party and conservative thought. They're openly discussing readjustment camps, and they're not kidding. In their eyes, anything other than complete agreement and obedience is a mental disorder.

The more over the top and absurd things get, the more abuse ladled is the better. It proves the dominance of the Left and the reinforces the weakness of the Right.

stlcdr said...

Dan said...
If you look at the comments on his tweet, you can see that his followers did not see his remarks as comedic. Most seemed to feel he did not go far enough.

2/16/21, 11:57 AM

Astounding. It surprises me that there is such a wide gulf between people in the US. But once again, I cannot see any reasoning why or how Trump is the fascist and why Republicans are the ones trampling the constitution.

I see so much hatred from people on the left: it is a strong word that has lost a lot of meaning, but it sums up how these people act.

n.n said...

Take your pick. Trump’s done ‘em all.

Peace in the Middle East (i.e. ending Obama/Biden's social justice adventurism). Standing up to China's aggressive expansion and internal human rights abuses. Standing up to transnationalists who profit from labor arbitrage. Standing up to Green interests who profit from environmental arbitrage. Standing up to Democrats who profit from Every Child Left Behind. Standing up to single/central Obamacares solutions and shared/shifted progressive prices and availability. Standing against a separation of sex and gender Standing against genderphobes. Standing up to diversitists, who are often rabid bigots for-profit. Standing up for emigration reform to mitigate [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Standing up for science in lieu of prophecies. Working with stakeholders, rather than Democrat-affiliated community leaders, in policies of revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation. Standing for the American dream: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, without fear of diversity, sexism, and genderphobia. That said, can they impeach the baby, cannibalize his profitable parts, sequester his carbon pollutants, and have him, too?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


wendybar said...

That little white racism prism is everywhere today. Where is the black racism prism...because they should have equal representation...right???

Hippogryph said...

Per Reiner, what was D. Trump's purported worst-ever constitutional violation? It was engaging in constitutionally protected speech, wasn't it?

And, what about Rob Reiner's "precious goo"?

MadisonMan said...

"Let's be clear" should only be used by meteorologists making wishcasts.

Tom Grey said...

"the worst violation of the Constitution by a President in our Nation’s history" - I thought that was Obama obstructing justice to protect Sec. HR Clinton from being prosecuted for illegal server having illegal Top Secret Documents.

Obama also second worst - supporting illegal spying on a candidate, including illegal unmasking of various individuals.

D.D. Driver said...

Obama also second worst - supporting illegal spying on a candidate, including illegal unmasking of various individuals.

Executing a teenager without due process for the win.

JAORE said...

Is there any hope that Reiner is doing humor?

I've seen enough of his Twitter feed on political topics to say without fear of contradiction that:
- Either he is NOT doing humor, or
- He's CONSISTENTLY unfunny in his humor.

Andrew said...

Is Hollywood infected with tersiary syphlus?

JAORE said...

By the way since we are impeaching Presidents AFTER they leave public office, I suggest:
Impeach George Washington - he OWNED slaves
Impeach Thomas Jefferson - he OWNED slaves and, apparently sexually abused t least one.
Impeach FDR - he interred thousands of US citizens who were POC.
Impeach LBJ (and all who voted for the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution) using a fake incident to take us into an undeclared war.

More to follow.

Levi Starks said...

Barnor Hesse, seems to be a very well educated black man who hates white people.
If he were white I’m pretty sure he’d be a racist.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Are any of the far left loons commenting on the failure of the windmills in Texas? Will someone ask Jen Psaki at the White House?

rehajm said...

The over the top language is the tell...

rehajm said...

'Let's be clear' never means words of clarity are to follow...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Let me be clear" is leftist dog whistle instructions for the hivemind:

"this is the BS you will spread and repeat"

hombre said...

I don’t see “White Grifter” in the regime. Thoughtless to leave the Biden and Clinton families out.

tim maguire said...

As Barack Obama taught a grateful nation, whenever someone opens with "let's be clear," what follows is unmitigated horseshit.

gspencer said...

A lifelong meathead who holds tenaciously onto his white privilege. You don't see him getting rid of his wealth. Typical lefty - willing to give the shirt of off someone else's back.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Does it ever occur to Rob that if we just got rid of all the POC, all our troubles will abate?

Rory said...

"Rob Reiner is himself white privilege through and through."

It's not white privilege. It's just plain old privilege - inherited connections and money.

What he's trying to do is to diffuse that privilege among a wide group of people, so that he can claim to be a great person while giving up none of the tangible privileges that he's benefitted from.

Our biggest obstacle right now is that we've copied and pasted the same dodge into male privilege, and then into uncountable other phony privileges.

Iman said...

Reiner’s downward spiral has left him a mere suethead.

Rory said...

"The Meathead" is kind of interesting. In the original UK series, "Till Death Do Us Part," the son-in-law was a socialist "layabout." Norman Lear turned the character into a college student, and essentially a mouthpiece for Lear.

Later, as people showed some understanding for the character who was supporting his family, including the son-in-law, Lear spun off "Maude" and took no chances. The conservative target there was Dr. Arthur Harmon, a stuffed shirt who was usually seen in a suit.

Arashi said...

If meathead actually believed what he is saying, would he not give ALL of his worldly possesions to a bunch of BIPOC organizations and then remove himself, permanmently, from the world population? Sort of a real late term abortion?

If he will not live his screed, he is just mentally and verbally masturbating for social credit amongst his 'peers'.

I think what normal people should do is leave twitter, facebook, instagram, tic toc, et al. andf leave them to the social justice folks so they can whine and complain to themselves for the rest of their existance.

JaimeRoberto said...

Meathead? Nah, just a dickhead.

Amadeus 48 said...

Reiner was great in "This is Spinal Tap".

His appeal has gotten more selective.

wendybar said...

"MSNBC's Joe Scarborough says that local businesses being vandalized in antifa/BLM riots over the summer is not equatable to the Capitol building:

"No, jackass... I'm not going to confuse a taco stand with the United States Capitol.""

The family of Officer David Dorhn, who was shot in the back and murdered by BLM and Antifa rioters in Saint Louis whilst protecting his friends Pawn Shop Business have nothing to add. Funny, how we don't hear about the MURDERS of people like Officer Dorhn, because it doesn't fit the Regressive agenda....

narciso said...

those words he is using,

Iman said...

I think what normal people should do is leave twitter, facebook, instagram, tic toc, et al. andf leave them to the social justice folks so they can whine and complain to themselves for the rest of their existance.

Agree, Arashi... I’ve been preaching this to extended family for a few years now. Leave that sickness behind.

Witness said...

Social media is "good" for two things - signal boosting, and noise boosting.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Who gives a flying fuck about what Reiner says?.... besides Howard, I mean.

William said...

I wonder if anyone in his circle of friends or even anyone in Hollywood ever cautions him about staking out too radical a position. It's just grossly inaccurate to say that this was the greatest offense against democracy in our nation's history or that the people who support Trump are white supremacists. I suppose you can call it provocative, but not in a thought provoking kind of way. More like an inflamed hemorrhoid.

William said...

if thirty percent of the country are some kind of minority and can be convinced that the troubles of their lives are mostly due to the unfeeling white majority, then you only need a further 21% of white people to feel alienated from such white supremacist institutions as the First Amendment or calculus in order to attain a majority. Reiner might not be a fat asshole but rather the wave of the future. We might someday have to appeal to his moderation and clear thinking to protect us against the mob.

JaimeRoberto said...

"MSNBC's Joe Scarborough says that local businesses being vandalized in antifa/BLM riots over the summer is not equatable to the Capitol building."

It's true. Local businesses provide goods and services at a reasonable price that I'm happy to pay. The government, not so much.

Butkus51 said...

Well, Meathead said it. Theres a reason for the moniker.

wsw said...

"Let's be clear" = Whatever follows is sure to lack clarity.

Gahrie said...

Reiner was great in "This is Spinal Tap".

He's actually a great director, and a fairly good actor.

He's just a fucking idiot also.

Like most conservatives, I learned a long time ago to distance the art from the artist.

Bob Boyd said...

I don't think Reiner is joking either, but cancel him anyway, just to be on the safe side.

h said...

It's never been clear to me why we give respect to people as policy analysts, or economic analysts, or legal analysts, just because they have talent as actors or singers. Imagine if this were reversed, and Prof. Emerita Althouse was given a vote in the Oscars. (people would snicker)

Drago said...

Refusal to accept faked/doctored "evidence" is now white supremacy along with literally everything else.

Because the American Soviet Party needs its marxist identity construct accelerated to help ensure passage of the looming Enabling Act of 2021.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Archie was the only one in the family that went to work every day and earned money.

Exactly. He paid to house and feed his liberal daughter and her lazy husband. Although I think you’d have to say that Edith worked taking care of the house—as many wives did back then.

PM said...

9. White Out

CapitalistRoader said...

Although I think you’d have to say that Edith worked taking care of the house—as many wives did back then.

Yet she didn't bring in any money to pay the bills. That was all Archie's doing.

Andrew said...

Reiner, Democrat pols and the media are angree because Trump won his second Impeachment Bowl ring. Trump is he GOAT.

Reiner and the media should be happy, with Biden in the WH they can go back to swallowing.

vissarionvich said...

Ron Reiner's father was a comedian. He himself is a joke.

JML said...

I posted the whiteness stage chart on reiner's tween twice. Deleted the first time - let's see how long the second try lasts.

farmgirl said...

The meathead I remember was the most self-serious prick full of self righteous morality going.
Typecast perfectly. Hasn’t changed.

Will Cate said...

Reiner was great on All In The Family, and was amusing in Spinal Tap. But in person he has no sense of humor. Can't imagine that he's making any sort of joke here.

farmgirl said...

My daughter is reading Between The World And Me by Ta-NehisiCoates .
You know- who knows what blood we all have in our veins- I don’t care. I remember Gayle King talking about having “The Talk” with her son concerning police- and as a white mom I felt: why? Why teach your kids to be different? I’ll never be able to quite explain except- there are whites who have always believed in the equality of all. It was never a black/white world in these folks minds. And the answer is acting like a teen who twists words to ...
Forget it-

gilbar said...

The refusal by Republicans to hold Trump accountable for committing the worst violation of the Constitution by a President in our Nation’s history

Worse than imprisoning american citizens on account of their ethnicity?
Worse than the trail of tears?
Worse than RAPING women in the White House?

good to know! What WAS it, that President Trump DID, again? could you specify?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Whenever someone starts by saying "Let's be clear," they are doing the opposite. They are taking a chancy speculation that they can't prove and hoping to bully any possible disagreement into submission by asserting it overdramatically, using words like "worst," and phrases like "one thing and one thing only."

The intent is to obfuscate, not clarify.

Francisco D said...

Will Cate said...
Reiner was great on All In The Family, and was amusing in Spinal Tap.

If you look at the four principles actors Meathead was well behind Archie, Edith and Gloria in term of acting ability. He was there because he was Carl Reiner's son.

farmgirl said...

I forgot to say she’s a Senior and it’s for a class.

Kirk Parker said...

Dan from Madison,

"please never take me seriously again."

An impossible request: whoever did take him seriously?

And MJB Mike? That's a spectacular failure, right there; Sen. McCarthy was basically right.

Martin said...

His political comments have always been among the most stupid to come out of a very stupid place (Hollywood). He is just maintaining a perfect record.

n.n said...

Ah, Jew Privilege... been there, done that.

DeepRunner said...

Meathead got on Twitter, bleating while tweeting:
"Let’s be clear. The refusal by Republicans to hold Trump accountable for committing the worst violation of the Constitution by a President in our Nation’s history is about one thing and one thing only: White Supremacy."

Yes, Rob, you white guy, you! You figured it out. That's what this is. The Rise of 21st-Century Archie Bunkers determined to keep white folks in charge.

As a director, Rob Reiner is pretty good. As far as directing social policy, eh...

mistercalm said...

It must be horrific to be as ideologically possessed and stupid as Rob Reiner.

Mr. Forward said...

Rob Reiner's press agent deserves the credit. He comes out with outrageous lefty crap almost daily and the lapdog media pretends it matters. It's publicity not politics and you don't have to pay attention.

Largo said...

Dead from the neck up.

Goldenpause said...

Rob is saying whatever he thinks will keep the mob away from his door. Too bad for Rob that this ultimately will not succeed in sparing him from the mob. Pathetic.

Bob said...

Everything else was obscured by your use of "gristly." Gristle as a synonym for connective tissue? Poss. mistaken for grisly or grizzly? Play on words based on the root "grist," as in "grist mill" or "grist for the mill?"

Jaq said...

He made the movie The Princess Bride, Michael Moore made the movie Canadian Bacon. It just goes to show that people should stick to what they know instead of broadcasting their bubble protected ignorance to the world.

MayBee said...

I wish fewer celebrities felt the need to tweet, and I especially wish none of them tweeted their political and social opinions.

jim said...

Yes, he was being a meathead. What do we expect when "celebrities" jump into politics. Meatheadism. Lot's of that around these days.

It wasn't white supremacy. It was gutless cowardice.

Lurker21 said...

The whole Black Lives Matter White Supremacy Critical Race Theory complex falls in the category of "White voyeurism." These people are tourists who think "non-Whiteness" is interesting and pleasurable and want to consume and control it without assuming the burden of Blackness (as Barnor says). Does it really go any deeper than that? I was very pleased with America for getting beyond the myths of the Civil War and Reconstruction, but this stuff is making me rethink things a bit.

catter said...

It's never too early to start teaching kids cynicism.
Young ones need simple, clear examples of adult idiocy and duplicity to learn on.
This one is hard to improve on.

hstad said...

It is always interesting to me that people like "Rob Reiner" are out in the public square claiming all kinds of knowledge. Yet, Reiner, like all people in Hollywood, spend their entire professional career playing fictional people and selling fictional events. What makes him think that anyone listens to a person who pedals fictional narratives?

Rich said...

Another stupid opinion based on nothing. Consider the source folks

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