Said Don Jr. — about the speech Trump will give at CPAC today — quoted in "Trump to speak at CPAC in first major address since leaving office, as GOP searches for path forward/Trump highly popular at annual conservative gathering" (Fox News).
The Trump speech is scheduled for 3:40 pm today (Eastern Time). Will you watch? Have you been starving for input from Trump or have you enjoyed the break? If the latter, how do you feel about the return of Trump? I'll do a survey:
He can say what he wants, but it's just one voice.
At least Trump knows where he is and why he is there....unlike the Delusional one who is being "Weekend at Bernied" by his abusive wife.
I wonder if he'll have the trump golden calf next to him and approval of all those " Christians" who claim to know the story.Franklin Graham as the introducing host?Nothing new under the sun I suppose.Good thing Moses not around right?Pretty sad from a historic perspective.Can you hear BAAL chuckling?Oh the irony. And on a Sunday no less ,beautiful.
Tank's guess is that Trump will have a lot of fun, and so will the crowd.
Anybody who never wants to hear from him again has that option. His speech is not the only happening at 3:40.
Trump is just following the precedent set by Obama. Before Obama, the precedent was the last president fades from the public eye. Obama said, screw that. So, good on Trump for upholding our traditions and norms, I guess.
I, personally, would be happy if he could try and quiet down and let some new person pick up the slack.
Ditto Tank
I think the left are starved for more Trump.
The collective left will cut and paste his remarks and turn him into Goebbels... then impeach him again.
I’m sure our hostess tires of reading comments complaining that this or that discriminator should have been included since none of hers reflects what I actually think. So since it’s Sunday, she will have the time to rest from further fatigue caused by my mewling:
X I don’t particularly need to hear from him one way or the other, but since he was so brutally mauled by the lefties, I hope he uses every opportunity to give them agita.
- Krumhorn
So long as he doesn't say anything about March 4, when his armies are supposed to march forth.
I apologize about not voting in the poll.
I just couldn't find anything.
I wont watch either. Because that would take over an hour.
It will take me a couple minutes to read the transcript.
"I think the left are starved for more Trump."
-- I mean, there's a serious group online who thinks the CPAC stage is stylized after a Nazi symbol. These people need Trump, because without him, their ridiculously stupid statements expose them for the idiots they are. At least when you throw stupid accusations at Trump, you've got cover and support from even a good set of people on the right. They need Trump... they're going unhinged without him.
"Guys... this stage is a NAZI STAGE!"
Trump speeches are no good. His zingers are the thing to wait for.
Rory said...He can say what he wants, but it's just one voice.
True. We all have one voice. However, you may find that sometimes our voices will act in chorus. Many people saying the same thing, but like a chorus often there is a lead singer.
I'm looking forward to the highlights. Most interested in what he says about McConnell, immigration, the drone strikes, and Jan 6th. CPAC has been the usual clown show, with people like Malkin and Coulter banned and almost zero mention of the stolen election, border wall or immigration. Conservative Inc. has learned NOTHING from the Trump presidency, and is absolutely determined to keep driving down the losertarian road to destruction.
Getting Sally Moderate from the Suburbs to vote Republican will never work. They're conformists who march to whatever tune the media and their social betters play
I doubt he announces his run for Congress (Speaker) today. It’s way too early to confirm that strategy. But he does need to give the prosecutors on his trail shorter timeline to try and convict him. Some hint to 2022 rather than 2024 is important.
He also needs to avoid making the speech about all the injustice aimed toward himself - it needs to be about the American people (and especially the American worker).
I also think the GOP in Congress needs to stop fighting the democrat agenda. Let them do what they want. The Dems have the votes. Let them show America exactly what they want the country to be.
Trump is the real head of the Republican party. he got 75 million votes, and won the election. It was stolen from him. McConnell and McCarthy speak for almost no one, in fact, neither of them can SPEAK. McConnell mumbles and looks like an old turtle and McCarthy is so bland and plastic nobody would follow him to the men's room.
The Republican Party without Trump is a disaster. Its why he took over in 2016 and why he's still the head of the Party. Nobody is going to nominate Liz Cheney or Romney in 2024.
"He also needs to avoid making the speech about all the injustice aimed toward himself - it needs to be about the American people (and especially the American worker)."
He can do both. its not a matter of whining about the "Injustice" toward himself, its about naming names and kicking butt. We had McConnell and Cheney trashing him and trying to impeach him. A counter-attack is expected. Plus some humor.
I voted green in this poll. But after the respite, I'm not going to miss the MSM spite that ensues.
Pro-marxist and #StrongPedophileDefender LLR-lefty Chuck: "I like watching NASCAR races to see the crashes."
Sounds about right.
Headline I laughed out loud at this morning (Couldn't read the hystericalness that is behind a paywall though...but coming from Maureen Dowd, I'm sure she is talking about the Republican press...because she is part of the press that did that to Trump and his supporters.)
"Press Must Be a Watchdog, Not a Partisan Attack Dog Maureen Dowd, NY Times"
And then there is this..Which explains why she came out with her laughable column...
Considering the Lincoln Project - man-boy-love money whore Trump hate cult crashed and burned - we understand your macabre obsessions, Chuck.
We are living in a news desert. There are children in cages, razor wire around the capital, and no State of the Union Address, but none of that is newsworthy. We need more Trump.
For a party that won all three branches of government they sure aren't happy.
Liz Cheney is the evil cunt spawn of an actual real life war criminal. And I’m (People like me) the bad guy.
I wonder what anti-pro-life The "Facebook" Dispatch and The National "Facebook" Review will be writing about it.
I suspect Zuckerberg expects his little FakeCon lefty-lapdog paid minions like Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes and Rich Lowry to pan the speech.
The reviews have no doubt already been written.
As usual, I can't answer the poll, because my choice isn't an option. I don't listen to political speeches, because I think actions matter more than words. I am curious what Trump's next steps are, but the respite hasn't been that long.
But I came here after reading Instapundit and seeing the post about Alyssa Milano. Apparently, those on the left that carefully study everything Nazi including obscure imagery are convinced the CPAC stage is a Nazi symbol, because they, the ones who follow Nazi lore, recognize it. Yet, supposedly this means everyone at CPAC are Nazis, whether they recognized it as anything but a stage because they don't study Nazi emblems in their spare time.
Pro-marxist #StrongPedophileDefender and Whitmer Fanboy LLR-lefty Chuck: "I believe in American liberty."
The majority of us at Althouse disagree strongly with you that American Liberty requires defending the man-boy-sex-cult.
But you do you.
I can't think of a time when the media quoted him directly or didn't attribute some kind of malice to what he said; unfortunately, this speech won't be any different.
Hawks v The OSU at 3:00, he's going to have to get to it.
I'm eager to hear from him but will not watch live. I've never seen any of his speeches and rallies live and doing so at 3:40pm on a Sunday will not happen. Got other stuff to do. I will read all about it afterwards - at the reliable outlets, not the corrupt ones.
After reluctantly voting for him in 2016 and expecting disappointment and betrayal from a guy who was never much of a conservative and not really a Republican, Trump ended up becoming the best President in my lifetime, but I never much cared what he had to say. I was a fan of his results and uncanny ability to expose those who do not love this country's exceptionalism. I loved what he did. We were on the cusp of returning to greatness under him, and we blew it. He needs to support and encourage the kind of incredible courage, fight, and steadfastness he brought to politics.
There is good reason there is so much division in our country right now. Like in the 1860s, this nation is not living up to its true values, it's "raison d'être", as The Marquis de Lafayette might have said. Those values are the ones of it's founding. The lovers of royalty, power, and unearned privilege are a bigger threat than ever and as brutal as their designs require.
I'll probably watch a bit of it - fun to hear from a President who actually loves America.
But not expecting Trump to surpass OBiden's soaring rhetoric from Texas Friday: "... and Representatives Shir-Shirley Jackson Lee, Al Greene, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Penelley, ugh, uh, excuse me, Pannill, and, ugh, what am I doing here?"
Yes, Sticky Fingers Joe, most of America is wondering the same thing...
Have you been starving for input from Trump or have you enjoyed the break”
This makes it sound like Trump went silent by choice. When in reality Trump’s ability to speak directly to the average citizen has been cut off by big tech abetted by their Swamp allies.
Good to see that you're finally learning French, Bagoh20
I never watch political speeches live and I will not watch this one.
However, I am very interested to see which tack Trump takes.
His banishment from Twitter is arguably in his favor.
I never watched his speeches but will watch at least part of this one.
The left is already going nuts.
bagoh20 said...
After reluctantly voting for him in 2016 and expecting disappointment and betrayal from a guy who was never much of a conservative and not really a Republican, Trump ended up becoming the best President in my lifetime, but I never much cared what he had to say. I was a fan of his results and uncanny ability to expose those who do not love this country's exceptionalism. I loved what he did. We were on the cusp of returning to greatness under him, and we blew it. He needs to support and encourage the kind of incredible courage, fight, and steadfastness he brought to politics.
There is good reason there is so much division in our country right now. Like in the 1860s, this nation is not living up to its true values, it's "raison d'être", as The Marquis de Lafayette might have said. Those values are the ones of it's founding. The lovers of royalty, power, and unearned privilege are a bigger threat than ever and as brutal as their designs require.
Compare Trumps speech at CPAC to this.
Dear God, please put this man out of his misery. Let him live out the rest of his life in peace.
I must admit that I've enjoyed all along Chuck's feigned suffering under Trump. May that continue for as long as need be.
I can hardly bear to listen to any political speech (or commentary). I will definitely read about it afterwards, and not just in the NYT.
"Good to see that you're finally learning French, Bagoh20"
I know a guy, a real asshole, but he reads and speaks all languages. He lives in the Google.
"The left is already going nuts."
It's not an all-day drive, that's for sure.
@bagoh2): You're friends with Google tranny, too?
I was going to recommend an app called Duolingo. It's addictive -- perhaps as addictive as Althouse judged on my own hours spent.
Trump is the future. Not as a person, but as a concept. Personally, I could never be friends with the man. I do not love him, for any number of reasons. What I liked and what I enjoyed about his candidacy and his presidency was someone finally willing to stand up for the middle class in a world where the wealthy are weaponizing the poor. Neo-feudalism is and will be the death of this nation. Feudalism has been done to death. Just like communism. Done over and over again expecting a different result. I will not participate in a system that enslaves me. I work constantly as it is to keep myself out of the bondage our current system represents.
Trump, like Lincoln, was and is an innovation and a boilerplate for the future of American political life. Kill the man if you'd like. It isn't going away. The middle class is striking back. I respect what he did and moreover I respect his ability to spot the chunk in the armor of our political zeitgeist. Like any good opportunist, like any good businessman he saw a wedge and went for it like a good INTP. As an INTJ I give the man a tremendous amount of credit.
Trump is America's future. Dem or Rep. The middle class is striking back.
Yet another Althouse poll. Having looked at the choices offered an image from a different reality coalesces before the mind's eye -- Althouse working in 1950s television advertising Mad Men-style. She's conducting a man-in-the-street live TV promotional for a laundry detergent.
Tell me, Mrs. Mcgillicuddy, does new and improved Zingo! get your whites whiter than white or blinding white?
Faith 'n begorra, Oi khant barr te luuk atem widout me zun-glasses!
Thank you, Mrs. McGillicudddy! [turns to camera, holds prop in frame] Get your whites blindingly white with new Zingo!
What most keen observers of the political scene will be paying attention to will be the speech the far left/far-LLR-left will claim was delivered vs the actual video/transcript of what was actually said.
A correction...
Trump is an ENTJ, not INTP. E as in Extrovert. All of us Introverts would love to be Extroverts, if we only had the confidence we were right all the time.
I’m a big supporter of the Trump phenomenon, less so of the man himself. I wanted him to win despite being sick of his drama. I’m glad he’s still influential, I want consequences for the Republicans who abandoned him after the election, but I’m not really interested in having his craziness back in my personal life (which it will be if he starts giving speeches again). So I won’t watch the speech but will grit my teeth and accept that this is the price of preserving his legacy.
rcocean: "Getting Sally Moderate from the Suburbs to vote Republican will never work. They're conformists who march to whatever tune the media and their social betters play"
Its clear that on the whole suburban women will flow in whatever direction the dominant culture telks them to.
This fact might upset some but the truth of it is demonstrated conclusively across our nation every single day and governs how the major poitical parties develop and market their policy positions.
You left out an alternative, never listened to a speech from him and not going to now, because I don't care what a politician says, I care about what they do. I have never listened to a political speech and don't plan on starting now.
Where is the DILLIRGAS option?
Lucid-Ideas said... A correction...
Trump is an ENTJ, not INTP. E as in Extrovert. All of us Introverts would love to be Extroverts, if we only had the confidence we were right all the time.
As an INTJ, I can say I don't care about being an extrovert. And I DO have the confidence that I am right...most of the time. When it is pointed out with verifiable facts [not with emotional reasoning] that I have made a mistake I am more than willing to accept that judgement. Try to sway me with "feelings" and emotion and you will lose because IDC. Those are your problems.
I could easily get along with Trump, since I can overlook the E...which is distracting and not my style. However.... Someone has to E [extrovert]. Go TRUMP!! E all over the place.
The difference between the J (judging) and P (perceiving) is a bit harder to quantify.
@ Ron Winkleheimer
I too rarely listen to political speeches. I'm making an exception today for the Trump CPAC speech because I know that the reporting on it will be grossly distorted and biased.
Therefore, I want to have heard it for myself to know just HOW badly distorted this will be.
I'm sure they'll be hopping up beforehand with his usual pre-Nuremberg rally diet of cocaine and amphetamines.
hpudding: "I'm sure they'll be hopping up beforehand with his usual pre-Nuremberg rally diet of cocaine and amphetamines."
Tsk tsk tsk
When you are doing your made up lefty narratives to create the conditions necessary for your marxist Enabling Laws, you have to remember to always include russian collusion and the Kavanaugh rape gangs.
Up your game little one.
hpudding said...I'm sure they'll be hopping up beforehand with his usual pre-Nuremberg rally diet of cocaine and amphetamines.
This presumes that Hunter will bother at all to watch, much less his father.
Can't wait for his next salvo! Mr Tyner said it best ...
chickelit: "This presumes that Hunter will bother at all to watch, much less his father."
Since Hunter is the smartest person Dementia Joe has ever met, according to Dementia Joe but is a low bar since Dementia Joe now "knows" about 4 people, I suspect Hunter is probably taking a break from having the ChiCom's supplying him with crack and underage Chinese girls.
Not a long break mind you, but still.
Trump is still loyal to some of the swamp creatures that sabotaged his Presidency. He still is unable to identify the enemy and their capabilities.
Between that, and the milquetoast way he went out, I'm done with him as a political force. I still like him, thank-full for the 4 years we had him.
I would have preferred "I'm happy he's speaking, but I don't plan to listen to him".
I was not against President Trump utilizing Twitter, but he was way overdoing it in 2020. He definitely should have shut up after the election and just let his legal team do what they had to do. The rallies were never going to "stop the steal".
Not sure what he's going to say, but I know he'll sending secret messages with white supremacist hand signals from a stage chuck full of nazi symbolism.
You expect a miracle worker, with all these necromongers lined up against him, esper and milley were at best indifferent to the rioters, but they couldn't be replaced in this possum senate, even if one switched out corker for blackburn, and bennett for romney,
the fix was in at the courts, because the black bloc were in the reserve, same with the corrupt governors like kemp and just blanc mange like ducey,
Browndog: "Trump is still loyal to some of the swamp creatures that sabotaged his Presidency. He still is unable to identify the enemy and their capabilities."
I disagree.
I dont believe Trump is loyal to the swamp creatures. I dont believe he is unable to identify the enemy.
I believe Trump realizes that if he says outloud what he knows to be true it will end the republican party as a political force leading to immediate total dem control across the board instead of the current 80% dem control of everything.
I believe Trump has made a calculation the republicans do have a chance at taking back the House and/or Senate in 2022 (despite the ongoing massive institutionalization of the democraticals corrupt practices) and he (Trump) has a chance to mold the republican party more into a more populist party focused on America First.
If you wish to argue there is zero chance of that, I would argue that its merely incredibly difficult and almost impossible to see how that could happen...but not completely impossible.
Our disagreement hovers around the difference between 0% chance and a 5% chance.
You're damn skippy I'm going to watch. This is where we find The Way Out.
well I phrase it this way, when liz cheney was in charge at state's middle east bureau, she cut the checks for the iranian backed militias, like the pmu's that turned against us in the last few years, abu handis who finally got his comeuppance along with general suleimani,
Gunner: "I was not against President Trump utilizing Twitter, but he was way overdoing it in 2020."
But thats yesterdays battle/The Last War.
We are already in a different battlespace and some older "truths" have been completely Overcome By Events (rendered moot).
Trump ruthlessly attacked Kemp for defying Fauci and allowing some businesses in Georgia to open up.
Gunner says:
I was not against President Trump utilizing Twitter, but he was way overdoing it in 2020.
Sez you.
who are the puppet masters,
I dont believe Trump is loyal to the swamp creatures. I dont believe he is unable to identify the enemy.
Trump has had no problem identifying the enemy.
He's had big problems identifying his friends.
rcocean: "Getting Sally Moderate from the Suburbs to vote Republican will never work. They're conformists who march to whatever tune the media and their social betters play"
Repeal the nineteenth.
Browndog: "Trump ruthlessly attacked Kemp for defying Fauci and allowing some businesses in Georgia to open up."
I give Trump a bit of a pass on that because:
a) Trump was still in the midst of the DC virus setup to take him down and he was dealing with scenarios that were completely and utterly unique amidst jackals (I guess you had it all figured out but no one else did)
b) Kemp was happily allowing himself to be used as a weapon against Trump by the media
c) Kemp is a worm and was only taking his positions opposite Trump to make Trump look bad...all the while behind the scenes he and Raffensberger were setting up the democrat control over the elections processes...and still are.
In GA right now, Kemp is a walking political corpse because the jig is up.
No credit awarded to Kemp who is on his way out anyway.
the source of the data, was corrupted from ferguson from the gates foundation, it took time to sort through the inconsistencies in the record, among honest journalists we find andy ngo, sharyl atkinson, and catherine herridge, after that one is scrounging,
So few votes for choice 2. I guess the serious commentators here don't want to come across as the 12--year-old girl groupies they really are.
Cannot wait to hear what he has to say, unlike anything from that decrepit freak currently residing in office.
independent said...
So few votes for choice 2. I guess the serious commentators here don't want to come across as the 12--year-old girl groupies they really are.
Now do a definition of confirmation bias for us.
Do you honestly not realize how much of a cliche you are?
hpudding said...
I'm sure they'll be hopping up beforehand with his usual pre-Nuremberg rally diet of cocaine and amphetamines.
This is a keeper.
Doug said...
rcocean: "Getting Sally Moderate from the Suburbs to vote Republican will never work. They're conformists who march to whatever tune the media and their social betters play"
Repeal the nineteenth.
We need a higher quality group of trolls.
Blogger narciso said...
the fix was in at the courts, because the black bloc were in the reserve, same with the corrupt governors like kemp and just blanc mange like ducey,
Yes. So much for the hopes of ACB and Kavanaugh.
"Trump is the future. Not as a person, but as a concept."
Like BLM and Antifa, Trump is just an idea.
As usual, you did not include any option in your poll that describes my attitude. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I do wonder how it can be that you almost never even consider as a possibility the point of view that I do, in fact, hold. Is it that hard to anticipate, that some people are glad Trump is speaking, and hope he will continue to speak, but have no desire to listen?
"Is it that hard to anticipate, that some people are glad Trump is speaking, and hope he will continue to speak, but have no desire to listen?"
"his craziness back in my personal life"
Sounds more like a you problem than a Trump problem.
You know, he was elected President of the United States of America. Twice.
What a wacky wacky world. The latest from Twitter: the stage at CPAC is like a Nazi symbol. No, not a swastika, but some symbol nobody has ever seen or heard of before.
It was funny though, that Brian Stelter led his hour show by complaining about how Twitter and the media were covering the Muppets and Mr. Potatohead when they should have been covering how badly things were going for people.
What he meant was that he wanted a push for Congress to pass Pelosi's relief bill without scrutiny or criticism or cuts, and he was mad that the "fodder for the culture wars" was distracting the public from the propaganda effort.
Still, you know that Mr. Potatohead being in the news hit home for Stelter. If the children's rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" had somehow made the news Brian would have had a seizure or a stroke.
Doug: "You're damn skippy I'm going to watch. This is where we find The Way Out."
But what if there is "No Way Out"?
At least then you just might find yourself doing some "touch and goes" in your Mess Dress Whites with a young Sean Young.
Which is not the worst thing ever....
Drago said...
Browndog: "Trump ruthlessly attacked Kemp for defying Fauci and allowing some businesses in Georgia to open up."
I give Trump a bit of a pass on that because:
a) Trump was still in the midst of the DC virus setup to take him down and he was dealing with scenarios that were completely and utterly unique amidst jackals (I guess you had it all figured out but no one else did)
Well, I was one of the first to side with Achilles who figured out early on what the deal was. A few against the mob.
Further, your other points used after-the-fact to excuse the conditions that existed when Trump went after Kemp. The point of my statement was in response to narisco, as to why maybe Kemp became an enemy of Trump.
It should also be noted that Trump attacked Rep. Thomas Massie in that same time period for the crime of wanting the votes for the corporate giveaway on record and in person.
Love Trump, but I will not make excuses for his mastakes, as I see them. Not a slappy.
Aside: You did make a wish come true-
I wished just one time I'd disagree with Drago.
Browndog: "Further, your other points used after-the-fact to excuse the conditions that existed when Trump went after Kemp."
Kemp was a known anti-Trump/anti-tea party/anti-populist establishment suck up squish all along.
Lets not pretend that was an evolving realization.
And its really quite easy sitting outside the maelstrom of impeachment and disinformation war and its after effects and have a "clear view".
As far as disagreement, its no biggee.
Let's hope Trump hammers on the election fraud. It was real. We have an installed senile ruler. Even if you HATE Trump, to look the other way on the fraud is to take the voting franchise away from every generation after us.
Laws were broken and ignored. Courts were cowards.
We now count absentee ballots in Wisconsin that have no address, only a name? Total bullshit. Illegal, corrupt, and unethical. And it all get pushed by Madison, WI. Most corrupt city in the state. Milwaukee #2.
As far as disagreement, its no biggee.
Nope. Even in this, we're in 95% agreement.
Carry on, soldier.
We need a higher quality group of trolls.
Actually, we need a higher quality group of voters.
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
Let's hope Trump hammers on the election fraud. It was real. We have an installed senile ruler. Even if you HATE Trump, to look the other way on the fraud is to take the voting franchise away from every generation after us.
I would prefer he talk more about the future, although some mention of election reform would be OK.
Less pro Trump skew in the voting than I expected
Turned on Fox News a few minutes ago, figuring the speech was on. Trump running late, but their on-the-scene crack reporter filed a live report, which amounted to complaining some people weren't wearing masks, and has been an ongoing problem.
I rarely listened to Trump when he was President. I don't see that changing now.
I don't spend time listening to any politician.
Actually, comparing a methed-up ("high-energy!") Trump-CPAC rally to Nuremberg is inaccurate.
Hitler never had a gold statue made of himself for his adoring followers to worship.
But his thoughts on the press and the "stabbed in the back" myth (reapplied to the election he lost) is familiar enough.
Just like your favorite rock star, The D is running real late. A lot of babes with size XXL wet panties waiting for him in the first row I'm sure.
pudding: "Hitler never had a gold statue made of himself for his adoring followers to worship."
Walking back stupid statements is kind of a full time gig for you, isn't it?
Maybe you should waddle on back over to yahoo where you might find some like minded "intellects". Blogs like this really aren't the place for you.
You could take gadfly with you. Now that would be a real brain trust....
Ken B: "Less pro Trump skew in the voting than I expected"
Meaningless observation if you dont know the voting population sample specifics.
"A lot of babes with size XXL wet panties waiting for him in the first row I'm sure."
You've seen his wife, right?
It was a tough battle, but pudding recently claimed the title of dumbest, most ill-informed, obsequious poster on this blog.
Congratulations! pudding is number 1!!, pudding is number 1!!, pudding...
Maybe they can't touch, but they can fantasize about his golden wand can't they?
"A lot of babes with size XXL wet panties waiting for him in the first row I'm sure."
What's Hillary doing there?
Anyone who actually tunes in to CPAC on (e.g.) CSpan will have great difficulty spotting even one grossly obese woman - or man, for that matter - in the crowd. They're a pretty healthy-looking bunch, on the average. Some trolls can't be bothered to make their trolling even remotely plausible.
I just tuned in to CSPAN. Where is everybody? Hire the folks putting on Golden Globes later today?
If mentioning the unusual idolatry on display at former president one-term's rally is "stupid, dumb, ill-informed and obsequious," one wonders what the intelligent, substantive, non-ad hominem comment would be to make about a recent election loser who parades around a gold statue of himself at his party's annual ideological conference.
I'm sure that comment will be forthcoming any minute... Out of the mouths of the same crowd that thinks losing 60+ court cases to overturn an election was just one big mean ole conspiracy.
They're a pretty healthy-looking bunch, on the average.
Impressed with their Rassenhygiene? ;-)
What did Trump say?
It’s interesting, but perverse, when the actual elected president doesn’t assume office and a fake president is installed.
We now have fake government, in addition to fake news.
All courtesy of the CCP.
hpudding seems to think putting a winking smily after his Nazi accusation makes it OK, instead of revealing that he is an utterly contemptible swine, a coprophagic pervert.
His "unusual idolatry" remark reveals that he has already forgotten just how many lefties have bought actual votive candles modeled on their heroes. When Ruth Bader Ginsberg died, someone left an RBG candle on the local courthouse steps - a sad case of cultural appropriation: treating an abortion-loving Jew as a Catholic saint seems offensive to both religions.
Dr Weevil: "hpudding seems to think putting a winking smily after his Nazi accusation makes it OK, instead of revealing that he is an utterly contemptible swine, a coprophagic pervert."
In pudding's defense, that tactic was always a winner at recess.
Pudding is probably wearing an RBG outfit as we speak and I fully expect readering to launch a Trump is the Leader of a Russian Rape Gang narrative before the day is out.
Isn't it interesting, close to 1,000 votes so far, and almost 80% want to hear what he has to say.
I thought lighting candles for the dead was normal practice for Jews. Can't speak for saints or what (state) forced-term pregnancy lovers are focused on these days. But maybe they can safely tell us, now that the single-term of the guy who presided over mass synagogue shootings by nativist anti-immigrant zealots has expired.
In any event, I'm not hearing that intelligent comment on either the gold statue of the rally leader or this interest in the physical forms of the attendees. I don't doubt that CPAC self-selected for a healthier crowd, after America got a good look at the generally unwashed visage of the Trumpers storming the Capitol January 6th. Did you know that America's life expectancy declined by an entire year in the last year of the Trump presidency? Making America great at life expectancy decreases!
Ok, time to stand back and watch the sputtering ad hominems fly. Clearly if the emotional Trumpers had intelligent arguments or challenges or replies they would have posted them by now. Sad. ;-(
Money line, referring to the folks who made the deals in place when Trump took office “because they are stupid, that’s why”
If protecting a woman's right to not have the state force her pregnancy to term makes someone an "abortion-lover," does fighting to force her pregnancy to term make someone a "woman's body hater?" Or just a "forced term-pregnancy lover?" Hmmmm.
hpudding: You lied about the weight of the CPAC people, then made a Nazi accusation when called on it. You are a total and complete swine, the kind who deserves a totally sincere "eat shit and die". Just do it.
The horns of dystopian Mallory's Grand dose abortion mania is belayed by your lack of an understanding of the BMI judgment of both skin color, sex and body. Your reference to the golden image of fiducius Temple credulity is the gasping fragility of meme consciousness. However, you captured expenditure of grips Klein opiate.
You lied about the weight of the CPAC people...
Um, at the risk of taking someone with fecal fixations who spends their Sunday evenings issuing anonymous death wishes over the internet seriously, where? Cite the comment that did that.
I realize asking for evidence from a follower of someone who lost 60+ court cases attempting to overturn the election they lost, on the basis of the lies they told about it, is not likely to be successful, but the failure of someone who makes accusations to produce evidence of what they accuse people of only reflects poorly on them.
I'll take your apology once you pull out those bifocals and figure out whomever did or did not post this supposed weight comment that has led to whatever butthurt prompted your tantrum.
I think Trump did a good job as President, but I don’t care about today’s speech. This doesn’t appear to be an option on the poll.
Btw: re hpudding: if you leave it alone it will go away.
Beginning a comment with "um" is the unbalanced predictatory commons response. To engage with the contradictory pheromone incited world you must reach beyond the temporal comments and embrace the cosmic universals of both Schrodinger and Scott Adams.
Btw: re hpudding: if you leave it alone it will go away.
2/28/21, 5:28 PM
No! We must engaged and interact with the world we live in. We must provide adequate answers to our cosmic existence questioned by the questionnaires who have questions.
Btw: re hpudding: if you leave it alone it will go away.
2/28/21, 5:28 PM
No! We must engaged and interact with the world we live in. We must provide adequate answers to our cosmic existence questioned by the questionnaires who have questions.
Looks like I mixed up two lying asshole trolls and it was the one pretending to be a an 'independent' who made the crude and stupid XXL-panty joke, and 'hpudding' (assuming that's not an another name for the same troll) who 'jokingly' called me a Nazi and somehow still thinks I should continue to answer his moronic arguments and nasty insults. Someone has a high opinion of himself.
We as the rational ones must give the biological, scientific, sociological, and Confederate soldiers response to all questions posed by hpudding. As our guru President Barack Obama answered why he is against gay marriage, he said, "god is in the mix."
It is our duty, our responsibility, our destiny, to understand the mix. The mix will answer all of hpudding comments.
Oh, I fully expect most of the forever Trumpers here to not only have answers to me, but to anything. Not having answers to anything, not knowing what the question is, not even knowing who posted the comment to which they're taking offense - these are the incompetencies that cause the angry right-wing Trumpers to believe they're fit to run the the country. Having a high opinion of how ignorant they love to be, and how indignant they get when you call them out about it - why, that's what defines them and their place in our politics!
But thanks for the non-apology; it's almost as classy as blaming someone for their inability to figure out who posted the comment they found so offensive in the first place!
And what a comment to which to take offense - Trump people being fat! Oh no! Let's revel in their physical perfection! Nothing eugenic in that, and reducing RBG to the label of "abortion-loving Jew" is in no way meant to be defamatory whatsoever!
What's that smell? As S. J. Lec put it "Every stink that fights the ventilator thinks it's Don Quixote". Trolls that call others Nazis and then expect them to argue politely against their grossly stupid misrepresentations? Time to turn up the ventilator.
You nailed it. You got them never never never never fat asses pancaked. Friggin ignoramuses hit with a Norseman Viking ax. You are one bad ass.
My choice was not on the survey, "I don't really care but it's been boring without him around."
Won't Jack Dorsey and Mark Zoidberg ban any mention of, or link to, anything Trump says? Most of the world will never know what he said there.
I spent some time driving this evening, and I was surprised that the New York City news radio stations seem to have decided that for the first time since the election, there was absolutely nothing worth mentioning about Trump or his activities. Total radio silence. It was wall-to-wall "Cuomo scandal" and "Biden administration approves the J&J vaccine just in time for an expected spike in infections!"
It also was very interesting when I got home to see how subdued things seemed to be in the Facebook and Twitter trending topics sections. Someone clearly has their thumbs on the scales, somewhere.
"Btw: re hpudding: if you leave it alone it will go away."
puddin' is ritmo.
Ignore him.
Lucid-ideas: Trump is America's future. Dem or Rep. The middle class is striking back.
Dems and Reps know that this binary system of Dems and Reps is killing us.
This binary system of Dems and Reps is killing us.
This thing we have...this United States of America, started with throwing off the chains that bound 13 colonies to a dying Empire.
We are 50 colonies now, exchanging a King, for the corrupt cesspit that is our Capitol City. Washington DC.
Can we find the grit to throw off the chains of the new but different Rulers?
If we can recognize that we can be corrupted as easily as the Representatives and Senators we send into that pit....we might recognize when they need to come home, and be replaced.
They don't want to come home. They'll do anything to stay there. They will lie, cheat and deceive to stay in that swamp. We, who sent them there, have to grab them by the scruff of their neck and save them from drowning. A Representative is good for 4 years.
It was never supposed to be a career. It was designed as a sacrifice. Represent the people as a Rep, or the State, and then get back home.
They don't come home.
You and I are no better. We would succumb to that too. Our weakness is the same as their weakness.
We should pay attention to the good men we send to the pit, and rescue them when we see they are drowning.
We don't do that because we've been programmed by the News Media to think of politics as a team sport. Yay Team.
A man's soul be damned.
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