February 10, 2021
"Greene Gains Popularity With Republican Voters Following Committee Fight/Georgia freshman is now as prominent nationwide as House GOP leaders."
"30% of GOP voters view Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene favorably, up 11 points since last week/Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican, is liked by 22% of Republicans, up 7 points during that time/59% of voters nationwide have an opinion of Greene, matching prominence of Cheney and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)."
Some good news, but hardly surprising, is it? No better friends than the right enemies.
Since House GOP leaders aren’t prominent, Greene is not prominent either.
Trump’s personality dominates the GOP. Tough to dislodge that prominence.
I always knew the Hebrew Space Laser Plot would catch on with Republicans once it was given a fair hearing.
The Streisand Effect strikes again.
Crazy politician gets boost from news?
I mean, I figured that would be the case. Look how popular AOC is.
She fights.
Republican Voters: "The Jews have a space laser?! Izzat cool or what?"
(I keed, I keed. I haven't seen any proof that Rep Greene really believes that, and know better than to believe it without seeing in context textual proof.)
She's the notional leader now of the domestic terrorism wing of the GOP. Domestic terrorism is a popular movement, it turns out.
Crazy sells.
Cheney went up 7 points among Republicans after impeachment vote?
Not buying it.
Republican Voters: "The Jews have a space laser?! Izzat cool or what?"
"And they tested it on California? Good choice!"
Like Wince, I'm not buying Cheney's 7 point increase either.
It’s a good idea to watch her speeches (if you can find them) in response to the calumnious leftmediaswine, particularly in an era when Democrats field extremists and nutballs, including Pelosi, who are either adored or whitewashed by the DemPress. Think Schiff, Nadler, Waters, AOC and the Islamists, Sheila, the idiot anti-gun nut, etc.
Just another time when Republicans should be ashamed of their swamprats poncing for the Dems.
Just because you're a nutball doesn't mean the Jews don't have a space laser.
Well to be fair, I think 'drop a big, big rock on a joint sessions of Congress - we can always re-build the building' would get better than 50%, but I am sometimes an optimist.
---Just because you're a nutball doesn't mean the Jews don't have a space laser.
You're saying Prole's a nutball? Am I deconstructing that right?
As for Cheney’s “7-point increase,” don’t forget you are dealing with Republicans here, many of whom don’t know they are are Democrats. You know, like McCain, Mittens, Sasse, etc.
Fortunately, their numbers in the rank and file are decreasing although they are still over-represented in the ruling class. All the bullshit about a Republican takeover in 2022 means nothing unless, a. The election corruption is cleaned up and b. The Demicans are primaried out.
Expect oligarch money to fight against both every step of the way. The swamp abides.
You know, just one well-placed device could take out everyone at the State of the Union address.
Jubilation all around
Increasing the profile of Greene and Cheney: thus guaranteeing a split GOP. The media accomplished their mission.
Shes just a place holder thet are coming for lauren bobert next
Greene speaks the plain truth much much like Winston Churchill did it in 1940-1941. Chinese owned politicians in both Parties can’t compete with her so they must criminalize her as
As far as splitting the GOP by elevating Cheney is concerned, all that effort has accomplished has been to show that members of the House GOP leadership either do not understand their own voters, or they do not care to. Liz wouldn’t ge elected dogcatcher in any district outside her own and she’ll get primaried out when it comes time to try for re-election.
Crazy sells....just look at the crazy Democrats who get away with WAY more. The Squad, Sheila Jackson Lee, Hank Johnson, Mad Maxine, Crazy Nancy from SF, The Chinese spy lovers from California, Swallwell, and Feinstein...I can go on and on and on.....
As for Cheney’s “7-point increase,” don’t forget you are dealing with Republicans here, many of whom don’t know they are are Democrats.
Yah. It's either this, like the suburban Trump hating women wing of the party or it's another one of those effed up samples of 'Republicans' from a leans Democrat pollster. The Democrats all claim is made up in Republican's heads.
"thus guaranteeing a split GOP"
More of a splinter than a split, I'd say. The number of old style "Country Club Republicans" is pretty small. To get a big number on election day, you need a constituency that has a large number of people in it, and they need to be convinced you plan to do something for them. The working class gave up on the Dems a while ago and they also have no intention of buying the "who else are you going to vote for, here's some social conservative pandering that we have no intention of or ability to pass, you hicks" nonsense from the Swamp Critters. They've seen through that con. ("Who am I going to vote for? Well, not you Mr Romney, that's for damn sure.") An acceptance of this new reality is what's missing from all the "how Trump lost the Georgia Senate races" hand wringing.
Now, it's possible that losing the suburban Gentry vote might make an American Greatness candidate unelectable, but losing the working class with a Gentry candidate certainly will.
It's a turn-around jump shot
It's everybody jump start
It's every Congress throws a Bachmann up the hate charts
Medici is magical and magical is art
Think of Leahy in the bubble
And the Speaker with the baboon heart
Mr Wibble said...
Domestic terrorism is a popular movement, it turns out.
I'm pretty sure "should Congress be burned to the ground" would break 50% in any poll of Americans...
2/10/21, 12:07 PM
Arashi said...
Well to be fair, I think 'drop a big, big rock on a joint sessions of Congress - we can always re-build the building' would get better than 50%, but I am sometimes an optimist."
Why waste a perfectly good building when it's so much cheaper to erect a large gallow on the Capitol steps? Have NBC televize it live and in color.
Expect oligarch money to fight against both every step of the way. The swamp abides.
I got to think there is a "middle ground" between politics-as-usual and I don't know 9/11 Trustherism.
American politics has become a darkly comical game of "would you rather...."
There's a hint of party leadership abandoning congress critters, and power now emanating from the state level AGs. Sad, but at least theiy are fighting. At this point I'm taking a ham sandwich like Greene over any 'moderate' Democrat or 'principled' swamp dwelling Repulican, and it isn't even close...
The best political arguments must now face the lack of actual election outcomes that determine who rules over us. They are all moot.
100% of the people I polled say Pelosi is running the country. Does that make it real?
Every day, horseshit, under the guise of polling, is thrown out to support a pov.
Narr said...
You know, just one well-placed device could take out everyone at the State of the Union address.
Jubilation all around
2/10/21, 12:15 PM"
Last time that happened ( on TV) we wound up with a designated survivor whose heart was a bit more left than China Joe's. I will admit Kiefer Sutherland looks more presidential than current fraud in chief.
Cheney went up 7 points among Republicans after impeachment vote?
Not buying it.
Me either.
Arashi said...
"Well to be fair, I think 'drop a big, big rock on a joint sessions of Congress - we can always re-build the building' would get better than 50%, but I am sometimes an optimist."
Madison has a large, darkly hued rock-of-color available for this type of re-purposing.
The efficiency of insulting upward!
She's maintaining her popularity with those who already liked her, and those who don't are fleeing the party.
Crazy sells....just look at the crazy Democrats who get away with WAY more.
Right? So now there is a mirror image on the right. What gets me is she doesn't even have to go to committee meetings now LOL.
It might not even hurt her fundraising either.
And if the building gets destroyed - think of all of the jobs created to re-build it! I mean its a win for everybody. We the people get rid of all 535 'Memers of Congress' and the construction industry gets to re-build an iconic building from American history while providing good, high paying jobs for lots of people. What's not to like?
For Mark...
We’re getting closer.
You wanna see crazy
This has nothing to do with Greene's, Cheney's and McCarthy's relative status, and everything to do with the way media covers Congress. They ignore everything unless it helps Democrats or hurts Republicans.
As far as splitting the GOP by elevating Cheney is concerned, all that effort has accomplished has been to show that members of the House GOP leadership either do not understand their own voters, or they do not care to.
To play devils advocate, wasn't the House the only arm of the GOP that gained ground this last election? Look at the scoreboard. Trump got spanked. The Senate flipped. The House is the only body that actually won.
--- The House is the only body that actually won.
One of the great proofs of the rigged election, DD.
The Democrats just printed those filled-in President votes. No other votes on any of those ballots. So the natural results showed up elsewhere.
Thank you for that link, farmgirl. I hope the coward gets outed and charged with murder. He deserves it.
She fights her corner. Got to respect it.
Watching a bit of the schiffshow going on in DC this morning - and hearing all about what DemocRATs believe and would have us believe - it sounds like Greene fits right in.
@narciso: I know several gun-owning Wisconsin males who abstained from voting to appease their Trump-loathing significant others. They will now regret allowing Biden to win. But as the saying goes: μολὼν λαβÎ
anyone who wants to impeach Biden is cool with me.
Her post on the space laser thing is kind of all over the place and pretty inaccurate, but she didn't call them Jewish space lasers. That's just some "fortification" by the media.
LOL Fuck the GOPe!
The Greene numbers look right. She gained in both the favorable and unfavorable numbers, while fewer people answered "Who?"
The Cheney numbers don't make any sense at all. Among other things, her unfavorable number was flat with all voters while decreasing with Republicans. So Democrats like her less while Republicans like her more?
But then again, notice that these are before-and-after the votes on removing the two Congresswomen from leadership/committee roles. This isn't the before-and-after of the events that brought them to prominence. Both the before and after numbers are after the MSM attacked Greene and Cheney voted to impeach. So I'm not sure what we're meant to conclude.
Especially since the plurality position among Republicans and all voters is still "Who's that?"
I just think back at all the people libs called crazy, hammered it to the point republicans said "yea, we need to get rid of this person"...then it turns out---
I think about this, because of all the comments on Althouse that agree she's crazy.
Liba make the rules. Sheep follow.
Trump’s ability and inclination to fight them exactly how they fight us was effective and scared the shit out of pregressives. “Oh no what if other Republicans start fighting back?”
She made a mistake and she owned that. She also learned from it and showed that she is capable of defending herself and her constituents. That's more than the eGOP is doing.
"Greene Gains Popularity With Republican Voters...."
Before I deleted my Twitter account, I retweeted or "liked" several crazy conspiracy tweets and memes simply because they were amusing, not because I believed them. I'm sure this is the case in some of Greene's tweets as well. The creativity of some of the conspiracy tweets were pretty amazing. However, Zuckerberg being a lizard man is one that could possibly be true. Just sayin'! Before I deleted my account, I was suspended twice for 12 hours. Once for tweeting Jake Tapper and the DNC had the same relationship as a pimp and his ladies (or something along those lines).
While it absolutely true that the media elevates and attacks controversial Republicans while giving kid glove treatment to objectively controversial (and dumb) Democrats, just because the media is highlighting a problematic Republican doesn't mean the Republican in question isn't, you know, problematic. Whenever anyone explains a problem and their answer is basically 'The Rothchild's did it', you are problematic because that will be interpreted as The Jews Did it. Remember the Democrat on the DC city counsel who claimed the Rothchilds controlled the weather a couple of years ago? He was ignored by the national media but people on the right rightly called him out for it. Greene may speak for a certain segment of the Republican electorate but she doesn't get a pass just because the media is attacking her. She has spoken in favor of batty sh*t. Liz Cheney saw how her father was treated and knows a thing or two about media bias. But she also knows a thing or two about civil government. This whole insane idea that 'if you are not 100% for Trump (95% is not good enough!) then you are a RINO' business will lead to a permanent Democratic majority. Biden et al are a far far bigger threat to all that is right and good about America than Liz bleeping Cheney. Ditto the rantings of Congressperson Greene as she 'speaks the truth', whatever the hell that means. Remember, those 25 years of the Clintons lording over American politics? You can blame the last person (Ross Perot) to split the right in half.
Women believe things quicker than men.
lizard no, cyborg probably, purging someone from an oversight committee, because of statements they made two years ago, which were asinine, then so is the official explanation,
"Remember, those 25 years of the Clintons lording over American politics? You can blame the last person (Ross Perot) to split the right in half."
Yes, but I also remember 2010 and Christine (the teenage witch) O'Donnell's primary win that lost the Delaware Senate race for the Republicans, but also put the fear of God into weak-willed Republicans and prevented a catastrophic cave-in on immigration.
they lost the next three races in delaware, so christine, was just wrong because she wasn't a dupont or a gope shill, similar kerfluffle with akin, who was a very respectable figure, but the firing squad was convenend,
" This whole insane idea that 'if you are not 100% for Trump (95% is not good enough!) then you are a RINO' business will lead to a permanent Democratic majority. "
We keep hearing about these "permanent Democratic majorities" that never seem to materialize. From both Dems and the RINO/GOPe (former) wing of the GOP.
Trump increased his vote total from 2016 to 2020, while losing the NeverTrumper votes. The NeverTrumpers also threw Georgia to the Dems. Since we're in the middle of a political realignment I don't think you can keep defending RINOs and the GOPe who were working for a Dem win, thinking the GOP needs them. The GOP found new voters to more than replace the NeverTrumpers/RINO/GOPe wing.
Find anything on Hank Johnson out of Georgia? Anything? Find anything about the Westoboro Church that would protest at military funerals? Anything?
I'm sure this is the case in some of Greene's tweets as well.
You can be "sure" but to my ears, it certainly sounds like she thinks 9/11 was a hoax. It doesn't sound like she is doing it "for the lulz" but because she is a paranoid idiot. If that's the hill the GOP wants to die on, so be it.
"Cheney went up 7 points among Republicans after impeachment vote?"
Not where it counts -- Wyoming -- where she's getting lambasted.
What bugs the shit out of me (and impresses me at the same time) is the UNITY of the Dems.
Have a Chinese spy working for you for 20 years with access to all sorts of secret intelligence? No problem...remain on all of the committees and retire (rich as hell) when you want.
Bang a Chinese spy? No problem...the DOJ will cover it up for you and you'll get a coveted assignment as a House manger, even though you are on the Intelligence Committee and dumber than dirt...you're going places!
Zero dissension in the ranks. The only way that's possible is for every Democrat to be an actual sociopath.
We are fucked.
This whole insane idea that 'if you are not 100% for Trump (95% is not good enough!
People keep phrasing it that way, but that's not the way I see it. Trump represented a complete break with the destructive path we've been on for the last two decades. Common sense stuff. The problem is we haven't been offered an alternative to Trump. The choice looks to be Trumpism, or the road to hell. That's why you get the 100% feel. Right now the choice is binary. 90% (or even 40%) is not on the table. There's no compromise with zero percenters. Either go all the way or just go away. I wish it was different, but it's not imo. And yes, the Republican Party is toast unless there is a viable replacement for Trump. But the middle ground is in the far distance. Higher Ed made sure of that.
The GOP found new voters to more than replace the NeverTrumpers/RINO/GOPe wing.
Okay. Now you are just fucking with me. Here's the way it works: it doesn't matter how many votes your guy gets if the other guy gets more votes.
Trump just got his ass royally kicked by a guy that barely needed to leave his basement. At what point do you consider--just consider--that following the same loser strategies might lead to the same loser results.
Greene has something that a lot of Republican politicians lack, a backbone.
Earnest Prole said...I always knew the Hebrew Space Laser Plot would catch on with Republicans once it was given a fair hearing.
Can you or anyone here link to her statement regarding Hebrew Space Lasers?
I am not looking for media report but a specific quote from MTG. Thanks.
Liz Cheney going from 15% TO 22% approve of "Identified Republican voters" means nothing more than sampling error or (more likely) sampling bias.
We all know that media polls are cooked in order to influence debate.
What percentage of those polled know who Liz Cheney is?
Mossad is not going to tell you if they have a space laser.
--- If that's the hill the GOP wants to die on, so be it.
The GOP already chickened out on her, in the person of McCarthy, didn't they DD?
Her district elected her. They know her better than most of us, although you could be the exception there. Let them decide on her future. That's how it works. At least until you guys get your printing presses going again. She seems a bit small potatoes for that, but who knows how loopy Democrats view these things? Everyone's a fantastic threat to them, even Marjorie.
Can you or anyone here link to her statement regarding Hebrew Space Lasers? I am not looking for media report but a specific quote from MTG. Thanks.
She posted her statement to facebook and subsequently deleted it, but if you type marjorie taylor greene rothschilds facebook into google images, you’ll see a screenshot.
Ignoring the Hebrew angle for a moment, I have a house in the mountains reasonably close to the location of the fire Greene mentioned, and it’s hundreds of miles north of where California wants to build its high-speed rail.
The "what Trump did to the GOP" tag is really insulting to the 63 to 74 million Trump voters. If 30% are batshit crazy like MTG, that's still only 19 to 22 million people out of a population of 328 million. Significant, but not substantial. Still, they do have an outsize influence on the Republican Party.
Is Trump their leader? His lawyers will be arguing that he is just a fellow traveler and didn't know where they were going.
One of the dopiest recent developments in American culture (and there are many) is that ordinary, intelligent people now act as though it somehow became their day job to sound exactly like paid party apparatchiks and journalists (but I repeat myself) on cable television, defending and excusing the stooopidest things with a straight face. The closest analogy would be how young boys used to charge around the neighborhood, pretending they were fire engines.
Greene's popularity means that many Americans are alienated, paranoid and feel powerless.
---One of the dopiest recent developments in American culture
Do tell!
Earnest Prole said...
Can you or anyone here link to her statement regarding Hebrew Space Lasers? I am not looking for media report but a specific quote from MTG. Thanks.
She posted her statement to facebook and subsequently deleted it, but if you type marjorie taylor greene rothschilds facebook into google images, you’ll see a screenshot.
So it was a temporary statement or was it a "like"?
Why don't you post the words if it was so egregious?
This reminds me that "Trump lies all the time". When asked to detail the lies it usually comes down to exaggerations about crowd size. Anyone can tell you a few Obama and Biden's lies, but they are not considered liars?
D.D. Driver said...
The GOP found new voters to more than replace the NeverTrumpers/RINO/GOPe wing.
Okay. Now you are just fucking with me. Here's the way it works: it doesn't matter how many votes your guy gets if the other guy gets more votes.
Trump just got his ass royally kicked by a guy that barely needed to leave his basement. At what point do you consider--just consider--that following the same loser strategies might lead to the same loser results.
You keep lying to yourself.
Joe Biden did not get 81 million legitimate votes.
You are just being stupid. Nobody believes the garbage you are spewing.
Earnest Prole said...
One of the dopiest recent developments in American culture (and there are many) is that ordinary, intelligent people now act as though it somehow became their day job to sound exactly like paid party apparatchiks and journalists (but I repeat myself) on cable television, defending and excusing the stooopidest things with a straight face. The closest analogy would be how young boys used to charge around the neighborhood, pretending they were fire engines.
That is nothing compared to idiots clinging to media smear attacks.
You want to say that things Greene said years ago, and has disavowed long before she ran for congress, is the best way to define 80 million people.
You just say stupid shit and your facile postings are boring.
Achilles, please let them make their errors without interruption.
---One of the dopiest recent developments in American culture (and there are many) is that ordinary, intelligent people now act as though it somehow became their day job to sound exactly like paid party apparatchiks and journalists (but I repeat myself) on cable television, defending and excusing the stooopidest things with a straight face. The closest analogy
The closest analogy would be to your post -- pot, kettle and black all in a sentence.
whereas hamas supporters like cortez, omar and the rest of the crew, molotov maxine, they get the benefit of the doubt,
The argument is that Trump lost the "suburban" Republican vote and that made the difference in the election. Which he lost by not being "moderate" enough.
And yet he won 19 of those 20 "bellweather" counties, which are supposedly full of Republican (and Democrat) "moderates."
Which make the difference in Presidential Elections.
Which also voted for Barack Obama.
Curious. One would almost think that something hinky might be going on here.
Everything I've read paraphrases or characterizes what Greene has supposedly said, but doesn't actually quote or provide links to the original audio, video, posts, tweets, etc. to back up the claims. She may well have bizarre or repugnant beliefs, but when the media can't be bothered to provide links or copies of the sources for these claims, I'm skeptical.
Green represents the future of the GOP, and what a future it is. Conspiracy theories and insurrection are the way forward. The old Repuglicans just stood for money and power. Either way, win-win. Take your pick. What a great party. What hatred of every other nation around the planet won't accomplish, stories of Jewish Space Lasers will. The Founders would be proud.
chickelit said...
@narciso: I know several gun-owning Wisconsin males who abstained from voting to appease their Trump-loathing significant others. They will now regret allowing Biden to win. But as the saying goes: μολὼν λαβÎ"
No offense but men with chests would tell their SO if they are forced between not voting for whom they want to vote for or not voting such a man would reply "if I have to choose between not voting for whom I want or you, you lose." If the SO has a problem with that then the man with a chest has a bigger problem, a problem best solved by ditching the SO.
hpudding said...
Green represents the future of the GOP, and what a future it is. Conspiracy theories and insurrection are the way forward. The old Repuglicans just stood for money and power. Either way, win-win. Take your pick. What a great party. What hatred of every other nation around the planet won't accomplish, stories of Jewish Space Lasers will. The Founders would be proud.
A stupid troll posting stupid shit.
Not a single word of what you posted is in any way represented by reality.
Nobody believes any of this except really stupid people.
I love the "impeachment trial" and the "damning video evidence" links by pravda. The same people that spent all summer cheering on BLM violence.
I look forward to hearing how Brian Sicknick actually died.
Enlighten-NewJersey said...
Everything I've read paraphrases or characterizes what Greene has supposedly said, but doesn't actually quote or provide links to the original audio, video, posts, tweets, etc. to back up the claims. She may well have bizarre or repugnant beliefs, but when the media can't be bothered to provide links or copies of the sources for these claims, I'm skeptical.
Any intelligent person would be skeptical.
Then you have idiots like hpudding and earnest prole who suck this garbage up and use it to hide from their own stupidity.
So it was a temporary statement or was it a "like"? Why don't you post the words if it was so egregious?
I’m now your personal google assistant? Does your mother still wipe your ass? I found it in ten seconds by typing the words above. Exert the tiniest bit of effort and curiosity, then come back and tell us what you found.
You want to say that things Greene said years ago, and has disavowed long before she ran for congress, is the best way to define 80 million people.
I said no such thing. But I’ll say here she’s a dope and so are you for running interference for her. I’d say the same thing about 9/11 Truthers, but I realized as I was typing that she is a 9/11 Truther, so pardon my redundancy, and you’re still a dope for running interference for her.
Here's Greene's comment, laboriously typed out:
I'm posting this in speculation because there are too many coincidences to ignore, and just putting it out there from some research I've done stemming from my curiosity over PG&E stocks, which tanked all week then rallied Thursday night after CA official announced they would not let PG&E fail. I find it very interesting that Roger Kimmel on the board of directors of PG&E is also Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc, international investment banking firm. I also find interesting the long history of financial contributions that PG&E has made to Jerry Brown over the years and millions spent in lobbying. What a coincidence it mus be that Gov Brown signed
a bill in Sept 2018, protecting PG&E and allowing PG&E to pass off its cost of fire responsibility to its customers in rate hikes, and through bonds. It also must be just a coincidence that the fires are burning in the same projected areas that the $77 billion Dollar High Speed Rail Project is to be built, which also happens to be Gov Brown's pet project. And what are the odds that Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum is the contractor to the rail project! Geez with that much money, we could build 3 US southern border walls. Then oddly there are all these people who have said they saw what looked like lasers or blue beams of light causing the fires, and pictures and videos. I don't know anything about that but I do find it really curious PG&E's partnership with Solaren on space solar generators starting in 2009. They announced the launch into space in March 2018, and maybe even put them up before that. Space solar generators collect the suns energy and then beam it back to Earth to a transmitter to convert to electricity. The idea is clean energy to replace coal and oil. If they are beaming the suns energy back to Earth, I'm sure they wouldn't ever miss a transmitter receiving station right??!! I mean mistakes are never made when anything new is invented. What would that look like anyway? A laser beam or light beam coming down to Earth I guess. Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don't know. I hope not! That wouldn't looks so good for PG&E, Rothschild Inc., Solaren or Jerry Brown who sure does seem fond of PG&E. Good thing for Solaren that Michael Peevey is on their board since he is former President of California Public Utilities Commission, California's most powerful energy regulatory agency. Great connections right there! Also I will say whoever was able to buy that PG&E stock at the bottom before that announcement was made when stocks rallied sure did well on their investment. I wonder how you get privy to that kind of info? You must have to know somebody right? Seems like there's a lot of connected people in this crowd. And with those space solar generators, I really hope they have very good aim beaming the suns power down to Earth...
You want to say that things Greene said years ago, and has disavowed long before she ran for congress, is the best way to define 80 million people.
So here's the chronology:
-9/11 happens (or did it?)
-sometime in 2007 Rosie O'Donnell questioned whether fire could melt steel
-in 2016 it was scandalous when HRC let Rosie O'Donnell headline her fundraiser (Pepperidge Farms remembers!)
-On November 1, 2018 (two years later) MTG would rather not get into her 9/11 conspiracies (like why was there was no plane found at the Pentagon? Huh?)
-sometime November 2, 2018 or beyond, MGT came to understand that 9/11 was completely real (even the Pentagon parts!)
Will you not at least admit that it's pretty hilarious that it took at least 17 years for MTG to come around on 9/11? That's just good clean comedy.
I'm posting this in speculation because there are too many coincidences to ignore, and just putting it out there from some research I've done stemming from my curiosity over PG&E stocks, which tanked all week then rallied Thursday night after CA official announced they would not let PG&E fail.
She's right. There are precedents, including collusion between Phillips and environmentalists to normalize CFLs, the naturally recurring ozone hole, reclaiming grazing lands for photovoltaic farms, etc. Also, many fascist enterprises, including: Planned Parent/hood, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, ozone hole (a recurring phenomenon), wars without borders, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, labor and environmental arbitrage, denying and stigmatizing early treatments for Covid-19, diversity racket, rape...rape-rape culture, political congruence (e.g. genderphobia), democratic gerrymandering, progressive prices and availability (e.g. Obamacare), the Green Blight, Every Child Left Behind, Democrat-lead impeachments, JournoLism (e.g. trial by press, Electoral Press, incitement to protest), the trillion dollar sociopolitical complex, etc. As for beaming energy from space, it could be done, and would be necessary to overcome the inherent limitations of environmentally gray, clean greenbacks, intermittent production, nonrenewable Green technologies (i.e. converters). Save a bird, a bat... whack a wind turbine.
But greene is one step too far
Earnest Prole said...
So it was a temporary statement or was it a "like"? Why don't you post the words if it was so egregious?
I’m now your personal google assistant? Does your mother still wipe your ass? I found it in ten seconds by typing the words above. Exert the tiniest bit of effort and curiosity, then come back and tell us what you found.
You really are an annoying and pitiful little punk.
You made an assertion and a generalization based on that assertion and you expect me to validate your assertion and generalization? Grow up little boy.
Another member of that committee
Annnnd again.
“ The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 20% of the adult population is walking around with a diagnosable mental illness. I think they’re light in the pot.”
J Smith- "We are fucked." I disagree. We are blessed. What a time to live!
Everyone knows the 'Occupant' of the White House is a usurper.
We have a desiccated, ossified binary system. Dem/Rep.
The News media has made self-governance into a team sport. Support your team. Brag about being a Life Long Republican. Brag about being a Life Long Democrat.
Your team has a mascot! Elephant or Donkey! Team colors! Red or Blue. Yay Team!
Meanwhile, the Union Teachers of K-12 whisper to children:'Republicans bad; Democrats good'
Then came Trump. His Presidency showed it doesn't have to be this way. He made the sacrifice to peel back the cover of our corrupt cesspit of a Federal Government.
Half of Democrat voters hate the Democratic Party. At least half of Republicans hate the Republican Party. Conventional wisdom from both decrepit Parties cry, 'No, no , no...the other guys are worse.
You both are worse. You both are parasites.
Let's have a 2nd Party. Let us begin again.
D.D. Driver said...
Will you not at least admit that it's pretty hilarious that it took at least 17 years for MTG to come around on 9/11? That's just good clean comedy.
And like the idiot you are you refuse to deal with my point.
Yeah. She thought something dumb. She stopped thinking it.
You still want to use it against Trump supporters because everything about you is pathetic and empty.
Every argument you made has been destroyed. Trump has won more cases in court tried on the merits than he has lost over election fraud.
Your champion Joe Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of a solid majority of Americans. He is ruling like a despotic tyrant. He admitted on an open microphone he didn't know what he was signing and his minder told him to just sign it. Joe Biden has admitted every promise he made to help Americans during the campaign was a lie. Joe Biden destroyed more jobs for Americans in his first month than the economy created.
You are an empty vessel and this is the garbage you cling to.
You should go look in the mirror and think about how pathetic you and your democrats look right now.
Yeah. She thought something dumb. She stopped thinking it.
I love this. "Some people" did "something." And then "some other people" believed "something dumb" about the "thing" that "happened."
I don't know if Trump was right that he could shoot a man and not lose support, but he did turn the GOP into apologists for Truthers. Really pause to think about that.
"You should go look in the mirror and think about how pathetic you and your democrats look right now."
I have years of posts bashing Democrats and progressives (including Biden). I am a self-described crackpot libertarian. Libertarians are everyone's punching bag. I'm the biggest fucking target in the room and you still miss me.
Thank you, Paco Wove. Even if half the speculation in Marjorie's comments on PG&E prove out wrong, I like her way of thinking. We need more people in Congress willing to question the beyond-cozy relationships between our governing poobahs and all the family, friends and relations feeding off their connections.
Go Marge!
This is classic gaslighting of Republicans.
It also helps keep the spotlight off Biden's obvious decline. Take a look at his speech at the Pentagon yesterday. The man is a goner.
Kamala giggles.
@Amadeus 48: Who would have thunk that our government would be aping the Star Trek episode "Pattern of Force."
I'll see your MTG and raise you Hank Johnson.
Being a buffoon doesn’t make you an anti-Semite.
But now that the tantric sex guru story broke, well, toldja. We need to lose this entire class of dumb bunny faux leftitarians.
Alpharetta is their ground zero. Of course.
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