February 15, 2021

Glenn Greenwald was just reading on smart-liberal media Twitter that wokeness is just a request for niceness.

He doesn't link to that wokeness = niceness stuff, so I can't comment on the accuracy of that characterization, but this other thing — this diagram for parents of schoolkids — is really horrific:


Narr said...

I got your white identity right here, Teach.

We want cafe, we want cafe

Achilles said...

If you just replace "White" with "Jew" this will all make more sense to you Ann.

Fernandinande said...

"Wokeness" = yet another variant of anti-white racism.

Dude1394 said...

I want to see the 8 black identities.

Achilles said...

Here you go:

"There is a regime of Jewness, and there are action-oriented Jew Identities. People who identify with jewness are one of these. It's about time we build an ethnography of jewness, since jew people have been the ones writing and governing others."

Slow Factory

Dude1394 said...

They really do want a race war.

Achilles said...

The 8 Asian Identities:

1. Asian Supremacist
2. Asian Voyeurism
3. Asian Privilege
4. Asian Benefit
5. Asian Confessional
6. Asian Critical
7. Asian Traitor
8. Asian Abolitionist

Balfegor said...

He doesn't link to that wokeness = niceness stuff, so I can't comment on the accuracy of that characterization,

I've not yet heard this formulation with "wokeness," but I've definitely heard it in person, from multiple people, in regards to political correctness.

n.n said...

Diversity of individuals, minority of one.

Individual dignity. Intrinsic value. Inordinate worth.

#BabyLivesMatter(BLM) #PrinciplesMatter

gilbar said...

serious question
are they TRYING to convince whites, that since they're evil (NO MATTER WHAT);
that they should just embrace their heritage, and be as White as they can be?

Achilles said...

gilbar said...

serious question
are they TRYING to convince whites, that since they're evil (NO MATTER WHAT);
that they should just embrace their heritage, and be as White as they can be?


The ultimate goal of all of this is to destroy the concept of colorblindness.

They want to destroy the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. completely and utterly and rewrite tribalism into every facet of our history and society.

They want American citizens to all become as racist as they are.

It is easier to form a corrupt government around a tribal spoils system.

Paco Wové said...

"I was just reading on smart-liberal media Twitter earlier today that "wokeness" signifies nothing more than asking people to please just be nice and considerate."

I wonder if some sort of memo went out... I noticed this going by in a discussion elsewhere on the Internet a few days ago:

"My personal definition of "woke" is someone who appreciates the privileges he has, and has a corresponding empathy/understanding/patience for someone who was not born with those privileges."

..which as far as I can tell corresponds with nobodies' experiences anywhere ever.

Jupiter said...

Meanwhile, in San Francisco, things have gotten so bad that the criminals have to prey upon their fellow citizens just to make ends meet;

"They attribute what they say is an increase in crime to “economic desperation” and “tourism has gone down so substantially in San Francisco that criminal rings that targeted tourists in areas that tourists frequent no longer have tourists there,” said Supervisor Ronen."

Supply and demand.

Oso Negro said...

There is a pretty big jump between 1&2 on their scale. I propose category 1.5 White Fuckyouism - . Takes people they meet as individuals, recognizes benefits and drawbacks of various cultures, doesn’t give a shit about woke whining.

Jupiter said...

"They really do want a race war."

Actually, I think what they want is a war between woke-whites and proud-whites. If a few blacks and browns get killed in the crossfire, that's all good too.

chuck said...

A lot of problems could be solved if folks appropriated what works from other cultures. The schools should push cultural appropriation like they used to.

Ice Nine said...

White Incidental
White by biologic accident; does not give a shit about any of this; go away you idiots.

Anonymous said...

What's the end game? Black supremacy? It exists now in Africa. Chinese supremacy? Already exists in China. Mexican? Cuban? Puerto Rican supremacy? That already exists. Guatemalan supremacy? Exists. Peruvian? Turkish? Persian? Saudi Arabian? It all exists now.

Find the supremacy that lifts your soul, go there, and stop pestering White people.

I'm Not Sure said...

"I was just reading on smart-liberal media Twitter earlier today that "wokeness" signifies nothing more than asking people to please just be nice and considerate."

All those busted out storefronts from this past "Summer of Love" beg to differ.

Achilles said...

Hercules, not that one though said...

What's the end game? Black supremacy? It exists now in Africa. Chinese supremacy? Already exists in China. Mexican? Cuban? Puerto Rican supremacy? That already exists. Guatemalan supremacy? Exists. Peruvian? Turkish? Persian? Saudi Arabian? It all exists now.

Find the supremacy that lifts your soul, go there, and stop pestering White people.

It is the same people pushing the same things throughout history for the same reasons and with the same goals.

They just change a minor detail here and there.

They do not associate with any race. They use race to divide. It is wired into our genes and easy to tap into. But they do not ascribe to any of it.

The same people pushed slavery. That became Jim Crow. Then Affirmative Action. Now Critical Race Theory. They pushed Eugenics. That became planned parenthood.

These are just tools they use to collect money and power.

unknown said...

“My personal definition of ‘woke’ is someone who appreciates the privileges he has, and has a corresponding empathy/understanding/patience for someone who was not born with those privileges.”

In other words, smug and patronizing.

Rabel said...

There's a whole boatload of sanctimony in this thread that might have been seen by Greenfield.

Joe Smith said...

Box cars warming up on track 2...box cars on track 2.

White people please report to track 2.

No round-trip available.

Destination; parts unknown.

Only white people with the proper identifying tattoo will be allowed.

Alllllll aboard!

ALP said...

For biracial folks - do they only focus on half the list? Are they exempt? Or is there a special list for them? If 'sensitivity training' is offered - do they attend the first half or the second half?

Rabel said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As of late, in order for a looting to be "justified" (justified -as shown by authorities retreating, instead of confronting) there had to be deadly incident involving the police and a POC.

If this thing, this cult of wokeness, is not stopped dead in it's tracks, there may very well come a time when the provocation, the casus belli, now thought to be needed, will be deemed superfluous. Unnecessary as presenting truthful evidence at an impeachment trial.

Lucien said...

The author of the list is Barnor Hesse who is, you guessed it, a professor. As our former President might say, he’s a real beauty.

Christopher said...

The term has evolved and fortunately has attained cache' on the right as a term of ridicule, but for sure the woke-is-nice thing is out there. E.g. on Twitter:

"Woke," like "PC" before it, means "being decent to people who are not you" and it is genuinely remarkable how many people are willing to go on record as being firmly opposed to such an endeavor.

Matt said...

Who is forcing all these minorities to stay here? Who says they aren't allowed to leave this horrible, awful, no-good, really bad ethnocentric society? Why would you insist on forcing yourself to live around you people you hate? Why would you remain in a society that is apparently so alien and slanted against you that you wake up every morning hating the majority of the people in the society you live? Why stay somewhere where you believe you'll never have any success and that you're life of failure was decided before you were born?

Just fuckin' leave. If you hate the society you live in, get the fuck out and find someplace that you do like. But note that you'll have to leave the majority-paid welfare behind.

Fuckin' minorities, man. They are the majority of people on the planet, yet insist on living in white societies they apparently loathe. What would we ever do without them?

Gospace said...

Unknown said...
I want to see the 8 black identities.

I could make a few suggestions for the left and right side of the scale, but would have to put serious thought into the 6 gradations between. Any one of the suggestions I have would get you an immediate lifetime Twitter or Facebook ban.

Leland said...

If people are having to defend wokeness like this; I take it as good news because they are taking a defensive footing. It is clear “asking people to be kind” is not the same as hounding their employer until they are fired.

Mr. T. said...

Bought, paid, and approved by the teacher union overlords.

rightguy said...

More wisdom and knowledge from democrat intellectuals. I wonder what Kamala and her masters think of this.

Michael P said...

Achilles said... 2. Asian Voyeurism

I am pretty sure I saw an online documentary about that. For some reason it was cut into 30-second segments.

Matt said...

I'm gonna say it again. The majority of the people on the planet are "people of color". Whites are an absolute minority on the global scale. And yet all these "people of color" risk life and limb, send kids alone, pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to live in majority white countries.

Why can't they build functioning societies? Why are their countries and continents all such shitholes? You can't tell me it's only the geography or "colonialism" that hasn't existed in decades.

There must be another reason. Hmmm...what could it POSSIBLY be?!?!?!?!

Leland said...

Sorry, the graphic hadn’t come up yet. That toolkit was developed and pushed by people that are a real threat to civilization. It is definitely offensive.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...

I want to see the 8 black identities.

I originally typed Black instead of Asian. My first example is probably bad enough though. There are several posters here who would happily use any of these posts in dishonest ways to destroy my life.

We live in a world where even saying a certain word gets you banned from this blog.

We do not live in a free country.

That is what Woke is really all about.

Achilles said...

Michael P said...

Achilles said... 2. Asian Voyeurism

I am pretty sure I saw an online documentary about that. For some reason it was cut into 30-second segments.

Are you talking about Hunter's foot job?

n.n said...

From colored people (attribute) to people of color (color blocs, identity defined by skin color). Conflation of sex and gender, too, with the normalization of genderphobia. And Fetal-American to socially distance for profit and convenience. One step forward, two steps backward.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

One thing that maybe could have slowed down the cult was (still could, I suppose) making people who level false accusations of racism pay a heavy price. At the very least the kind of price exerted at the behest of "cancel culture". If you falsely accuse someone, maybe you should lose your job.

There's an awful little down side to accusing someone of racism and getting caught lying.

A cult only grows as much as the non-cultists will allow.

mockturtle said...

I want to see the 8 black identities.

Chris Rock identified at least two. ;-D

BUMBLE BEE said...

Making judgements about people based on the color of their skin are we? Defines racism right there. You see, Martin Luther King was just another shill to be discarded after they gained your trust.

doctrev said...

God, if only someone had warned this poor sheltered housewife that Joe Biden was the pedophile puppet of twisted American-hating degenerates.

Anonymous said...

Ann, I think I found it:


Anonymous said...

Ann, I think I found it:

Emily L. Hauser אלה אסתר
"Woke," like "PC" before it, means "being decent to people who are not you" and it is genuinely remarkable how many people are willing to go on record as being firmly opposed to such an endeavor.


MadTownGuy said...

Balfegor said...
"He doesn't link to that wokeness = niceness stuff, so I can't comment on the accuracy of that characterization,

I've not yet heard this formulation with "wokeness," but I've definitely heard it in person, from multiple people, in regards to political correctness.

...and cancel culture.

Leora said...

I sometimes get the feeling the people pushing this material out are just seeing how far they can go before they get serious push back - like being fired. Then they will have a law suit and can raise money from idiots and not have to work. But that's probably because I'm in denial that they are serious because it frightens me too much.

tim maguire said...

mockturtle said...I want to see the 8 black identities.

Chris Rock identified at least two. ;-D

But you can only talk about one of them on this blog.

DavidUW said...

But when whites take their kids out of public schools, it's "white flight" because they're racists.

uh ok.

Doug said...

Don't tell me you got taken in by this gag, did you? This is obviously some wacky scam. Right?
Right guys?

Anonymous said...

Mr Wibble. "I seek Reptiloid Supremacy."

Galapagos Islands. Seek your bliss.

pious agnostic said...

Yeah, the really racist guy in here isn't getting the attention he wants. Let's keep it that way.

wildswan said...

From Barnor Hesse's Twitter account
"Winter in America: 7 degrees f in Chicago, recently up from 1 degree; deep in inches & inches of forbidding snow that looks threatening even in shelter; & still the snow continues to fall in unrelenting fractal fragments, as matters of fact, as if a metaphor for white supremacy."

I checked to make sure this person was a Professor. He is at Northwestern University, African-American Studies, been there since 2014. He got his PhD in Government (Ideology and Discourse Analysis) in England at the University of Essex in the Nineties. He thinks Europe is more progressive than Chicago. In terms of mainstream Foucauldian deconstructionism, his outlook is the unchallengeable heart of it all. But I don't think the Chinese believe it at all.

Original Mike said...

"this diagram for parents of schoolkids — is really horrific"

Who could have foreseen the result of rejecting colorblindness as a principle?

PM said...

Wonder how many parents sprayed coffee on their keyboards.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This stuff needs to be mocked hard and often. Maybe we can come up with some good Latin phrases to mock this shit. I was watching a Roadrunner cartoon last week and they showed Wiley Coyote as "Carnivorous Ridiculi". I thought that was apt and hilarious!

Narr said...

"Being decent to people who aren't me."

That doesn't make a lick of sense.

Who are the people who are me, anyway?

I'm Full of Soup said...

How would you say Liberal Lunacy in Latin?

Breezy said...

This has to be a joke. Is it April Fool’s day?

Narr said...

The People Who Are Me would make a good band name.

Soup--Argumentum ad bovis stercore

Ignorance is Bliss said...

People who identify with whiteness are one of these.

I happen to be white. Lucky for me, I don't identify with whiteness, so none of the rest of the bullshit applies to me.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Narr-thanks but that’s not catchy. We need things that are memorable. Creating a snarky white culture maybe.

D.D. Driver said...

Fine. Then wokeness is "toxic niceness."

boatbuilder said...

The guy who put this out is a SCHOOL PRINCIPAL?

Why hasn't he been fired?

I am trying to imagine how I would react as the parent of a third grader--or any grader--who got that thing from the principal. I'm trying to think whether I would approach him with calm, measured tones and demand that he personally apologize to my child, or (more likely) try to rip his throat out.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Idem Stultus Amentia....same liberal lunacy.

Renee said...

I couldn't understand that chart.

chickelit said...

Is racial "wokeness" something that the Obamas (both of them) longed for but didn't push through?

Are they now pushing through via proxies?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"niceness" - is that the new cover for Rolph?

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

What Matt said.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I blame wokeness for the lousy music today.

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

To what extent is "wokeness" like the "born again" movement of the '70's"?

NCMoss said...

If everyone ignored the "White" box on the US census and identified as "Other" (which is actually more accurate) we would no longer have White people; problem solved.

traditionalguy said...

The actual Third Reich guys decided to exterminate the Slavs so they could build a German State in Russia. That was their biggest mistake. But in the first 5 months of their attack on Russia they managed to kill 15,000,000 civilian slavs outright plus 2,000,000 Russian Army guys. Then Stalingrad held the line, and by 1944 the German forces were the ones being destroyed at the cost of 5,000,000 more Russian civilians by starvation 3,000,000 more Russian Army guys in the Manstein v. Zhukov tank battles.

Now the Nazis of today’s world wants to exterminate the white population of North America who stole the place from the British and the red men. Will we fight them or surrender.

LA_Bob said...

Achilles said, "The ultimate goal of all of this is to destroy the concept of colorblindness."

Nah...the ultimate goal of this (to the extent there really is an "ultimate goal") is to put in money in the pockets of POC "opinion leaders" who would otherwise have to earn an honest living and honestly can't do that.

Bilwick said...

Wokeness = niceness with a gun pointed at your head.

The Godfather said...

We have made tremendous progress in this country in reducing racist thinking and attitudes among the majority (White) population. We haven't reached nirvana yet, and perhaps we never will, but it's a very different country from the one I grew up in (I was born in 1943). And now some people want to revive racialist thinking and behavior, on the theory, I guess, that if they can make White people feel guilty enough about being White, Black and Brown and etc. people will somehow benefit. But it won't work and it can't work. If you persuade White people that race is what's really important, they, like normal human beings of any race, will advance the cause of their own race. They will not (except for a few sick and feckless folks) accept the status of racial villain.

Gulistan said...

Looks like the Hauser tweets are all deleted or protected now.

chickelit said...

How does Latin translate: "From one, many" Because that's the new mantra/motto.

Gahrie said...

Look people, you are making a big mistake here, that could have terrible consequences.

Most White people in the United States do not think of themselves as White people, they think of themselves as Americans. I think one of the problems with Black culture is the fact that most Black people reject thinking of themselves as American, and insist on thinking of themselves as Black people.

If you convince a majority of White people to start thinking of themselves as White people, and that being white matters, you are not going to be pleased with the results.

Where is the logic in promoting the idea that "Whiteness" exists, while simultaneously insisting that every thing virtuous is "Whiteness" (Remember the Smithsonian exhibit at of all places the African American History Museum?) and all White people indulge in "Whiteness"? Do you really want to convince a majority of White people that they are different from Black people, and more successful because of those differences? (Sort of like the idea that Black and Brown people are incapable of getting photo ids?)

Isn't this just a return of racialized Social Darwinism, and isn't the logical end a form of eugenics ala Margaret Sanger?

Gahrie said...

... or worse.

n.n said...

Woke and drowsy. Niceness bullshit. #PrinciplesMatter #BabyLivesMatter(BLM)

doctrev said...

Gahrie said...
... or worse.

2/15/21, 9:59 PM

I choose worse. White people weren't the driving force behind the ACLU and most of the major legal attacks against American Christianity. And CLEARLY all lesser avenues to mitigate their evil influence have failed.

Achilles said...

Bob said...

Achilles said, "The ultimate goal of all of this is to destroy the concept of colorblindness."

Nah...the ultimate goal of this (to the extent there really is an "ultimate goal") is to put in money in the pockets of POC "opinion leaders" who would otherwise have to earn an honest living and honestly can't do that.


Are you that shallow in your thinking?

The pawns are as you say.

But the people pulling the strings are not.

Sebastian said...

"wokeness = niceness"

Yes, I've detected that among progs as well.

If it persists, I'll modify my nice-women-are-irrelevant rants, since it seems clearly a play for nice women to join the prog fold.

Anonymous said...

I've lived with both black and brown. Jesse Jackson started the whole 'black and brown' thing.

Black ain't brown. Brown ain't black. Jesse was trying to pad his numbers. After the Democrat Congress in the early '80s gave women Affirmative Action preference, Jesse started saying, 'black and women'. Jesse knew the grift.

My 'lived experience' is that Black is loud and vulgar. Exciting on a Saturday night. It's exhausting if you ain't them the rest of the week.

Brown is...brown. White people with a tan. Ain't no black AND brown.

Achilles said...

Gahrie said...

Look people, you are making a big mistake here, that could have terrible consequences.

Most White people in the United States do not think of themselves as White people, they think of themselves as Americans. I think one of the problems with Black culture is the fact that most Black people reject thinking of themselves as American, and insist on thinking of themselves as Black people.

If you convince a majority of White people to start thinking of themselves as White people, and that being white matters, you are not going to be pleased with the results.

The people pulling the strings know exactly how it is going to work out for everyone.

There are always stupid pawns and they will get smashed.

There are no mistakes being made here by the people in charge.

doctrev said...

Achilles said...

There are no mistakes being made here by the people in charge.

2/15/21, 10:30 PM

Admittedly, the success of the plan to destroy American society with the reaction to a Chinese bioweapon is no cause for American optimism. But you're 100% wrong in one thing. If the people in charge were perfectly in control, election night would never have been close for Trump. The systems needed would have prepared for the complete overwhelm, instead of requiring a Venenzuela-style shutdown in the middle of the night.

Besides, tyrants and presidents alike could tell you how no war of the 20th century turned out exactly the way they wanted it. Have a bit of faith in yourself, if not in your people.

Blair said...

We have to stop these people before they stop us.

Anonymous said...

Gahrie. "most Black people reject thinking of themselves as American"

I've only met one. I shared a cab with a Nigerian guy. That means he and I leased a cab for 24 hrs. He drove 12 hrs. I drove the other 12 hrs. When he finished the shift, he came and picked me up, then I drove him home. When I was done, I picked him up, then he drove me home. He was kinda new to the whole American thing and didn't think he measured up yet.

Blacks born in America? Never met one that thought of themselves as anything but American.

Jim K said...

Charles Cooke blogged about the Emily Hauser tweet here:

Emily Hauser suggests that:

"Woke," like "PC" before it, means "being decent to people who are not you" and it is genuinely remarkable how many people are willing to go on record as being firmly opposed to such an endeavor.

— Emily L. Hauser אלה אסתר (@emilylhauser) February 15, 2021

Anonymous said...

I have not yet met a 'Progressive' who was willing to ..."being decent to people who are not you."

Instead...a sniff and an upturned smugness when referring to Flyover people. The 'Other'.

Antonio M. Haynes said...

Candidly not sure why this is horrific. If it’s a tool to help parents figure out how to speak other than in slogans and shibboleths, what’s the issue? Aren’t we debating ideas?

Ken B said...

Here’s an example of wokeness=niceness https://twitter.com/emilylhauser/status/1361363646706761736

Ken B said...

It’s there because Biden withdrew Trump’s order forbidding it.

Gospace said...

I do believe Gahrie was referring to self evaluation question, "Name 5 things you are" or Name 10 things you are".

Military people like me almost always answer 1- rank 2 American 3 husband 4 father 5 (sailor, soldier, airman, Marine), For men who aren't husbands and fathers some other personal relationship will likely be there- uncle, brother, whatever.

Most white males will list job title or job first, then husband/father if they are, then American, then something else. Many times it will be their religious identity.

Most white women list mother, wife, if they are, and other things. To tell the truth, I'm not really up on what women answer- the discussions I see on the test normally center on what men answer.

Blacks, almost universally, answer 1. Black, and everything else will follow. If you use the "name 10" - they may get to American. Rarely will a Caucasian answer white going to 10. They may answer Italian, Irish, English, or some other place they've never been to that they're 3 or more generations removed from. But not "white".

Asians, BTW, never answer Asian. Asian isn't an identity for any of them. Korean, Japanese, Chinese (and don't you dare mistake one for the other), Thai, etc., but never Asian. But if they're 3rd or more generation American- one of the top 5 is American, and they're ethnic identity won't be mentioned as they identify other things they are. It likely will show up in the name 10 list.

Most American blacks if you ask them "Do you identify as American?" will of course say yes. But if you ask them to self identify the 5 things they are, American most of the time will not appear on the list. That's a huge disconnect between them and every other ethnic group in America.

Liberals and Democrats, being racist- since they are the people who consider race in every facet of their decisions, are doing their best to get white Americans to see themselves first and foremost as whites. Best hope and pray they don't succeed. It will not be a good thing. American can encompass anyone who identifies as American. White can be differentiated at a glance.

DeepRunner said...

I'm so old I can remember when only white folks were racists.

Here's what it says about Mark Federman, principal at East Side, who appears to be a white guy: "The school benefits from the steady leadership of Mark Federman, who has been the principal since 2001. Federman has made it a high priority to create an inclusive environment for all and is very committed to making LGBTQ [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning] students feel safe and at home."

White abolition DEFINITELY sounds inclusive.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

According to that chart, I am prepared to declare myself proudly White Supremacist. I absolutely do believe the white culture is superior to the black culture. The reason I believe this is that I am not blind, deaf, and stupid. I don't know if Asian or Indian or whatever cultures stack up well, all things considered, against regular old white people in the U.S. or not but I suspect not since we have dominated the globe for many, many years. White, western civilized folks have dominated, that is.

Anonymous said...

Candidly not sure why this is horrific.

It's racist.

If it’s a tool to help parents figure out how to speak other than in slogans and shibboleths, what’s the issue?

It's explaining to parents that their kids are now subject to racist indoctrination.

Aren’t we debating ideas?

Are you debating ideas or indoctrinating 9-year-olds? Why do you think teaching self-hatred is appropriate in a classroom? This principal has made a list of the "white kids" under his care and has special instructions for them. Why is that okay in your world?

Anonymous said...

If everyone ignored the "White" box on the US census and identified as "Other" (which is actually more accurate) we would no longer have White people; problem solved.

That's not going to work if principals and other government officials start making lists of white people (in this case, white children) and have different treatment for them.

It doesn't matter if you define as non-racial, when government officials are allowed to go down this road. This is ugly shit and should immediately be attacked.

Night said...

Wokenss needs its roots searched by people who use it affectionately.

MadTownGuy said...

Here's the publisher of the graphic:

Slow Factory Foundation

"We are a 501c3 public service organization working at the intersection of Climate & Culture;
building anti-racist community and growing climate-positive global movements.

MadTownGuy said...


"About the Foundation

Slow Factory sees fashion as a vehicle for social, cultural and environmental change. Our work expands far beyond the fashion industry in scope and impact.

We are a 501c3 public service organization operating as an open education institute, an independent research lab & new media platform, and a granting & empowerment fund. We believe in a regenerative, climate-positive, anti-racist approach to creating climate change solutions and ultimately systemic change.

Our initiatives and programs focus on circular design, material innovation and addressing social inequity. Through our media platforms, we translate complex information related to climate and social justice for the public.

MadTownGuy said...

Ken B said...
"Here’s an example of wokeness=niceness https://twitter.com/emilylhauser/status/1361363646706761736"

I clicked on the link and apparently Emily Hauser doesn't let just anybody view her tweets. Her followers extol the virtues of cancel culture so it kind of gives me a clue as to her doctrinal proclivity.

wendybar said...

And then they wonder why we point and laugh at them?? If THAT is being NICE to Whiteys, then leave me alone, and leave me out of your wokeness. I would rather be asleep.

wendybar said...

The sad part is that they think this is going to cure Racism.

rhhardin said...

Nobody's nicer than I am, unwokeness being part of it.

MadTownGuy said...

wendybar said...

"The sad part is that they think this is going to cure Racism."

Here's my take: their intent isn't to cure racism; it's to eliminate capitalism. That's why I posted the backgrounder about the organization that produced the materials. BLM, Green New Deal, and the other current political movements are stalking horses for the leftists who have coopted the Democratic Party to move us toward socialism...for our own good, of course.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The world is sick but we are the doctors. The world is anaemic but we are the vitamins. The world is weary but we are the strength. We are here to make the world healthy once again with hard work, with honesty, with clarity, with decency. We are the product of loving mothers and brave fathers. We are the embodiment of love and bravery. We are the gift of both god and science. We are the answer to the question. We are the promise delivered to all mankind. For that we raise our hand to one nation. We step to the beat of one drum. We march to the beat of one heart and it is this song that we will sing to this world. We are the people who carry the children on our shoulders in the same way that our fathers carried us and their fathers carried them. We are the one people united and strong. We are the one people with certainty, moral certainty. We are invincible and we have no fear because the truth makes us wise.
Renate Richter, Iron Sky

Tina Trent said...

It was 1991 or 1992 at a universally required student assembly (I was not a student but forced to attend because my federally-funded boss was running the event) at DeKalb (now Perimeter) Community College, where I first witnessed a chart similar to this one. Afterwards, students were told to line up at one of two microphones for questions or comments. The microphones were turned off whenever a white student tried to speak into them. The audience was informed that this behavior was part of the lesson whites needed to learn. Hundreds of white community college students, many poor and working crap jobs to pay for the privilege of being thus abused, sat in silence, understanding the consequences for speaking out. Some were crying. All were publicly humiliated. This was no unusual occurrence. This was thirty years ago.

Nice to see Glenn Greenwood only took three decades to notice. He used to profit off this fascist — yes fascist, yes racist — garbage at Salon and it never bothered him then. He should clean up his own house before acting outraged now. I objected to my boss and the administration immediately and refused to keep my mouth shut about this and other behavior when VISTA tried to shut me up. They offered me a transfer in exchange for keeping quiet. Literally, directly in those terms. I refused, still got the transfer, ignored the threats, reported the racist crook and creep, and slept well at night, though nothing ever happened to him. If I could do that then, where were all the employed and tenured and better-paid pundits and faculty? For 30 years I met nobody in academia with the integrity to resist.

They were all trying very hard to pretend to not see it. Cowards all.

Rusty said...

I disagree. I think there ultimate goal is to the people demand that our government leaders "do something". At which time they become our government rulers. People on the left crave a strong powerful father figure.

Bob Loblaw said...

Here's my take: their intent isn't to cure racism; it's to eliminate capitalism. That's why I posted the backgrounder about the organization that produced the materials. BLM, Green New Deal, and the other current political movements are stalking horses for the leftists who have coopted the Democratic Party to move us toward socialism...for our own good, of course.

If that's the case, they've badly miscalculated. You need a certain amount of unity in a society for socialism to bumble along for a few generations. It doesn't work from day one if different factions have gone into their respective silos and fight each other for largesse from the state.

IMO the most likely scenario is this kind of stuff is supported by various interests who stand to benefit from a sharply divided society. The true believers aren't very bright and haven't really thought through the implications of their actions.

mockturtle said...

People on the left crave a strong powerful father figure.

Yeah, that's why they elected Biden, I guess. ;-)

Russell said...

Well, I think the base point is correct. What we called 'political correctness' was, at the outset, a concept for rightly being sympathetic to historical struggles others may go through and so don't be a insensitive douchebag. Don't judge if you haven't walked in their shoes. That sort of mostly reasonable thing.

But it has long since become an authoritarian cudgel whose current goal (maybe it was the goal all along) is not to actually* eliminate racism but to get revenge on past racism with racism pointed in a different direction. Who cares if the victims and beneficiaries will not be the people who perpetuated the historical wrong or the people who suffered most in the past.

*Oh crap, I'm a white male who just said 'actually.' I'll be off giving myself the allotted amount of lashes.

Rusty said...

For Garhie, "IT’S CLEAR OUR ELITES REGARD CHINA AS A ROLE MODEL, NOT A WARNING: An Uneasy Echo Between ‘Post-Insurrection’ America and the Political ‘Rectifications’ of Communist China. “There are uncanny parallels between what has happened post-Jan. 6 in America and the CCP political campaigns of yesteryears. . . . The CCP elite uses political campaigns to consolidate power and “normalize” communist rule over China. In most political campaigns, the Party designates a segment of the population as the enemy (“counter-revolutionaries,” “capitalist roader,” etc.), then relies on propaganda organs to set the new political reality and acceptable discourse. Through indoctrination or intimidation, the rest of the population is made to struggle against the demonized segment lest they are struggled against. . . . There are uncanny parallels between what has happened post-Jan. 6 in America and the CCP political campaigns of yesteryears. The establishment is promoting one accepted way to view the Capitol riots in the face of evidence challenging that view, and is designating as enemies the segment of the American population that supports former President Donald Trump or expresses skepticism about the outcome of the 2020 election. The current political climate has prompted people to report their family and friends to the authorities—the FBI received more than 100,000 such tips, according to the Washington Post. In China, virtually all the Party’s political campaigns feature the establishment of a political orthodoxy and encourage informants in a bid to turn the masses against each other.”"
From that other legal scholar.
Mock. True. Hardly Biden, but if you consider the leviathan as ruler...….

DanTheMan said...

>>The guy who put this out is a SCHOOL PRINCIPAL?

I'm sure he treats his white teachers fairly and equitably. There is clear no hostile environment for them, of course.

Just like if the races were reversed.

Sam L. said...

"Wokeness" doesn't DO "nice" or "considerate". "Wokeness" does do "You are STUPID".

KellyM said...

Excellent article which outlines the playbook:


tree hugging sister said...

I don't see an arrow for "white decent human being," so I've decided not to play.

They can bill me.

Patrick Henry said...

Glenn Loury (who is black, if it matters) has a lot to say about the Unspeakable Truths About Racial Inequality In America.

For our resident leftists/progressives, I highly highly recommend reading it.

I also recommend Spending some quality time with John McWhorter. He's also black.

Patrick Henry said...

From the end of the article by Mr. Loury I referenced above:

Here, then, is my final unspeakable truth, which I utter now in defiance of “cancel culture”: If we blacks want to walk with dignity—if we want to be truly equal—then we must realize that white people cannot give us equality. We actually have to actually earn equal status. Please don’t cancel me just yet, because I am on the side of black people here. But I feel obliged to report that equality of dignity, equality of standing, equality of honor, of security in one’s position in society, equality of being able to command the respect of others—this is not something that can be simply handed over. Rather, it is something that one has to wrest from a cruel and indifferent world with hard work, with our bare hands, inspired by the example of our enslaved and newly freed ancestors. We have to make ourselves equal. No one can do it for us.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Emily Hauser suggests that:
"Woke," like "PC" before it, means "being decent to people who are not you" and it is genuinely remarkable how many people are willing to go on record as being firmly opposed to such an endeavor.

— Emily L. Hauser אלה אסתר (@emilylhauser) February 15, 2021

Let me know when Emily is ready to be to white cis het male Evangelical Christian Trump supporters.

Until then? She can FOAD. Because until then, she's utterly opposed to "being decent to people who are not you".

JAORE said...

Be nice or I'll f'ing ruin you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this America. What has man wrought in this bubbling cauldron of people from every corner of the world.

Who on this planet has not come here? This thing...this miracle that is called the United States of America. Started by the English...seasoned by all who were drawn to it.

It will be gone soon enough. But...take a moment to marvel at the power of the idea.

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