"I am asked to do the same, as well as to support a curriculum for students that teaches them to project those same stereotypes and assumptions onto themselves and others. I believe such a curriculum is dehumanizing, prevents authentic connection, and undermines the moral agency of young people who are just beginning to find their way in the world. Although I have spoken to many staff and faculty at the college who are deeply troubled by all of this, they are too terrified to speak out about it. This illustrates the deeply hostile and fearful culture that pervades Smith College. The last straw came in January 2020, when I attended a mandatory Residence Life staff retreat focused on racial issues. The hired facilitators asked each member of the department to respond to various personal questions about race and racial identity. When it was my turn to respond, I said 'I don’t feel comfortable talking about that.' I was the only person in the room to abstain. Later, the facilitators told everyone present that a white person’s discomfort at discussing their race is a symptom of 'white fragility.' They said that the white person may seem like they are in distress, but that it is actually a 'power play.' In other words, because I am white, my genuine discomfort was framed as an act of aggression. I was shamed and humiliated in front of all of my colleagues."
Writes Jodi Shaw, resigning from her staff position at Smith College, quoted at "Whistleblower at Smith College Resigns Over Racism Jodi Shaw made less in a year than the cost of tuition. She was offered a settlement, but turned it down. Here's why" (bariweiss.substack).
Kafka Trap.
I'm an example of white robustness.
Blacks should be more like Asians, study hard and get good grades.
doesn't this SHOW, that we shouldn't have to hire whites?
shouldn't we be allowed to refuse positions to people based on the color of their skin?
Isn't THAT what america is ALL ABOUT?
Every time I read one of these stories; I reread it and switch the colors described. Then I reflect and realize what it was really like to live with the KKK, because a new version of it exists today, run by the same people, pushing the same race war.
It's funny, I just read the article/letter and then tuned in to AA and there it was. I can not believe what higher education has become. The first of my grandchildren is heading off to Penn State this fall (3rd generation). I suspect PSU is not this bad ... yet. But it won't be long.
The Woke have so thoroughly infested academia, corporate America, our political class, and the media/Big Tech, that they now hold the positions to finish the work of trying to infect everyone else.
Here's Coca-Cola's instructions on race. You will think poorly of yourself or you won't work here
Now- just insert the word 'Jew' into their training module instead of 'white' and you can see how all collectivism ends up being the same thing. Or 'Asian' or 'Christian'...or 'Black'. People need to start actively rejecting this. Stand up. Walk out. Refuse to go along. Shine a light on them, and let's start actively removing the cancer from our society.
Lots of money is being made by race hustlers.
Can't make an omelet with breaking eggs... right, guys? V.I. Lenin approves.
The inevitable result of women in charge. Feelings take over from structure. What gives you the institutions is structure.
Women are in charge because men are bemused. The women take themselves so seriously, is a big part of it.
There used to be college courses called poets' physics, satisfying the science requirement but not too hard for people with no physics intuition or math ability.
It didn't take over the institution though.
just to be clear:
this 'Smith College' has been discriminating against MEN, since their founding; right?
If it's A Okay to refuse service to people, based on their chromosomes; Why NOT their DNA?
Retired now, but my previous employer was just starting to get into Critical Race Theory training before I left. The people in charge said all the right things during the meeting, but seldom acted in a way that showed they believed it or planned to make significant changes themselves.
Hoping that transgender sports participation at the college level lights the fuse. Ladies getting pummeled by men may not go over well. I could be wrong.
Red Guards struggle session
Good for Jodi Shaw. We need a lot more like her, both men and women.
That's a well-written letter.
I am thinking I need to use the Amazon portal to buy a lens case to hold all the various lenses through which I am asked to view things. One time I was asked to view something through a different lens I picked up a kaleidoscope - all hell broke loose.
All the problems of the modern world are not caused by women.
And I hate to break this to you, but Ann Althouse is a woman.
rhhardin said: Women are in charge because men are bemused
Was on a recent corporate level zoom session following up on unconscious bias training. Over 500 participants. Easily 90% of the chat comments were from women in the org. Not sure why the men aren’t equally participating......
College is a waste of borrowed money and a padded Ponzi scheme for liberals who produce nothing but credentials and sweet pensions for themselves.
I’m shocked.
"All the problems of the modern world are not caused by women."
There is a real problem, though: if a woman rejects victimization based on racial grievance, then there's no way that she can sustain an argument for victimization based on gender grievance. A lot of prosperous women are making their living on that specific argument, so they have to throw their weight in the side of all the victimization arguments.
The previous post on feudalism someone (Rory?) said it wasnt about sexism but class. ~power
This one isn't about race, its about class.!~power
Here in the US we are devolving into the same class based society.
Listen to the science is nothing more than listen to the Lord, or Duke. Except the the title of nobility is PhD(enter Dr Biden). Elevated by linage. (University that granted the title of nobility.)
The evidence shows up almost daily. A huge glaring sign showed up this week. Fauci was doing is n'teenth tv interview, and he was asked about the CDC saying, again, that there was no reason not to fully open schools to in person learning. Fauci said he had no opinion, but the important thing was to get Bidens covid relief package passed.
So the "expert" that has been demanding the population follow his precise orders concerning the most simple of human actions, goes silent on something he is trained to comment about(spread of infectious disease), bows to the political entity, the teachers unions, and turns 100% political. All the while ignoring the science.
Because we have been conditioned to listen to the Nobility.
according to their website, tuition is $53,940, which; with room&board and fees comes to $73,652
so, about 200 to about 300 THOUSAND DOLLARS for a 'degree' (not including books)
WHAT is your child getting for that quarter of a million dollars?
WHAT are YOU getting for that quarter of a MILLION dollars?
If you invested that $300,000 in S&P500 spiders, you'd be making about $30,000...
If your child reinvested it... It'd Double in about 7 years, and DOUBLE AGAIN years later
That's a MILLION DOLLARS by the time they're 35
OR... You could give that money to Smith College; and get an 'education'
I can't think of anyone recently red-pilled harder than Bari Weiss.
There is a GoFundMe page for Jodi Shaw.
of course; neither you, nor your children actually HAVE the $300,000
You're going to saddle your child with Crippling Debt... To Start their life
All the problems of the modern world are not caused by women.
Women told us women were the solution to all our problem.
Tattoo on the forearm first, then to the showers.
Looks like I got old just in time.
Smith decided they had to accept transwomen. Post-op? Pre-op? I don't know. But logic then dictated that they couldn't accept transmen, though those who are already there have the "full support" of the college.
I don't know what to make of all this. It just makes me wish the robots would hurry up and take over already.
My brother taught at Smith briefly, in the theater dept. He is very liberal to my reading, and we were talking fifteen years ago about Smith's politics. "The mission of Smith is to train women to run the world," he laughed. "That would be the middle-of-the-road position there. I am considered far-right."
Women seem to be leading the pushback:
Helen Pluckrose
Abigail Shrier
Bari Weiss
Jodi Shaw
Pluckrose in particular is setting up the infrastructure for a longterm effort
behold the modern left:
You must buy Colbert and Maddow lies - and become a racist for the woke cause - all while you call everyone around you who does not adhere to the woke cause -- a "white supremacist"
Lurker21 said...
Smith decided they had to accept transwomen. Post-op? Pre-op? I don't know. But logic then dictated that they couldn't accept transmen, though those who are already there have the "full support" of the college.
yep! According to their website
We welcome applicants who identify as women, including those who were assigned male at birth. No specific documentation is required to verify an applicant’s gender.
so, SAY you're a woman, and it's A Okay!
Smith does not accept applications from men, including those assigned female at birth. Our community does include and value male students who transitioned after their admission to Smith.
so, don't Tell anyone (don't tell THEM!) that you're a guy, and You are IN
Once you're IN, you can BE ANYONE YOU WANT!
Such a clear statement, so well prepared. Feels like a huge moment in the culture war. May it be.
This illustrates the deeply hostile and fearful culture that pervades...
...academia in general -- and entertainment and media and medicine and the legal profession and government and so on.
All of them in the grip of the left.
People need to start actively rejecting this. Stand up. Walk out. Refuse to go along.
Who? You mean a bunch of cranky conservatives? Like that has worked well the last 40 years.
No, it is not "people" who need to start actively rejecting this. It is the the liberals and otherwise reasonable Democrats, the crowd who voted for Biden, the person who runs this blog -- they are the ones who need to stand up and walk out and refuse to go along.
The collaborators need to stop cowering and stop priding themselves on how they got rid of the evil boogeyman of the day/week/month/year and confront the authoritarian dictatorships they have helped build.
"The people in charge said all the right things during the meeting, but seldom acted in a way that showed they believed it or planned to make significant changes themselves."
Right now, it is not about the people in charge. It's about the people not in charge, who really need the job. It's about you and me.
The people in charge will get their turn, but that comes later. See: the French Revolution; the Bolsheviks.
"There is a GoFundMe page for Jodi Shaw."
I contributed.
Here is a link to her GoFundMe page.
This idiot wanted to teach students about library research by using rap songs, enforced the anti-white racist agenda for several years in a position that is essentially designed to inculcate anti-whiteness in incoming freshmen, and is now behaving as if she’s surprised it’s her turn for the bus tire facial. How many young minds did she break before that?
Screw all these new “heroes.” Anyone who wasn’t speaking out against these things by the mid-90’s in academia were complicit in enforcing them, actively or passively.
Maybe she can get a job at National Review.
You can thank the Propaganda media for this. All of this white hatred is not going to end well. Keep pushing it Kamala. I don't know WHY China Joe hates his own race, but nowadays he does.
It's funny, I just read the article/letter and then tuned in to AA and there it was. I can not believe what higher education has become. The first of my grandchildren is heading off to Penn State this fall (3rd generation). I suspect PSU is not this bad ... yet. But it won't be long.
Penn State is plenty woke. I'm an old grad. I haven't kept as close tabs on PSU as previously, since most universities today are a lost cause anyway. But for years they were one of the worst state-school offenders in the wars over political correctness, speech codes (there are still designated free-speech zones on campus), oppression studies, the works. As expected, a quick look shows critical race theory is thriving there.
It's probably not as bad as Smith, yet.
Tina Trent--I don't think you have the facts right.
Nice rant, though. Do you ever persuade anyone or do you just tick them off?
If you want to donate to people who actually were speaking out back then or claiming to do so now, do your homework. Only a handful of people or nonprofits actually did stand up early — Dissident Prof is one — or suffered real consequences, or use your donations for things other than pricey banquets and prizes they hand off to each other like candy. I have a good short list — and zero financial benefit or involvement with the one I mentioned here, though I defended their tax status, pro-bono. And I won, when several of the big name nonprofits were fundraising off the IRS scandal, taking a few token cases, if that, and pocketing the rest.
There are lots of grifters across the political spectrum. And pretty much all of education is a grift these days, outside some legal/business training, and medical, engineering, tech, and science training. It’s nice to hear people speak out, but this woman wasn’t pissed until the identity sword turned on her.
7:14 Temujin.
I watched that.
Watch the opening ad with Ben Shapiro. He talks about the women was fired from the Disney Mandalorian because she is conservative.
If homosexuals, blacks, browns, females, disabilities, and on and on are protected from being fired or discriminated against - it's time to add conservatives to that list of minorities.
the bigoted leftwing bully machine must stop.
The white left will crush you.
fuck coka-cola btw.
Done drinking that shit.
She is very brave, to renounce what is an important part of her past and to leave the environment that fostered her development into an adult, and to part ways with what was once her dream. And to do it at a time when she is at a disadvantage, practically speaking, and trying to raise her kids.
But she is raising her kids right by giving them a good example of moral courage. I hope they're old enough and have their mother's wisdom, so that they can appreciate it without dwelling on the impact to their own lives.
Each parent must teach their child the red-face test: When confronted by something that seems inherently prejudicial on race terms, substitute a different race and consider how it would be received in modern society today. That is the litmus test for our modern racism - just as it was 50 years ago, for the racism we once had grown out of.
Amadeus: I appreciate your desire to support the cause. But read this woman’s letter. She wanted to do some stupid “rap” presentation that was supposed to “introduce” students to the library. She spent years as a resident advisor. Anyone who has worked with undergraduates on any college campus in the past 30 years knows that administrative jobs including that one exist almost exclusively to enforce race and gender mau mauing, which begins during orientation and is usually a full required course for all incoming freshmen.
It is impossible to believe that she didn’t participate in the revolution until it decided to eat her.
Perhaps the corrupt elite ultra-wealthy Nancy Pelosi-Google-Twitter-Facebook CEO leftists should be requiredc to take some diversity training.
Re-program their innate racist, bigoted, Nazi, canceling, fascist bully-boy, free speech stomping, lying, selfish, belief system.
I suppose we all realize that it will be just a matter of time before 'Go Fund Me' decides that this white trash has had plenty of attention and sympathy, so it's time to pull the plug on it - now that there are enough of the wrong people paying attention, it will be time to send them all The Message.
Shaw: Equally troubling are the many others who understand and know full well how damaging this is, but do not speak out due to fear of professional retaliation, social censure, and loss of their livelihood and reputation. I fear that by the time people see it, or those who see it manage to screw up the moral courage to speak out, it will be too late.
The time to speak out was before 1993, when she graduated, and whenever Shaw first started working there. This controversy did not spring up out of nowhere. It is the fruit of decades of radicalism.
Yes, it is "too late" and yes, she is complicit.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
fuck coka-cola btw.
How it started/how it's going
Amadeus 48 said...
Tina Trent--I don't think you have the facts right.
No, Tina's correct. I've been following this for a while and Jodi Shaw was no conservative.
Same with Gina Carano of Mandalorian fame. She was not particularly anything politically, she just didn't like Disney dictating to her and spoke out about it. That, plus the twitter mob, is what got her fired, not her politics.
@Tina Trent 09:32 - Maybe you should read it again, I think you have it wrong. She had labored to create a library orientation program, only to have it squelched at the last moment because her supervisors decided instead to do something in 'rap' format - and being 'white', she would be excluded form consideration.
At the large corporation where I was chained to the oars on the lower deck, we had to endure lots of diversity sessions. This was due to a settlement of a discrimination suit. It was not lost on any of us that our performance reviews rewarded Acting White.
"The hired facilitators asked each member of the department to respond to various personal questions about race and racial identity."
The days when you could just keep your head down and not actively participate in these "trainings" are long gone. Today you are expected to participate in denouncing yourself, and shout your depraved, corrupt nature to the heavens.
Prediction: someday one of these "facilitators" will push too hard and get punched out. Or worse. Because even the friendliest dog will eventually turn on you if you keep tormenting it.
Original Mike said...Looks like I got old just in time.
I have been thinking that a lot over the past several years.
However, I worry about how my 22 y/o stepson (college senior) will survive. He is an independent thinker who can play the game, but they will eventually come for him.
Hate to sound like RH, but this is what happens when you put women in charge. They aren't really rebels or thought leaders. Women in groups usually become very conformist and avoid inter-group conflict. So everything devolves into a soft totalitarianism.
BTW, we don't have any gulags or execution chambers for political dissidents. If people don't like something they can fight back. They stay silent due to cowardice and dislike of conflict. Either be a sheep or fight back. I'm getting tired of sheep that whine.
Aggie said...
@Tina Trent 09:32 - Maybe you should read it again, I think you have it wrong. She had labored to create a library orientation program, only to have it squelched at the last moment
SHE wanted it to be rap.... THEY squelched it because that was 'cultural appropriation'
just days before I was to present a library orientation program into which I had poured a tremendous amount of time and effort, and which had previously been approved by my supervisors, I was told that I could not proceed with the planned program. Because it was going to be done in rap form and “because you are white,” as my supervisor told me, that could be viewed as “cultural appropriation.”
It doesn't take much courage and isn't all that admirable to speak out only after the finger of suspicion has been pointed at you.
Did she speak out when others were being accused of white privilege, white supremacy, outright racism? People whose beliefs and politics differed from hers? Those labelled "deplorable" for example?
I don't know, maybe she did. Good for her for objecting now that the flames have burned her. Better than nothing, I suppose. But the danger was there for all to see decades ago. THAT was the time to do something about it.
On the local news today they were talking about an increase in attacks on Asians. In all the videos I've seen the perpetrator has been black, but on the news Nancy Pelosi was blaming the attacks on white supremacy. There's really nothing it can't do.
Stop government and academia from use of skin color and 95% of real racism disappears in the US.
And whatever Shaw did or did not do in the past, speak out or be complicit, what will she do in the future?
Other examples do not offer much hope that she will stay woke about the Woke.
The left came after Mitt Romney for being a right-wing extremist (HA!). He saw what they were like. And he has been sucking their @#$% ever since.
Same with Juan Williams. He got burned by the left. He woke up to their authoritarianism. He spoke out about it at the time too. Then he went back to being a good little robot speciously attacking the right.
Someone we all know fairly well has her own bouts with realization of the evil of the left. Then she invariably goes back to her own leftist ways and thoughts.
And is squelching rap about library orientation not a good thing, in and of itself, regardless of who wants to perform that rap?
@JaimeRoberto I saw a similar report on the local news here in L.A. The implication was that a secret army of hillbillies was attacking Asians.
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
if upper middle class white people were smart (stop laughing), they'd offer their kids a choice with their college funds:
1) Go to college only if you're majoring in engineering/science/technical field
2) Here's the money to start/buy a small business.
Under no circumstances would you fund a "liberal arts" degree or any degree at the astounding number of small "liberal" arts colleges that solely exist to suck $70k/year from every set of stupid upper middle class white people while offering "classes" that are literally watching cartoons.
And, truth be told to power, it is PRECISELY the progressive left which is truly the most racist and white privileged among us. And if you get uppity and stray from the plantation, the punishments will be severe. For your own good, of course.
mikee said...
Stop government and academia from use of skin color and 95% of real racism disappears in the US.
What is real racism?
As to your point who is going to stop whom?
University of Michigan has been sued for using racial quotas in admissions for decades. Twice it went before the Supreme Court. Twice the court ruled they cannot use racial quotas. Twice, and counting, UofM said fuck-you, see you in another 6-8 years, so we can say fuck-you again.
I think that it will get very much worse. The cancel mob has proven to be extremely effective, and most folks don’t have the financial security to weather the attacks. NYC can cancel 4 contracts with the Trump Organization in petty retribution for being ...well...Trump. But it won’t change his life in any way. Everyone else pretty much has to go along with the program.
Only real ugliness will follow.
- Krumhorn
Well, it just goes to show you.
You can do the right thing, but some folks--more than I would have thought--think you should have done the right thing long ago, and therefore you deserve what bad things you get now, and you certainly don't deserve any sympathy or support.
I was raised in a Protestant religion where we read the Bible every day, particularly the Gospels. The parable of the prodigal son made a big impression on me, particularly the punchline spoken to the jealous older brother:
"And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found."
From the introduction to the parable: "I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."
@gifbar 09:55
..and the next paragraph says:
"I was up for a full-time position in the library at that time, and I was essentially informed that my candidacy for that position was dependent upon my ability, in a matter of days, to reinvent a program to which I had devoted months of time.
I guess you're meaning, convert it away from a culturally-appropriating 'rap' theme. I read it conversely. At the bottom of it, both are morally wrong since the supervisors are the ones being craven with someone else's honest efforts, can we agree that?
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. -- MLK Jr.
The ironic part is that all this obsessing about race, and emotionally beating white people up about it, isn't doing anything substantive to actually help minorities in this country.
These a!nti-racism policies in corporations will eventually lead to a flood of race discrimination lawsuits under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
The ironic part is that all this obsessing about race, and emotionally beating white people up about it, isn't doing anything substantive to actually help minorities in this country.
It makes the elite White Left feel powerful and fulfilled.
"...isn't doing anything substantive to actually help minorities in this country."
It isn't about helping minorities. It is about using race as a lever to gain power.
The startling thing to me is how far this has gotten in the USA in just a few years via the education institutions, the media, the military, and major US corporations.
The elite white left will guide us to a shining future
"Yo, I went to the f-----g library
To a get a mother f-----g book on history.
White f-----g pages 'bout white f-----g people
F-----g s--t up! White toxicity!"
That's all I got. Anyone else?
"The hired facilitators asked each member of the department to respond to various personal questions about race and racial identity."
I suspect more and more people will work from home, where you can avoid all this shit.
Republicans should think (and think hard) about undermining the institutions that are doing this indoctrinating.
1) Public Schools. We should push hard for school choice and allow people to remove their kids from this evil.
2) Corporations. We should aggressively attack monopolies and break them up. We should fight hard to allow people to work as independent contractors.
3) Government. The main way to fight racism is to attack the racial division on the census. Push back hard against the whole notion of race and racial division.
It's a war. Recognize it's a war -- a war against humanity itself -- and fight the war. Insist that we are all human beings with free will, and we are all children of God.
Lots of money is being made by race hustlers.
Sylvester McMonkey McBean.
Dr. Seuss invented that character in 1953.
When you teach your kids about "race," don't forget to teach them about Sylvester McMonkey McBean.
I read the entire letter. Sounds like what went on with me 10 years ago at a high school.
Sadly, my guess is she has and will always vote for democrats.
Insert definition of crazy here.
I see they *do* understand the "crybully" "these words put me in danger" poses are pure power plays; it's just they only determine it's when "white" people do it due to their "fragility."
So there is this story in the Washington Post today about this Black guy being released after 68 years in prison, having been locked up as a juvenile in 1953. His plight does seen rather cruel, as one wonders why he was not given an elderly release before now, if not parole when he still could have had a life.
The story says: "Ligon, 83, has never had his own place, paid a bill, cast a ballot, earned the minimum wage, lived with a partner, fathered children."
Note that litany. Note what is described and what is missing in this story written by a white woman. How she apparently views Black men. How condescending and insulting it is.
Let me give you a hint -
What is missing is "he never married," the racist assumption being from this white woman of privilege that Black men might have babies and babies mamas, but don't get married.
@Tina Trent 09:32 - Maybe you should read it again, I think you have it wrong.
I think TT has it right, that Shaw was planning to "present a library orientation program" using rap but the racists at Smith wouldn't let her do so because she was white.
Also: "I was up for a full-time position in the library at that time, and I was essentially informed that my candidacy for that position was dependent upon my ability, in a matter of days, to reinvent a program to which I had devoted months of time."
How weird is this? ---> She devoted months of her time to creating a "library orientation program" for college students. <---
1 - If people don't know how to use library, they're not ready for college.
2- Any such program or presentation for a specific set of college libraries could be created in a couple of hours and could fit on one sheet of paper or web page; no music necessary. No rap, either.
Unknown --
Like I was saying before about unrepentant, immovable leftists. They can recognize the destructiveness of what they have created, they can occasionally voice a weak objection, but in the end: They never will learn; you can't teach a Sneetch. They will go back to their ingrained leftism.
She's not alone. Not even close. There's going to be a backlash and the longer this crap goes on, the worse it's going to be. Under Biden, it's going to go full speed. It's going to create an awful lot of Jodie Shaws out there. Since they're initially all too terrified to speak up, it won't be noticed until it's way too late. Then look out. It's going to get ugly. This garbage threatens people's livelihoods in very direct ways. You don't mess with that. Ever.
I've been following this for a while and Jodi Shaw was no conservative. Same with Gina Carano of Mandalorian fame.
Some leftists are finally recognizing and calling out the insanity of leftist policies and instead of applauding them, which might encourage more, you dismiss them?
What a losing position to take.
the facilitators told everyone present that a white person’s discomfort at discussing their race is a symptom of 'white fragility.' They said that the white person may seem like they are in distress, but that it is actually a 'power play.' In other words, because I am white, my genuine discomfort was framed as an act of aggression. I was shamed and humiliated in front of all of my colleagues."
Can't live with 'em,
Pass me the pork rinds.
"How weird is this? ---> She devoted months of her time to creating a "library orientation program" for college students. <--"
I could be wrong, but I think a place like Smith has layers of do-nothing jobs, top among them those with 'diversity' in the title.
Most colleges would be better off killing at least half of the positions.
Some leftists are finally recognizing and calling out the insanity of leftist policies and instead of applauding them, which might encourage more, you dismiss them?
Put a bunch of leftists in the same room and they will tear each other apart accusing one group of this or that. Just look at the big cities and one-party Democrat states. These two women are recognizing the insanity of leftism as applied to them. Have they recognized their own participation in it in the past? Have they really and fully converted to rational thinking?
Or will next time around, will they eagerly vote for the Democrat? Will they eagerly go along with laws and policies that compel people of differing views to adopt the leftist worldview?
Yes, good for them! Clap, clap, clap. Good job recognizing the obvious and what others have been pointing out for decades. Gold star for them. But there is a hell of a lot more to be done.
The people in the big cities have recognized for decades how leftist, progressive policies have turned their neighborhoods into hell-holes and destroyed jobs.
Then they go right ahead and re-elect them time and time again.
Sorry. They don't get a medal for bitching about the destructiveness of leftism. They only get that after they stop propping them up and start denying them the power.
Hate to sound like RH, but this is what happens when you put women in charge. They aren't really rebels or thought leaders. Women in groups usually become very conformist and avoid inter-group conflict. So everything devolves into a soft totalitarianism.
Damn right. When men ran everything we didn't see any of that "soft totalitarianism"... just the hard stuff.
Anyway, enough of that silliness...
I'm a woman, and if my company tells me I have to attend one of these racist training classes I'll them no. But that doesn't make me a rebel or a leader. Just someone who has the freedom to tell people to fuck off when they push me too hard. I'm close to retirement age, have no dependents and quite a bit of savings, so it's easy for me to push back.
I feel for the men and women who have families to support, who fear the loss of their career and/or reputation. We should encourage and support them if/when they finally decide to say "enough!", and not deem them unworthy because they didn't speak up sooner.
Sylvester McMonkey McBean.
Dr. Seuss invented that character in 1953.
You do know that Dr. Seuss was a racist, right? That school librarian said so: https://www.hbook.com/?detailStory=dear-mrs-trump
"Just someone who has the freedom to tell people to fuck off when they push me too hard."
Having F-U money is a wonderful thing : )
From colored people (i.e. low information attribute) to people of color (i.e. blocs, identity defined by skin color).
Diversity dogma (i.e. color judgments), not limited to racism, denies individual dignity, individual conscience, intrinsic value, and normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination through re-education and threats of cancellation.
One step forward, two steps backward. #HateLovesAbortion
Don't be surprised if one of these days, someone just goes off during one of these bullying sessions and lays waste to the entire room.
You simply cannot treat people like this and force them to sit there and take it again, and again and again.
Thank gawd I run my own business and don't have to put up with this shit.
Hate to sound like RH, but this is what happens when you put women in charge.
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature. However, the religious (e.g. "ethical", "legal") and ideological differences among populations are not determined by sex. Around half of the female American population is conservative: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. The female sex and feminine gender are neither a deficit nor determinative of character.
re: sex and gender
Male and female. Masculine and feminine, respectively.
Separately, the transgender spectrum, including: homosexual, bisexual, intersexual, neo-sexual, is similarly low information.
Lots of money is being made by race hustlers.
The diversity racket, not limited to racism, is a subsidiary of the trillion dollar sociopolitical complex.
the method to the madness,
rcocean said...
Hate to sound like RH, but this is what happens when you put women in charge. They aren't really rebels or thought leaders. Women in groups usually become very conformist and avoid inter-group conflict. So everything devolves into a soft totalitarianism.
That's exactly what's happened to my wife's exercise group of 12 women. TWO are Trump haters (one's very bright, but the other is a clueless ditz).
During the covid lockdown seven or so of the 12 go walking around a reservoir for outdoor exercise. The two TDS women never show up, but they post on Facebook all sorts of anti-Trump vitriol and "woke" crap. The walking women always comment among themselves about how bad the comments are---but NO ONE ever challenges the two, either on Facebook or in person.
I and every husband I know among those women agree that we would tell the two harpies to FOAD. But our brides just duck their heads to avoid conflict.
n.n said...
Hate to sound like RH, but this is what happens when you put women in charge.
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature. However, the religious (e.g. "ethical", "legal") and ideological differences among populations are not determined by sex. Around half of the female American population is conservative: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. The female sex and feminine gender are neither a deficit nor determinative of character.
Who said anything about a "deficit". rocean was speaking about behavior in the face of conflict. If men and women were equal in responding to threats and conflicts women would make up half of the combat military, everywhere on the planet.
They don't.
It's a girls school. Who cares.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. -- MLK Jr.
Is it cultural appropriation for a white person to repeat that quote?
“ Don't be surprised if one of these days, someone just goes off during one of these bullying sessions and lays waste to the entire room.”
Doesn’t have to be the entire room - just the presenter. Make diversity consulting a high-risk profession. :)
If you improvise weapons from what’s in the room - water glasses, chairs, sterno trays, etc - you’ve got a good chance at a sudden insanity or provocation defense.
More seriously, the right should deplatform these speakers the way the left does: show up en masse, make noise, snatch the mike away, chain themselves to the doors, etc.
Have people with no association to the place do it, so that no one risks getting fired/expelled/etc.
Maybe you get an aggravated trespassing rap; more likely, the institution refuses to press charges and draw attention to their silliness.
If you can get six-figure crowds to the US Capitol, you can get six people to a local biz’s struggle session.
Shareholder activism could be another rightie tactic: “why are you plowing our profits into this BS?”
If men and women were equal in responding to threats and conflicts women would make up half of the combat military, everywhere on the planet.
They don't.
That does not logically follow. For example, the average man is stronger than the average woman. There are other considerations why society may distinguish between men and women in certain, key aspects of life. Why men and women may self-select based on their sex and gender.
Men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature.
Is it cultural appropriation for a white person to repeat that quote?
Cultural, even biological, appropriation, is the rule, not the exception. Semantic games, conceptual corruption, and conflation of logical domains is a progressive condition. Have pride, but be mindful of the lions.
"I suspect more and more people will work from home, where you can avoid all this shit."
Most of the work-from-homes I know report Zoom conferences taken up with the same stuff. Some are formally dedicated to it, some are normal meetings hijacked by self-appointed wokesters. The remote version is more tolerable than in-person because one can do something useful, at least until called upon to contribute.
-- MLK Jr.
Is it cultural appropriation for a white person to repeat that quote?
Not at all. In fact, MLK is actually looked down upon in some Black sectors precisely because he is the safe white man's Black man. Not a Tom, but too much in that direction for some. Many back in the day hated him.
It is rather limited, however, to reduce MLK to a single speech, much less a single line in a single speech.
Regardless of history, whenever someone raises their hand and says “this is not right” wrt to CRT, I applaud them. We get there in our own way in our own time. Her story may spur others to think about what’s going on and also realize its not ok. So, the more the merrier, from wherever we can get it.
This resonated with me, from CTH this am:
Quite a few people here being pretty scornful of this lady, accusing her of, I guess, the equivalent of a deathbed conversion to God, but I think these sentiments are poorly premised. She's been fighting the college for almost a year now over her employment treatment. She deserves respect and admiration for having the courage to take on The System to defend her sense of what's right and wrong. It matters little what her beliefs were when she began, unless one is considering the distance she's traveled. I don't think that distance is worthy of either scorn or disrespect, however. And I note that nobody else has shared their own, superior journey to support their criticisms.
Rod Dreher interviewed her a few months ago.
Yeah. What did I tell ya ?
Help Jodi Shaw with Legal and Living Expenses
$158,154 raised of $150,000 goal
235 shares - 2.2K followers
2,202 people just donated
Jodi Shaw is organizing this fundraiser.
***ATTENTION*** GoFundMe has placed a hold on all funds and this fundraiser "under review." I fear this is for ideological reasons. If this is true, it only demonstrates the magnitude of what we are up against.
I certainly can judge MLK Jr by that one quotation -- because it is the TRUTH of what America should be. He meant what he said and there is no weaseling around that wish of his by trying to quote other speeches or known comments. I like to pick out a piece of the scripture every morning that Jesus spoke. Just because the Old Testament and some parts of the New Testament conflict with what my Lord and Savior preached doesn't make his words any less than the TRUTH>
Have a blessed day.
Please stop demanding purity tests.
She could be our Rosa Parks.
This is worth knowing about:
I watched her first video linked to the Weiss post.
It wont be easy to dismiss/destroy her.
Amadeus and Aggie: if you didn’t know things this bad and worse were being inflicted on college students since the early 90’s by women with job titles like “resident advisor” who think it’s cute to rap to adults about how to use a library, then I can’t help you.
Because it’s too late now. Because we didn’t stop them then. I had male students transferring into my class in the early 90’s to escape being accused of being white male oppressors in freshman comp. Now freshman comp itself is deemed racist and fresh-personothers get oriented to club gulag by resident advisors who couldn’t even explain how to use a card catalogue in standard English.
They’re doing this to kindergartners. This isn’t our “Rosa Parks” moment: it’s Baby Jessica in the well. Everyone gets excited, but it’s just the latest bread and circuses. This isn’t a purity test: it’s a reality check.
So another lefty turned when it was convenient for her. Seriously, I can’t believe anyone doesn’t believe that she happily inflicted this on others up until the very moment the same was done to her. Or that she doesn’t still think it shouldn’t be done to people like you. If she’s a leftist and votes, she likely just voted for an administration that is going to throw conservative people in prison — soon — for having the wrong opinions. I’ll send her fifty cents when she supports repealing hate speech codes and hate crime laws, which are de facto one and the same and are the moving hands strangling the First Amendment while we cheer for Baby Jessica.
Just like American Conservative turned into the opposite of what it was intended to be when they purged the conservatives and hired Rod Dreher to stare at the fluff in his belly button instead of fighting against real threats like open borders and speech codes. Mumbling about consanguinity while keeping quiet about the purges is precisely how we got to this place.
These are Dark and Perilous Days - and it will get worse under the Harris Administration.
These are Dark and Perilous Days - and it will get worse under the Harris Administration.
There is a word for this now: Neo-racist
Lead, follow, or get out of the way. The third choice is the only wrong answer dumbass.
Jim at said...
Don't be surprised if one of these days, someone just goes off during one of these bullying sessions and lays waste to the entire room.
You simply cannot treat people like this and force them to sit there and take it again, and again and again.
Thank gawd I run my own business and don't have to put up with this shit.
2/20/21, 1:52 PM
I’m continually reminded of the Declaration of Independence:
“... all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...”
There is a point when these abuses will not stand. When the government, and institutions beholden to the government, abuse instead of upholding our rights, people take notice. There will be a lot of martyrs. Indeed, it is not about ‘left’ or ‘right’ but independence and freedom verses totalitarian ideals.
Tina, I have a reaction similar to yours. Conservatives have a habit of embracing Liberals who finds themselves oppressed by the people and policies they supported. We invite Californians and New Yorkers to move to Texas in the naive belief that there’s something about the soil of Texas that makes the people in it Conservative. Now we’re surprised to find that the cities that draw these transplants are implementing the kind of Liberal policies that make these states hell-holes of racism and bigotry. At least two lessons from this: (1) be careful what you wish for, and (2) there is no magic dirt that transforms people’s politics.
I read another post about Jodi Shaw that was followed by a series of comments by a proud liberal who expressed horror at Shaw’s treatment but not before taking the opportunity to dump on Trump supporters as bigoted racist haters. I suspect that if you draw her out, Jodi Shaw would nod understandingly at that kind of political rant. After all, she is a loud and proud Smith Alum with two kids and no husband whose Go-Fund-Me site raised more than $175,000 before they shut down both contributions and distributions.
1 - If people don't know how to use library, they're not ready for college.
2- Any such program or presentation for a specific set of college libraries could be created in a couple of hours and could fit on one sheet of paper or web page; no music necessary. No rap, either.
Not so, actually. My first year of grad school at UC/Berkeley, we had an entire semester course (a two-unit course, but still) devoted to using library resources -- primarily the music library, of course, but the main library and other branch libraries as well. And we needed it. It was taught by the UC/Berkeley music librarian, the successor to the Vincent Duckles of Duckles & Keller: Music Reference and Resource Materials: An Annotated Bibliography. (That book was based on the contents of our libraries, but it's a standard reference tool at every music library in the country.) Believe me, we never got near the end of the contents of that book, and it was fantastically useful.
Of course, we were a class of two -- that was the size of the entering musicology class that year -- and the basic mechanics of "Go to the card catalog, look something up, find it in the stacks" was not what we needed to know. Though even that involved things neither of us had thought of before. Do you know all of what's on a library catalog card? Or what gets left off when the record is moved to GLADIS (the UC/Berkeley online catalog) or MELVYL (the all-UC online catalog, completely different)? What NLRF is, and how to access material there? &c., &c. We were kept very, very busy.
I tend to think the Shaw doubters are right about her. She's been knocked out of her comfortable orbit. Will she now recenter herself on new values? Unlikely. She'll wobble around in her temporary unstable path for a while before taking up a new orbit around the same mass of bullshit. They'll congratulate themselves for being ideologically diverse for tolerating her. I'll be glad to learn it if I'm wrong.
I donated.
I think it is shortsighted to dismiss this woman because she didn't speak up sooner or her journey doesn't mirror yours. People live different lives and have different experiences and values. Thankfully, she was committed enough to her core values that she could see this woke garbage for what it is: racism. People don't exit the womb with built-in beliefs. They develop over time. She had the perception to see what was happening for what it is, and the courage to stand up against it. I don't understand why anyone would do anything other than applaud that.
I am white and have no reason to be ashamed of it. I have reasons to be ashamed of some things in my life, but race isn't one of them.
I refuse to let leftists project their collective guilt onto me and will not be participating in any of the leftist inspired guilt/virtue signaling circle jerks.
Neoneocon has salient thoughts on how difficult people find it to change their political stripes. But - as she notes - some do.
It would be useful to know if anyone has spoken with Shaw frankly about what her experience means. I'm not willing to write her off, but commenters pointing out how often progressives who have been burned go back to their old ways have a point.
Whether she is a political convert seems beside the point. This is a cultural battle that we need to win, and we need as many allies as we can in that effort. Will she be an ally in other battles like election reform or the second amendment? Who knows... but this CRT garbage is an attack on our fundamental issues like freedom of speech and freedom of thought. An ally that helps us win this issue helps us lay the groundwork for those others. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Every year WIPIPO need to learn the rules. When you are called into the cauldron of Progressive hatred, anger and misery, you don't speak. You nod your head.
This has been going on since my first cauldron in 1972. I was 18. Saw a good man fired because he thought it was about 'understanding'. It wasn't. It ain't. 50 years.
Folks are buying flamethrowers. Finally.
Why would any parent send their kid to college anymore?
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