Bjorn Lomborg was interviewed this morning on Glenn Beck's radio program. He said that if you combined all the existing batteries in the United States (used to store solar and wind energy), they would power the country for a whole 14 seconds! Posted by: ShainS at February 24, 2021 07:34 PM (WqPYg) --------------
Mr. Lomborg also had the temerity to suggest the money used to fight "global warming" would be better spent supplying clean drinking water to third world countries. Posted by: blake - Dr semi lurker in marginal standing at February 24, 2021 07:36 PM (2SdPm)
But that would actually do something positive. Where is the opportunity for graft and virtue signalling? It would not play well on fakebook and twatter. How would we do an instagram of it to get upvoted from our 'friends'?
Mr. Lomborg actually knows what he is talking about and signed off on the whole green new deal nonsense a long time ago. Since he does nto support the narrative, but advocates actions that will actually make human lives better, the climate folks do not like him much.
I donate to Lomborg's think tank. He thinks like an economist- chiefly the cost/benefit of public policy decisions. That's why politicians and public policy people hate him...
The decline in COVID cases/day stopped this week. The second delta turned positive last week and the first delta turned positive yesterday. The behavior is general across all the states, too- almost all of them show the same behavior- the sudden decline reaches a valley floor in the last week except for the states in the upper midwest which reached their floor weeks ago.
It could be simply the support of the false positive rate is having a noticeable effect now. Similar behavior showed up in the numbers last Summer.
The New York Times's article about the shenanigans at Smith College is highly recommended. Though in general it is very unsympathetic toward Smith's handling of the matter, this sentence does catch one's attention: "The story highlights the tensions between a student’s deeply felt sense of personal truth and facts that are at odds with it."
Deeply felt sense of personal truth? Isn't that what Stephen Colbert, in an earlier incarnation, derided as "truthiness"?
My daughter saw some comment on FcBk that Bill Gates believes methane from cows is a greater pollutant than car exhaust. It was answered: I’ll lock myself in an enclosed garage w/a cow- Bill w/a car and we’ll discuss results in the morning. Bill Gates is pushing meatless meat- fabricated God only knows how. If the country- if the world- embraced such science, how would ppl self- sustain? As. W/GMOs that take whole cultural societies and prevent them from a sustainable way of Agricultural life- maybe one day so shall they become reliant upon others for meat. It seems implausible, yet so much of what is occurring today seemed too far out there even 4 yrs ago.
How many Tesla's would it take to store even 10% of the average power production of today's windmills and solar fields?
At least it will be a DC current, not interrupted by weather... climate change and other environmental and geographical factors. A credible local, temporal, niche solution. Also, is their viable energy potential measured in seconds or minutes? Quality of life in urban islands does not wait for in range clean, green, renewable drivers. That said, save a bird, a bat, stop tilting at, whack a windmill.
"Is there enough lithium in the world to support the Green Nude Eel?"
I would guess, no. There definitely isn't enough in proven reserves, though it is only recently that the element was in very high demand at larger scales, so reserves should rise with the price. The problem is the element is very diffuse in the crust and surface of the Earth. The oceans contain about 25 micromolar of lithium which is a quarter of a trillion tonnes, but concentrating and extracting that 25 micromolar solution takes enormous amounts of energy, and you still haven't processed it when you have the salt in hand.
My daughter saw some comment on FcBk that Bill Gates believes methane from cows is a greater pollutant than car exhaust
She's right. Methane is a highly effective first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate cooling... warming... change. However, it's not just cows, who are only of interest in their diversity, but vegans who are physically incapable of efficiently digesting vegetable matter.
Francisco D You lie. I included you in the group that posts violent fantasies, after Inga pointed out a post where you did just that. That’s not the same as accusing you of making threats. So, produce the comment to justify your lie, or apologize.
Yes, narcisco. That’s exactly what I mean- Lordy! The Big-brained booves! Hopefully, there are enough ppl that are not sheep, yet. I do appreciate the Asimov fable. n.n: LOL- and it’s all the ruminants- not merely domesticated. And it’s not the farts- cows don’t fart- they burp up their cuds. All ruminating creatures do- it probably has a purpose in keeping climate balanced- in the bigger picture of things. MockT- always<3
I’ve been wondering- could someone explain the difference chemically of the sources of methane, or are they all the same? Swamps emit methane, ruminates, vegan buttholes- decomposing manure piles(going w/what I know- methane digesters are a big hit for large farms). Why target the cows? A Trojan horse??
Methane is supposed to accelerate the carbon cycle: considering everything has carbon in it. One would think industrial byproducts would be a bigger concern.
narciso said...Methane is supposed to accelerate the carbon cycle: considering everything has carbon in it. One would think industrial byproducts would be a bigger concern.
The thinking is that volatile organics compounds (VOC's) contribute more to warming than CO2. Then it gets to relative amounts. By volume, methane is the greatest VOC. There are other intrinsically worse ones: ethane, propane, etc., but their volumes are less than methane's. Still, the greatest greenhouse gas is by far deadly dihydrogen monoxide.
n.n. said, Methane is a highly effective first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate cooling... warming... change."
I have a question. And it's a genuine question because I don't know the answer.
When people say this, and I've seen this assertion many times, are they talking about methane by itself? Or are they talking about methane in the context of our complicated atmosphere?
Here's the problem. Methane is a greenhouse gas. But so is water vapor. And we have a lot of water vapor in the atmosphere. It's unevenly distributed but there is a lot more water than methane (or carbon dioxide for that matter).
And as it happens the absorption spectrum of water vapor in the infrared (the greenhouse part) mostly overlaps with the absorption spectrum of methane. (And with carbon dioxide for that matter.)
So although methane is a significant greenhouse gas by itself, if it were by itself, how is it a significant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere when most of the greenhouse wavelengths have already been completely stripped out by the water vapor?
If something is already being completely absorbed by the atmosphere, how does adding another material that would absorb it change anything?
This seems like an essential global warming question. (And especially since the same logic would apply to carbon dioxide.) Now I've been paying attention, I think, and yet I don't know what the answer to this question is or where to go to find the answer.
That cows don't fart methane is a great disappointment to this city lad.
Here's something for you scientists, and dogs who play scientist on the Intertubes: assuming methane really is a problem, shouldn't we be less worried about mammal-caused methane and more worried about the release of the massive frozen methane deposits said to be below the warming Arctic tundra?
It looks like Congress will take a look at creating new district and circuit court judges. I don’t see why a compromise couldn’t be reached in exchange for: 1) restoring the filibuster for nominees to those positions; 2) splitting the Ninth Circuit; and 3) barring national injunctions by District Court judges (or substantially limiting them.)
I was listening to Mike Rowe’s podcast The Way I Heard It.” My batting average on figuring out the mystery subject is pretty good but I was stumped on who Jonas Grumby was. You’d think a major character on a TV show that was very popular and which has been in continuous syndication for nearly 50 years would have been easy to identify with the show.
Ken B said... Francisco D You lie. I included you in the group that posts violent fantasies, after Inga pointed out a post where you did just that. That’s not the same as accusing you of making threats. So, produce the comment to justify your lie, or apologize.
You are just as dumb as The Resident Idiot and just as dishonest.
So what's wrong with threatening violence? Seems to me that threatening violence was a significant prong of the Democrat strategy to win the 2020 election.
So to recap. Francisco made an accusation against me, based on yesterday’s thread. I explained why his charge was a lie. I asked him to produce the comment. It’s not lost in the mists of time, you don’t need google: he said it was in last night’s open thread. But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.
“But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.”
And because he’s probably already very drunk by this time of night and couldn’t find his way to his own front porch. He self reports that he is a psychologist, so he says. He has in the past years here, made several lewd references addressed me regarding sexual mechanical devices, the other day he directed a comment to me, a 69 year old grandmother of 5 regarding sexual internet pick up site, he has said he wanted to eat a sex related body part of mine and Ritmo’s brain, that was in 2018. I can only surmise he was drunk as a skunk, or else I’d have to surmise he’s a psycho.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Francisco is drunk again."
So today we fimd out that the Inga proclaimed "normal" Biden family had coked up/crack head Hunter bedding not only underage Chinese girls provided by the ChiComs AND his dead brothers wife but also the dead brothers wife's married sister...on top of Biden family members forbidding Hunter from being alone with an underage female family member.
Remember, this is what Inga calls a "normal" family type arrangement.
Narr said... That cows don't fart methane is a great disappointment to this city lad.
Here's something for you scientists, and dogs who play scientist on the Intertubes: assuming methane really is a problem, shouldn't we be less worried about mammal-caused methane and more worried about the release of the massive frozen methane deposits said to be below the warming Arctic tundra?
Narr And the world ending in a Really Bad Smell? ************
methane is odorless. It's the indoles, such as skatoles and the like that smell.
as to whether we should be "worried" about release of methane in the Arctic:
"The new review concludes that current warming of ocean waters is likely causing gas hydrate deposits to break down at some locations. However, not only are the annual emissions of methane to the ocean from degrading gas hydrates far smaller than greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere from human activities, but most of the methane released by gas hydrates never reaches the atmosphere. Instead, the methane often remains in the undersea sediments, dissolves in the ocean, or is converted to carbon dioxide by microbes in the sediments or water column."
That article is four years old, and a newer one from the Guardian raises an alarm, but it is couched in speculation:
"At this moment, there is unlikely to be any major impact on global warming, but the point is that this process has now been triggered. This East Siberian slope methane hydrate system has been perturbed and the process will be ongoing,” said the Swedish scientist Örjan Gustafsson, of Stockholm University, in a satellite call from the vessel."
Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance.
I'm watching this performance of spectacular flamenco guitar playing at the Jerry Lewis telethon now, but it was actually several years ago when I was first blown away by the performer being Charo! Yes, that Charo.
But actually, the last time I was stunned was yesterday watching a video of the band that sang Build Me Up, Buttercup. I have heard and sang along with that song a billion times. Remember now that they were part of the British Invasion. So I'm watching this video and I'm like, "WHAT? THEY ARE BLACK??" They were a British group, who'd have ever thunk it? Stunned me.
* Hunter Biden began dating his late brother Beau's widow, Hallie Biden, shortly after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015.
* The unconventional relationship was first exposed in March 2017 with Joe Biden issuing a statement giving his blessing to the couple.
* Hunter was also exchanging sexual text messages with Hallie's then-married sister Elizabeth Secundy around that time.
* In a 2016 text conversation recovered from his abandoned laptop hard drive, Hunter offered to teach Secundy 'how to masturbate'.
* Secundy, 49, who was married to husband Joel Secundy, referred to Hunter as her 'prince' and told him she loved him in the texts.
* Another conversation showed Hunter texted Secundy telling her he had been up late watching 'bad porno movies like I'm 13'.
* Secundy separated from her husband and father of her three children in 2015 after 15 years of marriage. Their divorce was finalized three years later.
farmgirl said...I’ve been wondering- could someone explain the difference chemically of the sources of methane, or are they all the same? Swamps emit methane, ruminates, vegan buttholes- decomposing manure piles(going w/what I know- methane digesters are a big hit for large farms). Why target the cows? A Trojan horse??
Scratch a warmest overwrought about methane and you’ll find a vegan. Especially in the UK.
So to recap. Francisco made an accusation against me, based on yesterday’s thread. I explained why his charge was a lie. I asked him to produce the comment. It’s not lost in the mists of time, you don’t need google: he said it was in last night’s open thread. But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.
“So today we fimd out that the Inga proclaimed "normal" Biden family had coked up/crack head Hunter bedding not only underage Chinese girls provided by the ChiComs AND his dead brothers wife but also the dead brothers wife's married sister...on top of Biden family members forbidding Hunter from being alone with an underage female family member.
Remember, this is what Inga calls a "normal" family type arrangement.”
Are you nuts too? I’ve never said a word about Biden’s son. As to “normal family arraignment”, what are you blabbering about? Or maybe you too are drunk? WTH?
There are self-saturation effects for all the greenhouse gases, but those three don't have huge overlap in their IR sprectra. Water has two large band groups- one centered at 3800 reciprocal centimeters and another centered at 1600 reciprocal centimeters. Methane has a band centered at 3000 reciprocal centimeters and another at 1300- the one water band probably overlaps a big with the methane band at 1300 since it is very broad. Carbon dioxide has three sets of bands, but the two strongest are the ones at 2350 and 700.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Are you nuts too? I’ve never said a word about Biden’s son. As to “normal family arraignment”, what are you blabbering about? Or maybe you too are drunk? WTH?"
Inga's default practice is to deny she wrote her many lunatic thoughts right up until the time she goes radio silent on her previous lunatic rantings right up until the time she returns to double down on her earlier lunatic utterances.
See: Russia Collusion, the hoax dossier, Carter Page/Flynn are traitors and spies, Kavanaugh is a gang rapist, democrats aren't pushing post-birth abortion, etc.
Sex is not a social construct, but universities are. They are currently being reconstructed into pure woke enclaves.
Time to seriously rethink education and especially its funding. Especially its funding.
The big endowment funds need to go. Glenn Reynolds has suggestions.
Never gonna happen under Biden of course. Instead teachers and universities will get even more graft.
If you have university bound kids if the right age, consider places like India. It has some excellent schools, in English. Consider places like Hillsdale.
Trump had a program to vaccinate nursing home residents and staff which is ending. Each nursing home has had a three day clinic to vaccinate staff and residents. But there are new residents and staff and there are residents and staffers who refused to be vaccinated at the time. Harrisbiden doesn't know what to do for this group now that the Trump program has ended. Most of the deaths were in nursing homes so this unnoticed program (which I understand began in December) may be the reason why covid seems less dangerous. Something should be done to carry on the good work in this sector where there have been so many deaths from covid - and we can count on the Cam and Sham Flim Flam Front not to do it.
Are you nuts too? I’ve never said a word about Biden’s son. As to “normal family arraignment”, what are you blabbering about? Or maybe you too are drunk? WTH?
Maybe he can't prove it happened, but you can't prove it didn't. Be patient...
Drago, I worried about your mental health should Trump lose. I wonder no longer, it’s obvious whatever ailed you before has now surfaced and is swimming right at the top.
I have not ever spoken of Biden’s son, or the way he lives his life. You can keep lying, it seems that is all you have left.
When caught out on her serial lies over the years, Inga will invariably deflect and then attempt to redirect focus away from her previous lunatic claims...all while feigning some level of faux concern over make believe mental health issues.
Sometimes she simply begins rapid fire parrot-posting of links to things she has never read nor could ever understand.
In the spirit of fighting covid, I swim naked in my pool and dry myself in the sun for 20 minutes every day. How do you take your Vitamin D up there? Frozen?
“Something should be done to carry on the good work in this sector where there have been so many deaths from covid - and we can count on the Cam and Sham Flim Flam Front not to do it.”
We have an atty general who looks at the firestorm of destruction of the last nine months and says nothing remotely coherent and looks at this dragnet movie stunt and says thats worse than september 11th
Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance.
There was a time, long long ago, in the far distant past when -- now I know you won't believe it, you think that it is just the stuff of legend -- people could actually go and see and hear live performances, and I went to one.
Coming back to me now like Sol tasting strawberry on a spoon in Soylent Green, it was at the Kennedy Center. And admittedly, I was a little juiced from the wine at dinner.
Anyway we had seats in the front row (actually our seats were in the third tier, but we spied the empty seats during the intermission and went down and took them. Positioned there with a pleasant buzz from the additional wine at intermission, with the players just a few feet from us, we were treated to Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. To hear that sound bouncing back and forth was surreal. Every neuron in my brain was firing at an 11.
“Signs of improvement Anecdotal evidence from second-round clinics now taking place suggests that vaccine uptake among staff is improving. The Associated Press reported that last week, in a meeting on vaccine policy, Amanda Cohn, the CDC's deputy director of immunization services, said more staffers get vaccinated when a second or third clinic is held at a home. And a CVS spokesperson told USA Today that they are seeing a higher uptake by staff members on their second visits.
Sondra Norder sees the improvements at St. Paul Elder Services in Wisconsin, where she is president and CEO. During the first on-site clinic at her skilled nursing facilities, only 66 percent of staff received a vaccine. On Monday, during the second clinic, that number jumped to 75 percent.”
If you want to see and hear an amazing performance that will leave you shaking your head, pull up the youtube video of Johnny Mathis singing "Pieces of Dreams" on the Carson show.
Even California's second delta turned positive this weekend. They are reaching a floor, too, and actually saw the 7 day average rise a bit today, but I don't plot the individual state's deltas.
It may just be an effect of testing beginning to stop its drop, or it may just be the floor of false positives asserting itself.
Yeah, I saw that story about the extra gravy being given to federal bureaucrats in the porkulus bill. Just fucking amazing what a corrupt country this has become.
It appears by the latest reporting that the nursing home patients are being vaccinated and increasing numbers of staff, however I just read an article about home bound seniors being neglected, the vaccines are not getting out to them. There was an article a few days ago about firefighters volunteering to vaccinate homebound people.
"Speaking of the vaccines, the news today about 20% being a placebo is somewhat distressing."
I don't understand the mentality of the great majority of posters here who simply refuse to link to "the news today". Is it because the story is bs? Is it because they don't know how to cut and paste a link?
I don't understand the mentality of the great majority of posters here who simply refuse to link to "the news today". Is it because the story is bs? Is it because they don't know how to cut and paste a link?
"Who believes Obama ever punched anyone in the face?"
Based on his behavior that we are privy to knowing I would say the probability that he did is zero. Now, if you were to ask about whether I believe he ever stabbed someone in the back, that would be more in keeping with who we know him to be.
"Is there enough lithium in the world to support the Green Nude Eel?" At todays proven reserves? No. At todays rate of manufacture there are only about ten years of lithium left to be mined. So lithium ion for a power source is a dead end.
"There are self-saturation effects for all the greenhouse gases, but those three don't have huge overlap in their IR sprectra. Water has two large band groups- one centered at 3800 reciprocal centimeters and another centered at 1600 reciprocal centimeters. Methane has a band centered at 3000 reciprocal centimeters and another at 1300- the one water band probably overlaps a big with the methane band at 1300 since it is very broad. Carbon dioxide has three sets of bands, but the two strongest are the ones at 2350 and 700."
Thank you, Yancey. But are you sure that "those three don't have huge overlap in the IR spectra"?
I didn't mean to imply the I don't know anything about the subject. It's just I feel that I lack an adequate understanding.
I have seen graphs of the absorption of the infrared wavelengths for water vapor versus CO2. I know there is a huge overlap.
And just now I did search for "water absorption band" and found the Wikipedia article on "Electromagnetic absorption by water" and I found this statement in it:
"Carbon dioxide gas absorbs energy in some small segments of the thermal infrared spectrum that water vapor misses. This extra absorption within the atmosphere causes the air to warm just a bit more and the warmer the atmosphere the greater its capacity to hold more water vapor. This extra water vapor absorption further enhances the Earth's greenhouse effect."
The same article also claims that water vapor absorbs 70% of the incoming sunlight. (Is that the percentage of wavelengths or is the percent of the energy that is absorbed?) And that carbon dioxide is responsible for 26% of the greenhouse effect.
Now since I have seen how much water vapor strips out of the infrared, I wonder how 26% is possible. Three possible explanations occur to me.
a) Substantial greenhouse energy is being transferred in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum than the infrared.
b) The distribution of water vapor is patchy and there are some parts of the atmosphere that are so dry that there is no water vapor to strip out the infrared. (This would be more difficult to model.)
c) The CO2 doesn't really take out 26% but instead this is the net effect because every little bit of warming causes more water to go into the air on average.
Still, the greatest greenhouse gas is by far deadly dihydrogen monoxide.
Water vapor as a greenhouse gas (unlike, say, CO2) is inherently self-limiting. If there's too much in the air, it simply condenses out — as rain, snow, or dew.
The cattle-farts-methane problem can likely be heavily alleviated by making cattle (et al.) digestion more efficient. The evolutionary problem has always been that no animal (from termites to cows) has the ability to directly digest cellulose — the principal structural component of many plants, especially plants such as grasses and trees (wood).
Any animal which was (evolutionarily) desirous of gaining sustenance from such materials has been forced to evolve complex stomachs and digestion processes that directly cultured bacteria that themselves could digest cellulose (via the bacterial enzyme cellulase).
While redesigning cattle's stomachs in detail would no doubt be a complex task, simply providing cattle with the ability to produce their own cellulase and hence directly digest grasses (via genetic engineering-in the gene for cellulase) would not.
Michael McNeil said, "Water vapor as a greenhouse gas (unlike, say, CO2) is inherently self-limiting. If there's too much in the air, it simply condenses out — as rain, snow, or dew."
Yes. And a dramatic example of that is a dew. Dew is water that has condensed out of the air.
But long before that point, although I need to confirm this, water vapor will have completely stripped out a significant portion of the infrared spectrum.
Our eyes can't see in the infrared. But we can construct instruments that can and if you were to look up in the sky at certain wavelengths it will be black because nothing is getting through the atmosphere at those wavelengths.
Water vapor's absorption bands completely cover methane's absorption bands and almost completely cover carbon dioxide's.
So if in a certain patch of the atmosphere there is an enough water vapor then how does methane add any greenhouse effect since the water has already stripping it all out?
Now I suspect that the greenhouse effect for carbon dioxide and methane is largely occurring in those portions of the atmosphere that are very dry and where water is not already stripping the energy out.
But I'd like to see that confirmed. And I have feeling that this is all quite important.
Ken B said...Francisco made an accusation against me, based on yesterday’s thread. I explained why his charge was a lie. I asked him to produce the comment. It’s not lost in the mists of time, you don’t need google: he said it was in last night’s open thread. But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.
Amazing! The thread is available for anyone to read.
Karen B and the Resident Idiot make a good tag team, doncha think?
Both have seriously twisted minds combined with well below average IQs - a dangerous combination given their motivation to defend themselves after they make fools of themselves.
Mandrewa: Certainly, when it's cloudy, not just water vapor but water liquid and solid acts to strip out nearly all of the infrared radiation. We know this because when it's cloudy one obviously does not feel the sun's warmth on your face and body the way you do when it's clear.
As to whether that also occurs when it's clear but water vapor is (near) saturated, empirically I would say that the answer is no: because (I assert) one can still feel the sun's heat on you at such times (at least if the sun is up!). Nor is any more instrumentation required than that to make such a conclusion, I would say.
Michael, I'm not talking about clouds. Yes, of course clouds strip out the infrared and of course that has a big impact on the climate, and the climatic computer models because their resolution is too coarse to model clouds.
But let's not confuse the topic. Put clouds aside. They are a separate issue.
I'm talking about water vapor, which is invisible to your eyes, but is stripping out a significant portion of the infrared spectrum.
Now water vapor is not stripping out all of the infrared spectrum. I've been talking about those parts of the infrared spectrum that overlap with what methane and carbon dioxide will absorb.
I'm not sure what is the source of the sensation of heat that I feel on my skin on some days when the sun high in the sky. It may be that I'm directly sensing infrared radiation from the sun or it also might be caused by the absorption of visible and ultraviolet wavelengths in my skin. That would cause my skin to heat up also and be felt as heat. But I'm just speculating here. I don't really know.
I'm not sure either, Mandrewa. I do know that infrared radiation was discovered in the first place by a scientist who ran sunlight through a prism — and could feel the sun's heat on his face when he “looked” beyond the red in the spread-out spectrum.
Thanks for the science. Knowledgeable people discussing complex matters civilly for the lay-curious . . . Like a warm sunrise after the nightly dreckfest.
Stunning musical performances. Most recently, Garrick Ohlsson and some principal wind players from our very fine local symphony orchestras. He performed the Chopin Op 58, which was not familiar to me at the time.
My friend Elmo (Elmo and the Shades) puts on fantastic shows, sometimes featuring old legends of soul, r&b, and other genres, covering classics and some original stuff.
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Bjorn Lomborg was interviewed this morning on Glenn Beck's radio program. He said that if you combined all the existing batteries in the United States (used to store solar and wind energy), they would power the country for a whole 14 seconds!
Posted by: ShainS at February 24, 2021 07:34 PM (WqPYg)
Mr. Lomborg also had the temerity to suggest the money used to fight "global warming" would be better spent supplying clean drinking water to third world countries.
Posted by: blake - Dr semi lurker in marginal standing at February 24, 2021 07:36 PM (2SdPm)
But that would actually do something positive. Where is the opportunity for graft and virtue signalling? It would not play well on fakebook and twatter. How would we do an instagram of it to get upvoted from our 'friends'?
Mr. Lomborg actually knows what he is talking about and signed off on the whole green new deal nonsense a long time ago. Since he does nto support the narrative, but advocates actions that will actually make human lives better, the climate folks do not like him much.
He also pointed out the paris climate accord would have negligible effect 0.5 degrees, if abided perfectly
What was the roman term for what they are attempting?
I donate to Lomborg's think tank. He thinks like an economist- chiefly the cost/benefit of public policy decisions. That's why politicians and public policy people hate him...
The decline in COVID cases/day stopped this week. The second delta turned positive last week and the first delta turned positive yesterday. The behavior is general across all the states, too- almost all of them show the same behavior- the sudden decline reaches a valley floor in the last week except for the states in the upper midwest which reached their floor weeks ago.
It could be simply the support of the false positive rate is having a noticeable effect now. Similar behavior showed up in the numbers last Summer.
Not the entire answer but thats pretty rare
How many Tesla's would it take to store even 10% of the average power production of today's windmills and solar fields?
I came up with a number of around 2.5 million cars, and that is taking the batteries from 0 to full charge.
That is for just the US.
Is there enough lithium in the world to support the Green Nude Eel?
Well not literally, but practically.
Karen (ken) B
You stated that I threatened other posters with bodily harm last night.
Provide evidence or apologize.
Yes youve been more civil than he deserves.
The New York Times's article about the shenanigans at Smith College is highly recommended. Though in general it is very unsympathetic toward Smith's handling of the matter, this sentence does catch one's attention: "The story highlights the tensions between a student’s deeply felt sense of personal truth and facts that are at odds with it."
Deeply felt sense of personal truth? Isn't that what Stephen Colbert, in an earlier incarnation, derided as "truthiness"?
My daughter saw some comment on FcBk that Bill Gates believes methane from cows is a greater pollutant than car exhaust. It was answered: I’ll lock myself in an enclosed garage w/a cow- Bill w/a car and we’ll discuss results in the morning.
Bill Gates is pushing meatless meat- fabricated God only knows how. If the country- if the world- embraced such science, how would ppl self- sustain? As. W/GMOs that take whole cultural societies and prevent them from a sustainable way of Agricultural life- maybe one day so shall they become reliant upon others for meat. It seems implausible, yet so much of what is occurring today seemed too far out there even 4 yrs ago.
I do not trust anymore.
How many Tesla's would it take to store even 10% of the average power production of today's windmills and solar fields?
At least it will be a DC current, not interrupted by weather... climate change and other environmental and geographical factors. A credible local, temporal, niche solution. Also, is their viable energy potential measured in seconds or minutes? Quality of life in urban islands does not wait for in range clean, green, renewable drivers. That said, save a bird, a bat, stop tilting at, whack a windmill.
Submitted for your approval
"Is there enough lithium in the world to support the Green Nude Eel?"
I would guess, no. There definitely isn't enough in proven reserves, though it is only recently that the element was in very high demand at larger scales, so reserves should rise with the price. The problem is the element is very diffuse in the crust and surface of the Earth. The oceans contain about 25 micromolar of lithium which is a quarter of a trillion tonnes, but concentrating and extracting that 25 micromolar solution takes enormous amounts of energy, and you still haven't processed it when you have the salt in hand.
My daughter saw some comment on FcBk that Bill Gates believes methane from cows is a greater pollutant than car exhaust
She's right. Methane is a highly effective first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate cooling... warming... change. However, it's not just cows, who are only of interest in their diversity, but vegans who are physically incapable of efficiently digesting vegetable matter.
Ken B was once beat up by a baby, so all things are relative.
Blogger Francisco D said...
"Karen (ken) B
You stated that I threatened other posters with bodily harm last night.
Provide evidence or apologize."
Good luck. I've been asking for the same for months. The man is dishonest.
Francisco D
You lie.
I included you in the group that posts violent fantasies, after Inga pointed out a post where you did just that. That’s not the same as accusing you of making threats.
So, produce the comment to justify your lie, or apologize.
Original Mike
Ha! Another bald faced liar. Produce the comment where you say I accused you of making violent threats. Produce it or apologize.
Which chapter of the dsm iv is that, hes rarely here, at all.
Rob's link is excellent, even if it is the NYT.
He is likely to get forced out soon.
"Ha! Another bald faced liar. Produce the comment where you say I accused you of making violent threats."
What you've made up about me is your Covid denialist slander.
You didnt see this coming
Yes, narcisco.
That’s exactly what I mean- Lordy! The Big-brained booves!
Hopefully, there are enough ppl that are not sheep, yet. I do appreciate the Asimov fable.
n.n: LOL- and it’s all the ruminants- not merely domesticated. And it’s not the farts- cows don’t fart- they burp up their cuds. All ruminating creatures do- it probably has a purpose in keeping climate balanced- in the bigger picture of things.
MockT- always<3
Youre welcome
I think late republicam rome offers better allusions
When our population was 5% of the current number, wind and solar werent enough, nowhere near enough now.
I’ve been wondering- could someone explain the difference chemically of the sources of methane, or are they all the same? Swamps emit methane, ruminates, vegan buttholes- decomposing manure piles(going w/what I know- methane digesters are a big hit for large farms). Why target the cows? A Trojan horse??
Methane is supposed to accelerate the carbon cycle: considering everything has carbon in it. One would think industrial byproducts would be a bigger concern.
Sorry toots we dont care anymore
Rebound from people getting tested in the South again.
California and other states are still trending straight down.
I wonder if Tiger’s mom or dad taught him how to drive.
Good Grammar rule for Feb. 24:
"Avoid overuse of 'quotation' 'marks.'"
“Never Before Has The Leader Of The Free World Been So Cognitively Compromised”
"Yancey Ward said...
Ken B was once beat up by a baby, so all things are relative."
Ken "Mom the Meatloaf!" is a loser and should be ignored.
But..he can ride a bike!
narciso said...Methane is supposed to accelerate the carbon cycle: considering everything has carbon in it. One would think industrial byproducts would be a bigger concern.
The thinking is that volatile organics compounds (VOC's) contribute more to warming than CO2. Then it gets to relative amounts. By volume, methane is the greatest VOC. There are other intrinsically worse ones: ethane, propane, etc., but their volumes are less than methane's. Still, the greatest greenhouse gas is by far deadly dihydrogen monoxide.
n.n. said, Methane is a highly effective first-order forcing of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] climate cooling... warming... change."
I have a question. And it's a genuine question because I don't know the answer.
When people say this, and I've seen this assertion many times, are they talking about methane by itself? Or are they talking about methane in the context of our complicated atmosphere?
Here's the problem. Methane is a greenhouse gas. But so is water vapor. And we have a lot of water vapor in the atmosphere. It's unevenly distributed but there is a lot more water than methane (or carbon dioxide for that matter).
And as it happens the absorption spectrum of water vapor in the infrared (the greenhouse part) mostly overlaps with the absorption spectrum of methane. (And with carbon dioxide for that matter.)
So although methane is a significant greenhouse gas by itself, if it were by itself, how is it a significant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere when most of the greenhouse wavelengths have already been completely stripped out by the water vapor?
If something is already being completely absorbed by the atmosphere, how does adding another material that would absorb it change anything?
This seems like an essential global warming question. (And especially since the same logic would apply to carbon dioxide.) Now I've been paying attention, I think, and yet I don't know what the answer to this question is or where to go to find the answer.
You never reach the end of the barrel
Hunter Biden is the ultimate family man.
This podcast gets more and more ridiculous
Common sense is in short supply
That cows don't fart methane is a great disappointment to this city lad.
Here's something for you scientists, and dogs who play scientist on the Intertubes: assuming methane really is a problem, shouldn't we be less worried about mammal-caused methane and more worried about the release of the massive frozen methane deposits said to be below the warming Arctic tundra?
And the world ending in a Really Bad Smell?
"I wonder if Tiger’s mom or dad taught him how to drive."
This wouldn't have happened if he were driving a VW Golf.
Original Mike
It’s good you concede that you lied. Now you should apologize for doing so. This is something most of us learn in kindergarten.
It looks like Congress will take a look at creating new district and circuit court judges. I don’t see why a compromise couldn’t be reached in exchange for: 1) restoring the filibuster for nominees to those positions; 2) splitting the Ninth Circuit; and 3) barring national injunctions by District Court judges (or substantially limiting them.)
I was listening to Mike Rowe’s podcast The Way I Heard It.” My batting average on figuring out the mystery subject is pretty good but I was stumped on who Jonas Grumby was. You’d think a major character on a TV show that was very popular and which has been in continuous syndication for nearly 50 years would have been easy to identify with the show.
Its striking they are doing this with only a four vote majority and a tie in the senate.
Ken B said...
Francisco D
You lie.
I included you in the group that posts violent fantasies, after Inga pointed out a post where you did just that. That’s not the same as accusing you of making threats.
So, produce the comment to justify your lie, or apologize.
You are just as dumb as The Resident Idiot and just as dishonest.
Francisco is drunk again.
So what's wrong with threatening violence? Seems to me that threatening violence was a significant prong of the Democrat strategy to win the 2020 election.
"Seems to me that threatening violence was a significant prong of the Democrat strategy to win the 2020 election."
Busting windows, looting, setting stuff on fire and killing opponents is a bit more than just "threatening violence", if you ask me.
That makes a whole lot of sense
Who needs physics when you have leftist governmental dictates?
So to recap. Francisco made an accusation against me, based on yesterday’s thread. I explained why his charge was a lie. I asked him to produce the comment. It’s not lost in the mists of time, you don’t need google: he said it was in last night’s open thread. But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.
"That makes a whole lot of sense"
Not to worry, narciso, see that cute kid in the avatar? He's paying for it, not us.
Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance.
“But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.”
And because he’s probably already very drunk by this time of night and couldn’t find his way to his own front porch. He self reports that he is a psychologist, so he says. He has in the past years here, made several lewd references addressed me regarding sexual mechanical devices, the other day he directed a comment to me, a 69 year old grandmother of 5 regarding sexual internet pick up site, he has said he wanted to eat a sex related body part of mine and Ritmo’s brain, that was in 2018. I can only surmise he was drunk as a skunk, or else I’d have to surmise he’s a psycho.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Francisco is drunk again."
So today we fimd out that the Inga proclaimed "normal" Biden family had coked up/crack head Hunter bedding not only underage Chinese girls provided by the ChiComs AND his dead brothers wife but also the dead brothers wife's married sister...on top of Biden family members forbidding Hunter from being alone with an underage female family member.
Remember, this is what Inga calls a "normal" family type arrangement.
Narr said...
That cows don't fart methane is a great disappointment to this city lad.
Here's something for you scientists, and dogs who play scientist on the Intertubes: assuming methane really is a problem, shouldn't we be less worried about mammal-caused methane and more worried about the release of the massive frozen methane deposits said to be below the warming Arctic tundra?
And the world ending in a Really Bad Smell?
methane is odorless. It's the indoles, such as skatoles and the like that smell.
as to whether we should be "worried" about release of methane in the Arctic:
"The new review concludes that current warming of ocean waters is likely causing gas hydrate deposits to break down at some locations. However, not only are the annual emissions of methane to the ocean from degrading gas hydrates far smaller than greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere from human activities, but most of the methane released by gas hydrates never reaches the atmosphere. Instead, the methane often remains in the undersea sediments, dissolves in the ocean, or is converted to carbon dioxide by microbes in the sediments or water column."
That article is four years old, and a newer one from the Guardian raises an alarm, but it is couched in speculation:
"At this moment, there is unlikely to be any major impact on global warming, but the point is that this process has now been triggered. This East Siberian slope methane hydrate system has been perturbed and the process will be ongoing,” said the Swedish scientist Örjan Gustafsson, of Stockholm University, in a satellite call from the vessel."
Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance.
I'm watching this performance of spectacular flamenco guitar playing at the Jerry Lewis telethon now, but it was actually several years ago when I was first blown away by the performer being Charo! Yes, that Charo.
But actually, the last time I was stunned was yesterday watching a video of the band that sang Build Me Up, Buttercup. I have heard and sang along with that song a billion times. Remember now that they were part of the British Invasion. So I'm watching this video and I'm like, "WHAT? THEY ARE BLACK??" They were a British group, who'd have ever thunk it? Stunned me.
Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau's widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER as they declared their love and she called him her 'prince'
* Hunter Biden began dating his late brother Beau's widow, Hallie Biden, shortly after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015.
* The unconventional relationship was first exposed in March 2017 with Joe Biden issuing a statement giving his blessing to the couple.
* Hunter was also exchanging sexual text messages with Hallie's then-married sister Elizabeth Secundy around that time.
* In a 2016 text conversation recovered from his abandoned laptop hard drive, Hunter offered to teach Secundy 'how to masturbate'.
* Secundy, 49, who was married to husband Joel Secundy, referred to Hunter as her 'prince' and told him she loved him in the texts.
* Another conversation showed Hunter texted Secundy telling her he had been up late watching 'bad porno movies like I'm 13'.
* Secundy separated from her husband and father of her three children in 2015 after 15 years of marriage. Their divorce was finalized three years later.
farmgirl said...I’ve been wondering- could someone explain the difference chemically of the sources of methane, or are they all the same? Swamps emit methane, ruminates, vegan buttholes- decomposing manure piles(going w/what I know- methane digesters are a big hit for large farms). Why target the cows? A Trojan horse??
Scratch a warmest overwrought about methane and you’ll find a vegan. Especially in the UK.
So to recap. Francisco made an accusation against me, based on yesterday’s thread. I explained why his charge was a lie. I asked him to produce the comment. It’s not lost in the mists of time, you don’t need google: he said it was in last night’s open thread. But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.
LOL! And Inga thinks Francisco is drunk?
"Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance."
Drunk or Trumpkin covid denialist. Six of one ...
“So today we fimd out that the Inga proclaimed "normal" Biden family had coked up/crack head Hunter bedding not only underage Chinese girls provided by the ChiComs AND his dead brothers wife but also the dead brothers wife's married sister...on top of Biden family members forbidding Hunter from being alone with an underage female family member.
Remember, this is what Inga calls a "normal" family type arrangement.”
Are you nuts too? I’ve never said a word about Biden’s son. As to “normal family arraignment”, what are you blabbering about? Or maybe you too are drunk? WTH?
There are self-saturation effects for all the greenhouse gases, but those three don't have huge overlap in their IR sprectra. Water has two large band groups- one centered at 3800 reciprocal centimeters and another centered at 1600 reciprocal centimeters. Methane has a band centered at 3000 reciprocal centimeters and another at 1300- the one water band probably overlaps a big with the methane band at 1300 since it is very broad. Carbon dioxide has three sets of bands, but the two strongest are the ones at 2350 and 700.
Lomborg also explains the 9-12 year business about 'saving the planet'itsbased on a totally unrealistic goal.
Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Are you nuts too? I’ve never said a word about Biden’s son. As to “normal family arraignment”, what are you blabbering about? Or maybe you too are drunk? WTH?"
Inga's default practice is to deny she wrote her many lunatic thoughts right up until the time she goes radio silent on her previous lunatic rantings right up until the time she returns to double down on her earlier lunatic utterances.
See: Russia Collusion, the hoax dossier, Carter Page/Flynn are traitors and spies, Kavanaugh is a gang rapist, democrats aren't pushing post-birth abortion, etc.
The list is really rather astonishing in length.
Sex is not a social construct, but universities are. They are currently being reconstructed into pure woke enclaves.
Time to seriously rethink education and especially its funding. Especially its funding.
The big endowment funds need to go. Glenn Reynolds has suggestions.
Never gonna happen under Biden of course. Instead teachers and universities will get even more graft.
If you have university bound kids if the right age, consider places like India. It has some excellent schools, in English. Consider places like Hillsdale.
Trump had a program to vaccinate nursing home residents and staff which is ending. Each nursing home has had a three day clinic to vaccinate staff and residents. But there are new residents and staff and there are residents and staffers who refused to be vaccinated at the time. Harrisbiden doesn't know what to do for this group now that the Trump program has ended. Most of the deaths were in nursing homes so this unnoticed program (which I understand began in December) may be the reason why covid seems less dangerous. Something should be done to carry on the good work in this sector where there have been so many deaths from covid - and we can count on the Cam and Sham Flim Flam Front not to do it.
Are you nuts too? I’ve never said a word about Biden’s son. As to “normal family arraignment”, what are you blabbering about? Or maybe you too are drunk? WTH?
Maybe he can't prove it happened, but you can't prove it didn't. Be patient...
Inga said:
I’ve never said a word about Biden’s son.
Yes. Exactly. You gave that entire scandal a good leaving alone.
Drago, I worried about your mental health should Trump lose. I wonder no longer, it’s obvious whatever ailed you before has now surfaced and is swimming right at the top.
I have not ever spoken of Biden’s son, or the way he lives his life. You can keep lying, it seems that is all you have left.
It seems they cant be screw things up, now some items like the deportation order were so messed up judge tipton did easily discaed it.
"Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance."
The whole cabinet lock stock and barrel is in the hands of the pla, i would call it collusion but its more like integration
When caught out on her serial lies over the years, Inga will invariably deflect and then attempt to redirect focus away from her previous lunatic claims...all while feigning some level of faux concern over make believe mental health issues.
Sometimes she simply begins rapid fire parrot-posting of links to things she has never read nor could ever understand.
Its always fun to see which way she will go.
"Trumpkin covid denialist"
In the spirit of fighting covid, I swim naked in my pool and dry myself in the sun for 20 minutes every day. How do you take your Vitamin D up there? Frozen?
“Something should be done to carry on the good work in this sector where there have been so many deaths from covid - and we can count on the Cam and Sham Flim Flam Front not to do it.”
What would you suggest?
We have an atty general who looks at the firestorm of destruction of the last nine months and says nothing remotely coherent and looks at this dragnet movie stunt and says thats worse than september 11th
Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance.
There was a time, long long ago, in the far distant past when -- now I know you won't believe it, you think that it is just the stuff of legend -- people could actually go and see and hear live performances, and I went to one.
Coming back to me now like Sol tasting strawberry on a spoon in Soylent Green, it was at the Kennedy Center. And admittedly, I was a little juiced from the wine at dinner.
Anyway we had seats in the front row (actually our seats were in the third tier, but we spied the empty seats during the intermission and went down and took them. Positioned there with a pleasant buzz from the additional wine at intermission, with the players just a few feet from us, we were treated to Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. To hear that sound bouncing back and forth was surreal. Every neuron in my brain was firing at an 11.
They have no one remotely competent in any agency if they arent utterly corrupt.
I didn't know President Biden was a commenter here.
Paging snake plissken
“Signs of improvement
Anecdotal evidence from second-round clinics now taking place suggests that vaccine uptake among staff is improving. The Associated Press reported that last week, in a meeting on vaccine policy, Amanda Cohn, the CDC's deputy director of immunization services, said more staffers get vaccinated when a second or third clinic is held at a home. And a CVS spokesperson told USA Today that they are seeing a higher uptake by staff members on their second visits.
Sondra Norder sees the improvements at St. Paul Elder Services in Wisconsin, where she is president and CEO. During the first on-site clinic at her skilled nursing facilities, only 66 percent of staff received a vaccine. On Monday, during the second clinic, that number jumped to 75 percent.”
If you want to see and hear an amazing performance that will leave you shaking your head, pull up the youtube video of Johnny Mathis singing "Pieces of Dreams" on the Carson show.
Speaking of the vaccines, the news today about 20% being a placebo is somewhat distressing.
Ah, I see Inga has reverted to auto-pasting the words and thoughts of others in lieu of attempting to make her own case.
Makes perfect sense really considering Inga on her own inevitably leads to cursing out Althouse.
Similar to her co-ban-nee LLR-lefty C****.
After a dark and deadly year, COVID-19 vaccines bring renewal, hope to hard-hit nursing homes
"It's a breath of fresh air," says a Missouri nursing home administrator.
"Speaking of the vaccines, the news today about 20% being a placebo is somewhat distressing."
I find it hilarious. My sense of humor is an outlier though.
The news being a placebo, probably (tou see what i did here)
Even California's second delta turned positive this weekend. They are reaching a floor, too, and actually saw the 7 day average rise a bit today, but I don't plot the individual state's deltas.
It may just be an effect of testing beginning to stop its drop, or it may just be the floor of false positives asserting itself.
Can anyone, (perhaps Bob Boyd), rewrite Inga's comments under the assumption that Trump was still in office?
Consequences of getting rid of the pipeline
Yeah, I saw that story about the extra gravy being given to federal bureaucrats in the porkulus bill. Just fucking amazing what a corrupt country this has become.
The spread declines as vaccinations mount. Could there be a reason?
It appears by the latest reporting that the nursing home patients are being vaccinated and increasing numbers of staff, however I just read an article about home bound seniors being neglected, the vaccines are not getting out to them. There was an article a few days ago about firefighters volunteering to vaccinate homebound people.
Comment thread poll- who believes Obama has ever punched anyone in the face?
Mark said...
Last time you were stunned listening to or watching a musical performance.
Never, I guess I don't stun easily.
I have quite enjoyed seeing Frank Turner live. The music is rock/punk/folk punk, the shows have a definite punk rock feel.
He might have suckered punched someone. That wouldn't surprise me too much.
Any punk-like behavior I can see him doing.
"Speaking of the vaccines, the news today about 20% being a placebo is somewhat distressing."
I don't understand the mentality of the great majority of posters here who simply refuse to link to "the news today". Is it because the story is bs? Is it because they don't know how to cut and paste a link?
Tomorrow the U.S. House of Representatives will outlaw anyone who does not embrace the gay and transgender agendas.
Yancey Ward said...who believes Obama has ever punched anyone in the face?
Story might be a "composite"
The Beach Boys 50th Anniversary Reunion Tour
The spread declines as vaccinations mount. Could there be a reason?
Masks and shutdowns are finally beginning to work?
I don't understand the mentality of the great majority of posters here who simply refuse to link to "the news today". Is it because the story is bs? Is it because they don't know how to cut and paste a link?
Masks and shutdowns are finally beginning to work?
Hardly, but Fullmoon knows about herd immunity.
The 7 day average has gone up the past 4 days in both cases and deaths.\
In my mind, deaths are the more imopirtnat figure. (and more accurate)
and 57% of the deaths during the past 24 hours came from 7 states
33% of the deaths in the US were from California. (A reporting blip?)
He punched him in the face and then he ate his dog.
"Who believes Obama ever punched anyone in the face?"
Based on his behavior that we are privy to knowing I would say the probability that he did is zero. Now, if you were to ask about whether I believe he ever stabbed someone in the back, that would be more in keeping with who we know him to be.
"Is there enough lithium in the world to support the Green Nude Eel?"
At todays proven reserves? No. At todays rate of manufacture there are only about ten years of lithium left to be mined. So lithium ion for a power source is a dead end.
Oh Hell Yeah! Transgender - science, - science, Transgender. Nope doesn't fit, no way. See, also, Three Christs of Ypsilanti by Milton Rokeach.
Death toll would've been higher if the Flu ever showed up - Science.
Yancey Ward said,
"There are self-saturation effects for all the greenhouse gases, but those three don't have huge overlap in their IR sprectra. Water has two large band groups- one centered at 3800 reciprocal centimeters and another centered at 1600 reciprocal centimeters. Methane has a band centered at 3000 reciprocal centimeters and another at 1300- the one water band probably overlaps a big with the methane band at 1300 since it is very broad. Carbon dioxide has three sets of bands, but the two strongest are the ones at 2350 and 700."
Thank you, Yancey. But are you sure that "those three don't have huge overlap in the IR spectra"?
I didn't mean to imply the I don't know anything about the subject. It's just I feel that I lack an adequate understanding.
I have seen graphs of the absorption of the infrared wavelengths for water vapor versus CO2. I know there is a huge overlap.
And just now I did search for "water absorption band" and found the Wikipedia article on "Electromagnetic absorption by water" and I found this statement in it:
"Carbon dioxide gas absorbs energy in some small segments of the thermal infrared spectrum that water vapor misses. This extra absorption within the atmosphere causes the air to warm just a bit more and the warmer the atmosphere the greater its capacity to hold more water vapor. This extra water vapor absorption further enhances the Earth's greenhouse effect."
The same article also claims that water vapor absorbs 70% of the incoming sunlight. (Is that the percentage of wavelengths or is the percent of the energy that is absorbed?) And that carbon dioxide is responsible for 26% of the greenhouse effect.
Now since I have seen how much water vapor strips out of the infrared, I wonder how 26% is possible. Three possible explanations occur to me.
a) Substantial greenhouse energy is being transferred in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum than the infrared.
b) The distribution of water vapor is patchy and there are some parts of the atmosphere that are so dry that there is no water vapor to strip out the infrared. (This would be more difficult to model.)
c) The CO2 doesn't really take out 26% but instead this is the net effect because every little bit of warming causes more water to go into the air on average.
The spread declines as vaccinations mount. Could there be a reason?
The decline of spread started Jan, 8th. 2 weeks after Christmas, when a spike was predicted. Not so much predicted but a fait accompli.
Dr Makary of John Hopkins explains herd immunity is upon us, aided by vaccination.
All you have to do is explain why the drop occurred, and at the same time ignore herd immunity.
Still, the greatest greenhouse gas is by far deadly dihydrogen monoxide.
Water vapor as a greenhouse gas (unlike, say, CO2) is inherently self-limiting. If there's too much in the air, it simply condenses out — as rain, snow, or dew.
The cattle-farts-methane problem can likely be heavily alleviated by making cattle (et al.) digestion more efficient. The evolutionary problem has always been that no animal (from termites to cows) has the ability to directly digest cellulose — the principal structural component of many plants, especially plants such as grasses and trees (wood).
Any animal which was (evolutionarily) desirous of gaining sustenance from such materials has been forced to evolve complex stomachs and digestion processes that directly cultured bacteria that themselves could digest cellulose (via the bacterial enzyme cellulase).
While redesigning cattle's stomachs in detail would no doubt be a complex task, simply providing cattle with the ability to produce their own cellulase and hence directly digest grasses (via genetic engineering-in the gene for cellulase) would not.
Michael McNeil said, "Water vapor as a greenhouse gas (unlike, say, CO2) is inherently self-limiting. If there's too much in the air, it simply condenses out — as rain, snow, or dew."
Yes. And a dramatic example of that is a dew. Dew is water that has condensed out of the air.
But long before that point, although I need to confirm this, water vapor will have completely stripped out a significant portion of the infrared spectrum.
Our eyes can't see in the infrared. But we can construct instruments that can and if you were to look up in the sky at certain wavelengths it will be black because nothing is getting through the atmosphere at those wavelengths.
Water vapor's absorption bands completely cover methane's absorption bands and almost completely cover carbon dioxide's.
So if in a certain patch of the atmosphere there is an enough water vapor then how does methane add any greenhouse effect since the water has already stripping it all out?
Now I suspect that the greenhouse effect for carbon dioxide and methane is largely occurring in those portions of the atmosphere that are very dry and where water is not already stripping the energy out.
But I'd like to see that confirmed. And I have feeling that this is all quite important.
Gee, that Biden Bunch sound like fine, upstanding people, Mike Sylwester.
Totally normal... /sarc
Ken B said...Francisco made an accusation against me, based on yesterday’s thread. I explained why his charge was a lie. I asked him to produce the comment. It’s not lost in the mists of time, you don’t need google: he said it was in last night’s open thread. But now he fails to produce it. Because he's a liar.
Amazing! The thread is available for anyone to read.
Karen B and the Resident Idiot make a good tag team, doncha think?
Both have seriously twisted minds combined with well below average IQs - a dangerous combination given their motivation to defend themselves after they make fools of themselves.
Mandrewa: Certainly, when it's cloudy, not just water vapor but water liquid and solid acts to strip out nearly all of the infrared radiation. We know this because when it's cloudy one obviously does not feel the sun's warmth on your face and body the way you do when it's clear.
As to whether that also occurs when it's clear but water vapor is (near) saturated, empirically I would say that the answer is no: because (I assert) one can still feel the sun's heat on you at such times (at least if the sun is up!). Nor is any more instrumentation required than that to make such a conclusion, I would say.
I agree that the answer is important.
Francisco drunk already? Drinking earlier in the day, not a good sign.
Michael, I'm not talking about clouds. Yes, of course clouds strip out the infrared and of course that has a big impact on the climate, and the climatic computer models because their resolution is too coarse to model clouds.
But let's not confuse the topic. Put clouds aside. They are a separate issue.
I'm talking about water vapor, which is invisible to your eyes, but is stripping out a significant portion of the infrared spectrum.
Now water vapor is not stripping out all of the infrared spectrum. I've been talking about those parts of the infrared spectrum that overlap with what methane and carbon dioxide will absorb.
I'm not sure what is the source of the sensation of heat that I feel on my skin on some days when the sun high in the sky. It may be that I'm directly sensing infrared radiation from the sun or it also might be caused by the absorption of visible and ultraviolet wavelengths in my skin. That would cause my skin to heat up also and be felt as heat. But I'm just speculating here. I don't really know.
I'm not sure either, Mandrewa. I do know that infrared radiation was discovered in the first place by a scientist who ran sunlight through a prism — and could feel the sun's heat on his face when he “looked” beyond the red in the spread-out spectrum.
The 7 day average has gone up the past 4 days in both cases and deaths.\
In my mind, deaths are the more imopirtnat figure. (and more accurate)
and 57% of the deaths during the past 24 hours came from 7 states
33% of the deaths in the US were from California. (A reporting blip?)
Waiting for our Governor Newsome to spin this as WINNING!
Probably along the lines of "Trust me, It coulda been worse" .
Thanks for the science. Knowledgeable people discussing complex matters civilly for the lay-curious . . . Like a warm sunrise after the nightly dreckfest.
Stunning musical performances. Most recently, Garrick Ohlsson and some principal wind players from our very fine local symphony orchestras. He performed the Chopin Op 58, which was not familiar to me at the time.
My friend Elmo (Elmo and the Shades) puts on fantastic shows, sometimes featuring old legends of soul, r&b, and other genres, covering classics and some original stuff.
Local pride
Comment thread poll- who believes Obama has ever punched anyone in the face?
Never. Because if he did, he would've gotten his ass kicked. And then he wouldn't be the insufferable, condescending, pretentious prick he is today.
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