February 23, 2021

"At the 66-acre site, groups of beige trailers encircle a giant white dining tent, a soccer field and a basketball court."

"There is a bright blue hospital tent with white bunk beds inside. A legal services trailer has the Spanish word 'Bienvenidos,' or welcome, on a banner on its roof. There are trailers for classrooms, a barber shop, a hair salon. The facility has its own ambulances and firetrucks, as well as its own water supply.... he most colorful trailer is at the entryway, where flowers, butterflies and handmade posters still hang on its walls...." 

From "First migrant facility for children opens under Biden" (WaPo). 

I wonder how those sentences would have been written if this "facility" had opened under Trump. 

I'll just list some words in the order that they would be most likely to be deleted/replaced if Trump were President when this place opened: butterflies, encircle, bienvenidos, flowers, handmade, colorful, welcome, bright, salon, basketball, soccer,  blue, beige, firetrucks, facility, classrooms, barber shop, white, banner....   

My favorite of those words is "encircle." They're talking about beige trailers. C'mon, beige trailers, let's form a big happy circle around the giant white dining tent!

IN THE COMMENTS: Bob Boyd accepts the challenge to rewrite the passage as it would have been written if Trump were President:

Crowded into less than 70 acres, dusty trailers huddle around a military style mess tent, a few basketball hoops and what we were told is a soccer field. There is an ominous, blue medical tent crammed with narrow, sterile bunk beds of the type one associates with mental wards of the last century. A legal services trailer with a banner on its roof reads 'Bienvenidos,' or welcome, an irony that could hardly be lost on those kept here away from family, friends and the promise of America. In a half-hearted gesture towards the basic needs of its young inmates, trailers never designed for the job have been pressed into service as makeshift classrooms, a barber shop and a hair salon. A grim-looking ambulance and firetrucks stand ready in recognition of the inevitable. The camp's water trickles reluctantly from hurriedly drilled, shallow wells. Standing out in this largely beige world, one trailer near the entryway has been ham-handedly decorated with cheap posters featuring butterflies and flowers, their once bright colors fading rapidly under the glaring sun.


Chris said...

It's different this time because shut up.

tcrosse said...

Circle the wagons.

Temujin said...

We've entered the Age of Ipecac.

Gusty Winds said...

Our cages are pretty.

Anonymous said...

Is Democracy still dying in darkness? Asking for a friend,

narciso said...

The one who built the cages mayorkasisnoein charge at homeland.

Gusty Winds said...

Are the Teachers Unions going to demand these places shut down too???

rhhardin said...

It's a Chinese camp design.

narciso said...

Mayorkas is now in charge.

rhhardin said...

"Arbitrary makes free." I recommend the slogan to the left. Put it over camps.

Wince said...

Unless I'm mistaken, immigration activists are nevertheless complaining about the facility being substandard and unwelcoming.

JPS said...

The press, or anyway the WaPo, have lost all self-awareness if no one read this and said, Wow, we are really kind of shameless propagandists, aren't we?

D.D. Driver said...

Wow. You simply must click on the picture to see the tents and folding chairs NYT is describing.

Tim said...

On another note- that Merrick Garland is really gonna crack down on crime, right?

D.D. Driver said...

LOL. WaPo. As if there is a difference.

narciso said...

Garland doesnt consider it a crime, unless the crossing is in the day time.

Whiskeybum said...

Well, all you repressed writers - here’s a challenge for you! Rewrite the passage under the exact same circumstances, except that it happened under Trump’s watch.

Sebastian said...

So, are we still enforcing the law? Like, stopping people from entering illegally? Or is that racist now?

RMc said...

butterflies, encircle, bienvenidos, flowers, handmade, colorful, welcome, bright, salon, basketball, soccer, blue, beige, firetrucks, facility, classrooms, barber shop, white, banner....

Each of these words would be replaced by "racist", to wit:

“At the 66-acre site, groups of racist trailers racists a giant racist dining tent, a racist field and a racist court. There is a racist racist hospital tent with racist bunk beds inside. A legal services trailer has the Spanish word 'Racist,' or racist, on a racist on its roof. There are trailers for racists, a racist, a hair racist. The racist has its own ambulances and racists, as well as its own racist supply...the most colorful trailer is at the entryway, where racists, racists and handmade posters still hang on its walls..."

The funny thing is that not a single WaPo reader would even know the difference.

Birches said...

This is infuriating.

Gusty Winds said...

Do you think the defendants dragged in front of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions will get such nice accommodations, or is Trump going to put them up at his hotels?

You can start getting nervous when they start laying down the railroad tracks to these nice camps. To get ahead of the game, you should probably decide now on someone you’re willing to turn in.

I’m sure some of the liberal trolls here already have a list. We need to catch up.

Dave Begley said...

Our country is being invaded by illegal aliens at the invitation of the Dems. You can't tell me the majority of Americans voted for this.

The Fake News doesn't just carry Biden's water; they carry him.

rehajm said...

So, are we still enforcing the law? Like, stopping people from entering illegally?

I was wondering that. If it's an open border what do they need a camp for? Kids? That would be separating them from their 'families'!!!!

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Such places are thick on the ground here in Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy, and Webb Counties TX. I can assure you the physical facilities and their operation are the same. Only the media reporting is different.

mccullough said...

A Nation of Laws

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Under corrutocratic rule, illegal entrants come first.

narciso said...

Now who administers these facilities that would be caliburn whoseboard includes john kelly and admiral stavrakis quelle surprise.

iowan2 said...

So, are we still enforcing the law? Like, stopping people from entering illegally? Or is that racist now?

Our soon to be, newly minted AG is unsure if a foreigner entering the United States without proper processing is against the law. It was a straightforward question, a legal mind of great repute was unable to offer an opinion.

LYNNDH said...

Tim said "On another note- that Merrick Garland is really gonna crack down on crime, right?"
A correction - "On another note- that Merrick Garland is really gonna crack down on crime DONE BY THE RIGHT.

narciso said...

Crimethink that will be punished severely ask mike lindell

narciso said...


Oso Negro said...

Time to leave the USA for the Third World. They have much more practice at it than we do.

farmgirl said...

Trailers are for animals, too.
Circles are pens.
Biden is a wolf in sheep’s skin.

Tom T. said...

Is there a sparkly metal fence around the facility, where the kids can tape up their artwork?

narciso said...



Fernandinande said...

Speaking of parasites, the most common virus "family" in the human gut is called "crAssphage".

R C Belaire said...

Were these facilities put in place post-January 20th? I'm guessing that whatever is there now had been planned and/or built under the Trump Admin. I stand ready to be corrected.

Bob Boyd said...

I wonder how those sentences would have been written if this "facility" had opened under Trump.

Crowded into less than 70 acres, dusty trailers huddle around a military style mess tent, a few basketball hoops and what we were told is a soccer field.
There is an ominous, blue medical tent crammed with narrow, sterile bunk beds of the type one associates with mental wards of the last century. A legal services trailer with a banner on it's roof reads 'Bienvenidos,' or welcome, an irony that could hardly be lost on those kept here away from family, friends and the promise of America. In a half-hearted gesture towards the basic needs of it's young inmates, trailers never designed for the job have been pressed into service as makeshift classrooms, a barber shop and a hair salon.
A grim-looking ambulance and firetrucks stand ready in recognition of the inevitable. The camp's water trickles reluctantly from hurriedly drilled, shallow wells. Standing out in this largely beige world, one trailer near the entryway has been ham-handedly decorated with cheap posters featuring butterflies and flowers, their once bright colors fading rapidly under the glaring sun.

Narayanan said...

If parents are able to claim children age upto 25 as dependents >>>> should not these facilities also allow persons upto age 25?

alfromchgo said...

Does it have a Ferris wheel (oops white man) and bumper cars?

Rick.T. said...

“ The influx facilities also cost more: about $775 a day per child compared with $290 a day for permanent centers.”

Be cheaper to put them in all the hotel and motel rooms that aren’t being occupied anymore since the lockdowns.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

It sure didn’t take long for Dementia Joe to recreate the border crisis. Of course he needed to please his child trafficking constituency.

Next stop, restoring funding to Iran’s terrorist infrastructure.

n.n said...

Emigration reform to mitigate progress of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic]] immigration reform and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Be cheaper to put them in all the hotel and motel rooms that aren’t being occupied anymore since the lockdowns."

If cost is a consideration, how about sending them home and telling them to apply for citizenship through proper channels?

n.n said...

Time to leave the USA for the Third World. They have much more practice at it than we do.

With colored thumbs... uh, thumbs of color, they have fair, or at least auditable, elections that abort democratic gerrymandering.

Todd said...

66-acre site

So Biden is finally planning to do something about the cages his boss put these kids in?

So these will be free range kids? Biden likes the smell of the open air, in kid's hair...

#BadTouchBiden #KneesHarris

Michael said...

Something on this scale is not planned and implemented in a month and two days, certainly not by the government. It must have been in the works under Trump.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

The flow increases and decreases with the season, politics, other factors. Sometimes there is a heavy surge; housing and staffing are stressed. Other times permanent and semi-permanent facilities are empty, staff idle or furloughed.

Some facilities are directly Government owned. Many - notably the surge facilities - are contract operations. Federal Government pays the bills, so spending limit to avoid bad optics.

Bob Boyd said...

If Trump was President the WaPo would have have worked in a line something like, "A survivor of the internment camps built for Japanese Americans during the 2nd World War would immediately recognize Donald Trump's 21st century reincarnation."

Joe Smith said...

"A legal services trailer has the Spanish word 'Bienvenidos,' or welcome..."

This is hilarious...if you live in the U.S. and you don't know what 'Bienvenidos' means, then you're a moron.

And don't presume to welcome people on my behalf. Those are my tax dollars you're spending.

I'd prefer that you build jails in the desert.

Big jails with big fences and razor wire...kind of like in DC.

Mikey NTH said...

Off to Happy Fun Camp!

But the question I have is this: Potemkin Happy Fun Camp or not?

BarrySanders20 said...

They need a snappy ear-worm ad campaign. Something like

1-877-Kars for Kids, only Kamps4Kids

Sung with the appropriate accent in English, and in Espanol too. Could play it non-stop at the camp on a loop.

hombre said...

Form over substance, the hallmark of progressive idiots. The substance is still that Democrats are promoting open borders, a practice opposed by the vast majority of Americans. Unfortunately, those Americans with “Ds” after their names are too deluded or too stupid to notice.

Oooo, butterflies. I like butterflies.

narciso said...

Happy happy fun camp

Mark said...

Sounds like a very pleasant concentration camp.

wendybar said...

So Biden is changing the Obama cages to look more humane after attacking Trump for 4 years for using Obama cages that Obama's administration built and used prior, but that was okay because it was Obama. Got it.

Bob Boyd said...

Can the camp be defended against the transnational white supremacist threat?

DavidUW said...

That re-write is 100%

well done.

Owen said...

Bob Boyd, paging Bob Boyd. Please pick up the white courtesy phone, Dean Baquet is calling to offer you lifetime employment.

Browndog said...

Not sure why people are even batting an eye at this-

What did people think was going to happen when they installed Biden into the Oval Office?

There's going to be lots and lots of sweet-ass reminders of what the Obama Administration was, because apparently 4 years ago is just too far in the ancient past to remember.

as if.... said...

That was great Bob Boyd!

I'm Not Sure said...

Will there be services provided to allow the children to transition there?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Brilliant rewrite. I had a thought of trying it, but could never top that.

Anonymous said...

classrooms? for illegals? I know it's the law, but the irony is deep? Union teachers? I bet not. I bet they are contractor types. On the other hand, maybe these score toward opening up the nations schools in the first 100 days.

own water supply?

not connected to public water? Does that mean a well or a 5,000 gal tanker truck?

Achilles said...

They have classrooms for illegals.

Not for citizens.


Tom said...

From kids in cages to kids in beiges... and we’ve made no process. Only the tone of the headlines have changed.

Yancey Ward said...

Bob Boyd usuallyw wins the threads whenever Laslo is absent. When both are absent, the threads are gray, gray, gray....

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Do not taunt happy fun camp.

Joe Smith said...

"Such places are thick on the ground here in Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy, and Webb Counties TX."

Trump should have put these facilities in Martha's Vineyard, Manhattan's Upper East Side, Georgetown, Malibu, Bel Air, Pacific Heights, Menlo Park, Mercer Island, Buckhead, Jackson Hole...

You get the point. Flood blue cities and neighborhoods with illegals that are now legal. Keep housing and feeding them so they stay in those areas.

Especially in the deep blue states because it won't matter in the electoral college.

Make it hurt.

But he didn't. Huge missed opportunity.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Well done, Bob Boyd!

Joe Smith said...

"I was wondering that. If it's an open border what do they need a camp for?"

So you can get them all signed up for welfare and health benefits. If there are kids you can give them scholarships that your kids won't get. Drivers licenses, food stamps, etc.

Aren't you glad you pay a ton of taxes?

Joe Smith said...

@Bob Boyd at 9:01am


Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Kudos to Bob. The classrooms are used by over-worked, poorly paid teachers, in a vain effort to get the children to ignore Trump's obviously racist efforts to make their lives worse, if that is possible. Against one wall there are cages that apparently date back to the Obama Administration. No, forget that.

Skeptical Voter said...

Wow a "repurposed" man camp for oil field workers down a dusty road. I'm certain the NYT wasn't so fulsome in its praise of "man canps" for shale oil field workers a couple of years ago.

And as someone who has spent some time (thankfully just visiting clients) in construction trailers on oil industry sites, I'm not overly impressed with how comfortable they are. You can put up all the butterflies and blossoms you want (maybe "Dr. Jill" can employ the skills she showed in decorating the White House lawn) but construction trailers and man camp trailers are still a dump.

daskol said...

Glenn Greenwald also like the butterflies and colorful bit

AlbertAnonymous said...

Well done Bob Boyd.

I too started to try, and quickly bailed out, as “the age of Ipecac” was having its usual effect. Would like to keep down my breakfast...

alfromchgo said...

No job await. only the dole.


narciso said...

The same facility bought mattresses from mywayfair and was boycotted because they were my pillow

alfromchgo said...

Viva Carranza!!!!!

virgil xenophon said...

Bob Boyd pens (er, types) an absolute classic!!!

LSpeed said...

Bob Boyd is dead on the money.

Biff said...

Bob Boyd, you magnificent bastard! You're hired!

Lurker21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lurker21 said...

"Beige"? Really?

I'd suppose the equipment has something to do with the military.

Your US military doesn't do "beige"?

Bob Boyd said...

Thanks for the kind words, guys.

Bob Boyd said...

Your US military doesn't do "beige"?

Nope. Closet thing they have is Stormin' Norman's Britches Brown.

Achilles said...

Army does tan.

Not beige.


Paul A. Mapes said...

Wow! I've never heard of this Bob Boyd but he's got real talent. I bet offers from publications like the NY Times and Washington Post are just pouring in. He's definitely going to win a Pulitzer someday!

mikee said...

I wonder about the root causes of separating children from parents upon illegal border crossing to the US. The kids and the adults with them need to be verified as offspring of their parents, basically, before being allowed to continue on together. There are an awful lot of kids with adult strangers holding their hands found among border crossers. That so many kids are accompanying adults - other than their parents - should be worrying to everyone, and more worrying than the short term separation of "family" groups until verified. Or isn't that something we are allowed to discuss now that Biden/Harris is running things?

mikee said...

Bob Boyd could note that Andersonville Prison Camp from the US Civil War used to be the standard for bad internment, before history ceased being taught in schools. Viewers of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" would know about it, today.

FullMoon said...

LOL, Bob Boyd.
Reminds me of a comment made by friend who had his resume professionally done

"It was so good, , I didn't even recognize myself"

JaimeRoberto said...

I thought one of the reasons for the chain link fences (not cages) was to allow visibility and prevent abuse. These new cages seem to be set up for abuse. More and more I'm convinced that Progs and the media only care about appearances.

Kirk Parker said...

Bob Boyd,

Not bad, for a first effort. But let me help:

"... and what we were told without evidence is a soccer field. ".

There! Doesn't that capture an important nuance, and read better?

n.n said...

was to allow visibility and prevent abuse. These new cages seem to be set up for abuse.

It is written in the Twilight Amendment that the right to privacy, and other purposes, is paramount and overrides human and civil rights.

n.n said...

The same facility bought mattresses from mywayfair and was boycotted because they were my pillow

That was AOC's contribution to endangerment of migrant children and American citizens at the border, and cancelling companies based on ideological differences.

Yancey Ward said...

The only thing Boyd might have added to that would have been working in a story about how the that area has unsubstantiated rumors that small children are often attacked by coyotes.

Anonymous said...

We had a thing. This America. People from all over the world risked their lives to be part of it. Xe changed his name to Charlie. Pablo changed his name to Paul. Wilhelm became Bill. They wanted to be part of this thing. This thing was revolutionary! Men have God given rights! Where in the world, was that philosophy expressed? Where?

America. Only.

Men have God given rights! The engine of America's greatness.

Now, we teach our children in public school, that God cannot be mentioned.

From the moment that Gen. George Washington got on his knees to ask God his favor, this country was being founded. Look up any State's constitution and see what they said in their preamble. Any State. Look at any States' preamble.

Look up your State's preamble. Allow me to help...Wisconsin:

"We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings, form a more perfect government, insure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare, do establish this constitution."

Look up your State.

0_0 said...

The US military does "Khaki".

Is this a reopened facility or a new facility?

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