February 10, 2021

An Afternoon Café...

 ... in case you need to talk.

I can see that the impeachment trial is back, but I am not watching. Feel free to talk about it or anything else.


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Mutaman said...

One year ago today:

Donald Trump told the American people, “A lot of people think' coronavirus will go away in April with the heat.’

Achilles said...

Democrats warmening religion has run in with reality.

gadfly said...

Washington (CNN) January 21, 2021: President Donald Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani both mistakenly made calls to Republican Sen. Mike Lee as deadly riots were unfolding at the US Capitol earlier this week, a spokesman for the senator confirmed to CNN -- calls that were intended for another GOP senator the White House was frantically trying to convince to delay the counting of Electoral College votes.

Lee's spokesman said the calls from Trump and his attorney were intended for Sen. Tommy Tuberville, a newly elected Republican from Alabama.

The effort by the White House to get Tuberville to delay certification of the votes provides insight into the President's thinking and priorities as a mob of his supporters lay siege to the iconic building. As the President worked to convince Tuberville to delay the process, he and other top White House officials did little to check in on Vice President Mike Pence while he and members of his family were inside the breached Capitol, a source close to the vice president told CNN.

Trump first called the personal cell phone of Lee, a Utah Republican, shortly after 2 p.m. ET. At that time the senators had been evacuated from the Senate floor and were in a temporary holding room, as a pro-Trump mob began breaching the Capitol.

It took three weeks of waiting for Mike Lee to deny the CNN report when the Senator's staff provided the information. So where did the Giuliani audio of his call to Lee come from? Mike Lee is a legal scholar who knows damn well that jurors are not allowed to testify at trial because such action makes him a witness. A desperate act attempting to blow up the House prosecutors' damaging presentation, methinks.

FullMoon said...

"'President Show' Mockumentary Finds Comedy in Trump’s Downfall and Death/The hilarious new Comedy Central special... takes a page from true-crime docs to give viewers a cathartic peek into a Trump-free future."

walter said...

Richard Grenell
The old @chrislhayes
interviews with Stacey Abrams saying the election was illegitimate and she would never concede is 2021 Gold.

Mark said...

"Disney has fired Gina Carano over an instagram post."

That she deleted shortly after posting, so proud she was of it!

This is the last of a sequence of inflammatory comments that have been a months long PR problem. Stories said that she made a heartfelt apology to Disney just last weekend... before opening her mouth yet again

Given she had little talent beyond looking buff, I am quite certain they can find another actress that wooden.

narciso said...

She was pointing how the nazis demonized their neighbors targeting them for desreuction

n.n said...

She was pointing how the nazis demonized their neighbors targeting them for desreuction

Jew privilege... another legacy concept recycled, reused, repurposed.

rehajm said...

Jeep is now the Cats of the ad world...

tim in vermont said...

Had the second shot of Moderna two days ago. Spent yesterday under the weather. My advice to you is to take Tylenol and don’t allow it to wear off. Doctor said no Advil as it may weaken the effect of the vaccine. I had a lot of chills too. Fine now. The crap came on for me 24 hours almost exactly after I had the shot, but it lasted less than 24 hours.

tim in vermont said...

"Jeep is now the Cats of the ad world...”

I am happy they ran the ad, I was waiting for my lease to run out to buy a Grand Cherokee, but now I see that the Bronco is really what I want, so it was good to find out from Jeep how they really feel about me. Lefties use their money against corportions and it has been a very effective tactic for them. I stopped buying Gillette, I won’t buy Jeep, I buy Goya, I don’t buy Chiquita Bananas since they committed to only use conflict oil in their shipping, by swearing off Canadian oil.. We need to do this stuff.

Humperdink said...

Headline: "Fourteen state AGs slam President Biden's move on Keystone XL pipeline, call for him to reconsider"

These AG's should know better, it wasn't Biden who made the decision.

tim in vermont said...

"“A lot of people think' coronavirus will go away in April with the heat.’

He was quoting Fauci.

tim in vermont said...

The European Union also has over 400,000 dead last I checked, BTW. Are those Trump’s fault too? Come on Mutalman, I am sure you have a theory!

All along Trump was trying to bring home manufacturing of strategic goods from China and the first few months we couldn’t get enough PPE because all of it was manufactured in China. You tell me who we should have been listening too. Not to mention that the Obama Adminstration never replenished the PPE used in their half assed response to H1N1.

Ralph L said...

Was she servicing Biden or Schumer?

Schumer is Jewish, so likely smegma-free. No doubt Biden has a body man now to remind him about cleaning.

tim in vermont said...

Mutaman thinks he can get away with half baked trolling because he is convinced that we don’t read. That was a gem of a comment, almost as stupid as Ken B suggesting that we would defend woke out of “Jingoism.” I call that jangoism, the sense of Canadians that they are inherently morally superior to Americans.

tim in vermont said...

"This included an anti-Semitic post comparing the current political climate to Nazi Germany.”

Since they don’t include the actual text of what Gina wrote, I am going to assume it was not anti-Semitic, but rather anti-Democrat.

tim in vermont said...

You can get fired from your job for noticing that the Demcorats are using Hitler’s Reichstag Fire playbook to the letter. That’s anti-Semitic.

Mark said...

Yeah, Carano thought it was so great she nearly instantly deleted the post.

She knew it was crap, but you try to defend her.

She was comparing herself to a Jew under the 3rd Reich for her workplace not wanting a to employ a constant PR disaster.

I guess Trump should have kept Scaramucci around the entire 4 years, as firing PR disasters is now cancel culture. LMAO

Jersey Fled said...

It bears mentioning that all along the World Health Organization has said a social distance of one meter is what is needed. That is, three feet, not six.

CDC agrees with WHO and most of Europe that 3 feet is adequate, but doubled it for us.

Just because.

tim in vermont said...

"She knew it was crap,”

She knew it would get her fired, and it did. So it kind of proved her point, didn’t it?

tim in vermont said...

It says a lot about where we are when somebody will shamelessly post that it’s acceptable to fire a person from their job for criticizing the Democrats

stevew said...

What we need to see is a fair trial; so I'm not watching.

Andrea Mitchell illustrates the Dunning-Kruger effect, perfectly. Rubin too.

Mark said...

Gina used her role for Disney in her Twitter bio and her photo was an official photo in costume.

How silly for people to associate her posts with her job.

She said stupid shit again and again. Did Trump cancel Scaramucci or Lewandowski (or Flynn... the list is LONG) by firing them for their PR disasters?

tim in vermont said...

If Democrats don’t want to be compared to Nazis, maybe they should not use the same playbook that Botha, Mussolini, and yes, Hitler used to consolidate power.

"Gina used her role for Disney in her Twitter bio and her photo was an official photo in costume”

I am just trying to figure out how her tweet was “anti-Semitic.” Which was the point of my original post on this topic. Maybe you can explain that part?

Kai Akker said...

Harris / Morris

Jan Morris one of the early transgenders and a well-known writer. Wasn't Jan Harris a name in the news also -- the private school headmistress who killed her faithless lover, the Scarsdale Diet Doctor?

Fernandinande said...

Shakespeare just strung together a bunch of quotes.

That's a great quote. Did you swipe it from Shakespeare?

Kai Akker said...

---One year ago today:
Donald Trump told the American people, “A lot of people think' coronavirus will go away in April with the heat.’ [Mutaman]

Yes, very clear seasonal patterns with the virus. They fit our past (extensive) viral experiences well, and in so doing explain enormous amounts of the Chinese virusi incidence as well as the different experiences in Texas, say, and in Wisconsin. But it takes too long to bring a dope to the trough of knowledge, so why don't you go study up on your own time on this subject.

Fernandinande said...

Gina Carano

Never heard of her, but I'm always curious about what sort of harmless comment can get people cancelled nowadays.

Lucasfilm lied mightily about her comment(s) and even said that "there are no plans for her to be in the future." (!)

Since Jews run Hollywood, if you want to work in Hollywood the only thing you should say about Jews is that they don't run Hollywood.

Mark said...

Tim, I have to go to work. Figure it out yourself, it ain't hard.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Our son had similar reaction to the second shot. (Age 33, got the shots "early" due to the billet he is in in the Navy.)

tim in vermont said...

“It’ ain’t hard”

But I can’t or won't explain it in a sentence or two, right? Better to not express your argument than to risk having it be demolished in ten seconds, right? That’ was you can continue to nurse your delusions without ever exposing them to any kind of test. If you really believed them, you would welcome such a test.

On a different topic, I don’t know why people were so mad about “blacklisting” communist sympathizers in the ‘50s. After all, they could have made movies in Super 8 and shown them in church basements, right? They just violated the “terms and conditions” of their employment contracts with rhw studios. There was no government involvement in quashing their first amendment rights, and therefore it was totally kosher!

Kai Akker said...


Wiki mentions Borges, Pascal, but somehow they omit the great thinker Newhart. One of his great early stand-up sketches:


Fritz said...

Rt41Rebel said...
"Shakespeare just strung together a bunch of quotes."

Yeah, he wasn't so great.


A short, but great, read.

Been a Long, Long Time

Birches said...

Since they don’t include the actual text of what Gina wrote, I am going to assume it was not anti-Semitic, but rather anti-Democrat.

Completely not anti Semetic. I can't even understand how they would be construed as Anti Semetic.

We're dropping Disney Plus.

Ralph L said...

Wasn't Jan Harris a name in the news also

That was Jean Harris.

Kai Akker said...

Right, thank you Ralph L. Close, though. And Herman Tarnower. What a huge case at the time. How many today have ever heard of it, I wonder.

320Busdriver said...

MIL. 81. She took the 1st Moderna shot 10 days ago and felt crappy for a few days afterward. Mostly balance/vertigo. She then had her annual meet with her doc and related this to her/him. She was told that if she didn’t want to take the second shot she shouldn’t worry about it.
She said she was told there is no evidence that the second shot provides any more protection. Understand there are many opportunities for misunderstanding in this anecdote and I am only going off of what I was told by my better half. But it’s interesting to me.

mockturtle said...

The New York Stock Exchange is considering moving out of New York if a securities transfer tax is imposed. Wonder what their new choice would be? Dallas? Nashville? Chicago?

Fritz said...

320Busdriver said...

There's so much we still don't know. It's great that we got the vaccines so quickly, but that means we don't have much data on their long term effectiveness. Worst case, they fade after 6 months or a year and we need boosters; best case they last several years, or until a variant emerges that escapes the immunity from the vaccine. We don't know if the second shot (for Moderna or Pfizer) is necessary to maintain a long term immunity, or whether it just boosts the immunity to a higher percentage.

I'm of the opinion that we should get the first shots out as widely as possible, and play catch up on seconds. Getting 80% immunity in the whole population would be better than 95% in half. But I could be wrong.

Mark said...

No tim, I have dealt with bullshit commentators here too much to wade in when I won't be back for a while.

Blame Drago.

I consider this like Disney deciding not to bake a cake for someone whose relationship they don't condone, as opposed to trying to compare it to being taken to the gas chambers. YMMV

320Busdriver said...


“ I'm of the opinion that we should get the first shots out as widely as possible, and play catch up on seconds. Getting 80% immunity in the whole population would be better than 95% in half. But I could be wrong.”

I think this is right. Reading https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-it-safe-to-delay-a-second-covid-vaccine-dose/ tells me a single dose protected almost everyone from serious disease and 80% from getting it at all. It seems that if one has a reaction to the first then a more significant reaction to the second is maybe more likely. Apparently Docs are taking this into consideration, which also seems right.

Gospace said...

Fired because he used remaining does of vaccine rather than throwing them away- to people not on the approved list. Kind of at odds with using resources efficiently- the way things are supposed to be done. And now the Democrat DA wants to find a way to prosecute him.

Everything about the dreaded covid, since the beginning, and continuing with vaccine distribution, is and has been about control, and has had absolutely nothing to do with your health. Nothing at all whatsoever. There are numerous treatments that if given early will reduce symptoms and likely keeping you from the ICU. Instructions to every single person I know who has had the dreaded covid has been the same- go home. isolate, if it gets worse, go to the ER. No intervention, no early treatment when it would actually be useful. No HCQ, no ivermectin, no recommendation even for OTC zinc, Vitamin D, and quercetin. Nothing. With existing evidence do you honestly think government and the health bureaucracy are concerned about your health?


Jersey Fled said...

Got my first shot today (Moderna). Some soreness at the injection site and a slight headache.

Jersey Fled said...

I have to admit I was super impressed with how organized and efficient my county vaccination site was.

If all government services were that good I might become a Democrat.


Jim at said...

In my humble opinion, it would constitute an impeachable abuse of power for a president intentionally to orchestrate a campaign of lies about election fraud to overturn an election he lost, whether or not that campaign led to violence.

Aaaaand once again, it sure is a good thing that didn't happen then, isn't it?

mockturtle said...

Terrible 100-vehicle pile up in Fort Worth due to ice. At least 5 dead. This video is shocking: Link

Mutaman said...

"Twitter sucks without Trump. If Twitter is smart, they’ll bring back Trump."

I miss those tweets calling Mike Pence a traitor when he knew Pence was in danger from the mob.

Mark said...

If they can knock off Abraham Lincoln, it's just a matter of time before they come for Shakespeare

Which would be ironic because Shakespeare was such a (probably self-preserving) ass-kisser spewing propaganda for the psychopathic Tudor Police State.

Mark said...

The New York Stock Exchange is considering moving out of New York if a securities transfer tax is imposed.

If D.C. becomes a state, it will be time to move the capital.

mockturtle said...

If D.C. becomes a state, it will be time to move the capital.

Yes. In fact, why wait?

hpudding said...

Can any of the more literate insurrectionists (I assume some might exist) point to where in Article 1 Section 2 it says that an impeachable offense must violate a statute? T-Rump can and should be tried for criminal offenses separately, in a court of law. A court of impeachment does not serve that purpose - but rather to determine current or future fitness for office, based on acts committed while occupying it. The constitutional provision granting the House "sole" power of impeachment means that they determine what is an impeachable offense.

In any event, if you believe inciting insurrection is/should be acceptable either in criminal law or as an (un)impeachable act, just say so. Say what you believe instead of just trying to weasel around ways of parading around the only leader you find fit to lead you. We understand you think everything he does is defensible - that's clear. Yes, he's your last best hope for the Republican party's naked descent into authoritarianism. Articulate a principle for your current attempt to defend him, though. A need to uphold his personality cult doesn't count.

Narr said...

"Can any of the more literate"

Thank you!


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