"... inside the Capitol building, according to records he filed in federal court on Tuesday. Lawyers for John Sullivan, a 26-year-old Utah native, disclosed the payments as part of the activist’s argument that he was acting as a journalist in the Capitol rather than a rioter. 'Defendant is legitimately self-employed as a documentarian and it is oppressive to require that he not be allowed to continue his primary area of employment for an extended period of time,' Steven R. Kiersh, the Sullivan lawyer, wrote in a court filing... Prosecutors cited video that Sullivan recorded inside the Capitol in which he called for burning down the building, while egging on others who had broken into the building.... Sullivan has proved to be one of the more controversial of the dozens of riot-related arrests. Conservatives have cited his presence at the riots as evidence that left-wing activists played a large role in instigating the Capitol breach."
From "CNN And NBC Both Paid $35,000 To Left-Wing Activist For Footage Of Fatal Capitol Shooting" (Daily Caller).
Politico covers the same story with "Judge refuses to ban Capitol riot suspect from Twitter and Facebook/But the court ordered John Sullivan of Utah, a videographer, to stop work with his Insurgence USA website and social media platforms":
The defendant, John Sullivan of Utah, has maintained that he attends raucous demonstrations as a journalist, sharing videos through his Insurgence USA website and social media platforms. Sullivan’s defense attorney even filed invoices with the court showing that CNN and NBC each paid Sullivan’s firm $35,000 last month for rights to video he filmed of chaotic scenes outside and inside the Capitol, including the deadly shooting of protester Ashli Babbitt by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.
However, prosecutors contend that Sullivan is not a mere bystander or chronicler of protests. Instead, they say, he actively encourages violence, telling viewers how to make Molotov cocktails and evade identification by police. He was arrested last month on charges stemming from the Jan. 6 riot, including interfering with police during a civil disorder. Sullivan was later hit with an additional charge: obstruction of Congress....
Sullivan’s politics remain murky. He has described himself as an opponent of Trump and a backer of Black Lives Matter. However, BLM activists in Utah have disowned him, saying he seemed intent on provoking violence at protests. They’ve also noted that Sullivan often seems to work in tandem with his brother, James, who spoke at a right-wing, Proud Boys event....
“The social media limits are incredibly oppressive, incredibly overbroad and serve no purpose other than to basically oppress Mr. Sullivan,” Kiersh said. “Mr. Sullivan is very involved in exchanging of ideas amongst his peers, and this is how he does it.”
But Assistant U.S. Attorney Candice Wong also skewered Kiersh’s suggestion that John Sullivan is using Twitter and Facebook the way others his age do. “The defendant’s social media presence … does not read like a typical 20-something’s social media presence,” she said. “It’s not about the weather. It’s not about communicating with friends.”...
At one point during the hearing, [Magistrate Judge Robin] Meriweather questioned whether Sullivan’s videos are urging protest or rioting. “There is a distinction,” she said.
So antifa were in the building and provoking violence and selling video footage.
Totally not a false flag op.
Nothing to see here.
The media pay agitators to generate hot video. They truly are the enemy of the people.
I’m only surprised that any of this moronic, lockstep media would mention this. A full accounting of who the violent lawbreakers were is needed, just as was needed last Spring, last Summer, last Fall.
Judges issue gag orders all the time.
From a legal perspective why is shutting this guy down a problem?
"So antifa were in the building and provoking violence and selling video footage."
"Defendant is legitimately self-employed as a documentarian and it is oppressive to require that he not be allowed to continue his primary area of employment for an extended period of time"
Yet Trump needs to be impeached for holding a rally and telling people to be peaceful. Sounds legit.
Sounds like someone who likes to watch things burn, and found a way to get paid for making it happen.
“Catch and kill” was a bad thing when the Media claimed Trump was paying off people then having his buddy at American Media not run the story but bury it. But it appears that CNN-NBC bought that video simply to sit on it. Certainly it isn’t being presented 24/7 like oh say Jake Blake or Michael Brown or any of the incidents media use to keep racial tension high. So obvious how these fuckers play hide the ball.
Bad optics,
I recommend Democrats kick him to the curb,
He should have been smart enough to edit out his own voice. And yes I’m assuming it’s possible.
And, if Capitol Hill police had shot him, how would the fallout be different?
Would we be suggesting that the should be better trained so as to differentiate between a “real” protester, and a pretender?
And how does he not share responsibility for the death of Ashli Babbit?
Did video of the actual kill shot make the video worth that much more than the going rate?
“This raises serious red flags.” Tayler told us that the average beat reporter and videographer makes $300 to $1,000 for coverage from an event like the US Capitol riots. — Sullivan made $35,000 for his coverage.
Tayler Hansen added this,
“With over 6 months of experience as an independent Journalist I have captured some of the most viewed and circulated media content on the internet. I have NEVER made over $1,000 on an individual video. The highest I have ever seen a news source pay for breaking news footage is $3,000. John Sullivan being paid $35,000 by CNN and NBC for ONE EVENT is criminal. An average paid journalist out of Utah makes $3,021 a month, NOT $75,000 IN A MATTER OF DAYS. Let’s not forget that John has always been an ANTIFA and BLM organizer and activist. He has never before reported in a journalistic capacity. Even while “reporting” he is seen breaking a window, telling people he has a knife to get to the front of a crowded hallway, and is heard saying, “LETS BURN THIS SHIT DOWN!”
John Sullivan is not and has never been a journalist. He is an avowed BLM organizer and activist, his group InsurgenceUSA has a history of violence. There is something nefarious going on here, and I intend to find out what it is.
Disgusting and this too will be buried by the MSM.
What a PILE of FAKE NEWS! We were assured that there were ZERO people there that were not rabid Trump supporters! As a result, this MUST be fake news, right?
Sullivan is ANTIFA, but we are told by the MSM that there is “no evidence” of ANTIFA / Left Wing Involvement on Jan 6th. Then the MSM pays him big money for video footage of a woman getting shot in the head.
Sick stuff.
CNN and NBC will suppress the hell out of this story.
'Defendant is legitimately self-employed as a documentarian....
prosecutors contend that Sullivan is not a mere bystander or chronicler of protests. Instead, they say, he actively encourages violence,
So; was he there to film it, or to foment it ???
Was there EVER, a better occasion; to embrace the power, of the word 'AND' ???
“However, BLM activists in Utah have disowned him, saying he seemed intent on provoking violence at protests.”
Right. That probably it.
Birds of a feather
We are lost as a country. The fabric is wearing thin. Gird your loins. Our national leaders won’t help and likely will make things much worse. They already are. Corruption reigns.
Don’t worry, I’m sure it will all come out into the light when Nancy’s independent commission starts they’re job.
Since i discovered that susan rosenberg is the corporate chieftain of this enterprise, like talia al ghul for real i dont call it blm
Wince said...
Did video of the actual kill shot make the video worth that much more than the going rate?
What do you think the fair market value would be of somebody giving Nancy Pelosi a money shot?
It was immediately obvious that this was not from the NYT.
Is Kamala bailing him out between important phone calls?
So now that we know the Brian Sicknick blood libel is a complete sham and antifa were provoking violence in the capitol building is there anyone who wants to assert that the regime and the media did not pre plan this reichstag fire event?
Well if we are outing grifters like those Lincoln losers let’s take a look at BLM and Antifa, shall we?
Couldn't those networks be named in wrongful death suit by Ashli's next of kin? Didn't those networks aid and abet domestic terrorism?
For starters i dont call them black bloc, their operation tempo did seem to rise after talia was enconced in the kellogg foundation. Did it not.
"Sullivan’s politics remain murky. He has described himself as an opponent of Trump and a backer of Black Lives Matter. However, BLM activists in Utah have disowned him, saying he seemed intent on provoking violence at protests."
Really? and when did the "disowned" him? When did they complain about him pushing violence?
Was it before, or after, he got arrested for 1/5?
Move along now. We have no time for conspiracy theories.
It's important for good citizens to understand that their duty is to occasionally not see things for the good of the Republic and their continued mental health. Wouldn't want people thinking you're crazy or anything like that, would we?
Would we, citizen?
Did agent provocateurs from Antifa/BLM infiltrate the Trump/Proud Boys rally on January 6? Or did agent provocateurs of Trump/Proud Boys who had been working to undermine Antifa/BLM come out from undercover and show their true Trump/Proud Boys colors? Or have elements of Antifa/BLM and Trump/Proud Boys been working together to foment violence in our country all along?
His politics are "Murkey". LOL. No one else seems to be upset that our America Pravda and that DNC news letter called the WaPO refuse to report on Antifa crimes and in fact claim it doesn't exist. Meanwhile, everyone in the Capital building on Jan 6th is labeled a "Trump supporter" without evidence and even more dishonestly an "Insurrectionist".
There is talk of a Pelosi led "Commission" to look into the Jan 6th riot, but we know that any such commission will be a lying farce with only two objectives: 1) TO cover up Pelosi, Mayor DC, and the Capital Hill police's responsibility for leaving the building almost undefended and 2) to blame trump for everything.
Again, the murder of Ashli Babbitt goes unmentioned. I assume her family will have to sue someone to get ANY justice. No one else seems to care. Especially those who cried rivers of tears over George Floyd. What a bunch of fakes!
This is called “checkbook journalism” and it is usually associated with celebrity magazines and tabloid television. Sometimes real journalists do it. In 1970, Esquire published the "The Confessions of Lt. Calley." This man, with his platoon, murdered hundreds of civilians at My Lai. Calley was paid $ 20,000 ($ 100,000 adjusted for inflation).
Obviously, paid informants will lie for money. I don't think that's an issue here. Mr. Sullivan did not use look-alikes. He did not stage the event. He's recording in a public place. He's not using a hidden camera. He didn't edit the video. So I think it's fine that CNN paid for the footage.
First the Dems charge Trump and his supporters with all kinds of serious things, then they (maybe) call for an investigation. Backward. I've tried to follow coverage of this John Sullivan guy, but also animal skins guy aka Trumpist Shaman, Jake Angeli, and Daniel Alan Baker. They all have elements in their recent past that suggest "radical, inclined to violent protest, could go right or left." They're not typical of the happy people at Trump rallies. Trump has never had black shirts; he may have skirted close to advising people to do something violent on Jan. 6, but I don't think he will be found to have done that.
Sullivan is ANTIFA, but we are told by the MSM that there is “no evidence” of ANTIFA / Left Wing Involvement on Jan 6th. Then the MSM pays him big money for video footage of a woman getting shot in the head.
In Iowa there were regular reports about people spotting cougars in the fields and woods. They would get a fuzzy picture and tell the Dept of Natural Resources. The DNR would go on the radio and TV and explain their are NO cougars in Iowa, they have no idea what the fuzzy picture is, maybe a coyote.
About 8 to 10 years ago a farmer spotted one up a tree in his pasture sleeping. He went out and shoot it out of the tree. Called the local officer and told him he spotted a cougar, the officer told him not really, must be something else. They farmer said he should come take a look, because the corpse looks a lot like a cougar. The officer showed up and wanted to fine him for killing something that didn't exist.
Fun times
The events of Jan 6th, seem to be following a familiar pattern. The news media and the Democrats manufacture a "crisis" and lie about it. The Never-trumpers and the vichy republicans swallow the lies, and screech about "Trumpists" or "white supremacy" or whatever. And then slowly, very slowly, the facts start to dribble out showing the whole thing was a Nothing-burger, or that Trump was in fact the victim and not the offender.
Here's a clue to anyone who has any intellectual honesty. The next time the NYT/WaPo start screeching about something and attack Trump, the Right, or even the Republicans, show a little bit of skepticism. Maybe, just maybe, they aren't telling the truth. Maybe, just maybe, those anonymous sources aren't telling the truth. Maybe, just maybe, weren't getting the whole story.
Just goes to show you how this all happened, and who was involved. Meanwhile, Andy Ngo had to flee America because of the death threats from being a real Journalist and covering the violence of Antifa and BLM. Where are the Media in protecting him and paying him for the coverage he has of REAL violence???
From the Insurgence USA website - still up
"Insurgence USA's mission is to provide you the truth. We are on the frontlines, giving you unedited raw footage, photos, and news of the insurrection here in America.
Revealing the truth about Antifa and BLM's communist plans to overthrow democracy.
Exposing the sinister motives of Proud Boys and Right-Wing militias as they plot to topple the government.
Welcome to the revolution.
We are The Revolution"
Legal Defense Fund page
"John Sullivan Aka Jayden X was arrested as a Journalist during the Storming Of The Capitol help defend his 1st Amendment Rights"
January Archive page
The MSM are among the most power hungry groups in the country. Trump threatened that power by calling them out for lies and refusing to back down so they did whatever they could to destroy him. It's been their goal for many decades to shape, not record, history. Their treachery will not be overlooked.
No "Investigation" by the Democrats will be a honest one. PERIOD. You can believe it will be. You can impute honesty and good faith to them. But if so, you are a GULLIBLE RUBE.
'Antifa is just an idea' that killed 150 cops and did tens of billions in damages, no need to call the national guard because 'they are mostly peaceful'
But close your eyes and go back to sleep. Delusional China Joe has got this.
"Sullivan’s politics remain murky. He has described himself as an opponent of Trump and a backer of Black Lives Matter. However, BLM activists in Utah have disowned him, saying he seemed intent on provoking violence at protests. They’ve also noted that Sullivan often seems to work in tandem with his brother, James, who spoke at a right-wing, Proud Boys event.... "
James Sullivan FB
See 1/21/21 posts
There were other leftwing activists there. but we won't ever get to know the truth about it from the FBI or the hack press.
News networks paid (very good) money for a snuff film. Of all that's egregious about this story, that aspect is the most. Let's not be a society that encourages people to shoot footage of another person dying. George Floyd, too. Turn off your camera and show some respect for the horror and solemnity of a life ending.
'Antifa is just an idea' that killed 150 cops and did tens of billions in damages, no need to call the national guard because 'they are mostly peaceful'
150 cops died in Antifa/BLM riots. What a steaming load of bullshit! Only 45 were murdered in the entire country in 2020, down from 48 in 2019.
Insurgence USA
"We Are The Revolution
Insurgence USA is forming a rainbow coalition to unite all people under one banner to fight for liberation and freedom for all people. How we hope to achieve this is by taking a stance against acts of inhumane violence, discrimination of any form, and political corruption. We are the revolution, lets show them the power of the people united!"
The question I'm exploring is whether this site shows that Jayden X was a journalist or an anarchist activist.
Well I am not the first and hopefully not the last to note how profoundly lazy and misleading it was for “Daily Caller” to assert, and for Althouse to have re-broadcast that John Sullivan was a “left-wing” activist. It has been known for weeks what a deranged unpredictable outlier Sullivan was. And that the oh-so-popular notion in TrumpWorld that the Trump riot at the Capitol was an “Antifa” job, is utter bullshit.
My favorite moment in American politics is when one side realizes they dun fucked up with the political violence and turns on a dime from defending it to claiming it was the work of the other side. It reminds me of the moment my young son was caught with chocolate all over his face and his defense was to wordlessly point toward his sister, who we knew had been napping and nowhere near the candy jar.
after a summer of burnt cities, fire-bombed police stations and the destruction of private and public property - all spurred on by actual democrats from on high - somehow it's outrageous to believe some of the violence at the capitol was leftwing?
and here we have Sullivan's own footage proving his own violent behavior, his violent rhetoric and his violent actions.
"Burn this shit down"
Certainly Trump supporters acted stupidly... but many of them were walking thru open doors.
It doesnt sound very peaceful to my ears.
We hear a lot of rumors but as to the truth, thats very thin gruel
It was the perfect marriage of gullible Trump supporters, and actual Antifa. I doubt most of the Trump supporters were there to commit violence.
There is no track record of violence at Trump's rallies.
The Ante-fa left DO have a proven track record of violence.
Earnest Prole said...
My favorite moment in American politics is when one side realizes they dun fucked up with the political violence and turns on a dime from defending it to claiming it was the work of the other side.
As opposed to the moment when prole comes on a thread to post something stupid and misleading with a stupid little analogy.
somehow it's outrageous to believe some of the violence at the capitol was leftwing?
Why would you want to believe that? For God’s sake: Have the courage of your convictions.
As opposed to the moment when prole comes on a thread to post something stupid and misleading with a stupid little analogy.
Why so sensitive? For God’s sake: Have the courage of your convictions.
Banned, homeless, boozy, pederast aligned commenter C__! resurfaces.
You need to put it in quotes,
It's a MadLibs thread. Ann is trolling you people hard this morning.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
'Antifa is just an idea' that killed 150 cops and did tens of billions in damages, no need to call the national guard because 'they are mostly peaceful'
150 cops died in Antifa/BLM riots. What a steaming load of bullshit! Only 45 were murdered in the entire country in 2020, down from 48 in 2019.
Congrats sir. That’s the most disgusting piece of garbage I’ve ever seen posted here. Check yourself before you wreck yourself!
It's so hard to see what was going on that day. Jayden X, it can be shown, wanted an insurrection. It cannot be shown he was a Trump supporter or a BLM supporter. Faux Fur Shaman was not a Trump supporter. Everyone who died at the Capitol was a Trump supporter but they were on opposite sides - one police and one window breaker.
E P -
Courage of my convictions? How is that even an answer.
The media pay agitators to generate hot video. They truly are the enemy of the people.
Nightcrawler was a pretty good movie centered around this premise.
"Or have elements of Antifa/BLM and Trump/Proud Boys been working together to foment violence in our country all along?"
Maybe you could ask the Trump supporter gunned down in Portland by Antifa.
What I don't see is nightly Proud Boys riots in Knoxville or Tulsa. You'd think if they were interested in fomenting violence in the country, they'd do just that. But what's going on in Portland and Seattle?
Sometimes ignorance is a choice.
Chuck, tell us more about The Lincoln Project.
You may recall, during our summer of violence, the Left attempting two squalid maneuvers: First, arguing there was not a single documented case of Antifa violence in America, and second, arguing the violence was in fact the work of right-wing agent provocateurs.
Don’t be like the Left.
Antifa records all of their direct actions for recruitment/training purposes.
EP -
There were people in the crowd at the Capitol, during the approach, who were yelling out 'these are not our people, these are not Trump supporters'
Media not interested or curious about an interview with people who had a different perspective.
Michael Yon was one. and he is an impeccable war journalist.
Instead - everyone who had a different perspective has been silenced.
Instead, a known Antifa - was paid 35,000 by CNN - a "news" organization actively working in concert for one political party.
Earnest Prole said...
As opposed to the moment when prole comes on a thread to post something stupid and misleading with a stupid little analogy.
Why so sensitive? For God’s sake: Have the courage of your convictions.
You can’t recognize courage of convictions. You don’t have the self awareness to understand your limitations.
He may have left-wing beliefs but it sounds like he just liked to go stir things up so he would get good, clickable, marketable video. Was he streaming or just recording video? I know journalists can do either, but mentally I think of streamers as people who might get involved and journalists as neutral observers. You can't role play as a rioter and still be a journalist but you can get lots of views as a streamer.
Earnest Prole said...
You may recall, during our summer of violence, the Left attempting two squalid maneuvers: First, arguing there was not a single documented case of Antifa violence in America, and second, arguing the violence was in fact the work of right-wing agent provocateurs.
Don’t be like the Left.
Except... you know... all of the antifa and BLM people arrested in the capitol building.
The offers Trump made to provide extra security. Nancy Pelosi and mayor bowser turning those offers down. Numerous videos of capitol police leading “protesters “ around. Many reports by people of antifa people in the protest. The Sicknick blood libel.
You are completely dishonest if you assert that our questions are anything like what the left was dong this summer trying to blame the BLM actions on proud boys.
Or stupid.
The black-out of people who were supposedly arrested... yeah .
Why do we only hear about a trickle of "evil right wingers" - when there were so many people ...
Why is that? did the arrests snag more known antifas?
Earnest Prole said...
somehow it's outrageous to believe some of the violence at the capitol was leftwing?
Why would you want to believe that? For God’s sake: Have the courage of your convictions.
Ok prole is just a dishonest troll posting in bad faith.
You can’t recognize courage of convictions.
I’ll tell you who has the courage of his convictions: Donald Trump, who was pleased as orange punch about the Capitol mob.
Why do you feel the need to undercut Trump by giving half credit (or more) to Antifa?
I’m beginning to suspect you don’t have what it takes to win.
Michael Yon was there. He didn't break any windows, yell and scream for violence.. etc.
Nobody at CNN wants to talk to Michael Yon.
"Pleased as punch?" How do you know? Do you have the inside track to Trump's inner most thoughts like the Lincoln Project does?
I recall he was not happy and wanted everyone to go home and said so on Twitter, but Twitter took it down.
I think parts of Trump's Jan 6th speech to his supporters were odd. He never incited violence, but he did place some false hope on what Pence would or could actually accomplish. So - yeah - Trump is guilty!!! of that. Guilty of not understanding that Pence could not single highhandedly stand in the way of certification. Yes - many of Trump's gullible supporters were holding out false hope on that front.
But all in all - Trump never incited violence and he and his supporters have every right to protest peacefully.
Trump - 'We are going to peacefully protest' - weird how the House managers cut that out and left it on the cutting room floor. Weird how they edited twitter. but hey - lying if A-OK when you're a democratic. Leaving out context and ignoring all other aspects of what went on that day - all A-ok!
Earnest Prole said...
You can’t recognize courage of convictions.
I’ll tell you who has the courage of his convictions: Donald Trump, who was pleased as orange punch about the Capitol mob.
Why do you feel the need to undercut Trump by giving half credit (or more) to Antifa?
I’m beginning to suspect you don’t have what it takes to win.
Completely dishonest troll operating purely in bad faith.
Prole is not interested whatsoever in the truth of what happened or identifying what other people honestly want and do.
He wants January 6th to be a violent insurrection by Trump supporters.
He is using falsehoods and lies to create the reality he wants.
I recall he was not happy and wanted everyone to go home.
Wait, even Trump bailed on the courageous patriots who refused to allow his landslide re-election to be stolen?
Not just footage but moral support. That said, who committed the elective abortion of the unarmed, female, veteran Ashli Babbitt, and why? A novel apology, a Twilight Fringe model, for self-defense. The working understanding is that her gruesome death was designed to suppress or enrage men and fellow veterans, which has been followed by a Biden/Harris-lead cancel culture in witch hunts and warlock judgments.
wow EP - you can have it both ways.
He never incited violence, but he did place some false hope on what Pence would or could actually accomplish. So - yeah - Trump is guilty!!! of that. Guilty of not understanding that Pence could not single highhandedly stand in the way of certification.
See, now we’re in violent agreement. I too believe the incitement charge was ludicrous (not only in light of the high legal standard of Brandenburg but also in light of the common understanding of the word), and I also believe asking the Vice President to perform the unconstitutional act you describe (overruling Congress’ certification of the electors) was a violation of Trump’s oath of office.
Rodney King was right: Why can’t we all just get along?
Except... you know... all of the antifa and BLM people arrested in the capitol building.
Also, the mayor and representatives who refused help a la Katrina catastrophe, Some, Select Black Lives Matter protests and incursions, and Antifa denial of civil rights and mobbing. And the government agents who facilitated, invited entry into the People's House. Did the elective abortion of the unarmed, female, veteran Ashli Babbitt normalize and progress the disorder and JournoListic spectacle? And lay the groundwork for a segue to cancel culture?
Mary Beth said... [hush][hide comment]
He may have left-wing beliefs but it sounds like he just liked to go stir things up so he would get good, clickable, marketable video. Was he streaming or just recording video? I know journalists can do either, but mentally I think of streamers as people who might get involved and journalists as neutral observers. You can't role play as a rioter and still be a journalist but you can get lots of views as a streamer.
2/17/21, 11:01 AM
Sorry but NO journalist is a neutral observer. There used to be an expectation that a reasonable percentage of reporters were neutral observers but there are no journalists that are. Journalists are their to tell a story, their story, not "the" story.
wow EP - you can have it both ways
Abort the child, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too? Yes, they can, and Good Americans will kneel, and Humpty Dumpties will go along to get along. Still, as more people wake from their woke and drowsy state, democratic/dictatorial, Twilight Fringe policies are prosecuted with a double-edged scalpel.
enabling this fraud was unconstitutional, but that's for pence and the feckless four to have on their conscience,
Sullivan's actions actually come closer to the definition of incitement but he wasn't inspired by Trump? Is Sullivan considered part of an insurrection to overthrow the government or is he a modern day journalist trying to make a living, inventing and encouraging a story? Did he have an agent and was he under contract before or after the riot? Who else was paying him for his activism?
Congrats sir. That’s the most disgusting piece of garbage I’ve ever seen posted here. Check yourself before you wreck yourself!
So narciso makes up a bullshit statistic, I call him out on it, pointing out that the total number of police murdered last year (I did not have the time or effort to figure out how many BLM protests were responsible for) is a third of what he claimed Antifa was responsible for, and I am the bad guy?
Give me a fucking break!
Insurgence USA is a white nationalist group! ;)
150 cops died in Antifa/BLM riots. What a steaming load of bullshit! Only 45 were murdered in the entire country in 2020, down from 48 in 2019.
Notice how Freder skips the point of the entire, fucking piece and focuses on the error of a single comment.
You're part of the problem, boy.
Why does a judge need to ban the guy? Why haven't Twitter and Facebook de-platformed a guy who urged people to burn down the Capitol? I've heard that's impeachment worthy.
I live in Utah. Last summer, there was a "peaceful protest" in Provo, Utah, a BLM/Antifa protest. In Provo, perhaps the most conservative small city in America; home to one of the most conservative college student bodies in the US at BYU and also close to another one in Utah Valley University.
Anyway, a "peaceful protest" that blocked the streets and stopped traffic. John Sullivan was there. This poor guy going home from Home Depot ran right into this mob, well, found himself in the middle of the mob as he was trying to make a turn. They jumped on his hood, banged the windows, etc.... and then someone in the crowd shot him in the arm. He gunned it, but tried to avoid running over anyone. Drove himself to the hospital.
Later on the same mobster shot at another car, through the back window. Sullivan admits that he knew who pulled the trigger and that he hid the identify from the cops.
He's a far leftist. Nothing murky about it. And I assure you, BLM of Utah did not denounce the violence in Provo. In fact, they accused the driver who had been shot of trying to murder the "protestors" as he drove away from being shot again.
'Defendant is legitimately self-employed as a documentarian....
Skippy is legitimately self-employed as a nonprofit Orgasmatron.
found himself in the middle of the [Some, Select BLM, Antifa] mob as he was trying to make a turn. They jumped on his hood, banged the windows, etc
50 shades of Charlottesville; NYC, too.
Freder Frederson said...
So narciso makes up a bullshit statistic,
It's no more idiotic than claiming the riot was an insurrection. Freder's problem is supporting all the insane fearmongering as long as it serves to make complaint left wing voters so his admonitions to stick to facts are amusing and can't be taken seriously.
"he called for burning down the building, while egging on others"
Once you do this, you are no longer operating in the role of journalist.
Freeman Hunt said...Once you do this, you are no longer operating in the role of journalist.
Especially if being paid $70k for one day's work ($35k x 2 for two different networks). "nice" work if you can get it. This is why I think the murdered woman's family should get this money plus trebled damages. And the cowardly gunman should be exposed, cancelled and have his concealed carry permit revoked and I don't care if he was black-- he was a trembling coward.
Ashlii Babbit's anonymous killer inks book deal: "If I did It."
"Left wing activist"
So it wasn't a right wing riot.
At the voir dire I sat through yesterday, the defense attorney was asking people what they thought about "the events in Washington on January 6". Not sure what he was hoping to hear, or looking to get rid of if he heard it. He didn't ask me. It was appalling to hear so many of my fellow prospective jurors spout some garbled nonsense about Trump causing a riot. It was notable that they weren't real clear on the details, but they knew Trump had caused a riot. CNN and NBC are criminal organizations.
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