January 27, 2021

"You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square."

Said... Mitt Romney. [See update below.]

Quoted in, "Mitt Romney to Republicans: Stop perpetuating ‘big lie’ that Biden stole election from Trump" (Deseret News).
“You have many of the Trump supporters in elected office, senators, congresspeople, governors, continuing to say the same thing, that the election was stolen,” Romney said. But, he said, what they should tell people is that the Trump campaign “had a chance to take their message to the courts, the courts laughed them out of court. I’ve seen no evidence that suggests that there was widespread voter fraud.”

I'm not seeing the whole transcript, but to really lean into the demonstration of honesty, Romney should acknowledge the dismissals that were for a lack of standing. I'd like to see him engage with what Rand Paul said last Sunday

Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question. There were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state and not the state legislature. To me, those are clearly unconstitutional and I think there’s still a chance that those actually do finally work their way up to the Supreme Court. Courts traditionally and historically don’t like to hear election questions. 

I agree that the time for contesting the election has passed, but I don't think the way Romney is speaking will convince Trump supporters to give up their belief that something went wrong. Telling them the courts found it laughable, and they should give up and move on is going to make true believers more suspicious. And I'm sure they don't buy the assertion that Romney was ever "a big Trump supporter."

ADDED: A reader points out that I probably misinterpreted the quote in what I now can see is an ambiguously written line in the news article:

Romney said elected Republicans need to go on Fox News and say, “You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.”

He's telling other people what they ought to say, not using the word "I" to refer himself. 


cubanbob said...

What is the recommended amount of drugs and alcohol needed to believe that?

hstad said...

"You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square."
Said... Mitt Romney.

Now Senator Romney, that is the "Big Lie" you and your 'never Trumpers' are pushing on the American people.

D.D. Driver said...

Another "big lie" is that all the cases were dismissed on standing.

It's big lies all the way down.

PM said...

Oh, Mittens.

Right Man said...

A big supporter of Trump votes for Trump's impeachment twice?

Mark said...

Mitt Romney: Stop perpetuating the big lie that you ever supported Trump, conservatives and conservative principles, or anyone other than yourself.

You POS weasel.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Well, the troll agrees with Mitt.

I think I might be detecting a weakening of cruel neutrality.

Inga said...

I don’t know why Romney even bothered.

WisRich said...

"You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square."

Talk about the big lie.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Does not pass smell test.

Curious George said...

"What is the recommended amount of drugs and alcohol needed to believe that?"

4.5 on the Hunter scale.

Laslo Spatula said...

Romney is a Huff Fluffer.

I am Laslo.

Curious George said...

"What is the recommended amount of drugs and alcohol needed to believe that?"

Inga said...
I don’t know why Romney even bothered.

Or 1.0 on the Inga dullard scale.

M Jordan said...

Romney lies and thinks he's telling some grander truth. His dad George was just as despicable as he is. Ask Goldwater.

Curious George said...

"D.D. Driver said...
Another "big lie" is that all the cases were dismissed on standing."

Rand Paul: Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.

Typiccal lefty bullshit. First lie about the opposition's position.

Calypso Facto said...

DD Driver still jousting at straw men with his qualifiers like "all". Rand Paul has it exactly right in the original: "Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question. There were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state and not the state legislature. To me, those are clearly unconstitutional..."

Certainly the way the election laws were skirted in Wisconsin would qualify as fraud and it should be investigated and corrected.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"You know what, I was a big Trump supporter."

Biden's alzheimers is apparently contagious.

Bob Boyd said...


JK Brown said...

I'd expect that statement and the dismissive tone will ensure Romney has no future in the Republican party unless they are able to expel those who supported Trump. Sure, he'll get his invitations to the cool parties, may even be able to retain his seat via Utah voters, but he's a drag on anyone else in the party.

He is the watermark though. I will never debase myself again voting for a McCain or Romney just because I can't vote for the Democrat.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"I was a big Trump supporter, was really pulling for Trump" he said without evidence.

readering said...

AA you should analyze the dozens of cases before you accept the talking point that fraud claims were filed everywhere, but dismissed on standing grounds. Most applications did not even try to prove fraud, and many orders addressed the merits. But for some reason you took much less interest in that litigation in your posts than you take in the impeachment.

I agree that Romney, who voted to convict the first time, is not credible as a Trump supporter in the 2020 campaign.

Bob Loblaw said...

What a disingenuous weasel that man is. Romney worked to undermine Trump throughout Trump's presidency.

Francisco D said...

I agree that the time for contesting the election has passed, but I don't think the way Romney is speaking will convince Trump supporters to give up their belief that something went wrong.

Will Mittens and other RINOs make any effort to correct a voting system that is more corrupt than some Third World countries?

Lawrence Person said...

Evidence clearly indicates the election was stolen. It is indeed too late to do anything about it, but that doesn't change the fact that it was stolen.

Tomcc said...

I never liked Trump, but I approved of his policies. I did not vote for him in '16, but did in '20. I suppose that makes me a Trump supporter. I do not have any sense that Sen. Romney was, in any way, a Trump supporter.

5M - Eckstine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GRC said...

The actual story states "Romney said elected Republicans need to go on Fox News and say, “You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.” " I don't think Romney meant Romney was a Trump supporter, but rather that Trump supporters need to say Trump lost.

Yancey Ward said...

The fraud was in the absentee ballots. The only way to get the iron-clad evidence demonstrating the fraud was to audit the signatures on the registrations, the applications for the ballots, and the ballot envelopes themselves. None of this was done, either during the tabulations or the subsequent recounts anywhere. We know this wasn't done during the tabulation because every single jurisdiction in question had miniscule rejection rates of mail-in-votes- rejection rates orders of magnitude less than in previous elections using the exact same systems. That was always the problem Trump's lawyers faced- they couldn't get that evidence without the cooperation of the state governments or a court order, and no court ever allowed the necessary discovery before January 20th. They may eventually get such discovery, but I doubt it since the courts can now say the issue is moot.

I wrote multiple times here that Trump's legal team was making a mistake conflating the absentee ballot fraud with the electronic vote manipulation- it made it easy for people, like Jacob Sullum in the article linked above, to dismiss the real case for a fraudulent election. An electronic fix was always silly way to cheat- harvesting up and mailing back a flood of absentee ballots makes far more sense. The statistical evidence for the absentee ballot fraud is very, very strong, and all those cases were dismissed for lack of standing.

I wrote it a few days after the election- the most glaring statistical anomaly was in Pennsylvania where the state kept track of the party registrations of the people who requested and returned an absentee ballot. Joe Biden's margin in the absentee ballots required him to receive 100% of the registered Democrats and registered Independents statewide. Even worse, once you start breaking it down into counties in PA, you find that Biden had to win 100% of the registered Democrats, 100% of the registered independents, and half, or more, of the registered Republicans. When you go examine a state next door, Ohio, you don't find such discrepancies even though Ohio voters used absentee ballots to pretty much the same extent. Something was clearly fraudulent in PA, and the same pattern showed up in Michigan, too, though just a tiny bit less extreme.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"I agree that the time for contesting the election has passed, but" only so far as we need to move on for continuity, not because I'm willing to admit the vote was fair, honest, decisive, and reliable; it was none of those things, as we were warned repeatedly would be the case by prominent members of both parties, the media, and past experience. Mitt really has decided to set himself apart by being the most obtuse member apparently, as befits his self-described "severe conservative" mindset. I don't see practical and horrified Utahans will put up with that for much longer.

DavidUW said...

You start with an obvious lie and expect to be taken seriously with the rest of your points? Ok mittens.

BJK said...

Mitt was such a big Trump supporter that he voted for (impeaching) him!

5M - Eckstine said...

The fraud question is not addressed to the satisfaction of reasonable people.
There never was an insurrection.
Both Trump impeachments were an abomination of the Constitution. Mitt Romney the Religious was on board both times.

Social media has educated Tens of Millions of people on this every day. Everyone is aware.

Gusty Winds said...

We all know the fraud was real. We all know EXACTLY where, and how it took place. This includes in the park ballot harvesting in Madison, WI. which erased any ballot chain of custody.

We watched it roll out in real time. You could feel it building with the Democrat lock downs and economic destruction, the COVID excuse for mail in voting. Summer 2020s violence was to make us all afraid, and to start believing the absurd. When the big Democrat cities "stopped counting" on election night, you knew the fix was in.

The election was not just "flawed". It was stolen from Americans that gave Trump a landslide victory. The fact that some cuck like Romney was to call it "a big lie" strengthens its truth.

Mitt Romney is an asshole, and Paul Ryan is his mini-me.

As many like Althouse capitulated in Nov 2020 and Dec 2020 to the fraud she knows is real, the voting franchise of all Americans was burned on a funeral pyre. There are a lot more logs the Democrats and cucks like Romney plan on throwing on the fire.

5M - Eckstine said...

George Stephanoplus: We stole all the money out of your bank account you say? We want all of you 70 millions to confess that you believed Trumps lies. And that it was Trump that actually tried to steal your money. We'll give you a voucher for a free meal at any of the new Biden Casinos we are purchasing with some unknown windfall we can't show you records of. Just tell us you are a liar and reprobate for being a Trump supporter.

Bob Boyd said...

Romney begged to part of Trump's cabinet. Trump wisely said no.
Trump didn't always make good hiring decisions as President, but he nailed that one.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "I don’t know why Romney even bothered."

Maybe Mitt was inspired to lie after observing 5 straight years of Inga's lunatic collusion/Carter Page Russian Spy/hoax dossier/Kavanaugh gang rape lies, amongst hundreds of other lies.

We may never know.

Ficta said...

I can't tell from that lousily written story if Mitt actually used the phrase "big lie" or if that's just editorializing from the incompetent who wrote the story. If he did, well, calling someone a Nazi is not a way to change their mind.

5M - Eckstine said...

If Biden want to keep the country going strong. He'll pardon all past Presidents and their extended families unconditionally.

And now it also looks like he has to get short selling under control. Big Tech is letting short selling panic spread across the country. Much much worse for everyone than the 3 million Trump terrorists on Jan 6th.

Chinese is rope a doping us all day long and Biden is a poor counter puncher.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Courts traditionally and historically don’t like to hear election questions."

"Don't like to hear?" Well isn't that special? If you don't like to hear stuff that comes up in the course of your employment, perhaps you should be looking for work elsewhere.

Rocketeer said...

The time for contesting a fraudulent election is never past.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Mitt is more CCP than Republican anyway. His close adviser Cofer Black also coincidentally worked with Hunter, so Mitt has been at war with Trump just like the rest of the Xi-fellators in DC. He knows what his CCP masters want from him and he will sell all of us out to protect that stake. Why are all these ex-CIA guys doing big business with shady entities overseas, just like Hunter? Some with Hunter. It does boggle the mind.

Yancey Ward said...

Demanding that Trump's team submit the evidence that can only be obtained via a court order in order to get a court order is a classic Catch 22. The various states and localities fell back on the, "We did a recount and Biden still won." That was never the issue- the issue was always the ballots that were being counted in the first place. I always believe the Biden ballots physically existed, but the evidence strongly suggest that a significant number of them were not from actual voters. A simple, statistical audit of the signatures would have revealed the scope of this, and it is the one thing that has not been done.

Mikey NTH said...

Mitt Romney is a man made of BS.

5M - Eckstine said...

Bob Boyd said...
Romney begged to part of Trump's cabinet. Trump wisely said no.
Trump didn't always make good hiring decisions as President, but he nailed that one.

** That swamp was so big that Trump had problems finding reliable competent people. He needed to completely end 3 or 4 of those Federal Departments and consolidate staff. I would have just gutted the Department of Education staff and moved them all into the State Department.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Stop digging, Pierre.

Drago said...

Bob Boyd: "Romney begged to part of Trump's cabinet. Trump wisely said no.
Trump didn't always make good hiring decisions as President, but he nailed that one."

Romney went full NeverTrump/pro-democratical in the 2016 election.

Romney then sucked up to Trump to try and weasel his way into the Cabinet so he could lead a 25th Amendment revolt against Trump.

Trump saw thru the weasel and sent him packing.

Romney then moved onto the open Senate seat race in 2018 and weasel-wormed his way to a Trump endorsement and then immediately turned on Trump in hopes that he could play the modern version of Sen Howard Baker and be the one to tell Trump he had to leave.

When that didn't work Romney started coordinating more deeply with his radical left wing allies to promote the Marxist, anti-capitalist, anti-family, anti-Christian BLM/antifa to defeat Trump.

And now, after the election has been safely stolen, Romney intends to make sure no one ever challenges the DC/tech/ChiCom/EU alliance again.

5M - Eckstine said...

I'm Not Sure said...
"Courts traditionally and historically don’t like to hear election questions."

"Don't like to hear?" Well isn't that special? If you don't like to hear stuff that comes up in the course of your employment, perhaps you should be looking for work elsewhere.

** I would agree with this. It's apparent there is a deep corruption in the judges in the legal system. To such a swampy extent they are unable to serve. A few outliers. But justice needs to be served.

Gusty Winds said...

I’ll bet Mom Jeans Mittens pictures himself comfortably ruling his Mormon Celestial Kingdom and being adored. President of his own heavenly realm. But if you look at the Mormon life cycle paradigm, Mitt seems to have committed Apostasy which could land him in the Outer Darkness. The Outer Darkness is lower than the Telestial Kingdom where normal shitheads like Paul Ryan go.

It’s like landing on that big fucking slide toward the end of the “Chutes and Ladders” board game that sent you almost all the way back to start.

Rabel said...

You misread the "big Trump supporter" quote or it was changed after you read it.

rhhardin said...

The courts established that there's no place in the system to audit elections; and congress refused to because Trump is bad.

Leland said...

I'm sure they don't buy the assertion that Romney was ever "a big Trump supporter."

Yep. When you tell me a lie like that; you're not going to convince me I'm the one lying and you're being honest. As has been said about Romney's support; he's always there when he needs you.

Althouse, people continue to criticize you for your 2008 and 2012 votes. As time goes on; the candidates I voted for have convinced me that you got the better deal out of your votes.

mccullough said...

Most Americans could unite around Romney’s resignation.

D.D. Driver said...

Rand Paul: Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.

You still don't get it. Trump has his opportunity and PUNTED!

Why? If these cases are meritorious, why drop them? I have yet to hear one person. Not one single person explain why---why--if these claims are so meritorious and his evidence so great, why drop the claims?

He raised almost half a billion dollars on the back of claims that he needed a war chest for these elections claims. And then, when the case is teed-up, he weasels out.

So, let's talk about fraud:

Trump: Give $100 and I'll prove election fraud.

Trumpers: You can have $200 if that's what it takes to save our country.

Trump: Nevermind. I "settled." Thanks for the $200 though.

rhhardin said...

Romney will get 72 virgins in the afterlife.

hombre said...

Evidently, I was mistaken to believe that Mormons can be excommunicated for lying. This is whopper city for Romney.

The courts, through procedural chicanery, corruption and cowardice have denied proponents the opportunity to prove that Biden stole the election. However, they have not prevented evidence of massive fraud, including illegal, unconstitutional altering of Article II legislative mandates by Deep State bureaucrats, from permeating the public domain.

Democrats like Romney and Goebbels have believed that lies repeated frequently enough become true. Oh. Wait a minute! Did I get something about that wrong. If so, let me just repeat it a few times. “Democrats like Romney and Goebbels ....” “Democrats like Romney and Goebbels ....” “Democrats like Romney and Goebbels ....”

Nonapod said...

Romney should acknowledge the dismissals that were for a lack of standing.

Yeah, a truly honest person would at least awknowledge the reality of the situation rather than to simply insult tens of millions of people who are able to comprehend the difference between a true investigation that was conducted due to the numerous credible allegations of fraud versus the systemic (word of the day) stonewalling due to recalcitrant judges and political inertia that actually occurred.

In case anyone forgot about Mitt Romney and how he is just the worst, he pipes up to remind everyone just how awful he really is.

Menahem Globus said...

I remember when Mormons had a reputation for honesty. Good times.

Ken B said...

If a case ever reaches the USSC, how many justices will be on the court? 19 seems a distinct possibility.

Gusty Winds said...

Just one example: The contract mail carrier that held a press conference and then testified in front of the PA Legislature said he picked up gaylords filled with ballots in NY and delivered them to PA. He gave details as to the irregularities of his normal delivery routine and even the disappearance of his trailer the following morning.

Any manufacturing systems auditor could get to the bottom of that. Where did the trailer go? Why wasn’t the USPS supervisor called in to testify? Where are the bills of lading? Packing slips?

The legislatures tried but were all cowards in the end. The courts were corrupt. The Supreme Court failed us all rejecting the Texas case. When five or six states cheat, they violate the Constitutional protections of all other States. Pretty simple.

When Madison, WI and Milwaukee, WI cheat as they have done, they screw the rest of Wisconsin (Evers) and the rest of the Nation (Biden). Now they are busy screwing ballerinas.

Breezy said...

I’m shocked - Do they teach people they have to lie about the election not being stolen even when the people have been convinced via video evidence and statistical analysis, among other data, that something was very wrong? Some of us have seen a lot of these elections and can clearly see the anomaly of this one. I never thought I’d see Mitt R become part of the cancel culture team, denying our right to freely think and make up our own minds. Shame on him.

Bob Boyd said...

Romney is like the Chinese Anal Covid Swab.
Nobody's buying it.

D.D. Driver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
D.D. Driver said...

DD Driver still jousting at straw men with his qualifiers like "all". Rand Paul has it exactly right in the original:

I was talking to Ann, who (perhaps in haste) overstated: I'm not seeing the whole transcript, but to really lean into the demonstration of honesty, Romney should acknowledge the dismissals that were for a lack of standing.

It's more accurate and honest to say: "some of the dismissals were for lack of standing, others on the merits (I believe a "Michigan judge ruled that "star witness" Mellisa Carrone was crazier than a shithouse rat), and others because Trump voluntarily dismissed them."

narciso said...

makes as much sense


Big Mike said...

At least three lies in one sentence. Probably not even a record for him.

rcocean said...

Mitt Romney is a fucking liar. He was NOT pulling for Trump. He voted against Trump. In 2016 and 2020. quit imputing good faith to him. He was saying the vote was "Honest" the day after the election.

He is a liar. Period. Damn. why is everyone such a gullible rube?

rcocean said...

Romney has lied so often. He hates Trump. He wasn't "Pulling for him". what the fuck does that even mean? He didn't say ONE positive word for Trump. he didn't endorse Trump. he didn't "Pull for him".

And like I said, he was saying the Election was honest - the day after the result. He's never seen or addressed one piece of evidence that Trump and his team found. NOT ONE!

hstad said...

Blogger D.D. Driver said...
"...Another "big lie" is that all the cases were dismissed on standing..." 1/27/21, 2:09 PM

Can't argue with you on this! But how does that prove the accusation since none of the Courts ruled on evidence?

Ken B said...

Michael K has said, repeatedly, he was a big Romney supporter. It’s a flexible term.

donald said...

“Another "big lie" is that all the cases were dismissed on standing.

It's big lies all the way down.”

Who said all? Talk about your “big lies”. Pretty despicable there champ.

rcocean said...

You could actually write a funny SNL skit where Mitt Romney tells one incredible lie after another while some dumb Gullible Conservative believes him and Romney cons him into handing over his wallet, all his clothes, and finally his wife.

I'm beginning to wonder if Liberals and Mormons aren't brain damaged.

rcocean said...

You know "I was pulling for Romney to win his Senate seat" by doing actually nothing and hoping he'd lose. So, I guess Mittens and I know what it means.

Ken B said...

Cue Kathy Bates: I'm your number one fan.

rcocean said...

100-1 Romney votes to remove Trump at the Trial, and claims God approved.

Wince said...

Romney telling elected Republicans what they need to say?

Romney said elected Republicans need to go on Fox News and say, “You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.”

Hey, Mitt: What ever happened to persuasion by proving your case first?

donald said...

“Another "big lie" is that all the cases were dismissed on standing.

It's big lies all the way down.”

Who said all? Talk about your “big lies”. Pretty despicable there champ.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Romney can burn in Hell as a liar and traitor.

Bob Boyd said...

As many have observed, one of the most striking phenomena of the Trump era is how many people showed their true colors.
Mitt Romney is the classic and most often cited example.

hstad said...

Blogger Lawrence Person said...
"...Evidence clearly indicates the election was stolen. It is indeed too late to do anything about it..."1/27/21, 2:24 PM

I disagree! That's like commenting that "...Evidence clearly indicates the [person murdered his wife], but "It is indeed too late to do anything about it..."?

rcocean said...

What's interesting is that despite Romney attacking him and hating him in 2016, Trump interviewed him for the Sec of state position and endorsed him in 2018. Not only that, he's only counter-attacked Romney when Mittens attacked him. Even now, I can't think of Trump saying anything worse about Mittens than he was a loser and should have won in 2012.

Meanwhile, Romney has been a lying weasel, obsessed with destroying Trump. We now Know he was the driving force behind "egg mcmuffin" running 3rd party in 2016. And he set up a fake twitter account, so he could attack Trump anonymously on-line. Mittens is a jealous little girl and a complete fraud.

Meade said...

If I were Mitt Romney, I'd self-deport.

Mike Sylwester said...

How long did the imaginary burst waterpipe delay the ballot-counting?

It has become clear to me that the public never will get a satisfactory explanation for the middle-of-the-night ballot-counting in Atlanta.

Explain that, and then maybe I will decide that the election was not stolen.

Georgia's Republican Governor and Secretary of State do not want an explanation, because their state's election was stolen blatantly under their watch.

Atlanta's Black vote-counters have been told that the last election for Governor was stolen from the Black candidate, Stacey Abrams. That's why those Black vote-counters felt justified in stealing the 2020 election from Trump and then in stealing the two run-off elections for the US Senate.

Meade said...

If only for being the type of loathsome person who begins sentences with, "You know what...?"

rcocean said...

BTW, Lisa Murkey and Romney are responsible for Biden's current open borders Homeland security choice getting through the committee and onto a floor vote. The guy has ethical problems too. Big ones. But Mittens doesn't care about ethics. not when there's that wonderful cheap immigrant labor on the horizon.

rcocean said...

If i would Romney, I'd self-destruct.

rcocean said...

I'd agree with DDQ, except she's sugarcoating it.

chuck said...

"a big Trump supporter."

That made me laugh. Mitt is funny that way.

Humperdink said...

Romnot: "I was really pulling for Trump." Gag me.

Romnot: "I am a "severe conservative". Gag me twice.

Mitt keeps lying like that, they may kick him out of the 7 wives club.

Gusty Winds said...

Mitt resents Trump for winning a Presidential Election Trump should have lost. And he HATES Trump for poking and pointing out Mitt lost an election he should have won. Mitt lost to Obama by playing by the Stephanopolous rules and not punching back. He was a pussy. So was Ryan.

The Deep resentment of both Romney and Ryan towards Trump made them willing to sell their souls, and sellout their constituents. John McCain too.

I’m sure he’s being lectured on this fact wherever he is.

Bob Boyd said...

Mittens is a mean girl at heart. A mean girl who didn't get to be prom queen.

Martin said...

That's funny right there! I don't care who you are!

Mike Sylwester said...

Milwaukee’s Deeply Concerning Recount

.... At the outset of the recount, they forbade the Trump campaign’s observers from talking to the vote counters, which of course made challenging ballots that they were counting next to impossible.

“An election official told me that we cannot interact with the observers because that would be election interference,” said one observer.

How exactly is an observer supposed to alert a counter to a ballot challenge if they’re not allowed to speak to them? And how exactly could one engage in “election interference” three weeks after the election?

For the entire first day of the recount, observers were able to lodge virtually no complaints since the “no lodging complaints by talking to counters” rule was strictly enforced. As a result, observers said, thousands of questionable ballots were simply mixed in with good ones so that they could not possibly be recovered and challenged later on.

Once observers were finally allowed to actually talk to counters and challenge ballots, the counters simply concealed the ballots from them as they worked.

“The city workers paged through the ballot envelopes in a secretive way, often just taking the stack and keeping the stack in place in front of them while peeking at the bottom section with the name and address so only they could see it,” said one observer. “I observed them doing this with all 1,855 ballot envelopes, of which I was told 13 were from [people who marked themselves as] indefinitely confined. I just have to take their word for that—as with everything else—because they wouldn’t let me see anything. ....

Republican Wisconsin Elections Commission member Bob Spindell was in attendance during the first few days of Milwaukee’s recount and personally witnessed this sort of unlawful behavior that blatantly violated the WEC’s guidance for conducting the recount. He was prepared to testify to the Milwaukee Election Commission that multiple rules were being broken and that the entire recount was being conducted in an impermissible manner, but the Milwaukee Election Commission wouldn’t let him testify. ...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sounds like Mitt is CYA mode.

election fraud... Is it a big lie?

Many of us were never satisfied that an actual audit took place. because an actual audit did not take place.
Instead - after years of the Russian collusion lies - we are being told to SHUT UP by the same people who pushed the Russian stole the election from queen Hillary, lie.

Bill Harshaw said...

If I understand correctly, some may have been dismissed for lack of standing, some for not being timely filed, but some were dismissed for no evidence. And Trump's lawyers didn't allege fraud in their official pleadings.

Notably, once Dominion started filing libel suits, the promoters of the falsity caved abjectly.

Iman said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
Romney will get 72 virgins in the afterlife.

If that is meant to denigrate his religion, you can fuck right off, bigot.

Having said that and also having supported (including $ contributions) Romney in the ‘08 primaries and the 2012 election, I’d like to tie the SOB to the roof of my car for a trip north to Alaska.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square."
Said... Mitt Romney.

The creature who stated that he did not vote for Trump in 2020.

So, thanks for establishing that he's a liar. now he can FOAD

Spiros said...

I sort of think Trump won. I also think the Capitol Hill riots were a good thing. Our (undemocratic) leaders should fear popular resistance. Our leaders committed fraud and they triggered a threatening degree of opposition. Boo hoo! Maybe next time, the incentive to commit fraud will be weaker?

I'm Not Sure said...

"I just have to take their word for that—as with everything else—because they wouldn’t let me see anything. ...."

Sounds legit. Why can't we just move on? It gets really uncomfortable having to defend these sorts of accusations, you know.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I agree that the time for contesting the election has passed

You needed to tell that to the Democrats in 2017, with all their Trump Russian collusion fantasies.

What, that wasn't "contesting the election"? That was looking into potential crimes?

Vote fraud is a crime. Unconstitutionally and therefore illegally changing election law is a violation of rights, and possibly a crime.

Democrats were pushing that for 4 years after Trump was inaugurated.

So no, there's absolutely no legitimate reason why those who question the legitimacy of Biden*'s "victory" should stop doing so, so long as he, Harris, or any other Democrat is in office.

As a lawyer, you should understand the importance of precedent.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The machines and documents went the way of Hillary's emails, Mueller's Team cell phones, Weiner's laptop, election chain of custody docs, Hillary's server(s), Mueller's NYT leakers,
Huma's laptop, Hillary's team cellphones and Epsteins' security cameras video tapes and Seth Riches' life. Clearly a dumbocrat shit show swirling around the nucleus of Obama & Clinton Inc. Fuck Mitt in the ear and give him some brains. Forget Hell!

stevew said...

Mitt Romney, the guy that voted to convict Trump in the first Impeachment trial, was a big Trump supporter? Et tu Brute?

He's such a pussy. He doesn't need to lie about supporting Trump to make his assertion that Trump lost the election fairly, except that he thinks doing so will protect him from criticism. Failure on all counts.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey Now, How about Mitt's boys in Burisma?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@Yancey 2:26

I wrote it a few days after the election- the most glaring statistical anomaly was in Pennsylvania where the state kept track of the party registrations of the people who requested and returned an absentee ballot. Joe Biden's margin in the absentee ballots required him to receive 100% of the registered Democrats and registered Independents statewide. Even worse, once you start breaking it down into counties in PA, you find that Biden had to win 100% of the registered Democrats, 100% of the registered independents, and half, or more, of the registered Republicans. When you go examine a state next door, Ohio, you don't find such discrepancies even though Ohio voters used absentee ballots to pretty much the same extent. Something was clearly fraudulent in PA, and the same pattern showed up in Michigan, too, though just a tiny bit less extreme.


gspencer said...

Right. Mittens said that?

Com'n, you can do better than that.

Tank said...

Romney has carved out a special niche for himself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Other that waiting to vote the guy out - is there any remedy available to oust a representative who no longer represents the majority of his/her constituents?

DeplorableMe said...

Here's the thing...

Let's say (just for sake of argument), that significant fraud occurred. What are the remedies? If possible, I suppose that election officials can go back and filter based on signatures on envelops if they are still around and associated to the ballots. But I have a feeling they aren't, that they are separated early, even shredded. A do over? Nope, can't do that either.
Do they throw out the entire precinct/town/county/state? That wouldn't work, because false flags can infiltrate and cause fraud for that purpose.

The courts are not the right place to solve this.

To me, it comes down to the election officials ensuring that an election is fair and accurate. What annoys me the most out of all of this, is that NO ONE is calling for any type of change to ensure this, so it will keep on happening again and again.

I'd like to see the following:
All electronic voting systems must be designed to have logs, paper receipts, are auditable (including source code inspections) and with a system where individual votes can be traced to the final count.

All precincts must have a significant random sample of level of signature checks to verify eligibility of ballots.

Any person found committing fraud or interfering with the process (including keeping official observers away) must be prosecuted with the weight of significant penalties.

Dude1394 said...

What a lying sos.

doctrev said...

rcocean said...
You could actually write a funny SNL skit where Mitt Romney tells one incredible lie after another while some dumb Gullible Conservative believes him and Romney cons him into handing over his wallet, all his clothes, and finally his wife.

1/27/21, 3:11 PM

Well, his cult likes having spares.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ohio and Florida got their vote counts in.
these are large populated states.

How long does it take to cheat? We found out in the blue precincts.
when you have days and days to count... and are allowed to shove ballots thru the counter when no one is watching.

Mary Beth said...

Romney is tormented by knowing that a lot of the initial support for Trump was a reaction to how poorly he had campaigned when running for president. People not only liked Trump better, they liked him enough to elect him.

Romney is so convinced that he is superior to Trump, he can't understand or accept Trump's popularity. The envy of a lying never-Trumper isn't pretty.

walter said...

Add laugh track.

WisRich said...

Pull for him? He didn't even vote for him.

Humperdink said...

Watching Mittens fold like a cheap suit when faced with Candy "Mama Cass" Crowley in the CNN debate confirmed to me that voting for Trump was the correct decision.

Mitt can't even lie with sincerity.

Doug said...

Fold like a cheap card table. The 'cheap suit' analogy doesn't work here.

I Callahan said...

Look, I'm no fan of Romney and I'm certainly not defending him here, but our hostess (and the commenters) missed a HUGE chunk of the context that changes the entire premise. Here is the quote:

"Romney said elected Republicans need to go on Fox News and say, “You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.”

So Romney is not saying he was pulling for Trump; he's saying that OTHER Republicans should be saying this.

Gahrie said...

Romney clearly plans on running for president again in 2024. It'll be fun to watch the MSM and the Left turn on him, and savage him yet again, explaining how Trump was so much more normal.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

How about first answering this question:

Were any of the lawsuits Trump filed dismissed for lack of standing? I know that lawsuits filed by other people were dismissed for that reason, but were any that Trump himself filed or were filed on his behalf with him as a party?

Bob Loblaw said...

Trump didn't always make good hiring decisions as President, but he nailed that one.

The problem that dogged Trump for his entire presidency was the lack of the sort of army of bureaucrats that comes along with an insider when he wins an election. When he did pick party insiders they showed him no loyalty whatsoever, because people in the party structure hated Trump.

So he ended up with people like Scaramucci, who I wouldn't hire to mow my lawn. If Trump had been reelected I expect this would have been much less of a problem.

Rabel said...

I guess we're just going to roll with the misinformation.

When you read a headline that appears to be completely out of touch with reality it's usually worth your time to take a few seconds to check the article to see if it backs up that headline.

Or you can just go on looking foolish.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Hey Leftie, can you read?

Then go here, and get the answer to your question:


TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"f I understand correctly, some may have been dismissed for lack of standing, some for not being timely filed, but some were dismissed for no evidence. And Trump's lawyers didn't allege fraud in their official pleadings.

Notably, once Dominion started filing libel suits, the promoters of the falsity caved abjectly."

You should have stopped in your first sentence, because you clearly don't understand correctly. And no, the "promoters of the falsity" didn't "cave", they all told Dominion "I'll see you in court and wipe the floor with you."

Of course, you probably only read the WaPo or other Dem propaganda organs. If you truly want to "understand correctly" you should try to expand your reading beyond Dem talking points.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump"

Look, Mitt, we all knew you were a condescending self-righteous prick. Do you have to be an a***ole too?

"but he lost fair and square."'

Hey, Mitt, how do you know?

"to really lean into the demonstration of honesty, Romney should acknowledge"

Well, a lot of people "should" do things that nice women like--but sorry, no go. Condescending pricks don't follow Althouse rules.

"I'd like to see him engage with what Rand Paul said last Sunday"

You'd like so many things! I recall that you'd even like Biden to do things! Sorry -- nice white women are only needed at voting time, otherwise they can stuff their privilege. What you like is irrelevant: the new normal.

"To me, those are clearly unconstitutional"

As if the Constitution matters.

"Telling them the courts found it laughable, and they should give up and move on is going to make true believers more suspicious."

What about the rest of us, ordinary observers with functioning BS detectors? The laughability is laughable.

"And I'm sure they don't buy the assertion that Romney was ever "a big Trump supporter.""

Well, duh. Besides being a condescending prick and an a***ole, does he also have to be so utterly tone deaf?

Tim said...

He should also acknowledge that he was most definitely NOT a Trump guy. When the first words out of your mouth are an obvious lie, how are you going to convince anyone?

Rosalyn C. said...

- "Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud,” Mitt Romney said this morning in an address to the Hinckley Institute of Politics at the University of Utah.

“His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He's playing the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat.”

And that was the tip of the iceberg in a scathing speech the former GOP presidential nominee gave about his party’s 2016 campaign front-runner.

Romney ripped into Trump's foreign policy and his temperament, and called Trump's praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin and criticism of former president George W. Bush, for instance, a case of "evil trumping good.”

"Dishonesty is Trump's hallmark," Romney said, adding later, "We will only really know if he is the real deal or a phony if he releases his tax returns and the tape of his interview with The New York Times."

Romney also argued that the New York real estate developer will lose to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if she is the Democratic nominee.

"A person so untrustworthy and dishonest as Hillary Clinton must not become president. Of course, a Trump nomination enables her victory," From 2016 Mitt Romney Slams Donald Trump's 'Absurd 3rd-Grade Theatrics'

Can a man be more cringeworthy? Yes, by claiming that he was a big Trump supporter.

Jim at said...

So Romney is not saying he was pulling for Trump; he's saying that OTHER Republicans should be saying this.

Which, in my opinion, is worse.

Mitt Romney is the last fucking person to be telling other Republicans what they should or should not say.

Jim Gust said...

Romney is such an outrageous and obvious liar, he could almost qualify as a Clinton.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

GRC said...
The actual story states "Romney said elected Republicans need to go on Fox News and say, “You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.” " I don't think Romney meant Romney was a Trump supporter, but rather that Trump supporters need to say Trump lost.

So, Romney is saying that actual Trump supporters (IOW: people not like him) should go on Fox News (which was aggressively pro-Biden during the voting) and lie to the people, telling them the election was honest when it wasn't.

Yeah, Mitt. how about you FOAD?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

From the article:

"In addition to social media perpetuating the “big lie” that Trump is somehow still president"

who is saying that? If anyone did say that - they would be purged from Twit-ter.

Readering said...

Sorry, yeah, Romney only recommending what Republican supporters of Trump should say. Wise words. He himself is too old to run for president in 2024, as Trump will be, and I hope Biden realizes he will be.

walter said...

Althouse should add that photo of he and Trump having dinner..before Mitt was rejected for the position he was sucking up for. Classic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Romney made the comments to the Economic Club of Chicago during an online forum with Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., titled “Governing from the Middle.” David Axelrod, a former Obama campaign political strategist and director of the University of Chicago Institute of Politics, moderated the conversation.

GOVERNING FROM THE MIDDLE. When leftists cancel you, kill your access to free speech, + desire re-education camps = "governing from the middle."

Biden's ghost written radical leftwing EO's are so MIDDLE!

uh huh.

Howard said...

And you people were doing so well earlier, then mean girl Ann brings up the fraud fraud again.

chickelit said...

I regret voting for Mitt Romney in 2012 and I will never vote for him again. Period.

Francisco D said...

@Howard and Readering

I think those Re-education Camp guard jobs are still open.

John Brennan wants you to deprogram the Deplorables!

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Mitt Romney is right that Joe "Malvolio" Biden could never have stolen the election. Malvolio doesn't have the wit to steal a snickers, let alone an election. The people who stole the election are the Democrat election workers. Romney's response of "fair and square" is why he is universally despised as a wimp. He's trying very hard to fill the shoes of John "Maverick" McCain, a Republican who always performed for the Democrat press and never passed up a chance to stick as shiv into a fellow Republican's back.

JAORE said...

If we can impeach a President who is no longer in office, why can't we impeach a failed Presidential candidate?

Skeptical Voter said...

I thought Mormons never told a lie. And yet here is Mitt Romney claiming to be a big time supporter of Trump. That petty little weasel had his knife out for Trump's back on more than one occasion. I normally don't make campaign donations for Utah state races (I don't live in Utah) but when Mittens is primaried in what--2024, I'll make donations to his opponent. Same goes for Liz Cheney although she's not as egregious as Mittens.

wildswan said...

Mitt's trying to show that in the unity drive he can represent the Republican side or at least a part of it. I just see him tied onto the top of the Dem circus wagon or crouching like a spaniel by Biden's side while Hunter teases him. He only has to speak from his spaniel crouch to alienate. (If there's anybody with any alienation-from-Mitt potential left.) Once I thought he was a good guy but these are tough times and they have show up his inner marshmallow.

Inga said...

“And you people were doing so well earlier, then mean girl Ann brings up the fraud fraud again.”

Kind of like Lucy with the football. Poor Charlie Brown.

Michael K said...

I have always regretted my vote for LBJ in 1964. I thought Goldwater was not really interested. The Bob Novak book conformed my opinion. He thought Goldwater only went through the motions and was very critical of his disinterest in the campaign.

However, at least I did not donate any money to Johnson. I maxed out with Romney and now feel like a fool for having believed this phony. He is really despicable. The Mormon thing is just part of it. I thought they were supposed to be honest.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Talk of "unity" is Democrats advocating for Republicans to shut up and become Mittens. We have a word for what the Democrats want: fascism. "All in the state, none out of the state, all for the state." Benito Mussolini. The Dems want us to salute and say "Aye, Aye, Skipper Joe!" Sorry, Dems, Joe "Malvolio" Biden is an usurper and deserves no respect from us.

D.D. Driver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
D.D. Driver said...

How long did the imaginary burst waterpipe delay the ballot-counting?

Trump filed a complaint that addressed the burst pipe (paragraph 186).

But then a funny thing happened--no his complaint was not dismissed for lack of standing--Trump voluntarily dismissed his own case. Allegedly he "settled." Maybe the ChiComs got to him too! Or maybe his legal case was a pile of shit.

stonethrower said...

Why is it that the time for contesting election passes some arbitrary deadline only for Republicans? IMHO, that sentiment only makes things worse the next time.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Hey DD:

Perhaps Trump consolidated it all into this lawsuit:


Any news on why the GA Court system is still refusing to hear Trump's case? you know, the one that they, by law, MUST hear within 20 days? it's been over 50 days since he filed

Ken B said...

I don’t believe the election was stolen. This is not the same as believing it was clean or above suspicion.
I don’t believe Romney really wanted Trump to win. That makes no sense after his vote to remove. This undercuts what he says quite badly.
I still wish Romney had an in 2012 and again in 2016.

Howard said...

I'm sure it's readily available through Ann's porthole to Jeff Bezos' pockets


Bob Boyd said...

walter said...
Althouse should add that photo of he and Trump having dinner..before Mitt was rejected for the position he was sucking up for. Classic.

Find link in my comment at 2:21

D.D. Driver said...


Any news on why the GA Court system is still refusing to hear Trump's case? you know, the one that they, by law, MUST hear within 20 days? it's been over 50 days since he filed

That's the Fulton County case I literally just linked to. Trump quit. He gave up. He "settled" with the enemy. Maybe the ChiComs got to him too. Sigh.

As an aside, you could have learned this by reviewing the spreadsheet that you posted earlier.

Ken B said...

I see you have met Greg. Greg does sometimes tell the truth, by accident or when imagination fails him. But I see you know that already.

Ken B said...

Iman to Hardin
“ If that is meant to denigrate his religion, you can fuck right off, bigot.”

Actually if it’s about his religion it’s funny, and laudable.
Of course it’s about his religion.
And good for Hardin for mocking the ridiculous.

Please tell us your religion, in case I can think of any good jokes.
“Who paid for the last supper? Jesus got nailed for it.”

Achilles said...

D.D. Driver said...

Another "big lie" is that all the cases were dismissed on standing.

It's big lies all the way down.

If they were lies your masters wouldn't have to censor the people who disagree with you.

But like a good little German you parrot their talking points and cheer censorship.

If they had defeated Trump in a legitimate election you all would not be acting so scared of him now.

Achilles said...

D.D. Driver said...

That's the Fulton County case I literally just linked to. Trump quit. He gave up. He "settled" with the enemy. Maybe the ChiComs got to him too. Sigh.

As an aside, you could have learned this by reviewing the spreadsheet that you posted earlier.

You mean he is being tried for insurrection.

You mean the media and your allies are talking about "deprogramming" his supporters.

You mean that any attempt he makes is being pointed to by you and other Biden supporters as threats to our democracy.

Your appeals to authority are exactly what you would expect from a Nazi in 1933.

I'm Not Sure said...

You'd think democrats would welcome an investigation into the claims that have been made regarding the election. You know, to prove they were honestly held and that Biden is the legitimate winner.

It's almost like they don't want to know what happened, or they do know but don't want you to.

GDI said...

D's are dogshit ... R's like Romney are dogshit wrapped in catshit.

Kirk Parker said...


Romney's place isn't special--Brutus and Cassius have been there for quite a while.

Danno said...

I want to retract my 2012 vote for Ritt Momney.

rcocean said...

Ken B. Lying like a piece of dog shit. As usual. The election was stolen. Trump proved it six ways to Sunday, but the liberal Judges didn't care. Nor did Roberts, Kavnaugh, and the 3 D's on the Scotus.

rcocean said...

My favorite Romney lie. He wanted to extend the 1st impeachment to hurt Trump, so he voted to hear Bolten's testimony. He lost and without hearing Bolten voted against Trump anyway. later he was asked why he voted to extend the trial to hear Bolten when Mittens had already made up his mind trump was guilty.

Romney's answer: Bolten might have said something to prove Trump innocent.

Hahahaha. yes, that's why Trump didn't want Bolten to testify, because it might have helped him. hahahha. Good lie, Mittens.

rcocean said...

He also said he put on a mask and marched for BLM while they were rioting and looting, because he "wanted to increase the black votes for the Republican Party". hahaha. This from a man who got less black votes than any Republican since Goldwater. And doesn't know any black people and goes to Church that didn't allow blacks until 1975!

glenn said...

Jaw of granite, brain of mush. Just like Dad.

farmgirl said...

Mitt is saying what every low info media believing person is saying.
It’s still bullshit.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...

That's the Fulton County case I literally just linked to. Trump quit. He gave up. He "settled" with the enemy. Maybe the ChiComs got to him too. Sigh.

It must suck to be you, DD, because you really are stupid.

1: The case was dismissed without prejudice. What that means, moron, is that Trump hasn't quit, he hasn't given up. That would be "dismissed WITH prejudice"

2: The Sec State has finally agreed to share with the Trump campaign the information that the SS claims to have that would disprove Trump's claims of false voters. So Trump's team gets to look at the evidence, and if they don't like it, they get to re-file, because the case was dismissed without prejudice.

Here's another link for those who care about reality:

The fight on the phone call was Trump's team was demanding proof of claims, and the SS was refusing to give said proof. Four days later, the SS concedes that "trust me" isn't a legitimate argument, and agrees to show Trump's team their "proof".

Trump wins, and DD reports it as "Trump loses".

Because DD is a lying ass, or an idiot

smartsy said...

Biden got 81M votes? For a guy that never campaigned far from his basement that number makes it really difficult to believe that fraud didn't take place.

cfs said...

I haven't read all the comments so I'm assuming I'm not the only one who thought or posted this:

Narrator: In fact, Romney never supported President Trump and worked the entire four years of Trump's presidency to undermine the President due to his jealously of the man's achievements.

Mary said...

Romney didn’t say he supported Trump, he said Republicans should go on Fox news and tell the truth.

From the linked article:

“Romney said elected Republicans need to go on Fox News and say, “You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.”

Romney is not, and has never been, a Trump supporter.
Anybody interested in the truth?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mary said...
Romney didn’t say he supported Trump, he said Republicans should go on Fox news and tell the truth.

No, Mary, he said they should lie.

Because Trump did not "lose the election fair and square", and Biden* did not "win the election fair and square."

DeepRunner said...

Ann Althouse cast her eyes toward SLC, and found the following:
"'You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.' Said... Mitt Romney."

Romney is a pearl-clutching grifter. He was for Trump (when he needed his endorsement to run for Senate) before he was against Trump (last year's impeachment), then for him again (after carping at him) and against him again (this year's impeachment). If the "severely conservative" Mitt Romney (his words, not mine) had any sense of self-awareness, he would look at his past over the last 25 years or so and find himself a flip-flopper of grotesque magnitude. One example...he was for abortion when running against fat-drunk-and-stupid Kennedy, before he was against it when running for President. Dude needs to serve out his term and then fade away. He's the last person to expect reasonable judgment from.

wendybar said...

Romney is a big liar. He NEVER was a big Trump supporter.
Being a lying Regressive Politician, is what he is...

Rusty said...

Fi9rst of all, Mitt buddy. We won't forget. In fact we're going to remind the country of it every chance we get. Second thing. You're out of a job. Make the most of the time you have in DC. You ain't goin g back.

RMc said...

no court ever allowed the necessary discovery before January 20th. They may eventually get such discovery, but I doubt it since the courts can now say the issue is moot.

It reminds me of the scene in "Duck Soup", in which Groucho is the leader of a country and is talking to his advisers:

Groucho: "We'll start with old business."
Flunky: "I wish to discuss the tariff..."
Groucho: "That's new business! Any old business? OK, now let's discuss new business."
Flunky: "Now about that tariff..."
Groucho: "Too late, that's old business already! Sit down!"

The fraudsters were counting on the fact that there was no easy way to prove wrongdoing, or that any court or legislature willing to look at it. And even if they did, there was no remedy. Game, set, match.

One thing, though: you guys won't be in power forever, and eventually the other side is gonna catch on to your tactics...and use them. Good and hard.

dabitterpill said...

The Only thing Pierre Supported as far as Trump goes was voting to convict on his first sham impeachment. I throw up in my mouth every time I remember that I voted for this dirtbag, and his sidekick Ryan.

RichAndSceptical said...

A man with no self-awareness.

DarigoldVanilla said...

Maybe it’s about being so completely full of shit, that the courts won’t even give your ludicrous cases standing?
X 60
Keep fighting the good fight, my little authoritarian craving friends.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

DarigoldVanilla said...
Keep fighting the good fight, my little authoritarian craving friends.

How many Executive Orders has Biden issued in his first week in office? 10x Trump?

We know who the "authoritarian craving" scum are. it's not the Trump supporters

DarigoldVanilla said...

Scum..... that’s pretty harsh.
I’d reserve that label for the kind of rubes who believe in the election fraud lie enough to subvert democracy and overthrow our republic by storming the Capitol. And for the fascist pieces of shit who defend and support it.

The Crack Emcee said...

I tend not to believe what people in cults say.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

DarigoldVanilla said...
Scum..... that’s pretty harsh.
I’d reserve that label for the kind of rubes who believe in the election fraud lie enough to subvert democracy

No, sh!t for brains, the people who committed the vote fraud are the ones who subverted democracy.

Since you're really stupid, I'll explain it simply:

No honest vote counter stops counting election night, with ballots still to count

No honest vote counter blocks poll watchers from the president's campaign from closely observing what the poll workers are doing

Both of the above happened in enough States for the Democrats to steal the election.

So, you can argue that 1 + 1 = 57 all you want. But only a moron will believe you

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