January 13, 2021

Why I put AdSense ads back on the blog — self-defense.

Last October, after years of taking offense at Google for sending me email telling me I had offensive material on this blog, I discontinued my participation in Google Adsense. That is, I opted out of using advertising to monetize this blog. At the time, I wrote: 
I'm tired of checking to see what's supposedly a violation. I get so many of these and they're often posts that are nothing but a quote from a commentator in the NYT. But to see that the review didn't okay these pages... it's just mind-bending. I can't waste my energy dealing with this bullshit. In every case, I'm told that I've violated their policy with "Dangerous or derogatory content," which I find insulting. Here are recent posts that have been found in violation of that policy — even after review... 
Click through to see what I'd written, but suffice it to say that there was nothing that could possibly be considered "dangerous" or "derogatory." I said:
How did these articles get flagged? By robots or by opponents of this blog? What kind of review does Google have that would reinforce the idea that this is "Dangerous or derogatory content"?! Review by robots or by opponents of this blog? I can't imagine an unbiased human being finding all — or any — of these posts to have "Dangerous or derogatory content." It could be that I'm getting flagged for crap in the comments.... 

I'm not dealing with it any more. So enjoy ad-free Althouse.

Well, I am going to deal with it now and in the future.  I just turned AdSense ads back on. At least, Google was nice enough to offer me cake....

... yeah, Google, your AI did a nice job of knowing what I like. Cake. I like cake. But it's not yummy cake that has me coming back. And it's not the income from the ads. I realized I can use AdSense in self-defense. Google has the power to delete this blog. Whatever force caused those exasperating notifications is still out there, exerting pressure, whether I'm getting notifications or not.

As I noted in that October post, "It could be that I'm getting flagged for crap in the comments." In the comments there, Yancey Ward said: 

It isn't your content that is getting flagged, Ms. Althouse, it is what we commenters are saying - they are flagging the separate blog post which contains all of the comments at the end. You just have too many of us deplorables.

I'm pretty sure that's what happened, and I gave up ads because it seemed like too much work to go searching for what might be the problem in the comments. But the mechanism for reporting abuse to Google remains. This presents a risk to me, and I think the risk has increased in the past week. So I want those notifications. I'm worried not only that Google will overdo its censorship but also that haters of this blog — of the comments section of this blog — will come in here with pseudonyms and write violent threats and racist crap for the purpose of drawing censorship down upon me. 

There are various ways to deal with the problem of commenters who are here to hurt me, and some of them are too labor intensive. Some of them would diminish (or destroy) the flow of the comments. The comments at their best are phenomenal, and I'm very happy with the good commenters and have greatly appreciated their company these last 17 years. (Bloggiversary #17 is tomorrow.) But one thing I can do is to put the ads back up and then use the notifications to identify the comment threads that have something Google sees as a problem. Then it's a limited task to look for what needs to be deleted.

I delete comments without prodding from Google when I see threats of violence. I delete comments with the "n-word." I probably have a standard that's close to what Google is identifying, so I'm going to accept the help from Google now. I can't read every comment on every post — there are close to 4 million comments on this blog — but I can comb through the comments sections on posts where I get a Google notification. Google is getting vigilant about material that I don't want either — and, of course, I don't want a festering problem that I cannot see and that is undermining the existence of this blog. 

And that's why there are ads on this blog.


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Rick said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
The sea change that I see now, is that any difference of opinion, any deviation from the Prog agenda..any at all..... is now labeled as hate speech.

Instapundit linked to a librarian fired for writing that his library association should remain politically neutral.

Fandor said...

Blogging celebrity, with our current mores,has it's unintended consequences.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack -

Invasion of the body Snatchers - and the mind snatchers. Indeed.

Readering said...

No n word. No threats of violence. If that's the standard, seems like commenters should be able to follow it without feeling they've been transported into 1984.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Chuck said...

"It's not that I am a "leftist" (because I am not), and not because I have any propensity for writing inflammatory thing (I don't), but rather because I am personally a determined anti-Trumper, and this blog became Trumpist. Pure and simple."

Bullshit - all you Trump Haters who didn't and haven't said shit after the deeply unprofessional Rachel Maddow said you're in "Hell" blame Trump for everything. You seem to have forgotten what life was like before he showed up.

Democrats believed O.J. is innocent, Bush shirked his National Guard duty, and Sarah Palin's infant child, Trig, was actually the child of her daughter.

Justice Antonin Scalia threw the 2000 election to Bush so that his son could get a legal job with the Labor Department. The spectacularly guilty Mumia Abu-Jamal was framed. The Diebold Corp. secretly stole thousands of Kerry votes in 2004. The Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a stripper.

Bill Clinton did not have sex with "that woman". Heterosexuals are just as likely to contract AIDS as gays. John Edwards didn't have an affair with Rielle Hunter. John Edwards' campaign aide Andrew Young is the father of Rielle Hunter's child.

A 2007 Rasmussen poll showed that 35 percent of Democrats believe Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance, while 26 percent aren't sure ...Janeane Garofalo, believed Enron's Ken Lay faked his own death.

Al Sharpton faked the Tawana Brawley hoax. Sharpton (like Oprah) has veto power over all Democratic presidential candidates. Even Al Gore, a former vice president of the United States, was required to kiss Sharpton's ring.

In 2003, Democratic presidential candidate and future Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean approvingly cited the left-wing lunacy that Saudi Arabia had warned Bush in advance about the 9/11 attacks.

In the fall of 2004, Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she believed Bush was holding Osama bin Laden and planned to release him just before the election.

Sen. Barbara Boxer officially objected to the certification of Ohio's votes in the 2004 election -- on the Senate floor -- and demanded an investigation into the 'Diebold stole Kerry votes' conspiracy theory.

A Democratic House and Senate actually used official government proceedings to investigate the original nut-job conspiracy theory, the 'October Surprise,' maintaining that Reagan struck a secret deal with the Iranians not to release the hostages until after the 1980 election.

Rosie O'Donnell -- who has headlined many a Democratic fundraiser -- is a prominent 9/11 'truther.' She believes the World Trade Center was blown up with explosives, not taken down by terrorists in airplanes.

he Democrats and Michael Moore, whose 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is chock-a-block with demented conspiracy theories, including:

-- the 2000 election was stolen, the Bush family clandestinely spirited the bin Laden family out of the U.S. after the 9/11 attacks, and Bush went to war in Afghanistan to help the Unocal Corp. obtain a natural gas pipeline.

Terry McAuliffe, then chairman of the Democratic National Committee attended the glittering Washington, D.C., premiere of 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and emerged endorsing Moore's wacko Unocal conspiracy theory. 'I believe it after seeing that,' McAuliffe said.

Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark proudly accepted Moore's endorsement in 2004, and Moore was an honored guest at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, sitting with former President Carter.

Other Democrats who attended Moore's movie screening included Sens. Tom Daschle, Tom Harkin, Max Baucus, Ernest Hollings, Debbie Stabenow, Bill Nelson, and representatives Charles Rangel and Jim McDermott.

Rick said...

Browndog said...
We're all dying for verification. Do you have it?

No, the fog of war is still operative, and I agree in part it is intentional since the authorities must know much more.

But I think my comment summarizes the most recent reporting.

Gusty Winds said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Readering said...

PS thank goodness for Chuck's comments.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter Chuck:

'Hey ya know I talked about Lincoln Project and their lists the other day... but now i nothing about any lists.'

Matt Sablan said...

"Matt; I don't have any lists. I associate with the Lincoln Project. I am comfortable with everything that they are doing, so far as I am aware."

-- Are you aware they are working with Forbes to create a blacklist of people who worked in the Trump administration and will pressure their future employers with threats of claiming the company is lying about anything they say so long as they employ anyone who worked in the Trump administration? There's no statement about exactly what level you need to be in the Trump administration; just that you were there, and they'll blacklist you. This isn't just his cabinet members, etc.

Are you OK with blacklists? The Lincoln Project coyly claims they won't reveal private information, but they have doxed people in the past. They also are making the blacklists along with the Democrats they work with, who they know will happily pass along private information.

Is this what you're ok with? Intimidation and blacklists?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck = Rolph.

lol - perfect. yes!

The Crack Emcee said...

Readering said...

"No n word. No threats of violence. If that's the standard, seems like commenters should be able to follow it without feeling they've been transported into 1984."

I say nigga all the time - to other niggas the most.

What is your major malfunction?

Bob Smith said...

Personally I’d like some high end stereo ads. Where do I sign.

Howard said...

You people want to help Althouse? The whining bitch just admitted he is the hallway monitor reporting to Google.

Ignore it and it will go away. The Dems and the msm make the same mistake with Trump. Don't feed the drama Queens, it's what keeps bringing him back to do more damage.

Via Wikipedia:

The release of dopamine from the mesolimbic pathway into the nucleus accumbens regulates incentive salience (e.g. motivation and desire for rewarding stimuli) and facilitates reinforcement and reward-related motor function learning;[3][4][5] it may also play a role in the subjective perception of pleasure.[3][5] The dysregulation of the mesolimbic pathway and its output neurons in the nucleus accumbens plays a significant role in the development and maintenance of an addiction.[1][6][7][8]

Chuck said...

Rusty said...
...His stated purpose in being here, as he stated himself, is to destroy Trump and also to drive Althouse commenters away.

I'm not sure what it means to "destroy Trump." I'm quite sure I don't have that power. I know that I have never written that I propose to "destroy Trump."

And I know with certainty that I have never written, and never thought about, trying to "drive Althouse commenters away."

I can tell the other, more intelligent commenters here; Rusty is mixing up something that I wrote. When Althouse theorized 5 years ago that candidate Trump "was gay-friendly and being clever about it," I wrote that I would like to open up that potential divide between Althouse, and her readers, and social conservative supporters of Trump. I wrote essentially that I wanted to "drive that wedge."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack Emcee -
@9:29 is a thing of beauty. BAM!

Chuck thinks protecting free speech and calling out the liars on the left = "Trumpist"

Joe Smith said...

"Matt; I don't have any lists. I associate with the Lincoln Project. I am comfortable with everything that they are doing, so far as I am aware."

Headline from a few days ago:

"Lincoln Project Co-Founder John Weaver Accused by Multiple Young Men of Grooming for Sex"

You really know how to pick 'em.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

"I just turned AdSense ads back on. At least, Google was nice enough to offer me cake...."

The cake is a lie!

Howard said...

Don't say his fucking name!

Nonapod said...

If a post is demonitized, I would be curious to know what specific commment(s) triggered it. I don't suppose they'd reveal that of course.

For my part I always try to be civil to all the other commenters around here and reserve my saltier comments for those in powerful positions. I'm pretty sure that I've never seriously advocated for any violence to be committed upon elected officials, state functionaries, or any American citizen in good standing. I have expressed concern about such violence occurring, but I hope that's not viewed as an incitement or wishcasting.

I think we should all be a little more careful about what we say here and other places. This could all be taken away from us. And it may get taken away from us no matter what we do or say. These environment exists at the mercy of bitter tech oligarchs and capricious algorithmns. The government won't protect this.

Gusty Winds said...

@Chuck is a Lincoln Project guy. "anti-Trump Republican" in his blogger profile. I'm sure he's the George Conway at every event.

Of all the enemies of freedom its the grifters like Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson that make you throw up in you mouth a little.

Seems their sexual proclivities are being exposed on twitter as of late. And they are exactly what you would think they would be.

Joe Smith said...

P.S Chuck...

This was widely reported on non-Stasi media.

Chuck said...

Brian said...
That's just this month, and next. Then there will be the indictments. The plea negotiations. The divorce. The bankruptcies.

Chuck, honest question, what will that accomplish?

Killing the idea of the Cult of Trump. Exposing Trump personally. Deafeating the Trump Family power base. Diminshment of any/all Trumpist power in the Republican Party. Restoration of the rule of law in the nation. A meassure of justice for the January 6 lawlwessness.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, at 8:25 you have what looks very much like a confession.

Nonapod said...

The cake is a lie!

That really was a fantastic game.

Browndog said...

Blogger Howard said...

Don't say his fucking name!


Joe Smith said...

"Seems their sexual proclivities are being exposed on twitter as of late. And they are exactly what you would think they would be."

Don't want to invoke the 'N-word,' but many of the real (historical) nazis were quite fond of young boys.

Seems there is a precedence.

robother said...

Greenwald pretty much sums it up:

"[T]he dominant strain of American liberalism is not economic socialism but political authoritarianism. Liberals now want to use the force of corporate power to silence those with different ideologies. They are eager for tech monopolies not just to ban accounts they dislike but to remove entire platforms from the internet."

Sauve qui peut!

Howard said...

Stop giving him dopamine. Pretend he doesn't exist and he will go away. Trolls don't float on water (h/t to Andre 3000)

The Crack Emcee said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

Crack Emcee -
@9:29 is a thing of beauty. BAM!"

I got an old blog now - lots of ammo there for anyone looking for a fight - even courtesy of Ann Coulter*.

*Google limits how much I could print, so credit got cut. I was gonna say it anyway. I ain't you-know-who.

And I agree with the others: speak of the "C" word no more.

MadisonMan said...

And they don’t accept the reporting of individual comments or even comments pages. I know; I have tried.
Thank you Comrade. Your rubles are in the mail.
The ads I see don't even register. Background noise in the blogosphere. The only time they register is after I buy something online, and then see ads for that self-same purchase. I can only say: Ad person, you've wasted your time. The Horse has left the barn.

Joe Smith said...

"So I don’t really mind reporting your blog post pages. With the added comment that my complaint is addressed to particular comments and not your blog post. It’s a thankless task, in which Google/Blogger doesn’t ordinarily reply or respond to the complainants."

It is a thankless task but a necessary one.

All for the good of the glorious state.

You don't even hide the fact that you're a free speech-hating fascist.

Marcus Bressler said...

Chuck posted: If, say, Althouse had some kind of rule or set of rules on what would be tolerated or not tolerated on her comments pages, that would be nice, too.

Me: There are a set of rules: Althouse and her SO asked/told you, Chuck, and Inga to leave (among others). You, you betraying piece of shit (report this, asshat), chose to not only ignore her RULES but choose to make trouble for her blog by reporting on it.
You are nothing but a not-so-good German KAPO for Google and you need to leave.


Gusty Winds said...

Fastest way to get this blog shut down is for the author to make any type of post questioning the election results and highlighting the fraud. Much to be lost. That's why I don't believe Althouse's defense of the election legitimacy.

Althouse HAS to write that she think's it legitimate. To keep the blog alive, and not be deplatformed, there is no choice.

In our new era of censorship, discerning a persons belief vs. rhetoric is going to be impossible. Telling the masters what they want to hear will be a requirement for survival.

tim in vermont said...

I don’t know for sure a cop was killed by a fire extinguisher, but here is a picture of a guy throwing one, and it looks potentially lethal to me.


Chuck said...

Matt, the Lincoln Project listing is only of people and their professional information. No personal information. They have insisted on no personal information.

And yes, I am fine with it. I again emphasize that the list is of people who all swore oaths to the Constitution as part of federal service, and who then supported the objection to the electoral vote certification by Congress.

Yes; I am absolutely okay with it.

Original Mike said...

I turned off my ad-blocker to see what kind of ads were presented to me. Non-specific stuff I have no interest in. Perhaps because I have a tiny social media presence? I have never trusted big tech. No facebook, no twitter, duckduckgo to search, private browser mode, clear my cookies. This is the only place I comment. And I never, never, never click on an ad (some do get through the blocker). NEVER.

Whiskeybum said...

I love this quip from the Michael Goodwin post:

Apparently the unity agenda will come only after all dissenters are driven from office.

Sound like a reference to a certain someone commenting here relentlessly?

tim in vermont said...



Brian said...

Killing the idea of the Cult of Trump. Exposing Trump personally. Deafeating the Trump Family power base. Diminshment of any/all Trumpist power in the Republican Party. Restoration of the rule of law in the nation. A meassure of justice for the January 6 lawlwessness.

But will any of what you asked for actually achieve any of that? Jesus Christ was crucified and his supporters were hunted, tortured and killed. You aren't advocating for anything that bad (I think), and yet Christianity thrives. Does crucifying Trump mean that people won't follow him or his ideas anymore?

I think you are going to be disappointed. To use a Star Wars line, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

And for the obtuse on this blog, I'm not advocating that Trump is Jesus Christ. The way to defeat Trump is to ignore him. Not torture him.

Matt Sablan said...

Well, it's good to know you're a McCarthyite. Disappointing, but good to know. I find it also disappointing that despite the Lincoln Project lying previously about not providing personal information, but doxing people anyway, you seem to think that they'll hold to that promise this time. Or that they'll only target certain people, despite the fact we've seen the large net that is being cast.

Well, maybe in a few years, you'll realize how wrong you were to back fascists who think blacklists are acceptable.

Rick said...

Greenwald pretty much sums it up:

"[T]he dominant strain of American liberalism is not economic socialism but political authoritarianism.

Greenwald is wrong in perceiving these as different. Centralized control requires authoritarianism. This is the point of Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom". Centralized control can never achieve stability and thus every step to attain a goal must sooner or later be followed by another step.

Consider Obamacare. It's a 450 billion / year program which achieved what Medicaid expansion alone could have achieved for 40 billion / year. Left wingers both consider this a great success and want to replace it with a program costing 2 trillion a year to achieve the 95% of Obamacare's goals it failed to achieve. When they're successful enacting that plan its deficiencies will require another step to achieve. This constant reaction to failure with doubling down cannot be maintained without authoritarianism.

tim in vermont said...

I guess you have to use the quotes again in a hot link.

Nonapod said...

Quislings not withstanding, I do appreciate most of the commenters of this weird little community, even (maybe even especially if they're able to make a good point) the ones I may disagree with.

Mark said...

There is a wonderful scene in I, Claudius where...

There is also the scene where, after Caligula recovers from an illness (or injury), a sycophant praises him and tells him that he had pledged his life if only Caligula would live.

And Caligula thanks him and says: "Well?"
Sycophant: "Well what?"
"Well, I'm alive. I recovered."
"And you pledged your life if I recovered. Now, it seems to me that you must give up your life now."
"Uh. . . ."

iowan2 said...

-- It really is amazing that the two biggest stories to come out of the riots: the shooting of an unarmed protester/rioter by government officials, and the murder of a Capitol Police Officer, are among the worst reported/understood parts of the riots.

This is the dog the didn't bark

The dead officer? Cause of death was determined within 24 hours. Blackout since then. Conclusion? No way to smear President Trump or his supporters. Working hard on someway to make that tie in.
What ever propaganda get published will be exactly that. Propaganda narrative setting.

Also time to talk about the FBI making a claim of knowledge of planned violence at state capitols and DC. This bit of hyperbole fits in with the solidification of the establishment republicans uniting to participate in a phony impeachment.
We know the FBI claimed they stopped an attempt to kidnap, the gov of Michigan, but I haven't seen any court dates. If the FBI has all this communication about coordinated planning to march on state capitals, charges should be coming fairly quickly.

All these dog, and stifling silence.

The Crack Emcee said...

You can't talk cultists out of the stupidity they've talked themselves into - leave him be to "reason" alone.

Ignore his posts.

tim in vermont said...

Its funny how fast liberals turned to fans of Ayn Rand when it comes to the untrammeled power of private companies like Alphabet and Fash Book and Twitter. I thought that Howard’s objectivism was kind of an anomaly, I was wrong.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rick said...

Whiskeybum said...
Apparently the unity agenda will come only after all dissenters are driven from office.

I heard Bill Nye say exactly this regarding global warming about 5 years ago. The left's authoritarianism is deep and broad.

Patrick said...

Google wants to stop the squeal

tim in vermont said...

It’s actually very easy not to read the attention whore’s comments.

Inga said...

I can’t blame Althouse for turning Adsense back on. If she needs assistance in recognizing violent and racist commentary and Adsense can do that for her while giving her some revenue, then it’s a win win situation for her.

Gusty Winds said...

We know the current list of content and opinions that will get you banned. Biden’s election legitimacy #1. He is now being granted the divine right of a king. They are already coining the term Biden deniers.

But here at the Althouse Blog, you have open saboteurs like @Chuck. I’m sure he’ll be monitoring blog content as the list expands to other banned thoughts and words, and when he sees a trigger, he’ll report it. Guaranteed. There are people in your neighborhood just like Chuck. They multiply like Gremlins if you add water.

Now it’s just a reality. Althouse now has to be careful what she says. So you don’t know what is genuine, and what it not. Self-Censorship is required for survival. This post in defense of accepting Google Ads is the beginning of the end.

Qwinn said...

No justice, no peace!

Remember when I argued that that should be the Right's mantra in all this? That legally they'd have a hard time cracking down on a sentiment that they've been giving a pass to for 4 years?

Well, we've now found out just how utterly weaponized the law has become... it serves as nothing but a shield for the Left and a sword against the Right. They don't even have to pretend consistency anymore. But I am also confident that the Google bots have been well trained to ignore the sentiment, since it has so far only been used to advocate for left wing violence, which is perfectly okay with them.

It also does perfectly encapsulate *our* grievances.

So, say it with me, brothers and sisters:


Rusty said...

Blogger Chuck said...
"Rusty said...
...His stated purpose in being here, as he stated himself, is to destroy Trump and also to drive Althouse commenters away.

I'm not sure....... "
Yes. We know.

donald said...

“I have come to the realization that what Chuckles needs is a good ass kicking”.

A George Kennedy on Jeff Bridges in Freebie and The Bean level ass kicking.

walter said...

Conrad Black
This will be the second impeachment proceeding where a full transcript exists exonerating the president.

readering said...

By the way, AWS yesterday filed its opposition to Parler's tro application. Focuses on all the threats of violence on Parler (tens of thousands) and AWS's futile effort going back to November to get Parler to take action to remove the threats on a timely basis as required by terms of service. Parler has until this afternoon to reply, but looks like AWS will defeat the application easily.

Moral. Don't make threats in comments if you love the blog.

Rick said...

Marcus said...
You are nothing but a not-so-good German KAPO for Google and you need to leave.

A Stasi informant is a better match, and the Stasi wouldn't have been effective without their informants.

iowan2 said...

Good luck in any attempt to be eaten last.

Ron Paul got silenced on facebook for inciting violence. RON PAUL!

Ken B said...

Readering proves his bad faith antipathy to this blog. C is banned, by Althouse. And Readering says “thank god for C’s comments”. A clear expression of a bad faith desire to harm this blog.

donald said...

Chuck associates with the Lincoln Project which holds its meetings in various men’s bathroom stalls communicating through glory holes.

Jersey Fled said...

Funny, but I am seeing no ads. But I am using the Brave browser.

Ken B said...

Readering might be right about the lawsuit. Lawsuits are too slow to deal with the problem. At least pass a law making these things public accommodations. But then proceed to nationalize them. That brings the Bill of rights to them.

Howard said...

Tim: I was a big-time objectivist in college. The Fountainhead really inspired me and my entrepreneurial career. While still possessing many libertarian attitudes, I abandoned voting Republican after Bush.

Remember, I'm a troll so I frequently say things to make people overreact. In regards to big tech, I am supportive of antitrust laws and taxing the ever living shit out of billionaires to find ubi.

Ken B said...

Jersey Fled
That's like Michael Moore using the Thin browser.

Gusty Winds said...

I'm telling you. There are people like @chuck and @inga among your FB Friends, in your neighborhood, and extended family. They are at your place of work.

They are growing in number. It's some serious shit.

"The righteous rise
With burning eyes
Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies
To beat and burn and kill"
- Rush - Witch Hunt - Moving Pictures, 1981 - Lyrics by the late, great Neil Peart

Congratulations Chuck and Inga. Your complimentary torch and pitchforks will arrive soon.

Francisco D said...

I am very disappointed that the thread turned into a Chuck thread. Who cares about that lying POS?

Let's focus on how we can help Althouse keep this blog going and avoid censorship.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim 9:47

read a few twitter responses down.

"The man holding the fire extinguisher is wearing a different coat than the man in the other photo. Pretty obvious actually. His coat looks more like the guy in the background of the guy holding the fire extinguisher...."


They arrested the goofy guy who posed with nancy's podium. He looked harmless.
Where are the arrested of the men who killed a police officer?

I will put on my foil hat and submit that if Antifa killed him - we will never hear about it. The FBI will keep it under wraps. Media of course will as well.
Does anyone know?

Known Unknown said...

"Ann had said here repeatedly her blog is too big for Bloggers tools to do so."

Start anew. The past is dead. Bury it.

Howard said...

Francisco D: Stop feeding the troll. Never again say it's name.

iowan2 said...


AWS did go to Parler with concerns. Parler responded and got a clean bill of health from AWS, days before the purge. Again, all the violence that goes without question on twitter is well documented.
Stop with the lie this is nothing but rational. Its not. Its suppression of speech.

That's what this whole post is about, google shutting down speech they don't like.

facebook took down "walk away" their sin? Not following the orthodoxy. face book silenced RON PAUL

Keep defending the indefensible. (you too will be eaten)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Planning a Rally to support Trump = is now a "plot"

got it.

Old and slow said...

No one can divert a conversation or destroy a thread if they are just ignored. What the hell is wrong with everyone? It is so f-ing simple to ignore the shit commenters. Attention is craved, deny it.

This is a depressing way to start the day, watching althouseblog go down the toilet.

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

You know..if it helps push back against Gargoyle, gonna learn to love the ads. I just hope they get better at giving me ads that remotely interest me.

Howard said...

See Francisco D. You just helped him climax. Now wipe the jiz off your hands and we'll never speak of this again.

The Crack Emcee said...

Yesterday, Inga said she respected me for my honesty and knowledge of cults - then she accused me of not recognizing the "Trump cult".

After I showed her the #1 cult expert in the world saying Trump didn't have a cult, she thanked me - then later came back, viciously accusing me of being in a cult.

Inga has always been my ally here. Because protecting blacks from harm is practically the whole reason for the modern liberal project.

But she just voted to elect a man who's wrongly thrown millions of niggas in prison for the last 26 years - in the name of liberalism.

She's a cultist now, too.

Michael K said...

if hosting is the problem, you may want to look at

Conservative Tree House was given two weeks to move and was able to do it. I'm sure it was a big job.

Howard said...

The word cultist has become meaningless. Like Marxist, fascist, Stalinist, etc.

walter said...

Chuck! said... I won the bet on who would be inaugurated on Jan. 20
Also Chuck!: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
Conserving Conservatism
Losing with dignity..forever.

Readering said...

Oh and AWS points out that it does not have a contract with twitter, so Parler's comparing twitter is irrelevant to its case against AWS.

Qwinn said...

I have today and will continue to ignore Chuck going forward. The man is pure fascist, though that's now clearly true of many others here. Pretty much *every* single poster of the Left, frankly. No one can close their eyes to that ever again.

More importantly...


walter said...

Blogger Howard said...
The word cultist has become meaningless. Like Marxist, fascist, Stalinist, etc.
..and impeachment.

The Crack Emcee said...


You've become meaningless. Like Marxist, fascist, Stalinist, etc.

Ann Althouse said...

Please stop talking to Chuck. He has been designated a troll — that is someone who wants to ruin this blog — and as such I delete all his comments without reading them. He has been told this, but he keeps returning, which reinforces the judgment that he is out to destroy. He needs to get a life somewhere other than here, but I don't think he will, because HE IS A TROLL.

So do not talk to me about this and do not discuss him or name him. He's been wasting our time for far too long. It will help me if you ignore him. Every time you talk to him you create the likelihood that he will post again. My mentioning him here also does that, but I have just got to tell you you need to help me. This is an infestation and you are part of the problem

walter said...

Robert Barnes Retweeted
Paul Bedard
Jan 12
Exclusive: 60% call impeachment a ‘waste of time,’ Big Tech backlash for censoring Trump.

60% “waste of time and money.”
23% want impeachment.
77% work on the coronavirus response instead.
65% “keeping the country divided.”

Michael K said...

Blogger Gusty Winds said...
We know the current list of content and opinions that will get you banned. Biden’s election legitimacy #1. He is now being granted the divine right of a king. They are already coining the term Biden deniers.

I have been suspended by Facebook for using the term "Russia Hoax." When the suspension ends, I will go back long enough to inform my family members (I turn down almost all "friend" requests that are not family) that I am leaving and to find me on MEWe if they want to see baby pictures and dog pictures.

I will not return.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Will do.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wildswan said...

So we've got our own personal Stasi-Guy. And Althouse is keeping track of complaints via AdSense so as to have an early warning system. We're into Trends in Unity America before Unity America exists. So proud of my fellow commenters and the glimpses into the lives of others that keep me up with the times.

Known Unknown said...

"recognizing violent and racist commentary"

Who determines that? And who cares? Blog comments are like farts in the wind.

Michael K said...

This is an infestation and you are part of the problem

I've noticed quite a few new trolls since last summer. Some are old trolls with new handles.

Known Unknown said...

"have been freely making threats to commenters here and on general to American citizens who are not Trump supporters and who think the election was free of massive voter fraud."

Links to specific comments or GTFO. I hate lazy broad-brush arguments.

MadisonMan said...

Start anew. The past is dead. Bury it.
There is merit in that. First we would need a Swedish Death Cleansing ceremony however, and there is a lot of history that would be lost. I've often thought that data from Althouse's blog could support more than 1 PhD theses.

Howard said...

We are all meaningless, Crack. Life is easier once you accept that fact. Quit looking for easy excuses.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
The word cultist has become meaningless. Like Marxist, fascist, Stalinist, etc.

Especially Fascist. Just use the synonym "Democrat."

Inga said...

“Moral. Don't make threats in comments if you love the blog.”

Good advice. The last several weeks since the election and with the hysteria over supposed election fraud several commenters have been freely making threats to commenters here and on general to American citizens who are not Trump supporters and who think the election was free of massive voter fraud. Those people were entirely too secure thinking they could get away with those sorts of threats and even attempts to have others here join them in violent acts. Your freedom of speech included the knowledge that you will be held responsible when your speech incites violence. Some of the violent and threatening speech here was far more egregious than Trump’s on Jan.6th

Althouse has said she doesn’t welcome commentary that is violent or racist. It shouldn’t be an affront to her commenters.

MadisonMan said...

Also -- I see no ads at all on this blog. What Have I, What Have I, What have I done to deserve this?

320Busdriver said...

It would seem that Sundance @CTH navigated his deplatforming and migration to the new site with minor hiccups and fairly quickly. Not sure if there is an equivalence between how this and that blog operate.

Mark said...

The Amazon Overlord filing MIGHT be relevant to the contractual TOS defense, but is irrelevant to the monopoly/antitrust/restraint of trade issue.

Mark said...

Frankly, I have very little interest in some TOS dispute between two companies.

I am VERY interested in Big Tech's monopolization and collusion, direct or tacit, in suppressing the free marketplace of ideas.

mockturtle said...

Althouse pleads regarding You-know-who: So do not talk to me about this and do not discuss him or name him. He's been wasting our time for far too long. It will help me if you ignore him.

Gotcha. I hereby promise.

Rick said...

Ann Althouse said...
Please stop talking to Chuck. He has been designated a troll —

So was Inga - which should have happened years ago when she admitted her purpose here was disrupting others' conversation - but now you respond to her.

Curious George said...

"MadisonMan said...
Also -- I see no ads at all on this blog. What Have I, What Have I, What have I done to deserve this?"

Are you using an Ad Blocker?

Inga said...

“Who determines that?”

I don’t know. AdSense businesses, members?

“And who cares?”

Apparently Althouse does.

“Blog comments are like farts in the wind.”

True and some are stinkier than others. What have they been eating?

Inga said...

‘...which should have happened years ago when she admitted her purpose here was disrupting others' conversation...”


Joe Smith said...


"Please stop talking to Chuck. He has been designated a troll..."

I am surprised Blogger doesn't have an administrator's tool for you to block him.

The Crack Emcee said...

The problem with cultists is, when their personalities get stolen, their memories are also wiped:

If the word "cultist" is meaningless, what is the movie "Midsommar" about? Or the Netflix series "Wild, Wild Country"?

Why did Tarantino make cultism the third leg of his historical evil tour?

Inglorious Bastards - Nazis.

Django Unchained - slavery.

Once Upon a Time,...in Hollywood - a meaningless word.

According to those under it's spell.

Howard said...

Have your Cake by the Ocean

Matt Sablan said...

"I am surprised Blogger doesn't have an administrator's tool for you to block him."

-- Goes to show you how old Blogger is.

Known Unknown said...

Blog KillFile no longer seems to work on Chrome. I'll have to try to reinstall.

It allows users to hide individual comments or hush users entirely. Seems like an easy and logical way to enact self-guided moderation. Platforms should just have it built into their systems rather than as an add-on tool that needs to be installed. I doubt, however, that would satisfy the authoritarians.

Inga said...

“Links to specific comments or GTFO. I hate lazy broad-brush arguments.”

I’m not going to waste my precious time going through the thousands of comments since the election. If you missed the calls for violence by people like Achilles, Qwinn, doctrev, Jim at, Shouting Thomas, and others, well I can’t help that.

Joe Smith said...

"Why did Tarantino make cultism the third leg of his historical evil tour?"

If a cult is any good at what they do, you won't even know you're in one : )

Howard said...

Rick: quit running your cocksucker. Didn't you read Althouse's request?

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"So was Inga - which should have happened years ago"

I agree - she admitted yesterday, to me, she isn't here to reason and persuade but to disrupt.

This is a salon - we don't do that here.

She needs to go now.

walter said...

Inga heard "infestation" and dutifully took the baton.

Howard said...

Keep hammering Crack.

Mike Sylwester said...

I think Chuck is a good commenter.

I think Drago is a good commenter -- except for his continual attacks on Chuck.

By the way, what happened with Drago?


Before I began commenting on Althouse, I commented mostly on a blog called Rantburg. I got kicked off Rantburg because I was designated as a troll. Essentially, I was designated so because I said repeatedly that I thought that waterboarding is torture.

I thought I was treated unfairly on Rantburg, but there are many other blogs on the Internet. Soon I found Althouse, and I have been happy here, and I don't miss Rantburg any more.

I suppose that Chuck will just go find some other blog where he can comment. His absence will be a loss for this Alhouse blog here.

Howard said...

People other than Althouse who ask people to go are insecure cowards who can't stand having their dumbass shit called on them. Weak

Inga said...

“I agree - she admitted yesterday, to me, she isn't here to reason and persuade but to disrupt.”

Liar. I said I was here to express my opinion and am in favor of commenters here expressing theirs too. It’s my prerogative not to engage in debate when I CHOOSE to. If it bothered you, that’s your issue, not mine. I did not say in any way shape or form that I was here to disrupt.

This thread isn’t about me, I suggest staying on topic.

Rick said...

Known Unknown said...
Blog KillFile no longer seems to work on Chrome. I'll have to try to reinstall.

It works but only from the title page - not the post page. So once you post a comment the functionality is lost unless you return to the individual post title page.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Do inform us who you think is "racist"

Rick said...

Howard said...
Rick: quit running your cocksucker. Didn't you read Althouse's request?

Fuck off tool.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In leftwing terms

"Racist" = anyone who isn't properly leftwing.

Rick said...

Inga said...
I did not say in any way shape or form that I was here to disrupt.


Known Unknown said...

"I’m not going to waste my precious time going through the thousands of comments since the election. If you missed the calls for violence by people like Achilles, Qwinn, doctrev, Jim at, Shouting Thomas, and others, well I can’t help that."

Exactly what I expected. Kids, supporting your libel with actual evidence is a waste of time.

Dr Weevil said...

No one has won any bets on who will be inaugurated on the 20th until it actually happens. There's still a week plus a few minutes, and a lot can happen in a week. There are still some who argue - with considerable evidence - that Trump will be reinaugurated once he drops the massive evidence that the election was in fact stolen, that many politicians of both parties were complicit, that many are also paid (in sex or money or both) by hostile foreign powers, and that they are making knowingly-false claims in their impeachment case. He's just waiting for all his pretend-allies to reveal themselves.

I believe these people are right, and said so here Monday evening (scroll down to 8:28pm or just Ctrl-F 'weevil'), with links to the QuodVerum website where they hang out, since Twitter kicked them off on blatantly false pretexts. One thing has changed since then: the last one still on Twitter, @RattlerGator, has been suspended there. What is Twitter so afraid of?

The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...

"Liar. I said,...[followed by more blather indicating, like she did yesterday, a complete change of personality - AKA cultist.] This thread isn’t about me, I suggest staying on topic."

This is the last thing I'm ever saying to you:

This NewAge Nazi Fascist cult doesn't tell me what to do - ever.

Inga said...

Rick, go and find a comment in which I said I was here to disrupt the commentary of any given thread. Go look, I’ll wait.

For now, I’ll say go fuck yourself.

J. Farmer said...

Twenty years in the family court system, and I still never cease to be amazed at people's capacity for petty vindictiveness. It is not merely political differences producing these impulses but a sense of deep disconnection and alienation from one's surrounding culture. It's the exact cultural resentments that provided the audience for talk radio, trash TV, and the conservative media revolution. The deplorables have to resort to shouting because their voice has been steadily declining for decades. This decline is openly celebrated by elites. The problem, though, is that elites and deplorables are dependent on each other for scapegoating. To maintain the status quo, each needs to blame the other for lack of progress.

Inga said...

“This is the last thing I'm ever saying to you.”

Thank you.

Ken B said...

I just want to remind people that troll Birkel made physical threats against me. He asked to meet so he could punch my lights out.
I still wouldn’t censor him, but I don’t miss his stink.

The Crack Emcee said...

“This is the last thing I'm ever saying to you.”

Thank you.

See, you guys? COMPLETE PERSONALITY CHANGE: Yesterday: "I respect you."

Cultists are EASY to spot when you know what to look for.

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

If anyone or any thing were to ask, why, have I said how much I believe the recent election was COMPLETELY fair and honest? There may never have been such an exemplary election. If anyone said anything against that election and the honest, freedom loving and simply wonderful Democratic party that garnered so many votes in that election, we all know what they would deserve regarding any further ability to speak publicly. My final note is an appreciation of the Althouse blog, which makes sure correct thinking patriots can speak up and any non-patriotic speech is allowed only as an example of the bad, unpatriotic people for which we need to watch out for.

Inga said...

“Exactly what I expected. Kids, supporting your libel with actual evidence is a waste of time.”

And you too can go fuck yourself. Anyone reading these threads consistently knows of what I speak of when I referred to violent rhetoric by the people I named.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Let's focus on how we can help Althouse keep this blog going and avoid censorship.

Yes, Hostess, please advise how we can help other than not feeding trolls.

The Crack Emcee said...

Watching this happen to my sister was devastating.

Lurker21 said...

I believe it was Will Rogers who said, "A troll is just a fan who hasn't gotten your blog banned yet."

I would have wished Ann Althouse a happy birthday yesterday, but really, isn't the internet our refuge from having to pretend to be decent, kindly, caring human beings?

Fernandinande said...

"When denied the chance to write a letter to the paper for publication, [Ben] Franklin adopted the pseudonym of "Silence Dogood", a middle-aged widow. Mrs. Dogood's letters were published and became a subject of conversation around town. Neither James nor the Courant's readers were aware of the ruse, and James was unhappy with Ben when he discovered the popular correspondent was his younger brother.

Franklin was an advocate of free speech from an early age. When his brother was jailed for three weeks in 1722 for publishing material unflattering to the governor, young Franklin took over the newspaper and had Mrs. Dogood (quoting Cato's Letters) proclaim: "Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech." Franklin left his apprenticeship without his brother's permission, and in so doing became a fugitive."

He was 17 years old at the time.

Joe Smith said...

" The deplorables have to resort to shouting because their voice has been steadily declining for decades."

Declining in volume or being systemically throttled?

Big difference.

The Crack Emcee said...

I like how you can point out OBVIOUS things in front of a crowd of knowledgable people - like someone's complete change of personality - and the cultist's are like "Don't see it,..."

Witness said...

I'm reminded again of an observation about so much of this infrastructure. We're so used to using it "for free" (or sometimes just "cheap") that we forget who actually pays for so much of it - the advertisers.

And apparently they pay so well that the big tech giants don't mind hosting tons of content without ads - after all, maybe that "free rider" will sign up for a bit of revenue down the line.

But advertisers care *deeply* about what messages their brand is associated with, and they *will* stop supporting the platforms as a whole if that gets contaminated.

Concerns about free speech remaining, well, "free as in speech", may have to contend with the fact that it won't keep on being "free as in beer" - the infrastructure costs will have to be borne by someone, or else it just won't be available at all.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
People other than Althouse who ask people to go are insecure cowards who can't stand having their dumbass shit called on them. Weak

Howard is doing more chest beating now that his team has won the steal.

The Crack Emcee said...

"And - if I do see it - a COMPLETE CHANGE OF PERSONALITY is no problem.

I'm fine.

Readering said...

AWS response focused on contract claim, because at least
Parler submitted the contract. Parler submitted zero evidence in support of an antitrust claim

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K,

You're supposed to be a doctor.

What do you and your far-superior-to-American-black students think of all this?

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DarigoldVanilla said...

I think the tantrums and constant threats of violence in here, really reflect the Trumpian, victimhood mindset that mainstream conservatives have embraced.
It’s a fair reflection of who these people are. They feel safe in here, talking of about blowing holes in non MAGAts.

Nonapod said...

Michael K said...

I've noticed quite a few new trolls since last summer. Some are old trolls with new handles.

I would hope by now that most people would understand the basic rules for indentifying and dealing with trolls, but for some reason a lot of long time commenters seem to fall prey to their antics. But if there's any confusion or misunderstanding hopefully this may help.

How to identify if a poster is a troll:

1). Are they posting blatantly insulting and defamatory comments about this community and/or its host without any obvious provocation and without any proper well thought out arguments being expressed. An example might include a blanket remark about "Althouse commenters" being this or that insulting thing.

2.) Or are theirs posts in general just needlessly inflamatory and insulting without any cogent arguments.

2). Have you seen the name/handle before? If not, is this handle some odd nonsequiter, giberish, or an actual insult.

How to handle a troll post:

1.) Don't respond to it.

2.) See number 1.

Inga said...

“My final note is an appreciation of the Althouse blog, which makes sure correct thinking patriots can speak up and any non-patriotic speech is allowed only as an example of the bad, unpatriotic people for which we need to watch out for.”

Wow. “Correct thinking” patriots? Seriously? Who are the “correct thinking” patriots here? That is actually creepy. Who decides who are “correct thinkers” and who aren’t? I kind of doubt Althouse would want her blog associated with THAT sort of thinking

Known Unknown said...

"And you too can go fuck yourself. "

Wow. I asked for some evidence and this is the return discourse? Why are you so upset? Your team has everything. You own everything. The White House, the Congress, Social Media, Entertainment, Education. You should be so happy right now.

I Callahan said...

walter - those polls are happily a bit different than the Quinnipiac poll info that the Prof posted yesterday.

Narr said...

Just got here w/o reading comments.

Da-yum, Prof. I was just telling my wife last night about your struggles with Google and Adsense, and how you had cut the crap.

I just hope your analysis is correct, for all our sakes.

Now I review comments

Matt Sablan said...

Inga: That... that entire post reeks of sarcasm of a poster presenting a persona in an attempt to stave off the censors. They are not actually supporting that position any more than Swift actually thought we should eat babies.

PB said...

Google, Facebook Twitter Amazon and Apple are clear and present dangers to our nation. They have stepped over the line. Way over the line.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"And you too can go fuck yourself. "

Known Unknown said..
Wow. I asked for some evidence and this is the return discourse? Why are you so upset? Your team has everything. You own everything. The White House, the Congress, Social Media, Entertainment, Education. You should be so happy right now.

I think the issue is that they (the Dems and Progs) have caught the snake and now realize that they don't really know how to safely put it down. It wasn't the wonderful success they dreamed that it would be.

Tiger by the tail. The consequences are just now beginning to dawn on some of the more sane members. Others, who shall not be named, just keep on doubling down on stupid.

Drago said...

Mike Sylwester: "I think Chuck is a good commenter.

I think Drago is a good commenter -- except for his continual attacks on Chuck.

By the way, what happened with Drago?"

I mentioned this some weeks ago. I am loaded up with about 2.5 engagements so time is at a premium.

But I still peruse fairly often and comment now and again.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Cake. I like cake
--Ann Althouse

Chuck likes cock.
I wonder if he told Google he had been banned for life when he contacted them.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NYC JournoList said...

Crack is on a roll. I hope he sticks around, but if taking breaks reenergizes him and results in comment flurries like now then I am ok with that too.

Inga said...

Inga: That... that entire post reeks of sarcasm...

No kidding. I wouldn’t have known that without you pointing it out. My point is anyone thinking that their side are the only “correct thinkers” is creepy.

Qwinn said...

Known Unknown:

They can never be happy. Absolutely all of their power derives from a constant agitation of grievances. If racism were ever to truly end, for example, why would anyone need Democrats? You can therefore be assured that under them, racism will never be allowed to end. It also explains why they are forced to push 57-gender and tranny lunacy too.

Virtually every last legitimate reform the Left had to ask for was signed by Richard Nixon by 1973. Every single thing they have asked for since then has not just not helped the issue they claim to care about, it has actively harmed them. That is their primary tactic: Create a crisis, project it onto their political enemies, then present themselves as the only solution.

J. Farmer said...

@Joe Smith:

Declining in volume or being systemically throttled?

Big difference.

Both but mostly the former. The white working class was 70% of the US population in 1980. Now it's 40%. Combine that with increased economic insecurity and it's a huge blow to the white working class' socio-political power.

There's a huge paradox at the center of all of this. The system of white supremacy that was dismantled in the 1960s was not morally tenable. Nonetheless, dismantling it has caused massive social disruption. We've yet to find a solution to this problem.

Tomcc said...

I was naïve enough in my 20's to think that we'd learned the lessons of authoritarianism and would never let its' evil and destructive presence slink into our nation's behavior. Heckuva job, Sergey.
Sorry about that, Althouse.

Gahrie said...

Wow. “Correct thinking” patriots? Seriously? Who are the “correct thinking” patriots here? That is actually creepy. Who decides who are “correct thinkers” and who aren’t? I kind of doubt Althouse would want her blog associated with THAT sort of thinking

You're kidding right? Right?

I mean seriously...you could actually type that at a time when your side is deplatforming conservatives, drawing up lists of Trump supporters, and vowing vengeance on Trump, his family and his supporters?

Drago said...

Readering: "PS thank goodness for Chuck's comments."

Thats what all the leftists say.

They recognize a fellow leftist when they see one.

Inga said...

“Create a crisis, project it onto their political enemies, then present themselves as the only solution.”

“American carnage”...who said “Only I can fix it”?

Krumhorn said...

I love this blog, and I admire a great number of our fellow commenters for various reasons. Our hostess is a remarkable woman with an exceptional and interesting mind. If Google were to decide to deplatform her, it would certainly be one of those legendary benchmark events like the shots heard around the world.

I am certain that the lefties, nasty little shits that they are, have this gamed out in detail. They have been shockingly successful and not to be underestimated. The twenty and thirty somethings, including my own kids, are now part of the Borg collective. I hear them intoning that resistance is futile.

- Krumhorn

NYC JournoList said...

Mark Steyn is on a roll today also. I expect that he will be chased back north soon.

Old and slow said...

You know, sometimes Howard is right on the money... And sometimes he ain't...

Kai Akker said...

@Matt Sablan, the answer to your question about a comment of mine from a couple hours ago is -- the reason I believe Big Tech will lose the larger battle, and eventually the war, is that a large part of their seeming invincibility is not only their operating market power, but also their stock-market power. Their huge wealth-creating bull market benefits are turning into a bear market before our eyes, I think. They will be greatly reduced in power as their stockholders lose money on shares, and as analysts criticize instead of adoring them. Bear markets usually bring a lot of other problems with them, too. The Buffett quote of who's been swimming naked.

AMZN has not made a new high since last summer, unlike most of the market indexes. Nor has NFLX. Nor has FaceBk. TWTR hasn't made a new high since shortly after going public in 2013. These stocks are telling us something in that way, I think. They've stopped participating.

Yes, they could resume participating. But the market top that is being made here is a really big one, based on history and quantitative measurements. These were among the biggest beneficiaries and that means they are also highly likely to bear some of the worst of the downtrend reaction. That will remove a lot of that sense of invincibility and power.

And the other reason is that, just when fast-growth companies rule the universe, they stop. That old name-the-stadium syndrome, for example. The marketplace is always changing and at some point, those changes catch up to everyone -- right? Do you know of many counter-examples? It's just my opinion that that time is here for many or most of the companies we think of as Big Tech.

That's why I think they'll lose the next battle, which is probably the biggest one as we can see from the past few weeks. The reason they will lose the war is that the American people are not going to take orders from anyone, and that includes Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos.

cacimbo said...

The speed and extent of the great purge is horrifying.I fear what will happen next. The fear is so strong that like on 9/11 my stomach is filled with butterflies, my eyes keep welling up, and my throat keeps closing.That someone like AA feels compelled to take action to prevent becoming a target illustrates how effective the purge has already been.I am truly terrified of where this will lead.

Plus I no longer have any doubt over the election results.These are not the actions of legitimate winners.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "“American carnage”...who said “Only I can fix it”?"

One of many who noticed the democraticals had created a crisis and then projected it onto their political enemies.

tim in vermont said...

"o and find a comment in which I said I was here to disrupt the commentary of any given thread”

You’re right, you didn’t say that, you said you were here to disrupt the blog in general. I remember it, but it would take hours to find it, if you haven’t already deleted it, so we are just going to have to agree to disagree on that one.

tim in vermont said...

Whatever, somebody clearly threw a fire extinguisher and pretending it didn’t happen is a losing gambit. I don’t know if those are stills taken from a video or what. I will leave that to the FBI.

Rick said...

Inga said...
Rick, go and find a comment in which I said I was here to disrupt the commentary of any given thread

No need, we both know you did it. That's why you commented under the alias "unknown" for 2 years.

gadfly said...

You have ads on this blog? I don't see any! Must be because my Adblocker works and you don't or can't block my use of an adblocker.

rcocean said...

I think ALthouse needs to not only ban trolls, but the people who enable the trolls by constantly talking and fighting with them. I used to think they were just gullible rubes who believed these Left-wing trolls can be "reasoned" with. But after being tole 10,000 times "Don't fee the trolls" they keep doing it.

which makes me believe they support the trolls. They're just being sneaky about it.

walter said...

If President Trump had told his supporters to attack Biden supporters in supermarkets and diners and gas stations, if he had told them to "absolutely harass" Democrats - I would endorse impeachment. But he didn't say that -- Maxine Waters did.

rcocean said...

In ye olden days, personal vindictiveness was frowned upon as declasse behavior and unworthy of a decent human being. Today, its celebrated as long as you can disguise it as "Fighting Nazis" or "hating hate" or "fighting evil". Our leaders, Pelosi, Romney, Schumer, Biden, Hillary, and Cheney are being praised for their personal vendetta against trump and anyone who supports him.

Its a symptom of a collapsing society.

rcocean said...

Facebook? I only use it when asked to by family members. Most people just want a place to post their family pictures and talk to their siblings or their children. Why they all need to corral themselves on one site and make Zuckerprick a $Billionaire$ is beyond me.

Original Mike said...

" I remember it, but it would take hours to find it, if you haven’t already deleted it, so we are just going to have to agree to disagree on that one."

FWIW, I'm pretty sure it was between Sep 22 and Oct 22, 2018. Not positive, but I remember reading it while up at the lake house and those were the dates we were there in 2018. Also not sure it was 2018, but don't think it was last year and 2017 seems too far back.

walter said...

If those folks at the Capitol are "domestic terrorists", congress basically shut down a separate debate in response to them.
The whole reaction going on is child-like.

rcocean said...

Facebook, Google, and Twitter don't consider you their customer. They sell YOUR PRVIATE information to others. These "others" are their real customers.

You're the product.

Lurker21 said...

Now the site is like a slot machine.

Refresh it and what do you get? Cookies? Or crotches?

If every ad comes up cookies or crotches what do we win?

Brian said...

Please stop talking to....


Joe Smith said...

"There's a huge paradox at the center of all of this. The system of white supremacy that was dismantled in the 1960s was not morally tenable. Nonetheless, dismantling it has caused massive social disruption. We've yet to find a solution to this problem."

I think we disagree...a lot of loud voices these days and many new ways to silence them. It will not help.

I am happy that Republicans dismantled the Jim Crow laws that the Democrats put in place and desperately tried to hold onto...

'Dismantled' is passive, as AA would say. Who did what?

Kevin said...

Let's focus on how we can help Althouse keep this blog going and avoid censorship.

Which one do you want?

It appears we can't have our cake and Google it too.

Mike Sylwester said...

Chuck at 12:22 PM
I hope you agree with all of this.

Absolutely. You sometimes have influenced my opinion for the better.

Joe Smith said...

"Plus I no longer have any doubt over the election results.These are not the actions of legitimate winners."

If you're not guilty of anything you don't shut down inquiry, you welcome it.

Trump didn't want Mueller, but once he as investigating Trump essentially said 'Bring it on...you'll find nothing because I'm innocent.'

Michael K said...

Yes, they could resume participating. But the market top that is being made here is a really big one, based on history and quantitative measurements. These were among the biggest beneficiaries and that means they are also highly likely to bear some of the worst of the downtrend reaction. That will remove a lot of that sense of invincibility and power.

The only positive aspect to the Biden steal is the possibility, that I have seen coming for a while, of an economic collapse would be in a Democrat administration. I would be hurt by a hyperinflation but that seems less likely right now.

Original Mike said...

I'm old enough to have watched several bubbles continue to expand well past what seemed reasonable. Sure, they come to Earth eventually, but “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” ― John Maynard Keynes

Roughcoat said...

"Midsommer" was a terrific movie. Seriously disturbing, and horrifying. Not sure, however, that the group portrayed in the movie should be categorized as a cult.

Francisco D said...

Howard said...See Francisco D. You just helped him climax. Now wipe the jiz off your hands and we'll never speak of this again.

I appreciate that this is your particular sense of humor, although I have not been in a laughing mood for a few weeks.

It will all be better when Biden restores civility and brings us together. Did I forget? He will also end systemic racism.

We have our best days ahead.

walter said...

Mike Sylvester,
Respect the request of the blog owner.

Doug said...

At first I didn't understand. Then it seemed kind of helpful. Now it's beginning to seem creepy that Big Tech is keeping track of my every move online. Is that something one wants to encourage?

If you haven't already, you need to see the Netflix documentary, "The Social Dilemma".
If you still can.

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