January 23, 2021

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us. But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."

Said Chuck Schumer, quoted in "Schumer agrees to two-week delay of Trump’s impeachment trial/The ex-president's second trial is now set to begin the week of Feb. 8" (Politico). 

Is there truth in those sentences? 

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us." 

Who is "we"? The Senators or the people? I don't think he'd say "All we Senators want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us." That would be enraging. More than 74 million people voted for Trump, and the point of the impeachment, now that he is out of office, is to disqualify him from running for office again — to deprive the people of the option of ever voting for him. It's flatly wrong to assert that we all want Trump powerfully and absolutely excluded from electoral politics.

But what is "this awful chapter" that we are told we all want "to put... behind us"? The past is always behind us (assuming you use the conventional metaphor that time is a walk and we're facing forward), but there's some fuzzy idea of doing something to the past that makes it more behind us — resolved somehow or less accessible. But if the point of the trial is to bar Trump from running for office, Schumer is talking about manipulating the future, not alienating us from the past. 

What is the "awful chapter"? Is it the January 6th attack on the Capitol or is it the entire Trump presidency? We all deplore Trump and want to sever him from our understanding of ourselves? But obviously we don't all want that. Biden enters the presidency with a poll — from Rasmussen — that has the exact same percentages of approval and disapproval that Trump had on his last day — 48% approve, 45% disapprove. 

Of course, Schumer is explaining waiting until February 8th. The next sentence is: 

"But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability." 

The implication is that by spending 2 weeks prepping for trial — after the House voted without taking any time at all — we'll get a proceeding that will deliver "truth and accountability." Another way to read that sentence is that there will never be healing and unity, because it will only come if there is truth and accountability, and that's not going to happen. Who believes the 2 weeks will be used to ensure that the trial is centered on the truth? 

And isn't the delay designed to give President Biden a little time to establish himself in the presidential role, to bask in the positive light the media are shining on him, before the harsh spotlight returns to Trump and it's all about "this awful chapter"?


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Kevin said...

If we all deplored Trump none of this would be necessary.

That’s the truth which stands in the way of unity.

Marcus Bressler said...

I still don't understand the constitutionality of this sham trial. Too bad there is not someone with constitutional knowledge that might opine more on it. I suppose I'll keep reading the articles I find on my favorite websites and search without using Google so I can get a balanced result.


From what I have read, the president is not "an officer".

Lucien said...

I think Schumer’s second sentence is supposed to say that we can’t just scrap the trial in the name of unity and healing, because then we won’t get a chance for truth and accountability (as if no House or Senate committees will investigate the 1/6 riot in minute detail).

But what if the two week delay, instead of giving Biden time to settle in, just shows how unprepared he is to get any legislation going except for his “illegals first” programs?

bbear said...

Marcus said, "I don't understand the constitutionality of this..."

Its unconstitutionality is highlighted by Emeritus Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has pointed out that a conviction would be a Bill of Attainder, specifically forbidden by the Constitution. Presumably those committing such a violation would themselves be subject to impeachment.

wendybar said...

They are all delusional, and they are only asking for a REAL insurrection. How any body can take anything these idiots in Congress say seriously is beyond me. Keep on poking the angry bears that you poked for the last 5 years. You will get what you asked for.

stevew said...

A lying liar he is. Perhaps he's buying time for this Trump hatred to fade, for his side to heal, and ultimately for there never to be a trial. More likely he knows he doesn't have the votes to convict.

It's all just a continuation of the unfounded attacks on Trump. It's all political. While impeachment is grounded in constitutional law, it is not a legal proceeding in the way we usually think of them. The crime(s) Trump committed that was used to impeach him are political and policy differences with the Democrats, aka: not crimes.

Breezy said...

"But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."

This is exactly what Trump voters want with respect to the 2020 election! Focus your energy on that! Barr warned mailin balloting is playing with fire. It’s been here since the election and has only grown due to the egos of our institutions - none wanted to step into the raging firestorm. It’s still here due to the lack of accountability. The questions asked about the election deserved answers, not obfuscation. This is on you, for one, Sen Schumer.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

They are hoping against hope for a Reichstag fire type event in the interim.
Not only hoping, but planning.
We'll see.

Wilbur said...

The unintended irony in his words is astounding.

To the Left, 74 million trump voters virtually do not exist.

rhhardin said...

Politics isn't about unity. It's about managing dissunity. The ways are civilized or uncivilized. Dems tend to the latter.

stevew said...

Just came across this quote of Senator Manchin:

"I think this [impeachment] is so ill-advised [while] Joe Biden [is] coming in, trying to heal the country, trying to be the president of all the people when we are so divided and fighting again. Let the judicial system do its job."

Perhaps he and other senators disinclined to vote to convict are the 'we' Schumer is speaking about?

The Crack Emcee said...

"There will never be healing and unity, because it will only come if there is truth and accountability, and that's not going to happen."

The Democrats have no history of it. It took them 150 years just to admit the civil war was about slavery and they started it. That we can live in a society claiming to have a media - but it's not constantly reminding them of what they've done to bring us to this point - is a very strange existence, indeed.

It's a cultish existence.

rhhardin said...

It's not a cult, it's soap opera.

The Crack Emcee said...

Kevin said...

"If we all deplored Trump none of this would be necessary."

But how can we all deplore Trump when we're deplorables?

Mr. Forward said...

I have eaten
the peaches
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for the parking garage

forgive me
they were delicious
now go back down
into your hole

rhhardin said...

Banks in Florida closed Trump's accounts. That'll help us forget.

The Crack Emcee said...

rhhardin said...

"It's not a cult, it's soap opera."

Since, for me, this started with a quack doctor abusing my stupid NewAge wife, I can't argue with that right now. But now I'm confused:

Is this "General Hospital" or "Days Of Our Lives"?

David Begley said...

The smart thing here is to grant a motion to dismiss because the Senate has no jurisdiction over a former President. Do the Right Thing!

The Crack Emcee said...

Anyone who thinks the Democrats are about "truth and accountability" has NOT been paying attention.

RMc said...

Banks in Florida closed Trump's accounts.

Mother Jones' article on this is actually titled "The Walls Are Closing In on Donald Trump". Yes, really. Good lord.

No sense of irony. No sense of history.

rhhardin said...

"full of smiles and insincerity" - Thurber

bbear said...

Stevew: "...While impeachment is grounded in constitutional law..."

Impeachment of a President is grounded in constitutional law. But a Senate trial and conviction of private-citizen Trump, which is what he now is, would be a Bill of Attainder, specifically prohibited by the Constitution.

The Crack Emcee said...

Don't-don't-don't believe the hype:

Trump’s Exit Approval Rating Higher than Biden’s Entrance Approval Rating

DanTheMan said...

If they can impeach and try someone not in office, why can't they impeach whoever the R's nominate in 2024.

Better yet, let's just have a proactive blanket impeachment and conviction of all Republicans, so that Harris can run unopposed in 2024.

Bobb said...

Slavery was evil. The impact of that chapter of our nation's history is still being felt. I propose the impeachment of President Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner (and founder of the Democratic Party). "We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us. But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability. And that is what this trial will provide."

gilbar said...

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us. But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."
Said Chuck Schumer

WOW! this IS Good News! So, Chuck wants to put the Russiagate FBI people in Jail?
That's Great! I REALLY want to put the whole, using the government to spy on political opponents behind us.
that's what he's talking about; right?

David Begley said...

Criminal Law 101. You can’t murder a dead man.
Con Law 101. You can’t impeach a former President.

Rick said...

Who is "we"? The Senators or the people?

Everything works if you accept that deplorables aren't people.

MayBee said...

Such a great post, Althouse.

Odi said...

I look forward to the future impeachments of all the former presidents who are deemed unworthy of praise by the woke mob.

farmgirl said...

Crack- that’s a great post although any amount of coffee at this point can’t wash the bile raised by such an arrogant ass as Mahr(too lazy to ck spelling). Idk if it’s power or $$ or fame or all of the above, but to what great lengths the elite will go to keep this storyline makes me realize the bigger picture is beyond me, for sure. A one world order? A blue- blooded rule?

I never understood the definition of kabuki theater until this morning/Ann’s post. Does it matter what tiny morsel of truth can be spied in a paragraph of words spewed from the mouth of such a self important man? Isn’t there a formula to a great lie- 10% truth- to string the good folk along?
It’s bullshit. And I truly know bullshit when I see it.

PS they’ll never get over the great erection of the man, President DJTrump

Browndog said...

They're never going to let you stop hating Immanuel Goldstein.

Shouting Thomas said...

CCP style unpersoning campaign and show trial.

You unperson a candidate to rig an election you think you’ll lose.

Rigging the 2024 election in advance.

A national censorship campaign’s purpose is to suppress the truth.

The 2020 election was rigged.

I’m not conjecturing here. The Democrats are admitting this.

Fernandinande said...

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us."

Alas, he was not referring to impeaching Biden and Harris, both at the same time. ;-(

Shouting Thomas said...

You will be banned from social media for saying the election was rigged.

There is no longer any doubt that the election was rigged.

Censors censor the truth.

The CCP won.

The awful events of the past year were the CCP/Dem axis beating us into surrender with the virus, shutdowns and massive street violence in our cities.

farmgirl said...


DanTheMan said...

When does the impeachment start for GWB for invading Iraq?

320Busdriver said...

Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

Truer words were never spoken.

Xmas said...

"If we all deplored Trump none of this would be necessary."

If the Democrats hadn't tried to ram the wildly divisive Hillary Clinton into the Presidency, none of this would be necessary. If the media hadn't put Trump and his put downs of Republican primary candidates as their top story for a year, none of this would be necessary. If Hillary's team hadn't encouraged the media to do that, none of this would be necessary.

Trump was a symptom of the system being broken. Now we are blaming the symptom for the disease.

Sally327 said...

I blame Georgia.

It is all so weird. Chuck Schumer spoke at Trump's inauguration 4 years ago. I don't really know why. But he did and not in a very nice way as I remember.

rehajm said...

Truth and accountability would mean many Democrat Senators would be out for their complicity in election fraud. I don't think Schumer is the right person for the job.

Shouting Thomas said...

Remember, comrades, before all this is disappeared:

Before the CCP virus and Dem’s campaign of street violence:

O 3 years of domestic peace
O 3 years of incredibly prosperity
O 3 years of economic growth
O 3 years of no new foreign wars

You are being retconned about exactly who caused this “awful chapter.”

Bob Boyd said...

We're already in the next chapter. How do you like it so far?

rehajm said...

Biden would be for his corruption with foreign actors. I'm not sure how far we'd need to advance down the chain of command to find a keeper.

rhhardin said...

The problem isn't Schumer. It's Schumer's audience.

Schumer just fills the demand.

Temujin said...

Wilbur said: "To the Left, 74 million trump voters virtually do not exist."

Wishing cannot make it so. We're not going away.

As for 'truth and accountability'- those are two things not found in Washington DC in decades. Maybe centuries. It's hard to pinpoint it in our history now. It was so long ago. I'm surprise Chuck Schumer could even say those words without pain. Maybe he did have pain. He always looks constipated. Ad hominem, I know. But it's true.

But the media, academia, and the Democrats speak of the Trump years as if it's an obvious curse on everyone- not just Americans. Despite the amazing list of accomplishments that Trump oversaw, they've invested so much into his being a racist, misogynist slob, a corrupt evil liar that even their foaming at the mouth hate for four years has not subsided. They truly believed their own lies. Reporters were crying at the site of Joe Biden's plane landing. Rachel Maddow went through a box of Kleenex watching Joe speak. Etc. etc. One wonders why Joe never had anything remotely close to that impact in his previous 47 years of living on the dole. Maybe they were all too afraid to let him that close?

Anyway, what awful chapter is Chuck referring to? The conspiracy by the Democrats, FBI, CIA, and State Dept. to remove a sitting President? Or perhaps the Democrats sponsorship of the burning and looting throughout our country all summer long? Or perhaps the site of hundreds of thousands of previously normal women, parading around with pussy hats on their heads- thinking that was making a statement? It was. Just not the statement they were going for. Or was it the fact that Donald J. Trump used the word pussy to begin with. Because that- above all else- seemed to trigger the insanity at the start.

I don't know when reality will return to our country. But in the hands of our fucked up media, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, et al, I don't see any return to reality happening soon. It's weird. I can vaguely remember a time when Democrats almost seemed sane to me.

Gahrie said...

I'll believe Schumer wants truth and accountability when he investigates the Russiagate Hoax.

rehajm said...

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us."

So far Team Biden has made tens of thousands of oil workers unemployed, invaded a foreign nation, written an executive order on masks and broke it before the ink was dry, and admitted they have no plan to distribute vaccine.

Democrats want the awful chapter behind them so they can write three more before the weekend is over..

Gahrie said...

I'm currently teaching about the election of 1800 in my US History class. I haven't gotten to the part where Adams get impeached and his followers persecuted.

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack’s and my comments, in the case of this post, amplify one another, rather than contradicting one another.

Gahrie said...

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us."

We'll be seeing Trump "miss me yet?" signs within six months.

Gahrie said...

I can't wait until the truth and reconciliation committees reach people at my level. I just hope they don't livestream the trial and execution, my parents are still alive.

Bob Boyd said...

what awful chapter is Chuck referring to? The conspiracy by the Democrats, FBI, CIA, and State Dept. to remove a sitting President? Or perhaps the Democrats sponsorship of the burning and looting throughout our country all summer long?

Trump made them do that. That's what makes him so awful, don't you see? It's not his policies or performance. It's what Trump made them do. They want to put that awful chapter behind them, but they can't feel safe if Trump might make them do awful things again.

Gahrie said...

Its unconstitutionality is highlighted by Emeritus Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has pointed out that a conviction would be a Bill of Attainder, specifically forbidden by the Constitution. Presumably those committing such a violation would themselves be subject to impeachment.

Roberts will find a way to explain that it is actually a tax, and thus perfectly constitutional.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Here’s how the impeachment trial will likely go:

(1) Trump’s lawyers will move for a postponement to give them more time to prepare his defense, which will be denied.
(2) Ted Cruz will move for the impeachment to be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction since Trump is no longer in office, which will be denied.
(3) Several Republican Senators will vote with the Democrats to convict, but not the necessary two-thirds, so Trump will be acquitted.

That’s all the truth and accountability we’re going to get in the Senate. Here’s the wild card: All the Senators present on January 6 should recuse themselves as witnesses to the Insurrection. That would leave the 2 new Senators from Georgia and Kamala Harris’s replacement from California to decide the case. Only two votes needed for conviction.

MayBee said...

I would like to remind the Republican senators that Bill Clinton tried to blame "Voices on the Right" like Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City bombing:
"We hear so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep some people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other. They spread hate. They leave the impression that, by their very words, that violence is acceptable."

That many on the left tried to blame Sarah Palin for Gabby Gifford's shooting, including Barack Obama turning it into a moment where we must be unified. "Together we thrive"

And now impeachment for Trump for saying the same things all politicians say. That following a summer of left-wing violence, riots, and murder, some people (apparently on the right) joined in on rioting and beating a cop.

Dear Republicans. If you don't think this is coming for you, you are forgetting the past. You will be giving them one more tool.

Gahrie said...

The Democrats have no history of it. It took them 150 years just to admit the civil war was about slavery and they started it.

And that was only after their ridiculous claim that the parties switched places, and all of the racist Democrats became racist Republicans, and all of the non-racist Republicans became Democrats.

Iman said...

Nothing says unity quite like over 4 years of the horseshit tantrum behavior Democrats (their media operatives included) have exhibited. The “awful chapter” will be put away in the closet until the next time Dems lose. Screw ‘em. Schumer is a National Embarrassment.

donald said...

Selected. Not elected. Not my president. Resist. War motherfuckers.

There hasn’t been a moment that I knew of the existence of Chuck Schumer that I have correctly assessed that he is the worst of the worst.

gspencer said...

"But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."

Never seen in the same room at the same time: elected Democrats and truth/accountability.

No one Democrat has been punished for all the duplicity launched at Trump.

KJE said...

“Truth and accountability” sounds like something that is easily going to have second and third order downstream effects...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wake up!!

There is never ever ever going to be unity with the likes of Schumer. They don't want unity. They want compliance, obedience and obeisance. Their idea of Unity is to think, say and do what THEY want.....or else.

If anyone thinks that there is going to be a nice, polite, happy solution...they are fools.

This will several ways.

1. They get their "Unity" and the submissive people have Orwell's boot stamping in our faces forever.

2. We feed the Tree Of Liberty.

3. A third party sees the fragmentation and decline of America and takes the opportunity to "step" in to take over. America is no more and the world is in chaos.

Oso Negro said...

I wonder if he will be allowed to speak in his own defense? Or whether anyone will be permitted to do so? Perhaps they will bind him and gag him on the Senate Floor like Bobby Seale.

donald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Boyd said...

They want compliance, obedience and obeisance. Their idea of Unity is to think, say and do what THEY want

And even if you try to do that, it will always be a moving goalpost that's just out of reach.

Gahrie said...

The real fun starts after the impeachment when the state of New York tries to throw Trump, Ivanka and Jared in jail.

jeremyabrams said...

A stalwart chief of the supreme court would preside over the trial, invite a motion to dismiss, give a cogent constitutional lecture, grant the motion, pound the gavel, declare, "Court is adjourned," and leave, leaving Schumer alone to decide what to do next.

We can dream, anyway. But I'd rather try to imagine which Shakespeare character to cast Biden as:


Iman said...

Schumer IS a National Embarrassment and more of a comedian than his potato-faced niece.

The Crack Emcee said...

Iman said...

"Schumer IS a National Embarrassment and more of a comedian than his potato-faced niece."

I thought she was a cabbage patch kid. Thanks for clearing that up.

Browndog said...

rhhardin said...

The problem isn't Schumer. It's Schumer's audience.

Schumer just fills the demand.

Any thoughts on Mitch McConnell?

People on the right do the exact same thing as people on the left, just in a more reasoned, less violent tone.

I'll say it again- Donald Trump would be President and republicans would control the Senate if not for the actions of Mitch McConnell.

320Busdriver said...

AOC....: I'm Doing 'Everything' To Win Georgia For Democrats So We Don't Have To 'Negotiate' With Republicans ...

SCHUMER...Now we take GA, then we change America.

Pelosi’s bill to give statehood to DC contains provisions to enable CA like voting rules nation wide. If you don’t know what those are then look it up.

Gird up your loins

The Crack Emcee said...

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us. But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."

The only thing I want to put behind me is the Democrat Party, so when I take a shit, I know, it's going to the right place.

iowan2 said...

During the trial, a team of Democratic House impeachment managers are expected to spend several days arguing that the former president played a major role in inciting violence at the Capitol, focusing on a speech he delivered to a pro-Trump rally just hours before rioters breached the complex.

We already have the time line, exposing the Article of Impeachment as a lie. We already have evidence prior planning. Incitement is a lie.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m cleaning up my act, and shutting up on FB.

I’d like to continue to have a bank account.

Greg Hlatky said...

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us. But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."

In 1849, Prince von Schwarzenberg of Austria was advised to show clemency to the Hungarian rebels. "A splendid idea!" Schwarzenberg replied. "But first, some hangings."

Matt Sablan said...

I too would like the unconstitutional kangaroo court behind us. But I feel like that's the "two movies" thing again.

Matt Sablan said...

"I’m cleaning up my act, and shutting up on FB."

-- I honestly feel like I'll be fine, and if I'm not, well, I have a sock drawer. I do regret not keeping my blog private, but I also know: It isn't like any blog hosting service wouldn't sell me out anyway.

Matt Sablan said...

"We can dream, anyway. But I'd rather try to imagine which Shakespeare character to cast Biden as:


-- Come on folks, if we're going to be full on crazy right-wingers, the obvious answer is Macbeth.

roesch/voltaire said...

Firing by tweet, dismantling environmental protections, pardoning crooks and rapist, ignoring Russian aggression , daily lies and exaggerations—these are just a page in the awful chapter that ended with an attempt at insurrection and a dismantling of democracy.

wendybar said...


Howard said...

Another ginormous Nothing Burger for the meat puppets to dance around. No conviction is going to happen. It's all foreplay and no coitus. It's the old times show business meme: leave 'em wanting more.

Mea Sententia said...

When a politician uses the word ‘truth’, I hear Mandy Patinkin’s voice in my head. “You keep using that word, but I do not think you know what it means.”

Howard said...

"Our long national nightmare will have a two week intermission."

Inga said...

“Firing by tweet, dismantling environmental protections, pardoning crooks and rapist, ignoring Russian aggression , daily lies and exaggerations—these are just a page in the awful chapter that ended with an attempt at insurrection and a dismantling of democracy.”

Not exactly a legacy to be proud of. I’m glad he wasn’t a Democrat, it’s bad enough he was an American president.

MayBee said...

Ignoring Russian aggression? That's a *Trump* thing? Yeah, that's simply not true. That was the Reset Button crew.

Leland said...

I don't think Schumer's erection will last that long, and if it does, he needs to consult a doctor.

Otherwise, I expect Trump to call this what it is now, a bill of attainder. Let it go to the courts for months. If Pelosi wanted to impeach Trump, she should have delivered the articles to the Senate while Trump was in office.

iowan2 said...

firing by tweet, not a crime, dismantling overburdensome meaningless regulation, pardons just like, literally Every. President. In. A. Century. Daily lies like Biden ignoring his own executive order.
Best economy in 60 years
First real income increase for poor and working class in 60 years
First President not deploying military in his term
Spreading peace across the Middle East
lowest unemployment for minorities and women ever
continue for another 100 lines, point made.
Energy independence, relieving the US of fighting 2000 year old tribal wars
The only Nation on the planet meeting and exceeding Paris treaty we were never a part of.

Sorry a tweet ruined your undies. IMPEACH! a private citizen.

The Crack Emcee said...

roesch/voltaire said...

Contrast and compare:

Firing by tweet vs. being accused of four rapes for 30 years (investigated twice and found to be true) but Clinton's political party just says "lah--dee-dah" as they listen to him speak on "integrity".

Dismantling environmental protections vs. you've been making no "environmental" sense for 30 years.

Pardoning crooks and rapist vs. Hollywood saying "That's just Harvey" after Anthony Weiner got busted for sending pictures of his dick to children, and photos of Bill Clinton on "Pedophile Island" came out.

ignoring Russian aggression vs. accusing the President of the United States of being a traitor who peed on Russin hookers for the pleasure of Putin.

Daily lies and exaggerations vs. daily lies, double standards, and hypocrisy, that still continue into this new administration.

How you guys miss all that - and how much worse you were - can ONLY be attributed to CULTISM.

mockturtle said...

RMc observes: No sense of irony. No sense of history.

Because: He who controls the past controls the future [1984]

tcrosse said...

If Trump is convicted, who decides his sentence? Can the Senate impose any sentence beyond removal from office?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt Soviet left want to erase Trump.

See here for the truth

The Crack Emcee said...

Speaking of cultism, I also did a post on Inga's turn around.

Not making coherent sense will do that.

mockturtle said...

"But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."

He's right about that but not in the direction he intends. There will never be truth from, nor accountability for, the Left.

DanTheMan said...

So, if this is all perfectly normal, why didn't they impeach and try Nixon?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt soviet left indulge themselves The cult of Trump-hate.

How long has Schumer been in politics? Mitch? nancy?

All of the assholes need purging. Why do we allow this?

DanTheMan said...

So, if this is all perfectly normal, why didn't they impeach and try Nixon?

iowan2 said...

Biden fired the legal counsel at NLRB. He still had a year left on his term.

Obstruction of justice.

From what I learned from legal genius Nadler, that's impeachable.

Levi Starks said...

If it’s accountability he’s after, then isn’t it really the 74million Who voted for Trump that must be made to pay?
They really need to treat all of us who voted for Trump like war criminals. Because that’s what we are,
.Nazi sympathizers at best.

Sebastian said...

"But obviously we don't all want that."

But obviously we are dealing with prog propaganda here.

Impeaching Trump will not heal anything, but add injury to repeated prog insults.

The point is to maintain prog power, BAMN.

Though I appreciate the fisking, it's a little late for that. This is what abstention wrought.

Gahrie said...

So, if this is all perfectly normal, why didn't they impeach and try Nixon?

Ford pardoned him. I used to think that the pardon was unnecessary, now I'm glad he did it.

alan markus said...

@ Crack Emcee:

The only thing I want to put behind me is the Democrat Party, so when I take a shit, I know, it's going to the right place.

Damn, you won the internet today. You the man!

Wince said...

roesch/voltaire said...
...in the awful chapter that ended with an attempt at insurrection and a dismantling of democracy.

You forgot the obligatory, self-righteous "our democracy" meant to preemptively "other" those who think you're full of shit.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

But what is "this awful chapter" that we are told we all want "to put... behind us"?

This awful period where our Ruling Elite have been felt nervous and unsure of their...I won't say God-given since their all atheists....natural right they have rule over us. It's been very rough on them, you know? So that's why Chuck is saying "Go fix your face, sweetie! And put some makeup on that shiner I gave you. Now, you're going straighten up and fly right and not make me do that again! Aren't you, honey?!"

mockturtle said...

Browndog observes: They're never going to let you stop hating Immanuel Goldstein.

Exactly. It's the only glue that holds their base together.

The Crack Emcee said...

alan markus said...

"Damn, you won the internet today. You the man!"

[Deep bow]

Please return the favor with a song play:

I'ma blow this place apart, culturally, if I get the chance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The awful chapter is about to begin.

The corrupt soviet left are here to punish and destroy.

Rusty said...

Jesus! The ink hasn't dried yet and we're at war with Syria. What have the Syrians done this time to invoke our notice? You democrats just love killing your own soldiers and foreigners.
Pelosi wants to keep the soldiers in DC until March and then maybe forever. You democrats hate the military and don't trust anyone in it but you're real fast with "Call out the National Guard!" when you see a mouse. What a bunch of little girls.
Biden approval rating 48%
Trump Approval rating 51%

robother said...

Tin soldiers and Biden's coming
We're finally on our own...

Big Mike said...

What is the "awful chapter"? Is it the January 6th attack on the Capitol or is it the entire Trump presidency?

@Althouse, I think you agree with me that, to Chuck Schumer and others of his ilk, the entire period of time between the General Election in 2016 and Inauguration Day this past week is the “awful chapter” that they hate so much. Just imagine! Troops coming home alive and on their feet instead of in an aluminum box! Imagine! Working people getting jobs! Good jobs, with good wages. (N.B., Joe Biden’s cancelation of Keystone has already cost 11,000 union workers their jobs — despite their union having endorsed Biden.)

However Pelosi’s Article of Impeachment deals specifically with January 6th, so that’s where the trial will (presumably) focus. Now a lot depends on what testimony the Senate allows. In an honest trial Trump’s defense would be able to call any Antifa members identified as having been inside the Capitol. Even if Trump’s defense team cannot get them to admit under oath that they were there as agents provocateurs, a good questioner can establish that that’s why they were there at the rally. Then call Jack Dorsey to explain why Twitter suspended Trump’s account just in time to block his call for protestors to go home. Then call Capitol Police officers to explain why so many of them threw open the doors to the Capitol building, and to establish that they report to Nancy Pelosi and not to the President.

Now nothing in the previous paragraph can prevent a senator from saying that he or she is not persuaded and thus their vote to convict. But if the voting public disagrees, then those same senators will have to go before those voters, and explain their vote to convict. I don’t think any Republican wants that.

And BTW, Althouse, doesn’t the word “attack” imply planning and foreknowledge? Are you presuming what the prosecution has to prove?

Chick said...

What awful chapter? In my area people are happy, local tradesmen are working everywhere, painting houses, replacing roofs, building additions, driving new pickups. And everyone is contracting to have their houses painted, new walks put in, roofs and fences repaired. Even I am thinking about buying a pickup. I see happy faces shopping, everyone is kind to each other. What awful chapter?

Original Mike said...

Schumer said, "I've heard some of my Republican colleagues argue that this trial would be unconstitutional because Donald Trump is no longer in office. An argument that has been roundly repudiated, debunked by hundreds of constitutional scholars — left, right, and center — and defies basic common sense."

Where can I go to learn about the hundreds of debunkings?

(The common sense part I can handle on my own.)

Achilles said...

Rusty said...

Jesus! The ink hasn't dried yet and we're at war with Syria. What have the Syrians done this time to invoke our notice? You democrats just love killing your own soldiers and foreigners.
Pelosi wants to keep the soldiers in DC until March and then maybe forever. You democrats hate the military and don't trust anyone in it but you're real fast with "Call out the National Guard!" when you see a mouse. What a bunch of little girls.
Biden approval rating 48%
Trump Approval rating 51%

They are acting exactly like illegitimate rulers who just stole an election and want to cover it up would act.

Ken B said...

Having read Josh Blackman and Seth Tillman I do not believe they CAN disqualify him from electoral office. Certainly it’s not as obvious as Althouse assumes.

Josephbleau said...

Our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is at an end. Quote.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Good. Now Obama can be impeached as soon as R’s retake the house.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Firing by tweet, dismantling environmental protections, pardoning crooks and rapist, ignoring Russian aggression , daily lies and exaggerations—these are just a page in the awful chapter that ended with an attempt at insurrection and a dismantling of democracy."

More Soviet lies.

Ken B said...

Hardin owns this thread. I just want to call attention to that. Pithy, pointed, laconic.

Clayton Hennesey said...

There are really only three ways of looking at the bill of attainder the Democrats and Republicans in Congress are pursuing.

1. Mindless stupidity. Two words: Eric Swallwell.

2. The thrill of playing chicken with civil war: "Oh, dear, that scrumptious stolen election sundae clearly wasn't enough. We forgot the cherry".

3. Provocation to martial law against the inevitable "domestic terrorists" which a mocking, unilateral suspension of the Constitution would provoke and a night of the generals, and not National Guard this time. Bill of attainder? Pffft. Posse Comitatus? Pffft.

And if you don't want your precious Internet presence terminated, shut up and go away.

The Crack Emcee said...

Race relations were finally improving and now even I dislike blacks.

Ray - SoCal said...

The 200 killed Russia Mercenaries by the US differ, a battalion.

> ignoring Russian aggression

stlcdr said...

Matt Sablan said...
"I’m cleaning up my act, and shutting up on FB."

-- I honestly feel like I'll be fine, and if I'm not, well, I have a sock drawer. I do regret not keeping my blog private, but I also know: It isn't like any blog hosting service wouldn't sell me out anyway.

1/23/21, 7:55 AM

There is nothing stopping any corporation form silencing you - or rather, removing our ability to associate with others, virtually - and can claim anything about what you said, since the evidence is removed.

It makes you wonder about 'winners writing history' and how that plays out in the internet age.

Ray - SoCal said...

The Ukrainians that got lethal weapons under Trump beg to differ.

> > ignoring Russian aggression

Seems like a lot of projection about what Obama did to the Russians.

Drago said...

KJE: “Truth and accountability” sounds like something that is easily going to have second and third order downstream effects..."

That term was clearly specifically chosen because it was used in post-apartheid South Africa and lends itself perfectly with the American Soviet attempts to label all Trump supporters racist white supremacist terrorists which the American Soviets need to implement their Full Maoist Crackdown.

If there was any doubt that our democraticals would go this far, all doubt has now officially "left the building".

The democraticals really do intend to move rapidly on the Global Reset which is nothing less than a ChiCom modeled authoritarian scheme with Social Credit scoring for all "citizens". And as the Global Resetters have publicly stated, there will be no need for you to actually "own" anything.

It will all be "provided" to you...as you need it...when you need it...as determined by them.

Assuming your Social Credit Score is high enough.....

And all that comes from their own mouths.

That tells you how confident they are that they cannot be stopped now, even if they say the quiet parts out loud.

Francisco D said...

This is not about Trump.

It is about the 2022 elections when one third of the Senate and all of the House are up for election. Any Republican who supports this charade will have significant primary opposition and a much greater chance of losing their seat.

Schemer is not stupid. Both he and Mitch are playing the game for the advantage of their parties. Schemer also wants to distract from the soon-to-be disastrous Biden-DNC administration. Mitch also knows that this is an opportunity to publicly expose Democrat vote fraud.

There will be no Senate Impeachment trial. It is all show.

Jaq said...

Truth and accountability. Yeah sure. If they believe that the election was clean, they could show us that it was clean. We could do a comprehensive audit of the results, the ballots, etc, not just recounting after the rigging had already taken place.

They have no fucking intention of demonstrating to us that Trump was actually lying the way they claim.

Lefties love show trials, and like the last impeachment, that is what this will be. At least Clinton was impeached with evidence of an actual recognized crime, suborning perjury, committing perjury himself. We actually have Clinton on tape suborning perjury. “Deny, deny, deny.” - WJC

Greg Hlatky said...

Having read Josh Blackman and Seth Tillman I do not believe they CAN disqualify him from electoral office.

Powell v. McCormack (1969). If he meets the qualifications of office under Article I, he can't.

Jaq said...

".in the awful chapter that ended with an attempt at insurrection and a dismantling of democracy.”

To quote Inag, “Doesn’t that seem a bit hysterical?"

Francisco D said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...Race relations were finally improving and now even I dislike blacks.

My (life long liberal Democrat) wife complains that Blacks are way overrepresented in TV and print ads. It annoys her as does the constant reference to an unseen and undefinable "systemic racism". Her primary experience with racism is with how Black kids in HS mistreated her Korean son.

I think the goal is to create dislike and distrust of Blacks among Whites.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Hardin owns this thread. I just want to call attention to that. Pithy, pointed, laconic."

The real danger we are confronting now is that in the near future they will "own" Hardin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats in the house and senate are above the law.

Joe biden is a total crook and he too is about the law.

Bilwick said...

" . . . this awful chapter in American history . . ." Translation: "You know, when there was a little less statism in the body politic and State-fuckers like me didn't have free rein to impose our agenda on the peasantry."

Lurker21 said...

And isn't the delay designed to give President Biden a little time to establish himself in the presidential role, to bask in the positive light the media are shining on him, before the harsh spotlight returns to Trump and it's all about "this awful chapter"?

Could be, but it could also be so that Congress could actually enact some of Joe's agenda (assuming he can't just do it all himself by executive orders).

Schumer said, "I've heard some of my Republican colleagues argue that this trial would be unconstitutional because Donald Trump is no longer in office. An argument that has been roundly repudiated, debunked by hundreds of constitutional scholars — left, right, and center — and defies basic common sense."

Does that qualify as an example of the Big Lie? I don't believe I've ever heard Schumer say anything that wasn't narrow partisan spin. I guess that's his job but the days when Congressional leaders weren't on television 24/7 were better.

The Crack Emcee said...

Francisco D said...

"My (life long liberal Democrat) wife complains that Blacks are way overrepresented in TV and print ads."

I'd remind her that it was within my lifetime that blacks weren't represented anywhere, so we're making up for lost time.

" It annoys her as does the constant reference to an unseen and undefinable "systemic racism"."

The only thing that annoys me about hearing "systematic racism" and "white privilege" so much is, they're terms enlightened blacks stopped using in the 1990s. The "Woke" kids are just admitting how long they've been asleep.

"Her primary experience with racism is with how Black kids in HS mistreated her Korean son."

Everybody has power in a HS stairwell.

"I think the goal is to create dislike and distrust of Blacks among Whites."

I don't think we've EVER had to work at that in America.,

Joe Smith said...

Shouldn't someone get a ruling on whether or not they even CAN do this before they start?

I doubt it would be like a normal trial, but if it is, discovery would be fascinating.

Imagine asking for access to Nancy's emails to see what she knew in advance about the 'rioters' and what she did/didn't do to prepare.

Drago said...

Francisco D: "Mitch also knows that this is an opportunity to publicly expose Democrat vote fraud.

There will be no Senate Impeachment trial. It is all show."

You are kidding yourself because you still arent quite prepared to take the final logical step to the only remaining inevitable conclusion: the trial is delayed until Feb because McConnell is whipping at least 16 republican Senators to vote with the democraticals to impeach Trump.

McConnell has ZERO intention of exposing democratical Soviet corruption because....he is in bed with them.

There are only 2 possible reasons why the clear McConnell/Schumer alliance doesnt bring the proceedings to trial in the Senate:

1) They dont have the votes to convict and want to have more time to threaten republicans to get on board

2) They want a potential trial hanging over citizen Trump like a Sword of Damocles to keep him from speaking publicly about what he knows.

This is similar to how the democratical judges in all the russia collusion hoax cases slammed restraining orders on Page and Manafort and Flynn and Papadopolous and Stone and their families and their counsel so that none of them could defend themselves publicly while the deep staters leaked lies daily.

The tactics are astonishingly transparent and perfectly consistent.

sterlingblue said...

If the Senate convicts Trump...the GOP is over, right?

Jaq said...

I am having a hard time getting upset that white actors are losing out on work given their almost universal political bent.

Drago said...

Joe Smith: "Shouldn't someone get a ruling on whether or not they even CAN do this before they start?"

You are kidding, right?

Here's your "ruling": its an anti-constitutional maneuver by democratical Soviets against Trump.....and Roberts is the "decider"......bing bang bong democraticals "win".

At this point this ain't rocket science.

walter said...

"What is the "awful chapter"? Is it the January 6th attack on the Capitol or is it the entire Trump presidency?"
I guess there is a strange symmetry to agency level attacks on him prior to being elected and impeachment after leaving office.
Tidy bookends, if you will...with a crazed Pelosi somewhere in the middle manically shuffling, then tearing up Trump's SOTU speech on camera.
The beatings will continue until unity improves.

Drago said...

sterlingblue: "If the Senate convicts Trump...the GOP is over, right?"

Effectively, yes.

And the "republican" establishment is perfectly fine with that.

Jaq said...

"If the Senate convicts Trump...the GOP is over, right?”

Yes. It turns out that all that had to be. done to kill the GOP was to give big money to it and then whisper in ChiCom Mitch’s ear “finish him!”

You get your wish. A country run by a cabal of billionaires who have oligopoly control over mass communication with an open kleptocrat in the Oval Office. Congratulations.

M Jordan said...

My gut tells me the worm will turn again, that Trump is far from over no matter what Schumer and Igor, I mean McConnell, cook up. Trump is the strongest man on earth at the present bar none. It’s not even close. The media cannot resist him. My guess is he’ll soon be showing up on Morning Joe again, and, after they rebuke him for his Hitler-ness, they’ll soon be giggling and fawning again.

Jaq said...

Ramping up the war in Syria on day one of the Biden Administration was a nice touch too, don’t you think sterlingblue?

I can’t wait to see all of the war protesters on the street! I kid, I kid.

C R Krieger said...

What we need is transparency, as in real Poll Watchers watching all the counting.  And bipartisan committees reviewing vote counting software.  And real, open hearings before we rush to Impeachment.  Those kinds of things so we can bring along the vast majority of people.

If there is a conviction of Former President Trump by the US Senate, something done out of fear, I will write in Mr Trump's name in 2024, and urge others to do the same.

Regards —  Cliff

Jaq said...

Biden just rescinded an exectutive order, whithout a review process or comment period, I might add, to allow the ChiComs back into our most critical infrastructure, our electric grid.

Remember just a couple years ago when SCUTUS held that POTUS could not rescind an executive order without a review process and a comment period?

Ha ha ha ah aha ha ha! Imagine that, they lied to us.

Drago said...

Joe Smith: "I doubt it would be like a normal trial, but if it is, discovery would be fascinating.

Imagine asking for access to Nancy's emails to see what she knew in advance about the 'rioters' and what she did/didn't do to prepare."

You are kidding again, right?

As we speak, McConnell and Schumer are constructing the "Trial Rules" to EXPLICITLY forbid ANY discussion of the election results or clear election irregularities, the russia collusion hoax, deep state criminal acts, any comments from any time by any democraticals, ANY discovery rights for Trumps team, etc.

McConnell and Schumer are about to run the first formal Soviet Show Trial in "American" (a word that will soon no longer be appropriate) history.

And if you think Trump will win any appeal to Roberts sitting in the Supreme Soviet Chair, you are very sadly mistaken.

Jaq said...

What we need is transparency, as in real Poll Watchers watching all the counting. And bipartisan committees reviewing vote counting software. And real, open hearings before we rush to Impeachment. Those kinds of things so we can bring along the vast majority of people.

People in hell want ice water too. Winners make the rules.

Drago said...

C R: "If there is a conviction of Former President Trump by the US Senate, something done out of fear, I will write in Mr Trump's name in 2024, and urge others to do the same."

You need to start coming to grips with the reality that hiw you vote is meaningless since Team Soviet is now permanently running the counting of those votes.

You'll be lucky if your official record doesnt vote 3 or 4 times for the democratical.

As for your handwritten vote for Trump, thats the one that will be determined to be "unreadable"....

Not to worry though.

Your handwritten vote for Trump WILL be collected for the purpose of calculating your future Social Credit Score.

Drago said...

C R Krieger: "What we need is transparency, as in real Poll Watchers watching all the counting. And bipartisan committees reviewing vote counting software. And real, open hearings before we rush to Impeachment. Those kinds of things so we can bring along the vast majority of people."

You will never get any of those things. In fact, they will double down on the opposite of those things and since democraticals have installed Soros DA's in those jurisdictions and the democraticals completely control the DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA etc, there is no where to turn.

Original Mike said...

"I think the goal is to create dislike and distrust of Blacks among Whites."

Of course it is. Leftists are beneath contempt.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Meade said...

Mr. Forward said...

I have eaten
the peaches
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for the parking garage

forgive me
they were delicious
now go back down
into your hole
Here, I'll try one:

If when my wife is sleeping
and the dogs, Major (he's a rescue, you know) and Champ
are up and want to fetch
and the sun is a flame-white disc
in silken mists
above shining trees,-
if I in my oval... thing, oh you know, the thing
dance naked, grotesquely
before my mirror
waving my shirt round my head
and singing softly to myself:
"I am lonely, lonely,
I was born to be lonely,
I am best so!"
If I admire my arms, my teeth,
my hair plugs, flanks, buttocks
against the yellow drawn shades,-

Who shall say I am not
the happy genius of my household?

walter said...

"our handwritten vote for Trump WILL be collected for the purpose of calculating your future Social Credit Score."
Next level "adjudication".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is proving a lightening speed he is Putin's Poodle.

daskol said...

The trials and deplatforming will continue until unity improves. And you'll either like it, literally, with those little fucking buttons on those social media sites, or shut up about it.

For ~75M Trump people and the small portion of principled left liberals who still inhabit this land, the media is the enemy of the people. I'd estimate that over half of Americans would love to see our big media brands laid low. Those are my people.

Mike Sylwester said...

The Democrats intend to put all discussion of election fraud behind us.

daskol said...

The violence our media and big tech oligarchs do to truth, accountability and everything good including apple pie can't be overstated. It's metaphorical, but only sorta.

Original Mike said...

"Biden just rescinded an exectutive order, whithout a review process or comment period, I might add, to allow the ChiComs back into our most critical infrastructure, our electric grid."

How many dead if China turns off the power in the winter? Tens of millions. What can China extract from us with just a threat to do so? Anything they want.

Who does such a thing?

Michael K said...

And if you think Trump will win any appeal to Roberts sitting in the Supreme Soviet Chair, you are very sadly mistaken.

Oh, I agree with this. Roberts was the Manchurian candidate. He is our very own Andrey Vyshinsky.

The mistake the left has made is waiting too long to disarm the US citizens, the "normals."

Chuck said...
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hombre said...

Judicial Watch has long rated the Obama-Biden Administration as the “least transparent” it has dealt with. The Biden Crime Family are proven grifters. Joe is accused by several woman of groping them. Hillay’s felonious email transgressions were forgiven by Comey, the Russia hoax was perpetuated by lies from prominent Democrats.

These Democrat pols are lying scum and the Biden Administration will be populated by swamprats and grifters. Unity with them and their dupes is neither desirable nor possible for people who love the country.

I’m reading a very good book called “The Splendid and the Vile” about Churchill’s wartime UK. Aside from the applicability of the title to our current situation, and Godwin notwithstanding, the references to the actions of the Nazi propaganda machine to discredit Churchill seem very familiar to statements by Pelosi, Schumer, et al.

Tom said...

I don’t know. Since John Brennan labeled “even libertarians” form an “unholy alliance” of domestic “insurgents,” I’ve been feeling a tad less open to unity. In fact, I’m pretty sure unity, in this instance, will get me shot. But, at least Brennan didn’t call us terrorists.

mockturtle said...

Molon Labe.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I hope Trump DEMANDS a trial with witnesses and evidence! I’d like him to sue Nancy for denying him due process in the house, where no witnesses or evidence or even hearings were held in regular order. Make them prove incitement to the EXACT letter of the law. And let Mitch fall where he may. BRING IT ON!

Drago said...

Mike (MJB Wolf): "I hope Trump DEMANDS a trial with witnesses and evidence!"

Trump and his team will demand that.

The Senate will rule it out of bounds.

Trump will appeal to Roberts sitting in the Chair of The Supreme Soviet Show Trial Overseer.

Roberts will rule against Trump and his team and likely order them to make no more appeals.

Show Trial continues....

That's how its going to go.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sam L. said...

Schumer's a Democrat. Dems don't DO truth.

wildswan said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Race relations were finally improving and now even I dislike blacks.

Pretty funny, Crack. But yeah, that's what the new gas pipeline called Keystone Media is pumping. Who doubts that enthusiastic inner-city blacks turned out for Biden in greater numbers than for Obama and won Biden the election? Where's it all going? What next. It's all a question of how the "social workers" replacing the police are going to work things. Here's an impossible sci-fi example, a what-we-don't-think-is-normal. Imagine if for the whites they ran a social credit score-card system based on truth, i.e., white supremacy BadThink like calculus is bad points; but for a blacks they ran a "personalized social justice" score-card system based on genetics which led to reconciliation, i.e., special unlimited drug and reeducation regimes for blacks accused ?crime? and for their relatives, especially young children who would get special schools, maybe boarding schools. That would make the blacks seem the cause of the other group's trouble and also privileged (at first) which would keep the two groups from uniting.
Overall, my motto is: don't be pure, be a mutt-blooded American. After all, once it matters the truth that 28% of the people called "white" have black ancestors and 14% of them have First People ancestors and no one's calculated how many have Hispanic or Chinese ancestors, - anyhow - once it matters, the genetic reality that we're mutts will be be front and center.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Truth and accountability? How about Senator Schemer admitting that the Russia Hoax was just that: A tall tale created by the Hillary Clinton campaign to smear Donald Trump. There was no Russian collusion, that in fact, it's the Democrat Party that is in alliance with Russia. Witness FICUS's XL pipeline and oil drilling decisions that will increase the cost of petroleum products, much to the benefit of Russia. Donald Trump had been strangling Russia with low oil prices, Russia had to cut their military budget 5% because they were going broke.

Unity is just a call for all believe the same way. No dissent allowed. There's a name for that system: FASCISM. That's what the FASCocrat party wants.

Drago said...

wildswan: "Overall, my motto is: don't be pure, be a mutt-blooded American. After all, once it matters the truth that 28% of the people called "white" have black ancestors and 14% of them have First People ancestors and no one's calculated how many have Hispanic or Chinese ancestors, - anyhow - once it matters, the genetic reality that we're mutts will be be front and center."

I am fairly certain that was covered at length in the movie "Bulworth".

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Joe Smith said...

"You are kidding again, right?"

Even if you don't get the answers, it's usually good to ask the questions.

If those questions are banned, you say something like, 'We don't know if Nancy knew ahead of time whether or not there would be rioters storming the Capitol, or whether or not she stopped the Capitol police from taking steps to prevent it, and we aren't allowed to even ask that question.'

So you didn't ask it, but it's out there. Kind of like when a judge tells the jury to disregard remarks that are damning to a defendant.

Not easy to do. Now close your eyes, and whatever you do, don't think of elephants.

This is a street fight. Fuck the rules.

Drago said...

Jie: "So you didn't ask it, but it's out there. Kind of like when a judge tells the jury to disregard remarks that are damning to a defendant.

Not easy to do. Now close your eyes, and whatever you do, don't think of elephants.

This is a street fight. F*** the rules."

We are in profound agreement.

walter said...

Hmm. Smells like Gin and Tonic suddenly.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

rhhardin said:

Politics isn't about unity. It's about managing dissunity. The ways are civilized or uncivilized. Dems tend to the latter.

Excellent way of saying it. I've also heard that there are three ways to manage political change and they all start with B. Ballots, Bribes and Bullets. Our current state is a mix of Ballots and Bribes. Pray we don't migrate to Bullets, though we are heading that way with dishonest elections and antifa/BLM riots. The Democrats talk of "reeducation camps" is just more pressure to migrate to the last B, bullets.

Narayanan said...

It's not awful in the same way for All of us. Which is why truth and accountability isn't the same also.

Why do you go on as if there is no difference?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That’s all right Drago I want all the RINOs on record like the Dead Ten in the House, we need a senate census too. I’m already looking who to support to primary Mitch in 2026.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

What's Michael Moore going to do when the educatees in his reeducation camps say "No", pull out their AR-15s and Glocks, shoot the guards and then fire up their heavy equipment and tear the camps down? He's such a manly-man, he'll go crying to his momma and beg for succor. Maybe he'll appeal to Pelosi for help; she'll be too busy ducking bullets to help him. These reeducation camps are a leftist wet dream, they won't like what will happen to them after they try to establish them.

Chuck said...
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bbear said...

Drago: "...and Roberts is the "decider' ..."

I don't know about that, Drago my friend. The Constitution says "When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside" Only Trump isn't President. They'd be trying Citizen Trump. So then who presides?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Which Shakespeare character is FICUS: Malvolio in "Twelfth Night."

"In my stars I am above thee; but be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em."

Plus, Malvolio is locked in a dungeon as a madman by Feste the jester, Maria, Olivia’s uncle Sir Toby Belch, and Sir Toby’s friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek. That's where FICUS will be, locked up in the White House's basement to keep him hidden away.

pacwest said...

The Dems are going to need a major war fairly soon to consolidate their power. What's currently available?

Joe Smith said...

Machiavelli looks on in awe and wonder.

n.n said...

Unity and exclusion for more than 17 trimesters since conception (i.e. announcement) and birth (i.e. inauguration) in progress. Witch hunts, warlock trials, JournoListic braying (e.g. incitement to violence), and protests. Throw another baby on the barbie, it's over.

Francisco D said...

bbear said... The Constitution says "When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside" Only Trump isn't President. They'd be trying Citizen Trump. So then who presides?

That is an excellent point and illustrates why I predict that there will be no trial.

Essentially the Senate would be trying a public citizen for what they deem to be illegal speech.

n.n said...

If we all deplored Trump none of this would be necessary.

Cause or effect? Reeducation camps (e.g. sexism, diversity, all manner of phobias) of deplorables, obstacles, competing interests, cancellation culture... Stop Hitting Yourself has been a Progressive Policy over a milti-decadal period and is clearly diverging (i.e. liberalizing).

walter said...

Homeless, friendless, Banned commenter ___!, after donating gambling $$ to Meadehouse, honors the blog by trying to run ahead of the delete button.
Lincoln Project assholes laugh at him. "He thinks he's one of us!".
Though Weaver appreciates his..recruiting..of young Michiganders to service Eager Weaver.

bbear said...

Chuck: "...memorandum signed by more than 150 lawprofs, all agreeing..."

Only 150 this time? Recall the Washington Post reported back on December 6, 2019 that "More than 500 law professors say Trump committed 'impeachable conduct'..."

So after the U.S. Senate disagreed with them 350 now see it the other way? Hmm.

There's an old joke about a reporter who interviews a scientist doing a study that uses lawyers as test subjects.
After the study is explained to him the reporter asks, "But why use lawyers?"
The scientist gives one or two logistical-type reasons, then adds reflectively, "And, you know, there are some things rats just won't do."

mccullough said...

Chapter is beyond cliche. As is the arc of the universe.

Meaningless words.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Let me toss this out rhetorically simply because I'm quite comfortable with multi-dimensional realities. Let's invert our query:

If the Senate is trying President Trump, does that make Donald Trump President while it does?

That seems the only way to avoid the bill of attainder trap, unless one somehow declares that the Senate trial is really only an unbroken continuation of the prior House action, the Senate is simply a sub-house of the House, you see, and even though the wholly defining principle of any impeachment is to remove an otherwise immovable public official from office.

So, anyway, here's President Trump, shuffling back and forth between official dimensions like someone doing the Hokey Pokey in and out of the bathtub, President when impeached by the House, not President during Biden's inauguration, magically President once again the moment the Senate trial convenes.

So, say Trump, just for fun as magical-somehow-once-again-President on trial, in those moments directs his followers in government to do something, close down this, release these documents, etc., etc.

Naturally, except for horses loosed from barns, like document dumps, defendants to revenge by Biden, Inc. can simply claim "He was being impeached as President. I simply followed my sitting President's lawful order."

Of course this isn't real, which is not to say it cannot happen, i.e., things like post-Trump Wikileaks-style document dumps.

But the mere voicing of such a defense itself takes the question out of legal abstraction and hurls it into public activity itself.

If Trump is not in fact President during the time the Senate is trying him as President, what sort of person is the Senate truly trying?

Answer: if not a sitting president, then only an ex-president or private citizen remain.

GDI said...

Healing and unity only on the Left's terms ... submit, conform and obey.

Drago said...

bbear: "I don't know about that, Drago my friend. The Constitution says "When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside" Only Trump isn't President. They'd be trying Citizen Trump. So then who presides?"

I think its adorable that you believe the Constitution still matters.

Roberts and any judge (if they are on the left) from the district courts on up are free to make up whatever they want the "law" to be at any time for any reason.

LA_Bob said...

"We all want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us."

Yes, Charley, we do. Please help by jumping off the Empire State Building.

Iman said...

peers over glasses
unitay authoritay
speaks of erections

walter said...

"If Trump is not in fact President during the time the Senate is trying him as President, what sort of person is the Senate truly trying?"

That's easy.

Iman said...

come on erection!
chuck can’t get no erection
all he wants to do

Clayton Hennesey said...

Many of you are saying that no Senate trial will be held.

But, if not, what can possibly arise as the rationale for the current momentum abruptly terminating, by either Schumer or McConnell?

"Oh, never mind, all is forgiven".

Now Roberts can still demur, not wanting to get the entirety of SCOTUS as a legitimate branch of government sucked into a Democrat fever dream, in which case a new and fabulously entertaining confrontation emerges.

But if he does not, there is then no going back: the Congress of the U.S. successfully impeached and convicted a former president, and SCOTUS endorsed it as a constitutional precedent.

No one will have to worry about the law after that; no one will recognize there still is such a thing.

LA_Bob said...

"But healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountability."

Power politics we've come to accept. But sanctimonious power politics are nauseating.

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