January 13, 2021

Watch Trump get impeached — live.


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The Crack Emcee said...

I will not.

Jim at said...

They just don't get it, do they.

Eleanor said...

No thank you.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

It's just not the same as, say, a good ol' drawing and quartering done for public entertainment.

Lucid-Ideas said...

As a frequent traveler to Japan in my younger years, I've seen my fair share or noh and kabuki. I quite enjoy it actually. I can watch real kabuki on vimeo and hulu. Why would I settle for Washington kabuki? There isn't even any singing!

Mike Sylwester said...


Caroline said...

The overload of virtue signals might crash my operating system.

narciso said...

silly rabbits, or something worse,


RMc said...

As my dad would say, "I'd rather take a beating."

narciso said...

but wait they said,


Mark said...

Lucid-Ideas, that's a gem of a post

rhhardin said...

Hey, it's historic. I'm coming in late.

Nonapod said...

What is the point of this exactly? Seriously? Is it to see how ridiculous and absurd our elected leaders can be? What's next? Exorcising demons? Burning witches?

This is all so silly and pointless.

rhhardin said...

The BNSF Carrollton MO dispatchers' computer system is down. I don't know if it's related. My other audio feed.

Leland said...

That's what they want you to do. I rather ignore adults behaving like children.

A Bernie Bro literally hunted down Republican representatives, shot them and Capitol police defending them, and put one of the representatives in the hospital. I didn't see this much worry for protecting our Democracy then. And since they already suggested removing two democratically elected Senators for daring to do what Democrats have done in 2017, 2005, and 2001; I don't think they really care about Democracy. They want to lower the bar for impeachment and insurrection; that's on them. Don't whine to me later.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Banana republic Pelosi Schitt show.

The hack press HID Antifa violence and destruction - called it "mostly peaceful"
after the democrat party egged on Antifa's creation.
Hack press hid ALL of Joe Biden's corruption..
At this point I wish the D's would have let Bloomberg win.

on team -D - the most corrupt insiders rise to the top.

clint said...

First President to be impeached twice.

Both times, for calling for an investigation into the crimes committed by Democrats.

Qwinn said...

"What is the point of this exactly? Seriously? Is it to see how ridiculous and absurd our elected leaders can be? What's next? Exorcising demons? Burning witches?

This is all so silly and pointless."

It does have the benefit of getting some additional masks to drop. Last I saw, so far 9 Republicans out of 190 voted to impeach. (Naturally, not a single Democrat opposed yet).

Knowing who those 9 are is valuable information for whenever the hell we figure a way out of this.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

I'm getting up in years, and for the past decade figured I would die before our whole system crashes.
Over the past 2 months, I have become convinced that at the rate of current deterioration, I'll see the current system crash and the rise of its replacement.
I don't know what the replacement will look like, but I'm optimistic that good old American know-how and ingenuity will save the day and we and our descendants will ultimately be OK.
In the interim, it's in my interest to hasten the the current crash. I'm not in much of a position to play an active role, but if they call me for jury duty, for example, I might not be what I seem.

narciso said...



NYC JournoList said...

Very few Republicans voting to impeach. Fancy Nancy reviewed the National Guard before entering the Capitol as one of her duties as a member of the ruling Triumvirate.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

You must be new around here (i.e., on planet earth) if you think that the current tomfoolery in Congress will make PDJT do less of what you consider "nutty."
After they impeach him for the second time, Pelosi and Schumer will give him a wedgie.
That'll really get his attention.

Inga said...

It’s good to see the courage of 10 Republicans.

Leland said...

re narciso at 3:13pm

Question the election and beheld for impeachment and insurrection. Submit a bill to do away the method of election; no big deal.

I read the bill, and it is an incomplete mess. I think I could argue that it simply repeats other parts of the US Constitution, including the electoral college. It certainly doesn't "abolish the electoral college", yet it does claim electors will vote while not defining "electors".

Section 5 negates all the previous sections by allowing Congress to change when, where, and how elections are carried out including who can even be on a ballot (so much for sections 2 and 3 of the same amendment).

Biff said...

I don't think I have the words to express the contempt I feel for these sanctimonious clowns and their 15% (or lower) approval rating.

Dave Begley said...

I've got to think that any Republican who votes to impeach or convict is probably finished in elected office. The exceptions might be: Liz Cheney and Susan Collins.

Hari said...

You get extra credit from Google for posting this.

Francisco D said...

clint said...
First President to be impeached twice.

Both times, for calling for an investigation into the crimes committed by Democrats.

Thread Winner!

NYC JournoList said...

Trump should commute the sentences of all non-whites in Federal custody. Or maybe a blanket pardon to non-whites.

Static Ping said...


Yancey Ward said...

Nonapod asked:

"What is the point of this exactly? Seriously?

Don't you listen? It is the first step in unity and reconciliation. Now, which is it going to be for you- reconciliation or a reeducation camp?

I'm Not Sure said...

"Both times, for calling for an investigation into the crimes committed by Democrats."

If that's what it takes to get impeached, they're gonna have to impeach him about a hundred times more.

MayBee said...

Who would have thought the Democrats would vote to impeach the same man twice in less than 12 months?

Jersey Fled said...

Pelosi does know that it takes a 2/3 majority in the Senate to convict, doesn't she?

alan markus said...

Wonder why this Congress is willing to risk inciting civil unrest or goad Trump into going nuclear? I mean, the Democrats seem to be experts at projection - whatever motives they ascribe to other people are usually what they want to do.

With the inauguration being a week from today, it's as if they are needing some huge distraction to overshadow the opportunity to have a peaceful transition of power.

I am guessing that they know that Biden can't give an inauguration speech without falling apart verbally and/or pissing/shitting his pants. I think they were running the clock - Inauguration Day may be too much too soon if it does indeed become apparent that Biden is unfit for office. Of course, with the current events, they can say, "well, so was Trump. Republicans refused to go 25th Amendment, impeachment was only viable option."

Just spit balling here. Something huge is about to go down.

Yancey Ward said...

The "Why" is easy- Pelosi is handing the Republicans a tantō and it looks like about 10 of them in the House disemboweled themselves already.

alfromchgo said...

Performance art aimed at the CNN,MSNBC, left side of the Bell Curve crowd. Got to plant false flag ideas for use in the next election cycle. That cycle will be aimed at taking over at least five states presently Republican.

MayBee said...

“We waited a week toaster to try to remove this imminent danger”

Inga said...

“Wonder why this Congress is willing to risk inciting civil unrest or goad Trump into going nuclear?”

The American people should not be afraid of violent loons, like Trump and his followers. The ones who attacked the Capitol will pay for their crimes and Trump will be held responsible for goading them into it.

MayBee said...

To start. Not toaster

BJK said...

So, one week before the inauguration of President Joe Biden, the Congressional Democrats are disrupting the orderly transfer of power in this country by Impeaching Trump (Again!) for...disrupting the orderly transfer of power?

Biff said...

I find myself thinking that getting impeached twice by this crew actually may be a badge of honor.

FullMoon said...

Pelosi ebaying commemorative pens again?

You guys see the dems somberly march the 1st impeachment articles over to the senate? Shakespearean, pretty darn funny! Talk about tour motley crew. The one with tennis shoes my favorite. They probably do better with costumes this time. First time simply dress rehearsal.

If McConnell kicks it out quickly, is there time for a third try? Third times a charm, right?


Lucid-Ideas said...


Wrong on both counts. The people you think are afraid aren't the people you're thinking of.

FullMoon said...

Attica! Attica!

FullMoon said...

oops, wrong thread.

FullMoon said...

U.S.—Media outlets from coast to coast praised President Trump today after he accepted the results of the 2020 election in a relatively timely fashion. Even CNN pointed out that it took Trump way less time to accept the results than it has two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“You’ve got to give Trump credit here,” said Chris Cuomo during a segment of his popular show on CNN last night. “Sure, he might be literally the worst president we’ve ever seen, but at least he’s willing to accept a democratic election...UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE.”

CNN then cut to an interview from last week in which Hillary Clinton once again claimed that the 2016 election was stolen by the Russians.

“It’s amazing that she still hasn’t accepted the results,” Donald Trump said in a blurry video he put out on Twitter. “I DID! I accepted the results today! That’s because I’m a winner. Even when I lose I’m a winner. And let me tell you this: this election was sto—”

But the video ended abruptly as someone from offscreen grabbed the camera and turned it off.


Rabel said...

Liz Cheney, WY
Tony Gonzalez, OH
Jaime Herrera-Beutler, WA
John Katko, NY
Adam Kinzinger, Ill.
Peter Meijer, MI
Dan Newhouse, WA
Tom Rice, SC
Fred Upton, MI
David Valadao, CA

Rt41Rebel said...

"If McConnell kicks it out quickly, is there time for a third try?"

I was just pondering how many more times Trump could be impeached if he won in 2024. 8? 10? More?

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabel said...

Liz Cheney, WY
Tony Gonzalez, OH
Jaime Herrera-Beutler, WA
John Katko, NY
Adam Kinzinger, Ill.
Peter Meijer, MI
Dan Newhouse, WA
Tom Rice, SC
Fred Upton, MI
David Valadao, CA

Howard said...

A lot of people were disturbed by the Jan 6 antics and wanted action. Congress obliged. Senate will throw cold water on it. Check and balance.

Kabuki without style or glamour.

Charlie Eklund said...

Hunter S. Thompson was right; when the going gets weird, the weird really do turn pro.

Jim at said...

It’s good to see the courage of 10 Republicans.

Good lord.
Joining a mob takes no courage. It's precisely the opposite.

Skeptical Voter said...

Oh Inga! Keep on pitching that codswallop.

In the meantime the Pelosi led House of Representatives has become The Delta House fraternity in the movie Animal House. Who know that underneath all that viciouisness Pelosi was actually a frat boy? I believe that the appropriate line from the movie is, "This calls for a stupid and pointless gesture" or words to the effect. And Bluto (the future Senator Blutarski/ aka John Kerry) and the other Delta boys yelled, "And yeah, we're just the house to do it." And the House of Representatives was just the House to do it today.

As for what I think---meh. Now some of the dimwits in the domed building on the Potomac may be planning a bill of attainder to bar Trump from ever running again. You know what and whom they fear most by what they do. The Bad Orange Man still has many of them shaking in their Depends.

mockturtle said...

These people have NO IDEA just how much I hate them. And no, I won't watch or listen to our President being impeached. Nor will I obey any of their mandates nor listen to even one of their speeches. And it's not just about Trump. It's about the fact that, in one week, a 'riot' was set up to bring him [and our country] down. And we shall not forget!

Browndog said...

Blogger MayBee said...

Who would have thought the Democrats would vote to impeach the same man twice in less than 12 months?

It's been that long?

Browndog said...

I see we're back to moderation.

Thanks to everyone that felt compelled to give Chuck another reason to comment.

MayBee said...

If any GOP did it, they did it to keep their seats. Peter Meijer just took over Justin Amash's seat, so I'm not surprised he went along with it.

Liz Cheney did It because she wants to be head of the Establishment party.

Joe Smith said...

Nancy has always had her granny-panties in a wad over Trump.

My theory is, she's always had the biggest balls in DC, including the male politicians, until Trump came to town.

She doesn't like being a beta male.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jersey Fled said...

I still think Bluto Blutarski is Joe Biden. Bluto was a charming guy, as is Biden. Kerry has no charm.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Francisco D said...

The American people should not be afraid of violent loons, like Trump and his followers. The ones who attacked the Capitol will pay for their crimes and Trump will be held responsible for goading them into it.

Americans should be afraid of the dangerously stupid fascist who wrote this.

She is the face of the Democrat party. Ugh!

alanc709 said...

So, it's not too late to impeach Woodrow Wilson then, right?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Herrera-Beutler's toast. John Braun will primary her with ease down here. Foolish, unless she was planning on getting out anyway.

Big Mike said...

That's ten Republicans who can expect a strong primary challenge starting before the year is out.

alanc709 said...

So, it's not too late to impeach Woodrow Wilson then, right?

Big Mike said...

That's ten Republicans who can expect a strong primary challenge going forward.

Leland said...

The bar is forever lowered. Impeachment is now as common as passing any bill.

Mikey NTH said...

Impeachment would hurt Trump's influence over the GOP establishment, but that isn't the source of his influence. Impeachment will only solidify that.

Temujin said...

The first impeachment was bullshit. This one is purely vindictive bullshit and nothing else. And that tells you all you need to know about Our Awful Leaders. Small, corrupt, sniveling, lying, compromised people. Aside from a handful of them, you would not hire any of these people to be a part of your own business. They are wholly bought and paid for by either China or Big Tech and care about nothing other than gaining and keeping as much power and money as they can.

A government of the people? Please. This entire government apparatus needs to be under a Term Limit. We're talking from State Dept. to DOJ on down. That and getting rid of unlimited ballot mailings/harvestings is the only way to clean this thing up.

tcrosse said...

Trump has been called worse things by better people. I doubt he will be crying himself to sleep.

Michael K said...

Fred Upton, MI

That son of a bitch was responsible for the incandescent light ban when Bush was in office. The GE and Sylvania companies were tired of selling and making a common everyday product with low profits. So, they got this asshole to propose a ban. That sent all light bulb manufacturing to China and we got years of toxic CFL bulbs (Actually corkscrews) until sanity recently started creeping back. I stockpiled incandescent bulbs to last a lifetime and now they are appearing in stores again.

Michael K said...

Moderation back on ? My comment disappeared.

Lurker21 said...

Hmmm .... no "courageous" Democrats in Congress?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Do it again tomorrow. Obviously there’s nothing requiring our governments attention.

Rosalyn C. said...

It's sad to see the cowardice and dishonest rhetoric of Democrats. It's downright disturbing to see nasty Nancy's glee.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Herrera-Beutler is toast. John Braun will primary her with ease down here. She must have a sweet lobbyists gig lined up for 2022.

daskol said...

It's Congress. Who gives a shit.

Rabel said...

This is a disappointment:

"Let’s get some truth on the record: @Liz_Cheney has a hell of a lot more backbone than most, & is a principled leader with a fierce intellect. She will continue to be a much needed leader in the conference, with my full support.

We can disagree without tearing each other apart."

- Dan Crenshaw

She voted to impeach based on false claims. Just who is tearing who apart, Dan?

Browndog said...

I can't believe it took the entire Impeachment process hours to complete.
Embrace the digital age.

Impeachment should happen in an instant, with the click of a mouse from an upper floor office in Silicon Valley.

daskol said...

Congress, like intercourse, can be a euphemism for fucking.

Maude Lebowski:
Do you like sex, Mr. Lebowski?

The Dude:
'Scuse me?

Maude Lebowski:
Sex. The physical act of love. Congress. Do you like it?

The Dude:
I was talking about my rug.

Maude Lebowski:
You're not interested in sex?

The Dude:
You mean Congress?

Shouting Thomas said...

I don’t think the Democrats got off the kill shot they expected.

Trump will be back.

This war is not over. It has just started.

daskol said...

Crenshaw served his country honorably when he was in the military. Then he went to Harvard, and look what happened. That place must be terrible, because whatever he was trained to resist in BUDs and SEAL training, they got to him at Harvard.

Browndog said...

I backed Peter Meijer, Thought he was a trooper. Announced his candidacy after Justin Amash went full libtard on Trump.

It took him 14 seconds after being sworn in to become a swamp creature.

daskol said...

They're going to have to implum or imnectarine him next, because impeaching isn't working. Maybe imcanteloupe, because it could be a stone fruit issue.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, impeachment now means simply: “We hate your fucking guts!”

This is a pretty dramatic structural change that might come back to bite Dems in the ass hard.

tim maguire said...

Watch the Democrats hand the House to the Republicans in the next election.


Jaq said...

Let’s watch the only impeachment in the history of the United States where the subject of the proceeding is gagged by private corporations who control all mass communication.

Rusty said...

The sound you are hearing is all usual suspects self gratifying at once.

Browndog said...

Washington, DC right now

Check points, road closures.


Why is law enforcement allowing a suspicious tent village right across the street from the Capitol?

daskol said...

Watch the Democrats hand the House to the Republicans in the next election.

Careful. Dems are pretty good at planning for the next election, and maybe the one after that. To wit, they just started a civil war in the GOP, who will be jockeying to primary the fuck out of one another for a couple of years.

It's what comes a little farther down the line, or the non-obvious implications of certain actions that they fail to consider adequately in their plans. And of course in the digital age, things can move pretty quick, but pretty sure they have a clear idea of how they intend to win the next couple elections.

Jim at said...

If any GOP did it, they did it to keep their seats.

Maybe some. But Newhouse and Herrera-Beutler will be shown the door. They'll either be primaried or lose in the general due to lack of turnout.

They represent the two most conservative districts in Washington state. Huge Trump and Culp support. They're toast.

WK said...

Trump S1:E2

Michelle said...

I very rarely comment here, but very much enjoy the commentary. I watched a bit of the hearing and it wasn’t Nancy Pelosi in the speaker chair (at least in the parts I watched), but everyone was calling the woman sitting there “Madam Speaker”. I cannot find any explanation of who was presiding as Speaker today and why it wasn’t Pelosi. Can anyone here explain the process? I would have thought she would want to be front and center for this.

Leland said...

I'm in Crenshaw's district. I suspect he's figured this out:

Careful. Dems are pretty good at planning for the next election, and maybe the one after that. To wit, they just started a civil war in the GOP

He's trying to defuse what the Dems are trying to do. I'm sure he's had to swallow worse things, but there is no point giving Dems more votes when they are promising to remove all forms of dissent, free speech be damned. He's dealing with what he has today, and Liz Cheney isn't going anywhere for 2 years. He's simply prioritizing.

Browndog said...

Michelle said...

Surrogates. The Senate allows them too. Standard practice for 200 years.

Vance said...

Did Steve Scalise stand up, pull off his shirt, and ask Democrats to impeach every Democrat who called for violence that lead directly to "this scar here, and this one here, and this bullet wound?"

If not, why not? Joined by Rand Paul, of course. We all know how much Democrats hate violence aimed at politicians after all.... right Inga? You and your party absolutely adore it when Republicans are targeted and shot and so forth.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

I didn't realize this was such a right wing site, I probably should have guessed though I don't read the ones I know are jaded by already reading the ones that are jaded,I just skip over,I know the rap!. Yup lot of Jimson Weed in the water I guess.. It only takes 2/3 of Senators who "show up" to convict, so for those who don't want to be accountable they just don't show up. Say only 20 do, then it only takes what 12 and a half or so(you do the math I only made it to 3rd grade :) Already had 10 in House with Cheney as the big gun. Repub's done with trump, Moscow Mitch is glad they're impeaching don,he's pissed cause trump lost Georgia for him and that's all Mitch cares about he don't need trump now. he'll never be back, he's dead to financial world, banks and foreigners and battling SDNY in the courts till he's dead. Pissed at IVANKA cause she wants to save her Rep by going to inaugaration . Must be enjoyable around those family table dinners huh? I'm still waiting for my next Socialist $2000 g's.Wonder how many the R's sending theirs back cause you know Socialism! I'll wager NONE! lets go folks lets get the serfs some bucks. gonna get me some new false teeth! Me and my wife..(cheap ones) they only got to last for a little while at my age :)

Howard said...

Trump waves white flag playing Rodney King: "can't we all get along"

NCMoss said...

President Trump should walk in and rip up the articles of impeachment; now that I would watch.

Howard said...

The real speaker almost never precodes over votes so they send in a flunky as proxy who is called speaker.

Michael K said...

Blogger DINKY DAU 45 said...
I didn't realize this was such a right wing site, I probably should have guessed though I don't read the ones I know...


Matt Sablan said...

I mean there wasn't any question that Democrats, still in power, would wield it like a blunt instrument. I wonder if Trump will get a chance to actually defend himself.

mockturtle said...

A lot of us have been bantering about totalitarianism for a while but I, for one, didn't expect it to happen so fast. Almost like it was....orchestrated. [eye roll]

Captain BillieBob said...

No thanks

Narayanan said...

speaking of Round 2

Michelle said...

Thank you to Howard and Browndog for answering my question!

Michael K said...

Blogger Browndog said...
I backed Peter Meijer, Thought he was a trooper. Announced his candidacy after Justin Amash went full libtard on Trump.

It took him 14 seconds after being sworn in to become a swamp creature.

This is so common. I spent years in local and sate politics in California, back before it went looney. We would work to get some new, outsider, candidate for city council. Once elected, they made new friends. The reform group in our local politics collapsed after that.

Howard said...

Does this insurrection impeachment scotch the funding for Donald's post-POITUS media empire?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Can members of congress be impeached based on their words urging the creation of ANTIFA BROWNSHIRTS?

Shouting Thomas said...


No, it generates multiples of funding.

Controversy sells. Trump is the hottest controversy possible.

Bilwick said...

Watch the Democrats fist the American taxpayers -- ongoing!

Howard said...

Mock: most people think congress is putting down totalitarian insurrection constitutionally. You lost Dan Crenshaw. It's over.

Howard said...

I'll put Thomas down for a no. Thank you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

i OVER HEARD A CLIP of some of the shit-show. one congie calling Trump a white supremacist over and over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

as over heard on the interwebz

“The biggest gap in this country isn’t between enlightened social justice warriors and the backward racist redneck freaks of JesusLand, it’s between those who want to continue sticking their snouts into troughs of taxpayer money, feel their own grifts are sacred birthrights above reproach and have different laws apply to them than the peasants, and those who have been made aware of the scam.”

Howard said...

April: 2/3 vote to remove congress critters. Possible but not practical.

Matt Sablan said...

"Can members of congress be impeached based on their words urging the creation of ANTIFA BROWNSHIRTS?"

-- Do you mean technically or in actuality? We have people like Maxine Waters encouraging attacks on the Cabinet, and they're fine. Pelosi encouraging uprisings against the president? Fine.

You just have to accept that the left can engage in, promote, and encourage political violence and suffer no consequences. There are two sets of rules -- conservatives/Republicans face one set (oddly enough, the set they impose on themselves and would like to impose on Democrats, that is, that political violence is bad), and one for Democrats, which is basically "whatever gets us power is good, and we can do whatever we want to keep you from power."

It's rather depressing to see this unfold quite like this. I mean, it isn't THAT surprising. But, even in my most cynical way, I thought maybe the riot at the Capitol could be a wake up call to the left that "political violence is bad." But, alas, I wonder who will be saying in 15-20 years, like Bill Ayers, that they wish they'd planted more bombs. It's a shame that political violence being acceptable has now also infected right-wing protests.

Earnest Prole said...

I would think Republicans would vote to impeach Trump solely for his idiotic fucking of the Georgia elections and handing the Senate to the enemy.

Mr. O. Possum said...

In the future all Presidents will be impeached. It will happen with such clockwork regularity that in five or 10 years no one will pay any attention.

rehajm said...

Watch the Democrats fist the American taxpayers -- ongoing

Just learned cap gains will be treated as ordinary income. No word yet how much higher the new rates will be or if there will be new brackets based on race or gender...

It's funny- Democrats claim to believe in Modern Monetary Theory which states the Fed can print infinite money without any negative consequences. Still, Democrats believe in oppressive taxation. Almost like they don't believe what they believe.

Howard said...

Was the whole Trump experience a false flag deep state operation?

jaydub said...

If moderation is now on again, may I be the first to thank you.

Shouting Thomas said...

@Matt Sablan

I say with zero doubt that 6 months or so prior to the 2024 election, the Democrats will start discovering outrageous new cases of completely innocent unarmed black men (who unfortunately have voluminous criminal records) slaughtered randomly by racist cops.

BLM and Antifa will be back on the streets. Violence will once more be a good thing.

5M - Eckstine said...

A chance to continue the Bush Legacy led by a Cheney. Texas should wake up. Importing all these California Companies is servicing Bushies not Texans.

stevew said...

This sort of thing calms me down, or, at least, distracts me from thinking all manner of angry thoughts about our "elites".

Tool - Sober (Live)

Matt Sablan said...

"Was the whole Trump experience a false flag deep state operation?"

-- No, but when you have, for example, civilian leadership lying to Trump about troop deployments and organized resistance that attempts to undermine his orders, it really shows the level of complete and utter... I'm not sure what to call it... in the bureaucracy that is the government. Trump made a fatal error in thinking that the vast labyrinth of the bureaucracy was just there to punch a clock or to follow the Executive Branch's orders. Comey, for example, illegally stole documents from his work and leaked them to his neighbor or friend... and he's fine. Whoever the next Republican president is will have to remember: the very government itself will attempt to usurp your power, lie to you, and will have no qualms breaking the law with impunity to attack you.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Dig This! Your Alma Mater -
The Red Guard at Work.

walter said...

They've devalued impeachment so much.
Turn this play into a musical...like Hamilton.

Matt Sablan said...

(Mind you: I don't really like Trump. But, I am a fan of the elected government... actually being the government, not unelected bureaucrats. Trump was flawed in many ways. But, he was the legitimate authority and had the right and expectation *that his own staff would not lie to him about troop deployments or steal from their employers to undermine him.* If Biden is showed this same level of disloyalty, I will be surprised and equally displeased. Biden will be inaugurated as president; he deserves to have a working staff and government. But, there's really no fear of a mass government attempt to undermine the Biden administration, is there?)

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"In the future all Presidents will be impeached. It will happen with such clockwork regularity that in five or 10 years no one will pay any attention."

Which is exactly the Democrats intention with this last-minute clown show. No consequences, no restraint.

Browndog said...

But, there's really no fear of a mass government attempt to undermine the Biden administration, is there?)

Which government? Ours, or the CCP?

Is there a difference?

Browndog said...

stevew said...

This sort of thing calms me down, or, at least, distracts me from thinking all manner of angry thoughts about our "elites".

Tool - Sober (Live)


Rock-n-roll, comedy, live music, dancing.....pretty much gone from American culture. Not because we no longer like it.

NYC JournoList said...

Matt: I think the word you are searching for is insurrection.

Browndog said...

Elon Musk

Legalize comedy
4:25 AM · Jan 13, 2021

I'm Full of Soup said...

Dems and Media have tormented and attacked Trump since before he was elected. They never let up. This is a joke and proves how unhinged they are.

LYNNDH said...

Did you dance a jig?

Rabel said...

"We can disagree without tearing each other apart."

Civility bullshit.

Cheney made her choice. Her choice was to knife the President in the back on his way out the door. If that's not "tearing each other apart" than what is?

Yet Crenshaw directs his plea for civility away from her and towards the President's supporters. Poor decision.

walter said...

"Biden will be inaugurated as president; he deserves to have a working staff and government."
Someone will have to remind him he's not a Senator.

Michael K said...

Trump made a fatal error in thinking that the vast labyrinth of the bureaucracy was just there to punch a clock or to follow the Executive Branch's orders

Oh, I agree. What Harry Truman said of Eisenhower, When contemplating General Eisenhower winning the Presidential election, Truman said, “He’ll sit here, and he’ll say, ‘Do this! Do that!’ And nothing will happen. Poor Ike—it won’t be a bit like the Army. He’ll find it very frustrating.”

Michael K said...

Blogger isn unusually crappy today

wildswan said...

The first time Trump was allowed a defense. The second time, not. Curfew in Washington. Streets blocked. US faces "insurrection." Inauguration to take place in hiding. Then, Unity. Yay.

walter said...

The "3AM phone call":
Joementia: "Hello? President my boss?"

Howard said...

When you lose Dan Cyclops, it's pretty much over.

Howard said...

Trump was in over his head. Ike figured it out. End of story.

walter said...

Convict first. Investigate later...maybe.
This is what "democracy" looks like.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Jordan has it covered... https://youtu.be/jiZGXGyQJwg an inventory of Trump's accomplishments.

Howard said...

Google is messing with you, Mike. Expect deplatforming any day now

Howard said...

No way Pence would pardon Trump. He better do it himself.

BUMBLE BEE said...

In fact, the dems can't convict, so they'll lose again. Just like Biden lose lose. Kamel didn't even make it to primaries. The dem voters are all like Howard.

Gunner said...

But...but...the political geniuses at Red State said the Dems already screwed up Impeachment a few days ago!

Shouting Thomas said...

I look forward to Trump’s return and his counter-attack.

Browndog said...

Shouting Thomas said...

I look forward to Trump’s return and his counter-attack.

He's spent. He's only human.

Achilles said...

The darkness hopes they impeach Trump.

The darkness hopes they put Trump in Prison.

I hope the democrats return to sanity. For the love of god Howard you need to tell your allies and friends what a stupid fucking mistake they are making.

Browndog said...

Trump made a fatal error in thinking that the vast labyrinth of the bureaucracy was just there to punch a clock or to follow the Executive Branch's orders

It's been said that boomers, to this day, still hold in high regard the institutions they came to respect from their childhood, and always will.

I respect the virtue behind that.

Achilles said...

BUMBLE BEE said...

In fact, the dems can't convict, so they'll lose again. Just like Biden lose lose. Kamel didn't even make it to primaries. The dem voters are all like Howard.

Why can't they?

Do you really think there are more than 33 Republican Senators with souls?


Shouting Thomas said...


I doubt it... that is that he’s spent.

pacwest said...

Trump was in over his head.

True enough, but a sad commentary on the state of the dirty politics the Dems are capable of.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Was the whole Trump experience a false flag deep state operation?

It was an escalation.

Joe Smith said...

"The darkness hopes they impeach Trump.

The darkness hopes they put Trump in Prison."

Turns out Rodney King was the greatest of philosophers...

Who'da thought?

Inga said...

“Google is messing with you, Mike. Expect deplatforming any day now.”

Yep, that’s now it goes, first Facebook, then Google...

walter said...

Per John Solomon, multiple accounts of prior information suggesting a planned attack...calls it a "drive-by impeachment".

Achilles said...

Browndog said...

Shouting Thomas said...

I look forward to Trump’s return and his counter-attack.

He's spent. He's only human.

I never made a Twitter Account.

I am making a Gab account right now.

It will be interesting to see if you are right. If Trump takes to Gab and once again is able to reach millions of followers without the media filter then the last 2 weeks of Open Fascism by his enemies will have backfired.

I want to help Trump succeed. He is a nice guy.

Because I don't want a new leader. They will not be nice. They will be necessary. But not nice.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, however, will stay on the CCP payroll.

Fandor said...

NOW, EVERYTHING is on the table!
Let's do this!

Howard said...

Convicting Trump is up to the Senate republicans.

Iman said...

Who would have thought the Democrats would vote to impeach the same man twice in less than 12 months?

Remove the blinders. Democrats would do this on a weekly basis, if it didn’t require them to work.

walter said...

Might look quite different by the time it gets to Senate.

Browndog said...

Conrad Black:

This will be the second impeachment proceeding where a full transcript exists exonerating the president.

Rt41Rebel said...

"I can't believe it took the entire Impeachment process hours to complete."

I just heard you can now get one in Vegas in 5 minutes.

Achilles said...

Looks like Cloudflare is getting involved now.

walter said...

"you can now get one in Vegas in 5 minutes."
By an Elvis impersonator

rhhardin said...

I came in late so missed the debate.

Inga said...

Trump will be wishing he was still allowed on Twitter around 3AM or so. Those fingers of his must be awfully restless.

mockturtle said...

Browndog posts: It's been said that boomers, to this day, still hold in high regard the institutions they came to respect from their childhood, and always will.

I hope you're being sarcastic. I'm a boomer and, along with many others, spent much of the late 60's and early 70's trying hard to tear them down.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump just released an offical statement on Rumble.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

More Than 1.1 Million Attended President Trump’s Rallies Since Labor Day – Not a Single Window Broken, Policeman Attacked or Attendee Killed – Clearly Trump Wasn’t Behind Violence at the Capitol

Iman said...

It's been said that boomers, to this day, still hold in high regard the institutions they came to respect from their childhood, and always will.

This is one boomer that can’t. I would like to, but witnessing what has happened to them, the politicization/weaponizing of them, I can’t, in good conscience, do that. Even though I know I have in the past and fervently hope to at some point in the future.

Shouting Thomas said...

Jesus, you’re evil, Inga.

You’re a savage, evil, vicious woman.

I’ve met some really hideous, worthless people on the web.

None of them can touch you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump Speaks

Shouting Thomas said...

So, since it’s war, it’s time to figure out how to drive the Inga’s into hiding.

Clyde said...

I'm not seeing anything about Trump's statement this evening. It was probably the most statesmanlike he's been in four years, urging his supporters to be calm and decrying violence. If he'd made that statement earlier, we probably wouldn't be in this situation. However, I would say at this point, it's probably too little, too late to avert what is coming. Listening to the Democrat garbage people accusing all Trump supporters of being white supremacists and domestic terrorists is not going to have anyone singing Kumbaya. They may think they are holding the high hand. They may be surprised when all the cards are played.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...
Trump will be wishing he was still allowed on Twitter around 3AM or so. Those fingers of his must be awfully restless.

You must have quite a bit of 3 AM experience. Emptying bed pans and all.

rcocean said...

Oh, its Tuesday. Must be time for another Trump impeachment. This time the Pelosi and the RINO's didn't even pretend to have a "High Crime and Misdemeanor" as defined by the Constitution.

Weak Kneed Mitch put out his usual "Hey don't blame me, I'm on your side but..." press release stating there is no time for a fair trial, so the whole thing is a waste of time. He mentioned that the shortest impeachment trail latest 21 days, and Trump will be gone in 7 days.

I was hoping some honest D's and independents would realize how power mad and arrogant Pelosi and Schumer were, and vote against them, but it looks like the Blue states and the liberal Congressional Districts will keep voting D - no matter what their representatives do or say.

They are clownish, dangerous, sheep. Like all liberals/leftists.

Browndog said...

Half of Impeachments of the President of the United States, from it's inception, have occurred under Nancy Pelosi.

Inga said...

“You must have quite a bit of 3 AM experience. Emptying bed pans and all.”

You must have quite a bit of 3 AM experience, staying up late trying to get a stream going with that huge old geezer prostate.

walter said...

Losing that Pinterest account has to sting.

Rep. Glenn Grothman
Jan 12
This week the House will be (again) discussing and voting on articles of impeachment against President Trump. I will vote against these articles in order to swiftly ensure the House gets back to doing the people’s work instead of wasting time on political stunts.

rcocean said...

Lynn Cheney after supporting the vote fraud has now voted to impeach Trump despite having 95% of the R caucus vote the other way. Its not clear whether she is planning to change parties and run as a D Senator, or is so deluded she believes stabbing Trump and pissing in the face of 74 million R voters will be her pathway to R Presidency or Senatorship.

Biden stole the election - but the D's and RINO"s are masters at changing the subject and people just let them. This is the Charlottesville Lie all over again.

Browndog said...

mockturtle said...

I hope you're being sarcastic. I'm a boomer and, along with many others, spent much of the late 60's and early 70's trying hard to tear them down.

Nope. Not being sarcastic.

Shouting Thomas said...

Nazi Inga gives the Hitler salute.

daskol said...

Mock: most people think congress is putting down totalitarian insurrection constitutionally.

There are some people who believe that. They're all stupid and/or misinformed.

rcocean said...

we've had 4 impeachments of US presidents. The first two impeachments took 228 years. The last 2 under Pelosi took 2 years. Pelosi and the D's have established the precedent. "High Crimes and misdemeanors" means anything Congress wants it to mean.

A president can now be removed and thrown out of office for anything, as long as 50.1% of the House and 67% of the Senate want it. BTW, where is Bush? Why isn't he criticizing this abuse of the Presidency. Oh that's right, he only cares about "The Country" when the Republicans are to blame or its illegal aliens.

hombre said...

I’m so excited about the efforts at reconciliation by the Democrats that I will be inviting all my Democrat friends over for a party - just as soon as a get the Claymores laid.

Shouting Thomas said...

Eric Swallwell, CCP asset, spoke for Inga in Congress today.

rcocean said...

I can remember Jerry Ford, writing editorials and calling up Congressman during Clinton's impeachment, because "The office of the Presidency" was too important to be tarnished by a trial over Clinton's perjury.

But it seems, that no former President cares anymore. They'll probably go back to caring when Biden is in office.

rcocean said...

Biden calls for unity
Biden calls McConnell to ask for a dual track impeachment trial and cabinet officer confirmation.

Independents and moderates love it! Finally, the country is coming together!

walter said...

Hearing Pelosi warble through her mask about no one being above the law is precious.

Barry Dauphin said...

Can we conduct impeachment trials on all former presidents?

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