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The Wisconsin State Journal reports. The university’s Campus Planning Committee in November unanimously approved recommending the boulder be relocated off university property to a location on or near the National Park Service’s Ice Age Scenic Trail.
UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank accepted the committee’s recommendation on Monday....
The rock’s removal is not yet a done deal. Because the boulder is located on or near a Native American burial site, the Wisconsin Historical Society needs to sign off and all Native Tribes of Wisconsin need to be notified and given time to provide input....
Can't decide if this is funny or not.
Can it be replaced with a 30 meter high concrete vagina?
Surely, all of you associated with the University of Wisconsin have to be cringing at your former 'house of education'. Those of you still going there or working you feel like you're part of a fraud operation?
Don't feel bad. You're not alone. Our entire education system has devolved along with you. And to that I'll simply finish with a quote from a Democrat member of Congress: Amen, and Awoman.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Our universities are important institutions because they focus on the important things in our lives.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
I can't find the quote I want, but something like:
"Something so meaningless, only academics could argue about it."
Because of its name...
Tank said...Can't decide if this is funny or not.
It's funny. In a sad gallows humor sort of way. It's the perfect illustration of an idea so dumb only an intellectual could believe it.
A rock, seen by some as a symbol of racism. These some see symbols of racism everywhere, or they are pulling a very good prank meant to expose the feckless UW administration. I suspect this effort is the former, but really hope it is the latter. That would be funny; it's sad either way.
"It's a drag being a rock. I think I want to be the mayor". Frank Zappa released 6/27/1966.
“... signs off on ...”
Nice headline. Not awkward or confusing at all.
After this is gone, they will find something else to focus on to stir up the woke, because it is the process not the result that they care about. Never a moment's rest. The Chancellor might decide which pot he wants to allow to simmer endlessly and strive to keep things focused there rather than opening himself up to whatever they find - or manufacture - next.
iowan2, I think the quote your are looking for is "The politics of the university are so intense because the stakes are so low."
The wife cancelled her UW endowment plans in her will. "The Party of Science" HAHAHAHAHA!
Good Lord, is this a Babylon Bee story? An inert, ancient boulder is politically incorrect? Peak ridiculousness yet? Now, Wiley Coyote protesting a boulder, that I’d understand.
"and all Native Tribes of Wisconsin need to be notified and given time to provide input"
The Hekawi tribe, true to their political incorrectness, will never agree.
Will they be placing a plaque at the former location of the rock to remind everyone how racist the rock was?
Dumb as a rock.
Thanks jaydub.
Wow. Isn't that appropriate here?
Madison is a fountain of learning where all go to drink.
what if the native tribes say not to move it, simply because
it is an embarrassingly stupid idea?
Dumber than the rock itself.
So, "dumb as a rock" is not just a saying?
I wasn't born yesterday. They'll tell you the lonely rock will be sent to live with other rocks of its kind on the Ice Age Trail. During the night that 70 ton rock will become ballast on the Picnic Point parking area... like my dog Sparky, hit by a car, is playing on a sunny farm with all the other dogs. Budgets are tight.
There will be no moss on that baby.
So dumb even the rock is thinking to itself “WTF?”
Rioters perhaps can reduce it to smaller rocks.
It would be amusing to move it to somebody's garden.
The rock is good material for a senior prank, if there's a bell tower somewhere nearby.
When they consult the Indian tribes, the Ni**erhead tribe is likely to dissent.
When they consult the Indian tribes, the Ni**erhead tribe is likely to dissent.
Bell towers are not just for cows anymore.
This rock is a micro aggression? Asking for an easily triggered friend.
Let us not forget. The rock is still racist. Just racist in a different venue. I would think the college atmosphere would be the best chance at facilitating a true change of heart in the rock.
Assistant Village Idiot said...After this is gone, they will find something else to focus on to stir up the woke, because it is the process not the result that they care about. Never a moment's rest.
Activism is a lifestyle, an identity, not a cause. The current complaint is just the current complaint. Fix it and there will be others. Because the alternative is finding another identity--which is a lot harder than finding something to complain about.
Chain yourself to the rock and show these kids how it is done.
Rebecca Blank according to wiki is highly educated, which perhaps shows that women are unable to think straight even so.
The honky tonk bars are trembling...
Give the rock a degress in economics and see if she's more sympathetic to the rock.
Pet rocks were popular once. Could they come back.
Thou art Peter and thou shalt pick pecks of pickled peppers.
Merely removing the rock is too good for it. We need to nuke that rock and we need to do it yesterday.
Oberlin has a rock in their main square but all rebels do is paint it.
"UW-Madison chancellor signs off on removing rock seen by some as symbol of racism."
Can we now remove UW-Madison as a symbol of stupidity?
After this is gone, they will find something else to focus on to stir up the woke, because it is the process not the result that they care about. Never a moment's rest.
The neverending culture wars. Gotta love ‘em. ‘Cause they’re not going away.
And how many people in the universe were even aware that in 1925, there was a once-published headline using the offending designation? Talk about Streisand effect!
After the racist rock is removed, students who cannot and will not read at the university level still will fail academically.
Is it wrong that part of me wants to see what happens if the Native American tribes object?
It's a dream match-up in the identity politics olympics. Two number one seeds going head-to-head. I think the Native Americans would win this round.
This has got to be peak Madistan. I know that as a taxpayer, my dollars are being spent for this incredibly stupid event.
If your foundation offendeth thee fill it in
That Rebecca Blank sure has been a fucking game changer for the UW.
Thankfully the honkyhead and chinkyhead rocks will remain.
saying it is a daily reminder of the injustices students of color have faced on a predominantly white campus.
If the rock transitions to a new location, what will these pitiful victims use as a memory aid to remind them that white people are bad?
But seriously folks, these unqualified affirmative-action admits have learned a powerful lesson that will help them through life: how to bully a second party into wasting the money of third parties simply by whining like a child.
The chancellor is seen by some as a symbol of stupidity. Remove him.
There is actual slavery in many parts of the world right now, and genocide, and people so poor and hungry that they feed their children cookies made of dirt and if they can get access to food their is so little of it that children eat on alternate days. Oh, and access to clean, potable water is non-existent. Right now, in the US, because of the lock downs, there are blocks long lines of people lining up to receive boxes of food. Something not seen in the US since the Great Depression.
But the people worrying about the name of a rock, they aren't going hungry. And they aren't thinking to hard about the fact that its likely that they are wearing something that was created by child or slave labor, or that the phone in their pocket may very well have parts produced by slave labor under conditions that are harmful to the environment they claim they cherish so much.
Its amazing how unserious these people are.
"all Native Tribes of Wisconsin need to be notified and given time to provide input...."
Why all native tribes? Shouldn't just the tribe whose burial ground it is have a say?
Bet the Ho-Chunk will want to put a casino there!
"Michael said...
The chancellor is seen by some as a symbol of stupidity. Remove him."
I know the picture is confusing, but her.
"It's a dream match-up in the identity politics olympics. Two number one seeds going head-to-head. I think the Native Americans would win this round."
Only if a native American war party scalps the effin chancellor.
Why stop with just the Native American tribes in Wisconsin? Why not Native American tribes everywhere? After all, aren't state boundaries just artifacts of white oppression?
They must be.
Let's give credit where credit is due. This clusterfuck is not an untethered product of the zeitgeist, floating through the idiosphere on a gust of popular enthusiasm. It is the personal project of a particular individual, one Nalah McWhorter, personal pronouns presently unknown, President of the Wisconsin Black Student Union. Although the rock is almost universally called "Chamberlin Rock", and is labeled as such, it was referred to, once, in print, in 1925, as a "n-----head". Not "The N-----head". We can only surmise how diligently Ms. McWhorter must have pored over those ancient texts, her fingers -- well, pretty much their usual color, actually -- with printer's ink. Or maybe she just ran a computerized text search for "n-----" in some digitized archive. No doubt hoping to find nothing, so that her delicate sensibilities would not be triggered.
Now, if Ms. McWhorter's computer had only made it all the way through that archive, without alerting her to a single instance of that particular arrangement of ASCII characters, and perhaps also a few others she felt compelled to look for, peeking apprehensively through her fingers, the Nation would know nothing of this inoffensive stone. But alas! We live in an imperfect world, and she probably broke out in hives at the discovery that Wisconsonites had used that awful word in 1925, although nowhere near as often as "Rap Artists" do today. This raises an interesting question. Why does the casual use of the N-word to refer to a black rock, in a local newspaper in 1925, trigger Ms. McWhorter, when hearing it echoing through her dorm in amplified hate music, used as a contemptuous reference to a Black person, possibly herself, doesn't bother her in the slightest? Perhaps it is best not to attempt to apply logic to the mental processes of young American Black women. A ten-foot pole might be a more appropriate utensil.
Her father must be so proud!
Can't someone just chisel "Black Lives Matter" into the boulder? Then it will be inviolable.
The Wisconsin State Journal printed the slur in a 1925 headline. UW-Madison historians were unable to identify any other time the term was used...
The offending 1925 headline about the rock was written on paper.
It'd make more sense for university to ban the use of paper.
Can scissors be far behind?
The point of this exercise- if they can claim that a rock is racist, and have the 'authorities' agree with them, then all of you are easy targets. If the inanimate object can have scorn heaped upon it and have it removed from the university, there will not be a single independent thinker who will be left in the university. In the end, I'm sure the degrees will be worth absolutely nothing and those carrying those degrees will be mocked and belittled by whatever society is left.
How much do parents spend to have their kids indoctrinated?
Coming next:
""UW-Madison chancellor signs off on removing himself, seen by some as symbol of racism.""
Totalitarianism seeks to destroy traditions and cultures because “A sense of the past is far more basic to the maintenance of freedom than hope for the future.” He continues by saying, “The former is concrete and real,” while the latter is “more easily guided by those who can manipulate human actions and beliefs.”
--Robert Nisbet quoted by Annie Holmquist
D.D. Driver said...Is it wrong that part of me wants to see what happens if the Native American tribes object?
We have to test out all the intersections to find out which one is the best.
Rowan Atkinson, star of Blackadder has said [quoted from The Telegraph]
"Online cancel culture is like a "medieval mob looking for someone to burn", Rowan Atkinson has claimed...Mr Atkinson now fears the “scary” online practice of silencing unpopular opinions by calling out those who hold them and making them pariahs with their employers and the public. He has compared the trend of polarising and policing opinion on social media to medieval societies rooting out heretics to burn at the stake."
Wait till they start cutting down the White Oaks because they make students uncomfortable.
“Can we now remove UW-Madison as a symbol of stupidity?”
We don’t say “UW-Madison” anymore. James Madison owned black slaves. Now we say “UW-M-word.”
BillieBob Thorton said...
Will they be placing a plaque at the former location of the rock to remind everyone how racist the rock was?
Can no do.
The soil beneath the rock has the permanent stain of racism. It must be excavated, then sealed to prevent further contamination.
This is shaping up to be s super-fund site.
Neil Young sang ..hey hey, my my, rock and roll will never die. Now he's left with roll
I feel emotionally safer already.
I take that back. The Rock is a physically threatening racist symbol. Don't remove it. Blow it up!
I wonder if they're putting it out to the tribes with a sub-rosa Hey guys, can you help us quash this stupidity?
Everything is about race and hate with Democrats. Do they ever take a rest?? So sick of the hate and division they are pushing.
The functionaries at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, know how to emit Newspeak, wherein "typical" means "very low":
"University of Wisconsin - Madison is pretty typical when it comes to ethnic diversity, being ranked at #2,612 [out of 2,718] in the nation."
Will they place it in a museum like all the broken and torched statues lefties tore down in their tantrums?? Will it be a Racist museum full of things that oppress white liberals???
The whole campus is racist and communist. Shut it down, tear all the buildings down and salt it. Send all the professors, staff and administrators off to Vladivostok, Russia. They'll enjoy the fine cuisine and weather of the North Pacific.
Another Red Nail for Madison progressives.
(Bonus points if you can cite the reference)
Another Red Nail for Madison progressives.
That's barbaric!
Don't write out the "n-word." I have to delete if you do. Don't discuss this policy other than in an open thread (cafe post). Please don't take up my time with this. I have a rule and it's my blog.
With the type of equipment needed to move a 70 ton rock whole, I'd expect the Historical Society or one of the Native tribes to object over the potential destruction of one of the burial mounds.
D.D. Driver said:
Merely removing the rock is too good for it. We need to nuke that rock and we need to do it yesterday.
General Jack Ripper [Dr. Strangelove] has taken on that mission. An ICBM from Minot, ND has been launched to take that rock out.
OOPS! Missed the rock and and took out the Admin building. So, Sorry. No loss.
Not now, but I hope someday soon, there will be a market for university administrators who are willing to say "oh for God's sake, grow the fuck up."
Bonus points for you!
(Are we a couple of nerds, or what)
I agree with the effort to remove the rock.
The rock has a problematic Twitter history/timeline. In one long-buried tweet this rock self-identified as a statue of Jefferson Davis. In another it proclaimed aspirations of "gathering moss" -- a clear dog-whistle code-word about exploiting the environment via slave labor for personal profit.
This rock has from time to time served as a "platform" for far right extremists uttering hate speech. The speakers have since been DE-platformed but the hateful platform itself still invites such abuse.
Former governor Scott Walker once spoke favorably about the rock. Obviously therefore it MUST be re-called, removed, and replaced.
The rock mocked students with physical disabilities by bitterly mimicking their immobility.
The rock falsely claimed Cherokee heritage in order to be listed as a minority, mineral-of-color, on University monuments lists.
Climate denialists use the rock's Ice Age oriented position to assert, falsely, that glacial COOLING is a greater danger to humanity than Carbon Dioxide.
This rock is unable to qualify for a concealed handgun permit. And the local SPCA has no record that any abandoned pet has ever been placed in the rock's custody.
A voter registration record that includes the rock is clearly counterfeit.
The investigation continues...
It's stupid shit like this I refer to when they call me for donations.
All the Wisconsin rock formations must go. NOW. A state literally built on racism.
The ultimate result of the removal of the rock, the associated language and its history will be the suppression of free thought and the elimination of constructive dialog. That's also what the moderation of politically incorrect language (aka "offensive language") is intended to do.
Peak Progressive stupidity.
"All the Wisconsin rock formations must go."
Their silence betrays their complicity.
I just hope that this doesn't lead people to unfairly stereotype rocks. Sure, not all rocks are gems and many have a troubled history, but,by and large, rocks are productive members of our community. I have recently installed granite counters, and they're an admirable and useful part of my domestic life. Let he who is without stones throw the first rock.
Don't write out the "n-word."
What is the "n-word"?
The key point seems to be that there are so many people searching for racism there isn't enough to go around, which is odd considering these same people insist it is everywhere. It reminds me of the MeToo movement which (in its early days) revealed some outrageous incidents which made me wonder why feminists spent the previous 30 years arguing high heels were misogynist and disagreeing with them is sexist.
Maybe the real takeaway is that people trying to make a living criticizing instead of contributing to production are lazy and generally useless.
Yes. This is just the solution Wisconsin needs. Good for you all.
William @9:10: :-D
Everyone's pet rock is going to be put down. I hope some of the students learn something from this silliness.
So I guess it's OK for me to take my rock hammer and take off a chunk for my collection.
"Is it wrong that part of me wants to see what happens if the Native American tribes object?"
It's win-win. The shady parts of the tribes will get a payoff to assent.
Seriously, it's an ideal situation to roll back the idiocy: a completely ridiculous cause, and there have to be (even in Madison) hundreds of respected elders who know that it's ridiculous and who only have to place themselves between the rock and the machine and speak the truth. Hundreds.
Curious George quoted and then said...
"all Native Tribes of Wisconsin need to be notified and given time to provide input...."
Why all native tribes? Shouldn't just the tribe whose burial ground it is have a say?
CG: In all probability, the tribe whose burial ground it was was long ago wiped out or driven out by one or more of the current tribes being asked permission today. The whole enterprise top to bottom is devoid of both logic and proportion.
This rock is the epitome of foundational racism.
12 Ways to Get Rid of Whiteheads
Blogger Temujin said..."Surely, all of you associated with the University of Wisconsin have to be cringing at your former 'house of education'."
Yes, though it does give me an easy out when they come around asking for money.
Isn't the UW-Madison Chancellor also "seen by some" as a symbol of racism?
The rock did nothing wrong. Someone called it something close to what we don’t care to say anymore. Don’t blame the victim.
I understand some argued the rock should remain as a symbol of the rocks in the heads of UW students and administrators.
James Madison owned black slaves. Now we say “UW-M-word.”
We can make Althouse the A-word, Inga the I-word, Chuck the C-word and the blog will become indecipherable to all but the most dedicated posters and passionate cryptologists.
Just to be clear, I'm discussing Meade's comment, not A-word's policy.
Are there any same people in Wisconsin? It seems like all you've got there are whack job trumpers and extreme left wing woke ideologues.
Maybe the school mascot should be the Rockheads...
The idiots that run these universities are supposed to be the smart ones.
This is from the Onion, right?
That Rock was there at the time the Native Americans chose that spot to be a burial site.
It is entirely reasonable to conclude that they chose that site because of its proximity to the Rock. At any rate, the burden of proof that the choice of the burial site had nothing to do with the Rock is on those who demand it be removed. No such proof has been offered.
To remove the Rock at the whim of those few who want it removed is to desecrate a Native American burial site.
Awww, come ON, guys! It's just a Big Damn Rock! What other people called it doesn't make it so. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh! Get a life!
First they came for the rocks,
...but I was not a rock...
rhhardin said...
Pet rocks were popular once. Could they come back?
Back then, before the Rock's Rights Movement,
the idea a person could "own" a rock was still socially acceptable.
Believe it or not, there are plenty of sensible administrators at UW-Madison, sensible citizens in Madison, sensible alumni and, to be certain, sensible officers of the well-run, capitalist University of Wisconsin Foundation.
They're just too weary to take on The Mob. Bigger things to worry about today. So they shrug, pay off the idiots and hope it all goes away.
Sometimes you draw a line in the clay, under the rock, and fight to the death. Other times you make a rational decision to pony up the (relative) pocket change and settle the frivolous lawsuit just to be done with it, for now.
I don't if the Rock Fight is the former or the latter. I'm just saying the pro-appeasement side isn't necessarily crazy.
"It'd make more sense for university to ban the use of paper.
As I previously noted, just cover the rock with paper.
Paper beats rock. Problem solved.
Chancellor Rebecca Blank is "gonna need a little muscle" for that job. Most careless about the UW brand. However it is a great service to the country to show the parents where not to send their children. Hey, Becca now aim at the other foot!
An honest SNL would have her on a spit.
The n-word is off limits but is Uranus still on the table?
Money well spent.
Blogger Temujin said...
How much do parents spend to have their kids indoctrinated?
Joementia will free the tuition!
What's the carbon footprint? How much diesel will have to be burned to cleanse this rock?
"The n-word is off limits but is Uranus still on the table?"
On whose table?
We can't say 'Uranus' anymore?
That stinks.
I suggest a massive harness system driven by the strength of guilt ridden white progressives. Maybe rotate various offended Black students and faculty at the whip position.
NCMoss said...
The n-word is off limits but is Uranus still on the table?
Of course it is -- in fact they still send probes to Uranus! It's a gas giant!
And it's a rocky start to 2021 for Rebeccer, as the Brits would say.
Diversity (e.g. racism) politics.
Good first step. Now, what are they going to do about Brazil nuts?
And just like that, racism was eliminated!
Chamberlin Rock, named after geologist and former university president Thomas Crowder Chamberlin, was referred to at least once after it was dug out of the hill as a “n*****head,” a commonly used expression in the 1920s to describe any large dark rock.
Brazil nut growers hardest hit.
"I'm just saying the pro-appeasement side isn't necessarily crazy."
We are all Neville Chamberlain now.
Utterly ridiculous, and so perfect for these times. As a once proud graduate of the UW, I am swearing off any financial support and (as I may have mentioned here before) also urging my state representatives to do the same. Let the university live on it's endowment (if any) and whatever cash in can cajole out of the gullible.
So the nickname wasn't just used for that rock, but any dark stone? And nobody's used the nickname since the 50's?
To me it seems like the money that would be spent to move this rock could be used more wisely -- even given to the black student association to use however they want. Maybe send the money to a school in Haiti?
The real issue is that there are so few black students at UW Madison that they feel like they are tourists in a foreign country. Moving a rock isn't going to change that. In fact there will probably be backlash against them for their hypersensitivity over something so inconsequential.
Ann Althouse said...
Don't write out the "n-word." I have to delete if you do. Don't discuss this policy other than in an open thread (cafe post). Please don't take up my time with this. I have a rule and it's my blog.
Louis CK nailed you on this. Perfecty.
The n-word is off limits but is Uranus still on the table?
Didn't you get the emo? It's now pronounced urineous.
I don’t think most commenters here are giving this idea a fair shake. There are possibilities here you are not seeing. We want to put in a swimming pool, but the excavation costs are very high. Fortunately I just discovered a rectangular patch of the yard, just the right size, is racist dirt — to just the right depth. I have written the local university asking them to move it.
Funny clip, Skippy.
Louis CK must be part Black because they are only allowed to use the n-word.
White people need to know their place when it comes to free speech.
Every time that the whiny Left seemingly reaches bottom, they find a deeper hole.
This seems appropriate.
Can't we just paint the rock white?
The rock isn't even that dark, to judge from photos of it.
And the rock climbers still need it for practice.
If the rock agrees to attend racism seminars and join a twelve-step program, all should be well.
Why can't we just rename 'Uranus'? If we can rename everyone's favorite dinosaur, and demote Pluto, and move rocks based on something someone said 100 years ago, let's use the energy for something more productive. Caelus is the obvious choice, but I'm ok with Shirley.
The Hekawi tribe, true to their political incorrectness, will never agree.
Who the Hekawi?
JaimeRoberto said...
The Hekawi tribe, true to their political incorrectness, will never agree.
Who the Hekawi?
They're related to the Fukawi.
But no one knows where they are.
Where are the Fukawi?
Sedimentary Privelege.
I hear the native spirit ghosts use the rock as a meeting point to reflect on the old ways. Sad to see that burial ground get woke.
But seriously its said when something offends you then it controls you. Don't be offended. By A Rock!!!
Use the cornerstone principle and paint some common aphorisms of freedom on it. The rock gets transformed into something that says the human spirit overcomes human inertia. It becomes productive in society.
The slippery slope of a bleeding heart liberal operates without boundaries and seeps into everyone's bedroom. It needs to be classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) under lack of good healthy boundaries.
With all due respect, my typically-insensitive white brothers and sisters of the salon, but I didn't like niggerhead candies when I was living in Yurp, and I definitely don't like niggerhead rocks, here.
If y'all like 'em so much, let's compromise and rename 'em "crackers" when you move 'em, and be done with it.
Now - "DEPLORABLES" I repeat:
I'm a San Franciscan saying, if the Democrat Party can convince you Peoples Temple member Harvey Milk was a decent man, and police officer Dan White a bad one - and then build an entire political movement on the back of it - they can steal an election without you noticing it.
YOU are the important factor.
Geographical cure? Only a belief of those still drinkin and druggin!
The complaint is because of an old nickname for the rock (like 80 yrs ag), not the plaque on it. So just change the name of the rock as if it was a baseball mascot.
Flag on the field---> The Crack Emcee 15 yards, loss of down, Citation of N-Words!
Can't they just board it up with plywood?
Stupidity is at the same time amusing and frightening. Where will these dingbats land next? The mistake is to to give these foolish children any power. But what does it say about administrators who refuse to say, “Yeah, it is a rock, and some people used to call it by a nickname that is no longer acceptable. It’s part of our history, and we aren’t moving it. Make of it what you will. Try breaking it up with your heads, if you don’t like it. And yes, that last comment was intended to give your protest the respect that you have earned.”
We're losing the culture war, folks. This is of a piece with disparaging (with intent to cancel) Republicans/conservatives.
Now I’ve read the WSJ Article, and this is even stupider than I thought. Apparently, the rock was referred to by the nickname once—wait for it—in a headline in the Wisconsin State Journal in1925. And, get this, the second KKK was active in Wisconsin in the 1920s. Well, I never! That has systemic racism written all over it!
UW historians can find no other instance of the nickname being used. I guess the Wisconsin State Journal can make news without even trying, and that Black Student Union can sure make those administrators dance.
Rebecca Blank is well named. Anyway, this is the kind of nonsense you get, when you have a university with no mission other than churning out Corporation fodder and providing employment to intelligent - if mostly crazy - left-wing ideologues.
And women now run higher education. And once you put women charge of anything, the whole damn thing will collapse into mediocrity and absurdity - sooner or later.
I noticed that people are still making the mistake of REASONING with the people who support this, and trying to INSTRUCT Them that its NOT REALLY RACIST.
Here's a clue. The people supporting this, know the ROCK is not REALLY RACIST. So, ask yourself "why would they support getting rid of this ROCK, knowing its not Racist?" Then you'll start to understand.
Indigenous or native rock?
The Rock is a physically threatening racist symbol. Don't remove it. Blow it up!
And then instead one big microaggression, you'll have thousands and thousands of micro microaggressions.
"Who were the Hekawi?"
The hapless Indian tribe on the 60s sitcom western "F Troop." Starring Forrest Tucker and Larry Storch. Sort of a frontier version of "McHales Navy." And you're familiar with "McHales Navy," right?
Large dark colored cranium shaped object in picture looks to be an observatory dome. Scheduled for demolition?
Covidiot Trumpkins, like so many here, has destroyed the GOP in the election. They have turned people to the Democrats.
I'd imagine that the estimated USD $70K+ cost of moving the infamous N-rock will actually go in large part to mandatory environmental impact assessment overkill; as with the infamous un-woke murals (which actually were quite woke, for the late 1950s, given that the artist moved back to the FUSSR on retiring from his teaching gig at S.F. State) in the now-BIPOC-dominant George Washington High School... Westward-ho pioneers trouncing on the corpses of Native Americans, and all.
If the racist nomenclature was printed in the WSJ, why is that newspaper allowed to continue? They said it, not the rock!!
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