January 16, 2021

"The Cornish hotel flying a flag for QAnon’s cult delusion/Conspiracy theories spawned in America are taking hold in unexpected corners of British society."

 Reports the London Times.

The Camelot Castle Hotel in Tintagel, Cornwall, may be themed on Arthurian legends but the flag flown over its tower last year stood for a more modern myth.... Guests at the hotel, which displays a Q flag, said that the owner left conspiracy theory material in their bedrooms.... 
Since Mr Mappin, heir to the Mappin and Webb jewellery business, which holds a Royal Warrant, hoisted a Q flag above the battlements of Camelot Castle Hotel last January he has hosted a regular video broadcast called Camelot TV. 
In a coded message on Wednesday to his 20,000 subscribers, he likened QAnon to an oak tree. “If the roots are strong, all will be well in the spring . . . 2021 is all about the rebirth of our civilisation,” he said. 
Oh, come on. That's got to be an intentional reference to "Being There":
President "Bobby": Mr. Gardner, do you agree with Ben, or do you think that we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives? 
Chance: As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden. 
President "Bobby": In the garden. 
Chance: Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again. 
President "Bobby": Spring and summer. 
Chance: Yes. 
President "Bobby": Then fall and winter. 
Chance: Yes. 
Benjamin Rand: I think what our insightful young friend is saying is that we welcome the inevitable seasons of nature, but we're upset by the seasons of our economy. 
Chance: Yes! There will be growth in the spring! 
Benjamin Rand: Hmm! 
Chance: Hmm! 
President "Bobby": Hm. Well, Mr. Gardner, I must admit that is one of the most refreshing and optimistic statements I've heard in a very, very long time. … I admire your good, solid sense. That's precisely what we lack on Capitol Hill.

It seems like the "coded message" is we're having a laugh

But how do I know what's going on over there in Cornwall? From the Times article:

Mr Mappin, 55, a Scientologist and soft porn actor, is a supporter of Mr Trump, whom he met in 2017 after awarding him an “Honorary Camelot Castle Knighthood”.... Mr Mappin said that he knew nothing about the material in guests’ bedrooms. “We raised a flag above Camelot Castle on New Year’s Day of 2020 to highlight emerging freedom-related phenomena that we predicted would become part of the narrative,” he said.... 



Achilles said...

Russian Collusion hoax not mentioned?

GatorNavy said...

Possible false flag double bluff hidden coded messaging for the masses.

Inga said...

Hmmm, sounds like more loonery.

Narr said...

It's all starting to make sense now!

My uncle is sick . . .

DarigoldVanilla said...

My Pillow guy, Rudolph Giuliani and Sidney Powell pass away and go to heaven.
As they pass through the pearly gates, my pillow guy stops and says to St. Peter,
“Can we just get one vital question answered, before we ascend into the afterlife?”
St.Peter patiently nods and says, “ Yes, brothers and sister. What earthly concern is troubling you, here at the threshold of paradise?”
“Can you please explain how exactly the Democrats got away with stealing the election in 2020?”
St.Peter sighs, and explains that the election fraud idea was a cynical lie, perpetrated by conmen. And that the reason there wasn’t credible proof of fraud was that it did not, in fact happen.
The three are incredulous as they proceed to heaven.
They reach God and ask him the same question, “ God. Please tell us how the Democrats stole the election and got away with it?”
God says, “ My children, lift this concern from your heart and go forth, with love. The Democrats didn’t steal the election.
Giuliani elbows Sidney in the ribs and whispers, “This thing goes higher than we thought!”

Lurker21 said...

Twitter recently purged 70,000 accounts "associated with QAnon." Complaints of lost followers by prominent right-wingers are being taken as a sign that their followers were QAnon devotees. But what usually happens in purges is that the authorities aren't always very precise and nuanced in who they target, so people without much of a real connection to the conspiracy theory may have lost their accounts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

while anitfa burn it down.... blame Q-anon.

Look at her beautiful flowing hair. You can't trust that, man.

Achilles said...

DarigoldVanilla said...

My Pillow guy, Rudolph Giuliani and Sidney Powell pass away and go to heaven.
As they pass through the pearly gates, my pillow guy stops and says to St. Peter,
“Can we just get one vital question answered, before we ascend into the afterlife?”
St.Peter patiently nods and says, “ Yes, brothers and sister. What earthly concern is troubling you, here at the threshold of paradise?”
“Can you please explain how exactly the Democrats got away with stealing the election in 2020?”
St.Peter sighs, and explains that the election fraud idea was a cynical lie, perpetrated by conmen. And that the reason there wasn’t credible proof of fraud was that it did not, in fact happen.
The three are incredulous as they proceed to heaven.
They reach God and ask him the same question, “ God. Please tell us how the Democrats stole the election and got away with it?”
God says, “ My children, lift this concern from your heart and go forth, with love. The Democrats didn’t steal the election.
Giuliani elbows Sidney in the ribs and whispers, “This thing goes higher than we thought!”

Strong argument. Probably the best one you have ever made.

I still think the argument that all discussion of voter fraud must be banned to protect the country is better though.

Laches and standing are starting to be forgotten.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL. The Q-conspiracy. So evil! Look at the faces of evil. I'm no expert on Q-anon but if I had to guess it's more a scapegoat for the the left to blame.
Blame the mysterious operation of Q-anon.... All while the White Left Antifa movement operate with impunity. But, because Antifa operate for the left, their rioting and destruction get a pass.

I'd also guess that there is a thread in Q-anon that is anti-sex trafficking.
An issue that gets a big ignore by the left. (could be loony - or is it?) (again - this is based on my limited understanding - and no I do not trust the left or the left's FBI on this)

Hey man.
Should raise the Antifa flag instead.
Come on, man - show your solidarity.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Hmmm, sounds like more loonery.

How would you describe your 4 years of Russian collusion lies?

I am sure you think this totally justifies your censorship of people you disagree with.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The angles did decree -the corrupt old man named Biden - won. The election fraud you watched take place in targeted blue precincts - all a figment of your imagination.
The proof that was provided by countless eye-witnesses - all discounted.

DarigoldVanilla said...

Strong argument. Probably the best one you have ever made.

Ha! That’s the thing. The loony fraud theory is what must be proven. The votes were counted, then hand recounted, then tabulated again.
Super amazing that the widespread fraud ONLY occurred in the races Repugs lost.
Also amazing is the failure to prove this theory to sane rational people.
Well supported, sound cases do not go 1-59 collectively in court filings.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Russian Collusion hoax not mentioned?

The tell-tale hearts beat ever louder, right?

GAME'S OVER *******S: Indictments NOW

"NIH has upgraded their recommen­da­tion and now considers Ivermectin an option for use in COVID-19."

Which we knew likely worked starting in March.

Which we knew on the strength of scientific evidence THIS SUMMER.

Which, unlike masks, is an effective prophylaxis -- we knew that by the middle to late summer and into the fall.


And before that, there was the HCQ cocktail for early treatment. Planned Parent/hood was a bad choice for two reasons. I wonder if this was the cover for the voting irregularities in several Democrat districts. Ironically, in Atlanta of "every child left behind" Democrat fame. The result in NY and other cities of similar orientation has not been so different from the excess deaths of trans/homosexual males during the AIDS epidemic, caused by another fecally transmitted virus, notably in Democrat districts.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd say the left got away with their fraud. A forensic re-count was justified but never allowed. Why were ballots and envelopes shredded after the fact - when the law prohibits?

Jay Vogt said...

You know Althouse, you're very good at what you do. I usually read your main quote and am immediately intreated. Occasionally, I'll read it and think, "I have no idea what the hell she's talking about".

This is one of those times.

Maybe I should have another cup of coffee. Or, it might be best just to not know.

Meade said...

2nd time in 3 days I've seen jewelry spelled "jewellery." Maybe it's a Britishism.

Jay Vogt said...

intrigued not intreated

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I cannot read past this--> due to a pay wall.

"The hotel’s owner, John Mappin, a scion of the family that founded the Mappin and Webb jewellery firm, is a leading figure in the UK QAnon movement, a violent conspiracy theory that helped to inspire the riots in Washington last week."

And the proof of this is? what exactly? Feels more like a cover for Antifa.

n.n said...

How would you describe your 4 years of Russian collusion lies?

16 trimesters and in progress... Obama spied, Biden obstructed, Clinton colluded, and the press, social platforms, and steering engines mounted a mass cover-up. NOW, China, perhaps after consultation with Western leftists, has evolved from the Great Leap to one-child to selective-child and concentration/reeducation camps for deplorables a al diversity racket, pussy hats/rape culture, and cancel/abortion culture. And China wants to restore the Obama/Biden legacy of wars without borders and transnational terrorism by normalizing relations, and restoring "treaties", with Iran for purposes of transcontinental trade. Progress is an unqualified monotonic process.

alfromchgo said...

To steal any old saw:
"ban 'em all and let God sort it out."
or "got break a few eggs...."
or Vlad's instructions: I am extremely indignant that there has been absolutely nothing definite from you as to what serious measures have at last been carried out by you for ruthless suppression of the kulaks of five volosts and confiscation of their grain. Your inactivity is criminal. All efforts should be concentrated on a single volost which should be swept clean of all grain surpluses. Telegraph fulfilment.

Lurker21 said...

"Violent conspiracy theory" sounds like one of those phrases that needs to be unpacked and analyzed. Can a theory be violent? Which conspiracy theories in history have been violent?

I think I understand what the phrase means but it seems like more words are needed to clarify the concept. Something like "a conspiracy theory that has inspired or could inspire violence."

And is that really true in this case, or is QAnon being made a scapegoat?

We should also note that Mappin is a Scientologist, so whatever it is that QAnon says may not be the wackiest idea in his head.

Chennaul said...

Shit—I need more coffee.

Saw this—

“ soft porn actor”—and thought is that for people that can’t get it up...

narciso said...

1984 is a how to manual to these people, as michael doran points out the violence in dc, not to mention a dozen other cities that claimed 150 dead cops and 700 injured, goes down the memory hole,

gilbar said...

Achilles said...
Inga said...
Hmmm, sounds like more loonery.
How would you describe your 4 years of Russian collusion lies?

I was assuming that she was making an Argument from authority;
you know: It Takes One, To Know One

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Achilles said...

DarigoldVanilla said...

Strong argument. Probably the best one you have ever made.

Ha! That’s the thing. The loony fraud theory is what must be proven. The votes were counted, then hand recounted, then tabulated again.
Super amazing that the widespread fraud ONLY occurred in the races Repugs lost.
Also amazing is the failure to prove this theory to sane rational people.
Well supported, sound cases do not go 1-59 collectively in court filings.

I find it interesting that you cannot see the blatantly obvious cognitive dissonance in your post.

This is how stupid you have to be to vote for democrats and support fascism.

The reason you have to resort to censorship is because your position is so pathetic.

It is clear to everyone that has above a room temperature IQ Trump got more legitimate votes than Biden in enough states to win the electoral college and that Biden is illegitimate.

Old and slow said...

"Blogger Meade said...

2nd time in 3 days I've seen jewelry spelled "jewellery." Maybe it's a Britishism."

That's how it's spelled in English... It's different in American :)

Yancey Ward said...

The election of Joe Biden is an allusion to Being There, too.

Achilles said...

Trump didn't have to ban mentions of Russian Collusion.

Democrats have to ban mentions of Voter Fraud.


Yancey Ward said...

People from where I grew up pronounced it "jewellery". At some point along the line, I started pronouncing it "jewelry", but not sure when or why- it always sounds wrong to my ear still.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Conspiracy theories can be wacky and loony without being violent.

A lot of British conspiracy theory still swirls about the death of Princess Diana.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In the US - we have real conspiracies that have no clear answer.

Jeffrey Epstein "killed himself" in prison - and it's just a lucky break that the cameras were off during that specific time frame.

And Mr. Epstein had a lot of beans to spill. Same with Gislaine(Sp?) - who will more than likely end up dead too.

The death of Seth Rich remains a mystery. a Democrat with info on a computer or thumb drive, and a Bernie Supporter - found dead without any theft or any reason. But don't ask questions - or the left will label you "violent".

Yancey Ward said...

I was just looking at pictures of the coming inauguration. D.C. now has a Green Zone just like Baghdad! We've come a long way, baby!

Yancey Ward said...

It might be time to start lobbing some rockets into it.

Ken B said...

Wasn’t Mappin & Webb the jewelry stored heisted in Rififi?

Iman said...

Enough about QAnon... fringe-players/thinkers at best. Let’s get to the bottom of Antifa and BLM... its command structure, sources of funding...

They have been integrated into the Democrat Party and that fact needs to be recognized.

Ken B said...

Lurker21 said ‘Twitter recently purged 70,000 accounts "associated with QAnon." ‘

Not quite. Twitter purged hundreds of thousands of accounts and claimed without presenting evidence or allowing any appeal that 70,000 were associated with Qanon.

h said...

If you click through to look at the photo, it is obvious that the flying thing is not a Q-Anon flag, it is a Doritos bag.

chuck said...

Cornwall has a reputation to maintain.

Jamie said...

The votes were counted, then hand recounted, then tabulated again.

Come on, man. If the counting were the issue, then recounts would have revealed the fraud. The ballots were the issue, and the voter registration and turnout. Statistical analysis casts grave doubts on the veracity of the vote in certain, targeted areas that share two characteristics: the ability of a local Democrat machine to act with relative impunity, and the ability of a relatively small effort to swing a state. And there is virtually no way, now, to show that it was done. A real ballot is a real ballot, though the markings on it may not have been cast by a legitimate voter. And once the ballot is shredded, you'll never know if there was anything hinky about the way it was marked - if there was even any way to mark it that would be recognized as hinky.

As I've been saying, if you were out to ensure that your candidate would appear to win the election regardless of the actual legitimate votes cast, just, you know, provide insurance that if the popular vote appeared to be going against him you had the ability to boost your candidate's number of cast ballots, what would you do differently from what Democrats actually did in the swing States?

narciso said...

thousand currents, pass through tides foundation and through act blue to dnc, but we aren't supposed to talk about that,

Jamie said...

In my post above, I should have said, "to show whether it was done." Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist.

DarigoldVanilla said...

Chemtrails, 5G brain melting, 9-11 inside job, pedos in pizza parlors and Trump is a very stable genius

Those are the doozies that won’t die here in the US.
I think it’s fair to say that believing in any one of those makes you at least a crank, and maybe a candidate to lead the next qanon coup.

Bob Smith said...

But suppose, just suppose, the John Weaver story is the tip of a huge iceberg. Just sayin’

Qwinn said...

The seriously stupid thing about this is that the Q theory is that we -don't- need to be violent. That Trump has this. That the Deep State will soon be brought down, and we the people can rest assured that the leftist coup will fail without our having to lift a finger.

The primary right wing objection to Q right now is that it is starting to smell like a disinformation op to keep us hopeful and quiet until the left locks in their gains.

To claim Q is advocating violence is the literal 100% opposite of the truth.

wild chicken said...

May I use this occasion to remark how overrated was Peter Sellars.

He was miscast in Lolita and World of Henry Orient. Just there to chew up the scenery and upstage and distract everyone. Got so tired of the hype about him. Both need a do-over.

Good as Clouseau though, and not too bad in this one.

Charlie Currie said...

"Guests at the hotel, which displays a Q flag, said that the owner left conspiracy theory material in their bedrooms.... "

What? Did he leave copies of the Steele Dossier in their nightstands?

Jay Vogt said...

wild chicken said...May I use this occasion to remark how overrated was Peter Sellars.


Blair said...

I've seen a fair bit to suggest that this 4chan prank that the Left have promoted as a strawman has actually taken hold in a serious way with fringe groups in foreign countries. This is weird and amusing to me, because I've seen no evidence that QAnon has any significant following in the United States. Here, we know it's not real, because none of our neighbors are adherents. In other countries, they have no way of knowing that. They only hear of QAnon through Leftist propaganda, and assume they are talking about something real.

LYNNDH said...

I have absolutely not idea what QAnon is. I will not look it up on the net because:

1. I don't want to be tracked by THEM.
2. I won't believe it anyway because I can't trust what I read anymore.

Bob Smith said...

Ken B said.

“ Twitter purged hundreds of thousands of accounts and claimed without presenting evidence or allowing any appeal that 70,000 were associated with Qanon.”

Did they purge the pornography posters?

LordSomber said...

"I like to watch."

wildswan said...

"Meade said...
2nd time in 3 days I've seen jewelry spelled "jewellery." Maybe it's a Britishism."

In 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt introduced words from an American simplified spelling society into American spelling. So you get differences: labor/labour, honor/honour, pediatrics /paediatrics. I guess, jewelry/jewellery. A British effort was run by the Simplifyd Speling Sosyeti. It published A Ferst Reeder in Simplifyd Speling and got nowhere. I had the same trouble in second grade - good ideas for spelling got knowhere.

John henry said...

I don't follow much of what Qanon does and don't trust anything they say.

OTOH, I am a HUGE fan. Not for the conspiracies. I am a fan for the way they drive the fascists (A/K/A "progressives") crazier than a kitten with a laser pointer.

Witness some of the fascists on various Althouse comment threads.

John Henry

John henry said...

Is it possible that it is just a case of missing punctuation and context?

Should it be, for example, "That Jew, Ellery"?

John Henry

Clyde said...

You know, there are blue pills that could have turned him from a soft porn actor into a hard porn actor. Don't be that soft guy!

Tomcc said...

I'm very skeptical that the election was won fairly. It seems as though there should be a process for audit, especially in a tight race. From what I've seen, if there is such a thing, it hasn't been widely used.

I'm still appalled by the statement by the PA Secretary of State the day before the election that Trump would not win the state. How can that not be interpreted as interference?

Qwinn said...

Tomcc: Especially since Josh Shapiro was himself defending his position in that election. He was literally in charge of overseeing his own election, which of course in the fraud he also "won". But we're supposed.to rest assured that if there had been fraud, state officials like him would have done something about it. Right.

CWJ said...

"Guests at the hotel, which displays a Q flag, said that the owner left conspiracy theory material in their bedrooms.... "

Did this conspiracy theory material happen to suggest that a mysterious entity created the universe in only seven days?

Achilles said...

Ken B said...

Lurker21 said ‘Twitter recently purged 70,000 accounts "associated with QAnon." ‘

Not quite. Twitter purged hundreds of thousands of accounts and claimed without presenting evidence or allowing any appeal that 70,000 were associated with Qanon.

Fascists doing fascist things making fascist excuses.

Kinda like mask mandates.

Achilles said...

DarigoldVanilla said...

Chemtrails, 5G brain melting, 9-11 inside job, pedos in pizza parlors and Trump is a very stable genius

Those are the doozies that won’t die here in the US.
I think it’s fair to say that believing in any one of those makes you at least a crank, and maybe a candidate to lead the next qanon coup.

You are just a stupid person.

And a fascist.

Good work though. I am sure you will get a trophy.

Jim at said...

Again, if not for the left screaming non-stop about this qanon stuff, I would've never heard of it.

Jim at said...

The votes were counted, then hand recounted, then tabulated again.

If the original ballots were flawed, it doesn't matter how many times they were counted.

Browndog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browndog said...

Yancey Ward said...

I was just looking at pictures of the coming inauguration. D.C. now has a Green Zone just like Baghdad! We've come a long way, baby!

The Green Zone was never this secure.

I don't understand why Althouse won't blog it.

Fritz said...

Q = Immanuel Goldstein

DarigoldVanilla said...

Fascist doesn’t mean what you think it means, my tin foiled capped friends.
Maybe go back to crying socialism about any policy that you disagree with, that is to lie left of Ronald Reagan.

Browndog said...

Fritz said...

Q = Immanuel Goldstein


The question was raised why doesn't the FBI track down this Q character, or internet companies stop them from posting--but go hard after the readers of Q?

Lurker21 said...

I saw a report by CNN that showed Ted Cruz wearing the Qanon symbol on his suit jacket.

Following a correction, that it was actually a Dorito that fell and got caught on his suit.

That was a parody based on the crowbar/ProBar story.

daskol said...

W1A, an amusing office cringe-comedy from a few years ago about the upper echelons of BBC management, begins the series with the BBC and its new head of values in crisis mode over anti-Cornish bias. Fucking with the Cornish: a premise that's launched a 1000 jokes.

Lurker21 said...

But was Seth Rich really a Bernie Sanders supporter? People say that because without it the conspiracy theory doesn't hold up well, but people who knew Rich haven't confirmed the the "angry Bernie bro" story.

daskol said...

Some less than 100% reliable folks, but not total bullshit artists, have been posting supposedly leaked details from the 2017 sealed Maryland criminal case that would supposedly break this story wide open, that Rosenstein hired a couple of MS-13 thugs to rob and scare him, it went wrong and they killed him, and then the two gangsters wound up dead instead of paid in a parking lot. That seems fantastic in a phantasmagorical way, but that was also the sealed indictment Lin Wood was waving around to shame John Roberts for some reason. I don't know if that lends or detracts credibility from this narrative at this point. But Epstein didn't kill himself, so who the hell knows what these creeps get up to.

Does it really matter if he was a Bernie supporter, or if he was just disgusted by the corruption of the DNC? The Bernie-bro angle adds frisson, but if the above allegations are

Bob Smith said...

Australian actress Abby Cornish is a babe.

tim maguire said...

QAnon doesn’t exist, not in any organized sense. It is what Antifa’s followers falsely claim Antifa is—an idea.

QAnon is a loose collection of ideas, some obvious and true, others absurd. Lots of people ascribe to some of those beliefs and if the media doesn’t like a person, they’ll point to one of those beliefs and damn the person for being a QAnon follower. Meanwhile, in Cornwall, some guy has a laugh. The fact that he is a Trump fan doesn’t mean he’s not just having a laugh. I imagine most QAnon people are, as it doesn’t really exist.

Jaq said...

Basically, the Democrats are using the military as a prop in their campaign to demonize Republicans by marching them around DC for no real reason. They are using them as part of their Reichstag Fire style consolidation of power. The Nazis used their military as part of their politics too. But don’t worry, it can’t happen here!

“Yes we can!” -Obama.

Browndog said...

That was a parody based on the crowbar/ProBar story.

Oh, gees.

Got me.


Anonymous said...

Our Capitol City, Washington, DC is shut down, razor wire engulfs it, Military troops stationed at all intersections because a man, Joe Biden was supposedly popularly elected.

The majority of Americans think otherwise, thus the need for razor wire and fat, black chicks of the National Guard to protect us.

Nichevo said...

alfromchgo said...
To steal any old saw:
"ban 'em all and let God sort it out."
or "got break a few eggs...."
or Vlad's instructions:

Ah, yes. Hang, hang!

The glory/problem thing about hanging, which occasional wishful rightists allude to but will never deliver, is, hanging requires a permissive environment. You have to have time, space, facilities, an audience, one which will not interfere.

In other words, winners hang losers. Hanging is done by people who control their area, or at least will not be interfered with.

You cannot in other words assassinate by hanging. Hanging is the opposite of assassination, it is execution.

So for the right, hanging is now off the table (unless say a state like Texas were to go into a city like Austin and conduct purges). You're not going to solve the problems in DC by hanging. Not because the pols and crats don't deserve to die, but because the DC and/or Capitol Police, not to mention the National Guard, will happen along and make you quit it.

The protests on 1/6, if they had been an armed uprising which they were not, would have had time to shoot all the Congresscritters, even to weed out the goats from the sheep and shoot just them, but you never could have managed to hang 535 people, or half that number (or more, if you include staffers and such), before being seriously interfered with. A hostage situation becomes interesting, but never good. I doubt kidnapping would work out well in our surveillance state.

It's like Rooster Cogburn and the corn-stealing rats: you have to either kill 'em ir leave 'em alone.


Now, the leftists, having control of the levers if institutional power, can hang all they like.

TLDR: Achilles et al., do what you're going to do, whatever that is (Nancy Pelosi-approved), but don't talk shit. We're beyond warnings here.

Jaq said...

It’s not that putting Republicans under 360 surveillance is bad! It’s that Republicans are resorting to left wing apps like Signal and now the government is going to be monitoring them! Is there no end to the evil of Republicans?


Scott said...

I looked at theqanons.com sub-literate website and the QAnon entry on Wikipedia, and have to conclude that (a) QAnon couldn't organize its way out of a paper bag, much less plot any kind of criminal conspiracy; and (b) the FBI's gassy innuendo about "domestic terrorism" reeks of desperation -- they have to find villains, so they pick some really dumb ones. Better that than telling Pelosi "We ain't got nothing!" And the media covers it with studied seriousness, as if the FBI is really on to something; spinning conspiracy theories about conspiracy theorists. Why is anybody taking QAnon seriously? Maybe because QAnon has become the sine qua non of Trump's vast sedition movement? WTFK, WTFC.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Should it be, for example, "That Jew, Ellery"?

Jew prerogative is a Jew privilege. Jews are a "burden" and should be Planned. Whites, too. One step forward, two steps backward.

boatbuilder said...

Does anybody have any idea what a "Qanon flag" looks like?

I am considered by most of my Dem family and friends to be borderline right wing whacko.

I have no clue.

if this thing is so prominent, why is it such a secret?

Lurker21 said...

I don't believe there is an official flag.

It may just have been something the guy thought up himself.

He may regret it if American tourists start showing up thinking his castle is a Quality Inn or a Quickie Mart.

Narr said...

"Does anybody have any idea what a 'Qanon flag' looks like?"

Red and white stripes, blue canton with white stars?

Never seen it, myself

Sam L. said...

Can anyone tell me what QAnon is, other than it's the bugbear of the Left? And is messing with their minds?

Rusty said...

Sam L. said...
"Can anyone tell me what QAnon is, other than it's the bugbear of the Left? And is messing with their minds?"
Haven't a clue, mate. I d like to know too. However, like the Boogaloo Bois it's a made up organization that they made up to scare themselves.
I have a sticker on my car that says-906-. That's all. It's a very innocuous sticker and doesn't really mean anything. My lefty friends think it's right wing code for something.
Endless fun.

Skippy Tisdale said...

In a coded message on Wednesday to his 20,000 subscribers, he likened QAnon to an oak tree. “If the roots are strong, all will be well in the spring

I think they meant to write he likened it to a scene in Being There

Largo said...

//The votes were counted, then hand recounted, then tabulated again.//

Were the signatures checked with the mail-in ballots?


Mike Petrik said...

I'm a longstanding Republican living in suburban Atlanta. Am a member neither of the MAGA cult nor the never-Trump cult. Voted for Trump without reservation in November because he accomplished a lot in 4 years notwithstanding an hysterically hostile media. He did not incite the Capitol incident earlier this month no matter how many people repeat the lie to the contrary, but his messaging is chronically childish, self-indulgent, and self-defeating, and this worsened after the election. I know a lot of Trump haters and Trump lovers, but I know no one -- not a single soul -- who knows much about QAnon or buys into its rubbish. The obsessive media coverage is a mystery to me.

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