Writes Jamelle Bouie in "The Next Trump/There is no one quite like him in the Republican Party. So where should we look for the president’s inheritors?"
The link on "an actual Fox News personality" goes to "Tucker Carlson 2024? The GOP is buzzing/The Fox News host's ratings have gone gangbusters, and many Republicans think he'd be a force in a Republican primary" (Politico, July 2020).
While practically every Republican eyeing a 2024 presidential run is professing loyalty to Trump the person...
That was back in July.
... Carlson has become perhaps the highest-profile proponent of “Trumpism” — a blend of anti-immigrant nationalism, economic populism and America First isolationism that he articulates unapologetically and with some snark. At the same time, he's shown a rare willingness among Republicans to bluntly criticize Trump when he believes the president is straying from that ideology.
ANY of the Main Stream Media Propagandists who are just another arm of the Progressive Hate tank....
I like good policies that help people. Trump had many good policies. Whipping those into a blizzard of meaningless -ists and -isms doesn't change the fact many of Trumps polices were helpful to humanity.
Now they must try and fill the void left by Trump. Who can we hate on next? they ask...
Projection. Look at the interweaving of news journalists and the Obama and Clinton administrations. They become alarmed when anyone else does it because they are essentially narcissists, for whom the merest hint of vulnerability is traumatic.
It takes somebody with zingers of truth.
""Perhaps the next Trump, if there is one, will be another celebrity. Someone with a powerful and compelling persona...""
That describes Obama. Except for the part about President Trump is actually a man of accomplishment. And, current history shows, a President with more accomplishments in four years than any President in current memory.
They have made it clear no dissent will be allowed colectivos and turbas from now on, (thats govt sanctioned mobs)
“Trumpism” — a blend of anti-immigrant nationalism"
Can someone please enlighten me? Just how many million of immigrants are we to allow free passage into the country? Or is there no limit at all? Let's just import the impoverished population of the entirety of Central America, and then let's move on to Africa.
To hell with our own poor and unemployed.
But just bask in the Liberal virtue that results. Priceless.
And name just one other country that would tolerate that. Just one.
Who has been trafficking in fear, anger and hate?
We all know but soon we will not be allowed to say it because the Ministry of Truth will not allow it.
You can't cuck the Tuck!
Blogger rehajm said...
"Now they must try and fill the void left by Trump. Who can we hate on next? they ask..."
C'mon man. Isn't it obvious? They hate you. They have to shut you up. They have to humiliate you.
The Crack Emcee said...
"I think Biden's gonna get killed, so we might wanna wait on predicting the future, beyond that,.."
There's a very good chance he'll choke on his pudding. People with dementia often hurt themselves.
I am praying that I don’t become a loon screeching for blood over Biden, as the Democrats did over Trump.
God help me!
They called Dubya an isolationist up until 9/11. Clearly the Left no idea what it means.
"who traffics in fear and anger and hate.”
Somebody is trafficking in ‘fear and anger and hate’ here, that’s for sure.
"You can't cuck the Tuck!”
Tuck was thoroughly cucked on the election.
compelling persona
Persona is originally feminine, probably from its connection to artifice.
More evidence that these media clowns have no idea who Trump is and how he attracted voters.
And Trump was never anti-immigrant (he's married to an immigrant). Just like Trump was never homophobic (he supported gay marriage before any Democrat candidate he faced). America first isn't isolation. So I guess Tucker was regularly complaining about Trump straying from that ideology, because Trump was never for that described ideology. I wouldn't know, I haven't seen Tucker Carlson on TV since Dancing with the Stars.
... Carlson has become perhaps the highest-profile proponent of “Trumpism” — a blend of anti-[illegal] immigrant [border policy], [American exceptionalism], [low marginal tax rates,] economic [deregulation] and America First [foreign policy] that he articulates unapologetically and with some snark. At the same time, he's shown a rare willingness among Republicans to bluntly criticize Trump when he believes the president is [wrong].
There. I think I fixed it to eliminate Politico's lies.
My assessment of Trump.
He succeeded spectacularly on policy, particularly over the first three years, in terms of the economy and foreign policy.
He failed equally spectacularly in realpolitik. He never gained control of the FBI, CIA, DOJ and the bureaucracy, all of which constantly betrayed and undermined him. Not responding immediately to the BLM/Antifa riots with overwhelming force was a terrible error.
Realpolitik matters as much as policy. His realpolitik failures doomed him.
It doesnt work that way
After Trump no one outside of the corrupt political establishment will ever be crazy enough to run for President again.
Today we get a new president who got left back in the third grade. Likely a sociopath. Certainly in the pay of China. Whoopee!
Who could he trust to do it espee milley you see how the establishment reacted over a non existent threat.
The bureau and the company might as well be extensions of foreign powers.
Time to hunt down Trump’s army!
Trump did way more for the poor than Obama did. The lowest quintile of income earners gained 10.8% ubder three years of Trump while they lost 0.6% under Obama.
That 10.8% is a quarter of the 42.4% of the gains the bottom quintile has seen since 1967, when the BLS data starts.
In fact, the four bottom quintiles had larger income gains under three years of Trump than eight of Obama.
That's a remarkable accomplishment.
"There. I think I fixed it to eliminate Politico's lies.”
It’s amazing how they lie so blatantly and then profess wonder that anybody would question the things they say.
jnseward said...
After Trump no one outside of the corrupt political establishment will ever be crazy enough to run for President again.
Yes, the "salt the earth" phase.
rehajm said...I like good policies that help people. Trump had many good policies. Whipping those into a blizzard of meaningless -ists and -isms doesn't change the fact many of Trumps polices were helpful to humanity.
I have said many times in many forums, to no avail that I am aware of, to the people who hate Trump because of his unpresidential style: I hate it too. But the decisions of the President of the United States affect billions of people. How much unnecessary suffering and death are you willing to tolerate in order to have a president who tweets pretty?
S/T--a sad but accurate assessment.
Trump--a man with a career in hucksterism and show business--did surprisingly well on policy. But he never embraced the concept that successful politics involves addition rather than subtraction. Nonetheless, he did spectacularly well with hispanic Americans, in part because he didn't fall for identity politics.
And those people 'killed us all' when they are starving looking for warmth theyll temeber that
“Who traffics in fear and anger and hate...”
Have u heard the one where the Democrat critter calls the National Guard untrustworthy b/c they are 98% male and white and most likely didn’t vote for the current elect swearing in tomorrow? That kind of fear and anger and hate? B/c that’s the shittyist thing to say out loud. WTF is wrong w/these ppl? In all honesty- why is it that the ppl that spout platitudes of acceptance and tolerance are the ones sowing dangerous ideas? I hope Biden throws an inauguration and nobody goes.
They need a target for their vitriol. Without one, that hate might be turned inward, where it rightfully belongs.
If we're getting a media personality, I'd prefer Greg Kelly. Ex-Marine fighter pilot, journalist and morning show guy, sone of ex-NYC police commissioner, NYer. He's also a genuinely nice guy, something even those most horrified by his embrace of populism and Trump have to acknowledge. But he's no squish.
I like Carlson, but he's not Trump rich and I doubt that Con Inc. donors are going to support him. Trump found a way to get around that (he had his own dough + Twitter + the Media could not keep themselves from showing him).Carlson doesn't have that kind of money and, if he gains traction, Twitter will de-twitter him.
Trump didn't traffic in anger and hate. People like Jamelle Bouie traffic in anger and hate. And lies.
Selected not elected. Not my president. Resist. War motherfuckers.
I played football with an imbecile that voted for all this. His latest Facebook post, because he lives hand to mouth and is an imbecile, is a bitter complaint about the 30 cent increase in gas the last month. What’s he gonna do what it’s $3.90? When he gets laid off I’m gonna send him congrats.
Donald Trump found a bunch of voters whose concerns were being ignored and addressed those concerns. This was somehow beyond the understanding of the major parties and their cheerleaders in the New York media.
Again with the biased blog, If you want to see a a real blog check out mine. New subscribers are always appreciated. They give some tips and tricks. @Bucktheblogger.blogspot.com. This goes out to all of you fellow bloggers
"..."... who traffics in fear and anger and hate."
I've long been astounded at how the Left simply does not see their own hateful collectivist philosophies as hateful and promoting fear. That is all they do- constantly. Pounding it and pounding it. You're a Nazi, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, anti-LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ. Anti-trans. Anti the good. Evil. Bad. To be eliminated. Removed. Re-educated.
Do they simply not listen to their own words? Or...do they act on another format? One in which they know exactly who they are, but feign purity and have their minions in the media back them up? Is it maybe that they are the baddies, after all?
Are we the baddies?
I keep reading from the Left that Tucker is the next one. Carlson is not running for anything. He's found his groove doing what he's doing and he can continue to shine a light better from where he is than from elected office. He'll soon be joined by Trump, taking his potshots from the side as well. I don't think Dr. Jill Biden is going to like any of this. Heh.
What is disturbing is the frequency with which one is hearing the name Pinochet these days, not just in the Alt-Right underground, but across staid and traditional Conservative platforms as well.
The new liberal hegemony finds its worst fears in the meager Capitol protests and in the potential for Trump to return in 2024, which is really only a reflection of its sheltered cluelessness and consequent self-reinforcing bias.
They cannot imagine that someone not nearly as cuddlesome and willing to go along as Trump might be raised up by those millions who will not shrug off an election taken from them, nor that Steve Cohen might actually be right, that those militias they try to erect to protect them from a future, more astringent version of Trump may in fact refuse to.
I am sure Hitler said something similar: "Perhaps the next Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Harry Truman, if there is one, will be another celebrity. Someone with a powerful and compelling persona who traffics in fear and anger and hate.
Projection, thy name is "Democrat".
Fascists always sees freedom hope as hate...
Remember - when the corrupt collective left write about who and what they think Republicans and conservative are - they get it wrong. on purpose.
Trump embarassed the lot of the politicians. He accomplished more for America against the most formidable headwinds the machines could throw at him. That and the fact he is the real profile in courage, not the storied dem's vision. That is why they had to cheat. Poor Hillary is left asking "why didn't you cheat that hard for me"?
Amadeus 7:40
Ha - you nailed it. That's why we understand the hack press is the hack press. They are not honest or accurate.
“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” - Ronald Reagan
- Krumhorn
mockturtle said...They need a target for their vitriol. Without one, that hate might be turned inward, where it rightfully belongs.
Quite perceptive.
tim in vermont said...
Today we get a new president who got left back in the third grade. Likely a sociopath. Certainly in the pay of China. Whoopee!
1/19/21, 7:42 AM
Don't forget he also commits plagiarism, inappropriately touches little girls and likes to sniff their hair, and loves to swim nude in front of his female secret service detail.
Let us also not forget kneepads Harris, very likely the best BJ giving VP ever. I wonder if that will be part of her negotiations with foreign leaders? To "sweeten" the pot?
who traffics in fear and anger and hate
Sniff! I smell someone who traffics in fear and anger and hate.
I'd like to be the first - if I have not already been beaten to it - to say that in retrospect, Trump had some decent ideas and was at least working for what he thought was going to be good for many Americans, unlike what we now know in 2024 to be the real Hitler, Tucker Carlson. Or Josh Hawley. Or Ted Cruz. Or maybe Dan Crenshaw.
Whichever one.
Is this why they are trying to push Fox off the airwaves?
one thing is for certain - the next GOP nominee will be the REAL HITLER.
Tucker is exquisitely articulate.
Something that Trump lacked.
Is this why they are trying to push Fox off the airwaves?
Fox is pushing itself off the airwaves. Ever since Rupert turned things over to Lachlan, the channel has increasingly become unwatchable. If it were up to the idiot son, James, Fox News would vie with MSNBC as the most leftie channel in the cable box. The implosion of Roger Ailes didn’t help.
- Krumhorn
“ one thing is for certain - the next GOP nominee will be the REAL HITLER.”
And I like your screen name.
Is this why they are trying to push Fox off the airwaves?
Fox seems to be doing a pretty good job of that all by themselves...
Speaking of Tucker Carlson, a transcript of Monday's monologue concerning the Democrat's show of force against America in Washington, D. C. right now for those who like transcripts:
Tucker is good. He can be the intellectual leader. But not the real leader.
Its be really swell if the Democrat-Media Corporate Fusion party would stop acting like fascists.
The most trumpish of major politicians is DeSantis followed by Noem.
I’ll take either in 2024. Or both.
Imagine someone writing "Democrats have already managed to get a New York Times subscriber into the White House". As if those who read the Times and think of it as the "paper of record" are not just as credulous as Fox News viewers. (Not to be confused with those who read the Times, but view it as leftist propaganda that is a useful counterweight to rightist propaganda they might also read or view).
Krumhorn: The purchase of FOX by Disney didn't help.
Whoever the candidate is, they will be presented as "Just like Trump"
Do we want to go back to Trump? That'll be he constant refrain.
Maybe this means the perennial comparisons to Hitler are in the past now.
The most misunderstood aspect of Trump is that his policy priorities are mostly liberal. He's out of step with either party -- both neglect liberal policies that protect workers (like immigration reform and trade deals), ending wars, combating globalization, protecting free speech and all the rest. Those policies are not popular with Republicans or Democrats who are both globalization advocates and who exploit the economics of war and cheap labor from south of the border.
Neither party really cares about these traditional liberal issues and values anymore -- which is one reason why Trump had traction. Free speech as a foundational value in the US was the primary charter of the ACLU -- they now promote cancel culture.
Ironically, the center-right issues in the US are promoted by both parties, the economy is strong, businesses are doing well, the US has tremendous power and influence globally. It's the center left that needs attention and that's what Trump focused on. Neither party is interested in the center left.
Blogger Clayton Hennesey said...
Speaking of Tucker Carlson, a transcript of Monday's monologue concerning the Democrat's show of force against America in Washington, D. C. right now for those who like transcripts:
If you can, look up and watch Tuckers open from last night. It was incredibly good. He had Jason Whitlock on and Whitlock was pleading that everyone needs to watch it. I doubt Tucker has a desire to enter politics, but I consider him a serious conservative thinker and patriot.
Link to the open:
Blogger jnseward said...
After Trump no one outside of the corrupt political establishment will ever be crazy enough to run for President again.
That is a concern of mine, too. It may be moot if the Democrats can keep their vote fraud machine working. If they do, the next step might well be a Pinochet, if we are lucky. Obama pretty much emasculated the generals but there might be a few at colonel level who still have intact balls. The next sign will be if China invades Taiwan.
Whoever it is, they need to be ready and willing to dismantle the federal government piece by piece, starting with the 'intelligence' community.
Busdriver, then only thing I disagree with Tucker on in that video is that Chen is not a moron. I remember a scene where he was eating from a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken at his committee seat during hearings. The similarity to a pig at a trough was striking.
Krumhorn: The purchase of FOX by Disney didn't help.
MT: Disney purchased the Fox film and tv studios and Searchlight, Fox Television and cable properties (FX, NatGeo etc), Hulu and the massive film and tv libraries but not Fox News or the newspapers or Sky or the studio lot......for $70 + billion. News Corp still controls Fox News and the newspapers.
Murdoch made a shrewd choice since he figured that he couldn’t successfully compete in the streaming future of media dominated by Netflix, Disney, ATT, Apple, and Amazon. So he sold to the highest bidder for the entertainment library and cable assets and kept the news assets.
- Krumhorn
Krumhorn, is it any coincidence that FOX Business News spends a lot more air time promoting Disney products than they used to?
I really don't care what that jive ass person of the dark persuasion has to say, but to address the subject raised - Donald Trump and Dwight Eisenhower were the only two presidents in my lifetime who were not owned, lock stock and barrel, by powerful interests.
"The next sign will be if China invades Taiwan."
If they don't then they're not as smart as I think they are.
Were I Xi, I would give the order at 12:00:01PM DC time...
If you really want to make the left go nuclear, it needs to be a female ethnic minority Fox News contributor who also has a track record and impeccable credentials in a field of obvious national importance such as the economy. So Maria Bartiromo it is.
A candidate coming from Fox News?
We can't have media empires cough-NYT choosing leaders.
To wipe the prep School elitism stench from his persona to appeal to the Trump deplorables Mr. Carlson is going to change his first name to Trucker.
“... fear, anger and hate ....”
If the editors of the Times and their readers do not tire of the stupidity of their columnists, you would think they would at least tire of their banality.
It is too much to expect that hey might recognize the projection. The mental illness is strong in them.
Ahhhh, the NYT Strikes AGAIN. I trust it NOT.
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
My assessment of Trump.
He succeeded spectacularly on policy, particularly over the first three years, in terms of the economy and foreign policy.
He failed equally spectacularly in realpolitik. He never gained control of the FBI, CIA, DOJ and the bureaucracy, all of which constantly betrayed and undermined him. Not responding immediately to the BLM/Antifa riots with overwhelming force was a terrible error.
He never gained control of his own office in the West Wing of the White House. Which is why we are were we are today.
mockturtle: "Krumhorn: The purchase of FOX by Disney didn't help."
Fox News and several other Fox media companies were spun off prior to Disney's acquisition so Disney does not own Fox News.
Lachlan wanted Fox News all to himself and Paul Ryan so they could hand it to the left and thusly be warmly greeted at all future lefty cocktail parties (with Jumbo Shrimp) for eternity.
Rhetorical question:
Did we send troops from every state to fortify the Capital city ahead of the inauguration because our elected officials are afraid of the people or is this an overwhelming show of force undertaken by the Democratic Party to send a message to half the country that they can crush us because they also control the military and will use it against us?
"traffics in fear and anger and hate"
Don't you get tired of reading garbage like this over and over again? Clearly it's obligatory in these media outlets to link "fear and anger and hate" to Trump, but it's certainly not obligatory to read this stuff.
Tucker Carlson won't become president or even a nominee. His past as a bowtied young preppy conservative and his step-mom's fortune mark him as very similar to the people he criticizes on television. I like his show and generally agree with him, but it won't be hard for opponents to rub away his populist veneer.
I do think that it will be hard for another politician to capture Trump's appeal. Being a politician, saying the things politicians say, and making the compromises politicians make limit a candidates's populist appeal.
Blogger Howard said...
To wipe the prep School elitism stench from his persona to appeal to the Trump deplorables Mr. Carlson is going to change his first name to Trucker.
Tucker, unlike you Howard, understands what happened in 2016.
You could watch this and learn something, but you won't. Skip to 5.47 if you do watch. He is very honest in who he is.
Tucker Carlson has political and media experience. Mark Steyn could be his press secretary, and the next eight years would be a blast.
enough of this biased nonsense. if you want to see a real blogger and his works of art go to blainedablogger.blogspot.com. Again i am an actual blogger and dont post about a bunch of nonsense.
Krumhorn, is it any coincidence that FOX Business News spends a lot more air time promoting Disney products than they used to?
Dunno, MT. The distribution of Disney media buys could be based on many factors, but presumably, Fox Business viewers are desirable, ready, and flush customers compared to OWN or Lifetime viewers who are basically MSNBC viewers....thumb-suckers all. Maybe it was a negotiated part of the acquisition deal that Fox Corporation would sell ad time to Disney at a discounted rate for a period of time. If I were Iger, I’d certainly want that after paying $71B for other Fox assets.
- Krumhorn
Michael K i started to watch the link but had to stop before 18 min mark. How could the guy who wrote a book to explain 2016 and who purports to shine a light on the losing side for failure at self-awareness devolve in 2020 to joining Trump's "fraud" chorus. Many of those like myself who were never Trumpers were so because we saw him as that guy.
I used to shock my friends in 2015-16 by saying that if Sanders managed the Dem nomination i would vote for anyone on the GOP side except Trump. They would be horrified because for them Cruz was the devil and Trump just a nasty book. But for me all the rest were politicians of various stripe but Trump was just a crook without a soul.
Carlson said Trump opponents in 2016 needed to settle down and figure out how to defeat him in 2020. They did and picked Biden. Not an acceptable choice to me,
but it was a binary choice and it worked. GOP needs to take Carlson's advice from 2016, including Carlson himself.
NYT projects and reports on the anti-Trump.
Wednesday? Impeach the bastard.
Indigestion? Impeach the bastard.
Peace in the Middle East? Impeach the bastard.
Ending Obama/Biden's legacy of wars without borders and transnational terrorism? Impeach the bastard.
Standing up to diversity and exclusion? Impeach the bastard.
Addressing causes of medical and pharmaceutical progressive prices? Impeach the bastard.
Emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout? Impeach the bastard.
Revitalization, Rehabilitation, and Reconciliation? Impeach the bastard.
Obama spied, Biden obstructed, Clinton colluded, the press carried out a multi-trimester cover-up? Impeach the bastard.
Go home and thank you for your support? Impeach the bastard.
Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness? Impeach the bastard and sequester his carbon-laden remains.
KANYE 2024
narciso, re: "Government-sponsored mobs": Well turba is the name for the mob choruses in the Bach Passions, the people howling in favor of the Crucifixion. So, yeah.
DavidUW, agreed. DeSantis is my own first pick.
Amadeus 48 at 7:40: Exactly!
Tucker Carlson is the Left's favorite media guy to hate just now (apart from Limbaugh, who holds the gold medal in perpetuity), because not only does he articulate the things that first drew people to Trump, like border control and deregulation energy independence and support for Israel and the like, but he keeps re-articulating them even when the President himself has momentarily gone off them, and attacks the President when it seems necessary to him. This annoys the Left no end, because they can't just toss the guy into the nearest Deplorable Dumpster and set him on fire; occasionally he can be found saying things useful to them.
Mark Steyn, who I read more or less daily, has a frequent guest spot on Carlson's show, and he's of the same kind. This morning he posted a 52-minute audio compilation (drawn from previous Steyn audio content, throughout 2020) of things that Trump has screwed up in the last year. And, again, like Carlson's own comments, it was accurate, and harsh. Steyn, alas, can't run for President; he's an immigrant (a legal one, which is why he's particularly stern about illegal immigration), so the Left doesn't bother about him much.
That ought to be "deregulation and energy independence" above. Sorry.
As an aside, why is it wrong for America not to play a leading role in the world, to sit back and protect its own first? We are told repeatedly, relentlessly, that whenever America gets involved in world affairs, it only makes things worse, so why is withdrawing from them a bit necessarily a bad thing? I know, I know, it's because "but think of all the good you might be doing!" I am not seeing much of that, frankly, except that this administration has brought peace to a good fraction of the Middle East, with more to come (if Biden doesn't scuttle it altogether). But ORANGE MAN BAD, see?
The Left can't afford to be consistent about this, any more than it can afford to be consistent in any of its "intersectionality" thought-puzzles. Take oil: The Keystone XL Pipeline is going to scrapped on Day One, b/c Oil Bad. But we are also attacked for not buying Venezuela's crappy crude, so we're responsible for bankrupting the country (singlehandedly, you'd think, though generally the news reports do slip in somewhere that 60+ other countries are following our lead), so we're responsible for the fact that practically any Venezuelan not in the military or the government (almost the same thing by this point) is starving. Frankly, I am glad that we aren't buying oil from Venezuela or any other OPEC member. We (thank God) do not need them any more.
It's the same all round.
How could the guy who wrote a book to explain 2016 and who purports to shine a light on the losing side for failure at self-awareness devolve in 2020 to joining Trump's "fraud" chorus. Many of those like myself who were never Trumpers were so because we saw him as that guy.
Maybe because the election was determined by vote fraud? I have four degrees including some statistics. I think the outcome was fraudulent. The left is showing such an awareness of guilt that anybody looking at them with an objective eye must see it. The ferocity toward anyone who wants to look at the facts is just a giveaway. Some, like our hostess and quite a few others, just want peace and quiet. After all Chicago was ruled for decades by fraudulent elections and was livable.
The problem now is that, like Chicago, the Democrats have gone crazy. Identity politics may be the term some use but it is insanity. The "1619" project is insane. "White Fragility" is insane. Some of these people, like Tennessee Coates are grifters making a good living. Some, like Hank Jones, are just stupid. Stacey Abrams is going to cause a lot of trouble, maybe Civil War.
People like me don't go looking for fights. I would not be caught dead in DC on the 6th. But, if those crazies don't leave me and mine alone, we are going to see some blood. Probably mine but mine won't be the only one's. One thing we are seeing gaining speed is mass emigration from blue states and cities.
mockturtle said...They need a target for their vitriol. Without one, that hate might be turned inward, where it rightfully belongs.
Emmanuel Goldstein.
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