January 7, 2021
"One administration official described Trump’s behavior Wednesday as that of 'a total monster,' while another said the situation was 'insane' and 'beyond the pale.'"
"Fearful that Trump could take actions resulting in further violence and death if he remains in office even for a few days, senior administration officials were discussing Wednesday night whether the Cabinet might invoke the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to force him out, said a person involved in the conversations.... Aides mortified by their boss’s conduct said they were weighing whether to resign or to stay in office to help ensure the transition to the Biden administration.... Considerable internal anger was directed toward chief of staff Mark Meadows, according to four aides, both because of what many view as his incompetence in managing the White House and his willingness to prop Trump up while indulging his false election fraud claims. People who interacted with Trump on Wednesday said they found him in a fragile and volatile state.... As rioters broke through police barricades and occupied the Capitol, paralyzing the business of Congress, aides said Trump resisted entreaties from some of his advisers to condemn the marauders and refused to be reasoned with. 'He kept saying: "The vast majority of them are peaceful. What about the riots this summer? What about the other side? No one cared when they were rioting. My people are peaceful. My people aren’t thugs,"' an administration official said. 'He didn’t want to condemn his people.'... A former senior administration official briefed on the president’s private conversations said: “The thing he was most upset about and couldn’t get over all day was the Pence betrayal. … All day, it was a theme of, ‘I made this guy, I saved him from a political death, and here he stabbed me in the back.'"
I’m not accepting media interpretation of Trump’s words or actions. The media is my enemy just as they declared themselves.
Aides = unnamed sources
Sauce for the goose.
ooo the WaPOO(D)
We can totally trust what comes out of the offical democrat party "news" paper.
There seem to be more stories of how Donald Trump is so awful and how many members of his administration are contemplating resignation, yet there do not seem to be many stories about the mass resignations of these officials.
Why, four years into the Trump Administration, does anyone give even the slightest credence to these anonymous "administration official" hit pieces anymore?
No one should ever pay the slightest attention to this type of "just trust me bro" story from our garbage media ever again.
Gullible Althouse believes what she reads in the Washington Post. Well bless your heart.
Watch the media endorse political violence from Antifa
"Blah blah woof woof" -- Jimi Hendrix
So occupying public spaces is now bad?
Its not about Trump, it has never been about Trump.
Good on him! Americans who walked into their own capital, as it was barricaded from them, are being called "Terrorists". They didn't kill a soul or set fire to the place. And one of them was shot dead.
My first guess was that the "administration official" is Miles Taylor
On second thought, though, Miles Taylor no longer is an "administration official".
They quietly stabbed Trump in the back for 4 years. Now they continue to do so as unnamed "aids".
My normally quiet and well mannered wife went ballistic last night after reading the comments made by the media and various Republican and Democrat politicians.
This has become personal.
I believe nothing, nada, zip, NOTHING, from the WaPoo.
This is a WaPo article, so I wonder what real, professional journalists would have written?
I do think Trump was wrong to place so much of the burden all on Pence.
All along, Trump should have been thinking more about his post-presidential strategy, which I thought was just as if not more promising than remaining in office the next four years.
Shorter WAPO: All these unnamed people said all these horrible things.
More WaPo bullshit from anonymous ghosts. Trump has always been surrounded by swamprats.
Just one more indication this was a planned set-up.
I totally dismissed this idea, even the Antifa aspect as of last night. Today, I've seen too much evidence to indicate it's more likely than not.
And no, I don't give a rat's ass about being called a "conspiracy theorist".
Simone@WAPO: My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who heard some people talking about removing Trump through the 25th Amendment. I guess it's pretty serious.
IOW - who will rid us of this Orange pestilence?
Romney magicpants? pinchnose Pence?
I got as far as ""Fearful that Trump could take actions resulting in further violence and death ..." before I thought to ask, "Which collection of lying liars who always lie is this lie quoted from? WaPo, or NYT?"
The answer was not far to seek.
Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
Smite flat the thick rotundity o' the world!
Crack nature's moulds, an germens spill at once,
That make ingrateful man!
Can we have some empathy for Trump? The election was stolen from him and he's upset and said some things he shouldn't have.
This 25th Amendment gambit is totally crazy.
What I'm really worried about is that Trump won't bomb Iran's nuke facility at Fordor. We can't let Iran get a nuke bomb. Biden will do nothing.
Amazing how no cops ever fired on protesters in 2020. Happy new year!
The usual horseshit from the Washington Post.
I do wonder how Althouse selects which reported facts to believe and which to reject. I think the WP is used only as conversational stimulant here.
It appears that the congress critters may have been evacuated by the time the lady was shot.
If true, that means they were "shooting to kill" just to protect property.
Question 1: Does the entity that owns the Capitol have more or less capacity to rebuild their property in the event of a total loss, relative to a small business owner?
Question 2: After answering question 1, explain to me why a small business owner DOES NOT have the right to shoot looters trespassing onto their property.
It is unbelievable to me what we have witnessed: an election with clear fraudulent activity and we are the bad ones for questioning it. My Senator, Mike Braun, cheered my heart when he joined the objectors to at least take a peek at the evidence. Then a so-called riot, likely infested with false flag Antifa operators, ending in one of our people, a woman, getting shot in cold blood by police ... and Braun now decides he won’t object It’s cowardice but much worse, it’s caving to the thugs, it’s paying the Dane-geld. What changed, Sen. Braun, concerning the fraud of an election.
The left has perfected the Dark Arts. We are witnessing the Soviet revolution, the Cultural Revolution of China, and every other dark left moment in history right here in our USA. I’d be frightened but I have my inner compass calibrated to a higher North Star.
Big Mike said...
Gullible Althouse believes what she reads in the Washington Post. Well bless your heart.
1/7/21, 9:12 AM
How do you deduce her opinion on this when she only posted a quotation without comment? My assumption was the opposite, considering previous posts about the unreliability of government sources when reporting on Trump.
Get used to it folks. Pravda has spoken.
Every problem over the next four years will be Trump's fault, just as all of his successes were due to Obama.
The gaslighting will continue until resistance becomes futile.
Washington Post, that’s funny.
You'd think if these DC reporters were really do concerned they would have outed these "concerned" administration leakers a long time ago. Named names.
Otherwise it just sounds like more disgruntled minor players.
But oh, no, muh sources...
AA why bother?
I wonder if Trump has started counting the strawberries yet.
Crooked Democrats and cowardly CYA Republicans, politicians.
So again, we're quoting the lying media about Trump using ANONYMOUS sources. Who cares? I didn't even read it. Its just the same crap they've been spewing for 4 years. If you believe what the NYT/WaPo writes about Trump - after 4 years of proven fakery and lies - I don't know what to say, except maybe you shouldn't be allowed by your relatives to handle money or sharp objects without supervision.
I agree, Trump's behavior was insane. It's to the credit of 99.9% of MAGA's to show complete restraint peacefully protesting. On top of that, the 0.1% who went rogue over the line criminal did not devolve into violence.
This is a credit to the cops and the invaders.
Only one violent death likely due to crappy cop training is a tragic but did not devolve into wider violence.
I wonder if letting them in made the prospect of open violence less than confrontation in the open? I don't suggest that was planned that way.
WaPoo certainly got the Russia investigation right. Their sources are gold-plated.
Based on experience, anyone who believes a story like this from WaPoo is a gullible fool.
I don’t believe a single word Althouse reads in WaPoo.
Gee, I thought the selection of Merrick Garland for AG would heal us!!! How could I have been so wrong?
rehajm @ 9:13
Yeah - the democrat party and the media promoted brownshirt nazi antifa thuggery.
It's Trump against the news media.
By the way, you don’t have to read WaPoo to get Trump’s awfulness over the last month. Just listen to him.
Which kid will Trumpco going to run in 2024? Will POTUS pit Ivanka and Jared versus Jr and Evita ratings gold as part of his new media venture?
Pence’s letter set exactly the right tone. Read it. That is how our republic should conduct its affairs. DJT is destroying his own usefulness and power.
Special Guest Star... Gavin Newsome
Anonymous sources are multiplying zeroes.
The Washington Post has repeatedly lied to me for the past four plus years. They have no credibility. Name names and/or provide evidence or it didn't happen, and if you do provide actual evidence beyond gossip provide full context or you are lying.
Oh well.
Piling on. Fifteen-yard penalty on WAPO.
"One administration official described Trump’s behavior Wednesday as that of 'a total monster,' while another said the situation was 'insane' and 'beyond the pale.'"
They talk like he has weaponized the FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, etc. against the new incoming administration or something! Oh, wait. That was the other guy. All he did was ask for calm and for people to go home. THE MONSTER!
The Democrats are crooked because they know they can be crooked and get away it, the Republicans are cowardly because they know that they will be condemned if they don't go along to get along. Why? Because we don't have a fair and unbiased media to hold both political parties accountable.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet(Trump) in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.
Maxine Waters. Did Chuckie and Georgie have her on their serious news shows to rebuke the remarks?
If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl.
Was Captain Zero called on to condemn his remarks? Did the media even pause to think what he said? Nope, they were admiring his neatly pressed pants.
So, spare me.
This is what the Wapoop is saying happened at the White House. Well, we should know what the Poop is claiming because there are those who believe the Wapoop. But The DC PooperScooper, like Inga, has stated its policy: to only listen to and to only present one side. So, that's what this is: what the left wants said - collected and presented with complete disregard for the right. Is that the path to truth or reconciliation? Persuasion?
PS The WaPoop in its one side reporting isn't criticizing the DC government for the fact that DC can't either open its schools for in-person or get virtual classrooms for all going. (Mentions that two sides are "struggling", yes; criticizes unconscionable failure to educate in DC, no.) So, if you think one-sided reporting licking the left's jackboots is a way to social justice - no
The democrat party is corrupt.
No amount of Trump strangeness will ever change that.
Then a so-called riot, likely infested with false flag Antifa operators
Naah. It couldn't have been Antifa, because if it was (1) they would've burned the Capitol down, not just invaded it and (2) the press coverage would've been much more positive.
Say her name. Ashli Babbitt.
The idea or notion that Pence could save Trump from the left's fraud.
No - he could not. Trump should not have placed Pence in the position to be a super hero. It was not possible.
Ignore voters at your peril. This is a lesson that all Politicians should maybe heed. Obama ignoring rural America begat the Trump Presidency. The Press Narrative that Trump was hostile towards Blacks (when in fact he engineered a great increase in their unemployment) together with the continued killing of Blacks by Police in Democratic Stronghold cities -- that is, that Black concerns about racist behavior being ignored -- begat BLM and those riots. Now, Democratic -- and media, but I repeat myself -- attempts to paper over (i.e., ignore) concerns about voting has helped to fuel things happening in DC.
Trump was very good at appearing to listen to voters who are routinely ignored. Who will listen to them now?
That'll be the day when I feel sorry for Donald Trump. He's filthy stinking rich, has a hot wife and pretty decent kids. He probably wants to Get Even, but must also know that living well is the best revenge.
More anonymous stories?
Instead of writing up some comments here I would suggest you go watch a replay of Scott Adams live stream on YouTube today. It is one of his best ever and addresses a lot of the issues this article raises.
For Neil Young:
[Jake Tapper and Bezo’s ] comin'
We're finally on our own
This summer I hear the drummin'
[One] dead in [Washington]
Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are gunning us down
Should have been done long ago
What if you knew her and
Found her dead on the ground?
How can you run when you know?
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
Glenn R. asks:
“Does anyone think there wouldn’t have been riots if Trump had been declared the winner?”
I suppose it’s possible that Trump didn’t say those things, that he didn’t say Pence stabbed him in the back, or that his people were peaceful and wouldn’t riot. But my question for the Trump loyalists is this: What is your reaction if he did say those things?
Consider both lenses through which the events of yesterday can be viewed:
Through the lens that a presidential election may have been stolen, and no court would hear the evidence, the riot was a somber warning of how political party shenanigans can lead to insurrection. In the shadows of Russia Gate and a fraudulent impeachment, stealing an election via election fraud is a bridge too far and the institutions that backstop election integrity failed.
If you believe the election was valid, with no substantial credible allegations of fraud, then the assault on Congress looks surreal. But that lens ignores the facts in my view.
If Pence, McConnell, and McCarthy agree to invocation of the 25th Amendment, he’s gone. President Trump’s term of office would expire before Congress is required to vote and in the meantime Pence would be Acting President.
Actually Scott Adams live stream rebroadcast may not be on YouTube today due to a technical issue. However, it is on Periscope and May also be available later on Rumble.
Meanwhile, the stock market continues its upper trajectory. I'll take what I can get while it lasts.
"Which kid will Trumpco going to run in 2024? Will POTUS pit Ivanka and Jared versus Jr and Evita ratings gold as part of his new media venture?"
Says the poster who supported and probably voted for the corrupt, Stepford wife of the most corrupt, sex offender to ever occupy the Oval Office, and who is floating the name of her incompetent, trust fund daughter as a future politician.
Howard supports any political dynasty his Democrat masters tell him to.
I don't believe any of this reporting on what aides or insiders said happened.
Is there any lasting doubt that Trump is a complete political outsider with no support from either party? The Republicans didn't want him in 2016, but couldn't figure out how to keep him from the nomination. Once elected they clearly, though politically craftily, subverted as much of what he wanted to do as possible, while allowing him to do the things that benefited them. Approaching this election the GOP did nothing to minimize or reduce the cratering of the economy that the government response to the pandemic caused to happen. As the Democrats manipulated and changed voting laws to favor a Biden win, the GOP complained but did nothing. Save for guys like Cruz and Hawley, the GOP all but abandoned Trump after the election.
Trump's political naivete allowed him to trust people he couldn't, and to be undermined and politically stabbed in the back. In other words, he fucked up, he trusted them.
Well, the Washington Post.....
An interesting hypothetical... What if Napoleon had B52s at Waterloo? The election stolen, (just like in 1960), covered with a pillow, until dead. But Trump didn't puss out. Nor will the %60 of America. Best served cold.
3 things the media/politicians will not mention:
1) The reason for the protest.
2) The dead woman.
3) The pipe bombs at the RNC.
And for the coup de grace they impeach him so as to prevent him from running in 2024.
Do you get crayons with the subscription to the Washington Post?
Well, now the usual erudite “journalists” can write their 37th and 38th “Impeach & Remove!” and “25th Amendment!” pieces — because only having 36 of those in your portfolio isn’t impressive enough.
Blow. Me.
David Begley @ 9:48:
"Say her name. Ashli Babbitt."
Word. Alternative formulation (stolen from "Atlas Shrugged"): "Who was Ashli?"
MountainMan said...
Actually Scott Adams live stream rebroadcast may not be on YouTube today due to a technical issue. However, it is on Periscope and May also be available later on Rumble.
You can access it through his twitter feed.
A forceful statement. https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/424512/
I agree, with one caveat. Biden is still worse on this. The antifa riots were much more violent, and Biden's eventual perfunctory statement of disapproval came much slower than Trump's. Biden also stoked the fire with lies and inflammatory statements. When he could be found. Trump should apologize and resign. So should Biden.
You think the military will want to follow Joe into the next (inevitable) war?
Sounds familiar. Haven't we heard highly placed officials discussed about his removal on day 1? Turned out the snitch was not high enough to be in the building if such discussions ever took place.
WaPo must have a few of these "highly placed secret sauces (sources?)" in their pantry, ready to sprinkle on any old piece of trash.
Their votes didn't count, who could blame them?
Liars. They have lied to us for years. They pushed a Russian Hoax coup that failed. Both houses. People wonder why Trump didn't trust anybody but his family?? He was an outsider, and he didn't fit in. He wasn't in on the bribes and the other little ways the Congress makes millions off the backs of us. He opened up the books and gave us all a peek inside of the corrupt Congress that is stealing from us and our children. THEY are the traitors.
Pence is toast, Cotton as well.
--- They talk like he has weaponized the FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, etc. against the new incoming administration or something! Oh, wait. That was the other guy. All he did was ask for calm and for people to go home. THE MONSTER! [Todd]
They are drunk with their victory like the women Bacchantes. They will tear Pentheus Trump to pieces for his awfulness!
h said...
Well, the Washington Post.....
But it's not the Washington Post. I started seeing reports of 25th Amendment action at 4 p.m. yesterday from several media outlets and ramped up as the evening wore on.
It's co-ordinated.
The collective left encouraged and ignored all of the violence by leftwing Nazi Antifa brownshirts.
This is a fact.
Imagine if the Right had done this. And not just on one day, but for months.
You cannot give me a coherent reason we shouldn't that doesn't rely on "it's okay when we do it".
I can believe some aids are ready to resign. After all, if you put in your two weeks notice now, what is the literal difference? Indeed, you can spin it whatever way you want years from now. Resigning is what usually happens at this point, except for Obama holdovers that wanted to interfere and "Resist" (notice how no one mentions the Resistance movement anymore, as if government employees were not openly admitting, without signing their names, to ignore the will of the voters).
As for impeachment talks, I can remember the same threats being made about W. He needed to be impeached for causing the collapse of the US economy.
And what did happen yesterday? A few windows broken. Nobody walked out to the Capitol carrying boxed televisions. Nothing was set on fire. No police were blinded by lasers. And the greatest act of violence was a Capitol police officer shooting an unarmed woman in the face. How does this compare to the George Floyd peaceful protests? How does this compare to the protests that ESPN was inciting yesterday after the ruling in Kenosha, WI? Trump told people to go home yesterday. ESPN demanded more protests for Jacob Blake yesterday.
I bet this weekend, you can walk the streets of DC, and if you find any shops boarded up; it will be because of BLM/Antifa, and not because of anything that happened yesterday. Yet, the WaPo will still claim it is Trump creating the violence. In two weeks, you will have the government you deserve and they will be acting as you have begged them to do so.
Personally, I think all this piling on of Trump is mob-like behavior and not a very pretty sight. It's usually a good thing to resist the urge to run with the crowd, except when the stock market is going up and even then it's best to be aware.
Trump sent out a tweet telling everyone to home home in peace. Twitter censored it. Then suspended him.
Trump went outside, in front of cameras, and told everyone to go home. Facebook banned the video.
Seriously. What would be the effect of a joint conference at which they both resign? It’s impossible of course. Neither man has the moral stuffing or the patriotism.
If calling for peace can get me banned on Facebook, I guess I really can't say much any more there.
It has become quite clear that Althouse's insistence that the Washington Post, NYTs etc are credible sources...she view us Trump supporting commentators as deplorables. But...we help make the blog unique and interesting. Many come to view the comments vs. the posts. We all know that.
It's how Madison views the rest of Wisconsin, except when they want to use minorities in inner city Milwaukee for their political gain.
Trump was betrayed. So were the 75 Million that voted for him that had their franchise stripped via voter fraud that Althouse knows is very real.
Browndog wrote
"Trump sent out a tweet telling everyone to home home in peace. Twitter censored it. Then suspended him.
'Trump went outside, in front of cameras, and told everyone to go home. Facebook banned the video.'
There is no truth but Hive truth, comrade.
Browndog, he didn't stop after saying that.
He kept going with the election lies. They don't need to broadcast the President lying to the nation about the election he lost.
1. My FB feed was filled with people yesterday stating that if they weren't all white they'd all be dead by now. I just shook my head remembering federal buildings being firebombed for days and weeks on end in multiple states by those aligned with the left and quite often not white.
2. If there were actual journalism standards anymore, this type of article would be publicly derided and the authors and editors relegated to minor local rags. Completely anonymous and often sourced to literally 3rd hand accounts of former admin officials (why are they former perhaps?) who may or may not have actually heard from current admin officials on what the Presidents doing or saying and may or may not be putting their own spin on it. Or maybe don't exist. Who knows.
Matt, keep denying the rest of his video.
Its not like there's video evidence showing that's not all he said.
Denying reality is a bad look, even on you.
As you said last night, Ann: it will take awhile to sort this out. It’s not going to happen today. Probably not on Jan. 21 either.
Has Facebook done anything about Stacey Abrams claims she really won and is the real governor or all of the fake Russia claims, or the occasional Gore/Clinton whines that they really won their elections? No. Because Facebook only hates Trump and agrees with Abrams, Gore, Clinton and the Russian hoaxers. I don't like Trump, but I think he should be treated the same as other people who likewise have issues with how elections were resolved.
Insane, yes. His conduct hurt the GOP in Georgia, undermines him and his claims of fraud, complicates any further impact he might have had after this month, and taints anything he might have claimed as an accomplishment.
Monstrous, no. Unlike lefties, he never condoned violence or took Dem-like action to undermine the system--nor could he, since he has in effect been powerless for some time.
I'm not denying he said more -- but if anyone pretends he tried to instigate violence when he clearly didn't, they're liars.
Is this the 87th or 287th time they cried wolf ... I forgot.
Again: I'm not a fan of Trump or riots, even the ones yesterday. But the lack of consistency from the left, and the rather quickly disturbing sudden turn to calling people treasonous and calling for the wholesale shooting of protesters by police suddenly by the left, media, and even some people on the right, is disturbing. The fact that the left would so quickly go fascist dictator should be disturbing to everyone. The moment they could be the boot stamping on the face, they'll take it, and I have no confidence Biden will be the one to try and stop people like Pelosi and others from doing it.
I have deleted a comment which quoted a comment by a certain LLR, since Meadehouse zapped the original.
Will the capital police officer who shot an unarmed woman be fired and tried for murder? The MSM is sure glossing over this killing.
TreeJoe....Former Acting CIA Deep Stater Michael Morell jumped on the 'there would be lots of dead bodies if BLM did this" bandwagon. I wonder where all those bodies are from this summer??https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2021/01/07/former-acting-cia-director-michael-morell-has-no-doubt-if-capitol-protesters-had-been-blm-dozens-and-dozens-would-be-dead-video/
Dave Begley: "What I'm really worried about is that Trump won't bomb Iran's nuke facility at Fordor. We can't let Iran get a nuke bomb. Biden will do nothing."
Oh, Biden will do something alright.
He will move to fully assist the Iranians in their developing nukes that threaten Israel while simultaneously Biden will return to the obama/Biden policy of making Israel a pariah state while also simultaneously attempting to break up the growing Israel/Sunni Arab alliance in order to empower Iran regionally.
The clear plan for the democraticals/globalists always has been reducing the US to a vassal state under more direct EU influence, the eventual destruction of Israel so the persians return to Middle East dominance, and an ascendant China powered by their big tech allies. Sort of a tri-polar world.
When you read the globalists statemebts and organization website you understand that they truly believe under their dominance conflict can be reduced, resources can be more equitably distributed, the global economy can be completely reordered to be more fair, education and healthcare can be more widely delivered, etc.
They really do believe that and now they are probably in a dominant enough position in terms of govt and communications/govt control to give this utopian vision a real shot.
Of course, it will collapse because the globalists idea that they can bring the ChiComs and mullahs around to a civilized world view is almost hysterically amusingly naive.
"Trump sent out a tweet telling everyone to home home in peace. Twitter censored it. Then suspended him.
"Trump went outside, in front of cameras, and told everyone to go home. Facebook banned the video."
I won't defend the censorship. That's bad, period.
But I don't see how you can defend what Trump has said and done here. He egged the crowd on, fed them ridiculous conspiracy stories, and then when they act out the anger he's fed, he says "Go home but you're wonderful." They're not wonderful. They are criminals rioters.
Watch the media endorse political violence from Antifa
time.com says:
Ferguson: In Defense of Rioting
"VOTE: Should the Ferguson Protestors Be TIME’s Person of the Year?"
(Note the switch from "riot" to "protest")
I changed a few words of time's pro-rioting article to apply their logic to the Washington situation: Washington: In Defense of Rioting
Removing President Trump would lead to a much higher level of violence.
It would have my complete support.
Althouse shamelessly quoted: ...senior administration officials were discussing Wednesday night whether the Cabinet might invoke the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to force him out, said a person involved in the conversations....
Who exactly are these nameless cowards too afraid to be named?
Welcome to the USCCP comrades...
Pravda operating at full capacity...
Please don’t be late for today’s 2 minutes hate, Winston.
Hasn't everyone read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"???
You'd think the Whappoo would come up with a new story, but no, it's the same old same old:
"Trump total monster insane beyond the pale fearful Trump violence and death mortified anger incompetence prop Trump false fraud fragile volatile rioters paralyzing condemn marauders."
As VP Pence had no legal choice to refuse to fulfill the VP's role.
He did have a choice to resign as VP because he could not, in good conscience, participate in the fraud.
He chose poorly.
Howard said...
Which kid will Trumpco going to run in 2024? Will POTUS pit Ivanka and Jared versus Jr and Evita ratings gold as part of his new media venture?
What a sick, pathetic fuck.
Blogger Browndog said...
Just one more indication this was a planned set-up.
I totally dismissed this idea, even the Antifa aspect as of last night. Today, I've seen too much evidence to indicate it's more likely than not.
And no, I don't give a rat's ass about being called a "conspiracy theorist".
1/7/21, 9:24 AM
Regarding 'conspiracy': I listened to the radio (XM) this morning. The Founder of Black Lives Matter was given the floor. I listened. He said a couple of things of importance:
He repeated multiple times "If the protest was not a setup...";
There is a common enemy of both democrats and the republicans, and that is the government.
Blogger Chuck said...
Blogger Ken B said...
Chuck “ This comments page is a real tribute to you, Althouse”
Fuck you Chuck. No one is responsible for the likes of Achilles except themselves.
“Comments are moderated. Always. Too bad, but that's the way it goes. You'll have to wait to see your comments published. There's no viewpoint moderation. We just need to exclude a few trolls.”
They are coming to get their last chance to take him out, so many sharks circling the water. You'll see those who played like they were all in on the Trump agenda now asking for their piece of scalp, hoping to be treated kindly by those in the media and Dem Party.
Watch and remember who does what here. That they cannot let this man sit out his last two weeks and walk away is as disgusting as anything I saw yesterday. They have not let up on removing him since November 2016. He worked hard for everyone in America. He's done now. He's wounded himself. Let him go in peace.
Trump speaks https://youtu.be/4t4YiXWPBpo
Are there any names attached to these supposed officials?
If not, it's a lie.
Will you be nice if they give their names?
"As VP Pence had no legal choice to refuse to fulfill the VP's role.
He did have a choice to resign as VP because he could not, in good conscience, participate in the fraud.
He chose poorly."
Pence has behaved well and honorably. A good man.
I wonder where all those bodies are from this summer??
Medical examiner identifies body found in burned pawn shop in Minneapolis
Adults are responsible for their own behavior.
No one forced anyone to believe in Trump’s conspiracy theories. Trump doesn’t believe them.
The media are as culpable as anyone for any 'violence' that occurred after four years of bashing a popular President and disrespecting those who support him. And I'm sure they are secretly enjoying the results. For now.
At least COVID was not the main story yesterday.
"Pence has behaved well and honorably. A good man."
Best thing to come out of this mess.
Mark Zuckerberg, Google, big media, et al., are now running the US and we are moving into a situation where freedom of speech is actually gone. Democrats are moving quickly to eliminate anyone who speaks about the fraudulent 2020 election as a threat to the state. They even want to get rid of Trump in the next two weeks. We witnessed how corrupt the political system is last night where people who had principled opposition to election irregularities decided, oh nevermind. "There's no point in saying anything" then transforms into nothing even happened.
People do know what happened and yet are OK with it because the system must go on. I guess some are really terrified about what Trump might do in the next two weeks? Others in the administration who live in the world of politics are also terrified and leaving quickly to separate themselves so they will be able to find jobs.
The left controls the "system" now and this is only the beginning. It's creepy but also it will be interesting to watch how things change or not. The so called 11 million undocumented aliens in the US will probably be revealed as 30-40 million -- and it will be interesting to see how Biden/Harris deal with that, for example. And the explosion of immigration from refugees, how will Biden deal with that? Of course he and his family will not be affected, they live in gated enclaves.
I wish I had confidence in the Dem's ability to govern but their ideal seems to be a government that takes care of people. When people are totally dependent on the government for their lives they are easily controlled. Having power over people is very seductive to those in charge who wish to be important. So hopefully there are enough people who want to be free and not completely dependent on the government to keep the country going.
Trump spoke honestly about the election steal in certain swing states and that is not allowed because some people got angry and acted out. Better that we don't talk about it. Next, punish anyone who does.
@Mary Beth (9:34), Althouse posted it. She didn’t explicitly say she doesn’t believe it. Therefore she believes it. She lost the benefit of doubt with me when it became clear that she didn’t care a rat’s ass about poor people struggling to get ahead in life as long as she’s got hers.
"What is your reaction if he did say those things?"
I would be disappointed. I would not be entirely surprised. Some of Trump's critics have claimed he is thin-skinned. They might be right.
Trump as president has done some things I liked and approved of over the years. There is no contradiction between liking someone's work achievements while disapproving of their demeanor. Richard Nixon evoked similar frustrations and concerns in many of his suppporters.
I have a problem with the lying news media. They have told enough demonstrable lies about Trump that I trust none of their reporting on him. And Twitter and Facebook have just been despicable.
wendybar is right. Trump's two-part problem was 1) he "stepped out of his lane" (where he was generally successful and well-liked) by running for president, and 2) he ran as a Republican. And for those "crimes" and his 2016 triumph he was mauled like a lion who has strayed into another pride's territory.
If we "Trump supporters" need anything, it's a candidate who combines Trump's combative spirit with the charm of a Ronald Reagan or John Kennedy. Good luck finding someone like that.
Mark said...
Matt, keep denying the rest of his video.
Its not like there's video evidence showing that's not all he said.
If you're talking about Trump saying in his video statement there was election fraud, here's what Mark (and the Twitter narrative) misses, that Trump gets: empathy.
The worst thing for Trump could have done at that moment was NOT acknowledge their legitimate grievances while asking them to remain peaceful and stand down.
Had Trump given the impression that even he had abandoned their cause, the potential for violence would have been much greater.
Yet, Trump's opponent are so invested in being proven "right" at the expense of Trump supporters, above all else, they can't see that simple dynamic of human nature.
If we "Trump supporters" need anything, it's a candidate who combines Trump's combative spirit with the charm of a Ronald Reagan or John Kennedy. Good luck finding someone like that.
@Bob, he, or more likely she, is out there.
Rosalyn C @11:35, Yep. I expect my Google account to be yanked any day now.
People will follow someone after Trump. That’s what followers do.
"The media are as culpable as anyone for any 'violence' that occurred after four years of bashing a popular President and disrespecting those who support him. And I'm sure they are secretly enjoying the results. For now."
Not so secretly, they're gleefully happy to be reporting and exaggerating the "violence."
Please, don’t be like #FakeNewsMedia, don’t rush to judgment on assault on Capitol. Wait for investigation. All may not be (and likely is not) what appears. Evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics.
Evidence follows: [No evidence was provided, just Mo's limited worldview]
Incredibly, he failed to consider Trump's addressing the rioters before the coup attempt and he seems unaware that trespasser Ashli Babbitt, before her death by gunshot inside the Capitol, had used social media to express fervent support for President Trump and echo many of the president’s conspiracy theories and false claims of mass voter fraud.
Stupid people like Congressman Brooks need to resign immediately.
Interesting historical note: LLR-lefty and marxist dem-endorsing Chuck was banned from Althouse in part for being a proven psychotic liar.
Lets see what our banned commenter and proven liar Chuck writes next about "blog moderation". It should be interesting....
Myself, I think yesterday's events were a refreshing whiff of grapeshot directed at our corrupt Political Masters in both parties.
We have the Constitution's 2nd amendment for a reason.
If violence is never "the answer" why is it "in there"?
Dopey ideas have dopey consequences.
Gadfly an ex FBI agent reported he saw a bus load of antifa thugs unloads.
We also know 2 pipe bombs and a cooler with explosives were found by law enforcement. These things were in place long before any comments by President Trump, who has never suggested anyone riot.
Evidence is there, though you choose to turn a blind eye. Carry on.
Earnest Prole: "Dopey ideas have dopey consequences."
But those ideas do not necessarily have any negative political consequences if the dopey idea party completely controls the electoral mechanisms, the law enforcement and intelligence agencies as well as all the major media and communications channels.
And that's what we have now which is a unique moment for this nation....but was and is the norm for every non-free nation in history.
I hope Achilles is wrong about our descent into a low-trust society, although I can't quibble with the political theory/science behind his prediction, or his take on our current state. Trump has been living in a low-trust world for a while now, and his aides and other subordinates are a snakepit. Nepotism is ugly, but he really can't trust anybody outside a very small circle of mostly related people.
Oh, and here's Biden making a statement, calling the Capital protesters domestic terrorists, mischaracterizing the protestors complaints and behavior as well as Trump's, praising the judiciary for their integrity, crediting them with rescuing our democracy. That's not going to help matters at all: it's rubbing our faces in it. Nope, he's trying to make a Nostradomus of Achilles.
What a sad man, senile and addled and willing to say anything his people put in front of him. He no longer displays an emotional range, so he just seems like he's yelling when he goes for emphasis or feeling. I don't think he was ever a nice guy, but the idea that he's some kind of nice guy follows him around for some reason. Anyway, to the extent that he's got agency in all of this, fuck him for that speech, which is pouring fuel on the fire although it is unsurprising given that his whole campaign is based on a scurrilous lie.
From the Declaration of Independence:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
As I've said before, we need a divorce to prevent a civil war. Let's work on it. Who would make a good divorce attorney?
mockturtle, that's secesh talk.
"I wish I had confidence in the Dem's ability to govern but their ideal seems to be a government that takes care of people.
If that were true, why do increasing numbers of Californians shit in the street while their rulers eat ice cream out of freezers that cost more than cars?
Pelosy just called to invoke the 25th Amendment on Trump, if that fails to go on and impeach. They better hurry up.
What happens when they finally knock Trump off the stage, or he takes his exit willingly, and not only do the deplorables not fall into line, but they actually do get rowdy? Who will the Ingas scapegoat then? Kanye?
daskol: A divorce is NOT secession. Allen West
@Bob, he, or more likely she, is out there.
Ted Cruz, who would have won the nomination in 2016 had the GOP not been Never-Cruz before they were Never-Trump. Cruz did the same thing in Texas, knocking off the established David Dewhurst. They hated Cruz so much, they supported last place Catshit, who everyone knew would lose to Trump, rather then help Cruz, who was a just few points behind. And while the establishment gave the final finger to Trump yesterday, it was Cruz who stood up and offered a middle ground.
It's all anonymous bullshit. Make up a storyline - add some nameless aides and officials - and run with it.
What garbage.
But my question for the Trump loyalists is this: What is your reaction if he did say those things?
That I don't care?
What do I win?
"What is your reaction if he did say those things?"
Why the hypotheticals?
"Pelosy just called to invoke the 25th Amendment on Trump, if that fails to go on and impeach. They better hurry up."
-- I mean, they've been calling for that for years. So... I really don't see why we should take them seriously. They wanted it back when they thought Russia stole 2016.
Elaine Chao
Ms. Chao, the transportation secretary, announced her resignation on Twitter on Thursday, becoming the first cabinet member to do so. The unrest at the Capitol, she wrote, “deeply troubled me in a way that I simply cannot set aside.” Ms. Chao, whose resignation is effective on Monday, is married to Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader.
Mick Mulvaney
Mr. Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s former acting chief of staff, resigned as special envoy to Northern Ireland on Wednesday night, saying he “can’t stay” after watching the president encourage the mob that overtook the Capitol complex.
In an interview with CNBC on Thursday morning, Mr. Mulvaney said he called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday night and told him: “I can’t do it. I can’t stay.”
Mr. Mulvaney praised administration officials who defended Vice President Mike Pence, who oversaw the tallying of the votes that certified Mr. Biden’s victory despite pressure from Mr. Trump. Mr. Mulvaney said he anticipated that there would be more resignations. “Those who choose to stay, and I have talked with some of them, are choosing to stay because they’re worried the president might put someone worse in,” he said.
On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Mulvaney, who was named acting chief of staff in 2018, wrote on Twitter: “The President’s tweet is not enough. He can stop this now and needs to do exactly that. Tell these folks to go home.”
Matthew Pottinger
Mr. Pottinger has been Mr. Trump’s deputy national security adviser since 2019. He was formerly the administration’s Asia director on the National Security Council, and was known for his on-the-ground experience in China, where he advised Mr. Trump during his meeting with President Xi Jinping in 2017. Mr. Pottinger has resigned, a person familiar with the events said on Thursday.
John Costello
Mr. Costello, one of the country’s most senior cybersecurity officials, resigned Wednesday, telling associates that the violence on Capitol Hill was his “breaking point” and, he hoped, “a wake up call.”
Tyler Goodspeed
Mr. Goodspeed, the acting chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, resigned on Thursday, citing Mr. Trump’s incitement of the mob that stormed the Capitol. “The events of yesterday made my position no longer tenable,” he said in an interview, after informing the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, of his decision.
Stephanie Grisham
Ms. Grisham, the former White House press secretary who served as chief of staff to Melania Trump, the first lady, submitted her resignation on Wednesday after the violence at the Capitol. She had worked for the Trumps since the 2016 campaign and was one of their longest-serving aides.
Rickie Niceta
Melania Trump chose Ms. Niceta, a former Washington event planner who helped coordinate Mr. Trump’s inaugural celebrations, as her social secretary in 2017. Ms. Niceta has said she was resigning, according to an administration official familiar with her plans who was not authorized to speak publicly.
Sarah Matthews
Ms. Matthews, a deputy White House press secretary, submitted her resignation on Wednesday, saying in a statement that she was “deeply disturbed by what I saw today.”
Cowards all, at best. Corrupt self-serving swamp creatures most likely.
The shooting death of Ashli Babbitt should raise a lot of questions. There is a video that shows a man stepping out from the left side of the hall of the Speaker's Lobby with a raised gun. He shoots Ashli who is climbing through the window on the right side of the hall. He does not identify himself, he does not warn, he does not with stand in front of her other officers saying go back. She may never have known he was there. He just shoots from the side and kills her. Probably he not the Capitol Police who never operate that way. Nor do any police. He might be an employee of Speaker Pelosi since he's inside her office. But why is he armed? Is he a personal bodyguard? Shouldn't Speaker Pelosi explain presence of the armed man who shot an unarmed woman without warning in her office?
I was sceptical about Trump in 2016 -- I thought he'd turn out to be a NYC liberal "Republican" -- but I was wrong. He did a very good job as President, and I enthusiastically supported his reelection. Did the Democrats steal the 2020 election? Probably. Can we do anything about it? No. He could have left office as a successful President, whose opinions would have been entitled to respect. And when (as is likely) the next Administration screws up, his voice would have been heard. Not now. Sending his supporters to the Capitol to protest? OK, protest is part of democracy, even in a lost cause. But when the protest turned into a riot, when some protesters broke into the Capitol they became rioters, that all changed. That was the time for Trump to disassociate himself from the riot and call on the rioters to stand down. He waited too long to do that. He was indecisive, uninvolved, not a leader. I don't think even the undoubted screw-ups of the Biden-Harris administration will rehabilitate Trump as a serious political figure. And that's a loss for our country.
If you want love, get a dog. Trump doesn't have dogs.
@Eva: they are all resigning for the same reason they originally agreed to be in the Trump administration: it pays the bills now and in the future.
One of the biggest obstacles to meaningful dialogue today is that there is NO--I mean NO!--reliable source of information. Anywhere.
It seems to be evident by some photographs that a few NeoNazis and a QAnon activist showed up and were instigators of the worst of the offenses. But, again, no one reliable is telling us anything. We may never even learn who shot the woman. If they keep telling us that everything is 'still under investigation', it usually means that we will just go away and forget about it. Like who killed Jeffrey Epstein. Still under investigation.
Am I supposed to care about members of the administration feelz anymore than congress critters' feelz?
I don't give a rat's posterior about any of their feelz.
You actively destroyed millions' of peoples livelihoods on bullshit.
You supported the burning of cities.
You openly flouted the "rules" you used to oppress millions.
You stole from our future to throw dimes at US Citizens while pitching billions overseas.
You actively suppressed freedom of religion, freedom of speech and yes, freedom to peaceably assemble.
You supported violations of every single one of the Bill of Rights.
You stole elections.
I'm supposed to care?
If there were any justice in this former nation, you'd be all hanging.
See you from St. Kitt's.
Blogger mockturtle said...
One of the biggest obstacles to meaningful dialogue today is that there is NO--I mean NO!--reliable source of information. Anywhere
What? There's Wapo, NYT and New Yorker..with those cartoons!!
In her resignation letter, “There is no mistaking the impact your (Trump’s) rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me.” All just theater at this point, of course.
"Had Trump given the impression that even he had abandoned their cause, the potential for violence would have been much greater."
No one instigated violence more than Pence, who waited until just as Trump was speaking to announce that he would be completely screwing over his own voters.
He could have said that days earlier so that any other avenues could be pursued, but no. He helped as much as anyone to run out the clock, by deliberately extending hope that he knew would be false.
At any rate, yes, even Trump is abandoning the cause now.
And the potential for violence is much greater. I think a national work strike would send the right message using tactics that the Left can only hilariously decry, but not getting any interest in the idea which depresses the crap out of me.
(Go Hunter, Go Joseph..)
Quinn on Pence we agree. Coward.
He shoots Ashli who is climbing through the window on the right side of the hall.
You people are terrible hypocrites. If a homeowner shot an unarmed intruder crawling through his without warning you would be lauding him as a hero.
Wow! I'm offline for two days, and I miss the Storming of the Winter Palace and the Burning of the Reichstag.
It has kind of an orchestrated feel. Not that there was conspiracy or collusion, but if you knew how the dominos were set up, it wasn't hard to see what would happen if you knocked one over.
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