From "Proud Boys, Seizing Trump’s Call to Washington, Helped Lead Capitol Attack/Far-right group invoked the president’s rhetoric to build momentum toward violent showdown, a Wall Street Journal review shows" (Wall Street Journal, seemingly open to nonsubscribers).
January 17, 2021
"On Jan. 3, three days before the attack on the Capitol, Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the far-right organization known as the Proud Boys, shared a cryptic post..."
"... on the messaging app Telegram: 'What if we invade it?'
The message was sent to his more than 7,000 followers on the app, with the first reply reading 'January 6th is D day in America.'... [Messages on Parler, Telegram and Gab] show the group repeatedly invoking President Trump’s rhetoric in the weeks leading to the Jan. 6 protest.... On Parler, where the group’s official account had more than 340,000 followers before the platform went offline last week, Mr. Tarrio said on Dec. 29 that the Proud Boys would be able to put a thousand 'boots on the ground' and 'turn out in record numbers on Jan. 6.'
In December, after Mr. Trump tweeted about the Jan. 6 rally and said to 'be there, will be wild,' the Long Island chapter of the Proud Boys posted that Trump supporters have been 'waiting for the green light from the President.' 'Everyone who said "Mr. President, just say when?" He just did,' the post said.
The Proud Boys escalated their social-media activity and appeared emboldened after the Sept. 29 presidential debate... [in which] moderator Chris Wallace asked Mr. Trump if he would condemn white supremacists and militia groups. As part of his reply, the president said, 'Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.'
The response within the group... was euphoric.
On Parler, members shared designs for a T-shirt inspired by Mr. Trump’s comments. It read: 'Proud Boys standing by.'"
Quick, someone arrest Mara Liasson before the inauguration. We have to protect Biden.
Did WSJ go over activity on Twitter and Facebook during the same period?
some NPR asshole is comparing WWII allied troop invasion to Antifa?
That's insane.
Antifa break and burn businesses, smash things, burn things, hurt people, take over police stations and cause non-nonsensical mayhem.
The aim to ensure as many Trump supporters possible still doesn't target me and yet I feel the threat. Am I supposed to feel scared? I'm interested in knowing who is calling the shots regarding persecution in the coming years. Because I see that as a real problem.
How do the media define 'extremist group' and why is it applied only to the Right? Has Antifa ever been described as an extremist group? How about BLM? I reject their reality.
Yeah, right. That dude in the bison-head hat is a Proud Boy. They must have been smoking Igna's stash.
All summer when discussing Proud Boys and other groups like them, people here have played them down, tried to make them out to be few and far between. We now see how right I was and wrong you Trumpists were.
New 12 minute video out from the New Yorker
It’s going to be very hard for you people to keep playing this shit down. I’m not a believer in demons, but seeing the horned man leading prayer in the House Chamber is chilling. It feels evil, the raised hands and fervor praying for death and destruction, that’s evil.
Am I missing something, but have any members of the Proud Boys been charged in the Capitol riot, much less found guilty? It's kind of hard for Tarrio to have been in the riot since he was banned from DC at the time.
From what the WSJ presents it seems like just a lot of talk. I know that the rule now is that when Lefties talk about committing riotous violence, it's a 1A issue & a "rage that cannot be denied", & when Righties do it, it's sedition.
WSJ has lost even the ed page relevance. Paul Gigot called for Trump to resign early.
So sad to see this. I quit my 35 year subscription a couple of years ago but still had respect for Gigot.
We know who some of the Antifa cadre were.
Perhaps we can take the anti-Trump bullshit on the “news” pages of this once fine paper when we see the names of one or more Proud Boys who have been charged and convicted in conjunction with the Capitol breach. Meanwhile we will have to be satisfied with the BLM/Antifa Democrat Brownshirts who are being charged.
Even more important will be the publication of Trump’s words actually exhorting folks to violence as opposed to some dipshit journolista’s account of the supposed reaction of unnamed “extremists” to his comments.
Are their any mainstream journalists who are not erstwhile graduates of some Lenin re-education journalism center?
Selective journalistic enforcement. Did anyone check what was on Facebook, Twitter, gmail?
Or how about cell phones? Or street corners? People talk on street corners, let’s shut those down.
Enrique Tarrio -- not a White guy. Not even an "Anglo."
A lot of stuff coming out about him now.
How do we know that it isn't all Russian disinformation?
I must ask my contacts in the ex-CIA, which is even more well-informed and devilishly competent than the actual CIA.
Wait, the leader of the proud boys is named Enrique?
I was sort of expecting Tyler or Chad or something.
I guess asking Joe about his checks from China is out of the question?
Inga said...
New 12 minute video out from the New Yorker
I hope they use that video to arrest and convict as many of the people as possible who were in the Capitol illegally.
Including, of course, the journalist who recorded that video, and who had no more right to be there than anyone else.
The worst part of the proud boys is that they don't let women join.
Even the boy scouts came around eventually.
Wait, the leader of the proud boys is named Enrique?
He's also black. Cuban heritage, I believe.
Wait, the leader of the proud boys is named Enrique?
I was sort of expecting Tyler or Chad or something.
A [White] Hispanic. There are also White Blacks, White Asians (excluding Russians). And so on and so forth. That said, under a diversity model, a baby is a Fetal-American for purposes of social distancing and profit.
If "proud boys" did some or most of the damage - they did more to harm Trump and their own supposed cause. Morons.
(btw - the guy who broke the first window -that was Mr. Sullivan - an Antifa.)
just sayin'
I don't trust the MSM to report honestly about any of this.
hombre said... Even more important will be the publication of Trump’s words actually exhorting folks to violence as opposed to some dipshit journolista’s account of the supposed reaction of unnamed “extremists” to his comments.
You are cancelled for failing to believe the Left's interpretation of Trump's words.
Do not believe your own ears or use your own judgment. Believe your masters. It works for the Bedpan Commando
Including, of course, the journalist who recorded that video, and who had no more right to be there than anyone else.
Yes, the dozens, including the Some, Select Black Lives Matter agitator and CNN JournoList, and, if precedent is a guide, likely others. This will not soon be lost in a black hole... whore h/t NAACP. #BabyLivesMatter
A [White] Hispanic.
Meant sarcastically, I know. Still, it is worth noting that he is darker skinned than, for instance, Barack Obama and Kamala Harris. And vastly darker in complexion than Rachel Dolezal or Sean King.
We have leftist memes such as Trump ALWAYS lies and Qanon is a VIOLENT conspiracy without any clear examples. Biden's lies and Democrat conspiracy theories are pretty obvious but ignored. Our betters tell us what to think and NOT to think for ourselves.
Some of the lefties here are just playing the game to be trolls, but our resident moron sincerely believes what she is told to believe.
It is a Brave New World we are living in.
Denial in full force.
You guys must be proud of that New Yorker video.
"Mr. Tarrio, who was banned from Washington, D.C., after being arrested in connection with the burning of a Black Lives Matter banner, wasn’t present at the rally. He has said he ordered his members not to storm the Capitol..."
from the link.
Well -they got the headline they wanted.
We on the right have lost. We cannot depend on the Justice Department, the intel community, the media, academia, Hollywood, Big Business, Tech, and even most churches to defend our viewpoint. Forget defend, they won’t allow us to state our views.
Dems are in the post-war raping and pillaging stage. Unity? Not so much.
Reading the comments at wsj is disturbing because the reporting is selective and slanted and by the amount and level of misinformation by Biden supporters. They say things like the Big Lie, referring to any questioning of the election irregularities, repeating what they've been fed by media.
The article at wsj is propaganda aimed at promoting an impeachment trial imo. I look at all of this and am reminded of the mob scenes in the Middle Ages and also what Justice Thomas said about a high tech lynching. There is no evidence so far of any effort at unifying the country. No, the Dem's are off to the races in destroying any credibility of any opposition. I can see that Ann has reason to worry about some trolls from the left coming here to destroy this forum.
Reading the comments at the wsj and on Twitter celebrating the appointments of the Biden administration (Buttigieg has a real fan club) and the promise of a new administration is an interesting thought experiment. They are all so happy.
I really don't know what Inga is referring to -- a couple hundred idiotic people don't represent the 75,000,000 who voted for Trump in 2020. How does she think that? Not rational. For example, Liberals have argued that you can't judge Islam by the actions of some extremists following a literal interpretation of the Koran but now they want to target and punish all Conservatives and Republicans and Trump supporting Independents?
I don't know much about the group Q or the Proud Boys or identify with anything I saw at the Capitol. They looked like a bunch of knuckedraggers who should never have been anywhere close to the doors, let alone given entrance.
I suggest you watch Scott Adams’ Periscope session today.
He’s scared.
For the first time, I’m thinking it might be a good idea to disappear from any online communication that connects me to you know who that can actually be traced back to me.
Six months of non-stop rioting by the left - aided and abetted by elected Democrats - and now I'm supposed to get upset about this?
It’s going to be very hard for you people to keep playing this shit down.
Fuck you. I don't care.
How's that?
The rules are that Democrats can organize, fund and direct paramilitary groups, i.e. Antifa and BLM, and Republicans can’t.
The Democrats intend to enforce this.
Their paramilitary groups are already in place. We got nothing.
The Democrats’ media arms are talking openly about punishing anybody who supported Trump.
Never forget. These are Inga's people.
Yes, those are Inga’s people.
And, it’s going to get a lot worse.
Did you catch her crowing today about NY’s AG driving the NRA out of NY with lawfare?
We had a whole year of violence countenanced by politicians and covered for by the press. It’s no surprise that nutjobs were going to get a sense that this kind of stuff was OK. After all, Antifa was throwing explosives into a Federal courthouse and no criticism of this was allowed.
They were even using blinding weapons banned by a treaty to which the United States is a signatory. They were committing war crimes and everybody looked the other way. America is way too full of nuts to just pretend that violence isn’t happening as long as you are OK with the violence, which is what happened the whole year.
I hope that everybody involved in leading this thing ends up in prison, but I have a feeling that prosecution is going to be very selective. During Trump’s inauguration there were riots and all charges were dropped. Do you think that maybe if those people had been charged, and that the people this summer had been charged, that the atmosphere would have been less incendiary.
It’s well known in ice hockey that when the ref lets stuff go, things get out of hand. That’s what happened here.
shouting thomas, I haven't listened to Mr. Adams today, but I am scared, too.
The online citadel seems fully manned to simply chop individuals down, all of us, if not in our actual lives, at least chopped down in what has become our most primary communications and our most precious and personal liberties.
Kind of stunned Althouse can be so calm. maybe i missed a few exemplary posts, but she seems too quiet and so that adds to my sober concern.
I went for a 2-hour walk with Mrs Stoughton Sconnie this AM, then (finally) put away the Ramahannakwanzmas decorations from outside, and have been watching football since then, so I’ve been away from the news today. How many state capitols have the right wing protesters burned down/taken over today? I have been reliably told by the media that there was an overwhelming threat.
"For the first time, I’m thinking it might be a good idea to disappear from any online communication that connects me to you know who that can actually be traced back to me.”
One of these days they are going to really build that quantum computer than can factor huge numbers nearly instantaneously, it’s gonna happen, the science is done, it’s just engineering now, and effective encryption is going to be a thing of the past, certainly everything encrypted today will be an open book. Which is why the ChiComs are working so hard on it.
Scott Adams thinks that what happened at the Capitol will lead to a crackdown on all political violence. His faith in equal justice under the law in this country is touching, I guess.
Bye bye Althouse.
During Trump’s inauguration there were riots and all charges were dropped. Do you think that maybe if those people had been charged, and that the people this summer had been charged, that the atmosphere would have been less incendiary.
Probably the same people. Equal opportunity rioters, like Portland and Berzerkley. Antifa officer there is a middle school teacher, like so many Antifa.
Proud boys standing by! They got their marching orders Jan 6th. Looks like its on. trump will have to coordinate from his Mar A Logo bunker,1 termer(if they don't throw him out of there(you know the paper he signed in '97 (no living there) tribunals coming soon, buy your pardon now! Big Brother(all 3 branches BLUE, will be watching)WEDNESDAY its a BRAVE NEW WORLD!
The past four years must have been a constant orgasm for these fascists. In their wildest dreams they didn't imagine a soul mate in the WH.
Are those women who stormed the Senate chambers during the Kavanaugh hearing rotting in prison?
Looks like a “call to action” went out to troll this blog.
Before you retire for the night on 19 Jan unplug the cable box, physically disconnect the line from the cable provider or dish. Sleep in on 20 Jan.
Buy gold, silver, and XOM. Go for a canoe ride with your guns..
Worst of all, AOC feared her white supremacist colleagues would kill her!
they burned a limo on conneticut avenue, of a muslim businessman, they attempted to poison innauguration attendees, so they moved a podium from one end to anther room,
is this the same same journal who said there was nothing to the hunter laptop?
I watched an interesting and lengthy interview with James Sullivan about brother John, the family background and plans to help local schools incorporate better curriculum.
He described John as a very successful professional who got sucked into BLM/Antifa mentality in a way that left the family perplexed.
Claims that in trying to retrieve his brother from it, he bacame very familiar with Antifa figures and recognizes many at the..unrest.
there has been tens of billions of damage wrought over the last nine months, and they are focusing on this little stunt,
Well Michael K, I've not quit my 40 plus year subscription to the WSJ just yet--but a good bit of the "news" section of the Journal can no longer be distinguished from the New York Times coverage of Trump.
For a long time I admired the fact that the WSJ kept its editorial opinions (usually on the conservative side) from leaking into the news sections. On the other hand progressive editorial opinions held by the Journal "reporters" have crept into the news sections to an increasing extent. The op ed page was fairly well balanced for a long time--some strong consrevative stuff countered by such as Galston. Peggy Noonan went around the looney bend several years ago and is now essentially unreadable.
At this point I’m hoping for a full-fledged trial in the Senate, with the prosecutors putting on their evidence that Trump knew about and was egging the Capitol-invaders on, and Trump offering his evidence that he knew nothing about the plans to stage violent disobedience in the Capitol and that he wasn’t encouraging such plans. Let’s see what the evidence shows.
NPR is asshoe, through and through.
Divorced from reality, living on the taxpayer's dime.
"and Trump offering his evidence...”
Do you really think Trump will be allowed to offer evidence? He wasn’t last time. And does anybody really think that had Trump prevailed in the selection process, there would not have been violence on a grand scale? The same people decrying the violence now, (Welcome to the party pal!) were threatening riots should Trump win the White House.
Trumps shitty first debate never stops getting brought up.
Scott Adams’ show was informative today. I’ll try to tell you the gist of what he said:
Any expression of self-interest or grievance on the part of whites is now evidence of Nazism.
I’ve been talking with Jewish friends (and enemies) recently, and I’ve realized how keenly and thoroughly they believe that Trump and every one of his voters is a Nazi.
Even my GP, who is Jewish, told me he suspects I’m a Nazi for supporting Trump.
The paranoia and fear is so deep here that the left has built paramilitary forces, BLM and Antifa, to retaliate, although in fact they’ve instigated the violence.
Now, the inevitable reaction from the other side is coming. The violence is not going to just go one way. Whites are not going to agree to stuff their self-interest and step aside for everybody else.
It’s an ugly mix that is set to explode. God help us.
The prosecutors themselves are heavily biased. No equal application of the law going on here. How are people to respond to that, once they understand what is happening.
By the way it’s only that one line “Any expression...” that comes from Adams.
The rest is me.
“Estimates from researchers vary about the size of the group, ranging from a few hundred to up to 10,000 men.”
That’s some real journalism there.
If they changed it to a few thousand to a few hundred thousand it would be more impactful and just as unprovable.
At this point I’m hoping for a full-fledged trial in the Senate, with the prosecutors putting on their evidence that Trump knew about and was egging the Capitol-invaders on, and Trump offering his evidence that he knew nothing about the plans to stage violent disobedience in the Capitol and that he wasn’t encouraging such plans.
Or .... you could actually read his remarks and then compare the timeline of what happened, when and where. That's all the evidence you need. But I suspect it wouldn't fit with that you've been told.
If they changed it to a few thousand to a few hundred thousand it would be more impactful and just as unprovable.
I'm gonna go with "potentially less than a million"
...according to anonymous sources familiar with the demonstrators thinking.
I have no hope that we will ever get a real account of what happened, who did it, who knew what and when. But we'll get nifty stories with ready-made villains. So there's that.
For all the military preparation out there for the Inauguration, could someone please point me out some evidence that thousands or even hundreds of armed right-wingers are massing to descent on DC & other state capitals?
I keep on hearing this, but not seeing any evidence posted. All these references to QAnon! What?! Does QAnon do their postings in non-reproducible pixels? Link me to some texts, please!
It just seems to me that it takes massive advertisement to draw a massive crowd, and I just ain't seeing it. Then again, perhaps future events will prove me wrong... We'll see.
WHo cares? Proud Boys...crytic tweet...attack on the Capital
And? So what. It proves what again?
And I love the phrase "Attack on the Capital". Like They bombed it like the Japananse did Pearl Harbor or 911 "attack on the Pentagon". No one "attacked" anything. A couple hundred people when into the Capital Building, broke a few windows, stole a lectern, and got into some fights with the Police.2 Policemen hospitalized.
Oh, and innocent Ashli Babbitt was murdered by the Capital Hill Police. Has the WSJ reported THAT story?
Still waiting for the non-existent "Boogaloo boys" the "KKK" and the "NeoNazis" to show up. I guess yakking about "The Proud Boys" is the best the DNC-Press can do.
"Even my GP, who is Jewish, told me he suspects I’m a Nazi for supporting Trump."
That is not a healthy relationship.
we'll never stop the MSM From lying if people won't point out the facts, and call them liars. But I guess that would be rude.
"For all the military preparation out there for the Inauguration, could someone please point me out some evidence that thousands or even hundreds of armed right-wingers are massing to descent on DC & other state capitals?"
This preparation will used as evidence of preventing otherwise assured attacks.
It'd be nice if we had a Press in this country, that would Y'know report facts and investigate stories, instead a lot of DNC newsletter pretending to be "Newspapers".
There is no need for 25,000 NG men. why aren't people mocking these Clowns? DC BURNED last summer. Do you want to recite the history all over again? And NO NG was called. ZERO
@I'm Not Sure,
This preparation will used as evidence of preventing otherwise assured attacks.
Well, maybe it's true that a show of force will dissuade armed malcontents. I'm just asking for the folks who claiming that there are barbarians at the gate to show me evidence of it.
It may very well be true. I just don't believe that thousands of armed individuals are getting together all quiet & sneaky-like.
His [Scott Adams] faith in equal justice under the law in this country is touching, I guess.
My impression is that his optimism is a choice, not innate. And it doesn't always work for him. OTOH, he did open a locals site early on and predicted that Trump supporters would be hunted if Biden was elected. Wouldn't surprise me if he has a bug out bag.
"I'm just asking for the folks who claiming that there are barbarians at the gate to show me evidence of it."
Not being snarky here, but good luck with that. The people you're asking for evidence from are going to insist that what they imagine is evidence enough.
Oh, yeah- there's this, too...
The people you're asking for evidence from will be thinking "If I was in your position, that's what I'd do."
See Portland, Seattle, Kenosha for "what I'd do" entails.
@I'M Not Sure,
The people you're asking for evidence from are going to insist that what they imagine is evidence enough.
Oh, I agree with you. I think there's little evidence of masses of armed righties descending on DC.
What does worry me, however, is that these military units are not to defend against protestors. They're their to defend against other military units going rogue. I read this in Stars & Stripes today and I find the fact that this has to be said at all chilling:
In an extraordinary memorandum issued Tuesday to the entire military force, all eight members of Joint Chiefs of Staff including its chairman, Army Gen. Mark Milley, asserted the U.S. military will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership and “remains fully committed” to protecting and defending the Constitution. The memo also affirmed Biden would become commander-in-chief on Jan. 20
Why does this have to be said? Because of a riot at the Capitol condemned by basically everybody? Really?
YH, that's either bullshit pretext for escalating the great deplatforming and ushering in new domestic terrorism legislation, or the Qanon stuff I assumed was 95% bullshit has more to it than that. At this point, if the military brass is afraid it's lost control of the troops, that is scary, but not without a positive aspect. Shit is getting real, but the numbers of actual people with actual guns favor the folks who clean up after themselves, don't break shit let alone windows at the Capital and don't think Biden legit got 81M votes.
"Why does this have to be said?"
Because nobody believes the recent presidential vote was honestly held? We're, of course, not supposed to talk about that (or even think it), though. Emperors, and new clothes- you know.
I honestly have no idea what's going on, and, frankly, since I live too close to ground zero, I'm scared.
It's just that everything I'm hearing from Those In Authority just doesn't jibe with with what I'm seeing happening on the ground.
This really could be something as simple as Congress got the ever-lovin' shit scared out of them on 1/6, and now they're afraid of their own shadows. They screamed & yelled until EVERYTHING got shut down & there's a soldier every square foot.
Or, it could be something far more fucked up.
"Even my GP, who is Jewish, told me he suspects I’m a Nazi for supporting Trump."
That is not a healthy relationship.
No kidding! I keep my political views away from my doctor, dentist, hairdresser and anyone preparing my food. ;-)
cf said...
shouting thomas, I haven't listened to Mr. Adams today, but I am scared, too.
Deleted my periscope, Snapchat, instagram and all. You shouldn't listen to Scott Adams anymore. You'll end up on a list. Be careful what you post on Althouse blog also. You'll end up on a bigger list. Google knows your real identity. Google is just being polite. For Now.
Night: I'm sure I'm already on a list.
Yes we know they are evil.
A Game Designer’s Analysis Of QAnon
Playing with reality
Sep 30, 2020 · 26 min read
Written by Reed Berkowitz
A look at the psychology of Q. Refers to both D's and R's.
Interesting how the violent and threatening rhetoric from the days leading up to Jan.6th has pretty much ended here. All the comments about how liberals should be scared, how we’re going to get what’s coming to us and more loony comments. Big brave comments from the big mouthed civil war fantasy buffs, pretty much gone.
YoungHegelian said...
I honestly have no idea what's going on, and, frankly, since I live too close to ground zero, I'm scared.
It's pretty simple. Just read The Gulag Archipelago. Scrap out the violence and the revolution and overlay that component with Big Tech. Same. Exact. Process. Except much more effective and detailed. Make an effort to move yourself to the end of the line, but your ticket comes up eventually. You can see AOC And Sasse written into the pages of the book.
And yet the apologists for terrorists and murderers have free reign here, moderation what a joke.
Inga said...
Interesting how the violent and threatening rhetoric from the days leading up to Jan.6th has pretty much ended here. All the comments about how liberals should be scared, how we’re going to get what’s coming to us and more loony comments. Big brave comments from the big mouthed civil war fantasy buffs, pretty much gone.
What do you mean we? I am almost 100 percent positive any negatives posted like that were directed at you personally. And figuratively not literally. Would a Q person survive on this blog. I don't think so. But Q is harmless. what would be dangerous is a person who lost their job, lost their wife, lost their kids from the lockdown and starting drinking or taking Drugs. Make sure to check on that person and give them a lift up.
"And yet the apologists for terrorists and murderers have free reign here, moderation what a joke."
On the plus side, you can skip over their posts and it's like they're not even here.
All the comments about how liberals should be scared, how we’re going to get what’s coming to us and more loony comments. Big brave comments from the big mouthed civil war fantasy buffs, pretty much gone.
No, you're wrong about that. We are all very distinct persons here, Inga, and our views are remarkably consistent over time. You do us a disservice by glomming us all together.
I was one who sometimes has warned of coming armed conflict, (a view I now seem to share with a majority of the American public) but I have never thought it would be a good idea. Quite the contrary. For those of us here who are "more down wit' the struggle", they can speak for themselves, but they have not registered in this evening. I don't presume to know why. Unlike you.
narciso said...
And yet the apologists for terrorists and murderers have free reign here, moderation what a joke.
** Exactly. Google wants to know this. I'm waiting on the Chrome Snitch extension before I Anonymously rat anyone out.
Like the nashville nut that no agency seened interested in?
"Interesting how the violent and threatening rhetoric from the days leading up to Jan.6th has pretty much ended here. All the comments about how liberals should be scared, how we’re going to get what’s coming to us and more loony comments. Big brave comments from the big mouthed civil war fantasy buffs, pretty much gone."
Not. One. Link.
“What do you mean we? I am almost 100 percent positive any negatives posted like that were directed at you personally.”
No. Other liberal commenters had threatening and violent rhetoric directed at them also, plus the threats were also directed to liberals in general. It’s not difficult to go back and read threads of the days leading up to Jan.6th. It’s in the blog’s comments sections. I’m sure anyone who is interested can find the type of comments I’m referring to. Trumpists need to own up to what they’ve sown over the last four years, take some responsibility, stop emulating Trump.
Gab scraped Trumps Twitter account. Some IT person scraped 70 Terrabytes of Parler. The Chinese scrape personal bios. Scott Adams Periscope is probably already scraped along with all the photos and comments.
There used to be an ethical boundary on processing this information but it isn't there anymore. It will be darkwebbed and shared freely with any purchaser.
Congress is about 10-20 years behind in regulating. A rapid business changes radically every 3 months. Government changes slowly every two years.
“No, you're wrong about that. We are all very distinct persons here, Inga, and our views are remarkably consistent over time. You do us a disservice by glomming us all together.”
I’m not glomming you all together. Those who made the comments know who they are. I’ve named them before, I can do so again.
Those who made the comments know who they are
I suspect I know who they are, too, and they're not here. Why, I don't know, & neither do you.
Solzhenitsyn noted in TGA that the Stalinists neatly elided the distance between theory and reality. It MIGHT have happened? Well, then, let us consider that it did! Guilty!
I guess Lewis Carroll got it right, as well. Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.
These are psychopaths who will be running the show. Prepare accordingly.
For all of their technical prowess they are still the same humans. They'll screw up this stab at utopia like all of the other ones, except with even more blood and screaming and crying and monkeys and fighting and atomic monkey fights and hyman flavin!
Inga said...
“What do you mean we? I am almost 100 percent positive any negatives posted like that were directed at you personally.”
No. Other liberal commenters had threatening and violent rhetoric directed at them also
** It's an Obama thing and everyone including Trump is riffing off his original tune. "Get in their faces". Trump is a man of peace. His content over a long period of time reinforces that personally and professionally. What Trump lacked was the inability to control large crowds effectively. Maybe we should be thankful for that.
He could make a stadium of people positive and upbeat. But get to a million sized crowd or a pandemic sized audience and he couldn't find his kind neutrality to set the right tone. Some of that has to do with his personal tone. He reached the limit of his Dale Carnegie and Tony Robbins background. IMO in about a year he will see the error and self correct. That is what people do on a smaller scale.
Trump will be like a Sith Lord and he will teach someone Trump 2.0
Non violence should still be the active boundary for all. D's and R's. It's fundamentally important. A politician shouldn't go to work without it.
I did run into this comment elsewhere: "My daughter is being issued live ammo for riot control." Hmmm.
Inga, I think some of those folks have reason to disappear, lest their words and recent actions get matched up.
“Inga, I think some of those folks have reason to disappear, lest their words and recent actions get matched up.”
Yep. I’ve haven’t seen hide nor hair of a few of them the last several days.
Out of 50,000 rally goers there were how many who did anything 0.2 % if, and thats being generous
Everytime there has been a 'peaceful' protest from ferguson to kenosha cities burned.
Trumpists need to own up to what they’ve sown over the last four years, take some responsibility, stop emulating Trump.
Inga needs to own up to the campaign of rioting, arson, looting and cop killing by her paramilitary forces, Antifa and BLM.
Note the strategy here, of erasing the instigation of violence, and claiming that the upcoming campaign of revenge is retaliatory.
You actually engaged in violence, Inga. Those were your troops.
You are drenched in blood, Inga.
Lets not forget who organized this terror campaign against american cities an actual terrorist susan rosenberg who along with marilyn buck bombed the capital in the 80s.
The Ingas played their role, too.
Three years of lies that Trump was a Russian agent.
I did run into this comment elsewhere: "My daughter is being issued live ammo for riot control." Hmmm.
My guess is that there are now about 25,000 NG in DC asking themselves and each other "What the hell did they bring us here for?".
Interesting, and rather pathetic, that some continue to believe that we will be treated fairly or that supporting Trump will have no long-range repercussions. We are now a single-party totalitarian state with a monolithic news industry. At least the Bolsheviks took a few years before taking power. In one rigged election and a Reichstag fire, the Uniparty has seized control of the government.
Did Tarrio mention the awesome news that Cow Man would leading the way?
It’s too late to atone for your vicious lies and violence, Inga.
The die is already cast.
About all I can do is pray that there is some way out of the shithole you drove us into.
They dissolved the menshevik assembly right off, there was the assasination of german envoy mirbach that provoked the firsr purge.
Whites are not going to agree to stuff their self-interest and step aside for everybody else.
Bill Gates and Joe Biden will step aside for no man!
Those guys are pretty white.
Those guys are pretty white.
That’s a fascinating contradiction, isn’t it?
Yes, PLEASE make a Black American man of Cuban descent the face of “white supremacy” in America. It will just reinforce how delusional the Left is to rational people.
mockturtle said...
Interesting, and rather pathetic, that some continue to believe that we will be treated fairly or that supporting Trump will have no long-range repercussions. We are now a single-party totalitarian state with a monolithic news industry. At least the Bolsheviks took a few years before taking power. In one rigged election and a Reichstag fire, the Uniparty has seized control of the government.
I hope you are wrong, mock.
Unfortunately, I fear you are right.
YoungHegelian said...
I did run into this comment elsewhere: "My daughter is being issued live ammo for riot control." Hmmm.
My guess is that there are now about 25,000 NG in DC asking themselves and each other "What the hell did they bring us here for?".
after inauguration Xiden has EO ready to christen/rename /the location/
Does anyone expect sense out of Inga ?
If you do, you will be disappointed.
Biden was born at about the midpoint of the Battle of Stalingrad.
Jeez he is old.
The simplest explanation of the huge number of troops in DC (5 x more than we have in Iraq and Afghanistan combined) is that Trump thinks he's going to be reinaugurated on Wednesday, and will need the troops to defend against the inevitable reaction of BLM/Antifa and other Dems. Apparently he's got some kind of information bomb so huge that it will overturn (= turn right side up = unfuck) the election, and is waiting until tomorrow or maybe Tuesday to drop it, so his opponents in both parties won't have time to prepare for it. Is the defendant in a Senate impeachment trial entitled to ask for and get his 'day in court' in front of all the TV cameras and speak without interruption from some period of time? That would point to Tuesday.
He likely also knows exactly which members of Congress and the judiciary are being paid (in sex or money) or blackmailed by the Chinese or other foreign powers. Is he planning to drop that information, with videotaped proof? Are election-fixing and treason related?
SOS Pompeo has been tweeting some interesting hints, saying specifically that China helped fix the election, that they're already pretty much at war with them, and that we may soon have to fight them "here, not there". Someone at QuodVerum pointed out that the Border Patrol caught a Chinese plane smuggling 10,000+ military-grade weapons and weapons parts into Louisville some months back, so it's plausible that they have weapons stockpiled in the U.S. and they certainly have plenty of military veterans studying (or "studying") at American universities. Some Antifa have been trained in Syria (!), and it does some possible that Antifa/BLM would be able to call on Chinese, Middle Eastern, and maybe Mexican-drug-gang auxiliaries if they want to start a full-scale no-baloney insurrection themselves, as they likely would if Trump is sworn in again. Of course, they wouldn't have much chance against 25,000+ U.S. troops. (It's a lot more than just NG: 10th Mountain Division and a brigade of paratroops have also been called up.)
As I've mentioned before, I think this seemingly-preposterous theory is actually the most plausible. We will all find out in a bit over 2 1/2 days. Keep your metaphorical powder dry until then.
How do these Jewish folks respond to you pointing out the Abraham Accords, or the US finally moving its embassy to Israel's capital?
@Shouting Thomas FYI -- there is a town in Israel named after Trump -- called Ramat Trump or Trump Heights. Real yidishkeit (Jews who identify as having Jewish souls/ mostly Orthodox Jews) will forever love and be grateful to the greatest US president in history for his courage and his accomplishments in recognizing Jewish sovereignty in the Golan, his moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, and his efforts to bring peace to the region. Frankly, Trump is more popular in Israel than the US.
Saying that Jews are automatically anti-Trump is flat out wrong. Orthodox Jews in the US voted 83% for Trump. Reform Jews vote Democrat but are largely agnostics and atheists who hang on to their Jewish identity for cultural reasons. They want to fit into progressive society and worry about what other people think. But they feel guilty and fearful about being seen as too Jewish, much like the modernist Reform Jews of pre-Nazi Germany who dealt with the endemic anti-semitism of European society. How ironic when Reform Jews support BLM and progressive causes which are increasingly anti-religion and anti-Israel.
So, if all your Jewish aquaintances are anti-Trump you might not be meeting the best of the tribe. Pro-tip: In general the more religious a Jew is the more pro-Trump they are. Some more secular Jews like me are also Trump supporters. ; )
Pro Publica was able to get ahold of videos from the insurrectionists that were uploaded to Parler by its members on Jan.6th.
It’s great that Parler members took all these videos of themselves in the act of insurrection for bragging rights. I bet they are rethinking the wiseness of that decision as they are being identified and charged.
@Kirk Parker My experience with all liberals is they refuse to acknowledge ANY accomplishments by Trump. It's really impossible because he has been so vilified (put into the same category as Hitler)-- that some Jews willfully ignore anything positive.
@Inga -- I looked at the first couple of the videos -- they were not insurrectionists, they were people attending a rally and speaking against a stolen election. There's nothing violent about that. That's called freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. Those are guaranteed rights.
Heaven help us if Democrats redefine the word "insurrection" as meaning any questioning, protest or dissent.
I’m well aware of the diversity of opinion among Jews, but that is geographic in nature. The different sects are grouped by area.
I live in the most extreme leftist area in the U.S., the mid-Hudson Valley of New York. The synagogues here are all social justice machines.
Conservative Jews live mostly in NYC, in the Williamsburg and Crown Heights neighborhoods. Their summer camps and second homes are about an hour south of me in Spring Valley and Liberty. Decades ago, I lived next door to Williamsburg, but it’s been a long time since I had substantial contact with the conservative Jewish community.
BTW 12:53PM video from Inga's link shows an agent provocateur dressed in black, typical of antifa trying to get people to breach the barriers. Not a typical Trump supporter! Probably straight out of Portland.
ST -- It's called strength in numbers. When you are a Christian in a predominantly Christian country you have no reason to think about the need to stick together in a community.
Rosalyn, there are more than 500 videos and you watch a couple of the early videos and declare that they are peaceful. Go watch some of the videos from inside the Capitol or some from when they are breaching the doors and windows. Are you lazy or are you just not willing to see with your own eyes what occurred?
When are you going to take responsibility for the year long orgy of violence by your paramilitary storm troopers, Bloody Inga?
We all instantly condemned this one incident of violence by a very small group. Even President Trump did.
You, on the other hand, are crowing over the victory of your storm troopers, and licking your lips over the upcoming campaign of revenge. Democrats refused to condemn their own mob violence in a House resolution.
You aren’t lazy. You’re just plain evil. And, turning Stalinist.
Don’t worry, Bloody Inga. It looks like you’ll get the savage reprisal you want. Enjoy the bloodshed and revenge you did so much to cause.
And yet they excuse murdered cops burnt out store fronts, torn down monuments desecrated churches were supposed to forget about that. The terry gilliam chRacter looked crazy enough yet no one took a shot at him, yet they gutted a four term air force veteran like a fish.
And yet they excuse murdered cops burnt out store fronts, torn down monuments desecrated churches were supposed to forget about that.
Thank Bloody Inga.
What I see in the Parler videos is that the crowd of Trump supporters at the rally was truly massive and the group which made it to the Capitol was miniscule in comparison. The group which entered the building was truly disturbing and frightening, but it was an even smaller group.
Definitely wrong to accuse everyone who went to the Jan. 6 rally of being an insurrectionist or member of QAnon etc., in an to attempt to scare people into submission and silence.
I hope Biden is a good president even if his people cheated to get him there. I hope for the best although I am apprehensive. He's got some bad karma and we're seeing that in the extremists' violence and the exposure of intolerance and censorship in big tech.
“Definitely wrong to accuse everyone who went to the Jan. 6 rally of being an insurrectionist or member of QAnon etc., in an to attempt to scare people into submission and silence.”
WHO is accusing everyone who was at the rally of being n insurrectionist? I am clearly pointing to the people who stormed the Capitol, as I would think would be clear to you.
Inga -- You were not specific and made no attempt to clarify you were only referring to those entering the Capitol building. You referred to the videos in general as documenting insurrection. Better not to assume people know what you meant.
Blogger Inga said...
Pro Publica was able to get ahold of videos from the insurrectionists that were uploaded to Parler by its members on Jan.6th.
It’s great that Parler members took all these videos of themselves in the act of insurrection for bragging rights. I bet they are rethinking the wiseness of that decision as they are being identified and charged.
"I hope Biden is a good president"
There isn't the slightest chance of that.
I'm seeing the same guy dressed in black who was tearing down the barricades in the earlier videos later in the Capitol actually grabbing people and pulling them into the Capitol and quite proud of himself for doing so. I hope he gets identified and arrested. I think I read there are already about 237 cases being processed.
KP It's called giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Roselyn, you made a wrong assumption. Before accusing me of something you assumed I meant, you could’ve asked me who I classified as insurrectionists, but it’s actually pretty self explanatory. People attending a rally are not yet acting as insurrectionists until SOME of those people attending the rally stormed the Capitol.
Enough of this side argument. Go watch some videos.
Watching a myth be created from scratch is fascinating.
“Watching a myth be created from scratch is fascinating.”
Watching the myth of massive voter fraud take shape over several weeks after the election was also fascinating.
Blogger Leland said...
Quick, someone arrest Mara Liaison before the inauguration. We have to protect Biden.
Mara Liason's humorous comment declaring the 1944 invasion of Normandy as the biggest Antifa rally in history was not quite accurate since the Nazis were not Fascists - but funny none-the-less.
As for Leland, his attempt to expand the funny was lost on me.
Blogger Rosalyn C. said...
My experience with all liberals is they refuse to acknowledge ANY accomplishments by Trump.
I looked at the first couple of the videos -- they were not insurrectionists, they were people attending a rally and speaking against a stolen election.
As a staunch conservative who has always known that Trump is "all show and no go," and having experienced his stealing first hand, it is impossible to say Trump did anything for the good of the country.
If you believe everything the liar says, including his made up scenario that since he lost the election, it was stolen (which he declared before the election), then you are forever hopeless.
We know there was never proof that 2 million election workers, largely using the most secure voting equipment in history, stole the election. Multiple recounts and sixty-some court cases ruled upon by almost 90 judges found no important misdeeds or errors.
Five people died (six if you count the policeman's suicide) and nearly 50 were injured in the incredible violence that represented the January 6 coup attempt. Every person who passed the through barriers in front of the Capitol broke the law. Felonious assault cannot be tolerated and Trump, who promised to lead the march on the Capitol but was too big a coward to do anything but run and hide, has blood on his hands.
Watching the myth of massive voter fraud take shape over several weeks after the election was also fascinating.
And some myths turn out to be real.
Five people died
Three of the five died of medical conditions unrelated to their being at the protest rally. Ashli Babbitt was murdered in cold blood. A policeman died whose attacker is unknown.
" being identified and charged."
Charged with what?
"Felonious assault cannot be tolerated"
Who has been charged with felonious assault?
"Don’t worry, Bloody Inga. It looks like you’ll get the savage reprisal you want. Enjoy the bloodshed and revenge you did so much to cause."
She isn't bright enough to understand. So don't engage her.
"too big a coward to do anything but run and hide, has blood on his hands"
And probably wanted more and specific blood on his hands (Mike, Nancy) so he could declare martial law and MAGA.
@Tim in Vermont:
//One of these days they are going to really build that quantum computer than can factor huge numbers nearly instantaneously, it’s gonna happen, the science is done, it’s just engineering now, and effective encryption is going to be a thing of the past, certainly everything encrypted today will be an open book.//
What is now encrypted will be an open book. But my (fallible) understanding[1] is that quantum mechanics will support secure channels of data transfer, which is half of what we need. As far as securing what we have on our devices: make them so that they will self erase upon tampering. Have the backed up in Iceland from where it can again be dowloaded by these secure channels.
[1] Very fallable understanding. Quantum mechanics is tricky and unintuitive -- as is cryptography already. I would take my understanding with a great deal of salt!
@Shouting Thomas:
//Even my GP, who is Jewish, told me he suspects I’m a Nazi for supporting Trump.//
That's horrible. Have you invited your GP to ask you questions on your relevant views, say on freedom of speech and freedom from mass incarceration?
A [White] Hispanic.
Meant sarcastically, I know.
"Hispanic" isn't a race any more than "Canadian" is a race; my two "Hispanic" friends are both as white as the driven snow: they're not Amerindians or mulattoes or mestizos.
"Hispanic" is part of the leftist Newspeak meant to confuse thinking about race.
There is really only one race: The human race. [Well, there are other races, like the Indy 500, the Boston Marathon, e.g.] The Bible says we are 'all of one blood'.
People who walked into the Capitol were not storming it. They walked into it.
Whose House? Our House.
At the same time, I advised my compatriots not to bother 'protesting' because we live in a media illusion. Progressives burn down a city? It's the voice of the peeples. Hundreds of thousands assemble at the Capitol to petition for a redress of grievances? Terrorists!
I'm not complaining. It's free-ing. The rules are...there are no rules. Actually, I like that better. BTW, Shouting Thomas...Be Not Afraid.
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