January 1, 2021

Now that he's almost gone — right?! — it's safe to enjoy the fun that was Trump.

The Guardian has "From covfefe to the Mooch: 10 funny moments from the Trump presidency." They still must ward off outrage with a pissy subtitle: "Amid four years of corruption, caging children and trashing democracy there were some light-hearted moments – no really."

My favorite:


wendybar said...

I love how they are still claiming President Trump is caging children, when the Obama/Biden administration built the damn cages and used them first. Never heard a peep about those cages until Trump was elected....What a bunch of malarky. I am already laughing my ass off at the lying idiots that think Biden is going to save you....Enjoy the downfall.

Earnest Prole said...

The greatest thing about Trump is that he’s both intentionally and unintentionally hilarious.

donald said...

My New Years resolution: Not my president. Resist. War motherfuckers.

Eleanor said...

Biden should do the right thing and concede. Then we can all enjoy Trump's sense of humor.

iowan2 said...

And like the leftist commenters here, spinning false hoods. NO corruption. No acts of corruption. NONE mentioned in the Articles of impeachment.
Children in cages is 100% an invention and feature of the Obama/Biden administration, and President Trump drastically reduced the practice because he removed the incentives for illegal aliens to cross the border.
President Trump never took actions that subverted democracy.(ignoring the fact we are not a democracy)

RMc said...

four years of corruption, caging children and trashing democracy

Pal, in six months, you're going to be begging for Trump to come back. Begging.

Tank said...

Tank predicted that, regardless of outcome, Trump would be entertaining.

Best Tank prediction ever.

Breezy said...

I will miss Trump. I honestly think he’s been the greatest of my lifetime. He knows how to put on a show while getting things done. We’re all captivated by him, whether for or against him.

My hope is cable news in its current state shrivels up and dies without him. It’s teeming with people who are amoral, IMO.

stevew said...

I will miss him, second greatest POTUS of my lifetime, but I will not miss this sort of passive aggressive hit piece. When they attack Trump they are attacking those of us that support him.

Lurker21 said...

I managed to read the article without registering. It's mostly little flubs of the sort that Biden has had plenty of, just in the past year. Many of them didn't attract much notice at the time. That Trump actually could be intentionally funny escapes the author's notice, and I don't think the Guardian will be writing much about Biden's many gaffes.

Kate said...

Great comments. Happy New Year Meadhouse and all here.

Temujin said...

I will miss the direction he took the country. I will not miss his tweets as President, but look forward to his tweets as a citizen. (or his Parleys).

stlcdr said...

stevew said...
I will miss him, second greatest POTUS of my lifetime, but I will not miss this sort of passive aggressive hit piece. When they attack Trump they are attacking those of us that support him.

1/1/21, 8:06 AM

But you have the fawning over those saints Biden and Harris to look forward to! Don’t worry, you [we] will be universally hated for not going along. Oh what fun we will have.

stevew said...

, I suspect they will prove you right stlcdr.

Owen said...

Can anybody point to a list of the most horrible Trump-haters and -mockers who have self-identified over the past 4-5 years? I didn’t take notes and I am likely to forget. And I really don’t want to forget. I want them all named, exposed, shamed, shunned, for years and years to come. Because they need to change; and without pain they will not change. IMHO.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

stlcdr said...

But you have the fawning over those saints Biden and Harris to look forward to! Don’t worry, you [we] will be universally hated for not going along. Oh what fun we will have.

I think the media is going to get tired of covering for Sleepy Joe very quickly.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“trashing democracy” as if we are supposed to just accept it with no evidence?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Pissy projection from progressive #fakenews purveyors

Freder Frederson said...

President Trump never took actions that subverted democracy.(ignoring the fact we are not a democracy)

Really?! Pardoning murderers and war criminals (sometimes before their cases were fully adjudicated, interfering with the justice system) isn't subverting democracy?

And if your response is "but what about Mark Rich", I agree with you 100% on that.

Lurker21 said...

These are mostly Bushisms or Fordisms, like the wacky things that happened when Poppy or Gerry was around, with a Bidenism or two thrown in. Most of them aren't really Bidenesque gaffes or verbal salads of the sort that you see everyday with Joe.

It's all very penny ante, small stuff. I wonder, though, is there somewhere online where Trump's assuming that the steelworker's father had passed away is as known and cherished as Biden's asking a man in a wheelchair to get up and let the people see him is with many of us?

Obviously, Joan Greve doesn't like Trump, but the headlines often get slapped on by editors. I suspect she probably would falsely blame Trump for "corruption, caging children and trashing democracy," but she may not have written that herself this time.

iowan2 said...

Really?! Pardoning murderers and war criminals (sometimes before their cases were fully adjudicated, interfering with the justice system) isn't subverting democracy?

Correct. Following the constitution to the letter is the very essence of good governance.

Joe Smith said...

Cages? This is proof of a leftist, corrupt media that is merely a wing of the DNC.

And yes, that includes foreign media.

Chuck said...

Why do the TrumpCultists care so much about what the Guardian publishes? We non-cultists don’t care what is put out in the Epoch Times or the Federalist or Newsmax or Breitbart. I mean, some of their outrages may be noteworthy as news themselves. But I’m not watching OANN just to see if they get something wrong. That bar is low. I just automatically expect the worst from them and so don’t much care.

I presume that the concern is that the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, CNN, the broadcast networks and to a lesser extent the acknowledged progressive outlets like the Guardian, the New Yorker, etc., all have a level of institutional respect, history and importance that makes Trumpists crazy with envy. Deranged.

Of course the battle over liberal biases in the mainstream media has been ongoing for 40 or 50 years. And conservatives always had credible voices as their advocates. Bill Buckley; Brent Bozell; Bernard Goldberg; Jonah Goldberg; Ann Coulter. Trump’s lying and insanity and incompetence and his general idiocy — ostensibly in the name of combatting liberal media — has set the cause back two generations.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL Freder should look at the clemency/pardon chart Steve Hayward posted at the PowerLine blog link below, just so he knows how very stupid* his comment was:


*Key terms to keep in mind are FALN and “domestic terrorist” when evaluating the ratios on that page. Whew!

Marshall Rose said...

Freder @ 10:12

This is why I generally skip over all of your comments without a second glance.

Yoy may disagree with giving out particular pardons, but it is not subverting democracy to exercise a constitutionally granted authority.

Making such statements paints you as either a mental lightweight or deliberately disingenuous.

Either way....

Bilwick said...

The funniest moments from the Obama and probably the oncoming Dementia Joe administration will be the ridiculous faith in statism. Or it would be if statism didn't have such dire and often fatal consequences.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'm not saying there was no corruption. There's probably always going to be some. But what was "all the corruption" in the Trump administration?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Does anyone else notice the weird assumptions in LLR’s comments that reading UK news is unusual, and the real whopper that somehow foreigners were not mocking the prior president or the ones before him? I’m firmly of the belief the only Trump cult is the one hating him. The rest of us know he is another sign, a warning on the road of governance.

Bilwick said...

JaimeRoberto: You have to translate into "liberal" Hivespeak. To the Hive, "lies," "corruption," etc., means "not playing our game."

Freder Frederson said...

Yoy may disagree with giving out particular pardons, but it is not subverting democracy to exercise a constitutionally granted authority.

It is if the exercise of that power is arbitrary and capricious. The question is not whether the pardons are constitutional but whether they undermine the operations of the other two (or three if you consider the military justice system) branches of government.

Freder Frederson said...

*Key terms to keep in mind are FALN and “domestic terrorist” when evaluating the ratios on that page. Whew!

If you don't know the difference between a pardon and a commutation (or the html code to link a page), then there is no sense in engaging with you

RoseAnne said...

Anybody else think that he looks "less orangish" than he did at the start of his presidency?

As to his sense of humor ... Would he have been invited to talk shows, comedy specials, news shows etc, before running for president as often as he was if he hadn't been considered an entertaining guest? After Ann posted about his sense of humor, I started to pay more attention and he can be intentionally funny.

I am a non-confrontational nobody from the Midwest. If I honestly thought someone was a xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, ignorant idiot, I would not spend time with him/her and would have no trouble finding a way to get out of it.

Joe Smith said...

"The funniest moments from the Obama and probably the oncoming Dementia Joe administration will be the ridiculous faith in statism."

Pretty damned hilarious that all of the 'Burn it all down' and 'Don't trust anyone over thirty' ex-hippies are now the apparatchiks of the state.

And all of the people like my aunt and uncle, '60s counter-culture types, now have fat government pensions and worship the Democrat party.

But these kinds of people were always faux anarchists-lite at heart and had an inordinate fondness for fascism and totalitarianism...witness the Mao- and Che-worshippers among them.

Such easily-led sheep...

narciso said...

they pardoned susan rosenberg, she was serving 58 years for terrorism, explosives possesssion and others, they set her up on thousand currents, as the godmother of black lives matter, doing through institutions what she couldn't do with dynamite,

Jupiter said...

Oh, you think we're "almost gone"?

Jupiter said...

"President Trump never took actions that subverted democracy.(ignoring the fact we are not a democracy)."

The US is not a democracy, of course, it's a republic. But that does not mean that American democracy does not exist, nor that it cannot be subverted. In fact, the Democrats are currently engaged in an attempt to subvert American Democracy in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Likely Arizona, Virginia and Nevada as well.

The principle of our republic is that representatives are chosen democratically. If that has become impossible, then the republic exists no longer, and what remains is an illegitimate regime.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I'm not saying there was no corruption. There's probably always going to be some.

Ah, hello. Well first of all I'd like to apologize for the behaviour of certain of my colleagues you may have seen earlier, but they are from broken homes, circus families and so on and they are in no way representative of the new modern improved British Navy. They are a small vociferous minority; and may I take this opportunity of emphasizing that there is no cannibalism in the British Navy. Absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit, but all new ratings are warned that if they wake up in the morning and find any toothmarks at all anywhere on their bodies, they're to tell me immediately so that I can immediately take every measure to hush the whole thing up. And, finally, necrophilia is right out. (the interviewer keeps nodding but looks embarrassed) Now, this expedition is primarily to investigate reports of cannibalism and necrophilia in... this expedition is primarily to investigate reports of unusual marine life in the as yet uncharted Lake Pahoe.

Readering said...

No votes for Donald and Melania's Christmas Eve video?

Jupiter said...

Freder Frederson wants to know...

"Pardoning murderers and war criminals (sometimes before their cases were fully adjudicated, interfering with the justice system) isn't subverting democracy?"

Actually, Freder, no. It would not be. It might be subverting the legitimate functions of the judiciary, as the Soros DAs are doing, by refusing to prosecute rioters, looters and arsonists while prosecuting innocent citizens for attempting to protect their property. And as the rubber-stamp Democrat justices are doing, by failing to enforce the state constitutions against the tyrannical Democrat governors. But the only democratic aspect of the judiciary is the election of judges and DAs, and pardoning murderers and war criminals would not appear to have any bearing on the election of judges and DAs. Am I missing something?

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah the Guardian--a waste of newsprint and ink. As it was in the beginning it is now and ever shall be where the Guardian's usefulness is concerned.

But not all English newspapers are useless. The Daily Torygrapha aka Daily Telegraph usually plays news things fairly straight. The London tabloids are fun, which is more than you can say for the Guardian.

doctrev said...

I rather enjoy the Guardian, actually. Many of its writers are barely informed about British politics, and that's why you got Brexit today. They're absolutely clueless about America. Then again, so is the American corporate media, so it's forgivable.

Althouse probably had a protective layer of sarcasm when she used "?!" If not... well, I'll let reality shatter your illusions.

Happy New Year to all.

Jim at said...

Really?! Pardoning murderers and war criminals (sometimes before their cases were fully adjudicated, interfering with the justice system) isn't subverting democracy?

Compare all of Bill Clinton's pardons and all of Obama's pardons with those of Trump, and then get back to us Freder.

tcrosse said...

Oddly enough the Telegrapph is very Tory when covering UK politics, but it's just like the Guardian when covering Trump. Go figure.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Scott Adams: The computer nerds found the ‘Kraken’ — ‘Looks like Trump won’

" until now, it’s been difficult to wrap our minds around what occurred in the 2020 election because it’s “complicated.” But Adams said that changed this week."


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

per @DailyCaller

“Gendered terms” like “father, daughter, mother, and son” are now eliminated in the House rules for the 117th Congress


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

another interesting, packed thread by @kanekoa

1/ Biden's total lead in AZ, GA, NV, and WI adds up to 78,000 votes. Fulton County adjudicated 132,272 votes. So how many total ballots were adjudicated in every swing state? They won't tell you because the fraud would be too obvious. Americans don't decide who the POTUS is.


Readering said...

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Chuck said...

Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
Scott Adams: The computer nerds found the ‘Kraken’ — ‘Looks like Trump won’

" until now, it’s been difficult to wrap our minds around what occurred in the 2020 election because it’s “complicated.” But Adams said that changed this week."


So really the only thing left for Scott Adams to do, is reject the Biden presidency, abandon all involvement in Republican politics, and in fact withdraw from national politics altogether.

Lurker21 said...

Why do the TrumpCultists care so much about what the Guardian publishes? We non-cultists don’t care what is put out in the Epoch Times or the Federalist or Newsmax or Breitbart.

First, people comment on what they are presented with. It wasn't some "Trumpist" who found the article but "cruelly neutral" Althouse.

Second, some liberals do care obsessively about Fox News. Brian Stelter, for example. He is CNN's media critic but the only medium he criticizes is FNC. There are other Fox-obsessed mediaites as well.

Third, it's advantageous for liberal or left outlets to attack conservative news without calling too much attention to the specific outlet. So the attacks are there, but they don't give those attacked any more free publicity than they have to.

Fourth, if you grew up hearing that CBS or NBC or The New York Times was unbiased and the gold standard of journalism -- if you hear that even now -- and clearly recognize that they aren't good or reliable or unbiased sources of information nowadays, why wouldn't you take note of that? Yes, it's a tribute. It's a tribute to what they were - and a rebuke to what they are now.

New media don't have long-standing reputations to defend, but so what? When they make mistakes, they are called out for them. But anything that has a high reputation and doesn't live up to it attracts especial scorn, as much for its own pretentions and those of its fans as for the resentment or Schadenfreude of its critics.

Fifth, what's with the "cult" thing? Anti-Trumpism is certainly a cult of its own, and maybe even more of one.

Readering said...

Hey, when and where is the next meeting of the Biden cult? I missed the notification.

Joe Smith said...

"Hey, when and where is the next meeting of the Biden cult? I missed the notification."

I thought you were the leader?

I dub thee 'Grand Imperial Pre-teen Hair-sniffer and Occasional Staff Finger-banger.'

Meeting cum to order!

Readering said...


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