"... to begin reversing some of President Trump’s most hotly disputed policies. Advisers hope the flurry of action, without waiting for Congress, will establish a sense of momentum for the new president even as the Senate puts his predecessor on trial. On his first day in office alone, Mr. Biden intends a flurry of executive orders that will be partly substantive and partly symbolic. They include rescinding the travel ban on several predominantly Muslim countries, rejoining the Paris climate change accord, extending pandemic-related limits on evictions and student loan payments, issuing a mask mandate for federal property and interstate travel and ordering agencies to figure out how to reunite children separated from families after crossing the border, according to a memo circulated on Saturday by Ron Klain, his incoming White House chief of staff, and obtained by The New York Times. The blueprint of executive action comes after Mr. Biden announced that he will push Congress to pass a $1.9 trillion package of economic stimulus and pandemic relief, signaling a willingness to be aggressive on policy issues and confronting Republicans from the start to take their lead from him. He also plans to send sweeping immigration legislation on his first day in office providing a pathway to citizenship for 11 million people in the country illegally."
Aggressive and confrontational... that's the tone they want to set.
I say "they" because it's "Mr. Biden's team" putting these things together. What part of this is the actual man, Joe Biden, choosing and acting?
Here's a sentence that's about Biden personally:
After a lifetime in Washington, the restless, gabby man of consuming ambition who always had something to say and something to prove seems to have given way to a more self-assured 78-year-old who finally achieved his life’s dream.
A man got what he wanted. He was "restless" when he didn't have it yet, and now that he's achieved his dream — getting the position — he's "self-assured." The struggle is over, I guess, and he can relax.
“He is much calmer,” said Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina and a close ally. “The anxiety of running and the pressure of a campaign, all that’s behind him now. Even after the campaign was over, the election was over, all the foolishness coming from the Trump camp, you don’t know how all this stuff is going to play out. You may know how it’s going to end, but you’re anxious about how it plays out. So all that’s behind him now.”
1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»We are screwed
I like these explainers. He is "calmer", people. He is not "impaired". He is "self-assured". He is not "reliant on other people to make his decisions".
I have a pit in my stomach about half of the things he wants to do. It makes no sense to address the travel ban *right now*. One, because there is a pandemic. But two-- I was thinking the other day about how just 8 years ago it seemed wise to do things like require people not carry purses or back packs into football stadiums, so afraid were we that ISIS was going to blow up a college game day. Does anybody even think about that kind of thing now?
(if 11 million people dare to live here illegally, why would they not dare to vote illegally? If 11 million people can live here illegally, why we assume there aren't millions of people willing to register to vote illegally? It's much easier to do! And probably worth doing, right?)
Biden's team declares war on America.
Mind you, it will only be on the part that is the enemy, but still...
I'm sure those Americans will capitulate as soon as they see what's up. It is their way, after all. Right?
Peace in our time.
Not boring.
Doesn't that seem a bit...dictator-ish?
“I’m a uniter,” he says from the basement, as his “team” prepares to do things that continue to tear the country apart.
Is illegal immigration a problem? Unequivocally yes.
Is making all illegals going to help that problem? Unequivocally no.
to figure out how to reunite children separated from families after crossing the border
Those were not real families.
The children were with the adults so that the adults would be allowed to stay in the USA.
The adults do not want to be found and especially do not want to be "reunited" with those children.
It is over. Turn out the lights.
What pressure of the campaign? He hung out in his basement the whole time except when he went out to chat with a few automobiles and brag about the best voter fraud operation in history.
The first truly illegitimate president. This election is not behind him.
Click HERE and realize it's about crashing our country - and every other country.
It is about control. We humans are simply nothing more than resources, like the ubiquitous office supplies of yore, to be managed and manipulated as "The Company" sees fit.
Welcome your Technocracy Overlords.
America, love it or leave it.
You can all fuck off to Canada if you think America is done.
Aesthetically, this policy announcement matches well with the theme of an inauguration behind razor wire.
It's about setting a mood, a gestalt.
"Aggressive and confrontational... that's the tone they want to set."
The uniter steps up to the plate. Who didn't see this coming.
I suppose that Biden’s preference for his basement will mean a change from Big Zer0’s “leading from behind” to leading from below.
The Biden team is chugging into town.
His crowd is drunk with anticipation.
The buzz among them is slightly concerned but generally celebratory.
High Noon is coming.
He is much calmer because -- even after eight years of being VP -- he thinks campaigning to be president is less stressful and contentious than actually being president?
That is one of the surest signs yet that his mental capacity has seriously slipped.
I find Joe Biden unqualified for the job.
Then again, I said the same thing about Trump (to a lesser extent), Obama, GW Bush, Clinton.
But I have to remind myself that nothing Biden does is controlled by Biden. He has handlers that develop his policies and writes every word. At this point in life he's mentally closer to Chauncy Gardner.
They have a list of constituencies they need to mollify and a list of actions they hope will do that. Who do you owe, Joe?
James Clyburn said out loud about Old Catholic Joe:
"The anxiety of running and the pressure of a campaign, all that’s behind him (Biden) now."
Yep, talking to empty circles and parking lots, and staying in the basement, and calling lids at 10 in the morning, and...
Because everyone knows THAT schedule was packed with pressure and anxiety.
I'll be interested to see how much real reporting there is about the reunification efforts. Of course, I want children reunited with their parents. But my understanding is the parents or "parents" aren't really interested in being with these children.
I guess I'm always surprised at how often we have to be surprised that when we incentivize bad people to do things (come to America illegally with kids in tow, we'll let you through faster) that they'll do them (bring some kid that isn't theirs).
Much like the lockdowns and no school for American children who are at risk, we have to pretend over and over again that their aren't people willing to do bad things to children so *they* can more enjoy their lives.
(unless it's Comey trying to pressure Apple into having access to their cloud info. That, of course, is for the children)
Let the healing begin. The Great Uniter.
Joe ain't doin shit. He isn't captain of "his team".
As Jason Curtis Anderson puts it...
"If life somehow manages to get back to “normal” within a reasonable amount of years, it’s not going to be because of bail reform and prosecutors who think charging criminals is racist."
a more self-assured 78-year-old
When I think back on that gawky, anxious 77-year-old...wow. Joe has really blossomed.
We are screwed
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl harbor? Hell no!
Aggressive and confrontational... that's the tone they want to set.
You thought it would be otherwise? When will you admit that you’re gullible?
Doesn't our Constitution say we can legally overthrow our government if it is tyrannical?
Of course, one person's progress is another person's tyranny. The question is, when will the moderates realize that the progressives are tyrants?
Aggressive and confrontational... that's the tone they want to set.
That should bring about unity.
I bet it will be boring and moderate too.
@Althouse, just cling to your Trump hatred. I think the day will come when it’s all you have left.
But my understanding is the parents or "parents" aren't really interested in being with these children.
As significant part of the time, the parents are back home in Central America or Mexico.
You can all fuck off to Canada if you think America is done.
Justin Trudeau has closed the border. It’s been closed since early last year.
THEY WANT DIVISION...Wake up. If you haven't realized it by now, you've been brainwashed or sleeping.
@Althouse, just cling to your Trump hatred. I think the day will come when it’s all you have left.
It's not just Trump hatred, it's an aversion to all things conservative. It effects everything on her views on religion, to culture, to the law, to politics.
She cried at the Libertarians when they talked about states rights, but I don't recall her saying boo when the Progressives started talking about it.
Blogger Karen of Texas said...Doesn't that seem a bit...dictator-ish?
That’s my first thought every time the media talks (gushingly if it’s a Democrat, horrified if it’s a Republican) about executive orders. It should be a scandal how much the president can do without congress’ approval. But that’s congress’ fault. Sure, the executive order is blatantly unconstitutional and is used for things completely unrelated to the carve-out the Supreme Court unilaterally made to allow it, but ultimately, it is congress’ fault. They have chosen to hand over the hard parts of their job to the executive so they can focus on “constituent service,” i.e., pork-barrel spending.
Mark said...America, love it or leave it.
You can all fuck off to Canada if you think America is done.
The people who take your advice won’t be happy with what they find when they get here. Even if Canada does allow them to “fuck off to Canada.” They’ll need to pass a language test to become a citizen, they’ll be lectured about upholding Canadian values at their swearing in ceremony, and they better have their ID with them when they get to the polls if they want to vote—which they’ll do on a paper ballot.
11 million?
Never ending BS!
Is razor wire surrounding the capitol the "new normal" thingy they keep referring to?
Trump needs to crash the inauguration.
Selected, not elected. Not my president. Resist. War motherfuckers.
Just remember, it was decided he can't undo previous presidential edicts. Well, it was decided Trump couldn't. So maybe I'm being foolish assuming Biden has to follow the same rules.
So we're transitioning from an environment where reporters had frequent access to the President, to one where they have NO access to the President and have to garner insight from the people who compose his penumbra.
This is so third-world. I don't know whether to laugh or weep.
Remember, the press loves Obama, who trampled the freedom of the press, but hated one of the most transparent administrations in history because he said mean things about them. They're, as a group, not very smart.
Right. They drive division, anger and hatred all the time at every level.
They pour gas on every fire.
Well, that settles it.
For Joe Biden, it was all about achieving his power.
But on whose behalf, is the still open question.
Yes, dark times ahead. Nearly everything in their agenda is bad policy we've managed to avoid. He won't get to keep that calm very long once the unintended consequences begin- assuming the shit show is 'unintended'
The border is open to anyone. The capital is closed to Americans.
Why not admitt Obama is still in full control of the Democrat agenda?
There was no primary.
Biden was doing terrible until Obama organized the communities to cede, their obligations and anoint Biden. Then after that, Obama elevated the unpalatable, Harris to VP/President. A particular unlikable, unaccomplished individual, that could not, on her own win enough support from her home state of California to fund her campaign long enough to run in the first Iowa Caucus event. Dropping out of primary contention before that election fiasco.
The unasked question of exactly what singular asset she contributes to the ticket.
Biden has Dementia. Biden has a trail of documented corruption, and collusion with foreign powers. His son Hunter, and Brother Jack, leave a well document tail of payoffs from foreign interests. The propaganda/media is starting to leak out the approved information, to lay the groundwork for Joe resigning to spend more time with his family.
Leaving the unlikable, no talent Harris, a 100% malleable open vessel, Harris to serve as the Obama sock puppet.
"The anxiety of running and the pressure of a campaign, all that’s behind him now."
Yes, on to the easy, low-pressure part...being President of the United States of America.
One of Trump’s biggest mistakes was not submitting the Paris Accords to the Senate.
Two trillion in transfer payments AND rejoining the Paris accord in one fiscal quarter is dangerously destabilizing- the worst kind, since it feels good to the uninformed but once the trouble begins it's generally too late to stop.
"all that’s behind him now.”
There are several lines of evidence, tranches of emails and personal messages from multiple sources which show Biden to be a kleptocrat in the pay of the CCP, and his control over the press is so complete that he doesn’t even have to worry about it.
the restless, gabby man of consuming ambition who always had something to say and something to prove seems to have given way.............
Well..Of course Biden has "given way". He is probably sitting silently trying to remember who he is and where he is. When you have dementia there is no point in having conversations because you don't remember what you ...or anyone else...is talking about.
Joe Biden has dementia. He is just a meat puppet.
Every journalist who worked in Biden corruption in the Ukraine has been fired or muzzled, and not because what they printed has ever been shown to be false. This is fascism.
Hmm, I see the name Biden used in the same sentence as "decree".
Reminds me of Caesar.
As an aside, this will be the last time I use the words President and Biden in the same sentence.
"Mr. Biden’s team has developed a raft of decrees that he can issue on his own authority after the inauguration on Wednesday ... even as the Senate puts his predecessor on trial."
Banana Republic stuff! Peron, Peron, Peron. If broadway comes back, they should do a revival of Evita.
Everything's behind him now. Far behind.
Blanket amnesty was, has been, and always will be the plan for these people. America doesn't have a border. Their plan for substituting and diluting the electorate continues apace.
Immigration and the existence and enforceability of a border and jurisdiction - one of if not the defining characteristic of a nation - was always the biggest issue for me. It will cease to exist under Joe's administration.
The world is laughing at us.
Tim in Vermont @ 7:44: Agree. The Paris Accords are not-so-Trojan Horse to import and legitimate the Green Marxism that will destroy our bid for energy “independence” (more accurately, our ability as a swing producer to pressure OPEC and Putin into better behavior). Once we lose that capability, we lose a lot of explicit and implicit geostrategic influence. We also further weaken our grid infrastructure; the Green infatuation with “renewables” will continue to destabilize the electricity supply and empower China. Which will keep on building coal-fired power plants to run factories that make solar panels and wind turbines and batteries that we will be duped or forced to buy. /rant
I hope the Republicans file a federal lawsuit with an appropriately chosen judge to block his every move. It's the appropriate response to their 4 years of "resistance".
How sad it is,
when someone who finally achieved his life’s dream, isn't mentally aware enough to notice it
One of Trump’s biggest mistakes was not submitting the Paris Accords to the Senate.
I thought W did, and it lost 97-0. Or was that the previous pile of claptrap?
Obama or Biden, or even the Clintons, are not in charge of anything. They are front men, suits (and a pant suit), like actors on stage or in a motion picture, playing out the fantasy that we the people selected them to be our representatives.
All of them have been “bequeathed “ to us by the technocrat ruling class.
They are all on a short leash, attack dogs, barking and bearing their teeth to keep us away from their masters.
But, somewhere it was said, of vicious dobermans, “They only kill their masters”.
Estates run by tyrants and guarded by dogs can be overcome.
It takes a village.
Does anyone see pitchforks on the horizon?
Good thing the stress of the campaign is over and he can settle into his new, low-stress job.
Huh. The Biden administration is actually acting like they will be taking over the US government. Don't they know you people are going to take your country back from the elites? Pinochet is coming and they're ignoring all the signs. Typical libtard clueless arrogance.
"Sure, the executive order is blatantly unconstitutional and is used for things completely unrelated to the carve-out the Supreme Court unilaterally made to allow it, but ultimately, it is congress’ fault. They have chosen to hand over the hard parts of their job to the executive so they can focus on “constituent service,” i.e., pork-barrel spending."
Absolutely, tim maguire. It seems it's all about which dictator we prefer.
Governance by decree and a trial of the ousted president. That's real banana republic stuff, that is.
I think I'm not going to like this presidency at all, at all.
The 1990 census estimated there are 11-20 million illegals in The United States.
There will always be exactly 11 million illegals in The United States.
Meanwhile, Xi Zinpingpong is smiling from ear to ear. As is Fang Bang.
“(Biden) is much calmer,” said Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina and a close ally.
Ya can't get much calmer than comatose...
"I hope the Republicans file a federal lawsuit with an appropriately chosen judge to block his every move."
-- But see, they won't have standing. Or they should have done it earlier. Or later.
Here come the hoards of illegal entrants...
Do they bring covid too?
Someone needs to tell Bide'n the tingle down his leg is not what he thinks it is.
You may know how it’s going to end, but you’re anxious about how it plays out. So all that’s behind him now.”
So is Clyburn talking past the sale here, or is he selling past the close?
I hope the GOp can grow a spine and fight this corruption every step of the way.
The Democrat party exists to enrich itself and its loyalists. The democrat party exists to consolidate power for itself, thru any mean necessary.
The left ARE the fascists they accuse the others of being....
I agree that not submitting the Paris Accords to the Senate as a treaty, but I suspect Cocaine Mitch didn’t want it on the agenda,
America, love it or leave it.
You can all fuck off to Canada if you think America is done.
Hey, "love it" is as "love it" does. Our side actually acts as if we love our country. My husband and I, however, are in serious conversation about whether any other country will be better for us as we near retirement - because, in contrast to the every-time-a-Republican-wins claims of celebrity leftists who swear they're going to move to wherever to get away from the new "dictator," there really is a decent chance - as evidenced by the events of this week - that this administration will allow banks to kill my credit over my single donation to the Trump campaign. Will encourage our children to out us to my husband's very woke employer - who will then fire him, more in sorrow than in anger, because they really have no other moral choice. Will create a speech climate that will prevent my entirely apolitical novels from being published because I once had a blog called The Lipstick Republican. Will outlaw my neighbors over their undoubted refusal to turn over their legally owned and properly stored guns.
At no time in modern history was any of those celebrity leftists' actual rights threatened by any Republican administration. But my actual rights are hanging by a thread thanks to the joyous cooperation of a leftist media, a more or less Marxist academic world, an entertainment culture that celebrates uniformity of "appropriate" "thought," an administration that sees its chance for permanent power (swapping out the elected persons at the "top" every few years), and a feckless president who will do as he's bid.
Biden's raft of decrees, courtesy of the Louvre
I trust nothing from the NYT.
The number of illegal residents is surely more than 30 million by this point time, and probably closer to 50 million.
Be thankful that our long national nightmare is finally about to start.
What exactly is an interstate mask mandate? Any time I'm on an interstate highway, I have to wear a mask? Any time my license plate or drivers license doesn't reflect the state I'm standing in, I have to wear a mask? As I cross a state border (we will still have those, apparently, or there's no such thing as "interstate") I must quickly don my mask?
“He is much calmer,”
Yes. That happens as you approach 80, and find yourself on multiple medications. It also happens when you're not in the eye of the storm of having to come up with ideas or make key decisions. I find that I'm much more calm as a semi-retired person than I was running my business full-on. Joe is semi-retired now. And old. And on medications.
As for a raft of decrees, it's interesting how we've become a nation ruled by Kings (and soon, a Queen). No longer are laws and treaties made by the legislature. It's all done by decree now. And it works because after 2-3 generations of not teaching how our government works, very few of us are left who do remember how it's supposed to work, and we're drowned out by the applause coming from our journalist class.
It's all so very weird. Watching our country now is like watching a car crash happening. You see it coming, almost in slow motion. You see it happening, but there's nothing you can do about it. Just...watch it and think about coming out on the other side of it.
Just...watch it and think about coming out on the other side of it.
^This. If we were a little older, I could focus on just trying to protect our kids. But we still have a kid at home and one in college, so we're also trying to protect ourselves so that we're not wiped out (by stupid policies in the best-case scenario, by seizure or freeze of our assets for wrongthink in the worst case) before we can get them launched and as far from us as possible. Then if we're still trapped by our seatbelts, at least we got them away from the exploding gas tank.
Biden* was worried about Hunter's laptop but now he's much calmer as he prepares to raise gas prices and taxes while slamming the economy with covid restrictions and increasing unemployment in the black community by encouraging illegal immigration, working from a DC covered by razor wire which forms an internal border wall, this symbolizing his relationship with American citizens. He may soon promise the foreigners and their Congressional agents a big beautiful wall around the Capitol made from pieces of the one formerly on the southern border. Calm. Just so. Woke won't work but we have to wait till the suburbs care about the harm. When will that be? I've seen prophecies and predictions and done them; but now I'm waiting for the verdict of reality. Really, not much to say. I'm going to get more daffodils and white hyacinths and try an arrangement. I'm 77 - what can they do that age isn't about to do anyhow?
Oh jeez. Over my ass. I find Banana Joe’s agenda very reassuring. A bunch of warmed-over rubbish that will get filibustered in the Senate and laughed out of the courts. All while the stink of the 2020 election fraud rises and envelops these half-wit clowns. I’m angry that the election was stolen. I’m delighted that I get to watch these fools shit the bed.
Temujin @ 9:01: “... Just...watch it and think about coming out on the other side of it.”. Yes. A surreal slow-motion quality as we anticipate impact. But it’s a big country and there are so many processes —little threads of habit, trust, consensus, hope— that have to tear as the fabric of our collective lives, our shared imaginative project called “America,” comes apart. As Adam Smith, “There is a deal of ruin in a nation.” We are burning through our design margin and we can’t say exactly when it will all give. Pass the (remarkably sedating) popcorn.
Jamie, don't kid yourself. I can't really just watch and see what happens to me. I'll be fighting this crap right up until I've no fight left. But I do think we're deep into a multi-generational battle that cannot be won until the schools are taken out the hands of Marxists and we are back to teaching the knowledge that built Western Civilization. Spending time teaching gender confusion and multiple pronouns seems less a policy of modernism than a strategy of dismemberment. That is, dismembering the society from it's moorings. This battle has to take place where it was first lost: in the schools, both K-12 and at the university level. I won't be here to see how it turns out, but I would love to be part of the catalyst to get it started. All of us should be. On both sides. If you think they won't come for you because you have 'good thoughts', you missed your history classes.
Let the fawning pablum “news” propaganda begin.
It's not too late to send both the Paris Climate Treaty and the Iranian treaty to the Senate. Do that at 11:00 a.m. January 20th as a going away present to the incoming fake president.
"Obama or Biden, or even the Clintons, are not in charge of anything. They are front men, suits (and a pant suit), like actors on stage or in a motion picture, playing out the fantasy that we the people selected them to be our representatives."
Wholeheartedly agree. I went my whole life thinking that I was voting for individuals rather than elite collectives. The Trump years have finally opened my eyes.
Why stop with Democrats? I would add both Bushes to that list. Reagan was the last previous president who could perhaps be considered his own man. If so, ironic that his critics complained that he was just an actor.
They've been saying 11 million illegals since W tried in 2006. That was 14 years ago, and every year since we've gotten, what, another 1/2 million illegals? Just under a million in 2019. But, yeah, I'm sure the number is completely unchanged.
Anyway, the country ended when that fag Obama was re-elected. Trump was a bump in the road. The decline is just really gonna accelerate under Joke Biden.
All you whites that voted for the BLM candidates - your kids and grandkids are really, really gonna thank you.
Jamie is sadly truthfully describing our broken fascist society.
All that is required is obedience. Surrender your humanity and accept that you are simply a cog in a machine.
Awwww. Having a nice cry ladies?
...self-assured 78-year-old who finally achieved his life’s dream
I didn't know that Biden wanted to execute the biggest political theft in history. Dreams. Gotta love them.
Temujin - Spot on analysis. But why, given the evident insanity of a nation rallying around a policy of preferred pronouns, did Biden win so many votes (even if the total was massaged upwards to take him over the line)? Even the Woke don't actually believe this stuff - many Silicon Valley executives admit they keep their young children away from screens and they use private schools, not the indoctrination factories they publicly support. I don't have an answer, although if someone with such a wide-ranging and enquiring mind as Ann Althouse could vote twice for Obama and, despite her generally fair treatment of Trump, abstain in 2020, one can only conclude that cognitive dissonance is now so embedded as to be immovable. The Harris administration has already promised that the values of the suburbs will come under sustained attack, but there is no sign that the unpleasant consequences for Middle America will have any electoral consequences, especially given the mastery of the Digital Democrat overlords.
Wince said...
Well, that settles it.
For Joe Biden, it was all about achieving his power.
But on whose behalf, is the still open question.
I still don't know who is running Obama, let alone Biden. Probably a committee. We could call it "The Central Committee" or even "The Politburo."
Open immigration and $15 hour minimum wage, what could go wrong?
One thing we can look forward to, though- lots and lots of analysis by the media about how district courts can't stop EOs with nationwide injunctions.
Things to look forward to
Former Obama official Andy Slavitt was recently appointed to Biden’s team as “senior advisor for Covid response.” Known for his frequent “Twitterhea” length fear-mongering threads preaching subservience, we’ve saved some of his greatest hits so that no one doubt his character.
5:51 PM · Jan 16, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Quote Tweets
Oh goody. My next-door-neighbor serial rapist can get his ICE hold lifted. Wonder how soon it will be when I see him in the hood again. What should I do, Democrat voters here who have now imposed this terror on me? Want to send me your addresses so I can pass them on to him, with a bus ticket to your home town?
I’m deadly serious.
I still don't know who is running Obama, let alone Biden. Probably a committee. We could call it "The Central Committee" or even "The Politburo."
I like the term "Éminence Grise".
Nothing says a desire for unity like trying to overturn every single thing the previous administration did.
“He is much calmer,”
Of course he is, he has dementia.
He thinks this coming Wednesday is just Twizzlers and Matlock night.
So will one of the first actions be to require all citizens to change their underwear five times a day, and to facilitate checking that they are complying, to require that they be worn on the outside of their clothes?
When the US falls, so does the rest of the world. The left wants chaos and I hope all of the people who in their hatred for DJT helped elect president asterisk are happy and satisfied with the results.
When the US falls, there is no place to go. Everybody, except a few really rich elites, will be stuck wherever they currently are.
It is possible for We the People to work our way out of the mess We the People have created, but I think some of us are just too smug with themselves and really want to crow from the top of some dung heap about how woke and special they are.
Clyburn says that Biden "knew how it was going to end". Yup, the fix was in and Joe could sit on his keister in his basement bunker. And now King Joe--or the courtiers behind the throne--have a whole bunch of edicts for Joe to issue. He doesn't have to do anything---doze in his chair, take a nap and sign whatever they put in front of him.
Senescent and comatose is a bad way to go through what's left of your life Joe.
it's like the board of spectre, with klaus schwab at the top of the heap,
Sure enough, we will see the New Administrative Law, the judicial precedents established since 2017, will be inoperative on January 20, 2021. Otherwise known as the Trump Rule, all the things that were allowed to presidents from 1789 to 2017, from Washington to Obama, but were denied and deemed criminal when done by Trump, will now once again be celebrated and allowed.
"Is razor wire surrounding the capitol the "new normal" thingy they keep referring to?"
And voila! Liberals find that walls suddenly work.
>>Temujin said...
But I do think we're deep into a multi-generational battle that cannot be won until the schools are taken out the hands of Marxists and we are back to teaching the knowledge that built Western Civilization."<<
And who is going to do that - the last three generations who have been indoctrinated by those very Marxists; now believe their crap to be fundamental truths; are soon to become a majority in the country; are now and will be teaching the next generations; and are even now moving into the lower echelons of those who run the country? Yeah, I don't think so.
The battle you refer to was, alas, lost some years ago -- and with it, the war.
Biden will be whatever meds he's fed.
Awwww. Having a nice cry ladies?
Fuck you asshole. At least you don't see us screaming at the sky in denial or wearing pussy hats.
That whole article is a polite way of saying Biden is gaga.
"And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed."
Luke 21
Also the wet dreams of Progressives and Tech Lords everywhere.
It's the all-pervasive--education k-PHD, media, Hollywood, judicial, political, admin/bureaucratic--lefty internal-guidance group-think that is so really scary in that it's such a decentralized "hive"/BORG instinctive totalitarian reaction to anything not like its collective will-to-power philosophy, that makes it so hard to resist individually or mount any organized movement against. "Turn out the lights" indeed..
Ever feel like you want the country to divorce? We are no longer Americans, we have broken into two tribes that really have no common ground or purpose with each other anymore.
Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within....”
Congratulations Comrades!! You got your wish...now enjoy the downfall.
Trust Big Mike to completely miss Althouse's contempt for Biden, which comes through loud and clear.
Slogan for Ol' Slow Joe:
"The Biden [Crime] Family, accepting bribes since 1972. We are honest politicians. We'll stay bribed even after you stop paying us."
“America, love it or leave it.
You can all fuck off to Canada if you think America is done.”
Canada doesn’t want these people.
When Trump fired off a bunch of executive orders after his inauguration, Trumpists loved it. So Biden will undo what you applauded Trump for, the great undoing (regarding Obama’s EOs), that’s the way it goes. The American Carnage is over, as far as 81 million people are concerned. Of course Trumps’s 74 million will hate whatever Biden does, that’s a given. I recall the tone and tenor of the losing side when Obama won in 2008, same overblown response now. When Trump won there was a huge reaction from those of us who didn’t vote for him, rightfully so. We knew he was unfit and corrupt, he’s proven that much and more in his calamitous four years as president. Thank goodness it’s over.
The majority of Americans and the world breath a sigh of relief and look forward to a Trump free existence. Everyone knows that Trumpism still controls almost half the country. It will take some time to drive the rock dwellers back under the rocks they slithered out from. I understand that only included a small percentage of Trumpists. I believe the majority of Trumpists will bitch and moan, but are capable of getting back to rationality, but I am under no misapprehension that there will be any significant coming together of a very divided America.
Back to the USA being run as a country and not as a reality show.
Inga: Canada doesn’t want these people.
Indeed! I am constantly amazed at how many Americans who think that because they reject the right of their fellow citizens to think or vote differently from themselves that we will be happy to have them.
"He is much calmer"
Translated, "About 50% of his brain has shut down"
We all need to remember this is a Regency presidency, with unknown-but-powerful people behind the curtain pulling the strings on the senile old Korruptocrat.
So it's only natural that those people depict Biden as His Serene Majesty, while his Rosa Klebb VP quietly sets him up to be liquidated, politically or otherwise.
Better keep a sharp eye on her sneakers, Joe....
Tell me what a great man he is.
Tell me of his accomplishments.
Tell me of his virtues.
Tell me of his high moral standing,
“Indeed! I am constantly amazed at how many Americans who think that because they reject the right of their fellow citizens to think or vote differently from themselves that we will be happy to have them.”
When I speak to my Canadian relatives they make that very clear. They reject Trumpism and abhor Trump. They feel sorry for the US and Americans for what has happened to America under Trump. They celebrated with us 81 million when Trump lost.
Submit, serfs! Kommissar Inga has spoken.
Ice Nine- you would be surprised at how many free thinkers there still are in America. They don't have the voice now, as media is controlled. But they are still there. Millions of them. That doesn't go away. And the more it is acted on to be suppressed, the more resistance will be built up. What was is not forgotten by many. And can still be passed down by willing parents, and other engaged people.
And Nicholas asked at 9:48, "But why, given the evident insanity of a nation rallying around a policy of preferred pronouns, did Biden win so many votes (even if the total was massaged upwards to take him over the line)?"
The quick answer is that he didn't. That's the point and that is the announcement by the other side that they're done playing and they are now acting to seal up the nation as they see it should be. Accept the results at your own peril. I am not advocating for storming the Bastille physically. But I am advocating for a steady, unwavering civil and intellectual disobedience. We are suddenly looking at our country from the outside. We have less welcome here, in our own country, than that mob streaming up Central America from Guatemala right now. Think about that.
If we want it back, we need to become the infection that they were to the body of our country. Just like their philosophy infected our country, from the schools on outward. It is time that we became the cure- another form of intellectual 'bacteria' that eats away at their puffery. On it's face, none of their philosophy can stand on it's own, which is why they always have to attack, shut us down, remove our very words and thoughts, our history and our traditions, right down to the statues.
If millions of people refuse to submit or even accept what they're dishing out, things can happen. And I might add that all of you who care, need to think seriously about no longer taking part in Twitter, Facebook, or even Google (yikes...except for Althouse, of course). Why would you pay someone to eliminate you? Let them stew in their own sauce, talking only to each other. Let the market cap for Twitter lose 30% or more. See how long Jack Dorsey keeps his seat.
Blogger Ken B said...
"Inga: Canada doesn’t want these people.
Indeed! I am constantly amazed at how many Americans who think that because they reject the right of their fellow citizens to think or vote differently from themselves that we will be happy to have them."
Those of us with real skills are in demand in Canada. Not enough of you native slackers to do the complicated stuff. I'll also hazard a guess if I had my own MRI machine they'd invite personally.
Ken B said...
Inga: Canada doesn’t want these people.
Indeed! I am constantly amazed at how many Americans who think that because they reject the right of their fellow citizens to think or vote differently from themselves that we will be happy to have them.
Ken, spending a lifetime chewing sealskin to make mukluks has somehow....diminished you.
For the legal minds
Lots of President Trump's EO were challenged in court. The Travel ban was taken on by colleges who claimed "standing" in court because denied foreign students presence ($) on campus.
Who has standing to challenge removing that EO
This is the challenge I see for Republicans 'fighting back', in that they weren't to motivated to fight for Trumps agenda anyway.
Humperdink said...
"Aggressive and confrontational... that's the tone they want to set."
The uniter steps up to the plate. Who didn't see this coming.
Elections have consequences
“The anxiety of running and the pressure of a campaign, all that’s behind him now. "
How representative of leftist thought. Winning the campaign is the struggle, governance theater for the rubes.
Howard said...
Awwww. Having a nice cry ladies?
Censorship of your enemies makes you happy.
You are a fascist.
Inga said...
When I speak to my Canadian relatives they make that very clear. They reject Trumpism and abhor Trump. They feel sorry for the US and Americans for what has happened to America under Trump. They celebrated with us 81 million when Trump lost.
There is just as much evidence of Trump colluding with Russia as there is that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.
OK Howard, let's start with you.
If you really believe in Biden's policy, prove it. Send me your address, and I'll give it to my illegal alien serial rapist neighbor when his ICE hold gets lifted by Biden. And yes, despite his crimes, the fact that mu county honors ICE holds is the one guarantee he's being kept in pre-trial prison. Although most people don't realize this, citizen assailants with similar histories are cut loose before trial every day, and even he was let out with n o consequences at least three times in other counties that rejected cooperation with ICE -- three that I know of. And who knows what he did in other states using other fake names? And yes, Howard, as of the last time I checked, criminal status is not being considered as an exemption to the blanket amnesty.
Now don't worry Howard: it was just an election, and elections just have consequences. I'll state this outright: I am not phishing, because that would be really be wrong. I assure you I won't look for you or clues about you, not here or anywhere else. I promise I won't accept information about you from anyone but you, and I wouldn't put it on the internet.
I want you, Howard, to really look in the mirror and practice what you preach, or gloat, or vote. Regarding crying, I don't weep but do well up a bit when the uncontrollable fear hits when I'm alone at night reliving the terror of waking to a naked stranger crouching at the foot of my bed, and all that followed. Mostly instead of crying though, I just creep around sunset to sunrise, window to door to window to door, irrationally checking and re-checking the locks, dog at my side, gun in my hand.
I guess that makes me a girl in your book. Tell me, Howard: does that make me a girl in your book?
This is the reality you and every single one of your political peers just chose for me -- again. My respite from fearing this man is now over thanks to all of you. Elections do have consequences. Any other Democrat voters here want to meet my neighbor when your votes for Biden cuts him loose?
Climate Science
What Global Warming? 148 New (2020) Scientific Papers Affirm Recent Non-Warming, A Degrees-Warmer Past
Whether it is baby or a fetus depends on perspective, profit, and empathy. That said, climate cooling... warming... change undeniable, unfalsifiable. Forward!
They celebrated with us 81 million when Trump lost.
Why I am getting a vibe?
Night of the Living Dead vibe.
Blogger has been screwed up lately
I will not comply.
I recall the tone and tenor of the losing side when Obama won in 2008, same overblown response now.
No surprise that the resident dullard does not recall Obama's dismissal of attempts by Ryan and others of a RINO persuasion to cooperate. "I won," for example.
I thought and still think Obama is an empty suit, but he is being run by somebody and Biden is just Obama's third term. But no one saw anything like the hysterical reaction on the left to Trump's election. I am not surprised that Russia Hoax believers have forgotten all that went on.
It's easy to be sedate when you are sedated ... or senile ...
But why, given the evident insanity of a nation rallying around a policy of preferred pronouns, did Biden win so many votes (even if the total was massaged upwards to take him over the line)? Even the Woke don't actually believe this stuff - many Silicon Valley executives admit they keep their young children away from screens and they use private schools, not the indoctrination factories they publicly support.
The Harris administration has already promised that the values of the suburbs will come under sustained attack, but there is no sign that the unpleasant consequences for Middle America will have any electoral consequences, especially given the mastery of the Digital Democrat overlords.
The answer to the question is in the sentences further down. Middle America may be threatened but a lot of suburbanites don't feel that way, and don't think their values are under attack. Like the Silicon Valley executives, they think their jobs, homes, and families are secure from whatever else happens in the rest of the country and they can vote what they believe are their principles without worrying about the consequences.
On Canada: I guess they don't want the deplorables, but it's hard to say who they really do want? Do Canadians really want masses of Muslim immigrants? Would they be happy taking in the Central Americans we don't want? How happy are they becoming a second home for Chinese billionaires? Do they actually want more arts majors, entertainers, and political activists from the US? Saying who or what a whole country wants is a tricky business.
Why do people still call it a "Muslim ban"? Almost 30 percent of the countries on th list are non-Muslim.
Will President* unban travel from north Korea and Venezuela?
Will he void the ban on Christians, Jews, Hindus, zoroasters etc from the other 5 or just Muslims?
John Henry
Emigration reform to mitigate progress of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] (wars without borders, transnational terrorism) immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises, illegal immigration, labor arbitrage) and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Also, one less cover-up of excess deaths at Planned Parent/hood. The tell-tale hearts beat every louder. #HateLovesAbortion
What part of this is the actual man, Joe Biden, choosing and acting?
- Self assured: is this the new definition of lost?
For the dullards, here is a record of the left's behavior when Trump was inaugurated.
They are hoping to recreate something like it on the 20th but it was be no more authentic that the "insurrection" on the 6th.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
warmed-over rubbish that will get filibustered in the Senate and laughed out of the courts
to BE filibustered, there has to BE a filibuster*
to BE laughed out of the courts, there'd have to be 13 Supreme Court Judges** Laughing
a filibuster* "but there IS a filibuster", you say... and i say; "Pay attention!"
13 Supreme Court Judges** "there are Only NINE Judges", you say... and i say; "Pay attention!"
Why do people still call it a "Muslim ban"?
An em-pathetic appeal to paint people as bigots (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrites). A means to facilitate forcing people to kneel, and look away from causes and avoid reconciliation.
Sleepy Joe won’t be doing anything. He’s not even a figurehead.
Turn on, tune in, and drop out.
a record of the left's behavior when Trump was inaugurated.
If there was a proportional reaction, with respect to diversity (i.e. numbers) and color (i.e. range in time, space, and violence), there should have been a million man army standing guard in DC and in cities around the nation for the past 16 trimesters. Democrats, anti-Trumps, and transAmericans are playing with a double-edged scalpel.
That said, Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Achilles said...Howard said...
Awwww. Having a nice cry ladies?
Censorship of your enemies makes you happy. You are a fascist.
I think our phony ex-Marine war hero is less of a fascist than he is a silly little twit. Sometimes he is funny, but mostly he seems sophomoric in his desperate attempts at sarcastic humor.
DarigoldVanilla said...
We have less welcome here, in our own country, than that mob streaming up Central America from Guatemala right now. Think about that.
LOL. Maybe because the migrants aren't uniformly divisive, hateful pieces of shit and aren’t plotting a violent insurrection in the U.S.
It is possible that this is a moby trying to make democrats look stupid.
Francisco D said...
Achilles said...Howard said...
Awwww. Having a nice cry ladies?
Censorship of your enemies makes you happy. You are a fascist.
I think our phony ex-Marine war hero is less of a fascist than he is a silly little twit. Sometimes he is funny, but mostly he seems sophomoric in his desperate attempts at sarcastic humor.
There is little doubt that Howard is a craven little shit with zero principles.
He could be pulling off a good long term joke.
But some of his drunken rantings seem more authentic.
Republicans should get on board amnesty. It is the quickest and easiest way to destroy the welfare state and to keep taxes low! Demands from many different ethnic groups will make it impossible to maintain the solidarity necessary to maintain Social Security, Medicare and so on. And think of the violence! Racialized poverty will every so often explode into violence. The BLM protests were just the opening shots. It's not that hard to imagine enraged Central Americans who can't believe they're living rent free in grubby two bedroom apartments while fat, privileged Whites get the McMansions.
Ron Klain claimed stopping travel from China was racism and told people during a pandemic that they should go buy a meal in Chinatown.
Then just read this— Willie Brown has been writing a column for the San Francisco Chronicle for decades called— Willie’s World. They just fired him.
The deep state has achieved a new level of efficiency. They no longer require a president.
Is it OK to point out that Ron Klain is fat?
Whatever happened to the Administrative Procedures Act and notice and comment? I seem to recall the courts tossed a number of Trump EOs for failure to comply with the APA. Were those Trump-only rules or will they also apply to Biden?
For those who think they know what Canadians think or want, should know that Canadians get their news of the US mostly from Social Media. Then of course, CNN, NBC, CBS and the CBC. The same sources that the left in this country gets it's news from (minus the CBC). Not surprisingly, those people think the same as US regressives.
But to paint the citizenry of Canada as in line the US left is to ignore at least half of Canada in the same way you dismiss at least half of the US population. It's just not very well thought out. Not surprisingly.
You don't know Canadians if you think they are all just like people 4 years out of Northwestern clamoring for a slot with The Atlantic. For one, I don't think anyone at The Atlantic watches hockey.
The new leader of the free world, and he's calm about taking over that position, because he has reached his life's ambition. He should be a least a little nervous about assuming such an awesome responsibility. He can probably read at a fifth-grade level, and should catch up on the coronation of the boy king of Narnia.
"Welcome, Prince," said Aslan. "Do you feel yourself sufficient to take up the Kingship of Narnia?"
"I-I don't think so, Sir," said Caspian...
"Good," said Aslan. "If you had felt yourself sufficient, it would have been a proof you were not."
His ambition should always have been to lead well and do good for his people, not himself. This even falls behind Obama, who believed that if he just showed up and talked with people it would smooth out because he was the Kwisatz Haderach. But at least Barry's goal was to do well by others even if he was completely wrongheaded about it. Biden is more like Michelle Obama, who thought that things were finally right with America because it had finally elected a black person - just coincidentally her husband.
Just remember Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, George Bush, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Lynn Cheney, and Lisa Murkey was A-OK with Biden being President and doing this.
Average Republicans need to understand your Senators, almost without exception, betrayed Trump and us. They refused to do anything about the vote fraud. They sabotaged and subverted the Trump every change they got. The vast majority wanted Trump to drop out in Oct 2016 and give the Presidency to Hillary.
The Republican Senators need to primaried and voted out of office. No more RINOs!
Is it OK to point out that Ron Klain is fat?
He has always annoyed the hell out of me. It’s not the weight—it’s the arrogance. It just slimes off of him.
Roberts ruled that Trump could not overturn Obama's Executive order on DACA. Look for him, and probably Kavanaugh to flip flop and rule that all of Biden's Executive orders are mysteriously CONSTITUTIONAL - unlike Trump's.
Good thing that Althouse is so moderate, otherwise she might be offended by Biden's left-wing executive orders.
@ Temujin - and there are significant regional differences in Canada. I come from NH and my grandfather came down from Nova Scotia. The Maritimes are not Quebec, are not the industrial belt, are not the great plains, are not Vancouver, are not the Great Empty Spaces, as you well know. And should have mentioned, my friend. Use your opportunities to educate.
“But to paint the citizenry of Canada as in line the US left is to ignore at least half of Canada in the same way you dismiss at least half of the US population. It's just not very well thought out. Not surprisingly.”
Trump approval ratings in Canada
@ rcocean - you use phrases like "vast majority" "betrayed," "refused to do anything," "A-OK" with such ease. Therapists are trained to notice when people use such words and recognise that when folks use such extreme language they are responding emotionally rather than logically.
The rule applies for liberals, libertarians, conservatives, everyone. Take a break from social media for a while and get a hold of yourself.
I seem to have no takers for my kind offer to speed us towards the consequences of Biden’s immigration plans.
Maybe you people do have beating hearts. Now start listening to them. You know, like in that Poe tale.
Trump is unpopular in Canada, and Harris is popular. No doubt about either claim.
Maybe because the migrants aren't uniformly divisive, hateful pieces of shit and aren’t plotting a violent insurrection in the U.S.
Point me to one commenter in this thread, or any other, where this was stated. Or, just admit that you’re a bald-faced liar.
Therapists are trained to notice when people use such words and recognise that when folks use such extreme language they are responding emotionally rather than logically.
Therapists are also trained to notice that when people don’t have an argument, they usually resort to either ad-hominem or snide arrogance without broaching the subject matter.
We are living in the American version of 1) the French Revolution, 2) the Soviet takeover, 3) the Cultural Revolution of China. It’s ugly and about to get uglier.
These articles and interviews sound like something they would write or say about a boastful, loud-mouthed jock in old age after the cumulated concussions have finally calmed him down and made him placid and self-contained.
issuing a mask mandate for …. interstate travel
I ponder how this would be enforced.
"He also plans to send sweeping immigration legislation on his first day in office providing a pathway to citizenship for 11 million people in the country illegally."
Seems important.
Calm = Medicated.
RE: the immigration thing. As an immigration paralegal, what Democrats do in this area cracks me up. If they had ANY IDEA how conservative most educated immigrants are they'd be shocked. I am talking about educated, well-travelled people. The kind of people that are born and grow up in cities many U.S. citizens visit and would love to live in. Many also wait to get their green cards for years, paying fee after fee. Hard for me to imagine a quick path for 11 million that won't piss off a considerable group of people. It has been so long since the Reagan amnesty - I can't even remember how that went down or what that process is. All I remember is that it ushered in Form I-9. My teammates naively think Biden will make things "easier" than Trump, but even an expansion of immigration brings on more forms and fees in a similar manner than trying to restrict it. I do hope that Form I-944 Declaration of Self Sufficiency goes by the wayside. What a fucking pain in the ass that thing has been.
The 'bring in immigrants for votes' thing has the opposite effect that Democrats want. Bring it on - it will only bite them in the ass eventually.
For the dullards, here is a record of the left's behavior when Trump was inaugurated.
At least no one was killed, unlike January 6 of this year. And the police treated the Jan 6 protesters a lot less harshly than they did the protesters at Trump's inauguration.
Douglas said...
Whatever happened to the Administrative Procedures Act and notice and comment? I seem to recall the courts tossed a number of Trump EOs for failure to comply with the APA. Were those Trump-only rules or will they also apply to Biden?
Good question. Biden*'s plan to issue an EO demanding that masks be worn on all federal property may run afoul of the APA. If he wants to force federal workers to wear masks at all times, regardless of whether they are close enough to other people to actually be at risk, he needs to follow the proper procedures. At my facility, some people wear masks all the time. Some people wear masks only when in situations where they have to work in close proximity with others. I'm in the latter category. If forced to wear a mask all the time, I'll be sure to wear it wrong, with my nose sticking out or whatever. Or I may just hang it off one ear or on my badge clip. In any case, they can count on having to remind me constantly to put it on. I will not comply.
I wanted to get a mask that says "Fuck Biden and Fuck You For Voting For Him," but I'm afraid that would run afoul of the Hatch Act.
Blogger M Jordan said...
We are living in the American version of 1) the French Revolution, 2) the Soviet takeover, 3) the Cultural Revolution of China. It’s ugly and about to get uglier.
The difference here is that it's the academics and industrialists against the proletariat. In terms of class struggle it's a counter-revoluttion.
Until, and unless, they eliminate the fillibuster the damage will be at normal acceptable levels. Once that line has been crossed, all bets are off. The question I ask is this: what part of their behavior so far would make anyone doubt that they intend to go all the way? What moderation is in evidence? If anything, they are turning up the rhetorical volume to 11 so far.
They stole the election, and now they are doubling down in every possible way. Once the filibuster is eliminated they really can, and indeed must, ensure that they are never removed from power in our lifetimes.
What is stopping them? Love of country? Ethics? Quite the contrary, in their minds we are not opponents, we don't just disagree about the form our governance should take. We are the enemy. We are literally evil, and it is their moral duty to destroy us.
It is a sobering and depressing state of affairs we are in.
How .... um, unifying.
Yeah. That's the word.
America, love it or leave it.
You can all fuck off to Canada if you think America is done.
Interesting. When you shitheads don't get your way, you threaten to move to Canada.
And when you shitheads DO get your way, you tell us to move to Canada.
Maybe it's you who needs to fuck off.
"I am talking about educated, well-travelled people."
I don't think that's an accurate description of the particular group of immigrants at issue.
At least no one was killed, unlike January 6 of this year. And the police treated the Jan 6 protesters a lot less harshly than they did the protesters at Trump's inauguration.
How can you say this with a straight face? How many cops were murdered for sitting in their patrol cars, thanks to Dem politicians ruling up the BLM crowd?
And the police treated the Jan 6 protesters a lot less harshly than they did the protesters at Trump's inauguration.
By shooting and killing them?
The only constant in life is change .... and the number of illegal immigrants in the US.
"He's much calmer now."
In a little while the restlessness will start.
They'll say a higher fence around the White House will be to keep interlopers out, but it will really be to keep Joe in.
By the way, Canada is no prize. The Canuck press covers for Trudeau completely. Trudeau and Dr. Jill can trade stories about educating the young.
Jim at said... Interesting. When you shitheads don't get your way, you threaten to move to Canada.
And when you shitheads DO get your way, you tell us to move to Canada.
That is because we are dealing with spoiled brats who have been awarded participation trophies their entire lives.
How come nobody threatens to move to Mexico?
I have been thinking of moving to Michigan. Does that count?
"Aggressive and confrontational... that's the tone they want to set."
The new normal, Althouse. Get used to it.
Rabel: I don't think that's an accurate description of the particular group of immigrants at issue.
There is just as much drama over restrictions in the area of highly skilled immigration. Not all of it hits the front page. Every highly skilled immigrant that eventually gains the right to vote isn't going to forget their long drawn out process.
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