From "Fatal shooting by police sets off protest in Minneapolis, the city’s first police-involved death since George Floyd" (WaPo).
You have to read the long article carefully to see that we're not told the race of the man who was shot dead by the police. We're not told, even though the writer of the article seems to have watched the video — "The body-camera footage appears to show the driver fire a shot through his window." Can't we hear what the race the driver "appears" to be? Is it simply that it's a delicate matter, guessing what race a person is? Or is it that if they say he appears white, people will say different things that if they're told he appears black?
We're not even told what the "rumors about the race of the suspect" were! It seems most likely that the rumors were that he was black, since people were drawn out to a protest. But what if the dead man turns out to have been white? Would protest leaders shift to saying the problem is police brutality against all races? I note that they could say the police only kill a white man when he's actually firing a shot right at them.
It's Minneapolis. Is there any reason why I should trust what they say or write? My cynicism now knows no bounds.
the police killing of George Floyd
That didn't happen.
Or is it that if they say he appears white, people will say different things that if they're told he appears black?
For the MSM, black = front page news; white = don't mention it.
black = front page news
Front page news for weeks, or months, or as in Saint Floyd's case, front page news forever.
He's Somali, and it wasn't a" traffic stop". Powerline has the story.
I heard a rumor that the innocent victim pleaded, "Hands up don't shoot"
It's a wonder that there are any police officers left in Minneapolis. I'm sure that just like with Seattle there has been a mass exodus.
Seattle Police on Pace to Lose Nearly 200 Officers in Mass Exodus This Year
Is there any reason why I should trust what they say or write?
Of course not, especially when the first sentence in the article is false.
As a Somali in Mpls he's not quite White and not quite Black. Nothing to see here.
Our media is set to: Narrative, BS, and Democrat party Protection racket.
The media is not here to inform. Our Soviet media exists to paint a picture and fill your heart with an emotional response. Our media is Soviet Hollywood.
You have to read the long article carefully to see that we're not told the race of the man who was shot dead by the police.
If the Whappoo reported the shooting, the victim was black. If you didn't read anything about a shooting (what shooting?), the victim was white.
When shooting at someone, anyone, do not be surprised if the person shoots back.
Was it a fair gunfight? Why couldn’t the officers have simply shot his pinky finger as a warning to knock that resisting arrest stuff off?
I should run for city council in Minneapolis!
Also not told that this was a multiple police vehicle stop incident to a firearms investigation of a person with a long criminal record of illegal gun possession and reckless firearm discharge.
It will get really confusing if it turns out they shot a relative of Hilaria Baldwin.
He’s Somalian. There is basically one race in Somalia.
The Somalia 500?
Police brutality is why blacks aren't doing well. They like that narrative better than the alternative.
donald said...He’s Somalian.
-- likely a White supremacist Proud Boy/Booogerloo.
All police/fire/ambulance employees should go on strike for a week, all at the same time and all over the country, but especially is shit democrat-run cities.
And if their unions don't pay them and back them up then another reason to quit the unions.
It would be a magnificent free-for-all.
If these 'immigrants' want to come here and turn this country into Somalia, let's see what that would really look like.
Speaking of Somalia, when is that idiot congresswoman going to be indicted for campaign, immigration, and marriage fraud?
She won't be. She's more important than you, you fucking peon.
If the man allegedly opened fire, then shouldn't it be, the police 'allegedly' shot and 'allegedly' killed a man during an 'alleged' traffic stop ?
It was a tragic misunderstanding caused by cultural differences.
In Somalia it's considered good manners to fire your gun when the cops stop you, kind of like burping during a meal in China.
It was a mostly peaceful traffic stop.
Forecast high of 24 in Minneapolis today, and a low of 19 tonight. They're going to have to do a lot of arson to keep warm.
Ha, I knew Powerline would report on what the media wouldn't.
Look to other news sources - the bodycam footage is widely available, the person shot has been identified and a photo is widely available (23-year-old Dolal Idd, looks to be of Somali descent), we was a felony suspect in a probable cause weapon investigation (whatever that means) and was not just someone pulled over for a traffic stop.
I know you meant this as a criticism of WAPO reporting, but it does seem like you should expand your news sources, as all of the news stories you blog about have the same, repetitive flaws.
By the way, I have now watched the reporting that included the bodycam footage on (local news station) twice - both times I had to sit through a commercial before the video would play. What business would want to run an ad before that clip? Who would want their business to be associated with a police killing? The social media world is f**'ed up.
"the person shot has been identified and a photo is widely available"
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
They don't need riots anymore.
"the person shot has been identified and a photo is widely available"
You can find the photo here (apologies, don't know how to make this an active link):
or here:
or here:
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
That certainly is a key question, which should rapidly be followed by why am I using the Washington Post as a primary news source?
Even worse than that, a white woman falsely accused a black teen of stealing her phone. An incident so egregious, the entire world needs to hear about it.
A group of youths attacking cars in NYC is par for the course and no big deal.
Anyway, back to this police shooting. Personally, I have nothing but contempt for journalists and knee-jerk protesters. And nothing but respect for officers who continue to do a thankless and dangerous job, putting themselves in harm's way for an ignorant and ungrateful populace.
This phrase is permanently affixed to the reporter's style guide clipboard: "The tense scene, reminiscent of clashes between police and demonstrators in the aftermath of Floyd’s death". Makes it so much easier to hit the report filing deadline.
If they don't mention the race of the perpetrators of a crime then you can assume the perps are black. If they don't mention the race of the person targeted for arrest, and in this case killed, by the police, then that person is not black. Very simple rules, really.
What Joe said at 10:27.
I hear the accuser in the phone incident was a White Hispanic!
Ever wonder why there isn't a "Back to Africa" movement anymore?
Back to Somalia first
Though he appears to be a black man in the photos I've seen. Weird.
"If these reports are true..."
I am flabbergasted that you ask this question. Do you believe the Post (or the NYT) are honest brokers? How can you, with example after example of their misreporting? WE all know that it is deliberate. I don't understand how you can be so obtuse.
My intent is not to be deliberately offensive, but you are a useful idiot.
Yes, the famous "Name That Party" game has the racial variant, "Name That Race."
Unspoken things . . .
Tell you a lot
Samuel Little recently died in prison at age eighty. He got to live out the full arc of his life. That life included committing over ninety murders. He has the record as America's most prolific serial murderer. Despite that impressive body count, he remains a somewhat obscure figure. Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Charlie Manson get all the attention. Samuel Little doesn't even rate a movie of the week. On the face of it, this is discriminatory. America cannot truly claim to be a free and equal society until we start treating our serial murderers with equal respect. While it's true that Samuel Little preyed on street prostitutes and drug addicts rather than college girls, just look at the numbers. He deserves far more recognition than he has thus far received.
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
Why did the Washington Post mention Saint Floyd at least 11 times in the article, with most of those mentions being misrepresentations or blatant falsehoods, even though he has nothing to do with the incident?
Why do you expect the Whappoo to report news rather than disseminate propaganda?
Even worse than that, a white woman falsely accused a black teen of stealing her phone.
She's not white.
[Samuel Little] has the record as America's most prolific serial murderer. Despite that impressive body count, he remains a somewhat obscure figure.
Since about 1990, most serial killers are black (pg 6); can you name another one?
The guy ws POS. Here's the story in the St. Paul paper:
nd the family is trash. Here is their GoFundMe Page, which I have reported:
And really? Fifty fucking large for a funeral? Fuck 'em.
BTW, Eden Prairie is weathy suburb.
LOL - Minneapolis will have many more 'supposed incidents' [which are made up by activists] like this in the future. This is what you get when you broadly brush law enforcement. Criminals who are not afraid of shooting anyone - cause they believe the voters [law] are on their side. If sheepish voters don't stand up to loud mouth activists like the BLM more of this sh*t will occur. Hell, maybe Minneapolis will begin to become more like Chicago. I don't live in either city and don't care. Voters 'you reap what you sow'.
For the MSM, black = front page news; white = don't mention it.
What we're seeing here is the lynching of America.
1930 He's black! He must be guilty! String him up!
2020: He's white! He must be guilty! String him up!
That's it in a nutshell.
Do you believe the Post (or the NYT) are honest brokers? How can you, with example after example of their misreporting? WE all know that it is deliberate. I don't understand how you can be so obtuse.
My intent is not to be deliberately offensive, but you are a useful idiot.
HaHA! First one this year. Congrats!
His father doesn't look dark-skinned in the linked photo on Twitter. He's protesting but he hasn't done a very good job raising his sons. The oldest one (Mohamed Idd) was arrested in early December for killing someone. It looks like another brother (Dalal Idd) is prison for assault.
The mother of the driver (Dolal Idd) didn't allow him in the house because he "scares the children". (According to an article where he was in trouble for firing a gun inside a residence.)
And now CAIR is involved. I think the Muslim aspect of this is the reason that race wasn't mentioned in the initial reports.
Andrew said: "...Personally, I have nothing but contempt for journalists and knee-jerk protesters..." I don't disagree with you Andrew, but why are they called "protesters"? You want to bet that everyone of them are criminals, relatives of criminals, gang members, etc. Law abiding [the majority] blacks want more police protection not less. Just another massive lie pushed as narrative propaganda.
"If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?"
Because the WaPo sees Biden (peace be upon Him) as the presumptive president.
And under His glorious leadership, there will be no racial disharmony, nor riots, nor anything that would harm the tranquility of the State®.
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
I'm glad you're not my lawyer.
I am shocked, shocked to find that there's a GoFundMe.
$35,965 raised of $50,000 goal. $50k will pay for a pretty fancy funeral.
I believe the suspect yelled "Hands up, don't shoot!" before being shot.
Under what circumstances can police shoot people without drawing protesters? Apparently, none.
Bob Boyd and Paul Z in one thread! What a wonderful 2021 we're having!!!!!
Thank God for powerline doing the work that the NYT, WP, Star-Tribune, MSM et al., simply won’t do anymore.
"$35,965 raised of $50,000 goal. $50k will pay for a pretty fancy funeral."
Those gold-plated coffins don't pay for themselves.
Maybe they're burying Huggy Bear...
"I believe the suspect yelled "Hands up, don't shoot!" before being shot."
What meme will come out of this?
Say her name...I can't breathe...hands up...
Doesn't seem like there's a good marketing hook to this one, which is why I think it will fade away...
"But what if the dead man turns out to have been white?"
Then it would be useless.
The studied ambiguity serves a purpose, since the Somali angle introduces a wrinkle: another minority killed by cops, but also: cops kill a dangerous criminal immigrant who abused the country's hospitality.
Question: how has the U.S. benefitted from admitting all those Somalis?
"Question: how has the U.S. benefitted from admitting all those Somalis?"
It benefits the progressive agenda...keeps them all on welfare and voting 100% Democrat.
Can we have a drinking game about how often George Floyd is mentioned in stories about this?
Not that they are trying to tell you what your opinion should be, or anything.
Body camera recordings by officers are important for conviction of perpetrators from either side in the event of death. Authorities should not routinely release videos to the public for the purpose of blunting imagined racism. Killers come in all skin tones and so do racists. Get on with the legal proceedings promptly.
We don't need the newfangled Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. brand of lawyering showing up as seems to be the case in driving legal fundraising for the fabrication of Kyle Rittenhouse's innocence. But stopping fundraising for any purpose, including building useless border wall, is now a long-standing internet practice.
"Minneapolis police shot and killed a man who allegedly opened fire on officers
Hmmm...police shot a person who allegedly shot at police. How come the police don't get an "allegedly"?
Sub-zero rioting is unsustainable.
"Question: how has the U.S. benefitted from admitting all those Somalis?"
Answer: A lot less Pirates.
"Answer: A lot less Pirates."
So now they're welfare pirates instead.
And all of their children born here will be on welfare for the rest of their lives, repeating forever and ever.
Not a good tradeoff.
I dunno, CG, the clan sounds pretty piratical to me!
Diversity is our strength
"If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?"
I certainly hope this question is meant rhetorically or socratically.... Otherwise it means you accidentally took an entire month's worth of naivete pills in one dose.
White Hispanic? Orange President? Fetal-American deemed unworthy or a profitable life in parts? Diversity breeds adversity. Be wary of exercising liberal license to indulge color judgments.
And all of their children born here will be on welfare for the rest of their lives, repeating forever and ever.
If you lived here you'd know just how silly your comment is.
Police brutality is why blacks aren't doing well. They like that narrative better than the alternative.
Like the Hutu/Tutsi cycle of redistributive and retributive change, or the post-apartheid Progressive South African era for lynching of competitors. Or the Atlanta, Georgia (coincidence?) Democrat legacy of Every Child Left Behind. Or the Progressives' selective-child religious doctrine for social progress and community viability. Diversity (i.e. color judgment) breeds adversity only exacerbates the dysfunction on a forward-looking basis.
And all of their children born here will be on welfare for the rest of their lives, repeating forever and ever.
Some do better. Some do worse. Somali immigrants are notably traditional, where mom and dad maintain close oversight of their children, with a motive and outlook similar to other families. They are wary of the liberal society that engenders divergence and often dysfunction.
And now CAIR is involved. I think the Muslim aspect of this is the reason that race wasn't mentioned in the initial reports.
The collateral damage from Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform a.k.a. refugee crises forced by wars without borders and transnational terrorism is a clear and progressive concern.
"If you lived here you'd know just how silly your comment is."
Really? Enlighten me.
Omar and CAIR aren't trying to turn Minneapolis into Mogadishu?
Importing thousands of 7th-century, illiterate goat herders into a Western, technological society is not a good idea.
BTW, why has CAIR not been designated a terror organization?
FYI there have been tensions for some time in Minnesota between the Somalis and Blacks. Riots have broken out in high schools between rival gangs. The Somalis consider themselves superior, so IMO they would not like one of their own described in the newspaper as Black. This prejudice is not limited to Minnesota according to:
One euphemistic description ( of the rift goes as follows:
"Many Somalis came here with 'very negative perceptions' of African-Americans, their notions based on movies that cast African-Americans as drug addicts or killers, said Abdirizak Bihi, a Somali activist.
For their part, some African-Americans feel the disrespect and perceive that the new Africans are getting a bit better treatment from the larger community. For example, the gathering of scores of Somali men outside a coffeehouse at night in Minneapolis is accepted, but would the same be true if the men were black Americans?"
Enlighten me.
That's not my job, but I'm feeling generous.
I just retired from a multi-billion dollar corporation headquartered in downtown Minneapolis. We had Somali interns in IT who set up workstations for new employees as well as employees getting upgrades. Great kids*, who will be making lots of money and contributing to society for decades to come. So who am I supposed to believe, my personal experience or your inbred prejudices?
* Full disclosure, we did have one kid in Community Affairs we had to let go due to his sporadic attendance. His excuse was always along the lines of, "I had to help out at the mosque." Kid missed a great opportunity.
For example, the gathering of scores of Somali men outside a coffeehouse at night in Minneapolis is accepted, but would the same be true if the men were black Americans?"
It is in my north Minneapolis neighborhood.
It's a matter of pride to Somalis that they were never slaves.
"Scores of protesters quickly arrived at the site of the shooting, a gas station parking lot in South Minneapolis, about a mile from the intersection where Floyd was killed, facing off in below-freezing temperatures with police officers clad in riot gear, some clutching batons and cans of pepper spray."
In my best Les Nessman voice: "It was almost as if they were...organized."
Ann Althouse said...
"the person shot has been identified and a photo is widely available"
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
Because the truth is not in the WaPoo. As in 1 JOHN 2:4 KJV "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
Althouse has a form of selective amnesia when it comes to these things. She is constantly amazed and dumbfounded when she notices these outrages by the Left (when she isn't joining in with them {see Kavanaugh and Sandmann}), but can't seem to put the pattern together.
She pretended to be outraged by Biden's lies, but refused to punish him by voting for Trump, which was in fact rewarding him for his lies.
If those reports are true, why is the Washington Post excluding them?
Every time Althouse watches Casablanca, she's stunned to find out that there is gambling in Rick's Cafe.
Nice! When did you stop fucking sheep?
So they've all stopped treating their wives like cattle?
And stopped marrying their brothers?
Let me know when that happens.
Btw, you're welcome to them...better there than where I live.
When did you stop fucking sheep?
When their upkeep got so cost-prohibitive.
I fully expect soon the local Little Mogadishu, er, Minneapolis regressives to defer to Sharia law and the Somali culture to trump local ordinances. After all, for the people like Dolal Bayle Idd to follow the enacted laws would be considered “White Privilege”. When the city council had announced 7 months ago in the wake of the Floyd death that they were disbanding the police or to at least defund the PD, they were literally setting themselves up for the lawlessness that has gripped Somalia for at least the last 4 decades. The crime rate has gone up dramatically in the area since last May with a marked increase in murders, particularly unsolved murders. I am just waiting to hear if factions governed by local warlords start running the place as is the case in Somalia.
Any internet betting sites offering odds on the "race?"
Remind me why AA cared about the transgender post comments.
"Remind me why AA cared about the transgender post comments."
Not sure, but I do know that under sharia law and in places like Mogadishu, transgenders and gays are summarily executed.
But sure, these are the folks we want here...
"...multi-billion dollar corporation headquartered in downtown Minneapolis."
US Bank?
US Bank?
Or Target. Or Ameriprise. Or Thrivent. Or Xcel Energy, Or RBC Wealth Management. Or Valspar to name a few. Minneapolis should be called Moneyapolis.
Rosalyn C,
For example, the gathering of scores of Somali men outside a coffeehouse at night in Minneapolis is accepted, but would the same be true if the men were black Americans?
Strangely phrased (I know, it wasn't you who wrote it; you're quoting). One assumes that the Somalis are "black Americans," and that they don't think of themselves as such is worrisome.
According to the logic of these protesters, cops should not shoot back and should just let the criminal go. good plan
"According to the logic of these protesters, cops should not shoot back and should just let the criminal go. good plan"
That's silly, just shoot them in the leg.
It’s Minneapolis. Why not just let the damned place burn down?
I might add that I had looked at the chaotic bodycam, and it looks like suicide by cop to me.
Scientists: any connection between melanin levels and criminal behavior?
Where I come to see unabashed racists gather around periodic clickbait from AA.
Calling people “unabashed racists” is not conducive to “peace on earth and good will.” Your mother obviously failed to raise you right.
Where I come to see unabashed racists gather around periodic clickbait from AA.
Well I personally plan on starting a White lives matter movement, to attack people who appropriate European culture and civilization, demand White only dorms and buildings on college campuses, and demand lowered standards for White people.
Scientists: any connection between melanin levels and criminal behavior?
It's more about culture than genetics.
So the man with the gun "allegedly shots at police" but when police return fire it's not "allegedly". Interesting point of view?
'Unabashed'. When you are unabashed, you make no apologies for your behavior.
A society is built by men acting unapologetically. Women temper that, and the Yin and Yang become balanced, and the society can be maintained.
What readering complains about is trying to maintain a Yin world that will necessarily collapse.
I'm kinda diggin' the opportunities opening up for Warlords.
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