January 20, 2021

Last words from "the only true outsider ever to win the presidency."

From Trump's Farewell Address, which I didn't watch live or on YouTube. I waited for the transcript, the cold record. He begins with something he ought to have been talking about since mid-November, instead of the doomed notion that he had won the election:
As I conclude my term as the 45th President of the United States, I stand before you truly proud of what we have achieved together. We did what we came here to do, and so much more...
The next part of the speech is full of thanks. Thanks to people who worked with him and thanks to America for giving him the "honor beyond description, " the "extraordinary privilege" of serving as President.

He forefronts an expression of horror for the attack on the Capitol:
All Americans were horrified by the assault on our capital. Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans. It can never be tolerated. 
He calls for unity:
Now more than ever, we must unify around our shared values and rise above the partisan rancor and forge our common destiny. 
Then he talks about himself. He was an outsider, "the only true outsider ever to win the presidency." 
I had not spent my career as a politician, but as a builder looking at open skylines and imagining infinite possibilities. I ran for president because I knew there were towering new summits for America just waiting to be scaled. I knew the potential for our nation was boundless as long as we put America first. So I left behind my former life and stepped into a very difficult arena, but an arena, nevertheless, with all sorts of potential if properly done....
All sorts of potential if properly done. That's a big "if." And by the way, you don't "do" an "arena." And "a builder looking at open skyline" proceeds to build buildings, not to climb mountains. If mountains were there "just waiting to be scaled," then "he was not looking at an open skyline." Experience building buildings doesn't transfer to mountain climbing, so it's not just a mixed metaphor, it's a metaphor switch that draws attention to the problem that his real estate career did not prepare him for the work of governing. It was an immensely risky lateral move, and yet he jumped into it with intense, bizarre confidence, scaring millions of people. Some of us are still scared! 

He lists his achievements. I say "his," but he says "we." This is an impressive list. I'm not saying I agreed with all of these choices, but I wanted Trump to be talking about these things for the last 2 months rather than the crazy dream of flipping the election results. Imagine if this had been what we were hearing:
We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history. We slashed more job-killing regulations than any administration had ever done before. We fix our broken trade deals, withdrew from the horrible Trans-Pacific Partnership and the impossible Paris Climate Accord, renegotiated the one-sided South Korea deal. And we replaced NAFTA with the groundbreaking USMCA.... Also and very importantly, we imposed historic and monumental tariffs on China, made a great new deal with China.... 
We also unlocked our energy resources and became the world’s number one producer of oil and natural gas by far. Powered by these policies, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world. 
We reignited America’s job creation and achieved record-low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, almost everyone. Income soared, wages boomed. The American dream was restored and millions were lifted from poverty in just a few short years. It was a miracle. 
The stock market set one record after another, with 148 stock market highs during the short period of time, and boosted the retirements and pensions of hardworking citizens all across our nation. 401(k)s are at a level they’ve never been at before. We’ve never seen numbers like we’ve seen, and that’s before the pandemic and after the pandemic. We rebuilt the American manufacturing base, opened up thousands of new factories, and brought back the beautiful phrase Made in the USA. 
To make life better for working families, we doubled the child tax credit and signed the largest-ever expansion of funding for childcare and development. We joined with the private sector to secure commitments to train more than 16 million American workers for the jobs of tomorrow.

When our nation was hit with the terrible pandemic, we produced not one, but two vaccines with record-breaking speed and more will quickly follow.... 

When the virus took its brutal toll on the world’s economy, we launched the fastest economic recovery our country has ever seen. We passed nearly $4 trillion in economic relief, saved or supported over 50 million jobs, and slashed the unemployment rate in half. These are numbers that our country has never seen before. 

We created choice and transparency in healthcare, stood up to big pharma in so many ways, but especially in our effort to get favored nations clauses added, which will give us the lowest prescription drug prices anywhere in the world. We passed VA Choice, VA Accountability, Right to Try, and landmark criminal justice reform. 

We confirmed three new justices of the United States Supreme Court. We appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret our Constitution as written. 

[We] achieved the most secure border in US history. We have given our brave border agents and heroic ICE officers the tools they need to do their jobs better than they have ever done before and to enforce our laws and keep America safe. We proudly leave the next administration with the strongest and most robust border security measures ever put into place. This includes historic agreements with Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, along with more than 450 miles of powerful new wall.... 

We reclaimed our sovereignty by standing up for America at the United Nations and withdrawing from the one-sided global deals that never served our interests. And NATO countries are now paying hundreds of billions of dollars more than when I arrived just a few years ago.... 

And perhaps most importantly of all, with nearly $3 trillion, we fully rebuilt the American military, all made in the USA. We launched the first new branch of the United States Armed Forces in 75 years, the Space Force. And last spring, I stood at Kennedy Space Center in Florida and watched as American astronauts returned to space on American rockets for the first time in many, many years....

We obliterated the ISIS caliphate and ended the wretched life of its founder and leader al-Baghdadi. We stood up to the oppressive Iranian regime and killed the world’s top terrorist, Iranian butcher, Qassem Soleimani. 

We recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. 

As a result of our bold diplomacy and principled realism, we achieved a series of historic peace deals in the Middle East. Nobody believed it could happen. The Abraham Accords opened the doors to a future of peace and harmony, not violence and bloodshed. It is the dawn of a new Middle East, and we are bringing our soldiers home. 

I am especially proud to be the first president in decades who has started no new wars....

We promoted a culture where our laws would be upheld, our heroes honored, our history preserved, and law-abiding citizens are never taken for granted....

The speech ends looking forward, with the expression of hopes and warnings:

But the greatest danger we face is a loss of confidence in ourselves, a loss of confidence in our national greatness.... No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes for these are the very sources of our unity and our vitality.... We must never forsake our belief in America. The key to national greatness lies in sustaining and instilling our shared national identity. That means focusing on what we have in common, the heritage that we all share. 

At the center of this heritage is also a robust belief in free expression, free speech, and open debate. Only if we forget who we are and how we got here could we ever allow political censorship and blacklisting to take place in America. It’s not even thinkable. Shutting down free and open debate violates our core values and most enduring traditions. 

In America, we don’t insist on absolute conformity or enforce rigid orthodoxies and punitive speech codes. We just don’t do that. America is not a timid nation of tame souls who need to be sheltered and protected from those with whom we disagree. That’s not who we are. It will never be who we are.... 

We are and must always be a land of hope, of light, and of glory to all the world.... As long as the American people hold in their hearts, deep and devoted love of country, then there is nothing that this nation can not achieve.....


gilbar said...

he says he was the only outsider to win the Presidency...
I'd say there was one other President not a member of a political party to win the Presidency

And i'd say that Donald Trump was the finest President we've had since

Dave Begley said...

Ann: Were you really scared of Trump?

Dave Begley said...

Trump was the best President in my lifetime. Ten times better than I expected.

Kevin said...

It’s amazing what can be accomplished when you’re not trying to squeeze every bit of political capital out of the smallest of actions.

Mike Sylwester said...

Only if we forget who we are and how we got here could we ever allow political censorship and blacklisting to take place in America. It’s not even thinkable. Shutting down free and open debate violates our core values and most enduring traditions.

In America, we don’t insist on absolute conformity or enforce rigid orthodoxies and punitive speech codes. We just don’t do that. America is not a timid nation of tame souls who need to be sheltered and protected from those with whom we disagree.

All public discussion of the election fraud is being suppressed.

donald said...

Trump has always said “we”. And yeah, absolutely the best president of my lifetime. It’s not even close. Mebbe that’s a reflection on just how fucking horrible the rest have been.

wendybar said...

Best President I ever voted for. It's a shame we are throwing a guy who has done more for the American people than the last 4 put together have in 4 years out for a guy who has done NOTHING good for almost 50 years. What is the definition of insanity again???

Humperdink said...

Name any other president who stood up to the Chi-Coms. Easy to count, isn’t it?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

If you think like a builder an arena is something you do. I generally agree on the mixed metaphors, though. I don't think we've ever been much worried about those in political speeches, however. Remember Al Gore's "bridge to the 21st C?" Where else did he think we were going to go?

Breezy said...

Scared by Trump, but not by Socialist policies advanced by the Potemkin Joe and his cohort? I’m perplexed.

Chris said...

He always talks in terms of "we" yet he's supposed to be this horrible narcissist. What a bunch of hooey. Best president since Regan.

Rusty said...

I was 69 this year. And Yes he is the greatest president in my lifetime and probably the greatest of this century. History will tell. Instead of doing things to America and it's people he is the only modern president who has done the things he's done for America and it's people. We were never more prosperous. We have never been safer as a nation.
And yes Mike Sylvester. The long night of suppression and censorship is descending.

hawkeyedjb said...

In my opinion, good presidents have been those who have not spent a lifetime in politics. I think (in my lifetime) of Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump - men who had careers outside politics, and who had an appreciation of life in "the real world." Now comes Joe Biden, fresh off his accomplishment of spending 50 years at the government teat. He knows nothing of life outside his narrow world of grifting, where bullshit is the currency and self-aggrandizement is the goal. Those who share his values will prosper.

Breezy said...

We really need some strong leaders to stand up to this cancel culture. It’s become worse since the election. Deprogramming? Who or what made these people so unbelievably arrogant and insane?

Curious George said...

"Some of us are still scared! "

Easy to tell who that is. Bedwetters and shoe washers.

Breezy said...

I agree Trump has been the best president of my lifetime so far. I hope he has inspired others to follow his lead. There’s a base ready and waiting....

Marcus Bressler said...

I repeat: The Best President of my Lifetime.


Thank you, President Trump!

tim maguire said...

Trump is capable of giving great and moving speeches. If he chose to do it a little more often, he might still be president.

Greg Hlatky said...

A pope once complained that his authority didn't extend past his office door. His directives, wishes and policies were effectively sidetracked by the Curia.

Trump was a CEO. There can be discussion and argument but once the decision is made, his subordinates carry it out or they're sacked. Pretty much, the last four years have shown that our administrative state is much like the Curia. The president can cajole or demand, but foot dragging and outright subversion of his wishes occur because his subordinates think of themselves as the real determiners of policy. And how are you going to get rid of them?

Tank said...

Best President during my lifetime. ST is right that he failed in some ways, but then, who would have succeeded as much as he did? He was but a brief respite. And fun.

Now, under Slo-Joe China Joe, we proceed with the further dismantling of America.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“I am especially proud to be the first President in decades who started no new wars” - he’s forgetting he started the Lame Duck War.

Gunner said...

After the election, I wish he had just let his lawyers quietly try (and fail,I am sure) to bring suit about the election results instead of holding loud, pointless rallies as if that was going to convince any judges.

Meade said...

“Last words?” I would have titled it, “parting words... for now.”

Big Mike said...

Some of us are still scared!

You are scared of Trump but Biden does not leave you petrified in fear? Is there a point where you start using that brain of yours?

wendybar said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
“I am especially proud to be the first President in decades who started no new wars” - he’s forgetting he started the Lame Duck War.

That's all you have?? Enjoy being China's serf under China Joe. You deserve what you voted for.

Clayton Hennesey said...

As Mitch McConnell and the rest of the administrative state will continue to show us, the Constitution and the laws of the land are now aspirational guidelines only.

An appropriate song for the new era:


John henry said...

I'll just say Ditto to Dave B's comment. Best president of my lifetime.

I'll add: Perhaps the best president ever.

Just look at what he accomplished in spite of the massive headwinds and all the folks trying to drag him down.

We've not heard the last of him and all the fascists (progressives) are not going to like what they hear. I suspect that many of us will love it.

I still think he should go with a quasi 3rd, fusion, party. Except call it an for profit association, club or some such to cut down on the regulatory bullshit.

Support candidates friendly to America, of whatever party. Oppose, including primaries, candidates and others unfriendly to America.

John Henry

David Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David Begley said...

I’m genuinely scared of the Biden-Harris Administration. Limitations on Free Speech. Energy prices going up. GDP stagnation. Inflation coming. Green New Deal crap imposed on us. Iran gets a nuke. Billions given to governments that hate us. The Norks cause us all sorts of grief. Border invasion. And, of course, China pays NO price for the Wuhan virus. Joe does what China wants.

rhhardin said...

I'm not a fan of boilerplate speeches, but Trump left out the chief point in his favor, namely destroying the asshole politicians that run things.

farmgirl said...

Scared of what? Leftists beating the crap out of u for wearing diverse accessories like MAGA caps? Being pulled out of your car for a TRUMP sticker b/c leftists are indoctrinated to see swastikas instead of individual opinion? Getting shot for uttering out loud that all lives matter- are given to us by God- in equality of Love? Having your house graffitied b/c you live in a predominantly white neighborhood? Arrested for defending yourself against violent intruders?

That kind of scared?

Big Mike said...

I think Reagan was a bit better, but he faced a tougher economic situation and the Cold War to boot.

Still, I have to wonder what he would have accomplished had he not had to fend off baseless FBI investigations and outright defiance from the Deep State. Much, much, more, I’m sure.

John henry said...

It occurred to me that we have seen this movie before. I mean the blacklists, deplatforming, one sided media. We have not had explicit loyalty oaths yet but we are getting close with implied loyalty oaths.

The same thing happened in the 40's. Under Democrats. People blame McCarthy for the loyalty oaths required of all govt employees. But it was Truman. People blame McCarthy for the Hollywood blacklist, but it was private companies trying to curry favor.

And so on.

Also in the teens under Wilson and other Democrats.

We keep being warned of impending fascism under conservatism. Always impending, never arriving. Yet we keep actually getting fascism under progressivism.

John Henry

Temujin said...

I thought it was an impressive speech. The two key points are that he was an outsider, a rough outsider with no connection to the political class he was about to take on. And...because of that, he thinks differently than they do. In business it would be said that he thinks outside the box. In politics he was considered 'reckless'. Yet his list of accomplishments is so much more vast, real, and will have great impact. Right up to the point when Joe Biden's team undoes as much as they can. I mean- we can't allow energy independence, can we?

We will not see another President in our lifetime do as much as he did, while being attacked and having obstacles thrown up at him constantly. He is a crude man. An abnormal man in many ways. His social skills are weird, but weirdly successful. People who know him, like him. And he seemed to take on a new purpose in his life. I know everyone on the Left (meaning he press, media, academia) say that he's a complete narcissist. And surely he is that. But he is more than that. Obama is a narcissist. And he did nothing but preen on podiums for 8 years. He did not accomplish a third of what Trump did for the American people in his 8 years. Trump found a calling in seriously trying to do things to make America better again. His shortcomings were his communication on what and why he was doing what he did.

For a guy who was terrific in selling his brand in business, he did not do well at selling what he accomplished as a President. Too bad. We should be starting his second term now. Instead, the Blob of Establishment Washington, wearing it's clothing of gloom, fear, and division, is back. All those entitled career bureaucrats who love to spout meaningless words are back at the helm. The press will breathe a sigh of relief as they are no longer going to be held to any standard. Everyone can write their books about how they survived the Trump years. And 'experts' in all fields will once again get their large consulting checks to steer us off into wars and other wrong paths.

Joe Biden makes it to May. Kamala Harris is so out of her depth- and she's about to be your President. Nice going, folks.

DavidUW said...

Too bad a bunch of suburban housewives care more about sounds than actions.

and strategic voter fraud.

MountainMan said...

Excellent commentary out today from Angelo Codevilla at American Greatness. Long, but worth the read. Time to begin the real resistance.

I see Joe is issuing 17 EOs later today, essentially undoing a lot of Trump's legacy and bringing back failed Obama policies. A true "America Last" strategy. 17 nails in America's coffin.

My wife and I are sending off passport renewals today. Time to start deciding where we will move. Some countries in Europe are actually starting to look pretty good compared to where the oligarchy will be taking us. Our new masters are going to make absolute war on half the population - "domestic terrorists". As Codevilla points out in his commentary, even East Germany and the Soviet Union weren't this bad.

J L Oliver said...

I want a sweatshirt that says, “Are you now, or have you ever been, a Trump supporter.”

John henry said...

It's an ill wind that blows nobody, as the saying goes.

I had a bunch of lean years under Bush and esp Obama. I've had 4 VERY good years under President Trump.

It looks like I am going to have 4 even better years under Biden if the first 6 months of 2021 is any indication. I am booked solid through May. In conversations with a company that may take all my availability for the rest of the year.

Under PDJT it was because companies could not keep up with demand.

Under Biden I expect, sadly, it will be to try to escape some of the hobbles they see coming down the road.

I have mixed feelings. Good for me, of course. Maybe not so good for America.

John Henry

mezzrow said...

"That kind of scared?"

That's a start. We'll see what happens next.

This fear, like cancel culture, could all be a fantasy. That's what "responsible sources" tell me. Living in a world where you can't trust responsible sources is very scary.

I'm going to go back and read some Milan Kundera again. It seems timely.

tim maguire said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
“I am especially proud to be the first President in decades who started no new wars” - he’s forgetting he started the Lame Duck War.

Really? You're that desperate that you define "war" down to include protest and complaint?

William said...

He had a successful Presidency.. I think Nixon might have been more reviled, but after Nixon, he was the most reviled President of my lifetime. The contrast between his solid achievements and how he was portrayed in the media was indeed stark.....Trump was a successful President but not a successful politician. Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush got re-elected. Trump had one big failure. He didn't win enough votes to get re-elected.

John henry said...

Blogger J Oliver said...

I want a sweatshirt that says, “Are you now, or have you ever been, a Trump supporter.”

As in the 40's, it will be Democrats asking that question.

See the HUAC/HCUA hearings.

My aunt, who had a gig with Folkways, gave me this album in the early 60's. Not as any kind of statement, she was always giving me bunches of Folkways records. It's a 10" record which kind of dates it.


By Pete Seeger who was not only a communist party member but a Stalinist until he died. Backed by the Hooteneers including Betty Sanders.

John Henry

CharlieL said...

Amazing! I did not see one negative comment about Trump!

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann: Were you really scared of Trump?"

Of course! I'm scared of all Presidents. But Trump was entirely bizarre. I hoped for the best and gave him as much support as I could, because he needed it and didn't get much. Things went quite well compared to how badly they could have gone. And now I've got someone new to be afraid of.

Ann Althouse said...

Not that I spend my days cowering. There is always fear, but it's a mistake to go about living fear.

Shouting Thomas said...

My Trump post-mortem.

DavidUW said...

Thanks Trump for revealing that the ENTIRE governing class is utterly, completely, totally: incompetent, corrupt and evil.

Especially idiots like Fraudci.

You really should have fired him tho, like last week.

unknown said...

If he’d won a second term, his gains would’ve solidified, his accomplishments impossible to ignore. Democrats and the nation-at-large would’ve had to reconcile themselves to him. Embrace him, even. Defend him against annoying foreigners who talk shit. He would have been an asshole still, but he’s be OUR asshole by golly.

Instead, people will feel that he was rejected and construct false narratives about all the ways he threatened democracy and American values and had to be stopped. He will go down in history (by the people who teach our children) as a loser and a failure and a wannabe fascist. It’s a shame, really.

This, more than anything else, is why I wanted him re-elected.

DavidUW said...

good for you.

I highly recommend everyone who can, does get at least a second passport. You should also open up a foreign bank account (I know it's a PITA), and move as much as possible outside the US.

See you in St. Kitt's.

Francisco D said...

Dave Begley said...Ann: Were you really scared of Trump?

I think she was more offput by his unfashionability in every sense of that supposed word.

As the Brits would say, "He is just not our kind."

The Crack Emcee said...

He'll miss it, but do THAT again?

Not even.

Rusty said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Not that I spend my days cowering. There is always fear, but it's a mistake to go about living fear."
damn right. Fuck em if they can't take a joke.
DavidUW. My history is here. Even before it was founded we've been here. I think I'll st6ck around where I am. Thanks for the advice though.

rehajm said...

Trump was the best President in my lifetime. Ten times better than I expected.

I concur but never had low expectations or felt the need to add any qualifiers. A competent dealmaker POTUS with rational policies will beat a Bill Ayers descendent POTUS every time.

rehajm said...

I think she was more offput by his unfashionability in every sense of that supposed word.

As the Brits would say, "He is just not our kind."

Yep. Also Ann loathes finance. Sometimes people fear what they doesn't understand.

jaydub said...

There are four basic deliverables I want from the government: personal freedom, secure property rights, a strong defense and a robust market economy. Trump delivered on most of those despite vicious opposition from the Democrats; Biden has already promised to undo what Trump has done and will champion none of those four. Obama's Secretary of Defense said "Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy decision for the the last four decades," a leadership liability which was partially offset by the fact that the country had never before made the mistake of giving Joe an executive position where he could actually make blunders in real time rather than just offering bad advice. And, when Obama said "don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" he was being generous. Slow Joe repeated third grade and finished in the bottom 10% of his law school class for a reason. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Tommy Duncan said...

I read a long impeachment article today. The article made no reference to what Trump is charged with and, of course, what evidence exists.

wendybar said...

Be VERY afraid Ann. What you are seeing is a repeat of history...Censoring and deprogramming and shaming and all that good stuff.

Bob Boyd said...

It was the Dems who made the last 4 years crazy, not Trump.

rehajm said...

It looks like I am going to have 4 even better years under Biden if the first 6 months of 2021 is any indication.

Us, too. It's crazy. Politically left and right are making changes, getting defensive...

gilbar said...

i don't know who said...
and construct false narratives about all the ways he threatened democracy and American values and had to be stopped. He will go down in history (by the people who teach our children) as a loser and a failure and a wannabe fascist. It’s a shame, really.

all the ways he threatened democrats, and American values had to be stopped. He will go down in history as a loser to a failure and a wannabe fascist. It’s a shame, really.

Amadeus 48 said...

I thought we should have been hearing about those achievements and American greatness the whole campaign.

He got off to such a good start at Mt. Rushmore in July, but then he got dragged into mud-wrestling with the press rather than campaigning for America. His opponent (now our president) was a low-IQ chronic hair-sniffer and girl-groper ("tactile politician"--hah!) who couldn't leave his basement. Trump should have been giving variations of that July speech and the achievement section this "so long, for now" address all autumn long.


cacimbo said...

Trump was far better than I expected.What disgusted me most about the Trump years was the Republican swamp working to sabotage Trump rather that enact his policies. The endless articles on how some swamp rat or another took the position just to control Trump - disgusting.It is amazing that with most media working 24/7 to destroy Trump, Democrats still needed fraud to steal the election.That is why they are so afraid of him and why they are working so hard to cut off any method he has to communicate with the public.I hope this silencing has inspired Trump to create a media empire that destroys CNN, FOX, twitter, facebook......

Unknown said...

> Imagine if this had been what we were hearing:


Chuck said...
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Amadeus 48 said...

Go back and look at the first term of Ronald Reagan. I think it is Steve Hayward that points out in "The Age of Reagan" that Reagan's biggest opposition came from GOP senators (Chuck Percy and others) who wanted to put that actor in his place. So, Trump faced situation normal: the GOP time-servers didn't want their status challenged. Reagan worked to win them over and went over their heads to their constituents. Trump forewent the charm offensive, and the deep staters didn't have constituents outside the DC area.

Percy later was done in by his own blindness and arrogance. A couple of years after being voted the "Israel Man of the Year" by some Jewish groups, he voted to allow the Arabs to buy Awacs planes from the US, which got spun by his opponents into a mortal threat to Israel. Oops. Chuck Percy out, Paul Simon in. Then Durbin. Ugh! I don't think Dick Durbin is a friend of Israel, no matter what the J Street crowd says.

John henry said...

That's rich coming from you, Dick.

We get that you don't like pdjt.

What we never got was why. Other than style. You never articulated any objections to policies or actions.

Well, other than the Muslim (non) ban which you never seemed to understand.

John Henry

Lurker21 said...

Reagan was alright, too. I saw Trump as a unifying figure. He brought together people who liked Reagan and people who felt left out of Reagan's America and left out of what's been happening since. But of course in politics nobody ever wins everybody over.

Reagan could always rely on some moderate or conservative Democrats voting with him, so what moderate or liberal Republicans might do didn't worry him that much. There was not much wrath against RINOs because the country and Congress still had plenty of DINOs. Things have changed since then, and not for the better.

Amadeus 48 said...

I am sure many of you know what it must be like to live in Madison, WI, have a public profile, and be willing to give Trump a hearing.

All praise and bouquets, right?

hawkeyedjb said...

Blogger Temujin said...
Joe Biden makes it to May. Kamala Harris is so out of her depth- and she's about to be your President.

Can you think of any other advanced nation that can nominate and elect two such incompetent, unaccomplished, shallow nincompoops to the highest offices? I can't.

Dude1394 said...

65 years old and best president of my lifetime, bar none. He said exactly what needed to be said the last two months, this election was corrupt and stolen. Chicom Biden* was installed. And just like the Russia spying and hit job will never be uncovered, they get away with it again.

I think I am about out on the GOP. Give me a new party or give me death.

John henry said...

Blogger hawkeyedjb said...

Can you think of any other advanced nation that can nominate and elect two such incompetent, unaccomplished, shallow nincompoops to the highest offices? I can't.

Canada? I have the Trudeaus in mind, pere et fils.

Of course, they are not truly elected. They are only, indirectly, recommended by the electorate for appointment by their queen.

John Henry

narciso said...

carrying over


Greg The Class Traitor said...

"He begins with something he ought to have been talking about since mid-November, instead of the doomed notion that he had won the election"

But he did win the election, before it was stolen by vote fraud.

"Accept the counted results of an election"? Yeah, tell that to every single person who pushed the obviously fraudulent "Trump colluded with Putin" BS for three years, as an attempt to overturn the 2016 counted election results.

And then impeached President Trump for the "crime" of investigating former VP Biden's crimes.

Sorry, that story doesn't work.

(Note: Putin is not a moron. Russia's economy and international power depend on oil sales. Frack hurts Russia, hard.

There's not the slightest chance that Putin would favor the pro-fracking Trump over an anti-frack Democrat. The only way anyone could believe that story was they're a foreign policy ignoramus, or they're engaging in "motivated reasoning" of a moronic order)

donald said...

That's all you have?? Enjoy being China's serf under China Joe. You deserve what you voted for.

Yup. That’s all he has.

You’ve been cowering in fear all year Ms Althouse. Your weakness at what has transpired has been quite transparent.

n.n said...

Kamala Harris is so out of her depth- and she's about to be your President

Who knows, maybe, like Ginsburg who delayed standing down, Harris will have an epiphany. People do learn from their mistakes and change.

hombre said...

This is a telling time in America. By hook or by crook we have traded the most accomplished President in decades - measured by actual accomplishments, not skin color or hero worship - for grifting as usual. Unlike the Democrats who opposed him Trump will leave office poorer, not richer. We will have traded peace and prosperity for its “progressive” antithesis.

Among the gifts he has given us is awareness of the depth of corruption in the DNC, the US government, Big Tech and media, particularly in the Congress, federal law enforcement and intelligence communities. The willingness of these entities to cheat and defame to get him out of office illustrated by his opponent’s building his campaign on the Charlottesville “fine people” hoax and finishing with the most blatant examples of election fraud in recent history is a red flag to 74 million people and our families.

The cost to Trump and his family and perhaps to his supporters is immeasurable. We would be wise to remember and to resist with commitment the reinvigoration of the swamp and the Biden Crime Family by QuidProJoe and the Obots in his Administration.

FWBuff said...

President Trump has an impressive list of accomplishments, not the least of which is the many constitutionalist judges he appointed.

hombre said...

“Some of are still scared!”

Wow! Reminds me of the hand-wringing retired professor next door. TDS personified, but don’t talk about it. Remember Scott Adams illustration of cognitive dissonance starring Ben Afleck? That’s her. All fear and anger, no reason.

No President or President’s family in 100 years have been subject to the kind of vilification heaped on the Trumps. No block of voters supporting a President have been demeaned like the “deplorables,” not even the “bitter clingers.” No political party, its ponces in the media, its allies in the judiciary and federal law enforcement or Brownshirts on the streets of our cities have ever abused power as have the Democrats protecting their fiefdom from this interloper. But that’s not scary.

But beware of the Reichstag fire in the Capitol on the 6th. Now that was scary!

Michael K said...

Blogger hawkeyedjb said...
In my opinion, good presidents have been those who have not spent a lifetime in politics. I think (in my lifetime) of Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump - men who had careers outside politics, and who had an appreciation of life in "the real world."

Key observation. I am still reading Novak's book and learned that the reason Reagan chose Schweiker in 1976 was maneuvering by RINOs trying to get votes in PA. Novak makes the excellent point that, had Reagan been elected in 1968, when he was a candidate, we would never have had Watergate or Vietnam. Interesting thought. By 1980, Novak thought he was too old. I'd love to see Novak's opinion of Trump.

Michael K said...

Blogger FWBuff said...
President Trump has an impressive list of accomplishments, not the least of which is the many constitutionalist judges he appointed.

I fear this will be another triumph of hope over experience. The judiciary seemed corrupt this time.

Annie said...

I miss you already, President Trump. Thanks for all you did because you clearly love America. I will never regret voting for you. One of his greatest accomplishments was showing America that the best leaders don't bow to political correctness, Big Tech, or money. No civility BS here!

And I love the contrast: Trump always said "we." Obama always said "I."

mikee said...

The Dems burned down the village to save the ashes for themselves.

Lurker21 said...

Trudeau pĆØre was accomplished in his way. He managed to get what he wanted (whether it was worth it to anybody else or not) and to hold the country together when it could have fallen apart.

It's not always to tell whether somebody will make a good leader or not. Trump turned out better than I expected. I don't expect much from Biden/Harris, but we'll see how things work out.

Conserve Liberty said...

Trump was no Reagan.

RigelDog said...

Yes, I am scared. They're coming for people like me. Unless I keep my head down. There's not much they can do to me at this stage of my life, but it wouldn't be hard to figure out who my kids are (unusual last name) and then ruin their lives pour encourager les autres.

I have discovered that it's hard to be a hero when they've got your kids as hostages.

Jim at said...

Again, imagine what he could've done if the left simply let him do his job.

dreams said...

Maybe Althouse was scared into saying she was still scared because of the liberal mob and maybe her friends, maybe she's still in CYA mode.

Marcus Bressler said...

When history and I look back on the presidential term of DJT, his greatest accomplishment, bar none, was preventing the EVIL Hillary Rodham Clinton from ever being elected president.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't horrified by citizens walking into Sauron's Lair. Anyone can get a ticket for a tour. Former Sen. Harry Reid complained about the smell of citizens in HIS capitol, but he didn't then understand he was a temporary resident of that cesspool.

I think he smelled his own decaying corpse, and the depths to which he had sunk.

Anonymous said...

Annie- "One of his greatest accomplishments was showing America that the best leaders don't bow to political correctness"

That's the only reason I voted for him. At a press conference, during the 2016 campaign, he mentioned 'anchor babies'. The Prog press excoriated him for being raycisssssssssss.

Any other Republican would have dropped to the floor curled up in a fetal ball, crying out, Don't call me Raycissssss. I'll do whatever you want.

Trump simply said, Anchor Babies was a perfectly acceptable descriptive phrase.

Loved Trump. Hate Republicans.

SensibleCitizen said...

It was a remarkable four years. The democrat party and it's win-at-all-cost constituents (not ALL democrats) needed to pay a price for how they ran elections in five states. They did -- but Trump also paid a price.

So be it.

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