January 31, 2021
"John Weaver, a longtime Republican strategist and co-founder of the prominent anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project, has for years sent unsolicited and sexually provocative messages online to young men..."
"...often while suggesting he could help them get work in politics, according to interviews with 21 men who received them.
His solicitations included sending messages to a 14-year-old, asking questions about his body while he was still in high school and then more pointed ones after he turned 18.... [M]any of them described feeling preyed upon by an influential older man in the field in which they wanted to work, and believing they had to engage with his repeated messaging or lose a professional opportunity.
Mr. Weaver sent overt sexual solicitations to at least 10 of the men and, in the most explicit messages, offered professional and personal assistance in exchange for sex. He told one man he would 'spoil you when we see each other,' according to a message reviewed by The New York Times. 'Help you other times. Give advice, counsel, help with bills. You help me … sensually.'"
Isn’t this just run of the mill gay bar behavior?
@Caroline, 14-yo kids generally aren't in bars.
Republican, not so much.
The Democrats are welcome to this grifter organization. The group's name should be the "John Wilkes Booth Project", however.
If you ever watched the ads on Fox News before the election sponsored by the Lincoln Project, you'd have no doubt that there were & are slime. I expect that this is the first in a line of revelations as to just how slimy the Lincoln Project's directors really were.
Has he been recorded on tape saying that ambitous interns wanting to make their way though the swamp allow him to grab them by the codpiece?
Harvey Weinstein: I'll get you an Oscar.
John Weaver: I'll introduce you to Rick Wilson.
I am Laslo.
The normal progression for the person of evolving political orientation is to be liberal when young and move right with age. People who go the other way--conservative when young and moving left as they age tend to be creepy douchebags (David Brock is the perfect example).
I generally reference Churchill's adage, "if you're conservafive at 20..." The person who goes the other way is wrong both times.
The head of a group that found Trump's personal behavior too boorish to tolerate.
This surprises exactly no one, that a grafter seeks to exploit his power for more than just money.
Wasn't there a guy here, who claimed that he was Life Long Republican?
And wasn't The Lincoln Project a cause célèbre for him?
right up there with fantasizing about 'titty twisting' and of forms of sexual assault?
I guess the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree?
MadisonMan said...
@Caroline, 14-yo kids generally aren't in bars.
they usually have to go to Pizza Parlours or other 'all ages' gay venues
Well, we're shocked.
But these things only matter if you're conservative, in which case they are trumpeted as proof of ...something, I forget what. But something important. So I don't think you should bother to mention this again, Ann, because it might suggest to people that you are homophobic for even mentioning it. That you are actually a left-libertarian who has no issue with gays is clearly just a cover for your prejudice. You don't censor conservatives, even nutcase ones who think there is media bias, so you are already on thin ice. I'm just sayin'.
Mentioning the 14 y/o was a real problem, because it plays into the ridiculous accusation by witch-hunters and Bible-fundamentalists that because Ephebophilia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia has been an important part of gay culture for 2000 years that pedophilia might sometimes...just offhand...only for purposes of comparison... be allowed to be mentioned in some book that homosexuality is mentioned as well. That will not stand.
Odd that this “LIncoln Project" was supported by all Democrat big donors and yet we were assured time and again that they weren’t just tools of the left.
What did 60 Minutes know and when did it know it?
Nevertrumpers, God love 'em!
What I don’t get is why the press covered for them when these people came forward before the election...
He wanted to show him his Lincoln log.
"Lincoln Log Project Tools"
There be lots of trouser snake jokes in there, so many it's "hard" (get it?) to keep track.
"Gay Culture"
Gotta love that one.
Just the innocent pursuit of little boys, no harm in that, is there?
Sure,”Nicholas” the two scenarios are exactly the same. A guy specifically & repeatedly targeting and preying on young men is exactly like a guy speaking in generalities and hypotheticals about grabbing the pussies of willing gold diggers and fame whores. In what reality do you libshit trolls live?
Commupances. to be had all around!
LONDON (Reuters) - Short-sellers are sitting on estimated losses of $70.87 billion from their short positions in U.S. companies so far this year, data from financial data analytics firm Ortex showed on Thursday.
The hefty losses come as shares of highly-shorted GameStop jumped more than 1,000% in the past week without a clear business reason, forcing short-sellers to buy back into the stock to cover potential losses -- defined as a short-squeeze -- while retail investors then piled in to benefit from the surge.. - Reuters
Is making a ton of money a “clear business reason” or not?
I thought the writers couldn’t top themselves after four years of Trump, but the simulation this year is as good as ever.
You think it's easy to curate the pipeline to be Romney's page boy? Who's gonna find the right combination of ambition and discretion in these young hard chargers? Like Harvey Weinstein (or the Roman Curia), this is a tried and true method for determining who takes direction.
Uncle John's log cabin.
Figures. The Lincoln Project is the Dems' rent boy.
This behavior certainly isn’t exclusive to never Trumpers. He reminds me of Mark Foley.
Sure, he's a douchebag, but let's be honest. Trump made him do it.
Democrats covered for Lincoln Project in the same manner they covered for Epstein.
I have nothing against real conservatives who happen to be gay, but a disproportionate number of Neo-Con Trump Hating Fake Conservatives seem to be gay or just effeminate heterosexuals like David French and most of National Review.
Please, please, please out George Conway next.
Whenever I read something about accusations by many people against someone I do not like, the Kavanaugh witch hunt comes to mind.
Kinda takes the fun out of it.
Reminds me of Anthony Weiner and Hunter Biden.
Just offhand I'd say the information is photoshopped, so to speak, though I don't know who's out to destroy the guy or why, and whether I should care.
First assumption is always that it's clickbait.
I've forgotten what the house page scandal was about exactly. Wasn't that picking up young males?
The damned deep state Republicans are almost as bad as the Democrats. I wonder how many were saved on both sides of the aisle by Epstein's timely death. Fair warning to all Republicans. Take control of your state Republican party, and find another Trump to run in 2024. It may be the last chance to keep this in the ballot box and out of the bullet box. Me, I plan to send donations to Kristi Noem.
I was wondering if this story was going to bubble up or not. Ryan Girdusky broke it on Twitter a few weeks ago, and he wrote The Lincoln Project’s Predator for The American Conservative on January 11th.
Psychiatrist Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig says borderline pedophiles make great teachers - they can sustain an interest in what the kid is saying long after a normal adult tunes out.
Maybe he's a plus for the kids. It would have to be looked at. Is more than just interested.
J. Farmer said...
I was wondering if this story was going to bubble up or not. Ryan Girdusky broke it on Twitter a few weeks ago, and he wrote The Lincoln Project’s Predator for The American Conservative on January 11th.
NYT running damage control.
"Gay Culture"
Gotta love that one.
Just the innocent pursuit of little boys, no harm in that, is there?
While I think Weaver is undoubtedly a creep and a sleazeball, college-aged men are not "little boys."
So if I understand this correctly, the Lincoln Project was born in a Log Cabin Republican he built with his own hands...
What did George Conway know and when did he know it?
Isn't calling this out homophobic? Or are only certain people allowed to be predators?
Psychiatrist Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig says borderline pedophiles make great teachers - they can sustain an interest in what the kid is saying long after a normal adult tunes out.
The phrase "borderline pedophiles" does not make much sense in this context. Pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children. That is, children who have not developed their secondary sexual characteristics.
Blogger Assistant Village Idiot said..
Mentioning the 14 y/o was a real problem, because it plays into the ridiculous accusation by witch-hunters and Bible-fundamentalists that because Ephebophilia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia has been an important part of gay culture for 2000 years that pedophilia might sometimes...just offhand...only for purposes of comparison... be allowed to be mentioned in some book that homosexuality is mentioned as well. That will not stand.
Ridiculous accusation? Right...no such thing as statutory rape, which itself is based in part on sexual predation.
Gays have been preying on young boys for thousands of years? Is that a problem?
Naaahhhh...move right along.
Ridiculous accusation? Right...no such thing as statutory rape, which itself is based in part on sexual predation.
Gays have been preying on young boys for thousands of years? Is that a problem?
Naaahhhh...move right along.
Straights have been preying on young girls for thousands of years? Is that a problem?
Naaahhhh...move right along.
Why are Democrats the party of sexual harassment?
And yeah, he's a democrat.
alanc709 said...
Isn't calling this out homophobic? Or are only certain people allowed to be predators?
Straw man argument...
The LP is no longer useful. Trump is gone. It’s OK to cut them loose.
Let's not forget Rick Wilson's Confederate-flag cooler. Perfectly themed for a Democrat grifter.
Perhaps the beginning of a new "Me-Too" movement?
"Iman said...
alanc709 said...
Isn't calling this out homophobic? Or are only certain people allowed to be predators?
Straw man argument..."
Nope, not even a little bit.
Haven't heard from Rolf lately.
This would fit the expected profile of your basic LLR NeverTrumper. Something about the screeching bug-eyed hysteria that is so characteristic of “the femmy, bow-tied defeat-monkey, turn-the-other-cheek capitulation conservatives who craves the petting hand of the leftie then in power.”
- Krumhorn
AA blogs about things that are interesting to her. What is interesting about this?
Apparently the conduct goes back multiple Republican presidential election cycles to 2000. Is that interesting?
It's all in the jeans.
Gay Genes.
This behavior certainly isn’t exclusive to never Trumpers. He reminds me of Mark Foley.
Reminds me of Gerry Studds. Or Barney Frank. Or any number of leftists whose behavior you excuse.
The sad part is that the next rung up the Lincoln Project Sensual Ladder brings you to massage-time with Bill Kristol.
I am Laslo.
What does David Brooks think of this?
The sad part is that the next rung up the Lincoln Project Sensual Ladder brings you to massage-time with Bill Kristol.
The best he can hope for from Bill now is a good spankin'.
Studds was re elected half a dozen times. His constituents didn't see the problem. About that time, a republican congresscritter (Crain?)was caught in the same thing. Except, he was chasing girls and so didn't have the hip/edgy thing going for him. Disappeared.,
Any demands for Democrats to denounce him?
Transgender. Trans-social, too. Border-line pedophile. Socially progressive.
This behavior certainly isn’t exclusive to never Trumpers. He reminds me of Mark Foley.
Meh... much more like Gerry Studds... Fred Richmond... Barney Frank... Neil Cohen... etc.
Weaver knew that, given time, he could help those youngsters develop into fine Americans and rock-ribbed conservatives...but first things first.
I see Jim at beat me to it..
Crucify him
What does David Brooks think of this?
@walter, he probably just wants to know how sharp the crease is on Weaver’s pants.
At least now we know why Chuck signed up.
He wanted to batter their bulwarks.
You know why John Weaver never uses bookmarks?
He just bends over a page.
But of course, as was the case with Epstein, and with Weinstein, nobody knew nuttin'. A reporter found it all quickly but no one around him had a clue!
Blogger Inga said...
This behavior certainly isn’t exclusive to never Trumpers. He reminds me of Mark Foley.
And Gerry Studds and Barney Frank who had a gay whore running a ring from his apartment. Try harder, Inga.
I have no problem with gays. Some good friends were gay but they got into the bath house lifestyle and are all dead. Inga, with the discernment of a bed pan passer, thinks Republicans are the problem.
All of those odious LP people knew.
If political hacks and flacks like Weaver can't be trusted with our winsome youth, then we've come to a very dark place.
Pastors, Coaches and Scoutmasters, sure, but political consultants?
"Cole Trickle Miele was 14 when he followed Mr. Weaver on Twitter in 2015 and quickly received a direct message from him. At first, he did not think anything was amiss.
“I remember being a 14-year-old kid interested in politics and being semi-starstruck by John Weaver engaging in a conversation with me,” said Mr. Trickle Miele, now 19. At the time, he supported the Republican Party and was a fan of Mr. Kasich, the Ohio governor whom Mr. Weaver was helping prepare to join the presidential race.
But as the messages kept coming, he became uncomfortable.
In June 2018, Mr. Weaver asked, “Are you in HS still?” — referring to high school — and Mr. Trickle Miele said that he was, and that he would be 18 the next spring. “You look older,” Mr. Weaver replied. “You’ve gotten taller.”
In March 2020, when Mr. Trickle Miele was 18, Mr. Weaver wrote, “I want to come to Vegas and take you to dinner and drinks and spoil you!!,” and in a follow-up message used a term that in sexual banter refers to one’s body: “Hey my boy! resend me your stats! or I can guess! if that is easier or more fun!”
Yet..still has twitter account:
John Weaver
Proud husband & dad to 2 awesome kids. Bush 41/McCain/Kasich strategist. @projectlincoln
. Aggie. #ChiefsKingdom
Retweets interesting
Lake Travis, Texas
Joined March 2012
19K Following
These Tweets are protected
Only approved followers can see @jwgop’s Tweets.
These are the same people who were attacking Trump out of "Principles" they couldn't vote Republican anymore because Trump was IMMORAL.
Hahahaha. BTW, Romney's firm "Bain Capital" gave the LP over $300,000. Mitt Romney was a big - behind the scenes - booster and financer.
Barney Frank claimed he didn't know anything about the callboy service being run out of his house. Of course, if you believe that...
J. Farmer utterly misses the point:
It is malum prohibitum, at least for the past 200 years in America, for ANYONE--gay or straight---to have sex with an underage person.
Got it?
Ditto I callahan.
Is anyone surprised? Every Top 2008 McCain campaign aid has turned out to be (1) a pedophile (2) a liberal democrat (3) a financial grifter and deadbeat.
Salter - McCain's best friend and speechwriter - voted for Hillary, Obama, and Biden. And was upset at McCain for opposing Sotomayor to the SCOTUS. And we now know that McCain's wife was a liberal Democrat and his "Conservative" daughter wanted the Jan 6th protester "Shot without mercy" and later "Sent to Gitmo".
A look at McCain's short-list in 2008 for VP is interesting. It was:
1) Bloomberg - now a liberal Democrat
2) Lieberman - a liberal Democrat
3) Mitt Romney - Enough said
4) Charlie Crist - now a liberal Democrat
5) Sarah Palin
6) Tim Palwenty - A never trumper and out of politics.
Mark: "All of those odious LP people knew."
Weaver was long known to be precisely this sort of fellow which makes all the over the top praise for Weaver from dems/LLR-dems even more conspicuous.
Weaver always knew in the end he would need democratical/lefty billionaire funded cover.
In the NYT.
Which had no idea about any of this while the Lincoln Project was being presented as a group of "principled conservative Republicans" opposed to Trump.
No idea at all.
The Lincoln frauds, having served their purpose, get the bullet first. They are no longer convenient.
the Press knew about this and covered it up till after the election. IF it had come out during the election, Facebook/Twitter would've banned anyone who covered it, just like they banned and censored the New York Post and anyone else who talked about Joe and Hunter Chi-com and Ukrainian Corruption.
Per the internet:
Weaver, a political consultant known for his work on John McCain’s and John Kasich’s presidential campaigns, registered as a Russian foreign agent for uranium conglomerate TENEX in a six-figure deal last year, filings with the Department of Justice show. According to IRS filings Weaver also has an outstanding $313,655 federal tax lien against his Austin, Texas, home.
According to IRS documents, Steve Schmidt has an outstanding $389,420 federal tax lien against his Tallahassee, Florida, home, and his bank moved to foreclose on the property in 2016. American Express had taken Wilson to court for his own unpaid $25,729 credit card bill the year before, documents show.
So far unmentioned in the comments (can't tell about the paywalled NYT article),one more thing that makes Weaver even more odious is that he has a wife & two kids.
The assholes in the press & LP knew about this. They just didn't didn't want to release it and give Trump any ammo to use against them. What morally degenerate scumbags!
Chuck's heroes. Enough said.
IRC, Frank actually won extra votes in Massachusetts after it was found his gay lover was running a prostitution ring out of Frank's basement.
That's how they roll in Boston. Leave a woman to die in a car crash, run a prostitution ring, who cares? just don't have (R) after your name, and you're A-OK.
"wife & two kids."
well that's happened before. Sometimes the wife is a lesbian. Just Sayin'
This is not the worst aspect of the Lincoln Project. It fits the character of the organization and its publicly prominent members perfectly though.
The real scandal is that lots of people knew. How do I know? This happens with every damn one of these things. Every single time. Lots know, few speak up. And since the Lincoln Project ran an efficient smear machine it’s easy to understand why. Look at how Epstein’s accusers were treated.
Remember why they're ("elites"/clerisy) so motivated to retain their "status" -- they'd be impoverished, in prison or lynched otherwise.
Inga (paraphrasing): "I'll see your Weaver and raise you a Mark Foley."
The problem Inga, is the D's played the Foley card long ago. It's pretty much worthless now. Weaver is (full) front and center now.
I'd hate to imagine what Bill Kristol or Kevin Williamson are into. Must be Kinky though. I have erick erickson down as a bondage S&M Guy.
Its interesting how naive some of us were back in the 80s. when i heard gays were going to "Bath-houses", i thought "how nice. I guess Gays like cleanliness".
Its amazing how many people I didn't suspect of being Gay came out in the 80s, and then tragically some of them died of AIDS. It was a sad time.
You omitted the person that the McCain campaign imposed upon Sarah Palin, Nicole Wallace, who did everything she could to sabotage and undermine Palin. Wallace, now of MS-NBC and rabid out-of-the-closet leftist.
Its amazing how many people I didn't suspect of being Gay came out in the 80s... tragically some of them died of AIDS. It was a sad time.
One of my lunchtime companions before the plague hit was a gay man in his 70s. Our favorite waitress introduced us by saying "You two ought to get to know each other. You're both fucked up in the same ways"**. He told me that in 1983 he went to 19 funerals before he just stopped going out of despair. He had no idea why he survived and so many others didn't.
** The relationship between old farts and their favorite waitresses is indeed a sacred one.
This is grooming 101.
And 14 isn't just in high school, it usually means that someone is a freshman in high school...
As in they just got out of 8th grade.
The Lincoln Project released a statement. Althouse did not include it, or a link, in her blog post. I don't know if a link to the LP statement is part of the New York Times story to which Althouse did link; the Times' story is paywalled and I did not look at it. I expect that few of Althouse's readers will ever see the Times' story. And therefore few will read the statement by the Lincoln Project. Here is that link:
By all accounts that I know of, Weaver's actions:
(a) Were not criminal, and Weaver is not being criminally charged or investigated;
(b) All predated his involvement with the Lincoln Project, and;
(c) Had nothing to do with, and had no involvement with, the Lincoln Project, or any other member or employee of the Lincoln Project.
"He reminds me of Mark Foley."
Or Gerry Studds (sounds like a porn name)...
JFC Inga, way to change the subject.
There are creeps of all political persuasions, and we happen to be talking about a RINO liberal who plays for your team.
Ken B: "The real scandal is that lots of people knew. How do I know?"
This was already well known in Texas political circles back in the 90's.
It's one of the reasons Weaver knew he needed to go work for the democraticals after "helping" John McCain lose to Bush in 2000.
Weaver also helped convince George HW Bush to go back on his "no new taxes" pledge.
One of the reasons McCain despised evangelicals so extraordinarily is that he was fed crap about them by Weaver and the rest of the democrats in republican garb.
Weaver has always been a far left Democrat who simply believed he could grift more effectively by pretending to be a republican.
Note: with the cash to grifter liars like Weaver, Kristof, Goldberg etc drying up, "republican" Kinzinger sees an opening and is launching a PAC. He knows he will never ascend to power on the republican side now that the jig is up so its lefty billionaire cash grabbing time!
This is grooming 101.
And 14 isn't just in high school, it usually means that someone is a freshman in high school...
As in they just got out of 8th grade.
If I had a son who received texts like this from a grown man, my husband and I would be at the man's door, and he had better have a great explanation and be able to talk fast.
What a creep.
It makes perfect sense now why Weaver's biggest LLR backers at Althouse and elsewhere spent so much time lauding this known pedophile.
Weaver is an absolutely perfect representative of the NeverTrump movement, which does not include far left democrats who merely pose as LLR's on blogs.
We will just add Weaver to Rick "Confederate Flag Gear" Wilson as Lincoln Project "All Stars".
Racist pedophiles funded by far left billionaires to advance democrats and socialist policies...
.....to "conserve conservatism"!...
....(wink wink)
Did they have cabin boys on the NR cruises?
LLR-lefty Chuck is a card carrying member of the John Weaver/Rick Wilson Pedophile/Racist Fan Club.
Which goes a long way toward explaining LLR-lefty Chuck's non-stop racist attacks against black conservatives and Chuck's bizarre fixation and attacks on young Barron Trump, amongst other children.
alfromchgo: "Did they have cabin boys on the NR cruises?"
No doubt.
But they always have LLR-lefty boosters milling about who will declare with a straight face that nothing untoward ever occurred AND that democraticals in Detroit never ever cheat in elections....
The Lincoln Project won.
Trump lost.
You know what I bet he ain't? A goddam (haawwk, spit!) atheist.
President Harris will pardon him
Is the NYT just noticing this is news? They're about two and a half weeks behind.
Comments have gone much the way one might expect.
The Lincoln Project grifters, who completely failed and are now being abandoned by big time far left democratical billionaires (their only means of support), are becoming more desperate by the day and this publishing of the minimum 3 decade long Weaver saga is just another signal the lefties now realize what losers these guys are and they can be cut loose.
Expect to see the Lincoln Project losers continue to ratchet up their rhetoric in full support of the far left/Marxist agenda to try and stay relevant.
Similar to LLR-lefty Chuck who often forgets he is playing a "conservative republican" and let's slip his real far left democratical persona.
Readering: "Comments have gone much the way one might expect."
Team Avenatti/Stalin Whitewash checks in.
Mary Beth: "Is the NYT just noticing this is news? They're about two and a half weeks behind."
Try 3 decades behind.
Banned, friendless, morally bankrupt C__! channels Harry Reid.
Conserving..you know the thing!
Meh... much more like Gerry Studds... Fred Richmond... Barney Frank... Neil Cohen... etc.
I think what Studds, Dan Crane (who you left out), Mark Foley, Richmond, and Cohen did was much worse than what Weaver is accused of. Studds and Crane each had sex with 17-year-old pages, and Foley was sending sexually explicit messages to minors. Richmond propositioned a 16-year-old for sex, and Cohen was in possession of child pornography.
But but!
Pedophilia is just a QAnon conspiracy theory!
Meanwhile, the teacher unions, the east coast media grifters, and the left coast gay activists keep trying to lower the age of consent...
LLR-lefty and Marxist democratical-endorsing Chuck: "The Lincoln Project won."
Saying the Lincoln Project "won" is the equivalent of asserting the Soviet attacks against Japan beginning in August of 1945 was the decisive blow against Japan in the Pacific.
Which would be something I would normally believe only readering would put forward given his/her/xer's demonstrated historical ignorance.
May be wrong, but I think Foley engaged a 16 year old in a state where it was legal.
"In 32 of the US states, the legal age of consent is 16 years. They include Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Washington."
Are those "Conservative Principles" in your pocket, John, or are you just happy to see me?
It is malum prohibitum, at least for the past 200 years in America, for ANYONE--gay or straight---to have sex with an underage person.
Got it?
(1) Where did I claim otherwise?
(2) What underage person is Weaver alleged to have slept with?
(3) What has changed in "the past 200 years in America" is what constitutes an "underage person." Until the turn of the 20th century, the age of consent in nearly all states was either 10 or 12 years old. In the first few decades of the 20th century, following activism, age of consent was generally increased to 16 or 18 years old.
Cole Trickle is the name of a fictional stock car driver portrayed by Tom Cruise in “Days of Thunder”. So while I can see naming someone Cole Trickle Miele after the character, I can’t see that person being Mr. Trickle Miele in a sort of hyphenated last name — sans hyphen.
The Lincoln Project won.
Trump lost.
In a lot of ways, the 2020 election outcome was the worst possible outcome for the Lincoln Project. Their goal was not merely to beat Trump but to utterly discredit him, and more importantly, Trumpism. They wanted a big electoral defeat for Trump and big gains for Democrats in Congress. It got neither, and Trump actually improved his vote among black and Latinos.
It's not all that surprising that a PAC managed by Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt would fall flat on its face. It's an indictment of Republican campaigning that bozos like Schmidt and Wilson ever had a position of influence in the first place.
This must have been a tough decision for the NYT to shine a light on such abhorrent behavior.
Looks like tge Lincoln Project served its purposes and is no longer necessary.
“I remember being a 14-year-old kid interested in politics ..."
The country desperately needs to find a way to reach these kids while they are still young, and divert them away from a life of crime...
And it's revolting to see the LLR Who Must Not Be Named channeling his hero Harry Reid.
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The New York Times accidentally practiced journalism they've been allergic to with the following:
"John Weaver, a longtime Republican strategist and co-founder of the prominent anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project, has for years sent unsolicited and sexually provocative messages online to young men..."
Revolting abuser. The Midnight Cowboy who was a Maverick's right-hand man. St. John the McCain unleashed this guy on the world. You think he didn't know? Nah, he had to have. Just like the pedo's partners in The Lincoln Project.
Chuck said...
The Lincoln Project won.
Trump lost.
Ah, the endgame. "The enemy of my enemy." Yeah, careful who you think the good guys are. DC is loaded, l-o-a-d-e-d with grimy, grasping, clutching grifters like John Weaver, though maybe not with his predilections. They're all whores. Folks who root for them run the risk of a social disease, so to speak.
‘Politics is a great career, young man. Do you like people? Did I tell you I once saw John McCain wrestle with the Constitution?’
‘Put on a swimsuit and meet me by the gazebo at midnight, near that statue of Lincoln.’
J. Farmer said...
In a lot of ways, the 2020 election outcome was the worst possible outcome for the Lincoln Project...
No. The single worst outcome -- and there was no second place -- would have been the reelection of Trump. Now, I suppose one could argue that the worst outcome might have been the electoral defeat of Trump followed by Trump's successful forcible retention of executive power, but as close as we came to that, it was not a realistic outcome.
The Lincoln Project did not contribute to any Democrats as far as I know. Where did you get, "[the Lincoln Project] wanted big gains for Democrats in Congress..."? They did involve themselves in a few Senate races, hoping to punish Senators Collins, Gardner, Tillis, Graham and a few others for their failure to support the first impeachment trial of Trump. Those Senators were all specifically warned that there would be consequences for their support of Trump. Personally, I was lukewarm about some of those efforts. But as we enter 2021, I am more enthusiastic than ever, about the Lincoln Project's efforts beyond Trump.
"The Lincoln Project did not contribute to any Democrats as far as I know. Where did you get, "[the Lincoln Project] wanted big gains for Democrats in Congress..."?"
Their own words, maybe?
I thought people, maybe, were unfair to you. I have no such concerns now.
Good to know you support kiddie-diddlers. Not sure any political party needs support like that.
damikesc said...
"The Lincoln Project did not contribute to any Democrats as far as I know. Where did you get, "[the Lincoln Project] wanted big gains for Democrats in Congress..."?"
Their own words, maybe?
I thought people, maybe, were unfair to you. I have no such concerns now.
Good to know you support kiddie-diddlers. Not sure any political party needs support like that.
Fuck off. Weaver was one of eight co-founders of the Lincoln Project. He was with the Project for about six months -- from the end of 2019 to the summer of 2020. No one in the Lincoln Project "support[ed] kiddie-diddlers." There's no serious claim of that. Only stupid, unserious trashtalk like yours.
God, it's good to know that the Lincoln Project has pissed off all the right people.
Yes, it is good to know that people who dislike kiddie-diddlers do not like the Lincoln Project.
Which means that disliking kiddie diddlers equates disliking the LP, what does that say about their supporters?
Stick with the pedophiles. Always a good move, life-long. We have decided to replace you. Feel free to continue voting Democrat. They might overlook massive character flaws, if Rep. Studds is any indication.
Weaver is quickly being unpersoned and forgotten. As usually happens when Republicans are no longer useful. I fully expect some more stories to drop soon.
Open Secrets says Lincoln Project supported democrats: https://www.opensecrets.org/outsidespending/detail.php?cmte=C00725820&cycle=2020
Notably, they supported Georgia senate Democrats.
No. The single worst outcome -- and there was no second place -- would have been the reelection of Trump.
That's why I said "in a lot of ways."
Where did you get, "[the Lincoln Project] wanted big gains for Democrats in Congress..."? They did involve themselves in a few Senate races, hoping to punish Senators Collins, Gardner, Tillis, Graham and a few others for their failure to support the first impeachment trial of Trump.
Your second sentence is the answer to your first. Also, Cornyn, McConnell, McSally, Ernst, Sullivan, Rubio, Cruz, Inhofe, and Rounds.
Also, here's a news article about their support to Democrats: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/blog/meet-press-blog-latest-news-analysis-data-driving-political-discussion-n988541/ncrd1231932#blogHeader
I knew that they supported several Democrats (though besides Joe Biden, I couldn't have told you which ones before taking 2 minutes to google something like Lincoln Project Endorse Democrat, and another 5 minutes to go to their Open Secrets page. Note: I barely paid attention to the group. I'm not sure if this means people claiming they didn't support Democrats are lying or not paying attention, but whichever it is, it means you shouldn't bother listening to them about the Lincoln Project.
Which means that disliking kiddie diddlers equates disliking the LP, what does that say about their supporters?
Stick with the pedophiles.
Huh? College-aged men aren't kiddies; they're adults. Weaver is a creep, but what he is accused of doing is light years away from pedophilia.
Farmer: I think that people are focusing in on the story about him targeting a 14 year old kid and then pouncing as soon as he turned 18 with an invitation to Vegas and drunkenness. Like, yeah, maybe technically legal (I'm not going to say for sure either way, since I'm too lazy at the moment to look it up). But, as you say, like the people who had the Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen countdown to 18 clock -- super creepy. And, that super creepiness is making it really, really hard to focus on the "well actually," part.
Chuck is pro pedophile. Not surprising. It also will not be surprising that he is a pedophile also.
Chuck likes to suck little boy’s dicks. I mean he’s acknowledging it right here on this blog.
"College-aged men aren't kiddies; they're adults."
"His solicitations included sending messages to a 14-year-old, asking questions about his body while he was still in high school and then more pointed ones after he turned 18"
14 is not an adult. Grooming is highly illegal.
donald said...
Chuck likes to suck little boy’s dicks. I mean he’s acknowledging it right here on this blog.
You wrote that I needed a bullet in my head.
And Althouse allows you to remain and post freely.
Which is why I will rarely if ever post any comments here again.
Matt Sablan said...
Open Secrets says Lincoln Project supported democrats: https://www.opensecrets.org/outsidespending/detail.php?cmte=C00725820&cycle=2020
"Independent expenditures for," right? Not contributions. Independent contributions, 88% AGAINST offending Republicans and 11% FOR Democrats who opposed those offending Republicans. Zero "donations" to anything like the DNC, or the DSCC, or to House races in general. Right?
@Joe Smith:
14 is not an adult. Grooming is highly illegal.
What law does "asking questions about his body" violate. That he asked "more pointed ones after he turned 18" cuts against the grooming argument since an 18-year-old can give consent.
@Matt Sablan:
And, that super creepiness is making it really, really hard to focus on the "well actually," part.
As I said earlier: "I think Weaver is undoubtedly a creep and a sleazeball." But that is not a crime, and society has proven itself rather flexible in its attitude towards such interaction between adults and minors. See, for example, the number of adult female teachers who had sexual encounters with their minor students. Roy Moore admitted to dating teenagers when he was in his 30s. Jerry Seinfeld starting dating a 17-year-old when he was 38.
"What law does "asking questions about his body" violate."
Grooming laws. And 14 fucking years old.
Probably difficult to prove in this case, but I'll put it this way as a hypothetical:
Would you want a 40-something man communicating about ANYTHING with your 14-year-old daughter, let alone 'questions about her body'?
If you say, 'well, it isn't against the law,' then you would be a terrible father and should put your kids up for adoption.
Don't be such an idiot. This is not about legality, it's about doing the right thing.
Banned Commenter, who was Banned, LLR-lefty Chuck (who has a long history of racist comments and threats against women and children): "Which is why I will rarely if ever post any comments here again."
Matt Sablan: "Notably, they supported Georgia senate Democrats."
LLR-lefty Chuck strongly endorsed the Marxist Warnock in GA.
Which, after a 5 or 6 year run at Althouse where Chuck defended every democratical and democratical policy while attacking any and all conservatives, shuts the door permanently on Chuck's faux "republican" pro-far-left dem schtick on this blog.
Drago said...
Banned Commenter, who was Banned, LLR-lefty Chuck (who has a long history of racist comments and threats against women and children): "Which is why I will rarely if ever post any comments here again."
You are the other reason why it is so unpleasant for me to even look at these pages. Not just your rampant lies about me; it's your brain-damage obsessive maniacal shitposting about everything else.
What Matt Sablan said.
The good news is that the other members of the project say they were never in the same room with Weaver, so no fat, bald, middle-aged White men with goatees were put at risk, and isn't that what really matters?
“You wrote that I needed a bullet in my head.
And Althouse allows you to remain and post freely.
Which is why I will rarely if ever post any comments here again”.
2/1/21, 9:21 AM
Just doing my part bitch.
@Joe Smith:
Grooming laws. And 14 fucking years old.
Probably difficult to prove in this case, but I'll put it this way as a hypothetical:
Grooming laws have to do with attempts to entice minors into sexual activity. Waiting four years until a person turns 18 isn't grooming, since an 18-year-old can give consent. If that 18-year-old decided to meet Weavers and have sex with him, no laws would've been broken.
Don't be such an idiot. This is not about legality, it's about doing the right thing.
You at 9:00am: "14 is not an adult. Grooming is highly illegal." You at 9:55am: "This is not about legality." Ooookay.
I'll repeat what I've already said multiple times: "Weaver is undoubtedly a creep and a sleazeball."
What I am objecting to are terms like "pursuit of little boys," "kiddie-diddler," and "pedophile." I've seen hundreds of child sex abuse cases and had the displeasure of evaluating dozens of pedophiles in the course of my career. Trust me, it isn't waiting until someone turns 18 before hitting on them. There is a huge gulf between being sexually attracted to a 16-year-old and being sexually attracted to a 6-year-old.
Just doing my part bitch.
I've never quite understood why some folks get so triggered by Chuck's comments. Why even read them? Never mind writing the kind of disgusting, vituperative things you did. Grow up.
"No, it's cool. I founded the Lincoln Project."
"You at 9:00am: "14 is not an adult. Grooming is highly illegal." You at 9:55am: "This is not about legality." Ooookay."
Your entire schtick is about being very technical and parsing every word, while most of us live in the real world and think about real consequences and the reactions of real people, not academicians.
You spend your time trying to be far too clever and always have to be the 'smartest guy in the room' (like Obama, you're not).
It is very tiresome...
As I said before, the Cliff Claven thing gets old.
"The North American Man Boy Lincoln Association"
- Ace of Spades quoting a commenter.
@Joe Smtih:
Your entire schtick is about being very technical and parsing every word, while most of us live in the real world and think about real consequences and the reactions of real people, not academicians.
Let's see...20 years in criminal justice and child welfare, thousands of clients, hundreds of child sex abuse cases, the excruciating detail of police affidavits, medical reports, and photographic evidence, 2.5 years with an anti-human trafficking NGO in the border region of Thailand, Laos, and Burma, a year on Florida's Task Force on Juvenile Sexual Offenders and Their Victims, the Clinical Director for a 50-bed residential juvenile sex offender facility.
I'd venture that I've had more experience with the "real consequences" of "real people" in the "real world" than the average person. But I do appreciate the lecture. Thanks.
You spend your time trying to be far too clever and always have to be the 'smartest guy in the room' (like Obama, you're not).
Unfortunately, there isn't much pride to be had in being the smartest guy in a room full of people like you.
It is very tiresome...
As I said before, the Cliff Claven thing gets old.
Let me suggest a very simple solution to that problem: don't read what I write.
Somebody dug up this pre-election tweet from the Lincoln Project:
The Lincoln Project
It’s important we have young, diligent people working our polls on Election Day.
The younger and more diligent the better.
Our polls aren't going to work themselves.
PM said...
"No, it's cool. I founded the Lincoln Project."
"And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."
Let's just hammer this one for the record; there are more public allegations of sexual impropriety against Donald Trump, than there are against John Weaver. And unlike the Weaver allegations, at least some of the allegations against Trump involve criminal wrongdoing.
The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln
It’s important we have young, diligent people working our polls on Election Day.
We prefer boys, but no judgment, no labels.
The S&M crowd have been, in my limited experience meeting them, to be largely leftwing.
So, the Lincoln project peoples, then.
there are more public allegations of sexual impropriety against Donald Trump, than there are against John Weaver.>
Really? 21 accusers including at least one who was a child?
You really should stop while you're behind. Even though you might prefer that position.
Notably, they supported Georgia senate Democrats.
It meshes with: keep women barefoot, available, and taxable, the Atlanta progression: every child left behind, and the Democrat platform: a child, a "burden", per chance a profitable part.
David UW;
There is an entire freaking Wikipedia page devoted to "Donald Trump Sexual Misconduct Allegations."
So he's got that over John Weaver. Along with the Epstein relationship, as well as perhaps dozens more accusers.
Is banned Commenter Chuck, the closet case pedophile supporter posting as a white knight for the Nambla Project? Nobody was buying your sturm and drang obout Obergfell, Chucky Bitch. We see you.
"Let's just hammer this one for the record; there are more public allegations of sexual impropriety against Donald Trump, than there are against John Weaver. And unlike the Weaver allegations, at least some of the allegations against Trump involve criminal wrongdoing."
You should keep beating this drum. This is really a good look for you. It's working.
Known Unknown said...
"Let's just hammer this one for the record; there are more public allegations of sexual impropriety against Donald Trump, than there are against John Weaver. And unlike the Weaver allegations, at least some of the allegations against Trump involve criminal wrongdoing."
You should keep beating this drum. This is really a good look for you. It's working.
We're peeling away mainstream Republicans by the thousands every month. We're forcing elected Republicans to declare whether they believe the 2020 presidential election was "stolen." We're cornering officials into siding with Liz Cheney, or Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Of course, as the Trumpists more and more find themselves being in the position of the Japanese on Okinawa in 1945, they may dig in and pledge to fight to the death. We see how it worked for the Japanese.
But think of what we have left in 2021; the Trump Impeachment II Trial; the Trump tax records cases; the Trump Manhattan DA indictments; the Trump NYAG indictments; the Trump SDNY indictments; the E. Jean Carroll trial; the Scottish Parliament decision on an Unexplained Wealth Order investigation of Trump Turnberry and Trump Aberdeen. And so much more than we can probably imagine right now.
The Trumpists are quite welcome, as far as I am concerned, to threaten more violence in reaction to all of that. Go ahead; threaten to storm the Capitol again; threaten the assassination of "RINOs," or of Democratic leaders. Threaten a civil war, and brag about how many guns you've got. It just makes it easier to consign you all to the scrap heap of history.
Banned, homeless commenter C__! pretends he belongs to a We.
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
Chuck said...
walter said...
How do you like Joementia calling Cruz a Nazi?
(Conserving Consevatism, inc)
I thought it was much funnier when Sen. Lindsey Graham (former prosecutor and JAG Corps Reserve officer) said, "If Ted Cruz was murdered on the floor of the Senate, and if the trial was in the Senate, you couldn't get a conviction." 1/8/21, 10:25 PM
Enjoy uniparty rule and Joementia signing EOs like a slow robot.
May a Keystone worker steal your Tanqueray.
Hey..was your idol Weaver's cardiac event a broken heart?
The Republicans are always free to go back to their hard ons for bombing dark-skinned folks like the Nazis they are and to demand that we shaft workers to protect billionaires, but without votes, the party will just wither and die.
And given that there was a time pedos like John Weaver were held in some semblance of esteem in the party. Thank God those days are over.
If you are into pedophilia, the DNC seems more your speed. And you seem to agree with them, which is odd given they're dramatically more Marxist views. But they do not tweet mean things, provided one ignores the ones who very much do, and that is all that matters to the contingent of dark-skinned bombing Nazis.
I thought it was much funnier when Sen. Lindsey Graham (former prosecutor and JAG Corps Reserve officer) said, "If Ted Cruz was murdered on the floor of the Senate, and if the trial was in the Senate, you couldn't get a conviction."
I believe I wrote that. And I thought it was funny when Graham said it, and I thought it was funny when I repeated it in a comment.
I also love all the old video quotes, of Rubio, and Graham, and Cruz, and McCarthy, and others, all calling Trump a kook, and pathological liar, and a narcissist, and unfit, and a paid agent of Putin. We are going to gradually get down to a Republican party that includes Donald Trump, his children, his grandchildren, their spouses, and Jason Miller. It will be a small convention. They can hold it in a private dining room at Mar A Lago, with Sean Hannity as master of ceremonies, and still have room for Laura Ingraham. That is if Trump is not evicted before then.
"paid agent of Putin"
Never give it up-chuck.
You have no Republican party without Trump supporters.
You have some born to lose Rinos like Graham, Rubio and McConnell.
The Dems will take you in to help Team Joementia.
What's your favorite Joe-EO so far?
Excited to see a flood of cheap labor sporting Brazilian strain covid caravaning up?
So I have seen an interesting aspect of this. Apparently, Republican consultant Carl Rove has heard and talked about such allegations against Republican consultant Weaver since the late 1980s, but was dismissed as someone smearing a professional rival.
"I'd venture that I've had more experience with the "real consequences" of "real people" in the "real world" than the average person. But I do appreciate the lecture. Thanks."
It's not a lecture so much as advice. Don't be an asshole. Nobody likes a know-it-all.
Unlike you, I know that I don't know everything and I don't always pretend that I am the only sane voice in the world.
And thanks for the advice...I will be looking to install a blocking add-on that works with my browser.
You are truly insufferable.
walter said...
"paid agent of Putin"
Never give it up-chuck.
“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording of the June 15, 2016, exchange, which was listened to and verified by The Washington Post. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a Californian Republican known in Congress as a fervent defender of Putin and Russia.
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) immediately interjected, stopping the conversation from further exploring McCarthy’s assertion, and swore the Republicans present to secrecy.
Oh FFS, Chuck -- for how many years have you been threatening to absent yourself from this blog? Just go already. Go.
You won't be missed.
Banned, friendless Tanqueray swigging, pederasty supporting C__! won't disclose his favorite Joementia bot EOs.
Conserving Cuntservatism
Quotes May 2017 Wapoo article to support his fevered Russia hoax dreams.
I wonder if Weaver had a..hand..in the pee pee tape ideation..
Well, pedophiles, you still got Dementia Joe.
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