৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০২১

"It's really evidence about the perspective of Officer Sheskey at each moment and what would a reasonable officer do at each moment. Almost none of those things are answered in that deeply disturbing video that we’ve all seen."

"Officer Sheskey felt he was about to be stabbed... All the discussion that [Blake] was unarmed contradicts what he himself has said to investigators," said Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley, quoted in "Prosecutor: No charges against Kenosha police officer Rusten Sheskey in Jacob Blake shooting" (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel). 

Blake's lawyer B’Ivory LaMarr said: "We believe all of the elements of attempted homicide were met and we believe the city and community is being deprived of their constitutional right to be the trier of fact. In 2021, it shows one very important thing, and that is that there are three justice systems in America: There’s one for Black and brown people, one for police officers, and one for the rest of the America. And we won’t stop until there is truly one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

২৮টি মন্তব্য:

Jeff Vader বলেছেন...

B’Ivory Lamar? Really?

Owen বলেছেন...

These people are beyond redemption. Sad.

How long will the Guard be deployed? What happens when they stand down?

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

Cue the riots. Er, I mean the "peaceful protests".


Curious George বলেছেন...

Is there anything left to guard in Kenosha?

"All the discussion that [Blake] was unarmed contradicts what he himself has said to investigators,"

There's video proof he had a knife.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

B’Ivory LaMarr

LOL. That shyster scammed his way into an imdb page.

Lucien বলেছেন...

I wouldn’t be surprised if all the elements of attempted homicide are met if justification is an affirmative defense in WI.

Leland বলেছেন...

Life in Democrat America.

DEEBEE বলেছেন...

Quite an incompetent lawyer who does not see the intersectionality in those three divisions. Why stop at three, there is also one for credentialed terrorist that fire bomb police cars and have their co-travelers wax eloquent about their inherent goodness

MayBee বলেছেন...

Just remember that Biden and Harris found it important to kiss the ring of the Blake family, and didn't mention that he was a wife abuser who could have harmed the kids.

Just like the Dems don't mention their new Dem senator being accused of assault by his wife. IF you are an abused woman, you will be abused twice. Once by your partner, and once by the Democrats stepping on you on their way to worshipping your husband.

DavidUW বলেছেন...

Dems support domestic abusers.
Core constituency, and main component of their politicians.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

In my opinion, the fact that approximately 5% of the population is committing more than 50% of the violent crime in this nation is a far bigger problem. (and a justification for profiling)

Assistant Village Idiot বলেছেন...

Trying the case in the press because they don't have one in the courts.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

In 2021, it shows one very important thing, and that is that there are three justice systems in America: There’s one for Black and brown people, one for police officers, and one for the rest of the America.

Black and brown people seem to want to pick and choose what laws they follow, what do they expect?

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

Next up: acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Temujin বলেছেন...

This argument that there are two or three justice systems in America is used regularly. But this is a view from the perspective that comes after the event. What brought on the 'event'? Perhaps there are two or three different types of citizens in this country?
Some who follow the law, some who are hired to protect those who follow the law. And some who think they can just do whatever they want, then attack or ignore the police officers we put in place to protect all of us, and still expect to be let alone. Michael Ferguson, George Floyd, Jacob Blake all put themselves in a confrontational position with police. They exacerbated their own demise.

The random Black American, or any American just doing their normal life, walking down the street, going into a store, visiting a girlfriend, does not have this sort of run-in with the police. Yes, of course there are exceptions and every single one of those gets highlighted and broadcast relentlessly, while the millions of other interactions between police and citizens gets ignored as nothing.

Michael Ferguson stole things, attacked people, and finally attacked the policeman who fought for his life and had to kill Mr. Ferguson. George Floyd had a long history of doing some bad things, was known by the police, was passing counterfeit money , and had huge amounts of fentanyl in his system when police came upon him. He died from the fentanyl, though the policeman certainly exacerbated his death. Jacob Blake was at the house of a sexual victim of his- a house he was, by law, to stay away from. She called the police. And when they arrived, he fled, and ran to his car to...do what or grab what?

The point is- you don't play like you're a separate type of citizen and expect a separate type of law for your life and a separate type of law enforcement to oversee your separate laws. It doesn't work that way in One Nation under God.

Now- we can talk about how and why Black America is in a separate type of citizenry than the rest of the nation. That's a serious and real topic. But we still have one set of laws for all. And one police force there to sit between us and the law breakers. When approached by the police- you listen to their request, or the outcome will not be what you think you deserve.

Greg বলেছেন...

Calypso Facto - since those shot by Kyle were all white, it would be proof that the law is being applied equally if Kyle is acquitted.

Andrew বলেছেন...

Question (I honestly don't know the details): If he had been allowed to get in the vehicle, and had driven away, would Blake have been kidnapping the children? Did the police have an obligation to prevent that, on top of everything else? The news media keeps saying that Blake was shot "in front of his children." But why were they there in the vehicle? I haven't heard one straightforward explanation of the timeline of events. It's possible that if he had driven off with them, the police would have had to pursue him for that reason alone. Anyone know?

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Maybe a higher percentage of Black people should try being good citizens who obey the law and don’t try to stab police officers. They could give that a try.

Geoff Matthews বলেছেন...

". . . we believe the city and community is being deprived of their constitutional right to be the trier of fact. "

Is this an actual right? The accused have a right to trial by jury, but the accused can waive this right.

Or am I missing something?

RigelDog বলেছেন...

And it all started when a woman decided to have a maniac father her children. There's no fixing that. He abused her and endangered the children, and she had a restraining order against him---but then invited him to the child's birthday party. Which he promptly used as an occasion to do what he does, which is to be a violent unreasonable maniac.

Now it's all the police's fault that they had to somehow stop this maniac from driving away with his ex-girlfriend's (rented) SUV that had the kids inside. Of course, if they hadn't stopped him from driving away with the kids, the police would also have been blamed. No matter what they did, there would be a way to frame it as racist.

I'm glad they are not charging the officer but let's face it, there is a determined organized core of revolutionary activists who will never let our racial wounds heal. Not the news I needed to read today.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

It's a step in the right direction that he said we have 3 systems rather than the usual 2. He's right, of course that we don't have equality before the law. Different people's treatment varies widely based on factors that have nothing to do with the crime or the law. It does no good to ignore that fact.

Gahrie said...
In my opinion, the fact that approximately 5% of the population is committing more than 50% of the violent crime in this nation is a far bigger problem. (and a justification for profiling)

Profiling is just common sense. But it's also common sense yet too often ignored that most people who fit the profile are decent law-abiding Americans who have done nothing wrong. You cannot assume or even anticipate guilt based on a profile. It justifies looking more closely and that's it.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

These drugged out criminals, who are indeed armed, need to be put down like rabid dogs.

One bullet is a lot cheaper than a lifetime of government dependance.

I don't care what color they are.

"Magnum Force" indeed.

Geoff Matthews বলেছেন...

"Profiling is just common sense. But it's also common sense yet too often ignored that most people who fit the profile are decent law-abiding Americans who have done nothing wrong. You cannot assume or even anticipate guilt based on a profile. It justifies looking more closely and that's it."

The problem isn't profiling, per se. The problem is not adjusting your assumptions after getting more data.

Real American বলেছেন...

B’Ivory LaMarr is a race-baiting clown. His client was armed and violently resisted arrest and isn't even being charged. What justice system does that fall under?

Leland বলেছেন...

ESPN today, "America in Protest: How will the Jacob Blake decisions affect sports?"

IOW, cops need to learn to look the other way or face going to jail themselves. Also, China needs to sell more jerseys with BLM logos.

john burger বলেছেন...

B’Ivory LaMarr said: "We believe all of the elements of attempted homicide were met and we believe the city and community is being deprived of their constitutional right to be the trier of fact. In 2021, it shows one very important thing, and that is that there are three justice systems in America: There’s one for Black and brown people, one for police officers, and one for the rest of the America. And we won’t stop until there is truly one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all."

M'Ivory LaMarr (any relation to Hedley?) is setting a stage for a judicial system where police are not going to do their jobs in certain circumstances, especially where they are going to be prosecuted for using deadly force to stop of dangerous person in the commission of serious crimes, either against them or others. Second-guessing police at every step, especially with charges of implicit bias or outright racism, will result in decreased policing. The outcome will be disastrous for society.


Seamus বলেছেন...

"[T]here are three justice systems in America: There’s one for Black and brown people, one for police officers, and one for the rest of the America."

Really? Does B'Ivory LaMarr think that the shooting of Ashley Bennett at the Capitol yesterday was just another example of how police officers can get away with murder? Will he be calling for the cop who shot her to be charged? Or will he conclude that her death was just another instances of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"? That would be appropriate, but it would also be appropriate in the case of his client.

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

Outkick The Coverage's Clay Travis does a great fisking of Woke ESPN's death spiral in his last book.