৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০২১

It looks as though the Democrats have won control of Congress.

Does this frighten you or is your heart lightened? Surely, it's a complicated mix, whichever side you're on.

If, overall, you support the Democratic Party, yes, of course, you feel good, but what worries you about the prospect of the Democratic Party control of Congress? What's the downside? 

If, overall, you support the GOP, it's got to hurt, but how might your party benefit long term?

I'm asking these questions with the assumption that Joe Biden will be sworn in as President. Please don't use the comments here to bring up the challenge to the Electoral College, which is doomed and which must be blamed, at least in part, for the GOP losses in the Georgia runoff. 

৩৯৯টি মন্তব্য:

399 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Dan from Madison বলেছেন...

We went through this with Obama and he had much larger control of the House and even a filibuster proof Senate for some time (during which they rammed through Obamacare). We will be fine. The Dems will lose the House for sure in 2022 and may lose the Senate.

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

Not surprised. Waiting on the last race, the last hope.


PB বলেছেন...

Will Democrats be respectful of the extreme narrowness of their majorities or will they continue to shatter standard operating rules an push through radical agendas?

stevew বলেছেন...

I'm feeling cruelly neutral about this latest turn of election events.

I don't invest a lot of energy and emotion in elections and politicians and government leaders because the last 44 years of my life - starting with my first vote in 1976 - have proved there is very little of consequence that flows down to me from election results. My day to day life is not affected positively or negatively by whichever party holds the reins of power in the Federal government. Perhaps I'm in the minority in that, maybe I'm the beneficiary of white privilege.

The sun came up this morning, albeit hidden behind clouds for the third consecutive day, and it will set this afternoon, and rise again tomorrow. Of that I am sure.

Mr. Forward বলেছেন...

Biden should follow the Pence rule and never be alone in a room with a woman. At least not Kamala.

Mr. D বলেছেন...

Joe Manchin is the most powerful man in America. We may not be doomed, but Dem control is suboptimal.

Mark বলেছেন...

Changing Mitch McConnell for Chuck Schumer isn't much a benefit, though I would argue that even the Devil would be better than Mitch McConnell.

The Republican party is no longer one thing, this whole runoff has hammered that home. There are the old style R politicians and folks, and there is the Trump branch.

It might be a while until Republicans are electorally viable now that Trump destroyed faith in elections and his section of the party will never let those complaints go.

Gunner বলেছেন...

The first thing Republicans should do is stop running these bad politician women like Loeffler and McSally who piss off Democrats even more than the boring old white guy Republicans do.

Owen বলেছেন...

This clarifies things. The Dems have no check and therefore no excuse. They will nevertheless blame their many coming failures and crimes on their “enemies,” chiefly Emmanuel Goldstein himself; and, being unencumbered by a conscience, they’re very good at the psyops side of governing. It will take at least 2 years of intense pain and suffering before the People decide they have had enough; but the chances of a free and fair election then taking place are IMHO effectively zero. Why would these people not just keep pulling the same theft we have seen? They will get ever more accomplished at it, ever more brazen. The Republic can’t function without trust; and there is no more trust. They burned it all.

We’re done.

Bob Smith বলেছেন...

Trumps parting salute to the Republicans whose support was at best lukewarm. The establishment Republicans are finished, and they should be.

Clyde বলেছেন...

I foresee extreme pessimism in the markets as they gradually realize just who is going to be running the country, unchecked by any common sense. I think it's going to sink like a rock, starting today.

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Call me Margo. Beyond that, no predictions.


Chris বলেছেন...

When the markets tank today, I'm sure it will be all trumps fault right?

Tank বলেছেন...

Tank has been saying that this is a dead country walking for about ten years now. We had a short respite with President Trump, now we will proceed apace to destroy what was once a great country.

Captain BillieBob বলেছেন...

I have no party affiliation but the democrats have moved so far left that there is no democrat I would support.

"If, overall, you support the Democratic Party, yes, of course, you feel good, but what worries you about the prospect of the Democratic Party control of Congress? What's the downside?"

If Chuck follows through on his promise to change the country we are screwed.

Mark বলেছেন...

Chris, the market tanked yesterday.

A bit late to start blaming losses on this race.

Odi বলেছেন...

I believe the Democrats will be emboldened to move forward with their agenda. They have a long list of structural changes they wish to see implemented in order to cement their control of the country for the long term. I believe the first thing they'll do is eliminate the filibuster, then they'll attempt to add D.C. and Porto Rico as states. Lastly, they'll expand the Supreme Court.

There is nothing to stop them now and they'll strike while the iron is hot.

Captain BillieBob বলেছেন...

If, overall, you support the GOP, it's got to hurt, but how might your party benefit long term?

The GOPe dies off.

Sally327 বলেছেন...

The South has risen.

I don't feel happy or sad, I think the pandemic and the result it's had / is having / will have on the economy are going to be event controllers and now that the Democrats are in charge they can do what they like doing the most, spend money and raise taxes.

What I find fascinating about the run-off is that Kelly Loeffler, admittedly not an especially good candidate, lost to someone who I would have said is completely unelectable. I mean, it's not up there with Trump beating Hillary but my goodness. Georgia, we hardly know ya!

wendybar বলেছেন...

America as we knew it is done. God damn America won....and they will damn us.

Lucien বলেছেন...

I never look at the US (or any state or municipality) and think: “You know, what we need are MORE laws.”
Better than nothing is a high standard when it comes to to legislation.
So I like divided government.
If they did nothing but pass their budgets every year and went home, things would be no worse.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Who wants Peace in the Middle East anyways, we have Iran and China to pay back...

Greg বলেছেন...

Mark - the Dow did drop a bit Monday but recovered most of that Tuesday. We'll see today

wild chicken বলেছেন...

Stimulus again next week, baby! Ka-ching!

My party is rallying downtown today but I can't even. Trump needs to stand down. I really don't want to stay affiliated if they're all going to be crazy for the next four years.

Leland বলেছেন...

Since the November election, oil keeps rising in price. With Iran friendly Joe at the helm and anti-semites running Congress, I suspect revenue in Texas to climb ever higher. The last time Democrats controlled it all, oil pushed to $100/bbl. That sucks if you are poor and just wanting to stay warm at night. When have Democrat’s care for the poor actually improved their lives?

jaydub বলেছেন...

I'm not frightened by it because I prepared for it. It's going to be a disaster, though. Fuel, inflation, food, interest rates, taxes, regulations and pandering are all going through the roof. Biden has promised as much, and now he has congress to make it happen. Enjoy!

Sydney বলেছেন...

The transformation that started with Obama will be completed. We are Detroit.

David Begley বলেছেন...

America will never be the same.

The Dems have perfected election theft. They will never lose an election that they really want to win.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

I'm a supporter of divided government (gridlock is a feature, not a bug!), so I'm not happy with the outcome. And, of course, yet again, I went to bed with most votes counted and the Republicans in the lead and woke up to find a late trove of Democratic ballots was found that (wonder of wonders!) was just enough to put the Dems over the top.

All that said, the House and Senate are so very close and Biden is destined to be the weakest president since Ford that none of the really scary legislation will make it into law unless the Democrats have a death wish like the 2008 Democrats had.

Either way, in two years, healthy gridlock will be restored and if state-level Republicans can be pressured to clean up voting so that it looks like something a stable democracy might actually use to pick its leaders, then we'll all be much better for it.

Mark বলেছেন...

Thanks for the reminder that it's Wednesday, Greg.

Todays reminder to not post before a shower or coffee

MayBee বলেছেন...

The Democrats are in to such stupid stuff right now, so I'm ready for this to suck. Trump did so much right, policy-wise. Biden wants to do everything wrong and call it unity.

My main problem is people voted for Biden and are voting Dem mostly because the media and the Dems were relentless against Trump. Think of 6, 7 years ago. You might have known Trump to be a blowhard, but would you ever imagine the Dem/Media complex would turn him into a white supremicist, Putin Stooge? Would you ever have guessed one POTUS could be IMPEACHED for the corruption of the next guy to be elected?

Would you ever have guessed the guy getting elected would sit in his basement most of the election? OR speak to empty factories?

It's such a weird time. Politics are so dismal right now.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Violence, looting, rioting and cop killing pays off for Democrats.

The year long psy-ops campaign to terrorize Americans into suing for peace triumphs.

The only message I get out of this is that the Republicans had best considering forming their own shock troops for street battle.

Althouse was zero help. She remains transfixed by identity politics and has no interest in managerial competence.

campy বলেছেন...

"If, overall, you support the GOP, it's got to hurt, but how might your party benefit long term?"

There is no long term for the GOP. They go the way of the Whigs.

We live in a one-party state now.

David Begley বলেছেন...

The Dems will step on our throats. They will do anything they want and everything they promised.

I hope John Roberts appreciates his new and much larger SCOTUS.

Tom বলেছেন...

During the Obama presidency, he had a hard time getting the democrat controlled Congress to enact his entire agenda. They still feared not being re-elected.

That fear is gone. Democrats have control of the wheel for elections now.

We now have one party rule.

The courts will he packed. Taxes will go up. Elections will be as porous as our borders. Wars will he started. Dissenters will be #canceled. Taxes will be raised. Guns will be banned and confiscated. Liberty will die.

2020 was a practice game. The real game starts now.

Chris বলেছেন...

Mark, as the markets start to accept Dem total control, it will continue to slide.

Tank বলেছেন...

"It might be a while until Republicans are electorally viable now that Trump destroyed faith in election..."

This is like saying that Trump destroyed faith in CNN.

Mikey NTH বলেছেন...

I expect things will not be as bad as many fear or as good as many hope. I expect fair to middling for most of this, with many constituencies fighting for their slice of the pie and protection from competing agendas.

Pretty much any day that congress is in session.

Chris বলেছেন...

After all, The Covid tanking took went on from feb 10 - march 23rd. Lost half of my retirement. Yes it did come back thank god, but there's no coming back from what is to come.

MayBee বলেছেন...

There is video of Warnock's wife calling the police on him, saying he ran over her foot. Now, I understand that divorces are often very contentious.
But Obama forced his competition out of the Senate race over (unsealed) divorce allegations, and Al Franken had to resign because of an attempt at humor where he didn't actually touch a woman.

But Warnock's video got no play except on Fox. Democrats don't really care about you, black women. Wives of abusive husbands. And neigther does the media. You are tools, and you are handy sometimes.

Tom বলেছেন...

America voted to become Detroit.

DavidUW বলেছেন...

Bought my St. Kitt's citizenship at the end of last year.

Assets transferred to Nevis LLCs.

Adios America.

JZ বলেছেন...

I sent a tweet to Terry Teachout a few days ago, telling him that he should take it easy. We aren't doomed. He responded, the country is irreparably broken. There's another election in two years and I don't think I will be affected by Democrat control of the federal government, but if the Social Justice Warriors are in control, we're doomed.

mandrewa বলেছেন...

It's the end of democracy -- I don't know whether we will ever have a real vote again. It's the end of the American dream.

It's a day for children of the Cain to 'celebrate.' Of course, we are all the children of Cain, but some embody that spirit much more strongly than others.

It's just a miserable, miserable day for all of us. Everyone will be hurt. Even those that voted for the left.

And the question is what specifically comes next? What are all the bad things coming down the road, and in what order will they appear?

I think one thing is kind of predictable, because it is already happening. There will be more and more direct transfers of wealth by the government to people based on ideology or ethnicity. That's been going on for some time now. But it is maybe going to jump to a whole new level.

The government is going to grow in size and power.

It's just so easy to print money. Eventually we are going to pay a terrible price for that, I'm sure. But I don't know when.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

These questions are meaningless since our banana republic status is now confirmed.

No election transparency, no individual rights. Think it through.

MayBee বলেছেন...

That fear is gone. Democrats have control of the wheel for elections now.

Yeah, they can do what they want with the actual elections and nobody will do anything about it. Mail in ballots with no controls? No problem.
And they can do what they want policy wise and the media will cover for them.

So it's going to suck, but they are going to be riding rough shod for a while. But I don't think the American people are actually going to like it. I don't think we are here for a Congress that takes all the pronouns off the floor.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

One party rule, Soviet style. Prove me wrong.

I’d really love to be wrong.

daskol বলেছেন...

This ought to heighten the contradictions.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

They'll continue to blame Trump for anything and everything that goes wrong.

DavidUW বলেছেন...

I mean, if you morons didn't see this coming after the 90% "turnout" achieved in Wisconsin, in particular G. Moore (of the corona infected DC travel to vote fame) district that was running 49% turnout until 4 am, you're, well, morons.

That was the signal to GTFO.

I got the message.

If you're earning money, you need to get creative, because you won't be earning that money for long and if you're lucky enough to earn it, it will be stolen from you.

Whiskeybum বলেছেন...

Mark said...
Chris, the market tanked yesterday.

A bit late to start blaming losses on this race.

Yeah, so exactly what catastrophic event caused the markets to tank over the last couple of days there Mark?

As if markets don’t try to anticipate future events.


Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

I look at Democrats and Democrat controlled institutions now, and I wonder... what should I say and think about them?

They resorted to all out political violence on our streets over the past year.

I regard them as my jailers, and as treacherous thugs.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

We will see.

Pay attention to the media. NYT, CNN, etc. They give the orders to Democrats.

We will have new Senate Rules when these two are sworn in. That will be a big que if we are about to welcome two new states. To protect the steel.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

stevew said...I don't invest a lot of energy and emotion in elections and politicians and government leaders

That's my natural inclination, but I find it impossible when so many around me freak out at every stupid little twist and turn of politics.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

I saw Biden doing that pitiful, robotic "trust me" motion with his hands again while he said words - why don't his handlers teach him another gesture? ("jesture"?)

DavidUW বলেছেন...

MayBee, you think that the "people" count for something.
Bolsheviks were never a majority in the USSR.
How long did it take the "people" to overcome that?

You'll be dead. I'll be dead.
I'm not waiting until I'm dead.
I'm out.

Todd বলেছেন...

We managed to survive 8 years of Obama, I pray that we can survive 4 years of Harris.

With Congress in Dem hands though, it is very likely that we will never have anything close to a valid election for major office again, in this country. They will attempt to enact every singe one of their harebrained ideas on government, climate, voting, immigration, wages, etc.

Part of me is glad that I am nearing the end of my days instead of just starting out. I have so much less to lose than the kids just starting out. Is quite the shame. This was a great country, too bad we couldn't keep it.

iowan2 বলেছেন...


Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Ann, you're not cruelly neutral. You're willfully blind. Must be a Madison thing.

Chest Rockwell বলেছেন...

I don't think you guys know what the definition of tank is. The market is what it was at on Monday. Futures are up atm as well.

Also, Republicans gained in the House, will have an almost deadlocked Senate, and the presidency that was not mandated imo. I have no doubt the shrieking left will try to push through some radical policies, but I doubt they'll succeed.

I suspect you'll have a few surprises in the Senate, like Krysten Senema.

Browndog বলেছেন...

I'm rather pleased by this result. I thought I'd be somewhat furious and a bit depressed.


Slept on it knowing they had lost both seats, waking up with one thought:


They earned every vote they didn't get. By choice or by fraud, it makes no difference.

David Begley বলেছেন...

I would not be surprised to see MAGA riots in DC today starting on K Street.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Democrat control of both legislative houses and the executive branch means that they own everything that happens now. With the financial cycle at bubble levels, much of what happens is going to involve different things getting worse. How much the Democrats will be the cause, how much the receivers, deponent knoweth and careth not. It will all be on them; and the lesson of what their governance achieves could be one for the ages.

Temujin বলেছেন...

To me it's not about the old concept of the GOP vs Democrats. It's much more volatile now. It's about hard Socialism vs a lessening of government, or freedom. There's no way you could look at this as if it's just Joe Lieberman and Paul Simon taking power. This is a very different radical far left party of Democrats now.

To me this marks the beginning of the two most dangerous years for our country since, possibly WWII or even the Civil War. Not to be hyperbolic, but I see it as nothing less than that. Very dangerous times if you love individual freedom. And for those younger? Your future is about to be screwed. You will be paying for everything. My working days are about done. But yours? Your bill hasn't even been added up yet.

Those of you who sent money and/or ballots into Georgia, you have no idea the havoc you have unleashed. Our only hope is that the Dems get so drunk on their power and try to do so much at one time that it all gets bottled up like a geyser trying to get through a funnel.

There. I think I've given you my opinion on this. Jon Ossoff is a small man. A pawn, a useable part. But his election is a huge thing. It gives power to those who are ready to abuse it.

donald বলেছেন...

War motherfuckers. Period. The end.

I’ve figured out what happened across the street. I literally watched the election being stolen.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

If you have money, and mobility, you will get richer. That's what I found under Obama - initially, I was very concerned (especially his rhetoric on closing borders and controlling immigration, being an immigrant and all). However, so many people were depending on government to 'bail them out and make things right' they didn't see all us swooping in and taking things (sic) that they could have helped themselves with.

I suspect it will be the same, here. Rules and regulations will be put in place to 'help' certain minorities, and it will do the exact opposite.

donald বলেছেন...

You may have a point Begley, I believe the actual American protestors will be physically attacked by government and their auxiliary (Democrat scumbags) goon squads.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Please don't use the comments here to bring up the challenge to the Electoral College, which is doomed and which must be blamed, at least in part, for the GOP losses in the Georgia runoff.

So you bring up a topic, make a controversial remark on it, and then tell us we're not allowed to respond to your comment?

Weak sauce.

Almost as weak as attacking the Republicans for something the Democrats do routinely.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

This isn't on Trump. Trump's political instincts have been generally better than the GOP establishment's. Trump has a better feel for what the base, and what potential Dem crossover voters, want. The problem is the GOP establishment's corruption, incompetence, and arrogance. They were more concerned with protecting their grift, their fiefdoms, and their power structures than they were with doing things to win elections. When expected to do their jobs they failed miserably, and when called on it they doubled down on stupid.

Trump wanted Doug Collins, McConnell wanted Loeffler. Kemp went with Loeffler. Trump opposed mail-in balloting. The GOP legislatures pushed through mail-in balloting. Trump wanted a $2000 stimulus check and reduced pork. The GOP kept the pork and insulted Americans. Every time Trump has said "X", the GOP establishment has turned around and pushed "Y" instead.

Personally, I hope Trump stands up today and announces a new political party. There's no way to take over the GOP with the current party leadership, from McConnell on down to local organizations. Better to start fresh.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

MayBee said...My main problem is people voted for Biden and are voting Dem mostly because the media and the Dems were relentless against Trump.

One of the bigger surprises for me is how much power the media retains to mold public attitudes. I really thought at this point that they would be too weak to pull it off. Biden, who barely ran and excited no one, gets 15 million more votes than Obama, the light bringer? How is that possible?

How it's possible is this: (1) Trump's strength is speaking to what people already thought. That gut feeling that no one else is tapping in to. He showed no ability whatsoever to change minds, to convince anyone of anything. (2) Biden didn't win so much as Trump lost. It's an old truism of politics that you can't drive turnout with hate alone, you need something to draw people to you. Democrats disproved that in this election--there were two kinds of votes--for Trump and against Trump. Biden just happened to be the vessel into which the "against Trump" votes were placed. It had nothing to do with Biden, who was a non-entity in this election.

The Democrats are a train wreck of corruption and disfunction, but Trump's style left him unable to take advantage of that. Speeches like the one he gave on July 4 were too few and too far between.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Look at Democrat-controlled states and cities. How long can we survive as a country with them controlling everything? And that will start to impact Republican-controlled states and cities.

On the plus side, Republicans made gains again in the lower-levels of political offices. Problem is the potential for those to be crushed by the upper levels.

And how long to survive as a society when the "elites" continue to get away virtually scot-free with their shenanigans? The FBI/CIA/DOJ/IRS/Hillary/Joe and Hunter/et al.

Finally, the biggest gorilla in the room is China. Look at their territorial expansion, military expansion, economic interference/bullying, COVID issues. You think Harris/Biden will stand up to them? That's where we will be well and truly fucked. (Literally, if you consider Swalwell - another Dem getting away with "it.")

donald বলেছেন...

Enjoy Americans being killed in war for profit overseas assholes. If you voted for this I fervently hope you lose family members. I pray that you spend years caring for maimed family members.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Ann, you're not cruelly neutral. You're willfully blind. Must be a Madison thing.

She's smart enough to be ashamed of being a Lefty, but not ashamed enough to change. So she pretends to be neutral while rewarding Democratic misbehavior.

Michael বলেছেন...

The Dems were relentless with ads, texts, phone calls, door to door. It was a well organized effort. I had calls from volunteers in Colorado! The insane Ga rule of having runoffs if you didn’t get over 50% put Purdue into the runoff with the kid trustfunder. Doug Collins took enough votes in the general to put Loeffler into a runoff. Warnick is a bad man. Ossoff the Georgia version of Beto and equally cringe making.

David Begley বলেছেন...

As a conservative, there is nothing good about this.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Steve Bannon hinted at something big today. I hope Bannon gets pardoned.

donald বলেছেন...

And last, fuck you Georgia Republican Party. You let some fat grotesque bitch beat you onto submission and didn’t even bother to fight back. I know, I saw it happen before my very eyes.

Phun phact: most of those pushiest got their start as democrat hacks.

donald বলেছেন...

“Most of those pussies”. Sorry for the autocorrect.

lgv বলেছেন...

I am very depressed. I woke up to the death of democracy as we know it. I thought I could outlive it, but it happened too fast. We will now see the beginning of permanent economic malaise. The economy will be controlled by debt ridden government utilizing an oligopoly of high tech companies to reign over everything. There will be no investigative journalism by MSM. The Democrat collective of the DNC, big media, Wall Street elite, Google/FB/Twitter/etc, and the woke SJWs now have complete control.

The FBI/NSA as part of the swamp can now illegally monitor opposition without recourse, making Hoover himself look like a lightweight when it comes to political blackmail. I will be dead by the time the next generation revolts.

I'm literally moving out of the country.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

I'm in DC right now.

Most of you seem to have no idea what this election theft has unleashed.

With credit to J Michael Strazinsky:

It was the year of fire
The year of destruction
The year we took back what was ours
It was the year of rebirth
The year of great sadness
The year of pain
And a year of joy
It was a new age
It was the end of history
It was the year everything changed

The year is 2021
The place: The United States of America

Chris বলেছেন...

Kai Akker said...
Democrat control of both legislative houses and the executive branch means that they own everything that happens now.

HA!!!! You know any and all things bad will be blamed on Trump and the Media will report it that way. Even 20 years from now.

gspencer বলেছেন...

Control of the government by people who don't give a rat's ass about their oath to the Constitution by which the created fedgov is to be limited should frighten anyone and everyone.

Clayton Hennesey বলেছেন...

The question assumes a high level of passive subservience, does it not, as if Americans will treat the current political nihilism no differently from blog commenting instructions.

RMc বলেছেন...

So, the Left now controls the White House, Congress, the media and academia. Great.

Time to invest in Zyklon B, I guess...

tim maguire বলেছেন...

exhelodrvr1 said...Republicans made gains again in the lower-levels of political offices. Problem is the potential for those to be crushed by the upper levels.

Local politicians are the bench from which national politicians are drawn. Also, voting rules are set at the state level. Stealing Federal elections does nothing to help the Dems cement their dominance. Democratic national success depends on feckless local Republicans.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The girls won again.

Clyde বলেছেন...

As I said in last night’s thread, a majority if they can keep it.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Michael said...

The Dems were relentless with ads, texts, phone calls, door to door. It was a well organized effort. I had calls from volunteers in Colorado! The insane Ga rule of having runoffs if you didn’t get over 50% put Purdue into the runoff with the kid trustfunder. Doug Collins took enough votes in the general to put Loeffler into a runoff. Warnick is a bad man. Ossoff the Georgia version of Beto and equally cringe making.

Karl Rove ran the GOP Georgia run-off campaign. They really thought, and still think, the "suburbs" will come out in droves and vote for GOP with Trump out of the way.

This loss was inevitable. Deal with it.

Howard বলেছেন...

It must really sting to get your ass beat by a bunch of girls and their soy boy toys.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Look at Democrat-controlled states and cities. How long can we survive as a country with them controlling everything? And that will start to impact Republican-controlled states and cities.

Yes. Kenosho, Baltimore, Detroit, add Minneapolis to the list. Atlanta well on its way. Summer of riots, Thank you Democrat leadership. NYC has a mass exodus. Urbanites that have the wherewithal, are moving OUT of the city, they have discovered they can amass wealth from afar.

Even more physical separation between the producers and the takers.

daskol বলেছেন...

Is this the last gasp of the GOPe and losers like Chuck? That would be a nice upshot. The crypto markets are booming, probably bubbling at this point, so that's nice.

rwnutjob বলেছেন...

“Hey guys, the election has too many irregularities. It’s broken. You need to fix it.”

“We’ll fix it next time.”

*next time*

“Hey did you fix it?”


*loses election*


“F***ing Drumpf!”

DavidUW বলেছেন...

The question assumes a high level of passive subservience, does it not, as if Americans will treat the current political nihilism no differently from blog commenting instructions.
How many Americans are currently cowering in their homes, wearing a mask, for a glorified flu that only kills 65+ year olds?

There is a high level of passive subservience.

Look around you.

daskol বলেছেন...

It must really sting to get your ass beat by a bunch of girls and their soy boy toys.

I agree: I look at John Ossoff, and I think, really Georgia? I have spent a lot of time in GA, mostly in Atlanta suburbs and exurbs over the last 15 years, from Canton to Alpharetta to Kennesaw, and I am very surprised a pencil-neck technocrat who talks the way he talks and says the things he says, can get elected in GA. Very surprised.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

It must really sting to get your ass beat by a bunch of girls and their soy boy toys.

It would except for the fact they won by cheating.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

Local politicians are the bench from which national politicians are drawn. Also, voting rules are set at the state level. Stealing Federal elections does nothing to help the Dems cement their dominance. Democratic national success depends on feckless local Republicans.

The problem is that the party leadership at the state level, and thus often influenced by the national leadership, control entry into the lowest political rungs. If you don't have the backing you won't get very far in the primaries. Hence you have the Peter Principle, where competent local politicians are promoted to higher and higher office, but the incompetent ones are protected by the party. The lower ranks, including election boards, fill with incompetent lackeys who ultimately fail to do the basic work necessary to prevent fraud.

daskol বলেছেন...

I suppose all of us who laughed at Stacey Abrams thinking she was delusional after her loss, well, maybe she really has been running GA for last couple of years. Kemp and Raffensberger are merely her pawns.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

It must really sting to get your ass beat by a bunch of girls and their soy boy toys.

NYC, only two hours from me, was looted and burned twice. Cops were attacked and murdered in cities across the country.

This black thug from Georgia elected to the Senate is an advocate of South African style expropriation and murder of propertied whites.

I foresee a future of home invasions and murders of whites without consequences.

Sally327 বলেছেন...

"I agree: I look at John Ossoff, and I think, really Georgia? I have spent a lot of time in GA, mostly in Atlanta suburbs and exurbs over the last 15 years, from Canton to Alpharetta to Kennesaw, and I am very surprised a pencil-neck technocrat who talks the way he talks and says the things he says, can get elected in GA. Very surprised."

I wonder how much Perdue's stock trading hurt him.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

“Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny.” - Aristotle

Althouse and every feminist and beta male in Madison, WI now have their wish of the rest of us.

Chick বলেছেন...

No worries. John Roberts will save the Republic.

Browndog বলেছেন...

The problem is that the party leadership at the state level, and thus often influenced by the national leadership, control entry into the lowest political rungs. If you don't have the backing you won't get very far in the primaries. Hence you have the Peter Principle, where competent local politicians are promoted to higher and higher office, but the incompetent ones are protected by the party. The lower ranks, including election boards, fill with incompetent lackeys who ultimately fail to do the basic work necessary to prevent fraud.

I wish more people understood this. People are starting to see that positions of power are filled almost exclusively by the most inept and corrupt among us, and can't figure out for the life of them how that came to be.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

The conditions which produced Trump just got worse.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

--- The economy will be controlled by debt ridden government

Will be? Sure. But how did it get here already? We all, at one time or another, voted ourselves our children's tax payments. The debt-ridden government has been created by both political parties.

It is a shame that so much damage will have to be suffered to re-learn the lessons that have been out there forever. From Aesop to Adam Smith to Friedman.

Humans. Can't live with em, can't live without em.

Browndog বলেছেন...

daskol said...

I suppose all of us who laughed at Stacey Abrams thinking she was delusional after her loss, well, maybe she really has been running GA for last couple of years. Kemp and Raffensberger are merely her pawns.

I said exactly that months ago on this blog. She's a major power broker not just in Georgia, not just in the country, but is intimately connected to the international leftist apparatus.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

I'm less concerned about Democrat control of Congress than I am about Democrat(progressive) control of the culture (especially the institutions of culture).

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Does this frighten you are is your heart lightened?

I'm depressed as all hell. The forces of evil, stagnation and decay have won.

Thankfully, we are old and won't have to live very much longer to see the long term and irreversible destruction that the Progressives have in mind for us....and for the rest of the world. We will just keep our heads down below the foxhole and attempt to live the last decade(s) of our lives in anonymity and with as little interference as possible.

I fear for my children and my grandchildren who will never know what freedom really is. They won't know history or much of anything else. The US is about to become China Jr.

It is about to become very ugly out there people. Buckle your seat belts.

daskol বলেছেন...

They can take your guns, they can take your stocks or at least devalue them substantially, and they can take your bank accounts, but if you get your crypto out of US custodial exchanges, they probably can't take your crypto, at least not for a while.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

It might be wise to learn Mandarin.

daskol বলেছেন...

And look at the crypto market go.

DINKY DAU 45 বলেছেন...

Yes, it is no assumption,Biden will be next president and the first woman and a mi verity woman at that will be vice president Pence is no more than the guy saying who won on the American Music awards.The drama and tv show from Repubs are just that.Georgia goes BLUE ,1st black Senator elected and record voting took place.There is no Kracken,todays electoral show will go down as a disgrace along with the 1 term fella who is trying to blow up the building on the way out.Please leave the faster the better,there is a lot of disinfecting to do.There was no message but I won you lost from the losers.As I near 80 years of life I have seen many political aberrations but this last 4 years has made it right to the top.My grandkids may still grow up to respect the office of the presidency but the damage wi)take awhile to fix.This administration will go down in history with most jobs lost,close to 1/2 a million dead Americans,prison terms for many of the top cappos and the absolute most lies of any organization.Boring will become the word again.God bless America,the Republic I served in the deadly wars and the folks I helped bury fighting f(r the right to Democracy not authoritarianism , thevreason we fought.Lets go America,pull it together and move forward, there was once a Grand Ole Party, after trumpism that may never return and if not so be it,we ate moving on..Theres no crying in baseball(politics) stop crying and work toward the problems not continue to create them.Today is a new journey,one that hasn't happened in 10 years.No excuses we got 1 party to judge for its efforts now.Watch it and vote, yes it's your only voice,if you dont believe that it's on you.America may be waking up! WE'll see!

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

California really is our future. It's already here in Phoenix, where the socialists will cement control of the city council in the next election, and the bum-camps are expanding and receiving official blessing.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

I fully expect aggressive action against 2nd Amendment rights. So, in the coming weeks, I'm going to buy more guns.

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

Mitch’s graveyard will be opened and more bills that both side agree to and work out compromises will be passed. COVID help on all fronts will be increased, and finally someone in WH will censure Russia for the recent cyber invasion.

DavidUW বলেছেন...


They can take your crypto. Get real dude. It's a computer program.

Just buy gold. 100 years from now gold will still be acceptable to trade for things. no one will remember wtf bitcoin was.

West Texas Intermediate Crude বলেছেন...

Buckle up, buckaroos.
Let's get it over with.
Rip the Band Aid off, let the blue cities burn down.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

@ Roughcoat


Howard বলেছেন...

Get a grip, Thomas. The Democrats will try and shoot the moon with a paper thin congressional margin giving the Republicans a perfect opportunity in 2022 and 2024.

In the mean time, there's endless possibilities for joy and fulfilment in everyday life. If you sour on life and hope for the future, then the Deep State, social media algorithms and the Russian bots win.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

That fear is gone. Democrats have control of the wheel for elections now

Doubtful. The democrats are ALREADY at each other's throats about the lost house seats in 2020.

Trump has turned the GOP into a group of defeatist babies.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

tim maguire,
"Stealing Federal elections does nothing to help the Dems cement their dominance."

That totally depends on what laws get enacted/executive orders promulgated. Supreme Court, education, media - just a few of the areas where Democratic dominance at the upper levels will impact local politics.

But you are correct that the local/state-level Republican pols deserve a big part of the blame for this.

Unknown বলেছেন...

> Surely, it's a complicated mix, whichever side you're on.


Voter fraud works, legalize 10 million.

What reason is there for Reps to exist now?

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

I disagree with our host's tag "What Trump did to the GOP." I have asserted all along that the DNCC in 2016 pushed Trump on the GOP just as Claire McCaskill did with Todd Akin in her run for Senate in Missouri. The DNCC underestimated his appeal and they were caught flatfooted when he won the election. Hence the constant outrage, manipulation, Deep State machinations and chicanery leading up to this election cycle.

I don't think any backlash against the (D) party will get traction in the near future. Dissent will be silenced; uniparty politics will be the Brave New Abnormal. I hope I'm wrong.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

At least Trump made sure everyone will get their $2000 check.

NKP বলেছেন...

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
the band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
and somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
but there is no joy in Mudville — the Mighty Donald has struck out.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Please don't use the comments here to bring up the challenge to the Electoral College, which is doomed and which must be blamed, at least in part, for the GOP losses in the Georgia runoff.


Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Get a grip, Thomas.

I’m trying to convince my son-in-law that we should be prodigiously armed with an impenetrable security border.

I live two hours from a communist controlled city, NYC. The commies are systematically looting and sabotaging that city.

They’ve demonstrated that they can and will call out their shock troops on command. The cops are helpless.

I’ve got a very firm grip on things.

daskol বলেছেন...

Nothing wrong with gold, especially if it's coin or bullion or bars. Not sure how much I trust exchange traded shares in those gold trusts. While there may be a substantial or at least non-zero probability you're right, DavidUW, about crypto being merely a fad, there is also a non-zero probability that you're a fuddy-duddy and I'll be on a mattress rolling around in my big pile of bits and bytes one day. There is a confluence of cyberpunky libertarian types and their sympathizers, finance movers and shakers desperate for a place to put their cash (gold has had a great run) and ready to pump up their latest pet asset, and panicky money managers worried about missing out on the next Dotcom type economy. That may not make for a particularly durable market, but it's certainly frothy and exciting and not going anywhere quickly. There's all sorts of ways to rationalize it, although my favorite these days is a hedge agains the decline of the rule of law and reason in the West, and a hedge against the dollar-based fiat money economy. It's far from certain bitcoin or ether or any of the alt coins can provide such a durable hedge, but it's a worthwhile endeavor, and meanwhile fun in the meantime. And cryptography and the blockchain are far from perfect, but I trust them more based on their general openness and transparency at the code level, than I do any institution involved in financial regulation or enforcement.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver said...

"At least Trump made sure everyone will get their $2000 check."

I won't be too surprised if the new regime declares the pandemic to be over, and no more stimulus will be needed. But fasten your seatbelts for the onslaught of new regulations guaranteed to keep thg he deplorables in line.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

I'm not happy, but this was a slow burn. One could see it coming yesterday and now any anger has burned away. Also, whatever you think or feel or think you feel, you can always find some place online where people are expressing your own thought or feeling in such over the top, ludicrous, insane terms that you pull back from it, leaving you number and less emotional.

There's a little satisfaction as well: if the Democrats had to beat somebody, the two scummy inside traders were the obvious candidates. I'm not so sure that you can write off the corruption to "GOPe" or even to the GOP. Scumbaggery comes in all political flavors, and next time it could come in one's own.

Marzuki's Lucky Diary বলেছেন...

We will see.

Unknown বলেছেন...

First thing they will do is

Bail out all the blue state/cities

Which locked down and destroyed the economy

Tax hike on red states, roll back high earner state income tax

But Mich and the established saved on checks to individuals for a few months.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Chris, the market tanked yesterday.

A bit late to start blaming losses on this race.

Not really. It depends on when the smart money realized Ossoff and Warnock were going to win. I think it became obvious to most on Saturday. No

pacwest বলেছেন...

Cool. Where do I get in line for my free stuff?

sinz52 বলেছেন...

Purdue got something like 250,000 fewer votes than in the previous election.

Evidently a lot of Republicans got the message from Trump/Lin Wood/Sidney Powell: These elections are all rigged. Therefore, why bother to vote at all?

Lin Wood explicitly told base Republicans to boycott the runoff elections. The GOP should have exposed this grifter. Even if you love Trump, that doesn't make Lin Wood someone you should listen to.

The Gipper Lives বলেছেন...

“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.”--Frederick Douglass

When I first understood the stunning scope of the Obama/Clinton Syndicate’s CIA/FBI Coup against the President, I knew that if it went unpunished, they would have to commit more and more crimes just to cover up the previous ones. Unpunished it was, and that’s why the CIA had Eric Ciarmarella attempt to overthrow the President, and why the FBI has really never stopped.

Now we have this Election Fraud Coup which is really just the same one long coup attempt. Similarly, were they to get away with it, they would have to commit more such crimes to protect the previous ones. It has already begun with the theft in Georgia this very morning. They plan to install Dominion CheatWare everywhere, establish permanent universal Mail-In Fraud, gut every ballot security law and run every election out of the Swamp.

Talk of lawsuits, rules, rulings, recalls, new parties, future elections, strongly-worded letters–all are futile if this Steal goes unanswered now. It’s like the German Jews who comforted themselves with talk of “Well, maybe they’ll let us keep our homes or our jobs,” even as the Nazis took more and more and more. If they can blatantly steal an historic landslide, they can–and will–steal them forever. Indeed, they must.

You’re in the Jungle now, baby. We’re approaching Reagan’s “telling our children and grandchildren when men were free”-phase. There is No Rule of Law. This is raw power. This is the Law of the Jungle. This is Survival of the Fittest. This is Tyranny –unless the People rise up and defy the Tyrants. Quit negotiating with yourself. This is War. You may not hear the gunfire, but its War nonetheless. You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.

Like those kids at Parkland, almost every single level of government has abandoned us, except for President Trump. An unholy and evil combine of Communists, Globalists and Chinese gangsters are poised to rule over us unless we, with our President, fight for our own Liberty. We’ve been patient because our President has been patient. But it has come to that.

They mean to enslave us. You may think that’s hyperbole, but it is the inexorable logic of the End-Stage Liberalism-path they’re on. They have already released a Plandemic, cratered the economy, burned our cities, run a world-wide Bribery Empire, instituted Rule-by-Decree, censored our Free Speech, promulgated One-Party Campuses, Propagandized the news, put old folks in solitary or in the ground while freeing criminals, stunted our childrens' educations, abandoned the Rule of Law for Two-Tiered Justice, created a Police State Apparatus for Political Persecution and stolen a Presidential Landslide right in front of our eyes. The government has elected itself a new people.

There has to be a line that corrupt politicians may not cross without revolt. A presidential election stolen in our faces is mine.

We’re either going to have honest elections or none at all.

I’ve lived all my life as a Freeborn American and I will not live another way.

‘This far and no farther will you come.

Here your proud waves must stop!’

daskol বলেছেন...

Althouse, besides PayPal and Amazon associate fees, why not set up an option for people to donate crypto? As long as you don't trade it actively, it won't make your taxes any more complicated. And it's so hip right now.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Joe Manchin is the most powerful man in America.

Manchin’s alleged independence is overstated. And he’s more than matched by Romney, Murkowski, and Collins.

Balfegor বলেছেন...

A Senate that swings on Manchin isn't as good as a Senate where McConnell controls what comes to the floor, but it's not terrible. Pelosi has sort of lost her grip -- not to the extent of Boehner, but she hasn't been able to control extremists in her party. I expect the House to overreach and control to flip in 2022, but Republicans are defending more seats in the Senate, so they could well lose one or two, e.g. Pennsylvania or Wisconsin. Really depends on the candidates. Also depends on whether other Republicans can extend Trump's gains with immigrants and minorities, and win back working class voters. I am a bit skeptical.

All that said, unified Democratic control is probably good for me personally. I'm a well-off urban professional, after all. It's poor and rural voters who are going to pay the price.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

You with your government pensions are safe. At least for now.

May be a good time to start a private security business. Scary times, indeed.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"how might your party benefit long term?"

In the short run, it can't. The party is divided, many office holders are incompetent, and the Dems will play hardball.

In the medium run, it probably can't. Trumpists are pissed off, Trump himself will remain a spoiler, and it will take time to assemble a new coalition with better leaders.

In the longer run, everything depends on results and events--what will or won't Dems accomplish? The party can only benefit long term if it positions itself as a sensible alternative to woke overreach.

J. D. Canals বলেছেন...

2 words for the next 2 years: INVEST WISELY.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

We are royally screwed. The country is royally screwed. We will never be the same and will descend into something unrecognizable.

Balfegor বলেছেন...

Re: Big Mike:

On ordinary legislation, sure. But the biggest threat of a Democratic majority hasn't been so much about ordinary legislation, but rather about radical structural changes to help rig the deck in the future. Court packing, for example. Romney et al. aren't going to cross over for that, I would hope, and Manchin and maybe Sinema, some others, would likely oppose.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Why shouldn't the MAGA people today burn down K Street? Will they get arrested? Go to jail? The cops won't stop them and the National Guard won't shoot them.

What have they got to lose?

The above is all rhetorical questions. It won't happen. Our side respects the law. Fatal flaw in 2020.

chuck বলেছেন...

My sense for some time has been that there are background problems, economic mostly, that are about to bite us. I won't mind if the Democrats take the fall. These things are seldom directly due to the party in power, but that is who gets the blame or credit. For example, Reagan got blamed for the economic downturn at the beginning of his term, but that came from Paul Volcker wringing out inflation, arguably a good thing. Volcker was a Carter appointment.

WK বলেছেন...

Planned to downsize in next couple years but moved up timing and have house on the market now. Likely will rent for a bit and see where we end up. As COVID persists, can work from home from most anywhere. About 3 or so years to retirement so not looking to buy immediately. Maybe they will pass the cancel rent laws they have been talking about. That would be sweet.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Top Headline on Yahoo!:

Republicans turn on Trump after Georgia loss

These are the people we are supposed to support to save the republic?

They'll blame Trump, they'll blame us, the voter. They are not different than democrats.

For those of you still holding out hope for the GOP, I've found your knight in shining armor-

Tim Scott will introduce a bill in the Senate tomorrow, after Trump is officially removed from office, to establish an "Election Oversight Committee".

And no, it won't be used as the starting point for democrats to federalize all national election making sure they cement their power for a generation.


Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Steve Bannon says that courage is contagious. My French Revolution professor said the veneer of civilization is very thin. Once a mob gets going, nearly impossible to stop unless with gunshots.

So, yes I can imagine riots in DC today. Especially if Antifa and BLM are there.

narciso বলেছেন...

Well the mandates lockdown will kill off the rest of small business granholm and kerry will shut off the pipelines, food delivery will be a luxury.

Jaylat বলেছেন...

Gipper, great post! Much better than anything Althouse has written in years.

Unfortunately its all true.

Rick বলেছেন...

Mark said...
[Chris, the market tanked yesterday.]

A bit late to start blaming losses on this race.

I'm shocked to see left wingers prove they know nothing about markets or the economy. Whoever could have seen that coming.

daskol বলেছেন...

Well the mandates lockdown will kill off the rest of small business

This seems right, and yet the Russell2K index is way up today, and the NASDAQ full of those huge tech companies is down more than any other index. Did I mention that the crypto markets are booming?

Temujin বলেছেন...

The Gipper Lives
...well stated. I completely agree.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Lin Wood explicitly told base Republicans to boycott the runoff elections. The GOP should have exposed this grifter. Even if you love Trump, that doesn't make Lin Wood someone you should listen to.

I keep seeing this. This is GOP/Karl Rove spin.

Nobody gave a flying fuck what Lin Wood had to say.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

---Please don't use the comments here to bring up the challenge to the Electoral College, which is doomed

You must mean the challenge is what is doomed, but your relative pronoun refers to the closest noun, does it not? Your sentence reads to me, "the Electoral College... is doomed."

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas said: I live two hours from a communist controlled city, NYC. The commies are systematically looting and sabotaging that city.

I live one hour from Madison, WI, thirty minutes from Milwaukee, one hour from Kenosha, twenty minutes from Wauwatosa.

All liberal, violent, areas of Wisconsin, that suck the life out of a really beautiful state. Except for Madison which has always been insane, Milwaukee and Wauwatosa were fun. Kenosha is now fucked.

I live in a red, safe, bubble for the moment. Haven’t been to Milwaukee for a year. The crack, heroine, and fentanyl get delivered in Milwaukee by traveling dealers faster than Uber eats. Murder up 94% in 2020. This is Madison’s vision for everyone. A cruelly neutral vision of which I have sadly realized Althouse is a part. Thought she was different...but there are pensions to protect.

Where I live I would venture to guess 90% of households are armed because of deer hunting. No violence. No looting. No protests. People drink and do the speed limit. It's nice.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Unknown said...

Gipper, great post! Much better than anything Althouse has written in years.

Unfortunately its all true.


D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

I have asserted all along that the DNCC in 2016 pushed Trump on the GOP just as Claire McCaskill did with Todd Akin in her run for Senate in Missouri. The DNCC underestimated his appeal and they were caught flatfooted when he won the election.

If I recall, I think this was established in Hillary's leaked emails. Hillary wanted to face Trump.

I think the DNC OVERESTIMATED HRC's popularity. I don't remember too many out and proud Trumpers in 2016, but I know lot's of republicans that felt they had no choice but to hold their noses and vote for him. Trump lost in the 2016 Wisconsinprimary, but then became the first republican since Reagan to win in the general. What does that tell you?

My sense is he did win over much of the GOP by 2020, but that was not at all true back in 2016.

Rory বলেছেন...

I first turned up in these comments, I think, around 2015 when I was looking for information about the private server. I held my nose and voted for Trump, was very surprised to see him win and pleasantly surprised with how he governed. Also, here and on a couple other websites, I was pleasantly surprised to find more people than I expected who believe in the values of the Enlightenment. Our institutions are so rotted that Liberty could not be restored, but by rising up and electing Trump we at least gave our countrymen four years where they could choose to live virtuous lives if they chose to, and that's no small gift. The heavy lifting begins now, organize among your friends, don't lose heart. We are everywhere.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I’m just going to withdraw, if I am allowed to (a seriously flawed assumption) into private pleasures. The GOP which, over the last 50 years has done nothing but imitate Willie Wonka (stop...don’t... come back..)

Pox on the GOP, ( and, I assume the President) for not being prepared for this massive theft. I , a powerless retires schoolteacher, knew it was going to happen, why didn’t the Republicans? I guess they like being the Washington Generals.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

What Gipper said, times 1000.

Seems to me we are now subjects, under rule of men, not laws.

Rory বলেছেন...

"If I recall, I think this was established in Hillary's leaked emails. Hillary wanted to face Trump."

The Pied Piper memo:


stevew বলেছেন...

@Ganderson: I would not be surprised to learn that the GOP knew this, the election shenanigans committed by the Democrats, was going to happen and were willing to sacrifice control of the Senate to have Trump gone. Cynical, yes, but I haven't heard or seen compelling evidence to prove me wrong.

Bilwick বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Everything the D party does is to enrich themselves and their own.

Demcorat party is all pay-to-play

Democrat party is corrupt.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Statism now, statism tomorrow, statism forever!

Rick বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
First thing they will do is

Bail out all the blue state/cities

Yep. It's all about creating a two tiered society. Dem constituencies get high pay, pensions, job security, and gold benefits paid for by the people who produce everything. So you work hard while the new aristocracy takes the lion's share and lectures you about your greed.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver said...

I think the DNC OVERESTIMATED HRC's popularity. I don't remember too many out and proud Trumpers in 2016, but I know lot's of republicans that felt they had no choice but to hold their noses and vote for him.

That's the really depressing part of all this. We've come to this pass over one of the nastiest and most unlikable human beings in history being unable to win an election. I don't normally celebrate people's deaths, but I swear to God; I will dance a jig the day that bitch pops her clogs!

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Jeff Brokaw asserts: Seems to me we are now subjects, under rule of men, not laws.

Not if we resist.

dbp বলেছেন...

"how might your party benefit long term?"

Depends on how blood-thirsty the Democrats turn out to be.

If they do the classic overreach, Republicans will win the House in 2 years and then full control 2 years after that.

If the Democrats mint a few new states, pack the Supreme court and legalize 20 million illegal aliens, they will cement a permanent one-party rule.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Balfegor (8:25), I disagree.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

I’m just going to withdraw, if I am allowed to (a seriously flawed assumption) into private pleasures. The GOP which, over the last 50 years has done nothing but imitate Willie Wonka (stop...don’t... come back..)

I wish I could. The private pleasures I like - playing hockey, bowling, going to restaurants, etc. - are illegal right now. And this was all by design.

Pox on the GOP, ( and, I assume the President) for not being prepared for this massive theft. I , a powerless retires schoolteacher, knew it was going to happen, why didn’t the Republicans? I guess they like being the Washington Generals.

Trump was naive at worst here. Here is a guy who loves his country and its people, and thought people in Washington felt the same way. He was wrong. And no one was more vocal about trying to change that than Trump - I mean, he's tried to pull every legal trick and maneuver possible, to no avail. How can you blame the president for this? As for the rest of the establishment GOP - they got theirs; everyone else can pound sand. They're in this for themselves, not their constituents.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Given that the Dems are scarcely distinguishable from the Republicans, I expect no significant change in public policy. Those who talk of the Dems "pushing through a radical agenda" are either opposition propagandists who know better or idiots who don't.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

If all the red counties of the US united in purpose and refused to obey, what is the worst that can happen? And are we prepared?

Browndog বলেছেন...

I suggest saving and return to reading Gipper's post from time to time, reminding yourself what truth and reality look like.

An intense psychological warfare campaign is coming in an effort to get you to submit to your new rulers, and convince you 'it's not so bad'.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Robert Cook, ironically, I agree 100%. The Deep State/Oligarchy is comprised of both parties because both are utterly dependent on it. But here's where we probably disagree: The major metro areas will suffer the most from the fruits of their own rotten orchard. And the rest of us will smile.

Witness বলেছেন...

"What I find fascinating about the run-off is that Kelly Loeffler, admittedly not an especially good candidate, lost to someone who I would have said is completely unelectable. I mean, it's not up there with Trump beating Hillary but my goodness. Georgia, we hardly know ya!"

Warnock was the only candidate who ran any ads presenting himself as a reasonable person. It may not be true, and I didn't vote for him, but I'm not the least bit surprised that he won.

GRW3 বলেছেন...

Watch for the coming Democrat civil war. A bunch have already expressed dismay at how close they came to losing their elections because of the nuts. The nuts will demand full steam ahead when Congress starts. The big effort for the Republicans will be to resist "getting along" and to just leave the Democrats to fight it out. The most powerful man in the Senate is now Joe Manchin, if the military ballots don't change the outcome of the Perdue race.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I believe the first thing they'll do is eliminate the filibuster, then they'll attempt to add D.C. and Porto Rico as states. Lastly, they'll expand the Supreme Court."

Been huffin' on the nitrous, have you?

My one fear is that Biden might try to make good on his long-held desire to cut Social Security and Medicare. If he tries, I hope those in Congress are fearful enough of outrage from their constituents to reject the idea.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

With risk of sounding like a conspiracy-nut, we need to see the global picture here to understand what is going on. The Great Reset and all that. There are conspiracies that are not just theories. Trust me on this.

daskol বলেছেন...

Given that the Dems are scarcely distinguishable from the Republicans, I expect no significant change in public policy.

Except that we're not replacing the GOP with Dems, we're replacing the Trump admin. The Trump admin was not beholden to the military industrial complex in the way the uniparty has been captured, so you're wrong here: the public policy changes will be significant, as we just saw the party of war and perpetual global conflict retake office. This is why despite your pretensions to being a leftist or a radical, if you don't know where you stand on Biden v. Trump, you ain't no radical.

wendybar বলেছেন...

I'm so happy I decided years ago never to have kids. At least I am at peace knowing they won't be stuck with the debt that your kids and grandkids (or great and great great) will have to pay for all the free stuff they are going to be handing out like candy....Just wait until China wants their money back.....

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

There has to be a line that corrupt politicians may not cross without revolt. A presidential election stolen in our faces is mine.

We’re either going to have honest elections or none at all.

I’ve lived all my life as a Freeborn American and I will not live another way.

‘This far and no farther will you come.

Here your proud waves must stop!’

Oh, give me a fucking break.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

"I expect no significant change in public policy."

No statehood for DC? Puerto Rico?

Not elimination of Senate Cloture?

Not expansion of appellate court judges?

No implementation (by regulation, not legislation) the Green Leap Forward?

Great. I await your excuses when all of these things become DNC, media propaganda talking points.

The Gipper Lives বলেছেন...

Thanks. I wish I'd never written it.

wildswan বলেছেন...

Football now : Football of the past = Congress under Biden : Congress of the past

wendybar বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said My one fear is that Biden might try to make good on his long-held desire to cut Social Security and Medicare. If he tries, I hope those in Congress are fearful enough of outrage from their constituents to reject the idea.

Bahahahahhaha...Warnock beat up his wife. They don't care about constituents...if they did, Warnock would NEVER have won...It is literally about agenda now..

Chuck বলেছেন...

Althouse: "If, overall, you support the GOP, it's got to hurt, but how might your party benefit long term?"

Only one way; to impress on the nation and the world, the magnitude of Donald Trump's political malpractice. Since Trump's fluke win in 2016, Republicans have lost the House, the Senate, and statewide races throughout the critical midwestern swing states.

Since Trump won Michigan by barely 11,000 votes in 2016, Michigan has re-elected two Democratic U.S. Senators, swung two Republican House seats to moderate suburban Democrats, narrowed the historical advantage of Republicans in the state house and senate, and has elected Democrats -- replacing Republicans -- as Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General. And now, Michigan's electoral votes were won by Democrat Joe Biden.

All of those seats were victories won by Republicans in Michigan before Trump. Trump, and Trumpists, have proven that they are not winning anything in Michigan.

So much hatred for "the GOP establishment" on this page! Comment after comment after comment, all trying to blame some "Republican" failure. So go form your own party. Go make a Trump Party.

Ajnal বলেছেন...

snowflake fantasyland...get a grip.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

This isn't on Trump. Trump's political instincts have been generally better than the GOP establishment's.

Really? Starting a pissing match with your own party about $2,000 in free gubmint money? You think that was politically savvy? In the middle of an important race he aligned himself with Bernie Sanders--an honest to G*d Socialist--and against his own party. Want to talk about being a RINO and a traitor!

Everyone will see what they want to see. But do not forget--when his party and his country needed him, Trump was fighting alongside Bernie.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Everything the D party does is to enrich themselves and their own."

And, they are different in the respect from the Republicans...how?

Actually, I'm not cynical enough to believe every member of Congress (in either party) are solely there to aggrandize their wealth and power, or that none are there trying to do what they truly believe is best. However, given the number who are entirely self-serving, combined with those whose convictions as to "what is best" are wrong, we will continue to have the ongoing clusterfuck that enriches and empowers the rich and powerful and shits on everyone else.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

As a mere R leaner, I'll answer both:

>what worries you about the prospect of the Democratic Party control of Congress? What's the downside?

I guess I'd worry about overreach/shadiness/corruption given there won't be any Congressional oversite for awhile.

>If, overall, you support the GOP, it's got to hurt, but how might your party benefit long term?

IMHO, the root cause of all this goes back to the #NeverTrump movement, which made it impossible to unify around "you need to support my preferred [x] or the Democrats will win" style appeals. Hopefully, the R's find a way something like intersectionality to keep their various sub factions pulling in the same direction.

narciso বলেছেন...

No the demands on social security and medicare will be such that the system will collapse on its own accord. Not long after that so will the currency and any precious metals will be confiscatex.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Cook -

Most of the democrats are corrupt. Are all of them? No. Tulsi isn't - and she's gone.

The R-party cannot hold a candle to the nexus of corruption that is Pelosi-Clinton-Biden-Kerry... family grift.
I can spell out in detail all of the D-party corruption.

Biden: "you're not getting the billion dollars... well son of a bitch."

Chuck বলেছেন...

narciso said...
No the demands on social security and medicare will be such that the system will collapse on its own accord. Not long after that so will the currency and any precious metals will be confiscatex.

Paul Ryan wanted to reform them; make them affordable and solvent for future generations.

Trump, going after the low-hanging voter fruit, promised to never touch them.

What were we saying about conservatives?

dbp বলেছেন...

"Only one way; to impress on the nation and the world, the magnitude of Donald Trump's political malpractice. "

This is BS.

Trump was set-up to lose in 2016. Every time a normal Republican in the primaries came to the fore, they were relentlessly piled-on by the press. They wanted Trump to be the nominee, because only he could lose to the corrupt Hillary!

Turns-out, he was the only one who could win.

As a political novice, he let himself get rolled too often but nonetheless accomplished a lot. Ultimately he only delayed the plans for total domination by 4 years.

Witness বলেছেন...

"BillieBob Thorton said...

If, overall, you support the GOP, it's got to hurt, but how might your party benefit long term?

The GOPe dies off."

Just keep shrinking the party, and eventually it'll be so big they won't be able to steal the elections!

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

We will never have free and fair elections in this country again. Mail in voting will become the norm.

We are totally and completely fucked.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

While Hillary made money off of the Russians with dirty insider deals - she planted the seed and concocted the story of Trump's collusion with Russia.

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