January 16, 2021

"If you took the fact out that he is the president of the United States and look at the conduct of the call, it tracks the communication you might see in any drug case or organized crime case. It’s full of threatening undertone and strong-arm tactics."


rhhardin said...

New phrase from derb: woke triumphalism.

narciso said...

Cant point out the fraud, its illegal.

gilbar said...

It’s full of threatening undertone and strong-arm tactics.
you mean, like:
"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" Biden said . Biden added that the prosecutor was then fired. "Well, son of a b***h.

Temujin said...

When Trump leaves office, he will embark on a salted earth tour not seen since my namesake. Everyone has about 5 days left to get to him, then it's gloves off.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

How was LBJ never impeached?

cacimbo said...

Why don't GA elected officials just wave a big ol banner saying "we stole the election for Biden- nah,nah,dah,nah,nah."

Mike Sylwester said...

As far as I know, nobody in the Georgia government has explained why one of the Atlanta vote-counters told reporters that vote-counting was delayed two to four hours because of a flowing-water incident that supposedly occurred in the early morning of Election Day.

How long did the imaginary burst waterpipe delay the ballot-counting?

As long as that remains unexplained, I remain convinced that Trump really won a majority of the Georgia votes.

Some Seppo said...

Money to Parties MOORE, MICHAEL
TERRY, GA 31069 ATTORNEY 01-28-2008 $750 Georgia Federal Elections Cmte (D)

Fandor said...

What a mockery the Left is making of our justice system not to mention the Constitution.

tim maguire said...

it tracks the communication you might see in any drug case or organized crime case.

Maybe so, but without an actual drug deal, it’s still just a phone call. Mr. Moore, much like his namesake, seems to want to skip around the key facts.

Achilles said...

If they had defeated Trump in the 2020 election and Biden really got 81 million votes they would not have to act like this to maintain power.

If Trump had gotten 75 million votes and Biden had received about 60-63 million votes they would have to act like this to maintain power.

Mike Sylwester said...

It's not merely that an effective investigation of the voting-fraud allegations must be prevented.

Rather, any discussion of the allegations must be prevented.

C R Krieger said...

Those who want to try Future Former President Donald Trump must have a good plan for keeping it narrow, to avoid discovery that might point to Voter [] oddities in Georgia.

Regards  —  Cliff

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The best Trump can say is that he was only inciting voter fraud.

Temujin said...

Achilles nails it. There is just too much stomping down of any discussion or dissent about the election. You mention the words 'election' and 'fraud' together in a sentence and you are banned from social media, airplanes, hotel rooms, and perhaps your job.
They protest too much and out of proportion for the action. There is a slam down on any discussion.

That is not behavior of someone confident in their position. It is, on the other hand, a common behavior of a group in a precarious position.

Browndog said...

Fun times ahead. Everybody goes to jail.

Commie prosecutors should just ask everyone associated with Trump:

Do you want to plead guilty and do 1-2 years for campaign finance violations or do you want to hold out and do 15-30 for that child porn we're going to find on your computer?

iowan2 said...

I never hear even a single quote, even one removed from context from President Trump's 1-6 speech. This phone call is the same. I couldn't get to the NYT article maybe the reporter included the criminal parts in the story. I have not seen any quotes from that anywhere.

Those two pieces of silence are more than enough for me to reach the conclusion the AG is just posturing for votes, and publicity.

rhhardin said...

The great trial coming up is the Georgy Floyd trial. Look for riots, followed by double jeopardy.

Amadeus 48 said...

I thought Michael Moore just made funny documentaries.

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The best Trump can say is that he was only inciting voter fraud.

Post the quote of Trump inciting violence in that speech.

If you cannot you are just passing on propaganda like a good german at best.

More likely you are just a fascist acting like a fascist.

Curious George said...

"The Fulton County district attorney is weighing an inquiry into possible election interference and is said to be considering hiring an outside counsel"

This is all about the headline. And getting his name in the paper.

Birches said...

Fulton county. Of course.

gilbar said...

mockturtle said...
How was LBJ never impeached?

i'm sure you meant that rhetorically, BUT because the opposition never held a house majority

Wince said...

"Election interference" by Republicans may be alleged.

Mentioning Democrat "election fraud" is verboten.

Francisco D said...

Our "experts" are developing a system to determine if speech should be deemed threatening or misinformation. Appropritr penalties will follow.

It's working on college campuses. What could go wrong?

DanTheMan said...

Trump is right. There was vote fraud in Georgia. I have proof of at least 3 fraudulent votes.

My MIL is in a memory care facility in Atlanta. She has severe dementia. She does not recognize her own children. She can't recall her husband of almost 50 years. She has no idea where she is or what year it is.

But she voted in both the general election, and in both Senate runoff races. A family member took her ballots and cast the votes because "that's who she would have wanted to vote for".

There was plenty of fraud.

PB said...

That guy has gotten his "education' on organized crime from the movies.

Mike Sylwester said...

A key problem in Georgia is that the massive voting-fraud took place under the watch of a Republican Governor and a Republican Secretary of State.

They perhaps did not want the fraud to happen, but they they will prevent any investigation that might indicate that the massive fraud happened under their watch.

Leland said...

Other well known attorneys have analyzed the call and found a different conclusion. Did the NYT include their views?

AMDG said...

The choice, There was voter fraud in Georgia on a massive scale facilitated by Trump, supporting Republicans including the Governor, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State. Or, there was no massive fraud - the President is pushing this conspiracy because his ego can’t handle the loss.

One more datapoint. Per the American Thinker:


Quote from the note
“American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on www.AmericanThinker.com that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error. ”

Mike Sylwester said...

Yesterday Powerline published a superb article by John Hinderaker, titled Did the Democrats steal the Presidential election?

Hinderaker points out a major reason why even mere discussion of the election fraud must be prevented. That reason is that the Democrats want to keep the new lax election procedures in place. Discussion of the fraud might lead to election-procedure reforms that might prevent future repetitions of the 2020 fraud.

wendybar said...

Meh....When THIS is okay, then I don't care about Trumps call in the our country...

"I remember going over and convincing our team, others, to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

wendybar said...

Or this....with Russia. “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

Rusty said...

AMDG said...
'The choice, There was voter fraud in Georgia on a massive scale facilitated by Trump, supporting Republicans including the Governor, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State. Or, there was no massive fraud - the President is pushing this conspiracy because his ego can’t handle the loss.

One more datapoint. Per the American Thinker:


Quote from the note
“American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on www.AmericanThinker.com that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error."
Is this asserting that there was no vote fraud or that Dominion was unaware that there was vote fraud?

Amadeus 48 said...

I thought this was a call about settlement of litigation that had been filed by Trump's team. Have you ever been in an early stage settlement conference? There is a lot of posturing. And then add the Trump factor--he has spent his whole life posturing.

Also, a lot of the protections for mail-in voting got suspended in many states through collusive lawsuits and settlements. See John Hinderaker's note on Powerline about collusive litigation in Minnesota.

Is there any discussion of that in the article?

Michael K said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
How was LBJ never impeached?

Kennedy was going to drop him for 1964 and Life Magazine had a special issue on LBJ's corruption ready to go. The last editorial meeting on it was on November 22, 1963. At the lunch break, they head the news from Dallas. The issue was canceled.

I cannot recommend Robert Caro's biography of LBJ enough. I just hope he lives to get the 5th volume out.

Michael K said...

The new troll brings up American Thinker's surrender in the face of threatened litigation. This is called "Lawfare" and is usually successful unless the defendant has deep pockets or is determined. The Michael Mann suits are an example. National Review folded, Mark Steyn is still standing after years of lawfare.

mockturtle said...

I cannot recommend Robert Caro's biography of LBJ enough.

I used to have the first three volumes but it's been many years since I read them.

daskol said...

mockturtle said...
How was LBJ never impeached?

i'm sure you meant that rhetorically, BUT because the opposition never held a house majority

No expert, but the period of maximum legal jeopardy for LBJ expired with JFK, who was rumored to be days away from announcing a new VP candidate and tossing LBJ to the wolves (Time magazine was about to publish a years-long investigation into Texas corruption around LBJ). The cui bono argument is, to this amateur, the strongest reason to keep LBJ in the picture when trying to explain what the fuck happened in 63.

daskol said...

BTW, even if you believe Oswald was the shooter, you should peruse the work put out by prestigious European publishing houses and the odd American renegade house that establishes for all but the most institutionalist-minded that Oswald was a US intelligence asset of long-standing.

AZ Bob said...

My favorite part about the Biden era is all the unity.

Lurker21 said...

Ironically, in the phone call Trump gave a surprisingly clear and cogent and reasoned explanation of the fraud and its aspects and dimensions, yet all the media picked up on was the supposed strong-arming, which in the context of the entire call wasn't really strong-arming.

Lurker21 said...

The American Thinker was required to publish that by its lawyers.

I almost wish they were put out of business. It's a lousy website on par with the lousy lawyers handling the fraud case.

Lurker21 said...

LBJ was a high-testosterone, high functioning Biden. People knew that he was corrupt. Nobody was going to impeach him. His party controlled both Houses of Congress and he had defeated Goldwater, who was viewed as a threat to "our Democracy."

"Lawfare" - I assumed that was something like Medicare covering legal fees or welfare for lawyers. Now I see that it's warfare with lawyers. You learn something every day.

daskol said...

At what point do people of good conscience and above average intelligence realize that the guy getting cancelled along with his supporters is not the scary tyrant, even if there is scary tyranny about? That bit of dissonance can't last forever.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

More leftwing totalitarian Soviet-style harassment.

Michael K said...

the odd American renegade house that establishes for all but the most institutionalist-minded that Oswald was a US intelligence asset of long-standing.

I think it more likely that he was a Soviet intel asset. This fellow makes a pretty good case.

Michael K said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
I cannot recommend Robert Caro's biography of LBJ enough.

I used to have the first three volumes but it's been many years since I read them.

I have the audio book version and listen in the car. My wife heard some of it one day and insisted I go to the beginning. We have listened to the whole thing twice. When I was commuting to Phoenix, I listened to books. Now, since I don't do that anymore, we listen on trips to CA. The most recent one is Sheryl Atkinson's book, "Slanted."

Skippy Tisdale said...

It’s full of threatening undertone and strong-arm tactics."
Said Michael J. Moore

Go fuck yourself.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Inquire away. Trump can’t be prosecuted and the Democrats are terrified of the discovery process. Dumbshow for the hysterical.

Once Banana Joe is installed, this posturing evaporates like summer rain. And the tide, ever so slowly at first, begins to run the other way. Never fails.

Big Mike said...

I almost wish [American Thinker was] put out of business. It's a lousy website on par with the lousy lawyers handling the fraud case.

@Lurker21, have you forgotten that Trump’s original lawyers were doxxed, then received threats against their lives, and, more heinous, threats against their children. Those lawyers dropped the case, no surprise, and the only lawyers still willing to act in Trump’s behalf were the likes of Giuliani, Powell, and Lin Wood.

Can’t let the President have good legal counsel can we? (Cue the standard lecture to L1students about how everyone is entitled to good legal counsel.)

narciso said...

and max holland and the mitrokhin file, showed the level of dezinforma, that stemmed from marzani to garrison and ultimately oliver stone,

lawfare which is the tool of the bin mahfouzes, the qadis the nahim auchi's of the world,

trumpintroublenow said...

I don't follow. Since everyone knows the election was stolen and that Trump won Georgia by a landslide, why was it wrong for him to nicely suggest that the SOS go out and find the votes that everyone knew were missing and somewhere to be found. My guess is they were on top of Stone Mountain.

Rosalyn C. said...

I did a quick check on Michael J. Moore and saw that he also wants to investigate Lindsey Graham for election interference. "Moore cited multiple public interviews given by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, in which Raffensperger said that Graham pressured him to throw out valid mail ballots. According to the secretary of state, Graham asked whether he could toss all mail ballots from any county with a high rate of 'signature mismatch'—signatures that don’t match those on a voter’s registration form." (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/former-u-s-attorney-asks-georgia-to-investigate-lindsey-graham-for-potential-election-crimes/ar-BB1bBBRJ) The article in US News goes on to say, "Signature mismatch disproportionately affects racial minorities, who lean Democratic overall."

I've been wondering about that -- are they claiming Black people don't know how to sign their names in Georgia, in 2021? Really? Then I went to another article about signature matching which told the story of an immigrant who was very upset because his ballot was declined. Why was it declined? "The answer, it turned out, was that Mangeni’s signature on the ballot didn’t match the one he used when he registered to vote. Ohio, like 30 other states, uses signature matching as a fraud-prevention measure. Mangeni sometimes uses different signatures, and he didn’t recall which one he had used to register." Signed, Sealed, Delivered—Then Discarded Signature matching—which one expert described as “witchcraft”—could lead to thousands of legitimate ballots being thrown out. OCTOBER 21, 2020 Voting as witchcraft lol.

Why in the world would anyone use different signatures in different situations? I never heard of that before. Is this something people do in Kenya for some reason?

Rusty said...

Another idiot heard from,

Rosalyn C. said...

The only reason I can think of for a person deliberately using different signatures is that they do that so they can latter claim whatever document they had to sign was not signed by them. It's a method to cheat.

narciso said...

they used signature match, to disqualify both kanye and the green party candidates, so different strokes for different folks,

Achilles said...

trumpintroublenow said...

I don't follow. Since everyone knows the election was stolen and that Trump won Georgia by a landslide, why was it wrong for him to nicely suggest that the SOS go out and find the votes that everyone knew were missing and somewhere to be found. My guess is they were on top of Stone Mountain.

These are the arguments of desperate people.

They know nobody believes them.

That is why the censorship.

I can say with 3 sigma Trump got more votes than Biden.

I can say with 2 sigma that Biden got about 60-65 million legitimate votes and the election was a complete blowout.

n.n said...

NYT of false narratives fame speaks em-pathetic appeals to truths to facts. So Pro-Choice, therefore not technically bigots (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrites) with fluid principles.

Rosalyn C. said...

I'm not a tech or a math person but I do know that Texas found enough problems with the Dominion system that they won't use them, neither will Canada. Or so I've heard.

rcocean said...

The best defense is a good offense. If you've stolen a Presidental election and committed massive vote fraud, than indict the President of the USA for talking about it!

LOL. I remember the correctly this same DA's office wanted to charge the Wendy's Cop for 1st Degree murder, even AFTER the tape showed he was being shot at with a taser. They are corrupt, left-wing creeps.

daskol said...

There's a lot of books more focused on Oswald, but his bio as recounted here pretty much confirms his recruitment into US intelligence during his time in Japan, and also covers the breadth of evidence and narratives available in a readable way. It covers some of the same evidence Epstein covers but with a different take on the interactions that lead people to believe Oswald was a Russian agent. I've read about a dozen or so books on the topic, and this is the best of the lot.

John henry said...

Blogger Rosalyn C. said...

I'm not a tech or a math person but I do know that Texas found enough problems with the Dominion system that they won't use them, neither will Canada. Or so I've heard.

Puerto Rico, too. Probably.

We still have races where we don't know who won. We were still finding suitcases, not official containers but plain old suitcases, of ballots 2 weeks ago.

That is mainly a problem of permitting absentee balloting for the first time ever.(With a few exceptions such as military)

We have allegations of election fraud for the first time in 60-70 years.

That is absentee ballots and Dominion.

Our 2020 election was such a fiasco If we can ever figure out who got elected to it, our state legislature is apparently going to repeals the changes to election law that permitted absentee ballots and machines in the process.

Everyone votes in person, on election day, and votes are tabulated by hand.

John Henry

narciso said...

Yes marrs does indulge much of that foolishness along with the sarti tale.

Night Owl said...

At what point do people of good conscience and above average intelligence realize that the guy getting cancelled along with his supporters is not the scary tyrant, even if there is scary tyranny about? That bit of dissonance can't last forever.

You would think so. But a lot of intelligent people don't pay attention to politics. I have quite a few in my immediate family. Ask them what Parler is and they have no clue. Many smart, decent people are uninformed and misinformed, and the Dem control over the media and what "news" gets reported and what is kept hidden, keeps them that way. The uninformed and misinformed wouldn't know what authoritarianism is unless it hits them personally.

But, there are at least 75 million Americans who are aware of the Dems attempts to strip us of our constitutional rights and our right to fair elections. And we will do whatever we can do to thwart them, like turning away from the big-tech tyrants. Hit 'em in the bottom line; set up a parallel economy. And businesses around the world are now aware of the tyranny of American hi-tech and will act accordingly. What the leftist Dems are doing to Trump and attempting to do to Trump supporters will probably go down in history as a fatal overreach.

Jim at said...

Once again, they're looking to punish Trump for requesting an inquiry into the crimes they committed.


Night Owl said...

If the Dems had won this election honestly would they be attempting to not just silence the opposition but bully them into submission? They come across as insecure people who are afraid to have the full extent of their corruption revealed.

The leftists Dems are everything they accuse Trump of, and in their paranoia they are going too far. With their pathetically desperate attempt to destroy Trump they will likely destroy themselves.

Michael K said...

Two new trolls today. I wonder why ?

Troll #1- Care to show your work? Or must I rely on the conclusion of an anonymous commentator who has a strong pro-Trump bias? Whereas an anonymous commenter with a TDS bias is trustworthy.

Troll #2-
The case that Dominion rigged the machines has always been been the equivalent of the contents of Joe Biden’s diaper. The paper trail tied to the machine count.

None of them are interested in finding the facts. Hmmm.

Paul Snively said...

"If you ignore the fact that it's a political horse-trading conversation, it sounds like a mafioso making a threat." Why, yes. Yes, it does, whether anyone in the conversation is named "Donald Trump" or not.

Meade said...

Michael K said...
"Two new trolls today. I wonder why ?"

Thanks for the heads up. Now if only commenters can voluntarily follow the time-honored online protocol: DON'T FEED TROLLS. Or, in plain English: Ignore them and, starved of attention, they will eventually disappear. (Blog administrators—who can't possibly read each and every comment—will be profoundly grateful.)

daskol said...

Lol, at least Meade is reading the comments. It's like a reverse business, lots of writers and only one reader.

Yes marrs does indulge much of that foolishness along with the sarti tale.

I wish it was a suave Corsican assassin on the grassy knoll, very Daniel Silva, but alas that's a bunch of bullshit. Oswald was the patsy, like he said he was.

mockturtle said...

Meade @2:50: Hear, hear!

Jaq said...

"Blog administrators” with an ’s’? Meade made news! Althouse claimed she did it all herself about a year ago.

Meanwhile Biden is planning to create 11 million new Democrat voters without even a nod to border controls.


What has Q said that was more destructive to our democracy than a president changing the electorate to his political advantage?

FullMoon said...

rhhardin said...

The great trial coming up is the Georgy Floyd trial. Look for riots, followed by double jeopardy.

Gonna be shorter riots with less attendees now that cops are allowed to kill without warning.

FullMoon said...

"..in plain English: Ignore them and, starved of attention, they will eventually disappear"

Among the banned are two that have the decency to stay away. Other banned cowardly sneak back when administrators are busy enjoying life. The cowardly feel they are powerful and courageous while doing this.

Some trolls do it for fun. Not to be confused with the unfortunate true believers. I blame the parents.

Also, for the record, please note no commenters located in California among the trolls. All are located elsewhere.

The trolls formerly located in beautiful California were exiled to the larger cities or to other states by sesible, intelligent, decent, Californians of good character.

The intelligent former Californian commenters have settled elsewhere in order to share their wisdom, common sense, and joyous attitudes with citizens of bad weather states.

walter said...

"Gonna be shorter riots with less attendees now that cops are allowed to kill without warning."
Not when charged with protecting the normal folk.
There will be an "equity" quotient. And only when Team Clipboard needs it.

walter said...

daskol said...
Lol, at least Meade is reading the comments. It's like a reverse business, lots of writers and only one reader.

Yes marrs does indulge much of that foolishness along with the sarti tale.

I wish it was a suave Corsican assassin..
Did you just unperson yourself?

walter said...

Which did more damage to "democracy"? Q or Russiagate?

walter said...

"Meanwhile Biden is planning to create 11 million new Democrat voters "
11? lOL

Crazy World said...

Trump won, he will address this fraud at a later date as a private citizen. Washington DC is currently under military control apparently, I saw it on the internet!
Go Joe and your Ho.

Jamie said...

As I said elsewhere, if you were trying to ensure that your candidate would be guaranteed to have enough votes to win, no matter what, what would you do in the run-up to the election, during the voting period, and during the counting period that Democrats didn't do in the critical swing states?

Then, if you did successfully get your candidate over the line through fraud, what would you do when questions arose afterwards about the election's legitimacy that Democrats aren't doing?

Let's give Democrats the benefit of the doubt and say they really, truly were convinced that in the Year of Plague, sweeping changes to election procedures were necessary in order to get the people to vote who, in a normal year, would vote. A uniform "side effect" of the changes they sought, through judicial action when they failed to get state legislatures to do what they wanted, was to make vote fraud easier to commit and harder to catch; not one change they sought could be seen as making the election more secure or its outcome more defensible. So even if their intentions were pure, the results of their desired changes raise valid and obvious questions not just about the wisdom of the changes but about their intentions.

But of course their response has run the itty bitty gamut from "How dare you, sir!" to "Questioning the effects of changes we made in election procedures is treason!" Not one suggestion of, "Of course there should be a robust and transparent investigation of all the questions being brought, so that all Americans can regain confidence in our electoral process," or even, "Let's do it, let's do the deep dive into the process and the results so you knuckle-dragging Republicans can finally get it out of your heads that there was anything illegitimate about this election." Not the behavior of the innocent or the confident.

Sam L. said...

I trust nothing from the NYT. Also, the WaPoo.

Robert Cook said...

"Which did more damage to 'democracy?' Q or Russiagate?"

Trick question: neither. The answer is: Corporate capture of and parasitism on the institutions of government.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Here's what an honest former prosecutor has to say about that call:


Content you can trust:
X said this, Y said that, here's what it means.

Content you can't trust:
I have no direct quotes that support my story, just a story that I'm going to make up to push my agenda

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
"Which did more damage to 'democracy?' Q or Russiagate?"

Trick question: neither. The answer is: Corporate capture of and parasitism on the institutions of government.

Which is the absolutely guaranteed result of having a large government.

Because when it's worth millions to billions of dollars to buy politicians / regulators, they are going to get bought.

So, Cook, are you part of the problem? Are you a supporter of big government?

John Lucas said...


Wish I had read it earlier.

He references Biden with Jeffrey Epstein, Miss Maxwell & the Zorro Ranch.
Shocking stuff.

Maybe you should check this out and let your audience know about our wonderful new president.

John Lucas - sing44sing@yahoo.com

rcocean said...

Yeah...except he's President of the USA, and its OK to put political pressure on other pols to get them follow the law.

But other than that, just like a Drug Lord.

rcocean said...

Lots of behavior "Tracks" to other behaviors. For example, car jackers stop you at the point of a gun. So do the police. Their behaviors "Track".

rcocean said...

Comments are going through. Censorship? Blogger Problems?

Who cares. Adios.

John Lucas said...

Wish I had read it earlier.

He references Biden with Jeffrey Epstein, Miss Maxwell & the Zorro Ranch.
Shocking stuff.

You may wish to check this out and discover what a wonderful new president we really have.

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