৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০২১

"If Congress purported to overturn the results of the Electoral College, it would not only exceed [its] power, but also establish unwise precedents."

"First, Congress would take away the power to choose the president from the people, which would essentially end presidential elections and place that power in the hands of whichever party controls Congress. Second, Congress would imperil the Electoral College, which gives small states like Arkansas a voice in presidential elections. Democrats could achieve their longstanding goal of eliminating the Electoral College in effect by refusing to count electoral votes in the future for a Republican president-elect. Third, Congress would take another big step toward federalizing election law, another longstanding Democratic priority that Republicans have consistently opposed. Thus, I will not oppose the counting of certified electoral votes on January 6. I’m grateful for what the president accomplished over the past four years, which is why I campaigned vigorously for his reelection. But objecting to certified electoral votes won’t give him a second term—it will only embolden those Democrats who want to erode further our system of constitutional government."

২৮১টি মন্তব্য:

281 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Someone gets it.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Next election, the voters of Arkansas should pick someone else...

stevew বলেছেন...

Good points by Senator Cotton. This election was lost by Trump and the Republicans long before election day. All these things are too little too late actions.

Trump was a tremendous president, IMO, but it is quite clear that he was and is quite naive about how our politics work and which are the good and bad guys (on his side or not). That is where his long experience in business - which is a very different world than politics - hurt him or left him blind to the way things really work.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

So when Democrats opposed the certification in the exact same way for the last 3 times Republicans won the election, that didn't establish precedent.

But this time, when Republicans do it with FAR more evidence of fraud, this time it'll create a bad precedent and blow up the world.


Go fuck yourself, Cotton, you traitorous cuck.


Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

I'm pretty sure Democrats would be objecting if Trump had won, given precedent. I think that maybe Republicans who are planning to object might be thinking they've got a lot more going on in their corner than they think, and I'm of the opinion that this is going to end up being a futile gesture at best.

Still, they have the right to object, and Democrats have availed themselves of that right before, so I see nothing wrong with the Republicans trying to at least make their objection. The precedent was set that this behavior is allowed, so I see no reason to change the rules because it would be inconvenient for Democrats if Republicans acted like them.

steve uhr বলেছেন...

Some Monday Morning Math

Trump is claiming structural process errors in I believe all of the disputed states. I.e., the only reasonable result is to throw them out of the calculation entirely. If Biden can't win because eg the state courts usurped the role of the legislature, neither can Trump. The entire process was non fixable.

Trump won the electoral vote by 74

PN is 20
GA is 16
WI is 10
MI is 16
NV is 6
AZ is 11

Throw out the electoral votes in PN AND GA AND WI AND MI AND either NV OR AZ, and Biden still wins.

pacwest বলেছেন...

Much as I believe there was massive fraud I think this is a good take on it. The main problem is that it would be done in the belief that the Dems would be reciprocal in their future behavior, and we know that's not the case.

Calypso Facto বলেছেন...

"If Congress purported to overturn the results of the Electoral College, it would not only exceed that power, but also establish unwise precedents."

Kind of like an impeachment of a duly elected President based on fake intelligence purchased by the Democratic Party?

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

So when Democrats opposed the certification in the exact same way for the last 3 times Republicans won the election, that didn't establish precedent

Democrats are whiney crybaby assholes that are a zit on the ass of our republic. Qwinn why are you so hellbent on behaving like Barbara Boxer? She's your role model now?

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

Sen. Cotton makes good points, but the question is then: what is the way forward?

If the answer is docile capitulation to voter massive fraud, doesn't that just as effectively destroy any sort of federalism, as it allows a few key state urban areas to essentially elect the president? If they get away with fraud this time, why not future elections as well? What will stop them?

I have to admit whoever among the Democrats who came up with this is an evil genius. They came up with a manner of fraud that not only worked, but fell between the constitutional cracks in every way possible. But, as I've said before, they crossed the Rubicon. If later on fraud gets proven, then what? Biden surrenders the presidency? I don't think so! Then it's either civil war or more likely a right-wing insurgency.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Cotton pushing Trump out of the way for 2024.

n.n বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
n.n বলেছেন...

The issue is not the electoral college, but rather the certification of votes where there is direct and circumstantial evidence of fraud and irregularities in the democratic system and proccess. The solution is due process, not journolistic gerrymandering, not social steering, not denying standing to American citizens.

Wince বলেছেন...

Cotton said...
I therefore support a commission to study the last election and propose reforms to protect the integrity of our elections. And after Republicans win in Georgia, the Senate should also hold more hearings on these matters. All Americans deserve to have confidence in the elections that undergird our free government.

Isn't that the very purpose of the nay vote? Use a "delay" in full certification to leverage an investigation for at least 10 days or well into a Biden administration?

Instead, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas led a group on Saturday in calling for a delay of full certification, and a 10-day investigation into accusations of wrongdoing... Without it, “we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified,’” the senators said in a written statement issued Saturday.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

It seems to me that this election was more than likely stolen. As such, I'm less concerned with this election than with what might happen in the future. What exactly is going to prevent this from happening again? Anything? Or are we just over with as a Republic?

Iman বলেছেন...

Yes, because Democrats are just awaiting an excuse to feel emboldened.


Due diligence, as prescribed by the Constitution.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

Jesus. That’s some bizzarro judo: If Republicans go forward with their plans to undermine the very foundations of a credible democratic government, against the pleading of all sane and rational citizens, it will be the fulfillment the longstanding dreams of Democrats?

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"If later on fraud gets proven, then what?"

-- At this point CAN fraud be proven to the level that non-political Democrats would accept it? As in, can you think of a scenario where some random Biden voter can ever be convinced that something funky happened?

Several states have already destroyed 2020 data, and while most people would view that as kind of suspicious, there are people who will insist that while suspicious it "doesn't prove anything." I generally say that while I can't prove fraud, I can prove voting incompetence, through things like the vast amount of lost thumbdrives with votes, the number of corrections that had to be made, Stickygate in New York (I think), etc., etc. But even with just saying that the state governments were incompetent, not fraudulent, which CAN be proven (telling poll watchers they're closing when they're not you might not be able to convince someone that the government actors were being immoral... but I've had people admit that that happening is at least incompetent.) The average person just accepts incompetence from the government as the cost of doing business.

I'm not sure how you "prove" fraud at this point, beyond maybe a government official admitting to it. Even then... people will say they're not telling the truth.

Yinzer বলেছেন...

Even a good, solid conservative like Tom Cotton can be wrong.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Good comments this morning, commenters.

Me? I'm on the fence with this specific issue. And I do think Cotton would be an excellent candidate for president. He shows great promise. I have no intention or desire to write him off.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

can you think of a scenario where some random Biden voter can ever be convinced that something funky happened?

My guess is that a fair number of Biden voters may already believe that enough fraud occured to tip the scales (although I doubt very many of them would ever openly admit it), but they are willing to accept it since it got rid of Trump. Trump was pure evil in their minds, and the thing about declaring something or someone as evil is that it sort of gives you permission to do almost anything to remove it.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Our system of constitutional government is being eroded by justified skepticism about the honesty of vote-counting in a few key cities that are governed by Democrats.

If no Republicans are allowed to watch the vote-counting effectively in those cities, then Republicans generally will suspect that the vote-counting is fraudulent there.

Democrats generally advocate strict regulation, but in regard to vote-counting, they are becoming more and more lax. They want to erode all the vote-counting regulations that help to assure the public that vote-counting is honest.

Every citizen should get a maximum of only one vote.

* No one citizen should be allowed to cast hundreds or even thousands of votes in one election.

* No one citizen should be allowed to eliminate the votes cast by hundreds or even thousands of other citizens.

It seems to me, however, that a few Blacks in a few politically corrupt cities have been doing so.

How long did the imaginary burst waterpipe delay the ballot-counting?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

Matt Sablan said...

I'm pretty sure Democrats would be objecting if Trump had won, given precedent. I think that maybe Republicans who are planning to object might be thinking they've got a lot more going on in their corner than they think, and I'm of the opinion that this is going to end up being a futile gesture at best.

The Democrats objected in 2000, 2004, and 2016. I don't believe Cruz and the other objectors believe they have any chance of overturning the election, they're just throwing the gauntlet down to cause confusion and dissension in the Democrat ranks.

John henry বলেছেন...

Where in the Constitution does it give "the People" any right to vote for President? The Constitution was written to prevent "the people" from having any vote for president.

Except indirectly, "The people" have no constitutional right to vote for representative. Originally no right direct or indirect to vote for senators (until 16th Amendment)

Speaking of the US constitution here.

In any event, whether PDJT wins or loses, the objections and the resultant hearing will put the electoral problems out in the open. In a court like setting where evidence can be presented and objected to.

There are too many questions abut this election not to have this kind of hearing. The courts won't do it, somebody has to.

And what would be wrong with having certain basic federal laws about federal elections?

Scott Adams says that no election can be fraud free. Yes they can. We had fraud free elections in Puerto Rico until this year. We had 60 years and more of elections in which there were never even allegations of fraud.

Voter ID card, Paper ballots, marked in person on election day at the polling place. Hand counted. Very limited absentee ballots.

We added absentee ballots and Dominion voting machines this year. They were still finding boxes of ballots a week or two ago. We still have a couple of downticket municipal races that I don't think have been certified yet.

First time ever that we have not had complete, unofficial, determinations on Tuesday night. Official confirmation and certification by a week or so later.

I would not mind a constitutional amendment implementing this.

If something like that comes out of this election, it will be Donald Trump's greatest success.

John Henry

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

These comments are troubling. Just admit that you want an authoritative, no. Democratic government.It’s almost as though some of you would throw the republic into the shitcan, based solely on the claims (rantings )of one (very stable genius?) person, WITHOUT EVIDENCE. Just the claims of some random cuckoo birds who “ saw some shady stuff.”
AND base our world views on some dingus pointing to a chart in a 10 minute YouTube video.

Oh, I see, you watched a video. Forget what that deep state, Trump appointee says.
Should our laws be changed, so that any person who feels that the law has been violated, can get a satisfaction for their case, WITHOUT EVIDENCE?

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

So there is no remedy for having more votes counted than there were voters to cast them? That seems like a defeatist position and one a Senator should not take. PA Supreme Court refused to make the election comply with PA law and yet the SCOTUS stays above the fray? Then what is the remedy for people whose votes are spoiled by cheating, by circumventing the black letter election laws? Thanks Roberts! Way to stand up for your associate Alito who ORDERED GA to keep the signature envelopes for auditing. Again, there’s no remedy for violating election law? Why have laws if they need not be obeyed?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

The Senator's ignorance of history in these comments is astounding.

Kevin বলেছেন...

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

No wonder the Left is tearing down statues of Lincoln.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Should our laws be changed, so that any person who feels that the law has been violated, can get a satisfaction for their case, WITHOUT EVIDENCE?"

-- So, what has happened in the several states where USBs with votes were lost until days after election day, some not found until a recount was forced? Thousands upon thousands of votes were lost, and this is not contested. It's admitted to; they admit they lost the USBs.

How did they lose the USBs? Who will be held responsible for nearly disenfranchising those voters? What steps will these states take to ensure Republican (and only Republican) observers aren't thrown out again or lied to about counting stopping for the night?

Even if you think there's no evidence of fraud, you have to confront the clear evidence of incompetence. Lots and lots of heads should be rolling; people should be losing their jobs. People who were in charge of secure data and lost it might even need to face charges depending on statutes.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Tom Cotton has made a fatal mistake if he wants to run for President in the future.

I think that ultimately, the aggressively self-promoting Senator from Arkansas has made a "business decision."

He may have served bravely in the past, but now he has surrendered at a time when he should stand up and fight.

Also, his reasoning is weak. Congress has a higher responsibility to ensure equal rights for all Americans. The individual states cannot take those rights away. I thought we cleared this up back in the 60's. First in the 1860's and again in the 1960's.

Also, fuck him.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Wince at 11:02 AM
Isn't that the very purpose of the nay vote? Use a "delay" in full certification to leverage an investigation for at least 10 days or well into a Biden administration?

Excellent comment

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Let's be honest, we could do a 10-day "audit"--not sure how this is different than the canvassing and recount we have already done but whatever--but Trumpers will never admit that Trump lost. Jesus could descend from Heaven and announce that Trump lost, and the Trumpers would call him liar and a Christian In Name Only and convert to Islam.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Shorter Cotton: Cheat all you want. There's nothing Congress can do about it.

Temujin বলেছেন...

This is a tough one for me. I like Sen. Cotton...a lot. I'm looking at him for a Presidential run in 2024. And I do agree with what he's saying here. The problem- the nagging problem I have, is that no one and nothing ever gets done. No one is ever held responsible for obvious fraud or corruption issues within our government. And in the case of this election, lower courts, State courts, mostly refused to look at the evidence brought to them. And much of the evidence has been destroyed by now, or re-tampered with, or there was simply not enough time and people to put it all together as quickly as was necessary.

In other words, this stolen election was stolen on so many fronts and was put in place months before the actual election took place. This election was made before November. Biden knew it. All of his people and key Democrats (and probably some key Republicans) knew it as well. It was, let's say, a gentleman's agreement. (I'm using the term to include women and men).

So I'm torn. There is not a doubt in my mind that Trump won this election, that some very serious skullduggery was done here, done on many fronts, with the goal of removing Donald Trump by any means necessary. Like the Russia collusion fraud in which the key players were at the top of our government and will all get away scot-free, like the Iranian cash giveaway, no one will ever have to answer for their crime.

The problem is that this is a US election toyed with. How does our future look if this can be done, with impunity, smirks, and a refusal to even allow a proper investigation? That said, I agree with Sen. Cotton that this will open the door to just eliminating the Electoral College- which is a real irony.

Crooks dismantled the workings of the election. The act of investigating it is deemed out of the question. They broke it, and refuse to let it be investigated. And if it is investigated, they'll tear in down and say they did it because it was broken.

It makes me sick to my stomach, but I see Sen. Cotton's point.

jim বলেছেন...

Once again, a whiff of sanity and it's "Go fuck yourself, you traitorous cuck".

tim maguire বলেছেন...

When Democrats do this stuff, it doesn't threaten our republic because everybody expects the Democrats to act like the organized crime syndicate that it is. They have no integrity and everyone knows it.

When Republicans do it, it is a threat to our republic because we expect better from Republicans. Republicans are better so if they do it, it must be ok.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

He's worried about precedent? What about the precedent that an election can be stolen and nobody will do a damn thing?

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Cotton seems to confuse two distinct issues--fulfilling the legislators' duty to ensure the electoral votes are free of fraud and fraudulently ignoring valid electoral votes.

He talks as though those two acts are the same.

Iman বলেছেন...

Blogger D.D. Driver said...
Let's be honest...

A New Year's resolution? Refreshing coming from a lefty!

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Democrats could achieve their longstanding goal of eliminating the Electoral College in effect by refusing to count electoral votes in the future for a Republican president-elect."

So by acting on principle now Cotton prevents future Dem shenanigans?

A tad naive for a would-be future GOP leader.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"mccullough said...
Cotton pushing Trump out of the way for 2024."

Trump will not run in 2024.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Do people still fall for that bullshit that the only thing stopping the Democrats from doing something bad is the Republicans not doing it first?

When did the Republicans break some longstanding precedent that was holding things together, I mean other than ending slavery. The Dems break precedents like wine glasses at a riot whenever they feel like it, and the Republicans can't do a thing about it via threats or promises.

The reason the election needs challenged has nothing to do with Trump or who wins. It's how a real democracy stays legitimate. The alternative is to accept cheating and refuse to look into serious allegations. We looked into it every time the Dems challenged, which is every time a Republican wins. The Dems just never had any evidence. There is a lot of evidence this time, and at the least it should be made public, and if valid, that should lead to reforms. We have the least trusted system in the free world at this point. Is that OK with you. It's not with me.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

Ok, my authoritative, dictatorship seeking friends. If we’re gonna do this, let’s do it right.
They need to object to Florida.
There is no way trump won Florida.
I have thousands of signed affidavits saying that DeSantis pulled 100,000 Joe Biden mail in ballots and shredded them.
I don’t have any ACTUAL EVIDENCE that would hold up on court but I feel really, really strongly that I’m right.
See how that works?

chuck বলেছেন...

First, Congress would take away the power to choose the president from the people

The argument is that that has already happened and Congress, which I will remind Cotton is also elected, is the safeguard. Personally, after the last four years of Democrat BS and swampland resistance, the more sand the Republicans can throw in the gears the better.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

Or I could go with the old, while I don’t have ANY EVIDENCE now, just you wait..... I’m gonna release the kraken.
Then you’ll all see!

Rosalyn C. বলেছেন...

TeaBagHag -- that's bull. There are plenty of people who have testified under oath to what they witnessed and who are believable veteran poll watchers, sincere patriotic Americans who are not even partisan.

Bill Owens বলেছেন...

Take the Dems at their word: they will offer statehood to DC & PR and the offer will be accepted, expand the SC(or any other court they want to), open the borders to the next generation of welfare seeking democrats and thusly render the GOP a rump, regional party that cannot 'elect' a president.
No investigation will ever be conducted rgs election shenanigans, and the social Tech marxists will make sure these debates will be limited to small blogs of the disaffected yet powerless proles. Welcome one and all.

Cotton, for all his promise, just flushed himself from the possibility of higher office. Trump's base wants a fighter: Cotton just announced he is withdrawing from a fight.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

Rosalyn C
If what these folks say is true, then why can’t it be verified in court?

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Democrats are whiney crybaby assholes that are a zit on the ass of our republic. Qwinn why are you so hellbent on behaving like Barbara Boxer? She's your role model now?

This is Reason Magazine-level nonsense. Once again, "muh principles" rears it's neutered head. The reason the right doesn't win is PRECISELY because Barbara Boxer acts like she does and the right doesn't. How many times do we have to fight by Queensbury rules when the other team uses lead pipes, sticks, baseball bats and the like?

Curious George বলেছেন...


What a steaming pile.

gspencer বলেছেন...

"First, Congress would take away the power to choose the president from the people"

So old hat, Cotton. The Democrats already do that.

But you're not upset with them. When you run in 2024 how many of us will be willing to Pick Cotton?

narciso বলেছেন...

there is are no quality trolls,

Qwinn বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver:

"Jesus could descend from Heaven and announce that Trump lost, and the Trumpers would call him liar"

Having failed to get anyone to respect their obviously bullshit appeals to authority, D.D. Driver gaslights us into believing that those obviously corrupt authorities are equivalent to Jesus himself, and if we didn't believe an obviously corrupt GA SoS because "he's a Republican!!!", then we would hold Jesus as suspect as well.

The American Pinochet can't come soon enough.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


We have rehearsed the question of proof in this forum many times. There have been no court cases that have proceeded to the discovery level. They have all been dismissed on procedural grounds.

Both investigations by the Georgia & Pennsylvania legislatures that have looked at the evidence have been alarmed, to say the least, and are demanding further & deeper investigations.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Blogger Iman said...
Blogger D.D. Driver said...
Let's be honest...

A New Year's resolution? Refreshing coming from a lefty!

Derp, derp! Good one, but I'm not a lefty. I'm just not loser who believes every stupid conspiracy theory they read on Twitter (but can never actually be proven in court).

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Electoral Fraud in Black and White: Who was behind the biggest election steal in American history?, by Chanda Chisala.


.... One of the reasons many people find it hard to believe that you can have so many people involved in this scheme is that it would be difficult to issue instructions to all those people without some record of communications being leaked.

But they are looking at this the wrong way: you don’t have to issue any instructions to the vast majority of the people you hire in your ballot harvesting schemes etc. You just need to make sure that you have enough people who believe that Trump is the Second Coming of Hitler. .... They only need to be told to do "whatever it takes" ....

What seems to be much more conspicuous is the role that black operatives played: the job of good old ballot box stuffing and (especially) well-organized illicit ballot harvesting.

But how plausible is that story? Could blacks really have played the biggest and most organized role in Biden’s stolen election? ...

In September 2020, [Texas] Attorney General Paxter announced the arrest and prosecution of a group of four [Blacks] that almost succeeded in rigging an election through organized ballot harvesting in the 2018 Democratic primary races. The way they did it can give us a clue on the main weaknesses exploited by such electoral criminals.

Taking advantage of a Texas law that allows disabled people to vote by mail, this group somehow registered a large number of able-bodied people as disabled, in some cases without their consent, so that they could have more mail-in ballots for their fraudulent scheme to work. Thus, whereas the FBI might assume that it’s difficult to rig through mail-in ballots in a county with a relatively small number of disabled people, this group saw a loophole and innovatively found a way of expanding that segment of ballots. ....

This led me to start looking at the videos of all the election counting centers where there have been allegations of major process irregularities in battleground states from sworn testimonies of witnesses, including stories of new ballot boxes being dropped there in the middle of the night. The workers in those offices were almost always predominantly black too!

I had to ask myself again: is it really possible that black political operatives had pulled off the biggest electoral crime in American history? ...

What makes blacks more able to pull off such large-scale ballot harvesting operations is the ready supply of the one asset required for all organized crime: a large network of trust.

I think groups like the Italian mafia and the Jewish mafia may have almost disappeared precisely because of a dwindling supply of people among them who still see themselves as surviving outside the mainstream American community that despises them while belonging to an ethnic “family” that values them. Blacks, on the other hand, still largely see themselves as part of such an outsider “family” that is expected to trust each other, as they collectively figure out how to survive that common enemy who has all the power and wants to “systemically” harm them with it. At least this is what they grow up hearing every day from schools, colleges, news media, music, uncles and even church leaders. ....

This black family consciousness can be used not only politically (the family is expected to vote together for the same party, one that is at least led by servile whites), but even for other less legal collaborations, if necessary. When you truly believe that you are under some Hitlerian existential threat, it is actually rational to bend some rules to help your survival, especially if those rules are made by the same evil power that systemically seeks your destruction. ....

[end quote]

I Callahan বলেছেন...


Quit saying that. It's flat-out, unarguably wrong. And don't say "the courts said otherwise", because they didn't. You are flat-out lying, or painfully ignorant.

There is PLENTY of evidence of fraud, and they've been broadcast nonstop for the past 2 months.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"We have the least trusted system in the free world at this point. Is that OK with you."

It's okay with the democrats and republicans in DC. Nobody else's opinion is wanted.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

Sorry, Curious George.
I meant without CREDIBLE evidence.
You know, the kind that holds up on court. The kind that actually exists? The bedrock of our legal system?
Or we could just do Trumpy Court from now on:
“Even though there is no CREDIBLE evidence, Curious George, Trump and that crazy drunk lady, sitting next to Giuliani, all say it’s so. Case closed!”

I Callahan বলেছেন...

but Trumpers will never admit that Trump lost. Jesus could descend from Heaven and announce that Trump lost, and the Trumpers would call him liar and a Christian In Name Only and convert to Islam.

Nice piece of projection here. All I'd need is an audit of signatures compared with votes. If that happened, we wouldn't need to have Jesus descend from Heaven and announce Trump lost, because the audit would show Trump won.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

I meant without CREDIBLE evidence.
You know, the kind that holds up on court. The kind that actually exists? The bedrock of our legal system?

Goalposts moved. Noted. Who decides what is "credible"? Oh, that's right - the courts.

Show me one court case where the court decided based on the merits. Not one time did that happen. Each dismissal was based on technicalities - laches, standing, etc.

Got any more strawmen or moved goalposts you need torched?

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Having failed to get anyone to respect their obviously bullshit appeals to authority,

What "appeals" to authority? I make only appeals to the "rule of law." The "rule of law" says you make your claims in court. Prove it in court or it didn't happen.

hombre বলেছেন...

I admire Cotten, but I think he gets this wrong. The executive officials and judges in the states in question have changed their legislatures’ mandates regarding the conduct of elections to choose electors. In doing so, they have violated the Constitution which reserves that power to legislators. If they did it intending to alter the legitimate outcome of the election it was (election) fraud. Even if they didn’t, the changes were illegal.

Regardless of the apparently considerable evidence of more traditional fraud, e.g., dead people voting, phony and misplaced ballots, etc., thousands of votes have been cast illegally and should not determine the election outcome for those states and voters whose actions were legal.

There are no burning legal, factual or moral issues here. It is just the age old issue of whether we are a nation of laws. Are we a constitutional republic or a banana republic? Since the Supreme Court lacks the courage to enforce the Constitution it is time for the Congress creatures to honor their oath to “support” it.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Prove it in court or it didn't happen.

Right, because no one ever convicted of a crime was actually innocent. Rule of law, and all that. When Reason magazine does stuff on the death penalty, they sure are quick to point out the flaws in the legal system. Why not now?

The courts are run by humans. Humans wrote the law. Humans are imperfect.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Show me one court case where the court decided based on the merits. Not one time did that happen. Each dismissal was based on technicalities - laches, standing, etc.

Pretty sure the court in Michigan concluded that Melissa Carrone was crazier than a shithouse rat.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

This election was lost by Republican-controlled legislatures and Republican governors who caved to the likes of Stacy Abrams. Why the Pennsylvania and Georgia Republicans decided to go along with mail in ballots will never make sense. They had the power to ensure open and clean elections, like the governor of Florida did, and they allowed themselves to be bullied. Plain and simple. Trump did everything he could do, as many as five rallies a day, get out the vote efforts, registering record numbers of new voters, calling on black and Hispanic voters to give him a chance to prove himself. It was Republican governors and Republican legislatures that let him down. They let all of us down.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

The evidence isn't just "credible". It's mountainous. It's indisputable. It is as hard as evidence can possibly get. The thousand sworn affidavits are among the *weakest* entries in the list (though of course if we didn't have them, we'd be told that in itself is proof there was no fraud).

We have you motherfuckers *on video running stacks of ballots through multiple times, after sending all poll watchers home, with commensurate spikes in Biden's total at the exact same time*. And *that* is just a tiny piece of the mountain of evidence.

What exactly about that is not "credible"? It's not just "credible", IT IS FUCKING INDISPUTABLE CONCRETE EVIDENCE. There is no *conceivable* evidence that could make the case more rock-solid than it already is. The *only* thing you people have is corrupt election officials and judges that you planted in advance for this. That's *it*.

The only other thing you people have is gaslighting, and I am awed at how you live with yourselves given your relentless employment of it, but you really are leaving civil war as the only alternative.

hombre বলেছেন...

Driver wrote: “Prove it in court or it didn't happen.”

Retire now. You can’t top this one for absurdity.

Todd বলেছেন...

Nonapod said...
can you think of a scenario where some random Biden voter can ever be convinced that something funky happened?

My guess is that a fair number of Biden voters may already believe that enough fraud occured to tip the scales (although I doubt very many of them would ever openly admit it), but they are willing to accept it since it got rid of Trump. Trump was pure evil in their minds, and the thing about declaring something or someone as evil is that it sort of gives you permission to do almost anything to remove it.

1/4/21, 11:10 AM

This a thousand times! The media and the DNC have staged a 4 year coup and a 4 year "OrangeManBad criminal, Nazi, Hitler" fest that half the population thinks he is "the worst ever" and as long as he is gone, no action is too much.

There is MORE than ample evidence of wide spread voter irregularities. From watchers being removed and then counting resuming, jumps in totals, dead people voting, missing votes, general incompetence, etc. to show this shit ann't right but the right guy won so all is good. Since no one gets shot, fired, sent to prison, has their retirement canceled, etc. welcome to the new normal for elections. There will be no more upset elections unless the power brokers want it that way. Voting is now just a "feel good" thing that people do to delude themselves into believing that they actually have a say is who lords over them. Got to say, it was a bit suprising America lasted this long. Time to turn out the lights.

Clayton Hennesey বলেছেন...

In 2020, the new political phrase was "Make America Great Again".

In post-legal 2021, the new political phrase will be "At This Point, Why Not?".

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

There are no burning legal, factual or moral issues here. It is just the age old issue of whether we are a nation of laws. Are we a constitutional republic or a banana republic?

Clearly the only way to prove we are not a Banana Republic is keep holding elections until Trump wins!

Rosalyn C. বলেছেন...

Honestly, I thought Cotton was a bit smarter than all that. What a dumb and weak argument, he's not going to stand up for the rule of law and an honest debate and examination of the facts because of what Democrats might do. It's all their fault.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

The Left is doing what any schoolyard bully does when confronted after stealing someone's lunch money.

He sneers and says "Prove it."

Eventually, the victims have no choice but to get together and make the bully wish he'd never been born.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

so its now ok to throw a certain party's poll watchers out of the viewing of votes being tabulated ...and magically the lead changes beyond all statistical logic.......and its no big deal.

Ok Fine. The rules have changed people.

There are none.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

Good God. You people have some ugly, unhinged views:

-CREDIBLE evidence, the kind that courts accept, is moving the fucking goalposts???????!?!

-Accept your preferred leader, even though he lost the national election, or there will be a bloodletting civil war?

Trump’s rantings and delusions are worth throwing away our system of democracy.

Go it.
Ann, why do you think your writing attracts these up democratic, fascistic types?
Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Driver wrote: “Prove it in court or it didn't happen.”

Retire now. You can’t top this one for absurdity

Are we a nation of laws or not? If we are a nation of laws, then legal decisions are left to judges and not partisan politicians. If you can't prove your case in Court---as a legal matter---it did not happen. If you find that "absurd," I don't know what to tell you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Fraud over-tuned the election.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Sacto_Dave said... It was Republican governors and Republican legislatures that let him down. They let all of us down.

They wanted to get rid of Trump almost as much as the Democrats. He was threatening all the politicians' rice bowls.

walter বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver said...
"There are no burning legal, factual or moral issues here. It is just the age old issue of whether we are a nation of laws. Are we a constitutional republic or a banana republic?"

Clearly the only way to prove we are not a Banana Republic is keep holding elections until Trump wins!
Shit deflection. Even below your standards.
Sorry hombre, DD's the gift that keeps on giving.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

We are very obviously no longer a nation of laws. Democrats and Republicans have conspired (or rather, the Democrats infiltrated and took over the Republican Party) to make sure that only Republicans are subject to the laws, while Democrats are completely impervious to it.

And that's why you're about to find out what "no justice, no peace" really means.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Are Dominion voting machines internet capable?

There's your fucking "indisputable evidence".

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Continuing my own comment at 11:58 AM

Chanda Chisala:


.... At the Michigan House hearings to consider the Trump campaign’s case, one recent Indian immigrant who was one of the GOP poll watchers, witnessed this familial spirit in action. The black poll workers in the room thought she was a Democrat because she’s from a dark-looking minority race, and they confidentially told her that “we have to get those m-fers out of here.” According to her, they were referring to all the “white, male Republican” poll watchers, who were apparently insisting on monitoring everything going on (a.k.a doing their job). They successfully booted them out. ....

Black electoral fraudsters of course know that they can count on the media to help them fight against any pressure to fully audit black counties by simply flashing the race card as a shield when needed.

The Washington Post already sent an early warning shot by publishing a story entitled “Anger builds in Black community over Trump’s claim of voter fraud in big cities.” According to the Post, Trump checking for fraud in these areas is “prompting Black leaders, political analysts and historians to cry foul at what they described as tactics reminiscent of those used to suppress the voice of Black voters following the Civil War.” ....

Many readers might find it hard to believe the possibility that these [Georgia Republican] officials might just be protecting their jobs at the expense of full electoral integrity in their state when they stubbornly refuse Trump’s reasonable request for a robust audit ... if anything just to prove him wrong.

But you have to see it from their perspective ... since their state won’t make any difference to Trump’s chances of winning the electoral college as it stands now, why should they sacrifice their careers for what they believe is likely a meaningless consolation result for Trump at best? If there is a chance that they have even knowingly lied about the efficiency or security of the system, their careers could be the least of their worries.

Had the [Georgia] Governor and the Secretary of State not entangled their reputations on their implementation of the Dominion system, they would have been as aggressive in going after Stacy Abrams and other suspicious players as Texas did.

In fact, they have already started going after her in other ways that do not involve exposing the Dominion Systems. Abrams may have misread their unwillingness to cooperate with Trump after the election as some kind of sign that they are willing to let her continue with her scheme even in the senate run off elections. She was wrong; their only fear is exposing Dominion’s security and efficiency issues to the public ....

It is clear that both the [Georgia] Governor and the Secretary of State genuinely want Republicans to keep the Senate and even wanted Trump to win the presidency. They were simply caught up in a difficult situation of their own making with Dominion Systems, which has made them stubbornly resistant to a full audit (with signatures, system accuracy checks, etc) that would probably reveal Abrams’ malfeasance, but only while also revealing their own incompetence, if not outright dishonesty, for recklessly implementing one of the most risky voting systems. ...

every time people (try to) gain power by organizing themselves along ethnic lines, it brings out the worst demons in them, especially if the organizing principle is some imaginary evilness of another ethnicity. ...

[end quote]

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Watch this carefully when you have 15 minutes:

Data Integrity Group - Presentation to GA Senate Hearing 30 Dec 20 - Linda McLaughlin Data Analysis


iowan2 বলেছেন...

Several states have already destroyed 2020 data,

Black letter law determines that evidence destroyed is proves the evidence. If signature envelopes are destroyed then all those votes should be tossed the election nullified and the State legislature go to their constitution to pick the slate of electors. But politicians are far less willing to do their job than judges.

Can somebody explain to me exactly what to do with the evidence, if the judiciary and the legislative branches refuse to consider the evidence?

Somehow I think the judiciary would be johnny on the spot if it was Democrats attempting to bring evidence.

I see the only way forward is tit for tat. Rampant cheating on both sides. That devolves into armed anarchy, and those with the most arms wins.

Clayton Hennesey বলেছেন...

The Pennsylvania election was unconstitutional and illegal on its face. None of the illegalities were hidden, and none of the events and facts rendering it unconstitutional are in dispute by anyone.

Self-appointed autarchs simply took it.

This is how we will be handling elections in the U. S. from now on, on all sides. The law and adjudication will be relegated to no more than quaint fashion statements, and there will be no more perilous position to hold than obtuse judge.

Jury nullification will become the order of the day: no member of the opposition will ever again be raped or murdered, only lover's quarrels and tragic accidents will obtain.

The people have spoken, and the people have heard all too clearly.

But it will still be fun to pretend, on blogs.

Wince বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Todd বলেছেন...

TeaBagHag said...
Ok, my authoritative, dictatorship seeking friends. If we’re gonna do this, let’s do it right.
They need to object to Florida.
There is no way trump won Florida.
I have thousands of signed affidavits saying that DeSantis pulled 100,000 Joe Biden mail in ballots and shredded them.
I don’t have any ACTUAL EVIDENCE that would hold up on court but I feel really, really strongly that I’m right.
See how that works?

1/4/21, 11:47 AM

No, not really, that is NOT how this works.

The Republicans have thousands of sworn and signed affidavits. You know what that is called? Evidence. It may be false in which case those that sworn under oath that it was true could (and should) face criminal prosecution. What you have is Democrat talking points and a lack of understanding of the facts. Your ignorance can be fixed but I doubt you are actually care to. Game is over now cause you won truth be damned, right?

Wince বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver said...
but Trumpers will never admit that Trump lost.

As your own comment suggests, I think people on both sides have more trouble believing, if not saying, that Biden won.

effinayright বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver said...
Driver wrote: “Prove it in court or it didn't happen.”

Retire now. You can’t top this one for absurdity

Are we a nation of laws or not? If we are a nation of laws, then legal decisions are left to judges and not partisan politicians. If you can't prove your case in Court---as a legal matter---it did not happen. If you find that "absurd," I don't know what to tell you.

Another frickin moron who thinks that a judge or court not being willing to take a case is "proof" that the case itself has no merit.

Mark Levin would take D.D.'s head off in about ten seconds.

Because Levin's a lawyer, and D.D.'s just a mouthy know-nothing.

and by the way, DD: are you unaware that legislatures make legal decisions aka set legal policy aka pass laws all the time?

hombre বলেছেন...

“Are we a nation of laws or not? If we are a nation of laws, then legal decisions are left to judges and not partisan politicians. If you can't prove your case in Court---as a legal matter---it did not happen.”

You misunderstand the concept of “a nation of laws” and the reality of both litigation and what is happening in this country. Mark Levin explains it well:


Laws have already been broken or ignored by election bureaucrats and judges all over the country. The issue now is whether Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution will be nullified by cravenness. More cowardice about what will happen if someone in the ruling class follows the oath to support the Constitution coupled with “nation of laws” bullshit in the face of violation of our greatest law, simply tells millions of us to bend over and take it .... Not a good idea!

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Someone calling her(?)self 'TeaBagHag' calls others "ugly" and "unhinged"? Can she possibly be ignorant of the sexual meaning of "teabag" we all had rubbed in our faces (so to speak) just a few years ago? I don't think so. I think she adopted the name as an ugly, unhinged fuck-you to Trump supporters.

It's perfectly obvious that the election was stolen, just from the fact that five states stopped counting simultaneously and the 'decisive' votes for Biden, just enough to put him over the top, all came in when the Republican poll-watchers had been removed. The fact that anti-Trumpers can't even admit how much that stinks shows that they know it stinks and don't care: they think stealing elections is OK as long as you're stealing them from Trump. They wallow in the stench.

There's lots more evidence:

Is it true that 50,000 Republican voters in Georgia had to vote with provisional ballots because someone had already voted in their names, and their provisional ballots still haven't been counted?

Is it true that Trump won the military vote in 49 states, but Biden won 100.00% of the military vote in Georgia? I've never heard a Democrat or Never-Trumper deny it, though it would be obvious and absolute proof of cheating. Whether Trump votes were systematically discarded, or counted as Biden votes, I do not know, but there's no way Georgia military voted 100.00% for Biden (or Trump, for that matter). Again, we're supposed to pretend that thinks like this don't stink.

Maybe we should have a trial, or a congressional equivalent of a trial, with discovery, and cross-examination. We haven't had that yet.

One other thing I've read only on Trump-friendly Twitter that continues to astonish me: the Pennsylvania Supreme Court voted 4-3 to refuse to hear Trump's case. Three of the four who voted against him were elected in 2015. Just a few months ago a prominent Philadelphia Democratic politician went to jail for blatantly fixing the judicial election of 2015. Is this true? I've never seen anyone deny it. If it is true, why are these three judges still on the court? Even if they didn't know someone fixed the election for them, shouldn't they have had the decency to step down until a non-fixed election for the seats can be held? Maybe they're trying to set a precedent for Biden, who can refuse to conced/step down even if/when his is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to have lost the election, even if/when he is proven to have knowingly stolen the election.

Chuck বলেছেন...

We are now getting down to that last platoon of Trump supporters, isolated on their remote Pacific island, cut off from all communications except for Parler, Rush Limbaugh and the Althouse blog. Still obedient to Emperor Trump and believing he won a second term.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

The warning has been given more than enough times in the last 2 months.

No justice, no peace, mothercuckers.

If the next few days play out the way you all claim they will, well, no additional warnings will be given. And for the crime of gaslighting that indisputable evidence isn't "credible", no mercy will be given either.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Driver wrote: “Prove it in court or it didn't happen.”

Retire now. You can’t top this one for absurdity

Are we a nation of laws or not? If we are a nation of laws, then legal decisions are left to judges and not partisan politicians. If you can't prove your case in Court---as a legal matter---it did not happen. If you find that "absurd," I don't know what to tell you.

The true motto of the Left in the United States when it comes to Democratic malfeasance: If you can't prove it, it never happened. Which is ironic given that when it comes to Republicans the standard is "no proof necessary".

Clayton Hennesey বলেছেন...

" Blogger Chuck said...

We are now getting down to that last platoon of Trump supporters, isolated on their remote Pacific island, cut off from all communications except for Parler, Rush Limbaugh and the Althouse blog. Still obedient to Emperor Trump and believing he won a second term."

I believe you misunderstand, Chuck.

President Trump is all that still stands between one faction and the other. But that, too, may melt away soon.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

They illegally and systematically dismantled EVERY LAST SINGLE VOTER INTEGRITY MEASURE ahead of this election. It was done completely openly in Pennsylvania. The "Proved it or it didn't happen" response is played in that context. They deliberately removed all normal means of proving fraud, and then insist we prove it or it didn't happen.

But we wound up with tons of evidence anyway. Despite their best efforts, we got hands on multiple Dominion machines with error logs showing that over 65% of votes were errors sent for human "adjudication". They forgot to turn off the cameras in Fulton County. So many other mistakes on their part yielded irrefutable evidence.

And they think they can gaslight their way out of it.

No justice, no peace, motherfuckers.

Arashi বলেছেন...

Swamp today. swamp tomorrow, swamp forever....

Bring back the status quo so me and my fellow republicans can go back to being the minorioty party, whining in the dark, but getting to go to all the great parties and meeting all the great groupies...

I and my fellow pols do not want to actually do our jobs we want to abandon all responsibility, give that to the courts, and stand in the back and harrumph all day.

Eff them all.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

The warning has been given more than enough times in the last 2 months.

No justice, no peace, mothercuckers.

If the next few days play out the way you all claim they will, well, no additional warnings will be given. And for the crime of gaslighting that indisputable evidence isn't "credible", no mercy will be given either.

I love it when Qwinn gets all Boogaloo Boi on us! Go get 'em, Qwinn! Bois will be bois. Save our Republic!

Leland বলেছেন...

Shorter Cotton: "I won't be acting today in hopes that when I'm in the minority party tomorrow, the Democrats won't abuse the authority I helped provide them."

This GOP reasoning is why Trump won the 2016 primary.

If you can't prove your case in Court---as a legal matter---it did not happen.

The court punted to Congress saying nobody had standing to bring the issue as a legal matter to the court. If you can't understand that this is why Congress should act, then I don't know what to tell you. Seriously, there is precedence for Congress acting including completely overturning the election which didn't result in an end to the Electoral College.

hombre বলেছেন...

Teabaghag: “If what these folks say is true, then why can’t it be verified in court?”

You need to tear yourself away from bubblemedia for bubblefolks. Get out more. Meet some normal people. Read the Constitution (Art. II, Sec. 1, Cl. 2). Ask somebody to explain it to you. Read this: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/levin-on-january-6-we-learn-whether-our-constitution-will-hold.

BTW, you can’t make a substantive case when the court won’t allow substantive proof on procedural grounds. And insisting on enforcement of the Constitution is the antithesis of supporting dictatorship.

It IS alway reassuring to have lefties show up here.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

Hey Qwinn, are you threatening people with violence, if you can’t get the results of an election overturned? Or if people don’t stop calling you out on your delusions on the internet?
Are people really surprised as to why Trumpers are seen as unhinged in their devotion to personality over reason and law, by those of us who have not joined the MAGAt cult.

walter বলেছেন...

Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
Conserving Conservatism!

Nonapod বলেছেন...

There's plenty of examples of how rule of law and equality under the law are an illusion in this country. One of the most obvious examples of how we're no longer a nation of laws is the public pseudo-exoneration of Hillary Clinton by James Comey for crimes that would've gotten a normal person put in jail. The Many state legislatures ignoring their own state constitutions in order to allow mass mail in ballots is another.

We're not a nation of laws anymore. We're a nation inertia based on general public apathy that's ruled by a nasty group of elites who have absolute contempt for all those under them. That group of nasty elites benfits greatly from mass public ignorance, apathy, and divisiveness.

Howard বলেছেন...

It's a little sad seeing Trump Dead enders cry, threaten and whine as they swirl down the drain in the Althouse museum of sinks.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"Democrats could achieve their longstanding goal of eliminating the Electoral College in effect by refusing to count electoral votes in the future for a Republican president-elect."

Why would the Democrats want to eliminate the electoral college, when they get to choose the electors by holding fraudulent elections?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

It has nothing to do with "personality", TeaBagHag. I'm not particularly fond of Trump's personality, never have been, but I love his policies.

That "cult of personality" attack is nothing but pure projection from the crowd that couldn't stop worshiping at Obama's feet for 8 years. It's how you guys think, so it's how everyone thinks.

And I'm not threatening violence on anybody. I'm pointing out that your tactics and gaslighting and refusal to treat your political opponents with even the most threadbare pretense of respect or equal application of the law leaves no other remedy whatsoever.

pacwest বলেছেন...

I would like to say that anyone, and I mean anyone who is saying there is no evidence of election fraud is incredibly stupid or buried so deep in their bubble they a simply not capable of making a credible argument. There can be discussion about the amount of fraud and whether it could have swung the election, and no one can say for certain either way. But to say there is no evidence is a tell that you are not addressing the controversy in good faith. The prove it in court argument is also bullshit since no court has been willing to take up the issue, and I'm not sure that it is really their job. I'd guess tea bag and driver, like Inga, were both in the forefront of the Russian collusion idiocy. Their comments are nothing more than na na na na na we won you lost, tough luck suckers. And that's really all they've got when faced with the mountains of evidence.

The statistical improbabilities, nearing impossibilities, of the results alone should cast doubts in anyone's mind that the election was fair. Even a third of the Democrats think there was enough fraud to affect the outcome.

That said Biden is in, Trump is out. But anyone who says this election doesn't deserve as much sunlight as possible, especially for future elections, is not really a serious commenter.

walter বলেছেন...

It's heartening to see Howie eagerly anticipate the arrival of CCP luvin' Joementia and a swirl leftward.
Hard to believe he was a Marine fighting to preserve constitutional law and US sovereignty.
Maybe he has hypoxia...

Qwinn বলেছেন...

The PA Supreme Court judges who threw out Trump's case on absurd grounds were proven in court to have been installed by voter fraud themselves?

Why doesn't that surprise me in the slightest?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"There can be discussion about the amount of fraud and whether it could have swung the election, and no one can say for certain either way."

Um. Sure we can.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"But anyone who says this election doesn't deserve as much sunlight as possible, especially for future elections, is not really a serious commenter."

Right. The solution is obvious. We'll just elect people who will be willing to fix the problems of voter fraud, in elections run by people who were provably installed by voter fraud.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

The other delicious part of this lunacy--in order to believe this bullshit you have to believe the cops investigating elections fraud are also in on the conspiracy.

The cops who have been under attack by the left relentlessly this year are also all in the bag for the democrats! Because when push come to shove the cops want to defund themselves? There is so much to this conspiracy that is just so dumb if you stop an think for two seconds.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

What? When the hell were *cops* ever involved in investigating the fraud?

You've lost your mind?

TickTock বলেছেন...

Seems to me, Cotton's argument is primarily political. If we do this, we federalize elections and that would be bad. But the counter argument is that this can be done in a way that forces the state legislatures to do their job. but objecting to electors is a path that has been trod before, and has precedent in favor of it. Either way, we are in for a very rocky time.

walter বলেছেন...

"the cops investigating elections fraud"
Do tell..

deepelemblues বলেছেন...

The power to do just that is explicitly vested to Congress in the constitution, Senator. Exercising the power is a matter of congressional discretion. Saying Congress does not have the power is simple ignorance or denial.

Shameful that the majority of elected officials do not know or understand plain constitutional matters, never mind complex ones.

TickTock বলেছেন...

Even if it doesn't succeed in altering the count, the "audit" process that Cruz proposes is an excellent opportunity to educate the public on the many failures to assure election integrity in both the swing states and others.

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

No gaslighting here. I’m waiting for evidence of fraud. We live in in a country (fortunately) where one needs credible evidence, to move the courts.
The true believers seem to be saying that every judge in this country is in the bag for the deep socialist state?
Gaslighting......*DEEP FUCKING SIGH*
THAT Qwinn, is the saddest of all projections. Trump primed the pump for all this nonsense by crying “it’s fraud if I lose” before the election was underway. The poor rubes that buy his carnival barker bullshit, are now frothing at the mouth, ready for actual war with their fellow citizens.

hstad বলেছেন...

Blogger TeaBagHag said...
See how that works? 1/4/21, 11:47 AM

Most of you statements reek of 'Naivete'. When in this countries history of elections have they been free of "Fraud"?

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Pretty sure the court in Michigan concluded that Melissa Carrone was crazier than a shithouse rat.

Dominion voting systems sent cease-and-desist letters to Carone, Giuliani, Newsmax and OANN. More lawyering. In those letters, a threat of "litigation regarding these issues is imminent" was included. In other words, no court concluded anything yet. You're just flat-out wrong here.


Inga বলেছেন...

“We are now getting down to that last platoon of Trump supporters, isolated on their remote Pacific island, cut off from all communications except for Parler, Rush Limbaugh and the Althouse blog. Still obedient to Emperor Trump and believing he won a second term.”

Oh boy, ain’t that the truth? I liken them to Germans in bomb shelters being bombed to smithereens by the allies, while still believing Germany will win the war and the Fuhrer is still in charge. I’m not saying Trumpists are Nazis, I’m saying they are thoroughly defeated people who have no clue that the Americans in their tanks are rolling into town. What makes people loyal to someone like Trump after everything that has gone down these past four years, even after the phone call to the GA SoS yesterday? I can only conclude that those loyal Trumpists are completely sucked into the Trump Cult and see no way out.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"Even if it doesn't succeed in altering the count, the "audit" process that Cruz proposes is an excellent opportunity to educate the public on the many failures to assure election integrity in both the swing states and others."

And even if this succeeds in making even more of the public aware of it, what good will that do? They're already brazenly ignoring and insulting the 40%+ that already know for a fact it happened. Will they have any harder of a time ignoring 60%+, when they control every media outlet, social media, and have infiltrated every institution?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

We've posted the evidence hundreds of times, TBH. You have all simply ignored the dozens and dozens of links. You don't refute them. You pretend none of it's ever posted. And you show up in another thread later claiming it wasn't presented.

That's gaslighting.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Howard took time to take the Mailed Fist of the State out of hia rectum long enough to type:
"It's a little sad seeing Trump Dead enders cry, threaten and whine as they swirl down the drain in the Althouse museum of sinks."

What's sad is seeing Howard and other dead-end State cultists clinging to their belief that the gang that gave us about 3,000,000 corpses--in just the past 100 years--is our best buddyin whom we should put our highest trust.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

-CREDIBLE evidence, the kind that courts accept, is moving the fucking goalposts???????!?!

You said "without any evidence". Actually, you said "WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE". We said there is plenty of evidence. You then changed it to "CREDIBLE EVIDENCE". I only asked you why you changed it.

Accept your preferred leader, even though he lost the national election, or there will be a bloodletting civil war?

When 1/2 the country doesn't believe in the election system, and the people in charge of said election system says "Too fucking bad", you shouldn't be surprised if other means are suggested.

Trump’s rantings and delusions are worth throwing away our system of democracy.

A system that has been corrupt for decades. The ONLY person to hold high office and point this out has been Trump. These are not rantings - they're reality. As a couple of commenters above have already mentioned, the side that won doesn't care about that. The end justifies the means. Yes, you're squarely in that group.

Go it. Ann, why do you think your writing attracts these up democratic, fascistic types? Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.

There is plenty of hypocrisy to go around, but you should be one of the last people to whine about any of this when it was your party who in 2000, 2004 and 2016 tried to overturn the winner of the election. And each time you make this whine, I'm going to point this out.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

If you can't prove your case in Court---as a legal matter---it did not happen. If you find that "absurd," I don't know what to tell you.

I'll make the comparison again, since you ignored it the first time:

If you can't prove your case in Court---as a legal matter---it did not happen. You are not innocent of killing that man. If you find that absurd, I don't know what to tell you. Well, until a witness recants 20 years later, after the poor schmuck has walked the green mile.

Care to address this? Once again - courts make mistakes. Are you happy with every USSC decision ever made, because the "courts" made it?

TeaBagHag বলেছেন...

A reasonable person isn’t obligated to respond to obvious sideshow, bogus, horseshit. All of the “evidence” that you all have presented, fits this category. You all seem to be saying that you are a better judge of evidence than say........an actual judge, in a US Court.
Respond to the my question:
Is every judge in the country in the bag for the herpy derpy deepest of Maoist states?

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Inga the State's Handmaid gets off her knees long enough to type: "I can only conclude that those loyal Trumpists are completely sucked into the Trump Cult and see no way out." Maybe there is no way out. Jefferson said a long time ago that it is almost in the natural order of things for the State to expand and liberty to recede. In more recent years, Nock, Mencken and other people still loyal to liberty (Nock called them "the Remnant") have predicted that the forces of statism will eventually overwhelm the forces of liberty--while subservient creatures such as Inga sinn hosannas to Big Brother and strew garlands at his jackboots..

wendybar বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
5M - Eckstine বলেছেন...

The Russian Hoax and the Impeachment hoax were unwise precedents that basically threw the rules out the window. Trump is not beholden to dinosaurs that want to fight the good fight while the enemy fights the dirty fight and wins.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

The ammo shelves in the local sporting goods store is empty.......has been for months.

How unwise would that be?

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

Senator Cotton is right. But I also hope a significant amount of Republicans object to the election results. In no way to I hope they succeed, and I don't even want it be close to them succeeding but it is good that they object. Democrats are much better at the game of politics than the Republicans. Democrats seem to innately understand that getting people to make a complaint about things loudly and repeatedly enough fills their caches of political gunpowder. Then when a legislative or political opportunity arises then can take their shot with their stored up gun powder. Republicans should complain about the voting irregularities and loudly. Constituents should as well. Maybe refer to Joe Biden as President purloined. As Scott Adams says, and I wholeheartedly agree, repetition is a very powerful form of persuasion. It has worked in convincing many people that President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election, and convince many that Global warming is going to cause a global disaster in less than ten years. The more frequent the complaints about election fraud the easier it is for state legislatures to pass laws ensuring election security. Republicans have the added benefit that most Americans support many Republican measures for election security like Voter ID laws. Despite what the talking heads of the Democrats will try to tell people, brown folks in America can pretty easily figure out how to get an ID.

jeremyabrams বলেছেন...

Cotton is inviting massive fraud in any election where he stands as the republican candidate, since he's just waved a white flag over making any challenge.

TickTock বলেছেন...

Qwinn and others

"And even if this succeeds in making even more of the public aware of it, what good will that do?"

I sympathize with this comment.

However, peoples willingness to accept "news" is highly dependent upon the source. I am constantly criticized for relying on "far right" news sites that are merely conservative. I find that both MSM and alternative news sites each have their fair share of slant, and "bad" news. However, I have some faint hope that testimony given in front of Congress will be deemed more reputable than the sources that are currently reporting illegality.

I know, I know, the Kavanaugh hearing suggest otherwise. But to lose all hope is hard. Pandora's curse.

Rusty বলেছেন...

madAsHell said...
"The ammo shelves in the local sporting goods store is empty.......has been for months."
Some powders, cases and bullets are also unavailable.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"However, I have some faint hope that testimony given in front of Congress will be deemed more reputable than the sources that are currently reporting illegality."

Mountains of evidence have been presented in open session in the Senates and several Houses of all of the states in dispute, complete with testimony and hard physical evidence.

The only times these have not been utterly and completely ignored is when the Left thinks there's something mockable in them, and then they focus like a laser on that one mockable thing and pretend nothing else whatsoever happened in these hearings.

pacwest বলেছেন...


Um. Sure we can.

How? That would require numbers that we don't have, and looks like we never will. I agree that everything we know points (is indicative of, highly suggestive, is obvious, you pick the wording) in that direction, but without a deep dive there can never be absolute numerical certainty (proof). That will not be allowed. Look at teabag's bogus evidence comment. Bubble driven. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain stuff. Remember that you are dealing with Russian collusion believers. They're not going to move off that dime.

5M - Eckstine বলেছেন...

Economies survive on the psychology of value.
The US political system survive on the confidence in the individual vote.

Fraud rusts away at both of those psychologies. What have we learned?

1. That the elite politicians who want to move on without adequately addressing fraud are the very ones who commit the fraud.
2. That the media lockdown in supporting the fraud system over the economy system and the vote system only responds to violence. One can see the change in tone in the blogs as people come to realize this.

2024 means squat unless you can insulate your retirement with dollars.

readering বলেছেন...

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Would we actually have been better off with federalized elections and uniform common sense standards nationwide, rather than allowing the Democrats in certain cities to break their own rules and steal the election? It seems that if the Democrats supposedly want federalized elections and yet also want to be able to cheat at the local level, then it's heads-they-win, tails-we-lose.

Qwinn বলেছেন...


We already have absolute proof. Numerical hard proof. Several times over. Teabag and her ilk dispute it regardless, and if you think there's any remaining kind of evidence that would, as you put it, get them off that dime, you're incredibly naive. They know that any admission of *any* piece of the fraud means game over for them. It. Will. Never. Happen. The only play they have is continued gaslighting, and nothing will ever make them stop.

Hence, there is only one remedy we have left.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Qwinn; try to imagine how much more pissed you’re going to be, when ex-President Trump is sentenced to prison.

I am.

Leland বলেছেন...

I see a lot of people writing that Cotton is right and about evidence. Please reread exactly what Althouse quoted. Cotton is claiming Congress would "exceed [its] power" and "establish unwise precedents". Yet Congress has this power prescribed in the US Constitution and exercised it in part 3 times this century and in full in 1877. That's evidence that completely contradicts Cotton's claim.

You can agree with his sentiment, but his facts are wrong.

He's also wrong about what Democrats may do about federalizing elections. They've already promised to do this once Biden becomes President. Installing Biden as President is actually the step Democrats are waiting for to nationalize elections.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

However, I have some faint hope that testimony given in front of Congress will be deemed more reputable than the sources that are currently reporting illegality.

I know, I know, the Kavanaugh hearing suggest otherwise. But to lose all hope is hard. Pandora's curse.

Actually, this is logical. One of the reasons the GOP gained a couple in the senate 2 years ago was because of how badly Kavanaugh was treated, despite the media's bias. So maybe you're right here.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

Qwinn; try to imagine how much more pissed you’re going to be, when ex-President Trump is sentenced to prison.

If a less deranged individual than Chuck had asked this question, I'd respond by asking what laws the president broke. Alas, Chuck keeps coming back just to be an asshole, so I won't bother.

ColoComment বলেছেন...

Biden will be sworn in, Trump will return to Mar-a-Lago or wherever, and Speaker Pelosi will continue to spew platitudes and smarmy rot. [The banal promises of unity etc. in her Speaker acceptance speech quite turned my stomach.]
Fraud or no fraud, incompetence or criminality, there is no way, within the time permitted, that any, all, or enough of the disputed state elections can be resolved to a point that the election might be reversed or "un-done."

A national election law won't work: too cumbersome, wholesale vulnerability to fraud/crime, and would serve as a camel's nose for the undermining of our federalist system (however much of it one believes still survives.)

OTOH & IMHO, one of the more positive programs of the ABA [I think it's the ABA] is to establish temporary groups to write "Uniform Codes" to promote greater uniformity (heh) in state laws. ...but the adoption or omission of this or that provision of any particular Uniform Code is totally up to the individual state(s).

All of that is leading to a suggestion that some entity (ABA? Congress?) in the next year with a deadline of 12 months thence, form a special group or commission or you-name-it to write a "Uniform Code" for federal elections. ...a sort of "best practices" guideline that state legislatures might adopt in whole or in part: their choice. It would address the basic topics of precincts v vote centers, mail-in ballots, alterantion of election law/regulation and pre-election no-action windows for same, election deadlines for ballot acceptance, party oversight, etc. IOW, the factors that have led to the current disputes.
Such might even be put to a referendum to solidify the notion of its acceptance by the state's population.
However, if not adopted in whole, then it would behoove a state legislature to defend in public writings records of its discussions and decision that a particular provision was not desired, necessary, or useful.

What is now, is. What the future portends can be addressed, in a party-neutral fashion, if there is political will to do so.

Todd বলেছেন...

Clyde said...
Would we actually have been better off with federalized elections and uniform common sense standards nationwide, rather than allowing the Democrats in certain cities to break their own rules and steal the election? It seems that if the Democrats supposedly want federalized elections and yet also want to be able to cheat at the local level, then it's heads-they-win, tails-we-lose.

1/4/21, 2:18 PM

They want the worst of the election rules/laws from the local level to BE the federal level laws. They want to enshrine their ability to steal ever election from now on. They will work over time to water down whatever protections are initially put in place to the point where citizens of China, while in China, will be able to just text in their vote for our President. Also, don't forget the dead. For some reason 100% of dead people vote Democrat.

walter বলেছেন...

Yes, Leland.
But you don't have Kimchee Mitch's craggly arm up your ass.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Or are we just over with as a Republic?

All signs point to 'Yes.'

Kevin বলেছেন...



Bill বলেছেন...

I guess getting away with a stollen election has no reprocussions...

Qwinn বলেছেন...

And if we find out on the 6th that the Republic is in fact over, and China has installed a puppet tyrant over the remains, the decision on whether to fight as if our lives depended on it becomes very simple. We can try to restore the Republic after we win that fight, sure. and I hope we do. But from the 6th until that day, if we're going to live in a tyranny regardless, then We The People need to back whatever counter-tyrant arises to oppose their tyrants. Cause believe me that any tyrant on our side would be far less bloody than theirs, and leftist tyrants NEVER let go of power (unlike, say, Pinochet).

PB বলেছেন...

I disagree with Cotton. The states in dispute have really not investigated the voluminous allegations properly. I'm betting that a cascade of threats of violence have been issued to republican legislators in these states, and given the violence of last year, they just want to move on. Weakness is a bad thing to show and it is more destructive to our country than anything.

When states disregard their laws and have illegitimate elections, it does more to harm the small states than standing up for their voters.

Tim বলেছেন...

I have to disagree. First, Congress votes by state, which preserves the intentional disproportionate power of small states. Secondly, if you know anything about math at all, you know that there were significant discrepancies in the voting in several states, and it is explicitly withing Congress' power to certify or refuse to certify electors if there are irregularities. Thirdly, the last time I checked, Samuel Tilden was never President, and that was a theft of an election worse than this one is going to be. Of course, that time, the Republicans sold the ex-slaves back into slavery to the Democrats in exchange for the White House. No such deal is happening here, so this time, it may lead to violence in the street. It will certainly make running the country difficult if not impossible, because I know enough statistics to know that Biden, if confirmed, will be an Usurper, and will never be my President, and I will do whatever I can to undermine his interregnum.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

What? When the hell were *cops* ever involved in investigating the fraud?

You've lost your mind?

Let's do a thought experiment. Let's pretend that you go to the polls and are told that you had already voted. Are you not going to report this crime to the police? Why would you not file a criminal report? Explain your rationale for "keeping it to yourself."

Any law abiding citizen is going to go to the cops in this situation. Trump says that there are thousands and thousands of voters in this camp. If that is true there should be thousand and thousands of open criminal investigations. If not, do you have an explanation? Of course you don't.

So if there are thousands and thousands of criminal investigations, do you have any explanation why the police would be in the bag for the "defund the police" crowd? Of course you don't because defies all logic.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Is Cotton channeling his inner Doug Pederson?

walter বলেছেন...

The R poll watchers were volunteers unsure how to handle the situation.
Now do the many who stepped forward and filed affidavits under penalty of perjury once an avenue was presented.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

The R poll watchers were volunteers unsure how to handle the situation.
Now do the many who stepped forward and filed affidavits under penalty of perjury once an avenue was presented.

Who cares about the poll watchers? If YOU go to the polls and are told you already voted why would YOU, Walter, not go to the cops? Explain.

walter বলেছেন...

I had an interaction with a Lefty who was shocked..shocked by the notion of key poll workers either wearing a bodycam, being under video surveillance or even using image magnification to show distanced observers what the hell was going on.
Meanwhile "They're not suitcases!!!"

Qwinn বলেছেন...

DD: Because you are given a provisional ballot by the election thieves and told that your vote will count. So they vote that and go home thinking there is a system in place to correct such fraud.

They are all finding out now that it is all a lie.

You animals have kept decent Americans in terror of a weak flu for 9 months. You kept them in terror of Antifa and BLM mobs (something else that yielded no police activity). In blue states, you deliberately killed tens of thousands of nursing home residents to further your goals.

We think it's time for you to feel some of the fear you've been dishing out.

walter বলেছেন...

"Who cares about the poll watchers"
Oh right.
Non-issue. Can't believe I mentioned it.
Plenty of voters contacted election officials. Did they suggest filing a criminal complaint? Really?
Just another DD deflection.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Any law abiding citizen is going to go to the cops in this situation.

If you did, the first thing the cop would say is: "What do you want me to do about it?" and throw up his hands.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

If that is true there should be thousand and thousands of open criminal investigations

Just out of curiosity, who would be conducting these investigations, and how would they take place?

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

You animals have kept decent Americans in terror of a weak flu for 9 months. You kept them in terror of Antifa and BLM mobs (something else that yielded no police activity). In blue states, you deliberately killed tens of thousands of nursing home residents to further your goals.

The weak flu that killed thousands of people.

Got it.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

There was clearly fraud - the type of statistical anomalies that occurred with the votes just don't happen unless there is interference. Problem is it would be really hard to prove, given the lack of checks built in to the system. ANd if it's going to be hard to prove, it's more likely to occur, especially given the significant payoff.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Try to keep up. If you'd been paying attention to pro-Trump twitter, you'd know that people in Georgia have testified that they called the police about blatantly illegal behavior at the polls and were told that the police had orders from above not to get involved in any election-related disputes. Even in red states, most of the police report to mayors or county executives, and the thefts have mostly been done in blue areas.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

When aimed squarely at the most vulnerable people to that flu, where the nursing homes were *prohibited from not accepting infected patients and thus assuring the infecting those most vulnerable people*, yes, even a weak flu will kill tens of thousands. It does so every year, but never before has it gotten deliberate aid to do so.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

If that is true there should be thousand and thousands of open criminal investigations

Just out of curiosity, who would be conducting these investigations, and how would they take place?

Cops and prosecutors. Do you think no one has ever been arrested for election fraud?


iowan2 বলেছেন...

why would YOU, Walter, not go to the cops? Explain.

Exactly what action would the police take. Show your work.

Pro tip. Police have no jurisdiction at the polls unless a crime is in action.

(DD is below average troll intelligence)

Ken B বলেছেন...

A cogent argument for caution. Still, if I were convinced that the election was stolen I'd vote for an inquiry. But what I am really convinced of is your elections are shit shows, and will remain so. You could learn from Canada, but you won’t because of jingoistic shits like Michael K or Big Mike or Gahrie.

“A republic, if you can keep it.” You cannot keep it if your elections are this shambolic and shady.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Pro tip. Police have no jurisdiction at the polls unless a crime is in action.

Nobody is talking about a cop going to the polls. Where did that come from? I'm talking about investigators finding out who is "stealing" ballots and putting them in jail. You don't do that on election days at the polls!

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Qwinn বলেছেন...

"Problem is it would be really hard to prove, given the lack of checks built in to the system. "

There used to be some checks built into the system. Wholly inadequate, but there were *some*, at least. Like signature verification, and bar codes verifying the validity of ballots. And a chain of custody.

Every single one of those measures was dismantled, deliberately and openly and illegally, by Democrats in offices that did not have the authority to do so.

Is it any wonder that they would follow up the election theft with "Prove it", after fixing the system to make proving it nearly impossible?

What they didn't expect is that we would be adamant about investigating it this time (cucks have always let them get away with it before), and proved it. Many times over. Hence the blizzard of gaslighting.

Their bravado is cover for terror that they've been caught redhanded. And they know that admitting *any* evidence is real will turn into an avalanche that will bury them. Lying and gaslighting this isn't an option for them. They are criminals trying to escape justice.

Well. As we've been pointing out. No justice, no peace.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Ken B (3:44):
If I were not sure whether the election was stolen or not, I'd vote for a very thorough inquiry to settle the question once and for all. I'd also vote for a very thorough inquiry, if I were convinced (as I am) that the election was stolen, and stolen by the other side. The only reason to oppose a thorough and open inquiry is if you know, or strongly suspect, that the election was in fact stolen, and that your side, your allies, did the stealing, and you're OK with stealing elections, as long as it's your side doing the stealing. A lot of commenters fall into that last category, which makes them fascistic unAmerican swine.

doctrev বলেছেন...

Qwinn; try to imagine how much more pissed you’re going to be, when ex-President Trump is sentenced to prison.

I am.

1/4/21, 2:19 PM

I wonder what would happen when Qwinn knocks at 28920 60th Ave in Lawton, Mi.

n.n বলেছেন...

The states in dispute have really not investigated the voluminous allegations properly

That was the point of the call to Georgia. It was not to "find the vote" as The Washington Post asserted, but to provide evidence from the audit that should have taken place for the votes counted, added, and removed, and recorded irregularities.

n.n বলেছেন...

where the nursing homes were *prohibited from not accepting infected patients and thus assuring the infecting those most vulnerable people*

Planned Parent/hood, coupled with intuitive restrictive mandates that cause psychological stress and other collateral damage. This is one of the few venues where excess deaths were recorded in early 2020. While the virus is infectious, the disease is known to progress with co-morbidities correlated with age (around 4%), correlated with malnutrition that sabotage a viable immune response, and fractional development in the general population. It can be mitigated through early, inexpensive, low-risk treatments, which were, unfortunately, denied and stigmatized.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

DD said
Who cares about the poll watchers? If YOU go to the polls and are told you already voted why would YOU, Walter, not go to the cops? Explain.

What are the cops going to do? What action? What crime?
This is simple stuff. Cops have no jurisdiction.

So answer the question What actions are the cops going to take? Show your work.

For a troll with all your posts on the topic, you are wholly ignorant of simple basic facts.
This is Inga level trolling. (terrible and uninformed)

Gahrie বলেছেন...

You could learn from Canada, but you won’t because of jingoistic shits like Michael K or Big Mike or Gahrie.

The only thing you can learn from Canada is how to bow like a proper subject.

Inga বলেছেন...

Trump spewed 8 Chan and Q nonsense in his call with Raffenberger, I have to give Raffensberger credit for not laughing in his face. What makes Trumpists so susceptible to these conspiracy theory groups? Maybe it’s the very thing that actually allowed them to vote for someone like Trump, some break with reality. Over the last 4 years we’ve seen Trumpists time after time make excuses for Trump, try to make everyone of Trump’s loathsome actions into some fantastical idea that he was brilliantly playing 3D Chess. Trumpists assigned noble qualities to him that he didn’t deserve based on his very actions and words. If Trumpists had been tethered to reality more securely they would not STILL be Trumpists today.

And to Qwinn, who so reminds me of Fen, NO ONE is afraid of you dopes.

Inga বলেছেন...

Raffensperger, apologies to this brave man for misspelling his name.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"And to Qwinn, who so reminds me of Fen, NO ONE is afraid of you dopes."


Ken B বলেছেন...

In Canada we use paper ballots. They are counted at the polling place in front of representatives of each candidate. A ballot that is challenged is handled separately. Rulings can be appealed.

We don’t use Dominion voting machines. We don’t use any voting machines. We don’t update counting software at the last minute. Our counting software is people counting slips of paper, and checking the count, and doing it in front of each campaign's representatives (called scrutineers). We don’t have precincts that return more votes than ballots cast. We have voter id.

I await the regulars telling me how backward we are.

Ken B বলেছেন...

See what I mean about Gahrie? He even scorns voter id.

Inga বলেছেন...


Have you ever considered that I consider YOU to be a troll? No you would never consider that because you’ve been living amongst the pigs for too many years.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe বলেছেন...

We are not a parliamentary system.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"The weak flu that killed thousands of people."

Yes. Even a typical weak flu kills thousands, normally, regularly, predictably and annually - tens of thousands, in fact. We just don't usually test hundreds of millions for the flu and then count the ones who happen to died from something as dying from the flu. Consequently people are not usually destroyed financially, put out of work or business and fined or jailed for not fearing it like the plague.

doctrev বলেছেন...

Ken B said...
You could learn from Canada, but you won’t because of jingoistic shits like Michael K or Big Mike or Gahrie.

“A republic, if you can keep it.” You cannot keep it if your elections are this shambolic and shady.

1/4/21, 3:44 PM

It would be incredibly easy to make elections fraud-free, even without dropping election technology to Canadian levels. But the 2020 election was filled with more fraud than usual because the elites decreed it so. Canadian elections are free from fraud because no one really cares about them, mostly due to the fact Canada isn't a real country. The coming Troubles will result in annexing Canada before 2033.

doctrev বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Trump spewed 8 Chan and Q nonsense in his call with Raffenberger, I have to give Raffensberger credit for not laughing in his face. What makes Trumpists so susceptible to these conspiracy theory groups?

1/4/21, 4:26 PM

That should be far more concerning to you, as someone who doesn't believe in Q. A President who's following the Q movement is capable of ANYTHING to liberate the country, whether due to revolutionary idealism or ambitious cynicism on the level of Octavian Caesar. I'm sure you can explain why the massive Epstein scandal in no way feeds QAnon, but it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that Donald Trump is riding the wave and getting personal investment from, at absolute minimum, 20 million people.

Sweet dreams!

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

So answer the question What actions are the cops going to take? Show your work.

Arrest and prosecute the criminals.

What the fuck you think cops do with criminals?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Russia Russia lie-spreader/ Hivemind Inga - do f off.

Jim at বলেছেন...

NO ONE is afraid of you dopes.

A fifteen-year-old kid - with no formal training - killed two of your fellow thugs in self-defense, and winged a third.

Just what the fuck do you think is going to happen when those of us who aren't 15-year-old kids decide we've had enough of your shit?

You are a domestic enemy. A fifth column. Keep pushing it.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Jon Lynch
Are ballots different? A paper ballot cannot be marked, preserved, counted? What number of the Federalist discusses that?

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Why is Inga back?

She pretty much ruins the thread with her stupidity and nastiness.

It is better not to feed her.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Shorter Althouse Trumpkin:”We live in a corrupt banana republic with no rights. And we wouldn’t change a thing.”

doctrev বলেছেন...

Jim at said...

A fifteen-year-old kid - with no formal training - killed two of your fellow thugs in self-defense, and winged a third.

Just what the fuck do you think is going to happen when those of us who aren't 15-year-old kids decide we've had enough of your shit?

1/4/21, 4:48 PM

Doubtless you understand that an obviously fraudulent Biden win is SO much better for my purposes than a Trump landslide could have been. Ten million Rittenhouse flowers, all ready to bloom.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

I want fingerprints directly on the ballots, where every voter can, using that fingerprint, check not just that they voted but for who as well (only at their local precinct though).

The ink for the fingerprint is indelible and functions as "purple fingers".

The US military downloads all fingerprints, verifies no fingerprint voted twice (and flags any that do for investigation and possible prosecution), then deletes that database.

That's about the only level of security in a voting system that gets this government my continued consent following this shitshow.

GDI বলেছেন...

R's are dogshit ... D's are dogshit wrapped in catshit ... (The Big Short, 2015).

Gahrie বলেছেন...

?See what I mean about Gahrie? He even scorns voter id.

Ken B. you ignorant slut...

I have posted dozens of comments on this site calling for comprehensive electoral reform that would include photo ID.

I was calling for photo ID in the last election on this site as early as April 2020:


Ken B বলেছেন...

And yet you repudiated it all just to take a cheap shot. So typical.

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