Less humorously...I didn't support animal skin guy, but he is our new leader and we should give him a chance to grow in office https://t.co/Ci4SDaXJBi
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) January 6, 2021
You are a joke. You are a traitor. You are a disgrace. You demanded this. You created it. You are guilty and you should be held accountable.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 6, 2021
this you? pic.twitter.com/7iDRFk5knn
— Dmitry Pozdniakov (@Hambo_dev) January 6, 2021
1 – 200 of 372 Newer› Newest»Reports of someone shot.
Trump Derangement Syndrome just changed its definition today.
Following the rules got Conservatives nothing. Antifa elected Not Trump and Not Pence while the media portrayed them as the new Civil Rights Movement.
Serious question. How fast could impeachment and removal be done?
Antifa say - "we burn you down, media ignore!"
JOe Biden is the real joke. A total corrupt buffoon - dragged over the finish line by a corrupt party.
What did you think would happen Mark and Inga? Everyone one roll over? Glad to see people standing up for our country against people like you. Looking forward to at least another 4 years of it - protesting, not paying taxes, making trouble. Just ordered my Alinsky Rules for Radicals Book - plan on giving what we have gotten.
What the actual fuck is happening here?
I'll tell you one goddamn thing: random shitbags aren't in the fucking Oval Office if the fucking Secret Service doesn't say 'right this way, boys'
The Lizard People are your masters...get used to it
He’s dressed like Ras the Destroyer
this is what democracy looks like, chaitred and pornhub marshall,
So it is a "mostly peaceful" protest, right?
Still not as bad as Portland (no molotov cocktails or lasers . . yet), but the Right is now closing the gap on bad behaviour. Arrest the protesters that broke into the Capitol and prosecute them for insurrection.
What happened to the recall protesters that broke into the Wisconsin state capitol (was it?) all those years ago?
Deplorable Lives Matter
Hey, it's just a "mostly peaceful protest." Those are allowed in this country. Isn't that what the Left and their toadies in the press have told us 24/7 for the last 9 months?
People don't like having their votes, their only practical input into The System, stolen from them. Especially when it is done so brazenly, with such glee, by the Leftists.
Reap the whirlwind. You sowed it. You on the Left have counted on us on the Right to be more moral and restrained than you are, because in the past we always have been. You've bet your future on it. Instead, you've trained us that violence works to get what you want. Well done, idiots.
Paybacks are a bitch, Leftists.
Trump isn’t guilty of any crime.
Josh Marshall overreacts, as usual.
Nothing BLM, ANTIFA, or Not My President crowd has done justify the President inciting crowd to storm capital.
Let us start impeachment and arrest ASP.
First, JournoLists cast their vote. Bigots. If a vote cannot be audited, did democracy die in darkness?
That said, 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, protests, and a press, media, and social platforms that normalized it. The response for people... persons denied equal representation, denied a voice, and denied standing and due process, was predictable, yet measured. Their mistake was to occupy DC, and they didn't first invade neighborhoods to intimidate and force people to kneel.
As long as only 49.9% are actively assaulting people or destroying property, it is MOSTLY PEACEFUL!
I don't buy for a minute that these are actual Trump supporters. How fucking hard is it to carry a flag you can buy from Amazon?
And right on cue my Facebook feed is filling up with "this is treason" "hang these motherfuckers"
Oh my GOD the people I know are so fucking stupid
Trump called for the prosecution of people who DAMAGED property and assaulted people. Then he asked his supporters to not damage property or assault people. How is that not consistent?
Leftists always project their thoughts and emotions on others. They know what they would do if they took control of DC. Loot, murder, rape and burn. Will there be small outbreaks of violence? Surely. These are mostly young men. Will they come anywhere close to any random lefty riot? Not likely even thought the left is trying to “fundamentally change” our country and make us all serfs.
If conservatives reacted with as much violence to leftist provocation as leftists do to things that upset them there would be no leftist alive in this country. That is what the Marxists and their pet politicians are afraid of.
Re: trumpedaddy:
Reap the whirlwind. You sowed it. You on the Left have counted on us on the Right to be more moral and restrained than you are, because in the past we always have been. You've bet your future on it. Instead, you've trained us that violence works to get what you want. Well done, idiots.
I spent election day in 2016 and the 2017 inauguration away from DC because I (correctly) anticipated that progressives would react violently to losing the election. It's disgraceful that the Right is following their example. But in fact, this is an escalation -- the left wing protesters in DC just smashed shops, burned cars, beat people. They didn't invade the Capitol.
Why Charges Against the Protesters are Being Dismissed by the Thousands
Prosecutors declined to pursue many of the cases because they concluded the protesters were exercising their basic civil rights
Boy will that tune change...
Take a knee, capitol Police! Show some respect.
I predicted this would happen in a conversation this morning.
Not many of my predictions come to pass so I'm pretty excited. Ima ride the high as long as I can.
Still not as bad as Portland (no molotov cocktails or lasers . . yet)
Or Seattle, or Salt Lake City, or DC, once upon a time, 16 trimesters ago.
Perhaps they should start chanting This is what Democracy looks like
Oh come on, man! News reporters standing in front of blocks of buildings in Minneapolis literally burning to the ground report that they are mostly peaceful protests. But some joker in animal skins gets into the Senate chamber, destroying nothing but the delusion of decorum, and people are freaked out. The outrage is what Ann has called the bs scam, or something to that effect. Sorry, I forget the actual tag.
Anyway, "boys will be boys" could be the tag here.
"Blogger Dave Begley said...
Reports of someone shot"
A young woman is bleeding out from the neck.
It's unknown which person or faction fired the shot, Capitol Police or Trump protestors.
It's disgraceful that the Right is following their example
You're one of the smartest guys here so I say this with all due deference, but aren't you assuming facts not in evidence? How do you know this is "the Right?" Does it benefit "the Right" to do this, or to be blamed for doing this?
How do you know they are Trump Supporters Balfegor? Hats? Tshirts?
This is shameful. It is terrible for our country. The BLM and Antifa protests were bad too, but they don't justify this.
Oh bloo hoo hoo. The government has insurance, Balfegor. They'll be fine.
Trump called for the prosecution of people who DAMAGED property and assaulted people. Then he asked his supporters to not damage property or assault people. How is that not consistent?
Let me know if you ever get a sensible answer.
So far, Dave Begley is beating the pants off reporters in terms of getting the story right.
This is truly the most insane time in US history since at least WWII. At least during WWII we had relative national unity. We seem to have lost that and have been reduced to first hurling insults at one another and next molotov cocktails.
Destroying private property is worse.
They are petitioning Congress, in person... mostly peacefully!
"So far, Dave Begley is beating the pants off reporters in terms of getting the story right."
Reporters aren't looking to get the story right- they want to be sure of getting the right story.
When is it time to talk about impeachment and arrest? Trashing the capital , injuring officers all incited by Trump. Rioters have taken over.
It’s nice to see American politics encouraging greater participation from previously marginalized groups.
retch/revolting backs teh Bleu! Who woulda thunk it?!?!
The protests in support of Trump were well publicised. If it were only a handful of protesters, I could believe it was a false flag, but it's apparently hundreds or thousands. Even if they were incited by an agent provocateur -- cf the dubious claim that violent BLM riots were triggered by a right wing agent provocateur -- those are likely ordinary protesters going along with this revolting nonsense. Anyhow, we'll find out one way or another if people are arrested and prosecuted (rather than being let off like the scumbags who trashed the city protesting Trump in 2016).
I wasn't in favour of this Maidan bullshit when it was happening in the Ukraine, and I am not in favour of it now.
When is it time to talk about impeachment and arrest?
Once Biden is sworn in...
Michael Yon has been here for several months on the streets in places like Portland and Seattle reporting on his blog on the protests this past year. Earlier last year he was in Hong Kong during all the protests there. He is now in DC and made a post on his blog this morning before 6:00 AM:
"Despite having been to many hundreds of rallies and protests, I am terrible at predicting crowd sizes. I think today will be big, but my guesses on this are — well, I am probably right about 51% of the time. However, I am very good at predicting violence. My estimate: 90% chance of significant violence within next 21 hours."
What Ann has called the bs scam, or something to that effect. Sorry, I forget the actual tag.
She seems to be employing dark sarcasm to call for a measure of civility bullshit. Well, 16 trimesters later, following witch hunts, warlock trials, protests, and JournoListic narratives, once denied equal representation, then denied a voice, and now denied due process, the people... persons expected an end to the bullshit and a civil response.
That said, if an election cannot be audited, did democracy die in darkness?
Pro-Life. Liberty. and the pursuit of Happiness, without diversity for all. #BabyLivesMatter(BLM)
When is it time to talk about impeachment and arrest? Trashing the capital , injuring officers all incited by Trump. Rioters have taken over.
For a person who holds pretensions to being ever so intelligent, you are jumping to exactly the conclusions they have planned for you, ya dingus.
After Trump is gone this will only escalate. This is just the opening salvo.
I'm not advocating violence but after four or five years of being called every name in the book, having elections stolen and being ignored this is what you get. The frustration level is way past eleventy.
Bet you anything the protesters that stormed the building were antifa.
The people have come to the people's house.
These Progs are always calling for everything to "look like America". Why not the Capitol Building?
Other than the Capitol police shooting people, is there anything that has happened that is worse than what happened in Madison in April?
Gee. If I didn't know better, I'd think this was Madison, WI just a few, short years ago.
What's different? Oh, that's it. The 'wrong' people are protesting.
We warned you leftist fucks. You didn't listen.
Now you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Own it.
Hard to understand the lack of preparedness. Everyone knew there would be many thousands of very angry (and demented) Trump supporters around the Capitol today. And yet they managed to get into the House Chambers and Pelosi's Office? WTF Was the lack of law enforcement intentional on the part of Trump and his cronies? I generally prefer to assume incompetence over malice. We will see.
Reporters aren't looking to get the story right- they want to be sure of getting the right story.
The proper framing to spin the tale.
Jim at. He seems nice.
And Trump condemned the violence. I still think this is Antifa. They were talking about infiltrating and dressing as Trump supporters. I would not put it past the Democrats little Brown Shirts. Democrats have YET to condemn Antifa and BLM violence. See the difference. Keep poking the angry bear. It won't turn out well for you.
Agree with Steve Uhr. How could the Capitol Police be so unprepared? Typical government incompetence.
Isn’t this the natural expression of the Achilles Pants Michael K Big Mike Gahrie style of politics? Oh, sorry not to have mentioned John Henry.
Seriously, isn’t it?
Trump promised jail for such stuff earlier. I support that.
The Viking guy definitely wins Best Costume.
MeatPopscicle1234 said...
I don't think you and your treasonous ilk fully understand just how pissed 100MM+ American Patriots are... And since you and your facist, satan worshiping pedophile buddies have closed off every avenue by which we can legally attempt a redress for our grievances, you have pushed us to the point of breaking... We tried the ballot box, now it's time for the bullet box. So Fuck you and all the other traitorous scumbag bastards...... WAR!
1/6/21, 3:04 PM
That's one hell of an entrance.
Welcome to the party!
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "This House will truly be the People's House".
The votes will be certified by zoom.
Dow and SPY closed up today. All is fine.
Biden is shrinking before our eyes.
The Viking guy definitely wins Best Costume.
I feel a great disturbance in the Boogaloo, as if millions of Hawaiian shirts suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Assuming we do not immediately descend into full scale civil war (a possibility), there might be a small silver lining to today's chaos. Neither left nor right can laud violent protest any longer--both sides look so bad that perhaps sensible people might act to lower the temperature. Or is that wishful thinking?
The Capitol is being impeached.
I am Laslo.
Let add now is not the time for Biden to make a statement. There is nothing he came do to de-escalate this situation.
One more then I'm gone again:
Biden: The words of a President matter
Joe Biden said this. I kid you not.
Only a couple hours ago election transparency was a crazy idea. How does it sound now?
Very terry gilliam python
"Joe Biden said this.
Right before he asked for his pudding cup.
"steve uhr said...
Hard to understand the lack of preparedness. Everyone knew there would be many thousands of very angry (and demented) Trump supporters around the Capitol today. And yet they managed to get into the House Chambers and Pelosi's Office? WTF Was the lack of law enforcement intentional on the part of Trump and his cronies? I generally prefer to assume incompetence over malice. We will see."
Now do Kenosha, Madison, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, shall I go on?
When will they stop blaming Trump for everything? 21-Jan-2021?
They used live rounds. That's new for dealing with protests.
Biden’s grandstanding doesn’t give me any hope that he will govern with moderation.
The good old days when the left and the Media encouraged storming capitol buildings when they are mad....https://www.democracynow.org/2011/2/28/defying_walker_wisconsin_protesters_refuse_to?fbclid=IwAR0WH6STjJYY2Et0jWOX-dQDTwPU4GWc3demqbE-ob0Si7sFIXmuDFyGuoM
Search Bonus march, MacArthur...youtube
Liberals are always shocked and horrified when confronted with the consequences of their own actions.
I applaud these boys for sending a direct and very pointed message to Congress.
Oh, and spare me the "violence" pearl clutching.
When will they stop blaming Trump for everything? 21-Jan-2021?\
Wrong question. When will they ever take personal responsibility? See, that doesn't happen, even when they blame Nixon, Reagan, Bush, or even a McCain or Romney.
Earlier today, ESPN headline "America in Protest" because NBA players were upset by the decision not to prosecute cops that shot Jacob Blake. This was hours before the US Capitol was overtaken by protestors and a woman shot by a US Capitol cop. Now, despite a woman being abused by Jacob Blake and a woman being shot by a cop; what do you think ESPN take (and you know they'll have one) on what happened in DC? Do you think ESPN will demand the NBA wear that woman's name on the back of their jersey because she was down with the cause of protest when ACAB shot her?
Josh Marshall is a disgrace and has been for a very long time. He is taking his shitty childhood and broken family out on the rest of us. Please continue to ignore him and his partisan rants.
AS for Josh Marshall--he can sod off.
The protests in support of Trump were well publicised
Exactly. The Capitol should have been prepared. They should have reserved a space outside for people to assemble, then invite a delegation to represent the people inside to present their concerns. The people want assurance, an audit, in light of diverse evidence of irregularities and perhaps fraud. The President's call to Georgia was for data collected to certify the vote. The press, media, and social platforms did a great disservice to the democratic process and the people, when they cast their votes certifying the election, and forcing this inhospitable environment.
If Antifa is okay, this is okay. I don't see a lot of violence, just masses of people go into their own buildings.
I'm betting Rudy Giuliani challenged the President:
"I bet you can't end you politically career as badly as I have."
Trump: "challenge accepted!"
Tell me again Big Mike how American politics is so perfect it has nothing to learn from Canada.
"And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." Maxine Waters (D-CA) 2018
Earnest Prole said...
It’s nice to see American politics encouraging greater participation from previously marginalized groups.
Yes! That's the optimistic spirit! That glass is half-full, dammit! Up-thumb from me.
Good point Leland.
They used live rounds. That's new for dealing with protests.
Greg Price
The most widespread and destructive riots of the last 50 years literally occurred over the summer. The media called them "mostly peaceful," politicians catered to their demands, and barely anyone was charged for it.
This is the consequence of normalizing political violence
Yup. Now that they shot protesters I doubt very little can be done to stop what's coming.
Not Trump -- the John Roberts Riot.
Riots are caused by a lack of incoming fire. Rubber bullets should be the *first* response, and an immediate one. True in Kenosha, true in Washington.
In a way, this is a fitting end to the Trump era. The Left stole the election. There is no reasonable doubt about that. The judiciary refused to act. The Left showed the whole country how political violence works out. No penalties on the rioters. This could be considered giving the Left a taste of their own medicine.
I am so, so sad to see the end of our country. There will never be a another fair election. The Dems will rule for the rest of my lifetime or until there is a massive crisis.
Oh well.
Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.
I'm a "look on the bright side" guy. Their commitment to "not wearing masks" will make it easy to find, arrest, and throw the traitors in jail for insurrection.
These are not smart humans.
Perhaps Trump can make a recess appointment of Animal Skin Guy as Special White House Counsel to investigate election improprieties.
For sure, Trump can at least issue a Presidential Pardon to Animal Skin Guy.
Looks like the unarmed Trump supporter shot by capital police isn't going to make it.
Mostly peaceful.
BillieBob Thorton said...
Looks like the unarmed Trump supporter shot by capital police isn't going to make it.
Girl. Shot through the neck.
Well. If the peaceful protester does die from her injuries, the narrative will get complicated.
This is how you get more Georgias
Jim at. He seems nice.
I have been, and it got me nowhere.
Too bad you can't figure out the point. But you will.
The Left did their best to get a Color revolution to happen in the US. They shouldn't be shocked when it happens a little different than they wanted. "Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind."
"don't buy for a minute that these are actual Trump supporters."
Oh, this is like No True Scotsman, right?
For sure, Trump can at least issue a Presidential Pardon to Animal Skin Guy.
Actually, the Animal Skin Guy pardoned Trump. True story.
Remember when the BLM protesters were outside the White House and reporters were talking about Trump hiding just before he walked across the street to the National Cathedral?
I'm sure any moment, we will hear about Pelosi and Schumer standing up to the protesters.
"I'm a "look on the bright side" guy. Their commitment to "not wearing masks" will make it easy to find, arrest, and throw the traitors in jail for insurrection."
Do some investigations, arrest some people, put them in prison and things go back to normal?
Perhaps it would be wise to consider that there may be a new normal.
This is how you get more Georgias
Democracy is aborted in darkness?
Do some investigations, arrest some people, put them in prison and things go back to normal?
Probably not normal, but some asshole traitors will be in prison, so it's a net win for America.
It will be very interesting, as time goes on and the back scene reports come out, what was the honest communications between the Congress & the DC government to the National Guard & Local Law Enforcement. I imagine some very nasty words were exchanged.
I'm overhearing members of Congress on the tube in the background, and they sure ain't sounding like they think they're getting "protected".
"The judiciary refused to act"
In part true-
Trump and the rest of us, were not prepared to go to war ahead of the left's ballot fraud. Trump needed a team of people on it as soon as chi-com Biden virus hit - and the covid mail in ballot operation began.
We know know the left WILL cheat to win. So - what are we gonna do about it?
"and they sure ain't sounding like they think they're getting "protected"."
You mean like regular people thought during the past summer of mostly peaceful protests?
What a shame.
Trump went outside the White House, just now, and asked for those rioting at the Capitol to go home.
I went back in the archives and couldn't find where Josh Marshall said that the Walker protesters should go home.
Wild Chicken, meet Pants. Aspirin helps.
harrogate said... This is how you get more Georgias
The left did this all of 2020. It appears it actually works. There were no repercussions.
Erick Erickson
Shoot the protestors. Waive the rules, impeach. Waive the rules, convict. Waive the rules, deny the ability to run for election again.
3:02 PM · Jan 6, 2021
I didn't support animal skin guy
Honestly, could he be any worse?
Remember when Madonna wanted to "blow up the white house" and kathy griffith used a bloody head of Trump prop to inspire the left - and Antifa..
and how all of the massive amounts of Antifa violence are covered up by our corrupt press?
yeah. we do
Looks like a mostly peaceful protest to me.
I DO support animal skin guy. Lets hear what he has to say.
Probably better than "Well son of a bitch, you dog faced pony soldier"
Gosh, are they breaking up the furniture, spraying graffiti on the walls, stealing pens and stationery, setting fire to the place? Will lawmakers lose their pay, have to pony up debt service, be shut out of work for months on end, beg insurers for payment? Suddenly a riot becomes something else entirely doesn’t it. When it comes to you.
I have been looking for you! You said once that if covid deaths topped 40 times your prediction you would finally admit you got it wrong. Gonna pay up?
Already confirmed that Animal Skin guy is antifa on Twitter. They have pics of the same guy at a Tempe Arizona BLM rally
Remember when leftist stormed the capitol in 2016 when they lost the election?
Remember when they shot someone? Remember HRC is going on the violence and refusing to concede?
Lord Clanfiddle wrote:
"Neither left nor right can laud violent protest any longer--both sides look so bad that perhaps sensible people might act to lower the temperature. Or is that wishful thinking?"
Thanks for the laugh!!! The double standards won't disappear any time soon.
Won’t be satisfied until Nancy swings from a tree.
Go fuck yourself, Ken. I still don't see the 2 million dead, and looking at the excess deaths at the CDC, most of the COVID deaths being counted in the last two month are fraudulent diagnoses- excess deaths peaked back during the Spring.
Baronger said...
"Already confirmed that Animal Skin guy is antifa on Twitter. They have pics of the same guy at a Tempe Arizona BLM rally"
I've been asked to accept massive rioting and looting, the media repeatedly lying about the rioting and looting, the Democratic Party repeatedly lying about the rioting and looting, left wing protesters taking cities hostage, calls to defund the police while crime skyrockets, a massive lie that Trump was in bed with the Russians, an impeachment over a perfectly normal phone call regarding obvious corruption by the Bidens, voter fraud on unprecedented levels with a mail-in election that can never under and circumstances be considered fair, the governor of NYC being personally responsible for thousands of deaths for which he has been praised for doing such a great job, pandemic shutdowns and theater that appear to have little to no effect on the whole pandemic but have done great damage to the economy and religious freedom, the tech companies actively engaging in censorship for political gain, our unelected deep state actively undermining the president of the United States, and sports leagues becoming little more than political action committees.
I do not approve what is going on right now. However, I am having trouble finding any way to care. Over the past four plus years, this may not register in the top 100 outrages.
Oh well.
A good riot would have burned the capitol to the ground.
If the Martians were ever planning to land, now might be as good a time as any.
Static Ping,
I don't care any longer. Joe Biden can go fuck himself if he can remember where his dildo and ass are.
Yeah, I knew you were a fraud when you wrote your “Ken, can anything convince you?” thread. Fact remains, you SAID when the total topped 300,000 you'd concede you were wrong.
As for fucking myself, well at least I have balls, and could possibly do it.
Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is looking like a genius right now.
How many are Antifa?
Skin guy is.
Remember when leftist stormed the capitol in 2016 when they lost the election?
Remember when a bunch of Bernie Bros shut down the Trump rally in the 2016 election in Chicago?
You were against it! Why, you wrote a letter! Right TeaBag?
When will they stop blaming Trump for everything? 21-Jan-2021?
The summer of 2024 when they start talking about how Trump was so much more moderate and reasonable than the current Republican running for office.
I'm overhearing members of Congress on the tube in the background, and they sure ain't sounding like they think they're getting "protected".
Isn't it a design point of our US Constitution that the government should fear the people rather than the people fearing the government?
Oh, my. How... inconvenient. Does anyone think he'll be arrested for treason anytime soon?
Gahrie said...
The summer of 2024 when they start talking about how Trump was so much more moderate and reasonable than the current Republican running for office.
Nah, never happen. But that's ok! It'll be fun to watch them get all tongue tied trying not to say it.
Yup Ossoff wins,Dems now in control of whole shebang! Schumer decides what goes up for vote.Congress goes back to hearings tonight and finish electors and Joe and Kamala as new president, vice pres.trump starts tweeting badly about his biggest sycophant pence who is now politically toast.Cameras will pull in anarchists and others for prosecution. Trump not allowed in Scotland as he tries to escape prosecution in NY and just another day, I served during Viet Nam,lived thru Riots of 60, civil rights,and have seen much more than this little display of anarchy.My grandkids will have chapters in history books to studying we did about Patrick Henry and Benedict Arnold.Just another day in Trump land expiring very soon.And by the way all the Socialist criers in here dont forget to send back your $2000.00 Socialist stimulus checks we'll be watching. BIG BROTHER doin it, homey don't play!
Make room for the Trump insurrectionists GTMO, right next to what’s left of the Taliban and Al Queda.
How many are Antifa?...Skin guy is.
Oh, I would not be surprised that this is a joint Left/Right wing-nut coalition effort. There are many on both sides who share the desire to see the world burn.
You'd think the security at the Capitol would have been better.
So Ossoff wins and Dems hold Presidency, House and Senate. Fitting, especially today.
320Busdriver said...
How many are Antifa?
Skin guy is.
Hmmm. Where did all of those Antifa protesters get all of their Trump flags, hats, Q signs, etc.?
And I'm curious why an Antifa rioter would sit in the Speaker's chair in the House of Representatives after the chamber had been cleared, to yell, "Trump won!"
Ken B said... [hush][hide comment]
I have been looking for you! You said once that if covid deaths topped 40 times your prediction you would finally admit you got it wrong. Gonna pay up?
"Jake (Ken B)has been fighting with Sugar Ray Robinson(Yancey). It was a hard fight, and Jake is now battered almost half to death. Nevertheless, he is on his feet, so he says this to his opponent:
"You didn't get me down, Ray."
right next to what’s left of the Taliban
No, the Taliban essentially won. We're leaving, and they're still there. And you know what? Intelligence estimates were that there were only about 2000 armed Taliban & 10,000 auxiliaries.
Think about that. A set of mountains, like the Appalachians or the Rockies, 12,000 guys. How difficult would it be to have an insurgency like that here?
Ken, you are completely dishonest- I admitted my 7500 prediction was wrong the minute it became wrong. Events, however, proved me right in the bigge picture- none of the efforts to stop COVID worked- we ended up in the exact same place we would have if we hadn't locked down in March. That was always my biggest point- what we were doing was worse than ineffective- it was pouring gasoline on a fire. I noted some time ago that you were suddenly against lockdowns. I was always against them, so I wasn't really wrong was I? I was also right that the predictions of 2-11 million deaths was a vast exaggeration made by idiots.
I'm sorry. I had hoped that a post-Presidential Trump could have helped the Republican Party recapture a majority in the House and Senate in 2022 and the Presidency (with a different candidate) in 2024. I'm afraid his behavior today makes him too toxic to do that. It was entirely unnecessary. When the Biden-Harris Government starts doing its thing, we'll be sorry not to have Trump as an ally in the "Resistance".
Now we'll get to see how well the left's programs and leadership will work.
Looks more and more like Antifa and fringe right-wing groups are the ones that breached the capital. Not MAGA.
It won't matter. It never mattered. ALL violence in this country has been blamed on Trump and his supporters for 4 years.
This guy is known Antifa. Can't believe he was stupid enough to wear his same costume. Irrefutable evidence of false flag operation.
"Now we'll get to see how well the left's programs and leadership will work."
Well... we would, but when it doesn't, it'll be Trump's fault.
So the left's got that going for them. Which is nice.
Yup, I saw it in the comments at Instapundit. Dude was at a BLM protest in June 2020. False flag for sure.
What is it, Ken? You were the biggest Karen on this board, and yet none of the governmental efforts to stop COVID, efforts you supported wholeheatedly in March, worked to stop the virus. None of them worked in the US, just like I and others on this board predicted. They didn't work in New York, they didn't work in the UK, France, California, Michigan, Canada. The only two places one can reasonably claim they worked were Australia and New Zealand, both of which being islands, could heavily restrict incoming foreigners.
Go fuck yourself- you were wrong in March, and I think it is annoying you that all those policies you advocated and I mocked at the time turned out to be worse than useless.
I had hoped that a post-Presidential Trump could have helped the Republican Party recapture a majority in the House and Senate in 2022 and the Presidency (with a different candidate) in 2024.
Two questions:
1) Do you think the 2020 election was on the up & up?
2) If the answer to 1 is "No", why do you think that the Dems will stop cheating the next time?
3) If the answer to (1) is "Yes", then do you think that there is some proposed policies that can be considered even vaguely "Republican" when even a southern state like Georgia elects a lefty nutbag like Warnock to the Senate?
“Yup, I saw it in the comments at Instapundit. Dude was at a BLM protest in June 2020. False flag for sure.”
Cue the conspiracy theories again...
It was a matter of when those opposef to the Democrats and the Left would adopt the tactics of Antifa and BLM. All's fair when it is BAMN, right?
And this is why traditionally refrained and circumspect Republicans did not participate in street protests.
You can't keep the freaks and larpers and interlopers from discrediting the whole thing.
Irs chaos. Chaos sucks.
Just watched Trump's latest video. 25th Amendment time.
Looks more and more like Antifa and fringe right-wing groups are the ones that breached the capital. Not MAGA.
It'll be easy to tell, since if there's a large ANTIFA presence among those arrested the arrests & the prosecutions will get immediately deep-sixed by the media.
I assume all charges will be dropped as were the charges against the rioters at Trump's inauguration. Sarc/.
“Just watched Trump's latest video. 25th Amendment time.”
Exactly, it needs to be done TODAY.
Inga, you idiot, take your "conspiracy theory" and stick it where the sun don't shine
Clyde, go fuck yourself.
Exactly, it needs to be done TODAY.
You REALLY want to see riots? Try something like that.
Trump's got two weeks. Just let him go & continue his life outside of politics. If the Left tries anything to go after Trump or his family, it's a shitshow all over again.
"Cue the conspiracy theories again..."
-- I mean, it doesn't have the ring of Boogaloo Boys and Hawaiian Shirt or Umbrella Man, but... it's got *evidence,* which is generally considered a point in something's favor.
Looks like the crowd at a Badger game!
“Just watched Trump's latest video. 25th Amendment time.”
Just watched the latest Biden brain-dead video (literally). 25th Amendment time.
Can we have a back-to-back?
“Trump's got two weeks. Just let him go & continue his life outside of politics. If the Left tries anything to go after Trump or his family, it's a shitshow all over again.”
Trump instigated this riot today, he told his cultists to go march on the Capitol after pounding more conspiracy theories in their addled brains during his speech. He should be held responsible.
YoungHegelian said...
Trump's got two weeks. Just let him go & continue his life outside of politics. If the Left tries anything to go after Trump or his family, it's a shitshow all over again.
1/6/21, 4:38 PM
Even if the Sorosites had any intention of incorporating mercy into their Inglorious Basterds strategy, their own base would devour them for it. For his part, President Trump obviously knew that angry people were going to show Congress what's what, or he'd never have suggested a mass mobilization towards the Capitol.
This is the best day of 2021 thus far- and for some of you it will REMAIN the best day, unless Joe Biden does the right thing and concedes. It is a very small sample of what you will suffer if the steal is indulged. The police will be about as useful as the ones in Baghdad, especially in urban areas.
Yancey is reduced to lying about my positions. Not that it matters but just to set the record straight.
COVID deaths being counted in the last two month are fraudulent diagnoses- excess deaths peaked back during the Spring.
With Planned Parent/hood, blooms forced by the spread of social contagion, and denying and stigmatizing early, inexpensive, low-risk treatments that have reduced hospitalization and globally (i.e. signal diversity, controlled trials, observation) have assured viability of 80 to 90% of people... persons who were at risk.
When you steal elections, and this one was definitely stolen via absentee ballot fraud on an unprecendented scale, there will be consequences. I suspect many of the people in the Capitol today were probably left-wing interlopers- the evidence for this is mounting by the minute as people find them in previous BLM/Antifa demonstration videos, but I don't doubt at least half of them were genuinely angry about the vote fraud. If all they do is invade the Capitol building and make off with a podium or two, then they will be more harmless than pretty much all the protests that occurred last Summer. Think about that.
Show me where I lied about your positions Ken. You supported the lockdowns back in March, right? I assume you support wide spread masking, but am willing to be shown wrong in this.
Where am I lying?
Inga said...
Trump instigated this riot today, he told his cultists to go march on the Capitol after pounding more conspiracy theories in their addled brains during his speech. He should be held responsible.
1/6/21, 4:43 PM
Amusing. Inga, today the American people very nearly held the traitors in Congress responsible, without any military backup. If President Trump had decided to mine or gas the tunnels, he would have executed consequences on the coup plotters before they came close to him.
I’m not sure if this has already been posted, but it seems at least some of invaders of the Capitol building are Antifa...
No Inga, Trump did not instigate the riot. The rioters did. Trump is no more guilty than Biden is guilty for the burning of Kenosha.
Everyone seems to have forgotten basic morality here. If you punch me you are responsible.
I may have mentioned previously: The antidote to left-wing revolution cosplay is not right-wing revolution cosplay.
Ken, seriously, you’re too invested in American politics. Step back.
I even admitted in a comment above that you changed your position on the lockdowns when it became clear they didn't work, but that doesn't change the fact that you supported them in the beginning. The only thing I got wrong was greatly underestimating the number that would die with a COVID diagnosis, but I was right in almost every other respect including the ineffectiveness of the non-pharmaceutical interventions- none of them work, and arguably made the virus more deadly, not less.
And on the COVID deaths, I still believe that in the long run, averaged over a two to three year period, total all cause deaths in the US and Europe will exactly where they would have been absent COVID. All the evidence still supports the claim that COVID is just hastening the deaths of people who would have died within 2-3 years of something else.
Trump instigated this riot today, he told his cultists to go march on the Capitol
They were going to march on the Capitol in any case, as it was today's center of action. Today's march was permitted, and the DC police knew the route of the protest.
A group of them then decided to storm the floors of Congress. Did Trump tell them to? Not publicly, and if you have any proof otherwise, you should produce it.
As for "conspiracy theories"**, well, they already believed those. That's why they were there to begin with. Trump had nothing to do with "filling their heads". Inga, it's this sort of disrespect for an opinion shared by 40% of the electorate that set this march cum riot off to begin with.
**"Conspiracy theories", like the theory that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election, a theory where it turned out NO Americans were involved & no Russians could be prosecuted. Why, the DOJ even dropped the case against the one Russian corporation who asked for a day in court! And it was the talk of the town for two years! Talk about yer stupid "conspiracy theories"!
"Inga said...
Trump instigated this riot today, he told his cultists to go march on the Capitol after pounding more conspiracy theories in their addled brains during his speech. He should be held responsible."
Okay, now do Kenosha, Madison, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland,...shall I go on? Remember when our cocksucker plaigerist VP Elect said about the "protests" "That they’re not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not.”
What a dullard.
Apparently woman shot has died. Via msdnc
Curious George... Trump Loser.
Consider what today would have been like if Biden had lost the election due to the exact same evidence of vote fraud known. The Capitol would have been burned to the ground. When it comes to protest violence, the right apparently can't compete with the left- at least not yet. Pray they never can.
What Yancey just said. That is the truth.
Video: Police move barricades to let protesters invade Capital grounds
MadTownGuy said...
Baronger said...
"Already confirmed that Animal Skin guy is antifa on Twitter. They have pics of the same guy at a Tempe Arizona BLM rally"
Can't verify is true, but there you go.
When I see Congressmen hanging from a lamppost, I will admit the protest might have gone too far.....maybe.
Curious George, you idiot, learn how to make a hyperlink.
I saw the pic of Animal Skin Guy and wondered if this were a dress rehearsal for the next cheesy re-make of Mad Max?
More seriously, if that woman who was shot has died, prayers up. This is just so wrong and sad.
And you know what happens now. She'll be a martyr. Buckle up.
Earnest Prole: Perhaps not. But apparently the only remedy to massive, repeated, in your face blatant *repeated* election theft is a *real* right wing revolution.
At least we tried EVERY other avenue and gave the system every chance to work before it came to this. The Left doesn't even wait to see if a cop they don't like gets arrested before they burn down a city.
You've spilled a lot of digital ink telling your readers how savvy Trump is behind his boorish facade, how much cleverer he is than those that loathe him, and how limited is the Never Trumper's understanding of his extraordinary kabuki when in fact this administration has been a pulsating abscess looking for a needle since day one. A hearty congratulations to you. Such powerful insight.
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