From "Impeachment is just the start. Republicans must cast off the deadwood" by Jennifer Rubin (WaPo).
Don't misread "smarter than McCarthy." I myself did a double take. That's what I get for skipping right to the end of a column. In context, it's clear that Rubin is talking about House minority leader Kevin McCarthy.
The headline is screwy. Deadwood?!
Anyway, what you see there shows the problem of starting something. If you do one thing, as soon as you do it, people will say, you haven't done enough. You've got to do one more thing and one more thing.
Me, I liked Mike Pence's letter rejecting the use of the 25th Amendment. He set the tone I like to hear. Maturity, moderation, future-looking optimism, order, working together.... I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?
Is she out of her mind?
Oh wait, never mind.
I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?
Leading from behind.
Where in the Constitution does it say that Congress has the power to ban a person from running for office?
Strikes me, this is nothing but an attempt at a forbidden Bill of Attainder. A Senate trial to remove a person from office is NOT a judicial proceeding!!
"I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?"
Touching kids, then taking lids.
Joe Biden said he supports impeachment. That's where Joe is.
Jennifer Rubin talks about denying the people their duly elected choices for high office, and in the same sentence talks about "casting off" and getting rid of other peoples' duly elected representatives.
In the previous post I talked about the relevance of "1984s" 'double-think'. Peoples' exhibit A.
"expel Cruz and Hawley"
This is the black-listing corrupt left in action.
Rubin and her Vichy compatriots can hold the next GOP convention in a phone booth, or the post iPhone equivalent.
Is Jennifer Rubin a member of Antifa?
one of Nancy's impeachment managers objected to the certification of FL's electoral votes in 2017.
Perhaps he should also be expelled?
Or perhaps Rubin is just a partisan democrat calling for the total destruction of the opposition. Which, come to mind, is what fascists like to do.
It never ceases to amaze me how NeverTrumpers believe they can somehow persuade Trump supporters by insulting them and behaving like jackals. It's almost as if they have no understanding of basic human nature whatsoever. They can't seem to comprehend that, no matter what happens to Trump, their Republican party is dead and never coming back. After everything that has happened, trying to cling to the past is just sad and pathetic. You're not fooling anyone other than yourself.
Can we at long last quit calling Rubin a conservative? Or at least stop pretending she represents a Rightwing point of view?
Strikes me, this is nothing but an attempt at a forbidden Bill of Attainder. A Senate trial to remove a person from office is NOT a judicial proceeding!!
I have read it does not apply to elected offices. Alcee Hastings was impeached for corruption as a federal judge and has been a Congressman for years. Of course he is black so most laws don't apply to him.
Where is he [Biden] in all of this anyway?
Probably in a basement somewhere waiting for his apple sauce.
Oh well.
"I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?"
Dry wide-eyed irony. Probably my favorite kind of humor.
Where in the Constitution does it say that Congress has the power to ban a person from running for office?
It doesn't. Somehow, the Democrats have gotten it into their head that one result of an impeachment conviction is that you are barred from public office. This despite the fact that not that long ago, one of the Democratic Congressmen was formerly impeached as a judge.
Where is Biden in all this? Encouraging it. It being not the tone Pence set, but it being calling people Nazis and domestic terrorists.
Jennifer Rubin is a leftwing hack.
What amuses me the most about all of this impeachment madness is that there is a very good chance that Trump won't be around in four years to run for office, or be in declining health as Biden so clearly was this time. It's nothing but symbolic virtue signaling from top to bottom.
Joe Biden is being normal.
What a waste of F’ing time and energy...
And very uniting.
I’m sure Joe will lead the fanatical left to be more unifying and dignified (you know, presidential). Not.
Welcome to the USCCP comrades.
Feel the love.
Boy it sure seems like we're in for four years of moderate and boring government. Strap in boys, and keep your hands inside the windows at all times.
I look forward to the first few weeks of Biden's presidency being consumed by a rushed and vindictive impeachment and trial of the former President. Just to give the US that authentic banana republic flavour (except instead of Dole it's Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon, haha).
nothing says 'healing and unity' like the night of the long knives
The Democrats have already submitted a bill in the House to eliminate the Electoral College.
I applaud WaPo's dedication to publishing unpopular voices that nobody likes, nobody heeds and few even likely read.
"I look forward to the first few weeks of Biden's presidency being consumed by a rushed and vindictive impeachment and trial of the former President."
-- I'm pretty sure the Congressional purge is scheduled for then.
I doubt that McConnell will do what Jen Rubin wants. Two years is a long time in politics and once Orange Man Bad is gone the focus of the House and Senate will be on more immediate matters. Though if Nancy Pelosi really wants to hamstring the Biden administration right out the gate she can take up the matter of impeachment again after January 20th. I think that she will find more important things to do, but I could be wrong.
Oh sorry, I went and checked my history. Dole was the coup in the Kingdom of Hawaii. The banana republics were Chiquita (United Fruit).
I look forward to the first few weeks of Biden's presidency being consumed by a rushed and vindictive impeachment and trial of the former President. Just to give the US that authentic banana republic flavour
The only question is if they will televise the execution by firing squad.
The Democrats are relying on US Constitution 14th Amendment, Section 3:
Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Not quite sure how they think they can use this to prevent Trump from running and winning election in 2024. The President does not seem to me to be a holder of any office. They mentioned a laundry list of other things and did not include President or Vice President when they easily could have. Also, Alcee Hastings, an impeached judge, serves as a Democrat in Congress but again, the amendment only says state judiciary so maybe that's a loophole he snuck under as a former federal judge. Also, did he commit insurrection or rebellion? I think he just did bribery.
Brings up another point: Being impeached and convicted and removed from office is not the same as a criminal conviction. Trump hasn't been convicted by a criminal court of insurrection, regardless of impeachment, so I don't think this language applies until he is convicted in a court of law, not a court of public opinion like the US Senate.
Anyway, what you see there shows the problem of starting something. If you do one thing, as soon as you do it, the Left will say, you haven't done enough. You've got to do one more thing and one more thing.
So is #NotMyPOTUS, "lying dog faced pony solder", "bad touch", "hair sniffing", "ChiCom puppet" Joe Biden going to "unite" the country by telling the Dems to knock it off or is he going to do the normal Democrat thing and be a sore, cheating, election stealing, "couldn't do it fair and square" winner?
Yeh, that ship has sailed...
Althouse wrote: I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?
Ann. I don't understand why you keep pretending Biden is some individual with something to say that he actually believes. You're question answers itself. He's nowhere, even when he is at the podium.
Who cares what he has to say? The question should be, "where are the people who tell Biden what to say in all of this anyway?" Fixed it.
The Left has gone insane. TDS is more than just a syndrome now, it's a full-blown psychosis. Far more widespread, contagious and insidious than COVID-19 and with no cure in sight.
Gahrie said...
The Democrats have already submitted a bill in the House to eliminate the Electoral College.
1/13/21, 1:40 PM
Another futile gesture, they need to amend the Constitution.
I haven't found Jennifer Rubin to be relevant in at least a decade. Such a foamingly-rabid case of TDS does nothing for the credibility of anything she writes, poor thing. But that's par for the course for pretty much everyone at the WaPoo these days. It's even worthless as birdcage-liner as no self-respecting bird would even take a dump on it.
"working together"
Right after the purge. When all of the wrongthinkers have been cleansed.
Michael K said...
Strikes me, this is nothing but an attempt at a forbidden Bill of Attainder. A Senate trial to remove a person from office is NOT a judicial proceeding!!
I have read it does not apply to elected offices. Alcee Hastings was impeached for corruption as a federal judge and has been a Congressman for years. Of course he is a Democrat so most laws don't apply to him.
1/13/21, 1:32 PM
Fixed it for you...
This crazy blabbler thinks she's holding the whip hand, but the problem is that a sizable portion of the GOP base doesn't believe in electoral politics anymore- much less the GOP.
Maybe Big Tech can crush the nascent counter-revolution, but it's going to drown the country in blood first.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Jennifer Rubin is insane. She has been one of the loudest proponents of creating “polite society” black lists, Lincoln Project professional cancellation of Trump staff and supporters, and Truth and Reconciliation Commissions. She is a main proponent of the “purge”. I keep seeing the frothing left use words used like “cleanse” (ABC Political Producer) and “re-educate” (recently fired PBS lawyer). I don’t think deadwood is confusing at all coming from Rubin. The woman is evil.
Jen Rubin is a rabid left-wing partisan who tries to pretend she is a Republican, because the Washington Post could not tolerate anyone who is an actual Republican, conservative, right-leaning moderate, moderate, left-leaning moderate, or non-partisan. This is all well known and has been well known for years. She is a bomb thrower who tries to pretend to be a voice of reason. No one is fooled other than those who want to be fooled, which happens to include a large percentage of the Washington Post's subscribers.
This is par for the course. Unfortunately.
Oh well.
Jennifer Rubin is a tyrant who would have eagerly served as a writer for Roland Freisler or Andrey Vyshinsky.
Trump hasn't been convicted by a criminal court of insurrection, regardless of impeachment, so I don't think this language applies until he is convicted in a court of law, not a court of public opinion like the US Senate.
I assume that there will be some attempt to bring actual criminal "insurrection" charges. But at any rate, none of that has any bearing on the impeachment of a President. We've been told ceaseless that "impeachment" is a political process, not a criminal one.
Never, ever listen to the advice of political enemies.
Better to do the opposite of what your political enemies suggest.
Re: Vance:
Alcee Hastings was impeached for bribery and perjury, not for insurrection. I think his case speaks to the point that impeachment isn't a legal or political obstacle to election, but isn't really relevant to the 14th amendment, state vs federal judiciary, etc. But perhaps I mistook your point.
"The Democrats are relying on US Constitution..."
Made me laugh there.
Yes, for sure, tell the citizens of Missouri and Texas (which would be me, incidentally) that they don’t get to have the senator they put into fucking office. That’ll calm things down!
What are all the lawfare recipients in DC going to do after Trump leaves office? That's gotta being weighing on their minds.
DC lawfare freeloaders need to self deport back to their home states.
@Vance, Michael K, Gahrie. "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law." U.S. Cons. Art. I, Sec. 3, Cl. 7.
Of course, statehood for DC would be an absolute jobs bonanza for lawfare leeches.
To be hanged, drawn and quartered was, from 1352 after the Treason Act 1351, a statutory penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during the reign of King Henry III (1216–1272). The convicted traitor was fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where he was then hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered (chopped into four pieces). His remains would then often be displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge, to serve as a warning of the fate of traitors. For reasons of public decency, women convicted of high treason were instead burned at the stake.(wiki)
It seems like Democrats and NeverTrumpers would relish such a fate for Trump. It could serve as a warning for any who would be foolish enough to cross Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the rest of our nobility.
In her defense, Rubin is a POS.
There's that.
dick moves like this by *Biden* show that
...he's not the right kind of boring
Jennifer Rubin sounds like the classic trolls we have been discussing here, who seek to do harm while adopting a superficial mannerism of just trying to be helpful. Although there is some menacing aspect to her advice which might be persuasive, why would anyone listen to her advice? She's threatening the low hanging fruit. Just like Google threatening this blog. Although taking another view, it is a compliment.
In Rubin's case if you voiced any objections to the election you have to be purged. If you have voiced any support for Trump you have to be purged. If you are neutral to Trump you will have to be purged. Because Democrats have convinced themselves they are the victims.
I've been banned at enough sites to know that you don't have to advocate for violence which I have never done or would ever think of doing. I've seen sites where people say stupid mean things and never get banned. You get banned if you have the wrong opinions, especially if you make strong arguments based on factual information. People don't want to hear anything that opposes their beliefs and that makes them uncomfortable.
I really hope Ann will share with us the warnings from Google, if and when they come, so we can all speculate on what is wrong think.
expel Cruz and Hawley
It sure is awful denying voters the candidates they chose, ain't it?
When protesters surrounded a Seattle police station, forcing officers to evacuate it, and declared the adjacent area an “autonomous zone,” mayor Jenny Durkan was reassuring: “Don’t be so afraid of democracy.”
One person's sedition is another's democracy.
Sedition... Deadwood... Cleanse... Purge... Re-educate...
Pretend you're not hearing the threats you are hearing.
“Deadwood” the only wood actually still alive.
serious question
WHY are the dem's paying attention to President Trump, now?
It seems like if they'd just ignore him, he'd be gone in a few days
What is it, that they think they're accomplishing by all this?
Do they think that if they martyr him, people will forget about him?
Do they think that by showing themselves to be fundamentally EVIL, people will like them?
i don't see what they are trying to accomplish... Could one of our experts help me out?
Chuck? Igna? DD driver? somebody?
There IS a plan, isn't there?
thanx! :)
ELC said...
@Vance, Michael K, Gahrie. "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law." U.S. Cons. Art. I, Sec. 3, Cl. 7.
In order for this provision to apply, Trump would have to be convicted and removed after a Senate trial while he's POTUS.
I can't think of anything more legally moot than convicting and removing a person who no longer holds the office he is supposedly being removed from.
IOW impeachment isn't enough.
I'm not gonna get into a discussion over what Jennifer Rubin "thinks."
I look forward to the first few weeks of Biden's presidency being consumed by a rushed and vindictive impeachment and trial of the former President. Just to give the US that authentic banana republic flavour (except instead of Dole it's Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon, haha).
Banana Biden should be our term of endearment for the incoming El Presidente por Vida. A banana republic needs a Top Banana.
"I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?"
Being kept sedated. They'll trot him out a week from today. He'll go through the Chauncey Gardner motions. And all will be alright.
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law." U.S. Cons.
Impeachment does not bar someone from holding elective office. That requires a second vote, after the person has been impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate.
Where is he in all of this anyway?
You expected leadership from Joe Biden? To borrow a phrase from Stephen Crane, what in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea ever caused you to think he had any leadership abilities whatsoever?
Is this the boring part? Are things boring enough yet?
If I was Trump and it looked like McConnell was going to let it go all the way, I'd resign 10 mins prior to the vote.
That'd put some starch in Nancy's pants!
When I see McCarthy I always first think of Charlie McCarthy.
You get banned if you have the wrong opinions, especially if you make strong arguments based on factual information. People don't want to hear anything that opposes their beliefs and that makes them uncomfortable.
Rosalyn, that's for sure! And if a forum says anything in its profile about it being for 'like minded individuals', you'd better be sure what their 'like mindedness' entails.
I'm not gonna get into a discussion over what Jennifer Rubin "thinks."
@Crack, I think we're on the same page here, but IMHO it's a mistake to associate any word implying cognition to Jennifer Rubin.
"Where is he in all of this anyway?"
Blowing retard bubbles wherever they are hiding him.
Get used to it.
Quaestor said...
Banana Biden should be our term of endearment for the incoming El Presidente por Vida. A banana republic needs a Top Banana.
I like Joemala better. I mean, we all know he's not going to do the full four years.
"I'm not gonna get into a discussion over what Jennifer Rubin 'thinks.’"
Crack is one of the sages of this blog.
gilbar said...
serious question
WHY are the dem's paying attention to President Trump, now?
That is something I have been mulling over and I have come up with some reasons:
1) To make an example of any who would dare political office without paying the dues first.
2) To keep a fractious caucus that is barely a majority together by giving a focus to their hate and rage because without that focus they would turn on each other.
3) To distract the nation from the things they are doing in the background.
4) A Javert-like obsession with the quarry.
5) A belief that things are slipping out of control and a belief that a big enough trophy will cow any rebellious populations.
I may speculate more on this.
Calling a man 'banana' implies PD, does it not?
"I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?"
"President-elect Joseph R. Biden on Monday said he is looking for ways that the Senate could hold an impeachment trial for President Trump while working on the new administration’s agenda.
Mr. Biden has been in touch with “folks in the Senate” on potentially splitting the floor time that would be required for an impeachment trial with time for his early legislative and staffing priorities, he said."
That's where he is.
Mikey NTH @2:28:
Much wisdom there.
The only people I see trying to overthrow the duly elected head of state are Democrats. For people wanting us to believe the election wasn't rigged; they sure are attempting every other means to remove the sitting President from power.
Don't say it is because the President would launch a nuclear attack, because you are announcing your idiocy. Fact check, this President is the first in 40+ years not to start a major conflict with another country. Killing an enemy combatant of another country in Iraq, a warzone created two Presidents ago, is not starting a conflict. Instead, this President actually signed real peace accords in the Middle East and attempted to end wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He would have succeeded if not for questionable behavior within the Department of Defense to "resist" his lawful orders.
The House will hold its second sham impeachment. It won't go anywhere before the President peacefully steps down from office, and then we will see who is destroying our Constitution. You guys should hope a President Biden shows restraint, although he will have no power over an Impeachment preceding of his predecessor; if Congress continues its attempt to usurp power.
Joe is at home in his basement telling Jill he wants to run for President after his current senate term expires.
I can't think of anything more legally moot than convicting and removing a person who no longer holds the office he is supposedly being removed from.
I look forward to thirty rears from now when President Chelsea Clinton has Trump's body exhumed and put on trial for conspiring with Russia to steal the 2016 election from her mother.
It's not so much that Althouse forces her readers to read the words of Jennifer Rubin, but the fact she finds them so noteworthy she blogs them on a consistent basis.
Re: ELC:
@Vance, Michael K, Gahrie. "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law." U.S. Cons. Art. I, Sec. 3, Cl. 7.
Not sure the purpose of this quote and emphasis, but the case of Alcee Hastings is illustrative. Federal judges are considered civil officers, for purposes of impeachment under the Constitution. Hastings' impeachment and conviction disqualifies him from any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States. But of course, he's a longtime sitting US congressman, first elected after his conviction, so the House has evidently taken the position that while a seat in the house does come with monetary compensation (i.e. it would appear to be an office of "profit" in the ordinary sense of the word), it doesn't fall within the scope of the disqualification. I say "evidently" because they could always vote to expel him (although that requires a vote of 2/3rds) and they have not.
I suppose one could argue that the presidency and vice presidency are offices of "honor" and "trust" but that a seat in the House is not, but I think the simplest and most consistent interpretation of the disqualification provision is that the elected offices simply aren't offices of honour, trust, or profit. Appointed offices -- cabinet positions, judgeships, executive branch civil service offices -- are what is meant. So if convicted, Trump couldn't be appointed ambassador or whatever, but he could still become President (in the unlikely event that he runs and wins in 2024).
Aside from the rest of it she is uninformed about future office I believe. Seth Barrett Tillman had good posts on the kinds of offices “under” the United States and elective offices aren’t among them. Albee Hastings was impeached, removed, and elected to Congress for example.
A Guy Benson (Fox News Channel) Tweet:
Guy Benson
I can confirm this.
I spoke with a GOP member moments ago, asking if it is true that there are House Republicans who favor impeachment but fear for their lives/physical safety if they follow through with that vote.
Answer: “Yes.”
Members of Congress, fearful for their personal safety, over a House vote. Their fear is from threats by supporters of the President.
If the President doesn't speak out about this, there cannot be any serious doubt about his unfitness for office.
Re: Quaestor:
Banana Biden should be our term of endearment for the incoming El Presidente por Vida. A banana republic needs a Top Banana.
The Top Banana, in this analogy, would be Jeff Bezos (or pick your oligarch of choice). El Presidente is just a figurehead.
cast off the deadwood
The literal translation of that and Rubin's most fervent wish I guess is that the Republicans must commit political suicide. Any form of Republican party that doesn't include Trump's populism is dead in the water. 10% Never Trumpers 40% Ever Trumpers. An elephant never forgets.
Kick a Senator from Texas out of the Senate without just cause and see what happens.
mockturtle said...The Left has gone insane. TDS is more than just a syndrome now, it's a full-blown psychosis. Far more widespread, contagious and insidious than COVID-19 and with no cure in sight.
I cannot disagree more. This is a well planned and well thought out attack on:
1. The Republican Party;
2. The Rule of Law and;
3. The Overton Window.
There is no downside for Pelosi and Schumer. When it fails, it will be forgotten. In the meantime, Republican squishes will be primaried in 2022. Upstarts like Trump will be terrified of the consequences and political dialogue will follow mob psychology rather than logic or rule of law.
It is a winner for our Brave New World!
"If the President doesn't speak out about this, there cannot be any serious doubt about his unfitness for office."
If the President doesn't speak out about a completely unsubstantiated rumor about something someone else may have said there cannot be any serious doubt about his unfitness for office?
Sounds reasonable.
El Presidente is just a figurehead.
Not true.
He's the driving force behind the success of Barstool.
"There is no downside for Pelosi and Schumer."
Oh, yes there is.
Tree of Liberty and such.
exhelodrvr1 said...
Joe Biden is being normal.
1/13/21, 1:36 PM
Yep, he is SUCH a uniter! Encouraging the Dems to impeach Trump, oh and that was not Biden calling half the country traitors for failing to not see him steel an election.
The comic thing about Chuck's quote is it's such a blatant and clumsy bit of narrative-crafting. When impeachment lays an egg in the Senate it will be because Republicans "feared for their lives".
I assume your question about Biden is ironic.
Biden is not going to stop this. This is the culmination of a 50 year career in going along to get along. He's hoping for a double helping of applesauce tonight.
brainslug has starved on jen rubin, you couldn't write a more pitiful tale, and make it believable, jamie raskin of the peanut gallery, is the son of mark raskin, the key soviet front group into the 80s,
james mccgovern, was meeting with colombian guerillas around 2008, the ones who shoot policemen who take down electrical towers,
one could argue that the presidency and vice presidency are offices of "honor" and "trust" but that a seat in the House is not
Is it possible that they'd be willing to throw Alcee Hastings overboard in the name of preventing Trump from ever running for president again? Is their fear of Trump 2024 so great that they'd be willing to narrow their slim margin further?
I noted last night who will be captain pike's personnel chief, he was employed by a chinese intelligence front, masquerading as a thinktank,
gilbar said...
serious question
WHY are the dem's paying attention to President Trump, now?
For years in the UK the Labour Party reviled what they called the "White Van Man". The "White Van Man" was generally a White, lower-middle or working class tradesman or small businessman who owned a small panel van that he used daily in his business. The "White Van Man" invariably voted against Labour and had one ability that rendered him truly deadly in a political sense; the ability to self-organize. The "White Van Man" was a major force in Brexit.
Trump is inordinately popular with the US version of the "White Van Man". He has historically been able to draw large crowds to his rallies and still has a huge following despite his loss in the last election. No Democrat can do what he does. A lot of people will point at Antifa/BLM, but they are not at the command of the Democrat Party, they are their own movement that the Democrats have foolish made common cause with.
The Dems want to politically neuter Trump so that he can't run again in 2024 or be a kingmaker for the GOP. He is very dangerous to them at this point, and will be even more dangerous once he returns to being a private citizen.
So what is the current over/under on how long kneepads will wait before ousting bad-touch Biden?
What type of fight will Doctor of Education Jill Biden be able to put up?
"I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?
Trying to remember not to piss in the garbage can.
If Jennifer Rubin were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her.
It's interesting that Chuckles thinks we should hold Trump to a standard that neither Obama nor Hillary met. Indeed, those two unrepentant Leftists not only didn't meet Chuckle's standards, they went whole hog in the opposite direction, cooking up the Russia Collusion hoax and facilitating (with the help of the FBI and CIA) in an attempt to get Trump removed from office over it.
And please do note that Chuckie went along with the Obama/Clinton/Clapper/Comey Russia Collusion Coup. Probably still believes every word of the Steele dossier to this day.
If Jennifer Rubin were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her.
I would.
I trust nothing from the WaPoo.
one could argue that the presidency and vice presidency are offices of "honor" and "trust" but that a seat in the House is not
Not necessary. A second vote is needed, after the Senate convicts on impeachment, to bar someone impeached from holding office again. The two votes even have different rules. Conviction requires a two-thirds majority, and barring from office only requires a simple majority. They never held the separate vote of Hastings. I believe they've only done it three times, and those involved former Confederate officials.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent, we've been asked to ignore C****. Please cooperate with the blog administrator.
It never ceases to amaze me how NeverTrumpers believe they can somehow persuade Trump supporters by insulting them and behaving like jackals.
This is what every group of extremists do. They figure if they hammer the square peg hard enough, the round hole will finally say, "You're right, I'm square."
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed, we've been asked to ignore C****. Please cooperate with the blog administrator.
C U Next Tuesday, Jennie.
"If the President doesn't speak out about this, there cannot be any serious doubt about his unfitness for office."
You guys just "elected" a guy as president who hid out in his basement for six months so he wouldn't have to answer questions.
Joe Biden???? Ann, Slow Joe is just window dressing... Democrats will get rid of him when convenient. He is a puppet.
I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?
Joe Biden is the one person in America who should refrain from telling Congress how to do its job.
"If Jennifer Rubin were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her.
I would."
Well, OK, I might, too, after giving it some thought for, oh, about 20 minutes.
I hear Wikileaks dropped the Shewolf's emails:
Keep hitting the upper left corner ellipses to go back to get more
In the sink, not the garbage can..
The Dems want to politically neuter Trump so that he can't run again in 2024 or be a kingmaker for the GOP. He is very dangerous to them at this point, and will be even more dangerous once he returns to being a private citizen.
Yes, they are so afraid of him that they are making mistakes that will hurt them badly down the line. Assuming, of course, we ever have another election.
"The Cracker Emcee Refulgent, we've been asked to ignore C****. Please cooperate with the blog administrator."
Chuck sometimes, unintentionally, provides value. In this case, a crystalline example of how phony narratives are floated and pushed.
“I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?“
Looking for a napkin to wipe his chin?
Gahrie said...
If Jennifer Rubin were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her.
I would.
1/13/21, 3:16 PM
But not the parts actually on fire?
Bob Smith said...
Looking for a napkin to wipe his chin?
Shouldn't be hard to find, I bet Kamala knows where one would be.
Gahrie said...
If Jennifer Rubin were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her.
I would.
1/13/21, 3:16 PM
But not the parts actually on fire?
President elect Lachey. The first President elected by equitable doctrine.
"Yancey Ward said...
"If Jennifer Rubin were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her."
What if she weren't on fire, would you then?
What if she weren't on fire, would you then?
Better question.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
"C**** sometimes, unintentionally, provides value. In this case, a crystalline example of how phony narratives are floated and pushed."
That's beside the point. The lady has asked us to ignore a commenter who is causing her a problem.
And I ask you a second time to cooperate with her request.
It's not hard. Just scroll past without reading.
I hope every Vichy Republican gets voted out of office in 2022.
Turns out Rodney King was the greatest of philosophers...
Who'da thought?
"Where is he in all of this anyway?"
Having his handlers change his Depends
Rabel - Thanks for that note. I missed the memo, must have scrolled past it somewhere. Much obliged.
"But not the parts actually on fire?"
Not enough to put it out, anyway.
"It's not hard. Just scroll past without reading."
Click to the right of the name and it collapses the comment. Makes it easier to skip over.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States:
Need a constitutional lawyer to define words.
I have seen an explanation the "office of honor, Trust or Profit", excludes elected office. Refers to political appointments.
This makes sense to me IF you understand why impeachment exists and who is eligible to be impeached. I may have missed one, but I see Judges and President.
Judges serve for life. The people can't remove them, so the people through their elected representatives have a pathway to remove an unfit judge.
President. With the unchecked power of the President, and a long 4 year term, and separation of powers preventing Congress from checking him. So impeachment was structured as a POLITICAL remedy. The check on Congress is voters will speak in less than two years to "check" a renegade congress.
The important thing to realize is, The PEOPLE are the ones impeaching a president for his actions. So why would there need to be a constitutional restriction on who the PEOPLE can elect in the future?
If impeachment is done to advance the will of the people, the will of the people will speak at the ballot box to reject an impeached President. If the President is impeached and re-elected that is the proof the POLITICAL impeachment was not done to advance the will of the people and the PEOPLE at the ballot box are a check on a renegade congress.
But again we need help with constitutional definitions of words.
“I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?”
“Antifa is an idea” Joe? He’s in his basement while the Obots who will be running the country are planning future purges: Trump supporters, Constitutionalists, the NRA and gun owners, Christians, Pro-lifers, you know, the things.
So we're not only two countries now, but we have two languages as well? It was hard for me to figure out what the snippet was saying until I realized that it was by Jen Rubin and all the many pejorative terms ("seditious," "moral, decent" "pro-democracy") needed to be turned around for it to make sense.
Do you see the contradiction in Rubin's article? Cruz and Hawley aren't just to be censored. They are to be expelled. Jen complains about those "who tried to deny voters the president and vice president they chose" but she wants to deny Texas and Missouri the senators they chose.
I guess for Jen and for Mona Charen (who I used to like) Trump and his voters are the "mean girls" who used to tease them in school. That would explain a lot of what they say. Same thing for Bill Kristol.
"Can't we all just get along?"
Paul Giamatti was the best part of that movie.
"The Dems want to politically neuter Trump so that he can't run again in 2024 or be a kingmaker for the GOP. "
Thought experiment:
Who fears a candidate who lost his last re-election campaign?
Answer: nobody
So, want to know if hte Dems stole the 2020 Presidential election? Look at how desperate they are to drive him away.
That's not something they would do, if they thought they'd beaten him
"If Jennifer Rubin were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her."
Hunter Biden did. Tom Arnold has the tape.
Jennifer Rubin has transformed herself from [sham] Republican to Democrat to fascist. Quite an accomplishment. She has earned herself an all expense paid vacation to tar-and-feather land.
Rubin fed my Romney hopes...and all her promises were lies. I felt so betrayed.
What if they convict Trump and he says fuck you I'm running anyway? The Supreme Court or Congress or whover the hell wants to can say he's not eligible, but since the Constitution and the laws of the land are now Calvinball Trump can do whatever the hell he wants. What if there are 75 Million write-in votes for Trump, 40 Million votes for Harris and 25 Million votes for Mitt Romney?
I would expect the Supremes to punt on the question in any event. This is Roberts world, where there are no Rules of Order.
Re: Gahrie:
Huh, I didn't realise Congress didn't vote to disqualify Hastings. I guess if he were nominated as a federal judge again, though, future Congress could have just blocked him on the obvious grounds, so maybe no need?
Meanwhile, take note of Rubin's authoritarian delusions.
Re: Greg the class traitor:
Who fears a candidate who lost his last re-election campaign?
I think you underestimate the degree to which this is just a primal scream of rage by the privileged classes. I think Trump is going to go down in history like Domitian: mostly good for the poor and the soldiery, but his constantly antagonising Senators, plutocrats, and the kind of people who write history meant he got a damnatio memoriae. There are a lot of people in DC for whom Trump's election upended their entire view of how things were supposed to work. They don't give a shit about Biden or whether impeachment totally overshadows his first month in office. The election didn't give them the kind of repudiation of Trump they were dreaming of, so now it's this impeachment as a sad substitute.
The Dems' plan is to use "support" of this "insurrection" - as in, any word uttered in support of the notion that the 2020 election wasn't entirely Kosher, and that it would be appropriate to review the same - as grounds for disqualification from office under the 14th Amendment, which disqualified Confederates from office after the Civil War.
There's a lot of talk about it out there. Rubin undoubtedly hopes - indeed, is salivating at the idea - of Revolutionary Courts issuing banishment decrees.
BTW . . . as I understand it, WaPo no longer engages in the charade of advertising Rubin as a "conservative."
She's been a full-blown, left wing authoritarian hack incapable of coherence for at least the last two-three years.
The Brits dug up poor Cromwell and tried his corpse and executed him again, so I guess that is their precedent here.
Back in 2018, I wrote to Jennifer Rubin the following email (the issue was Trump, about whom she was ranting; the Rachel mentioned was an old school friend of mine, sister of John Podhoretz and wife of Elliott Abrams):
July 2, 2018
Dear Ms. Rubin:
You and I had a couple of exchanges of email back when Rachel Decter Abrams died--I had gone to St. John's College with her and had known her pretty well in our long-ago youth.
I have no idea what Rachel would say about your current political posture, but I must say I have found it very disturbing--and then some.
Or, as John Podhoretz commented recently in a tweet (not his exact words), "the conversion is complete."
This is what the hysterical Ms Rubin responded:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Rubin
To: 'XXX'
Sent: Mon, Jul 2, 2018 10:42 am
Subject: RE: Trump
Well then you have no idea who I am. You are hereby BL:OCKED
As you can see, punctuation is not her strong suit, any more than rational thinking. What an insufferable hag she is.
"What if they convict Trump and he says fuck you I'm running anyway?"
Here's how I think he should go out:
Show up at the inauguration.
He will be booed, hissed, and catcalled mercilessly.
Stand there and take it all in.
Step up to the microphone and say 'Love trumps hate, and I love you all.'
Walk away.
Nice way to go, I think.
Biden is looking forward to impeachment.
"Who fears a candidate who lost his last re-election campaign?"
True when the candidate was clearly defeated. But, let's face it, most of America knows this was a fraudulent election. 40% care, but most know. Which is why they're desperate not to talk about it.
Once Trump is out of office though, that scab is going to get picked. A lot.
I think all of these fascinating legal questions (can Trump be barred from office, is he really guilty of "insurrection" or something else) really should be hashed out over about 22 months, requiring the full Senate's full attention.
Sorry about filling your cabinet, slow joe.
Someone above posted the procedure for drawing and quartering as punishment for sedition. It's what the Brits did to Willam Wallace.
Trump is our William Wallace; the Establishment would have him drawn and quartered if they could. Like Clarence Thomas "high-tech lynching," they are attempting a "high tech drawing and quartering". As a warning to others who might be so inclined, and to show his followers who is really in charge.
Blogger The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
"Who fears a candidate who lost his last re-election campaign?"
True when the candidate was clearly defeated. But, let's face it, most of America knows this was a fraudulent election. 40% care, but most know. Which is why they're desperate not to talk about it.
Once Trump is out of office though, that s
cab is going to get picked. A lot.
Oh yes. I have wondered a bit about that.
Have we ever had an ex-president who was as rich as Trump? Of course, the Obamas and Clintons got their loot in office and from happy crony capitalists, not from working at anything.
It will be interesting to see what he does. All the fantasy about prosecuting him will collapse as long as he avoids DC juries.
Interesting speculation at Ricochet that Biden will appoint Sullivan (Flynn's persecutor) to Garland's seat on the Appeals court. Reward ?
Yeah, Republicans senators may be starved of funding in 2022 by voting no. They will be starved of voters for voting yes.
"Who fears a candidate who lost his last re-election campaign?"
Is there just ONE Trump loyalist buried deep inside the intelligence community that is willing to leak telling documents over the next few years?
It would be interesting.
Trump needs to declassify a few hundred pages of intel before the leaves.
boatbuilder said...
Trump is our William Wallace;
Which, of Course, raises the interesting questions
WHO will be our Robert the Bruce?
Where will be our Bannockburn?
Scots Wha Hae wi' Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led;
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to victory!
Now's the day, and now's the hour;
See the front o' battle lour;
See approach proud Edward's power—
Chains and slavery!
Wha will be a traitor knave?
Wha can fill a coward's grave!
Wha sae base as be a slave?
Let him turn and flee!
Wha for Scotland's king and law
Freedom's sword will strongly draw,
Freeman stand, or freeman fa',
Let him follow me!
By oppression's woes and pains!
By your sons in servile chains!
We will drain our dearest veins,
But they shall be free!
Lay the proud usurpers low!
Tyrants fall in every foe!
Liberty's in every blow!—
Let us do or die!
Joe is not mentally capable of making an inauguration speech.
So we need a distraction.
A BIG distraction.
That is all.
Althouse, here is a folksy phrase you might find interesting:
"When they cool down in the same skins they got hot in"
Courtesy of Robertson Davies. I think it is Canadian,maybe Scottish-Canadian.
Using potatoes as a metaphor, I believe.
Are you fond of Robertson Davies?
Gilbar: Enjoyed the poem but it does sound rather...threatening. ;-)
Ann Althouse observed and asked:
"Me, I liked Mike Pence's letter rejecting the use of the 25th Amendment. He set the tone I like to hear. Maturity, moderation, future-looking optimism, order, working together.... I wish Joe Biden would say something like that. Where is he in all of this anyway?"
Thing One: Pence has been the model of class, even when Trump was trying to strong-arm him
Thing Two: Old Catholic Joe is sleeping while other people tweet horse-hockey for his Twitter account
You never asked where Joe was when he hid in the basement instead of campaigning. Hell, he had the media doing his campaigning for they will run the country for him.
All this talk of sedition and insurrection is just a combination of Democrat paranoia and Democrat self-justification. It's obvious that the Democrats were rattled by what happened on Jan 6, but what really happened? A bunch of yahoos... a very small percentage of a very large crowd... got into the Capital and mostly behaved immaturely with a few bad actors in terms of property destruction. There was no great insurrection, and the worst thing was the shooting of an unarmed woman who was not posing an imminent threat of death or grave bodily injury to anyone, she was stupidly and irresponsibly caught up in the moment. I think that the size of the crowd in DC that wasn't Astro-turfed (Dems have to pay, and bus in their protestors, while this was organic), combined with the fact they engaged in direct action that is supposed to be the sole province of the Left, scared a lot of Democrats who keep thinking that most of the country agrees with them and that their political opponents are patsies and idiots and there will never be any consequences for Democrat perfidity. So, now they've Emmanual-Goldsteined Trump who is always deserving of yet another two minute hate, they've invented a secret conspiratorial cabal of reactionary Qanon diabolical super-hater terrorists that threaten America, and now they feel justified to go after political opponents with the full force of law enforcement and criminal justice to ensure that they are never scared again.
We are being gaslighted into believing that the 2020 election irregularities never happened, that Biden who could never draw a crowd and who insulted minorities at almost every turn got more votes than Obama against a Republican with historic minority support, that the BLM/Antifa riots were mostly people and besides there is no such thing as 'Antifa' but Qanon poses an existential threat to America and so Trump supporters must be dealt with harshly. I fear for the Republic. This is like The Phantom Menace. What's next... the clone army?
These people all seem to overlook the fact that 75 million people voted for Trump and that included over 90% of Republicans. A party without a base is a party extinct.
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