He did it. He left the White House.
AND: "We will be back — in some form.... Have a good life. We will see you soon."
He walked up to that last stage to the tune of "Hail to the Chief" and walked off to "YMCA."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»I just have to avoid the news today. Biden is becoming president and I'll wait and see how that goes. But I can't stand the fawning reporting of it. The NYT editors tweeting they have chills watching his plane land, or David Chilian on CNN saying the lights at the reflecting pool look like Joe Biden's arms reaching out to embrace America.
As soon as Trump leaves...the TV is going off. I don't care about China Joe being President. Let it fall.....God Bless America, and God Bless President Trump.
Just remember...at 12:01 pm....any Covid Death in America is Joe Bidens fault. That's how the game is played, right??
Yep. Watched the Marine One take off. And the TV is now shut off. Onward and upward.
I don't usually care about the transition from one President to the next. This one feels like a gut punch. It just still feels wrong. And I'm not sure me, or 74 million others, will get over it easily.
As Biden said, his handlers will be handlers for all Americans, not just the ones that voted for him.
wendybar said...
Just remember...at 12:01 pm....any Covid Death in America is Joe Bidens fault. That's how the game is played, right??
No, silly. At 12:01 pm, the COVID deaths will stop being counted at all. THAT's how the game is played.
I haven't felt like this since the NVA marched into Saigon. I was sickened that the B*st*rds had finally won, and I was not thinking of the ones in Hanoi.
Trump did his best, as promised, to stand up for the "forgotten man". He took on the Deep State head on for all of us.
Now the Susan Rice administration will start cancelling, and hunting the forgotten man.
Scott Adams on biden's accomplishments"
Scott Adams
Jan 18
So far, Biden has refused to halt a divisive impeachment, questioned the loyalty of the troops, sparked an immigration crisis, and surrender to China via energy policy. He hasn’t even started yet.’
Chief Justice Roberts will be able to survey his handiwork today, with the razor wire and fences and Biden-loyal troops.
Time to re-read Barbara Olson's book Final Days about the last days of the Clinton administration to refresh my memory about how the Clintons behaved, and the many people (including scumbags) that Clinton gave pardons to, during his final days in office because you won't hear about any of that on the news.
NYT editors tweeting
Well, ya made me look....
New York Times Opinion Retweeted
Thomas Edsall
"Joe Biden Is About to Find Out What’s Left of America"
A reply had "The following media includes potentially sensitive content" = the Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun".
who is going to win the fight to clean up our fraud-filled vote system?
How long will it take the house organ for the Corruptocrat Party (wapo) to change their DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS
4 year tantrum slogan?
When Does Biden get the Nobel Prize?
This month or next?
Watching Melanias parting words. Listen to the President and then the TV and radio is off for the rest of the day (may catch up on the last couple of days of Big10 basketball)
Trump should have embraced the interregnum much earlier.
His sense of service and loyalty likely trumped his sense of Sun Tzu.
All the pearl clutching lefties who claimed he would have to be dragged out of the White House have been wrong about EVERYTHING. WHERE is the Nuclear war?? Where ARE the wars?? You people are so gullible, you just put in a man who will bring them all back for you. Congratulations suckers. Enjoy the downfall.
Starting with a war against American citizens.
Even though there were no people, the nighttime pictures of the mall with thousands of flags arranged in lines with illuminated monuments in the background had a real Nuremberg Rally feel to them.
"I'll be back"
He did it. He left the White House.
Why would this even enter your mind?
Yet another false meme perpetrated by the media who aren't held accountable for their statements.
I'm not nearly as sad about Trump leaving as I am apprehensive about what befalls this country under it's new "leadership".
In the end, Trump caved to the swamp. They remain undefeated.
The Washington Post in their latest attempt to get me to subscribe to their paper wanted me to help them with their work, for only $29.00. Yeah, their work is badmouthing Republicans and fawning over the crooked liberal Democrats.
Shock and Awe begin at noon. Biden’s owners have had four years (and more) to prepare for this moment. They are not going to waste it. As when the panzers broke through the French front in 1940, the Progs will pursue and crush any remaining resistance, seize all nerve centers and consolidate control before a confused populace can understand what is really happening.
Yeah, I'm done with people on both sides claiming the President won't leave office.
I hear it is so dangerous in DC right now that they are demanding the military show fealty to the Democrat Party. I guess the US Pledge of Allegiance is no longer accepted.
OK, this is awkward.
The Donald Trump that the liberals know is just a self-invented narrative they choose to believe.
"He did it. He left the White House."
Did any sane person sincerely doubt this? Emphasis on the two "s" words.
FLOTUS wearing black.
Trump was defeated by his own bureaucracy.
For a guy who considered running for president for decades, he never built a retinue of loyalists to place in key positions in the agencies.
From a policy standpoint, he was a minor miracle of common sense and pragmatism.
I learned an ugly lesson here. Your CEO must be the best bureaucratic game player in the room.
Trump was constantly snookered by his own bureaucracy, starting with Comey on day one.
I’d like for reality to be different, but it isn’t.
"Watching Melanias parting words."
Even money says she plagiarized them from somebody.
To see how the press is going to cover the this administration, here's what the New York Post posted last night:
Kamala Harris' style is ushering in a new generation of power dressing
My wife listens to CNN in the background while she dresses for work. Before I cleared the area, I heard a correspondent say that there is "a new tone in Washington".
Put away the brickbats, one of ours is in the White House. Commence with the tongue baths.
I really don't understand how people can eat up this propaganda and not vomit.
Trump was constantly snookered by his own bureaucracy, starting with Comey on day one.
He fired Gen. Flynn, trusting Sally Yates over his own loyalists.
Shouting Thomas @ 7:55: exactly. Gulliver undone by Lilliputians.
Poisonous shrunken creatures.
There is no way you can use the word "reality" without quotation marks around it.
I thought that was Nabokov, but some sources say Joseph Campbell. I never trusted Nabokov with little girls, but it's too early in the morning to hear CNN pontificating wall to wall about "reality." What are they going to do without Trump, and how do they have any audience at all after four years of telling the world what "reality" really is 24/7?
Mutaman said...
"Watching Melanias parting words."
Even money says she plagiarized them from somebody.
1/20/21, 7:56 AM
Just wait until you get a load of Joes plagiarized speech...How many has he been caught doing again?? Caught...is the key word. Although it seems he already plagiarized Trumps corona virus ideas
Biden and Harris are already being compared to God. Politics ARE the Regressives religion after-all....https://www.weaselzippers.us/462919-msnbc-analyst-compares-biden-and-harris-to-god/
Shock and Awe begin at noon. Biden’s owners have had four years (and more) to prepare for this moment. They are not going to waste it.
Govern like ya stole it!!!
I can just feel the rainbows and unicorns breaking out all over
Really???? People are surprised that Trump left the White House? Who in their right mind thought that he would not?
Boo Hoo...all their juicy fantasies of frog marching Trump out of the White House, dragging him out in cuffs are blown to smithereens.
OH...BTW---->Harbinger of things to come. Two of our regional banks have ceased to offer fixed rate 30 yr mortgages at the current low rates. They are only offering variable rates with no caps or restrictions on how the rate can change. (Maybe on 15 yr terms as well)
This means that they KNOW that interest rates and inflation are going to skyrocket under the O'Biden socialist regime and they don't want to get caught with a subpar, low rate, long term loan portfolio.
Hang on to your knickers!!! Get ready. It is going to get ugly in your portfolios IRAs 401Ks.
He flies away from his disastrous term leaving behind the carnage that has resulted from his incompetence and lies: 400,000 deaths from COVID-19, a botched roll out of the vaccines, and an army that has to occupy WAshington DC because his grand lie inspired a riot that just missed harming Vice President Pence by minutes. in contrast Biden and members of congress start the day in prayer at church getting ready to steer a steady course.
wendybar said...
Just remember...at 12:01 pm....any Covid Death in America is Joe Bidens fault. That's how the game is played, right??
Just like the Hairy Cheeto takes credit for Obama's economic growth, Biden should take credit for the four hundred thousand that died of the Trump virus.
Blogger CWJ said...
"He did it. He left the White House."
"Did any sane person sincerely doubt this? Emphasis on the two "s" words."
I thought that meme was more leftist wishcasting. Trump is a player. He plays the long game. He knows that he is now the republican party. If you want to run as a republican you'll have to go through him.He has a lot more to do.
This is probably the least significant moment imaginable. Women always get it backwards.
People are surprised that Trump left the White House? Who in their right mind thought that he would not?
Well, quite a few commenters on this thread for one. Of course, you did specify "in their right minds". I'm not sure that applies to Qwinn, Achilles, Shouting Thomas, et. al.-- or even you (the financial advisor who pretends she doesn't know how a progressive income tax works) for that matter.
This means that they KNOW that interest rates and inflation are going to skyrocket under the O'Biden socialist regime and they don't want to get caught with a subpar, low rate, long term loan portfolio.
They don't know anything. They're just transferring the risk to you.
If they knew, they'd short Treasuries.
Maybe now people will see how great Trump's policies were.
Thank goodness, he’s gone.
Obama's economic growth with all those billions spent on unions instead of the shovel ready jobs that weren't shovel ready?
Shouting Thomas said….For a guy who considered running for president for decades, he never built a retinue of loyalists to place in key positions in the agencies.
I understand realpolitik, but Trump built a loyal following of 75 million plus voters that handed him a massive election victory. In theory we’re supposed to be in charge, but the 2020 election fraud solidified the reality that we’re not. Now we are “domestic terrorists” for pretending we were.
Trump didn’t sell his soul. With Biden, everything is for sale; even his soul. Today we install an un-elected ruler whose realpolitik loyalists will control him, our military, and many more aspects of our lives and diminishing freedoms.
It was nice to have a President, who kept us out of war. Washington D.C. hated him for it.
Matthew 16:26 “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”
I heard a correspondent say that there is "a new tone in Washington".
I heard Bret Baier say Biden ran a campaign based on empathy.
Changed the channel when he came on ever since.
I hope all that "last time" "never again" stuff doesn't end up in a YouTube compilation a few years from now.
the Chi Com covid deaths are because the virus was unleashed on the world by the Chi Coms.
to blame any American is a leftist ploy.
God, how quick they are! I'm just trying to remind how human you are. Maybe that's a projection - a drunk always projects - not vomit, but serious ideas - For instance, poetry is very simple, a tingle there, a tinfgle here, but the ideas behind might be rudely obverse?
Trump was not responsible for 400,000 virus deaths. The Chinese were.
roesch is really malevolent dummy. He’s repeating CCP propaganda, disseminated by the Democrats, that it was racist to blame the Chinese for what they actually did.
This roesch guy is really a stooge.
Biden is a thug, a guy with a long history of being a Democratic Party hit man. The notion of Democrats gathering to pray is laughable. The Democratic Party is engaged in a war against orthodox Christians and Jews.
MayBee said...
Maybe now people will see how great Trump's policies were.
Every single one of them will be undone in record time. Middle-East peace has a chance if nations unite to stand up against the democrat war machine.
I understand realpolitik, but Trump built a loyal following of 75 million plus voters that handed him a massive election victory.
No he didn't. And if it wasn't for the archaic electoral college, it wouldn't haven't have even been close.
Get over it.
Shorter R/V.
Try the veal and don't forget to tip your waitress. I'll be here all week.
Middle-East peace has a chance if nations unite to stand up against the democrat war machine.
You can repeat the "democrat war machine" nonsense as much as you want, but the middle east wars we have fought since the first Gulf War have been initiated by Republicans. Trump has supported Saudi Arabia in the genocidal war in Yemen.
I understand realpolitik, but Trump built a loyal following of 75 million plus voters that handed him a massive election victory.
And the bureaucracy cleverly snookered him out of that massive election victory.
A CEO’s first job is to control and direct the federal bureaucracy.
It’s a mystery to me how Trump failed to recognize and defeat the unconstitutional last minute mail-in ballot laws. All I can figure is that he didn’t have a sufficient organization reach in key states to know what was going on and to defeat the fraud.
So, that’s on him, too.
Wendybar, lefties do not even blame Obama for the deaths in Iraq or Afghanistan under his terms.
This should not be happening. Such a disgrace is our election system. No way to be certain from either side how many legal votes were cast and for whom. We were living under a mirage of competency when it was anything but. Now that we know, what can we do? Who will lead us from this place? Certainly not the soon-to-be P/VP.
No he didn't. And if it wasn't for the archaic electoral college, it wouldn't haven't have even been close.
Get over it.
80 to 75 million is close. It's almost 1/2 of the registered voters of the country. As for the electoral college - I don't want wackos like you and the ones who live in California, New York, Illinois and Massachusetts to have that much power over the rest of us. You've proven that you're all unhinged to the point of dangerous.
Long live the Electoral College.
My mum had this same thing at this same time - you know, so much pain you can't cope with it- so you do - by drinking - stupid
Inga@ 8:17: Stated with your customary grace and charity. You’re a good winner.
"who is going to win the fight to clean up our fraud-filled vote system?"
The Democrats will as soon as they ram through HR 1 - The For the People Act. Takes every bad, fraudulent practice from the recent election and makes it national law for all Federal elections: unrestricted mail-in voting, no requirement for photo id, creating registered voters automatically from any government data base (driver's licenses, tax rolls, jury lists, etc.) without audits, etc. It even seeks to overturn by legislation the Citizens United decision. It is a really stunning piece of crap.
Say goodbye to fair and honest elections forever.
People didn't vote for Biden. They voted for Not Trump. Now Biden has to be Not Trump. We'll see how that works out. Overturning all of the policies that worked. Biden likes to start wars. Where will the next one be?
I’m going to do my best not to spend the next four years shitting my pants, screeching like a loon and lying my ass off the way Inga did over Trump.
It took the country 150 years to realize that Reconstruction (1865-1877) might actually have been a good thing. Now Pelosi and Biden's cheap imitation might make people rethink that.
Inauguration Scene:
"With crowds like this, you can't say Biden stole the election."
"No, you can't say Biden stole the election."
"No, you literally can't say Biden stole the election."
Althouse Blog was a great place from which to observe the Trump presidency.
Trump kept that haranguing lying corrupt money grubbing money whore - who blamed her husband's sexual affair with a young intern on "the vast right wing conspiracy" and her own loss to "Putin and Russia" - all while she set up a private server to hide her secret Uranium deals FROM RUSSIA that filled her family foundation coffers... all while she hired fraud Christopher Steel to crate the very chi-com Maddow Russia Russia lies and mis-information used to harass Trump.
Hillary - you bitch - you will NEVER. BE. OUR. PRESIDENT.
Now we get Corrupt Biden. and I agree with what ST said above @ 7:55.
Trump did a lot of good, but he didn't drain the swamp and he never really learned the game and he tripped over his own dick one too many times.
Thanks, Professor!
"We will be back — in some form" - does Trump intend to haunt the place?
My wife and I are thankful for all the good President Trump has done, and there has been a lot of it. We also anticipate Biden-Cackles will work hard to help Americans appreciate and miss Trump and his administration.
Th ese words from Daniel Greenfield caught my attention this morning...
“D.C. isn't under military guard to protect our government, but a partisan political agenda. The Democrats didn't want troops in D.C. when their own were rioting during President Trump's inauguration or violently attacking the White House. They don't need 25,000 troops to stop a few hundred protesters. They need them as a show of force to suppress political opposition.
Biden and the Democrats are using a military deployment for a show of political force, using a manufactured crisis to rally support behind their radical agenda, while suppressing dissent...
...America is not a banana republic. There is no place for military theater, lists of enemies, or declaring political opponents to be enemies of the state. The Democrats have already embraced fascism before even formally taking power. Fascists always claim to be seizing power in reaction to an emergency. The manufactured emergency is here. The power grab comes next.“
Apropos of Nothing...City of Boston- Demonstrations being held today:
• No Honeymoon for Biden - Unite Against the Fascists!, 4 - 6 pm, Parkman Bandstand, Boston Common. (Note: the event organizers plan to march to an unknown location.)
• Trump's Out. Biden's In. Still Not Our President!, 5 pm, Government Center. The event organizers plan to march to the State House.
Biden will get Hail to the Thief
Me: This means that they KNOW that interest rates and inflation are going to skyrocket under the O'Biden socialist regime and they don't want to get caught with a subpar, low rate, long term loan portfolio.
rhardin They don't know anything. They're just transferring the risk to you.
True...they don't KNOW. There is no crystal ball. The risk is ALWAYS transferred. At a cost.
You can repeat the "democrat war machine" nonsense as much as you want,..
The Democrat war machine launches at noon today.
As far as the rest of that bullshit you posted, you're not worth the time.
Chinese concern Alibaba ADR shares BABA up 6.5% on market open...
With Biden in charge, it will be an eggplant republic, not a banana republic.
I feel grateful to Trump for the last 4 years. By God, he tried.
Was he perfect? Who is?
He did an amazing job under the circumstances. His accomplishments are real.
He stood alone against a political onslaught like no other President has had to endure.
There is only so much one man alone could do. Tell me, who could have done better?
He approached his job every day with energy and optimism. I think he believed that at bottom, his opponents truly loved their country and it's people and would put that first.
About that, he was wrong.
Nothing Burger: less filling, tastes great.
Jake Tapper can’t say the term “Pro-Trump Terrorists” enough. These people aren’t hiding their plans. Cleanse, de-program, re-educate…. They’re now going to vet the military for “loyalists”. The speech from the DC Mayor yesterday is something I thought I’d never hear. Like the other Pol-Pot terms the left is now tossing around.
People like Inga would roast a marshmallow while cackling over the embers of your smoldering house. There are a lot like her out there.
There is only so much one man alone could do. Tell me, who could have done better?
But, that’s the problem.
He publicly mused on running for president for decades but never developed a retinue of loyalists to man the bureaucracy.
Going solo was his mistake.
Trump actually had a pretty good team going in Thomas he fired them all that was his mistake not listening to the smart people he hired initially and then replacing them with sycophants has bins and opportunists.
It takes dozens of alpha males to run the White House and a weak-minded person like Trump who is full of insecurity cannot stand to be around strong smart men who counter his silly notions.
The domestic terrorist attack at Trump’s inauguration, 4 years ago today
"the lights at the reflecting pool look like Joe Biden's arms reaching out to embrace America."
And then giving her a big sniff.
Jack Posobiac made an eerie prediction yesterday he challenged everyone to screenshot. Basically he predicted we will soon see streaming services (Amazon, Netflix) producing films about hidden suburban Trump domestic terrorists and the good people in the neighborhood who turned them in.
We’ve seen Karen’s call the cops on kids playing in the park. Mask shaming all over America; even ENCOURAGED by Wis Gov Tony Evers. Narcing on your neighbors with too many Thanksgiving cars in the driveway was encouraged in many states with blue Governors.
Doesn’t seem like much of a stretch.
Rehahm observes: also...
Chinese concern Alibaba ADR shares BABA up 6.5% on market open...
Jack Ma emerged after a three-month disappearance. Obviously re-educated, he now has no criticism of the CCP.
"It takes dozens of alpha males to run the White House"
The garbage human beings who make up Trumpistan and their terrorism and general bad behavior are the reason for this grimly locked down Inauguration Day. Of course every MAGA will lie and take no responsibility because that's what they do, it's who they are. They are the enemy (fascists, neoconfederates, neonazis, COVID deniers) and if any try to do more of their attacking, I look forward to the military and police mowing them down with bullets riddling through their bodies and heads.
Unity? Republicans first. We owe them/you NOTHING!!!
As if there were ever any even remote chance that he wouldn't leave the White House.
I believe the judgment of history will be that Donald Trump was a seriously flawed individual who was, however, hard done by and it may difficult, perhaps impossible, to assess which was more significant in determining the course of his presidency or even if those two things can be separated at all.
I predict there will be many books written about Trump for many, many years and he will be viewed as one of the more consequential presidents we've ever had.
But I could be wrong.
I predict there will be many books written about Trump for many, many years and he will be viewed as one of the more consequential presidents we've ever had.
But I could be wrong.
The world has changed so fast, many still think traditional America still lives.
No publisher will be allowed to publish a word that hold Trump in a positive light.
in contrast Biden and members of congress start the day in prayer at church getting ready to steer a steady course.
Hilarious. The abortion sacrament was on the altar, I assume.
he had a few retainers as it were, but they were driven away or coopted, he wasn't allowed his own cabinet, the professionals like tillerson mcmaster et al, were too busy speaking to haberman and her opposite number at the times,
Inga said...Thank goodness, he’s gone.
One hopes that the Bedpan Commando will leave now. However, she will be here to spread stories about pro-Trump domestic terrorists that are sabotaging the Biden/DNC administration. Her inane shrillness will go up as gas prices, inflation and interest rates skyrocket.
The bullshit never ends.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
I understand realpolitik, but Trump built a loyal following of 75 million plus voters that handed him a massive election victory.
No he didn't. And if it wasn't for the archaic electoral college, it wouldn't haven't have even been close.
The Field Marshall is going to explain to us why there are 25,000 troops in DC today.
Rehajm @ 8:52
Indeed. Memory holed by The Party(D) press.
with Biden - we can get back to insiders stuffing their pockets, while the media ignore all of it.
"The world has changed so fast, many still think traditional America still lives.
No publisher will be allowed to publish a word that hold Trump in a positive light.
1/20/21, 9:05 AM"
50 years from now, even 20 years from now? It's easy to stay frozen in the moment but time keeps moving and what seems so significant now, how people and issues are to be judged, it doesn't stay the same. George W Bush, that scourge of humanity, has already been partly rehabilitated and he's only been out of office for 12 years. Reagan as well. I remember how despised he was at one point.
It takes dozens of alpha males to run the White House and a weak-minded person like Trump who is full of insecurity cannot stand to be around strong smart men who counter his silly notions.
Says the soy boy who is fixated on female matters. Tell us how you were an entrepreneur who built tall buildings and became a billionaire.
You have a very active fantasy life, Howard.
Sally - don't delude yourself about Reagan. The left are still trying to stab his corpse, and re-write his history.
"The garbage human beings who make up Trumpistan and their terrorism and general bad behavior are the reason for this grimly locked down Inauguration Day. Of course every MAGA will lie and take no responsibility because that's what they do, it's who they are. They are the enemy (fascists, neoconfederates, neonazis, COVID deniers) and if any try to do more of their attacking, I look forward to the military and police mowing them down with bullets riddling through their bodies and heads.
Unity? Republicans first. We owe them/you NOTHING!!!"
Because, seriously, you can take this attitude towards 75 million people and expect no blowback whatever. Really, nothing. Maybe even, NOTHING!!!
Mikio illustrates why I'm optimistic. The tide starts running the other way today.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
with Biden - we can get back to insiders stuffing their pockets, while the media ignore all of it.
That's rich. Early this morning, Trump signed an order CANCELING his own Executive Order 13770, entitled "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees," which had forbidden former executive branch employees from working as federal government lobbyists for a period of five years after their executive branch service.
It was the one thing that Trump's press people could point to, trying to support the notion that Trump was "draining the swamp" of Washington. Trump just erased it.
in contrast Biden and members of congress start the day in prayer at church getting ready to steer a steady course.
Right off a cliff.
the last wonder woman film, was a underhanded slam at reagan, it was a bomb however, so the esteemable fauci, who farked up the response to aids epidemic, but he was forgiven by larry kramer,
If we had an adversarial media, Joe would be asked if he agreed with President Trump cancelling the order, then he could explain how necessary its for a functioning govt to have its past public servants monetizing their positions
The day will live forever in one picture. 100,000 American flags locked in a barbed wire pen surrounded by 25,000 troops. Biden lifts his right arm in salute and the flags stand in perfect rows. Dr. Richard "Rachel" Levin, in a beautiful dress, leans over for a hair sniff from the "Big Guy"... just like the Nuremberg rally!
Most of the greatest and most powerful men [and women] in history were not team players.
OH...BTW---->Harbinger of things to come. Two of our regional banks have ceased to offer fixed rate 30 yr mortgages at the current low rates. They are only offering variable rates with no caps or restrictions on how the rate can change. (Maybe on 15 yr terms as well)
Sorry if you didn't see my advice.
I leveraged up on all my real estate after the stolen election at low low fix rates.
Transferred cash to offshore bank. Worst thing that happens is I let the banks take the properties.
Best thing that happens is that inflation wipes out that debt and I still have a ton of money. And no, not dollars.
Anyway, if the 30 yr is offered again (I suspect it will be), do the above. You'll be happy you did in 5 years.
Hard as it is for me to accept that Trump was defeated, even if by fraud, I do not think he failed in any important way. He did change the way we look at the world, at politics, at populism. He was, as Shouting Thomas said above, undone in part by his underlings but even there he moved the ball downfield. We on the right now are fully aware of the dark forces within our own ranks. The entire world now sees things that were hidden before.
Trump was a historic president. The effects of that fact will continue to reverberate even within the Biden administration.
"in contrast Biden and members of congress start the day in prayer at church getting ready to steer a steady course."
Hilarious. The abortion sacrament was on the altar, I assume.
Every good left-wing regime has an established Progressive Church to normalize social progress and social justice. On the bright side, their CCP partners have evolved from the Great Leap (i.e. Planned Population) to one-child (i.e. minority choice) to selective-child (i.e. delegated choice) and concentration camps.
One last point: Trump destroyed the Bush legacy. For this I thank him eternally.
Troll = 5 letters
Mikio = 5 letters
Enough said
"The garbage human beings who make up Trumpistan and their terrorism and general bad behavior are the reason for this grimly locked down Inauguration Day. Of course every MAGA will lie and take no responsibility because that's what they do, it's who they are. They are the enemy (fascists, neoconfederates, neonazis, COVID deniers) and if any try to do more of their attacking, I look forward to the military and police mowing them down with bullets riddling through their bodies and heads.
Unity? Republicans first. We owe them/you NOTHING!!!"
Secure in xer belief that xhe is on the correct side of the bent arc of history, this one illustrates the stupidity of the gullible pawns who are used by such as Lenin, Mao, and Hitler. Do continue to contribute your stupidity to your own downfall.
Or xhe could just be trolling for a reaction. Not sure which is worse - a stupid, gullible pawn or a troll.
undone in part by his underlings but even there he moved the ball downfield
Underlings, Democrats. left-of-center Republicans, a conspiratorial "Deep State", a JournoListic Fourth Estate, 17 trimesters of protests, and, of course, overlapping and converging transnational interests that diverge from the American dream: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
"If they knew, they'd short Treasuries."
Can one do that?
We note that Biden apologists refuse to discuss any Biden family corruption.
a clear eyed assessment
Even the LA Times, no more hostile source, could not find Freder's war criminals.
You lefties need to stop eating your own poop.
Does Dementia Joe understand he is the next President or does he still think he was re-elected to the senate?
Trump destroyed the Bush legacy.
Obama, first, with Iraq War 2.0: wars without borders and transnational terrorism.
Trump destroyed Obama's legacy with peace in the Middle East spreading to Africa, confronting progressive prices and availability in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors, educational accountability, urban reform, civil rights (e.g. freedom from spying), human rights (e.g. emigration reform, Pro-Life), standing up to diversity (i.e. color judgments not limited to racism), etc.
as bane said 'but of course' with a personnel chief, who is a part of the chinese intelligence network, this is what losing the Cold War is going to be like,
Takes every bad, fraudulent practice from the recent election and makes it national law for all Federal elections
There has never been a federal election. Thats kind of the point. If the States understood civics they would would take it to a federal judge and get it overturned. Just like Citizens United. That why I don't know how to overcome the Democrat corruption.
I asked a month ago what was the proper way to adrress all the voting fraud, never got an answer. Judges refused to get involved in a Political matter. Because they liked the outcome. Same with reforms. Judges want the corruption. I don't pretend to understand their motivation.
"in contrast Biden and members of congress start the day in prayer at church getting ready to steer a steady course."
Why is this not a harbinger of the theocracy that it would be if Republicans did it?
roesch/voltaire said...
He flies away from his disastrous term leaving behind the carnage that has resulted from his incompetence and lies: 400,000 deaths from COVID-19, a botched roll out of the vaccines, and an army that has to occupy WAshington DC
Again we see the juvenile analysis required to support left wing beliefs. In the US internal executive power is held by Governors. But because the left is only interested in political fallout they will always blame the nearest Republican regardless of reality. This is also why US governance is so pathetic compared to other countries. Because the left accepts no responsibility they never work to improve. At least European countries care about their performance.
Our Covid response has been poor because our states are led by people who value anti-racism posturing more than lives. Pelosi, Cuomo, and De Blasio famously advocated attending Chinese New Year because it was an opportunity to call others racist. Essentially everyone on the left opposed the travel ban again because it was more important to attack others as racist.
Meanwhile the government healthcare systems were largely useless. Their contributions were to mandate LTCFs accept covid positive patients (rather than segregating them) and screwing up the vaccine priority for political reasons. The result has been unnecessary deaths among LTCF populations, slow vaccine rollouts, and some facilities throwing out vaccine because the government threatens financial ruin if their restrictive directives aren't followed.
But instead of understanding these decisions the left blames their scapegoat. Meanwhile two of the people most responsible for increased deaths are are lionized on national media and spoken of as a Presidential candidate (Andrew Cuomo) and promoted to US Assistant Health Secretary responsible for the covid response (Rachel Levine). When you're a Democrat competence simply isn't relevant.
Note that the Dems over-reaction now is an effort to erase their original error in not treating Covid seriously. Compare this to the 25,000 troops, another absurd over-reaction. Each is engaged in not because of the tactical situation but because the over-reaction is consistent with the narrative they want to sell: that Dems were restrictive on Covid and that the June 6 riot is a serious and continuing threat. Their reaction is entirely designed to drive their desired political outcome.
"If they knew, they'd short Treasuries."
Can one do that?
There are plenty of retail ETFs that short Treasuries.
TBF is one, and since it's tied to the long bond, it's most sensitive to interest rate increases (i.e. your short performs better).
Thanks David.
Even the LA Times, no more hostile source, could not find Freder's war criminals.
So, he didn't pardon any yesterday. What is your point?
narciso, Codevilla agrees partly with ST about Trump's failures. I don't agree but he makes a pretty good case. It's a long essay and worth reading.
Personally, I'd like to see interest rates return to normal.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Even the LA Times, no more hostile source, could not find Freder's war criminals.
So, he didn't pardon any yesterday. What is your point?
My point is that you are a poor liar. Where is your list of war criminals, field marshal ?
Best president since Reagan, and in many ways better.
And for all the lefties here, it wasn't because of him, the man.
It was because of his policies of no wars or nation building, energy independence, pushing back on China, trying to curb illegal immigration, etc., etc.
Joe? Kamala? Not my presidents.
R/V, Inga, Freder, and now introducing Mikio Give it up for open mike night.
The only thing President Trump failed at was understanding the determination of his political opponents to defeat him and the depth and breadth of their presence in the government, especially those close to him. I blame political naivete.
Will be watching to see how much of the good Trump accomplished is undone by feckless Joe and his handlers.
I’m going to do my best not to spend the next four years shitting my pants, screeching like a loon and lying my ass off
Why change now?
"So, he didn't pardon any yesterday. What is your point?"
"In the end, Trump caved to the swamp. They remain undefeated."
Caved? No.
Defeated? That's a better word.
One man against a century of embedded corruption and greed.
I think you're asking a bit much.
But at least he exposed it, and a lot more eyes are open.
My point is that you are a poor liar. Where is your list of war criminals, field marshal ?
There you go
"We note that Biden apologists refuse to discuss any Biden family corruption."
Because they are good little Germans.
Think Sgt. Schulz...the 'know nothink!'
Rusty said...
"I thought that meme was more leftist wishcasting. Trump is a player. He plays the long game. He knows that he is now the republican party. If you want to run as a republican you'll have to go through him.He has a lot more to do.
I fear that the RNC will instead resemble yesterday's DNC. But the DNC will have moved so far left that the New Improved RNC will look far-right by comparison.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
We note that Biden apologists refuse to discuss any Biden family corruption.
I can't speak for others, but I'm just here to spike the football today.
Lincoln Project In Disarray After Founder Accused of ‘Grooming’ Young Men for Sex
John Weaver quietly scrubbed from PAC's website, which is currently experiencing technical difficulties
Mutaman at 78:56 AM
Even money says she plagiarized them from somebody.
It will be interesting to see whether Biden's speech today will plagiarize Neil Kinnock.
The Democratic Super PAC, The Lincoln Project, claims to stand for everything right and just in a democratic society. They say the group’s moral fiber is second to none. Well, co-founder John Weaver just proved how the organization is full of hot air by admitting he has inappropriate conversations with minors of the male variety.
The context: During the past week, several men have alleged on social media that Weaver sent them unsolicited and sexually suggestive messages, sometimes coupled with offers of employment or political advancement.
How Hunter Biden-esque
The left's march to stifle and stomp on free speech in America.
Former Bush Guru Mark McKinnon: Talks Underway to “Leach Out the Poison” of Talk Radio
They're already writing stories that admit Biden's decline. His role is over. The only question now, does he continue to play ventriloquist's dummy, or does he shuffle off the stage?
His farewell speech given yesterday, and these remarks were classy and brilliant. Trump has 75 million followers and he'll have to decide what he wants to do. He's 74, so I wonder if he cares enough to make a 2nd Run at the Presidency. Unlike many of his followers, he doesn't seem to bear a grudge against the Deep Staters, RINO Republican's, and back-stabbers like McConnell, Ryan, and Romney.
Its hard to remember with the Constant Media DNC Media barrage, but Trump won in 2020, and got 10 million more votes in 2020, then he did in 2016. He 2/3 of the vote in Pennsylvania on election day. Y'know when REAL PEOPLE showed up and voted. Most people I know, don't understand how Trump was responsible for ANY violence, don't understand why the Republican Establishment let Biden steal the election, or why we need 25,000 Troops in DC to guard our cowardly Senators and Congressmen from non-existent threats.
It will be interesting to see whether Biden's speech today will plagiarize Neil Kinnock.
It's amazing how many people have forgotten that, or disbelieve it, when I bring it up an Facebook.
Surely Biden has the record for the most attempts at becoming president before actually being successful.
Hopefully, unlike Trump, his followers will stay angry and punish the RINO traitors in 2022 by voting them out of office. Of course, my hopes aren't high. The record of the Republican voter over the last 30 years is one of unending stupidity. That Trump got nominated and elected twice was a miracle.
Today is a very dangerous day. Those who wish to harm America have never had a better opportunity.
Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline
President Kamala, here we come.
"In some form" makes me think of a giant Stay-Pufft Marshmallow Man. It's wrong, I know, but still.
The man is gone. Wonder if he had any meetings this month, setting the federal agencies on his successor to destroy or impede his administration? Cuz that's what Obama and Biden did with Brennan, Comey, Yates, Rice, et al., on Jan 05, 2017. It would be to laff, wereit done well.
"Even the LA Times could not find Freder's war criminals."
Off course not, neither Hillary nor Obama were pardoned.
Proof - Biden is a tightly controlled puppet of the far left.
For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.
“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”
The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.
hooray! we've rid ourselves of the horrible celebrity and inserted a tired old swamp creature who used his name to enrich his family with corrupt international - tax payer laundered mega-millions.
You can repeat the "democrat war machine" nonsense as much as you want, but the middle east wars we have fought since the first Gulf War have been initiated by Republicans.
Freder conveniently forgets Obama’s adventure in Libya, perhaps because Obama rechristened it a “kinetic military action” as a fig leaf to hide his blatant violation of the War Powers Act.
Rolf said…"I can't speak for others, but I'm just here to spike the football today."
You won't be here for long.
LOL - that is so perfect.
Selected. Not elected. Not my president. Resist. Hope all his supporters lose family members in foreign wars for profit. Wont be any of his of course.
"The Lincoln Project" should rename themselves to something more honest.
You too can spy on your neighbors, and destroy the lives of people who don't sieg heil to the corrupt leftwing agenda.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I can't speak for others, but I'm just here to spike the football today."
All leftists are.
As expected.
Meanwhile, your hero John Weaver is finding it a tad more problematic in chatting up young boys today.
Not to worry. He is of the left, like yourself, and knows full well none of Soros' funded DA's will be coming for him.
Goodbye America in 3...2...1
But I won't stop fighting.
I'm young enough to care, but old enough to not give a fuck.
Bret Bair used to spend a lot of time at Bulldog’s on Peachtree.
The only question now, does he continue to play ventriloquist's dummy, or does he shuffle off the stage?
"It's almost nearly time to shuffle off to Buffalo."
I can't take credit for it. Someone else called him that recently. It is perfect, isn't it?
"Wonder if he had any meetings this month, setting the federal agencies on his successor to destroy or impede his administration?"
Should have appointed a special prosecutor to look into all things Hunter, China, and Ukraine.
He's still got 7 minutes.
“You can repeat the "democrat war machine" nonsense as much as you want, but the middle east wars we have fought since the first Gulf War have been initiated by Republicans. Trump has supported Saudi Arabia in the genocidal war in Yemen”.
Hey you stupid cocksucker, this Mideast murder of our military members has been a team effort from your fellow cocksuckers in Washington. Where did Donald Trump send Americans to be ground up like hamburger you piece of shit?
I said to my wife last night, Honey we'll be watching the Cooking channel for the next four years.
"Where did Donald Trump send Americans to be ground up like hamburger you piece of shit?"
And who gave the biggest state supporter of world terrorism billions in untraceable cash?
Hmmm...pants crease something-something...
He won't, poor guy. I feel for his wife, Melania - up to the topest tree then down again - I never thought she was that attractive but others did - and her step-daughter, Ivanka, ooh!
What happened to Ivana - I mean is she still alive? Surely?
"Emotional dawn". Red Dawn.
First thing Biden will be advised is to keep those walls and razor wire up, all around the White House and Capitol.
It'll be a new symbol of American Freedom and Democracy.
Let's be just and courageous about our judgement - it's difficult because I'm so effing angry - how to be equanimous with his leaving when it was so stupid?! No one can be nice to that! Give a month and I'll think.
Mikio said...
The garbage human beings who make up Trumpistan and their terrorism and general bad behavior are the reason for this grimly locked down Inauguration Day. Of course every MAGA will lie and take no responsibility because that's what they do, it's who they are. They are the enemy (fascists, neoconfederates, neonazis, COVID deniers) and if any try to do more of their attacking, I look forward to the military and police mowing them down with bullets riddling through their bodies and heads.
Unity? Republicans first. We owe them/you NOTHING!!!
It is remarkable that Miss Ann's idea of "moderation" is to let this kind of garbage through.
Sad day for the USA as the most divisive team of politicians in American history take power. Ugly.
Off topic - but I wanted to say this - and it seems apt - you know what Raymond Chandler said of California - 'the personality of a paper cup'' - well.
wholatasplainin, you have whole lot of explaining, trolling our grief, how dare you? But you and people like you must have been the bastards that danced on my mothers grave! 'fascists, neoconfederates, neonazis, COVID deniers' were is the connection? Except your idiocy.
What is more 'fascist' than trust in the administrative state? In fact that is the very definition of 'fascism' - read Mussolini. You know nothing of history. Think, fat head, before you write.
he was quoting the troll, always a bad sign,
Revolution? Do it!!!
Hey you stupid cocksucker, this Mideast murder of our military members has been a team effort from your fellow cocksuckers in Washington. Where did Donald Trump send Americans to be ground up like hamburger you piece of shit?
Hey asshole. Go back and read comments on this very blog when we were getting ready to, and invading, Iraq back in 2003. I was called a traitor, and my death was wished upon me many times, because I (unlike Trump) was against the war from day one. You were the ones for unending blood spilling, torture and war.
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out (in)
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right?
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We'd all love to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
All, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all right
All right, all right, all right, all right, all right
Freder Frederson said...
Hey asshole. Go back and read comments on this very blog when we were getting ready to, and invading, Iraq back in 2003. I was called a traitor, and my death was wished upon me many times, because I (unlike Trump) was against the war from day one. You were the ones for unending blood spilling, torture and war.
Psst. This blog started in 2004, well after the invasion. It isn't news that all of Freder's assertions are based on his fantasies but it's rarely this obvious.
I know no one believes me but this is my mum:
And I think what you believe in shapes you. I, a sceptic.
No, silly. At 12:01 pm, the COVID deaths will stop being counted at all. THAT's how the game is played.
Just like the PBS News Hour stopped naming and showing pictures of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan "as their names became available" as soon as Obama took over for Bush. Apparently under Obama, their names no longer became available.
If wasn't 'truth' then it was so near to it that I couldn’t pretend.
This my mumm - wonder how you feed the rest
If you want evidence I can't give any. My mum was the May queen in liverpool, she was the prettiest girl,, she looked like Ann Frank ( All her life she was obssesed with her), so dark and beautiful and small
She was a model for lennon and Mcarteny at art school
She told me - and I believe her - that is my evidence.
All ye know and all ye kneed to know. Keats
need to know
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