January 7, 2021

At the Rime and Hoar Café...


... you can talk all afternoon... preferably about things that are not raised in this morning's posts. Please challenge yourselves to discuss anything other than Trump, the last election, and yesterday's events in the Capitol. There are 7 posts this morning on those topics, so scroll down if you want to talk about that.

It's a new year. What have you been up to? Have you embarked on a wholesome sunrise run routine or anything like that? Are you decluttering and "death cleaning"? Have you read any good books? What TV shows are you following these days? What are you cooking? Are you feeling blue? Are your dogs and cats okay?...


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 292 of 292
iowan2 said...

And UW and IU, go into overtime.

Hope are honeymooners are able to kiss and make up.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am considering starting a non-profit good guvmint group whose first job will be to audit the accuracy of the Pennsylvania votes in the 2020 Prez race. I suspect I will have to file many many FOIA requests. If i can figure out good, efficient methods and processes to validate the accuracy, I may roll it out to the other "swing states" including WI, NV, AZ and GA. That is where the "inaccuracies" may have occurred. Note I am avoiding the use of the word "fraud".

mockturtle said...

Bought the DVD of the 2018 Chinese film Shadow which I enjoyed a year ago and wanted to see again and again. I highly recommend it if you like Asian films.

madAsHell said...

Hope are honeymooners are able

Does this have ANYTHING to do with the Man from Hope. You know......the guy that doubled down on his ignorance of the verb-to-be??......and was successful???

madAsHell said...

I should have included....../JK

iowan2 said...

masAsHell, typing and watching a Big10 game going into overtime does not leave time to proof read.
Tied with 7.7 seconds, in 1st OT. Good game.

madAsHell said...

If i can figure out good, efficient methods and processes to validate the accuracy, I may roll it out to the other "swing states" including WI, NV, AZ and GA.

Ready to Left!! Ready to Right!! Ummm..........sir......I'm confused!! How much crowd-sourcing do you need on-battery???

madAsHell said...

I know it was Freudian.

....and I was purdy sure it was a Freudian slip in my ears!!


madAsHell said...

Lemme guess......Go Hawkeyes???

stevew said...

This thread has been a great palate cleanser from all the nasty political noise of the past several days and weeks.

We took advantage of the opportunity presented from selling our home and moving into a rental to cut the cord. All we have here is internet with streaming. Netflix, Prime, HBO Max, and Spotify are the ones we pay for; we have Fox News, PBS, Apple TV (free for a year with a new iPhone). We might be piggybacking on one of our children's Disney subscription, or not.

Everything we care to watch is available to us. Mrs. stevew does not care about sports of any kind. I can usually watch what I want on my computer - admittedly that is not much. I genuinely prefer listening to baseball and football on the radio, don't care about basketball, will likely pay for whatever NHL post season coverage that is available.

@I'mFullofSoup: recall that the GWB 2000 election in FL was audited after the fact and shown to be a legit result. You can do this for 2020.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Madashell: I don’t understand your comment. I am being serious for once.

madAsHell said...

We took advantage of the opportunity presented from selling our home and moving into a rental to cut the cord.

Cut the cord to what.....exactly?

We started seeing this nonsense in 2009 after Obama was elected. This is no different than the sign I see in the public park saying "I pay cash for houses!".

Those old people were stupid enough to sign the ballot!! Why shouldn't I take their homes?? Where's Hunter?

This fucker is a HUGE troll. He will NEVER respond.

Roughcoat said...


I am unable to answer your questions.

Narr said...

Thanks, Mike of Snoqualmie, for the DIY ramp suggestion, but something off the shelf will have to serve-- he just needs an assist for the bed (where he now snoozes all night with us).

When we got him he was estimated to be 4 y.o. but may have been older, and our friends had only had him for two years--his neutering and early influences were before that, but he's got a sweet disposition and likes kids (and vice-versa). When he first moved in we had to discourage the mountain-goat imitations--floor to chair to kitchen table to look out the window-- he caught on pretty fast but we still put boxes in the kitchen chairs and pile pillows on the end of the bed to dissuade dachshund parkour.

If you have a taste for military bio and memoir, I'll recommend again (for mockturtle especially) Geoffrey Perret's MacArthur bio, and the two volumes by William S. Triplet (Col., USA, Ret'd) edited by Robert Ferrell. In volume the first he's a small-town Missouri boy in the infantry in France (A Youth in the Meuse-Argonne), and in the WWII book he recounts his service including CC commander in two armored divs in NWE (With the Armored Divisions).

As for Zhukov, I haven't read any of the bios available, so can't recommend, but his own memoir has been translated. I always like first-person accounts when they exist.

Happy reading

madAsHell said...

Madashell: I don’t understand your comment. I am being serious for once.

I am being serious as well. Do you not see your fellow commenters?....on the right, and on the left?

I was also thinking that FOIA requests should be an issue of coordination......sir!

There are many sympathetic voices here......crowd-sourcing!!

madAsHell said...

I'm guessing......FOIA requests should be a lot of mouse clicks, and keyboards? I'm I wrong?

stephen cooper said...

People get confused when they read the Bible - they think, hey, there are lots of books in the Bible, maybe tonight I will read Leviticus, or maybe Song of Songs ---- but the Bible, of all the artifacts of this world that we will all remember, generations from now, in heaven, has this particularity ----- every word was written for our instruction, for our benefit in those moments where we want to listen to God and to the kind advice of our Creator ... There is no reason to consider it a collection of ancient texts, that would be foolish, it is a powerful witness, with repeated and varied descriptions, of the truth. So don't be over-ambitious to understand it all, find something that speaks to your heart, and brings you closer to God, and makes you a better person.

People also get confused when they follow the "news of the day," thinking it is some great drama going on far from their homes, carried out by powerful people ----- very few people who are powerful are at all happy, most of them consider themselves (rightly) the losers in this world ----- I mean, imagine being an average Senator and having to look at your own ugly mug in the mirror every morning, whilst knowing you need to be reelected by people who don't care about you every 6 years ---- or imagine knowing you are some bit player in the GREAT DRAMAS of our days and that nevertheless you can no longer effectively wear a simple black party dress (for the women who used to like doing that) or (for the men) you can no longer walk into a room with beautiful women there without every beautiful woman being disappointed that you are not someone else, someone younger and with more charisma.

Proverbs 8 is sort of the hopeful counterpoint to this comment, you should read it.

Fandor said...

Mockturtle...MacArthur...Yes...dittos...Japan was his supreme achievement after the horror of WW2.

madAsHell said...

Am I wrong?? Damn!! All the shit spell check corrects.......and that slips by!!

Fritz said...

The dog is fine, thanks, but driving us nuts. She makes me take her on a 3 mile walk to the beach and back or she won’t give me any peace. Today at the harbor, I saw a Great White Heron who has been living around here since September, apparently lost from Florida. I found a decent, but not earth shattering tooth from an ancestor of Great White Sharks. Not a bad day.


stevew said...

"Cut the cord to what.....exactly?"

Cable/Fiber TV and landline telephone, of course.

walter said...

I'm taking up subversive knitting!

madAsHell said...

Proverbs 8

Trust me, I'm reading my facebook newsfeed. That knife cuts any way you want it.

Oh, yeah......learn html. You can post anchor hrefs here. See above!!

stephen cooper said...

Or don't.

Don't read a chapter of the Bible simply because someone you don't care much about says it is a wonderful chapter.

Or do - trust me, it does not matter if you trust me or not -

but I can guarantee you that if you pick up the Bible tonight, with an open heart, and try and find therein love and instruction on HOW IMPORTANT LOVE AND COMPASSION is, you will find what you are looking for.


It is no small thing to be a friend to a creature who never had a friend in this world, I could go on with details, but I would prefer it if you would just realize you have equally detailed memories, or hopes. OF COURSE YOU DO I don't know much but I know what it means to be human.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Majell: I’m thinking the way to go is to start with one PA county and beat the hell out of the controls, the processes, the precinct counts and see if anything shakes out. I live in a large eastern county and have some contacts in the local Repub groups. If anything shakes out and I think it will, I’ll broaden the scope and recruit some help here. My county is Dem
Dominated and I suspect it could ground zero for extra ballots- the state AG was spawned here and evil Sec of Stste is from next county over. Thx I’ll keep you posted.

mockturtle said...

Thank you, Narr. I believe I put Perret's bio of MacArthur on my short list as I like to read several books on one subject.

SteveW: I'm thinking of doing the same regarding high speed internet [which I don't currently have] instead of cable [which I do have, mostly for sports channels]. Can you really watch any sports event you want streaming on internet? That's my main concern about television. I rarely watch anything else [maybe reruns of Forged in Fire but have seen most of them by now]. Football, baseball and hockey, maybe NCAA basketball playoffs.

Original Mike said...

"Can you really watch any sports event you want streaming on internet?"

And can you get it onto a TV screen? Watching sports on my phone or even laptop is not appealing.

stevew said...

@mockturtle: you can purchase a season pass for the sport or sports you follow, usually for less than what you pay for a full cable package plus any premium sports channels (ESPN). If you have a smart tv you can then stream there. If not, you may be able to cast from your phone to your tv using wifi. Sounds complicated but it's not once it is enabled. Current iPhones have a "mirror" function that is easy to use. Only caution is that the tv has to be able to connect to wifi.

Our monthly cost (Cable TV, Internet, Phone) went from >$200/month to <$70/month, a $1400+ annual reduction with no reduction in what we are able to watch.

Inga said...

I’ve already watched the all the seasons of The Crown and of Peaky Blinders, as they were offered. I’m hoping they don’t take too long getting out new seasons of both, both excellent series. This past summer I broke down and got HBO Plus just to watch Game of Thrones. I never was interested in watching it in the current seasons offerings as I thought that type of fantasy wasn’t my cup of tea, but oh wow, was I wrong. I loved every minute of it and was so disappointed when it was over. Surprisingly the final show didn’t disappoint me as badly as I had heard others say they were.

PBS also has such worthwhile programming, Victoria, Downton Abbey of course, and so many others over the years.

And being the liberal I am I loved Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale, which I read years ago. I’m dissadpointed it’s taking them so long to get out the next season. I tried reading Margaret Atwood’s sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale, The Testaments, but nope I couldn’t get into it, I’ve only read through about one quarter of it and I keep putting it down for months at a time.

Narr said...

My wife and I have the same debate five or six times a year--is this enormous cable bill really necessary? Neither of us would miss sportsball or anything along those lines, and the wealth of suggestions from commenters about what to watch, without the clunky and expensive packages, is having the perverse effect of discouraging me from thinking about it!

I won't comment on the political moment except to say that I received one text today. It was from an old, very left, friend of mine, excited that "Trump has been exposed." I replied that everyone has been exposed--the lack of preparation and foresight on the part of the Capitol Police and other authorities is jaw-dropping evidence of how unserious our leaders are. We're just not a grown-up country anymore, and people are taking note.

Just to rub it in, I predicted war and/or depression in '21.

madAsHell said...


Oh...my....I think that's ME. You have a plan. It looks like a good plan. I think you might be heading into madness. What we think is so many mis-stated news reports? This an entire governmental schizophrenic episode. Prepare to be doxxed*.........and good luck.

If it's mouse-clicks, and keyboards, then I would LOVE to help. AmIrite?

*During my last visit to the sporting goods store, there were still shotgun shells on the ammo shelf, and shotguns available on the shelf.

iowan2 said...

And can you get it onto a TV screen? Watching sports on my phone or even laptop is not appealing.

Yes. most modern smart tvs will allow you to 'cast' your computer screen to the TV. Also a firestick will facilitate casting, and of coarse chromecast. We are watching something streaming off of NBC right now, on TV, as I'm on the laptop commenting.

UW wins in double overtime. Our host wins the friendly wager on the game. Meade has to pay up.

And yes, the Hawkeyes did win over Maryland tonite. A real clinic of passing and lock down defense.

madAsHell said...

--is this enormous cable bill really necessary?

She pays for DIY networks, NBC, and one of the local newscasters......maybe more.

I get football from August-January.

Do you see a problem with that??


madAsHell said...

My house is paid-for.

Why would anyone move into a rental?

Inga said...

Oh, two more excellent series, one on Prime, Ekaterina in Russian with subtitles, but so well done and the other on Netflix, Versailles, so far three seasons.

Unknown said...

I had a high school teacher named Miss Hoar. First day of class she explained what her name meant. Probably stopped a lot of tittering.

Original Mike said...

Thanks for the advice. We're an Apple house, so maybe the Mirror function would work.

I am not inclined to do streaming because I'm reluctant to take on another technology thing to figure out. Cable TV is just turn it on and watch. But, we rent a house in northern WI all summer and it might be worth it to figure out for up there.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Madashell: yes I was adressing you. If the project needs your keyboard & tech skills, I’ll let you know. Thanks!

Original Mike said...

Watching my first episode of Star Trek: Discovery. Yuck.

stephen cooper said...
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stephen cooper said...
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Rt41Rebel said...

I realized this morning that the most spoken sentence in my house is: Oh, here it is!

Humperdink said...
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Lawrence Person said...

China Calls Uighur Women in Concentration Camps “Emancipated.”

Known Unknown said...

"Thanks for the advice. We're an Apple house, so maybe the Mirror function would work."

Yeah -- an HDMI from the laptop to the TV (you'll need a dongle for the HDMI if it does not have a port) or AirPlay via an Apple TV. We would stream our local high school football games on the web and airplay to the TV since we were unable to go.

Known Unknown said...

Inga- I am interested in Versailles. I'll have to cue it up and let you know what I think.

I have been watching The Saint (Roger Moore) on Prime. It's actually quite a solid show for the era. A mix of action, intrigue, and good humor. Moore is very good, and you can see why he became James Bond. I vastly prefer him as The Saint, a reformed thief -- his Bond was way too straight.

chickelit said...

Watched a few episodes of "The History Of Swearing" on Netflix. We got through "fuck,"" shit," and "bitch," and started on "dick."

Pussy's still to come and I don't mean that in the passive genitive.

chickelit said...

Known Unknown said...Inga- I am interested in Versailles. I'll have to cue it up and let you know what I think

"Versailles" is fabulous with lots of naughtiness and haughtiness.

Known Unknown said...

"I am not inclined to do streaming because I'm reluctant to take on another technology thing to figure out. Cable TV is just turn it on and watch."

It's the same -- get a Roku, turn it on, and watch (for the most part) It is amazingly easy once you get into it. We have Spectrum streaming -- so it's basically a cable package via an app for about $70/month. I get pretty much all the live sports I need, and local channels as well.

chickelit said...

Inga said...Oh, two more excellent series, one on Prime, Ekaterina in Russian with subtitles, but so well done and the other on Netflix, Versailles, so far three seasons.

You might also like "The Last Czar" about Nicholas II and his demise.

Original Mike said...

Actually, it's not the technology so much. It's keeping track of all the different sources now.

chickelit said...

Anastasia screamed in vain

Inga said...

‘You might also like "The Last Czar" about Nicholas II and his demise.’

Thanks for reminding me about The Last Czars, I keep putting it off because I’ve found other series to watch first, but I’m going to have a go at it very soon. Years ago I read Nicholas and Alexandria of Massie’s The Romanovs series. I was entranced and horrified.

I’ll watch The Last Czars and then rewatch Dr Zhivago...maybe not, too sad.

narciso said...

I tried hbo and showtime for a bit but i. Got ford vs ferrari and 1917. Most ofthe other offerings were meh

walter said...

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

Whatever your politics, I'm not a doc, but I think over the next 2 years we are going to see amazing results in options for treating various cancers..
Payoff from Joementia's cancer moonshot?

CStanley said...

What a blessed relief this thread has been...thank you Ann.

My newish pastime is piano, We moved in 2019 and the new place has room for a baby grand so we gave the old upright to our grown daughter and now the younger daughter and I are taking lessons. I played as a kid through high school but hadn’t kept it up so I was very rusty but it’s starting to come back. I’ve always had more determination than raw talent, and am rhythmically challenged but that too comes with enough practice. I’m about to start Debussey Arabesques and noticed the triplets in right hand against eight notes in the left....whooo boy, wish me luck.

For easier fun pieces my teacher found me some Celtic music by Donald Thomson that is really lovely.

Also, like another commenter upthread I’m planning to get back to pastel painting. Working on drawing skills first (Artists Network has a gat live-streamed drawing session on YouTube every Wednesday)

Another commenter mentioned the Bible podcast by Father Mike Schmitz....I’m already behind but will try to catch up. It’s based on Jeff Cavin’s Bible timeline, which highlights the narrative books in chronological order and sandwiches in the other stuff where it fits in. Seems like the best way to understand the Bible IMO.

walter said...

Note at which point of the icky electoral process Althouse decides the (MSM) jabber is worthy.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I have been watching The Saint (Roger Moore) on Prime. It's actually quite a solid show for the era. A mix of action, intrigue, and good humor. Moore is very good, and you can see why he became James Bond. I vastly prefer him as The Saint, a reformed thief -- his Bond was way too straight.

May I recommend to you the original Saint books by Leslie Charteris? Probably the ones before the 1950s are the best, but I have not read a bad one. They are now quite cheap as ebooks as well.

walter said...

Seems like a good time to revisit the balls deep dependence of the DC/statist public sector gravy train vs deplorables.

chickelit said...

Inga wrote: I’ll watch The Last Czars and then rewatch Dr Zhivago...maybe not, too sad.

The killings were sad and were covered up by Lenin, Stalin, and all the Soviets up until Boris Yeltsin who admitted that the murders were a war crime.

chickelit said...

Betcha a hundred bucks that Josh Marshall could never watch "The Last Czars" and give an honest impartial opinion in his commie rag "Talking Points Memo"

chickelit said...

walter said...Seems like a good time to revisit the balls deep dependence of the DC/statist public sector gravy train vs deplorables.

I'd rather watch the "by the balls" dependence that the CCP will inflicts on the deep staters -- especially those in Cali. Watch for China calling shots in the UC system which has already allowed "balls deep" penetration by the Chinese. I have to laugh because I witnessed this second hand but escaped to tell about it.

gpm said...

Mostly just "watch" (don't really watch, mostly just have It on in the background) TCM, though it has been getting more and more repetitive, except during the daytime, when they often show older, more obscure stuff.

Also Jeopardy. Alas, the last Trebek episodes this week (I still have fond memories of the Art Fleming/Don Pardo days of my youth). Don't know if I can abide that asshole Jennings, even as a temporary host. And he's apparently campaigning to be the permanent host. Yuck, just yuck.

Have been reading "God's Shadow," which I think I may have picked up here, but not that enthralled. Next up may be The Secret History of the English Language.


William said...

I second the opinion on Manchester's bio of MacArthur. It really did seem a balanced account that took note of MacArthur's virtues and achievements as well as his deficits. Plus Manchester is a fine writer with enough stylistic flourishes to move the dry parts of the story along....I also second the opinion on the Russian language Ekaterina. The woman who plays Catherine is a marvel--a cross between Scarlet O'Hara and Michael Corleone. Also admiration for the actor who credibly plays her husband as both crafty and imbecilic. Of all the legendary queens Catherine seems to have had the most difficult path to the crown and to have achieved the most when she acquired it....She gave divine right a good name.

gpm said...

Also have the most recent episode of Lexicon Valley teed up for the next day or so.


gpm said...

And, of course, doing the Guardian cryptic crosswords. NYT crosswords also, but they're more boring. The NYT acrostics (every other week by Emily Cox and Henry Rathbon for more than years!) are great.


effinayright said...

chickelit said...
Watched a few episodes of "The History Of Swearing" on Netflix. We got through "fuck,"" shit," and "bitch," and started on "dick."

Pussy's still to come and I don't mean that in the passive genitive.

Old Boston joke, as follows:

Guy hops into a cab at Boston's Logan Airport.

He asks the cabbie, "Say! Where can I get scrod around here?"

The cabbie turns back to look at him and says,

"Mister, I've been asked that question many times, but never before in the pluperfect subjunctive."

William said...

I'm reading Edvard Radzinsky's book, The Last Tsar, about the captivity and last days of Nicholas and his family. Quite a sad tale. The hollow crown was never emptier than when worn by Nicholas. Radzinsky mentions the ultimate fate of those who engineered and/or killed the Romanovs. Some died in the Russian Civil War, some perished under Stalin. There was one who lived to be ninety and was proud of his service to the homeland, but all others met fates as sad as Nicholas.....King Charles had a good exit line. He told the crowd that if they can do this to me, your King, think what they can do to you. Russia is still haunted by the ghosts of the Romanovs.

eddie willers said...

This one is excellent and even longer! ;-)

Oh yes. Mark Lewisohn's "Tune In". Great. And can you say in depth?. One thousand pages and we only get to 1963.

Two more volumes to come.....sometime in the future.

tpceltus said...


I don't know the rules in your area, but here in DC, there are some vets who specialize in at-home end of life care for pets and might now have the protective gear, if required, to come into a home. It can be a good option for those who want their pet to be put down at home instead of at a clinic or can't themselves transport a pet to a clinic. We used one for an elderly dog who'd had a very bad, debilitating stroke in the middle of the night and was about 55-60 lbs. Given the hour and predicted snow, our own vet clinic and some neighbors gave us the name of this kind of vet.

She came to our house quickly, examined our dog, gave us a probable diagnosis/prognosis, and a range of options other than just a final injection. I was really impressed by how straightforward she was while also being compassionate. We opted for an injection. She took care of all the details after our decision, including transporting our dog from our home, arranging for ashes if we wanted them, resource info on grief counseling, etc.

effinayright said...

madAsHell said...
As it disappeared into the fog I looked back into my compartment to see the sleeping priest and soldiers, and said to myself, "I feel like I'm in the movie "Dr. Zhivago.""

Man.......I'll bet you can teach anti-climactic!!

Actually, I savored the moment with all its dissonances. No let-down, no disappointment.

But I hope I set up the story well.

It would be fun to pitch a screenplay based on the opposite outcome--that I had actually been taken back on that train to the Russian Revolution---but I think Rod Serling mined that vein on "The Twilight Zone" years ago.

Gospace said...

madAsHell said...
Madashell: I don’t understand your comment. I am being serious for once.

I am being serious as well. Do you not see your fellow commenters?....on the right, and on the left?

I was also thinking that FOIA requests should be an issue of coordination......sir!

There are many sympathetic voices here......crowd-sourcing!!

Crowd sourcing is only acceptable when trying to find something in Sarah Palin's emails. Unacceptable when it comes to Hunter Biden's laptop. Which if you did have a mirrored copy of would make YOU guilty of possession of child porn- but not Hunter. Though he's the adult star in it.

Joan said...

This is lovely! It's so nice to get updates from everyone.

My two cats are fine, but the girl cat has become a late-night howler also. Weird. She's deaf so she can't hear how loud she is. I believe she's attempting to wake the dead.

Reading: my younger son introduced me to the works of Brandon Sanderson, knowing I'm a big science fiction/high fantasy fan. Sanderson's world building is second to none, so I really enjoyed my end-of-vacation read of volume 4 of his epic Stormlight Archive series, The Rhythm of War.

Watching: Older son suggested Deep Space Nine and (re-)watched with me, as I had of course watched it when it was originally aired. We finished it tonight. It help up surprisingly well although I thought the end needed a tiny bit more energy. Still, I really enjoyed spending an hour or so in the evenings with a group of characters who were fun to be around. I've sworn off watching tortured-protagonist shows for now. There's enough distress in the real world, I refuse to subject myself to more in the guise of "entertainment."

By the grace of God, I'm teaching in person at my little Catholic school, and we're holding up even though AZ is apparently the coronavirus hotspot of the universe. My family is well. Best of all, my youngest was able to come home for Christmas. He's gone again, and now has about three weeks left of Army bootcamp before he heads off to Ft Lee in Virginia for his specialty training.

I appreciate the cable-cutting discussions and the recommendations on what to watch next -- always looking for something that's compatible with grading, especially now I've finished DS9.

catter said...


Have you read The Generals by Thomas Ricks? It"s an overview of US generalship from WW2 through now.

Crazy World said...

Beautiful day here in Hawaii, feels like summer. Happy New Year!

BudBrown said...

I got no cable. Nothin on at 1 tonite. Flickin thru, watch Family Feud. One question was
if musicians were on the bills who'd be on the 100. Elvis grabbed the top spot, then Jackson,
then the Beatles. 3 strikes were Maddonna, Denver and Sinatra. 2 spots left, halve the suspence, 4 was Cash. Who was number 5? I'll make it easier, the guy wins the big prize dont get in the top 5 on Feud.

Sprezzatura said...

Alotta comments in this thread. I haven’t read thru.

I’m guessing that some folks ignored Althouse’s suggestions re jabber topics.

Anywho, in this post she typed “okay.” “OK” v “okay” is interesting to me. For some reason I think “okay” typer types are like folks that use “utilize” when an alternative word would be better. IMHO.

Readering said...


BUMBLE BEE said...

ABC calling for the "cleansing" of Trump supporters. Does that have any meaning in history?
Let that sink in.

Mr. Forward said...

I have been furnishing my wood-shop with jigs, fixtures, and saw horses. A complete self-licking ice cream cone. Have a shed full of apple wood too beautiful to carve so I mostly I slather it with linseed oil and slap a $25,000 price sticker on it. Art begins at 25K.

Achilles said...

BUMBLE BEE said...

ABC calling for the "cleansing" of Trump supporters. Does that have any meaning in history?
Let that sink in.

And the corporate media is censoring a wide range of topics most importantly including the efforts to make our elections non-transparent.

The people in DC are colluding with the giant corporations after sponsoring a 9 month BLM Krystalnacht and are running with the Jan 6th Reichstag Fire.

They fully intend to open gas chambers and re-education camps.

Marcus Bressler said...

1. The Levinson book on The Beatles was great. Waiting for VOlume 2
2. Watched Longmire on streaming last year (still not used to saying that); just finished the entire run of Longmire books on Audible. Differences abound but both are great IMHO.
3. Yes, Deadwood after Sopranos. I had hoped for more violence and conflict in the later seasons, but oh well.
4. My latest project is emptying out my storage unit and discarding quite a bit of my life's memorabilia and junk while keeping the bare minimum.
5. Thought about buying a bike AGAIN and starting to ride but I know I won't keep it up and the bike will just be in the way in the condo apartment.
6. Best to ALL in the New Year.


BudBrown said...


Rusty said...

mockturtle @ 8:02
Read his "Good by Darkness" His coming to terms with his combat service in the Marines in WW2.

Fernandinande said...

I recommend C.J. Box's "Joe Picket" series of books to anyone who loves the US mountain west. They're not published by Simon & Schuster.

Tina Trent said...

My dog found a dead vulture. So 2021 has started on an up note for him.

Brian said...

@BigMike True, and I don't underestimate that fact. I'm taking this one day at a time. So far so good. I'm a reasonably healthy (albeit on the older side) adult. I've read days 5-9 are the worst, so I'm optimistic.

This disease is a lot like what I'm told is taking acid. I'm on the trip now, best to just roll with it.

dbp said...

Jersey Fled said...
Looking for a new SY-FI series to binge.

Try "Counterpart" it's science fiction but far more mature than I can ever recall seeing.

Narr said...

Rusty, it's "Goodbye Darkness" IIRC, but Good by Darkness has poetry.

IIRC Manchester was found to have embellished--seriously--his own combat experiences; that doesn't detract from his writing-- I liked his Mencken bio and essays, and the Arms of Krupp is a great read.

As for embellished experiences, I have been researching a history prof of mine, the Medievalist I have mentioned, and as much of a mentor as I had as an undergrad--a really
remarkable man, a wheelchair-bound paraplegic from a spinal wound in Germany in April 1945.

He claimed to have been in the jeep that discovered the concentration camp at Dachau, but
Army records show him being wounded and in the evacuation hospital in early April, before the 42nd Div (MacArthur's WWI formation) got there in late April.

His service and wounding (he was the only combat casualty in his Ordnance Light Maintenance
Company) were honorable in themselves, but he felt the need-- and I wonder why-- to put himself into a more dramatic or significant frame.

People are weird

mockturtle said...

mockturtle @ 8:02
Read his "Good by Darkness" His coming to terms with his combat service in the Marines in WW2.

Thanks, Rusty. Added it to my list.

mockturtle said...

Thanks, catter. I don't think I've read it but may have. I'll put it on my list, as well.

mockturtle said...

Walter says: I'm taking up subversive knitting!

Let me guess. Shrouds, right?

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