Post title explanation:EXCLUSIVE: Los Angeles County Supervisor @SheilaKuehl dined outside at Il Forno in Santa Monica...just hours after voting to ban outdoor dining & calling it "dangerous."
— Elex Michaelson (@Elex_Michaelson) December 1, 2020
It's not hypocrisy. It's a woman changing her mind. There's no principle beyond whatever feels right at the moment.
Jesus, Elton John has really gone to seed.
I agree that it isn’t hypocrisy.
She’s sending a message to the serfs about their place... and hers.
You're all the loser in The New Yorker cover but look at the bright side, ladies...I was going to say you won't have to hear from Donald Trump anymore but they'll have to keep talking about him to deflect the taste of the shit sandwich they'll be feeding you.
What kind of idiot sees Newsom get caught and then does the same thing?
Proves two things:
1. Lock downs are not about the virus
2. They don't care. What are you going to do about it?
The best thing that ever happened to Gretchen Whitmer was those doofuses "plotting" to kidnap her. Now she brings that up whenever she is criticized. So who knows what she's up to any more. But she too had her shot in the hypocrisy rodeo. It seems they all do.
I remember Debbie Gillis from Nick@Nite but could never get into it. All I took away was Maynard G. Krebs, the Rodin statue, Dobie's crush being a ho, a young Warren Beatty, and a plot that involved a giant mutated chicken.
rwnutjob- I agree that the number of politicians (and Fauci!) we see break their own life-saving rules makes me wonder how dangerous they really think this all is.
This is what happens when voters are no longer a problem...
...but hey, Trump says mean things!
My all-time favorite TV show.
Never attribute to hypocrisy that which can be explained by deliberate malice.
MayBee said...rwnutjob- I agree that the number of politicians (and Fauci!) we see break their own life-saving rules makes me wonder how dangerous they really think this all is.
Instapundit has repurposed the CAGW mantra, "I'll believe it's a crisis when the people who keep telling me it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis" for COVID and, whattaya know? It's a perfect fit.
What is wrong with these people? Do they really think they won't get caught? Do they still put so much faith in the media's ability to lie their way out of it?
Socialists with three houses
Climate activists conferencing in Tahiti
Virus scolds dining at restaurants
Egalitarians getting their kids cushy jobs
No one should take these people seriously
No one should take these people seriously.
We should take these people very seriously, but not for their policy positions.
Okay you caught me. I take full responsibility. Now back to my cushy government job until I feel like sticking my thumb in your eye again.
When I first read the post’s title, I thought of Zelda Fitzgerald.
2. They don't care. What are you going to do about it?
Bingo. I was in Santa Monica, part of Kuel's district, this spring when the hammer came down. Kuehl has a staff of 40 or more flak-catchers who will take your call and then ignore what you have to say. Her office is almost as responsive to individual complaints as Google or Facebook.
The county health director issued a bunch of "orders" that had no scientific grounding, and the beach (that cramped and airless space) was closed and was patrolled by helicopters to assure compliance. I saw police evict a man who had the nerve to play kickball with his children in an empty beach parking lot. This while the drug addicts took over public parks and playgrounds were closed.
Meanwhile, "homeless" people, aka meth monsters set up many more tents along the beach and on sidewalks and spent the early morning hours strolling the neighborhoods and bellowing the F-word.
But, yeah, sure, people like Kuehl know what's best for us.
Good: Dining out when it's forbidden.
Better: taxpayers expense.
Best: Tuscany.
Surprises: Sheila is gay, but Dwayne isn't. And they are both still alive.
Watching the new Perry Mason it occurred to me that instead of putting all these gay characters into stories, maybe they could just stipulate at the beginning which actors are gay and that would count for the same thing. If he ever admitted it publicly, Raymond Burr coming out would have made more of a splash than today's actors pretending to be homosexuals.
And straight actors pretending to be gay: how is that better than cis performers pretending to be trans?
Part of it is that these were the kids that weren't picked as winners in grade school...the ones that did third grade twice...
Look at me now, they think...
What is wrong with these people?
They're narcissists.
Do they really think they won't get caught?
So? They'll be re-elected by enormous margins whatever they do.
Do they still put so much faith in the media's ability to lie their way out of it?
It's always worked in the past.
>>What is wrong with these people? Do they really think they won't get caught? Do they still put so much faith in the media's ability to lie their way out of it?
None of the above. These are not "accidents" or people "getting caught". These are deliberate acts.
Shouting Thomas has it right. The point is to prove to you that they are royalty, and you are subjects.
It's privilege, in the original sense of "private law", where the aristocracy exempted themselves from the laws that applied to commoners.
Jinkies! You caught me!
Zelda was always the spiritual mother of Velma.
What is wrong with these people? Do they really think they won't get caught? Do they still put so much faith in the media's ability to lie their way out of it?
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” – Thomas Sowell
“Let them eat cake!” updated for 2020.
But no worries, modern day elites, the outcome will be totally different this time. No guillotines, for one thing.
More shocking she also voted to ban lesbianism calling it "dangerous."
The supposed future President of the United States did third grade twice.
I just had to type it out and look at it...
>> ...decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” – Thomas Sowell
It's only wrong if you do it. But they aren't wrong. Here's the logic:
"It's bad if a million Californians go to a restaurant. That will be a public health disaster.
I, of course, should be allowed to go, since I'm doing the difficult work of keeping the state going during this crisis. Me, and other leaders like our governor are working so hard we require restaurants to remain open for us."
If it was "wrong" and they got "caught", they would apologize and be ashamed, and fined.
None of that happens.
THIS is why Americans don't care about the outrageous restrictions our Masters are forcing on US. They suck. They don't follow their own rules. And this is not going to end well for THEM. All they are doing is pissing off more and more people every time they demand we follow their rules, whilst they do whatever they want right in front of us.
Greg Hlatky said: “What is wrong with these people? They're narcissists.”
True now, true before, true pretty much 100% of the time, everywhere. Politicians are generally — not always but generally — giant sociopaths.
We’re just seeing it in extremely sharp relief right now. If you were writing a dystopian novel, you could not find a better way to illustrate the divide between the ruling class and the ruled.
And we are living in it.
It's only wrong if you do it. But they aren't wrong. Here's the logic:"
My logic is that they pay no consequences for anything. Ever.
"...makes me wonder how dangerous they really think this all is."
I'm wondering when we'll find out that legions of insiders were vaccinated early.
I watched the first season of "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" on a streaming service. Enjoyed the theme song and, of course, a young Tuesday Weld. Additional seasons were not available at the time. It was funnier than the DC comic book that came later.
She wants each and every one of us to be a Green Grocer.
She is a totalitarian with as much heart as any East German Stasi.
I look forward to the coming targeted assassinations.
Which side will be on the receiving end?
IIRC when Zelda would wrinkle, Dobie would also usually bellow "Now cut that out!"
Great characters on this show.
What's the point of being a politician if you can't ignore the rule you make?
Curious as to how they got my college graduation photo.
Atlas shrugs.
Rand wrote about just this behavior 65 yeas ago
John Henry
On a recurring Althouse theme, I note LA Supervisor Janice Hahn wants to garner the trust of the public.
"Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.
“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” Briand said.
Briand also noted that 50,000 to 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after COVID-19, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19 emerged."
The original location (John Hopkins) of that article says:
Editor’s Note: After The News-Letter published this article on Nov. 22, it was brought to our attention that our coverage of Genevieve Briand’s presentation “COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data” has been used to support dangerous inaccuracies that minimize the impact of the pandemic.
We decided on Nov. 26 to retract this article to stop the spread of misinformation [sic], as we noted on social media. However, it is our responsibility as journalists to provide a historical record. We have chosen to take down the article from our website, but it is available here as a PDF."
Notice that they don't, and probably can't, point out any inaccuracies, which would be the proper way of correcting a scientific article, and chose to censor it instead, being journalists and all that.
The creepy smirk and the Dr. No jacket underline her contemptuous priviledge quite nicely.
The face that reveals why most normal people have no interest in politics and losers do.
That creepy smirk.
Where is the leftwing press to ruin her life? Plus - I'll bet she is a racist.
When I think 'Zelda', F. Scott Fitzgerald's nutty wife comes to mind.
As a government employee her aversion to doing something useful - like real work - is more like that of Maynard G. Krebs.
Infection is improbable in an outdoor space. That said, for those inclined, don't forget to wear your goggles. The eyes are a window to contagion.
Notice that they don't, and probably can't, point out any inaccuracies, which would be the proper way of correcting a scientific article, and chose to censor it instead, being journalists and all that.
You wouldn't want your maid, gardener or chauffeur to read it and get the wrong ideas.
It's a woman changing her mind. There's no principle beyond whatever feels right at the moment.
Choice, regrets, taxation, availability, burdens, even, yes. Along with diversity, political congruence ("="), and sexism, there has been so much social progress.
She reminds me of my high school basketball coach
Reminds me that Lori Laughlin is still in prison @FCI Dublin.
She’s using this time to focus on herself, but she’s also interested in hearing the stories of the other inmates,” the source says. “She realizes she’s no better and no worse than any of them. Lori is resolved to finish her sentence with her head held high.”
I wonder if they had a turkey dinner?
I noticed the sign at Costco. If you can not wear a face covering due to a medical condition, then you must wear a face shield.
Would a Darth Vader mask be permitted?
Government Lies Exposed By... Government
There was a spike in government benefit payouts in the first three months.
These are people who had a DNR on admission, not people who themselves, or their families, filed one after knowing they had Covid.
In other words these are people who had previous to contracting the disease filed a DNR with their health care providers.
Accelerated reprocessing, sequestration, and redistribution a la Planned Parent, maybe. We'll have to wait for the public and private institutions to reconcile their accounts.
"Notice that they don't, and probably can't, point out any inaccuracies..."
I don't think the editors are claiming there are any inaccuracies. The reason they have removed the article is not that they think it's inaccurate but simply because this accurate article, in the editor's opinion, was being used to support the view that the danger of Covid-19 has been exaggerated.
If we were to make this a general rule, then anything can be censored based solely on how some people might interpret it.
Or then again maybe these editors are so unprincipled that they really do think the article is wrong. But are embarrassed to forthrightly say so.
@Althouse, I have been assuming since I first started reading your blog 12 + years ago that you are in favor of a two-tiered system of laws and regulations, one for important Democrat politicians and Democrat-voting elites like yourself, another for riff-raft scum like everyone else. Is this post intended to pretend otherwise?
Back when there were proletarian sitcoms. Remember The Life Of Riley? Working class heroes were something to be.
I noticed the sign at Costco. If you can not wear a face covering due to a medical condition
This directive is based on the belief of a particular mode of asymptomatic spread. Wash your hands to mitigate fecal progress. That said, they followed a smarter policy early in the viral/social contagion period, where they would isolate people in different risk categories on separate days, separate hours. A safe space for grandma.
Loveland CO - home to struggling small businesses and minority run restaurants.
These restaruants are hanging by a thread. Latest order is to shut down again.
Some restaurants were just starting to crawl out of the hole. Some are defying state orders to shut. The state then THREATENS them with license removal.
While rich elite gov. Polis decrees from on high - these small restaurants are going under. People are suffering. Let people make up their own minds - take their own risks. The rich white left do not care.
Thanks Wuhan Hillary-Biden virus. Your arrival gave us the best excuse ever for democrats to stuff the ballot box with fraudulent ballots - and cheat to win.
We all know it happened and we all know Biden is a crook a fraud and a puppet.
The bull dyke culture that Ms. Kuel is a part of is scary. They HATE cisgender white guys, and I mean HATE. Real penis envy. The chip on their shoulder is massive. They want to be the patriarchy. I’d rather run into a wild pack of bit bulls in a dark alley that one bull dyke.
I went to a Lesbian bar in Andersonville neighborhood in Chicago with some college friends. I was the ONLY guy in the bar. Bartenders in overalls, sleeves rolled up to their pipes. So stupid me goes to the front of the line for the bathroom to go to the guys john. It was all women in line, like a concert. So I get to the door, and the dykes are yelling at me, “Hey buddy, there’s no guys bathroom at a lesbian bar! What are you, and idiot?!!”
So I walked to the back of the line and was heckled the whole way. Best is my lesbian friend from college was standing at the bar laughing at me. She said, “I was going to stop you, but then changed my mind”. Larry David moment. Classic.
Her earlobes. Oh God, her earlobes.
I am Laslo.
As long as there are no consequences the tyranny will continue. Has any of these people paid a price for what they have done to this country and it's people, even when caught, and even when legal proceedings tell them they are acting illegally? The only peaceful power we have is the vote, and so many Americans will simply not protect that singular power of the people. They prefer calm, quiet, boring and submission. They do not deserve what they expect from the rest of us. They do not deserve peace or respect.
She looks and acts exactly like an evil sci-fi character in a position of power. The dystopian novels are turning into documentaries. There is only one part I can play in those stories.
Ugly people go into politics simply to bully people in an attempt to undo the trauma of being ugly
Atlas won't shrug because John Galt and Hank Reardon are Libtards.
She looks like the Buddha of Heavens Gate cult serving up Applesauce Plus
Sheila Kuehl is "verticalliy challenged" i.e. she's 4' 10" tall. Randy Newman wrote the song 'Short People". He was obviously thinking about the lying Sheila Kuehls of this world. Randy Newman, a composer who could see the future!
They got little hands
And little eyes
And they walk around
Tellin' great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet
In Ms.Kuehl's defense, King Richard was also a short deformed ruler--and it's true that a short girl has to eat somewhere.
Does she(D) get an Emmy or a golden globe?
@Gusty: So every grade school and government building in the country has been forced by the courts to retrofit a bathroom for transgender/etc. use, but lesbian bars aren't required to have bathrooms for males, and men who look for them are raucously mocked?
Sounds like both sex discrimination and simple battery/intimidation gender bias hate crime, based on the Illinois law Ms. Kuhl helped create for the states with Eric Holder in 1997, when I first experienced her ... flexible double standards regarding gender.
320Busdriver said...
I noticed the sign at Costco. If you can not wear a face covering due to a medical condition, then you must wear a face shield.
Not really. You could have a medical condition that forbids you from wearing a face covering or a face shield.
What medical condition?
To ask is to violate your rights under the ADA. Commercial entities are not allowed to interrogate you concerning your disabilities.
She obviously has spent a lot of time practicing to smile without showing her teeth.
Still: a work in progress.
I am Laslo.
My all-time favorite TV show.
Wow. I did not know that. I guess if the beats presaged the hippies, Dobie Gillis was the first counterculture sitcom. Was that the first sitcom to depict that kind of father-son dynamic? Silent generation complaining about baby boomers.
I actually preferred the more traditional family shows like Donna Reed and My Three Sons. But from that time period, my absolute favorite was The Dick Van Dyke Show. I was obsessed with Rob Petrie. Even though it was the 90s and I was 9, he was the epitome of the aspirational yuppie. How Van Dyke managed to not fall madly, hopelessly in love with Mary Tyler Moore I'll never know. Maybe he did. I hope so.
Ann Althouse said...My all-time favorite TV show.
I wouldn't go that far, but I strongly identified with Maynard G. Krebs when I was a kid.
Everything You Know is Wrong dept...
The original run of Dobie Gillis corresponded with my years in High School. A lot of us guys identified with Dobie, because there were plenty of Thalia Menningers and Milton Armitages in our High School. Only one Maynard, and a few Zeldas.
Fox tried to give Kuhel a Zelda spinoff show after Season 3 of Dobie Gillis. Didn't fly -- Kuhel claims now it was because CBS thought she was too unattractive/lesbian to appeal to viewers, but it may simply have been Zelda was too much of a one-note character/annoying (which was the point of the character) for CBS to give her a starring series. But it does show some gender-identity anger mixed with a desire to get benefits others don't have (like their own network show) has been bubbling around in her head since the early 1960s.
All is proceeding according to plan. Thousands of restaurants and small businesses will close as a result of Democrat enacted minimum wages and unnecessary Covid restrictions.
Later, Democrat fat cat donors will open replacement restaurants and Democrat fat cat Bezos will be America’s merchant for nearly everything. Democrat fat cats will get fatter. Government employees who keep their jobs and pay while “working” from home will finally, completely replace the middle class.
Even Democrats are not stupid enough to believe they can stop an act of God - or for the heathens, act of nature. It's all about the politics and the graft. So assholes like this woman and Gov. Newsome don’t follow their own rules and BLM/Antifa Democrat Brownshirts are immune.
I went to a Lesbian bar in Andersonville neighborhood in Chicago with some college friends.
I did something similar in college. I rode up to SF with my roommate who was trying to apply to medical school. I forget why we went but, when he had done his business with UCSF, we decided to get some dinner. We went into this place and sat at the bar. This was the 50s. The bartender came to take our order and looked very gay, my roommate and I looked at the guys sitting next to us, about that time a floor show began on a stage at the front.
Whoops ! We had found a gay bar. No bathroom scene, though.
I've seen her name but looked her up to get more info.
Of course, everything leads with, '...the first openly gay...'
So nobody knew?
What was the giveaway?
: )
I liked Leave it to Beaver. Its humorous script and identifiable stereotypes were funny. Eddie and Lumpy were guys we all knew. The parents were strict by today's standards. Wally was perfect as the rather dull-witted but kind older brother.
A Mao jacket. How appropriate.
A different quote also comes to mind.
"It's a man, baby!"
I want to know if she was dining with Cher.
BTW Sheila James (Kuehl) played a prococious little girl on the Stu Erwin Show back in the '50s.
I’d rather run into a wild pack of bit bulls in a dark alley that one bull dyke.
Bit bulls. Can I sell the tickets??
Somewhere in Iowa, or Missouri, or Oklahoma, a high school girls softball team sits uncoached.
Go Lady Bearcats!
F. Scott Fitzgerald has won. His doomed wife is now the person you associate with the name Zelda. Back when Dobie Gillis came out, Zelda was a faintly ridiculous name like Petunia or Hortense, but that was before the legend of the Fitzgeralds' doomed romance had taken hold. Nowadays, if you name a character Zelda, she will not be there for comic relief, and her chances of having a happy ending will be slim indeed....I don't think even English majors name their kids Zelda though. I have never met a Zelda in real life.
forget Zelda for the moment
Take a look at Joe Gloria
they've been trying to serve Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria with a subpoena since Wednesday.
County workers locked the building to keep them out and then Gloria hid in his house all weekend.
What are Gloria and Clark County hiding?
He threw out an entire County Commisioner’s race because he didn’t have confidence in his own elections.
Biden-Trump was on the same ballot.
My brain goes to Zelda, Legend of. The Nintendo game. Probably my age.
"I liked Leave it to Beaver. Its humorous script and identifiable stereotypes were funny. Eddie and Lumpy were guys we all knew. The parents were strict by today's standards. Wally was perfect as the rather dull-witted but kind older brother."
A lot of people don't understand the show's POV. The show was written from the point of view of 6-year-old Beaver. That's why the parents were like Gods. That's why they had all of the answers. Wally was the interpreter from the adult to the child world.
> What is wrong with these people?
Obedience training
The basis for all Liberals do
climate change, health care, green new deals, all Obama is
puts you in your place
DO ass I Zay, UND NOT ASS I DO!!!111!!!!!
I still occasionally watch Leave to Beaver.
My all-time favorite TV character is Larry Mondello, the devious yet inept kid who was Beaver's best friend. All of the characterizations were well-written.
"The supposed future President of the United States did third grade twice."
Will a short bus fit in the White House corridors for when Joe goes to work?
Will there be a jar of paste on his desk?
My favorite actor turned politician was Cooter. Just sayin.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is the county equivalent of a city council except for one difference. There is no county mayor. There are only five supervisors so each one scratches the back of the other in order to get the desired pork into their respective district.
They have been called the Five Kings because of the power they wield over a population of 10 million people. At the same time, there is relatively little scrutiny of them by the media. For example, the LA Times has yet to cover Ms. Kuehl's last supper at a restaurant. When the story runs, it will predictably be couched in an "opponents pounce" fashion. Ms. Kuehl is a left winger and was endorsed by the LA Times.
As a result of the last election, all five supervisors are women.
I don't think the editors are claiming there are any inaccuracies.
I expected a "oops that article isn't here" page, which is what it was until recently, but just now I read it more carefully.
They do say "This claim [no excess deaths] is incorrect and does not take into account the spike in raw death count from all causes compared to previous years." but their source for that "spike" statement is NOT the CDC, it's a UK organization which DOES NOT publish US data, only European, e.g. per their link Comparisons of all-cause mortality between European countries and regions: January to June 2020
The reason they have removed the article is not that they think it's inaccurate but simply because this accurate article,
I do believe that is correct, even more-so after reading their feeble rebuttal.
>>climate change
I'm seeing some discussion that we should continue the lockdowns, social distancing, and remote working, post Corona, to "fight climate change."
My fear is that this will work, and it will be masks (as a badge of virtue) from now on....
"My all-time favorite TV show."
You are unique Althouse! As they say, God threw out the mold when He made you!
mockturtle said...I liked Leave it to Beaver. Its humorous script and identifiable stereotypes were funny.
Please excuse me for telling this joke again, but I cannot resist. It's the juvenile side of my personality.
The best line from the show was when Barbara Billingsley chided Hugh Downs one morning, "Ward, don't you think you were a little hard on The Beaver last night"
Francisco D., I probably heard that line but, as I was quite young, it didn't register. ;-D
I have to admit. There is a part of me that enjoys watching LA. SF, NYC, Chicago and other dark blue cities suffer under the weight of their own liberal hypocritical bullshit.
But with the weight of all the current voter fraud, you have to wonder if these people are actually elected. The PA, MI, and AZ hearings have been devastating. We didn't even have an election.
Thanks Madison!!!
"when Barbara Billingsley chided Hugh Downs one morning"
On the Today show?!
(You mean Hugh Beaumont.)
Last night Lou Dobbs said, in effect, that the Dems are shoving it in our faces now while knowing that nothing will be done about it. They aren't even trying to hide their corruption and dishonesty. I agree with him.
Blonde Dobie or brunette Dobie?
Used outdoor dining for lunch last day before lockdown. I did have some concern flaps on tent erased distinction from indoor. Now hearing that Pasadena bucking LA County rules, and may have to check that out.
I would have voted against outdoor dining shutdown, natch.
>>I would have voted against outdoor dining shutdown, natch.
As if they would put it to a vote.....
Don't be silly.
"Ward, don't you think you were a little hard on The Beaver last night"
Barbara Billingsley, the original MILF.
For how much?
Why is that General Secretary of the California Soviet Republic smiling?
Holy BeJesus....I saw the photo on Twitter yesterday and thought, "Poor gal....she looks just like Zelda".
Never in my wildest dreams did I think she was ACTUALLY Zelda!
And speaking of Dobie, I laughed when Rush called Tucker Carlson "Chatsworth Osborne Jr.".
Blogger Drago said...
Why is that General Secretary of the California Soviet Republic smiling?
What is she just finished eating barbecued fetus?
John Henry: where Rand really had a crystal ball was in portraying what a zoo modern "liberalism" was becoming, a rogues' gallery of grotesques.
As reported this afternoon on the John and Ken Show on KFI: our zaftig mayor of SF was spotted at French Laundry, not more than 24 hours after Gov. Gruesome was exposed. Dining with eight other individuals (not of her household) and in the same glassed off room too. And the excuse is that the room is technically outside but then it's not. The glass partition creates an enclosed room.
Petty tyrants. Won't be long before the gutters run red.
As usual, late to the party. Don't know that this post has any more significance than the "who met famous so and so" a day or so ago. "Zelda" was my classmate at (SSSHHH) a certain post-graduate (law) school located, as we say, "near Boston." Knew she was there and who she was (Dobie Gillis-wise), though I don't know how many others did. Don't recall ever having any contact with her (hey, it's a relative big law school and she wasn't in my first year "section"). I think she may have been the "marshal" or something or other at graduation. Have been intermittently aware of her subsequent political career in CA.
Have somewhat vague memories of Dobie Gillis from my youth (just about three years younger years than Althouse), but I always liked the show, both from my vague, youthful memories and subsequent (e.g., Nick at Night) incarnations. Had no idea at the time, but Dobie's dad was a character actor in many movies in the 40's and 50's (perhaps best known as a character (the cab driver???) in It's A Wonderful Life. Don't remember the mother from anything else, but she was one of the Newhart patients in the original Bob Newhart TV show (do I need to say again that Bob Newhart is a graduate of St. Ignatius, my high school on the near west side of Chicago?).
As for the Dobie Gillis show, going beyond Maynard G ("WORK!!!), there was the fabulous Thalia Meninger (Tuesday Weld) in the first season plus the insufferable Warren Beattie. Then the guy who played Chatsworth Osborne, Jr. and his imperious mother. And, most of all, TCM's "hardest working man in television," William Schallert: the teacher in Dobie Gillis, Pattie Duke's father, and everywhere else (including an appearance in Star Trek, TOS as they say).
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