I saw this poll — at "Nominees for Time’s Person of the Year: Politicians, celebrities, essential workers" (KIRO7) — and I thought the answer was obvious and clicked...
If you look back on recent winners, however, you'll see that the "Ebola fighters" — a broad array of health care workers — won in 2014. So that might tip the scale to Fauci. Celebrate an individual.It's funny how little Joe Biden gets in that survey, but at least he got more than Kamala Harris. It would be ridiculous to give it to Kamala Harris, in my view. And surely the opportunity will arise next year, after Biden steps down and she becomes the first woman President.
Stacey Abrams?
What universe am I living in? Who am us, anyway?
The most obvious candidate wasn't even nominated. (Another stolen election...!)
She threatened riots before. What will she do as a president? Maybe round up all the old white guys?
Trump was nominated. The votes for him are represented by the 17% "other."
Althouse: So that might tip the scale to Fauci. Celebrate an individual.
I know you already know this, but Time's "Person of the Year" is not necessarily a celebration of the person(s) named.
You think a guy with the moxie to run for President is going to "step down"?
Your poll software is clearly not by Dominion. Otherwise Biden would have been assigned 95% of the votes. You pay the money, you get the votes is the new rule.
Fauci? Overrated, but I understand many have nominated him for canonization. Sadly they don't realize he has to die first.
Fauci because he was wrong and unnecessarily destroyed the economy?
I vote for the Election Thieves. They may well have destroyed the Republic and created a one party country.
Interesting that its Fauci over Birx.
I liked Kitson's People of the Year much much more.
Time's "Person of the Year" is not necessarily a celebration of the person(s) named.
KIRO is a Seattle station, ya? It is possible but unlikely Fauci has any evil 'scientist' crossover votes.
What year are we talking about? (And what year is it now anyway?)
If we’re talking 2020 why not the workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. If we can nominate a group then clearly they had the greatest influence on the world
Xi Jinping....he had more influence over world events than anyone else.
Who shall be approved to wear the Crown of Time? The suspenders are killing me.
but Time's "Person of the Year" is not necessarily a celebration of the person(s) named.
It also need not be a person; one time it was "The Computer", but IIRC they didn't say which one.
In my poll, the person that puts TIME out of business and shuts off the lights is always Person of the Year.
The Big Cheat/Coup should be at the top this year. Too many people involved to list individual names.
Fauci has changed his scientific declarations every 30-60 days during this epic fear-a-thon. His leadership has ranged from 'nothing to fear', to 'no masks are required', to 'China is very forthcoming', to 'stay under the bed! everyone is going to die!', to 'masks on- everyone, everywhere', to 'I don't agree with the President, but I do agree with Chuck Todd', to 'masks off, no...On!, to 'we're all going to die again!, get under the bed and don't leave until we tell you its clear', to 'Biden will get it'.
Honestly, I had respect for him before this year happened. He's been wrong as much as anyone. And that's not good as our leading voice in this thing. Person of the year? Yeah- it would figure. Let's have our faux media proclaim a faux success.
Now...get back under your bed until we tell you that it's OK to come out again. We'll send you a check, or something, in a few months, serf.
Great call, Unknown. (Unknown, at 6:53 AM.) The fact that we don't call the virus the Wuhan Flu or the Chinese Flu tells you that's the right answer.
Though it's certainly possible they won't be able to prop up Joe Biden for two full years, it would be to Kamala Harris's advantage not to become President until at least January 20, 2023. That would permit her to run for two full terms. If she becomes President before then, she'll have to settle for one full term.
Which one can be used the most against Trump?
That’s the way to bet.
Fauci is a government hack who changes his mind every three days.
He would be a perfect choice.
That whole poll is ridiculous. No one on it deserves to win.
Essential workers are the most consequential, but only as a group. And if you're including groups, then it should go to the United States Military. Every single year. Donald Trump is more consequential than any person on that list--by a long shot. And yet he's not on it.
And back to groups, how about vaccine researchers?
Alito should be...
Michael Jordan. The Last Dance did more to distract people from this stuff than anything else.
Sam Alito saves the Republic this week.
Althouse: "And surely the opportunity will arise next year, after Biden steps down and she becomes the first woman President."
How proud feminists must be that the first woman President might be and installed fraudulent California communist who got her start blowing the Mayor of SF. I don't know how somebody can even write that sentence without their blood boiling.
If Xi Jinping is the Man of the Year, let's remember that Hitler was Time's Man of the Year in 1938, followed by Stalin in 1939 (who repeated in 1942).
I nominate President-Elect Donald J. Trump.
Or maybe this guy:
"It is the oldest struggle of human kind, as old as man himself. This is a simple struggle between those of us who believe that man has the dignity and sacred right and the ability to choose and shape his own destiny and those who do not so believe. This irreconcilable conflict is between those who believe in the sanctity of individual freedom and those who believe in the supremacy of the state...Make no mistake about it, this is an evil force. Don’t be deceived because you are not hearing the sound of gunfire, because, even so, you are fighting for your lives."--Ronald Reagan, "Your America To Be Free", 1957
The Person of the Year is obviously Trump.
He delivered a vaccine in 6 months.
The experts said it would take 4 years.
I’m going to miss having a competent president. It was a welcome change while it lasted.
Jeffrey Toobin is clearly the perfect choice for this year.
Yes but he wasnt boring
Stacey Abrams?
I believe she has been credited with turning Georgia blue. Sadly. God help us if she is ever elected governor.
Shadow gov like death star
"Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite." -- Eisenhower
Trump was nominated. The votes for him are represented by the 17% "other."
Then why doesn't it say, "Donald Trump 17%"? Or did Trump only get part of that? If so, why doesn't the chart show how much? (Surely he got more votes than LeBron, right?)
Any random Dominion voting machine.
RMc said...
Trump was nominated. The votes for him are represented by the 17% "other."
Then why doesn't it say, "Donald Trump 17%"? Or did Trump only get part of that? If so, why doesn't the chart show how much? (Surely he got more votes than LeBron, right?)
My assumption is that he got less than any of the people listed. That's usually how it works. Which tells you something about the Times' readership.
Trump, obviously, for developing the vaccine that now looks like the only realistic end to the lockdown.
It would be ridiculous to give it to Kamala Harris, in my view.
Ridiculous, you say? Kind of like your boy, zerobama, getting the Nobel Peace prize?
"And surely the opportunity will arise next year, after Biden steps down and she becomes the first woman President."
Not surely that Biden will become President. But it is amazing how far sucking and fucking the right man can take you.
>>Stacey Abrams?
>> I believe she has been credited with turning Georgia blue. Sadly. God help us if she is ever elected governor.
I think it's a given that she will be in the Biden adminstration just long enough to give her a resume item for her next run in Georgia.
It's a done deal. We are now at the Banana Republic stage where "voting" is now an act of theater, where the result is predetermined.
I nominate Ralph Jones.
Blogger Darrell said...
In my poll, the person that puts TIME out of business and shuts off the lights is always Person of the Year.
I thought that had already happened.
Stacy Abrams won again!
Shoulda been Trump. He’s the guy who defeated an incumbent Presidency with almost everything going for it on paper. Circumstances where few US presidents have ever lost. But even with all the trappings and powers of incumbency going for the sitting President, Trump managed to negate them.
George Floyd
Your vote fraud didn't hurt either Charlie. Never forget what you had to do to get here. We won't.
Hunter Biden, without question. He rose to the top 1%, with no talent, while being drug addled.
Susan rosenberg the head honcho of thousand currents (they already showcased klaus schwab)
And surely the opportunity will arise next year, after Biden steps down and she becomes the first woman President.
Even the cruelly neutral Althouse sees it.
Does anyone still read TIME? I cancelled my subscription 20 years ago. Hard to believe anyone would still care about its Man of the Year.
I glance through it at the check out stand and laugh.
Obama! Michelle! Google! Facebook! MSDNC!
"after Biden steps down and she becomes the first woman President."
What an accomplishment, when you think what she had to put in her mouth to get where she is today. Her parents must be so proud.
What is Time's circulation these days?
The thought-Crime Doxxing Cancel Culture Woke Antifa Arsonist left!
Actually - an Image of a brownshirt Black-clad White Left Antifa Goon - that would be the perfect Person of the year.
The ferguson guy who created these models at imperial college.
What is Time's circulation these days?
As of June 2017: 3,032,581
Kamala Harris -
How you insert someone who would be totally un-electable.
There wont be anymore of those cartoon covers written in crayon, now that we actually have a cartoon as president.
I think it should go to the Covid Dead.
Tweet of the Year
Most Time magazines are sitting in waiting rooms. Ready to feed your brain with dishonest crap and pro-Democrat party talking points.
Joe Biden is not the president-elect. Kamala Harris is not the VP-elect.
The 2% giving it to Cuomo must really hate old people.
Dr Jill will never let Joe or his dead body step down. Kamala will need to brush up on the 25th Adm to take power.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
Kamala Harris -
How you insert someone who would be totally un-electable.
I've wondered about 2024.
Can Even the Democrats manufacture the amount of fraud needed for her "reelection"?
"Can Even the Democrats manufacture the amount of fraud needed for her "reelection"?"
The Democrats could manufacture enough fraud to elect Judas Iscariot.
When the judges are compromised, and in fact actively implicated in the steal, no amount of evidence of fraud will suffice, apparently.
What's TIME magazine?
Steps down or is wacked out?
It should be “people of the year” which includes any Democrat voter that succumbed to the media propaganda, COVID fear, bought into the “peaceful protest” lie, and doesn’t accept the voter fraud that is destroying our republic. Along with the #1 Place to retire status, Madison, WI would be included in this group, which I’m sure they would consider and honor.
I think part of the problem with Trumpists not believing Biden won the election is that they cannot conceive of the fact that Trump is disliked/hated by a so may more people than they could imagine. That Trump didn’t get more votes for Person of the Year should not be a surprise to anyone.
The Deep State
Inga said...
I think part of the problem with Trumpists not believing Biden won the election is that they cannot conceive of the fact that Trump is disliked/hated by a so may more people than they could imagine.
This seems implausible, as Trump dislike/hatred is proudly and daily displayed across all outlets. It was displayed by Congress, by the people who perpetrated Mueller on us, by the people who impeached him, and by the entertainment industry.
It is the left who rarely have to face the fact that their candidates and politicians are disliked or hated by more people than they could imagine.
Funny how the guy who got us a vaccine in six months and brokered peace in the Middle East isn't on the list.
Fauci is a cock-sucking fame whore.
I wouldn't go to him to get an aspirin.
What Bidenists don't understand is that despite the media blackout on all things Biden-family-Corruption - most normal hard working Americans despise what has become of the modern democrat party.
The Head of the Pennsylvania supreme court should be man of the year. Since he stole the election from Trump.
Or perhaps Kemp, who's helping the D's steal GA.
The party of Hate and Lies(D) = corrupt democrat party and their corrupt media alliance.
The party of Fraud.
Trump is one guy. The left's obsession with him will move to the next person who attempts to oust the corrupt left.
"Does anyone still read TIME?"
Since people aren't really going to the dentist anymore; no.
Any of the several black thugs killed by police would be my vote.
Qwinn said...
When the judges are compromised, and in fact actively implicated in the steal, ...
Duh, which judges are you talking about? Those Trump appointed judges who have been ruling against his frivolities? People are saying those are the worst.
“It is the left who rarely have to face the fact that their candidates and politicians are disliked or hated by more people than they could imagine.”
What I’ve observed over the years is that conservatives think they are a majority in the US. This is just not a reflection of reality, it never has been. Trump has been the motivation for many more left/liberal leaning Americans to come out and vote this election, giving a “meh” candidate like Biden a historic win. Instead of facing reality Trumpists concoct elaborate conspiracy theories of voter fraud. Despite one Trump lawsuit after another being thrown out based on fantastical mythical “kraken” type of voter fraud, they cling to the fantasy that their cult leader is widely loved among the majority of everyday Americans. Trump didn’t do well on The Person of the Year and Trump won’t do any better as an American leader in the history books.
The liberal elite experts you people are jealous of made the vaccines, Trump just got out of the way. He has earned a participant trophy.
Trump has been the motivation for many more left/liberal leaning Americans to come out and vote this election, giving a “meh” candidate like Biden a historic win.
Some, like Inga, were even alive. Belatedly, there is now a bill in Congress banning dead people from voting.
Stupid poll and stupid award to mollify stupid people.
Blogger Howard said...
The liberal elite experts you people are jealous of made the vaccines, Trump just got out of the way. He has earned a participant trophy.
No, he took it away from the CDC and bureaucracy. You lefties have no idea of free markets and private enterprise.
The Time bankruptcy supervisor.
As soon as the ChiComs published the Covid genome, biopharma companies world wide started working on the vaccines. Some were completed in a month. All by libtard elite experts whom absolutely dominate free market entrepreneurial capitalism in the 21st century. It's you people whom don't understand how the modern world works, Doc.
“Stupid poll and stupid award to mollify stupid people.”
I don’t see Trumpists being mollified here.
Dominion isn't even a choice! Well, that at least makes a kind of logical sense.
Why bother listing the likely winner, when your voting machines will choose for you?
I had the radio on all night and I could swear that someone on the BBC announced around 2 a.m. that TIME had chosen, for the first time, a "Kid of the Year." She was apparently a high school student who had developed a new way of analyzing soil samples, which in turn linked up to the lead poisoning in the water of Flint, MI.
I remember thinking, "Jeez if that isn't the mother of all cop-outs." Then again, I might have dreamt the whole thing; that's why I sleep with the news on anyway, to get myself started dreaming. Often it works.
Instead of facing reality Trumpists concoct elaborate conspiracy theories of voter fraud.
Have you been alive during the two elections of Bush 43, and Trump 2016?
Biden - selected not elected!
Biden- the pResident
Yeah! The thread is at 100 comments!
Oh, crap...
Michael K said... Some, like Inga, were even alive. Belatedly, there is now a bill in Congress banning dead people from voting.
Too bad the bill doesn't cover brain dead people.
Instead of facing reality Trumpists concoct elaborate conspiracy theories of voter fraud.
Stacey Abrams! Inga, you moron, you are just seeing the beginning of #theresistance. Sans pussy hats. And that tape of Biden pissing his pants whilst masturbating to a picture of the current First Lady. with rubles pouring out of his wallet.
I'm surprised Inga hasn't been denounced by her fellow libs as a stone-cold racist.
Rearrange the letters in her name.
It's all there in plain sight people...open your eyes!
All by libtard elite experts whom absolutely dominate free market entrepreneurial capitalism in the 21st century. It's you people whom don't understand how the modern world works, Doc.
Oh, I know. I also know about "siloing of knowledge." Very smart people in one area are often/usually ignorant in others. It is a very modern conceit that a nuclear physicist, like Klaus Fuchs for example, knows how to govern us.
Howard, you stay happy in your salaried little world. Mean while, millions of us earn our way by our own efforts in small businesses of all types. Doctors, even surgeons, once paid our own staff and, if enough was left, ourselves. You are already seeing doctors swing left because they act like the employees they are, not to mention the 60% of new medical grads that are women.
Remember when "absent minded professors" were a joke ? They are still ignorant about reality but are running things.
All the collective left do now is yell "YOU'RE LYING!"
Give it to Kamala because of course.
Next year, it'll be the person who nailed the vaccine that worked best.
How about the thousands upon thousands of small-business owners who've been financially destroyed by leftist tyrants and their decrees?
Or maybe the operators of suicide hotlines?
"Doctors, even surgeons, once paid our own staff and, if enough was left, ourselves."
A very close friend is an orthopedic surgeon. He has a practice with a few other surgeons of different specialties (hands, feet, etc.).
They had fifteen or more on their staff.
He is thinking of hanging it up, partly because of the bureaucratic bullshit.
So they sold part of their practice to a local hospital and use the hospital as their office...got rid of a lot of overhead.
It's too bad as, even though he is only late 50s, he could do a lot of good healing people, but is being driven out by government regulations.
How about the Eminence Grise who selected Biden and is pulling his strings.
As an Essential Worker (USPS - it says so right on my badge), I decline the honor. Give it to the Election Thieves who stole the election.
If Harris gets the presidency during Biden's four year term (and I count this as quite likely given Biden's deterioration unless they pull a FDR), it will be constantly remarked on that she didn't get a single elector in her quest for the Dem nomination, and was selected as VP only after Biden promised to pick a Af Amer Woman because he'd made a number of troubling racist comments and need to find a away to shore up that voting block. Not sure how much of an 'achievement' that is.
That would be chris 'waitress sandwich' dodd.
Ah, one of those zombie awards that is still around despite no one really caring.
It's too bad as, even though he is only late 50s, he could do a lot of good healing people, but is being driven out by government regulations.
Probably the Electronic Medical Record. I know quite a few that age who are just hanging up on the insurance companies and Medicare. They have a cash practice and need one employee. I know there are orthopods doing that in CA. The busiest hip replacement surgeon in Newport Beach is cash only. He charges what Medicare pays. No BS. If the kids are educated and you are able to retire, why not go back to the fun it was when you started ?
All the collective left do now is yell "YOU'RE LYING!"
As usual, pure projection.
They all know it was stolen, and they support it. They're just trying to run out the clock now.
"Probably the Electronic Medical Record.
Not sure what that is exactly, but he says he spends a ton of time dictating and correcting all of the details of the visits and surgeries...he has some funny stories about the software's transcription mistakes that never seem to get corrected, even though he speaks in a standard, not really accented English...
Blogger Joe Smith said...
"Probably the Electronic Medical Record.
Not sure what that is exactly, but he says he spends a ton of time dictating and correcting all of the details of the visits
The "EMR" or "Electronic Health Record," is a monstrosity created by programmers who were probably fired from the Obamacare rollout project. I was a big enthusiast for electronic records with built in rules and popups to ask for choices.
For example, say a patient is admitted to ICU who weighs 70 Kg, has a hemoglobin of 12 and a creatinine of 1.9. The system can easily store all that and calculate the dose of antibiotic by the body weight and renal function. Allergies are another slam dunk. I've twice seen other doctors kill patients by ignoring or never learning their allergy to a medication.
What happened with Obama care was that the EMR became mandatory. You lost 3% of Medicare payments if you didn't have and use it. Secondly, all the neat features that I liked were mostly dropped. Now it is a control mechanism and a cost monitor.
Most doctors that I talked to said it took 25% of their time. The internist I go to rarely looks at me. He won't allow any talk until he gets all the data entered for that day's visit. Nice guy, Democrat but competent.
To whoever said (was it Ann?) that Trump can't have been broken out of the 17% "other" because he must have gotten fewer votes than any of those who were broken out . . . well, I don't believe you, that's all. Fewer than LeBron James? Or Mitch McConnell? I'm not saying that Trump ought to win this poll, but it is flat-out ridiculous that he shouldn't even be in it.
I was self employed my last 30-years of my career, Doc. I spent much of that time fighting deep state regulations on behalf of free market capitalists..
@Michael K
Yes, he did mention an insane amount of coding by injury...
For 2020 ?
"It also need not be a person; one time it was "The Computer". That was 1982, and the computer on the cover looks rather like the original IBM PC.
Then again, Hitler only made man-of-the-year once (1938) but Stalin did it twice (1939, 1941). Khomeini was man-of-the-year in 1979 (sorry, Jimmy C.)
The real question is, why would anyone think a fossil like TIME was still relevant?
It was Giuliani in 2001 and Trump in 2016.
I think the worst yet so far was "You." With a shiny mirror-like oval on the cover, so that you could see yourself and know that you, yes, YOU!!! were Person of the Year. Bleh.
readering, I can't quarrel with either of those picks. Giuliani held NYC together in a way I can't see subsequent mayors doing, and, like it or not, Trump won 2016 -- not as in "he won the election," but as in "he changed things irrevocably."
Why would anyone want to honor Fauci?! He's a liar and a dumbass. His incompetence (and corruption) has done immeasurable damage to America.
If Harris becomes the first woman President, that would be another perfect example of the Democrats obsession with style, appearances, and inauthenticity.
Their first black President was half white, and grew up raised by whites and among mostly white friends and associates. There is of course nothing wrong with that, but it is in effect a fake at the very reason for his selection. Now the first woman will be an embarrassment of fake support who was never even supported by Democrats in the primary and was ultimately elected via fraud. Then there is the supremely embarrassing reason we even know her name. So much to be proud of. How do they so such a bad job at the very thing they pretend they are doing? Are there no authentically Black Democrats or proud feminist women in the entire party who could proudly and honestly be who they claim to be?
To be fair, Kamala did ensure herself 2 to 7.5 years of the Presidency after being so unlikeable and bad at campaigning that she had to drop out of the Iowa Caucuses despite the media cheerleading her every move. That's impressive, in a way.
Giuliani and Trump both did demonstratively historic things that others never could, and that "experts" said were impossible. They both changed the very scope of what is possible in leadership and overcoming challenges. That is the criteria that should be used, along with, of course, being well known, since most great people are never recognized for what they do. Who else on that list meets that level of special while also famous? Look at each one and ask that question. It looks like a search for Mediocrity of the Year. I understand that they sometimes pick bad actors, but my criteria still works for that as well, but these people on the list are soon to be forgotten and irrelevant.
Folks are not going to agree. But still relevant. Ask Trump.
Ai Fen, Li Wenliang, and any other Wuhan doctors who tried to get the word out when the CCP and WHO were downplaying everything should be the person of the year.
A fifteen-year old scientist is the first "Kid of the Year." Greta Thunberg, also a teen, was "Person of the Year" last year, so there may still be an adult "Person of the Year" to be named. Quite the gimmick to sell more magazines, assuming anyone is still buying them.
Inanimate objects have been also been chosen: The Computer (Machine of the Year, 1982) and
The Endangered Earth (Planet of the Year, 1988). So I guess Biden has a chance as well.
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