December 21, 2020

"Undercutting Trump, Barr says there’s no basis for seizing voting machines, using special counsels for election fraud, Hunter Biden."

 WaPo reports.


wendybar said...

Enjoy the downfall...this is the end of America as we know it. Congratulations comrades!!

madAsHell said...

.....and you wonder why you can't find ammo on the shelves.

wendybar said...

What have we learned?? That you must get in their faces...beat them up if they disagree with you, call them Racists and burn down cities. That way, the Supreme court is too scared to do the right thing, and the hate and division is the winner. Time to take to the streets Mad Max style......No justice, no is time to show them what that really means....

Sebastian said...

So, what would be a "basis" for appointing a special counsel to investigate Hunter?

Dave Begley said...

That's why Barr was FIRED.

The new guy will do, at least, the Special Counsels.

Since there is probable cause to believe that there was skullduggery with the voting machines, I"m shocked the US Attorneys aren't seizing them.

Supposedly some in AZ are going to be seized by a county attorney and sheriffs.

Over 70m Americans think this election was stolen by the Dems. Why isn't the federal government investigating? What about the printing plant in Bethpage, LI, NY?

Biden is completely illegitimate.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

"I see no basis now."

Shouldn't you look first?

And wouldn't "looking" include examining machines, and interrogating the overnight counting crew in Fulton County?

Dave Begley said...

Here's the deal, Fat. I stole this election fair and square and no one can question my theft. Orange Man must go.

This is totally and completely fucked.

Dave Begley said...

Wince has it right. The DOJ isn't even looking.

Wince said...

Whether intentional or not, Barr is giving Biden cover to fire the Special Counsel(s).

Jupiter said...

He was asked if the President has the legal authority to seize voting machines. He responded that he "saw no basis now for seizing machines".

One has to ask, what would constitute such a "basis"? If a corpse were found in a sealed room with massive head trauma, would that constitute a basis for seizing the baseball bat lying beside it? Or would the bat be entitled to a prosecutorial presumption of innocence?

rhhardin said...

I'd doubt that the machines have any evidence, if the hacker was any good. If the date is after the election, erase and revert to normal code.

rhhardin said...

What you want is a machine that was set to participate in the election but didn't, and lie to it about the date and see what it does.

Tommy Duncan said...

Trump continues to refine the definition of "us versus them". Virtually all of Washington is solidly in the "them" camp.

The insiders have pushed past the limits of our patience and good will.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

If they looked, they might find something suspicious, or even incriminating.
Sometimes I try to be agnostic about the election- thinking that one side says there is widespread cheating, one side says minimal cheating, and I conclude that there is just no way to be sure.
Then I note that one side wants everything open, everything looked at. They have affidavits, videos, witnesses, and statistical evidence of cheating.
The other side has argument by assertion- we won because we won. Technicalities, lack of standing, they say. But no explanations as to why counting stopped, and then restarted with an avalanche of D ballots.
D's and deep staters of both parties will lose their jobs, and in some cases their freedom, if their explanations are found wanting.
That's motive to not explain, not cooperate.
My agnosticism did not last long. I'm a believer.

Browndog said...

Well, he's got a point.

They already impeached Trump for what Biden did. What more do you want? Justice has been served!

Achilles said...

I want to thank Washington DC for attracting all of those useless shitheads that are parasitic and worthless to our country to a relatively small geographic area.

Shouting Thomas said...


Every one of our institutions is completely dysfunctional and run by idiots and thieves.

JaimeRoberto said...

Just do a hand count of paper ballots and compare to the machine results. That should uncover any shenanigans by the machines. I don't think they will find any. The bigger issue is signature verification.

Peglegged Picador said...

Althouse, are you nervous about your inevitable interviews with the FBI if some of these keyboard warriors actually perpetrate the crimes they're suggesting they may commit next month?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

So, for the next two years, when people shoot Antifa and BLM protesters, from ambush, Barr can pat himself on the back.

When people destroy "voting drop boxes", or their contents, next election, Barr and the US Supreme Court can pat themselves on the backs

When truck bombs go off outside Democrat "absentee ballot counting centers", Barr and the US Supreme Court can pat themselves on the backs for what a good job they did

No justice, no peace

Vote fraud is the diametric opposite of justice

Qwinn said...


The machines produced a rigged count, and then massive numbers of fake ballots were rolled in in tbe middle of the night to match those fraudulent counts. So yes, I agree that that sort of comparison won't find anything, but that doesn't mean it wasn't massive fraus.

Birkel said...

There is no basis no keep Bill Barr employed.

Qwinn said...

I'm glad my suggestion for the correct slogan to use is catching on.

No justice, no peace.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

JaimeRoberto said...
Just do a hand count of paper ballots and compare to the machine results. That should uncover any shenanigans by the machines. I don't think they will find any. The bigger issue is signature verification.

That works, if the poll watchers are there the entire time to make sure no one plays any games with the ballots, and firm audits are done to make sure that for every absentee ballot there's a signed envelop from a valid voter where the signature matches, and where the voter didn't vote any other way in any State.

Since the Democrats kept the poll watchers from keeping the poll workers honest, and refuse to do the envelop checks, and disabled signature verification, and there's tens to hundreds of thousands of invalid voters who "voted", a hand count isn't going to solve the problem.

Qwinn said...


I look forward to the FBI interviewing the many tens of millions of people who believe the time has come for civil war if this fraud is allowed to stand.

They're going to need to hire lots more staff. Perhaps we can infiltrate them this time.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Peglegged Picador said...
Althouse, are you nervous about your inevitable interviews with the FBI if some of these keyboard warriors actually perpetrate the crimes they're suggesting they may commit next month?

Oh, I'm not going to commit those crimes.

I'm just intelligent enough to understand that people who have had their voices stolen from them, the way the Trump supporters have been abused, are going to react violently.

No justice, no peace. The Left's been saying it for decades. In the next couple of years, they're going to get to finally start to understand it

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Beautiful Barr and Pompeo now the DEEP STATE its now China not what the Attorney General,the I investigative committee, the Secretary of State say.The conspiracy theorists just can not take being handed their heads,Putey glowing like a candle and Sydney Powell for counsel.Talk about full out PARLER! Russian agents being booted in less than month

Drago said...

Its very clear that Barr truly believes he has obtained sufficient assurances from key establishment/federal agency/politicians that no further coups will ever be attempted as it was with Trump and thus, in order to "save the institutions" that Barr and the establishment view as critical for the safety of the US, Barr is not going to allow any further public disclosures that would provide the proof of the astonishing corruption in DC amongst both parties.

Further, even though a Special Counsel us clearly warranted, Barr will "set an example" for how not to go after political opponents.

So yes, Barr has ensured the coup attempt will be covered up and justified investigations never get started, all to "save the system".

Very, very EU-like.

Oh how the democraticals and deep staters are laughing and laughing at their good fortune in encountering Marquis of Queensbury Rules republican uni-partiers.

But then again, this is precisely what we predicted would happen since the entire establishment would be exposed (including McConnell, Rubio, Graham et al on the republican side) if more information were released.

chuck said...

Don't ask, don't tell makes a comeback.

iowan2 said...

This is all theater. The media asking the wrong questions, giving govt a place to hide.

Nonapod said...

Perhaps we never truly had any Rule of Law, I don't know. But it was certainly a nice illusion. Now the illusion has been dashed. It's been fully revealed that we're all just subjects to an elite ruling class, a class that totally despises us.

It's ugly and it's grim. And I don't know if there's enough will among the people to actually do anything about it. Do people like being held to different standards than their rulers? I always assumed they didn't, but it turns out I may have been wrong.

boatbuilder said...

I thought you were leaving, Bill...

How can we miss you if you won't go away?

Achilles said...

Peglegged Picador said...

Althouse, are you nervous about your inevitable interviews with the FBI if some of these keyboard warriors actually perpetrate the crimes they're suggesting they may commit next month?

Just like they investigated the Antifa/BLM riots right? They are on video committing thousands of crimes. And you are angry that some people are talking about "crimes?"

The Nazi Party would be proud to have a member like you.

Do you want to reward this threat against you Ann?

Have fun being neutral.

boatbuilder said...

Did anyone ask him--What would be wrong with doing an actual, you know, investigation of these things?

Darrell said...

As I said, Barr is an idiot or complicit.

You look like a pervert, Bill, what does Deep State have on you? Leave immediately.

wendybar said...

Peglegged Picador said...
Althouse, are you nervous about your inevitable interviews with the FBI if some of these keyboard warriors actually perpetrate the crimes they're suggesting they may commit next month?

Why should she be?? She loved the artwork that was left after the lefts little Antifas, and BLM burned down Madison....Democrats seem to love when their cities are burned down in the name of getting what we want when we want it...we are just emulating them since they were so successful...Who knew that you had to riot, loot and beat up people who disagree with you to get the Supreme Court to ignore Fraud because they are scared of the fall out??

Qwinn said...

One perk: Whatever resistance arises, they get to wear masks at all times so even if caught on video, it'll be tough to identify them.

Worked for Anfifa... or would have if there had ever been any intent to investigate them, anyway.

Rory said...

"No justice, no peace."

I think "no peace, no justice" is a more severe warning.

effinayright said...

The Walking Woke are now openly mocking everyone associated with Trump and traditional American values, just as Jesus's captors did by placing a crown of thorns on the "King of the Jews".

Constitution? Republic of Virtue? Rule of Law?


Inga said...

Are the comments sections of the Althouse blog turning into a gathering place for fomenting violence now?

Jupiter said...

"I'm just intelligent enough to understand that people who have had their voices stolen from them, the way the Trump supporters have been abused, are going to react violently."

I hope you are mistaken about that. If Biden is declared President by a process with the outward appearance of constitutionality, the situation will indeed be dire. But any attempt at extralegal remedies will be immediately opposed by law enforcement and by the military, if necessary, and will not have public sympathy. Our situation is not like that of the American revolutionaries in 1776. Our oppressors are not based on the far side of an ocean. We are more like the unhappy subjects of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. There were tanks in the streets of Moscow at the end of the Soviet Union, but I don't believe there was any shooting.

Inga said...

“The Walking Woke are now openly mocking everyone associated with Trump and traditional American values, just as Jesus's captors did by placing a crown of thorns on the "King of the Jews".”

And they wonder why they are being called a cult. Trump as Jesus...

bagoh20 said...

What's the downside to seizing and checking the machines? Shouldn't that be standard procedure after every election? We check and calibrate all kind of machines that have far less importance. Everything we do with elections is now backwards and defaults to protecting and facilitating fraud.

The basis for investigating is that a majority of the country thinks there is a serious problem, and we don't trust officials or experts or their assumptions or opinions. We trust facts and evidence. Why do you not even want to look?

This is not about Trump. I don't even care if Trump himself says there is no problem. Prove it, or shut up with your baseless assumptions. You're just a coward covering your ass.

effinayright said...

Inga said...
“The Walking Woke are now openly mocking everyone associated with Trump and traditional American values, just as Jesus's captors did by placing a crown of thorns on the "King of the Jews".”

And they wonder why they are being called a cult. Trump as Jesus...

Whew, talking about deliberately missing the point.

It's an analogy, Inga, not an implied equivalence .

..."everyone associated with Trump and traditional American values..."

Jupiter said...

"But no explanations as to why counting stopped, and then restarted with an avalanche of D ballots."

Indeed. Except. Did that actually happen? I was not paying attention, but I gather the cessation of counting was widely reported, and is generally acknowledged. However, as far as I know, the claims of anomalous counts are all based upon the JSON files that were purportedly produced by Edison Research and downloaded from a NYT website. It is perhaps more important to nail down the provenance of these files than to seize Dominion voting machines. If the JSONs were produced by Edison Research, then it is necessary to find out how they were produced, by whom, using what inputs. Especially the latter. I am still utterly baffled as to why this not only has not been done, but apparently is not going to be done.

n.n said...

Did anyone ask him--What would be wrong with doing an actual, you know, investigation of these things?

Civil rights are a privilege of people... persons with standing.

n.n said...

The Nazi Party would be proud to have a member like you.

The socialist, communist, fascist axis.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...
Are the comments sections of the Althouse blog turning into a gathering place for fomenting violence now?

Why don't we talk about bedpans now that we have an expert?

Michael K said...

in order to "save the institutions" that Barr and the establishment view as critical for the safety of the US, Barr is not going to allow any further public disclosures that would provide the proof of the astonishing corruption in DC amongst both parties.

I would not rule this out. "The game is crooked but it's the only game in town."

Mutaman said...

You will not be hearing anything more about voting machi8nes on Fox, Newsmax, or OAN.

Michael K said...

Blogger madAsHell said...
.....and you wonder why you can't find ammo on the shelves.

Gave me a laugh but it is not funny.

Ray - SoCal said...

And Trump continues to discredit the GOPe as naive, and unwilling to confront the corruption in DC. They are more concerned about appearing fair, and non biased and non partisan.

Barr’s decisions are appropriate for the Bush and Romney GOP era, before Trump unmasked what a partisan and corrupt swamp DC is.

I expect more information to come out about in the election fraud, as Trump continues to fight. And who knows, the horse may learn to sing!

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Are the comments sections of the Althouse blog turning into a gathering place for fomenting violence now?"


That is a myth.

A real myth, unlike your lies about antifa violence being a myth.

I hope that helps.

Jim at said...

What's the point, anymore?
Seriously. Why bother?

Michael K said...

Antonio Mugica was in Boca Raton when an American presidential election really melted down in 2000, and he watched with shocked fascination as local government officials argued over hanging chads and butterfly ballots.

It was so bad, so incompetent, that Mr. Mugica, a young Venezuelan software engineer, decided to shift the focus of his digital security company, Smartmatic, which had been working for banks. It would offer its services to what would obviously be a growth industry: electronic voting machines. He began building a global company that ultimately provided voting machinery and software for elections from Brazil to Belgium and his native Venezuela. He even acquired an American company, then called Sequoia.

Discovery should be fun. This sounds like Michael Mann's suit.

Jim at said...

"Are the comments sections of the Althouse blog turning into a gathering place for fomenting violence now?"

Inga's People

Robert Cook said...

"Althouse, are you nervous about your inevitable interviews with the FBI if some of these keyboard warriors actually perpetrate the crimes they're suggesting they may commit next month?"

Oh, they won't really do anything. They're just typing one-handed and toobin' with the other while they tap out their fantasies.

Kevin said...

Are the comments sections of the Althouse blog turning into a gathering place for fomenting violence now?

You mean like burning down our cities and killing people on the street for the crime of supporting the other candidate?

I'm so old I remember when violence was speech.

Shouting Thomas said...

On the other hand, Cook’s side actually did engage in rioting, looting, arson and cop killing.

He’s for real.

For some reason, he finds the restraint and decency of his opponents funny.

Well, the reason is that he’s a Stalinist.

Birkel said...

I wish for Royal ass I ha exactly what she wishes for those she opposes politically.

So, yes, I suppose that does mean violence.
Royal ass Inga abides.

Bill said...

Could Barr be the Big Guy?

Shouting Thomas said...

I hope a shooting war doesn’t start, but you have to wonder how long decent people will stand still for street warfare from the left coupled with the kind of ridicule Stalinist Cook and evil, vicious Inga heap upon them for taking the abuse.

You might want to shut your fucking mouths now that your storm troopers achieved your goals, assholes.

Birkel said...

One side is so convinced of its enemies' inaction that it mocks the people who can starve their cities in a couple of weeks.
It doesn't take much to disrupt supply lines.

Robert Cook abides.

RMc said...

that doesn't mean it wasn't massive fraus.

Hey! No fat-shaming German women...!

Inga said...

“You will not be hearing anything more about voting machi8nes on Fox, Newsmax, or OAN.”

Yes, isn’t it interesting watching Fox, Newsmax and OAN scramble way a from the conspiracy theories they have been complicit in pushing in order to save their asses from a massive lawsuit?

Inga said...

Lou Dobbs debunks himself

Ray - SoCal said...

Bagoh20 makes a great point!

>We trust facts and evidence. Why do you not even want to look?

My guesses on the willful blindness:

Democrats and allies:
- Because they know what will be found, huge fraud.

Elected Republican Officials - state and federal
Because they want to go back to business as usual, pre Trump. Look at how much effort they spent destroying the tea party. There is also some fear of being called racist. And they are also afraid it will show the corruption in the state GOP. Memories of the consent decree are still fresh.

- Don’t want to get their hands dirty, especially below the Supreme Court level. Supreme Court is afraid to show the limits of their power. Part class issues, and partisanship.

Secretary of States in battle ground states
- highly partisan, corrupt, and/or incompetent?

- afraid of being labeled partisan, afraid of retaliation in a Biden Administration, and partially a class issue if supporting the elite, they see themselves as part of.

This article troubles me:

stevew said...

Trump isn't often suckered, but he was when he agreed to sign on this guy.

stevew said...

I don't believe there will be violence visited upon the Left by the Right. The great majority of the establishment Republicans are very happy to see Trump go. Like Barr they worked to get him out at the first viable opportunity, sometimes actively, often times passively and tacitly.

It is going to take a lot more before a real shooting rebellion breaks out, notwithstanding the overheated comments here.

Chuck said...

Inga; it gets even better. Newsmax very apparently got the same legal letters, and this was their fantastic "No-we-didn't-report-any-of-those-allegations-as-fact" retraction on the air;

Drago said...

Darrell: "As I said, Barr is an idiot or complicit.

You look like a pervert, Bill, what does Deep State have on you? Leave immediately."

The deep staters have nothing on Barr, otherwise they would have pulled it out during his hearings.

The democraticals/LLR-lefties opposed Barr because they knew he would immediately put an end to the deep state coup attempt against Trump.

Which he did.

The question posed at that same time by many of us is would Barr have the courage/intent to expose the full extent of the rot in DC if he knew that exposure could cripple some agencies and their capabilities as well as expose huge numbers of insiders of both parties.

The answer to that question was "no".

I believe McConnell knew that letting Barr be confirmed was the tradeoff he, McConnell, would need to make to shut down the corrupt on-going coup attempt (with promises to never let it happen again), cover up the bi-partisan corruption and essentially "move on" and put the "old DC" back together again but this time with slightly less least for a while....and keep the institutions intact.

Thats where we are.

Of course, the democraticals have spent 30 years weaponizing the agencies so as soon as Biden is in the entire apparatus will crank up to "11" all over again and Barr's singularly unique opportunity to have played a role in fundamental reform will be forgotten before the sun rises.

The biggest irony is that if Barr were asked, and he felt truly free to answer honestly, whether or not he had achieved fundamental reform of the DOJ/FBI and rooted out the Stasi-like corruption, I have no doubt whatsoever he would answer "yes"...based solely on the handshake deals, winks and assurances by all involved that it will never happen again.

But we all know that snowball is now going to resume its downhill acceleration while gathering up more and more corrupt momentum along the way.

A structural 1 party state is where we are headed with the next stop being ridding the US of those pesky individual rights which are the real barrier to forcing alignment with the EU/global types.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sooner or later, folks, we’re going to have to be as evil, vicious and rotten as Inga.

It’s going to be a matter of survival.

Inga said...

Proud Boys lining up for their proctological exams from Dr. Michael K.

Shouting Thomas said...

What kind of life does a vicious, rotten fuck like you live, Inga?

stevew said...

You may be right Drago and I am being too harsh on Barr; perhaps Trump AND Barr were suckered.

Ray - SoCal said...

Barr was the best Trump could get the GOP senate to confirm:

>Blogger stevew said...
>Trump isn't often suckered, but he was when he agreed to sign on this guy.

Senate intel committee was up to their eyeballs on the Russian Collusion Scam.

Stuff Barr buried:

- Hillary’s laptop
- lots around Russian coup
- Hunters laptop
- Russian disinformation claim was fake in Hunters laptop
- Aswan brothers
- Weiners laptop
- Foreign intel agency involvement with Steele dossier coup attempt
- CIA involvement
- Doj involvement with Steele Dossier
- spying on Trump campaign
- Assange charges
- Texas Rep that got railroaded by Doj, pre Barr.
- laptop of guy that may have leaked info to Assange that was murdered. Seth Rich?

I do appreciate Barr stopped the Mueller fiasco and helped General Flynn.

Shouting Thomas said...

As I said, Inga, you loathsome piece of shit, you might want to stop boasting about the triumph of your Brownshirt thugs, BLM and Antifa, before you arouse the beast.

You got what you wanted, you cunt, with rioting, looting, arson and cop killing.

Be satisfied with the blood you’ve already drawn.

narciso said...

well he replaced the longstanding head of the political crimes section, but his replacement was heberle,

Jupiter said...

Russian Collusion Dead Ender Truther Inga: "Are the comments sections of the Althouse blog turning into a gathering place for fomenting violence now?"

It appears that Igna and Popeyed Pompadour have received their instructions. The Party Line is that anyone questioning the election is calling for violence.

Wince said...

Inga, thanks for the link I was looking for earlier.

Notice how uniformly everyone couches their lack of active investigative effort with the word "see" or "seen".

"I see no basis now."
- Bill Barr.

“I have not seen any evidence that Smartmatic software was used to delete, change, alter anything related to vote tabulation.”
- Edward Perez of the Open Source Election Technology Institute.

"Someone (not Dobbs) asked Perez questions about vote fraud such as “Have you seen any evidence of Smartmatic sending U.S. votes to be tabulated in foreign countries?” Perez had not.


Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."

Welcome to the swamp!

Shouting Thomas said...

It appears that Igna and Popeyed Pompadour have received their instructions. The Party Line is that anyone questioning the election is calling for violence.

The Democratic Party just engaged in a yearlong orgy of violence in our cities through its proxies, Antifa and BLM.

So, they’re entitled to use violence as a political tool, but their opponents aren’t?

Sorry, it’s not going to work that way.

I see a very bad moon on the rise.

Drago said...

stevew: "You may be right Drago and I am being too harsh on Barr; perhaps Trump AND Barr were suckered."

I made no such argument about anyone being too harsh on Barr. For his lack of courage in attempting to root out the deep corruption, Barr should be criticized strongly. We will likely never have another opportunity as that.

For stopping the transparently corrupt coup attempt Barr deserves credit.

In the long run however, allowing, by not calling it out, the papering over what corruption still remains, Barr will be relegated to a footnote in history instead of a champion of the republic....which wont matter in the end because the trajectory towards a "no checks and balances" 1 party controlled "non-Republic" is clearly within view now.

Iman said...

I feel cheated. Where are my “massive fraus”?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Actually yeah--
anything WaPo reports = why bother buying it. It could all be a pack of lies.
WaPo is a Democrat Party publication. No credibility.

Rusty said...

it's amazing how much you won't find when you're not looking.

steve uhr said...

Competent professional career DOJ employees will handle the Hunter investigation without fear or favor. Joe will be completely removed from the process. He understands that DOJ is not his private law firm.

Chill all

Charlie Currie said...

The swamp is deep and wide.

Michael K said...

That lawsuit by the election stealer might be interesting. The problem, is that Newsmax might not have the financial stones to fight like Mark Steyn fought Mann. Fox of course has about as much backbone at National Review did when they cut off Steyn and fired Derb.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Competent professional career DOJ employees will handle the Hunter investigation without fear or favor.

Lawyer Uhr is now a comedian. Maybe Strzok could be in charge.

Shouting Thomas said...

Competent professional career DOJ employees will handle the Hunter investigation without fear or favor. Joe will be completely removed from the process. He understands that DOJ is not his private law firm.

Chill all.

Like the ones who hatched the Russia collusion hoax in conspiracy with Hillary?

I’m assuming this is satire, right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

listened to the clip - the question was about asking for a special council to harass Sydney Powell.

Not investigate Hunter.

WaPo = lying deceptive democrats.

Breezy said...

We need complete sunlight on all this... Particular or random people declaring this or not is not sufficient. Things will not settle until all the details in the those 2020 cheater cities is exposed and people are held to account or exonerated somehow. And we have to have sufficient reforms going forward to prevent this amount of cheating, especially in the presidential election.

It’s very bad for our country domestically, and even worse on the foreign policy front, to not have the US mostly united behind her president through fair and free elections.

Breezy said...

...this or that...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Barr has decided to play with fire.

I could understand someone saying "Joe Biden has been granted the victory, we need to operate on that basis." You can be an honest person, and be rule bound enough to do that.

But you can not be an informed and honest person, and also believe that Biden clearly and honestly won.

Because there are too many open questions for him to have "clearly won".

So, if you do NOT want 70 million+ Trump voters to believe that they have been disenfranchised, you NEED to have investigations going that those voters can trust. Ones that will, before the 2022 elections, be able to say "yes, he won honestly", or "no, he didn't , and these are the changes that need to be made to stop the vote stealing in the future."

It is the refusal of the Republican Establishment, and the Judicial branch, to do that, that is going to light the fuse.

Because "yeah, you got screwed, and now you're out of luck because there's nothing we're willing to do to protect you" also says "if you want justice, you're going to have to get it for yourself."

And once you've told people that, you no longer have the slightest shred of a moral leg to stand on when they decide to go out and get that justice for themselves.

By Any Means Necessary

Shouting Thomas said...

The problem with focusing on “election fraud” is that the media and Democrats are using that phrase to focus solely on what happened on November 3rd.

A year long psy-ops campaign preceded that day.

That psy-ops campaign, launched by the CCP and joined either deliberately or opportunistically by the Democratic Party, along with Election Day fraud, is the full story of this completely fraudulent election.

jadair04 said...

Barr was a disappointment. Too bad. Now? The whirlwind... js

steve uhr said...

Not satire at all ST.

DOJ initiated the investigation but they will now drop it for partisan reasons? And the prosecutors working on it will quietly go along? Doesn't work that way. Why did they open the probe in the first instance if they had no intent to conduct a thorough investigation? Because the decision was political? You don't believe that. It's only political if they open an investigation into someone you like. And it's only political if they close an investigation without charges into someone you dislike. Heads I win; tails you lose.

Don't forget the standard for opening a criminal investigation is very low. Much lower than the probable cause standard needed to obtain an indictment. So if the decision is made not to charge Hunter Biden, one should not conclude that DOJ caved to political pressure. It means that the evidence developed was not considered sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The idea of a departing President having special counsels appointed to investigate people associated with his successor in office strikes me as an extremely bad idea, possibly even worse than having an independent counsel was.

Qwinn said...

"..."everyone associated with Trump and traditional American values...""

All non-leftists now understand that the Left hasn't just forsaken but now actively opposes nearly every single traditional American value.

Due process. Equal protection under the law. One voter, one vote.

I might have a solution for the last one. Here is a way this could go that I think I, and I bet if given a good thought most folks who believe there was fraud, could accept.

It does have some risk to the concept of the secret ballot, but there are measures, and I think most of *us*, at least, can agree that the cost of it has just become too damn high, and frankly for almost all of us that cost has already been paid anyway.

The US lower ranks of the military deploy, to every existing precinct used in the 2020 election, a highly secure voting machine system with open source software using paper ballots upon which the voter directly places their fingerprint.

Every precinct has a kiosk set up that records just that precinct's fingerprints and votes. That kiosk can only be queried only via a fingerprint scan from a phone, or by being accessed with the fingerprint directly in person. This allows every voter to not only verify that they voted, but *how* they voted, but only with their fingerprint, and only in their precinct.

Only the US military would ever have a copy of every fingerprint in the national election, briefly, to compare and make sure that no fingerprint was used to vote twice. One voter, one vote. Any votes from duplicate fingerprints get flagged for investigation and confirmation of a difference by human analysts. Then the main files get encrypted with 800 layers of encryption and put in a vault with no connections to *anything*. This vault cannot be opened without cameras active and broadcasting and receiving acknowledgment from thousands of recipients of the video.

The paper ballots have your fingerprint and how you voted, which is a fair concern for secret ballot advocates, but it's hard to identify people by fingerprint. At best evil people would actually have to have full access to the database and *scan* the fingerprint on each ballot on an individual basis to know who voted how.

Oh, and the fingerprint ink is indelible. Purple fingers too.

Unless the left starts hacking people's hands off or *actually* digging up graves, I don't see how this could be defrauded.

What say you, believers of the fraud? Would you accept this?

Cause what's going to get worse at this point if they know how we voted? Are they not going to fire conservatives from all positions of power anymore? They can fire you with COVID any time they want. At this point, what difference does it make?

Big Mike said...

When Mr. Barr accepted the Attorney General position there was speculation online that he did so to restore a facade of integrity to a DOJ that was looking like something Goebbels would have been proud of. If Barr thought thinks his bland assurances that there is no need for a Special Prosecutor, no evidence of voter fraud, etc., etc., then he has blundered. My own takeaway is that the evidence must be so strong that the slightest effort to uncover it would be devastating to Biden and the Democrats. It seems apparent that I am far from alone.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again - WaPo's headline doesn't match the clip.

Ken B said...

Good for Barr. This is what an impartial AG does.

And the fools here are going to long for an impartial justice department after Biden takes over. But they would piss away precedent and the high ground now anyway out of pique.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Aswan brothers

The government paid those guys off and apologized to them. They must have had a lot of serious dirt.

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...

Competent professional career DOJ employees will handle the Hunter investigation without fear or favor. Joe will be completely removed from the process. He understands that DOJ is not his private law firm.

Chill all

Just like they did for Hillary.

Who admitted she committed 33,000 felonies that service people are in jail for right now.

steve uhr said...

Quinn - Sounds good as long as the election goes your way. If it doesn't you will again be on the tree tops screaming massive fraud ... The democrats did this and that and whatever to sabotage what you thought was a fraud proof system. Those commie devils.

Did you ever see Diamonds are Forever, where Bond uses a fake fingerprint that clings to his thumb to trick Tiffany Case into believing he is Peter Franks" And that was 50 years ago. I'm sure fake fingerprint technology has advanced substantially since then.

Paul said...

You could find Democrats with a smoking gun in their hands and the 'government' would look the other way. They are all in on the payoffs.

Federal gov. is corrupt to the bone.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Ken B said...
Good for Barr. This is what an impartial AG does.

So, an "impartial AG" announces that obvious vote fraud isn't a problem?

I don't think those words mean what you claim to think they mean.

Eric Holder proclaimed he was Obama's "wingman"

Only a moron would pretend to believe there's the slightest chance that Bursima Joe will appoint an "impartial AG"

Phil 314 said...

Ohh, they got to Barr too!!!

(Or was it the fluoride in the water?)

Phil 314 said...

Why is it so hard to see that a guy who won based on a shift of about 60,000 votes in three key states could after 4 years of bullshit tweets and an unprecedented pandemic that at the time of the election killed over 200,000 Americans lead to him losing the election by a shift 20,000+ votes in three states.

I pray to God we don't go through another impeachment process in the next 4 years. That would clinch impeachment as the standard thing the party out of power does.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I feel cheated. Where are my “massive fraus”?

Big Mike said...

steve uhr said...

DOJ initiated the investigation but they will now drop it for partisan reasons?


And the prosecutors working on it will quietly go along?


Doesn't work that way.

Wrong. That’s precisely how it works since the days of Obama.

Why did they open the probe in the first instance if they had no intent to conduct a thorough investigation?

Perhaps because Donald Trump was President and might win re-election

Because the decision was political? You don't believe that.

Of course I do. There are three digit in my IQ. You may say I am too cynical, but I lived in the Washington metro area for 45 years, and it is impossible to be too cynical.

It's only political if they open an investigation into someone you like. And it's only political if they close an investigation without charges into someone you dislike.

So you choose to believe.

traditionalguy said...

Barr was a Bushie all along. Trump will declare an insurrection or not. So in the end Trump will decide our fate as a nation of the people, by the people and for the people...that means voters and not computer mis-counts.

Iman said...

Thanks, Churchy, at 3:44PM... frautastic!!!

I'm Not Sure said...

"That would clinch impeachment as the standard thing the party out of power does."

Maybe that's not a bad idea. Trump was run through the process for having the nerve to deny Hillary her coronation, might as well take a crack at Biden and see what shakes loose, shall we?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The left impeached the President for trying to expose a crime, and then committed election fraud to replace him with the person who committed the crime."

TeaBagHag said...

Headline could read:

MAGATs Cry Foul AS Trump's Most Dependable Sycophant Won't Go Totally Totalitarian

Qwinn said...

Steve uhr is comically acting as if a government whitewash for one party while simultaneously bringing the hammer down on the voting base of the other party is simply too rare and improbable to be given any credence.

The rest of us aren't pretending to forget the last 12 years.

Remember when Clinton fired every single lawyer in the DOJ his first day in office, and wingman Holder under Obama? Remember how the Left freaked when Bush tried to fire five?

Anyone remember WHY Bush wanted to fire those five?

Because they refused to investigate voter fraud.

Qwinn said...

Let me rephrase- why Bush pretended to want to fire those five. Cause the entire upshot of that whole year long absurd "scandal" was that no Republican could put lawyers willing to investigate voter fraud in the DOJ.

steve uhr said...

"Remember when Clinton fired every single lawyer in the DOJ his first day in office ..."

That's funny. I was there then and I don't remember being fired. Perhaps I was out sick that day.

Rosalyn C. said...

Watching Barr's performance and body language it's apparent to me he is someone who knows a massive crime has taken place. But he has decided that for the sake of the country doing something about it would cause even bigger problems, so he will sweep this mess under the rug.

He's like a couple in a dysfunctional family who lie about their marriage and stay together "for the sake of the kids." Trouble is that the kids must live with the tension and festering hatred and are harmed irrevocably. And what motivated the lie is self interest and cowardice.

Qwinn said...

Why, you're right, steve! Clinton only fired 93 *Republican* Attorney Generals. Every single one across the country. There's video at the link, reporting on a Washington Post story.

"Judge Reno fired every holdover Republican US Attorney all across the country."

"All 93 US attorneys. A one day clean sweep."

He didn't fire any leftists like you. Not one Republican remained in the DOJ the day Clinton took office.

The video is all of 39 seconds long, but proves the point.

You were part of the complete and total swamp that remained. That someone as hyperpartisan as you was considered acceptable actually completely confirms that, doesn't it?

You know what I've been calling that for the last few decades?

Complete Permanent Infiltration.

Funny how our crazy conspiracy theories coming true used to make the papers. And then we have your kind confirmation.

Qwinn said...

Er, sorry, "Janet Reno", not "Judge Reno".

Rusty said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
"Competent professional career DOJ employees will handle the Hunter investigation without fear or favor."
Nobody is stupid enough to believe that. Not even you. And remember you took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. You might want to peruse the document sometime. Earn that paycheck we give you.

Chick said...

Bill Barr's John Robert's moment.

daskol said...

The man needs a damned mustache. It's rare, but sometimes you can look at a man's shaven face, and see exactly the mustache that ought to be there. Barr is such a man, a man missing his mustache. So he's not a superhero and wouldn't single-handedly expose the complete corruption of his beloved DOJ, if he ever even considered doing so. But he could at least let his face complete itself with the facial growth that he's currently denying it. It would help him pull off the extra pounds, too.

daskol said...

At first I thought he needed a full beard, which I'm sure he could pull off, but that would accentuate the Ewok-thing he's got going on already. There's something very cuddly about the guy.

stevew said...

Hunter is innocent of any and all crime, the investigation, upon its conclusion, will make that abundantly clear. This has been foretold by President-elect Joe Biden, just the other day.

Dude1394 said...

Republicans continue to have shit for attorney generals.

Dude1394 said...

"What have we learned?? That you must get in their faces...beat them up if they disagree with you, call them Racists and burn down cities. That way, the Supreme court is too scared to do the right thing, and the hate and division is the winner. Time to take to the streets Mad Max style......No justice, no is time to show them what that really means...."

Yup, some burnings focus the mind.

steve uhr said...

Everything is politics Quinn. That was part of the deep state oath. I’d share the whole oath with you Quinn but then they wouldn’t invite me to any more pedophile parties.

I prosecuted businesses for price fixing. I mean Republican owned businesses. The others would be invited to our parties. Good times.

Qwinn said...

I mean Republican owned businesses. The others would be invited to our parties. Good times.

We know, Steve.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
"Remember when Clinton fired every single lawyer in the DOJ his first day in office ..."

That's funny. I was there then and I don't remember being fired. Perhaps I was out sick that day.

We all know that it was US Attorneys in states, especially if they were named Mary Jo White and were interested in Whitewater. You fit very well in the Clinton DOJ. I just wonder if you had a role in the double jeopardy prosecution of the Rodney King cops after they had been acquitted. Sounds like you.

Banjo said...

No one ever said the deep state wasn't capable of planting moles like Bill Barr who would surface when the time was deemed right.

Michael K said...

Good example, Qwinn. So was the "True the Vote" lady in Texas.

And, of course, all the car dealers that had not donated to Obama. If only they had let Obama "dip his beak" a few times.

jim said...

NO matter what Trump thinks they ought to do, Barr and others would prefer not to go to jail.

I wonder what kind of a mess Trump is floundering into. I'm sure he doesn't know. Not surprisingly, he was unprepared for the turn of events. All he seems to have is empty bluster, and people are not backing down or falling in line.

Does he not understand that people other than himself value their lives and freedom?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Phil 314 said...
Why is it so hard to see that a guy who won based on a shift of about 60,000 votes in three key states could after 4 years of bullshit tweets and an unprecedented pandemic that at the time of the election killed over 200,000 Americans lead to him losing the election by a shift 20,000+ votes in three states.

Why is it so hard to see that honest vote counters don't exclude poll watchers?

Why is it so hard to see that honest vote counters don't stop counting in the middle of election night?

Why is it so hard to see that honest vote counters don't refuse to do audits of the votes?

Why is it so hard to see that honest vote counters don't require poll watchers to be where they can't actually monitor what the poll workers are doing?

Why is it so hard to see that honest vote counters are eager to have audits, and examinations of their work, because passing those lets them maintain their honor, and justifiably attack those who attacked it?

Why is it so hard to see that honest vote counters don't use vote counting machines with proprietary software?

Why is it so hard to see that honest vote counters don't use vote counting machines that are connected to the internet?

Why is it so hard to see that an honest system doesn't allow coverups?

The only answer I can see, is because you are dishonest, and simply don't want to see.

Paul J said...

Personally, I would only go so far as to help fund such groups (that engaged in those "crimes"), but not so far as to become a soldier.

walter said...

Barr's ability to remain apolitical is downright amazing.
He's also quoted as saying "Robble, robble!"

Marcus Bressler said...

Why is Inga still here?

Rosalyn C. said...

As I was walking this evening watching the sun worshippers paying salutations to the setting sun, I was still thinking about Barr doing the country a favor by lying unconvincingly about the fraud. Then I had the thought, what would happen if after Biden is inaugurated the CCP/Russia/Iran or whomever was involved, anonymously releases unequivocal hard evidence of the election fraud? What more evidence? Suppose they have recordings of conversations of high level officials organizing the biggest election fraud in US history? Why wouldn't they? What is more delicious for those who would seek to do us harm, the American system of "free and fair elections" completely disgraced by proof of catastrophic corruption or the prospect of holding that esposé over Biden's administration for four years? It's a tough choice.

I know why Barr would want to lie, to avoid riots and violence like we saw last summer, but there could be worse consequences: that the whole world would know that not only we have had this horrible fraudulent election but that our political leaders were informed and chose to ignore it.

WaitingToBuy said...

It isn't Hunter Biden's conduct that warrants a Special Prosecutor, it is Joe Biden's. Barr and the MSM and others intentionally try to shift the focus to protect him.

chickelit said...

I’m all for fermenting violets.

Inga said...

“Why is Inga still here?”

Ha, chaps your ass, eh?

donald said...

Fuck you Inga you fucking cunt. You’ve been all about violence for four years. Hopefully your fellow travelers will burn your hovel down. You being white and all.

cubanbob said...

Chuck said...
Inga; it gets even better. Newsmax very apparently got the same legal letters, and this was their fantastic "No-we-didn't-report-any-of-those-allegations-as-fact" retraction on the air;

Chuck aren't you a lawyer? Don't tell us you never heard of discovery or malicious prosecution.

Martin said...

Bless his heart.

If Hunter Biden, with corrupt business dealings having credible links to the incoming Pres, doesn't justify a Special Prosecutor, it is very hard to imagine what would.

Russiagate certainly didn't.

People who don't want to be ruled by woke racist socialists have to face the facts--the Republican party as presently constituted is utterly useless. At this point we have a system that resembles the Harlem Globetrotters versus the Washington Generals. One team is set up to win, the other team plays patsy.

cubanbob said...

Rosalyn C. said...
As I was walking this evening watching the sun worshippers paying salutations to the setting sun, I was still thinking about Barr doing the country a favor by lying unconvincingly about the fraud. Then I had the thought, what would happen if after Biden is inaugurated the CCP/Russia/Iran or whomever was involved, anonymously releases unequivocal hard evidence of the election fraud? What more evidence? Suppose they have recordings of conversations of high level officials organizing the biggest election fraud in US history? Why wouldn't they? What is more delicious for those who would seek to do us harm, the American system of "free and fair elections" completely disgraced by proof of catastrophic corruption or the prospect of holding that esposé over Biden's administration for four years? It's a tough choice.

I know why Barr would want to lie, to avoid riots and violence like we saw last summer, but there could be worse consequences: that the whole world would know that not only we have had this horrible fraudulent election but that our political leaders were informed and chose to ignore it."

A rather astute comment. Either blackmail or exposure. Either way, once Biden is in it works for them. If exposed the Wizard is exposed and pretty much powerless. Or there is plenty to blackmail about.It wouldn't surprise me that blackmail first and if Harris takes over mid-term if she doesn't go along then exposure and making her illegitimate. Trump should pardon Julian Assange and Snowden walking out the door. Snowden is a traitor but he deserves a look over for exposing traitors. Assange hasn't done anything the NYT has done before including recently.

walter said...

walter said...

Chuck! is a great fan of lawfare/process as punishment.
After all,
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."

DeepRunner said...

Eh, Barr is leaving, he probably doesn't want to have people think he's Trump's house boy. He'll get a nice gig on Fox.

Chuck said...

walter said...
Chuck! is a great fan of lawfare/process as punishment.
After all,
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."

The J. Erik Connolly letter(s) -- and I have only seen the one that went to Fox -- is the opposite of anything resembling abusive process. It wasn't "process" at all. It was a letter, intended to promote the avoidance of litigation, by trying to get Fox to do the right thing.

The letter was pure facts, recited in excrutiating detail (the letter was 20 pages) and a threat to pursue litigation under carefully delineated theories. There's no pending litigation, no pending onerous discovery. Just a letter. To Fox's general counsel. Which very clearly resulted in Fox's general counsel (and no doubt Fox's retained outside defamation/litigation counsel) apparently advising Fox to do the kind of retractive apologia that was hilariously seen several times on several different programs. Fox seems to have decided on its own that it was in Fox's interest to do much what Mr. Connolly told them was needed.

This isn't lawfare; it's some Fox program hosts having conducted their programs in a wretchedly irresponsible way, and getting caught on it, and then getting schooled on some serious libel law. And not just Fox. The lawyers for Newsmax and OANN seem to have quickly come to the same conclusions and directed similar rectraction/correction/apology/explanations. They will be really lucky if Smartmatic decides to accept the action.

Rusty said...

Steve said,
"I prosecuted businesses for price fixing. I mean Republican owned businesses."
Only republican businesses, Steve? Democrat businesses get a pass? Did you take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States or did you take an oath to protect and defend the Democrat Party? If it's the latter then I can certainly see why you would think of me as scum. I ask if you've read the founding documents not as a rhetorical quip. I'm sure you have. I'm sure you took at least one course in law school on constitutional law. It's the history of it that I find important. The sacrifices of every day scum like me who paid in lives and blood and treasure to get where we are. The understanding of why those things like the Bill of Rights is in there. How do I know there was vote fraud? Because the SJWs who claim to be for the rights of the people aren't curious enough to find out.
I hope you and your family have a good Christmas, Steve.

jim said...

^ wow, monopoly on "patriotism" and lack of reading comprehension much?

jim said...

Oh, forgive me. I forgot. Pretending not to understand what others are saying (and quoting them as if you did) is a clever rhetorical device. Went right over my head. Silly me.

GRW3 said...

So Barr delivers the final Bush coupe de grace. Or maybe it's just the same old Republican noblesse oblige where you just take the Democrat's BS stoically. Perfect swamp bookend AG's: #1 agrees to a special counsel when it wasn't warranted and #2 declines to appoint a special counsel when the need is clear. I'm really disappointed in Barr. I thought he was a fair broker.

steve uhr said...

Let's get our facts right GRW3.

Sessions didn't "agree" to a special counsel. He recused himself from the decision-making process because he worked on the Trump campaign. He did this pursuant to clear written DOJ regulations, which Trump apparently wasn't aware of when he appointed Sessions. The decision to appoint Muller, who BTW is a republican, was made by Rod Rosenstein, who BTW is a republican.

The regulation is at So is it your position that the regulation did not apply? Or is it your position that Sessions should have violated the regulation? It must be one or the other.

An investigation into Hunter Biden's associates was initiated under the Biden administration and they were prosecuted by the Delaware USA during the Trump administration. The Hunter Biden investigation is being handled by that same office by all accounts in a fair and professional manner by unbiased prosecutors. That obviously is what Barr, who BTW is a republican, concluded and he would know. So why is there a clear need to remove those prosecutors from the case?

steve uhr said...

... initiated under the Obama administration I meant to say.

Rusty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...

Remember when Bobby Kennedy recused himself from everything because he was appointed by his brother? Neither do I.

Remember Holder recusing himself during Obama's reign of error after labeling himself Obama's "wingman"? Neither do I.

Regulations designed by the swamp only apply to conservatives. We get that.

Qwinn said...

And yes, Trump should have ignored bullshit swamp regulations created by flunkies of a branch of which he is the ultimate executive. No lower level flunky should be able to override the President in the executive branch, and yet it happens all the time - but only to conservatives

Douglas B. Levene said...

Mr. Barr is a very wise and strategic man. 1) The current administration does not have a conflict of interest investigating Hunter but the Biden administration will. 2) Most people in the US know nothing about the Hunter shenanigans but that is now going to change. It will change because Republican senators will be asking Biden’s nominee for AG for assurances that he will appoint an AG if there’s a conflict of interest. They will spend a lot of time discussing the facts and the evidence suggesting that there will be a conflict of interest on day one of the new administration. The Democratic media caucus will have to cover these confirmation hearings and so the public will finally learn about the Hunter business. 3) The reason Biden has not yet announced his nominee for AG is his fear about a special prosecutor being appointed. On the one hand, Biden wants a “wingman” like Holder who will protect him. That would be somebody like Doug Jones. On the other hand, Biden has promised to appoint an AG who will be independent. That would be somebody like Merrick Garland. 4) Whoever Biden appoints will face enormous pressure to appoint a special prosecutor. Lots of lefties will join in because they will see this as a way to pressure Biden to move left and/or resign in favor of Harris. 5) Get the popcorn.

Rusty said...

" The decision to appoint Muller, who BTW is a republican, was made by Rod Rosenstein, who BTW is a republican."
So what? They resented Trump. They're not going to let an outsider dictate to them. The Hunter "Biden investigation is being handled by that same office by all accounts in a fair and professional manner by unbiased prosecutors."
You bet it will! I have complete faith in the system! The same people that assured us that Trump was guilty..................of something.
And I think Chuck is a corrupt lying shill. You're right there with him.

steve uhr said...

"And yes, Trump should have ignored bullshit swamp regulations created by flunkies of a branch of which he is the ultimate executive."

Gee Quinn, I thought that you at least pretended to support the rule of law. I appreciate your honesty.

Qwinn said...

Regulations created by bureaucratic minions of the swamp aren't law, Steve. But you know that.

And even if they were, the fact that your side has weaponized them and only apply them to your political enemies doesnt just mean that we reject your "law", it means that we will no longer live under your rule at all. You are traitors to every single American value of fairness, and for us, it's become clear that you have already made us second class citizens.

Time to demote you and your fellow traitors to that status, permanently.

Qwinn said...

Actually, I forgot. We are third class citizens, behind leftists and illegal immigrants. They get to ignore the law too.

Robert Cook said...

"No one ever said the deep state wasn't capable of planting moles like Bill Barr who would surface when the time was deemed right."

Hahahaha! The kooks are really ascendant, aren't they? Rather than accept that Trump's Attorney General's assessment of the circumstances might be true, it must be rejected as he now reveals himself to be a "deep state mole" (or Manchurian Candidate, if you will).

Face it: your asshole lost the election. We go from a Republican asshole con man as president to a Democrat asshole corporate tool as president.

Qwinn said...

Cook: Face it: We've seen the evidence ourselves. With our own eyes. There is no appeal to authority - any authority - that is going to convince us otherwise. And yes, if someone is attempting to whitewash the evidence we've seen with our own eyes, that DOES mean they are compromised one way or another. Duh.

Not even Trump conceding is going to make us concede. The evidence is irrefutable, and just because you can find people willing to avert their eyes doesn't make the evidence *actually* go away.

There is no workable "us" in "Who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes". Cut the inane fucking appeals to authority. They are a logical fallacy under the best of circumstances, and they actively serve to undermine your legitimacy here.

Robert Cook said...

"Cook: Face it: We've seen the evidence ourselves. With our own eyes."

No, you haven't.

Michael K said...

Face it: your asshole lost the election. We go from a Republican asshole con man as president to a Democrat asshole corporate tool as president.

If only Comrade Stalin was alive.

Michael K said...

Sessions didn't "agree" to a special counsel. He recused himself from the decision-making process because he worked on the Trump campaign. He did this pursuant to clear written DOJ regulations, which Trump apparently wasn't aware of when he appointed Sessions.

Lawyer Uhr spreading horse shit again. Good luck with what you are trying to grow there. Watch out for C tetani. Very common in horse shit.

Qwinn said...

"No, you haven't."

Oh... oh wow... now that you mention it... you must be right, I mean, it's not like I'm a thinking citizen capable of evaluating evidence without the help of corrupt partisan judges. Ones who, if it were possible to dispute the evidence, would have done so by now. Your entire position is that the evidence doesn't exist because udges dismissed it for standing and timing bullshit. And the judges that HAVE ruled in favor of Trump just get overridden by corrupt complicit partisan State Supreme Courts, which somehow gets called "not one judge has ruled in Trump's favor."

The lies are so blatant that you can't be failing to recognize they are lies. Which means you are complicit.

elyse said...

Still waiting for all you trumpers to disclose the evidence you've seen with your own eyes. We all know there's a lawyer out there who would be thrilled to hear your evidence. What are you waiting for?

Robert Cook said...

"Oh... oh wow... now that you mention it... you must be right, I mean, it's not like I'm a thinking citizen capable of evaluating evidence without the help of corrupt partisan judges."

You haven't see any evidence to evaluate.

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