December 13, 2020

"Under China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, the Communist Party’s creeping interference on the smallest details of Chinese life is being felt more and more."

"Censors have blurred the bejeweled earlobes of young male pop stars on television and the internet so that, in their mind, the piercings and jewelry don’t set a bad example for boys. Women in costumes at a video game convention were told to raise their necklines. With soccer a national priority under Mr. Xi, the crackdown has spread to sports. Last year, members of the men’s national soccer team were forced to play in long sleeves in stifling heat at the Asian Cup in Abu Dhabi after the government banned the display of tattoos during matches...."


Howard said...

This is what we are going to get with Biden.

Achilles said...

Biden just put Facebook and Google execs all through the top of his administration.

Even if you are a Democrat you are stupid to support this administration.

mccullough said...

China is a totalitarian state.

Interference is total. Not creeping.

Marshall Rose said...

Leftists dream of power, tyranny is coming and will be willingly embraced by a populace uneducated in its ultimate end.

First they came for the other, then they came for me.

Achilles said...

From "The Women Faced Off to Play Soccer. One Team Lost Because of Hair Dye/A Chinese university team argued that an opposing player’s hair was not 'black enough,' according to the rules, and her team forfeited the match" (NYT).

Temujin said...

Hmm. Funny to see the NYT bemoaning State Rules of Behavior and Thought. They seem so into it here in the US on a daily basis. See how they handle Biden and especially the idiocy of the upcoming Harris Administration. She's a Thoroughly Modern Statist.

Achilles said...

I notice that Ann is posting about sports, and not Hong Kong.

There is real nasty shit going on in Hong Kong right now.

tds said...

I support China Communist Party in their war on tattoos. Other stuff not so much

Achilles said...

I wonder if General Flynn is going to change his middle name to Pinochet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Kay said...

Looks like the NYT wants us to go to war against China.

Tomcc said...

Are you telling me that the Chinese are not celebrating diversity?!
I see an ugly end to our budding friendship. (Just kidding, the Biden/Harris administration is all about snuggles with our Asian comrades).

n.n said...

Hair dye critiques. Progress.

There is real nasty shit going on in Hong Kong right now.

Social contagion.

China is a totalitarian state.

Interference is total. Not creeping.

No, it's evolutionary, with progressive (e.g. "creeping") episodes. Even totalitarians states (i.e. inertial masses) have to either cope or Plan their populations, and as they do not exist in a vacuum, and since they are rarely self-sufficient, they have to cope or Plan the rest of the world, too. Thus capitalism, or rather markets and individuals retained earnings, intrude and replace single/central solutions as optimal, organic systems and processes. At least where the totalitarians do not realize incentives in redistributive or retributive change. Totalitarians are morons from a religious/moral perspective, but they are not stupid in a secular sense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All negative information about ANY democratic offical is... RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.

You will be made to believe it.

The ChiComs created it in a lab. Hillary for that assist.

YoungHegelian said...

Xi's regime is the regime of Mao's Cultural Revolution days, revision 2.0. The world took a leap of faith that post-Mao China would become more like the liberal first world and less like the then just-ended Mao regime. It worked for a while, but then multiple cultural forces & the lure of unfettered power for the CCP fed the rise of Xi & the return of Maoism.

This will not end well for the Chinese or for us. We forget that even the Chinese CCP grew so sick of Mao & his cabal that when Mao died they exacted their revenge on his acolytes.

Achilles said...

Kay said...

Looks like the NYT wants us to go to war against China.

The first best move for Biden is to get into a cold/hot war with China. He would use it to draw support from the people of this country. Diverting anger to a foreign threat is time tested.

Then he would impose rules on our ability to fight that war such that we would inevitably lose.

Biden has been doing this for 47 years. He has supported started numerous wars and followed each one up by undermining the prosecution of that war.

It is the most likely future of a Biden Administration.

Bilwick said...

Remember that imbecilic, Inga-like woman lecturing the Hong Kong protestors that they should consider themselves lucky to live under communist rule? Dementia Joe will probably appoint her ambassador to China. Trunalimunumaprzure!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Google censors information like the Chinese communists do.
Toxic State sponsored authoritarianism. Google isn't a private entity. It's a political entity now.

Google-Biden-Democrat-State-Party. Your masters. CNN has nice things to say about it so you can feel calm*.

jaydub said...

Wait until China mandates mask wearing everywhere, closes businesses they consider non essential, bans outdoor dining and holiday celebrations and then closes schools. If you think China is bad now, just wait until they turn into Californicatia.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

...after the government banned the display of tattoos during matches....

I'm stunned that citizens of the PRC can sport tattoos! I would have thought they'd been outlawed as "decadent".

Achilles said...

jaydub said...

Wait until China mandates mask wearing everywhere, closes businesses they consider non essential, bans outdoor dining and holiday celebrations and then closes schools. If you think China is bad now, just wait until they turn into Californicatia.

And bans in person religious services.

Michael K said...

Joe and the Ho are studying the effects to see if it should be implemented here.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

leak of
names, even phone numbers of ~2 million CCP operatives
who have infiltrated govts, businesses worldwide


mezzrow said...

The people in charge explain things differently in China. Their incentives are not our incentives.

Are they to be our new alien overlords?

Let's see who wants to be the first to welcome them.

RNB said...

Heinlein said that the true divide in politics was between people who want to run other people's lives and those with no such desire. I would mind Democrats less if they did not combine the former lust with an unfettered zest for bribes and kickbacks.

Achilles said...

I expect this to get banned from Facebook and Youtube.

“It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,” the Sky News host said.

“What's amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,” Ms Markson said.

Lurker21 said...

"The Women Faced Off to Play Soccer. One Team Lost Because of Hair Dye/A Chinese university team argued that an opposing player’s hair was not 'black enough,' according to the rules, and her team forfeited the match" (NYT).

It's the same over here.

Why do you think Giuliani is losing all those cases?

jim said...

Rudy's trying! Really hard. He should get something for that. Come on!

Joe Smith said...

According to woke morons, none of us are black enough.

CCP interference coming to a town near you via the Democrat Party.


Lyle Smith said...

Jimmy Lai was jailed this week, I think. Even the Pope is tight lipped about this. Dangerous times.

Rusty said...

Howard said...
"This is what we are going to get with Biden."
Xi is going to help your president make foreign policy. And insert himself into his domestic one as well. The Biden family owe Xi too much.

Birkel said...

...not to mention how much China has intruded on the United States.

The Bidens took bribes.

Sebastian said...

"the Communist Party’s creeping interference on the smallest details of Chinese life is being felt more and more."

The prog impulse is the same everywhere. So is the struggle for basic liberty.

MD Greene said...

Just as the NYT shielded us from learning more about Hunter Biden's main benefactor before the election, the myopic/cynical NYT protected us from knowing that Xi and the CCP aren't actually a bunch of really nice people until mid December 2020.

JaimeRoberto said...

Worst of all Xi believes there are only two genders.

Lurker21 said...

The good news is if China is banning every sign of non-conformity they won't be overtaking us in the production of the trash culture that the modern world so craves, and the fact that they need to suppress tattoos and piercings suggests that our exportation of Western decadence is having an effect.

tcrosse said...

But it’s Trump who’s an authoritarian.

Jupiter said...

"There is real nasty shit going on in Hong Kong right now."

Not in the publications Althouse reads.

Caligula said...

Universal electronic surveillance is creating tools of social control so all-encompassing that the tyrants of old could only have dreamed of such tools. Even the "telescreens" in Orwell's 1984 do not come close.

The only question, really, is the extent to which they can be confined to places like China. Or whether employers, lenders, merchants, schools and omnipresent social medil will find ways to deploy these tools everywhere.

It's not as if many Americans wouldn't sell whatever right to privacy they may still retain for the convenience of Alexa/Google Home/Nest, or a discount on homeowner's, medical or car insurance, or perhaps a few cents off at the local grocery store.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

China, and, apparently, America in the land of Democrat collusion. I wonder if Progressives' selective-child policy was inspired by the Communists' one-child policy, the Socialists' no-Jew policy. #WickedSolutions

Unknown said...
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mikee said...

Growing up there was always talk about a slippery slope, arguing against the latest progressive transgressions. I think we're so far down that slope now that there is a shorter path back to sanity by going on down to the bottom and back up the other side, than by turning around and fighting all the lost battles again.

Sam L. said...

As the saying goes, "China is asshoe!"