December 13, 2020

Trump is more likely to regain the presidency in 2024 if the GOP fails in the Georgia runoffs and loses the Senate majority.

True or false? I'd put up a survey, but I'm afraid you'll vote impulsively, so I'm just starting a discussion. 

I'm assuming Trump will keep raging and rallying and never stop.


Readering said...

I guess the theory is that a Biden Administration able to enact its agenda will be more vulnerable to Trump and GOP will lack effective Senate leaders as potential rivals? Don't see it myself.

Achilles said...

Trump is not going to win an election in 2024.

If he kneels and accepts fraud he will be a loser and he will spend the next 4 years whining about cheaters.

We will not follow him after that.

We don't follow whiners. We will find someone that will fight.

Achilles said...

And the next person will make Donald Trump look like Mitt Romney.

I Callahan said...

“Raging?” Nothing loaded about that statement.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump should not run in 2024.

If we lose the GA Senate races - and thus the Senate - the screw be upon us, indefinitely.

I find the idea that - 'we must let the democrats win so that we will come back stronger later.' Huh? No. No.
NO - it doesn't' work that way. Life isn't an episode of Starwars or Kraken-bake.

Psota said...

a good result would be Loeffler wins, Perdue loses
She at least knows how to be Trump-y.
Very hard to imagine Trump winning in 2024 without a Senate beachhead for the GOP.

mccullough said...


Given the overall condition of the country and where it’s heading in the next few years, Dem control of the Presidency with razor-thin majorities in the Senate and House imperils the Dem Party. That helps Trump.

Also, the GOP has no plausible presidential candidate for 2024.

Jersey Fled said...

Trump is not going to run in 2024.

Jared Kushner will be our first Jewish president.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...

Also, the GOP has no plausible presidential candidate for 2024.

Someone just needs to change their middle name to Pinochet and they will be good to go.

If they pledge to print off 10,000 ballots in each republican county in the country they will win for sure.

Ann Althouse said...

Please answer the question asked. It's put in comparative terms. "Trump is not going to win an election in 2024" — that doesn't answer the question! Spare me answers like that. They are not the point of this post. Assume Trump will run. The question is whether HE is in a BETTER position if the GOP loses the Senate majority OR if they keep it. I don't care for predictions that he'll lose either way or statements that he SHOULDN'T run. You're ignoring the interesting question and going for the boring question, which is EASY. Don't do that!!!

Bob Smith said...

If he can avoid a frame up like the one the Dems used on Mike Kelly.

Ann Althouse said...

And don't argue with my assessment of what's the most interesting question. This blog runs on my notions of interestingness. Go back to the last café, wait for the next one, or write your own blog is you disagree with the issue I've framed.

David Begley said...

I’ll answer. Better if the GOP holds the Senate. If the Dems win the Senate, we’ll never have another half-way honest election again.

But I want Don Jr to run.

Lurker21 said...

All other things being equal there's a lot to be said for that view. But it's looking too far down the road. Trump will be approaching Biden's age by then and who knows what that will do to him. Ditto Hillary, Jeb, Kerry, Romney. Those four are more likely to be stuffed and mounted in the Smithsonian Museum of American History than they are to make a serious run at the presidency.

Wince said...
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mccullough said...


You aren’t addressing the issue.

It’s not what’s best for the country or who you want to run.

It’s whether Trump is more likely to get the GOP nomination win the presidency (get the GOP nomination and then win the general election) if the Dems win the Georgia races.

Wince said...

Blogger mccullough said...
...Dem control of the Presidency with razor-thin majorities in the Senate and House imperils the Dem Party. That helps Trump.

As I've said, Biden likely doesn't want the Dems to win both seats because he'll be pushed too far left with no excuse not to follow along.

Psota said...
a good result would be Loeffler wins, Perdue loses

Hmm. What if the preferred outcomes of Biden and Trump in the Georgia senate run-offs are exactly the same?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why would Donald Trump run again? All he got was harassment over the last 4 years. Trump doesn't need that shit.
Trump will probably be hounded and harassed and forced into leaving the country, post presidency.

Time to move on.

The only issue that matters is making sure our elections don't stink to high heaven. Right now - they do. Note to anyone thinking about running- DRAIN THE f*ING SWAMP.
Fair and honest elections, with 100% ballot chain of custody. follow the constitution. Nothing. Else. Matters.

The left do everything they can to erode confidence and honest transparency in elections., By design. - the left use deception to do it. Voter ID? why - that's racist! enough of that condescending BS.

if the Democrats win the Senate, I doubt we will ever have the ability to climb out of that Authoritarian hole.

btw- If Trump can be impeached over a phone call - Biden can be impeached over his criminal family enterprise.
Fight the corrupt left. If we cannot do this - all is lost.

JPS said...


If the Dems have 50 Senators plus the VP, they will overreach in a way that causes a backlash.

Also, if the Republicans win at least one of the Senate seats in GA, it will create a lot of skepticism on the election fraud narrative: So the Dems successfully stole the presidency, control of the Senate came down to two seats in one state where they had successfully cheated already, but - they chose not to take it, because that would tip their hand? Rather than just taking it, and gaslighting everyone who said, Hey! Does that sound like the Democratic Party you know, to pass up the chance at control of the Executive plus both houses of Congress because of what someone might say?

I don’t buy it. If the Republicans hold the Senate, it means Trump really did lose Georgia. Which makes him look weaker when he tries to pull a Grover Cleveland.

tim maguire said...

At some point, he's just too old.

Achilles said...

Sure let us all play Ann's interesting game.

The races in Georgia mean nothing in reality. They are going to push the same corrupt statism either way and probably start at least one major war in fairly short order.

If Republicans win both runoffs then Murkowski and Romney will just betray us again and again.

If the runoffs split they will take turns betraying us.

If democrats take the runoffs then they can pretend they actually represent their states.

Republicans maintaining control of the Senate means that the republican base will end up angry at the GOPe.

Democrats winning control of the senate just means the democrat base ends up angry at the Democrat party establishment.

If I were to choose between these scenarios I choose democrats taking control of the senate.

mccullough said...

Are the commenters here too old to address the issue raised in the post?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does anyone buy that we are living with honest elections?

Hillary Clinton: 'They were never going to let me be president'

who is "they"?

Rabel said...


Howard said...

Trump has a better chance in 2024 if the GOP loses the Senate in 2020.

Greg Hlatky said...

Democrats: passion

Republicans: rage

jnseward said...

If the Democrats gain control of the Senate no Republican will ever win another election.

exhelodrvr1 said...

He should keep raging until the problems with our systems of elections are fixed.

Big Mike said...

False. I expect Harris and the shadowy billionaires who run the Democrat party will elbow Biden aside by mid-July. Perhaps over Hunter, perhaps over dementia, perhaps he’ll sadly pass away in office due to a mysterious disease. The chance that she — and they! — will NOT screw up the economy is so close to zero that it’s why mathematicians invented epsilon-delta arguments. So after the 2022 general election Kevin McCarthy will be Speaker with a healthy majority and, probably, McConnell will have at least a 55-45 majority. The need for Donald Trump will be much lessened.

I don’t know which Republican will be elected in 2024, but this much I do know — he (or she) will be worse than Adolph Hitler and if only we had a nice guy like Donald Trump back again ...

Marshall Rose said...

The fraud is now baked in, no one outside the uniparty will ever become president again.

No citizen has standing to challenge the fraud, no remedy through the legal system.

The consitution has become toilet paper that our ruling class uses to wipe their ass and shove our noses in their filth.

Rick.T. said...

“Raging?” Nothing loaded about that statement.
If I had a nickel for everytime....

Hari said...

Any violations or irregularities during the November election are not likely to be repeated during the January runoff, because there will be so much more scrutiny of the process this time. The vote counting is not going to be stopped in the middle of the night, etc.

So look at it from two extremes:

If the Republicans win both senate seats by solid margins, it will be far easier to believe that there was rampant cheating the first time around. A widespread belief that the election was stolen from Trump in 2020 will increase his chances for 2024.

On the other hand, if the Democrats win both seats, it will be easier to believe that the initial vote counts in Georgia were fairly accurate, and this will decrease Trump's chances to claim that the election was stolen and/or that he should be returned to office in 2024.

pacwest said...

Better if the GOP holds the Senate. If the Dems win the Senate, we’ll never have another half-way honest election again.

This. There is no good option for ANY Republican in 2024 if the Dem's control all three branches for two years. 11 million new Dem voters. Election reform legislation that will favor the Dems. And you think Trump will be in any position to run in 2024 once he has finally been convicted of something or other? Given any chance at all the Dems will destroy the figurehead of the movement to let us know what we're in for if we want to contest their grip on power again. A public hanging would serve best.

No, Trump wouldn't benefit if Dems win the Senate.

stevew said...

The old win by losing argument. Nonsense. Losing is losing.

Joe Smith said...


You falsely assume that he is 'raging' in the first place.

No slant there.

doctrev said...

The last four years should have convinced you that election predictions are a fool's errand, Professor, and the next four will make 2020 look inconsequential. Losing the Senate, whether through fraud or complete collapse in democratic legitimacy, would convince Trump that the Dems are all-in on the cheat and that no amount of "anger" would be sufficient to win again. He's not going to wait until 2024 to answer that.

Regardless, your notion that the crack of rifles would be less "interesting" guarantees that you, personally, will live in interesting times.

stevew said...

And Trump's time is passed, assuming he doesn't successfully overturn the reported and apparent result of this year's election. The Democrats are likely to overreach, especially if they control the three branches of government, but the Republicans will spend the next four years readying and grooming a candidate that is not Trump for 2024. The GOP will not let Trump happen again.

doctrev said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

Agree with Joe Smith. Trump doesn’t rage. He forcefully expresses his views in his own unique way.

Russell said...

I think this depends on how Democrats truly view Trump. Do they think him being out in the wild helps them (since he's perfectly prepared to burn down any other GOP leaders that don't kiss his ring)? Are they willing to actually prosecute him (for what, I can't even begin to understand)? If he's in jail, he doesn't run.

Rusty said...

That sounds like something Chuck would make up. You never win by losing.

Inga said...

If the the GOP loses the two seats in Georgia, and legislation actually moves from bills to laws, and is signed by a Democratic president, I suspect that Trumpists will be even angrier. Having said that, who cares? They’ve shown themselves to be irrational and Trump will continue to rant and rave either way. Democrats have to continue to get out the votes. We have the majority. No matter how many judges, even conservative judges and Trump appointees shoot down his frivolous lawsuits, he will continue to do what he’s been doing, which is subverting democracy.

doctrev said...

Inga said...
No matter how many judges, even conservative judges and Trump appointees shoot down his frivolous lawsuits, he will continue to do what he’s been doing, which is subverting democracy.

12/13/20, 12:57 PM

This is very true. We're rather counting on it, actually.

mccullough said...

Dems have a majority until they don’t.

A majority of voters hold the party in power responsible.

Birkel said...

The theory is that President Harris will not cheat far too much for any Republican to win.
That is a stupid theory.

Althouse continues pretending the old ways will continue.
Democraticals announce their intentions to overthrow the old ways.
Althouse cannot take them seriously or literally.
Althouse is a useful idiot and willfully blind.

Michael K said...

Blogger Psota said...
a good result would be Loeffler wins, Perdue loses
She at least knows how to be Trump-y.

She is an idiot whose husband bought the appointment. Maybe that was your point as I don't recall seeing another comment from you. The story resembles the Alabama fiasco that elected Jones. There was a good candidate named Mo Brooks.

I agree with Joe Smith and Dave Begley. The blog owner was expressing her bias.

mccullough said...

The GOP needs to do better in the suburbs. That’s 56% of the voting age population.

stevew said...

"Then the GOP will be dead and gone by 2026."

I'm arguing that this has already occurred. The GOP without Trump at the helm is no different than the Democrats. There are a couple of exceptions, Rand Paul for example, but they prove the point.

Big Mike said...

BTW, IMAO the notion that the GOP will be better off by losing the two Georgia runoff elections is just more Democrat bullshit trying to suppress the Republican vote. File this in the same cylindrical file where you put "there's no point in voting because the fix is in."

exhelodrvr1 said...

For those non-Trump fans here - Just curious: how much longer do you think the vaccine would have taken under a President Hillary? Do you think that any of the recent diplomatic breakthroughs in the Middle East would have occurred under a President Hillary?

Big Mike said...

Althouse continues pretending the old ways will continue.

She really is caught up in the 1970s, isn't she? She seems to have trouble realizing that a half century is actually a pretty long time.

Kathryn51 said...

Trump is more likely to regain the presidency in 2024 if the GOP fails in the Georgia runoffs and loses the Senate majority.

True or false?


If GOP fails in the Georgia runoffs and loses the Senate majority, Dems will go crazy and it will be easier for the GOP to regain both the House and the Senate in 2022. Those gains will not be from Trumpsters who seem to only get excited about Trump rallys and tweets. The GOP is evolving into the working man/small business party. We may be grateful for the fact that Trump shook things up (and saved the Supreme Court for a few more years), but Trumpism will die if we can't pull off a win in GA.

mezzrow said...
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mezzrow said...

I don't see it.

Anyone, including Trump, who runs in 2024 for the GOP will do better in the republic we will have in 2024 without the alterations a runaway Democratic congress would apply to that republic.

Birkel said...

"Trumpism" is the move to the working class voters and away from the white collar workers.
Kathryn51 is confused.

doctrev said...

While I wanted a Trumpslide, I'm honestly grateful things shook out like they did. Even a massive election victory wouldn't have "radicalized" most of the Republican base the way this outright steal did. The fraud is tantamount to the Dems kicking over the board rather than accepting their loss.

On the whole, I'm fine with Joe Biden stealing the election. Just so long as you're fine with Trump using the LEOs/ military to put him down like a rat.

n.n said...

"Trumpism" is the move to the working class voters and away from the white collar workers.

It is both. For example, Obamacares beat the middle class blue and white. Elective wars, elective coups, fungible funds, transnational terrorism, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, Planned Parenthood (e.g. selective-child), progressive prices, diversity, etc. are a concern primarily for the unsubsidized (i.e. capital drain) middle class, but also the renewable lower class.

Joe Smith said...

"On the other hand, if the Democrats win both seats, it will be easier to believe that the initial vote counts in Georgia were fairly accurate, and this will decrease Trump's chances to claim that the election was stolen and/or that he should be returned to office in 2024."

Not really logical.

If they cheated to win the presidential election, they can cheat to win the senate elections.

Keep going with what works.

BothSidesNow said...

If Warnock wins, and Georgia sends a black Senator to the US Senate, then Trump will certainly have a better chance of winning in 2024.

This is like the end of reconstruction all over again. First, the S.Ct. finds that it has the power to declare the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional, despite the explicit statement in the 14th amendment giving the power to Congress to enforce voting rights. Then most of the states that had been subject to the Voting Act regulations immediately start adopting restrictions that make it less likely that blacks will vote. Then, the Republican Party nominates a person who rose to prominence in the party in large measure due to his racist campaign against the first black President. And now, the united Republican Party, in a racially-targeted legal strategy, seeks to disenfranchise black voters in Detroit, Philadelphia and Georgia. It really does seem to be the case that a good portion of White America cannot abide black voters.

If Warnock wins, and Georgia sends a black Senator to the US Senate, then Trump will certainly have a better chance of winning in 2024.

Jim at said...

Trump served his purpose ... albeit four years less than I preferred.

Leave politics, make some more money and enjoy life.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

If the GOP loses the Senate, the Democrats will abandon the filibuster and pack the court. They've told us they will, and there is no reason to doubt them. Fair elections will be effectively banned, as unverifiable mail-in balloting will become the law of the land. The Democrats will never lose another election. The Grand Experiment will be over, at last a failure, as Soviet-style one-party rule takes over. Think I'm paranoid? Think I'm exaggerating? I'm not.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

Trump doesn’t rage. He forcefully expresses his views in his own unique way.

He stands his ground, when the "consensus" demands that he kneels.

mccullough said...

It’s the 15th Amendment that gives Congress the power to enforce voting rights against discrimination based on sex; the 19th Amendment that gives Congress the power to enforce voting rights against discrimination based on sex; and the 26th Amendment that gives Congress the power to enforce voting rights based on age (18 and up).

If equal protection of the laws applied to the right to vote, then the 15th Amendment, the 19th Amendment, and 26th Amendment are superfluous.

So much for originalism and textualism.

Rosalyn C. said...

If the Republicans lose the majority in the Senate Trump will be irrelevant in 2024. No chance of winning. Just like has no chance of prevailing against the establishment now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

1:34 - Tyrone.
you are not exaggerating.

The hivemind is delighted.

mccullough said...

15th Amendment based on race.

Mark said...

Let's start with the faulty premise that people will want Trump to run again regardless. They won't. Even his biggest supporters know that he is now the past.

As for Georgia, if the GOP loses both seats, the country is f*cked beyond repair because the totalitarian Dems will do everything in their power to create permanent one-party rule.

driverdonald said...

First we take back the House in 2022 then it’s Haley/Crenshaw in 2024. All this thanks to Trump and his addiction to the ‘roar of the crowd’.

dbp said...

If the Democrats were honest, their winning the two Senate races in Georgia would make it more likely for Trump to be re-elected President in 2024. The reason is that the Democrats will have a free hand to enact their leftist fantasies and it will blow-up in their faces.

But, they aren't honest. They will use their total power to pack the Supreme court and bake voter fraud into the system. It won't matter how much they alienate the populace, we will have lost any say. It will be a one-party state until there is a revolution.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

exh - 1:09
If Hillary had won- there would be no chi com virus. The virus showed up to aid the World Order.

Mark said...

If the GOP loses both seats in Georgia, there will not be 50 Democrats in the Senate. There will be at least 52 and possibly 54 to the GOP 50.

The State of D.C. and the State of Puerto Rico will likely add four Dems to the Senate.

Kathryn51 said...

driverdonald said...
First we take back the House in 2022 then it’s Haley/Crenshaw in 2024. All this thanks to Trump and his addiction to the ‘roar of the crowd’.


Browndog said...

I don't want Trump. Too nice. When told he can't do something, he just said OK, then complained about it on twitter.

No, I want the meanest, most ruthless son-of-a-bitch out there.

Browndog said...

then it’s Haley/Crenshaw in 2024


mccullough said...

Haley won’t be the nominee. Ever.

Achilles said...

driverdonald said...

First we take back the House in 2022 then it’s Haley/Crenshaw in 2024. All this thanks to Trump and his addiction to the ‘roar of the crowd’.

What on god's green earth makes you think Nikki Haley has any chance of being the Republican nominee?

Tulsi Gabbard has more support among republican voters than Nikki Haley.

Nikki Haley would do about as well and Jeb Bush in the primary.

Rosalyn C. said...

On the other hand there are 33 Senate seats up for re-election in 2024 so that might make the 2024 presidential election more of a referendum and open the possibility of a Trump run. However unless we get our election voting system rectified Republicans and Independents will lose interest entirely. Why continue the pretense?

I don't see Trump bothering unless there is a real chance of winning. He doesn't like losing and once the fight is over he'll move on and find something more interesting which involves making lots of money. He won't be having rallies and complaining about the loss, imo. Of course who knows what the Biden machine will bring us? New wars, terrorist attacks in the homeland, more riots?

California is a cautionary tale as a one party state. Ridiculous social and fiscal policies get passed by the legislature and signed in by the governor. Raising taxes is the solution to all problems. No one seems to care that our public schools are next to last in achievement. Finally the entrepreneurs are leaving.

Bob Loblaw said...

And the next person will make Donald Trump look like Mitt Romney.

I think this is true. Trump would never have been elected but for the treatment meted out to the TEA Party people. The way Democrats have treated Trump supporters is paving the way for someone who will have them reflecting fondly on the Trump years.

unknown said...

Trump is done either way. Best thing he can do is go down swinging while laying traps for Biden, returning the favor. In foreign policy, he should continue undermining the chances of an Iranian rapprochement. In domestic affairs, the Durham appointment is the sort of thing that may pay dividends. Finally, just out of pique, he should issue a lot of popular-seeming-but-irresponsible executive orders that Biden will be forced to undo. Just like Obama did in late 2016.

Doing those things would hopefully mire the Biden administration in muck. Having a GOP Senate will reinforce those efforts, thereby strengthening the GOP’s chances in 2024. The GOP held the line! They resisted the woke globalist coastal liberals, who would sell out the country to China. Is there any doubt that’s what the corrupt Biden family would do with Democrats in control of Congress? That’s the pitch now, and in 2022 and 2024, anyway.

Don Jr., Ivanka, Tucker Carlson, etc., will continue to be forces in the GOP. A weak GOP in 2022-2024 will be blamed on Trumpism.

Bob Loblaw said...

What on god's green earth makes you think Nikki Haley has any chance of being the Republican nominee?

She doesn't. Her flirtation with the Never Trumpers has ended her career at the national level.

Michael K said...

Blogger Mark said...
If the GOP loses both seats in Georgia, there will not be 50 Democrats in the Senate. There will be at least 52 and possibly 54 to the GOP 50.

The State of D.C. and the State of Puerto Rico will likely add four Dems to the Senate.

Oh, I thought you were referring to Romney and Murkowski. That graft doesn't just grow on trees, you know.

Joe Smith said...

"If Hillary had won- there would be no chi com virus. The virus showed up to aid the World Order."

This is correct.

"then it’s Haley/Crenshaw in 2024"

Please God, no.

I would support Noem/Grenell though...

Michael K said...

Don Jr., Ivanka, Tucker Carlson, etc., will continue to be forces in the GOP. A weak GOP in 2022-2024 will be blamed on Trumpism.

By Democrats, of course. The situation in 2022 and 2024 depends a lot on what the people running Biden do next. So far, it looks like Obama III but the crazies have a vote. If they get really crazy, it is either peaceful separation of civil war.

Those of you inclined to refer to "Trumpism" are ignoring the Hispanic vote, which is there for the taking unless the Romney team gets control.

gilbar said...

my $0.02 IF the repubs lose georgia, which means, they lose the senate...
It's THE END of the republican party... But, not necessarily the end of Trump

Francisco D said...

David Begley said... Better if the GOP holds the Senate. If the Dems win the Senate, we’ll never have another half-way honest election again.

Yes. Merely asking the question is absolutely absurd just as the call for Georgia Republicans to boycott the runoff.

It is a trick. If Democrats win the Senate, they will have near permanent control of all our institutions. Liberals like Althouse would find that interesting. Constitutional Libertarians like me find that horrifying.

traditionalguy said...

Moot point : as long as Dominion voting system counts the votes, the actual votes are meaningless. Who cares whether anyone runs or not. It’s all a big joke.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...

Trump is done either way. Best thing he can do is go down swinging while laying traps for Biden, returning the favor.

Best thing he can do is change his middle name to Pinochet and do what needs to be done.

If he doesn't someone else will.

Jersey Fled said...

On further reflection, I don't think it matters.

As BHO famously said:

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up.

bagoh20 said...

2024 will be decided by the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Who or what is going to stop them from influencing it any way or to whatever degree they want? Afterward, there will be "no evidence."

Breezy said...

I’d like to know the pathway to semi trusted elections again. If we don’t have that, then what exactly are we doing having any vote? There has to be a wedge to force Dems to cut this out. Perhaps jail time for a few hundred people would work...

But to answer the question, I think Trump would win more easily if we don’t have divided govt in 2024. We always seem to prefer that.

Kevin said...

Trump is more likely to regain the presidency in 2024...

1. The Democrats are notorious for blaming Trump for what they are doing.

2. The Democrats accused Trump of not leaving office even if he loses the election.

3. What makes you think they're going to leave if Trump is elected?

mccullough said...

Ohio used Dominion systems.

Is Biden the True Winner of Ohio?

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump voters are going to continue purging the GOP of quislings - remember Flake? Trump had to play nice with the GOP due to Mueller, but now? And Trump voters are angry and are not going back to Romney’s losing with honor style, much less the neocon agenda. Country club republicans are happy to move to the Democratic Party.

If the GOP loses Ga, it will be very hard for another GOP president to happen, even Trump.

The more interesting question, if Biden becomes President, is what will Trump do in the next 4 years?

bagoh20 said...

The worst thing about 2020 has been what it has done to my opinion of my own country. I've always been as patriotic as an American can be, but now I'm looking around for somewhere to escape my own countrymen. Most other nations have already made the mistakes we are heading into, and some may be ahead on the learning curve. We are about to become a huge target with little to deter those who wish us harm and failure. Sitting ducks.

mccullough said...

Trump is going to golf the next four years.

whitney said...

I stopped reading this website because Anne is so delusional that it's annoying but reading the comments I realize all you guys are. It's like a Boomer graveyard in here. So that that I'm done but I'm going to leave you with one last happy thought. All your descendants are going to be a despised minority in their own country. That's the world you left them

mccullough said...

Bye, Whitney.

And it’s Ann, not Anne.

Birkel said...

You should look for soft targets and potential targets of opportunity.
The big cities are the sitting ducks, as it were.

Joe Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Look at who our enemies are in the world Do we really think Joe Biden, Kamala Harris or the Democrats with people like AOC and Bernie are going to fight that fight? They aren't even on our side. Just ask them.

tcrosse said...

If one assumes that bad conditions favor Trump’s 2024 chances, then it doesn’t matter who wins the GA runoffs. Conditions under the new Presidency will be bad in any case.

stonethrower said...

The media, more than anything else, killed Trump. And now that they proved their power, the will continue to kill Trump. I don’t see how he overcomes this, especially out office.

Birkel said...

It is extremely likely the GOP will have big advantages running against President Harris in 2024.
However the ability of Democraticals to cheat will be unfettered in Democratical strongholds.

Althouse's question is academic, as it were.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Isn't it weird that Trump can ruin the GOP..
But someone like Biden or Hillary or Pelosi - and their proven family political grifting cannot ruin the democrat party?

Why is that?

Jalanl said...

Who knows what will happen but I'll play the game - my prediction is not necessarily my desire. It would be best for Trump if the GOP wins the GA runoffs:

GOP win = support that there was massive fraud in the presidential election

GOP win = 4 year of GOP failure as they are stabbed in the back by Romney et al on every piece of Harris' goofy legislation

GOP failure = Support for the 3rd party that Trump will start in 2021

I don't have any idea if Trump would run or could win in 2024 as a third party. But there are people who could pull 50-60+ million "Trump" voters plus 30-40 million Democrats alarmed with the Harris admin's unbridled leftism.

Lucien said...

I think the answer depends on an "inside baseball" analysis because the events of 2023-2024 will have a greater impact on election chances than those of 2021-2022. So: what Senate seats are in play in 2022, where will Senators likely be retiring and who will be weak -- on both D and R sides. This can tell us whether we can expect a shift to the D or R side in that mid-term election. How many seats can the Rs expect to take in the House? Assume Breyer is smart enough to retire while a D is President -- then who will be nominated to replace him and how big will the confirmation fight be? Will Clarence Thomas be able to stay on the Court through another Presidential term?

These are the things that will strengthen or weaken a potential Trump candidacy more than the Georgia run-offs.

wildswan said...

We need to win in Georgia. Don't overthink all this. At best a lot of people will be hurt by Dem social policies if we don't hold the Senate. And there's an extremely likely worse and still worser and worst of all.

Jupiter said...

"“Raging?” Nothing loaded about that statement."

Not in the publications that Althouse reads.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"lets lose so we can win later"

toss off.

jim said...

Predictions of the future?
My predictions:
Republican party splintered and not able to agree on a single candidate
Trump stroked-out
Democrats limping along but satisfying no one.

rhhardin said...

Trump deserved to lose because he rages.

rhhardin said...

Rage and rape are only one letter different, and p and g are two pretty similar letters to differ in.

The shortest path through the thesaurus, and hence women's minds, between them is actually pretty long

rage rampage storm bluster bully oppress abuse outrage rape

because I think women have all those consecutive feelings about Trump.

It's amazing they let him grab their pussy.

Jupiter said...

The question before us is whether two-party politics is still viable in America. The Democratic Party has become the Trojan Horse for various factions intent upon the eradication of Constitutional government. Once they get inside the gates, we'll see what waits inside. Many white Americans are knee-jerk Democrats -- they support Democrats because they have always supported Democrats. The other guys are the Dark Side! This is why Biden/Harris ran on a platform of "Get Rid Of Trump!". That was all they dared reveal about their plans.

But a lot of white people, especially those with children, are starting to grasp that Big Tech and its creature, the Democratic Party, are no friends of ours. They intend to reduce us to a hated and oppressed minority in our own country, and the Republican Party is unwilling or unable to defend us. Perhaps its time for us to start operating as a racial interest group, like everybody else. Their Diversity is Our Strength.

Achilles said...

Total deaths in the US

2010: 2.5M
2011: 2.5M
2012: 2.5M
2013 :2.6M
2014: 2.6M
2015: 2.7M
2016: 2.7M
2017: 2.8M
2018: 2.8M
2019: 2.9M
2020: 2.5M (as of November)


Achilles said...

Lions not Sheep.

Jupiter said...

"It's amazing they let him grab their pussy."

rh, you are correct that women's logic is a mass of internal contradictions. They start here, and proceed rapidly in the direction of there, only to turn up in some other place entirely. Granted, and thoroughly exhausting to the male mind. But when Althouse wrote about a potential Ambassador to the Bahamas this morning, your first thought was to obtain her photograph. My own mind moved in the same direction. How can you possibly evaluate the idea of Keisha Lance Bottoms rejecting the role of Ambassador to the Bahamas without seeing her picture? Actually, several pictures, from different angles, and preferably taken at different times.

Jupiter said...

Of course, it may well be that women have the same idea. Search engines have a tab for images for a reason, and for all I know, women use it as much or more than men do. I can only wonder. Google, on the other hand, could tell us exactly how often men and women search on the images of people in the news, broken down by age, race, income and the kind of news in question.

Gospace said...

The GOP has no plausible presidential candidate for 2024?

Guess you’ve never heard nor read of Kristi Noem, the freedom loving governor of South Dakota. She’s trusted citizens to make their own choices regarding health and risks. It’s easy to tell she’s a threat. When you google her name the top media stories that come up are all attacking her for doing nothing about the dreaded covid. Death rate from the dreaded covid is far smaller than in the Dictatorship of NY or the New Jersey Empire under Democrat despotism. With Dictator Cuomo’s being widely praised for his handling of the dreaded covid with all the people he’s killed in long term care facilities. He’s even receiving an Emmy for his masterful lying to the people in his briefings. That will go down in history as a companion to Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize for reporting from the Soviet Union.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The GOp has far better quality people in it than the dick-licking democreeps.

Geeez - look at how they all fell in line for Corrupt Biden.,

mccullough said...

I’ve heard and read of Kristi Noem.

Not a plausible candidate for president.

gilbar said...

Achilles said...
Total deaths in the US
2010: 2.5M
2011: 2.5M
2012: 2.5M
2013 :2.6M
2014: 2.6M
2015: 2.7M
2016: 2.7M
2017: 2.8M
2018: 2.8M
2019: 2.9M
2020: 2.5M (as of November)

Your numbers are Clearly off, by about 100X (that's 10,000%)
I Know, For a FACT; that MORE than 250 MILLION americans have Already Died, THIS YEAR!
Just Who the hell, am i supposed to believe? YOU? or the Office of the President Elect?

gilbar said...

whitney said...
I stopped reading this website

Serious Question
HOW can we miss you? IF you won't GO AWAY???

rhhardin said...

What women's minds do, going for feelings at every step, is needed in organizing a neighborhood. It's not a fault exactly, anyway not on its own.

It's a fault where a structure is needed instead, something that will work regardless of feelings. Say a neighborhood too large to manage with feelings, like a country.

That's where the male mind comes in.

Think of feelings as force. Force breaks structure; or structure channels force. It can go either way. You want force to win in neighborhoods, and structure in the country.

rhhardin said...

TV newd brings everything to your neighborhood. The country becomes a target for feelings and breaks.

mccullough said...


Surely you can come up with a system to overcome women’s aversion to systems.

Because just complaining is what a woman does.
The irony.

Iman said...

Newd TV would at least be interesting more often.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

False. If the GOP also loses the Georgia races, Trump may well have a heart attack and die, which hurts his chances in 2024. S

Drago said...

If the democraticals are allowed to steal the 2 GA Senate seats, and it sure looks like the Romney-ite Kemp and Raffensberger are determined to let that happen (and why not? Just look at the payday Paul Ryan got and what retiring Senator Burr will get), its extremely likely the democraticals will make permanent the industrial scale corruption that gave them the 2020 win.

No republican will ever win a national election again.

So the battle becomes a fight between the establishment dems, and the 50% (at least) of the establishment elected republicans who are aligned with them, who desire an EU-like super state against the radical factions of the democratical party.

The establishment dems/LLR's clearly would have the upper hand for the foreseeable future and they will continue their political project which is designed to bring the US to heel under the weight of heavier and more onerous entanglements with the neo-liberals across the globe who have Big Tech and Big Media on their side.

And yet, and yet...a Brexit happens..and the Polish and Hungarian governments refuse to along with Brussels despite threats...and conservative governments win elections in nations across the globe despite economic threats and complete opposition of the global media.

National populist movements have been underway for quite some time across the globe and whichever republican most effectively pucks up that cudgel will achieve some success, though less than a national election win which will have been made structurally impossible.

There is no such thing as "Trumpism". There is economic populism which Trump jumped on because he despises the global elites and their shenanigans.

Any other republican could have jumped on that as well....but they were all advised by inside the beltway "experts" who exist to advance their own viability amongst the uniparty.

I personally thought Walker was by far the best positioned to go that route. So what happened to him?

He went with inside the beltway campaign leaders....and promptly went Full Milquetoast and immediately disappeared from view.

I'd watch DeSantis, whose base in Florida is extremely interesting within a national framework.

Mark said...

Walker? He was a paper tiger at best.

Literally a government employee from mid 20s on, the definition of swamp.

Those who saw more in him were projecting.

Readering said...

Trumpism is the horrible stuff you are witnessing now.

Michael K said...

Blogger Mark said...
Walker? He was a paper tiger at best.

Literally a government employee from mid 20s on, the definition of swamp.

No, he did well and probably had re-election stolen. He did flame out in a hurry in 2016, though. Maybe the stories about the Koch influence were true. He took a dive on immigration.

Rusty said...

mccullough said...
"Ohio used Dominion systems.

Is Biden the True Winner of Ohio?"
Try not to be stupid.

Drago said...

Readering: "Trumpism is the horrible stuff you are witnessing now."

Interesting note: readering still believes Trump colluded with Putin and the hoax dossier is real and that its perfectly cool for one party to go Full Stasi on domestic political opponents.

So, you know, "credibility".

Birkel said...

I would like to know more about the horrible stuff that is alleged.
Do try to be specific.
Also, provide context.

Drago said...

Birkel: "I would like to know more about the horrible stuff that is alleged."

It would be interesting to see what The Party Of Hodgkinson have to say about "horrible stuff", but then again, no democratical will even acknowledge Hodgkinson ever existed.

Apparently, he, like antifa, are officially "myths"...right alongside islamic terrorism and ChiCom slave labor camps.

Mr. D said...

No, because if the Senate falls to the Dems they will change the playing field. I do think Trump will run again, but the key to stopping Biden and, more realistically Harris, is to keep the pressure on them politically. McConnell lives for that.

Readering said...

Trump tweeting that electors will be committing a crime tomorrow by voting for Biden. For starters.

Readering said...

Thanks for the usual gibberish Drago.

Tom said...

If the Democrats conform the House, the Senate, and the White House, republicans will never win another national election.

There is no penalty for election fraud. The court will be packed. Guns will be seized. Taxes will be punitive. Cancel culture will win.

Get ready for one-party rule. 2020 is but a taste of what’s coming.

The Godfather said...

Yes, Trump is "more likely to win in 2024" if the Dems control both House and Senate for the next two years, because they will go too far and too fast.

But NO it ain't gonna happen. The too-far-too-fast part, yes that would happen, but Trump isn't going to sit around for the next 4 years. Trump is going to do SOMETHING ELSE. Perhaps create a new, hi-tech, multi-media news/opinion network. Perhaps something entirely different. He's a showman with BIG IDEAS. He's learned during the last four years that being President is too small a job for him. (It's a job for slow Joe.) There will be other political figures in the Republican Party who will be lifted by the Wave. Or maybe figures who aren't now in the Republican Party.

To my Georgia friends: Please don't think that it will be easy to undo what a Democrat-controlled Congress + President could do in the next two years. If you can save us from that, it would be a blessing.

mccullough said...

Trump is a showman.

You guys are starting to hear Jimi.

Drago said...

Readering: "Thanks for the usual gibberish Drago."

The historical ignoramus readering now declares Brexit, the populist governments in Poland and Hungary, the conservative government in Australia and the other populist movements across the globe to be "gibberish".

Hardly surprising when one recalls readering actually believed, and boldly asserted, that the ONLY reason the Soviets invaded Poland in 1939 from the East was because they (the Soviets) were concerned about Hitler invading from the West.

Yes, you read that correctly. readering actually attempted to portray Stalin's annexation move of Eastern Poland in accordance with Stalins deal with Hitler, as a humanitarian gesture!

Really, what else would anyone need to read from readering to understand just what a dope he/she/xe is?

Spoiler: Not a thing.

And I will reiterate: DeSantis will be an interesting figure come 2024, whether or not the democraticals/LLR's make permanent their corrupt voting schemes.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Also, the GOP has no plausible presidential candidate for 2024.

This year, neither did the Democrats.

Skippy Tisdale said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Clifford said...

I fear that we will never have a honest election again, and it won't matter who wins in Georgia. In fact, the GA senate election is a beta test (if the 2020 national election was an alpha test) and if both Democrat senators win in GA (or even one wins) then it is all over. We will never have an honest election again. I really fear what happens when a significant percentage of Americans realize that elections no longer really matter... they're just to keep the rubes pacified.

Mutaman said...

"Trump is going to golf the next four years."

The Trump National Golf Club Westchester,is near Ossining, but i don't think they let the inmates out to play it.

Hong said...

Trump should wave the bloody shirt. This fraud was unprecedented in scope. God help those Dems and RINOs if he actually makes it back. But it would be glorious. Too bad, it'll probably never happen.

wendybar said...

He SHOULD rage. Democrats in the Obama administration and the Intell agencies spent 5 years spying on him, digging into every aspect of his life, impeached him for what Joe Biden actually did, and then had a fraudulent Mail in election where people like me, voted, but my vote was NOT accepted....and he is supposed to sit down and shut up?? Nope...Time to do exactly to Joe and Kamala and every other Poltician what they did to the Trump administration. I will NEVER accept that a delusional old white man, and a woman who nobody even wanted when she was running for president got more votes than Obama. Nope. Can't make me believe those lies. This country is fucked. And I blame the Obama administration and the corrupt intel agencies.

Rusty said...

"Yes, you read that correctly. readering actually attempted to portray Stalin's annexation move of Eastern Poland in accordance with Stalins deal with Hitler, as a humanitarian gesture!"
I expected nothing less.

jeremyabrams said...

Even at 50-50, they'd need a rules change to get legislation through on a bare majority. I favor ending the legislative filibuster, but obviously I wish the republicans had done it and gotten their legislation through.

So before we get to Trump 2024, the issue is not really Georgia, it's Manchin on the rule change vote. If Manchin OK's the change, we get a torrent of leftist laws. The nation becomes even more polarized, and the always inactivist right becomes a bit activist, and the country at large (swing voters) will accept a polarizing figure (trump) in a clearly polarized world. Also his warnings will have been vindicated.

If Manchin votes no, we'll be better off with someone like Noem.

Lexington Green said...

If Biden is sworn in in January 2021, either the New York Attorney General’s office, or Biden’s department of justice is going to arrest Donald Trump, perp walk him out of Trump Tower, deny him bail, Make sure he is convicted of sufficiently serious crimes that he never sees the light of day, and quite possibly he will “commit suicide” similarly to Jeffrey Epstein. If Trump leaves the presidency in January 2021 he will swiftly be behind bars and never see the light of day again, and everybody knows it, including him. The establishment cannot and will not permit what he did to them to go unpunished.

wendybar said...

Lexington Green said...
If Biden is sworn in in January 2021, either the New York Attorney General’s office, or Biden’s department of justice is going to arrest Donald Trump, perp walk him out of Trump Tower, deny him bail, Make sure he is convicted of sufficiently serious crimes that he never sees the light of day, and quite possibly he will “commit suicide” similarly to Jeffrey Epstein. If Trump leaves the presidency in January 2021 he will swiftly be behind bars and never see the light of day again, and everybody knows it, including him. The establishment cannot and will not permit what he did to them to go unpunished.

12/14/20, 8:07 AM

And then we Patriots go after the punishers who actually lied about Trump for 5 years. Karma will be so sweet when we burn them all down....

Fandor said...

If the Democrats are allowed to steal the 2020 election there will never be another.
The United Stares, a constitutional republic, will cease to exist, if it hasn't already.
We'll be run by criminals who will continue to loot, cheat and shake down the citizens of this country, until there is nothing left but prime real estate to sell.
For a time they'll be no peace.
Eventually, that will be quelled.
The internet will be silenced except to promote "big ideas".
No blogs, no tweets, no Trump.
Everyone will have to be reeducated.
And, to paraphrase Michelle, we'll need to enact "new" traditions.
Malarky, you say.
Come on, man.
The real question is, will Ann Althouse be part of the new society, or relegated to the scrapheap of forgotten inconsequential bloggers?

DEEBEE said...

He is going to move on with his life and enjoy taunting from the outside with whatever platform he chooses

JackOfClubs said...

IF we lose the Senate it will be Trump's fault. Only his most rabid supporters will still think he is the good guy in all of this. Common sense may be overwhelmed at the moment, but it always reasserts itself in the end.

driverdonald said...

That’s right. Trump was addicted to performing at rally’s. In spite of it being bad judgement to hold those rallies and terrible political optics;
he couldn’t stop. He vindicated all the spurious unfounded charges against him with his impulsive behavior. Trump was tested
and he failed.

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