December 4, 2020

"This might have been a holy-shit speech, but it came in the 'yeah, whatever' phase of Trump’s lame-duck Presidency...."

"The temptation is to look away, to move on, to cringe and avert your gaze. That is exactly what the Republicans in the Senate, who have stood by Trump through impeachment and other ignominies, have done this week, pivoting so seamlessly into bashing the new Biden Administration that they never even stopped to acknowledge its existence.... Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened? Do they think they can simply return to the partisan status quo ante, complaining about nasty tweets and potential conflicts of interest, without anyone bringing up the current President? I don’t think this was what Biden meant when he said, during the campaign, that his Presidency would mark a return to normal."


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Kai Akker said...

Better that we shrug off our banana-republic "election."

Qwinn said...

More projection than IMAX.

Anyone else notice how quiet the lefties suddenly got when the Georgia video dropped? And we can identify one of the women stuffing the ballots?

Mr Wibble said...

Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?

That's exactly what they want to do, but for a different reason: they want to return to the way things were before, where they could lie to the base every two or four years, and spend the rest of their time pushing what their corporate masters wanted. Same for the Dems. Both parties are in for an ugly lesson, because the world is not going to return to the good old days.

Achilles said...

This article was written before the video of suitcases of ballots being fed through the machines in Georgia.

The sea has changed.

Only the bitter clingers are holding on to the Biden Presidency.

narciso said...

This wouldnt be happening if brian the dog were on staff

narciso said...

Shes been dining out of kellogg fusion flakes for four years now.

Achilles said...

I should say only the boring people are holding on to the Biden presidency.

The Supreme Court was always going to find the political solution and wrap it up in bullshit.

The political solution now is a Trump presidency.

In a fight you always know who feels more morally convicted about their position and the USSC knows that the Democrats are going to fold rather than face the Trump supporters. Everyone sees the forces arrayed right now.

Temujin said...

I want a job writing for the The New New Yorker. A magazine devoted to those who haven't yet left New York and still think it matters.

rhhardin said...

Trump is a terrible speaker when he's not doing zingers. I don't think he knows that.

mikee said...

Joe Biden still suffers from dementia.
Harris is still an unelectable but more diverse version of Hillary.
Some truths cannot be hidden, or denied, or erased by lies.

narciso said...

Jane mayer apologized for danchenko yet.

I Callahan said...

More lefty gaslighting. Sun rises in the east...

tim maguire said...

The Dems already have their talking points lined up on the suitcases of ballots--"It's normal. It's legal. Nothing to see here. Stupid Republicans."

Glasser's take doesn't surprise me. Partisans are incapable of imaging that their opposition might have legitimate concerns and might also care about doing the right thing even if their sense of what is right is different. It's what I'd expect. You don't achieve Glasser's level of success and influence in journalism by showing insight or understanding.

rehajm said...

The distortion of the view of the world from 9th Avenue never clears.

narciso said...

She was a moscow correspondent used to looking the wrong way.

rehajm said...

If they felt the 'Biden Administration' was legitimate they wouldn't need to be carpet bombing the electorate with this shyte. They'd be basking in the glory of a soon to be Trump-free world. Yet here they are...

narciso said...

As if weve forgotten

Sebastian said...

"his Presidency would mark a return to normal"

So, Biden would like the FBI to go after him and his family, preferably via a Special Counsel, on the basis of Russian smears paid for by the GOP and laundered via leaks -- what progs considered normal these past 4 years?

Mike Sylwester said...

The public revelation of the video of the late-night processing of ballots in Georgia reminds me of the revelation of the video of Michael Brown strong-arm robbing the convenience store in Ferguson, Missouri.

Do you remember the moment when you first saw the images of Saint Michael Brown shoving the Asian store clerk? That sure changed the public discussion.

MadTownGuy said...

"...this was what Biden meant when he said, during the campaign, that his Presidency would mark a return to Brave New Abnormal."


Ron Winkleheimer said...

First we tried the Tea Party, which were a bunch of polite, civically minded people who held rallies and tried to work within the established two party system via the GOP. They got called racists and fascists and the establishments of both parties screwed them over. Then we elected Trump who tried to address the issues that the working and middle class voters have been attempting to get the establishment to address, and we got called racists and fascists and faced physical violence and social intimidation. And now at least half of the country thinks the election was stolen and that at least some Republican officials are ok with that. That vast swaths of the government's law enforcement and intelligence agencies are corrupt and being used to stymie popular will and abet globalization. That politicians are either bought off by the CCP or being blackmailed.

What do you think is going to be next?

Achilles said...

Mike Sylwester said...

Do you remember the moment when you first saw the images of Saint Michael Brown shoving the Asian store clerk? That sure changed the public discussion.

It will be fun watching the ripples of understanding flow across the country.

Joe Biden will not be president.

The Nevada press conference couldn’t have been timed better.

Qwinn said...

tim maguire:

Actually, on the Twitter threads about the GA video, the lefty response I saw was "you can't even see what was in those suitcases, they could've been anything."

Perhaps they were letters to Santa. Which they were faxing to him by running thousands of them through the Dominion scanners. Dual purpose technology don'tcha know.

Birkel said...

This post should have been made after the Hillbilly Elegy post.
It would show exactly what Glenn Reynolds meant.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Has no alleged writer at the Gray Old Skank ever read The Boy Who Cried Wolf? This is like the millionth “oh nooos Trump is crazy!” gambit they’ve pulled over the last five (feels like fifty) years. Who listens to these shrill weasels?

Inga said...

Another bogus conspiracy theory about suitcases of ballots from under tables in Georgia fraudulently being fed through machines and Trump complicit in spreading it another falsehood.

Ambrose said...

Fixed it: "Do Democrats think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?

Mike Sylwester said...

Those late-night ballot counters in Atlanta, Georgia, better lawyer-up just as fast as Althea Bernstein lawyered-up after she got burned with lighter fluid in Madison, Wisconsin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russia Russia Inga is here to lecture us on conspiracies.

Biden is a fraud and a crook. No conspiracy there.
Odds are - the corrupt left stole it for him in the dead of night.

No amount of corrupt media lies - will make us think otherwise.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Obviously the walls are closing in on Biden and Dems with and without bylines are starting to panic.

Howard said...

Finally something that looks like it might be evidence of fraud has been actually submitted into evidence for scrutiny by Trump lawyers. Let the vetting begin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The same media who will not discuss Biden's clear corruption - the same media who gave credence to Adam Schitt and Hillary's bought and paid for Steele Dosier - will tell you that the election was a solid.

Howard said...

Inga, this isn't something that I think we can rely on newspaper reporters doing interviews to confirm or deny what happened in that room on the videotape. It requires depositions and testimony under threat of perjury in order to clear this up.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Another bogus conspiracy theory about suitcases of ballots from under tables in Georgia fraudulently being fed through machines and Trump complicit in spreading it another falsehood.

Russia Russia Russia.
Trump rape.
Kavanaugh rape.
Ukraine impeachment.

You have already been duped by repeated hoaxes. We are going to believe our lying eyes.

You are laughing stock Inga.

Forever to be mocked.

That is all you are good for.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There is no reasonable excuse for kicking out Republicans and running ANYTHING through a counting machine Inga. Your lies can’t spin this away. It won’t go away. Only more evidence like it can be expected. Yesterday was the opening salvo, the first day real testimony in COURT was heard. Even if you tried to explain this away most Americans are certain of what they see on tape, and it matches exactly to what Biden promised, “the most diverse voter fraud coalition” ever. Ever! Are you under the impression he is lying about that?

Inga said...

“Does security camera video show a Fulton County, Georgia, election supervisor suspiciously pulling suitcases filled with ballots from under a table after telling poll workers to leave the room? And did that election official continue to illegally count ballots without required monitors in a manner that calls into question Joe Biden's narrow win over Donald Trump in Georgia? No, those claim are not true: Two high-level officials with the Georgia secretary of state's office and a state elections board monitor each told Lead Stories that their investigations revealed nothing suspicious in the video. The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases -- and they had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media and election observers for the Republican Party and Trump campaign were present. The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed, the chief investigator for the secretary of state told Lead Stories. The observers were free to return at anytime, she said. Georgia law allows observers, but does not require them to be there for ballots to be counted, she said.”

Qwinn said...

From Inga's hilarious gaslighting link:

"The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases"

Also from Inga's hilarious gaslighting link:

"If you look at the video tape, the work you see is the work you would expect, which is you take the sealed suitcase looking things in, you place the ballots on the scanner in manageable batches and you scan them.

Howard said...

What concerns me Achilles is that you have gone so manic over this that if it turns out it's a huge nothing Burger and Trump is relegated to his news max cable channel you're going to crash into a deep depression.

that said I do hope you are able to pull off your low head hydroproject that sounds like a lot of fun

Mark said...

The same 12 people telling us about the conspiracy and how most of America is on their side.

Meanwhile the nation has moved on, including a lot of long time posters here. We are making Christmas cookies and spending too many hours overseeing online school.

Enjoy jousting at election windmills guys. You should not have blown your credibility so many times during the last month. Grown men crying wolf that many times is pathetic.

Let me guess, you're going to ask me to prove a negative. Yawn.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Finally something that looks like it might be evidence of fraud has been actually submitted into evidence for scrutiny by Trump lawyers. Let the vetting begin.

You are an idiot Howard.

We have had hundreds of witnesses and mountains of circumstantial evidence.

You have been wrong this entire time and we have been right.

Now go crawl into a hole or commit ritual seppuku.

Your family would probably appreciate the latter if they have any honor.

Mike Sylwester said...

Thanks for that link, Inga.

Rick said...

It's funny they make such statements even as they transition from conspiracy theorists to critics of conspiracies. I'm reminded of the Animal House scene:

They can't do that to our pledges!

Right. Only we can do that to our pledges!

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

Inga, this isn't something that I think we can rely on newspaper reporters doing interviews to confirm or deny what happened in that room on “the videotape. It requires depositions and testimony under threat of perjury in order to clear this up.”

They should most definitely go ahead. I’m all for Georgia officials to clear up yet another conspiracy theory under oath.

MayBee said...

Our elections shouldn't look so hinky. They should be explained: here's what you are going to see. Here's how things are done. They are done at these times by these people. There are always observers there.

Humans cheat at every endeavor known to man. They cheat at sports events. They cheat in business. They cheat at unemployment. They falsify loans. They will cheat on elections. We can't act like cheating just isn't going to happen. People other than those counting the ballots or running the process have to know what they should be seeing. Not only should everything be done properly, but it should look like it is being done properly.

Leland said...

Does Susan Glasser know how to hunt, farm, or fish? I assure her that those who do won't be shrugging off the last 4 years. Nobody is forgetting anything except perhaps Mx Glasser.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So we have competing claims:

Republicans say they were told to leave and locked out. Democrats say they left on their own no big deal.

Except in all four cities like this the claims are the same: Republicans say they were told to leave and locked out. And in every locale where this happened the counts never stopped. Never stopped. Totals increased in huge batches during this time. You are actively complicit in fraud Inga, like your entire party.

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

Achilles: None of that s*** that you're talking about is actually big boy pants evidence that has been submitted to the proper authorities for appropriate vetting.

Most of it is just the results of boiler room phone calls and people taking notes. On a few occasions they're able to get nutters like you to file affidavits people with criminal records drug problems mental illness etc.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That “fact checker” Hallie whatever actually provides conflicting explanations in the guise of her “fact” checking. And IF the innocent explanation is true then where is the full video showing the ballots being handled “normally” before the part we’ve seen. Where is the Republican observer to confirm the false claims the “fact checker” Hallie makes?

gerry said...

Susan Glasser is a Democrat elitist who hates poor whites openly. The only critique she deserves is "Fuck off, you annoying bitch."

gilbar said...

so, i went to Igna's link; and Here is her "fact checker" said:
the media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed

We didn't tell them to leave Because Counting was over, we told them We're through for the night
Then, i don't know why, but they all left... At That Point, we started counting the fake ballots
Nothing to see here folks, just democracy dying in darkness

Joe Smith said...

Fuck the 'New Yorker' and the limousine they rode in on.

I didn't know Trump even gave a speech until after it was over.

The media is covering the election anomalies with a pillow.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Achilles: None of that s*** that you're talking about is actually big boy pants evidence that has been submitted to the proper authorities for appropriate vetting.

Most of it is just the results of boiler room phone calls and people taking notes. On a few occasions they're able to get nutters like you to file affidavits people with criminal records drug problems mental illness etc.

Yeah. Sure Howard.

You were wrong about everything. You look like an idiot.


rcocean said...

It was a fantastic measured speech which laid out the fraud and the stolen election. Trump is our duly elected President. Biden is a fraud and a liar. The New Yorker has been lying about Trump for 4 years. Why would they tell the truth now?

rcocean said...

Why wouldn't EVERY ONE want to make sure all the votes were legal and valid? why wouldn't Biden want to be a Legally elected President? what are the democrats afraid of? Why are they will to steal the Presidency.

Biden - if he gets into office - won't be my President. If you want to get rid of Democracy just say so. we can just let the fraudsters and the Lawyers elect the President from now on. I'm not going to get approval to a corrupt process.

Jupiter said...

"Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?"

Speaking for myself, "No, indeed! The last four years did happen, and I am good and pissed off about it. Susan Glasser had better watch her candy ass if I have any say in the matter. We''ll be coming for her student loans!"

Qwinn said...

Remember that Republican poll watchers were signing affidavits saying that they were told to leave since the election.

Our story has not changed at all. The video only corroborates what we've been saying all along.

Are there any instances of the Left actually denying that the poll watchers were told to go home at 10pm before this video dropped?

Qwinn said...

And have leftists come up with any response to the fact that the purported "water main break" excuse that they used to stop counting in Georgia never happened? Or the mystery that three other states stopped counting (without any excuse) just before all these massive ballot drops overwhelmingly for Biden came in?

Michael said...

“Never mind, in other words, the past four years of the Trump Administration, when a President and his children profited every single day off undisclosed foreign business arrangements.” And this is the New Yorker with its history of rigorous fact checking.

Mich McCormick said...

“Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?”

Lol projecting much, aren’t we?

Howard said...

The difference between you and me Achilles is that I am willing to accept whatever the outcome is, once the fat lady sings. I don't think you really understand what Taleb meant by anti-fragile.

mandrewa said...

It's an odd thing about how people reason but most people are going to find that
Georgia video more persuasive than the simple and straightforward test of
the election that the Voter Integrity Project did by simply calling early
absent ballot voters and asking a few questions.

For those that may have missed it, I'll repeat it again,

This is only about early absentee ballots because this is the only data that the
State of Michigan released early enough that the Voter Integrity Project had time
to contact people that Michigan said had voted.

a) 12.6%, or a statistically projected 427,000 people, received early absentee ballots
from the State of Michigan that they had not requested. This is illegal. In Michigan,
as in many other states, only people who have requested early absentee ballots are
legally able to receive them.

How did this happen? There were 427,000 forms filled out for these people. Someone
filled them out. Who did it?

This is vote fraud on a massive scale and by any reasonable standard it should invalidate
the Michigan election.

b) 23.0%, or a statistically projected 24,000 people, of the people that the State of
Michigan report as requesting an early absentee ballot, but who, according to the State of
Michigan, did not return it, report that they actually did send in their absentee ballot.

Having almost one-quarter of the people who requested early absentee ballots not
have their votes counted is an amazingly high error percentage. This is either an
anomoly produced by vote fraud or this is due to an almost unimaginable level of incomptence
on the part of the State of Michigan or both.

And if Michigan is that incomptent why should any faith be placed in their supposed
outcome for the election?

c) Mark Braynard didn't give the percentage but he made it clear that a high percentage
of the early absentee ballot requests do not have the voter's birthdate recorded.

This is a good example of vote fraud designed into the system before the first vote is
even cast. Early absentee ballot requests with crucial missing information should
never have been granted.

Politicians do things like this when they want to make vote fraud easy and when
they expect to benefit from the vote fraud.

Now there are more problems than this that the Voter Integrity Project found with
the early absentee ballots, but these are, it seems to me, the three most important.

Here is Mark Braynard's Voter Integrity Project Michigan testimony

wendybar said...

We are sick and tired of getting beat up for wearing MAGA hats. We are sick and tired of getting beat up because of whom we voted for. We are sick and tired of the Media lying about us, and blaming all of the hate and violence on us, when it is the little Antifa's and BLM doing it all, and they are lefties. We are sick and tired of the lies. This is not going to end all hunky dory because Biden and his sycophants cheated. This is war. We will remember what the DEMOCRATS have done to us for 4 years, and we aren't going to forgive or forget.

Bilwick said...

Remember that "liberals" and other State-shtuppers have a long history (going back to at least Stalinist days) of labelling as "crazy" those who will not fall in line and submit.

Qwinn said...

Remember remember the Third of November
Election fraud treason and plot
I see no reason why Democrat treason
Should ever be forgot

Qwinn said...

Actually I should change that to the Fourth of November. Thats when the worst of the fraud went down.

DaveL said...

So, the video that's sweeping the uncensored part of the web is apparently being censored by Facebook, which says it has been debunked. Is there anyone who has a link to an actual "debunking" of the video, and if so, is it believable? Democrats seem to believe that you don't have to actually debunk anything, just dismiss it out of hand.

narciso said...

remember aaronson and rutherford, are dead, after they pled guilty to big brother,

Howard said...

Wendybar: you are sick, check. You are tired, okay then. You should get professional help. Are you escalating progressive self harm?

Most people would recommend counseling and medication. Personally I think if you just up-armored your exercise program and more regularly had your carpet hoovered, these feelings of pain and persecution complex will fade away.

DaveL said...

To answer my own question above, there is this fact check:

<a href=">Fact Check: Video From Georgia Does NOT Show Suitcases Filled With Ballots Suspiciously Pulled From Under A Table; Poll Watchers Were NOT Told To Leave</a>

Qwinn said...


Yes, Inga already posted that above. We have already given several responses to it.

I really like the suitcases that aren't suitcases, depending on the paragraph. Schrodinger's suitcases!

Qwinn said...

Howard continues to taunt and do his level best to incite violence.

To slightly modify Rorschach:

...and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'...

...and we'll look down and whisper


Achilles said...

Howard said...

The difference between you and me Achilles is that I am willing to accept whatever the outcome is, once the fat lady sings. I don't think you really understand what Taleb meant by anti-fragile.


You were wrong and I was right.

You can say it Howard.

You. were. wrong.

100's of witnesses Howard. Impossible statistical anomalies. Closed source software on voting machines connected to the internet. Republican observers removed from counting stations. Clear violations of laws.

It was obvious what happened.

You were spectacularly wrong and it was inevitable that your humiliation would happen at some point. Your condescension while you were being wrong just added to your humiliation.

I know it sucks for you right now. I know how you feel. Been there. You are faster coming to it than Inga. It is fun to watch you two deal with this and contrast.

I should be better about this. I am trying.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Wendybar: you are sick, check. You are tired, okay then. You should get professional help. Are you escalating progressive self harm?

Most people would recommend counseling and medication. Personally I think if you just up-armored your exercise program and more regularly had your carpet hoovered, these feelings of pain and persecution complex will fade away.

I look forward to you telling BLM and Antifa to work on their exercise program.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

once the fat lady sings

I’m still waiting for Democrats to admit 2000 was won fair and square or 2004 or 2016. Has “the fat lady” sung on those yet? Has the Speaker of the fucking people’s House even admitted Trump is a “legitimate president”? I don’t think so. I think your continued insistence on us taking the Washington Generals part in these is way out of date. No more marquis de Queensbury for you guys. Those days are over. The fight is on.

Howard said...

Achilles:. You really don't get it do you. It doesn't suck for me. today is a great day I'm getting ready to go on a nasty hilly single track trail hike. Rocks, roots, mud water leaves downed trees. I wear what are essentially ballet slippers with a smidgen of tread (Zero shoes). This is what I am doing to recover from a stroke I had two weeks ago that completely disabled my motor control over my foot and my hip flexors. I'm not looking for sympathy I'm actually bragging and what stud I am in the face of adversity.

My son just sent me a photo of himself on top of Mt Washington, then my daughter called to schedule snowshoeing on Sunday with friends and family.

This is not only the first day of the rest of your life it is also the most beautiful day of your life.

Mary Beth said...

12/4/20, 9:16 AM

Inge, all you did was quote from the article you had already linked to. It's an article that asks people if they did their jobs correctly and fairly and they say they did. That proves nothing.

Inga said...

“Inge, all you did was quote from the article you had already linked to. It's an article that asks people if they did their jobs correctly and fairly and they say they did. That proves nothing.”

It’s their side of the story which carries as much weight as the conspiracy theory you folks are pushing.

Readering said...

As Trump litigation defeats pile up, continued counting takes Biden's vote lead above 7 million. Fingers crossed for GA runoff.

Qwinn said...

Inga: "It’s their side of the story which carries as much weight as the conspiracy theory you folks are pushing."

In the world of Inga and the rest of the useful idiots, "Dindu nuffin" is an ironclad defense that cannot be dented with any amount of notarized affidavits, video evidence, or statistical impossibilities.

Qwinn said...

At this point the evidence is so overwhelming that it is obvious that *no amount* of evidence will be deemed evidence.

Every new submission of evidence just makes the goal posts just get moved. Motorized.

Is any person here defending this fraud willing to state what they would consider actual evidence?

Because I seriously cannot imagine what could possibly constitute evidence of voter fraud that we don't already have.

Inga said...

And in Michigan,Trump witness who testified under oath...

Trump's newest star witness to 'voter fraud' who claimed she saw Dominion systems being rigged was on probation for COMPUTER CRIME after plea deal to drop 'obscenity' charge

“The same day - having claimed that she had to 'get rid of her social media' - she went on Twitter to post pictures of herself with Giuliani and a mash-up of her evidence which compared her to 'Rocky.' The mash-up mocked a Republican lawmaker then showed Trump's Marine One over a rally crowd.

And late in the afternoon, Trump approvingly tweeted a link to a story by pro-Trump outlet featuring her testimony.”

narciso said...

she bought danchenko's bar talk, and every other 'walls are closing in' moment, so par for the course,

Kevin said...

The Left has delusions the Right will ultimately bow down and ask for atonement.

The Right has no such delusions of the Left.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ms. Glaser had better hope that the Republicans are willing to forget that the last four years ever happened. Because if they don't forget--and say simply that the rules of the game have been changed---they'll be savaging Biden and Harris like piranhas in the Amazon. A lot of little bites--but they'll hurt, The chances of returning to "normal" after what the Dims have done the last four years (Schiff and Pelosi I'm looking at you) are Slim and None and Slim just left town.

Qwinn said...

The Left *has* changed their story in light of this video.

Up until now, the Left has been claiming that there *was* an election watcher in the room when counting continued after the rest were evicted.

Now, because of the video evidence, Gabriel Sterling is admitting there was at least 82 minutes with no election watcher of any kind.

So they lied. They have been lying massively.

And that's why it's not "their word against ours".

narciso said...

you can tell when they are lipsynching exactly the same notes,

Inga said...

“This is what I am doing to recover from a stroke I had two weeks ago that completely disabled my motor control over my foot and my hip flexors.”

You go Howard!

Qwinn said...

In presenting the evidence to the Georgia state Senate, Pick rejected an official’s claim that allegations of no poll monitor being present has been debunked, saying the video was just received Thursday and could not have already been debunked.

“Obviously, that’s not true,” Pick continued. “Whoever said that – I believe it was the Secretary of State [Brad Raffensperger] clearly wasn’t present: Check. Or hasn’t seen this video: Check.

Qwinn said...

Get that? A Georgia official affirmed that it was a "debunked" conspiracy theory that votes were ever counted without poll watchers present. Even after the video came out proving unequivocally that there weren't, they're trying to stick to that story.

And when a compromised judge pretends to buy that insane crock of shit, they'll tell us that proves there was no fraud.

Qwinn said...

Not just a Georgia Official. The "Republican" Georgia Secretary of State overseeing this election is still saying that no poll watchers present was "debunked".

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Achilles:. You really don't get it do you. It doesn't suck for me. today is a great day I'm getting ready to go on a nasty hilly single track trail hike. Rocks, roots, mud water leaves downed trees.

Good. Glad to hear it. Good luck on recovering from your Stroke. It took me 9 months to recover from my subdural hematoma and seizure. Being on Dilantin was the scariest and worst thing I can still remember.

It also looks like Joe Biden will never be president one way or another.

The sooner everyone accepts that this is the best outcome the better it will be.

Known Unknown said...

""The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases""

Fact checks require independent verification. Sorry, but the word of "officials" does not meet that threshold.

Qwinn said...

I demand an investigation on how a now incontrovertibly proven *fact* came to be "debunked". And why we should now accept the word "debunked" coming from these cretins regarding any of the other evidence.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?

I believe it's Democrats who need the "free pass" from:
Democrat President and Administration illegally spying on the opposing political campaign
Democrat President and Administration illegally and dishonestly setting up the incoming NSA with false allegations to drive him out of office
Democrats refusing to accept the election results
"Civil servants" sabotaging the programs of the legally elected President
A Democrat Special Prosecutor who ran his "investigation" for two years after determining the predicate was false
Federal District Court judges routinely blocking legitimate Presidential policies with nationwide injunctions, for personal political reasons

I think that's enough of a start, when it comes to describing what kind of payback the Democrats are due

Chris of Rights said...

All of the rebuttals from the left on the GA ballot videos essentially boil down to:
"Who ya gonna believe? Me? Or your own lyin' eyes?"

Clyde said...

“Bogus conspiracy theory,” Inga?

Who are we going to believe, you or lying eyes? There was video, Inga, and it was clear that nothing honest was going on. Checkmate.

Rosalyn C. said...

What happens if the fraud is fully exposed? Where do we go from there?

Do Democrats start riots? Or do they take the opportunity to say this was wrong and unify the country?

I've been watching the hearings with the legislatures in PA and Georgia and other press conferences and interviews and I have no doubt there was a concerted effort to win by any means necessary. You can rationalize all you want about how horrible Trump is but that doesn't justify the fraud.

Birches said...

The head of the Fulton County GOPhas said since election night that his people left because they were told the counting was stopping for the night.

I'm going to believe him, especially now that there's a video showing exactly that.

chuck said...

Bash, bash, bash away. The Constitution was designed to encourage it. As to crazy, I'm not crazy about the crazy opinions found in The New Yorker, it is a sea of crazy in which the crazy fishes swim.

rehajm said...

Debunked belongs in the bin on top of other weasel words like calls out and her truth...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

“Does security camera video show a Fulton County, Georgia, election supervisor suspiciously pulling suitcases filled with ballots from under a table after telling poll workers to leave the room?"

Yes, it does

"And did that election official continue to illegally count ballots without required monitors in a manner that calls into question Joe Biden's narrow win over Donald Trump in Georgia?"

Yes, they did

"The officials said the ballots seen in the video were in regular ballot containers -- not suitcases -- and they had been removed from their envelopes and processed while news media and election observers for the Republican Party and Trump campaign were present."

And then hidden under a table? Why?

"The media and party observers were never told to leave because counting was over for the night, but they apparently followed workers who left once their job of opening envelopes was completed, the chief investigator for the secretary of state told Lead Stories."

The Party observers state that they were told they should leave because all counting was done for the evening. Fulton County officials told the press and public that vote counted would stop at 10:30 PM:

They planned to stop scanning absentee ballots at 10:30 p.m. and pick it up back in the morning. No official could explain before press time why Fulton was stopping its count of absentee ballots at that time, only saying that was the procedure.

“As planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days. Absentee ballot processing requires that each ballot is opened, signatures verified, and ballots scanned. This is a labor-intensive process that takes longer to tabulate than other forms of voting. Fulton County did not anticipate having all absentee ballots processed on Election Day,” the county spokeswoman wrote in a statement.

"The observers were free to return at anytime, she said. Georgia law allows observers, but does not require them to be there for ballots to be counted, she said.”

So, the Democrats story is:
We sent all the workers home. We told the press that there would be no more ballot counting. We waited until the press and GOP observers left. Then we pull previously hidden ballot boxes out and started counting, once no one could monitor what we were doing.

This is pretty much on the order of "sure, Dad, I have frosting on my face, but no, I didn't eat any cake. No thanks, I don't want any dinner. For some reason I'm not hungry."

I'm curious, Inga, are you really stupid enough to believe that story is going to work?

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

“Fact checks require independent verification. Sorry, but the word of "officials" does not meet that threshold.”

Calls for a Special Prosecutor!

Qwinn said...

Inga knows that the leftist story all along has been that the claim that there were no poll watchers present was "debunked".

Until yesterday, the leftist line was that poll watchers were always there.

Just confirmed by the GA "Republican" Secretary of State that that was their line, in regards to this exact event we have on film.

You can find a dozen "fact checks" of Trump calling the claim that a single ballot anywhere was counted without poll watchers to be "false". Not "unproven". "False".

And we now know, absolutely, with incontrovertible evidence, that every single one of those "fact checks" was in fact false

Obviously, purposefully, false.

Having proved utterly and beyond dispute that the "fact checkers" are willing to brazenly lie in order to protect lawbreaking, every last "fact check" that has claimed to debunk election fraud allegations can now be considered utterly debunked.

And for their complicity, these people should go to prison. Or firing squad. I'm flexible.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"What happens if the fraud is fully exposed? Where do we go from there?"

Revote in PA, GA, MI, AZ, WI, and NV on 12/22.

No absentee voting allowed for anyone but the military. All military ballots signed by the voter, and by an O3 (Army Captain) or above who swears that he or she personally observed the voter voting legally, and that the voter is who he/she says he/she is. Military ballot travel in military custody, are received in sealed containers, opened and counted only in the presence of Trump campaign ballot watchers.

All voting supervised by Federalized National Guard from surrounding States (not from that State, they need to be able to vote in person, like everyone else)

No person allowed to vote unless they have a Drivers License or State ID card issued by the State where they want to vote, issued before 11/3/20.

No other ID allowed. You are a resident of the State where you have your DL. And you're not allowed to vote in a State where you're not a resident.

National Guard will enforce photo ID requirement. Will also enforce requirement that campaign observers are allowed to be at any polling station any time it's operational.

IOW: no games allowed. Voters get to decide

Inga said...

Oh no, Fox will be in the dog house again...

Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins debunked claims made on his own network that "mysterious" suitcases filled with ballots contributed to voter fraud in the Georgia election.

The 90-second clip, which was shared by President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani at a hearing before Georgia's Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Thursday, shows election workers in Fulton County rolling containers—which Fox News reporters claimed were "suitcases"—from underneath a table at the State Farm Arena where ballot-counting took place on November 3. Jenkins, after speaking with Georgia officials, said on Friday morning that reports claiming the video showed unsupervised voter fraud were "simply not true."

"I just got off the phone with a senior source in the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office, a Republican, who tells me that they had a designated observer at that spot all night, the entire time, and they've seen this video, they're familiar with the claims, and they said that they're simply not true," Jenkins said in a report on Friday morning. "The suggestion that Georgia vote counters were sent home and ballots were brought in in suitcases, also not true."

Milo Minderbinder said...

Pot, meet Kettle.

Qwinn said...

""I just got off the phone with a senior source in the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office, a Republican, who tells me that they had a designated observer at that spot all night, the entire time, and they've seen this video, they're familiar with the claims, and they said that they're simply not true,""

Point to us in the video who this designated observer was.

Qwinn said...

If there was a designated observer in that room, they'd have already identified them in the video. Obviously.

And Gabriel Sterling, another Georgia "Republican" who was yelling at Trump in front of cameras two days ago - "This has gone too far!" - "People are getting threats!" - already admitted on Newsmax that there were at least 82 minutes with no observer there.

Checkmate, Inga.

Qwinn said...

The only thing that Inga's quote proves is that this *unnamed* "senior source in the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office, a Republican," if he even exists, is complicit.

narciso said...

pretty much

Inga said...

Gabriel Sterling
With sworn POST Certified law enforcement officers doing their job and actually investigating. As opposed to jumping to irresponsible conclusions of fraud...that further undermine the process. The truth and facts matter.
8:36 AM · Dec 4, 2020 from Atlanta, GA

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"I just got off the phone with a senior source in the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office, a Republican, who tells me that they had a designated observer at that spot all night"

So what?

We don't trust their "designated observer". We trust campaign officials to act in the best interests of the campaign.

The "vote counters" drove off all campaign observers before playing with those ballots. The only reason to do that is because they're planning on engaging in fraud that the campaign observers would object to.

You can not do anything that would block partisan observers from watching your every vote counting move, and then claim that your vote counting is legitimate.

Qwinn said...

Dindu nuffin!

Case closed!

Qwinn said...

By the way, every single time you guys cite that a source claiming that there wasn't any fraud was a "Republican" and therefore more credible just makes you more of a laughingstock.

Inga said...

Speaking of laughingstocks...
George Soros arrested for election tampering, leftie heads will explode, eh Qwinn?

narciso said...

sterling is a failed county official in sandy springs, who rose to his level of incompetence,

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Gabriel Sterling
With sworn POST Certified law enforcement officers doing their job and actually investigating. As opposed to jumping to irresponsible conclusions of fraud...that further undermine the process. The truth and facts matter.
8:36 AM · Dec 4, 2020 from Atlanta, GA

Gabriel Sterling is a representative of Raffensburger who was given 11 million dollars and had the official correspondence sent to a gmail account.

Gabriel Sterling is freaking out because he is probably going to jail unless he rats out on his accomplices.

RigelDog said...

Inga: Thank you for the link. It is good to know what officials are saying, but as noted by Howard, we can't understand how any of this works or what really happened without a vigorous investigation and compelled testimony.

For instance, the "fact check" relies on some eyewitnesses saying that no observer was ever told to leave in rejecting that claim. However, whether some people were told or encouraged to leave is an important fact, and you can not rate that claim "false" just because some people said it never happened. We have various people stating that it DID happen.

My prediction is that the ballots were not in suitcases but in containers that are provided for use in some part of the normal vote-counting process. We don't know yet what was in those containers, or if the contents were dealt with appropriately in the normal course of business.

It's all fascinating!

Lurker21 said...

Trump is just being Trump. Glasser's been abusing him on a weekly basis for months, maybe for years. I have to wonder what's gained by dialing up the outrage to 11 every week. Doesn't it get tired after a while? Ditto for abuse of other public officials once their deficiencies become common knowledge. Maybe she ought to just say, "Trump being Trump" and leave it at that.

Howard said...

I would worry more if Trump started to be Uber sane

5M - Eckstine said...

What bad things happened in the past four years?

Massive unemployment?

Crisis and instability in the Middle East?

Another endless war?

Well there was Covid but that is a law of nature and will visit every POTUS.

A mean tweet here and there doesn't mean much.

Michael K said...

Inga is pretty much the entertainment here. Crazy but kind of funny in a dopey way.

I saw a couple of comments from Garage Mahal this week. Welcome back if you choose to do so.

Inga said...

OMG! Scott Adams debunks GA suitcase voter fraud video. Calls it fake news.

Starting at 04:20.

Qwinn said...

V shaped recovery.

Every stock market index at all time highs.

Unemployment down to 6.7%. Barack Obama called 8% "the new normal".

Barack Obama supposedly hit 6.7% in January 2014. The real number was 10.9%.

Since the economic recovery began 52 months ago, the “headline” U-3 unemployment rate has fallen from 9.5% to 6.7%. However, more than 100% of this decline was the result of 7.4 million potential workers fleeing the labor force. Adjusted to the labor force participation when George W. Bush left office, the unemployment rate has actually increased, from 9.7% to 10.9%, since the recovery began.

Trump recovered from at least as severe a shock as the 2008 recession in 9 months versus Barry actually increased unemployment over 52 months.

Median incomes have shot up under Trump, particularly among the lower income brackets and minorities. Higher income brackets have pretty much stayed the same.

And at least before the staggering election fraud, I can't recall Trump ever leveling a "mean tweet" at anyone who didn't attack him first. Which I think kinda does negate any moral judgment implied by the adjective "mean".

Armed with a staggering amount of evidence of election theft, yeah, I think he gets to "mean" tweet at anyone covering it up.

effinayright said...

Greg The Class Traitor proposed...
A bunch of voting requirements NOT passed by the states' legislatures, and therefore unconstitutional.

Qwinn said...

The Forbes link quoted above.

Entirely an excellent read. This is *the best* you can expect to get if they succeed in stealing this election.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I remember a quaint political admonition from my (democrat) youth. It was "avoid even the semblance of impropriety". Funny, that. Apply it to this election. How very Clintonesque, how low the standards.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Democrats gotta parachute off a dime.

BUMBLE BEE said...


Clyde said...

Re: The Scott Adams podcast "debunking" the video: The main problem is that the suitcase-containers were hidden under a table covered with a long tablecloth. I read that they were put there at 8:53 a.m., before voting started (and apparently before the Republican poll watchers arrived to observe). This doesn't sound like something where envelope cutters were doing their job, filling containers and sliding them under the table. The containers were THERE before the envelope cutters started doing their job for the day. They were STAGED there, for a reason, and then brought out only after the Republican poll watchers had left. I don't believe for a second that no skulduggery was going on. Not for a second.

Jim at said...

Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?

I don't know, leftist. Do you think you have a free pass, as well?

I swear, the lack of self-awareness among leftists is borderline psychotic.
See also: Ingacile, Drooling

MacMacConnell said...

"Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?"

The last four years is burned into the hearts of Republicans. The last four years is why Republicans have permission to Rat Fuck Biden. Can't wait for the Biden / China hearings in the Senate. Impeachment if we take the House in 2022.

rehajm said...

Ballots under the table is the old evidence. New evidence is palming the thumb drive while bro does the fake stretch to cover the camera...

rehajm said...

There's some solid debunking of the debunking.

mandrewa said...

Tom Pool: Video Evidence Of GA Ballot Stuffing Drops, Observers Sign SWORN Affidavits

Qwinn said...

"Can't wait for the Biden / China hearings in the Senate. Impeachment if we take the House in 2022."

When this assfuck of an election theft is thrown out and redone, we'll have the House.

As a 40 year data analyst, I back of the envelope calculate based on the error rates andanomalies we've seen indisputable evidence of that we *actually* won at least 300 seats in the House.

I calculate that Trump got at least 80 million votes, and Biden barely 60.

If this election is re-done with the Democrat COVID-justified assfuckery removed, with voter integrity measures applied *everywhere in the world* except communist regimes and here, I'd be willing to place serious bets that's the result we'd get.

I didn't bet a DIME on November 3rd because I knew the voter fraud would be epic.

We all did.

You did too. Stop lying. No one believes you.

Qwinn said...

You can hit those numbers with just the middle of the night post-counting-top ballot dumps the morning of November 4th, and the percentage of trashed Trump votes that the Voter Integrity Project has uncovered simply by actually calling Republican voters.

mandrewa said...

The internet is erasing boundaries. We now have people in Greece who have spent the last month talking about the American election.

The Duran: The Georgia pipe bust lie

I barely paid any attention to the water pipe burst story. I knew it had something to do with an excuse to stop the of counting of votes in Georgia that seemed suspicious.

Today I realized, if I haven't made some mistake, that it was in this very room the water pipe break allegedly happened on that same day.

Qwinn said...

Holy mother of God. I just used duckduckgo to search for "Ukraine vote fraud" because I know that we have even more election defects than the Ukranian election that was deemed to be fraudulent by the entire world.

And I did find what I was looking for:

Yesterday, my colleague Brandon Morse posted on how, by US State Department standards, the 2020 presidential election would have been classified as rigged.

Illegal Use of Absentee Ballots: According to the respected NGO “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” (CVU), massive electoral fraud was committed through the illegal use of absentee voter certificates. For example, people were caught in Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy oblasts with their pockets stuffed with blank absentee ballots that they were using to vote at multiple polling stations.

Opposition Observers Ejected: Observers from Our Ukraine and other opposition groups were expelled from most polling stations in eastern Ukraine on Election Day. For example, in Territorial Election Commission (TEC) district number 42 in Donetsk oblast, Our Ukraine observers were kicked out of all but a few polling stations.

North Korean-Style Turnout in the East: Turnout in the pro-Yanukovych eastern oblasts was unnaturally high. In several electoral districts, turnout for the run-off round increased by 30 to 40 percent over the first round. In Luhansk oblast, the reported turnout rate hit nearly 96 percent — a number that, to quote the OSCE, even Stalinist North Korea would envy. A similar turnout rate was reported in Donetsk oblast, where 98 percent of the votes went to hometown candidate Prime Minister Yanukovych.

Mobile Ballot Box Fraud: In the second round of the election, the number of voters who supposedly cast ballots at home using mobile ballot boxes was double that of the first round. Much of this voting occurred without observers being present and was massively fraudulent. In Mykolayiv oblast, for example, nearly 35 percent of the oblast’s voters purportedly cast their ballots “at home.”

Computer Data Allegedly Altered To Favor Yanukovych: There were credible reports showing that that Yanukovych supporters gained illegal access to the Central Election Commission’s computer system and illegally altered vote tabulation data being transmitted by TECs to the CEC.

Reports of Opposition Fraud: Yanykovych’s supporters allege that Yushchenko’s supporters stuffed ballot boxes in western Ukraine. But the reports and evidence of pro-Yanukovych fraud greatly outweighed those indicated for Yushchenko

Qwinn said...

Anyway, when I first checked duckduckgo for "Ukraine voter fraud", the 3rd result was "Trump Ukraine Scandal".

Cause that's very relevant.

Qwinn said...

Anyway, I looked that up again because I saw it a couple of weeks ago and thought, "The only thing we're missing is the pockets full of ballots!" Now, turns out we have suitcases full of ballots.

Ampersand said...

The New Yorker has always had a knack of hiring writers who seem to write from a higher plane of being, as if permanently installed in the luxury box seats, obtaining all too scant amusement from the tools and tribulations of the hoi polloi.

Mary Beth said...

It’s their side of the story which carries as much weight as the conspiracy theory you folks are pushing.

You're not giving them equal weight. You are trusting the word of people to report on how well they did their job over what you can see on video.

If I owned a store and had video that appeared to show a cashier pocketing money, but that cashier claimed it didn't happen, do both sides carry equal weight? It's true that there may be an explanation for what happened, but I want a little more than "trust us".

Inga said...

“over what you can see on video.”

Over what you think you can see on video.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

wholelottasplainin' said...

Greg The Class Traitor proposed...
A bunch of voting requirements NOT passed by the states' legislatures, and therefore unconstitutional.

1: If we're going to throw out everything that was not explicitly approved by the State Legislatures, then you need to get rid of all the consent decrees in GA, and a ton more things, all of which means Trump wins.

2: We need a revote, because Democrats used absentee ballots to utterly corrupt the elections in NV, AZ, WI, MI, PA, and GA. Since we need a re-vote and counting that's done before 1/5/21/ most of the restrictions I proposed are basic necessity. Since we need to keep people from double-voting, and don't really have time to do challenges after the voting, the "must have ID from the State you're voting in" is really the minimum bid on that front.

"I've got a passport and a local utility bill!" "That's nice. So you own a second home in NV. Your first home is where your DL is from, and that's where you get to vote. So GTFO"

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Inga said...
“over what you can see on video.”
Over what you think you can see on video.

No, Inga, what we see on the video

We see people counting votes after they publicly announced that all vote counting was done for the day. I gave you the link to the contemporaneous AJC article where that was reported. We see that all GOP observers left. One of the State Department "this is a fraudulent election" signs is "getting rid of opposition Party observers."

Unless teh vote counters can produce a recording where they were talking to the GOP observers, and they said "Hey, we're going to be counting more, and you're free to stay around and watch", then the fact that the GOP observers and the press left, and the GOP observers state that they were told there would be no more counting, means that the "vote counters" kicked out the opposition Party observers

Because they were engaging in fraud.

This is a zero tolerance thing. Because once you allow people unconstrained access to ballots, you can not trust the ballots.

Qwinn said...

Inga: "Over what you think you can see on video."

It's not what we think we see.

It's what we know we don't see.

Poll watchers.

The poll watchers that they kicked out before resuming counting after lying about a "water main break".

The poll watchers you and everyone on your side has been swearing for a month were there.

Your lying link claimed they weren't sent home.

Which would surprise ABC News, which tweeted that poll watchers were sent home near 10pm on election night.

Everything you ever say is a lie.

steve uhr said...

Quinn. I wish you could cross examine the Georgia election workers you are accusing. I’m sure it would be a Perry Mason moment.

narciso said...

see it's all kosher,

Qwinn said...

A child could prove in court that they lied about the water main break and that they lied about poll watchers being there the entire night.

Unless the judge is compromised.

Which they are, which explains your confidence. God knows there's nothing else in any of this that would justify it.

Phil 314 said...

"Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?"



Kevin said...

It's said the eskimos have an insane number of words that mean "snow".

It seems the Democrats have even more meanings of the word "debunked".

Qwinn said...

debunk verb
de·​bunk | \ (ˌ)dē-ˈbəŋk
debunked; debunking; debunks

An automatic status assigned to any information or evidence that conflicts with the goals of the Deep State.

Qwinn said...

Oh wait. I thought of something else that explains your seemingly invulnerable confidence about all this, Steve.

Desperate panicked gaslighting.

Michael K said...

Inga: "Over what you think you can see on video."

"Who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?"

Hilarious. Inga reminds me of the communists in Hollywood who had to do a 180 flip the moment Hitler invaded the USSR.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?"

Of course when I read this I immediately thought "Do Democrats think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?"

Our elites have no ability to see themselves as others see them.

narciso said...

and perdue, finds a way of demotivating his prospective voters, it's like the douglas adams bit about the good lizards,

Qwinn said...

See, one way you *could* have tried to debunk the Georgia video is to point out that there was no corresponding count spike, wildly implausible in both volume and percentage for Biden, at the very time that that video was filmed.

I mean, if the votes coming in around that time were similar at all to the votes that came both before and after, then you could make a case that fraud wasn't happening.

Oh dear.


Now I see why you're not arguing that.

320Busdriver said...

Trump rally in DC on Inauguration Day.....Hilarious! Dem heads explode.

Qwinn said...


The Georgia video is *so much worse* than we thought.

You can CLEARLY see one of the poll watchers run the SAME batch of ballots through the tabulator *three times*.

It's not even subtle. Holy fuck.

Clyde said...

Ruby, don't take your fraud to town.

Qwinn said...

The wall of misinformation is completely breaking now.

A man in Georgia is testifying now. He got a hold of a Dominion Voting machine from a tiny district in Georgia. They ran forensic tests on it and can prove that 37 votes were flipped from Trump to Biden. Actually changed from one candidate to the other. Doesn't sound like a lot? It represents 26% of the votes cast there.

Anonymous said...

The first time I saw that the philosophical war was lost was when a video showed a Democrat Activist approach a Republican 'table' on a college campus. The Dem Activist flipped over the table and demanded the Republicans do something about it. Well, they pulled out their iDiot phones to record their humiliation.

As I remember it, there were 3 or 4 Republicans at the table, but only 1 Democrat opponent.

I didn't hear them say, "Well, I never!", but that was kind of the result. 1 Democrat Activist attacked them, and the 3 Republicans couldn't think of anything else to do besides point their idiot phones at the attacker.

Now we have video of Democrats cheating in an election. So? Buh...buh...buh...there's video! So. What are you going to do about it?

steve uhr said...

Quinn. Glad your spirits are high. For each of your claims proven wrong, ten more replace it. As long as it increases your happiness all’s good. Not enough happiness in the world.

Just curious. How does one “get ahold of” an expensive piece of government owned property?

Qwinn said...

Hercules, I think there's four or five people in the country who could raise a call to arms for 80 million armed Republicans and it would be answered.

Trump, obviously.
Pence, I think.
General Flynn is the one I'm hoping for.
Ted Cruz, possibly. He'd get less but he'd still get enough.
If Col. Oliver North were younger...

If they pull this off, if Biden is to be inaugurated despite the mountains of evidence of fraud, the Republic is officially on the cusp of death, and Inauguration Day Needs A Pinochet to save it.

Qwinn said...

"For each of your claims proven wrong, ten more replace it."

Nah. You're wrong. You've proven exactly one of my claims wrong (took 15 minutes for me to concede it). I've replaced it with at least 20 others, and every one is rock solid.

"Just curious. How does one “get ahold of” an expensive piece of government owned property? "

That's your takeaway? Concrete evidence of fraud, and you're objecting that no one is legally allowed to check your work?

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Quinn. Glad your spirits are high. For each of your claims proven wrong, ten more replace it. As long as it increases your happiness all’s good. Not enough happiness in the world.

One of the most obnoxious leftists is ecstatic that the Big Steal may come off without a hitch. Democrats have a long history of election fraud but this year might be the peak. Peak Democrats or Peak fraud is the only question.

Qwinn said...

Or if your point is how does someone *physically* get a hold of devices that have been lying around completely unsecured in schools and other voting locations for months? Where anyone could have hacked them at any time? Yeah, that's a mystery.

Qwinn said...

Fulton Election Chief: "I haven't seen the video."

Michael K said...

Hercules, you are right on the money. The big question is whether GOP Legislators would have the guts to stand up to real threats by the KKK/Antifa. I have to doubt it.

Now we have video of Democrats cheating in an election. So? Buh...buh...buh...there's video! So. What are you going to do about it?

There is a reason all Army lawyers join the AG Corps. Tom Cotton is an exception but he is outnumbered.

steve uhr said...

So he did steal it? Might hurt his credibility a little.

Qwinn said...

"So he did steal it? Might hurt his credibility a little."

You're getting confused.

Credibility is the pertinent factor in those hundreds of affidavits you pretend don't exist.

It's not a factor when it comes to hard material evidence.

Qwinn said...

But please, do argue that any findings from this Dominion server can't be trusted because the chain of custody was broken.

I fucking dare you.

steve uhr said...

Quinn. I assume you saw trumps speech. The first thing he talked about was the spike in votes in Wisconsin reported early on nov 4. He even had a chart. As you may recall, we discussed this last week. This spike was the report by Milwaukee County of the count of a large no of mail in ballots heavily favoring Biden Everyone paying attention was expecting this. And you told me that trump was talking about a spike in Penn, not WI. Will you now go on the record saying that the timing and nature of the Wis early morning spike is not evidence of fraud?

Qwinn said...

"Everyone paying attention was expecting this. "

Translation: "People from our side, exclusively, prepared everyone to expect this prior to the election by publishing pieces about a 'red mirage'."

Qwinn said...

Shorter steve uhr: "Our propagandists told you before the election that what would be indistinguishable from fraud would actually be completely normal and expected. Therefore, it was completely normal and expected."

Anonymous said...

Quinn. 80 million are not needed. Most of them would not answer the call anyway. Do you know what it takes? 300,000. That is an overwhelming force.

The Republic is not on the cusp of death. It died 30 years ago. It's limped along. Who do you know who has tactically mapped out their path to the cesspit of corruption that is our Capitol City? Do you have charter buses that can escape the State Police on the Interstate that must be traversed through Democrat Governed states? Does everyone have the gas money for a $1000 trek if you do personal trucks? Do you have the decoys set up? A dead Republic still has resources to extend its power.

Have you even thought about it yet? me in Wash. DC. Bring 700. Can you do that?

steve uhr said...

Are you with him Quinn? 300k crazies vs 1.3 million active trained armed US forces. Go for it

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of Posse Comitatus? Add up the number of Capitol Police, DC Police, Maryland Police, Virginia Police. I was one of the 1.3 million trained armed forces. You, Uhr, are a mosquito. Always buzzing around. Hell, I know a bunch of the NCOs who run the US Forces. Who do you know UHR? (I think I'm getting dragged into the Hercules/loser UHR dynamic) Sorry is compelling, isn't it?

steve uhr said...

Using this blog to organize an armed revolt prob not a good idea. But everyone knows you are full of BS

Anonymous said...

So...I'll put you down as a no-show. Thanks, skeeter.

DEEBEE said...

I really hope Susan’s desire to take names and kick ass comes to fruition. It just will bring back more Trump.

Qwinn said...

steve, those 1.3 million active trained armed US forces... every last single one of them... swore an oath to defend this country against enemies foreign and domestic.

They are literally sworn to stop you.

Qwinn said...

I mean, I'm sure they'd be ordered to stop *us*.

But every single one who sees the videos, who sees the affidavits, who sees the statistical impossibilities, isn't going to have a hard time identifying for themselves who the domestic enemy is.

Even if their own commanding officers are among them. They kinda know that, ever since Obama purged the entire upper ranks of all the military branches and installed people loyal to him. And that's not my conspiracy theory. There's a thousand articles out there discussing that, even in the precious NY Times.

Rt41Rebel said...

Any guess as to how many of those 1.3 million deplorable armed US forces would defect, or even join in revolt should they be unconstitutionally deployed against their fellow deplorables?

Anonymous said...

I took that oath. The 1st line officers (Lts. and Capts.) would know they have no bidness fighting in CONUS. That's the Rubicon. Those officers would bring their units to join the
Free Forces. The Field Officers would cling to the idea of their careers, but the Field Officers don't drive the tanks, or jump out of the planes.

Cross the Rubicon, and I pray that Dr K writes the history of it.

Qwinn said...

I'm sure steve isn't worried at all, since all 900 military ballots processed in Fulton County, GA - every last single one of 900 ballots - was for Biden.

I'm sure that's perfectly reflective of their real sentiments, and every one of them will agree that every single other person they know in the military also desperately wanted to vote for Biden.

And I'm sure if *any* of those 900 Fulton County, GA soldiers actually voted for Trump, they wouldn't tell their fellow soldiers, and there's any chance that every single one of them doesn't know right now that the fraud was real. Because every last single one of their votes for Trump was stolen.

I'm sure they'll think nothing of it, and attack the people who agree and are likewise outraged that their votes were stolen, on the orders of people gaslighting them that their votes weren't stolen.

Your plan is flawless, Steve.

effinayright said...

Notice that they are both POC, POG (people of girth) and, obviously...POS.

This is what racial politics gets you.

MLK would have NO PROBLEM condemning these idiots over the content of their character.

effinayright said...

Qwinn said...
steve, those 1.3 million active trained armed US forces... every last single one of them... swore an oath to defend this country against enemies foreign and domestic.

They are literally sworn to stop you.

Steve would make goddamn sure he is hundreds of miles away when the shit hits the fan.

In any case I suspect he's more a hit-and-run attacker of unsuspecting victims with a bike lock sort of guy.

Gospace said...

that oath. The 1st line officers (Lts. and Capts.) would know they have no bidness fighting in CONUS. That's the Rubicon. Those officers would bring their units to join the
Free Forces. The Field Officers would cling to the idea of their careers, but the Field Officers don't drive the tanks, or jump out of the planes.

Cross the Rubicon, and I pray that Dr K writes the history of it.

12/4/20, 10:23 PM

My youngest is commissioning at the end of this school year. I know how he and his fellow cadets feel. They know the election was stolen if Biden wins. They understand numbers.

My oldest is a USA Captain. In Texas. Who knows the election was stolen if Biden wins. I've met some of his friends in Texas. They already have plans made out if SHTF. And they will not move against citizens. In fact, most on federal duty would volunteer their service AND equipment to the Texas governor in the event of widespread unrest.

No one I know personally wants to fire the first shot. But I can see some who do commenting on other blogs.

There's been one incident I read of - briefly- where an idiot cop tasered someone who wouldn't comply with a wear the mask order. That was quickly hidden, even by anti-maskkers. Why? It's a very small step from taser to gun- and if some idiot cop shoots someone for not wearing a mask- the boogaloo begins.

There's all kinds of things that could spark widespread anti-totalitarian (meaning, for the most part anti-Democrat) violence. I forget which county and sate, but the local sheriff said he WILL NOT accompany heath and safety officials to shut down a restaurant ignoring the state dictators order to close. Too many armed citizens showing up to eat. There are people out there who want violent confrontations- and pretty soon some official somewhere is going to order actions that will start one. And it will spread.

I'm usually very optimistic about the future. My optimism now for the short term is waning.

Gospace said...

Ah- the restaurant article I was looking for:

Freeman Hunt said...

Be outraged about Trump every possible second! Do not relax! Continue to LEAN IN!

doctrev said...

I'm disappointed. Not in my rivals, or even my enemies, but in my friends. Not one of you brought up the President's language in his 46 minute speech:

It doesn't matter what Ducey or Kemp do. I'd like the Supreme Court declaring this election a fraud and the Biden campaign's effort as a criminal enterprise- but they won't order a revote, narrowly or widely, and it still doesn't matter. We're in SNAPCOUNT, baby, and Trump's finger is firmly wrapped around the trigger. I don't truly hate the liberals who have prepped for this moment- I know Inga has, and Howard/ Robert are intelligent enough about their side for me to bear them no grudge.

But some of the animals who brought us to this point are going to suffer -horribly- in the days to come. As you bleed out, I want you to imagine me smiling and toasting the afterlife that you will richly merit.

Rusty said...

steve uhr said...
"Are you with him Quinn? 300k crazies vs 1.3 million active trained armed US forces. Go for it"
Oh. You're one of those. You think the military is just going to make war on the American people because the CIC tell them to go after the rebels? Have you thought of this. No one in the military has the obligation to follow an illegal order. From the generals to the private soldier. Some of those military people are going to be with the rebels. You people sure do have a lot of faith in your own stupidity.

steve uhr said...

I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution and would fight and die to protect the republic from scum like you. But it won’t happen because you with your assault rifles strapped around your flab in public are all talk.

Sam L. said...

It's the New Yorker. Blah, blah, blah.

Qwinn said...

"I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution and would fight and die to protect the republic from scum like you. "

What bullshit. For you, the Constitution is whatever a left wing judge says it is and nothing more. We've pointed out a dozen ways the plain text Constitution was violated by judges and Secretaries of State overriding election laws, and you've been defending it every last step of the way. Not because of anything the Constitution plainly says, but because of what a paid off judge lied about what it says. The value of your oath couldn't pay a monthly sewage bill.

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